« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1694 - Americans Are Officially Getting Dumber


A new study shows American IQs dropping for the first time, and we examine the possible reasons; the Federal Reserve increases interest rates again, and Elizabeth Warren calls for Jerome Powell’s firing; and Donald Trump unleashes another frontal attack on Ron DeSantis.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A new study shows american accuse dropping for the very first time and we examine the possible reasons. The federal reserve increases interest rates yet again, and it was with warrant calls for rome palace firing, plus donald trump unleashed another frontal attack on Rhonda santa's bench bear this is Ben. Show Ok, so from the grand jury is back in session on the reserve numbering you all the kind of shocking and breaking news from that particular area momentarily first, the most important story of the day, and we tend to cover a lot of what's happening right in the news right. The second we're going to do a lot of that in just one second, because there is a lot of stuff happening today Indeed, the current broader front lines in american society are the things that that ripple under the surface and they tend to have the biggest impact. So there is a big story that has been kind of buried because, again in a news, we tend to follow urgent rather than unnecessary, and stories should be somewhat troubling to everyone. The story is that I do scores in united
are actually beginning to drop now. Denounces you need in this respect, you ve, seen iq scores in a lot of western countries, increase gradually over the course of this century and then can of stagnate and then finally start to drop. A little actually have seen this in places like Norway as early twenty eighteen, but now for the first time, is happening in the united states according to north western iq scores of substantially increase, nineteen, thirty two through the twentyth century, with differences ranging from three to five iq points per decade according to a phenomenon known as the flint effect. The flint effect is the gradual increase in iq overtime, There are lots of explanations for that happen, bit babies, nutrition, maybe it's education right as we from a richer, better educated society. People over all tend to have higher accuse, although at the very top end of the spectrum people live high use basically have cannons, who make use of them. always had, but there's a new study from north western and found evidence of a reverse flint effect in a larger sample between two thousand six in two thousand eighteen in every category, except for one for the reverse phone effect. There are consistent negative slopes for three
out of four cognitive domains? So what this means that ability score rebel reasoning be biological vocabulary matrix these, which we visual problem solving analogies letter, a number series that be computational and mathematical dropped during study period. Only area in which yag use apparently got better wars, have three rotations spatial reasoning, which would suggest that people are spending an awful lot of time on their cellphones composite ability, scores which just sort of like your overall I q score are also lower from a recent samples and the differences in scores, our present, regardless of age, education or gender. So something is happening in american society, and it is actually driving the I q score is down now they're a bunch of theories as to why that is happening. None of them particularly encouraging because they're all systemic, so the first one is the idea that education itself is beginning to fail that you have over the course of lessons. And again true in all western countries, as more people get educated, is more people go to school as more people go to high school and then to college overall,
I use course tend to rise that as their educational effects iq scores, particularly the lower end of the spectrum work. We are under educated, tend to rise on, for example, right now, astronauts, jewish iq, are famously higher than average, but in the the twentieth century after nice, jewish argues russian, lower than average, because many of the people were coming over from europe were not actually educated. They were their fifth grade graduates in this vote, it and then over time, as they grew more more educated, the iq scores started to go up because the tests only measure with this house measure- that's happened with entire populations the populations grow more educated and as you get in on a meritocracy, you're, essentially incense. rising, better iq performance, so it's possible that edge asian, is now petered out anyway, I see this in higher education, where we have stopped focusing on exactly the sorts of skills that you would need in order to in order to score high on ague or stop focusing on how verbally dexterous you are. We we stopped at focusing in on your ability to use reason mathematics
computation. All that has gone completely by the wayside in education, in favour of other priorities like sort of victimhood mentality and how well you can play the system. So when it comes to art, argue for playing system argue for I insist, more intensive structures have totally changed, and education of course, less twenty years. That certainly cannot be helping. Then there is the problem of demographics. Whatever I am not talking about racial demographic term talking, but the simple fact that overtime, higher iq people- Hence we earn more money, people who earn more they tend to have your children, people who earn less money tend to have more children That means is that if you are having fewer people at the top of the accused spectrum and I q, largely genetic, if you to see people at the top of the argue. Spectrum have fewer kids and people at the bottom of the iq spectrum. Having having more kids, then you end up with with these sort of prophecy of idiosyncrasy in which the people with the lower iq tend to predominate Now, again, that's changed over time, because people who are low income earning overtime when it discrimination. That's in correlate with idea why, who didn't erna high income. Fifty years ago,
because the system actively was discriminating against them or because their brand new immigrants they drop in assimilating, but as we are very similar to society and as all of the research should have gone away on particular ethnic groups, for example in the united states, where starting to see is the possibility of iq breakdown. You ve seen this happen again, not just in the united states, but also in europe, so the demographic crisis. that's a brake on western shores, namely people not having enough kid he's. Gonna have particularly market effect when it turns out there. You have. People who are really not having kids are the people who are. So the most likely to be the top end of the iq spectrum again, because income earnings I q to have a very high overlap in free societies and then there's the final theory here, which is that we are all addicted to our smartphones. We are all addicted to our computers. Chachi bts gonna make us dumber than our reliance on machines makes us stupider all which suggests that america has a rough ride in store for it, and so does the rest of the west because the notion of continual progress relies again, I'm continual human betterment and that, in turn, rely I'm a set of incentives that actually is
two incentivize people to make good decisions and to create a better society when all this said, the structures and all of those categories go away. You know the real problem on your hands, we'll talk about that in just one second. First, let's talk about the predictions of big tax it will get to. More on big tech actually preying on your mind and just one second, but the fact of the matter is big. Take also money. Ties it. You big tec is there to ensure that you are taken advantage of in terms of your data. You think you're getting a stuff free, you're, not you're, taking all your data that rapid stop there, selling it or giving it to the government through all sorts stuff with your data? This is why I have a vpn is why you should have a vpn. You should have express vpn because it's the best vpn on the market expressway there's an app and anonymize your online presents making it much more difficult for big tech companies to track and sell your data expressly oppian. Also encryption hundred percent other networks data to protect you from cyber criminals, express vpn and an almighty vices phones, laptops even wifi router, it's incredibly easy to use just fire up the app and click one button
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each was essentially become a substitute for tv. So, even so, watching things for long periods of time very, very difficult for people. If you look at the average amount of time, it is spent, on say, netflix or youtube or tik tok. You can see that people like on an average day, our spending to three. hours a day on these services. Is that going to generate any sort of Any sort of serious skill set is going to raise your ip people being made smarter by these. The answer obviously is going to be. No americans are are we spending? According to statistics, from twenty twenty two? Twenty? Twenty four americans are spending something like forty five minutes a day tik tok in forty five minutes. A day on youtube and their spending over sixty minutes today on netflix annette, include all your absence. People spend their time on scrolling for twitter or scrolling through facebook. We are playing games that brain We just don't understand and again, as somebody who tends to be sort of a technological optimist. I will
say that hooking, your brain into a machine that allows it to do all the work for you is going to make you dumber than the fact is that if you ask kids today to do some basic mathematical calculation, very few of them- can do it, and one of the reasons that that is the case is because all you have to just pull out your cell phone and the phone will do all the work for you now does that excess brainpower go word rolling in another area- probably not it withers or you have to practice these skills in order to be smarter, no question at all of its being a stupor. By the way you know knows, this is china, which is one of them reasons why china rep actually put out a different version of tik tok in united states that it puts out in china the version of tiktok and in china actually teaches kids math version of Tik tok in united states teachers, kids to be trans. In fact yesterday, now that there is a tick tock complaining, Bruce sap is a continent. A joint meeting at this algorithm is actually very good for china. One has been distributed in the united states,
there's a lot of that? I don't agree with that, but like why? Thank you there's a lot of the trying to think of like the most legal way to say not that I don't trust you, but in case it does come back. You can be open with me. The people in our government want to take top of government officials devices. Why is that? and together we I'm sure a lot of loading very beneficial to china and because of the whole china. America relations had something to do about tiktok The way is now meeting on the hill with a bunch of members of congress there attempting to lobby the Biden administration in the united states. Now is threatening to ban tik tok. The taxi ios testified before congress for the very first time today,. Couldn't cnn lawmakers on such a girl to touch you
negative on thursday and wide ranging hearing it cannot come anymore. Consequence moment for the embattled social media platform, taxi yo, chow, We will face the house energy in commerce committee during his first appearance before congress at hearing kicks off at ten am. Eastern, true, is from singapore hotel, frantic, tax customer consumer privacy and data security practice that the pratt platforms, impact on kids, the bigger one takes out supposedly has restrictions on the amount of time the kids can spend on takes out, but with a couple of clicks, kids can move right on past that and in the reality is that because the eyeballs run Tik tok, everybody is on Tik tok incentive structures are not stacked up in favour of the american consumer means why if the members of the government who theoretically should be talking about banning tiktok, are still using tik tok. In fact, yesterday John corbians national security spokesperson for the vitamin ministration, he was asked about the fact that right now, they're serious consideration. Whether tiktok is a national security threat and Joe Biden continues to use it. I wonder to fall upon
obviously you express it again today, the national security concerns with the epp. Why, then, did the president agree to appear in tiktok videos, as recently as I think, Saint Patrick yet we we have not changed our national security concerns. About the app it's it's not safe for use on government devices, I don't have anything more yeah that send the wrong message. If the administration is weighing a ban or could in the future have the way we have been very consistent about our concerns over tiktok there's a serious review underway. I I know you want me to tell you more about this, but I'm just not going to get ahead of them. So young great they now our government is obviously not doing its job and protect american citizens. Now again, if you, Our business, like we hear a daily wire we put stuff on tiktok, specifically, that is where the eyeballs hours we either abandon the platform entirely to the world's worst actors, or you try to get on there. But this is why the government, we should be stepping in with regard to tiktok. The problem is that if europe politics
in the way that you're cool with the kids by basically incentivize them to continue using mental crack, which we have Jamal beaumont of new york, saying that the reason because one to ban tiktok is because they quote. Unquote: ain't got no swag, no proper. That just realized something republic. Ain't got no swag, that's why they want to ban that ticket republicans, and god knows why does the problem now? Is that the problem is the day? And god knows where genius level from our elected congress. People's up, one of the factors in the decline of the american iq, certainly is the addiction to social media. Another almost factors is the educational system which is geared toward again paying off particular constituencies. It is not geared it. Educating, our children we get to. That in a moment, first, let's talk about the fact that you're spending too much money on the big phone companies and then variety and agency t mobile instead, should be getting a brand new iphone twelve from pure talk just twelve dollars a month with pure talks. Three dollar plant there's no contract. No it
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earlier to properly treat and control social media is huge. One is particularly true for kids can brains are still forming and you can see that the people develop perhaps the really good, that's right, my three year old can control youtube, made their developed for ease of use, and that also means addictive and that actually have an impact on the formation of kids' brains, we are playing games with kids' brains and we really should not be playing with kids brands, which is why my kids are not going to have internet access for a long time is also, why not allow to watch tv if you and your kids brains develop properly, and you should be cutting them off, from a lot of the social media upon which they become a light. Meanwhile, if an educational system, particularly public school educational system, which is not geared toward the interests of your children, it's a major. Major issue, perfect example. So, right now, Ella lsd, which is where I went to junior high I went to junior high at walter reed middle school in l, a s d, l? U s d is the second biggest school district in america. It is also a giant failure. Lsd is a big bad of union based failure and now-
If the us yeah you that is shut down, he schooling in l, a u s, tea for two three days and there doing so because they are striking and they are dancing in the rain in order to demonstrate how righteous their cause. Here's some tape of the sci- u local dancing the am so glad that they're out there dancing in the rain just very, very important stuff, they're, not teaching the kids, but they are are there dancing excited exciting stuff. The biggest problem is that dumb lsd is a gigantic failure. If you look at every performance metric place for Ella usc, they fill well pretty much every single performance metric, they have been failing for literally years, and that is not because of a failure to spend money. The fact is that Ella? U s, he spends approximately twenty four thousand dollars per student. Twenty four thousand dollars pursuit now, if you send your kids, will
the private school it's gonna cost less than twenty four thousand dollars per year per student at more than eight thousand or increase over the last five years. That's it seemed that l, a? U enrollment, has declined. Eight percent in the past too and the district has lost the briefest. Fifty eight percent of all students, since the two thousand. Fifty this, according to the centres where Fifty eight percent would soon have been lost. Since that you, the house, it hastily gloss over half the didn't population there, charging twenty four thousand dollars taxpayers pursued in another striking. Why what turns out the genders are, in fact underpaid, Adela Yossi, but it'll be need not by administrative costs, because you're a bunch of de and inclusion officials at these schools who are well overpaid, Only forty percent of l, you see, students are currently reading a great level. Only twenty eight point: five percent were angry level in math, though the ring and by the way that dead, so many families are leading l a is because people are not sending their kids.
pre, K or kindergarten, knowing that it's a giant wasted time time. Instead their homes, schooling or they are moving out of the city entirely. When the reasons are doing that is because the public schools kind of, and though the public both have not been doing their jobs are a very long time, because again, the public schools are directed at pay off to public sector unions. They're not directed towards educating your children, if the union is striking for right now, has very little to do with student services. that wages for various school custodians or cafeteria workers or bus drivers or other support staff. They stopped classes from and a half million students in the nation, second largest school system, in order to strike for all of this by the You know they ve already been offered by the ilo. the school district, a twenty three percent, recurrent pay increased, plus three percent cash in hand bonus twenty our twenty dollar and our minimum wage and full healthcare benefits for those working at least four hours a day in the latest offers and the sci, u is still out on strike. sound like it's in the interest of students, it really
really does not care about is the new mayor of LOS angeles. She opened up city hall on Wednesday to host contract negotiations that have been stalled for weeks. This will end, of course, with more concessions. By The taxpayer, representatives to the unions, is not going to end with the with the l, a: u S, the students actually getting better performance out of any of this. So the combination of, liberalising organs dumber by hooking them into the mind boys, and that is the internet. Very often he failures education system which are being constructed on public school level in order please public sector unions on the one hand, and then to indoctrinate them in foolish theories on the other, is making our kids what number and you combine that with the fact that we now have an entire society that is directing people not to have children and what you end up with these overall dumber society. Now. What does that mean for the future? Ones can mean greater dependence on technology but also going mean less innovation in the technological space? It's going to mean that there they're be problem,
as we have seen in terms of innovation, is going to slow. If, if you sort of hit stasis point in terms of iq you end up with, is again stasis in terms of innovation. If we do not focus the future. What we should be focusing on is increasing educational benefit for kids, which me presumably giving parents greater choice, because competition in the market place is going to allow them centre, can better schools too we intend to rising parents, shut off the phone for their kids and get their kids out there. In the real old and performing mental task. They, yes, calculator could do with it. brain it should also be able to do and final, should be intensified and people of all strives to actually be having children, and that means region Allocating in them a sense that is a communal responsibility, for he, too have kids the radical individualism it is predominated in the west has had some, but the salutary effect in turn,
of freeing people from the stringencies of the state economically. However, it had some really negative effects in terms of liberating people from the sort of the the the social groups that originally create in a culture of childbearing and child rearing and healthy ways, and we haven't felt the beginning: the impact of any of that. Yet ok, meanwhile, as and began to show the grand jury has now been brought back on it. called off on Wednesday. Four donald trump will bring you the latest on the grand jury in just one second, first, I think the people who watch the show are some of the people with the highest. I used some of the people who are best and brightest in the nation, while, if you're informed. You know that, when a supply chain breaks down with real problem out there, you need to the medicines that you hit, that you need in her house. Sometimes get to the cbs or sometimes you can get to see the us within actually have the medicine that you need. This is why should have jay's case- frontiers, medical. It is five most common antibiotics that you will you'll need in case of emergency. You have it in your house ready to go hadn't orange juice, for that. But that's not all they're doing my friends right now, just medical are offering my audience free ebooks, that every family,
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I'm in a grand jury matters, but on Wednesday there meat they did not meet on wednesday, and one of the crucial issues is that it appears that there is a resurfacing of a letter that Michael Collins, the chief witness against trump in this particular case, wrote in two thousand According to the uk daily mail in that letter, Michael com, claimed that he was not reimbursed by donald trump or is organisation for hush money. Payments to port actress me Daniels at two thousand eighteen letters, federal authorities contradicts is right. In grand jury, testimony which has sworn testimony the bombshell documents usually obtained by daily mail com and could throw wrenching the works for prosecutors, pursuing we'll charges against trump overdependence cohen claims. The trump got him to pay a hundred thirty grand judy annual keep quiet about the alleged affair right before the twenty sixteen election, and this is supposedly a campaign. It information. It was essentially wandered this has trump reimbursed him with personal vines and then later plead guilty too, letting federal campaign finance while over the hush money. But now there is a letter from two thousand eighteen.
In that letter literally says that Michael Cohen did not actually get reimbursed by the trump organization or the trump campaign quote. either the trump organisation northern from campaign was a party to the transaction with miss quivered. That would be thou, be stormy Daniels. Neither. neither reimbursed Mr Collins, the payment directly or indirectly. During the allegations that complete, which are entirely speculative now that Mr Collins, central concerns that you made any kind contributions, Donald J drum for president again. That letter was written Parliament FCC proud that was launched african plaintive campaign, finance violation, so That is that is in direct contradiction to the testimony that he is currently giving, which may be the reason why the grand jury got cancel yesterday. It also may mean new witnesses in the grand jury, so we are awaiting for more information on the grand jury by You know everything is sort of up in the air.
With regard to that, meanwhile, again their other cases, there militate against donald trump in the legal system, apparently be a federal judges now who did that from likely misled? He's own lawyers on classified documents? According to the wall street journal, a federal judge found at special counsel myths team presented convincing evidence that trump misled as employers about the retention of class. Documents after leaving the white house, which meant that she doesn't have attorney clamp, mislead. Your own attorney than attorney client privilege allows for the bypassing of it judge barrel. At how made that point, friday in a sealed decision, siding with federal prosecutors in their bid to bypass bypass it. Turning clamp, privileged claims raised by one from swears to compel him to provide more testimony. So it is possible that classified in case which should be dead. Given the fact that again, Joe Biden had a bunch classified documents sitting around his house sitting around his offices and these classes Augments cases cannot be brought about, apparently against nearly every american public official back. It should be done, but that was not either there a lot of these issues. There are certainly looking out there and here
is the weird math and is now cropped up in this republican primary twenty four. Every time trump is unjustly attacked. There's a rally round. The trump effect and every other publicans come out of the woodwork any say we don't like that. He is being specifically targeted, which, which is right in where we are. talking about frivolous charges in pretty much all of the cases. The democratic enshrined it to say that here rights since literally two thousand and sixteen, and they have yet to get him it's all. Scooby do kind of stuff for them. What would that sad that means that that's going to somehow help him in a general right. Here's that here's, the we're methods happening. The more trump is in the headlines, the better he does in the republican primaries and worse, he does in general election so that's a real bad man for applicants. Republican you're gonna have to do What then use their head of their heart and the twenty twenty four primary stand: the reaction to attacks on trump, I don't get we get to route rally around trump. They hate him so much! That's because he's he's a threat to them. I get it. I also understand that the left is not fully stupid and one of the things that the
would, like more than anything, is to make sure that the person they think is most vulnerable is the guy who ends up as I begin at nominee, which is cisely why? Presumably you have people like former? U S, representative, David Jolly, who is a up who is a former republican who is now part of the sort of lincoln projects club promote in all of the all of the left wing attacks on rwanda, santa's and also promoting trumps attacks? On this answers I mean I'm noticing a wide variety of reporters who supposedly think the donald trump is hitler resonating to his attacks on his answers, because they would rather have trump then descends is not because they loved trump or because they think trump is more defeated, will in two thousand and before than the thing two sentences from for his part is just attacking the santas endlessly, and this this I find astonishing, just if you're a republican and you are sympathetic to donald trump and your sympathy, to the fact that he is being attacked frivolously by a bunch of legal authorities or
reaching their boundaries. Then, wouldn't you want from me by backing them when you want from me focusing all his desire, not on fellow republican candid, but on say album brag, but this out from his doing from his taking this opportunity to swiveller simply for him into it act on his republican opponents, twenty twenty four, which does not suggest that he has the best interests. If the republican party at mine in mind or the best interests of of the right in general and attacking the left on his mind, it suggests that everything is an opportunity for donald trump and that, if he has the opportunity to swivel and just I've got round his answers in the moment where he has lowbrow momentum, then he will win, really kind of hideous, because here's the thing if the people who you think are the real danger to the american republic, our road prosecutors like brad going after republicans for no reason other than their republicans, and he wants to get his face on the cover of maxine. If that's the real threat, Why are you up for donald trump attacking fellow republican candidates in the of that? his ire should be on the prosecutors, but there's always monies
he's spending his iron round his chances of this galaxy brain take started last week. is true started talking about the indictment. There's an immediate call from report commentators were very trompe saying, whereas roundish answers where's run his answer. This is very reminiscent of the taylor. Swift silences, deafening what is run. A sense has to do with any of this. If you're talking about a list of people responsible for Donald, it's possible indictment in new york. The list goes something like this: Alvin bragg, the rogue manhattan da stormy daniels, Michael Cohen, Donald trump, for stopping everything sight in two thousand and six. Apparently Is wrong, since you know that listen, you run a census somehow at the centre of the indictment story. The only reason is because from deciding to drag him into the centre of that indictment story in order to attack him, which does not speak particularly well? the former president of the united states, or his intentions with regard to the campaign, and you see that breaking out in public,
yesterday's around us answers decided not again to attack Alvin bragged guy who's, trying to put him in jail. That is not where he's actually placing his iron instead is putting out statements like that's quote now that run the same to me. Peace is finally admitting he's in the rates by beginning to fight back and other disposal actually have no other choice. Let me explain the fact he is for begin in average. Governor in this is from that at least one of the dumber attacks understands is that you can aim so far all his attacks on his answers. Frankly, have been quite stupid, his attacks on his hands in that he's george soros plant. I'm sorry, that's just silly! It's silly on its face, it's ridiculous sources a wild leftist by the way you also adsorbs plenty of other guy who is trying to prosecute you in new york. Mr president, how about that? Guy? That has an actual Well, let This was actually backing with his money. Pretend that runs this is backed by by george soros is sword is absurd if he says he is for it by what his is other positions of our have also been repeating a crap The worry that is entirely debunked about Rhonda santa's, hitting on high school students back when you
a twenty three year old, high school teacher, and then implying without any evidence whatsoever that maybe he was hitting on males. So far. That has been the extent of down. Attach attached around his hands. As now he's going to get into just down the line, I mean these attacks are so bad that nikki fried who's. The head of the florida democratic party was retweeting Donald trump and take out all true if region more on that, only a few more on she's, a corrupt, more and yet she and donald trump are on the same page as not a great time. So trump said the chances for a republican, an average governor. Yet one point two million less votes in florida than me. Oh you mean that that typically gubernatorial candidates get less get get fewer votes than than actual presidential candidates. Well, yeah I mean like in an off year in off election year, I noticed the twenty twenty two was an off. watching here is an he fought for massive cuts in social security and medicare won't know, actually that's not what he did. when in social security, minimum age we raised seven years old or more of these are all left wing attacks on his answers.
because everyone knows by the way that social security is bankrupt and that there will have to be changes to it. He's not talk about his congressional record by the way donald trump was negotiating with Paul ryan. It was out from here Paul ryan for the speakership, lest we forget, Donald trump was not in anti paul ryan guy. We can an Paul ryan, I would become convenience, become an anti paul ryan guy so that's why I said he is a disciple of Paul ryan and did whatever ryan told him to do so. What are all those pictures of dark president? down from signing bills. Next to Paul ryan. Florida has been successful for many years now before I put round there. It's amazing what ocean and sunshine will do says. Donald trump surprise run was a big lockdown governor on the china virus. Like I'm sorry this dogging going gonna hunt was a big, down. Governor YU arch Hiding Brian camp for reopen in georgia in the middle of the pandemic. Do you made anthony voucher a thing you made how about famous new kept him in place ceiling beaches and everything else for an extended period of time no bite by late April. He was already mocking all that stuff and overriding counties in doing so was
Third worst in the nation for compensating deaths supposedly third, worse for total number of cases, other numbers, did much better than run and because I allowed them at this, freedom never closed their states. I'm need him to name names and horror, the republicans where will never closed their states and notion that donald trump never closing anthony vowed. She was a donald trump elevation. Deborah works is in the news, because Donald from elevated her to a position of bubble. I'm I'm sorry, pretending that is now outsider absurd he's not an outsider. He was the president during all of this remember I left that decision up to the governors as rapid says, donald trump for cover deathrays, first, run as governor of lords and worse than new york. No, he didn't know he not. That is a lie. It's a lie because you have to age. Just I support a super state in Edric in florida ranks among the worst in the country on crime statistics, Florida ranked third worst in murmured, they're, worse than rape, their worst and aggravated assault for twenty
we need to Jacksonville ranked as one of the top twenty five major crime cities in the country with temper or later not too much better on education for banks, number thirty, nine in health and safety in the country. Number. Fifteen affordability. Number three education in childcare hardly greatness. Their effect is wrong as an average governor, but the best by far in the country and one category public relations- or he easily ranks number one, but it is all a mirage. Just look at the facts and figures. They don't lie and we don't want wrong as our president donald trump, taking the opportunity of being almost indicted, too early attack, a fellow republican dies of this strategy, the Jews, in an election. Good luck to republicans seriously the luck. Democrats, of course, our immediately jumping on the strain enjoying it by the way. None of this is right. Florida is middle of the pack and affordability is giancarlo. Carlos hobo points out correctly slaughterings thirty education for is a just cause. Death rate programme is below the national average for his gun, deaths per capita below the national average forty currently has a fifty year low in its crime rate, Florida had insurance bikes. Exhilarated
and costliest hurricane in history and twenty twenty two so again from just putting out a bunch of garbage and I guess if this is, what you want is what you're gonna get, and it is this very europe. The notion that donald trump can basically run this election by hitting people today. the head with a hammer randomly and everybody else- is supposed never engage and that, if you do, engage it's a sign of disloyalty to the party if promising parties and when the nomination that can be it, I mean that at all events if this nomination process turns into a loyalty test about donald trump, of course, trump is going to win the nomination. Of course he has, but if republicans are going to think about who they believe is most likely to win you twenty twenty four presidential race, not who they are most sympathetic to because you being attacked wrongfully. I agree with that, but if they are talking about who is most likely to win a presidential race question, is it the guy who is likely to be under even false charge? Them depend in you not is the guy is likely to be, world. In twenty twenty issues and legal battles from two thousand and six and the person who is just kind of
ranting and spewing stuff into the ether untruth social, or is the person meticulously attacking Joe Biden on an issue by issue based? But we really have my answer to this question because in twenty twenty two represents great and forty one independent by eighteen percent in twenty twenty, we already had don't from run against Joe Biden, and he didn't do amazing guys he just didn't again just one second get to the situation with the federal reserve, which is likely to thinking again. The opportunities for republicans here in terms of electoral opportunities are nearly endless but never mind. Consequently never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Ok, first many of us have lost faith in the government Yet? In the schools, the good news is there's something you can do to help get the country back on track. Prager you as an educational nonprofit that is fighting with us to save the future of the country daily wires we sister companies with Prager. You would work with them for a very, very long time and is breakers different, a mind. Different jeremy borings, I've known dennis for pretty much my whole life actually.
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one thing is quite striking about modern russian. Culture is this insistence that the real just tradition of the west and the scientific tradition or somehow, at fundamental odds. I mean I used to believe that I think when I was young, at least to some degree although now I'm very curious about where that idea came from it, because it's absolutely clear. First of all that the universities themselves emerged out of the monasteries has just completely questionable hawks, Cambridge are monasteries for all intents and purposes, and so the whole eu. First. The idea emerged out of the church and then the notion that the universe is in fact intelligible and the pursuit of truth and be redemptive. Hats are fundamentally religious idea and then the site, civic endeavour itself. Given figures, like newton, for example, was embedded inside that religious tradition, Jordan is bring, unparalleled wisdom to a lot of people, now there's the power I normally you cellulose. Illiteracy is only available for nato, where plus members, we are making it available for free for
one right now, a daily wire plus dot com, only for limited time, so watch logos and literacy today, a daily wire plus dot com or meanwhile, the federal reserve caught between a rock and a hard place, It decided yesterday to attempt to walk the tightrope between inflation and banks from or by road We raising those interest rate raising them again. Twenty five basis points again, though, and they're not raising. More than that, it knocks anything. Inflation is going away, but it's because they believe that if they raise it more than reverse the sense that inflation is going away before panic, there'll be a problem in the stock market. There also signalling they might taper out completely that they're afraid that if they continue, Those interest rates is going to sink the bond markets if it thinks the bond markets than a bunch of banks that have been buying bonds past we'll use dignity, their asses based decrease. They will be able to go liquid in case there's a run on a bank at this the untold story of as viii The reason in silicon valley bank essentially went bankrupt is because there is running at the same time they couldn't liquidate their assets because all of their bond holdings had been decrease in value by the increase in subsequent interest rates
It was in one sense, censure would happen with, as VB is going to happen with a lot of institutions if the interest rates keep going up nor to fight inflation. But if the federals of allows inflation keep going up, the economy is going to continue to So the federal reserve took that middle road. Yesterday, according to the wall street journal, if had recognised that something was breaking recent. They had pointed to economic growth, accelerating an underlying inflation remaining stubbornly high germans room how indicated to Congress earlier this month, trends likely would require rates to rise by five point: five percent, perhaps by a lot actions released on Wednesday, so the power as colleagues have abandoned those plans. Now they say that they think that the target range is going to end up at five to five point two five percent they are taken. Out, but their tapering out early, which means inflation is now going to be endemic with. one of the reasons why you're seeing the stock market begin to tumble a little bit ready the it as market watch points out The yield curve inversion has likely peace, which is usually bad news for stocks and people are gonna start.
Investing, presumably in bonds again thinking that the inflation rate, the the interest rates, are not going to go up any further, which means that stock market is going to go down. Money is going to be a lot more expensive and so yeah again they created this mess for self destructing a rock and a hard place. They really need to raise those enshrine iron or to quash the inflation in play, He's gonna remain stubbornly high in the air rates are gonna remain stubbornly high, but if they go any higher than the really undercutting themselves I hear Jay Powell yesterday at the federals of announcing that twenty five basis point increase. We are highly attentive to the risks that high inflation poses to both sides of our mandate. and we are strongly committed to returning inflation to our two percent objective. At today's meeting, the committee raised the target range for the federal funds rate by a quarter percentage point, bringing the target range to four and three quarters to five per cent. Now Powell was trying to make clear, to everybody that more spending is gonna, hurt the problem, more funding, of course, he's going to be a real problem,
he's a runaways money is not driving the story on inflation, which is weird because it seems like when we spending is entirely driving a story on inflation release. In large part, the spending that happened is working against what you are doing. Rights was prolonging inflation. You know shoot you have to look at them at the impulse from spending, because spending was of course tremendously high during the pandemic and then, as the pandemic programmes rolled off, spending actually came down so that the that this sort of fiscal impulses actually not worth striving for actually right now it was. It was at the beginning, perhaps part of what was driving inflation, but that's not really the story. Now. Ok, but the the decrease in the in the funding has still retained a level of funding that is extraordinarily high and when you inject extraordinarily quantity and the system by basely backstop angle, if the icy deposit, and only after you, deposit, but unsecured deposits. Well, that that's a whole band of liquidity, the injecting into the system
He says what we're looking what's happening among the banks and asking is they're gonna, be some tightening in credit conditions in a way that substitutes for yeah, but why would there be a tightening credit conditions when you're explicitly saying they are going to backstop any bank that goes bankrupt in this? This is foolish, so you're going to end up this lukewarm policy, that is neither going to quash inflation, nor is it going to actually prevent the impact of a higher interest rate- is one of the worst of both worlds. Meanwhile, again you have all of these federal appointees, like any ellen over the treasury to power. Who refuses to acknowledge that if we just keep spending money, it's problem what what debt as a percentage of our gdp, is too much. So it depends on what interest rates are and real interest rates have been extremely low. The this budget and previous budgets have projected that.
they would move towards more normal levels over time, but certainly not levels that we saw several decades ago. And could you we d stands for my garage, madam secretary, what percentage of of what percentage of our jean debt of our gdp is too much? Will this budget has gets killed by the public? moving up to around two hundred and nine percent of gdp pig, and that's not too much in your opinion, she she's not narrow, aiming not now really is her answer, because there is no answer from the bottom is that all the same people who brought you forty or inflation, are still in power and by the way, their angry that the infrastructure,
Elizabeth Warren after suggesting the money is free right. She bought into the modern monetary theory why the you can just continue to blow out the debt, with no consequences whatsoever. That spending will never have any impact. Inflation will never hit home now. She's called four jerome how's ouster not because he's been too loose with the money, because he's too tight with the money by increasing those interest rates, here's elizabeth, worn who's been wrong on every single topic. For last several years, have you ever directly told president Biden that you think he should fire the chair fires or on power, and who would you like to see replace him? So I'm never talk about private conversations, but what I will say is I made it very clear as publicly as humanly possible that I didn't think that he should be reconfirmed as president as chair of the fed, and I think don't really terrible job get. Why do you think that is really terrible job because, of course, he's being too hawkish? According to this report, This is going to be. The going take among Democrats is that if the economy goes down,
because the federal reserve got u hawkish. They should have continued the inflationary policy. Ever these It is pretty openly. Climb one said that one of the sad things about the inflation spiral is that, was killing his dream of basically inflating the economy at the bottom runs. He said now supposed to be part of the plan. Meanwhile, the binary ministries in trying to walk its way through the darker green, jean pierre worlds, were process she's guys. Don't the economy superstar strong because of Joe Biden, I still have the same level of confidence that he's had that the us will get through this banking crisis through this high inflation, without going into a recession, the president has complete confidence in in the process envisaged in his economic policy. If you think about it, when we look at a time when we look at how strong the economies because of the president's work, what he's been able to do? Building an economy from the bottom up middle out, burma
it'll out again, and it just keep repeating the nostrums manage to keep repeating it. Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues. His wild incompetence demand cannot speak English yesterday in Japan. So the teleprompter latest episode yesterday, he he tried to talk now Joe Biden it very very poorly. I. This is a time for celebrating extra. ordinary women who made their mark and history, strengthen our nation and like jill the first lady, so first full time, lady, a first lay who works full time, in addition to being the first lady ass, a professor worlds, laughing at the old man now by the way, he heals until the weird story about her job puts messages on his mirror. While he has shavings first of all, congratulations to the presidents of the united states on I'm being able shave himself said that
That's an exciting new development in his life. Second of all, their weird messages we were talking inside joke has- and I think I told me before Joe puts messages on my mere worm shavings. And one was put in about a year ago, was still trying to make me love? You don't even know what that means is that, like leave me alone old man stop trying to make me love you. I have a feeling the message them more like your name is Joe Biden and you are president of these tests mere everyone makes sure that he still knows a meanwhile We are told by the media. The Joe Biden is doing an excellent job as approval rating sars arise. Giacometti yesterday will now it's dipping again he's back down to thirty eight percent as a target rich environment. For republicans. Look at his administration is a disaster area. Yesterday's you're bassorah, who is the head of the health, inhuman services department? He admitted
then, he literally has no idea how many ages, employees actually even go to work as an amazing thing You gotta have a major american apartment, Jim. You know how many people like what percentage go to work on a daily basis. I got all big of a breakdown of how many full time employees are at their desk in one of these buildings every day centre when you, when you take a look at the workforce at age S and we're close to ninety thousand throughout the country and working think in various parts of the country, some here and headquarters by the way headquarters. We have an underground. I got limited time so so this may be misleading. So tell me of what percent of the employees are at their desk full time, employees right ask on any given day and don't mean to be rude to so limited time, and I appreciate that and our folks are working for
no, but how many are at their desk as opposed to be at home or someplace else, coffee shop or whatever we will. We make sure sure we care about is that their performing Delivering and that's why that's not really answer my question not only is not answering in question questionnaire, not performing in delivering. According to the new york times, the vast breed of the american southern border by illegal immigrants and bringing across of small children via smugglers. The hiv, as it is, is actually designated. The task of following up on kids are released. Two adults, so, under the current law, kids can be released. to adult caretakers once they get over the borders there not being held in custody but of course, then the times as more more children have arrived. The Biden. Why has this ramp demands on staffing? move children quickly out of shelters and release them to adults. Caseworker satan rushed through vetting sponsors agents, All minors, by calling on the month after they begin living with their sponsors data, obtained by and showed that over the last years loan. The agency could not reach more than eighty five thousand children
the eight you just literally lost eighty five thousand child migrants. Overall, the agency lost immediate contact with one. Third of migrant children bridge up a second ghettos right there just really solid job there you're bazaar was asked whether they are probably the people working from coffee shop, You don't get amazing iD are doing amazing job. Every week I get briefed by my team, sometimes two or three times a week on this situation with the unaccompanied migrant kids and where we stand, I've never heard that number of eighty five thousand- I don't know where it comes from and so I cannot tell I would say it doesn't sound at all to be realistic and what we do is we try to follow up as best we can with these kids congress has given a certain authorities, are thirty's essentially and the moment we have found a suitable sponsor to place their child with. We try to do some follow up, but neither the child or the sponsors actually object
it to follow up with us and oh okay. Well, I'm you know where the number came from zero times, so that that that's where it came from again they're doing an amazing job over there. Meanwhile state department. Also, doing extraordinary job handing over the Middle east to china. Not really facilitating any sort of serious discussion in ukraine. They are just doing an incredible job. The good news is that the state department is acting modernized, because there including diversity, equity and inclusion. As follows, hard on John car, a kirby winning yesterday that algae, e g, you I plus minus divided by sign issues- are the tipp of america's foreign policy. Spear here is attainable.
explaining that the state department is being modernized by injecting equity principles. The budget will advance our efforts to modernize the state department, including by expanding our training, float, updating our technology carrying out diversity, equity inclusion and accessibility initiatives, including to make our overseas missions more accessible. I'm grateful the progress we've already made together, including congress to support in updating the secure embassy, construction and counterterrorism act, an accountability review board to give us some of the flexibility that we to open new missions and better manage the risks that we face great and I'm so glad we're doing all those things while the world enters into meltdown. Its ongoing amazing, but I think those news of the day, however, is that merrick garland our current attorney general? When he's not targeting the police departments across the country and or school parents, he is also a huge taylor. Swift fan, according to the wall street journal, that is, that is really exciting, a pair The congressional hearing on Wednesday senators grilled narrow garlic
on the gio investigation into ticketmaster and darwin started just name. Dropping titles of taylor. Swift songs cause there's nothing quite as charming as and of miracle garlands age and reputation. May he is approximately at seventy years old, citing taylor, swift, songs, he's he's in with the kiddies is: is america only just exciting stuff from our our nation's best? Okay time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I liked rates of anarchist, bearing of course has been a guest on the sunday and she is the ocean. I disagree on a lot but she's rational enough to recognise when the insane woke laughed has gone too far, so our ocasio cosgrove hazardous. She literally referred to two women as people who menstruating and anna tweeted out I'm a woman, please don't ever refer to me as a person with a uterus, birthing person or a person who menstruate how do people? realize how degrading this is. You can support the trench intercom, thou doing this bleep. Naturally, the world came on her she's, not want to say that
being a woman, and I should now like to point out- and so this drove tweets like this one from l, a hundred kind of bio, who is in fact a biological man's ankle, o f off with this stupid, made up bs, trans folks are having their existence, criminalized and state after state, and you won't want about this bleep. Well, that seems like a lot of male aggression there being taken out by our hundred conall bio on on and a again you must not. against the board, the for for saying the truth and I and am pleased that no anna has has done this a few times. You know my show talk about the fact that, on the homelessness crisis in california is very real, the crime crisis in california is very real and that it is not anti liberal or even anti left as to point that out, she's been ripped, up and down by left for doing all of that now for the simple fact that she has said that women exist and that they are not infectious birthing person or persons with uterus is a national it's up, and my love good for anna for taking the incoming on that by the way. One quick point here that there is an art
made by people like so big. While you know you say you say that women I watch women exist, but I tell you that there are certain that you say that men I can't give there are certain women who can give birth theirs. commentator online, made an excellent point about this. When you tell a biological woman that she cannot give birth. This is the most devastating day of her life for the vast majority of women who here that they tell her that did she's infernal as it does. I didn't get when you tell a man that he is infertile. That's called a normal day because men, in terms of in terms of not being able to bear children, that is perfectly obvious to everyone. There is a difference in kind. Okay, this leaves us some things that I hate so the movement to trans the children continues apace. Billy porter, who has apparently comes memory for some reason that I honestly cannot divine or or explain.
I do not know why this is a famous person. He does not seem supremely talented to me. I've never seen him in anything where I thought man that guy is good at things, but he was on the view- and I dressed like a lady, because this is what Billy porter does in order to break barriers and and such and in the middle of this he started ranting about how children need to be exposed to drag wins is very important for children to be exposed to the dragon so here he was explained on the view florida governor dissenters had just filed a complaint against a bar called the our house that holds drag shows eight months later. Things have only escalated as we talk about it. You know it's com, and and aggravation with this. What do you make of the fact that we are still talking about this when we violate doing for power near ever? thing is about power and you could always trace it back to the money. You say that all the time on its
follow the money, follow the power power at any cost. It's very hypocritical! You know the leading cause of death in children, yeah yeah Only the dancer nonsense here. I've got it's ok, so I just have a question. Even let's assume that you are right and uncontrolled you're. Not, let's assume that's the case. Why does that justify exposing small children to drag? Why Why? Why? What is the great necessity? What is a great cultural necessity to exposing small children to mend rest as women and dancing danced conceptualize fashion? Why why's that That's how exciting to you. Why is there such a priority to you I'm getting very. Very tired of people making If the, when we notice- and we say no, you say why- why are you noticing as an issue guidelines about this about it. one? The guns, conversation and the events comes
If we had that conversation, then we also have a conversation about why it seems so important to a bunch of grown ass men to expose themselves to small children. Why is that seemed so important to you why it's important that you expose cross dressing to kids? I feeling it has nothing to the kids in everything with you and also has to do the class appearance much more interested in the clicks and giggles. A bunch of morons online, then they are in the well being of their own children in order to facilitate this, so one of those was marin morris. So I will admit not knowing who marin Morris was a mere more securely some sort of country singer and us. She was doing a speech at an L. Gb Thank you. Plasma is divided by sign, happy face mode. You sad face emerging, poop, ammonia festival and she explained that she had been what her toddler to meet a bunch of drag queens, and this makes her a virtuous person seat. Normally, you would think that it's your job to protect the innocence of your children, wrong. Is your job to expose your children to men in sexual ized garb dressed his women?
very, very important, you good good there. It is for the good of the children. I can explain how it is for the good of the children with also, presumably having to explain the gender fluidity is good for kids. That lack of standards is good for kids. A confusion is good for kids. Now can't it wait any of that rational fashions has just called, but here she is explaining If I'm in tennessee and they're going to prosecute me, well then go for it go for it. It's first of all, as our tenancy law says what it says: tennessee law and florida law and was little. I can say but be person who is exposing brad. Who did the people were performing the draft? shows for the children. Are the ones would be prosecutable, not the parents, but put that aside. Here's virtue, signalling and then and then when the kid get screwed up, it'd be like why. How does have must be genetics must be interested genes, and yes, I introduce my son. Some drag queens today, so tennessee arrest me I Such heroism intruder,
your two year old son to a bunch of drag queens and, of course, you're. Looking for the cheers, that's why you see this. and apparently this woman's have. What I brought my son here earlier today for soundtrack is turning three. This week we got to go in the room, were all the queen's we're getting ready and doing there make up domini whenever exists, just magic. What the drag queens do, there's wigs everywhere melt hairs, brain wig, Lou, there's glitter everyone's in a good mood is just a rule. Of love when back press room. My son is like I need the queens MIKE you're, looking at her. The singer said, ah so much just that the heroism I have a question: where's dad where's dad Firstly, they aren't honey. Father would allow this to happen to their child by dumb edison terrible parenting as per usual arrangement. The good news, however, is that the way of this sort of silliness are being felt all over the country. So apparently a trans athlete forty six just one, the women's at new cycling race and says she feels a superhero is not exciting stuff. Tiffany Thomas forty was born. Male ended. The randalls island quit cycling, race, atop, the poet
blowing the competition out of the water snatch first place, despite only cycling in twenty eighteen. Seventy quickly found success. It has done when it competition in the years since she recently that are placed on top cycling team Ellis. What were her old esteem? It is just thirty, two years old. You mean the giant man, one. No, no, the shocking went well. Men are so that are being women that they they like five five seconds in their beating able women just incredible. The good news is, of course, the pentagon. Doctors are in agreement with all this, according to fox news health provider. u S. Military bases lasted the idea, before injecting kids diagnosed with generous forty with purely blockers and hormones deal de providers said in the modulation of the american journal of public health. The only pathway, children of military members who presented generates forty eight is to immediately moved for general forming healthcare such as puberty suppression and affirming hormone. this coming from the help providers. He goes military bases, so the entire We integrated system of propaganda. Stick nonsense is on the march, but you're not allowed to notice you're, not
notice. Everything is everything is perfectly fine and our societies and perfectly good shape. Probably we should focus on around his chances for some. Artie guys restitutions continue right. Now you nothin one message will be taking your phone if you're, not a member, become member use. Culture shapiro check out for two months, free and all annual plans, click the link in the description and join us oh
Transcript generated on 2023-03-26.