« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1673 - Biden Unleashes His Most Racist, Dangerous Executive Order


Joe Biden issues a transformative executive order designed to embed “equity” in every nook and cranny of American life; a shocking number of social media videos emerge showing children beating the living hell out of each other at school; and Biden garbles his message in Ukraine.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden issues, a transformative executive order designed to embed equity in every nook and cranny of american life. A shocking number of social media videos emerge showing children being living hell out of each other at school and biting garbage. His message in ukraine- and this is the venture- show- the folks how much been watching beats, eight of social media videos that have emerged over the course of the last couple of years of kids beating the living hell out of each other at school, but this seems to be happening at accelerating rape and accuracy. to there a couple issues. One is the social media, spate of videos themselves, there's the actual videos and of course, Those who become more prominent because everybody now has a camera on their phone, narrow postings, their instagram or tat, are snapchat or their tik tok. All of these fight, the other, is the increased. Happening of violence and in there's an enormous amounts violence that is now happening in american school.
This video after video incident after incident, and we have to be asking ourselves why exactly this happening right now, so the most widely covered incident was an incident that ended with a young fourteen year. Old girl, actually killer, herself, according to the europe of official, that these central regional school district in ocean counting new jersey are bracing for housing outrage today, in their first school board meeting since a bully, its he named andrea cook killed herself earlier this month. will hold a moment of silence for the fourteen year old girl. She died by suicide february. Third, after a video of her attack, was shared on social media and they're, going to a point in superintendent to replace the old superintendent resign last week Hence, backlash was attempts to shift blame for adrian, as it does to her own family. Now again, it is hard for me to believe that a kid is only coming. Suicide because of a video. But if you have kids already vulnerable, and then there are social media videos of them getting their asses get and they're going broad. Obviously that has an impact on the kids
in here is a the video. You can see this kid. This girl just getting really beat up at school again, then this went viral The girl is she's on the ground cowering and you can see these other girls. Apparently it was a she's hit in the face with a claudel. Kick it slapped and then she blacks out as she lies there on the four she's, even taunted by one of her attackers with you. Yes, do. What makes the attack even more tragic is that the victim Adriana kush. Took her own life. So a former staffer at this high said there were days when I break free three fights before whom even started just not just this fight. He starts to fight to become unbelievably common, and Russian did nothing to see these sorts of things happening all over the place. For example, there was
a beating in new york city school that was caught on tape and again this this became a ashley. Let me become national news stories in this particular video appealing york police said charges are pending against a middle school student was caught on video beating a much smaller students. The ground with his body. Video shows the children's interacting with a school bus, and it happened and other students walking around as they tolerated and gravity and bangs him on the ground scurries away after the attack or, for example, there is a that from virginia school bus in which a seven greater is being choked by another student here was one in five. Students is, Later this twelve year old little boy is, one of them was a child and a school bus by an older girl student. Now his heartbroken ma miss speaking with. Inside addition, she says her son is traumatized both physically and mentally ill. shocking video taken on a school bus at rural
say to it with a much smaller than begins to choke him. I would think that they were expelled. Her for ya strangling my son gear as saddened. Depressed school district in Virginia tells inside addition, the school The handled the situation in line with the student discipline manual came by Apparently the mom said they try to downplay everything. They tried same we'd everything we could. We took the proper safety measures, but they actually didn't. They didn't tell the teachers in the the more they make sure my son was safe, you still seeing her in the hall and still seeing her in the cafeteria. They did nothing or there's another case, and that is all within the last couple of weeks into all these videos are. fairly recent and you had a situation in kentucky in which for middle school students were discipline. After trying to beat up a schoolteacher with hockey sticks fight with hockey sticks according to w g, our p m. We will kentucky involving students and staff member is caught on video at Maisie middle school, the videos,
several students in the dollar using plastic hockey, six in the gym entering a back and forth we won swung six or jabbed backing for the staff member eventually ones for novices the students chase behind is calling for instead by the principle here. Some take a fight with hockey stakes envy we several students and staff member was caught on video at mosaic middle school, the footage with shared with w reactors being shared online? Tonight you can see several students and adult musing, plastic hockey sticks and jim during a back, and worth everyone is swinging mistakes or jabbing back and forth. The staffer eventually run toward an office. As a student chases behind the principal called the incident unfortunate in a letter that was sent home to parents, it said for students were disciplined These tapes generally are blurred by media because they involve minors and there's another case,
In delaware, in which a thirteen year old girl, apparently according to six a b c dot com, is recovering after she was violently jumped inside her classroom in Stanton middle school in Wilmington, delaware, the videos being by dollar state police as part of their investigation. Apparently that, I have special needs and the school failed to protect her. Then the fight happened last week on her daughter's third day at the new school. According to the mom while surmounting majority and watch going get kicked in the head and watching your friend get kicked him ahead, and they think that this is ok There are threats that written on the whiteboard before any of this happen by some of the other students, or there is a case in miami day in which a teenage boy was accused. Beating a girl on a school bus is a fifteen year old boy, and apparently, whose attack a nine year old girl on the school bus earlier this month. Here some of that aid, we are told that this student in the video that's getting bead on. She is a third grade student here, I'd cocoanut palm case eight academy in home step. Now again, as you mentioned, the video is difficult to watch, just a warning: let's take you there, so you can see for yourself. This did happen.
Yesterday it happened wednesday. We have blurred the faces of the students to protect them. Now this video shows group of children on board a school bus, they are arguing one minute. The next and other suited begins punching on a little girl repeatedly. Then another suit and jumps in and pommels that little girl, the victim is nine years old if it feels like society is falling apart. That's because it kind of it, but there are policy reasons why this is happening now, don't get too then just a second one, those policy areas, is the fact that the people who run the economy are also the people have decided what school policy ought to look like running the economy or, of course, running the economy into a ditch. The stock market took a serious tumble. Yesterday, the expectations are, there will be a massive interest rate increase over the course of the next couple of months. It is that is likely to happen is likely to continue happening through the end of the year. There are lots of reasons. Why should versify into something that does not rely on government largest, and this is why I've never at least part of my portfolio into precious metals. You should do the same with my friends over at birch gold, old, withstands, inflation
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schools and our raising concerns about their own safety students having called guns, the weapons on campuses in several high profile incidents. Schools meetings in twenty twenty one, though still very rare, on track to surpass their pre pandemic high. So what exactly is happening? Well there there is no national representative data set to confirm their been more violent incidents, but We do know that the most recent federal collection on school safety found that some types of violent crimes were on the rise as twenty seventeen twenty eighteen school years. This is part of a broader trend. Now this is still what it was in the nineties and the early two thousands, but it is a reversal of the downward trend, that we actually saw in school violence- and that is not shocking During that we have seen a reversal of the trend in general societal, wide violence, teachers. Supposing educators going to a now, and their seeing an increase that is roughly parallel, the return of most students to in person learning. So what exactly is happening here? answer is fairly obvious. What is happening here is that equity is being imposed on our schools. Equity is being imposed,
school discipline is one area in which we can see the results of equity. The reason that you are seeing more kids beating each other up is because school principles and administrators that apartment edge nation state education officials. They have decided they no longer wish to least behaviour in the classroom, because a disproportionate share of the kids were being suspended or expelled archives of color. That is an actual argument that is made by the left, and their answer to that is that we should keep violent kids or kids, what trouble making or kids who are disturbing others learning in the classroom. Now this has a real impact, largely the minority kids, when keep kids who are not people of handling themselves in a classroom in the classroom, yet you're focusing on that one can I get it, but your ignoring the other thirty kids were in the classroom. When you are is to suspend or expel kids were beating living hell out of each other, What you are doing is incentivize and has to be the living hell out of each other, and everyone is scare bleep. Less of the federal government coming in
suggesting that racism is being enacted in the hallways of middle schools. If the principal suspend somebody who's going to fight, it is an unfortunate ray. buddy of life in a disproportionate share of the violent incidents that are happening on highest, or middle school. Elementary school camps is, are happening among and and by students of color, and is it That is a serious seidel problem, but it does. The solution to that to say that you dont want to police that in schools is essentially the same thing as defined the police when it comes to the actual streets of the united states, when kids are doing bad things to each other, you cannot allow them to continue to do bad things to each other, but this again Hardly overall proposal by divine demonstration, the obama administration before it to essentially curb the ability of teachers, administrators and school officials to stop violence in the classroom. It's part of an actual overall policy
Factors has a good piece by was big talking about this, as blue state and sydney legislators around the nation race to pass laws that lesson. Penalties faced by young people for committing criminal acts Should beware of the surging violence in and around schools as followed europe's past g20. Seventeen of the raise the age act nor extends Legislation raise the age of criminal responsibility to eighteen years old, a sixteen or seventeen year. Old offender would no longer be prosecuted as an adult. The change was supposed to promote fairness. if the sale comes from. Sixteen and seventeen year olds should improve following the implementation of the raise. The age not worsen, declares the mayor's office website, but that is not been. The case raised the age led to more, not less teen violence and, of course that is not a particular shock. criminal gangs are taking advantage of the law in new york. They recruit under age. People in orange go commit crimes knowing they are not going to pay a penalty so farther. Here are: three young people have died dying at least eighteen others have been shot were standing gang, related incidents in it
in the city, schools an exponential rise from last year. This is all part of a broader rubric that is equity based and pushed by the social left. The route, which is a very left wing site, focuses on race issues. They put up videos like doesn't, and this has been again a talking point- I'm left for the last ten years, or so is only that it reflects. Candy has talked about unless it's it's something that you see building. We had a john about the school to prison pipeline in the argument. Goes something like this: kids in school, misbehave teachers label label them bad kids. These kids end up being suspended or expelled. They end of committing crimes, and then they end up in. And so we have to stop disciplining kids in schools, the disciplines goals. The problem here is a very the route has put out on youtube, explaining these so called school to prison pipeline, whether it's getting arrested for talking back for its duly on the desk. in school policing is harming students by taking them out of school and helping funnel them into presents its called this
all to prison pipeline words. about a structure of closing punishments that criminalizing kids, earliest priests and increases, their chances of ending up in the criminal justice system Ninety nine percent of new york city school children who were handcuff twenty sixteen or black relax. This happens when school resource officers are caught in the classrooms to discipline students. Sometime for something as small as violating addressed clothes or grabbing candy from a teachers desk. Ok, so the idea here again is it you're being punished for things. They shouldn't be punished for it and it's all racially buys now. They never ask in this video how many of the people who are hand tell me, the kids were handcuffed in twenty. Sixteen who lack or that next actually deserve behind, got right. How many of them had actually committed crimes, the worthy of being of the basic idea- is that so long as there is a desperate impact and policy, the impact itself means that
policy is really really bad, and this is it This is an idea that has been picked up at the highest level of our governments or, for example, an apartment, education official in Caleb Patrick. She says racism is big into school discipline It should not be any bones about this dialogue. to this school office to be interviewed from his job, and I thought a black boys, black boy sitting in the office in silence. Doing nothing learning that thing and they had been sent, thereby teachers, because that in some way, broken rules the school. The plant is a symptom of a racist impunity system that often fails to see children ass children. Instead of helping didn't, learn and grown from mistakes, educators them into the office or send them home, or even sometimes called the police and black seas are more likely to be offended affected by that I'm black rollers six times more likely to be suspended from school.
in their five times more likely to be arrested at school. In my girls, they and the nebraska question well, is very behavioral discrepancy. That explains the disparity, not every disparity, in fact, discrimination. Instead, the solution from left always and forever is equity and the sitting Is this a great excellent example of how equity policy ends up? They were life for everyone, including minority students at schools for now adrian violence and ending, kicked out of the classroom, because the incentive structure is to do that sort of thing or there the schools and are not the ones who are violent, they're just invited shit scenario now they're more violent kids in the school. All this is a disaster area. Talk about something: it should not be a disaster area. That, of course, is your skin quality. For for people like me, I don't get it get bags under my eyes. I can tell the genocide, skin care helps me. Genocide was born from its founder in a small new jersey. Towns are favoured one of his pharmacy customers using rare
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in two thousand and twenty one told adweek. At the same time that Adweek was hanged by the way there's been a spike in violence in schools. Have you noticed? U s? Department of education announced that they plan to explore fair in school discipline: reopening one, the most contentious education, civil rights debate. In recent years, the agency announced agenda twenty one, a plan to seek public comments on discipline and school climate and how to best support and bill. Schools capacity to promote positive, inclusive, safe and support of school climate in a nun discriminatory manner. Now how we talk Elimination is happening, we'll just look at the stats. If more black kids per capita and white kids per capita are getting disciplined at school, then this means racism. Now, no one ever asked white is the more white kids per capita than for example, asian kids per capita are getting disciplined at school because that would completely blow up the narrative. The narrative, of course, is always that that america is a white privilege country. and we never pay attention the fact that there are actually a lot of minority groups in the united states that outperform traditionally caucasian people in the united states as group, but the idea is that we can now
look to actual underlying cause it. So the actual, underline caused by way of physical violence are pretty simple single. There is a major cause of school violence. We don't have to in the home to actually discipline. It is a serious problem is particularly true for young boys, but it's also true for young girls. that social media is really bad and social media in school is really bad. Kids should not have access to internet away. Mobile phones in school, the school's place for learning skills, not a place where you take a video of your friends, kicking the crap out of you, and then posted on social media and yes, equity policies which get rid of school resource officers and tie the hands of administrators and by the way even schools want to suspend or expulsions. They do not particularly public schools. Do you know how the money gets allocated? Money gets allocated to me, schools in the united states based on the attendance of the students. So if a bunch of kids don't show up at school, the school typically gets less money which, by the way
It's one of the reasons why you see. Sometimes schools actually inflating the stats on how many kids attend the school, though they'll pretend the people are attending or not, but the idea that en masse teachers are just wanting to throw kids out of the classroom for racist purposes. First of all are going to have to explain why a disparate share, our our our new york city, schoolteachers more racist and other places according the route. They are right. Ninety nine percent of the kids are ending up in handcuffs at all black and latin acts that next term no one has ever used, except for people like the route, but nobody father's death. So are the teachers, racist or the school administrators racist in new york? Is that, like the most racist place on earth, apparently nearly everybody there who's getting arrested is black or hispanic, but you're not supposed to mention the possibility that educational disparities, or behavioral disparities are a very real thing. Instead, you disposed to go along with the equity plan. This is why you have people like Brian shouts, the senator from hawaii writing a letter to the secretary of educational.
Barely twenty twenty two writing vote in support of the department education's efforts to improve school climate and safety consistent with civil rights laws. I encourage the department I provide clear guidance and recommendations to state educational agencies, local educational agencies, individual schools on policies on the use and school based arrests in addition, broader referrals of school disciplinary incidents to law enforcement authorities of never arrest? Kids, you should ever refer them for arrest. You should have reporting to the authorities again. This is insane. It is insane because again, disparity does not equal discrimination. I have the admiral back in twenty eighteen about this. She said in schools, Disparate impact analysis results in the conclusion. The racially neutral rules must nevertheless contain bias, because black students nationally are suspended at nearly three times the rate of white students. All the way back in two thousand and fourteen the obama administer relied on this method to announce that schools that suspended or expelled students at higher rates than white students were violet anti discrimination laws to understand absurd. That is look at you all county,
it has? The sun translate highest juvenile homicide rates? Seventy three kids, some as young as eleven been arrested for murder and manslaughter over the past decade. Black juveniles Eighty seven point: six percent of those arrests white made up eight percent. The black population in Duvall county was twenty eight point, nine percent in twenty two and why the white population was fifty six point. Six percent making black youngsters twenty one point six times more likely to be arrested for homicide and white youngsters. Is that because of racism in the criminal justice system This is the same exact logic that is now being applied across the government and it has horrible consequences using those consequences in the schools, not just by the way in optics. In the number of young black females males engaging in attacks and well, but the number of kids overall who are engaging these attacks, because if the new rule is nobody gets punished for attacking other kids in schools. What do you think is going to happen at schools? Can I point this out, because this is a tip of the iceberg. You and the second one, get you a lower on the iceberg issue which impacts. Although government what's happening edge,
It is now happening across the american government. Joe Biden has put forward an executive order to essentially turn the entire executive branch of the united states into a giant equity department. Time to promote policies like the ones you are seeing in schools that are resulting in more kids. Getting the crap kicked out of them. That sort of policy is now going to be applied government wide by Joe Biden administration, it's the single sweeping executive order that I have in my lifetime and it is perverse and it is racist. It's it's quite vile These are. These are things that that make you worry for your country for sure or if you are worried, not just for your country, if you're worried for your life as you should be because we all die, you should get some life insurance mean you could be walking down. The street one day, different flores only attack by an alligator now the alligator clamps, its job oz, around your your juggler. You start thinking at that I'm listening, the eventually russia- and I said you should get policy genius da
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was last week he jumped the waves. It was very little noticed, not reported on an executive order on further advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities through the federal government. Now it sounds like nice right I mean this is all hype talk jargon, advancing racial equity sense. I mean like what we would move. What rachel equity now what they mean by racial equity, is equal outcome by group identity, which of course, is nonsense. Why couldn't you? What when we hear racial equitable here is racial equality, meaning everybody should be treated the same on an individual level by the law, which we all agree with racial equity mean something different. It means that if there is a desperate impact of you have to change the law if a law is visually neutral It's every individual of the same, but criminals happen to, unfortunately be more prevalent. In particular groups in the population say men versus women, then, obviously that disparate impact and the law is to blame. any failure of alchemist ingram ex candy on steroids- it is the
It is the misuse of the most powerful branch of most powerful government in human history in order to research for all of american society along the guises of racial equity equity is not the same as equality. Equity is about social justice, not actual justice, which is the up as social justice is the opposite of actual individual justice. That's why it's called social as oppose just justice and support for underserved communities through the federal government? Again even the term underserved communities suggests that communities that are quote unquote underperforming is not because there are social pathologies that exist in cultures in particular communities, which there absolutely do and trying to pretend that the cultural attitudes toward education are the same in say: korean american household, verses, verses, inner city, black household, on average, now individually on average, pretending there are no doubt he's whatsoever is obviously sully. It's not true and has nothing
Brazen has everything to do with pathologies of culture that exist and again there are differences that are good. There are differences that are bad across cultures, but there's a difference that is particularly beneficial for asian americans, which is why they outperform academically. That is not because asians are genetically superior. It's because many cultures in a I actually value. Education can spend more time studying cards for a lot of pressure on their kids to study, parents are married more often in the asian community right. These are all things that contribute to the life of the child. We all understand this on an individual level as soon as you start talking about it. Socially everybody gets real quiet or it gets real nervous now, there's no reason be nervous about that stuff because it says nothing about race. It has thing to do with genetics has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with the ways in which people live in congregate, and those are all things that, if you wish, exceed you on an individual level. You can change those things, but that's not the buying administration thing that the abandoned restriction thinks that if one community is quote unquote underperforming, it must be
as they are underserved, because the federal government is essentially god. The federal government is going to fix all grievous injustices in the world and once right, every wrong there. Won't you fix every disparity, relieve the consequences of individual decision making to congregate by group. So what exactly does turbines new executive policy? Do? His new executive order is horrifying broad is a direct quote by advancing equity. The federal government can support power. All americans, including the many communities in america that have been underserved, discriminated against and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality. Now I love this sort of terminology that everyone in America who's a part of a of a minority group that is apparently not asians or Jews, that everybody is caught adversely affected by persistent poverty, as the poverty is a sort of weird disease that sort of descend on you at that attitude This is the precise opposite of inequality, attitude, which suggests that poverty is something that you can actually move,
against on an individual level by making a series of good decisions. A this. The success sequence that has come under attack by the left happens to be statistically durable if you do not wish to live in persistent poverty, you as an individual have to do three things and three things only in the united states, one finish high school, in the united states. That means like basically well to do some math and basically able to read because high schools in the united are are largely garbage, depending on where you are one finish: high school to get a full time job, but when the workforce don't be depended on the government, paycheck free, don't have babies before you're married that's it. Those are the three things you do. Three things will not be permanently poor in the united states Goodbye demonstration is not enough because it communities are being affected by persistent poverty and inequality, and I love it there being affected by inequality. Welcome to human life, where everyone is acted by inequality, their inequalities in literally every area of life. That does not mean that the inequality can be laid at the feet of the quota system,
times the inequalities, because a behavior, sometimes the it is, because the inborn differences between people I'm a five nine jewish I'm kidding I ain't playing in the b a anytime soon. By contrast, there are people who are not as smart as I am. Those people may not run a business, or these inequalities exist throughout human life and pretending that every human being is born. Identical is simply ridiculous. It is not now. That's one of the beauties of capitalism by the way is comparative advantage means that I q points, even if it might make you better at being a plumber. Then the plumber who lives next door. That doesn't mean that you should, rendered him plumbing immunity. Should first, the pointing to the guy who lives next door, and he can you really really well there's a lot of very wealthy plumbers, actually comparative advantage, the beautiful thing and allows people to find niches where no one else is filling the niche, however the person again of the bad administration, is that any inequality is result of bad policy, which is essentially a marxist viewpoint. The Biden race
de I executive order goes on. In short, my administration is embedded a focused. inequity into the fabric of federal policy making and service delivery embedded. It remember when we talked about the deep state under trump right there there's these bureaucracies and these bureaucracies existed in order to apparently thwart the will of donald trump from the state department to the iris. They existed to do the opposite of what donald trump wanted them to you. As president of the united states, japan, We thank you now stacking the federal bureaucracy with a bunch of people who believe in equity principles. Achieving rachel what he says. The by demonstration and support for underserved communities is not a one time project. It must be a man. tat generational commitment. This goes on forever. There is no actual input. There's the beautiful thing about arguing against persist, poverty and inequality. These things have always existed and they will always there will be people in poverty literally forever. as Jesus said, the poor will always be with you there, we'll all be some people who are doing less well than others. There will never be. point human history, everybody's earning the same amount of money, making the same antimony
exactly an identical lifestyle that is never going to happen. In fact, all efforts it getting that have ended with some of the worst horrors visit upon human beings imaginable, so and it turns out was a terrible place to live in a quiet. Inequality in prosperity is ahead. Lot: better inequality and poverty and oppression, but it's going multigenerational commitment than ever You can never reach full equality. You can never reach a point where there is no poverty. It must. The responsibility of agencies across the federal government has Joe Biden. It therefore continues to be the policy administration to advance and ambitious goal of government, approached racial equity and support for us, of communities and continuously embed equity into all aspects of federal decisionmaking. It's an idea! That's going to eat everything! You understand! Every single area, environmental policy, economic policy, school policy, as you see ensure the is altered, enemy actually reached, but war found your son, the following the star of equity, every agency of the government according to this document, quote, must ensure
haven't, played an agency equity team within their respective agencies to coordinate the implementation of equity initiative and ensure that their respective agencies are delivering equitable outcomes for the american people in every single agent. Now I have a question: where does the president of the united states have the authority to any of us? None of this was the authority given to the executive branch by congress. Nowhere in congress give the president of the united states executive authority to implement an entire policy prescription for all of regulatory. The government for generations. That is not a thing. The congress ever did is a massive seizure of power. It should be challenged in the courts when, first of all, it is violet of the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendments of the constitution. But beyond that the the legislature, I mean Kevin Mccarthy announced the better get their asses on this thing about reporting to build tomorrow, to repeal this executive order, enforced democrats to actually vote on this thing. Forced imagining kirsten cinema devote along with democrats to uphold a racial equity lens
all of american government when designing hoping acquiring and using artificial intelligence and automated systems says this executive order in the federal government. Since you shall do so consistent with applicable law in a manner that advances equity, so even a. I is now going to be given equity principles within which to operate the government. Why go a federal procurement dollars words, small business concerns owned and controlled by social and economically disadvantaged individuals shall be fifteen percent and fiscal year, twenty twenty five. So now the fat Government essentially going to engage in affirmative action when it comes to giving not giving when it comes to actual small business wants. So we are now going to look at What he saying is this company run by a black person? If so, you get the loan. If the company is run by an impoverished white person from ohio living these palestinians screw it not going to happen. This is him again. I can't stress this enough. Joe Biden openly says he wants to embed this in every single department of the federal government. Every single department there there are no depart
There are not affected by this executive order. So what you are saying in schools right now is in fact just the tip of the iceberg. It is a thing of the federal government. Would love to do two to every single area of american, like every single one. That equity focused leadership across the federal government. This agency equity teams, as the strike force exist within every single agency of the federal government are going to be making policy that privileges. Certain groups, above other groups, depending on Who is quite a disadvantage and which groups are quarterboat underserved, it is racist. Is terrifying be something that govern mccarthy and the house republicans get on right now, whatever they are due, is less important than this thing. Is you embed this rather federal bureaucracy for generations, and that is effectively the constitutional bargain anna bargain of the declaration of independence to boot again, just a second, gonna be getting to Joe Biden who, while he is trying to affect world breaking change, your at home is
abolishing the english language over in ukraine. First, you may have noticed that there are lots lot of emergencies that happen all the time lately and what I meant In turkey, what are you talking about a train derailment in ohio? Then there may be said actions that arise in your life, for you can't get to the pharmacy or where these supply chains break, and your pharmacy just doesn't have medication you need. This is why God got emergency medications from jail, medical, the FDA actually just declared a global shortage in certain medications and more. critical antibiotics are extreme short supply. Do yourself in your family favor get dj case. Right now is a pack of five prescription antibiotics you should have on here all time for common emergencies, visit jake's medical to conduct a few minutes to fill out their online form. This is, in fact, he's smart thing to do right. Having these medical, and on hand. In case god forbid. Something goes wrong, you're making a safe back, because something across the course the next week,
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we percent off, select items in the daily wire shopping and a lot of good gear over there. Take advantage of our presidents for sale. Sell today, just go to daily wear to commit slash subscribe, become a member. Today, it's daily wire dot com, slash right well, meanwhile, Joe Biden handed over to ukraine to the enthralled gasping, members of our media, wow, so bright. it's so risky. For him I mean he human, he literally more in the russian esteemed told the russians he is coming said they would not attempt to do anything to the plane or fire missiles into kiev, while while he was there, but it's super risky risky mic risk a lot, and so he he then obviously did not stay in ukraine. He gave speech in poland, and while he was speaking, he had some words about ukraine. This is his attempt to play strong leader negative. I'm I'm a supporter of amerika. support for ukraine, I believe that it is accomplishing many strategic goals for the united states to push russia as far out of ukraine as possible to break. russian military wilfer expansionism to dissuade the chinese
from invading taiwan proposed the idea that the united states is still invested enough. world politics to ensure, for example, freedom of the seas and free trade, All of those are important goals. I think Joe Biden is the wrong man for the job, particularly when it comes to his his rhetoric, like the obvious inconsistencies in the things that Joe Biden says and does are a real problem for his agenda. So you're mine was speaking yesterday and he had some sterling work that ukraine is that ukraine will never be a victory for russia, which ok, I mean great. or perhaps only understand one word? No, no! No my country nor europe take my freedom. No, you will not take my future and ivory. Tonight. What I said last year, the same plays a dictator, got every building an empire. Never be able to ease the people's love of liberty, brutality-
we'll never write down the wall of the free and ukraine. Ukraine will never be a victory for russia. Never ok. I mean inspiring stuff from the geriatric residents of the united states. Again, I I have some questions about his whole. Freedom will always win. Autocrats can only be dealt with by by force. They can only be opposed. You handed afghanistan to the taliban too I mean like I just can't get over, that I'm never going to get over the fact that everybody has sort of just skipped over that it skipped over the part where the president united states for no reason that is possibly comprehensible, decided. That would be an amazing idea to hand the taliban and haqqani network, which essentially all qaeda cobble tens of thousands of people who help It states leave hundreds of americans behind it. Thirteen american soldiers killed in the process. Like I'm sorry I I dont believe him I dont be like
right now, the cost of the united states is really low in ukraine. That is why all the talk about it's an endless wars in the united states has not lost a single soldier in this war because we don't have boots the ground in harm's way in ukraine, in united states has been signing tracks. Signing tracks to watch, Russian military get a task. Eg is actually a pretty good deal for american geopolitics. That said is Joe Biden's word worth worth. Pretty much anything it it's hard to look at his record and and say yes, meanwhile, Joe Biden says ukrainian flags are flying all across amerika did. The irony here is is kind of rich the same people I would say disproportionate The people were flying ukrainian flags in america feel very uncomfortable. Outlying american flags in america here is Joe Biden, If people are united in our resolve as well across my country, big cities, small towns, ukrainian flags flying of american homes over the past year. Democratic republic- is that our united states congress,
have come together to stand for freedom. That's all americans are: What on earth do again, I'm off for the american stands for for freedom. Retaining we, I think, These speaking america does. That is our long term goal. However, the american flags are flying and ukrainian flags of flying in america is becoming virtue signal for a lot of people on the left, particularly to What's going on in ukraine when we all know full well by the way their down from president will be precisely the opposite situation, everything's gotten so partisan. Now donald trump said? Ok, we're going to send support to ukraine, then many I feel like this- is the interventionism. It's it's nonsense. It's only because Donald trump was was working with. Then then we got to Joe Biden's great gaffney. So here he was yesterday failing to speak the language of english america,
being tested, NATO is being tested. All democracies are being tested. The questions we face are as simple as they were profound wouldn't respond or what look the other way. Would it strong, orderly wig. Would we would would we be all our allies would be united or divided? one year later we know the answer. We did response we weren't we draw. We won't be united the world would not. What would we have been able to absorb arab world? We were already where Madame's him I do enjoy the fact that occasionally, our president breaks into louis Armstrong, like scat militants speeches like rarer, One question
The question is why, but I sob and debit you it is. It is enjoyable. Ok, so here is one of the problems again, the pra all for supporting ukraine in the war against russia to the best of our ability to achieve American's american strategic goals, not ukrainian strategic goals. American strategic goals, a problem is: what is the offer 'em? I keep saying the same things for months. What does an off ramp? Look like what is the strategy to get to and offer ample? Yesterday NATO's chief said we are concerned to china is going to involve itself in our arming russia directly, which does in fact rod mc conflict and makes things kind of awkward we are also increasingly concerned about shine off. Maybe planning to provide little support for russia. Also wore put in must not win that would show that aggression, works and force is awarded. it would be dangerous for our own security and for the whole world, not any of it.
That dangerous than you. I want to think about like how do we get to the end of this thing? Vassar, rather than slower. According the wall street journal june, is prepared to visit moscow for a summit with russia's president in the coming months. According to people familiar with the plan couldn't wages. War in ukraine, asians has to play a more active role aimed at ending the conflict. It people familiar with jeez trip plans set a meeting with Putin would be part of a push for multi party the and allow china to reiterate its call. A nuclear weapons not be used. Western capitals are currently expressing scepticism about china's diplomatic initiative, the broad outlines which were first previewed by the country's top diplomat when ye at the eunuch security conference, so trying to get a more directly involved would in fact be a bad thing presume china is trying to bring the united states and ukraine to the table with this particular threat. United states should not allow itself to be threatened by the china, but by the same token, This is one of the reasons why I would hope that there's some serious backdoor negotiations happening with the russians right now in an attempt to reach a conclusion because well, you know,
the entire foreign policy class in the united states keeps talking about ukraine, are also problems here at home, and it is an act of political dereliction for thee administration and continue to go soft on some of the problems here at home, while Joe Biden goes out there and champion what is happening, you're two continents away, because ukraine is sort of on the border, of of asia here is that people judge trying to explain the secretary of transportation trying to explain what's going on EU policy in Ohio yesterday, and they are bad. This is the first time that people to judges is really the the headlights nets, because actual responsibility has now devolved upon him. His actual responsive, ready for most of his mayoralty was fairly well in actually solve the problem one in south in Indiana. Dominoes pizza had to raise money to solve the political problem in been indiana. Then he was elevated to presidential candidate by the fact that he is a gay man, and then he was elevated secretary transportation by
the fact that he is a gay man who likes airports, and so now he actually has responsibility, and it's it's kind of weird wearing big on him. Here is pete booty judge yesterday, trying to explain why he has his palestine under control. mayor of these palestine, and I said it took nearly two weeks for the white house to contact, and there were shouts of where's p buddha judge town hall meeting last week. What's yours, Boss to that, when are you gonna go to east palestine? I do want stress that the anti sb needs to be to do its work independently. But when I go, the focus is gonna, be on action. Look. I was mayor of my hometown for eight years we dealt with out of disasters, natural and human, and what the things I noticed very quickly. Is it there's two kinds of people who show when you have that kind of disaster experience people who were there, because they have a specific job to do and are there to get something done and People are there to look at and have their picture taken. I, whether wow I mean for some kind of agree with that the judges general take on this thing, but he is.
The business of being places we have this picture taken if we applied, is logically Joe Biden in ukraine, for example. You might ask yourself, is Joe Biden there to do a thing or is there to have his picture taken? But we don't like that logic. They re is shifting. Logic is shifting logic. Is that Joe Biden in ukraine to do good, even though no good is actually getting done. A people I didn't go to each pouting because it'll be a distraction. It's a strange logic to be sure who the judge did admit. Mistakes in the trend rally said I should have spoken sooner. I should have done something ah yeah, while you could, you know, get involved now. You have like some plans to do so. What's your message to people who are concerned that the department was late to speak out on this issue, they're saying that transportation, an e p, a was late to the game and speaking out and responding
to this situation in east policy, both to be clear, our department was on the ground within hours, helping with the response and the investigation. Again, I respect the separate role event he s be, but we have been on the ground literally from day one to make sure that that we're doing our part to support. I do think that it's important to speak out about that, and I could have spoken out sooner and I'm not making sure that we are focused on the actions that are going to make a difference. Are you the ita Amelia economic news continues to be rather bad for the Biden administration walmart in homes above given a cautious outlook, as shoppers are spending more on the basics. Recession is coming in that regard According to the wall street journal, consumers are spending more on food unless an electronics, apparel and home improvements as vision and changing habits. Zap demand from any good to the country's largest retail reported on tuesday
with walmart and home depot have enjoyed robust sales for much of the past two years, because people were looking for bargains or fixing up their homes. Now more of the shoppers' budgets are going to groceries and travel according to the executor consumers are still spending money said walmart, it's obviously not cleared us, but the back half of the year, however, looks like u S. Home sales have now fallen for the twelve consecutive months. Sales of previously own homes dropped zero point seven percent january, so slow level since october of twenty ten to all those people whose value was locked up in the value of their home are starting to feel the pinch. The economy is indeed slowing, that is on the back of the inflationary economy created by Joe Biden. Any federal reserve Meanwhile, Bernie sanders out there bragging that Joe Biden is basically doing his work. He is doing the marx's work here is a year as Bernie sanders is promoting a new book by the way, but she talked about how it's ok, to be angry, about capitalism from his leg out or something there is a simple there, another very, very wealthy person talking that the evils of capitalism in a capitalist society is Joe Biden. Bernie sanders
for sanders, or should I say to the president- and I worked together after that pain, our teams sat down, and we said that we bring the campaigns together to come up with an agenda that works for me king families and the end result of it was, I didn't agree with. everything that was there? He don't agree with everything was there, but essentially we put together, probably be most progressive outlined that any president has introduced since after your toe uneconomic front, we have them Progressive presidencies and safety are according to Bernie sanders. An actual honest got socialist. On the racial equity front. We have the. President of the united states, embedding quote unquote: equity in every area of the american government and on the foreign policy front we have a president who seems to be kind of during around on foreign policy without any real some over arching plans. he would like to see happen something
are going great, which means that somebody should probably defeat him. another candidate, was announced on the right side of the isle now. So this makes him at the second candid, whose actively announced for the presidency. This. Of course, my friend of the vague rama swami, appeared on in episode in search, is a really fascinating. An interesting. I is an out of the box. Candidacy he's never held political office before he is the founder of Roy event, biosciences itself, which would probably traded biopharmaceutical company ends up and he has made his fortune in that industry has also become somewhat notorious, couple of years for talking about woke capitalism and the evils at their obvious. Super smart guy at the very least she's going to prove the quality of the conversation in this particular presidential race? I could see him having to rub in andrew Yang type break out here on the, right side of the isle. Here is his first campaign ad
we're in the middle of a national identity, crisis, faith, patriotism and hard work disappear only to be replaced by new secular reluctance like covetous climate is and reality we hunger to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Yet we cannot even answer the question of what it means to be an american today. The woke left praise on that back. They tell you that your race, your gender and your sexual orientation govern who you are what you can achieve, and what you're allowed to think. This is psychological slavery, and that has created a new culture of fear in our country. Completely replaced our culture of free speech in america, and that is why, today, I am announcing my run for president of the united states. So, as I said when it comes to these candid, There are a lot of them. We're gonna get in the race, the it's gonna, weeds and people out, but if its candidate, like vague,
Who again is a longshot candidate right he's never held political office before no not a big money backers, but he could actually ask some really difficult question during the primary. I think that that's going it be really good for the race. As a general rule, ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like. Let us begin with. One of great episodes south park ever so south park is, is a show that I have enjoyed. I would say on an infrequent basis from time to time: it's not like a regular watch for me, but there are certain episodes that are just classics and they did in fact release a classic. This week on prince Harry and megan Markel and their consistent attempts to be private by constantly seeking attention its historically funny. So let me start yours and you ve lived a life with the royal family. You ve had everything handed to you, but you're staying alive has been hard, and now you ve written on about it in your new book where nurse that's right, land,
you say my wife and I autonomy why you should write a buck other family likes, though by it and then starlike journalists. So you hate journalists right now a book, their reports on the lives of the royal family right so ya, journalist, please I've been normal. People's attention to sell ard, is the truth, is that your questionable wife has our own tv show and hangs out was elaborating. Does fashioned magazines? What are you suggesting well Just think some people might say that your instagram, loving, five actually doesn't minor privacy use my game. Loving private always wanted, but rather there and you know what else to how we can we are leaving we'll go, find some quiet place. We can be normal. People come on I've. We want private we want better that way answer and they then proceed to take jet around the united states around the world, actually looking for privacy on what they call the worldwide privacy to complete with song. It is
and these folks are actually, I would say, they're beyond parody, but clearly they're, not south park did amazing job on that. There are actual rumors by the way that harry and megan wanted to sue the creator. of south park. No actual rumours that came out to that effect, which would be just a perfect example of the so called strikes, hand effect. This rice and effect is named after barbarous rise and the same singer, because there is a point couple of decades back when there was an aerial photograph taken of the california coast, and nobody ever seen. This photograph is used in a public place, but nobody ever had seen it in this area. A photograph contained a picture about restrictions home, it wasn't labelled or anything until barbarous recent freaked out and she and to shoot the photographer. Unless you took down the photo- and he was like- I'm not taking down the photo, it's a picture of the coastline, why would I take down the photo? But because she sued him ended up becoming a bear
popular photo and millions people saw it? This is the same sort of thing, a the the fact that this was even discussed like suing south park over. This is amazing. A representative said it's all frankly, nonsense. Totally baseless, boring report. but apparently, apparently the response followed. These particles, noting the duchess of sussex, was distinctly and be about macedonia, stone and depiction of the couple. The spectator acclaim, shoes an overwhelmed by the show and annoyed by southport that refuses to watch it. Despite it being unclear who his source was that by the way, is hysterically funny she's upset and overwhelmed by the show at that. So one of the things in the show that is so devastating is that It points out that harry and megan are claiming the components are some of the least fix my people on the planet. The hush. The whole episode is now one of the cap in south park goes to an image consultants to remake his image as a school trial and error, and megan, have already gone to the image consultant and the end of every image consultants pitch for what your new brand should be his victim, so for the princess,
stuff like first lady unaware victim for the prince, like prince victim and so on? They claim victim and when she, oh, my god, I'm so upset and overwhelmed by some, but all you had to do was go. We live your life. You know what he would care? Instead, you decided that you are going to go and sign a deal with spotify to deal with netflix, in that you are going to be a famous person and that you're a again the the the very notion that Meghan Markle married into the royal family, because she was seeking a private life with the man. She loved is absurd, as I pointed out a metabolic, a full review of harry's silly book, and you know like in the book You talked about his dating history with megan I'm on the fourth day he invited her to say, a week in africa with him and juncture chinese act, you know I was getting Google me. Ah she literally covered kate, middleton's wedding on her instagram page, so yeah, I'm pretty sure you know who you were
I am pretty sure that you might marry now cause she knew who you were, as it turns out. People like prince Harry, meaning a habitual approaching middle aged drug user and alcoholic can't hold down a steady job. Don't tend to land, be lost It says just as a general rule, unless they're princess they are princesses, it seems to help the deal a little bit. It's it's honestly, amazing stuff from south park as per the usual, but really really funny. Okay. Another thing I like so I wanna tell you about a great episode in child rearing, say you're all my horror stories about what it's like to have kids near some, my stories about what it's like to have kids as well, so last visit there's a really great story, because it teaches you the value of the freeway,
it's so last week my kids and I it's late in the afternoon one of the things we would like to do in our neighborhood. There are some golf courses, and one of the things that sometimes we'll do is we'll go. Take a golf, cart and we'll go to the outskirts of the golf courses and will pick up stray golf balls had been missing. It's it's like almost an easter egg hunt for my kids really really fun. They liked it. They get off the the cart and they'll dig the golf balls out of the dirt. all of this sort of stuff and over the course of maybe the past month, it turns out that they dug up like seventy five or eighty of these golf balls and so excited to start a business, my nine year old and my six year old manual daughter, my six year old son, and so they start a business. They put up a sign and they decided to sell the golf balls. he's, got balls for dollar. My sons in really understand the pricing mechanism at the beginning, so at advocate There is one read golf ball that you really like? I will sell this for one hundred dollars and they sent him. Want to keep the golf balls is a good strategy, but do you want to keep it or your salad and he said well I said we'd rather of a dollar would rather have the golf boys I'd rather dollar fine, so he lowered the pricing mechanism. This is how markets work folks and
and then we put out a notice to our and of local community group on what's up, and we said at my kids, are selling off balls use golf balls for a buck a, and this is one of the beautiful things being part of a really nice community. Everybody decide their by use gulf. Also, my kids, when the first ten fifteen minutes of this of this, notice going out all of our efforts, I said, okay I'll, take ten golf balls will take fifteen golf balls and and all the rest, so my kids got super into it. They made like a a flyer them in assignee took pictures. We went we they made little bags, they dropped off the golf balls and door to door service that was part of the thing was delivery until the run up to the door. They'd pick up, the money was all very, very sweet and my daughter who's nine. She were talking about this and she said this is great: We should do more of this and say well right. It's very labor intensive. It takes a lot of work to go, find all of these golf balls. One of the things you could do is there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood who also live your golf course, as you can tell them that you will give them twenty have sent a pop for the golf They can sell nabob and she said the request. We say what why do I get an extra seventy five cents
What why should I sell it for dollar when the labour input is one of us as to what you're, putting in a bunch of others? a regular golf balls. No one wants to buy a single use, golf ball, people by ten or twenty of them, your abrogating them you're marketing them you're, dropping if you mean to deliberate your package, remember doing all of these things and all these things take time, and my daughter turns to me she says so time is money. I was like yes, yes, it is a here's tenant the beautiful thing about getting your kids involved in entrepreneurial activity at a very young age. What a beautiful things is. It teaches a lot of skills, so my daughter was learning and my son. They were learning math during this process. They they're learning the value of actually working. as they get paid for the work. They were learning that if they put in more input, if there's a markedly more output there alone- Customer service it'd be nice to the people who they are dropping. The golf balls off to all of these things are socializing and they are good. Free market is a good thing and I'm very proud of my kids is very sweet of them.
Was particularly proud of them, because I asked him what they were doing with the money afterward and they said well we're going to give like a big chunk of it. They they earn like seventy bucks. I said I do with it and they said well. We have to give a lot of it to ted aka, which in Hebrew is charity. You have to give some of it to charity and then want to take some of it, and they have a bit of a disagreement on what to do with it that one of them, my son, reinvested it in capital equipment. He immediately went in and took twenty dollars and bought a golf ball washing machine so that when we get the balls from the course then not, then he can wash them off in the gulf by washing machines. He was spending his morning doing that again. Investing back in the business. Smart business move my daughter actively considered buying stock. I'm not kidding that explained to her how the stock market works, and so she's like. Can I buy a share of a company? I was like you: can you can in fact buy sheriff? Ah, the joys of business, ok time for a good thing that I hate.
So I, how stupidly woke have things become things become so stupidly, woke that even people were anti. Slavery are now being cancelled because they're not anti slavery enough in their depictions of the evils of slavery, as an nickel in the new york times, it is settled in vermont, a school and artists fight over murals of slavery, creed! to depict the brutality of enslavement. The works are seen by some as offensive the school and permanently covered the artists as their historically important. So what happened apparently, for years when is it vermont law and graduate school came to shirley jefferson with objections, the murals in the student center- and there are depictions of black people that struck struck some as racist racist caricatures, the longtime black women, Fair urge those protesting to move on miss jefferson with sixteen no stranger to raise my protest. She's going, aggregated selma, alabama in nineteen fifty three and help to integrate highschool did I told them come here to fight a renewal. You came to get educated, then came the summer point twenty and jefferson and others found a renewed commitment to confront embedded racism. Someone george, what was killed all of us and I set myself that europe has got to go, but the artist who painted the mere old personally
m cursing, was white far back against the plan. Why do you buy back against a plan? Well, because he's as number one. It is a major work. It is my life, it's important that it be there and its historical important about what it says about black people rising up to resist and its importance. And what we said in ninety ninety. Three, the two murals or each one or if you want me to pick the brutality of slavery with scenes, including a slave market, a slave owner wheeling a whip and in attacking dog they also show white vermont. Protesting slavery in helping people escaped freedom and around railroad, espouse more precedent and realistic and was inspired by Mexican merely like pussy clemente roscoe. So now moscow, has covered the paintings with white panels so as not to offend anyone, even though again, the entire point of them urals.
Is that slavery is extremely bad and why people participate in it. But it's not enough. They must come down because modern sensibilities are offended, and this is similar to to a bit of a spat that we had yesterday on twitter, in which abram x, candy tweeted out. Pictures of the first president during president's day is like many of these. People were slain holders eight out of first while president's we're slaveholders answer and held thousands of slaves combined, and this is something you should remember. Amerika was founded in slavery, not in freedom, and so I responded by saying many of those people also what the constitution that provided for future amendment attended to abolish the slavery by eighteen, o, eight and also creed freedom that you are getting rich off of today and this of course made some people very angry. Maids People very very angry, because you're you're supposed to only focus on the evils of the past. This is a beautiful thing about the modern, woke generation
and will generation is the only good are the only people to ever have been born. They are perfect in every single way, and so every one who came before them must be cast out into the outer darkness he's all those people are flawed, but they are not followed. If all the right views today now. are they won't have their ideas, use not be forced to kneel and ben before the prevailing status quo, but for the moment they are riding the high horse. Moral private. now. I was a moral privilege says that these people with provided no actual MR society, have never done anything of actual thou, a negative drain on cities, resources in many ways all they do is chip away at the society. It creates wealth and freedom. These people are spending their days, stewing and hatred people who died two hundred years ago and also what kind of important and did things it is amazing, people who uselessly sit there and tweet things on twitter think that they are more important in world historical figures than people who actually did things like found. The united states of america already guys. Rest of the show is continuing right. Now, not gonna wanna miss it. We will be
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Transcript generated on 2023-02-24.