« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1575 - Leftists Love Illegal Immigrants...Until They Go To Martha's Vineyard


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Republican governors make Democrats own their own positions on illegal immigration; the railroad unions hold America’s economy hostage in the middle of an inflationary spiral; and Nancy Pelosi cracks wise about abortion.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Republican governors made democrats own their own position on illegal immigration. Railroad you I hold america's economy hostage in the middle of an inflationary spiral and nancy Pelosi cracks wise about abortion. I am Ben shapiro. This is the bench barrel show. The this show is sponsored by express vpn. Some stand up against big tech, protect your data express vpn, dot, com, slash ben. You know you're spending too much money these days on everything, because Joe Biden is a terrible president, but one of the things, definitely spending too much money on is one of the things you've been spending too much money on for literally years. That would be your cell phone coverage verizon a t and t t mobile. They charge you too much money, and the simple fact is that we are in recession. You can't afford to spending too much money on stuff like your cell phone coverage, which is why you should talk to my friends over at pure talk. Pure talk gives you a myriad of choices she can choose data plan is right for you, though, that's two gigs per month or an unlimited plan with a mobile hotspot by switching over to pure talk, the average family of four is saving over seventy five bucks every month. Customers are realizing. This
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tourism actually amounts to an put my hand in your pocket and give your money away, and then I'm going to put myself on the back for how altruistic I am unfortunately in strawberry amount of democratic policy, economic, environmental, foreign, enormous amounts of this of this policy are predicated on the idea that you are most altruistic when you're putting your and in somebody else's pocket and then giving away their money when you are taking somebody else's like that affecting their life. In a way that makes you good, but it does actually have any effect on you, but makes you feel incredibly good because you are making Bob paid the bill and, let's face it, Bob deserves to pay them. You don't deserve to peddle you're good person, you're making bob pay the bill, but so long we're making bob pay the bill. You own, no consequences there that you don't have to actually be altruistic. You don't actually have to do anything, it's all up to you you to make sure that somebody else does this thing. So much of left wing policy is predicated on this. Very
idea that the rules that you think should broadly applied to humanity and the consequences of which are not owned by you. those rules are goods along you propagate them and then the minute your clock in the face, In reality, the rules become really really bad. The strong tax policy democrats in blue states across the country will raise state taxes to extraordinary levels and then they'll go to the federal government and they'll ask for state and local tax deductions, the idea being that you should be able to deduct your high taxes in the state of california, for example, against your federal income tax exists after all, why the other states should pay for the fact that you decided to raise taxes in your state and when it comes to homelessness, homelessness, is a human, Until precisely the moment, ten cities arrive in malibu environmental policy, Environmental environmentalism is all wonderful and good, especially for people. Live in areas where you don't. Meanwhile, you get to basically fly around the private jet re environmentalism is a is a luxury of the wealthy.
and generally the people who are most interested. Environmentalism also have the largest carbon footprint, because they also happen to be the most wealthy and wealth goes along in most cases with a higher carbon footprint and people who are very, very poor. So this has now reared its head again with the issue: legal immigration left for my entire lifetime has basically been soft on illegal immigration. suggested that illegal immigration, the free movement of people across America's southern border and the ability of those people, then rely on the american welfare state, particularly on the state local level, the ability of of these folks to move across borders to take jobs, to not pay their full share of taxes to get free public education for their kids to take advantage of the healthcare system where all of these things are a good and to oppose this is to be cruel and nasty. Now here's the thing most of the people who are pressing sort of policy, particularly the elite levels of the democratic party, never actually have to deal to consequences. They feel as though they
creating a new voter makes people are coming in and more dependent on government. They tend to be poorer than the average in the united states. They sent to us get it on the average in the united states and thus their more and in a government large ass in the united states until the idea was bring. This entire new group of people in many people are more likely to be. Democrats. Have the demographics of california, for example, shifted from california being a register. we'll state and now to a pure blue d, blue sea blue state. But here is the magic in order to foment Immigration, we really have to do. Is you have to suggest that bore towns in texas have to deal with it, and certainly not brok obama up in my vineyard, certainly not commonly harris over at the naval observatory in maryland. Those people who have to deal with it, certainly not Eric atoms in your city, the people more lightfoot got those people who have to deal with it because it s All the true altruism is making sure that the people down on the border in texas were saying you know what this is really well up our city. Those people are the bad guys. Gregg habit is the bad ones,
Don't you see in arizona he's the bad one? The people along the border who say you know the screening, real societal and cultural problems and economic problems and crime problems. Those people are just their intolerant, their bigots their bad because we're ultra straight their bad. We are the authorised and so there is something extraordinarily ironic about the hue and cry that is now coming from top level democrats over the move by borders, state republicans, rhonda santas in florida, which The is not a border state, but there are a lot of illegal immigration into florida or greg abbott in Texas, who have now been saying to democratic governors and democratic mayors yoga as if you love illegal immigration. So much if you want to say that you're a sanctuary city without actually having to deal with the predominant force of illegal immigration and guess what you asked for it. You got it, and so gregg abbot and governors answers. They have been sending illegal immigrants to deep blue areas. Support: sanctuary cities in albany, legal immigration, seventeen we will see how much you like it was young
Altruistic! You are when your hands in your own pocket and not ours will say how we will see how kind charitably, you are with your own resources and how much you like illegal immigration, one naturally affects you. We ll see how much you enjoy defined the police when the criminals are sitting rights at your house We will see how much you enjoy homelessness when again, their people were camped out. Front yard, will see how much you enjoy high tax rates when there is no state local tax reduction, making people on the consequences of their own political decision making is a net pause. If this is also true by the way, intergenerational democratic economic policies predicated on the idea that you can steal from future generations, and then you can use money here and it's not just true in the united states to all over the world. The decline of western you can much is largely based on the fact that we have abandoned you, sir birchen notion that you owe a debt to future generations, not the other,
around, but they owe a debt to you in the sense that they are supposed to inherit. A stable and in decent system, but they are not supposed to pay your bills it it. It is a a fundamental fact of morality that a parent is supposed to provide for the child and that, typically speaking, only in old age are children supposed to provide for the parents. But the idea is not not? U burden your unborne grandchildren with that's, there never can be able pay, and yet we have broken, and intergenerational barrier leaves just with store that morality, and so now we have basically impoverished our children and grandchildren and back of extraordinary levels of public and private debt. Here in the west, and that is why using low rates of economic growth across the western has been true for at least a couple of decades, so making people on the consequence of this. Visions in the here and now is a very good way of forcing better policy. So I am very much in favour of round us answers, for example, sending a of charter plains of illegal immigrants. Martha's vineyard, what's hysterical about
serves video that emerge yesterday of this happening? Fox news? Had the video apparently governor, santas, sent a couple of charter planes filled with illegal immigrants to Martha's vineyard in Massachusetts. Right is the playground of the rich and famous for. come out should have plenty of place. I am, he should have lots of room on his dated twenty nine point, three acre estate on marthas vineyard, which must have got a fairly large fortune, Martha's vineyard is a place where the rich play in you don't really get to go there. I mean so that, on that score, Some of these illegal immigrants are very lucky and they are free flight. You Martha's vineyard, it there's another era of american life where you, if you're, not extraordinarily rich your excluded and that's it. Thus many areas of, for example, you uninvested ahead when you really can't, unless you have a certain income like by law, there is one area of the investment economy you can access, even if your name extraordinarily wealthy and then
is an area of the investment economy, it actually. The rich can do play in and make a lot of money, and that, of course, is high and art master works allows you to invest in the same kind of our that very, very wealthy people. Investing it would fractionally mash works, offers investments in the top one percent contemporary art and ask that appreciated by an incredible thirty three point: two per the last time inflation was this high. They make it so easy to invest that anyone, regardless of your artistic background or knowledge, instil hedge against inflate, and diversified to reduce risk master has hasn't. Were five hundred thousand users signed up they're, not gonna, stop until they hit a billion years, thus partner. An exclusive offer. For my audience, only we sign up a masterwork stocks. slash men in skip. The weight must end start. Resting immediately at master works. Dotcom, slash bend to skip that weightless before deciding to invest carefully review, important disclosures, it master, works, dot, com, slash According to the gunners communications record kerensky, she said yes, flora can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants and rising marthas vineyard today or part of the states relocation programme to transport, illegal immigrants. The sanctuary destinations, seedling messages
in york, California, where but will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country by incentivizing, illegal immigration through their designation of sanctuary states and support for the bite administration's open border policies. As you may know, in this past, legislate especially the florida legislature, appropriated twelve million dollars to implement a programme to facilitate the tray for illegal immigrants from the state consistent with federal law, the office of mass. He's coming: charlie, big responded to the after hours, email saying the bigger belittle administration is in touch with local officials. Regarding the arrival of migrants in marthas vineyard. At this time is short, shelter services are being provided by local offices. The administration will continue to support Efforts has lowered the video of the charter planes arriving in marthas vineyard. But the santas has sent migrants on a plane tomorrow, vineyard now this is where the obama have a home, oh brother, beyond, say even James taylor gotta be seeing fire rain and migrants rosy o donnell mean everybody, basically that you know and the left as a home there
you think they're gonna be embracing their new neighbours. you know these are all sanctuary, cities and dollar in their sanctuary riding a doubt bell embrace them. Don't know that I bet ben among others, vineyard by bent where we seeing these migrants come across, as is not good for america. Everyone as a border town, and we need to make sure we get our southern border secured exactly like. We did for four years jesse. Meanwhile, the texas governor, Greg Abbott, he's doing something similar with regard to common law harris according to fox five dc. Fox news is reporting that two buses Migrants arrived on thursday morning outside Kabul, Harris's residence at the naval observatory in washing, in be seen, approximately a hundred migrants, mainly from venice, will, arrive just before seven, a m from Del rio This more offloading near the naval observatories main guard gave the migrants were picked up in eagle, pass texas and were centre number gregg avenues. Leather fox news report buses filled with migrants from our southern border have just arrived. Side vice pray, in harris's residents,
naval observatory in washington, dc grip jenkins, live on the scene. To tell us more. A griffin is that massachusetts avenue that I'm looking to write their yeah morning, see there's a brian. This bush just arrived moments ago. I talk to some of the folks appear this versus come from Del rio, texas, ok, so the typical response in the media, as this is horrible. How could they do this? So just to get this straight when a boy filled with migrants arrives in Del rio, texas, that's not good for the united states. That's it that's a good thing! because forcing Del rio texas, to take all those people in his great remember a few years ago when there is Migration crisis under president obama is sitting the article marietta and there are a bunch of b residents. Therefore, saying don't take these buses here like we live here, we don't have the resource to take care of these people they're just going to be sitting and in the bus station, and we they are, we don't owe their backgrounds, we know how to feed them and people of marietta were treated as though they were terrorists.
How? How dear these people, not just I mean don't we have a statue and on that statue it says that we should take in. Are tired are real our huddled masses, yearning to be free. I don't do we have the statue of liberty, the central now this has been a typical democratic talking point very long time, but it turns out that statue liberties in new york and ok fine. So if we send I grants to new york, and presumably everything should be hunky dory right. If we set the illegal immigration way that has been fostered by this administration talking in excess one point: three million illegal immigrants have entered the country since Joe Biden took office, and that is not counting. The gotta ways which could be up to another million and when you have that many people who are arriving and they are swamping border towns, those towns, don't have the resources resources for them. So why not send them mean income inequality, guys equity? Why not send them to the richest enclaves in america? Places like Martha has been. Why not send them to malibu when I'd have them camp out outside Barbra streisand? After all, if you are in favour of these policies, you should own the policies. Should you not
be the person who's willing to pay for those policies. Should you not, you shouldn't be forced foisting them on the people who are unfortunate enough to live at the board that you have decided to leave it wide open in complete defiance of basic governmental duty, and yet the the reaction from the west has been. This is extraordinary. The wailing and gnashing of teeth. This is terrible to human rights violation. So let me just get this straight. It is a pleasure cruise when, aka obama and Joe Biden and all the rest of the glitterati on the left, good Martha's vineyard, and so the differentiation as I've been ices place in america, but it is an elite immigrant arrives there on a bus, and it's like outfit fisheries in a bus filled with people do marthas vineyard and my god it's you if violation, is that a human rights violation by the way to leave the border open and incentivize hundreds of thousands of people. Cutting small children's cross. Some most dangerous areas on planet earth remains like over a thousand migrants, have been found dead alone
The american bore because people are falling, people are sick, people are starving. People are dehydrated but apparently is not about. You have serious migration crisis, human rights violations by coyotes, we're bringing people in hot trucks and then leaving them to die in the back of these trot, that's not a problem, but you know to real problems What people on air conditioned aeroplanes from florida to Martha's vineyard? That's a serious problem! I've known they may need only serious problem, because no, you have to see it, and I know you have to own the consequences. That's the really serious problem it turns out, as always that dumb What policy blue state policy, blue city policy, fun and games until they actually have to pay for it, but here thank you as a business you been paying for thereby policy for at least a couple of years, though whether you talk about covert locking or by an inflation you, the business. You ve been paying the bill for that. Well, what? If you overpaying? accident. You can get some of that money that, when you like to do that is waning to talk my friends,
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new york, city, okay, so near city, has a population. Grand total population york city of eight point: four million people, it fifteen hundred migrants show up from texas weird The strange the city's resources. Eight point: four million people live in your teddy. How many people live in the real texas? Take the until real texas, I'm sure, singing like thirty six thousand people living del rio taxes so and there it with fifteen hundred migrants. That's an that's a good thing. According to the residents you're kidding city. When fifteen hundred illegal immigrants arrive in york city a city, they point four million people as a really really bad thing, the same thing in chicago Human rights violation, apparently to send illegal immigrants to chicago Chicago. Has a population of point, seven million people, but the ideas If a few hundred? U illegal immigrants out there, what we can and all that I mean that that I mean. After all, we are a blue city. I mean that what we we can't really do, that that'd be that'd, be really bad, so here is lori Lightfoot, the absolutely incompetent
or of chicago a place where there are more shootings every weekend than a typical weakened in Iraq, suggesting that the real problem here, is that a national problem. I noticed that now you think it's a national problem. How weird how weird that, when the consequences it homeward, You start to realise that illegal immigration is national problem, for you, amazing, we need dc, needs, more assistance in and obviously know that there's work being done by the white house and some of the executive agencies to look too, other resources that can happen fast enough, so we're going to continue to be in conversation with them to let them know it's happening on the ground here I might have a series of very productive conversations when I was in dc on friday, but we're not gonna put take our foot off the gas to say that we need a comprehensive plan on the federal government and again we all know what did the realities. This is a national problem and he's a national solution in weak as cities and states
I feel left out defend to ourselves. We can be left with. No, we need, we will be a solution. Securing the border of his administration says the border is secure to be time for you now to talk to the white house about securing that, but but you're not going to do that instead you're going to virtue signal and pretend you ve been victimized by taxes, paso taxes, which is one that pass through said for illegal immigration is a big border patrol station over there that the total population of EL paso as of twenty twenty six hundred, eighty thousand people, the city of chicago. Point: seven million people, the illinois governor cleared in emergency over migrants, bus from texas, how many migrants, robust from texas, according to the wall street, journal five hundred five hundred? so. Five hundred people show up in a city of two point: seven million a little governor, declares in ass a state emergency? Meanwhile, two million people, show up on the southern border in place like is arizona in mexico and that's hunky That's totally. Fine administrations got this whole thing under control. Accordingly,
wall street journal. What illinois governor jamie pritzker declared an emergency and column. Seventy five members of the illinois national guards marshall resources to cope with an influx of asylum seekers, buses chicago in other cities by taxes, gunnar gregg, abbot, about five hundred migrants have arrived in chicago since the first slowed, pulled into downtown bus station on august. Thirty first morgan into a rather than any advance notice from texas prisoners at the state of illinois, is doing everything in its power to local jurisdictions help ensure that the right tools and supports our place as we forward with this humanitarian response is proclamation, will help the illinois. Emergency management agency and other state agencies coordinate with the city of chicago cook, county and other local governments to provide services to migrants They include transportation, emergency shelter and housing, food and medical attention and, of course, pritzker criticise. The abbot he said was a stunt playing games. People's lives. No you not just on playing games in people's lives like actual lives. It is something else people's lives to send him to a major american city with a huge welfare program. You know it's a major leaving the border open. That is a major stunt. You guys have indeed for literally decades governor abbot-
End quote sanctuaries. Any mayors complain their overwhelmed by a few dozen migrants arriving on buses from texas diffraction, what his faces on a daily basis. Wilkins You bussing migrants until Biden secures the more correct, but by the way Joe Biden is taking action hysterically enough. According to rule, as as border crossings have soared to record highs. Us president, Joe Biden's administration is quietly pressing mexico to accept more migrants from cuba Why? In Venezuela, under a covenant phoenix motion or the white house is probably sought to end. According to seven years, interamerican officials the motor say when we close the border. Instead, there still using title forty two covert emergency, which they said were going to end in which they said Well we're applicable theirs. If they're going to use title forty two to pressure mexico to take all of these migrants now so they're not going to we are out which is illegal. Immigration is a problem for the united states. Instead going to pretend that this is a covert threat. Still they're going to do it quietly behind closed doors, you a sacrilege saint anthony blinking, raise concerns about an escalating number of crossing, by migrants from the three countries
a visit on monday to mexico city. According to u s into mexican officials, mexico did not promise any specific actions. One! U s. Officials had trying to convince mexico to agree is an uphill battle. Ya know no bleep. So again, democrats owning the consequences of their actions is, is it's the killer? App it's a kryptonite to democratic, bad policy would shift the burden of their policy positions to literally everyone else. The big problem for democrats, of course, is that every time they have to own the consequences of their own actions, things get really really bad. There's one consequence, however, that we all have to meet in life, and that, of course, is death and a dark depressing, but here's the thing you can prepare for that, because you know it's coming with the I've insurance. You need from policy genius if you're worried about price policy genius makes that easy to make it easier to compare your options from all this. But companies, it make sure you dropping a cent more than you have two for the courage you need. Halsey geniuses ensures marketplace. It makes it easier to compare quotes from top companies like a I g n potential in one place to find your lowest price it could save fifty percents or more on life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius options started. Just seven
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great? It's, not individual spending, a lot of money on politics and all of those are our free speech issues. Unions can do it to the biggest problem in american public life is not people are pressing for the interests of their particular group in politics that is the norm. The biggest issue in american public life is unions that sign actual contracts. We, The government of the united states paying for the people who they are negotiating with to get elected- that's just most corrupt bargaining, american public life, we're supposed to pretend it is a normal. It is not normal that the union's spend every election cycle billions, they be billions of dollars to get Democrat selected and then negotiate with same people for really really wonderful. Enriched contracts It pays the bill for that, the actual taxpayers, the taxpayers, the consumers. Those are the ones who pay the bill just like everything else. Democratic policymaking is a question of shifting the burden to somebody else. Always always your political allies,
get all the benefits and your political enemies are the ones who receive all the costs. You stick everybody else with the bill and is a perfect example of this. So Joe Biden has driven approval of labour unions to the highest point since nineteen sixty five to gallop. Americans approval of labour unions, which was always down at like forty eight percent Two thousand and nine has been steadily increasing to the point where it's now at almost sixty eight percent. That is the highest point that has been in fifty years. Basically, that is current highest reading that they never seen. That is because, again democrat approval labour unions, because labour unions, basically our democratic party tool,. approval has increased among yearly major all demographic subgroups since twenty sixteen one Labour union members, their approval has been a lower than seventy five percent. Since two thousand and one curly eighty six since the union members approve of unions down from the recent I've. Ninety three percent in two thousand I mean a privilege relatively high among young adults, aged eighteen to thirty, four, most of whom are not members of unions by the way and don't actually have to abide by union structures, and those are the annual house.
then comes under forty thousand dollars. Democrats approve of you by an extraordinary scale by ninety percent of Democrats approve of unions. That is really where the uptake has happened, because democratic but heavy focus on the people who basically pay for their politicians. get elected that that the approval rate among Democrats would imagine I mean it's basically going to the republican party and in saying republican voters do you approve of bill in areas of spending money. On behalf of your political interests, that's basically what the labor unions do and what does this result in a result in prior to an election unions can hold up the Democrats at gunpoint and the Democrats just give away the store. That's exactly what just happened with railroads, sir, these railroad unions and his railroad, and been demanding things things from places like amtrak there's a lot of government involvement in the negotiation of these contracts, user of public private partnerships will but an the other, because the railroad workers union works with the railroads from the railroads or serve quasi public institutions. Joe Biden has been making overtures,
unions for quite a while, he basely been sank. Them hold us up right. Do it tell us what you want we will give it to? You is he's done it everything from the teachers. Where's got randy Weingarten one, the most nefarious figure thing: in an american public life, a person who essentially kept children on a school for two years, because she system. Because she comes directly against the interests and schoolchildren. She basically runs. cohesion policy at the about at the eddie Biden, administration of labour unions that are running the ports that have contributed heavily to supply chain crisis and now directly prior to the mid term elections This was no coincidence. The railroad unions decided there are basically get a hold up the store and the amount of damage that was likely to have been done. If this railroad strike had happened would have been egregious, which meant that they had dubai cobra barrel and Joe Biden was then going to hold all of the railroads over a barrel the railroad owners in private public partnerships and all the rest of us. How bad was going to be While the strike according to the new york times would have exacerbated the congestion that has plagued american ports, it would brought fresh pressure to bear on trucking.
but he is most obvious alternatives for moving freight as they complain. They still can't find enough drivers who do stymied movement. just as politicians and markets wrestle with soaring prices for consumer product rail moves, roughly two fifths of law. Distance american freight and one third of exports, making mistakes enormous, also realization component of a of a complex global supply chain depends on a coordinated movements of cargo ships, trains and trucks. So what exactly was, was going to happen here. While I was gonna happen here is more economic disaster and Joe Biden couldn't have that before image from elect, and so he gave way the store, how much did the buy administration give away the store in this? In this deal, that that was just cut with the railroad and it's so bad. They won't even release the details of the deal. That's how bad the deal is. You know that I got a bad deal unlike its secret, as he secret yo ones, lesson I cut a secret deal. Was a man using for the american people just went out unbelievably well There is never. Obviously. According to the wall street journal white house had thursday it had reached a tentative agreement to avoid potential railway strike at friend, shut down a crucial
of the us economy. Beyond this beautiful democratic policy at its height incentivize the union's to hold you up give them whatever they want and guess who gets to pay the price for this taxpayers and consumers. Wonderful, everybody else pays the price, just not Joe Biden turbines Attended a deal is an important win for our economy and the american people. He cried. Did the unions and rail companies for negotiating in good faith and reaching its and of agreement that will keep our critical rail system working and avoiding disruption of our economy, the bad administration at beholding, representatives from both sides to avoid transfer up transport disruptions, snarl supply chains, but a new pressure on prices when in fact, has been hovering. Your four legged highs ahead of the friday deadline, passenger rail provider, anthrax said Would you spend all long distance train services starting on thursday, while the negotiation don't actually involve amtrak workers accompanies at long distance trains operator, freight lines or saying, there's a public aspects. This anthrax, it
it was restoring long distance train services. The company was cut, contacting customers to accommodate them. On the first available departures, labour secretary Marty, Walsh would be meeting with the representatives and who is basically just an emissary of indians applauded the agreement on twitter caught moments ago, following more than twenty consecutive hours of negotiations at the department of labor, the rail companies and union negotiators came to a tentative agreement that balances the needs of workers, businesses and the nation's economy. The white house didn't specify the detail. Of the tentative deal, but you know, did spill some of the details, is association of american railroads, which since the nations right railroads. They said three in representing about sixty thousand workers had reached a tentative agreement. Is so what at least in this agreement, that the bush administration just force through which it going to increase costs? And there is no question about that? How sweet is this deal for the union's new contracts provide rail employees with a twist, if four percent wage increase during the five year period, twenty twenty three twenty twenty four- I have a question I it is now, as, as you noticed, a twenty twenty two
So that means that they are going to be they're going to Making a bias in whatever ground was not made up during twenty twenty two twenty twenty two of these backdating it to pretend that those who each increase, but they can include net twenty four percent- are fine. How many of you over the next couple of years expect a one quarter paying greece? Is that some of its baked into your contract, where you are kind of a sweet deal. Does it not this also by the way, includes an immediate pay out, on average to all the employees of a I mean thousand dollars upon ratification to get a twin, sound, pretty sweet right. I mean what have you at your job right now you got a twenty five, hey increase over the next two years? Because remember it is twenty twenty two plus you also that eleven now are signing bonus sounds pretty amazing right, temporary great by almost as though the administration, basically went to all of these railroad companies and said you better, but your brain Your names is coming on this piece of paper, as we cannot afford to go into
it's from election with snarled supply lines and transportation. Secretary pete, booty, judge triangle back on paternity leave. The associations that mention whether changes to attendants policies were made as part of the deal, the air said. The terms are reached following the recommendations of the presidential emergency. Lord at number, two fifty, which was a stone, by the white house to investigate the dispute. Ah, there it is so white house based, we put together a blue ribbon commission, and then they crammed down the deal. early are one of the union's representing use. Railroad workers and its members had rejected a tentative agreement. Its leaders had reached the intern national association, machines and aerospace workers, or I am had set its forty. Nine hundred members had voted to reject an agreement reached with the biggest desperate railroads as part of broader negotiations. A centre disputes over attendance policies and unscheduled days off if workers or their family members got sick. two other labor unions had also raised the issue and were seeking to include changes to attendance policies in the talks. So now these are these. These agreements are going to go back to the unions for a vote. Under the deal, the parties agreed to a post ratification, cooling off period expected to last sept
weeks. If the talks have broken down led to a strike, congress could have intervened to delay or stop any strike. But white house officials were reluctant to call on congress to step into the and the deadline for negotiations or force a resolution to the spirit of course. Of course, in one democratic congress have to go back to their union crony districts until the union's that we stop you from destroying the supply chains in the middle of an emerging recession, glossy Nancy blowsy, the house, because she's at congress are ready to take action. Saying that had the authority to ensure the uninterrupted operation of essential transportation services. She said the house had prepared and review legislation, we would have been ready to act, but thankfully, this action may not be necessary. Oh well, um yeah, that's amazing amazing. I can't believe that you guys highness, we hardly over the union's just incredible. Somebody else will fit the bill. You will for the bell, because those increase costs can passed on to you, the consumer, to you, the taxpayer once again, Democratic policy is predicated on the idea that everyone, except for them, should pay the bill by bigoted reap the political, but
that's it. Having unions continue to pay for all of their their politicking. Bigots reap the political benefits of saying that they solve the problem, but instead in really the problem that you said some real pay for the problem, which the pretty wonderful way of doing things turns out the basis of their entire economic policy, which is why inflation is going to continue, despite their few unexpected surprised is on the way with regard to inflation into than just one moment, while folks this week, If Obama, economist larry summers, said we have a serious problem with inflation, but Joe Biden refuses to see it that way he says the economy is fast and strong must be fun to be Joe Biden where everything is just hunky, dory and every day. Somebody wakes you up and reminds you you're, president of the united states. Well, we thought we'd get the old fellow. The benefit of the doubt replied his fiscal policies for daily. Where emerge sail to see. If it gave you a better deal for crushing the numbers, we quickly realized. No one wants to pay eight point three percent more for anything, so instead we're going with her that we are cutting prices by forty four
that's correct, you can now get my legendary facts. Don't care about your feelings, button from fifteen bucks or a classic glory baseball bat sign, I'm while four hundred and fifty dollars, if forty percent off daily, where much during our inflation that reduction of it while supplies last just go to daily word, a calm, slash shop, be quick. It ends sunday. ready. So meanwhile, the inflationary spiral that this administration has brought about not to get worse in a bunch of ways. One area where it's about to get worse is that social security is about to push forward a massive cost of living adjustment that spikes all of those checks to remember. Social security has a a cola, a cost of living adjustment baked into the cake right as the cost of living income it says social security checks are supposed to rise, while they they haven't, really been rising to keep pace with inflation, because that no one can nothing can rise. I've asked me their rockets that don't move as fast vertically as the inflation rate is currently moving. Right now in a letter sent on tuesday according to the hills, senior citizens, lee policy analyse Mary Johnson said recipients could see in
percent coal us by next year and is a huge increase. Reflective inflation. People are experiencing across the country is actually a smaller cola than the senior citizens league projected just a month ago. At that time, Johnson was forecasting an almost ten per cent hike hey. So if you're talking about an inflated economy, you know how many people, on social security in the united states. The number of people on social security and unite, and me we're talking tens of millions of people sixty nine point. One million people receive benefits from programmes administered by social security It will almost seventy million, probably known. Missis hamley, billings lizard, twenty nineteen stat in of seventy million americans. receive some sort of benefit from social security. A lot was, benefits are cost of living adjusted. So as those checks go out and those checks are now larger number to reflect inflation boost the inflation you now injecting more liquidity into the system. more money into the system which is going to prices, put pressure on prices upward. It turns out that once you start baking influx,
none of the cake it. The cake just keeps rising, and there is no way to prick that cake and make the and make it go down. You can reduce the inflation, except through extraordinarily harsh measures from the federal reserve, which is what is expected to come now. so you're gonna go from very high inflation to significant I'm a downturn in the fact is by the end of here. The fellow is or is not talking about inflate, about interest rates at something like four point: five percent minimum age. By way of contrast, the current fed funds rate is approximately two point. Three percent two point: three: three percent: the current target rate is like two point: five percent a year: you're talking about more than essentially doubling the fed funds rate. That is what we are talking about right now, you think, I don't have any impact on an economic growth or job growth or any of the rest again when you make other people pay the bills. Eventually, the bill comes due and well ain't. Even a b c news has been forced to report that the inflation stats are real
for democrats. So here's abc news reporting that families are. In four and sixty bucks more every month than they were spending just a couple years ago, nation isn't going anywhere in the average american family. According to moody's, is now spending four hundred sixty dollars more every single month in order to deal with these price increases in your seeing it an inescapable areas like grocery prices of thirteen and a half per cent shelter cost. Those include rent prices up six point two percent from a year ago and medical care services, five point: six percent from a year ago, wages are keeping up. The federal reserve is doing everything in its power to aggressively fight inflation, but what this really underscores is how hard that is to do when its deeply embedded in the economy. That is correct, but the good news is, you have I'm clean sweetings way through it so run. Wayne who only appears on MSNBC and cnn, know his friendly's, the white house. You for
He says you know: inflation is going well guys, it's doing great, it's fantastic, any idol of the cairo her from MSNBC, and celebrate inflation reductiones adding to list of legislative winds. You forgot the power inflation at eight point three percent and we have the worst inflationary, in two generations during the united states. What your projection on when they will see an effect in inflation. Inflation is coming down today's inflation report was lower than last month's, which was lower than the months before, I still have some work to do lawrence to continue to bring down prices. As you mentioned, gas prices are down a dollar thirty a gallon over the course of the summer. Ninety in days in a row. They continue to have dropped so we're we need to make progress on inflation is still too high its unacceptably. I. We need to continue to drive a prices down getting there with a gasoline prices. Little progress on food, a lot more work to do, and I'm a guy
But it's going to be good, we're doing an amazing job. The basic job is not happening. There is no amazing job being done. Meanwhile, you've got people like Chris coons, the democratic senator from delaware, who again is solid I love all the current MSNBC, which are basically just written directly by the agitprop seated the agitprop team over the white house. President Biden holds whitehouse event you, so a passage in signing of the inflation reduction? It here is Chris goods doing something the inflation, reduction. Act is going to reduce prescription drugs prices, healthcare prices, energy prices, there's a three hundred billion dollar down payment on reducing the deficit this year and there's those significant additional measures to reduce the costs. most households feel weather. The pharmacy or the palm or in paying their monthly heating else. I think, as americans go to the polls in november there, see these too sharp contrast, president Biden and the debt
cracks, passing a fully paid for bill that tackles the daily prices that matter to them that tackles the climate crisis that makes our country more competitive and more secure. Do you feel more better and more secure is worse than a trillion dollars on green boondoggle you'd. You feel really good about that, and I love em is again the edison music iron's, her amazing. She have chris coon's out there talking that inflation a car on him. lindsey gram proposing a fifty with abortion ban. Can you guys, like me, away from your own crappy policies any faster here? Only as possible, we Joe Biden, was on the campaign trail logistics that he was stumbling around here: when two m a car factory, I believe his afore and he was he was driving a six. One thousand dollar it was a cadillac. Actually is revenue sixty one thousand dollar electric cadillac, which is what you need right. I mean in order to fight those high gas prices and inflation if you could actually spend. sixty grand on a car, I now Joe Biden is up for it and, and he was walking around attempting speak words from his face haul. It didn't go amazingly our rapture offers to build a better america, not just to get us back to how things were before the pandemic.
so we launched the one in the jet once in a generation effort to invest in america, we're working to deliver an economy that finally works for working families. We started with the american rescue plan has taken us from economic crisis. Economic resurgence, jobs are up, incomes are up people back to work Locate jobs are up because it bayesian about our work. In the first place that was covered and then incomes are down visa. The inflation wages are down so yeah. That's that's not true, and then it would be a Joe Biden speech without some creepy whispering and he's going to treat that microphone like it's a fourteen year old girl with a who just use an herbal essences. You should always hear from my friends or the other team yeah. They spend a lot of money and maybe some of them are worthwhile, but they're just increasing the deficit. Guess what? First year in office we reduced the deficit by a hundred and fifty billion dollars, and if you just keep repeating this lie this year,
this year, we're on track. the fiscal year to reduce debt of over one trillion dollars, the lies? You are just assange, reducing the rate of increase in the Devil It is not reducing the debt, it does not work the debt in tibet. How many times you tell us? Why that you are bringing money back into the government to pay off tat. It is True, the number is only moving one way in which people can see through the scrap they really can is why the democratic party is desperately attempting to spin way from its own economic policy, while article in the wall street journal today haug, morality, no voters are splitting along economic lines working class latino. Voters are moving toward republicans, of course, because the working class are paying for a lot of this inflation. it's the working class disproportionately in a bunch of journalists in washington dc you care about inflation. They can afford to go down. Local grocery store then go to the body guy in new york city and they can pick up their milk, so people in the working class are paying for all this bad economic policy. And those people are disproportionately minority is why
wall street journal is reporting that lets you knows- are moving sizeable toward the republican party? Bettina voters are among the fastest growing groups in the electorate, accounting for some sixty million voters and twenty twenty more than ten percent of the voters. Who wants a solidly democratic block? A tuna voters are emerging as a swing group available to both parties, with its voting preferences splitting along economic and class lines twenty twenty latino voters back. One of the two major candidates gave Joe Biden sixty three percent of their vote, but that was eight percentage points or than Joe Biden party had one years earlier. Movement away, the party was even larger. Some eleven points, pointsman latinos we're working class commonly defined as anyone that, for your college degree, so the people are paying the bill for all of this article. Rest of the show is continue. Now you don't wanna mess you'll be getting into nancy pelosi. Who's cracking wise about abortion, plus the supreme court, apparently going after an orthodox jewish school for the great crime, not forwarding the algae, bt, q plus minus side by side happy face you agenda one visit, if not a member click, the link in the discussion
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Transcript generated on 2023-02-22.