« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1564 - Reminder: Joe Biden Is The Worst President In Modern American History


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The stock market continues its slide as Joe Biden’s team touts his economic prowess; Kamala Harris says we need diversity in space; and American helicopters are reportedly evacuating our embassy in yet another country.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The stock market continues its side, as Joe Biden seem tell just economic prowess. Conall paris as we need diversity in space and american helicopters, reportedly evacuating our embassy in yet another country and benchmarks is the bench Barroso. the today. Show's sponsor may express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither express vpn right now express vpn dot com, slash Ben speaking, of which you should be protecting your internet service right I mean how many times I people you if you leave your internet service open to any one. This is a stupid move because many of those companies- they just hate your gods and they use the data to not only target you, but also they use that data to actually promulgated profits. For themselves that they then used to target you stop handing over all that personal data it Something to do think about how much of your life is on the internet every site you visit video, you watch your messenger, send gets tracked and data mined when you run express vpn on your device. The software hide your ip address, which is something big ticket
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I'd and Joe Biden remains a terrible and unpopular us fits. I don't know, I have to keep reminding votes in this, except that everyone seems distracted over tromp in them are allow go rain or they are distracted by the overruling of rovers way- but it is important to remember that the people in power right now are extraordinarily bad at their jobs truly and try and completely horrible at their shops- and yet they continued- went in there, actually very good at their jobs are yesterday once again, stocks and treasury prices fell with a stock retreat, accelerating into the close going through regional as investors remained unsettled and if at all, resolves, keep fighting inflation even if causes economic and again that would have been unnecessary if we did have a forty. Your high inflation brought about by continuous an endless government spending, Joe Biden fire hosing, another five hundred billion dollars into the economy come january as all of these student loans reset the s p. Five hundred yesterday fell zero point, seven percent. jones, industrial average slid zero point. Six percent, the nasdaq declined one percent on friday. You're stocks had fallen sharply after fed sherman, Jerome palace said.
Central bank has to continue raising interest rates and keep that an elevated level. Until it is conference, inflation is under control. And again you can expect that this sort of stuff is going to cost new, because the underlying economic health of the system is being attacked by Joe Biden, massive tax and spend regime. Did. These are the moves that he wants. moves are going to result in long term economic stagnation by people in the region. focused for last year and a half on inflation solely, I said Since the beginning inflation, where she know how to stop inflation, will you stop in place is radically raising interest rates. We ve done this before the one thing that you can't actually protect is how to stop economic stagnation. not at least when your burdening the economy with trillions of dollars in spain, every single year and radical. Increasing the national debt and passing extra mary regulations on business, ranging from diversity, quotas on board
two energy regulations that make it nearly impossible to have an efficient economy? If you are worried about the long term health of the american economy, then you should be worried about the fact that Joe Biden's actual underlying Islamic policies are quite bad. Put aside, the inflation understand republicans a focus on what is right in front of you anything in front of the economically speaking is the fact that everything is way more expensive, one year ago and we more expensive a year ago was two years ago that everything seems to be getting more expensive and is more expensive than they are focusing I got in on the rate of inflation increase, which is a mistake, because, obviously, if the trend tends to stall out, you still have highly elevated prices that become a systemic part of american life, even though Inflation is actually decelerating month to month or flattening out month months. Republicans made a messaging mistake right there, but the bottom line here is that the serious economic problem is not just inflation. It is stagflation, it is the stagnation combined with the inflation, and that is what is coming because of the
we think that was making the economy super hot here? Was the inflation and then used and then cut out the inflation? What you're going to Add is economic stagnation and again the inflation rate now seems to be big into the cake. Nonetheless, Joe Biden stew, continues to maintain these incredibly good at this blowing money in the economy at a pace never seen in the history of humanity, it understand job. still on bail out again out last week is the same most expensive executive action in the history of the country. It is not anything else, it's not obama. here in amerika, is an actual bill is not a bill. is the president of the united states, saying I'm gonna blow half a trillion dollars into the economy, unpaid for completely on paid for. What according green jean Pierre, the white house press secretary, this means that Japan is doing historic life, changing good for the united states and the most americans beg to differ, saying that
it says something that the federal reserve is going to. We don't want to step on. You know what the struggles earth is going to do. Our goal is: to keep bringing down inflation without sacrificing the historic life changing economic gains that we have seen this country has made over the last eighteen months, and you know, as Powell said as pow Otto said, the economy contained to show strong underlying momentum. We have regained all of the jobs lost during the pandemic and if you look at the labor market it you know, consumers are As I said, what business or investing in what american industry is producing. You continue to see the resiliency an hour and in our economy, and that's what matters Well, actually, retailers are now having to discount all of their prices as their starting. The spending that the spending is coming under control. Now people are starting to pull back a little bit in expectation of recession.
investors are starting to see recession on the horizon, which is the stock market, has been dumping. And meanwhile jury. Bernstein at the white house, chief of economic visor he's out there trying to us. in that spending money is actually quite good for the economy, have to spend more money. In fact, we are lowering the debt by spending more money, which is I like saying that that the best way to avoid monkey boxes to go too many same sex orgies as humanly possible. Here's jerry Bernstein, let's say I have fifteen thousand dollars in credit card that that I can't cover with my income right. That's my mind, deficit so I've got fifteen thousand dollars that I can't cover. So if, if someone gives me five thousand dollars, and so now my debt is is ten thousand dollars. I didn't just make five thousand dollars. I dont have five thousand extra dollars, I'm still dealing in a opposite. So how is that something? canoes to pay our you to pay for furniture for my house,
yes or no money I have now set. So the way to think about this is that the government is taking in way more in receipts spending way less then we have been in prior year, but it still deficit, and yet it remains a negative northwest, always tells battle more than we have well with geniuses. Like this, you should We count on them to handle the economy or, alternatively, maybe you shouldn't, since they are blowing out the value of the? U s dollar, through inflation, in trying to bring it back. Some interest rates bottom line is this: manipulators their bad at manipulation. So why? Wouldn't you diversify at so little bit into precious metals during the two thousand
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trying to explain to you that he's bringing down the deficit by expanding the deficit. Again, if you did the actual analogy that that Martha Maccallum should be and here is, if I am in a fifteen thousand dollar hole on my credit card at this month and the next I'm in a seven thousand dollar hole that doesn't mean I'm bringing down the deficit? I'm increasing my total debt. My deficit may reduce month to month, but I'm still racking up the debt, but but they keep just lying about this stuff. In order to make you feel better about an economy that is set for a pretty long term. Stagnation- and this not coming from me- the binary ministries when they came into office. They were forecasting that, after a couple of years of explosive growth, thanks to the recovery from the cut the artificially induced covered, economic shutdown that, after a couple of years, really good growth, you're going to get economic stagnation at the level of one point. Six one point: seven one part one point: eight percent gdp from here on out those are bad numbers. Those numbers would not even keep up to, the two percent inflation that is the feds target. That was the stuff that divide was foreseen,
it turns out bynes, really bad at this stuff that he foresees is typically more optimistic than what action materializes, and so much of this has to do with the decision. you crack down on the economy ever Eighty of rules and regulations that have nothing to do with efficiency or economic growth and have everything to do with an ideological commitment to court what equity or diversity sought. As yesterday when to from the associated press about how the federal reserve was unbelievably diverse, and we're supposed to be so just happy about this. The federal reserve, is the most diverse than it has ever been. Force must be excited because, after all, sure that there really bad at this and have grave forty, your high inflation, but is want gay guys doing it. Aren't you excited it's that trans woman over there was decided to make your dollar worth less than it was one year ago. I know it's bad for you in no other area of american life. Would you think you are being cut, really victimized by this human being, but that human being is minority, so you feel better about it. The answer, of course,
No, and yet this has now been big into the economic taken, a variety of ways. So, for example, right now the nasdaq has requirements that listed companies have to diversify. Their boards. Is these stupid as nonsense? I've ever heard my entire life, the point of having a nasdaq listed companies that it be it as efficient as possible. On behalf of its stockholders, you shouldn't have the nasdaq sing in order to trade with us, you have to have a gay person, a native american and a little bit and with bisexual tendencies. If it's ridiculous right, it puts inefficiencies into the game directly idea is to make the market more efficient. That way, because if these were the most efficient because they within the on board right, you wouldn't have to actually do so- broadcasting further actually diverse street that you do in hollywood? As are you cast? The board of a company list of his absorbed by the way that I have a friend who has a publicly trading company and is actually contacted by the nasdaq and ask your borders, not everson. If you dont have an of women on the board
what? If I just call myself a woman, then what would they do and answers Can do anything you could call himself a woman just diversify his board magically his wife might have a problem with it, but I'm not sure why after all, he'd still be met. In any case, the wall street journal says: lawyers for conservative groups argued in federal court on Monday, the nasdaq put is that diversity target for listed companies junior legal racial engender gender quarter, which of course it does to right, leaning groups, The assisi last year setting up a battle where the heart, but an issue of corporate diversity and how far regulators can go to foster it. The groups the us, you see, because the agency approved nasdaq listing rules acting in its capacity as the stock exchanges regulator. have you little aware from the national central for public policy research support these, to impose unprecedented demographic quotas and disclosure requirements regarding race, sexual preference and sacks. I'm companies value added and over twenty trillion dollars. Monies monday's oral arguments in the north is based. Its circuit court of appeals marked the first time the legality of the aspects listing rule has been debated.
or of the us he's nasdaq of argued. The exchanges rule is not discriminatory and urged judges to reject the court challenge. Now sexual consists of two parts. One part which took effect earlier this month requires nasdaq listed companies to disclose the gender and ethnic make up of their boards using stand rise template the other part said to take effect in phases over the next. Yours sets minimum adversity targets for company boards, and that is obviously unconstitutional. If you're the federal government. It is creating regulations forcing you to have why doesn't your company boards? Obviously that's unconstitutional, a zero sum game? It means that if a board of white people- and you say Is there the best qualified in whatever industry? This is, and you say I need to black people and native american. What you're doing is to run this through my people out of this job that is easier or some game and is right. discrimination for most of us, companies Ultimate target will be to have one female director and one director who self identifies as a racial minority or as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer.
I mean when I get all of them in one. What are what, if we have a friend's female director? Who is being meaning a straight white male, who calls himself France, woman, whose lesbian used to that companies that dont need to talk. It will need to explain in writing why they didn't do so. The burden is on you to explain that efficiency ought to outweigh whatever stupid diversity quota nasdaq decides to set on you. The assisi announcing encounter. These changes rose just the disclosure requirements, but is not really a disclosure requirement. Not for eventually the goal here: going to be to force a certain level of racial and sexual equity onto these board? How this habit start your own company habit that have been far more diverse board? Go start. Your own company, If europe in angry transgender, lesbian woman go start your own and form a board of people who you think I'd most errors, here that the government, the other nasdaq, ought to be taken.
Role of companies and reconstituting their boards is total insanity. Yes, you see is trying to argue that the us government enforce the exchange to implement the rule and asked about the rule on its own initiative. The I'm sure, I'm sure that an aspect which came up with that itself, sure that this business group just said. You know what we really need: more lesbians on boards. That's the thing! We desperately need it now: to do with job items as easy and that this is one of the dark or parts of them In corporate life right now is the fact that government is working hand in glove with corporations to force those corporations to do it's. Equity work which is why I am grateful that their investors, like download loeb, who announced earlier this month in his hedge fund, had taken a new stage in walt disney. You want to fresh disney's board because he's looking at disney? Anything disney has essentially sold itself out and woke, and we no longer that to happen as major stakeholders in disney we'd like for them to be? You know efficient. Lobbies is disney directors, don't have enough experience in digital advertising, the manifestation of consumer data and other areas that could help disney, whose profits as the company, because
more tech, focused according to a person familiar with his thinking is the wall street journal. disney disputed love's characterization of the board. In response to his letter saying we are doing a wonderful job, but of course they are not doing a particularly wonderful job. In fact, they've taken a serious stockade over the course of the last couple of years. So efficiency is now a war in the economy, with the with the equity principles of this administration and of this entire side of the political I'll. The equity agenda by the way was promised mean Joe Biden promised that this is going to infuse every area of his administration down to the stupidest parts of it. Well, when you include for your one company you should recruit based on the skill of the employees, good news, you have a company that is happy to help. You do just that that zip recruiter, hiring can be challenging, especially right now, and business owners have so much on their plate. Luckily, there is one place where you can go where hiring simple, fast and smart.
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reach the moon again yarmouth, one watch was cancelled again raised. rob definite engine issue. According to cnn launch of nazism doric artemus one it moon mission has been postponed. After that you must able to work through an issue with one of the rockets for engines day, but the really One thing is that when we do go to them and we have a lesbian, anemone was moon lesbians on the mood. This is We need. It sounds like a bad pornography. There is Kamel Harrison vice president of the united states, explaining that the key to see exploration, is that we send a diverse group of people to space. I dont know I that's the key dates explanation. I thought it would be. You know the most qualified people, but we ought to send to space. We should nash again it's like they are casting a movie or just casting a movie in their own minds, there is common. explaining space policy to you and her typically robustly articulate way
So much of space exploration is about science. It's about research, it's about testing, our our ideas of what is possible and then seeing if it can come true, the diversity of thought that goes into the more diverse the better. The outcome will be very exciting, and I tell you that space for nasa really have made a real, solid commitment to diversity among people who are going and who's traveling to space. We can all be very proud of that. Definitely proud that nasa is less advanced than it was literally three generations ago, with a bunch of white guys with slide rules figuring how to get a rocket, it was basically a bomb strapped to a tiny capsule to the moon. It's amazing, how have you know? that there seems to be a lack of competence, if you're making the case for diversity at nasa is probably the worst time to make its they're making the case for drivers city on the federal reserve. At the same time, the federalism is running the worst job that we have seen in forty years.
Diversity is our showing the way. It is our strength. Man alex you. Where are we looks like when they s it's the same thing they well We just had to scrub this artemus one launch again and we suck at this, but at least the people Coming up with the failure are really diverse. There there strengthen us, was never It is wonderful, so long as it actually has a bearing on the on the actual efficiency of the organization, diversion can help when everybody is oriented towards the same goal when than ever He is the goal. It undermines the actual mission orientation- and this is true in any mission- is something a robber. talks about in bowling alone, rather buttons left wing, sociologist or social scientist over at harvard university. One thing she found is easy: diversity is not our strength, suggesting the devil. City. As a goal is the strength is silly. If you have some from external, lacks any the united states army to very diverse place, but it's not diverse in terms of its own patients. The mission. The mission is what matter so we have the same mission and then you are people diverse experiences who can bring their perspective to bear on the mission sometime Is really good, but you have to actually
committed to when diversity is the mission, will you end up with is a thing that europe has had to cope with for the last twenty years and has now rejected which has multiculturalism AL gore, and what that ends up. Do splitting people apart it makes things less efficient. It makes the goal not a common orientation for an end point. It makes a goal itself. constituency of the group, which is really stupid. Why We want a space programme based on whether It's going to be a extraordinarily diverse handicapped gender man in space. What why no other country. No other civilization has ever attempt anything remotely like this, because it idiotic not a kind in it. Precisely what is now being argued in coming here. like again the priority, is not actually getting to space we're getting the moon. Apparently the priority is making calmly. I feel, really good about equity. Here's comeliness explaining that dumb, the artemus protein he's going to benefit. Get ready for this. I can
I can't even explain how dumb this is here is Carla Harris our idiot vice president, so proud of what is happening in terms of our space program and the leadership that the united states providing to the world the Artemis program is, is the beginning of the next era of what we have a history and a tradition of doing, of providing vision and irish innovation in a way that is going to benefit all mankind and womankind and very excited good lord almighty, Can anyone else? I love the need. We ring she gets over his just now, I'm so clever, guys says in mankind and womenkind. I hate to break it to people who don't know etymology the word. Mankind include what you're talking about
she's. Mankind includes women that mankind womankind child kind, people kind black kind, white kind. F, is wrong with these people seriously but these are the priorities because all rooted in this assumption what matters most in the world is going to court equity, meaning a result in which everybody is prepared. surely represented in every industry by ethnicity, race, sexual orientation. It's alright Stupidity of people like supermax candy, it makes going about it. whenever John a quarter drama quarter? Is a communist Your time she's, not right winger, it tends to be very moderate. politics may moderate, left dish on politics. European ah ha ha standardized tests are not races because they clearly are not their standardized unless there is actually something unpleasant raises two candidates, racist, because black people to work on this has been why people and governments candy tweets. Our quote: John MC quarter- rejects the notion black folk get lower standardized escorts either the tests are racist or something is wrong with black folk calls this
artificially narrowed realm of choices, then he explained What's wrong with black folk, because going max candy. Everybody is supposed to achieve the same result regardless of cultural differences or intellectual, differences on an individual level. I am supposed to get the same score as einstein on every test, because after all, natural differences don't exist because all stupidity but the entire democratic. Party is now rooted in the stupidity, some really ugly results, not just in terms the economy, and it was really we results in terms of crime, for example, you're supposed to ignore crime. When it comes Particular minority group you suppose, to ignore the fact that their wildly outsize rates of street crime in new york, young black men you're supposed to ignore that, because if you pay attention to that, you might be suggesting something racist well, it turns out the equity policies of the Democrats. They they don't make for great crime policy, but you know what else is bad. The Democrats are doing right now, they've, driven up the price of gas. I know they're telling you that the price of gas is coming down. It has over the past few weeks. It is still way way higher than when Joe Biden took office
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Ap is going to be saving you money everywhere. You go now. Local restaurant over to the gas station grab that free upside app today and use promo code to get started, which brings me to a piece it's a shock. Being from Armen rosen over a tablet, Harold. It's open season on Jews in new york city quote: the attack and thirty one year old, Yossi hersch got to the hospital was an unmis serious crime, the opposite of a stone, cold. Whodunit security cameras recorded clear video of a group of four men approaching the hirsch cops car with. Two of them repeatedly punching him through the drivers I window. I was five year old child said the backseat. Another camera recorded his plate and model of the attackers getaway vehicle. He assaulted place around forty p m on July thirteen, twenty twenty two on a busy street and crown heights Hirsch cup leads his assailant identified later that evening in an ideal world. If the victim's personal background be irrelevant, whether their attackers are arrested and prosecuted, but at least in theory, hersh copies someone with enough of a profile to keep the police and prosecutors focused on his case. The young cabal acid is You're gonna get truly understated local political activist. The kind of person who
the total number of newly registered voters and crowned heads off the top of his head, or we might what's up when you need major particular city council. Member later that afternoon he also manner a large urging care center and crown hides a position of real sick civic significance during a new york covered nightmare Hirsch. Cop is also is no friend of mine, even though people I'm not friends with, should expect the police to move quickly when there able to easily identify the people who bloodied them on camera in broad daylight in front of their child? The police did not move quickly. No arrests were made during the two weeks after the attack, a span in which the getaway car got ticketed in a totally unrelated incident hirsch gaps as on July, twenty seventh exasperating hush up to it quote: no arrests have been made just by the assailant's vehicle having been seen all over the neighborhood. My son still has a lot of trauma from the incident we now uber instead of walk whenever we need to go out, perhaps not coincidentally, the first arrest in the case was made. The day after that, tweet some two weeks after the attack The first aspect is released on bail after the judge ordered a bond of ten grand, significantly less and the day had requested. According to her skype, Hirsch cop is confident that, after a long pause,
If the way, then, why please now making efforts to arresting the second individual who physically attacked him? Perhaps the attack which stem from a seemingly innocuous dispute over a parking space was just you, fraud of an event, police want to handle two aggressively? Maybe someone the drawing additional attention to a group of young black men attacking a prominent orthodox. Do what threatened to inflame tensions in the neighborhood with along, but mostly improving history of racial division, maybe, but maybe not overloaded, your court court system increasingly lenient prosecutors and judges and police department, in which officers are quitting at a growing clip I'll, make it easier for even opening, what cases to languish and for people at every level of the system to find excuses not to resolve them. In a study released this past July, the new york based group americans against them semitism found that of the one hundred and eighteen adult arrested for anti jewish hate crimes in york city, since twenty eighteen only one had been convicted and sent to prison one. That's an astonishing statistic: a hundred nineteen adults were arrested for anti jewish hate crimes in your city. In the past four years, one was convicted and sent to prison.
You think that has nothing to do with the equity ideology. Democrats are promulgating, because what we real about this, the vast just- fortunate number of crimes committed against jewish drifting in your city are being committed by people form of ethnic minorities, and that is unacceptable and not allowed to notice that it's why every crime report you read all over the country when a white person does the crime appears in the crime of work. It appears in the newspaper that day it's a black person who commits a crime. The idea is that the media refused to cover the race of the person. You'll have to get eight eight paragraphs. In for the racist disgust, even if the person is at large and the description of the suspect is necessary, x, again, equity. Above all, all of this is crippling to america's efficiency, to America's decent running. Of course, when we talk about things that are crippling too, in america decently. We also have to talk about america's energy policy, so the States continues to pursue
Green boondoggles dumping a trillion dollars in the last few months into climate policy. Collie inflation reduction; it's not going to reduce inflation at one iota, and now they call it a the change bell, but they're really going to do, is just dump hundreds of billions of dollars into boondoggle technology that is not going to path in any really efficient way. Meanwhile, in council, you have governor gave a new. Some was trying to legislate. there'll, be no gas powered cars sold in the state by the middle of the next decade. Good luck to him there you'll unmask is correctly warning about the rapid shift to green energy endangering the world. Realistically, I think we need to use oil and gas in the short term, because otherwise civilization will crumble. One of His challenges the world has ever face is the transition to sustainable energy and to a sustainable economy. They'll take some decades to complete. No considering that he runs the world's largest electric ghastly about electric vehicle company right now you have corporations that are being cudgeled into yes, g
environmental social governance by the nasdaq by the stock exchange by the federal government, shifting resources away from the most energy efficient, uses meaning carbon based energies, like natural gas and towards wildly inefficient energy users, again. The goal here is to ideologically do something that is not being reflected in the scientific realities of how energy is produced and then Try to scare you I suggest global warming is going to end your life that you're going to be drowned. If it's the climate changes over time. A grand we changing climate over time is not an existential risky humanity, it simply is not, and anyone who tells you differently is lying to you. Human beings are not going to disappear from planet earth. Billy of human beings are not going to die because of climate change. In fact, number of people who are dying because the climate has been going down year on year. You know why, because people are excellent at the adaptation. We are very, very good at adapting you build see in low lying areas. New orleans exist completely under sea level. there's a big hurricane last year.
It didn't end the same way. Hurricane katrina did because the levies, this time did not break it, turns out people are very, very good. preventing themselves from dying as a general rule, which is why there are seven to eight billion of us on the planet right now and yet, if they can scare us, Into pursuing really bad energy policy, and presumably they will have done some good for the world now, there's only one problem with that, which is that countries that are not committed ideologically to their own inefficiency are gonna. Take advantage of given article from the washington proposed, for example, today talking about the women ice sheet say human driven I'm a change has set in motion massive ice losses in greenland. It couldn't be halted even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases. Today, according to a study published Monday findings in the journal. Natura climate change project projects than it is now inevitable. Three point represented the greenland ice sheet, will now equal to one hundred and ten million tonnes of ice the researchers and that will trigger a trigger. Nearly a foot of global sea level rise, christians are more dire than other forecasts. Of these different assumptions studied
and specify a timeframe for the melting and sea level rise. The authors suggested much of it can play out between now and the year two thousand one hundred, so they don't specify the time frame Elections are more dire than out of world other forecasts. And take into account human adaptation, but the the The idea is that we have two radically show how we use energy on planet earth, while there's only one problem with that, which is why we are busy hobbling ourselves by pursuing green, inefficient energy. I'm sorry tat, just isn't area. While we are doing that, you know he's not doing that america's geopolitical enemies don't give a damn about the environment. Nonetheless, washington post trying to scare you, a one foot rise in global sea levels would have severe consequences if the sea level along us coasts rose by an average of ten to twelve inches by two thousand and fifty a recent report from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration found the most destructive floods would take place five times. As often moderate floods would become ten times as frequent Other countries are even more vulnerable those nations which have done little to fuel the
at temperatures that are now thawing greenland ice sheet lacked the billions of dollars. It will take to adapt to rising seas and again it's all about it crisis, we're all going to drown, we're all going to die by all of the models by the way, with regard to the AL gore. Is us all the polar bear from me dead by now, the models typically have been wildly wrong in terms of the effect on humanity. And if you can read the IPCC report, the outlying estimates, which always end up in the newspapers the biggest headlines. Those ones are the least certain always inevitably, but though once it gets her by the media, and the reality is what this leads to is really crap foreign policy, because when you cut off your own energy supply, it turns out that has real world implications in the here and now so, for example, take pig in ukraine. America's failure to pursue with alacrity energy development has led to rush being able to recapture all of its oil rich member. We cut them off supposedly the knees by are going there. Oil is
whether we are going to stop russia? What turns out, because the west had really destroyed its own capacity to create energy and there are dependent on the russians. The russians We should bear oil elsewhere. According to regional russia. Pumps almost as much oil into the global market as it did before its invasion of ukraine with oil prices, Moscow is also making more money. Demand from some of the world's largest economies has given russian president vladimir Putin the upper hand in the energy battle that shadows, the worn ukraine and its confounded the west bids cripple russia's economy of sanctions, Sales are booming. Russia's export market, the world's largest included, five yours, a new trade round, and have given MR putin cover to use natural gas exports as an economic weapon against ukraine's european allies. Before the war, Russia's plied europe of forty percent of its gas, it has instructed flows through Nord stream pipeline to germany and other conduits driving prices higher, putting on european households and businesses oil revenue. more than make up the difference. Russia is swim in cash that a leaner river kova. He deputy chief economist at the institute of international finance, moscow or ninety seven billion dollars from oil and gas elsewhere July this year about seventy four,
we know that from oil she said the company exported so point four million barrels of crude and and products such as diesel and gasoline each day in July, according international energy agency, as donald six hundred thousand barrels since the start of the year, even with the dip in oil exports. Is around twenty billion, in average monthly monthly sales. Yeah compared with fourteen six billion dollars, monthly and twenty twenty one. Women's rising again august russia's, market resilience has drawn a mixed reaction in washington, which is juggling two conflicting goals: tapping down inflation increased global oil supplies and keeping you can the pressure on Putin, but here the problem there are keeping economic pressure on pollutant and one of the things that is happening right now is that ukraine is being forced to escalate defensive into southern ukraine, because we're about it winter ukraine. War has not gone. Gonna crush expected to russia can simply keep up the pressure.
Knowing that eventually, europe, ok, because europe bet on bad energy policy. So, as the united states under Joe Biden, and that makes us more vulnerable, makes us weaker means the ukraine has to basically make all the territorial again gains that it can before the winter excellent winter hits in europe and all these european car have tens of millions of citizens in danger of freezing. Suddenly are those come countries can be a lot less interested in backing ukraine. resistance to russia. Everybody knows this geopolitically. That is why grain is now pushing very hard ukrainian military announced on Monday in one offensive operations in multiple areas along the front line in harrison in southern ukraine. Perhaps signaling the start of a broad and long anticipated counter offensive aimed at retaking territory seized by russia. Fighting along a swath of the front line escalated sharply monday, according ukrainian military and civilian officials, ukraine, said, the military have breached the occupiers. First line of defence in your harrison ukrainian military also claimed on monday to have struck a large russian military base behind russian lines in the caribbean region
destroying. It was not immediately possible to verify the claims. The united states defence official one supports the idea. Ukraine was exclaiming its offensive in the south. End quote the announced offensive shows the ukrainians appetite for progress on the battlefield again the reason that they are doing this because winter is coming. Everybody knows it. There as much of a rush for this sort of offensive. If we're not for the fact that we have pursued a really crappy energy policy, but Jane is part and parcel of a green policy pursued by the left more broadly, internationally and pursued by dividing freshen, speaking of which the situation in the least continues to melt down, thanks to the insanity of the binding ministries in every area, they can erecting things. This is why, as I said yesterday, if republicans focus on anything except Democrat failure there making a large scale. Twenty twenty two mistake. Well, there's another mistake you may be met right now. Maybe you overpaid your taxes over the course of last couple of years, and you don't even know it. If you own a business the past few years and pretty bumpy ride from covert lockdowns to bite inflation, he could probably use the
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Joe Biden on foreign policy, so you may have noticed that there is video that emerged yesterday of helicopters, vacuuming iraq's. U s embassy, how many more embassies are we'll have to evacuate by helicopter here under Joe Biden? It is incredible how bad he has a foreign power as bad as Joe Biden is on domestic policy, has significantly worse on foreign policy. It is truly incredible: there was video yesterday of helicopters. Signal from this house, the u s, embassy in Baghdad, says, is great and guys more. How many times can we, Did your Biden deny that is going to happen the salmon? Then it happened like did in Kabul, Afghanistan, speaking of kabul, afghans, and it is worth while noting that america's enemies are on the move, because one year ago, Joe Biden pulled it randomly out afghanistan gonna, stand and left the entire country to the provisions of the taliban. There still hundreds of americans were stuck behind enemy lines over their tens of thousands of people who work with american forces, ten millions, women or stuck over their living in giant black sacks, because this taliban wishes them.
to have anything resembling a normal life. The good news is that, as you know, this administration. It really cares so we had over the weak and the one year anniversary of the murder of thirteen american service people in Kabul. Member that, basically, administration allowed the taliban to take over cobble well. America was still there trying to ship out somewhere allies, and this put american soldiers in direct line of fire from Al Qaeda terrorists and ice. Ices K, terrorists and all the rest and thirteen american former because of Joe Biden. Terrific policy. As putting aside the afghans were falling from we'll wells from those defeat in the sky or cringe on Pierre. She was asked: did you contact any of the american service members families? The people were killed a year ago, she's like are we did put out a public statement that kind of empathy and simple that old, Joe is known for here
at the end of u s strong in afghanistan or their. How does the president plan to mark the occasion? I speak the american people to plant the lives of thirty six members, as as you, Oh I last week, on friday, we did put out the present put out a statement, release a statement where he named each of the thirteen troops who were tragically killed at that day. The president feels deeply about the loss that I suffered one year ago. He does. He feels really deeply. In fact, we have video evidence of him feeling deeply on friday when he was asked specifically about whether he had spoken to the family members who are, as Joe Biden feeling deeply a family member not today, but I have spoken about well known as that. Some deep feeling they are noticing right there, meanwhile, and what's happening in iraq, is the predictable result of
it happened in Afghanistan, Joe Biden, iran policy. Remember Joe Biden is desperate to sign a deal with iranian government for no reason that anyone can discern makes no sense whatsoever. The iranian government is becoming more and more intransigent, their becoming more. our clear in the fact that I hate america that they see as a hood now that they see is at best a temporary ceasefire that allows them to achieve and ultimate goal of a nuclear weapon with radically escalated military possibilities in the middle east in their ballistic middle Britain missile programme, as well as their conventional weaponry and jobs. gonna give all of that to them What happened in iraq nor understand egg? If, after you have to understand what Joe Biden is doing in iran, right now he's attempting to basically surrender to iran according to the Jerusalem post after much, hibernation run nuclear talks woke up again last month when the EU presented what it. the final draft of the deal July, twenty first since then. Minute. It responds continues it demands on the sanctions, relieving guarantees front americans, mason is really sources is washington is not accepted yet, but this grand most of the overall deal based on July. Twenty first draft, the EU tax describes the implant
asian in forceps on these euro joint commission founded when the joint comprehensive plan of action day she was formed in twenty thousand and fifteen would convene without the united states, which only the commission, a hundred sixty five days later by that time, iran in the west are supposed to reach an additional deal to free western prisoners in exchange for freeing iranian funds, so we are going to again ship them palette of cash in exchange for prisoners that they are holding, which, of course, emboldens them to take our prisoners. That day Joe Biden would rescind three second worst pertaining to IRAN as well secondary sanctions on seventeen banks, which would free seven billion dollars for IRAN. Iran, stop enriching uranium to sixty percent and reduce enrichment to to twenty percent supposedly and allow for the I e to begin resumption monitoring iranian nuclear sites are that's gonna work our way they ve been totally honest of our within five deal five days. The deal likely reach the united states congress under the earth nuclear agreement review act. That law requires any agreement: lifting sanctions on IRAN to be reviewed by the house and Senate. The white house would not be able to work sanctions that are not an executive board for three days of congress rejects the deal ban can then veto it exceptionally
likely scenario, a veto prove majority of two thirds votes against it. Of course that was an element of It is in the last j c b I normally a treaty has to be approved by two thirds of the senate. Instead, he sent it that it states decided that unless they could muster two thirds to reject the treaty, Then the free would go into place. The would give it one time sanctions exemption for ransom. Fifty million barrels of oil and would permit- negotiations in the area of energy and aviation around stop enriching uranium to over five percent purity when started preparation periods to transfer information to the I e, a bi re implementation day around would have to fulfill its commitments. The I a e a but The us would then remove all secondary sanctions on IRAN and all upon terrorist designation when to businesses. What the lifting of sanctions means and here is the j c p always original sunset clauses would go into effect in accordance with you and secure the council resolution twenty to thirty one without any extensions which means in once you, twenty four limitations on advanced centrifuges research and development. Would
into expire in twenty twenty five snap at sanctions mechanism which brings back sanctions? Onawandah, violates the deal would expire? So I noticed that the calendar now says that is twenty two. To do so, in other words, within two years limitation on advance. Centrifuges research disappear under the steel and twenty four five of a snapback sanctions, disappear in twenty twenty six years. Actions on using centrifuges, including advance, was begin to expire by twenty thirty. Iran deal expires entirely at that point. Of course, this means that iran Has the capacity to taken as much money as it could possibly want for everything, and what the united states and its allies have received. An intern is effectively nothing effectively. Europa he's time continues to march forward and IRAN continues to march forward. This is just madness by the way, the? U s inappropriately, would lift the conventional arms embargo on IRAN, so IRAN would have complete access, to all conventional arms. Under this deal, this is:
is pursuing right now, while around Looking it doesn't like hey. Maybe we can make some trouble over iraq because it turns out two thirds of the iraqi population. Issue is majority. She a country. and so we are seeing right now is massive chaos, as the government of Iraq is in a state of almost scale collapse is had been true. Since brok, oh basically decided to pull out all western troops from the iraqi theatre as it turns out. since you pull out troops from these areas, things become significantly worse for america's interest, and so we you re now slow motion collapse in Iraq. That is to eventually make it into a full scale, iranian proxy, already sort of a clause. Uranium proxy will be a full scale around proxy. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is gonna, continue, subsidizing the iranian government to build up its arsenal in iraq Syria in lebanon, in yemen, it's it's, believe what he's doing the Middle EAST. I mean he's is generating war in the Middle EAST. Single handedly right now through his iranian deal
as the rest of the show is continuing. Now you don't want to miss it, because we'll get into the details of what exactly is happening in Iraq, it's a little complicated plus we have to get to The amazing morality of left morality. They wish your kids to learn about it, you're, not a member click. The link in this option and join us
Transcript generated on 2023-02-22.