« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1689 - $5 Million For Being Black, And Other Terrible Policy Ideas


Credit Suisse draws closer to the edge of collapse as the Saudis pull their funding; San Francisco considers giving $5 million to black adults as race reparations; and wokes go insane over a Charlie Kirk speech while the media declare wokeness is a figment of the imagination.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Credit, suisse draws closer to the edge of collapse as the saudis pull their funding. San Francisco considers giving five million dollars to black adults as race reparations and the woakes go insane over a charlie Kirk speech. While the media declare that weakness is a figment of your imagination and Ben Shapiro is the benchmark. Show yeah, his show sponsored by express vpn is time to stand up against big tech, protect your data at express vpn dot com, slash than what we were by the administration that all the pain was basically over that now they bailed out the depositors in silicon valley, bank all would be well will problem, as we discussed over the last couple of days is that none of that is true. You ve created masses, systemic risk. You just redistributed the risk for the moment, but that risk will of I recall a lesson: there will be more bank failures in there will be more bank runs. There will be more economic uncertainty if not out
If the depression- and the reason for that is because you have created systemic problems, the world's stupidest people are running the world's biggest institutions with the world's most power, and that is a serious, serious issue. We saw this during the colored pandemic, where people were basically single, the factor, analysts were in charge of all global policy. The single factor they cared about was the spread of cover. They didn't care about the impact of carbon, think about the impact of the shutdowns. They didn't care about age duration. They didn't care about the impact of how vaccines should we get it should be gotten to the people. Thinking about any of that. Thinking about one thing, and one thing only and those single factor analysts were the experts in because they were the experts. We listened to them on this, their area of expertise. All other issues were to be put aside. While the same thing no happened with the economy. We simply, in the hands of central banks, to figure out all policy and all they are focused. Is demanded in and their mandate is twofold. One keeping liquidity said there. Is some sort of depression and too reducing inflation, the problem is very often those two things are in conflict and really should be our elected officials or making economic power.
You should not be central officials were manipulating the currency here and there in order to achieve political purposes, because again they are using single factor analysis. An air raid not answerable to the general public at large, but actually what is happening country after country after country they created a set of perverse incentives, and then everybody else in the universe is supposed to operate under this set of perverse incentives, and so that meant conversely bank, is it because of wild inflation of the currency, because an extraordinary amount of liquidity pushed into the system between twenty twenty and twenty twenty two it took all of that money and they stuffed it back into government bonds and the assumption that these magical government actors, these experts, would never allow those bonds to basically go belly up about belly up. Silicon valley bank went belly up, and now we are seeing at this just a united states problem. This is a global problem. According to the new york times, fear
the unseen risks to the financial system rippled across the globe on Wednesday. Breaking the brief calm that had settled over markets and deepening worries that a banking crisis could threaten the economy. The trauma was set off by a panic over the hub of credit suisse, one hundred and sixty six year old, swiss bank. That has been reeling from years of mismanagement and poor risk control, and that warned this week about problems in it's own accounting practices of the swiss banks, difficult differ from those of the american banks that have collapsed in recent days. In sir about credits, we added with a sense of bread about the economy in general. In an attempt to call me, masters nurse witchland central bank. The swiss national bank said late in the day. It would step in, if necessary, to keep credit suisse afloat. Several hours later, the troubled lenders had would borrow up to fifty billion swiss francs. That's about fifty four billion dollars from the central bank to ward off concerns about it's financial health. So once again, the central banks stepping in to say that failing institutions and the problem is of course, that when you, then to say: building institutions, your incentivize failure, your tell people, they should take riskier strategies with other people's money. After all, the middlemen simply go to fill in the gaps and the government does not have money of tone. Government
we print money or can tax money. That is, its government, does not have any other method of of making money other than old style, imperialism and capture of other countries. Money. That's not something that I think is really on the table at this point credit he's itself, is in some pretty serious trouble in whenever you're having to take out. Fifty, a billion dollars from the swiss national bank sort of a formal backstop real problem according to see and shares. If the tweets on wednesday plunged to a fresh all time low for the second consecutive day after a top investor in the embattled swiss bank said it would not be able bite, anymore cash, regulatory restrictions treading the banks. Stop was halted several times throughout the morning ass. It fell below two bucks: seventeen cents for the very first time swiss listed We shared ended the session on twenty four percent of the problem is that the biggest esther in credit. Suisse saudi national banks at would not provide. This was bank with any further financial assistance. According to a reuters report, sparking the latest leg, lower tariffs we'll make germans had. We can't go below we can't above ten percent, because it's regulatory issue
He said ass in b is happy with credit sweetest transformational plan. They suggest The bank is probably fine, but when biggest investors aim because regulation we can inject more money into your company as a pre, serious problem in all of this is the Old of centralizing so much power at the central banks and then all of the other actors in the economy. Reacting to that centralized power. Then, according to the wall, street journal of liquidity and generals, rang out at the same time that we have these central banks, franco engine liquidity in the economy to backstop all of these institutions that had bet on further liquidity injections at the same the trunk attempt an inflation, and so you have You forces that are now at odds inside virtually every major central bank in the west and actually throughout the world according to the wall street journal, the markets for the world's safest and most liquid assets. The government bonds issued by the us and other rich countries came under immense stress on Wednesday, following a week of worries about the health of global banks, liquidity, the cafe He drank quickly. Aquatic prices has fallen sharply into the keystone market. Those four as treasuries and german boons. Accordingly, traders difficulty,
including wider price spreads and slower executions are now spreading to many other markets. They said, including those for derivatives and firms and traders used to lock in prices and hedge risks weak weeks and months ahead of time, likes options, futures and swaps, liquidity means also the ability, as the articles just to trade quickly. It means that you have a piece of stock house asking you saw that that stock. Does it take you a while yet and is there big spread, what you're asking what somebody is willing to pay? All of that is that all of your your assets are not nearly as current liquid as they otherwise would be. Trade said that the turmoil driven in part by fear than economic reversal might be ahead, was rippling into stocks and helping fuel the decline of more than seven hundred points in the downed us rules. At its session lows on wednesday, the blue chip gauge appeared some those losses then down two hundred eighty one point: yes, as well known credits, waste is in trouble. Trading was for neck trading by in the treasury marketeers about twice typical levels. Everybody is sort of freaking out into the night illustration says that everything is fine. They are wrong. It turns out the divine I can also facilitated really really
policy with regard to silicon valley, bank itself, there are shocking new peace from some awful, well, I that moment first in its economic climate, Probably looking your bills and figure where exactly you can cut will one place. You certainly can that is in your phone bill you're spending a lot of money with rising agency or to mobile. What, if I told you, there was another network that you could use, it is the same power network is one of the big eyes, but it's going to cost you a lot less money. Like save you, nine hundred dollars a year now be pure talk. You can save nine hundred bucks a year. Underwear was bill and still enjoy ultra fast five, you service at a limited talk texan, when you have data for just thirty bucks, a month so sure you're gonna love their service, that they are back of the one hundred percent money back guarantee. You really have nothing to lose. Stopping a fortune As an agency orgy mobile cut your bill in half with dirt on their use based cost
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they were initially excluded from the sales process by the f b I see and they ran out of time as a result, which is a huge battery. So now the federal government is gonna backstop, all unsecured deposit across the united economy, we're talking, seven eight trillion dollars in orbit of our solution along one of the big banks to buy up the failing silicon valley, bang phil, in all the unsecured, unsecured predators, essentially an and then move on with our lives but apparently the by demonstration didn't want. Let that happen, the agency is led by yes, he martin gruber, has been publicly critical consolidation in the industry and eventually allowed the biggest global banks into the auction. But it was too late. His words on Sunday afternoons relate to ensure a deal. Could be announced before the market open on Monday, the four largest yours birds, gaping morgan, chased bank of america sitting group unwell, spargo are already big enough. We need a regulatory waiver to buy another deposit taking bank the sea is now still trying to find some sort of buyer for for the s but again
it was not sold, is now due to the FDA sea, because there are sceptical of even allowing it to be sold in the first place surprisingly, the economy is slowing as result of literally all of the things that we are watching as a slow building. Perfect storm is being created accordingly, your journal, a drop in retail sales and easing price pressures in february of preliminary signs of a cooling economy as the spread of fine You'll turmoil on wall street called into question whether federal reserve would continue to raise those interest rates. So now you have the markets. I think betting. The wrong way at the Barroso is not going to raise interest rates that, in the interests of preserving liquidity in the banks, are not can raise. Those interest rates. Can I think I've got the wrong idea. I think that the federal reserve is very likely to raise the interest rates by Would you five percentage points, and then the markets, as they always do, are going react very badly to that? is all the result of having too much power in one place, and that is the story our nations. The story of our nations economy is the story of a bad left wing. Governance or easy money governance. It's also.
for it was happening in San francisco, subverts vault. San Francisco deserves our becomes too ill temper. This goal is a city that has basically decided to obliterate itself in ever, Hence the decided to obliterate themselves have rapidly there more pets in children in san francisco. If decided to obliterate themselves in terms of class structure, URI there very rich or very poor in San francisco, they decided to obliterate themselves in terms of the tech industry. There is no one in their right. Mind would found a company in San francisco right now, given the state and local regulations and taxes in samara He's gonna, now they're going to obliterate themselves by apparently giving each joel black resident of the city of san francisco five million dollars. Five million dollars, also Did he appointed panel going to the bbc suggested guarantee the annual incomes of ninety seven thousand dollars. Ninety seven thousand, dollars for qualifying recipients and homes in san francisco for one dollar, a family. I would just remind you that slavery was never legal in the state of california estate. california, was admitted to the union as
non slavery. State it board of supervisors has begun. Considering the recommendations supporters say it would be just compensation to black americans for legacy of slavery and racism, and francisco board enthusiastically welcomed the proposal at tuesdays, for assuring, according to the abbey committee's draft, So first releasing december airlines more than one hundred suggestions. According to the san francisco chronicle, the reparations may chairman earthmen dal, said when you consider all the ways in which the systems and practices have been managed to exclude. The steel. If you will, the opera for financial mobility. Families are hurting and have been decades of no longer financial there is time sensitive is not one that can or should wait so californians. Whenever slaveowners california that was one. The chief places that residents of of the southern part of the united states or black How did you move to to get away from the worst asked acts of segregation in the united not to say that helpful. You never had racial discrimination. Of course it did, but it wasn't nearly to the extent that the american south,
discrimination, for example, which is why it was one of the chief sources of inflow of black, in migration throughout the twentieth century. Well, this is insane, of course. It follows the pattern of a bunch of left wing cities now attempting this sort of stuff in two thousand and twenty one evanston illinois approve reparations for some residents, including money for home, repairs, down payments and rest or lay penalties do on property. Now they dont We know in san francisco how to qualify people about fifty thousand, people living in san Francisco. It is not clear how many will be eligible qualifying criteria include that a person would need to be at least eighteen and have identified as black or african american public documents for at least a day. it's a what they're afraid of his rachel dollars. All afraid of people who show up oh yeah, by the way I'm black here I am radio. It is. It is not clear how long you'd have to live in san francisco in order to attain that five million dollars fascinating to see if they put
migration restrictions on black americans to keep them from taking wrote to keep them from thinking very problematic. You have to have lived there for three years and be black in for you do adjutant not not for like two decades now we're not for deck. Now, for your grandparents, no great grandparents, you can have been born in two thousand and ten. Essentially, evasions. I suppose you you, you have to be born in two thousand and five lack and sam just go and will now give you five million dollars in ninety seven thousand dollar, universal basic income and a home for a buck. Ok, this is so insane. It is unfair, obviously, to the residents in san Francisco. It is unfair to the future. San francisco, but you know what place. You begins when stupid prize. I very much look forward to seeing the result. Unbelievable garbage policy it ties into the notion of weakness that is promoted by the left, but the left and says the wilderness doesn't really exists will get to that in a moment. First, I've some bad news, every one is going to die every one in the audience, everybody's vagueness we will all die. I know that some really darkness right here on
thursday, but I'm going to tell you at least they provision for that provision for your family- so god forbid you by train At least you know where your assets are going to be disposed of, and presumably they will not go to san francisco city governmental, redistributive five million dollars a person accordingly, recent poll, sixty two percent of americans who think about their own death. A lot of time don't have a will which unbelievably stupid. If you think about your own tat, you should just go make a well. Can I have a well living well breeding it's one of the most important things you can do to ensure your belongings and your loved ones are taken care of after you passed away. My partners at epic will can help you we'll get set up with a will today we're just one hundred and nineteen bucks in as little as five minutes, epic will can help you create your last will and testament your living will even health care power of attorney go to epic will dot com, slash shapiro, get my discount code. Save an extra ten percent on your complete willpower it that it was easy to use template. All you have to do is fill in the blanks very important stuff go to epic will dot com, slash, Shapiro, save ten percent on epic wills, complete the package that epic will dotcom slash shapiro case up san francisco. Yet again,
stupid people making that policy. This is the way it works, so severance go is now looking at the possibility that five million dollar pay out her black resident and a ninety seven thousand dollar annual base income and one dollar houses for everyone. Whereof we come from. No one knows This means San francisco isn't actually going to do it, but this is an aspect of wilderness, Jacek Francisco, playing the Avram ex candidate- and this is the natural outcome of the epidemics, can again you look at populations in in san francisco and what you see is a tremendous racial disparity in terms of income. Okay, the the gap in san francisco is really significant by the way the peace where most can be her by this are actually not you white residents of san Francisco, in fact, today. Twenty twenty census us. Why it's are only about forty five percent. The racial makeup of san francisco, its asian always asians, will be disproportionate, acted. I loved the democratic party there, man, we hate, raises a make. Those asians knock into harvard, and also we should have them hey reparations into
francisco to black americans. Because the population of san francisco is thirty, four presentation about five percent lack by the way household income by race. However, there are some pretty significant disparities by right, in nice in san francisco- and this is this- is apparently why ice Those asians are supposed to pay black americans americans median household income by race in council, yet in san francisco. It make about twenty nine thousand dollars a year, but americans and asia arrogance are making an excess in seventy five thousand dollars or a hundred thousand dollars. You are so it's just basic redistribution. Essentially, redistribution, is nonsense because redistribution is nonsense. What that means that group equity will be achieved. That is the goal of the war movement, the goal of the wolf movement. If you hadn't a fine wilderness woken has makes a couple of key claims. It's urgent, that all the institutions of society are designed to pray
or discrimination, I had powerful to preserve discrimination and all group disparities are the result of such discrimination. So when you see any differential black income and a white income insidious, the san francisco. That must be because the systems have been designed to the detriment of black americans in francisco earlier does not explain why asians are doing so well across the board in the united states does, wainwright latinos, had seen tremendous income, mobility and united states much better income ability actually in the united states and, for example, american, a sense of slaves, the does not explain why black americans were not a das right who are who actually came later. A nigerian americans or armenian americans what Why so? Many of them are doing great in in fact nigerian americans, maybe the educated group in america by some survey, data doesnt explain any of that, but it doesn't have to it because it makes a claim about the universe in that claim about the universe is incorrect. We compelling to people who believe that all
rules and disparities in the universe can be explained by the malice of others. While it's that precise view that leads to things like riots and charlie Kirk of at u c Davis, so this was amazing. Footage Jimmy again We are using state. Taxpayer dollars now most people. then, I'm a thousand we're using state taxpayer dollars to fund a bunch of baby idiots too ash windows when a person they disagree with speaks accords to media a cheap usa event with charlie cork. At you see Davis plunged into chaos on tuesday night when protesters, including black, clad anti for members clash. Outside the venue in practice that resulted in to arrest to kurtz the Campus is already causing anxiety before the event. There's an opinion published in the sacramento bee the morning of the event in which opinion assistant Hannah holes are called cook a fascist and claimed it. He called for the launching of France people, which, of course is a lie, and if he's had to be corrected because it was a lie, than updated its peace, essentially adding
The christian out with who's calling for linking the video itself is other astonishing, charlie I tweeted out violent left wing agitators just smashed through windows outside of the event venue here. Easy Davis reports are that some of the group made their way into the building before police successfully, remove them pray for peace and safety for all involved. Hundreds of has withdrawn. The camp is ahead of the event, including a large group of law enforcement officers. The two groups classed as objects reform, including export glass window panes, were broken. His wilbur, the video here come the protesters, cops are rushing inside in windows hurting people from smashing the windows and try to get through at the people inside. picking windows, smashing them and that these are. These are the best educated among us, so glad that you see the state a state school and have this
of activity take place at it s you bet, Davis released Davis released. Two one police officer was injured in the in one classical sustained officer injury when whose jumped down from behind and pushed it to the ground up good and protestors, also blocked the walking path towards the events base. Having been at the centre of some these practices it before I can that that the workers are perfectly happy engage in violence when it serves their purpose and where's they'll, be treated with kid gloves by the administration, because the left is very fond of the winkies. They believe that they are essentially the shock troops for liberal social policy, even if I engage in policies that the many on the left would say are our little over the top. Isn't the problem is they're, just too passionate, they're too passionate, while they're simultaneously engaging in this sort of stuff. Meanwhile, the left is claiming that wilkins doesn't exist, that it's sort of a buzzword. It's a it's a form of highly We'll gaslight letting we'll get you in a moment first once again talk about the fact that Yelled the end of life for all of us will look to say We will all be dead, but Europe's new will vote discuss. You also need life, insurance, re god forbid
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the word. Woke doesn't actually exists. Yesterday, there's a put the went viral rangers, the anytime someone freezes on tv. It goes viral, but This was going viral as evidence that the right doesn't know weaknesses which is unbelievably stupid. The right does no, in fact what weaknesses so for many people who don't spend their lives in this weakness in its sort of like just pirate stewards about pornography. You know it when you see it, but I think that with it bleeds down. Most people is essentially weapon eyes. Political correctness, its political correctness, with a new equity, guys whelp Bethany Mandela, who is the author of noble, called, stolen youth with d w books. It is now national bestseller. She was. A show called rising with ray joy, gray, buoyed up to this particular clip. I called by the need to ask her about it. The lead up to this particular clip apparently, was that The air brianna joy, grain saying on a hot mike, the bethany could hear about how much she really
It does not like parents and thinks that parents have kids as an act of narcissism and stuff. But then he happens to be a mother of seven, including a mother of six, including newborn in any case better off. But this clip went viral matt, not just because it always you no good tv when someone freezes opera has a bad moment on tv, but because the left you use this is evidence that the right has been using weaknesses, sort of a catch all term. That means nothing in order to rip on people which is not true, here's the clip and then we'll discuss, bethany actual definition we see more of them consider themselves to be work, and so, in a way, when we do kick it would you mind defining well, because it's come up a couple of times that I just want to make sure we're on the same page. So I mean woke is sort of the idea that I This is going to be one of those moments echoes viral I mean woke, is something that's very hard to define and we ve spent an entire chapter, defining it
it is sort of the understanding that we need to re, taught totally rim band and ran riot reduce society in order to create hierarchies of oppression it's hard to explain in fifteen seconds on by looking to Lhasa gosh. She couldn't win fifteen seconds, how much later, Bethany tweeted out her definition of openness, which again there is, we'll definition baldness. I've used it myself again for speeches on it, bethany twitter. what a radical belief system suggesting that our institutions are built around discrimination in claiming that all disparity is a result of that discrimination. It seeks article redefinition of society, in which equality of results, as the end point enforced by an angry mob, pretty good definition of pretty the definition. so again they're they're, a bunch of definitions won't display all share these same common features. It is what it is. The equity claims by an administration at any time you see in india
once in life. That is due to evils in the system that must be destroyed, because the systems are actually systems of oppression in power. That's what it means, but that's started trotting missing round in order to claim Wilkins doesnt actually exist in this just high level gas lighting. The notion that that the right has no idea what wilderness is is just way for them to avoid that. consequences of their own crap, woke policies. So, for example, there's a piece by philip bum it'll, be dishonest columnist for the Washington post titled viral moment reinforces the hollowness of woke as an attack mental had been asked? The seemingly simple question by great shoes on the show to promote a butcher, but with another conservative writer carol markets a book the purports to demonstrate how radicals are adopt training, young people in america and then he quarter at night. He says we might rephrase that slightly woke, as often deployed by the right refers to something emanating from or related to culture war issues that you will understand as or want to portray as bad or to vagueness of war, a pejorative, has become
has come into relief in recent days. Territory, so woke doesnt actually exist. So you guys coined the term and you guys to find the term, and then you guys, bandit the terms that it applies to virtually everything and then went by We freeze on t that means woke. Ness doesn't exist, this stupid game, it may be you're for the moment. What exactly are trying to do actually obscure your policy and that's the thing. Your policies themselves will have consequences. Column don't call the morgue. It doesn't really matter all that much. The fact a matter is your ideology, boils down to bad policy and that bad policy has consequences. and those consequences are evident for everyone to see, and we are seeing people right now, but with their feet, but with their money he's gonna, have dramatic ramifications for the future of the united states. The fact that this ideology has pervaded the highest echelons of them a party and down the lowest echelons of american society in terms of income in terms of. Economic status and all of the rest to pretend
hope this doesn't exist. While you guys actively promoted is, is pretty incredible now speaking of workers. Now there is it. New york returning generalizations, who essentially dot andrew more thrown out of office on the basis of a report that wasn't big enough to actually prosecute but did allow her to. Essentially, pathway to herself to run for the nomination for governor in your chin, win obviously she has now decided that she's going to hold a drag story hour of an open to children. So you want to talk about now, wilkinson society, that is one aspect of wilderness. All the mechanisms of society are designed to oppress, not only lack americans and set its efforts when, but also algae, bt, q, americans, and thus we must fight back against the system. I indoctrinated the youngest members of our society to hate the institutions and believe that all rules, roles and responsibilities are wrong to now. new york attorney general. A tissue James is holding a drag queen event for children, along with a number of other elected officials. There. drag story, our zombies,
march nineteenth at the centre on west thirteenth street she'll be joined, by no less than four assembly members she'll be joined by no less than six council members, as a state senator officers proud host, drag story. Our redefine dream stayed in instagram post advertising, the event, but don't worry there not coming for your kids. Don't worry it's all figment of your imagination- is always a figment of your imagination, stupid game that they play. It's always a figment of your imagination and if you protest against it, well probably protesting answer, because your big it or because you just have a very lively imagination when you know is that there is an active attempt to recruit into woke ideology and you can find well well, that's probably as you know, get yours degenerating or you're, just crazy. Now, here s the thing most americans not in stand Most americans are not internet, and so this comes down to a battle between the works and the networks and, Won't you also have to include all the people who are gas, letting I'm have woken up to that
networks are going to win their just many many more of them. If this comes down to a cultural battle between Latisha James pondering, bragwaine story out for children, runs santa's and his idea? algae in florida, which is now making good on his promise to stop sexually oriented events directed at children, the sense is going to win tat s right bar. is now reporting governor dances and instruction and ford is now making good on its promise to target facilities. Allowing children to attend sexual explicit drag shows its eating provoke. The alcohol license of the hyatt regency in miami over a drag show that took place in December, which allowed kids to be in attendance according to the ray of complaint in question was a drag queen christmas, which the james l might central connected to the hotel giant december, twenty seventh per the complaint and promoted the shrug using targeted christmas theme, promotional material that did not provide notice s knee sexually explicit nature of this shows performance is rather, content then call attention to this was sexually exploited content or acknowledge it might not be appropriate for children. Respond
it's promotional materials unequivocally stated quote all ages. Welcome, apparently, during the show and in the presence of a person less than sixteen years of age, performers appeared on stage wearing sexually suggestive, clothing and prosthetic female genitalia. Apparently the prompt, women's also feature called numerous segments or performance. performers engaged in active sexual conduct. Such activity and loot vulgar and indecent displays, including performers, we penetrating or rubbing their exposed prosthetic female crests against the faces were oral cavities of audience members as well, simulating masturbation through performers digitally penetrating prosthetic female genitalia. It also note The sexually was the nature of the shows christmas songs, which included screwed off the red nibbled reindeer salad stuff there. From from these folks, targeting children really really good stuff and others If the floor has been cracked down on that as well, they should joke. Meanwhile, you know you guys can pretend that we don't know a weakness as we do. We see it and we see the consequences of it and that you guys our cruising for bruising I understand, you're going to put on threatening old man,
Joe Biden in order rebut accusations that radical, but it ain't gonna stop eating dynasty, what's coming, there's a wave coming and democrats our goal. Who earn beat me scorn of the american people, certainly have so far we'll get you more of this interest one second. First, it is increasingly difficult, days to fill your job roles is very difficult to find the best employees for your job. But not everyone has to be difficult to fill. That's because of zip recruiters zipper could have hoped to find the most qualified people for your rules fast right now, even tragical grew from free at separately. Reject come such daily wire supercool is met, technology helps you find most qualified candidates for wider variety of rules. If you if the candidate you like, he can easily send them. A personal invites they're more likely to apply their user friendly dashboard makes it easy to filter, review and rate your candidates. All from one place see why the majority of employers count on Ziprecruiter. We count on Ziprecruiter here at daily wire four fine clothes! You postpones a burglar, we'll get equality candid within day, one he's my closely whether dress to try to for freight, but does accomplish daily wire, a zipper dotcom, slash d. I oh why w I are easier programme is indeed the smartest
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I was very much struck by how the translation of the biblical writings jump started. The development of literacy across the entire world. Illiteracy was then known as the pastor's homeless, the first school in every morning and to begin singing the christian faith they just singing religion. Probably eighty percent of scripture memorization today exists solely because of what is said. This is amazing. Here we have a Gutenberg bible bible printed on the press of good science and religion are opposing forces in the world, but historically that has not been became. Now the book is available to everyone from shakespeare, to modern education, medicine and science to to civilization itself. It is the most influential book on the history, and hopefully, people can walk away with at least a sense of that.
Logos and literacy- it's amazing stuff. This is the part where normally I'd tell he. Logos and literacy is only available for our daily wear plus members. However, we are making it available for free, for everyone entails plus dont come right now, for only for a limited time, show watch jordan Peter his logos, illiteracy, today, a daily wire plus dot com, now get one of the things that the left is doing in order to prevent people from seeing the consequences of their own radical nature and in many of the things that they are doing, the radical is their trotting out of her. Appears on threatening. I've said this for literally years I said since twenty sixteen believer, not the best nominee for the democratic would be draw Biden. I said that specifically because he appears all than on threatening that's the best thing you can do. Have your Democrat, you have a very threatening programme. The best thing is try to somebody who appears elderly and infirm and unreasoning makes a very tough attacked dies, radical because, of course, no matter how radical he is. He also appears, though he is on the verge of death, Joe Biden increasingly says looks as though he is a wonderful corpse, while that that does great you. The ability to claim these not radical, afterall dead people are all that radical
He continues to trot out there and when I said trot I mean walk very slow, the carefully across linoleum, yeah. He yesterday was speaking in a sorry babbling again about doctors and nurses. He has the needs. can a rolodex of weird wines that it keeps using and its growing increasingly strange, are the nurses in the house or the nurse area. I look. I've been a significant consumer of health care of my family. Has doctors that live nurses, male or female, make you want to live. no I'm serious the single most underrated profession in america, nurses and then she breathed mire I want to live now. Now I before befallen die now life celebration Yes, I did this routine. I don't know this apparently there's a thing he does, what their people, who
in a balcony watching him, they told him not to jump which apparently as will discuss a moment, a thing he does quite frequently, as does the current president of the united states, it was yesterday darted earlier, not because the docks decisions, but because of other diseases Oh, I see all of their we don't job I within a virtue, jumping emmy. He is a terrible vigour, so maybe worthing. Those apparently is a thing he does all the time here is just a short montage of Joe Biden randomly telling people not jump from from higher and higher vat lloyd. I dont know if he is just channeling random cop on building a bridge what's happening here, but this it he's such a weird old. Do I'm sorry, he'll weird guy The Democrats, for a long time they kept saying Donald from, was weird. Ok, fine, gotcha also this guy's, weird, I'm sorry Japan's a weirdo. Here we go
my grandson blow up there, my grand daughter, don't let em job and we dont job, don't job, no No, you don't. It's hey man, don't job! You look crazy enough to job bell. Job, don't drop our don't jump down job. What is as warranted around, don't jump and don't jump from up there, Well, meaning that is one way to put an elderly and and face phase on insanely nutty route. legal regimen that you are seeking to pursue all that does of course, once again raised the question as
whether the republicans are going to run somebody who is capable of meeting this doddering elderly. And women, and that right, I say again this year: was to be effectively speaking it man raised at this point. I think that all of the talk about other candidates or getting into the race so far must run. His answers falls down on the job is basically a race between trump and its answers. That is what all the poles are showing right now. I suppose that are showing trumped up there, other posts that are showing distances narrowly up its like the momentum right now is with the scientists. The way that you can tell is by the sort of desperate gambits at from has been pulling as recently yesterday, chip roy Emily endorsed round his answers. He character It is called vibrant and energetic leader with the faith, vision and courage to chart a new course that, of course, the same bright, friendly rebellion against mccarthy, a speaker and actual busy the claw away from Mccarthy a bunch of concessions to the freedom caucus kip royce at his style of no nonsense, government and fearless rejection of work. A conventional wisdom has demonstrate an appeal to almost based on our shared values as miracles, but
this answers makes clear it will meet our nations commander in chief of the kind of resolving sober strength that has produced peace through strength, right statement. renewed quote, America has been built upon and defined by. The sacrifices have one generation for the next one: people, Jews are twenty twenty four presidential nominee intent. support against Joe, nor any other democratic. I believe it's time for new generation of leadership is for younger, but proven leadership to offer america eight solid yours and transformational change. That's too pennant sides wipes at trump right there why its sides webs sideswipe number one. As he says, we need somebody younger until he makes a pretty good point here, which is you know, it'd be great if we nominate someone who can serve eight years have to from a run and win. You can always four wouldn't be better to have somebody who did surveillance and not a terrible argument. Meanwhile, Donald trump of course, of preparing his own push again, rounded answers. You been going on same weird. Things like Charlie Chris was an amazing governor of florida and then you speaking I want, and he says it: you're, and his men,
I can give you the ethanol subsidies. Now I wouldn't care. Normally. He literally said that she said I don't really care if I understand his we'd give you the ethanol, but since we're in iowa, I care right now, if you were running a taste great but he's running shoes terrible like from just says the quiet part out loud, which is one of the hilarious things about him. While now beautiful thing about actively having no centralizing principles of its again, that its from any side of any issue so now believe it or not down from the allies, are trying to legal complaints against rhonda, santa's, formerly accusing him a violating state ethics and election laws with his presidential campaign. So the president of the united states claimed at state election laws have been geared against him and that he is being unfairly targeted by a wide variety of election officials, ranging from new york to georgia, is now trying to use the same election laws to target round his hands his man, that is a person with with enormous amounts of that intestinal fortitude and very little capacity for shan't, big amerika. Great again ink is failing a fifteen page complaint with the floor to commissioner on ethics. Addressed
the which was obtained exclusively by NBC needs. Not only are they do is there now leaking it's the same. Mainstream media legacy alex down from hate this war asked the commission to probe whether the super packed his personal lucrative bookstore and continued with state level campaign. Contributions are unlawful because they serve his personal political objectives which, by the way, well? The answer is no. This does not violate the law. Every candidate who is currently sitting in federal office who's, considering a presidential run, is doing many of these same things. Meanwhile, trump is preparing an extensive oppo file on Randy. incommodious according to politico again the fact that that, from Spain it uses legacy media outlets as his sources of looks like the santa steam. They don't even talk to the legacy. Media the consternation and rage of the legacy media, read they're constantly putting out stories about how TIM de Santis is leak free. They won't talk to us. Why won't they talk to us? They need to talk, doesn't just talk to us. Meanwhile, trump just do you like us, if not a shock. on the phone half its presence with maggie haber men of the new york times, while simultaneously decrying maggie hitman of the new york times, The political
the ally pack are preparing an expansive apple research file by poring over the senses. Record is prosecutor member of congress and floated governor among the it. A trump ally group has drilled into its senses record, while serving as an assistant Yossi attorney before running for congressional office, with plans to accuse me of being an extremely lenient prosecutor. In cases involving, among other things, chaplain, Good luck with that seriously. Good luck dad you sought on child pornography. Ah is the are currently barring. in from doing drag, shows for children and and were high it and he is, and he's soft on chopper good seriously. Good luck with that one, well, we'll see how this up, how this fight inside public and party plays out overtime, obviously were keeping an eye on it. Meanwhile, most absurd site of the day. Yesterday came courtesy of Dylan mulvaney. Now you will recognise dilemma of any from such. therefore videos. At that time. I got the president of the united states to talk about how I was woman even on a man or alternatively,
I got the president of the united states to endorse transit to children. I don't know of any had a one year anniversary party, it was one year as a girl. Whose dilemma of any date three sixty five live as a cabaret show at the iconic rainbow room in new york, and and indoor mulvaney, dressed up as woman put his hair as though he was audrey hepburn and wore a sort of classic looking down and then proceeded to do a bunch of musical cabaret numbers. and concluded with this particular number in which many of the daily wire voices in host are featured point. the joint mulvaney is in fact a dude masquerading as a woman and doing so to the great applause and claim of a crowd and making money off this and doing by it by pushing the lie, the boys can become girls. Girls can become boys so Dylan mulvaney sure about the accusation, It's only mulvaney is actually an attention seeking narcissist who desperately want everybody to give him money for being a fake girl for a year which, by the way, is it precise, what's happening if you
Yet this was this was to celebrate dylan moving. one year as a girl. You know what my job Instead on their one year as a girl anniversary, they had the first birthday party and they did brad there one year old, you can't be one year as a girl when your dude? But that's the whole point right? I mean that the whole point here is too is cheap. ultimate face tat, you syndrome. What if you act as though you're a girl? Wait what have you masquerade using all of the stereotypical ideas about women You play a you play act being girl for a year, and then you get all sorts of contract from from mascara companies will meet with the president of the united states in your better woman than all of the women and you're a hero you're a hero of the of the republic, but isn't it doing it for personal benefit at all. Personal benefit has nothing to do with it, and it's not about attention seeking it all is just about how you feel on the inside, which is why you would do a cabaret show like full on with castration and everything at the rainbow room and apparently actually charged ticket prices is one I've learned. Apparently that was reported
to do things like this care is doing mulvaney at yesterday pour, and you know what I'm feeling lucky. Let's google, my name the and don't nobody goes back of a screen and someone is changing his outfit for him because it column, Havana, any is intentionally degrading women every time he does. This woman face minstrel show routine that one can they use woman and become one of the most in central women in america in just six months, a wearing dresses and ironing his hair, the patriarchy he's wins gang and there is Dylan. Mulvaney as audrey hepburn, the difference being that audrey hepburn was an actual woman with a vagina. Why? What give them even a second of your big day. While these are the people who have to deal with on a regular basis, so I thought I should examine, but
doesn't mean you have to listen to them. What I've always loved the little constructive criticism. Maybe there's nothing constructive about that. That is not just criticism. Its indoctrination, tray, and non binary. People have been around for thousands of years, and doing more than you think don't have any than sayings. and to make it. Nor can we paused there. I mean it something that might make people feel a little bit uncomfortable. Trying really hard maintain a relationship with god. I don't think they made a mistake with me in that maybe one day I will actually be grateful for being trans, that this isn't some curse, but it's just a different path to the same destination.
This is all prescriptive guys. Obviously, parties, like literally the music stopped window of any, wants to have his little chat. His relationship with god, which has not come up. im aware in any of his other public sort of appearances. But now it's so personal, it's so personal. The criticism is all personal you're doing this in public in a scripted setting that you are charging money for It's an amazing thing: If you don't believe that this has to do with earning money at all for the want of any. It is just purely dillon many beings on them? I ask a question: why is this person? add deals for being a man masquerading as a woman. Also, at the end of the oh well, then you joy that these are going variety at the end of the show. Mulvaney joyfully declared that she is ready to start her journey of womanhood. She recently told varieties mark vulcan part of her new chapter will be scaling back from tiktok and exploring new artistic endeavours. She hinted that one possibility could be creating a musical series in the vein of set in the vein of smash. You mean that,
person is gonna, make an entire career at a pretending to be. No, no, you shock me. It was all just a personal decision about the interior in the interior. Gendered is for you, this trouble person and everybody just and that he is a woman for his own mental health. But has nothing to do with brand has nothing to do with fame. Hasn't it if you ever the show smash. I totally could see myself doing sort of a tv show with singing where I play myself said: mulvaney on the red carpet, you'd be very dramatic. A camp yeah this is at it's it's also, it's also authentic guys to its also offer. This is an authentic woman and authentic, authentic woman and again the whole point for the left. Is you personalize the political and then insist that nobody said a damn thing, because it might be offensive, it might be, it might make people feel bad. So you take a bullet. we'll statement like a man can be a woman and every time to be taught that a boy can be a girl and every child should be treated as essentially non binary or your forcing sis gender ism upon them. You take that extraordinarily radical position, and then you tell us but down into the life of a person.
like a dilemma waiting and then, if you critique this by saying to them, Albany is in fact a man masquerading as a woman and making lots of money for doing so. Then this would be your mean, you're cruel, it's bad! Is it it's a perverse little game, and when you are five dollars a pop to watch Dylan mulvaney sing scripted show about how how cheerful and I don't know of any, is over videos of me and matt walsh in canada ones. I I believe you number one Believe you, number two. I think it making money. Often sending you don't great and number three you're, making a broader political point that has an impact on any one else, as ives, as I have said before, three people. In our day to day, life is a different question from serious political questions that are impacted by very famous people, saying things that have inherently blip. You are sitting with the new president of the united states and promoting to go agenda. Stop pretending that what you do has no impact on any one else. It is not true. It is fundamentally andrew. You know that, of course, which is why you're doing it ok time for something
I like, so the works are pathogens a wide variety of institutions, but it is good when occasionally, an institution has enough the centre. Self preservation office surrendered to itself. One of those institutions, the national autobahn societies up when you think about the national autobahn society, you probably think of birds, rather it's probably what you think up, because that's what the national autobahns society does there all about their conservation group about birds. Do you then slavery, giving the evils of slavery, probably not because why you, because, if you actually noticing by the autumn, society has been most of the time looking at their nest, pictures of birds, apparently the works very upset, because james autobahn was a slaveholder, and so what they now want to do is an is take his name often the ottoman society that that he founded. and the national are one to too great credits had not we're not going to do that according to what, in post, the move comes as about half a dozen of the organizations. Regional chapters have pledged to scrub his name from their titles. Part of a broader reckoning, reckoning reckon is what Where is the media loved used a reckoning is such a state is
just an audaciously radical move to obliterate history it'll reckoning the reckoning has come. Revenge over the: u s: environmental movements, history of entrenched racism. National audubon societies, twenty six percent board of directors voted retain its current name during a zoom meeting on Monday, after more than a year of deliberating in gathering feedback from both members. Now outsiders, susan as chair of the board to bright a breakdown of the final vote, and it has come to not just one person but brought eleven birds. Nature said bell: we must recognize the races legacy of John John James autobahn at the man get mean you can put up a black saying that this guy also had a lot of real problems in the sky, thy lot real bad things, but can we stop pretending that but who do bad things? Don't also do good things. Are they ST didn't exist or that the first pillar people have ever lived have lived in our generation. In a sign of internal strife, three board members resigned after the organization chose to The name, activism, and outside of the organization called upon. The group suggests auto bonds named after a month.
Conducting listening sessions in serving people in both camps, the national organizations board of directors decided that the monica is nearly synonymous with avian conservative conservation movement and be abandoned? Well, yes, I mean, of course, that happens to be true. It was his his pictures of the of things. The ivory build woodpecker that made people even aware of the presence of these birds, but apparently now they are saying that that, because he was an unrepentant in slavery and opposition is an apple in opponents of the abolitionist movement I mean just now Take his name office thing. I'm sorry does it. Good for the national airline society for saying no to seriously to do this is so stupid and other things that I like. So there was point a movie called willow. Ok, it was called classic. The movie I came out in nineteen, eighty eight Never seen it don't know the movie from Adam not like really don't know anything about. It was second produced by george. Look as it was directed.
Run, howard, start val, kilmer, etc and m. It wasn't like a major hit in its time. That's not your! Actually, it did well. In its, I met a bunch about thirty five million, but he made by two hundred and forty million bucks at the box office. And so they decided because whose head of his called classic that they were going to release a series of an anti disney plus, but in order to make it modern so Neither has the ability to make things you update things. Instead of updating plots and running new plan for old blood character What disney has basically decided is the best way to update every story. To re racialized characters will make them gang is the best update a story, you don't actually have to change any of the underlying beach for patterns. You don't actually have to think of new and and stories for the characters that people knew and love. Instead, what you do is just make them black or gay, and if you do that, then Actually people will love it now, yet see the strategy actually work for disney.
I'm confused? Why? They think that this is a great strategy and obviously it only works. One way right: you're not going to have princess tiana, suddenly be cast as white in the new in in a live action princess and the frog you'll have every cast his black in the little mermaid again I'll. Do these broad does it make a large scale difference, No, it does make a large scale difference, but it's obviously a move to to garner attention. It also is a sort of a weird bargaining move, because every single small girl who has a pig in her head what area looks like from little mermaid sees a white girl with red hair, relic again, archetype. That's that's what has that was literally the animated movies are taking on switching at all what you can do it whatever, but trying to pretend that that is like the up, area who ground groundbreaking, earthshaking and well, then you some people are well chosen, really look on the original. You noticed. Didn't you you! I love that it so important. We do these things so important that we t willow and then, if you know like I'll bet, you noticed, in fact you noticed- means the euro. Europe
we all know that you noticed not when we noticed and then nobody watched so willow has now been council, which is why this isn't things I like it. meet the company's threshold in terms of buzz and now willow. It has been put on the chopping block, of course, willow originally designed as as a show for like young teens. according to empire online and caught up with the title character years after the original movie and saw him drawn into a new quest to face a resurgent threat. Now then my impression of the of the movie willow is that willow was not exactly directed at twenty five year old will was directed, attains so A clause was promoting l dvd. storylines in characters to young teens and turns a lot of people like now not into it's announcement, algiers equipped from willow. The failed show after one season I love you
lesbian scenes going out over here at some jerk just what I just when people, apparently we're not super fond of watching, so obviously the critics who loved it, because as long as you dump in enough of this sort of stuff, then the critics are super into an eighty. Three percent on rotten tomatoes cancelled after one season, so well done disney yet again, taking a property that may have had some value in completely robbing it of any and all value, just slow, clap for these guys. Okay time for some things, I hate already so jazz jennings. Was the first very, very famous trans, kid judge, this was the star of the seas. I m jazz and em This person is hedge tragically said life truly tragically sad, life, Jennings is a is a male and decay, himself transgender at the age of five and his parents decided that they would now make him, a very famous transkei and wreck his life. So just
It has now been through a bout of hormone treatment, many surgeries, etc jazz. twenty two years old and is not happy, which is just a shop, a true shock. according to right by the currencies and follow Jesus of your weight, gain and adventures in dating a romance now, twenty two years old and a student harvard the reality the star, has tried dating men, are revealed who is attracted to a woman in the latest episode, which would technically make him a man. A straight man is what this would technically make him on, but good news, his parents completely aftermath So I so here is I hears jennings expressing in and suffering because, again not really really bad recipe, and the wishes of a five year old, showing who don't know what the hell they are talking about, then immediately shoveling them in front of cameras for your own sick and perverse glorified. And then shovelling them full of hormones and in getting in surgery that the debt turns out. It's a really really bad idea. You know I can't get out of my enough now. Listen, I tell dozens thought
It's ok, it's you! I know what you're going to happen there, nor will it still doesn't stop now and know marty going back to get it, but you were you taught me: microsoft gets harder, digging out in your it's making you put it, we find glass and what's already difficult as it is. So this is worked for you, I know, and you don't we don't want to say no, I'm the one doing it like. I know you're your own worst enemy feel kind of all over the place and, like my mind, is very slaughtered and not clear and I really want to have that clarity. I really wanna under sound myself and be able to read my own soul in what I one and it has very challenging. I think I'm kind of breaking down a little bang borrowing into negativity. I just one filling this vital. Like that's my hair splitting it all. I want is to be happy and feel like me, and I don't feel like Where are you yeah yeah? That's a that's him.
Few things one putting children camera is all the terrible idea and there's a way. The privilege every child actor ends up screwed up. It is a very bad idea put that next year. The fact This kid was experiencing apparently general confusion at a young age and then the passage of feature biscuit on national television and then to transition is get over the course of years on national television are, you are you exactly chart that, jazz jennings has serious personal crises is a person who it has extraordinary way gain to his sexually confuse. Two is binge eating, gained nearly a hundred pounds and and has had multiple surgeries, including after they, gender reassignment surgery, complicate there are quite another follow up procedure to again. These are our surgeries that struck, fake genitalia, amended, but don't worry, about. Mental health guys tell us all about its all about what's best for the kids. Clearly, this apparently abort you what the man Lieutenant governor, petty peggy, flanagan wage
so. She came out yesterday and, as she said, that the most important is apparent is two apparently grew like anything you're done child want. This is life affirming and life saving healthcare. When our children tell us who they are, it is we're job as grown ups too. Listen and to believe them. That's what it means to be a good parent. No, that is one hundred percent, not what it means to be a good parents is factually speaking, What it means to have to be good parent is due to listen to your child when they tell you who they are and believe them and then facilitate them. That's a stir. What is garbage I ever heard as a pair of three soon before that's nonsense. my three year old daughter for a year stop sky from paw patrol Does that mean that I should like throw her off
Roof and a helicopter to see if she was going to fly. No, because that's idiotic children, don't know things, this is why they are children. It is your job to protect them. It is not your job to facility their everyone is makes you. Definition a bad parent, but again this is part parcel of the of the broader left wing attempt to substitute A sort of tabular rosa version of life for civilization itself and the purpose. Just me, a civilised gets now gets. The purpose of parents is to simply, continued. You two green light. Whenever kids wanted you, sometimes it fosters left when social agenda, my goodness, that's it that's an insane line and that, of course, all in pursuit of sex changes for minors, subjects genius home stuff here I already guys. The rest of the shows continue right now: you're, not gonna, wanna, miss it we'll be getting into the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become a member use code, Shapiro check out for two months: rental annual plans, click the link in the description and join us. yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-03-23.