« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1690 - The Elites Who Control Our Lives Are F***ing Weird


It’s been three years since “15 Days To Slow The Spread” – and our elites are still failing at their jobs; we meet the head of global markets at Credit Suisse and examine why odd people are suddenly cropping up in all the wrong places; and the Democrats make their move against gas stoves.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Come over here is gives the worst post games beach of all time. During march madness, we meet the very weird head of global markets and credit sweet and we examine hilarious, recovered footage of limb, buoyantly, gay man and now trends, hero of the republic to mulvaney any from the prices right. I'm bench for this is the bench Barroso, the bench behind closed doors, We express vienna talk, let them every single show. Why haven't you gonna a yet get express vps right out express vpn, dot com, slash that, while march madness began yesterday- and it was a spectacular beginning, there's a fifteen seed that a tooth made it into a tall begun, but there was one moment that really shown, above all the others during march madness. So there is eight sixteen one game, guy, meaning a sixteen see playing on seed that sixteen was howard university. They have been in the term it for a long time and am, and once he was Kansas, so you're, not a shock that one seat one and one pretty
italy ninety six to sixty eight, but the He'll headline here is the common harris showed up to couple Harris apparently shut up to the game and then proceeded to get booed? Actually she she got booed when she showed up to the game and she was shown on the arenas jumbotron. I think I deserve it, but that wasn't the real have you're. The real headline is what common herriston right after and I saw this clip last night, and I have to give credit to javier our security. I because he's the one who they aware of this, and he deserves all the credit for what about it was very great our screens and in your ears, because this is just the most bitter he'll economy harris performance of all time. So howard has just gotten its but handed to it by cancer
No shame in that. There are sixteen seedling. Once you they're supposed to lose in the first half was relatively close, the second half they they sort of fell apart, not atypical and again like this, but imagine that you ve spent the entire season trying to play into the incidentally tournament you finally get there and you get worked by almost there boys and then in strolls, the vice president of the united states, one of the most charm was graceless people ever to walk the political, page and she is there to give you a pepsi. Each pepsi Jeff, you ve, just lost by thirty point. She's going to give an inspirational uplifting talk, this is our political class. In a nutshell, it's all the it is all just a jew. joe, and these are all jokers demands on manager. Imagine the Wings of the players could play the whole year to get to the tournament if just lost, unlike god I wanna do is take a shower, and if I'm of age have a beer and go home
An inch, as vice president of the united states, with the cameras to given an uplifting, inspiring speech emo hairstyles. So here we go just clap at the very last time you made all spices, so you are you artist everything you hadn't to you know that's what it's about right, until the last minute. Oh no, you guys did that you have to stop until the last. Second, you did not stop, and I just when he spoke of it. Do you keep with chin up insolvent cause, your sod, the world bison are right. I mean you literally what you have done it in history
worship yeah. I was at how evacuate day where we were just happy that there was a game. Much less getting to play device, I'm literally all over the world. Can we've been talking about you, this team, this team, you all this team this year, this tissue, so terrible you make us so proud. I know you may not be feeling great right now. Okay, but know who you are. You are asking you to pick her up maybe you hard work. You are power. She hasn't where's keeps going around, so now see late. You guys ever want to come in europe. passing over, is that so we should be glad if you guys won at some point right when it's like you know when you feel
just a little while ago. we don't be in I hope you don't see later did by why? That was an inspiring that those most inspiring speech since that one time girl played in the end, if a volume, and then she can't describe peck, and then she gave It grew up or talk it after that knowledge is inspiring stuff from camel hair, slow, clap with vice president of the united states. All of Politics is morons. Here are all all stupid. I'm gonna say right now, they're all idiots come as is the vice president of the united states, has no sense of time. Just no sense of place shows no sense of the imf, the reality of losing a and basketball game. She strolls on it and makes a political speech with no content whatsoever, and everybody is just supposed to nod. How'd you so terrible. She so awful at this in the region.
then, I begin with this is because that's all of them they're all like this. I met many politicians. The number of politicians who have this extra- A sense of egotism that the entire world revolves random. They walk into a room in the only thing that matters is the words that are going to spill from their mouths like pearls from the mountains demosthenes. It's amazing its amazed that the lack of self awareness it's the utter self centered narcissism of these people, and that is why our policies suck everywhere and for all time, because that's who politics draws apparently we're too what that means for in just one second, first, I want to talk to you about daily, whereas most trusted privacy, partner and premier sponsor of this show express vpn. When you use the bathroom, you always close the door behind you right right, because if you don't that makes you gross, you should close the door behind you. What are you doing? Well, if you're using the internet and in protecting yourself, it's basically the same thing, and then there are a lot of people.
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signal moments in american history now it's understandable at the time I want to do this routine, we're twenty twenty is hindsight at the time people didn't much rather virus. It was arguable as to as to what exactly should be done, but the Rod smiles on the faces of people who are about to implement fifteen days too slow, this red, which actually men three years to slow the spread. trillions of dollars born into the economy and inflation. spiral, shut down and hundreds of thousands of small businesses, the destruction of children's lives for two years, the smiles on their faces, ushering this thing in our creepy. In retrospect, I should say that, because this was the beginning right, this did not turn out the way they said it turn out it wasn't in fact a concerted strategy. It was not in fact away of gaining control over the virus- because it didn't do that it was an element of one off for presbyterian side of society, the expert class deciding for the rest of us what life
is going to be like there is the equipped for those who don't remember that, terrible day march, fifteenth two thousand twenty, he was my enters now. I'm gonna have to let him speak number, the small print here, it's really small print- states with evidence of community and transmission pause, restaurants, food courts, Jim's and other in doing outdoor venues, where groups of people congregate, should be closed. And look. How happy is look at look how please they are with themselves. They are so pleased with themselves and, of course they. The big problem here is that press and from had the right instincts which was it dont, shot everything down, but he was essentially encouraged to defer to the court in court. Expert class in the expert class blew it they blew it for three long years. They are still blowing it doctor, anthony fatty, just wilma. Leave me mean I thought gonna leave already, but apparently he's still here. He is they're still saying we need one.
booster shots. Booster. Shots are the only way I more more more booster shots. Again. Where is the evidence that this is the case? I would love to see what evidence actually citing the booster We are going to be the way out of out of anyone covert ever again, considering that it has not stopped transmission in any serious way. Let me just ask you I with radical, but let me ask a doctor, a medical question. How will he doing in amerika, in battle right now. We, can do better than we're doing we ve gotta, get that death rate would also around four to do so times as high as five hundred, sometimes down to three hundred per day. We really to do better than that. I mean if you look at the relative percentage of people who have are updated on their boosters. We have less than twenty percent of the eligible people have received. That updated be a four or five
booster. We gotta do better than that, even though we're doing much better than we were shots and shouts and shouts and droughts Eight percent of your body mass must be made up of the vaccine, despite the fact that again, data and to show the natural immunity is just as durable, if not more durable than the actual vaccines. I was particularly when it comes to immigrant, which is not nearly as deadly as the original variant, but the key tat understanding, anthony value at last you three years have been is this clip? He says you know what, when we ve been giving you data we've been out there saying contradictory things: it's not because we're flip flopping, it's because we're learning. I wish that were true. I wish that were true. I wish that anthony vouching. I wish the expert class had been transparent, the whole way, but they're not they're, not they believe in an esoteric exoteric distinction when it comes to politics, a very famously there's a philosopher named LEO strauss. He talks about plato and what he suggests is that there are people who read plato and then they should just read it at face value, but there's a deeper meaning to the deeper meaning is planted there for the specific elites and everybody else. That's it that's the
so terrifying than the esoteric tariff is what everybody else is able to read. When it comes to your jobs, a public servant providing information to the public there should not be an esoteric exoteric distinction. It shouldn't be that the elites get one message and everybody else gets. The other there shouldn't be platonic lies algae insists that we're not platonic lies, but we know for a fact that there were platonic lies and that is Why the elites blow it and they continue to blow it. There is anthony voucher. Yesterday what have you learned three years and about covered the big surprise? of all when we expect that it will go up and then go back down and then sort of disappear and go into the background. We were the having variant if the variant and search after surge right up well we're having right now which are sub lineages of the army, crohn's surge, which started well over a year ago. So this has been really a moving target and that's the reason why we ve had a many times change some of the thing that we set and recommended
bill, saying, let's flip flopping, but it is, its learning as you go along and making them, commendations, according to the new data, as it olives, if they had been we transparent, thou, be true, but it is not true. There were no new data suggesting the masks suddenly became effective after anthony tat. You said they weren't affected. After saying they were effective. There is no new data, suggesting the protests certain clauses was ok. It's protesting. Other causes was not ok there no new data, suggesting that certain types of outdoor activity should be banned, but other textiles or activity should not be banned. Like the data were pretty clear in the early days, exactly what covert wasn't what cove? It was not the data change it came to forget- or they were just lying about the date and falsifying the data. With regard to transmissibility after vaccination- but this is the this is the key. The experts keep claiming over and over and over
that they are unable to control all the vicissitudes of life, all of the risks of life, and then they blow it. And then they wonder why people look at them and they say you, experts don't know bleep. We do not trust you anymore. They ve blown all institutional trust which brings us to the state of the economy as that in just one moment. First, when we are talking about medicine, one thing is obvious: there are, in fact, certain medical things you should have in your house, when supply chains break down. When you can't get out to the cvs, he makes sure that you have those things as a hurricane in florida and suddenly the cvs is close, but your kid gets cut or something antibiotic, what this is where the jail. case comes in, but it's not enough. You just have those medications through the jays case, to get medical. You should also know what to do in case of emergency like that This is why my friends, jays medical, are offering my audience free ebooks at every family needs and their emergency preparedness get. This book is maybe in a region like for you download and save it. So you haven't when needed. The guide provide. bill information regarding emergency won't care, proper, first aid and how If we use antibiotics when necessary, though my wife and I got the jail,
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teams came together recent days to formulate the planned discussing it with treasury secretary jennie, Ellen and other officials and regulators in washington dc people familiar with the matters that apparently the banks have already taken out. I kid you not something like a hundred and sixty eight billion dollars from the federal reserve in terms of borrow from the federal reserve in order to shore up their balance sheets in expectation of possible future runs and that those possibility of a real recessionary is big, larger and larger, which is exactly what goldman sachs says: the attempt to save first republic. he's, probably how they showed that it was silicon valley bang, but as we would, as you will recall, the federal reserve decided that they, the FDA, see decided they were not going to allow a full bidding process. You just pick up and say silicon valley bank, by other big banks. Instead, there won't make you the taxpayer, bear the burden of filling in all of those unsecured depositors which
puts the federal reserve on the hook for trillions of dollars in unsecured deposit holdings. If one of these banks goes under all of the all of these banks, their stock dropped yesterday, morgan chase city grouping, america wells fargo there, each meeting of five billion dollar uninsured deposit into first republic in order again shore up their balance, morgan stanley, goldman sachs- are each kicking and two point five billion dollars of these five. Other banks are contributing one billion dollars of these sure, department, pharaoh's or after I see an office of the council or of the currencies, and what the show of support by a group of large banks is most welcome and demonstrates the resilience of the banking system. Now again, this sounds a little too easy honestly. So, yes, today, JANET Yellen gave testimony on the hill where she suggested that our banking system remains sound again. This is
m lady, who suggested that inflation was going to be transitory. The boy money into the economy was not going to be a permanent problem. I can reassure the members of the committee that our banking system is sound and the americans can feel confident. The third deposits will be there when they need them. This week's actions demonstrate our resolute commit to ensure that our financial system remains strong and depositors, see things remain safe, Do you feel secure now that she said it all which are saying they're under control. It's under control, just like code, was under control with fifteen days to slow the spread. They always have it under control until precisely the moment that they do not. One big problem when it comes to first republic, is that the systemic problems that actually attend to first republic are slightly different than the systemic problems with silicon valley bank. The silicon valley bank, over invested in us government bonds or mortgage backed securities, are that that was one of the big
and fifteen percent of the first republic's two hundred twelve billion dollars in assets or investments securities mostly made above municipal bonds. Now, muni bonds have the advantage according to the wall street journal of being tax exempt, and they bear a low risk waiting for the purposes of calculating to meet the regulatory standards. Most muni bonds are held by household and mutual funds there thinly traded on the secondary market. Munich We also have a similar duration wrist to other won't get a government securities. They can't be rapidly sold redeem deposits savings that first, it is actually not all that liquid. So another illustration of how Dodd Frank failed for next year will leverage ratio is greater than that of most be banks, but might not be enough to absorb all of them I said so. In other words, you know that this notion that simply shoring up their current holdings is going to be enough. If they're not liquid, it may not be enough if there were to be a on a bank, Jenny Ellen also media struggle, by the way that the us need be bail out of uninsured deposit holders and secured deposit older. She
that sort of bail out is not going to apply to rural community banks are apparently it only applies to the ones that are going to hold too big to fail or to properly located avail fail every bank every community bank in Oklahoma, regardless of this size, the deposit. Will they get the same treatment that svb the peak just got or signature bank just got? A bank only gets that treatment. If a majority of the f d I c board, a super majority is super majority. If the fed board- and I in consultation with the president, determine that the failure to protect uninsured depositors would create systemic risk, so it will create systemic risk of small bank, fails in this bunch of farmers, but if it silicon valley, bank- and they are tied into the entire system, because it is really people who are using those institutions, all those people get bailed out
by the way this is the same, JANET yellen and get her expertise is supposed to make. You feel This is the same kind of arms had literally yesterday, and testimony that reckless spending did not contribute to the collapse was asked of reckless bending contribute to the questions like now. Not at all will this administration acknowledged that the reckless taxes spending contributed to now are the challenges that we see in everyday households, but also to challenges that we are facing today with s phoebe look: inflation is too high and it is the president's top priority to bring it down, and there are many contributors to why inflation is too high. Importantly, fall out from the pan. make in russia's war on cream, boosted, food and energy prices, many countries around the world suffer from the same problem, so wasn't there
one spending will keep going with reckless spending, and then she will assure you that everything is going to be just fine again. I have doubts. I have serious doubts because JANET yellen kamel Harris these are all part of the same broad political class, anthony voucher and the notion that the expert class in politics is different from the political class. Generally is a category error. A lot of these people are not in fact predominantly Experts in their fields were concerned with getting the answer right. Many of them are very much in favour of being in charge of the levers of public policy in that requires a certain level of self confidence that often crosses over into narcissistic arrogance. That allows you to make predictions that simply are not true and play with people's money alive in the process. One second, we'll see the kind of people who are are now being incentivized to get into positions of responsibility at banks like credit suisse. First, let's talk about a sad fact: we're all going to die. I know bad bad time to talk about this, but there's never a good time to talk about. So, let's just put
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if you're getting taken care of right now, policy, genius, dot, com, slash, shapiro, okay, so credit suisse was one of the other banks that was sort of on the chopping block. Here. They've had an infusion of cash from the swiss national bank. It is unclear other than chris credits, which kind of general mismanagement over the course of the last three years. What makes them more systemically risky than other banks, but amusement has been presided over by the head of global markets at credit, sweet a person named pipes, bunce hips bonds, well, paths once ism in interesting human hips bundle. Philip funds is a dude, but he is known according to the evening standard in the uk, to sometimes go to work in a wig and women's calling it was all named in the financial times and heroes champion of women in business list, an angle One hundred company leaders who support women in business is or fluid senior director at credit. Suite is back in nam, two thousand eighteen, so this
and is one of the one hundred best women in business accordingly, the financial times known as tips funds, the director credit squeezes head of global markets, core engineering integration components came in thirty. Second, on the finance time's list of one hundred female business champions, despite the fact that he is in fact a Oil was marriage. One and has a couple of kids after receiving that word. He said in his statement. I am truly honoured and humbled by this war and am proud of the progress we are making for all forms of gender diversity and equality. These are the people who are running. our institutions increasingly, if the scene, strange to you shouldn't- be because we're society that is completely devoted to the idea that forms of forms of oddity- and we These are not indicators of any of any failures risk assessment whatsoever. It's it's just that this is the normal. It's the new normal guys. It's just norm. here, is a mackenzie celebrating pits bonds. I think, as noted particularly to I think, think, something's wrong
help me on my journey is a being really not who I am, but you have really owning math intercity, because I think people relate and call it to you so much better when they know your being totally genuine, sincere and honest, I think also getting having had certain amounts of adversity on your own journey. I think that in builds into a fair amount of sort of extra resilience, we send really helps empower you. I'm sort of leadership skills is what you're looking for, and bankers and isn't isn't it. These are the votes we want handling. Your bank by the way: you're ism hedge funds, at that mackenzie alliance, algae beating you conference talking about what interest now at means to him. The second its insulin, I single one box unknown by my answer on signs- are made. The things will you're not here, namely the amazing things to leave all the same
remember how I should never be concentrated in too few hands, because very often people are strange and weird and people who often seek their power in today's modern world are people who are not doing so out of a sense of duty to their fellow human beings. They are seeking their power, not because they believe that they are going to critical better the world for anyone except for their own particular type. It's it's strange and in tarifa thing move on my behalf, western civilization. when the great exports of our time are mostly concerned about. Do they get on magazine- covers rather than what they are actually accomplishing in the world which brings us to the strangest clip of the day we played a few already, but this is definitely the strangest clip of the day. So dylan mulvaney dome of any? Is a man believes that he is a woman and has been rich? We rewarded for that's illusion
if any has been one year being a girl, by which I mean he is man who pretends that he is a girl for a year, and this means that he gets makeup contracts and it means that he performs at the rainbow room sponsored by major. aberrations and has major hollywood stars come out in support of him, pretending to be a woman. Now we are supposed to believe that in In some internal way, Dylan mulvaney is one actually a woman, not just a gay man actually and to not attention seeking a perfectly humble person is going about it, in his daily life, but suffers from gender dysphoria and is trying to find his happy place. That's what we're we're supposed to believe the culture has has told us that we must believe this. We must repeat this well, it's unfortunate, then, that there is tape of Dylan mulvaney being a gay man. I like a few years and it turns out that door mulvaney imitating a woman is precisely the same thing as dome of any being flamboyant came in here, The club have dilemma of any on the price is right: circa, two thousand and twenty
You can tell the difference between July mulvaney behaviour in this clip Angela mulvaney behaviour. Now the only difference being that now dilemma anywheres more make up and address the we'll get the spinning wheel, but guess what you get a second chance in the state. First, no way know that, so you know two prices already, which is a great thing: three, ninety nine and five. Ninety nine, which one do you want to keep I'm going to keep the five ninety ninety five, ninety nine something else appears five dollars and ninety nine tell me: what is the good lord I'm going to say: is there any soup? Five? Ninety nine! It's pretty fancy. It is yeah. You gotta know someone that Dylan is not an attention. Seeker dillon is going to be around through this person's secret book. Here Those don't know of any and the cameras they don't have any.
we know now. Is it over it's an hour now you they will benefit of nope We ve got a commercial no. Now it's done up to now I will now running around and waving his hands. Nose kissing the camera jumping up and down and doing spends if anything is it's right now, weird dance that more. Where dancing, don't you think it's over guys? It's all right now up its continuing, while now think of a book you our cloudlike, doing, step yet, I get. What is it over is rowing about rowing about wrong about Dylan mulvaney guys. a humble individual, simply seeking personal happiness and in no way attention seeking again I will I will the dilemma of unease behaviour as a flamboyant gay man in this web is precisely the same as those of any behaviour as a woman. So there
national woman now actually just matches up with jack Nicholson's description of a woman in as It gets a man, but without reason or accountability, We that is Dylan mulvaney, the definition of a woman you're, my friend mouthwash here. He constantly asked what is one we know the answer. The answer is a woman. Is still mulvaney, which means exactly the same as those of any gay man but wearing addressed. And some high heels and make up and having some surgeries. So he's out of it. So a man without reason or accountability is the is apparently now that I was a joke when Jack Nicholson said it does is. It gets, and now is the actual definition of woman. According to members of the virus, So things are going great. In our say, all the us. This person sat with the president of the united states. Talking policy with regard to hormone treatment in surgeries for minors,. This is where we are in all the experts expert class. They are amazing, this I'm so glad they prove their mettle.
The pandemic and improve their metal again in forty or has an inflation prove their metal socially. By pushing this sort of nonsense, there also proving their metal. When it comes to the environment, so I'm excited to announce to you that the left which told you but six weeks ago, but there is no attempt to come after the gas stoves. with this in the administration and talked about their investigate, whether to get rid of of gas stoves or not well, and then there are no we're working with gas does have. No guys would never do something like that. We know you of gas those units lot easier to cook on flame than it is to cook I'm an electric stuff which, by the way, is true. It is much better to go an open when that it is on an electric stuff, but they didn't you not to pay any. What we're not we're, not gonna do any of that they were lying. They were lying will get to that in a moment. First, if you want a small business, you need to plan ahead. It's very difficult to plan ahead under these circumstances. But there's one thing that you can do that you can guarantee is actually going to lower your costs and save you time and money, and that, of course, is stamps dot. Com stamps dot com lets you print your own poster
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on other and comedian freethinker an all round, fascinating, you'd russell bran. We had a terrific conversation I too share it with you now, as the premier episode for season. Two of my show the search. Here's a think big episode. Man I can smell wade right now is right. Now. Are we going to just say it? and then there's interesting, innocent and good. Ah ooh. Let me think about that. For a couple of months give me the talmud, because if it's not in there Hell is going on, I'm not gonna, be the one who says that we just kosher twenty years clean or do bring. This is going to fall off the wagon bill, moss, rogan, rogan law and shapiro takes me down. For god's sake, it's a great episode. Russell is a phenomenal person. He's just hilarious and really in integrated.
go through a lot of really deep topics, ranging from really how to raise gets during all of it. We also have a lot of other greatness. It gets in store for the seas, including my upcoming sit down with megan kelly if you're not already a daily plus member sign up today. Here my chat with Russell that's available right now, plus access to our entire. But it shows movies, documentaries, upcoming, kids, content and more. Would you daily plus dot com? Also, this sunday, James o keefe, is gonna, be on the sunday special, so james? Ok, your member here I got ousted from his own organization. Project veritas will talk about what comes next for James. He has announced a new organization want to find out about what new investigations he's going to be undertaking you're going to have to check out the sunday special to find out the answers to those questions. Okay. Meanwhile, here's the thing that are weird class are weird class. They want, like epic levels of control over your individual life, see here's the thing about traditional rules and traditional roles. These are pieces of time tested wisdom that have lasted over the course of thousands of years across civilizations, as it turns out a mere discarding all day.
In favour of a few weirdos who have decided that they get to control everything about your life, all the way down to the level of should you have a gas stove in your house. I don't trust them, because why would I trusted? Why would I give these well control over my like, since the administration lied, remember that they said they were coming after your guest. I will now, according to the washington examiner simmer uncontroversial report Nay, ministering gastro ban has reignited not one but two federal agencies are proposing, are studying regulations that would severely curtailed the use of gas stoves from construction and has renewed the Shore battle over the appliances instead working to lower food prices for families and lessening inflation, the vitamin demonstrations priority is workings target as many as forty percent of americans and arbitrarily ban gas stoves. According to the heritage faction executive director, Jessica Anderson, the department of energy has now proposed, The new efficiency standards, which the vast majority of today's gas doves would not make a consumer product safety commission seeking information. Unquote, chronic hazards associated with gas range and propose solutions to these hazards, potentially in advance of its own rule. The always has
in its proposal would not be a ban per se, but ninety six percent of gas over- yeah we visited has to do not meet the new regulations. So it's our ban, but is kind of a ban. Meanwhile, senators, Joe Manchin of west virginia ted cruz teamed up for a bipartisan bill to block a gas stove and in one of the things that is driving. All of this is this notion that if we get the the, if we de hook, houses to natural gas is somehow going to lower carbon emissions necessary to the extent necessary to lord climate change. That's that's absurd. It's not even come close. Doing any of that, but that doesn't matter it's all about feeling good about yourselves and really not. You feel good about yourself having to cook and a crappy electric range. No, it is really a You know the people who are in power feeling good about themselves. That's that's what really matters, what matters their sense of self satisfaction, because they're not here to reinstall any sense of duty or judicial morality, they're here to make them I feel really good about all the things which means that they have to feel as though they are chain.
in the world they are changing self york lawmakers. The political or now interact with to stay wide ban on gas eating? Aids is a new buildings. A major margaret harrison, fight on fossil fuels and consumer choice the state assembly, as an both control by democrats, included different versions. natural gas ban in their budget proposals those respectively reconciling governor, Cathy hopeful will apparently sign nothing the energy department of course, has been proposing. Efficiency regulations for cook and ovens and guest of a new york is looking to ban. All this, for real would be the first to inactive. all natural gas ban for new building developments, effectually requiring them choose electric eating and stones. Now again, there is a serious problem here, which is that all of the electrical grids are still run off. A fossil fuels mean that that is natural gas coal. What right these are the way the most of the electoral grids are still fuel, because all other forms of energy are either seasonal
or time dependent red solar only works when the sun is shining, wind only works when the wind is blowing natural gas oil companies are physical forms of energy, I can then be utilised in order to generate electricity around the clock, but their attempting to, I guess, you'll make unclear where exactly you are getting your power by making it so that your building can hook up to natural gas anymore. Now it's going to hook to the electrical grid, which is just going to use natural gas in or to power the electrical grid, so all of that is very exciting. Again. All of this is designed to make people feel good about themselves. It doesn't actually change the trajectory in any your way with regard to carbon emissions, meanwhile calvin, regulators are doing the same thing. According to the washington free beacon called Regulators voted on wednesday to ban gas, furnaces and water heaters in one of the six most populated regions, a move that will likely require locals to undergo costly, homer innovations, the bay area, air quality district board. A panel of the point is tasked with curbing pollutants. For in California, counties voted on wednesday to block the installation of all gas power plants is beginning in twenty twenty seven, the board acknowledged homeowners. I've spent thousands of dollars to install electrical appliances and the pivotal wave.
For gas will increase energy costs, l, forty man, a wrecking that place. Why regulation at the time, the bay your bans not apply to guess stoves, but that offers little relief residents. The battle, he raised the cost of living in the overpriced area. Whether the good news is, you won't be able to use any sort of gas, oven or gas eating or gas water here, but you will be able to subsidize every black resident of san Francisco to the tune of five million dollars, so excellent governance taking place from again our nation's strangest people is spectacular. Stuff which brings us full circle I believe that Kamel Harris again kamala harris is in the dictionary under politician. There's a picture of Kamel Harris. People who enter the country are all Kamel Harris. You don't know what their job is. They don't know what their permit is. They don't know exactly what their purview is. They don't know any of these things. All they know is that they've been thrust into business. the power and they have to do stuff. That makes them feel good about themselves. Humble Harris the other night had a very awkward moment. Another awkward moment was a deep thought with calmly harris.
And now deep thoughts, with kemal hairs A lot of carmilla today, which always makes you want to buy some life insurance, but just cutting out life insurance, does not protect you against the fallout from suicide anyway. Deep thoughts with Kamel hairs, so I'm coming, was on what stephen gilbert and ass she was ass with the job of the vice president. Is she is less you forget the actual vice president of the united states. She did not have an answer, if a high constitutional office, but it's not prescribe so much about what you're supposed to be doing is. Is there ring true like what is to do what is the aim. role on a daily basis, as you have found it. While I have the great privilege of serving with Joe Biden, who was, Personally, I will state its. He really is a true partner and he understands the job and remember we came and during the height of the pandemic and so
so much of the work was about. Ok, we ve got a cover, a lotta bases unless figure out how between us. We can do it, but he is an extraordinary later, and I wish that people can see what I see the question was: what is the job of the vice president? Your answer is part of the job, I'm guessing. No. Thank you. Stephen we're trying to rescue calmly harris from her own failure there, but no, she did not actually have an answer to remember weirdos what are now here's the thing a lotta human beings are strange. You means have we're courts at that, human beings are, but that is why the ones that you actually want in power are the ones who don't actually want to exercise that power in order to overthrow all the traditional structures of society. Now, what's amazing, is so what the media consider to be weird first, what is actually weird so, according to the media, ahead of global markets at credit, sweet being, a gender fluid false woman. Who is married to a woman and has a couple of kids. That's not we're doing. Ok,
claiming to be a woman and then sitting with the president of the united states. That's not weird calmly, it's, not speaking english and why, during aimlessly into into ends, double a locker rooms. To give crappy speak, that's not weird what's weird is that one time ron de santis was on a plane and he ate pudding with his fingers. This is the weirdest thing is this: how we define weird where we define weird, is whatever I've thinks is weird- is weird men being women not weird so this is the big story that left the only story. The matters according to left today is not the prospective financial meltdown. It is not the fact that the Democrats are now really indeed, looking in major states ban gas stoves. None of that matters only thing that truly matters according to the left is this story, so be daily beast now report. According to two sources, the florida governor once eight now repeatedly once eight chocolate pudding with his fingers, quote the chatter
we're just answers. Public engagement is also surface past unflattering stories, better social skills, particularly his propensity to devour food during meetings. He would sit in meetings in eight in front of people. A forward to santa staffer told the daily beast, always like a starving animal was never eat before getting bleep everywhere, enshrined in two senses, lords and episode from four years ago, during a private plane from tell a house each washington dc in march. When you nineteen, two cents enjoyed a chocolate putting dessert by eating it with three of his fingers according to two sources familiar but the incident, but that that's that that's all the matters read. That's that's a huge story now you have never eaten food with their fingers, of course, because you were brought up in the The court of queen Victoria, you ve, never eaten food with your fingers and if we're gonna go unlike the scale of weariness, obviously eating putting their fingers on a plane in the middle of a campaign. Way, weirder and actually believing that a man who cut off his dick is woman.
Let me what am I a skilled weirdness, the president of the united states sitting there and calling it sinful, not trends the children way way less weird, then it now here's the thing. The current president of the united states actually has pudding for and so it is in that it is inevitably less important me how people eat pudding than the fact that the current president of the united states actually has pudding between his ears, like that is actually a real problem, this is going to be the ongoing campaign. So the ongoing campaign against its answer they ve been struggling for this right. Normally, they say a couple of things about republican candidates is a stupid, corrupt or evil, but those are the big three stupid. Corrupt and evil they can it intends to do because it clearly is not he went to jail, and then he went to yale law school. you can't ray and then went to harvard law school. You can't say that he is crop because there's no evidence of corruption with rawness answered if pride evil, but it doesn't ring we play because most of the policies that he's pursuing are widely popular another, going with this. Fourth off the board: option, which is weird, which is, I dont, think that is going to play, not at all
here's. The thing if you watch the santas on the campaign trail he's not weird he's like a normal person, so if the best that they can do, is he a pudding with his fingers? Good luck with that! Meanwhile, they have another. Angle that they are taking. With regard to the republicans, are the media: they have to defend the democratic clause there going back to the well on republicans. Are we we pessimistic and say mean and dark things? Here's a headline by actually the Washington post quote much of the twenty twenty four glp field focuses on dark, apocalyptic themes. Now I remember it's exact headline after Donald trump's convention speech in two thousand and sixteen it was dark and apocalyptic, and then he won here's the rule of thumb when out of power, you say bad things about what's happening in the country when you're in power, you say good things about what's happening with the country, specifically because we're out Are you running to be in power? What wouldn't you say like everything? Is brighton, hunky, dory out there? Of course not. I think call the entire media declaring that the apocalypse was upon us in the middle of an economic boom while from was president while peace was breaking out in the middle EAST. But apparently, if you meant
that things are going poorly in the country or that we have some real, serious societal fractures. This means dark, darken, apocalyptic things, and the problem is that the american people, I kind of agree that things are not looking amazing in the united states right now, so what media have media have shtick whole stack right instead, if, if you say that things are going poorly in the country, this means you of a dark vision of the country's. Remember entire washington post the prince this entire peace, talking about how between before geo field is focusing on dark. Apocalyptic thing seems they literally put a a sub header on their paper called democracy dies in darkness after trump was elected, the dark this was upon us and they were the guiding light just some certainty at the highest level. Bizarre why they are focusing in on a little video. The Donald trump cut yesterday is driving them a ball. It's also why trump is popular. I mean I hate to break it to folks, but trump remains popular. with a lot of people specifically because his interest seem to be in favour of what's going on in the country first and has a lot of talk in
the of interventionist republican circles and undemocratic side about the split inside the republican party over ukraine- truth is there is not a massive split. There are some people who are full isolationist on ukraine were like we shouldn't be involved at all and then there's kind of the vast middle of the republican party that thinks it is weren't. You stand rush off from fully invading grain, but is asking what the end goal here is. What is the actual and point here, but everybody? Not everybody in legacy. Media is yelling it from both his video that he did yesterday they're calling him unpatriotic for a video that he did yesterday, because what he suggested is the great threat to world empires. Historically speaking, his interior collapse internal failure. This is nothing new, I'm sorry! This is not ark, it is not apocalyptic. It happens to be quite true Donald trump, but the greatest threat to western civilization. Today is not russia. It's probably more than anything else ourselves, and some of these
horrible usa, hating people that represents it's the Abolition of our national borders is the failure to police, our own cities is the destruction of the rule of law from within its a collapse of the nuclear family, and fertility rates, like nobody can believe, is happening. It's, the marshes, sue would have us become a godless nation, worshipping at the altar of race and gender and environment, and it's a global as last that has made us totally dependent on china and other far in countries that basically hey this. So what they're saying is that if he says that russia is not our greatest threat, that the greatest threat is internal to the united states, that this means. That needs the united states. Well, democrats believe the same thing about republicans. This is what Joe Biden literally said every day and twenty twenty two. He said that
begins recycling nation is wanted to reimpose Jim crow to point out. He said the republicans were in league with people wanted to overthrow the democracy that we are on the verge of a fascist, overthrow, a fascist coup data in the united states. You, then, from the blood ed independence hall in one of the most authoritarian in speeches I've ever seen in the united states to pretend that this is like a eight unit, polar argument that, if the other side gets controlled, can be bad for the country is absolutely absurd. But here's the thing, no matter how much you try to yell at trump for being negative or yell at his hands to Bobby for being quote unquote negative about the current administrator about state of the country. Of course, they're negative they're in the opposition, and also most americans happen to agree with them. Most americans do happen to agree with them. The time for some things. I like an then some things that I hate so things that I like today show netflix has now come hold an animated preschooler show that was promoting transgender ism Anon binary us. I could you not. This is this is why d w
he's going to exist in very short order. We need kids content where you can put your kids in front of the tv and know that not going to be turned into gender non binary widgets, it's insane This was an actual, is an actual clip from a show called really jones bout, a basin who comes out as nine binary to its gramma play by cindy labour. The creator of this, naturally lesbian. As I say, the people who have cultural power are people who use that cultural power, basically nor to legitimize their own feelings of importance. So really chums was cancelled for good reason. Here is a clip. Really jones binary has read the me this now Will you stay with me? She or he doesn't feel right to me, I saw the user names, so their lecturing I mean this show you can see by the animation, this is a show for preschoolers. This is like three four or five year old kids,
and if you couldn't hear that properly, that is, he in gender on binary, bison, explaining that be bison wants to use. They them pronouns the director The creator is a lesbian. Mom, doesn't surprise me netflix, as quietly jumped. The first preschool show that, as a non binary character coming up, I realize. This day and age. Dumped means many things, jazeera promotion of the episode owing yes, this is the end of this year as they cancelled us after what they just put out it throughout all the special the christmas special the feature length episode, the cindy Lauper episode just quietly slipped it in our service. So this is it amazing, stuff taking trying to programme the small children. Of course, netflix had to cancel it because who wants to work at once, but their kids in front of it and again. This is why you should go subscribe right now: a daily wire plus dot com, because you're not going to fry this kind of crap to your kids at any point, when I put it up and then take it down or just not going to give it to your kids, because it turns out that those values are bad for your children and that you should not have values that runs directly counter to your own.
Tradition, wisdom of history injected into programs meant for kids, if you think they're not coming for your kids they're coming for your kids. That is the reason you put that in the preschool show. That is the only reason to put it in a preschool show, so at least netflix has been forced to have to back off, but not for long, not for long force. Okay time for a quick thing that I What favorite things about our lee class is again they are so damned weird, but we're supposed to pretend that they are not in fact weird. They in fact totally normal and they are legit. So everybody sort of acknowledges. The Gwyneth paltrow is a weirdo manchester goop magazine in which she has sold genitalia. Smelling candles and such, but she is, still a famous and well respected person in left wing circles. He was actually a little cookie sheet cookie and well I mean it's not just the shit like these are the same people who think gwyneth, Paltrow paltrow's worth listening to are the people who are like I have. I never took off my mask, I'm still wearing my mask. They love
to science, to science is great, which is why they are m, apparently pudding. Ozone therapy. in their behind. So She was on an episode of the art of being well and she says, diet that this is her. The weirdest thing that she is doing right now what's the weirdest wellness, you ve done. I have used ozone therapy rector I don't know about yet it's pretty weird it's pretty weird. Well, you should go mad ozone hole answer yes or no,
yeah. That way, you know the goo brand is actually worth like hundreds of millions of dollars, and that was pointed out once again, everybody's weird everybody has known weaknesses. This is why we tend to in life navigate by using heuristics, meaning shortcuts right we have to. We have to find people that we can trust and those people typically have to have like a broad record of success in a person. Though I field, in order for us to trust them. They have to actually have a bunch of data backing them, sweat, traditional wisdom matters, but we basically dispensed with that because it Liberty and because of mass media culture, and that anybody who appears on your tv is known, expertise should listen to so when a is, is liberty should listen to you on matters of health because you shooting ozone uprightness or whatever it is? and these are the same exact people who want more and more than a little if they want to be as where it wasn't, gonna broken, do whatever she wants with the ozone it's her problem, but when I will no pun intended, but what I will say is that
or power, you give any individual the worst things are going to be, and this is precisely what the left insists on sunrise power in a bunch of institutions in and trust the people who run the institutions too, everything for you not again, based on any sort of time tested data based on the fact that they are the experts. The answer should be no already coming up with, can be jumping the mailbags will make sure that you subscribe over delaware plus cause you're, just not gonna get into mailbox? If have your questions answered in the mailbag that, unless you do, it's not a member become member use. Could shapiro check out for two months. Rennell annual plans click the link in the description enjoying yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-03-26.