« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1529 - Throw Grandpa Joe From The Train


Democrats begin openly talking about dumping Joe Biden in favor of other candidates; we meet some new Democratic faces making waves; and Boris Johnson resigns as leader of the Conservative Party in the UK.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats begin openly talking about dumping, Joe Biden in favour of other candidates. We need some new democratic faces, making waves and worse and resigned as leader of the conservative party in the uk. here. This is the benchmark. Job today shows buncher banks, As the vpn thousands of my listeners have already secured their network data, join them express, vpn, dot com. Slash then we'll get to all the using just one moment. First, using the. Without express vpn. It's walking your dog in public without securing the dog might be. Okay, for minute, and then the dog runs away and a van he jumps out. He is gone. Why would you such a thing. Put your dog and protect your internet activity by using express vps every time you can actually unencrypted networking cafe, hotels, airports, etc. Your online data is not secured. Any on the same network, can gain access to and steal your personal data, but express vps create a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet. So they can't take a hacker the supercomputer over a billion years to get past express vpn encryption express, vpn works on.
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good everybody good afternoon. Thank you It is clearly not the will of the parliament. three conservative party that there should be a new leader of that party apple. A new prime minister and I agreed with the growing brady the chaplain about that pension peace, that the process of choosing that new data should begin now and the timetable will be announced next week and I look today appointed a cabinet to serve as I will until a new data is in place So the way that it works in great britain, just like a lot of other parliamentary democracies that the conservative party was elected to lead the government or as johnson by russia who is the leader of the conservative party, does not lose his slot as prime minister, because the conservative party still the elected majority, and until they have pointed new leader inside the conservative party, that means that he is basically is the serving prime minister of great britain. It does mean
that he is on his way out. According to CNN Johnson's departure marks a remarkable downfall for a prime minister who was once seen as having political superpowers with an appeal that transcended national party lines, he won a landslide victory in December, two thousand and nineteen on the promise of delivering a brexit deal and leading the uk to a bright future outside the EU proceeded to do that, you're right all. They got into a massive fight with parliament. Actually had parliament suspended for a few weeks. The british supreme court later suggested that this was unconstitutional in great britain and had to apologize to the queen and all this, but he ended up getting brexit done and he was seen a pretty popular leader at the time and then covert head and his leadership during Colby became extremely controversial. And now, Basically, a series of scandals have supposed Taken him down, but here's the reality. This is true We have suggested for years, but the only scandals truly bring down, politicians are sex and cover ups. That's it only things that bring down politicians, because otherwise with nearly anything if you're andrew cuomo, you kill every old person in the state of new york, your bed nursing home policy. You get away with that, but the minute that we found out
but you grab somebody's ass against their will. You are gone man that is something killing all people ok grabbing some ass, very, very bad gotta go same. Sort of thing now appears to have happened to boris Johnson now, really because the scandals that bring down these politicians are those scandals, but because these are the scandals that we can pin directly on you, and this means that we can use these as a sort of lever to get you out of office. If you look at the list of scandals that supposedly plagued boris Johnson, mild. Fox news has a round roundup of the support its scandals that brought him down the biggest one. And this was really the one that brought him down. It just took a long time for it to manifest where he started to lose popularity is his lockdown policies during covet uk took an extraordinarily strict stance in the early going with regard to lockdown and, while they're locked down happening or as johnson at a big birthday party and invited all of his friends according to function the most enduring and infamous controversy with which Johnson wrangled involved parties that occurred on government grounds during the most strict combination, lock down periods, rules,
at the time mandated individuals could not socialize indoors, except with your household or support bubble. Police issued a total of one hundred and twenty six fixed penalty notices to eighty three people in government for the gatherings untold eight different parties between may twenty, twenty and April twenty twenty one, which showed that they were hypocrites and show that they did not actually believe the standard that they were forcing everybody else to abide by a report by the civil servants who grey on the matter, claim Johnson at one point provided wine and cheese to the staff from a twenty. wedding party in the gardens of ten downing street another party in the same new party goers raised well into the night wrapping up at around four a m. There was another party allegedly happening around April. Sixteen two thousand and twenty one. The night before queen Elizabeth buried, her husband, prince philip, were party attendees rank wine order for large pizzas to share and took turns going down a slide belonging to johnson's son wilf. According to eyewitness accounts and photos, reviewed, daily telegraph newspaper someone spilled wine copy machine and almost damage laptop that served jukebox for the evening,
again, this was the thing that really brought down johnson and it was a couple of years of trailing bad feeling, because it is One thing for a left wing politician to issue takedown notices and then proceed to violate lockdown, whether it is Gavin newsom in california or lori lightfoot in Chicago, whether it is Muriel bowser in Washington DC or whether it is london breed in san francisco. People expect left wingers to be hypocrites on this kind of stuff, because, frankly That's when there's are always in favour of locked out and then only by any of their own social standards, but when it is. really boris Johnson, who is supposed to be standing up for small, this is somebody who is not supposed to engage in harsh lockdown policies when it turns you're the hypocrite, then the fires, coming from inside your own party and that's exactly what happened to Johnson. There are a couple of other scandals that started to creep up on him and again they they more to do with sort of inaction than action. So, for example, Johnson had promoted a member of parliament and chris pincher to the position of didn't you whip is one of the people Animal fur lining up votes along party lines for conservative positions,
it took over the role february- eighth, he resigned june thirtieth after allegedly, hoping to men at the Carlton club in piccadilly. So, as we say, the sex candles were the cover up right. So this guy, it was even John, and whose grabbing ass in this particular circumstance. It was pincher, who is doing so in a port supposedly johnson, said that he didn't know about it. Johnson kept him in the party, he insisted the matter was closed and then turn There were more allegations that Johnson had known about earlier, and then he admitted that, and then there was a very brief report of a sex scandal involving Boris Johnson lose all those why two thousand eighties, when his current life was then his mistress and apparently they were engaged in sexual congress in his office. At the time but are are sort of the big scandals that supposedly plagued him a couple. Other staffing scandals But the reality is that what really brought down boris Johnson is the fact that his own party grew tired of the the antics his own party was. no way by the fact that he had locked down the country in large measure and taken very strict. You strip protocols with regard to govern
and violated those, and then this was all just trailing, is all just reading, and this is one of the things that we are going to see politically Everybody believes that, because the pandemic is effectively over for most people, meaning that he's going out living their lives, have gone back to work and going back to school because of their there's. This belief in politics by a lot of politicians that that issue is dead. I covered is dead people have long memories. are very, very angry and that anger is not going to go away in fact, This is true in the united states, as well as the fact that that Joe Biden is present of the united states does alleviate the fact that most Eric are not on board and we're not on board with the lockdown friendly policies pushed by democrats across the country. That's what you feel a mass exodus from blue states red states in the united states during the course of the pandemic is why, for example, when from swings day to a pretty solidly red state. All of this is pandemic back So much of what we are seeing in politics right now is pandemic backlash as just delayed a boris johnson being gone that pandemic backlash that is now coming to fruition. After a couple of years of delay
If you're about see that in the united states in november two thousand twenty two, because there is so much associated with the pandemic, the keeping kids out of school people know who to blame for that. The riots in streets people know who to blame for that. The fact that businesses were down on mass people know who to and the long tail effect of pandemic policies. Standard. Well, beyond the chief time. Here too, the pandemic economic policies that are coming to fruition in the form of really really high inflation, and what will soon be a recession, if we're not already in one all of that, going to be really ugly fruit for the party that's going to get blamed and in the united states, that party is the democratic party in the uk by the way just because boris Johnson is out does not mean that the consumer party is going to lose the next elections. Labour labours complete disarray over in the uk member, they had to basically out there erstwhile leader, Jeremy corbyn, because he's a rabid, anti semite people aren't willing to trust. the labour party, with nearly anything over there. They just didn't think the boris Johnson was the person
led the conservative party self destruction, the conservative party is actually pushing the conservative party the right in the uk, for the candidate or for the post of prime minister over there, but in the united states it don't miss you're was tapping boris johnson for some sort of left wing move, that's not what's happening in the uk and the sound what's happening in the united states. Either. Where's johnson seems to be on his way or this summer. You're going to be out and about as well, and that is why you need a ring, because the fact is that we are not at home and make sure that Europe must protect its in about the ring video doorbell, because of course you know we ve been talking about it for years, but is not just the ring videoed arba. They now have in a word winning whom security system ring alarm. You can easily install it yourself build informational monitoring. When you subscribe, ringgan stop there, they now things, the homes security game entirely with ring alarm approach. That's why I've decided to team up with ring when it comes to protecting my home. I've gone pro with ring alarm, probed ring alarm, frozen, level security system, cnet cause ringlets. well a giant for home security after using it. I think
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you are running, weaken polls in pennsylvania, Dr Oz, is run and weaken the polls right now in georgia walkers running very weak in the polls, those are eminently pick up, a seat in arizona. Unclear at this point, but that too is a vulnerable. new hampshire, vulnerable seat for democrats. that their bunch of vulnerable seeds for democrats and republicans had picked. I think a more solid slate of candidates there'll be a significantly better shot that republicans would pick up more vicinity- but this is about gate terrible year for Democrats now the terrible news of the year for Democrats is gonna, be mitigated by the fact that eighty illogical sorting has increased radically in the united states, meaning the number of people live in districts in the united states, that voted for say for president in two thousand, but also went for democratic candidate in congress numbers pretty high. The number of people who live in districts and voted for Joe Biden, but also voted for republican for congress is pretty low and you're likely to see
the same thing this year mean the number of seats there actually vulnerable in the house has really shrunk. Italy, a lot so even if republicans have a big wave, your it's unlikely they get to fifty sixty seeds when they did in two thousand ten personal when a bunch seeds last time to make us you're, probably looking at in a wave election year, thirty seats picked up by the public, but it's almost impossible. This point for a public funds to lose the house represented, so Democrats are looking at their leadership. And their blaming Joe Biden, which actually is incorrect, Bulgaria's thing. Joe Biden has varied out at this. Yes, a brothel bomber, horrible horrible record with regard to stateless elections. You was all the governors houses. He was like a thousand seeds across the country, it turns out. Maybe democratic policy just is not popular. Maybe the problem is not believe It's not a defensive. Joe Biden is a horrible president, whose terrible at every aspect the job was simply not up to. It would seem bordering on the senile, but to certain extent really Joe Biden's personality. That's the problem! It's the fact that Joe Biden has always been
paper mass for a democratic party. That is promoting policies. Nobody likes and nobody wants. So the we got a party has two choices. One is they could moderate read this been true since the very beginning of the binding ministration since the very beginning it Joe Biden, moderated in any way shape or form would be a lot more popular. Instead, you man to his hard left, because jobs has always throughout his career, reflected the center of the democratic party. He really is just a booby, it floats well saw along the the tips of the waves, and the democratic party's of the tide in the democratic party is moving to the left. He just moves right along with it, which is why governed like Bernie sanders, despite running more like scoop jackson. So if like what they are seeing in terms the results of Joe Biden, perhaps look in the mirror. Not just did Joe Biden wild incompetence using competent, but the actual problem he's that he has been promoting. Instead, they have decided on their narrative, and their narrative is that its Joe Biden singular personal unpopularity. That is the problem which it doesn't help, but again, let's be real brok long was singularly popular president. My point
two people really like the guy. I one of em I like em, I thought he was arrogant and obnoxious, but a lot of people really liked brock obama. In two thousand and ten he got his clock cleaned nobody is less popular than brok ababa. You will similarly get his clean in november. Twenty two: that's really not Joe Biden, prominence democratic party problem, but the Democrats have an answer as If the democrats and the media have an answer, when democratic policy fails, the answer is you're stupid. The answer is that if Joe Biden were just a better communicator well, then he would be able talk you into believing all the nonsense that they have been pushing, and Why is it a concerted push from inside the democratic party to now throw grandma off the back of the train, and grammar in this case would be Joe Biden so Here is cnn reporting the members of Joe Biden's on party ready to get rid of the guy rather inviting gone the economy and the stickers shop at hammering all of us and he will new protections for workers in their pension. His remarks
as members of his own party and key supporters are getting more frustrated. Their questioning, if the white house can muster the urgency to deal with huge challenges from economy to the supreme court, overturning roe, v wade and the rattle confidence is spreading monmouth Paul just found. Eighty eight percent of americans think the. U s is on the wrong track at an all time low. and the respondents top concern. Inflation so even the media are beginning to turn on job. I know it Joe Biden is trying to pull his irons out of the fire here. He went to ohio to give a speech. Blue collar workers will have. After all, he said in Joe howard, scrabble beginnings in where daddy told him on a street corner in Scranton pennsylvania in nineteen. Fifty two, the two men making out on a street corner, was just love, Joey,
I'm going to get over that story, because it's the single most absurd, sorted by his effort, all but Joe Biden being hard, scrabble Joe, while we're in a fairly nice rolex and have multiple houses and leaving voice messages for his own hunter hunger, picking up bags of cash? on foreign soil, vice president. It doesn't play an all. Simply when it turns out the gender is directly opposed to the interests of millions of americans. So Joe Biden, his strategy is I just keep running against trump there's only one problem from eight on the ballot random is now on you and your party. So he was speaking in ohio about the wonders of the american rescue plan which, by the way the american rescue plan has contributed pretty notably the inflation that we are seeing right now and so he just going to lie to you curious Donald trump's economy was very bad now, for anyone with one iota of memory someone who doesn't have shorter memory loss. I mean, I understand your mind- may have short term memory loss, but for the rest of us we all remember
The economy is actually excellent up until about february twenty twenty, and then there was this giant thing. That happened was a worldwide pandemic, the shut down the world for about a year and that its real impact on the employment status, I'm just lying in preventing the pandemic? Never happened. You all remember what they got him, like when I was elected a country in a pandemic with no real plans how to get out of it managed to people other jobs. Families in cars remember back up we're literally miles wide from a box of food to be put in their trunk, just a box of food to be put in their trunk visited about to eat previous minutes. more jobs and his watch than any administration since Herbert hoover. That's a fact, is ridiculous person. I'm sorry that that's the most ridiculous statement, the Ministration lost more jobs on its watch. Oh you mean when the entire, state level. Government in blue states
shut down every job in america for for like a year like that, is that is that what you're talking about Joe Biden, okay, so he's gonna lie and then he's going to try to blame republicans for inflation, which is a weird one. Considering that he's the president and he has a democratic congress, do you have enough money to pay for everything you need, while republicans do nothing to obstruct our ever so lower your gas taxes? I propose that I've asked the congress to eliminate the federal gas tax for the next as long as this crisis goes on. Lower food prices, lower health care costs, hopefully soon lower your prescription drug costs. By the way you gotta you, gotta republican leaders, united states, senate. he's just these is unreal is unreal, so the inflation is all the fault of the people who have no actual pepper in the united states congress and then, of course, he falls back on Draw is all about weber and condemn blue and is,
Tax demands conquering greece in instalments. As July we made him predatory car was on progress on a car I'm where we were a year and a half ago We got a long way to go because inflation, because of the icon, asleep the prudent tax increase, gasoline and all grain is keep referring from being able to get to the market. Now, I'm fine, like Hell, the lord Carson things it you talk about on your kitchen table. My dad, you say This is what you said that table to you have enough money to pay maybe everything you need but over the amount of money to pay for everything you need does not a word doesn't those were not words that are coming out of his fatal there's something that resemble ok. So yesterday, my two year old daughter, was extremely dire. Shipping, the pool little bit she died. is really tired. She came to tell me something, and it sounded exactly like that. I could you not. There were no kind. It was just all feels like a minute
turned to my wife, and I said I have no idea what you said to me. That's the president, the united states or short. I mean the communication strategies and helping, but by the way, what he's actually saying there is really stupid, reasonable. stupid is twofold. They say he says that all of the domestic hardship, are currently experiencing, is tax magical, the green and will in the end, though, and rules and prudent, so to browser that one, it's not a huge run up in the inflation happened before Vladimir Putin declared war on ukraine to job simultaneously. In time so can have above wait if you wish for the american people to get behind the war in ukraine the american people to suit continue to support ukraine. In the face of russian probations you, then say to them the reason that you are paying for high gas. The reason you are paying for high food prices,
reason that you're paying more for pretty much every area of your life is because putin's war, and I have no plans to end it all doing is undermining both yourself. Also the war that your supposedly stumping in favour of you're not telling me american people that you are now willing to take the measures to lower the prices of all of these goods right and I'm gonna drill more, I'm going to relieve environmental regulations. Rather do any of that stuff. You can't blame putin instead and then so that that war with Putin is what's causing the problem, but we have to maintain the war with Putin like its incoherent. Right. Now the wall street journal is reporting. Russia's tactical shift in ukraine raises prospect of protracted war, yet you think means, It means endless war in ukraine okay. Well, I mean, if that were the case, then at least you'd figure. We might have to take some long term policies that would lower the prices at home and he's not doing any of that he's. Just blaming Putin undermining the war effort in ukraine, while simultaneously trying to avoid responsibility for Inflation and economic situation at home, it makes no sense. None of this is particularly well here's something smart. You need to do for your own business unit,
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If we're not already in recession, we are headed toward one right fast. According the new york times. The federal reserve is now moving toward another big rate increase as inflation lingers, which is, of course, what they have to do. They have no choice if they want to crush the inflation, they have to raise the interest rates and raising them to one point: five percent ain't going to do it. it's going to need to be in the five to six percent range by most available economic estimates. In order to really the sort of inflation that we ve been seeing According to the new york times, the federal reserve determined to choke off rapid inflation before it becomes a permanent feature of the american economy is steering torn another three quarter. Point interest rate increase later this month. Even economy shows early signs of slowing recession, fears mount economic data suggests the united states could be headed for a rough road. Consumer conference has plummeted. The economy could post to strike horrors of negative growth, new facts we always have sag oil and gas. Commodity prices have dipped sharply lower this week as investors view an impending downturn that weakening his alike just wait: central bankers some degree. economic slowdown would be welcome. News for the fat, which is actually trying to call the economy and a commitment to restore price stability could keep officials on the policy bath.
Inflation measures are running at or near the fastest pace in four decades. The job, while moderating somewhat remains unusually strong with one point. And available jobs for every unemployed workers fed palace Workers are likely to focus on those factors as they had into their july meeting, especially because their policy Trade is too low enough. It's likely spurning activity, rather than subtracting from it, but pretty much all of the time from the central bank is driving down the stock market because everybody sees these interest rate increases coming because they have to because of Joe Biden's policy, not because of latimer And again, even if you blame, Vladimir putin is a lose. If he doesn't blame vladimir putin fault? If he does blame Vladimir Putin and the question airlines can be okay. So how do we stop this war right? What we do to get to the end of this war we get back to our normal life, for gas does not cost six bucks a gallon job. I is not capable of leading his way through this. Obviously, in the first ten minutes of his speech yesterday in ohio he's the phrase not a joke about nine different times here is Joe Biden yesterday. Just
repeating himself over and over, because again Is the man whose brain is no longer functioning this is a man, as I have said before, who could not for you're an out of a boot. If the instructions were written on the heel, there is job I There was only one word you heard most often in my family, not a joke. Do everybody does well? Everybody does well not Joe there's a middle class. For one reason: american union that's the only readers among the crowd, not a joke, love your marcy. You are the best. She does it or unions and foreign policy for years. Take I'm Joe, cannot not joking. The trappers would literally take them out, not a joke. You know, I'm not joking, ask ourselves this question. What is republican platform, though not Joe, I would have thought. Had I not seen
on paper and heard him talk about it, I was making this up, not a joke. No one, I'm not I'm not joking. I think he's joking must be joking, because this is your great order. This is the sterling. What's so I listen. I can see why Democrats are trying to hang their hat on Joe Biden's, a poor communicator I get. I get it this is the same hobby horse. Had they been riding since hell bore, when our war was to george w bush avoid this. Clearly I was on fire and had his shock or has touched by muscles The answer was, he was too sophistic. it for them like AL gore, has not been too sophisticated for ruminants like second grade but I'll go with you sophisticated he just knew too much. He was too bright. You can connect to the american people. Predict now who sticking his tongue down tipper throat at the two thousand democratic national convention, a thing that happened yes, life We are in two thousand and four has been wrong on every single issue. His entire life, ranging
accusing his fellow troops being rapists and murderers in vietnam to suggesting peace will never break out in the middle east until Israel surrendered to terrorist john kerry and four president, two thousand four and he lost. answer from media was jaw. When cars do, as opposed to the curb for the role he knows. Whether when Hillary Clinton lost in two thousand. Sixteen answer was not that she is a charm was cackle which heads or was that Hillary Clinton was too sophisticated for the room, she knew too much. She knew too much and now. The answer, of course, is that a communication problem. Even president real, good communicator by all available networks right, is greater, giving speeches saying nothing and bloating and using empty platitudes, combined with extraordinarily radical racial rhetoric when, when brought about it that developed over the course of his presidency early on. He was a moderate with racial rhetoric. By the time we hit like two thousand and thirteen two thousand and fourteen that had changed radically but brokaw
when he was here when he was failing in policy terms because he did basically from two thousand and ten on. He was a man. The failure at everything you try to policy wise barack obama. So the answer was, of course, well. while my communication strategy needs to be better, it's all about the comms, it's all calm and guys it's not the cons. It's because you suck that's the answer not just the cons, it can be the comms as well something else combined. And communicator because again dead people tend to be bad communication, but it is not fundamentally The coms but democrats think that is really about the fighting, many more fighting and men fighting. They. They want Joe Biden to be a combative old man, not just an old, and is falling asleep and angry old man who yells at the walls, that's what they need Only Joe Biden would get angrier and shouting them before was pretty. That would probably fix everything according to the new york times, forty eight hours after a horrific mass shooting on the fourth of July president, flew to ohio on Wednesday for a speech on pension plans.
Inflation, soaring and democrats still fuming about the supreme court's decision to overturn rovers await MR barton's public schedule included in no event or announcements on either topic in response to last week's block strategic testimony about the january sixth attack on the capital. Mr Biden has said almost nothing pledging deference to the I shall committee investigating the violent assault on american democracy at a moment of broad political tunnels and economic distress, MR by as appeared far less engaged than many of his supporters had hoped. First of all, I dunno why you'd hope for this. He went We basement and fell asleep for eight months during the election cycle and he woke up and was president. I don't why I thought he was like an engaged fighter was there's. Somebody appear to you to be engaged fighter? basically in hospice. What are you talking about another surprise, many That's our pleading for a fighter who gives voice to their anger. Mr barton has chosen more or more passive path, lemming congress urging people to vote of waiting. did rhetorical battles bill night hard for spokesperson for Bernie sanders. The you, must be running out of control fundamental,
for being stripped away in the white house just isn't coming with anything inside. The white house administration officials, Biden, has been quick to respond to the country's crises, even if he doesn't get the credit they believe he deserves then came into office, promising competence and deliberate action, for four years and which is predecessor governed by angry twitter posts in frequent irate by contrast, Biden touted his sober experience as a legislator by the way never had a sober experience as that's that's ridiculous. Joe Biden was a logger idiot, brazen higher time. The united states Senate campaign on knowing how to wield the authority of the presidency. issues of the day the press keep citing the limits of its powers so that their differing portray him as a gate, a soft moderate and, if only should be more passionate- and this would draw the american people into action- and so Joe Biden, predictably enough because is twitter account is run by rankling. He starts reading about the
things so yesterday he treated congress must act. It caught. A viral. Blue and filibuster should not stand in the way come on man right now, jack. We don't have the votes to change, to filibuster, that means, we need to elect more democratic, gender and religion. Husband He fell asleep before the end of the tweet, which was unfortunate, but yeah so hit his combat of version is we need a codified row and I'm gonna kill the filibuster. If you give me the votes to do so, that is not going to do it. While there is a reason at the white house comes director, kate betting field is stepping down just won't, be blamed the coming tsunami, because anyone ever never get a job again going to. staff ron clean without cutting kate betting feels talent and tenacity. Well might still be in the white house. The rescue plan and infrastructure law might still be unrealized and The tangy brown jackson might not be sitting on the supreme court by the way cleanse misspelled good tangy brown jackson, racism. She has pleaded. rowan everything the present has cheap from his second term is vice present
through the campaign and since coming to the white house, her strategic acumen intensity. Motions of the president's agenda and fierce work on his behalf, our nash. This is basically run cleansing, we're gonna, pusher. and pretend it comes the notion tat at the white house. That's that's what this is. Apparently field, and in weighing the decision to leave the white house for a number of weeks shows official notification to clean in recent days. She wants to get off at before that titanic its at iceberg, a person, Lucien has betting fields like me, replacement liz, Alan another long term by moil is to work for him and whose vp and was deputy community, she's director for brok, about which was also tasked with working with common harris after harris was chose. Biden, vp running mate, which wow what a resume she was in charge of PAMELA Harris is. We all know how great commonly heiresses at calms the staffing changes come as the white house grapples with soaring inflation, in a war in ukraine will approve approver instead of shift course on the cons I even in announcing this the white house totally.
So, for example, apparently this story was Generally politicos Alex Thompson's. He had the scoop. Yes, the white house for comment. Completely ignored his request for comment, and then they give the story to the wall street journal with a statement from ron so just really solid coms work from the way as usual. But all of this is building up to a broader. to throw Joe Biden overboard a fundamental elections, get rid of him and their attempting to push in place of July. The can't you calmly Harris again calmly harris makes Hillary Clinton look, like Winston churchill. Instead, what they're, going to try and do is is apparently shoehorning gavin newsom governor california, which is fairly incredible, since he has one of the worst economic track records of any government in the country. His track record uncovered is not particularly stellar age, adjusted at the same death rate is lord. I supported never shut down and calculated. She has repeatedly broken is uncovered protocols he's a massive hypocrite this week
he's vacationing in montana, California. why you are not allowed to spend taxpayer dollars to go big, hasten or even visit places like Montana, because Gavin newsome has declared that these places are hell on earth for algae bt plus minus divided by sign people he's over, there is your response to that story. That he's the occasioning Montana was he's not using tax dollars to do it when asked if he was using taxpayers' dollars to cover his security cause. He's governor of California, he went completely silent, but this is the person that they are print pinning. Their hopes on. the two ones, the deepening our jamie pritzker, the monstrously large, governor of illinois and gavin the androgynous kendall from California. Good luck to you. Folks is why Gavin newsom is now running ads in florida, telling people to flee for California, which is wholly risks. I fled california get over here to get away from you and your thirteen percent income
ex rate, which will soon rise to twenty percent. If you have your way, it's amazing, as the wall street journal, Kenneth catching rights, he says ones. Mr Lucian takes his show on the road and quickly find the scrutiny that has escaped him in California. Has slipped back will not play in iowa, new hampshire or south carolina, its politically perverse? The nuisance asked floridians to come to gallop. Warn you when its own constituents are leaving for friendlier business in cultural climate in florida, taxes, arizona and elsewhere has claimed that you'll take them, Its republicans is laughable is on record of Apps leadership is ripe for exploitation days ago six, miles from the homer I was raised insular accounting, the highway patrol arrested you suspected drug traffickers with a hundred and fifty thousand vengeance. Mills the released by an order signed by the two lair county superior commissioner of worship, california. I've done crime homicides in san francisco of up thirty six percent over the last two years. Things are
It's the same in los angeles, where homicides and robberies with guns are on the rise. The city has lost forty thousand residents in the past year by the way, if you extend that back couple of years. That includes me and my family residential users, who are pressing in california, pay sixty six percent more than homeowners in the rest of the united states, and that is because of our stupid, green policies pursued by people like Gavin newsom,. and this is leaving out, of course, the french laundry and the high speed rail. Given new summit once told me on the air that he did not support, but then try to put back in place as in issues like the governor, so good good luck to you Avenues and democrats believe that this is an issue of Judging rather than policy, they are likely to be headed for bruising, but this is either nor lie in the media to shut down all of the other messages, we get to the media's tack on Joe Biden's failures in just one. Second, first been a lot of excitement about daily wire plus. There are tons of questions like what the heck is it. How is it different from the daily wire? How do I access it? What does it cost twelve years
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build the future. You want to see become a member, a daily wire plus dot com. Today it was Two largest fast is going to report, has been radio show in the nation and so the Democrats are running on the strategy. The job I need is the real problem is all accounts issue. If we just reflect so they have a backup strategy. If telecoms issue there's one way that we can change, and that is, we can prevent anyone else from getting out there all turned message so lemme practical, back to the drawing board with their friends in the media. But I repeat myself there new messages, we dont like his disinflation, whereas they knew I mean it's a simple message. Everything we don't like is just information the new york times they very long piece about the victimized, horribly victimized nina tranquil. It's now. You remember that she was the head of the Binding administration disinformation board this disturbing feature of the homeland security department. I was going to look at misinformation and this information at a very broad mandate is unclear, was going to do this
an article from the new york times about how so many people? How so many people here are engaging in this information about this woman nina Jaguar but they can't name a single piece of disinformation that was put out about her according to the new there is wide agreement across the federal government that coordinated disinformation campaigns threaten to exacerbate public health emergencies. Stoke ethnic. she'll divisions and even undermine democracy itself, the boy state, however, has underscored how deeply parties in the issue has become in washington, make nearly impossible to consider addressing the threat that failure to act according to experts, according to what, if I can cite anonymous, exports must be dropped, according to experts, has left openings for new waves of disinformation ahead of november's midterm elections and even for violence like the is mass, currently buffalo supermarket in may, which was motivated by a baseless conspiracy theory that global forces aimed to replace white americans with immigrants I think we're really bleak situation here in these countries had nina genk. What will briefly served as the board's director before resigning, when the controversy boiled over a problem
author and researcher in the field of disinformation once advised ukraine's government miss jenkins became a focus of the furor, targeted my false or misleading information about her role. What critics, as a ministry of truth and hardware, interview representatives are behaving when we can't agree on. You know what is the truth? Okay, she still has not named ally, and nobody in this article, actually names a lie that was told about her. The threat from this information today, as the euro times involve issues that not long ago might have transcended partisan politics instead. this information has become mired in the countryside, partisan and geographical divides over issues like abortion dungeon. interchange, question. When was there ever agreement about abortion guns and climate change? and lifetime there has not been even during Administration department of homeland security recognize the goal here of the new york times is If we can label everything, we don't like this information, then we can ban all of that stuff and we can lament information used to prevent the government from banning all this
that actually naming any of this information. Now the singular fact that they cannot Point two: we all know I need a drink. What's went away The reason is because she had a long history of being a wild leftist on social media, including Bizarre mary poppins gets talking about disinformation. Promoting the notion that the russian laptop was not that the one hundred pounds laptop was in fact a russian laptop, promoting the alfa bank lie, and so there is one about nina genk. What's that was really worthy of scrutiny, but the core, the new york times all bad. It is no coincidence by the way Your time is pushing the idea that the government must crack down on this information will actively prevent us information. One of that those aspects of actively prevent this information is to try and fight back against the facts. The republicans are now doing really really well with the spanish. So if you will The polling day, right now, Joe Biden, has about thirty five percent approval riding with his vanished, and this is freaking the hell out of the democratic party, because the democratic party had counted
on a rising coalition of racial minorities, plus a few college educated white. Ladies, in order to win a permanent majority in congress and in the presidency and as it turns hispanics do not want to be category This is just another racial group that can be counted in the democratic party playbook. Instead, it turns many hispanics and many black people, That meant most americans, as it turns out why thought of individuals who have their own thoughts, dreams and hopes, and we, actually vote on the basis of those, the new york times on this, so well, they are saying disinformation is bad. Are now prevent information about representative, my Flores is an entire peace today, in the times I jennifer Medina called the rise of the far right latina. The rise of the facts are furtive first off what happened on the tanks but have to let necks, he's intolerant. gets, don't they know. Latina is sexist apparel she's very very far. Right- and here is what, Hence, as four years texas republicans try to win the hispanic vote. Using a bush europe ran up. conservatism
any moderates touching softer rhetoric on immigration were keen making inroads with spending voters printing really and democratic strongholds across the southern border. Such was the texts of old the trump aid. given rise to a new brand of texas republicans, one of whom is already well. In the halls of congress the far right latina far right, Tina everyone's far right by the way everyone there is not a single like began to find the definition between what we want mainstream right and far right, because to the left, everybody is far right. I presented my roof. Laurus became only. The second republicans represent the Rio Grande valley after she won a special election last month and flipped the congressional seat from blue to red. What is most right, is that miss floors, one by shutting moderates embracing the far right and wearing her support for donald trump. On her sleeve our campaign slogan, god, family country was meant to appeal. what she calls traditional values and for majority hispanic district on the border city, a brownsville. She called president binds impeachment shooting you and on half tat by the lebanese, each we did you not half tax. That means for social media team, including one hashtag of june on.
one post unto on facebook. So far as I am aware- and this means that you beat some sort of conspiracy. Theorist is concluded. One hash in one place proposed ever- she called the devil, a party, the greatest threat america faces chivo question. What makes that far right, the democratic party routine, because the republican party, the greatest threat america faces Joe Biden, says that republicans are a threat to democracy. This nurse, honest peace, is the republicans are so what exactly is so extreme about her powder? in an interview with her stillborn office that, after her swearing in but she considered Biden, you'll generally elected president quote was president of the united states. She said three more times she repeated the same non answer: ok and to study bad I am unaware that saying that he's a very terrible president makes you a far right person to other The republicans monica dilah, cruising mcgowan and casting our sea on the radio are also on the ballot in congressional races along the mexican border. All three shall rightwing
use on immigration, twenty twenty election and abortion. Oh My gosh wow you mean that they that their republicans, that's crazy. Republicans are above Engine are also hispanic, but are republican wow, but we have to crack down on this information dies. There's too much just information out their according to the new york times, by the way, speaking of disinformation the Washington post put out a piece today. Pedal police kill. Another black man and the same old questions arise being of disinformation. Please come in black man who's, the black man they're talking about jalen walker, who fired a gun at the cops before getting his car and running and being shot for his trouble. The end of the nor does the Washington post editorial quote. We hope that after George Floyd's death departed, Reassess the use of deadly force, improve framing and question the wisdom of tactics like giving traced to drivers of broken headlights, this young man is dead after being stopped for a traffic violation is not only a needless tragedy, it is just plain wrong. He fired a gun at the cops while driving away from them. It's on video, and then you guys
lecturing us about this information, when you when you're losing. I guess you have to come up with some reason why you are losing guess that you have to come up with something where you know this is the democratic party. So when that doesn't work, then the new strategy, also the the strategy of saying that it's all Joe, then they have this. She had saying that we need to crack down on this information. I would remain we don't like and then finally, it's please can we give jailbreak kit to his old one. Just give him a break gimme, a break Dana milbank opinion columnist washington post is literally the title of his piece today. Binding a break on I'm sorry does he need to lie down for a while. Does he need a nap? Does He ran for the job guys, appointed him randomly she here's the thing when you run for a job and then you get the job and then you're bad at the job. You don't get a break I leave you want to break it, can resign anytime in hand the country over to the one
full and infrastructural kamel Harris anytime he pleases, but we need to give to bind the man to bring. You need to break. I remember all those pieces about donald trump needing a break or george w bush needing a break. We need to give Joe Biden break according to data Millbank. Here's the deal. Democrats, you need to give Joe Biden a break since data millbank for weeks democrats arrayed themselves in traditional circular firing formation complaining about the president's failure to channel outrage about mass shootings. The supreme court's overturning of rope in may The republicans assaults on democracy, this produce post independence day. What's in a trio of news outlets, reported, some democratic Biden risk a dangerous failure to meet moment and quoted democratic consultant. in Biden's leadership, vacuum political report, Democrats have grown increasingly frustrated and what they perceive, in the white house. His lack of urgency and Biden seems to be lacking fire, yet and reported. The top Democrats are complaining. The president is an acting with the urgency. The moment demands accompanying this hatrack of one goal scoring by democrats run favor what comparisons between Biden and JB pritzker of Illinois calvin
governor governess, him there's just one problem with the two cool joe complaints, Biden has been saying, heatedly and repeatedly exactly that which he is accused of avoiding has been hammering ron centres, for example, for his hateful. Don't take bill for book, burnings for trying to ban books even apples, dangerous abortion bill eroding women's constitutional rights, Elsie scolded Biden for failing to come to terms with the crisis of our democracy and political reports. Democrats critics invited for lacking fire against escalating threats to democracy, but Biden, Only warns of the dire threat was just a few months ago criticized for being too hot. When he said of those restricted voting right. Do you want inside of john, was or bull connor, so data building says you have to leave me alone is fairer for democrats, jack whether in two thousand twenty four, they should re nominate a man who's eighty second year, but this goldilocks tale about Biden's too hot and too cold rhetoric needs to be put to bed, since they didn't give the man a break. Just please give him a break. He needs a break, say the members of the media in order from off the train, one of the two he's break or need from off the train, and then
is what we really need do is we need to shut down this information which mean all the things we don't like? What's a good thing that the Democrats always have them yet you cover for them, because otherwise emigrants may be forced to answer our questions about the most awkward candidates, so There is one hallmark of the media when it comes to coverage of republican politicians. If you can find a we can anywhere in america who has said something bizarre or crazy. You then ask ever republican confined about this. This todd akin running for missouri Senate? If you find one republican who says something bizarre or weird, then it becomes. The obligation every republican? To answer, for it meanwhile, If the democratic party chooses is rising stars. Some of the oddest and strangest, and most often people imaginable. No one answers for it, no one! Ever at all so some to talk about some of the democratic rising stars have been making some waves. You gotta look future guys, what does the democratic party look like beyond Joe Biden even beyond kamel Harris or pete booty judge of big business
where, where what is the democratic party look like when you have a couple of democratic thought, leaders are worthy of featuring it tonight, one is it. rhode island state. Senator her name is jeremiah. Intersectional a f. She is a black queer woman, a woman of color who is black and queer, and also cuts campaign videos talking upside down. She went to brown unit three apparently on full scholarship, her skills. That has yet to be determined. She sits in the state senate of rhode, island and em and there, she is instructing her constituents to vote. Senator mac, she's twenty eight years old, and am here we go-
their chairs, talking upsetting remark in the same boat centre mac while she makes a patch that is that that is the pitch is that she can talk upside down and his interests actual and went to round also a victim. Apparently because the minute you notice this attention grabbing behavior, his attention grabbing behavior, she's offended. This is the way We work in our society know it's the dumbest crap imaginable people wanting to do stuff. That begs for attention cries out for attention. partly six attention in the minute you noticed like yet it's bad How dare you notice that I'm doing this bad thing? I didn't want attention, I'm like humble mun cured monastery, I'm here at the convent, just minding my own business worshipping in solitude. I am a classy politician from the victoria in era. How dare you notice that
a video on tiktok on myself, talking upside down and asking people to over. How dare you, sir, it's stupid, is nonsense where such a mentally ill society? We truly are industry everywhere? Read that people attention seeking attention seeking young people in american society is beyond It's amazing. It's amazing stuff and then the media give attention to the people they should not then tell you, you're not allowed to pay attention to the people who are actually in elected politics. According to many members, the media. We should ignore the story, a young what kind of legislator on that as they say who is who now going to rise his levels of american politics on the back of working upside down, Antioch were supposed to if we notice this, this makes us racist. That's the way this meanwhile, the media will pay endless attention. mass shooters, videos of themselves seeking attention, thereby driving next mass shooting, again love to have an answer. I mentioned it, s run. The show
what a single made from the outset as to why they feel the necessity to print photos, videos names in manifestoes of men hooters on routine basis. What is the public value? that, when it rise more mass shootings, why so? But when it comes it, but we should pay attention to, even if it incentivize more measures, but when it comes to cheer, stop, don't notice, don't notice. And again this is goes too. As I say, the new state of the in america. You can restore bonteen. You see some woman with a mohawk in seven different colors, eight earrings a nose ring in the shape of a pig and Add to that runs all the way up. One arm and down the other, and this young woman calls herself they and then, if you notice, at all, then this is because your and intolerant bigot
there possibly be more attention seeking behavior than this. I mean it's clearly you're doing it in public. I mean it's attention seeking. Obviously, but she says this is hysterical. This is gera max comment. Reading quote these are folks who don't care about policy points for audacity. The audacity of hope happening here. These are folks who don't care about policy so- and I am a video of me working upside down, shaking my ass at the camera and then asking you to vote for me. I noticed that you did that and I feel like that's, not a good pitch for votes. Well, that's because you don't care about policy, sir, if you care policy. You wouldn't have even notice that I cut that video. It's all about the policy. What is is shaking your ass apparently it is. Apparently it is an actual policy position now there's like a bunch of positions and then there's the policy position. Apparently the shit I there's a name for apparently that's the policy position
upside down on a beat shaking your at the camp. That is a policy position quote they care about. Having a young energetic person was filled with joy and undeterred by their hate under her by their hate filled with joy. she added- I was elected, saying the f word as an unapologetically queer woman sounds like an agenda. is it the same person, those elected in twenty twenty who's, going to leave with empathy, compassion, love and silliness? So only one person had the temerity to ask the current rhode island governor a Democrat and him a key about this. She said: I'm not what is the term used working out, even though their means I don't believe you, sir. I think that is not true by the way up here: The video is shared with more than seven thousand dollars and sparked a strong reaction. She captured the clip it promised senator thirst, trap at block island yeah so that that is an amazing amazing.
stuff, what we know we do have to follow. A policy is what this is all about. After all, it's all about a policy good stuff happening Ok, that is democrat. Rising democrat number one rising democrat number two key member of the Biden, administration and I these are. These are folks who are you really the best and brightest among the people, who should be in charge of important policies. Why, god dispensation of nuclear waste and well, if we're going to high level scientific positions. Clearly, what we need are good young folks, like sam brinton, sam Britain is the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition in the office of new we are energy use. So in EL gb, decompose, minus divided by sign activist by demonstration nuclear official court of controversy, with his open advocacy of sexual fetishism, an puppy play a sexual king in rolling as animals
So yeah I mean but the good news is, I suppose, that we live in a fully shame free society, so the used to be in the olden days. If somebody was in in this sort of behaviour that would you like blackmail material now is why you get it pointed to a presidential administration. Actually, if you have liquid dog fetish kink, then something the russians blackmail you over and now It actually something you put on your resume to get into the Biden white house. Apparently he did this person in twenty seventeen. Here he had a hearing, apparently a campus event, a college compliment With the nuclear policy Aspartame Britain, he was wearing all black except his red glittery heels and wars, ropes, wits and kings. Oh my projected behind him he began by addressing the description for thee that we have all seen online. I went in
talks as one of the students about his political experience is working to end conversion therapy sexuality in the eligibility community, mostly because that is what the description told me. Britain dispelled this. Grabbing event as a modern sex at an exploration of king, it by giving us the history of kinky sex education, including the kama sutra, the making of taboo by richard VON kraft ebbing. even for the leather era and the rise of the term beady. On the subject of kings directly, britain explained the difference between heads and physical types. Hence base involves the use of the mental state and includes kings like adult babies and diaper lovers? Primal play humility, an aggregation and pop play or gets up is the person who was appointed also as it turns out, this person also wrote an essay for the advocate, the algae its eu plus my survive by time magazine, in which you, too, did a site called rent boy dot com which, as they might suggest, is male prostitution site britain wrote in twenty fifteen,
friend, boy may or may not have broken the law. I don't know, but I do know from the frantic male stealing, my inbox, the rate on its headquarters has so many gay, bisexual and transgender young adults into turmoil, as their main source of income has been ripped away to do to irresponsible and archaic views of sex work. economy, and shortly after federal prosecutors charged the ceo of rent boy and six rent employees with conspiring to buy the travel by promoting prostitution, and it was also shortly after there was an attempt by rent. To not verify the age of the escort so under age, sex trafficking and Britain wrote that depend here is where victimizing young male sex workers, not protecting them. This is a person who is in charge of our nuclear waste program. So things are going great for the next generation of democratic gender, fluid puppy, king upside down working politicians. It will be very
very exciting stuff. I can't imagine why the american, it is probably comes as you guys, project the comms issue, probably in ear the fact that you've embraced every well the radical element in american society ideologically it, it probably isn't the fact that your policies are wildly counterproductive. It probably isn't the fact that, You think that the best idea in american life is to elect some of these interest. People in american life put those people in positions of high power. It probably is just comes if you get rid of kate bedingfield, probably it's all fixed. Now, though, it's all about jobs not being able to talk right- and that's that's- probably the issue already calculator with additional content. Meantime go check out. The Michael today discusses the Democrats, attempt to try to paint chances is worse than donald trump, yeah, this one's money by the way, the devil are already in full scale. Worse than from mode is remembered from his, than romney and romney's worth making more details about that story. Over Michael show that available right now. I am mentioning The bench Barroso, if you and you
this episode dont, forget to subscribe to the shop, help spread. The word about the bench of euro show That's a five star of you and sharing the show with a friend were available on apple podcast, spotify youtube or wherever you get your pocket. and be sure to check out some of our other daily wire shows the Ben Shapiro always produced by bradford Carrington executive, pretty Jeremy boring supervising producer mathis glover production manager pavel wide associate producer Savannah dominguez morris editor adamant, silence, audio myths, are micro, mina here and make up artist more drug, Abdullah, christina production coordinator jessica, grant the shapiro show is a daily wire production. Copyright daily wire, twenty twenty two oh binds approval ratings, dropped to the lowest levels. Ever Democrats try to paint the scientists as worse than trump and the limbs continue to push we're petty stuff check it out on the Michael Knowles show.
Transcript generated on 2022-07-12.