« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1543 - Will The DOJ Criminally Charge Donald Trump?


Merrick Garland reportedly looks at criminally charging Donald Trump; Kamala Harris announces her pronouns; and the IMF predicts global recession as the Chinese signal more aggression on Taiwan.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Marriage garland reportedly looks at criminally charging Donald trump humble harrison answers for pronouns and the I m f brics global recession. As the chinese signal more aggression on taiwan, I bench grow this bench, morocco. This shows once express vpn. Why not protect your internet activity? The same way that I do use express, vpn, dot, com, slash man to get started today. Now here is the thing: inflation taking a terrible toll on america We have now had a forty year, high inflation we had every month, it's great, were setting all sorts of new records. Thanks to the massive genius of Joe Biden and people. treasury secretary, JANET Yellen, who openly admitted last month to have completely missed all the flashing red lights on the inflation issue. She said literate, there's a direct quote from or quote. I was wrong about the path inflation would take. I didn't fully understand yeah we get it. So why would we trust you now? Here's the thing you have to have a diversified portfolio and one of the excellent parts of a diversified portfolio. I know, because I do this is you have to have some
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in post reporting. What the justice department is investigating president Donald frumps actions as part of its criminal probe of efforts to overturn the twenty twenty election results according to four people familiar with the matter prosecutors are questioning This is before a grand jury, including two top aids to vp. My pants have asked recent days about conversations with trump his lawyers others in his inner circle, who sought to substitute trump allies for certified electors from some states, Joe Biden, one according to two people familiar with the matter both spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. The prosecutors have asked hours of detailed questions about the meetings trump led in December. Twenty twenty and january twenty twenty one, his pressure campaign on pence to overturn the election. What instructions trumped gave his lawyers and advisers about fake electors and sending letters back to the states according to these anonymous sources, some of the questions focused directly on the extent of trumps involvement in the face or effort led by his outside wars, including chinese, been originally awning in india,
deal j investigators in April received phone records of key officials and age in the trunk administration, including his former chief of staff mark meadows, according to a couple of people familiar the matter, this entire laurie of courses anonymously source, which is what you would expect from the merit darlin deal J. The generous ex committee has been extraordinarily leaking and they've been leaky in one particular direction, obvious It is not a shocked to see merrick garland, sending out these sorts of signals, given the amount of pressure that the deal J is no undersea. I said for a while here that the series the threat of the january. Six committee really is not directed at donald trump, because most people think of trump what they already think of trump the real right here is the by demonstrations, because the entire predicate for the January sixth committee is that criminal action occurred here, and as I've asked from beginning of criminal action occurred the agenda it's coming, has no criminal investigated in investigative power, they have no power to indict. So what exactly are we doing here? Normally when you have an investigative committee,
it is designed for oversight, meaning like how is our money being spent or is meant to stand, new regulatory or legislative standards, neither one of those it seems, be upheld, and yet the general six committee was direct largely at the idea that criminal prosecution was imminent. So I kept saying: okay so where's the d o j and over time that became the drumbeat. It wasn't just from people. it people on the left, people on left were saying. If all this is so, whereas where garland, whereas Joe Biden, where is the evidence of his fields, the cause in throwing for established law and going effort, Donald trump? What we're? Where can we grab a hook to hang our hat on when it comes to doubt from is a criminal. After all, you are in charge of all of the criminal investigative offices of the federal government. At this point, and so it's not a shocked to see Merrick island and a deal j leaking this stuff at our member five. Six. it's ago they were talking about how they have to keep all of their investigation secret. This is literally the line they were using yesterday in the mainstream press, and one day later, we have leaks, presumably from the inside the oj on their invest, the gate of intent with regard to donald trump,
washington, post and other news organizations according to the post have previously that the deal jays examining the conduct of johnny's, mutually onion other informs orbit, but the degree of Prosecutors, interest in transactions has not been previously reported, nor has the review of senior trump aides phone records. A trump spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment. justice, department, spokesperson and lawyer meadows. Both declined to comment. As the washington post acknowledges. Federal criminal investigations are by design, opaque and probes, involving The figures are among the most closely held secrets over at the justice department. Many end without criminal charges. apparently, according to another anonymous source, familiar with the problem best gaiters want to understand at a minimum what from old his warriors and senior officials to do any investigate in surrounding the effort to undo the results of the election must navigate complex issues of first amendment protected political activity or when Whether a person speech could become part of an alleged conspiracy in support of a coup. the argument that they are making as we'll get to in just second that trump attempting to initiate a coup is a very difficult one, because let's say that again
I think this is the most plausible scenario, trump convinced himself that he had won, because trump has never believed that he has ever lost on any subject ever so he has unique capacity to convince himself of nearly anything, including the idea that he won. Let's say that that's just what he does, and this is an intent crime for the most part, How do you distinguish first amendment protected speech like I won the election from? I won the election subvert. How do you How do you distinguish those two things except by getting in the head of donald trump, It has always been questionable. He said that, as I've said before intent, crimes very difficult to charge with a dupe too tromp. Now the generous committee. They keep wrapping up the pressure and whether it's intentional or unintentional, all that pressure is falling on merrick garland, so Jamie Raskin, the congressman from maryland, who radical voted against the certification is what its external action before determining that voting against certifications of elections without basis was a form of insurrection. Now He says that con man trump has met his match with the committee. Okay. Well again, not with the committee
more with the d o j. If the d o J decides to go forward on this thing and that's if the d o J can actually substantiated prosecution, here's jamie Raskin, why do think is so hard to hold this one. Obviously guilty man accountable, given You are also an impeachment leader of the second impeachment, did a under the czech it and how they set up the checks and balances, or are the other branches shaking a right now out of fear. Now I think he's good at what he does. I mean from this city he's from new york and he's been a con man and an operator for a long time, and he operates like the best of the crime losses, which is he always insulates himself with several layers of law. Yours and money and flunkey between himself and that which he orders to be done by the way I do love. Seven colbert has basically just become a late night news host on cnn, those
then called they're. Doing that interview, there's so much harmony in happening mean he is just one of our great mediums right. There I also enjoy the soft implication by Jamie raskin that everyone in new york is gone. They will from new york, african man is from you're. Ok, I mean that jack and I'm from anyway. He said it I didn't set in any case it is it is. the pressure that is being put on merrick garland his extraordinary, which is why you're, seeing these right now question really is whether they can charge donald trump to rally over the grid has a good run down on the possibility of which charges could theoretically be brought against trump and can see weakness of the charges here, which is why discussing a moment is real, it is sort of a last ditch political play by democrats to distract from the twenty twenty two elections and maybe get rid of trump ahead of twenty twenty four. So what exactly are the charges that they're considering? while theoretically inciting insurrection. Now in order
that you actually have to demonstrate incitement and seven is a very, very difficult crime to prove, because incitement means you actually have to tell people to go, commit the crime than sorry marched through the capital building and protest peacefully is not incitement. You'd have demonstrate that he actually was coordinated with people in advance that that his words were designed to incite imminent, lawless action, that's very difficult to prove and that's not proved by his actions after the I once begins? That's no longer incitement, that's a form well, but it may not be criminal negligence, so it can be very I've to prove incitement. Doesn't. According to me, that's going barbara mcquade from a user. We eastern eastern district of michigan and the professor university of michigan law school Actually, because again, this is the first amendment can actively saying I want you to go march over the capital building and peacefully protests. That's clearly for cement and protect activity. Ok, what are the other possibilities here, wealthier radically conspiracy to defraud the united states, so the basic definition of that crime would be too.
for people working to undermine a core function of government. It requires proving fraudulent intent right. The intent here is the part that's hard to prove if it were just Donald trump worked with other people to try to overturn the results of the election. Well, then, pretty obvious that that It's true. I mean he was clearly trying to do that. He was doing that publicly the question is whether he knew tat he had lost the election that should have known knew that he lost the election and whether he was over attempting to overthrow the results of the election, knowing that the election had come out against him and the answer there is unclear because again, donald trump and intent, not a best friend a donald trump, probably believes that, like don't, you believe, I believe some things today that he won the election. I don't think Donald trump is sitting in a back room somewhere at mar a lago going manner that election, but I'm enjoying other care. I don't think that's what donald trump thanks I've been sitting echo marvell right now seeing eye when the election and no one believes me it was stolen, is fraud, I think that he believes what he says like this is one of the key things about trump. He Ashley says what he thinks
There is no brain amount filter in that guy and so his capacity to say dissemble bet he does. He actually knows that he lost the election, but now he's trying to trumpet he trying to trump the election, no pun intended with with fraudulent activity that can be very difficult to prove as well. Mc Wade's has got if he knew he was lying about election fraud and unless ought to disrupt the transfer of power that crime theoretically could be a star. Well. This is what the generous six committees trying to show and employing bunch clips of people saying that they you trump told me, but that's assuming that trump has that listen again, these are very sustainable propositions mean Donald trump is not as for listening to advice. That is not his thing. It is both his charm and draw drawback he's. Not somebody who is when minded about receiving criticism, Anybody who criticise is Donald trump generally find themselves directly in down from crosshair, so,
when it comes to criminal charges against president trump's intent. Crimes are particularly hard to prove, but here's a thing that I don't have to prove to you you're going to die. I know it's super dark right. It's just going to happen to all of us. The day will come when hundred percent of people who eat broccoli die until we're we're all. We all have an expiration date like that, bad carton of milk? But what does what does this mean in practical terms? Besides me just depressing here, what it means you need a will, and I have a well you should have a well. It is irresponsible thing to do, because you don't want the government pulling through all of your assets and then allocating them that would be dumb instead go get a will today with epic will. A will is one of the most important legal documents. You will ever need, it's not about you, it's about your loved ones and the really hard decisions they will face. If something happens to you, decisions like for Will a living will can let your family know You want done with you, god forbid. You have some sort of really really bad medical event. If your parent judge deciding who exactly is to raise your kids. Do yourself in your family if ever make those decisions right now, so they don't have to face them. without you, gotta epic will die palm use.
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boats on general sex by sending arm people into the capital building were unarmed people into the capital than or whatever, but that has not been paid. right. Those doubts have never been shown by the generous ex committee hazel, the final did attempt here is going to be state election law, and this is the one where, theoretically, they have most evidence. Red state election law could theoretically fall under certain sections of, say georgia law, where you're attempting to subvert election law in the state of florida by soliciting election election fraud So the idea here would be the phone call them the phone call that he had with the georgia secretary of state brad ravensburger in when she said. I just want to find eleven thousand seven hundred eighty votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state now again. The problem with this is that it's word of an intent, meaning that there are with that conversation, one is, I know, a last go then devote somewhere go, find them in a box, go get them right, that's one way or the other is. I know when the state- and you guys are just that your job and yes, she did.
Job, no one shall find me the I want, which is not actually election fraud that's, just mean wrong and its first member protected activity. So all of these charges are extraordinarily, I see and then, of course, there is the one that the left once the most which insidious conspiracy, the idea that he was working to overthrow the united states or prevent hinder. the execution of any law of the united states and there you'd, actually, We have to show that he was coordinating with, say. The proud boys were the oath keepers to invade the building. And now again, you can see how, week. These charges are indeed difficult. It's going to be proved to be for former garland to prove these charges at all. You can see how much more problems which suggests that this is far less about charging donald trump criminally for supper, which he is criminally liable and far more about electioneering of it. The mare garland brings impact. To election, twenty twenty four in the same way that, for example, James call announcing that he had reopen. the investigation to hillary's laptop may have closer the election in twenty. Sixteen to their hope
for a sort of reversal of fortune here whereby a garland announces that he's criminal investigating tromp that somehow it will, it will drive people away from crumbs camp. We actually criminally investigates trump and criminally charges trump that will take trump off the board for twenty twenty four percent, ITALY, or, at the very least, it'll, make it centre of everybody's attention in twenty twenty two that, if we're with we focused in on january. Six, we're not going be focused on the fact that we current in a recession by all by the usual metrics This ties into the broader democratic argument didn't been making for awhile here, which is that Wilkins are threat to democracy, so eddie cloud who teaches over georgia He says I'm worried that people will be able to vote at all. If republicans republicans went up, this line of attack has been completely unsuccessful for democrats. If you look at the poland data, a vast minority americans, I'm talking like single digit americans, like six seven five percent our people, who believe that election fraud and intervention of democracy. I, the chief issues on the ballot in the
and many of by republican republican fraud and subversion of democracy are happening from left to the idea that this can be the tipp of this era in twenty twenty two for for democratic hopes, very very labour Democrats are pushing it anyway. Hers eddie glad doing just that, an amazon BC how worried are you about the ability for americans to cast their ballots, this fall and beyond Oh I'm, I'm extremely extraordinarily. The assault on voting impacts, our democracy, it enough. just declare that we must bulk or democrats and office everyone spectrum in this regard, I understand how this has impacted the landscape of how people vote and how votes are counted is really important. Now, here's the thing, democrats, don't actually believe this I mean first of all, they have no basis for believing this. I m very rarely charge that people aren't sincere in their beliefs, but the vast majority of Democrats who action are in the no do not believe that is going to be shut down by republicans. If they did, they wouldn't
ample be going out of their way to fund exactly the republican candidates. They think are threatened, mockery so didn't even in europe times now, reporting that house Democrats are stepping to a western michigan republican primary to elevate candidate, endorsed by former president trump against what the ten house republicans who voted to impeach him. They actually ran a four hundred and twenty five thousand dollar ad run. It's the latest in a slew of democratic efforts to draw attention to far right candidates, hoping they'll, be easier to beat november, then more mainstream. Republicans, in this case, it could also in his slapped represented Peter mayer, the incumbent in the grand rapids area district brave blow bathrooms on party over his vote to impeach trump. As now, fighting categories from the right and left the democratic congressional campaign committee. it challenging mayor is too conservative for west michigan, but in total? and content is. Appealed to the programme voters in the august. Second republican primary hailing gives his coat hand picked by trumped run for congress
buffing his bona fides as an aide in the trump administration, promising that he would push that same conservative agenda in congress, including a hard line against illegal immigration and a stand for quote unquote patriotic education. Is there any hit ad? That is not actually a hit ad or they're running an ad against gibbs, saying he's. too. Conservative for republicans he's just You awesome don't vote for him right, which is clearly an meant to get people to vote for John gibbs. I think it gives more beautiful and general. Here is the problem. If you can keep saying that people are a threat to democracy wire, elevating them. Why are you always them It is the case that I made in twenty and it was bernie sander. Versus Joe Biden. Now, there's a The case you made the Bernie sanders is much more readable and a general election, then Joe Biden, but, as I said, multiple times during that rate, I would rather have Joe Biden with eight five. The percent shot at the presidency than Bernie sanders. The forty percent shot at the presidency- these are Bernie sanders, actually becomes. President the country may be finished in that. Radical Bernie sanders is now it turns out Joe Biden. the country are foul on his but
The idea here is that, if you are in the game of politics, you dont want to elevate the opponents of the most dangerous to the republic, because there is always the Just they win a Democrat. did this and twenty sixteen. They try to elevate donald trump thinking, you'd be quite beautiful for Hillary Clinton and then he added of winning this has happened mould. right now Democrats, they tried to push doug mastery honour in pennsylvania and doug random might actually win his race. He might become the governor of pennsylvania because ring he's running like within a single percentage points, Josh shapiro, the attorney general in the state of pennsylvania. So democrats, you can have ways. Either these people are so dangerous. They can see the light of day or they must be able candidates we should fund them, because even if they win, is it really that bad? But you can't have it. Both ways democrats, obviously don't believe that is a threat to democracy. What this is all about always and forever is just the politicking and for Joe Biden, Actually it's about the politicking
if Joe Biden understands one thing and one thing only he wants to make trump the opponent right. He needs people to talk about trump. If people talk about Joe Biden, Joe Biden is in serious serious trouble, even a terror. President he came into office. As I said, one million times he came into office riding a wave with elements that should have made his presidency inherently successful. All he had to do was the thing is best at become unconscious. That's all he had to do to do was enter office. Go back to the basement, where he Our campaign go to sleep wick up intermittently watch, matlock sign a bill, go back to sleep, that's it and you knew that, and so you ended up disastrous presidency, but when he entered office, obviously had all these tail wins radiated axing that was working. He had the fact that color is going to end. Who's gonna go back to work. He had an economy that are built put into an artificial coma, was the strongest it had ever been in lifetime before it went into the artificial coma all we go hands off and he couldn't do it. So if to redirect to trump, That's why you're seeing Joe Biden being wheeled out in front of the cameras and staring glassy?
add into the camera and talking about how trump is a threat to democracy. Trump hasn't been president of the united states. Since january of twenty twenty one, it's been awhile here gang it's now July of twenty twenty two, So why is Joe Biden still talking about january? Sixth, the answer is: he needs you to think about january sixth, so you don't think about him, So here is Joe Biden. I mean this is a really weird clip. Here's Joe Biden talking about donald trump yesterday that can't be pro insurrection and broke up. You can't be pro insurrection and pro democracy. You can't be pro insurrection and pro american donald trump lacked the courage to act. The brave women and men in blue all across this nation should never forget that
lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's eyes, but I also love the vocal fry there, like you see so clearly, not not well, as the donald is a grizzled police, veteran who's been on the force for too long and seen too many things and smoked too many cigarettes. You just see an ashtray filled with smoked cigarettes over in a glass of whisky over here, though he does over donald robb, you can be, you can be bro belizean and also brought Margaret he's he is not with us gang that dude is not what's that. This is a big problem for for Joe Biden every time he tries to make a case. He just underscores his right. He shouldn't be president every time it's on camera. It has a case against why he should be president of the united states. He can talk all he wants about donal from an gonna help him and elsewhere. However, when he says he's, probably his entire party five minutes ago was pushing defund the police. Vice president trying to bail out rioters in the middle, the black lives matter riots in any apple us. So I know I don't believe you there now properties and you're. The moderate I also believe, are alive and they keep they keep
this guy out and pretty obviously in an ambulatory corpse pretty obvious using them in the back room and they're using galvanic electricity to like, like they would on a frog leg and get them out there and Ella knew him then runs out of electricity, and they have to cut like that in the middle of that project. And they have to hit him again with electricity and wake up. It's it's real and while there's very little in life that could reinvigorate Joe Biden, but perhaps a good steak could do it because steak is the best thing that ever was. Let me tell you about one of the best steaks I ever had as a good ranch mistake. They got me a kosher steak, grilled it for me and a kosher bbq. It was an believable it was so good or good. Ranchers can make that magic happen for you, grocery stores, this will take to buy grass fed super mega morally superior equity, bringing live your truth, beef pushing the leather labels mean anything at all. Actually they don't mean anything. There just cut a slap on products and from overseas that the meat has more frequent
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quarters of your party wants you to go away according to cnn seventy percent of democratic and democratic leaning. Voters want the party to nominate someone other than president Biden in the twenty twenty four election. Sharp increase from earlier this year. The poll comes as his approval ratings remain low. Most americans are disconcerted with the state of the country and the economy. Inflation remains high. A new report released tuesday showed consumer confidence slipping for the third straight month. Twenty four percent of Democrats and critically and voters said they want someone else, because they don't think Biden can win in twenty twenty four, that's up from eighteen percent. In a poll conducted january and february, two percent feel that way, because they don't want, bind to be re elected at all. What just so got twenty four percent of Democrats who don't think he can win if another Thirty, two percent, who don't want him to win? Woe and twenty five percent said prefer Biden as the nominated as a steep drop from forty five and in january and february. The poll shows a sharp downward turn enthusiasm for. Twenty four reelection bid by the president in January february
one percent of Democrats said they wanted someone other than Biden now thirty, one percent of democrats and democratic leaning- it's forty five years and older would prefer Biden to be the twenty twenty four nominees. So even old democrats are like nah. We want him to leave under forty five, only eighteen percent want or by and to be the twenty twenty four. Many which, by the way, suggest somebody to primary. I'm really really it suggests that, while the democratic party is declaring that he is, yeah the shoe in nominee. So sure I mean, if you got an insurrection candidate like AC running against romania, primary I'm, not sure that goes graver drawbacks and I don't see how her daily. I would not be surprised what However, we also obviously not brokering for power inside the mainstream democratic party economic, nice Nancy policy should not doing her. Committee assignments she's, not particularly worried about making friends she's more in an interest in the instagram of it all, and what that means is you can? You can easily see a very young fresh face so fresh, so faced elsie private,
Joe Biden, even if Joe Biden were to run in twenty twenty four? The big problem for democrats, of course, is that if Joe Biden is there. He is masking the internal rod of a party that has no one backing him up in the people who hopefully going to back them up. Here are people like PETE buddha judge? There is a new pull out, showing that he buddha judge in a primary you, new Hampshire would actually edge out Joe Biden right now, the incoming president. Among new hampshire Democrats, they say seventeen percent, which is but judge among a list of democrats or those who caucus with Democrats he received sixteen percent support, followed by with worn and gave a who each came in at ten percent. If other democrats, in addition to Bernie sanders, receives less than Ten percent. pulling further demonstrates democrats are not what is the idea of choosing Biden as their nominee in the next presidential cycle will judge is not going to hit he's enough of a party man, and he knows that is not his time. Yet almost Biden steps the sides of the chances that he is action. Going to jump in against Joe Biden are extraordinarily low, but also
state once again that divides inside the democratic party who have for his extremely white. The base of the democratic party is very, very black by demographics, and what that means mean, is what why Joe Biden ended up winning the democratic primary I Bernie sanders when the first gop. Iowa and new hampshire, so not a job. Lose to be buddha. Judge inside new Hampshire right now, By the way, only thirty one percent of democrats in new Hampshire want Joe Biden to run in twenty twenty four. only twenty percent overall in new hampshire. What your biden to run in twenty twenty, four, right now, but a judge edges outside and seventeen to sixteen among those candidates and that those are those are bad numbers. It is also worth noting here that the the general unfavorable ratings for every Democrat are really really bad. Really bad suffer I will people to judge in new Hampshire. Renault is a net negative, eight percent rating in him.
that shows that he's more popular than by among only hampshire voters. He's eight points. Underwater camel hair by the way is on I believe, forty two points underwater with new I'm sure voters, sixty three percent disapprove. Twenty one percent approve whew that is yeah, that that is it, that is a big ally, ouch or no by the way you know who should be mentioned here. The incomparable, elsie in that. In a poll of new Hampshire, democratic voters has five percent: she's is one percent below kamala harris in their democratic poll, speaking of which The common continues to demonstrate how terrible she is this by the way that they not if it comes to health from being the nominee. I think everybody is looking passed. The point that jim kleiber basically decides the democratic party nominee in places like I've got a linux, that's exactly what happened with Joe Biden ready intervened with Joe Biden, he tried to get the states that have more of a black democratic base to vote for job. you think he's getting up behind people to judge the widest person ever to white.
The small town indiana mayor who couldn't fell particles, but also a guy. Like you view, you really think that Jim Kleiber is going to be backing people judge primary against Kamel Harris got an invite between people judges, most notable achievement as secretary of transportation is not solving any of the supply chain issues, but also paternity leave and talking about why the bible says, gay marriage is okay, major accomplishments. There from your secretary of transportation verse conall harris, maybe most unpopular and an politician ever to walk this earth shit she really she's bad any shit. She makes nero. Look like a populist. here- is carla Harris yesterday explaining her pronouns, to end assembled group at a meeting. My goodness. I want to love these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time.
I I am kind of, let heres my pronouns. Are she her? I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit. My goodness There they enough ass. They move from faculty lounges to the white house. That's who had half a second first of all, her entire pitch for being on the ticket is She she her if you're not conall harris's is a woman. At this point, you're an idiot Carla Harris has to announce the world again in fields. Eg gender ideology supposedly the reason that she isn't is talking about who she is in a blue, It is because she is speaking to the blind. I look forwards her using american sign language to also explains its folks. Here If there I mean she's doing herself, or so she shed. Why not? Why not? And in any case she is very, very bad at this and m and wage. I left for the american people, so this is why they have to keep trotting out the corpse of Joe Biden propel sit on that horse and just an amount there and hope nobody notices that he that he died a couple of years
that he's, beginning to him, beginning to smell la, but in Joe Biden presence. In other news is now leaving the white house said that First of all, I don't know why Joe Biden has presbytery why the first He has an official position at all. If you go back to the foundations of the country, the job of the first lady was basically to throw parties because she wasn't elected to do anything, by the way. It'd, be the reverse if the first gentleman, if there are female president and the husband were out there, making political speeches I'd be like elected you, why do we care what you have to say this nonsense? where we pretend that the first lady really has a political position, is highly highly europe. I think it's irritating cause again. No one elected these people to do anything, but Joe Biden apparently has a press secretary. Michael la Rosa, is now being forced out of the white house. I do love the fact that I will not fire any of his top advisers for running the worst present: see in my lifetime easily, but Joe Biden will. Can you write a speech where she calls mexican people tacos and she will can your ass man? You are? You are dead in the
water. The first lady told cnn, for nearly three years from the campaigns of the white house Michael, has brought an knowledge of politics and media to my team. As my spokesperson and adviser, on a small team. Loyalty and friendship are lifelong illness. Michael. However, we are saying friends begin a new chapter in his career as a manager. At that the last part The rose actually is joining the public affairs from hamilton place strategy so that a revolving door continues to move forward. la Rosa actually had to apologize on behalf of the first lady after she compared latinos to breakfast tacos, which breakfast burritos but at least I'm not ignorant enough to call people of latino heritage by foods that I associate with them. But we better fond farewell to Michael arose: the press secretary for the first lady of the united states, who is in fact the world's greatest doctor. Meanwhile, the economy continues to.
It'll, be in the doldrums. The I mf is now warning that a global recession is at hand again. This is the reason why Joe Biden is focusing in with his glassy eyed stare, a thousand yard stare on donald trump, laser, like in sure the eyes are going in different directions at this point, but Yeah he's so focusing on donald trump, because what else the economy according to the eyes of the world, could soon be on the brink of a global recession, as the account if the united states, china and europe slow more sharply than anticipated. Amid a collision of crises, the IMF warned, use day is going to be our times an update of the world on account the imo said economic prospects had darkened significantly in recent months as war in ukraine, inflation and researching pandemic inflicting pain on every continent. If the thicket of threats continues to intensify world economy faces. One of its weakest years since one thousand nine hundred and seventy a period of intense stagflation around the globe. Remember that time six weeks ago, when the economic experts at now will probably would recession no debate now the imam like too soon ahmed Pierre, Olivier grinches?
I miss chief economist, said the world may soon be teetering on the edge of a global recession. Only two years after the last one, he said the outlook for global economy is growing increasingly gloomy, global growth forecast from its April projections expecting upper will fall to three point: two percent and twenty twenty. Due from six point, one percent last year growth is expected. Even further next year, a central banks around the world resentment rates in an effort to tame inflation by cooling. Their economy inflation is rise more rapidly and broadly than the I'm offences opinion earlier this year and now expects prices rise. Six point: six percent in rich countries at nine point: five percent in emerging markets and developing countries. By the way huge companies are too massive hit alphabet profit, which is the owner company for Google. It dropped fourteen percent in cuba to it, which is eight, does ass for us drop. That is a massive dump in terms of profitability. Microsoft, reporting earnings that fall short of already reduced expectations. The tec giant said that it had
the one point: nine billion dollars in the sale in sales in the quarter ending june thirtieth of twelve percent from a year earlier, but there is missed even microsoft's on reduced expectations. In early june, the company lowered its guidance for the quarter to account for the increasingly strong us dollar, so the economic fallout, has begun. The good news is that the binding ministration now being on top of things they ve sent all of their advisers to whistle past the graveyard. Here and say everything is fine by chair of the council of economic advisers silly. She says you know what is probably okay So you know what is about putin and weird like things were bad before Putin and well after we for but sure why not again, the rule in the Biden white house is if something bad is happening, is putin and coven if those bad things reverses because Joe Biden is amazing at things and it's it's pretty incredible how that works? Here's a Biden's chair of the cea there's
oh question that these are challenging economic times. The president has acknowledged as such. Are he recognizes it? Where are addressing high inflation, and he understands the concept that has for families this economy that we are facing is the result of a pandemic. This pandemic that remains with us, as well as russia's war. On ukraine- and we know that, is disrupted our economic system that has disrupted global markets as well. So it's all about everybody else: it's not their policy. At all everything is fine. Brian brindisi him he says, that the economy is transitioning, so the result that they always have their new language right. Inflation is transitory, transfer, transfer, drugstore, transit again, and then it turns out. Inflation was non transitory and they're like recession is not roma, notable navigable and now their new one is that the economy is presenting transaction present in France. It is there
to say the same thing over and over and over, and the hopes that that you will start to believe it. But it's not be level. So. Here's brian, these saying that the economy is, is merely trends, winning folks it used to be male. Now it will be female, there's brandies, we're in a transition, and it feels unique because it is unique that we have never come out of a global pandemic while dealing with the economic impacts of the land. Europe. So we are in unique territory, but I think where we are now is coming, through a transition from what has been a truly historically fast period of economic growth and job growth transition to something that we certainly hope and our aim is to be more stable growth, but the key thing, right now is that, as we are in this transition, the choices we make now the policy choices we make now whether we actually take more action to lower prices and make things more affordable for families. These will help determine how successful we are at actually making that transition to a place where we
are in more stable growth without giving up all of those economic gains that with meant so much transitioning happening here. Ready the only way to address a depressed and upset economy is is by suggesting economic, affirming healthcare. That's the only way to general forming harold gender from ankara about, but for the economy of Jews, lopped off a few economic parts here and there and then magically it has transitioned into a brand new economy. Does it look great and new to you, speaking of transition, it's time, transition away from auto parts stores you're going there waiting and for twenty minutes he gets to the front. There's some guy who doesn't know more about cars than you do and then he looks up the part that you need, in his computer and then he orders it up charges you or you could just go to the experts at rock auto dot com no other parts and all they sell it on a part in related jewels. Rock auto is it family business founded by automotive engineers over twenty years ago, the original was and still is, to make our parts veiled and affordable, so customers can keep their daily drivers and classics safely on the road, recorded outcomes
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and what is a woman, is candace owens, it's all the good stuff. You been waiting for daily wire, plus dot coms everything you love about daily wire plus, so much and by the way he can watch. It shows like this one minus the ad so good daily. plus dotcom become a member today, at thirty five percent off your new membership, that's daily wire, plus dot com, it listening to the largest fastest growing conservative casting a radio show in the nation and while the the keeps saying keep saying and over and over and over again it's in episode of rupaul's drag race. It turns out that people don't care about the transition they are just getting. Amber by inflation, corny joke rural writing for daily wire inflation and big cities is crushing residents right now is even worse in rural america, rural. How both are more vulnerable to inflation report. My was state university shows in twenty twenty rural households post tax It stood at fifty eight thousand dollars about Percent of rural incomes went what expenses leaving about ten, thousand, six hundred bucks in discretionary income for savings and unanticipated expenses. However, by twenty
twenty two expenses rose by eighteen point. Five percent overall earnings were not able to keep pace with rising only six point, one percent, the net effect cut rural discretion. by forty by forty nine percent between june and twenty twenty engine, twenty twenty two reducing the cushion to five grand Ninety one percent of rural take home pay. So things are going amazing. Those are precisely the areas where Joe Biden radically underperformed in two thousand and twenty and is unlikely to radically over perform. Come twenty. Twenty four and apparently Democrats answers to fixing the condoms? What's been tons of body or an inflationary cycle and The economy is already starting to enter the doldrums. What if we tax people more borrow more and spend more makes perfect sense, and this will be We did as a victory by the media, which, of course, doesn't know anybody who lives in rural america, it's always amusing. When the media try to talk about what's happening in rural america, it's like what, if we send, we gotta send steve irwin out there to go, see what old people employ of a country doing. Am I gold their peoples
for living. What do we do? Milking cow, strange, primitive, which people grow, food from the ground, and that's how they see people enrollment they go to church building with an act with bt. On top. We do know why we have to investigate them. Yeah, always treated like people who are outside the big cities, don't matter at all, but those people vote, and so there a big win in the media. That Joe Biden is about to pass a bunch of garbage the congress, but here's the thing, it ain't going to. According to the washington post, the first major project drug legislation in twenty years more than, if a billion dollars to subsidize computer chip manufacturing and research a bill that would enshrine protection for same sex, marriage effort formula stretching which much of president binds legislative agenda seemed to be found ring the president and his party, maybe on the cat, Have significant wins in congress, the white house hopes will provide at least a modest political boost. Most resonant is the built medicare negotiate drug prices, a hugely pop right here, democratic been pursuing for more than twenty years. It would let medicare negotiate
this for ten drugs and twenty twenty six and ten more in two thousand twenty nine forbid drug companies from raising prices faster than inflation and kept medicare recipients out of pocket costs for prescription drugs that you, year of which sounds fancy ass it until he realized that subsidy is going to be ongoing, some cost a type of money, because you'll have to subsidize this in order that door companies continue to actually provide new drugs. It turns out when they cut the profitability of the drug companies, which is not ass. If, by the way, the profit margin is not enormous. You do that, for you and of doing is cutting down on the r and d that actually allows for better drugs to be provided to market. Meanwhile, these others were quite a big winners like for example, a bill that would enshrine protection for same sex, marriage, whoop, whoop, that's a big political winner, for you really is it to whom precisely genome Democrats that abortion is gonna be a big winter. They think you don't even bigger one or try to dear the original run on same sex marriage? I am sure that be a huge political winner for you, while the economy is in the tank democrats hope these measures.
ernie, bigger political pay, often say Biden, infrastructure law, which seem to make little impression on voters. Yet ethnic fervent sends probably passing a same sex marriage bill going to have more impact on voters in your direction and passing like a trillion dollar bill on infrastructure investment, more cowbell, always seems to be the solution from the Democrats, but none of this is going to help the economy. Is he actually wanted to help the economy? What you would do is you yes raise the interest rate to cut off inflation. You would do so soft But what you would also do is loosen up. The damned economy, you would make it easier for people to invest in whale and gas wells you'd make it easier for people, invest their money in startup companies, you'd get rid of the I'll bring some regulatory structure that governs nearly every area of american life. You will where the tax rate, that's what would get people back in investing in the economy, get people hiring people. The way that that happens is by providing a bit level of economic security for people who make good decisions with their money. But that's pretty, the opposite of what they are doing. It was you,
at its word aboard does this rightly say considering this were in an economic paradigm shift is an order. The democratic economic strategy basket spending, an easy money has failed. It better agenda would let the feds target stable prices, while policymakers on capitol hill and the white house target incentives for growth to counter the tighter money required to reduce inflation. What would that mean? Take the tax crease increases and more government entitlements off the table moratorium on new regulations declaring the white has worn fossil fuels, reduced tariffs, cut trade deals with Britain, the pan and others in the asia pacific that won't you us as a trading. To china, then make permanent the tax cuts in the twenty seventeen reform fire two twenty twenty five the majority of this now for publicans take over congress now be the good for Joe Biden going into two twenty four: is he going to do that highly unlikely? Because again, the media, pushing him toward more radicalism, because they are utterly disconnected from the experts If ever the americans, we members I didn t say: transition members, the media say how high.
are there that there really is how this works. The binding ministration declared the recession is no longer to cores of negative growth. The ape immediately rather be suggesting that recession is not your quarters of negative growth. The meat not I should preventing service democrats when you bubble people off the outside world, that actually makes them more vulnerable to the vicissitudes of just when the real world class him directly in the face. Now, meanwhile, here's the thing we are right now engaged in cold war, a right now in the united states. We knowledge it. What we have with chinese cold war to china is extraordinarily aggressive. China is stealing intellectual property and credible rate chinese. What, if I told em south trying to see is cutting deals with place like the solomon islands, creating a barricade enable barrett effectively around australia? China is threatening taiwan. They preparing the invasion, I mean that there is no question that china, if they could get away, that would invade right now and china is
during to subject the american economy to a massive gut punch. Should we actually try to fight this this chinese invasion of taiwan? That's one for its own part, is holding drills. Amid concerns about nancy pelosi visiting according to the associated press, taiwan's, which air raid drills on Monday. It's military mobilized for routine defense exercises coinciding with concerns over a forceful chinese response to a possible visit to the island by the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi. While there direct link between china's renewed threaten Taiwan's defensive moves. They underscore the stability of renewed crisis in the taiwan strait, taiwan, mayor co, when I told reporters quote in recent years: chinese military planes have frequently harassed. I won the war between russia and Ukraine broke out in february this year. All these make us understand the importance of being vigilant in times of peace. We need to be prepared if there is war, pelosi not confirm winner, if she's going to visit by the chinese government is
screaming about this, suggesting that that the united states has to prepare a military response. If Pelosi should visit, Joe Biden said last week that military officials believed such trip was quote unquote, not a good idea, which is always a great move and undercutting the picture of american strength in the face of chinese aggression is always a good move. If you are the present the united states you as well choirs washington to provide taiwan with the means to defend itself and treat all threats to the island as matters of grave concern that remains an be ambiguous on what exactly we would do in case of an attack from china. The big problem here is that the? U s has undercut it's own naval power. We have fewer ships on the water right now than we did in nineteen. Thirty, eight before world war, two Now ships are significantly more powerful, but the projective power of the united states navy been simply reduced under consecutive president's from trying to build it up. He succeeded a little bit, but particularly braga have radically sliced the? U s which means that the navy doesn't have the power really to fight the chinese in in the waters near China.
a visit to indonesia on sunday us gen, mark milley, chairman of the joint chiefs, said the chinese military's become significantly more aggressive and dangerous over the past five years. Millions, he's counterpart. General Lee show told him in a call earlier this month had no room for compromise on issues like taiwan on Monday. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, jolly John, said beijing. ITALY expressed its solemn position over potential visit by policy shouted we are fully prepared This is bent on going into an way general take firm and strong measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. What they mean by that is that they taiwan, because they believe that taiwan is part of china, despite the fact that taiwan has offend effectively been an independent policy. since mouse hit took over mainland china it has not said what specific actions that would take speculation is centred on a new round threatening military exercises or even an attempt to prevent pollution.
plane from landing by declaring a no fly zone over Taiwan. This is probably some huffing and puffing economic put a punishment of taiwan according Michael massa defense and china expert at the american enterprise institute, but you can see the china, which has to strengthen its all the it has to because here's the thing time does not bode well for china, china actually none of time on its it still rely, on a communist infrastructure that undercutting dynamic. China is relying on basically old school mercantilist principles in order to strengthen itself, but they are based. It. their basing themselves on debt they are. They are attempting to to overcome a massive demographic problem they created with their one child policy. China is completely demographically upside down. They have an extraordinarily old population and none of young people to actually pay the bills on this sort of and what this means that g, who has gotten more militant with side world not less than he has to get more aggressive The only way that these can be able to maintain his power inside the communist party there is to demonstrate his mouth say Tom, like tat,
coralie aggressive instincts. In the same way, the landmark putin in order uphold this rule is very territory we aggressive right, is not actually open up its economy or made life better for russians. So what that means is national. Greatness is now on the table. Same thing for paying and to the prepping. I clear what they are doing here. They are clearly prepping for a or the reason that you can tell their prepping for war is because what they do with some numbers. So right now the the Chinese have been as we ve talked about. Attempting to generate extraordinary semiconductor capacity inside their own country apparently is going to lead global semiconductor growth by two thirty. According to investment monitor, china is going to Indeed, the global semiconductor industry by two thousand and thirty, due to it's growing, thyssen domestic production capacity, so there's two aspects of semi conductors. One is something to design china really lags there. They don't make advance into conductors. They not capable of innovating for
we talk about china, damn creating seventy seven thousand or seventy seven hut for all the talk about china, creating tons and tons Stem graduates are going to go into the hard sciences. The truth is that china is not good. Innovation it's very good at copying, a manufacturer. That is why products that you get are cheap manufacturers from china generally, and so, when it comes to semiconductors china, is creating very, very basic semiconductors, not the advance hammock and others that are produced per day, lee in taiwan in south korea now there's only one problem with this. if they're produced in taiwan and south korea and china, they taiwan, one of two things happens: either china, takes over taiwan's semiconductor capacity, which means suddenly china is the global leader in semiconductors, which is a disaster for the united states and for its allies, connections and everything there in yourself on there in your computer there in your car, every sophisticated piece of technology. Is rooted in semiconductors, having produced right now, really the advanced ones like that, the real
good ones, are being produced in taiwan and south korea. If China, where to taiwan. I wonder how you twice as one all those resources fall into the hands of china too. Fry all the semiconductors in an attempt to avoid giving them to the chinese. If that happens, we don't not is still the producer of kind of the next best thing and lots of them, and so this has led the united states too. I only belatedly realized that it needs to reassure all of it's options if it's not going to defend taiwan properly. If it's going to build up military lives that can build up to an economy than the it's a damn! Well, better get into the business of manufacturing its own semi. Actors, which is why you are seeing congress- I belatedly attempting to reassure chip manufacturing in the united states now I know this is actually a controversial area on the right. There are. Some people like the wall street journal is very much against the idea of subsidizing, the domestic manufacture of chips inside the united states the problem. This international national security issue in same that it is a national security issue for the united states to be energy and
It is a national security situation for the united states not to be pendant on china and places that are really on the brink of falling to china in terms of some kind because we lose our access to some numbers were totally serious. International relations and military prowess problem is peace by ferris stocking Member of the editor of border. Within your time. Talking about this, she said semiconductors. The tiny computer chips that run everything from smartphones to satellites missile defence systems are often called the oil. For a century. Maintaining? U s. Economic and military might depend on reliable supply. Semiconductor shortages during the pandemic brought some car assembly line. So a halt left showrooms of homer it's a barren providing a glimpse. What would happen to the american economy if those trips of ran out some industry, so important factors into decisions about war and peace. Ninety two percent of the world's most and ships are made in taiwan. The rest come from south korea, repeated
warnings by president XI. Jinping of China that he's willing to use force to reassert control over Taiwan have forced us policymakers to contemplate what would happen if the us military was ever cut off from the chips that it needs. Since the trump innovation cut off certain ships from going to china chips, it become fodder for public debate. Now, americans are worried about their own chip supply and the chips act. Would you, remained billion dollars to subsidize the construction of semi factories in the united states was eleven billion dollars for research and development initiatives into chip, innovation that is the centerpiece of a bill to increase us competitiveness expected to move forward in congress this summer. There's a reason why this is going to if some by partisan support is a corporate welfare, of course, but the play the make, including taiwan, south korea, india, germany and china all The enormous capital costs gobs public money. Reasonable people can I agree about whether that's a good thing, but if the us wants to compete, subsidies are the price of admission, but paying off. Companies isn't going to get embarrassed very far. We actually have to build a pipeline for talent on these particular issues. We don't have enough experienced workers when it comes to chip manufacturer.
The trump administration has been pressuring the taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company to build a fab on. U s, soil capable of producing advanced chips people arizona with the skills and work ethic as exists, right now in Taiwan has been a challenge. According to companies founder morris Chang, attracting highly skilled for workers is essential, at least in the short term,. And the bottom line here is that the the chinese have a geographic advantage on this. Particular and so we are going to need to make some aggressive moves in terms of ensuring our own semiconductor industry, if we actually are going to to challenge china and prevent china from taiwan, that the best the best events has got off, and the united states having a weakened economy is going to be very, very serious problem and this installation thing talk about some extra spending. That's all find a good, and I think there very good case for it right now. For example, gm is absolutely getting smoked because of their loss of semiconductors from china. Accordingly,
Regional gems net profitable forty percent in the second quarter, hurt by a loss in china and supply chain troubles that left the company with tens of thousands of unfinished vehicles that could not sell during the period because of the computer chip shortage that just it is. It is sort of a taste of what's to come if china were to gain control over the globe. semi conductor supplies. We have to do something there, but it's more than that with strengthen our economy and yes, we also have to say redirecting our energies from beating each other up over pronouns and toward the fact that we have a a global power, I know which is not rising but is increasing, aggressive overtime, If we don't do that, then cold war, too, is not likely to go in same direction, is as cold war. One china is given time will collapse in on itself like dying star, because their economy does not work there. Demographics do not work, but you have to contain them, and failures contain, is going to lead china to more and more aggression and more and more longitudinal on the world stage in its current form. Already we'll be back,
waiter tee with additional content in the meantime, go check out one of our new his pockets morning. Why are today's episode is available right now on ample parkhurst, but if I do our plus or where viewless nepal has major region and I'm bench blow, this is the benchmark ocean, if you and you this episode, dont forget to subscribe to the shop help spread. The word about the bench of euro show that's a five star of you and sharing the show with a friend were available on apple podcast, spotify youtube or wherever you get your pocket and be sure to check out some of our other daily wire shows the bench show is produced by bradford Carrington, executive producer jeremy boring supervising producer mathis glover production manager pavel wide ascii. Associate producer, savannah dominguez morris editor adamant scientists, audio myths are micro, mina, hair and makeup artist in wardrobe. Fabulous, christina production coordinator jessica, grant Girl show is a daily where production copyright daily wire, twenty twenty two further. This is john, elite daily wire editor in chief and co host of morning wire on today's episode,
whistleblowers. Come forward, alleging a scheme at the f to downplay derogatory information on hunter Biden. Concern over monkey pox continues to grow in the senate, France is a semiconductor chip bill amid a technology race with china join us and get the facts. First on the news, you need to know what our show warning. One.
Transcript generated on 2022-07-28.