« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1620 - Social Leftists Get Mugged By Reality


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Disney CEO Bob Iger proclaims a return to political neutrality; The Washington Post finally admits it’s okay to talk about rising crime; and New York City admits it’s time to involuntarily commit the severely mentally ill.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New jersey. Ceo bob agar proclaims returned to political neutrality, the washington post finally admit It's ok to talk about rising crime and new york city admit it's times, involuntarily commit a severely mentally ill and ben shapiro. This the bench Barroso It should be our response from express bbn. I talk about every single show I haven't got bbn yet get it recipe right out express recipe, vienna com, slash Ben I'll get all the news in just one moment. First, you noticed that red way that actually didn't and that's going to have a pretty dire effect on the economy. Democrats are going to continue to try to spend a lot of money. In fact, as we speak, their friends ran through a new child tax credit extension, which means more I'm going out the door, which means more inflation, and that's just what on the agenda for this month, Joe Biden would love to continue the spending and spending big, which is one reason why you might want to diversify at least a little bit into precious metals if you're unsure how the next few years, one fold talk to birch gold group about protecting your savings with gold vertical makes it easy to convert.
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or returning to reality, because it turns out that the left has been Mugged by reality and continues to be mugged by reality and we're seeing it all over the spectrum, we are seeing it in the media. We are seeing it in politics. We are seeing it with regard to places like disney. So yesterday, Chris ruvo who's done just yeoman's work in exposing the political indoctrination has now become part and parcel of the disney brand. Rueful, released to tape that he had obtained of an all hands disney meeting, reintroducing and now, new ceo bob iger now agra is very much. so much so that there is talk a few years ago about the possibility to bob I might actually thro his head into the ring for the democratic presidential. Nomination is only one problem for bob eager and his wild left perspectives on life, and that is that in taking over disney again, the stock price of disney has dumped completely. Disney stock was about one hundred. Eighty three bucks: forty seven since september seventeenth, today, in twenty one today it is it not
the four dollars and sixty nine cents, so it has been sliced in about half over the course of the last year and a half or so not not even year about a year is really when it started dumb and one of the reasons for this is because disney decided to go woke. So part of this has to do with the dynamics of streaming in the fact that, as the economy starts to slow down and people spend less money and entertainment and people back to work that they are picking up less trimming, so sure, but that does not explain why disney has disproportionately been slapped directly across the chops by the american public debt reason, for that is because disney has made clear that its priorities are not your priorities. Now there is no bigger, disney fan than that. I am an enormous old disney fan and we we owned all the tapes growing up. We still listen in my house. I shared a room with three of my siblings and my parents, to put us to sleep, would put on like a small cassette tape of the music from beauty and the like every single night. The goal was to fall asleep before you hit the guest on
song where he sings about killing beast right. That was the goal, but we are huge. Disney fans now meant that the biggest treat in the world when I was a kid, was mom and dad take us out of school and they take us. it isnt. That was like the best thing and then, when I became an into all my kids of my own, we became a genie disney annual pass members over in california and then, when we moved to Florida, one of the big draws was ok. We still have disneyland two and a half hours way, which is awesome, ashes. Fantastic and again, I love all the old disney product. I love the music. I want the movies I did. This is one of the great american companies of all time disney, but it became clear over the past few years we're now attempting to inject a inject woke politics into what they were doing: ticket with regards to energy issues. In just a few months ago, Chris rueful reveal in all, hence disney knee meeting in which people are openly bragging about injecting economic or not at all, secret gay agenda into disney content and that for
hard on disney, injecting itself directly into politics in florida. For no apparent reason. Flora pass d bill, those designed brenti sexual in doctor, action of children under the age of eight. The media immediately levelled at the quantico, don't say gable, but that of course, is not what the bill says. The bill says: you're not allowed to teach. sure orientation, with gender identity to children under the age of eight. That is what the bills us as design. The indoctrination of kids into leftwing sexual values, while they are very, very small child, and disney originally had nothing to say about this. And then the meat I did, what they usually do. They started calling up disney and trying to pressure disney because they recognize that the top executives at disney are Democrats and they recognize that a huge base of the disney creatives are Democrats and they recognize that uh, huh the percentage of disney employees are either gay or straight, who aren't or of same sex marriage for example, and are all like sexually liberal, but at least in their value system, whence they push disney and cynical
I just need decided that they were going to inject themselves directly into politics. They came out swinging against going around scientists and the republican legislature condemning the bill, and this prompted governor dances answers and the republican legislature to say all hold up a second. You guys have special tax districts, your special tax giveaways. You don't get to inject yourself into state politics and basically try to stump against a political party in power for your own benefit, while at the same time expect us to continue rent. You all sorts of large ass pessimism. We are willing to do now, make the argument that, I understand you shouldn't shouldn't, make the argument that republican legislators legislation have left it alone that basically corporations gets say what Are they want without any sort of consequence, there's only one problem with that? If that rule only applies with regard to the right, then all the corporations will be Wing- and that is precisely what been occurring over the course of the last ten or fifteen years, if you had said fifteen years ago, corporations in america would be reflecting the most wild left social policies. Everybody laughed eu he's were capitalist occur.
nations why exactly they betray their audience that way now we that many of these corporate since we're headed up by people or business savvy intended to be conservatives, so why would they do all of that? And the answer is that we had a while the in in terms of coup was pressuring these major companies leftist pressuring these companies is, companies were responding. and the right was not answering in any way shape or form will now. The right has responded, and one thing that has happened is that not only have people like me, my family, essentially this association from disney and we are not annual pass holders disneyland anymore We we used to subscribe to disney plus we do not subscribe to disney, plus any more. That is now where my kids watch their entertainment, because, frankly, I don't trust disney with my kids disney used to be a place for it. hence in childhood, magic and now just needs a place where you go to sea alone. In couple in light year or you go to see a sixteen year old boy hit on another boy in the new disney movie, the came at last week, while Surprisingly, there a lot of parents who feel about this stuff. The way that I feel about this stuff. When my wife feels about this stuff
and so disney has been taking it absolutely on the chin, which necessitated the bob toback who'd, been the sort of interim director he'd been brought in to replace iger one either stepped down. He has now been ousted and rigorous back so eager did in all hands meeting and in this as meeting he said. It's time to wire things down and move back. political neutrality now do. I trust the disney actually going to do this. So I trust the disney isn't going to continue to inject its politics into what it does. I think they're gonna stop. I think they're gonna continue to inject the politics. I think they're going to do it in slightly more I'm a fashion I think they're gonna, and raise a few less hackles, because after all doing it publicly and very openly is what has brought about this state of affairs for disney financially. But the fact that is the pressure is once again a sign that when the right rears its head, not even the right when, when mainstream parents rear their heads and say we are not interested in products to try to sell this garbage, then corporations do listen counter There is work, in other words, here's bagger admitted admitting that assigned to to go back to neutrality. Many cast members had wished that
this stayed out of politics. Will this stay out of making political statements. I think there's a miss perception here about what politics is, and I think that some of the subjects that have proven to be controversial as it relates to disney have been branded political and I don't necessarily believe they are I dont think when you're telling stories in attempting to be a good citizen of the world, that that's political, ok, so you can already hear that he is reluctant lee dissociated so there. This is wiser, Adam thrust, his need all, because what he thinks it's not real. the political when we inject algae betake you messaging into children's film. Does our political guys? That's just the way the world works, and this is the left wing echo bubble that exists in hollywood and in the media. Is that no matter how far left they push they're just reflecting reality? That's what you're evil where this is why the leads
google imbalance in politics has been that the right has suggested that the left is wrong in the left has suggested. The right is evil, because the rights as we have an opinion about a thing- and you have an opinion about a thing and we think their opinion is wrong and love. To said, we reflects the facts. We reflect the world and you oppose the facts, world and therefore your evil, when your bigoted is that sort of language from bob iger, and you can hear the deep sigh when asked if they're going to get out of poverty? but even by your understands market necessities does he was asked about the city,
in florida and he says yeah. We can regret that we put our foot in that water, the alligator bit it off of him. You have any thoughts on how to tackle the reedy creek situation in florida. No, I I r I have to get up to speed on that completely. Obviously, I followed the news that development occurred after I left the company. I was sorry to see us dragged into that battle and I have no idea exactly what it's ramifications are in terms of the business itself. What I can say is the state of Florida has been important to us for a long time and we have been very important to the state of florida. That is something I'm extremely mindful of and will articulate if I get the chance, but I don't have the
details at all, yet about what the ramifications of the decision that was made by the state of florida and whether we intend to do anything about it, not good for bob iger for at least recognizing reality, even if, through a glass darkly, you can see that he's not particularly, happy about having to acknowledge the disney it. Got involved in florida. Don't believe him He says he's not informed on this, of course, is informed on this he's the incoming, I know about it, I'm not the ceo of disney, so he clearly knows about it, but again, reality is due by four o mickey mouse across the head, bob haggard and stop there, whose ask specifically about the so called. Don't say, Gabriel and once again shorter punted, our
another virtual class? Then what is your stance on the don't say, gay situation? Well, first of all, our energy bt q employees are very important to us and we care deeply about them. That is a given. We also when you tell stories at a delicate balance. You're talking to an audience, but it's also important to listen to an audience, is important to have respect for the people. that you're serving that you're trying to reach and not have disdain for not have disdain for them. Wow It seems as though the message is actually getting a nap again. It's a message that bob iger and disney don't want to receive, but they are beginning to receive it It is going to continue to receive these messages as they run directly off the rails over and over and over socially people are, deliver that message over over and over. If there are interest groups, if their parents, their citizens who are willing to stand up, and you say no, we are not going to consume the product.
that you using in order to inject politics in my children, were just not going to do that. If you do that, corporations will listen now again, hollywood is so hollywood, h b, o apparently, is now going to premiere a documentary next month. According to the hill that chronicles the congressional career of speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi who a film in her daughter alexandra does it make. I believe the second major documentary and has prepared on a major network films by the daughter, of a politician, I Hilary had duchy. Chelsea, whose essentially the producer annette particular filipinos alba, how hilary was most got? U person as film by her daughter Remember the last time there was a republican politician was given the privilege of a documentary by his child or her child from you on a major networks, and now we have to say alexander but he is now going to put out a document? entitled Pelosi in the house will debut on December thirteenth, on HBO hbo, mass war, media, the parent company rage, announced on Monday, Alexandra Pelosi warbling winning and she produced and directed the film hbo said the younger.
you obviously a candid behind the scenes, chronicle of the life of her mother and speaker of the united states house of representatives. Nancy Pelosi through agreed career milestones league up to the inauguration of president Joseph Biden in january. Twenty twenty one, of course, there's gonna, be a lot of I am sure about january sex, but just goes to show you polly it is still going to hollywood, which means that if you would like, however, to stop this continue to push continue to pressure, because pressure does want by the way. One way you can actually pressure disney is by creating a viable competitive alternative. This wiring which people to go to daily wire plus and subscribe. So we can make children's content that you can trust. You don't have to worry about whether bob iger has gotten the message or not. You can just trust the can put your kids in front of the tv for minutes and get some good clean family content without having to worry about the quote: unquote, not at all secret gay agenda pushed by the mouse house. Meanwhile, speaking of being clocked by reality, I just now that the options over the media are starting to be able to tell the truth about the fact that there is a pretty serious crime problem in the country. Remember we were too by the new york times that republicans were pouncing on crime, but there was no crime problem, most of the crimes
happening in rural areas or something wasn't really happening in america's big cities. That was all just a lie put up by republicans for electoral purposes. Well, now the election is over and it seems, though, the media are finally able to say the truth, and so you have a piece over it washington, post titled. These are nine stories from america. Homicide crisis. Wait why there's a homicide crisis, you don't say you'd say almost as though reality has begun to seep. In now that safe, they can see the trooper quote during the last three years besides, nationwide, have reached their highest levels and decades. The deadliest by coincided with the onset of the corona virus pandemic thread of when's, rose nearly thirty percent in twenty twenty and generate high through the following year. According to a washington post database created tracked at all even hours, the bloodshed has slowed, the homicide right out pieces prepare them at levels. This gun, vital hence to grab headlines when it occurs in horrific public spasms, I Walmart verge a nightclub in colorado in elementary school in rural taxes, but because on mass shootings obscures the totality of the american Ellen people killed on. the streets and inside their homes, deaths that seldom attract national attention and
is that rarely involve high profile prosecutions in many interests has yet to be made we're. Allow were allowed to talk about the mass killing of people in america's major cities Fortunately, targets minorities now. Are we we're recovering that appraisal on used to be that, if you covered up the killing of people of minority status, made major races make washington post that they'd been covering the stuff upper downplaying it for months and months and months until june. After the election, another talking about a quote gun crime, proportionally impacts people of color, especially black men, victim data collected from each city profiles. Your show black people made up more than eighty percent of the total homicide victims in twenty twenty and twenty twenty one, and while data show gun doubts and search around the country, a number of cities lead the way don't say, wait I've There was the rural areas I was. I was told that it was. You know about your way. people in vermont who were shooting each other or the real crisis, From the violence in amerika was probably happen In these mass shootings now, you're telling me that the vast
Susan homicide is actually people killing each other. A major cities in they are disproportionately of minority victimhood, no. No, by its almost as though you held sorrento just after the election, washington The post visited nine of these places, which have seen some of the nation's highest recent mermaids, their spread mostly across, the south in MID west. Some have been long in this valley for their homicide numbers. Others have not any place: monuments, monument sprung, commemorate those lost some informal and fleeting others, lasting some public, some private. So now, they're allowed to report on the homicide crisis across the united states. A disproportionately targets lack men partake the way the cities, by the way the delays are cleveland, saint Louis Columbus, new orleans, Memphis Birmingham alabama Adam rouge, action in baltimore. I believe every single one of those cities has democratic air. So far as I am aware, so I am glad that we are. We cannot talk about this openly. Speaking of talking about things openly new york city is now going to involuntarily remove mentally ill people from the street, but I was told that it was just a housing crisis.
I was told the what was happening, at least during the election. Was that housing prices out of control will we really needed was more rent control? we really needed, was more publicly available. Subsidized housing now you're telling me The reality is clock you in the face nurse and you're, telling me that, if a spate of homeless mentally, people pushing people and from subway trains has caused you to rethink what you might want to do. The mentally ill who are living on the streets living in their own feces environment, my god why it's almost as a reality continues to exist. How much you bridge that it's bad according to new york times acting too. What a crisis we see all around us toward the end of a year has seen a string of high profile crimes involving homeless people. Mayor Eric Adams announced a major push on tuesday to remove p with severe untreated mental illness from the city's streets and subways we been calling for this for literally ears, I mean who? Could it be? I don't know it's a great mystery Your adams, whose made a clearing homeless, encampments priority since taking office in january, said the ever.
require involuntarily, hospitalized and people who are a danger to themselves. Even people risk of harm to others, arguing that it had a moral obligation to help them. My my goodness, the intolerance, the pure bigotry I'm sure I'll disproportionately harm people have got is not the way right response to play this game, because if the conservatives has thus been is cruel, get it, but Eric Adam sadness. This means you, open minded and public safety, oriented adam said quote and misunderstanding process. We can provide involuntary assistance unless the person is violent going forward. make every effort to assist those who are suffering from mental illness. Again, it would be worth noting here that the typical What kind of lying here has been that living on the street is mentally ill homeless person is actually a right and it's a good thing. The idea has sued cities to prevent people from actually incurred internally committing people we desperately need help a very jealous Emily, who severely mentally ill I certainly have, if ever dealt with people like this, they need help. These are not people capable of taking care of themselves, and yet we have so fallen into
wrap of subjective individualism, that we believe that if a person is severely mentally ill, they get to adjudicate not only there status, but the status of how the rest of the world ought to treat them. Well, that runs up directly. As people samurai swords on the subway system, the mayor, Announcement comes at a heated moments in the national debate about rising crime in the role of police, especially in dealing with people who are already in fragile mental health. Republicans, as well as tough on crimes, crap, like atoms, have argued the growing to soar. calls more aggressive that measures left, leaning, advocates and officials who dummy you're about to say the deploying the police, as auxiliary social workers, may do more harm than good by the way is now becoming a typical democratic I was in california governor newsome recently signed a law a could for some homeless people of disorders like schizophrenia and treatment. Why almost as though again reality is beginning to set in gets more on this in just one second. First, the holidays are exciting time of the year and maybe you're saying up late wrapping. Those present or maybe you're planning a vacation, whatever you are doing,
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There's while chicago mayor, lorry lifeward, filed or paperwork for re election, and as she did that lightfoot made the statement that chicago is the safest big. So in the united states reach voters all across the city. You remind them not only what we ve done over the last three and a half years, but when our vision is for their exports and why not? The only rational choice is to return me. That's along this. She is a horrible mayor, but again one of the threats of of politics is dead maybe there will be consequences of chicago, provides, no consequences. Then I guess you guys will just keep sliding into the abyss. there is just amazing to me the now new york allay they're, beginning to realize: hey, wait a second. Maybe we should leave. These is very, very ill schizophrenia. People on the street to live in their own felt- maybe that's actually active group We should do something about the open needles on the street. Welcome to reality gang it's fun to see you here. I hope that you enjoy this day. Meanwhile, the new york times hasn't
article today. That is absolutely astonishing, and this is what happens when you don't accept reality. You end up pushing pieces, this. When new york times has a piece near times magazine, it is settled she wasn't ready for children, a judge wouldn't let her have an abortion. The big problem with protests pieces like this one, again over the new times magazine, is that they end up being pro every single one of them stories about some young woman who gets pregnant by accident. I say by accident, I mean that she has unprotected sex in some way and then just pregnant and then we're supposed veal. the pursuit of ever heard that you can't kill the unborn child and then at the because you couldn't kill the unborn child, the child lives, and then you are faced with the ugly prospect of yours. Your times magazine of making the case that retroactively a beautiful live baby should have been murdered in the womb is very, very awkward is a perfect example of this. When you refuse to recognise reality, it tends to clock in the face- and this Ok what's happening over in this new times. These really is an astonishing bees quote on a hot texas morning
when you twenty to sell those by g slipped, her arms into a borrowed blazer slipped up. The nose ring in her symptoms couldn't be seen and walked into the coral county, the house was the first time she never went to court should seventeen eleven. We expect and already beginning shout she's gonna, ask a drug, the authorization to seek an abortion. Her lawyer had explained, achieves Proves she mature enough to make this decision she squeezed her lips, under braces remaining herself, not to smile. She didn't want the judge to see her as a child, because she was a minor, access to an abortion was governed by the states. Parental involvement law should have you notified, her mother or father and gotten consent, or she could have filed a petition in her home county asking for us. judicial bypass hearing she had chosen to petition in the competent court room genes, and she didn't know her. Father was investigated. Child protective services. After being accused molesting her when she was a toddler, but the case was, conclusive and hedonism? Using her eventually gave up his parental rights? Didn't trust him will she viewed as unreliable and volatile, my house in boyfriends, for stretches of Jeez life a year before g packed up or things left when she discovered she was pregnant. well to an abortion clinic in Austin about sixty miles south, where she lived a clinic referred to Jane's it
process and organization that helps minors and navigate judicial bypass. Ten days later, it yeah found g, a trained attorney, is a G. A week to schedule rides meet with a lawyer who asked about her grades extra curricular activities, babysitting experience and which birth control method. She would use in the future then, before her court date was scheduled this record judge assigned to the case reduce himself, although I say why many choose, as many judges choose not to take a case in which they might have to approve an abortion. According to the book, a visiting judge, and so the judge at a hearing with her to determine whether she could adjudicate for herself whether to get an abortion or not, because she is a minor She talked to the judge. Rather, she said I don't feel like. I can grow something my body for nine months and then physically handed away, which is: way and amazingly immoral statement, so you rather kill it So those of us who choices right, I'm feeling and I can grow something alibi for nine months in and physically. Ok, no one is telling you you must, but the solution to your inability to parent or child does not kill. The child is sort of a general rule. When her lawyer, after much
after the abortion geography, He did a warning warnings from a woman's right to know a texas, health and human serves a pamphlet. Her lawyer told her to study in preparation for the hearing. She said that she would have HANS killing, something going inside of me guild, causing go from others prose continue life without being pushed back freedom by the way. Here is one thing that she said in the middle of this in the middle of the sharing, and she said said that an abortion would be quoted in the best interest of the fetuses in the best interest of the fetuses plural. She sprang the twins she wanted to kill both of them. Gee said it's too. The judge wanted to know if should receive counselling at the abortion clinic. Did they give you four eggs instance any statistics about how many women regret or don't regret at five ten twelve twenty years now they had not the judge. and I'm basically standing instead of her parents by making this decision in doing so, I want to make sure I would treat this as if you were my daughter. She tried to control the muscles in her face. She.
reveal her frustration at this grey haired man with deep set eyes was magic himself is her father whom she had feared since she was a child. The judge explain you want to take the lead. you focusing on her health the judge that he didn't want her to ruin he'd manuel immediately. First, you wanted you to visit of crisis pregnancy centre and have an ultra sound. He recommended you christian organisations that council women to keep their pregnancies. She replied. She tried to go to one in town but of course, because of covered, so she went to another The next morning, she caught a ride, fifty miles out to a crisis, pregnancy centre or woman's played. Her ought for sound and a large screen and turned up the volume of the veal heartbeats, which sounded like alibi hoods. The woman right off this was it risks of abortion and printed photos, titled, baby and baby. She left him frightened and angry, and immediately cultural world lawyer, two thousand affidavit walking into the situation thankful for all the information. I have received a document red, I'm asking the court to sign in order allowing me to have an abortion. The judge refused her cup, city to have an abortion, so she had have the babies and, as it turns
g, is kind of a mass of a human being, which is not particularly surprising, given her childhood, given her history and given her by her activities. Up to this point, wealth you heard me talk about Jeremy's razors, our answer to all companies that hate your values, but will gladly take your cash. I'm here to tell you were more than just a razor company, introducing Jeremy, razors men's staples, be ordered, we're talking, hair body, skin hair and beard care products. I have the hair and the body line with me right now, and let me tell you These are just great products that align with your values, their high quality there made with natural ingredients. One hundred percent sulphate, free bourbon, free, woke, free and made right here in the united states of america has germany's razors dot com to kick woke companies out of your bathroom and right now in get thirty percent of all journeys. Products, no wait! Stop giving your money to woke corporations today. After hodges ruling, she did not know where to turn she told her friends. She was set on becoming the opposite of her mother who'd become pregnant with her unintentionally at nineteen. She grew up depending on government assistance for food, and
we would be fair to bring children into the world without financial security. While one choice there would have been not you get pregnant, but the children in the first place. But beyond that. Perhaps the idea here would be not to kill the child. I keep coming back to this because by the end, the story. By the end of the story, this young woman has had the baby he's having a difficult time holding down jobs doesn't seem like a particularly responsible person. Any stretch of the imagination. She seems to have it if you like, but you know what the babies have their law, not only are they alive? Actually, this girl at least made the correct morals. Version, which is to allow another couple to take care of the kids. In fact, there's a couple more friends and family appearance of a friend offered to watch the baby's at their home on the weekend and eventually, they came to her, and they said we like to watch the baby's full time and there is a picture in the maritime fees of the two beautiful children.
And so again, in your times, refusing to acknowledge the obvious, which is that it is bad to kill. Children ends the peace by sort of suggesting that would have been better if the babies were not alive, despite we fear that the brig was wanted to take the twins from her. She can deny shall relief, I'm not ready If the grows up, she told the breakers usually speaks of the flat effect, but rachel noticed rise during she wanted to move out for a trial. She packed her bags and she left she was torn between. her desire to see the truth that she was angry at herself in the government that made her have children and the expectations would love being a mother and the similarly strong desire to deflect social be seen as a bad man self destructive, dependent stay doomed to failure. These are the stereotypes that have come to characterize teenage mothers since the moral panic of the nineteen seventy. By the way that is not a moral panic, It is not a moral panic that single motherhood is horrible for children. It is you don't even worse Is it not being alive and that the bottom line of this story here is how this story concludes quote:
for six months with the bridge was ended in august, but she still wasn't prepare to make a decision. Instead, she extended the trial signing a new power of attorney. The brig owes him move larger house thirty minutes away. Every few weeks you visit her children, those painful to see them when she walks through the door. The girls no longer run up to hugger their distance things, but she knows that it stems from her absence. She keeps missing more first. She told me that first steps there for sentences the first time, one of them texted asked what's up several weeks ago, g texted me in the middle of the night, worried she could give up her parental rights as her father did, or sugar is our children without the stability or the warm they deserve, as from other did in her own experience. Both left her feeling, abandoned and unloved. She didn't know which one was worse well I mean I can tell you which one is worse dead get because not adjusting once again that the premise of the new york times peace, peace is like this. This is a big problem with the protest movement. Is that in the end, we have to make your format case. It is better for the world for children not to be alive, and once the kids are born, it becomes an extraordinarily difficult case to make in the picture. Tell The whole story in this particular in this particular story when you see two beautiful small children toddlers
you say or maybe mommy should have a border you and her life Be marginally better to this does not seem like a young woman who makes wonderful decisions, is general rule, That is not a strong case for why children do not deserve to live and meanwhile, speaking by the way of the new york times, is complete unwillingness to look reality in the face. entire article in the our times today, title when high fashion and cure non collide, trying to defend gonzaga campaigns that include children posing with had he bears in bondage gear and another photo campaign that includes actual child pornography decisions from the supreme court. Us all about you and on and republicans counting and all of that and then the new york times bubble is so thick and it's so bad, but eventually it does end up being penetrated and it ends up collapsing in on itself, and that will happen with all these issues, because again the left they're not used to making cases for their own feelings for for their own for their own politics and when they are confronted with reality. Their case tends to collapse. Meanwhile, speaking
people who are collapsing. Republicans in these and twelve of them voted in favour of the same sex marriage bill. Despite the fact that does not include sufficient protections for religious freedom and the idea that it is supposed to enshrine into federal war, same sex marriage as the law of the land. Now it's already in federal law because of the supreme court decision in overshot, but then is a senatorial designation same sex marriage is the law of land approved by twelve republicans, include he also very moral mitt romney as as we murkowski Dan Sullivan of of alaska, rapporteur of ohio, tied young of indiana, richer bernstein, tell us north carolina, Shelley, moore, Capito of west virginia susan collins blunt, the Missouri Johnny Ernst of iowa, cynthia Loomis. There were a couple of people who did not vote on this it'll, be ben, sasse, nebraska and pat toomey of pennsylvania, both of whom are retiring in a second we'll get into what exactly this bill means and why republicans are so damn spineless if, as I say, reality eventually, Sutton and one of the realities of life,
is the traditional marriage is a fundamental building block of any these sort of durable society. If that in reality, and if it is going to set in wire republicans going along with denial of reality, we'll get to that in just one moment. First, we just tell you I rely on black rifle coffee. It is that simple, my kids get me up at all hours in the night and then again in the learning and as I am preparing for the show every morning, I need my black rifle coffee. Black revel coffee companies, helping you. get your holiday shopping, do with a lot of autumn, a new product this year shop the best brewing here mrs Mckenna peril design for folks who love a country and coffee black rifle sources, the most rose from around the globe, all coffees roasted here in the united states by better and lead teams of coffee exports suffer christmas stockings with the latest from america's coffee for ten percent off with my code shapiro, better, yet seiners, secret, santa uproar, coffee club subscription, imagine, Joy of a pre scheduled coffee delivery. We're talking your favorite rose when you need the most is the gift that keeps on giving black rival coffee cups
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It essentially says that only bigots and fools based on their silly religion, object to the idea that man, woman and child the basic fundamental building block of society and then further its as well here of religious exemptions will put out. There will sort of suggest that in your own church, when I can take where tax exempt status, but it doesn't actually enshrine those protections strongly at all for religious people outside of their church, let's say or religious person, and would say that you want a cake shop in colorado unless he get sued every few seconds. There are no productions in this both at what did republicans win in this bill precisely what did republicans get in this bill? Precisely? The answer is that they got It's nothing and went along with it anyway, because there are a lot of weak, kneed, republicans or unwilling to have line that says that they oppose same sex marriage. Well, if that's the case, if you have an affirmative case for why you are either in favour of same sex marriage or why you believe the deep protections if people here are sufficient and I'm not sure why are voting for the thing or why should be in the senate? As I said before, the
there was a solution available here by the way that would have pleased even some members of the social left. You would think if they were honest about what done what, if they're honest about what they're saying right well, but the left is saying today's we're not going to get in your business right wing is. It has always been the lie that the lie: every step of the way here has been. This doesn't affect you right. It was first, it was you know, we we just want you to leave us alone in our bedrooms. Everyone, okay sounds, sounds fair and like well. All we want really civil unions just want to be able to like put people in. will or have a living will or have. You will visit us in the hospital and we're like us ok and there was a well what we really is marriage. We want to be like the exact immured and people started. Wait hold up a second, it's not the same thing. That's all we want. How does our marriage affect you and people like okay, they want now we want to teach your kids in school, like kids need to know this I mean. Obviously, if marriage is marriage and love is love. it's where five can be brought up in a cis, normative hydro normative society, we have to teach her small children this in our protector, small children from you.
And from your religious base, guys middle way hold up a second now now. What are you talking about? Oh yeah, and also by the way we have to force your business to engage in activities that it finds to be. that you find a moral. We need to make you do these things. You know for the good of society, you know too How do I have to say we're? Not gonna. Do all those things we were not going to force you to engage in these businesses? Well, if that were true, you know what happened last night. What would have happened is that some of the report, and would have voted in favour of senator MIKE leigh's. Amendment smugly had an amendment to this bill. Although and had to do was say, we will still vote for that three of them all they do say was we will a vote for the bill. You just have to add Michael's amendment. So what likewise, amendment do enshrined protections for individual conscience in the bill individual conscience for your life, meaning if you run a business religious person, your baker, photographer, the lawyer, you are allowed under Michael's amendment two still with your religion in public life, which, by the way, what it means to be a religious person. This idea that religious people stopping religious when they leave their front or when they don't go to
Virtual synagogue is absurd. Religion for major life, your religious person. It is your core identity relationship with god. If you're religious, human being is michael, making a clear in the amendment and can get through republicans to threaten to sign off the bill. which demonstrates that republicans are cowards. The people vote for us here is my glee trying to trying to pushes amendment in the spirit of compromise of publicly stated- and I reiterate here again today- that I will support the legislation. If my amendment is adopted amendments simply prohibits the federal government from discriminating against schools, businesses and organisations based on their religious beliefs about same sex marriage. That's all it does. My amendment prevents the internal revenue service, among other things, from revoking the tax exempt status of these charities and organization, simply because the act according to their
beliefs about the divine purpose of marriage mammography, continues along these lines. Talking about his amendment again, very easy win for republicans. All they would have to do is go along with leaves amendment there's another man, at marco rubio there's also a fairly good, not quite as good as lee's, but that would be good too. They didn't vote these republicans. You wanna talk about cowards. Publicans cowardly republicans will not even stand up for an amendment. It actually enshrined religious freedom in the face of left wing, social relations. These republicans, where cowards, here's mightily again explaining his amendment. Why? Wouldn't anyone want to deny the federal government the authority to weep elliot against individuals, nonprofits and other entities based on their sins surely help religious beliefs. Think about that for a minute. Why wouldn't they want to deny that very power from a government that may wielded in a way that
is categorically abusive. He, of course, is exactly right. So why republicans in go along with it the answer Ghana can only be put in terms of they want to be seen as moderate. They are cowards more than out of ten republican centres did vote against the bill underscoring. The party has continued to cater to religious conservatives who oppose same sex, marriage long after large majorities of the american public and come to support and, according to the new york times centre mitch. Mcconnell of Kentucky was among the opponents, despite hopes, hope from Democrats and republicans they maple. Yes on final passage, but again this isn't about that. The truth is that you could be in favour of same sex marriages. Still not like same sex marriage being enshrined in law as equipment, etc sexual marriage specifically because of all of the side effects. And downstream effects unintended effects of a bill like this one. The fact that many of the many of the Republicans went along Is man this party and overhauling he's an overhaul in a very, very serious way, speaking of which, by the way
The republican party I said yesterday, I will repeat it again today: the republican party, the republican national committee, needs new leadership. I do I understand the logic that Ronna mcdaniel. could maintain leadership of the currency should appoint it had of the currency? In january of twenty seventeen, she proceeded to lose the elections of twenty eight and twenty eighteen, twenty twenty twenty twenty one and twenty twenty two. That is not the kind of record that suggest that you should remain in charge of the party. In other words, if republicans keep running directly, the teeth of losing strategy, then I dont know what they are good for there not standing for principle and are also not winning so which like what are the things that you guys stand for. Precisely if we are to make the case you have to lose because it's better to stand principal and lose then lose your principal and win. Okay, then, what's your principal, but if you're going to not stand on principle and you are going to lose, then I don't understand what you are for. What exactly is it that you would say that you do around here?
The currency is, in fact, announcing advisory council to assess what happened in the last election cycle bottom. Suffice it to say that, because its being handed out by the current leadership of the urgency of a field that they might ignore. Some of the more important aspects have just why things went south for them in the last election cycle already guys the rest of the shows continuing right now, you're, not enormous, it will be getting into the white house target you on mars, while basically padding apple on the head, spite apple actually coordinating with the chinese government. If not a member quickly, in the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-02-21.