« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1695 - The Quest To Screw Up The Kids


Democrats howl as Republicans move to protect children from radical gender and race theory; we examine the tragic story of Jazz Jennings, the Left’s poster child for transgender theory; and TikTok’s CEO gets grilled on the Hill.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats hell as republicans move to protect children from radical gender and critical race theory. We examine the tragic story of jazz jennings, the left's poster child for transgender theory and tic tac ceo gets grilled on the hill and Ben shapiro. This is Ben shapiro show the of a tic tac ceo hearing yesterday was just and he was really stunning stuff. But we begin today with the florida department of education which has now expanded its mandate to stop the indoctrination of chile. always from case through twelve, so the new rule in florida, if flawed as lead later an governor ran his get away. Is that there will be no sexual orientation or gender theory indoctrination of kids all the way from K through twelve, because there shouldn't be because the way that it works in schools is the deep school districts get to decide what the education of the children is. One of the things that the left is basically said is that free speech applies when it comes to the class from that is not true. There is no free speech guarantee to teachers in the classroom.
basically delegated the ability of somebody to educate your child to somebody else, but that a delegation or authority is not endless. When you said in your kids school you're, sending your kids to the teeth, where the teacher is acting as an agent for you, that's not means the energy agency is endless. Negative, just indoctrinate your kid in whatever they want. The notion that kid's should be taught on the public, dime boys can girls and growth can be. Boys is an absurdity just at face level. It is also an absurdity to suggest taxpayer dollars in the united states of america should go towards the indoctrination of children and the idea that all the systems of america are racist. Going to talk about making american stupider. Don't talk about making americans less successful, not to talk about undermining the meritocracy that actually allows for a diversity of life. Experiences to effectuate success in the united states do exactly what the left wants you to do and teach everybody a victim of the system and that we have to orient everybody toward overtaking in destroying the system when Florida according to Jeff, whatever the bay news, nine anchor. He says for education of half an hour
to expand a ban on gender identity, sexual orientation structured in schools to all grades cave which, while the only should there be any less than required by state standards and any health class lesson where parents have a choice to the child out which of course, that's coming, not even from later, the gunnar that is coming directly from the board of education, the education apartment in florida. This is correct. It is obviously correct what you should be learning in school. when it comes to sex, is basically the biology of the matter. When it comes to morality, there should be a matter for parents to teach. But democrats don't like this idea in the region democrats don't like this idea is because they believe that there is a cadre of experts were better suited to educate your children than you are, and so there was a big debate in congress yesterday of some hearings, a bunch of fiery floors, by democrats, essentially arguing the parents should not have control of what their kids learn, because we are in the midst of a great pied piper moment in which democratic fought leaders have decided they're going to go into the town and there were to lead. The children out by
playing the flute they're going to lead them out to perdition, and the parents are going to be left behind because, after all, parents are left to their own devices. If parents, the little platoons of society, are left to educate their own children, while that acts as a sort of barrier against state power have to understand that that, in the sort of democratic ideology, the ideal state is the state where it's a bunch of atomized individuals at the bottom and an overarching state power at the top, and the only point of commonality is the government itself is what Barack Obama said in two thousand and twelve slogan that went up on the billboard is in north carolina, charlotte north carolina. That said, basically, the government is the only thing that we all have in common. Well, no, it isn't see the the the way most of us interact with the world. We have a lot of things, and especially the people who live close to where we have our family, that's the thing we have most in common. I have most in common with the members my media family than we have our extended the way network, and we have our communal network. We have our our church
a synagogue we have our local government. We have all the sports teams that we play with. We have all of the local community groups we are involved in is actually at the very highest level abstraction at the state that I have the least in common with everybody, with the bureau rats. You are trying to run my life and destroy all those intermediate institutions and society to fly from robert nesbitt, who basically said the story of the nineteenth and twentieth century. Is the I am optimistic individualism telescoped into state power. So what you are saying is that the way that we normally interact with world is via these intermediate institute, these are the ways that we learn about the world. The way we interact with our neighbors and with the world, it actually gives us a sense of meaning, but the rise of a radical individual norm in the night. in the twentieth centuries. The idea that we really have nothing to that. The real us is is deep inside of us and that are intermediate institutions, simply impositions on us that led to the rise of itemised individualism
and when we sought commonality in an overarching states that would obliterate all those intermediate institutions in that's. What Democrats would like what Democrats would like is drew from above? a series of atoms individual, so you will have your freedom, but your freedom will be that you got to be essentially in interchangeable widget in the more of a giant government one of three in forty million citizens, but not a member of a family group, not a member of the commission. the group, not a member of any sort of local institutions, although, we'll go away and the first step towards doing that is destroying parental authority. The first of towards doing that is There is a cod ray of impersonal, bureaucratic experts or going to indoctrinate your kids in a in a series of lifestyle choices and values and again there that's really nothing new if you wish to facilitate the idea of a unitary stated you do need to do this- and this has a long, philosophical history going all the way back to plato, moving forward through so and then four remarks as well. The idea that what you actually
need in order to facilitate unity in society is an overarching state power that takes power away from all the local interests, specifically parents and then indoctrinate kids in a specific series of values. So in the name of speech. What you are saying is then left saying that parents should not have authority. Local schools do not even have authority. The people really should have authority. Are people like that and this means indoctrinated, your kids into a bunch of god. You look nonsense. That runs directly counter to reason, because the more you can get people to evidence buying four peculiar ideology, the more you have alienated them from the institutions. That really are the repressive institutions of society will see what that means in action in just one. Second, first: let's talk about the fact that if you happen to be a person who is Doesn't enough sleep, for example, I can have some real impact on our skin looks so for me, I'm on your green every single day. What that means is that my skin quality matter
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in the unwillingness to suggest that there- anything the parents can keep off limits. Their kids, parental author should be removed and the experts should decide. There's a clip that was rocketing around the internet yesterday for good reason, as a in nadine johnson at a group called pen america. Well, maybe Johnson was testifying and I'm a represent a name haseman families from wisconsin was questioning her and she was questioning her about making Johnson's position that it was some form of censorship to exercise discretion in what exactly was allowed in school libraries, which of course has been a matter of public debate for a very long time right. You don't want everything in school, libraries, kids shouldn't have access to everything in school. He's been a eighteen johnson is the managing director of pen, america and america is the organisation that is dedicated to school librarians and it is, it is eight, according to their website
pen? America is the largest of more than one hundred centres worldwide to make up the pen international network working to ensure people ever have the freedom to create literature, to convey information to express their views. it's the views, ideas and literature of others they're, supposedly a free speech group. Well, this this leader of pen, america, was asked about whether it is censorship to bar small children from seeing penthouse in the school library, and she couldn't just answer the question. It's amazing do you believe it is censorship to prohibit teachers from exposing first graters to penthouse magazine too. I believe it ascends, I'm sorry. And draped. I believe in censorship to you believe it is censorship to prohibit teachers from exposing first graders to penthouse magazine. I don't know of any instances in which it isn't my question My question is: do you believe that is censorship to prohibit teachers from exposed first graters to penthouse magazine? I believe that it is important that we have parents teachers.
Educate. You are not going to answer. My question, then, is that right and the answer is she's not going to answer the question that was a republican representing harriet hageman of wyoming, who was who's grilling, the the pen, america spokesperson right there? The left believes that parents should not have the ability to ban penthouse magazine from a school library after all, it is the experts you should make that designation, which is how you end up with the idiocy of the irrepressibly stupid alexander across borders, so fresh sophie's, fresh in facing this. All in one package of fresh faces ranting and raving on the floor of the house about parental oversight of k through twelve school and suggesting that the parental rights in education bill in florida, for example, is an example of fascism. That's right! It's now an example of fascism to mandate that students not be indoctrinated in wild left wing garbage with the with the parents. Standing behind that message. Only people like eo see only only childless people like Yossi should decide how kids learn.
are asking the republican party to keep culture wars out of classrooms, our children need urgent and aggressive educational solutions. The american law I very association coming out against this republican proposal. When we talk about progressive values, I can say what my progressive value is, and that is freedom over fascism. freedom of about it. Fascism prepares to control the education of their children, the bill that she's ranting against the parents, bill of rights act of twenty twenty one, which were stable rights of parents and guardians regarding the elementary or secondary school education of their minor children. It specifically prohibits estate from denying certain rachel parent regarding of a minor child regarding the child's education which includes among other the right. You fully review and make copies of the curriculum books and other educational materials used by the child school access, information on teachers. Guess lecturers now had presented excess school records and visit the trial during school hours. That, apparently, is what she's very upset about them
it's the parent might actually know what's going on inside the classroom. That is an aspect of fascism. Meanwhile, you Jamie Raskin, the representative, marilyn doing the same routine, suggesting the republicans are attempting to ban nineteen. Eighty four and the handmaids tail, which is amazing, send some nineteen The four and the handmaid's tale are literally available at every bookstore in america everywhere who, years ago, more than sixteen one hundred books were banned in the united states of america. Here are three of the He books that the right wingers isn't going after the handmaids tail margaret Add extraordinary, disturbing and novel about a right wing, miss In its movement which uses high technology in japan, religious ideology to control only the minds of their followers, but that, but the private and public lives in the fertility of women and, of course, George orwell's nineteen, eighty four, because they have no sense of irony there-
he's trying to censor this one whose training centre nineteen, eighty four, whose rain nineteen april a book about the evils of communism. You think are a lot of right. Wingers were attempting to censor ninety eight I'd like to see your work on that show we're going by the way margaret atwood's novel, the handmaid's heels, when the most overrated piece of crap ever put to paper is a garbage overstatement of every case. It's it's in the attempt to use as some sort of slander against people who are proliferating What is just absurdity at every level but again is not being banned, not having books in school. Libraries is not the same thing banning the books. It is a decision as to whether those books are appropriate for say fifth graters or fourth graters, for example, but the left doesn't want them to make the decision. all about who makes not even the decisions that are being made is about who are the institutional gatekeepers? Who gets to make the decision about what your kid learns? Let's, as we want to do it and we don't want parents to have any, part of that, and in order to achieve that, there's going to lie about what it is they wish to teach our children when they occasion
I tell the truth that when parents start to backlash very very strongly we'll talk about that moment. First, let's talk about the fact that, with everything going on in the world right now, you might be a little short thanks I'll admit that last night I was short on sleep. I when I saw the latest john with films that I could review it. That review will be forthcoming on the tubes, but that also meant that I didn't get home until it's a movie and so really relied on. My you actually mattress to ensure that I got enough sleeps that I would be functional today and the news he looks it does it for me.
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The average argue of members of the house of representatives is somewhere in the mid seventies, represented. who exactly she suggested that dumb, those who are attempting to not teach their kids critical race theory, which again is a marxist theory, suggesting All major institutions in american society, from capitalism to the meritocracy are actually stand in for white supremacy. She says that that's trying to ban kids from morning that slavery was right, Name me a school district in america that doesn't he should slavery was wrong name, it can t she because it is literally the line every single day in the united states. You have to worry about the history of slavery and, yes, slavery is wrong parachute. Actually, why don't we want our children to be kind? Don't we want our children to know that slavery was wrong as I fight against slavery today that still exist? Don't we want our children to understand the basis of all about history? The mosaic
of this nation and african american history. Amazing amazing stuff, but here is the thing and they think that they that they're lying, because they think they are it is what they really wanted to indoctrinate your kids in a bunch of gobbledygook. So, for example, front bethany mandl. She just weeded out her go school districts over in maryland. Montgomery cancer public school They will now not even allow you to opt out your kids from lgbtq plus content Students and families says the handbook may not choose to opt out of engage with any instructional materials. That that's amazing maiden stop. This is the goal so represent. If the king Jeffreys the house minority leader, he says that that again that there is an attempt, it's why you're nazi mashup two things here he's gonna say they don't want to oil about holocaust, a lie, a lie: it is man worry, I believe in every public school class when america that people learn about holocaust as an hour
Do I can say I am unaware of any attempt across the united states to prohibit people from wearing that. The holocaust, so that just a lie, and then he includes, on the back end of that, that there is an attempt to stop kids from learning about algae bt. You are not the same thing. One is laden with one is history. The other is laden with an actual value system that many parents do not agree with, namely the sort of bizarre notion that everyone we'll behaviour is equally good, moral and useful. I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that. I shall make history Who were that nonsense is not talks. I don't believe that that's true. I dont believe that every sexual activity is inherently valuable that every sexual relationship is inherently equal, I that is correct, I think there are- and worse ways to live your lives when it comes to sex. Just as there are better and worse ways to live your life when it nutrition, educating our kids in every other area of human life, but the left would not like it believed that, because the left, courts and left belief system again,
Is the atomizer individual can be boiled down to sexual identity? That out as individual only melted into a greater whole at the behest of the state? So that's the thing that really objecting to their an object to any of the other aspects like that, they don't actually believe lets us. About this they are lying when they say that slavery is not being taught in schools where the holocaust is not being taught in schools. They're lying, they know, that's not true, but they're really upset about is that there Parents were standing in the way of them, cramming down their peculiar brand sexual immorality on small children. There's a keen jeffreys doing this routine stream agro. Republicans dont want the children of america to learn about the holocaust stream mega republics, whom I want your child to learn about the algae, bt, q plus experience in america. But those are not the same thing. I mean what what
never saw that's a lot of different experiences. Second of all, if what you are talking of the neatly baseline notion that there is a l, gb teach you plus experience in america, people judges experience has probably been pretty different from the experience of a lot of other algae bt q, people in america, as described also again implicit with a value system. Parents may not want to teach their kids and in his aged dependent, but here's what then we get to the real meat matter. The view of the matter is what it can refer is actually wants to teach her kids recent left. What will take republicans want you not worn? That's why you're not to learn that the very rarely articulate what did they do want you to learn here? Is a king jeffreys articulating what the left would like your kids to learn why they want to stop you from controlling or transit journeys
and Here'S- the Jim jefferies you're, saying it out loud. What else do they want to ban want to ban a book called Melissa, a book describing very personal terms, the experience of a trans girl beginning to understand her identity? What's so dangerous. about that, I was taught in it in my religion, growin up in a cornerstone baptist church that we all got children june. We learn about all the gods, children I don't know, should we learn about all of the people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and how they believed that the radio is talking to them, and then we can. Discussions about how the radio actually is talking to them should we learn that every delusion that people hold actual
It ought to be treated as though it is a matter of fact that sexual fluidity is completely real when it comes to. You know sexual dichotomy not existing, if that's an actual value system that he's talking about and that that's why he has. Try and back filled up by mentioning church, pretending that churches in the nineteen eighty one whose presumably going up nineteen eighty ninety ninety real big. the men can be women campaign. I'd love to go back, I'm and see how many members of his church were big on men can be women campaign again, that's what they actually it is a full on value system- is part of a broader indoctrination attempt by our culture into this radical call that suggest that individual authenticity is the core of and all intermediate institutions of american society must be obliterated. It's something pushed by our media in extraordinary measure when we get to that in just one moment. First, simple, fact matter: if you don't protect your family, not just ideologically, but actually protect them from the vicissitudes of a bad financial future, you have to have life. Insurance is just the responsible thing to do. God forbid something happens to you that forbid you're walking down the street
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No rules, no rules, nothing you're, an atomized individual who can be boiled down to your sexual preference on any given day, and you are a widget under which the state works, the state, and he's u essentially, sexual autonomy and pays, pays for all your bills and in return, you give your loyalty to the state and you fight against all of the intermediate institutions that might actually inhibit the ability of the states control your life, That is the hand in glove deal that has basically been offered, and the media is for on board, with the suggested at the washington post started. Pushing around this article called trends in america gave a start. The washington post and K f. F, sir, one of the largest random samples of yours, transgender adults, debate about there. Hoods feelings and lives here there have been most transit, alt, say, transition made them more satisfied with their lives, most people who They are napoleon believe that napoleon costume was good for them breaking news. It turns out Those people who identify in a certain way are very happy with the life choices they have made to identify in that way, and is not news is the worst form of social science
it is a self reported survey with no control group is crap data because, for example, this. This was pushed out by the washington post is evidence that nobody transitions people don't actually decide that they made a bad mistake, except that no one wednesday, transition now considers themselves trans, so they would not actually be included in the survey. There's no actual control group also not included in the survey. Anyone You may have suffered from any gender confusion at any level in the arcade, but does not identify as trans now. So if the argument is that kids don't desist from being trans that there is no distance that who are five and say their gender confuse always end up through surgeries and and being happy trans adults or whenever, if that were actually the case, you would have to somehow tracked down and figure out who suffered from gender is forty at the age of six but didn't decide to become a full full blown transgender person at the age of twelve,
but, as I could in the servant, such bad data in bad it out by the way, even this bandied in, demonstrates extraordinary levels of high depression and depression, suicidal radiation and all the rest in this in the self reported community. But the idea here is that everybody is very happy once they transition, which is which is strange, because this seems like by the survey data not particularly happy group. Again it dissolved pushed by the media to suggest that gender isn't is an inherent biological identity and that trans people are in fact the sex of their new choosing the only to pursue a trans agenda is duty everyone in america that sex is not dichotomy as it is in fact fluid and changeable. Now the poster child for this, and that this is truly one of the saddest lorries have ever seen. It really is a horror finally, sad story, so there's a person jazz jennings jazz jennings was the star of a show still as the star of a show called. I am jazz and I'm- and I am jazz. This person was born in two thousand. This person is a boy
I and I and was transitioned by his parents when he was a very very young kid. At six years, old, jazz, jennings and his family began appearing on tv to speak about the challenges of growing transgender, six. At the age of six, in two thousand seven jennings parents founded trans kids, purple rainbow foundation to assess transgender you into them. eleven. I am jazz a family in transition, a documentary about jazz jennings life and family premiere on the Oprah winfrey network and the media really started pushing this garbage two thousand and- It doesn't not at this point just jennings ten or eleven years old is the active torture of a child and, predictably speaking, just jennings, is having some real live difficulties. Is not a shock, and it should not be a shock to anyone, but this was trotted out as the new model for american happiness and identity by tire media for a decade for decades what I want to trace for just a moment the actual trends nation of the story about jazz jennings and the
blind willingness of the media to ignore the real problems in this person's life in order to maintain a false narrative. So this is the very first episode of I am jazz season. One up said one: this is the kind of stuff that at her came, Jeffreys would love your kids to be taught and public school. I just jennings, has written a bunch of children's books are now being mainstreamed into public schools. This season, one episode, one of us- I am jazz. This show premier originally in italy, two thousand and fourteen. So this point, jazz jennings, was thirteen to fourteen years old. I am a teenage girl, I'm also a soccer player also an artist I'd like to think I'm funny I love hanging out with my friends. Am also transgender and I'm proud of that but you know in the end, all these things come together and really just make me jazz. So I am jazz.
This is the individual identity pushed by this person's parents, as the boy was given hormones. Obviously, because now this person looks like a young cuban girl, this person's given hormones by his parents and then the media champion. This led by people like Barbara waters by your most mainstream source and twenty twenty Barbara walter's gushing over the idea that boy can become a girl, and this is the elites in our society that have decided to run a moral system that is directly counter to all human knowledge for all of human history in order to again promote in individuals, the idea of self that runs counter to pretty much all possibility of true human fulfillment. They are the words and any power, and we want to hear about their daughter she's such a role a little girl. For a girl named jazz, the word remarkable doesn't begin to cover it just eleven years old. She has taken what most
children and their families would regard as a terrible secret and brought it smashing into the open, she is the brave and beautiful new face of a child born in the wrong body: weight, as much as in two thousand seven. She was only six years old and one of the youngest documented cases of an early transition fan mail. The female world say things like thought, maybe special, because there are very many little girls out there that have appeared at age. Five, her parents, jeanette and Greg made an extraordinary decision they allowed tries to openly identified in the office of gender. Did they allow jazz to openly identify, or did they push as to openly identify in that direction, because jazz was a small child? A very a small child and export of s now, because what we are told is that when happens. This is this is actually apotheosis of individualism. Is the apotheosis of him
happiness, is what your kids should be taught by the which in our society. So no one of us This is the season seven trailer, for I am jazz so again that was about two thousand and thirteen, the Barbara Walters special and a featured footage from like two thousand and six. This is now season seven now twenty twenty one hears the season. Seven trailer this season on. I am jazz. ago. I was on my way to one of the greatest institutions in the world, but I was she struggling severely with mental health issues. I sort of his and I gain way more, more way, more weight and now almost a hundred pounds heavier here. I am today it's a big old belly, my god side view on how to shape the easy on me.
having all this sexual way. I cant do so many things with my body. They used to be able to do a typical mornings, breakfast fast food, and we have done our two and then maybe to regos so obviously things are going really well for jazz, jennings and obviously more more clips from the season include jazz. Jennings talking about not feeling good, not feeling, like quote unquote, herself, not feeling comfortable, in quote her body here is jazz. Jennings not know this. This is again from the last season, but we are told that this is the. This is the perfect path to happiness. It was. This is how happiness is going, which is what must be taught your kids. It must be, and if you object to it, it's because you're a fascist according to ac, you know I can't get out. Well enough, now, listen vigil doesn't stop. It'll can can be so. Can I know what you're going to open their? Nor will it still doesn't stop now. I know marty going back, didn't get, it would use more. You taught me. Microsoft gets harder,
digging out in your it's making. You put a magnifying glass and, what's already difficult as it is, so this is hard for I know- and you know we don't want you know, I'm the one doing it like. I know you're almost enemy, I feel kind of all the place and, like my mind, is very slaughtered and not clear, I really want to have that clarity. I really wanna under sound myself and be able to read my own soul and what I want and it just challenging. I think I'm kind of breaking down a little bang spiral in two negative. Eighty, I just don't feel like myself. Is incredibly sad at incredible all in order. This incredibly sensitive came from me and I don't feel like we were I want to feel is like me and happy it'll be sad stuff. You know I, this incredibly sad stuff happened. While we have one more clip from, I am jazz. This is a jazz's mom jasmine talking about the wonders of
Friends, gender operations and surgery and what it takes to maintain transgender operations apart that you're not supposed to talk about but ended up on tv anyway, here is judged that the ideal mom making, as Babylon said, the boy decision, the very brave decision to transition children, when they are very young here- is heroism years. Jennings mother, explaining what jazz jennings mom had to do too Maintain a neil vagina for her son with her I'm worried about like her mental wellbeing, and her dilation minutely, my house. We have a dilation problem. They concern. We don't have that watchful eye. They tend to go back to old patterns. I have woken jobs out of it. sleep and taken the dire later the lubrication. and said here you take this new pudding,
Regina. If not, I will is that, even when I'm home once a day, I will be so mad if she goes away to college and that thing fills up, I bring her neck, can imagine that thing that would be sealing up. That'll be the body cat. The fake body cavity created by the attempt to remove the penis and testicles and reverse it into the male body is wonderful. This is what has to be taught to your kids like he came Jeffrey says: what's the harm of teaching this stuff to your kids? Why not teach kids that boys can become what we want teach this part, this part's a walker, but why not? If you tried not to teach it, if you don't want your kids taught this stuff? It's because you are a fascist! It's because you as appearance have no role in the system. Well, the fight back has begun as well. It should we'll get to that momentarily. First, let's talk about the fact that at your company you need people to fill the jobs he have open, but it's very hard to find the right employees these days. This is why you need a zip
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topics like lost and adultery. Our approach in episode, ten of jordan petersen series on the book of accidents Dennis Prager, addressed, That topic had on. In addition to Dennis join jordan alongside a group of esteem scholars, theologians and artists discuss one of my seminal books in the bible has little bit of it. I, suggested in the interior person. Morally speaking, then you are, then, probably any of you are and its largely. I do believe, because I come from a behaviorist law based religion. We care how you act That's why we don't have a claim that if you look at another woman with lost it's as if you ve committed adultery with her As I said yesterday, I thank god for america's christians. and my mother said if it weren't for christians the world would know about the Torah. So I'm a big christian fan, but the christianity and judaism, are not identical religions, and we have no equivalent- that if you look upon another woman with
this is if you have committed adultery with your heart, there's only one way to commit adultery and judaism and its with a different oregon, and I'm not being key. I am being very realistic Then the discussion Jordan, Syria is really fantastic. Is a pleasure to take part in the discussion. New episodes are coming on line every week exclusively for daily wire plus members join our daily work comes slashed, rides watch at us. Well, these homes in information they bleed down, but they also lead up, meaning that the it's not just at the uk through twelve level that that people are worried battened operation. There can and should also be worried about that at higher levels of education. and for law school, for example, just saw this massive controversy, in which one judge, a federal judge appointed by donald trump, went to speak there and was essentially shouted down. by an entire logical body, including the head of diversity, equity and inclusion, the what what about places like Stanford, is that the ideology
so predominates there that education is being completely lost, even in some of the best institutions in the country. Theoretically, the number of actual employees at stanford is that they actually have believer not more than ten thousand administrators who oversee, Seven thousand seven hundred sixty undergrad and nine thousand five. Sixty five grad student savings total you have like seventeen thousand kids and you have ten thousand administrators there- another twenty two hundred faculty members. So yet, I'm talking about almost a one to one ratio. Of administrators to students and have because You have to hire all these diversity folks, whose job it is to basically indoctrinate your kids in stupidity and that's how you end up with the bizarre, spectacle of the D I associate dean, a person name syrian steinbeck yelling at a federal judge, Stanford Moscow is pursued. Now, has a peace over the wall street journal sink. My participation at the about with judge duncan has been widely disk
I was asked to attend the event by federalist society. My role is to observe and if needed de escalate as judge Duncan entered the room, a verbal sparring match began to take place between the judge and the protesters. By the time. Judge duncan asked for an administrator to intervene. Tempers in the room were heated on both sides. To defuse the situation, acknowledged the protesters concerns at one point. During the event, I asked duncan. Is the juice work the squeeze? I was referring with the responsibility that comes with freedom of speech, to consider not only the benefit of our words but also the consequence again, there is an entire indoctrinated have apparatus. Apparatus that is designed to destroy minds is how you end up with people like mmx candy, being treated as intellectuals by the way. Here's a piece over the atlantic today that is titled the crisis of the intellectuals, Crisis, apparently, is that none of people think that permits candies an intellectual, mainly because he's not mainly because An unbelievable drifter was never written, a cohesive argument, his entire life, but has been able to claim that, the anti racist, by dint of the fact that, if your poses again This inherently makes you a racist and what is the solution to all of us? There are few solutions.
Number one is now being pursued in at least four states, and that is universal school choice. So, according to the washington examiner, a universal school choice, bill is now headed to the desk of florida, governor and his answers after the state senate passing legislation of willingly twenty six to twelve on thursday, once the governor signatures affixed to the legislation, Florida becomes the fourth state this year too. A universal school choice programme after similar bills were passed in, utah iowa and arkansas legislation expands school twice programme to all capable twelve students allows families to use state funds to pay for private school wish in homes you and another school expenses. It was hp, one number one priority for the house. You state house bill passed this week and eighty three to twenty seven boat. I got a lot of Democrats are voting in favour of that. It is not just republicans for voting in favour of that. That is a solution. This is in fact the way, and it is a good thing: paris need to have their education back. They need that they need to take while the education, there is a reason why teachers unions, combined with the media, combined with the federal government, are very interested in being able to indoctrinate your kids and whatever. They
I simply want, and that is the shift in power to centralized apparatus is of power in our speaking of the shift in power to centralized apparatus is the fight back has also begun against social media for kids, and this is a good thing. So you talk has now signed a sweeping social media bell thou be governor spencer cocked. Sweeping social media bill that could dramatically limit youth access to apps like tiktok and instagram, potentially upending. How many minors in the state use the internet is a good thing. This is a necessary thing. Kids are not just being indoctrinated by their teachers in public schools and not just being indoctrinated I am jazz wherever they are also being perverted by apps like tik tok, again, Tik tok is banned in china. The american of tik tok is banned in china. For a reason, Tik tok in china features people doing math tik tok in america features people trying to transit. Children use a legislature pass the measure this month, despite opposition from tech, industry groups and civil.
liberties. Experts is the first state law in the nation to prohibit social media services from allowing users under eighteen to have accounts without the explicit consent of a parent or guardian is a good first step. Other great step. would be legislation prohibiting the use of smart phones in the classroom, like you can't use when you're, when you're at your school in a public school now would be a good as well, all of which raised the biggest fight of the day yesterday, which was the ceo of Tik tok visiting congress according to the water. I dunno. U s. China relations result another blow as lawmakers at a house hearing pummeled tiktok chief executive over the popular apps ties to china and, as beijing said, it would fight any us attempt to force the company's sale by its chinese owners. So, first of all that in and of itself demonstrates that tiktok fact chinese front. Why would it endanger you're tryin relations if tik tok we're not a chinese front like? Why would a matter the hearing on thursday peppered with withering attacks, takes out from the Democrats and republicans ran from more than five hours. Tik tok, ceo shells he choose did in front of yours. Tick tock executives in popular stars on the plan
Such reassure lawmakers the company, would earn their trust. It did not go for him. Nor should it have gone well for him. Not only is tik tok extra early go to generating viral content, that is horrible for american brains. It also happens to be a chinese spy apparatus, tik tok ceo yesterday. admitted in testimony the chinese engineers to have access to global data, meaning china has acted in chinese engineers. Work under the auspices of the c c b and then to have access to american data to bite. Dance employs, enraging, have access to american data. Congressmen, we have been very open about this. We have relied on loan interoperability. You have access to american data. I am answering your cause. If you give me just a bit of time, we rely on global inter operability and we have in place in China. So, yes, the chinese engineers do have access to global. There He did say that day. He doesn't think what they're doing his spine
so here. We shall shoe trying to explain that this has nothing to lose, has has and spied on, american citys don't think they're spying is the right way to describe it. This is ultimately we can do roses, eligibility and internal already taken or bite dan state that is viewed, stored or passes through china is subject to the laws of china. One party authoritarian state is. It is a rare area bipartisan agreement between republicans and democrats. So, for example, send remark: democratic virginia, he says tiktok dangerous. He is correct. Are you zeroing in on shoes answers on what tik tok does with this use. data. What are you gonna, zero in on today? What thanks first of all, its even worse than in your data, and I loved it that earlier presentation on average tik tok users are using They talk about ninety minutes a day. What is what
toxic yo, says, of course, by dance would never turn this over. The communist party He didn't have any say in that chair, that change the law. Twenty seven chain that requires every company one requested The turn over data to the government the notion and one of the geniuses of tik tok as it learns from you. Time you're on the site, it starts to get to know you what you like better than even what you know you want all information ultimately residing under the guise of the communist party of china to finally see actually both parties on the same side of this issue, I think for four, not the most important ways about tik tok, which is that as a rain destroyer for children, but because it is in fact a chinese food. There is by parson agreement. China is in fact an enemy in an opponent of the united states, telephoning Democrat, an issue also when after tik tok
ceo, he claimed that he'd see no evidence. China had access to the platform and Asher was, I got yeah? No, that's not true, but the chinese government has that data whoa. How? How can you promise that that that will move in You into the united states of america can be protected here a cumbersome, and I have seen no evidence that the chinese government has access to the data they have. Never. As we have not provided in a while aspect that I find that actually preposterous I have I looked in. I have seen no evidence of this happening and in order to assure everybody here and all our users, our commitment is to move data in into the stays to be stored on american soil by an american company overseen by american personnel, so the risk will be similar to any government going to an american company asking for data unless they have a backdoor, which is
cisely what, but they do have it. You have to say that there is what there are a couple of Democrats who are defending tik tok here one of them is show em. All bowman is make a fool of himself her. It was yesterday. Defending tik tok is also a place with five million small businesses are selling their products and services and making a living making a living at a time when our economy is struggling in so many ways. So we're talking about free speech for everyday americans, we're talking about small business owners who used to talk grow their business, and my question is: if we're going to pivot, to the other part of the conversation, why the hysteria and the panic and the targeting of tick tock bombing. I think that we all know the answer to that. But apparently you don't owe meanwhile down from his still
awaiting some sort of resolution with regard to this grand jury case that is militating in percolating. For in manhattan. Island brag still has not come forward with an actual indictment. It now was, according to the new york times, that any indictment of donald trump will not come until next week at the earliest, which of course, trump had said last week that was going to come this week. Everybody sort of hair on fire earlier this week over the possibility that he was correct, explanatory appeared to be nearing and but then a bunch of other evidence came out, including a letter from Michael Cohen from two thousand and eighteen, suggesting that he had not been reimbursed by donald trump's, vow, stormy daniels and a letter from stormy Daniels suggesting that she not even had an affair with donald trump and all sorts of kind of bad evidence prosecution according to the new york times the grand jury hearing, evidence about from role in a hush money payments were porn. Star typically does not consider the case on This does not meet on fridays, according to personal knowledge of the matter, apparently on thursday afternoon, prosecutors from the Manhattan DA's office
seen entering and leaving the building where the grand jury meets, suggesting some activity may have taken place, but again, all of these all of these sort of news stories are rumored, because this is all supposed to be secret. although the special grand jury hearing evidence about trumped meets Monday's once and thursday's typically does not your evidence about that case on thursdays and apparently is not going to do anything on friday. So the is that anything would happen would probably be monday of next week. For his part, Donald trump is ramping up a lot of the rhetoric surrounding this. According to the washington post from his now unleashed, another save untruth social. He said what kind of a person in charge another person, in this case a former president of the united states, who got more votes than any sitting president in history and leading candidate. By far for the republican nomination with a crime when
is known by all that no crime has been committed and also that potential death and destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our country and then in a separate post. He has criticized anybody who called for his supporters to remain peaceful, apparently yeah. The ramping up. The rhetoric is an an odd move by trump. There is no reason for him to ramp up. You know, what are the potential death and destruction gays and given the fact that, indeed, people are going to be outraged, it's going to help him politically, if he's indicted, but yup president trump does have I personally and so that these sort of a sort of over the top there will be death and destruction in the streets. It'll be escape. from new york, snake plugin will be sent in to rescue donald trump from the from the mob or whatever, and that may not happen, but it does happen to be like that. The real story here is that rationally. Prosecuting tromp, I mean that's pretty obvious to everybody. Brag, for his part is mainly grandson, it, is when he sent a letter to the members of the house committee,
the judiciary, the republican members suggesting that o them no answers as to how exactly he is going about his job, which is all well and good, but it's all posturing. The only nor even having this discussion is because he continues due to promote it, is that everybody knows is essentially or at least should be de away. Now. All of this is in fact a distraction from the bigger issue for the country which the Joe Biden is a terrible president. Then the big problem for Joe Biden is that Joe Biden believes, and he made grech that he's the only candidate on the democratic side of the isle, who can actually, when they're, not one but two stories out today about why commonly harris basically needs to go, but Biden can't get rid of her. One is from the your approach: quote, to form a white house official said, president Biden is frustrated with vice president calmly, Harris's performance, even if he remains committed to keeping roses running late in the twenty twenty four election. The eighty year old, bide reportedly has great That is number two reluctance to take on risky assignments. One form of white house visual toward rudders quote
a point of tension in their relationship. Is that I don't think the presidency's or as somebody who takes anything off his plate due to a fear of messing up another form. A white house official said that I'd intends to seek a second term in part, because you concern that Harris may not be able to beat donald trump. A former official said he did not think she was capable. He would not have picked her. But it's a question of consistently rising to the occasion again, team Biden looks it calmly Harris as honestly his best insurance for running for president again, no one on the democratic side of the AL actually wants to see her as the candidate. In fact, writers has an article today, titled tethered together. I didn't harris move towards. once you, twenty four reelection run by tether. They mean that Joe Biden can't get rid of her because he picked her on affirmative action bases and he's afraid of alienating black americans and she is tied to him because he exactly go away and leave her at the top of the ticket she has. He thought nine percent favorability rating, as vice president, which is even below Joe Biden composite forty two point three. comparability rating under real, clear politics is pull average, so she's really out of this he's really bad at this
This would be very good time for applicants to consolidate around a candid and then start hammering the Democrats unfortunately is going to them a while to do that. Ok time for some things, I like it and will do some things that I hate so things that I like today. So again the backlash has begun as well. It should, according to the law, your track and fields. International governing body will act, a ban on transgender female athletes competing women's vents becoming most prominent sports federation. Yet she said, really taken into eligibility criteria for elite competitors, world athletics, nelson. As you are any athletes who had gone through email puberty from female competition categories, then cut came as the federation. also unveiled the restrictions for female competitors with differences in sex developments that will apply across
all running distances and throwing events here is at the world athletics federation president sebastian COE explaining exactly how their policies have now changed. Council has agreed to exclude male to female transgender athletes, who have been through male puberty from female world ranking competitions from march the thirty first of this year. However, in order to do further research in wild transgender eligibility guidelines, we will be establishing a working group whose remit will be to consult specifically with transgender athletes, to seek views on competing in athletics to review, and maybe commission additional search where there is currently limited research and to put forward recommendations to council. Well, I mean it's about time the fact it has taken this long for world athletics to actually pay attention to. This is kind of astounding or things
after story now coming out, alec forty six year old, transgender females who are competitive, cyclists and competitive track and field runners, uncompetitive, litters, just dominating twenty five year old woman. So good for you guys for acknowledging the reality sad that it took until twenty twenty three for you? to do so. Okay time for some things that I hate So the thing that I hate the most today is the fact that we have forgotten about what Joe Biden in Afghanistan. It is still the thing I've ever seen any president in my lifetime, Joe Biden, pulling out of I stand with no actual plan leaving billions of dollars in military hardware to the worst people on earth, leaving the thousands of people who relied on america just behind with no actual plan for them, leaving hundreds of amerika behind getting thirteen american service people killed, having people falling off the wheels of planes while announcing what a genius he was? It was absolutely horrific and the fact that he has been largely forgiven
I bought the media and the general population is itself unforgivable. Well, yesterday, secretary of Saint anthony blinking admitted that there still a hundred and seventy five american trap behind enemy lies in afghanistan, so they were line is based. they got everybody out, isn't data planning at everybody up now they still admit that there are Literally a hundred seventy five americans who are stuck in afghanistan, I mean I'm sorry, but that is close to treasonous policies? I can imagine just leaving a marrow is behind the lines with the taliban, because you are too cowardly as the most powerful country in the history of the planet to secure their exit congressmen. There are several americans who are being detained by the cia, the taliban. We are working to secure their freedom. The families have asked that we protect
identities and don't speak publicly to their cases. Now those who been detained, how many other americans, how many other americans there are there are approximately. Let me put it this way since, since august thirty, first of last year, we have helped about nine hundred and seventy five american citizens who wished to leave afghanistan do so as we speak, americans who identify themselves as american citizens who identified themselves to us who are in afghanistan, some of whom have been there since the withdrawal, some of whom went back to afghanistan. There are about that we're in contact with about one hundred and seventy five. Forty four of them are ready to leave and we are working a fresh their departure. I well I'm good luck with that. The local odette there there's nothing more infuriating than watching this administration say we care about women's rights and then afghanistan or or saying we care deeply
what about our foreign policy and being strong over and in afghanistan like the fact that he has left americans behind and that we have no actual way of getting out of the country. because your cowards is an amazing repudiation. This administration, american people, should not forget that some twenty twenty four already guys it should continue right now: you're, not gonna, wanna miss. It will be joined by presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. If you're, not a member, become a member use. Coach bureau check out for two months, free on all annual plans, click the link in the description and join us oh
Transcript generated on 2023-03-26.