« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1594 - The Biggest Democrat Lie Of All


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We examine the question of just how far Democrats want to go if they retain power in the midterm elections; Joe Biden campaigns with John Fetterman and everything that can go wrong does; plus the CDC votes unanimously to add covid vaccines to child immunization schedules.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We examined the question of just how far democrats want to go with their retain power. In the mid term elections, Joe Biden campaigns, john fetterman and everything that can go wrong does plus the cdc votes unanimously to add covered vaccines to child immunization schedules and bench premises, the bench Barroso in the next thirty seconds twenty couples will be planning their wedding and as their thinking about the name, change the registry and a whole public. I do realise we ve got seller houses and find a new one where we can live in the meantime, not with your folks. No worries avoid double moves and double mortgages sellen by in one move, when you start with open door start with an all cash offer at open door, dot com slash, offer now eligibility and offer price may very open doors represented by companies operating licence. There, too, there are six when one three zero in california and open your book or jealousy and other markets may show sponsored by express bbn. It's time to stand up against big tat, protect your data express vivian,
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something else what you really want is acts, but democrats will then say: no. We don't actually want the end when you're too, But that's a slippery slope fallacy. If we say we want civil unions- and you say no, no, you won't gay marriage. That's not true all we really. What is civil unions if you say that way, one is not gay marriage. What you actually want is for my church reformed. that's not what don't we just want the gay marriage? If you say you want my church reform agenda, What you actually want is to indoctrinate my children in your viewpoint, then you say no! No! No! No! I don't want to indoctrinate my children in your viewpoint that that's a slippery slope fallacy, but here's the thing about the slippery slope quote unquote. Fallacy is not a fallacy. It's a prediction. Slippery slopes are a prediction and when it turns at the slippery slope keeps happening over and over and over again people stop trusting you when you say you only want to go so far and no further. That's particularly true when the arguments you make or what we would call them law school arguments that prove too much when you make an argument that quote unquote: proofs This is when you establish a principle that doesn't
merely justify. What you're doing now justifies further action in the future. So, for example, let's say that your argument is love is love all forms of sexual relationships are equally morally beneficial. All of them are good, and I said well that would eventually led to you basically justifying every of sexual arrangement up to and including pedophilia right. That argument itself. Just that argument, that's what you're doing But the argument itself that all forms of sexual arrangement are perfectly fine that is going to justify pretty, everything from incest and pedophilia and he said: well it s a slippery slope, fancy. That's not a slippery slope fallacy. The argument that you have established encompasses more things than you wish for it to encompass, and when you refuse to make distinctions in your watching, it makes me believe the end goal is not actually what you say it is. It is something else, and so there's a graphic, that's become quite popular online and it shows What do you suppose it slippery slope? Fallacy looks like in broad terms it. This is the slippery slope. Fallacy graphic become very popular on twitter, and it's about right, based, which was
it's a downward curve and can gradually curving, german and boom drops off a cliff and it has a bunch of arrows pointing to the gradually down sloped cursing you're, overreacting, you're, overreacting, you're overreacting. Then we are here into the bottom of the slippery slope, and this is what keeps happening with democrats on policy, have propulsion elsie, they keep saying you're overreacting mood. Never do that. Not in a million years we ever advocate for the most extreme formulation, the position they are suggesting that we hold and then inevitably five years later, where at the bottom of that curve- and this is a very big problem for republicans- publicans keep believing this stuff in bunch of civility oriented, republicans will say: no, no, they don't actually, let's give them. Civil unions will never want to gain actual given gay marriage. I never going to want to force you to do it in church or the one case, they're trying force, a baker to make it a cake for gay couple, but does not really mean they're going to come after you? If you refuse to go, with their morality and how you teach your kids well sure, they're doing that with the schools beating they're. Actually going to come in your home, if you keep going along over and over and over again with the lie that the slippery slope
she is in fact a fallacy and not a production, then you're going Never thereby mc are over and over and over and- and this is why I think Democrats are having a particularly tough time, these days, they're having a particularly tough time, because people see that we are at the bottom of scarf people, you that over and over and over again, when democrats assure us that we're just at the top of the curve- and there were overreacting, intellectually want the things we say that they want. We can see that there are I'm Joe Biden had an opportunity when he came into office to basically overthrow that idea. Right Joe Biden was a figure of the status quo. Joe Biden was supposed moderate he was not. Somebody was gonna, go along with the gradual lowering that carbon in the drop off, because he was going to stand like a rock in the pathway of democratic attempts to go radical Joe Biden was not Bernie sanders. Joe Biden was not relax, candy Joe Biden. We just a typical democrat middle of the road democrat who is never going to allow americans slip off that curve and all the way down to the bottom of the cliff wily coyote style, except the Joe Biden, did precisely that what we see.
Over and over and over again is the democratic politicians who patently incapable really since the end of the current Noora too, their own base, no and make haste to the american people that They should be believed when they take a moderate policy, because over and over over again outlying, There is a democratic party. People were considered crazy five years ago, are now considered central members of the think centres I'm kind of part. Bernie sanders was enough for all of his career, whose useless, not from vermont its amendment. because, for months a weird state filled with progressive people Conservative ways very strange state vermont, and so they they elect bernie sand. In the widest area of america they elect Bernie and burning for thirty years. There's nothing in the senate is complete. Useless person is a back bencher who shout about Why there should only be four types of deodorants on the shelves and and then all of a sudden thought leader turns out. The democratic party, as always, falls off the cliff alexander ocasio cortez, when she first entered congress, the idea was
so fresh surveys but kind of extreme right. I mean we're not actually follow her down the primrose path here: and then just on the cover rolling stone magazine over and over. Nobody in the democratic party demonstrates that they are willing to fall off a cliff. They are eager to fall off the cliff. They lie to you. They say that they're not, but they are willing and eager to fall off. That cliff Yeah there's been a lot of talk about polarization in american politics and what the left will call asymmetric polarization, but they will suggest that the right wing republican party has moved further right. That is not true. You cannot name a position on which the republican party, except for perhaps immigration, has become more right wing over the course the last twenty years. That position does not exist it doesn't exist. I can any half a dozen positions where the democratic party has moved significantly to left, ranging from their tax policy to their policing policy, to abortion, to same sex, marriage and the transit of the children over and over and over again democratic, moved significantly to left. If there has been
polarization whose policy decisions you can say that the republican party has polarized in terms of its stylistic moves. Donald trump was stylistic different from republicans in the past, were much more conciliatory and more civil and by the way reason the Donald trump was elected was because he was not silly torreon, not simple and consuming republicans were angry at the zoo It's a civil republican party, but it seemed to go along with the lie that we are going to remain on the top of that slippery slope curve and but republican in terms that positions their policy positions, they have not moved to the right. If you look at the republican platform in two thousand and four it and the republican platform in two thousand and twenty they're, basically the same it may be to the left. Actually, now means remembers. The republican party voting in favour of enshrining same sex marriage at the federal level after overt fell. meanwhile, the democratic party has moved wildly. Two left, and so here is the problem for the Democrats. No believes the many more when they say they are not pursuing utopia, and so all republicans have to do is point at the bottom. The slop not we're not there yet, and I'm
will continue to argue that will never get to the bottom of a slow, but here's the thing you wouldn't believe them. Believe them because they are saying out loud what they want. Take, for example, badal rug bed over in texas right up the first time he runs for against Andrews campaigns. The moderate pace, Somewhat of a moderate democrat running in a very red state It was a close election and ted cruz. Then he runs for president. He says we're going to take your air fifteen and we are going to come out religious institutions from of their nonprofit status, if they don't act in ways that I like with regard to shall policy particularly same sex marriage. It is all of the beta rocks at a two year gap between when he ran for senate and lost ten crews, and when you ran for president as me, one and a half year gap and all the quiet parts he started sing out is the same thing by the way to go all the way back to save twenty twenty eleven. Barack obama was again same sex marriage in twenty levin by two and thirteen was greatest advocate of same sex. Marriage. So was that because he actually shifted his position or was it because he was lying in the first place and whose lines the american
The answer is, you is lying to the american people is always progressive on that issue. You just had to lie to the american people The american people didn't agree with him, and you see this One of them will you keep doing this over and over and people can believe you anymore. So all republicans have to do is point at what the end of that arc looks like The bottom: that's not look like our americans willing to go there, because, while democratically clemming they'll go this far no further, We have no evidence to believe that this is the case. Historically speaking, we have no to believe that when, given the opportunity, democrats will not shove us over the cliff every single time so, for example, have you talked about on show? There is eight. Junior Democrat who has now introduced a bill to prosecute parents refused to treat children as members of the opposite sex. According to yahoo news, virginia democratic delegate, Elizabeth goose mine is seeking to introduce legislation that would hold parents criminally liable for refusing to treat their children. Fr in section one? They are born into legislation.
who's. My plans to introduce importunities upcoming legislative session will expand the definition of child abuse, so parents could be charged with a felony or misdemeanor for using to honour their childs request to be treated as the opposite. Sex whose mindset of the child shares with those mandate reporters what they are going through. We are talking about not only physical abuse or mental abuse. Job. That mandate to report is to inform tromp protective, serves as I've been working on this for years and there's gonna come a time when democrats, if given enough power would sick child protected serves, is on any period. We refuse to go along with the lie that are boys, girl, remove, came in response. Virginia governor Glenn, young kids latest policy initiatives which empowered parents to exercise control over whether and how children transition gender in school, which of course used to be called the status quo? Its new status quo used to be called. Your boys, a weiner guerrillas girl, when young kids at the moderate position that if your boy seeks to be treated as a girl in school. You gotta tell the parents, and this is too much for the Democrats. They say the data now be considered. Child abuse,
and if you think the Democrats aren't moving this direction. I I question as to why you would think that, and what what makes you think that Joe Biden, a freed of all of the burdens of governance, if freed of public opinion, would not do that. He has said that healthcare requires that we trans the children, healthcare requires hormones for nine year olds, who say they are a member of the opposite sex gender, affirming healthcare. where's that we carving vaginas into boys at the age of sixteen seventeen eighteen years. Old very important. So why? Wouldn't it be considered child abuse I refuse to go along with it. Again. The end one of the slippery slope is there specifically, because the principle being established by the democratic party encompasses all of that truly believe that it is child abuse. Too used to go along with the delusions of your child with broken their own gender or sacks delusions promoted by sea? really contagious media apparatus. That virtues agreed virtue.
believing that you are a member of your your genetic sacks. If that's your principle, why? Wouldn't that extend to Notion that appearances is abusing their child for not going along with all of that. meanwhile, we're already on the verge of that in California. Right California, as we mentioned yesterday, has become the first sanctuary state for transgender youth seeking medical care. So if you and your and your spouse, disagree on whether your boy is a boy or boys girl, and you grabbed your kid and you go to california- and you start trans in the kid california. Now as that, your immune from prosecution it'll do nothing about that. its questionable as to whether even of minor decamped from their homes Oklahoma to california and started receiving transgender care without the permission of the parents, that that would be any sort of problem in the state of California dubbed the bottom up Slippery slope is, is there and it is visible and it is in sight, he's not a mirage in the distance, it is the it is. The vision of the bottom of the cliff, as you are following what democratically telling you is that the ninety nine to he jumped off one
story building. Ninety five story: young everything's, ok, so far, you have hit the ground, but IRAN's and closer and we are going to eat it, and so, if you wish to defeat the past guilty of us hitting binding, that's the bracelet. Yes, you have to put road blocks in the way near the top of the slippery slope. Democrats are being very clear about what it is they want here, its eyes, though they are there really hiding the ball, mean I and they say, but we don't want what we actually think we're not seeking to create a social contagion. We're not seeking to take it away from you, Not saying that you can't raise your cadet, that's exactly what they're saying it just a question of how long it takes for them to get to the logical and point of what it is there already advocating. This, of course, will involve overthrown. Religious freedom house Democrats have already push these so called the quality at which is an attempt to essentially destroy religious freedom in the united states. The basic ideas federally. There are now the prohibition on discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity across multiple sectors of american life, including employment, housing, public education and fight
dancing as well credit markets, injurie service. There there would be no carve out for religious freedom in this bill whatsoever. and that their say quite part out loud, the slippery slope he's not a fallacy. It is quite right. And this whole done literally every issue it holds with regard to abortion. Democrats had their druthers. It would not be taking a moderate position. origin, ebby legalizing abortion earth and we don't have to speak What about this? This is literally what they didn't york state. If Democrats heather druthers, they would have no legal limits on abortion. Katy hobbs two candidate for god in arizona, she said this, I add ons, he gets his face nation. What would the hall Administration weak limit be for abortion. access if it's not fifteen weeks. What is like abortion is a very personal decision that belongs between a woman and her doktor, the government
politicians don't belong in that decision. We need to let doctors perform the care that they are trained and take an oath to to perform oh, if an arizona, voter war to conclude from here, Previous answer that you do not favour any specific weak limit on abortion. Would they be correct eyes we're leaving the decision between a woman and her doctor and leaving politicians entirely out of it. There are no limits, no limits and by the way the corollary of this would be, the doctors will be forced to perform abortions and democratic state. These that rough, religious freedom would be. U encroaching on. Somebody else's quote right to choose its true on issues of crime, for example. If democrats had their brothers as they do in many places like san Francisco, crime would assent. We be allowed to flourish and john, and is running for centre right now, John bedroom, eleven different times called for at least one third of the inmates,
literally one third of inmates in pennsylvania. Here is john fetterman talking about that rises: sporting lies on tv about john fishermen. Its proven falls with the release of all economic. Anyone was said. He said something remarkable that I agree with. You said we could reduce our prison plotting they should by a third and not make anyone less safe. You could release a third of our needs and not make anyone, let's see if we could reduce our prison population. We give return these individuals back to their families back to their communities, and everyone is safer better off. We don't want it If the police, we don't want to release criminals, we kind of wanted to fund the police and release criminals you're saying San francisco, where b, yo of a company called cotopaxi, which is eight, which they dear company,
they are abandoning san francisco saying that they have nobility ability shop over there. team is terrified. They feel unsafe security guards, don't help, because these sufferings, no security guards, won't and can stop him. It's impossible for real. Retail store to operate and circumstances, especially once it has refused to take any action. We announced reduction of police presence in the neighborhood despite mass scale, crime, so the slippery slope, or is it just ten? What you guys want anyone obscure that fact keep saying slippery slope fallacy. As you continue to toboggan down the slippery slope is drawn environment. Wishes as well a california we made clear that they want to ban all sale of gas powered cars by twenty thirty five. Meanwhile, You're not increasing amount of power available to their grid, so unwilling to prevent you from able drive the car that you want and they're going to do so on the basis of a technology that is not ready and on the basis of a grid that requires fossil fuels to run in the first place. So herein lies the problem for democrats.
Their base is more more more radical. These days is college educated white women, whose members the media is the blue checks on twitter and they try to agglomerate all of that with low income voters, this anti democratic coalition that democratic coalition is not in line with what most americans want. And utopia. The Democrats seek is also not in line with what most americans want, Over and over and over again, they'll say that people are exaggerating, this isn't really what they want. This is not really what they are seeking. Well, if this isn't really what you're seeking then Why is it that you say all of this stuff five years ago and then materializes? Why is it that every protection made out where he lives would be five years from now has come true go back in history and look at what- Republicans were saying, democratic, be doing circa. Ninety ninety five and we are so further than republicans even thought. Democrats we're going to be than anyone could have imagined and here's here's the real problem with that without slippery slope and in the slippery slope graph.
It shows again a very shallow sort of carbon and boom you drop off a cliff. The problem is, there is no end to the bottom of the class. There is no end point. As soon as you think we reach the end point you, so they can't go any further and then proceed to go further and this is why Democrats are in a world of her right now, all had to do was not be crazy, but they also to convince americans. They were not going to be crazy; instead, they decided to both be crazy and also to pursue incredibly crate. Rhetoric that is going to lead americans not believe them when they then clay moderation in a general election, We get some more than just one taken first, they say about unbelievably important. You can do for yourself and your family preserve those family memories today. So my parents and their garage that a bunch of old film reels they do not have a film projector that a bunch of old pictures, all those pictures were kind of falling apart. I wanted to get all that stuff digitizing. forever, so called up. My friends over a legacy box, they do an amazing job legacy box, makes real in preserving the most cherished memories. Incredibly, easy he's sending your old vs
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Sorry window and crushes. You need to make sure your family's taken care of head on over to policy genius, dot com, slash shapiro and get it taken care of today, while the wages of all of this are becoming clear in the latest generic congressional ballot. The real, clear politics polling average currently has republicans. You point a point as the biggest republican lead since late june. Now there are more polls. Those polls are showing that gap continuing to increase the latest polls actually have that gap. Up to three point three points: it looks like the heartbreak of a red wave. According to Dan Mclaughlin, who does poll analysis over national review, monmouth has republicans up on the Europe ballot, our plus six com, as you have has our plus one. But again this doesn't take into account the sort of red shift, because one problems here is the poles historically under sampled republicans. So it's as our plus six now mama's boy easily be our plus eight, an economist you got all that has republicans up just one I could easily be in our plus three as well.
There is a reason why five thirty eight is now suggesting that the democratic chances of taking the senate are dropping like a stone just a few days ago, those chances were in the seventies. Today, it's fifty nine sent chance by the end of next week. I guarantee that its low fifties democrats are falling apart again because of their radical attempts. Now this means for republicans when you take office, guys do the popular stuff so the Democrats from doing what they're doing and then pursue popular policies that throw roadblocks and waved the Democrats radical agenda dont go with the most radical members of congress. Don't do that then Democrats will use the slippery slope fallacy universe, rivals what what republicans actually want. Is they the ones just dismantle the entire welfare state in order to throw everybody on social security offered their social scared? All the rest of this kind of stuff republicans have thus We can't find a single republican in office, she's advocated for any of that stuff. But democrats will do that. So put your best foot forward when you actually get into governing position.
Without said, democrats are in serious trouble right now. John betterment is now according to the latest, pull in a dead heat with doktor oz, and I found myself on the back burner. It probably six weeks ago that that race is going to get a lot closer, and I thought that I might take that race. Well, yesterday Joe Biden arrived in pennsylvania for what has to be one of the most awkward campaign stops in recent memory, so John fetterman, who had a stroke and cannot process auditory information correctly, was meeting with Joe Biden, who cannot speak out of his face. So that was weird, it was also where does he John fishermen shut up in a suit and that he can? It looks like MR donnelly bottle. From Dana identical movie, his head does not fit his body. It's less clear when you worth carhartt sweatshirts in the oversized baggy shorts bone he's wearing a suit. He kind of looks like a thumb sticking out of his suit a little bit and that's that's that's awkward.
So I that John John fetterman did did where suit he's capable of wearing a suit. I am an angel by made things even more awkward. So during his speech he told veterans, wife, that she would be excellence in the Senate which saying I point out loud their dude John vitamins, wife, suddenly become a campaign issue because she keeps going out there and saying that members of the pressure to apologize to John fetterman for noticing that he is no longer with it and all the rest of this. So John fetterman hit his wife. Joe Biden said your wife will be amazing in the senate. just like Joe Biden is an amazing president. Actually here is it Joe Biden. John thank you are very. Watch for for a run, and I really do appreciate it and gel you're going to you're going to be a great lady to send me a great lady in the senate. I'm so imagine that you're running and your wife will make an excellent centre the job their job. Also, we got the your Joe Biden, inability to speak that the english language. So here he tried to explain
made a once in a lifetime investment in america, and he doesn't know how numbers work is infrastructure decade A headline on my watch will help you remember. The congress here today I signed in law a once in a while duration, investment in roads, highways bridges, raw rose, porridge airports in so much more of rebellion, two hundred children, two hundred billion dollars. Over a billion two hundred billion billion trillion admit phalion Joe Biden, then he got lost again. so they lived there. How many videos, either of Joe Biden, is getting lost in the woods and harry Is Joe Biden getting lost in the was saying a horror movie, so he stops the microphone, I love when they bring in the music and he just gets confused. Where am I going, and I dunno where this way that way this way that way for all around hokey pokey.
a hustle off the stage? Try not to fall down those stairs yet Joe Biden he's. Definitely meanwhile John fetterman. His wife will make an excellent senator says we're not doing interviews, which is always the best sign of a great candidate, your wife is jumping in going he's not here. In questions. So there is John fishermen looking very much like uncle faster, accompanied by his wife, who says that he will not be answering questions. Mr Feder, nor are you satisfied with the progress of the bridge. He's not gonna, be answering questions. He just gonna stand There can be great guys. Well, everyone so well. The people are wondering why Joe Biden isn't going to other senate raises. The answer is no one wants Nobody wants Joe Biden anywhere near a senate race, but the white house has to deny this. They have to pretend that Joe Biden is wildly popular. Despite his forty percent approval rating at corinne jean Pierre
we're press secretary. She says that did Joe Biden still blast of is the background states which left mark kelly screaming and till at last night. The present I'm gonna go to georgia and nevada and excitement I don't have any? I don't have any travel to preview for you at this time. As you know, we're going we're going to be in pittsburgh and Philly today, and the president's truly excited about that. Oh well, note note traveled to prevent this. It will hold back he'll, be back in rehoboth beach, getting into the aircraft If nobody else you want him in these in the center racist, Joe Biden was asked for about this, and he got irritable, which always since when he's audio nystroem area, Explaining that it is not true, democrats don't want him to campaign here with you today and have a better man than appeared you today I Bulgaria, haven't they make and competing with you. Why or more sound, ok, you're, going to be even more. I count campaigning with me in my generation-
Our colleague was literally ass, a national tv. If you want to go by the comments, I know TIM ryan asked in ohio. You want your bite in the shop. Nobody wants this guy anywhere near them? There's for that? Cbs interviewed some arizona about the coming election between mark kelly and white masters. Like masters, was feeling pretty significantly in the latest. Poles, like masters, had been making up some significant ground. It is possible that blake masters, without that race. Now or even a week ago, I was suggesting the blake masters is a real underdog in that race. Now blake masters, looking a lot better because carry lake is running a very strong top it to take a race. She's very trompe shall sums we, tremendous on television. In any case, there are some arizona voters talking about. Why didn't like more kelly? And the answer is Joe Biden
If we're friends, first of all gasp the horror we got fit now he doesn't care about it. He doesn't care about american use. All you have to do to learn. Are you better off now than you were four years ago, when I would do knowledge and he answered me every down- you know hello, Phoenix engaged so a great job there by job. I know hundred people are running away from yourself. What is the fallout going to be here? Cloud is going to be. Everybody is holding back on Joe Biden right now, they're holding back, but the passion of the democratic party base and the blue checks is now with Joe Biden, the passion of the democratic party base and the blue taxes with a more radical figure. Then Joe Biden now even using Joe Biden as a sort of empty vessel in order to achieve victory over now from the problem is Joe Biden completely shatters on impact, as it appears he's going to he's he's now. I've fallen and I can't get up
And if that happens in the mid terms, the knives are going to come out for him. It's so unbelievably quickly. Jim cliburn. I think that who really sponsored his run. Rep James clyburn in south carolina, he was that I really put em over the top in the primary against Bernie sanders. An interview Last night, on MSNBC and at first he tried to kind of walk his way through the idea. The Democrats might still win the election and then afterward he he sort of gave up the ghost- and I don't know anybody who will say ryleigh ten dollars or even ten cents or even twenty two it's a mess per gallon. You take my rights away, my voting rights away, and these the things that we know the other party is doing to suppress vote. That's it. What choice to be worried about me, but why asked people to make that choice
so does Jim clever in trying to explain they're gonna win the mid term, because people care more about abortion than ten dollar gas. No, no! That's! That's not true, and james has asked the real question, and the question is what he support Joe Biden. Twenty twenty four is, maybe possum lee. Maybe is given us a great big, covering the largest infrastructure them now the largest progressive programme says johnson great society! This is nuts This nisa and an american recognize that visit people with you Much rather not have jobs, jason so long as we can pay hence its mess for galileo, gasoline silk arson. If he runs again, will you again support him. I suspect there we'll see. Why are we not
I was you I am a member- may am problem, make no Yeah now that the long knives are going to come out for for Joe Biden, if, in fact his team goes down to flaming defeat and counter in What's going to up happening? Is there not a moderate? Their positions are going elect. Somebody for that nomination, who is significantly more progressive than Joe Biden, because again Democrats can help themselves? They keep thinking about whether we bomb. That's slippery slope, but increasingly they're just taken chris gallons during all over the slippery slope. We're gonna end up their sooner rather than later of. Democrats are in fact elected. We get more in just one second, first in an economy as volatile as this one. Its importance have control you're, making a big purchase like a new car. This is why I like causing parsing is awesome. It's completely changing will you buy a car online? They work with over twenty five thousand. Where's nationwide help. You find your dream car by partner with credit agencies, lenders and dealerships being provided with everything you need before setting foot into a dealership, their financial tools make auto financing quick and easy
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Children, but not very few of the old shouldn't age, seven, eight nine in children seem not to know whether they are girls reward. His and vice versa, know whether they are boys or anymore. So this is really terrible You can watch the absurd anti anywhere plus or listen on apple podcast spotify or where were you get your podcast go check out the sunday special again we ve been having some pretty amazing s on the sunday special of late lot of world leaders. That's been happening recently it meanwhile over here in the united states are bureaucracy continues apace with its insanity. So, yes, The CDC advisory committee on immunization praxis voted unanimously to recommend that covered vaccines be part of the immunization panel for small small children According to CBS news, the move. Part of a series of proposed changes to documents which are biased early every year would amount to little more than summarizing recommendations already decided by the agency's advisers, the cdc
that it's important to know? There are no changes in combination, vaccine policy, today's ashen simply hub streamline clinical guideline guidance for healthcare providers, banqueting all crow licensed authorizing routinely recommended vaccines in one document. cdc, also suggested that they are not mandating covered nineteen vaccinations doctrine or upshot mainsail television, member of the cdc advisory committee has had. Indeed, there are vaccines that are on the schedule right now. There are now required for school attendance in many jurisdictions like seasonal flu, local control matter of, and we honor that, but the is what is your evidence that we should be recommending this at all to small children and the death rates for very young people from coal. The nineteen are minuscule, but Verging on the non existent we're talking single digits in terms of healthy babies, for example, or dying of cold, it was, I met a natura two hundred thirty million people. The how the facts on small children are not well known, how the ex ante agents are not well known, which is why you seen a bunch of countries in europe basically
they do not want to use covered backs on thirteen fourteen year old, because the risk, my caritas. Shot and other members. The panel acknowledge the slav on. My comments did received ahead of the meeting over the topic. Some pleading with them not require common boxes in schools after thursday's vote the agency seeks sign off from a range of professional groups, including the american academy of family physicians and the american pharmacists association. The new schedule for kids, adolescents and adults will then be published in February twenty twenty three here's. What it sounded like fifteen o vote again, no dissenters. None sounds like science to me. Gang fifteen unanimously in favour again. Maybe fifteen do nothing. Fifteen! Do nothing. Now the fact is that we do not have any sort of long term studies on the effects of these vaccines on small children, you're talking, When we talk about me, I'm not somebody who is a very strong advocate of vaccinations for the vulnerable and elderly. My kids are not backs, nor do I get them bakst for covet
they're, not serious danger from covered on any statistical level and the alarm ism of the media led the cdc. Do this? That's what this is all about: its eight, its aim, well chamber between the media and members of the bureaucracy. The media goes alarmists, val kids, the bureaucracy responds their excuse for spawning is the is the hysteria, and so you saw people all over the tv for years. Talking about how kids could not go back to school. because it might, in fact each other with cold it. When the reality is that kid's we're not dying of covered in anything like serious numbers, average ass, it can be a tragedy and also on a statistical level. The risk that for children was significantly lower for cover than it wasn't of pneumonia. Nonetheless, this now pushed when cdc says, by the way that we are not actually mandating. This thing understand that their cdc guidance is used by local. Hours in order to offload responsibility for making these decisions. It is all the time of schools. Schools during the pandemic would consistently
things like yeah. We know that there is no real information on masking for kids. You know, kids, don't wear the masks properly. We know that. I can be able to earn ninety five that strapped to their face. The way you would in a hospital if you are in a high risk situation, but But the says it's good. I wasn't. Cdc is a way for them to avoid all culpability and responsibility. Something's going to happen here against you, a lot of school districts that say we're going to mirror the cdc just because it's the cdc, I'm no expert, but the cdc are the experts while it'd be nice, if the cdc actually posted their data but I am unaware of this these data that justifies the necessity for this sort of vaccination campaign. Marty Macsharry, who author opposed on substance, pointed out that there really is very little evidence, regard to any of this again need the idea here that did
vaccines are necessary for children in the first place, is pretty insane and yet they're doing it anyway. There there today, Joe again, trust the science follows science, except when science doesn't exist, in which case follow the quarter court experts, that's the thing that we definitely should. He doing, and meanwhile things are going amazingly well over in new york city, so the crime in new york city continues apace yesterday, police any search for a man who struck a stranger on a sword with sore she'd, uninsured subway drain And not just the sort of sword sheath, so apparently one of the out cast from Highlander arrived on the subway station on the platform in new york city he's gonna sheathing smack somebody with it. According to a b c seven new york, multiple reports came in about a man with a knife sort of machete who attacked us with a stranger on a northbound, a train at the chamber street according to police. and when he saw the scene unfolds had the suspect shrugged his way past woman on the train and then stood. But
in the train cars before crashing through the other card, or have no are you just sort of like? Fourthly, opened the doors the other train, carbohydrates and rebecca strasbourg unjust, whipped out what looked like a sword. Something gigantic thrust has been hard to see, did every from the other train is moving as far as they could. Apparently there are some sort of combat that took place in the car next door. The only word I could think of whisky cliches dressed instead, it is like a cliche normal cinematic. The way he it out, I felt a fever dream one may was hit on the head with the sword, cover and sustained slash on the forehead. He was treated for life, not life, threatening injuries assessment. Describes wearing all black. They black out the marble logo on it. away there. There now in filming, live action. Real life filming of the next marvel film on the new subway system. The good news is that the Eric Adams, his parting, it up so criswell I asked Eric Adams mayor of new york city, and I remember he that time he was elected in order to supposedly lower the crime rate, and then the crime rates and get lower their. She got worse. Remember that time he's super properties until the time he was in january,
asked about why you're parting it up every nine eric Adams like why shouldn't I parties, management, a mere new york. You got a migrant emergency when the city is facing, like the rest of the country and economic downturn, when you ve got a crime issue, any thought of toning down. What would think what would you just said you? So we have an economic issue. My my night, life is a multi billion dollar industry, who are afraid to go back out to restaurants. Now they see they may go without saying, come back out to our city, oh he's doing it for public purposes. You see he's party these, enjoying that the nurturing I live to encourage Walker state to go back out there and enjoy that you know would actually encourage new yorkers to go back out there enjoy their lives, people not getting hit with sword sheaths on the subway or randomly pushed in front of the trains like one of the cops from superman one by the lex luther door, a excellent excellent governance happening.
by the way. There is a good piece by mark these in pointing out the obvious europe showed you ve, heard republicans talking about crime over the past few months in advance of the election and democrats, the media responded very well. You know red states have higher murder rates than blue states. Well, I mean true? But you know world murmurs happening blue areas of the red states is wyndham artesian meg's. He says, In most of these red states, the high murder rates are driven by we the violence there, blue cities take Missouri, had voted for trump, it's also home to the most Interest? U S, city, ST louis and kansas city, both of which are run by democrats earlier, this year, CBS news did an analysis of deadliest us cities using the latest f b. I another crime data in twenty nineteen and found ST louis had the highest murder rate in the nation. With sixty four point, five four murders per one hundred thousand residents for now, right. Kansas city, meanwhile, had the atheist murder rate, with almost thirty motors, hundred thousand in Louisiana. It's a red state, but batten rouge has six sixth renovation nor
and as these have enticement murder rate in the nation, same thing for tenancy Memphis ranks. Nineteen the country also apparent mistakes, murder rate chattanooga, which was wide by Democrats, and democratic one national and democratic, aeronautical. In other words, all the blue areas that are making the red state have high murder rate. So just well done as always, but at least Derek Adams, is able to his god he's always gotten party and to me, that's that's really the priority that we should be focused in on, like a laser beam already guys the rest of the is continuing right. Now, you not one of us will be getting into wiley's trust just lost her job as prime minister of the uk, for not a member click. The link in the description, join us
Transcript generated on 2023-02-22.