« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1509 - When You’re Losing, Rig The Game


New polling data shows Americans are in a terrible mood, and that Democrats are set to pay the 2022 price; MSNBC and a former top Obama official call for censoring this show and the Daily Wire; and Democrats plan a January 6 hearing extravaganza to try to stave off electoral doom.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New polling data shows. Americans are in a terrible mood and the Democrats are set to pay the twenty twenty two price MSNBC and former top obama official call for censoring this show and the daily wire and democrats plan. A january sixth during extravaganza tried to stave off electoral doom, I'm bench for the this bench, morocco, and, the bench bureau shows monster, may express its gdp and protect your online privacy today, expresses gps dot com, slash better get all the news in just one moment for if any way too much money on your cell phone bill me right spending way too much money on everything, because thanks Joe Biden, but your cell phone bill, one place your definitely spending too much money because you're using one of the biggest using verizon or a t and t or t mobile, they are charging a premium fee every month for data you don't actually use. Why would you pay for things you don't use? That would be stupid, dead of paying eighty nine dollars month, your current provider pay twenty bucks to pure talk for what you actually need. I made this week
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extended beyond the current economy to include doubts about the nations political system, its role as a global leader, irritability, tat, most people achieve the american dream. When asked, would you just the state of the nation's economy. These days is excellent or good, missus, poor or not so good. three percent. Eighty three percent said poor or not so good. More than one third thirty five percent said they aren't satisfied at all with their financial situation. This is the highest level of dissatisfaction since and all ours. He began asking the question every few years, starting in ninety Seventy two just one quarter of respondents. Twenty seven percent said they have a good chance of improving their standard of living, while just under half of respondents, forty six percent said they do not. That is a twenty point drop from just last year, which makes sense because when Joe Biden came into office, one pupil I hate this economy is going to recover hey. While we expect Forty year, inflation way hey. couldn't go so bad. I mean we just like a giant covered pens I can now we're getting out of it. Probably things will be own, and that is story of twenty twenty one. Twenty twenty two: the servers
and she said their financial situation of gotten wars in the past few years was thirty. Eight percent is the old The other time then two thousand seventy thousand nine and more Three in ten respondents in their pocket book books were worse off according to gender, social science data going back a half century. serbia results show high inflation in particular, is driving the dim economic outlook. Inflation is running at close to its vast patient for decades. Eight point: three percent annualized rate in April and now households are digging into savings. The labour market, continues to be strong and to theirs respondents, it would be somewhat- are very easy to find a new job, but the problem is, of course, that even find a new job you're, making less money because again, inflation, each at everybody's wages and everybody savings is a really really bad numbers for democrats. numbers continue The journal and oars bullshit about a third of responds rap music. The people of different races or religions could come together and solve the country's problems. One third, just thirteen per- responding to your optimistic. That was true for americans who hold different political views. Thirteen percent of
violence in their optimistic and americans, will different political views could come together and solve the country's problems, and that is being the polarization and has been generated any wild social leftism of the democratic party, which has no a full scale, an intersection in view of the world in which raises are to be seen as a socialist and in which we are supposed to I believe, as the basis for discussion, the men are women and women are men. They found divisions between the two parties on a range of cultural issues or about two thirds correspondence said. Transgender people should be accepted by society. Nearly ninety percent of democrats agree with that statement compared with thirty eight percent of republicans. Just over, have republicans in their local public schools focused too much on racism, fifty nine sense of Democrats said: schools focused too little on two thirds of democratic countries. Adversity makes it stronger compared with forty seven percent of republicans freedom when, in fifty five rural door dash driver in Oklahoma, said quote, there are people that have good christian morals and those that want to by their own rules and, frankly, chance probably about right,
She said. The country's racial diversity is a good thing. She pointed to the media for sharpening racial divisions that I just think there's a lot of incidents that get me to sound a whole lot worse than they are in. That sounds rational to me Social media companies are taking the heat as well. Nearly two thirds of respondents. Sixty four percent said platforms such as facebook and twitter also for society because they emphasise differences between people just over one. Third, thirty four percent said their helpful because they provide a way for americans to share their opinions. The thing and social media does more than anything else is nationalize every issues, there's a local story and suddenly becomes a national issue or before it just one when a community issue the guts all inside the community. And it's a lot easier to do. You know your neighbors people who live around you. Generally speaking, those numbers are devastating for democrats, Joe Biden came into office with the pitch that he was going to be the adult in the room he was going to fix every we are going to suddenly have a feeling of solidity and unity because that evil, bad man, Donald trump, is now gone, and so now Joe Biden would come in
and he would snooze us all to death. We're out, will you come in you'd be dead and then everything will be fine. That was the bitch. Instead, he came in and things are worse than they were under president trump and who the polarisation in terms of feelings about the economy. In terms of how americans feel about each other on Joe b, the appearance of the moderate candidate who is also going to be not alive. Here is the thing at some point. You may not be alive and those who get real dark real fast, but here's the thing since they make him a point which are not alive. You need it. life insurance and be a responsible person in a way the president of the united states simply not head over to policy genius dot com. It's a one! Stop shop! Phoenicians! You need the right price. Hadn't apologies outcome. Slash appear to get started in minutes, income per personalized quotes from top companies and find your lowest price. You could say fifty percent or more life insurance by comparing courts with was he genius, licensed agents, apology genius, our unhand throughout the entire process. So we understand your options, make decisions with confidence. east timor, for you, not the insurance companies houses doesn't add on atrophies. There are theirs information at their bodies. How's he doing
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and when Putin started amassing troops on the border with russia, the price of gas has increased a dollar and fifty one sense, and and I also want to add- because this is really important so that people understand and flag that similar issues are happening around the world in the EU gases, eight dollars and fifteen cents per gallon. Has increased by one dollar. Seventy four cents in june. gases, eight dollars and eighty eight cents per gallon hasn't two dollars and sixteen cents in canada gases six dollars a twenty three cents per gallon It has increased one dollar. Ninety three says in all of this has happened since december of twenty twenty one. This is to your point phil, which is this global challenge. This is something that everyone is feeling across the globe. I love if she has all those stats available. So that was the talking point they came up with. They knew they were going to ask get asked about gas prices and they don't have land to lower the gas prices and they have a plan allow for more drilling which future supply. does impact current price.
There are many plans for any of that what they are going to lecture you that you could be in canada. Really good luck with this sort of stuff. There's a reason. It harry anthony political analysts for cnn. He says this. Best environment for republicans in eighty years in eighty years, Erika, guest What, since nineteen hundred and thirty eight, the republican to point lead on the junior congressional about is the best position for republicans at this point in any mid term cycle in over eighty years, my estimate for the twenty twenty three house make up if the elections are held today, which again it isn't, we still have five months for months from tomorrow would be republicans two hundred and thirty six seats to two hundred and forty one sees democrats, one. Ninety four, the one hundred ninety nine that's based off of a formula of secrecy. Rafe ratings from both the cook political report and inside election by the way that tyrians in actually been pretty cautious, because when you
has to thirty six to forty. One for republicans. Republicans currently hold to await your talking about on the lower end of that fact. Less than thirty, see pick up. That's because rubble I'm pretty strong position going in. They picked up like fifteen seats in the last election cycle, but if the blow out election. It could easily be to forty five or to fifty If this really turns and whoever election result, republicans plus do it's republicans, plus eight republicans, plus ten republicans. Have a historically large majority in the house of representatives this only exacerbated by the fact that the democratic party cannot they cannot hold in. They cannot stop their left wing. running the party. It's amazing and saw the ale z out there trying to sure the moderates. Now how else he became a leader of a party leadership is beyond me. It makes no sense if you have a party. That is large, independent on swing districts. Why are you taking hints from people in brooklyn? one week. Sixteen thousand vote in one primary and now we're supposed to believe that this person is representative, the entire democratic base, which clearly is not, but but unfortunately, this
loss of the of the agencies, the world rules, the democratic party. So here she is explaining that, even though no less A person in united states identifies as latin next, because the dumbest crap in the entire world wide next is predicated on the idea that somehow female latinos latina does it somehow they are offended by the fact that spanish as a language is gender, and so there well. You have to get rid of the gendered aspect of spanish by adding an x to the end of words, which you know how many latinos and latinas care about this sort of thing is negative: hey they're generations not yet born you don't care about this. I also think is idiotic is ridiculous. Are you- and this is true by the way for everyone who is it? Who is a member of a population that speaks a gendered? No language? A language not gender neutral, and you said it I'm emma. Are familiar with. If you said you, israelis and we're
I'm starting to call people, though the wording in Hebrew is unashamed for four people and because the suffix, at the end of words in hebrew, plural suffix, is your men for male and love tat above tough for female? If you I know, abstruse. If you take those affixes interest, remove them and suddenly honestly become on everybody in Israel would laugh. and the same thing is true for anyone who is a member of a population that speaks engendered language. Here's elsie, however, saying if you, if you think that the same and he let you know people it's, because you're intolerant, your big it you're stupid, really continue him from this. It really Do it Democrats? Do it it's a bold move, godless. He pays off for you. There are some politicians, including democratic politicians, rail, I guess the term lucky max- and there like this- is so bad. This is so bad for the party like blah blah blah dan like
It's almost as though it has not struck some of these folks that another person's identity is not about your re election prospects like this is not about you of all. If putting a little acts on your campaign, literature is what you think is the difference between winning are losing an election you needed healthcare, more unita, raise people's wages, even tougher, more issues that also matter to people. She crazy person, you crazy person, so sure, things that you should be able to cram down as much social leftism engender neutral garbage, as you could ever want some Will you stop neighbouring centres? Healthcare, good luck with this message, Democrats! Well, here's the thing: dumping no they're about to get their asses captain two thousand twenty, do they know that this is going to be ugly ugly ugly, and so they have a rabbit in in the rabbit in the hat is cheap way forward January sex
now. I know I know you're sitting here in the same way. Isn't the dated eight june seventh, two thousand twenty two, and, if I'm not mistaken, isn't that date, not generous. Sixth, thousand twenty one and in fact isn't today generous sixty thousand twenty and twenty one in that date like eighteen months. a going in there a long time ago, you be correct that, but, but you are a democratic opposition of power who is desperate, desperate to redirect away from discussions of anything anyone cares about an american developed economy. Sucks were deeply worrying. foreign policy or meshed in worn out in ukraine This funding and endless worn ukraine that has no clear exit strategy we a rising china. We have serious, Inflation problems in this country and democrats like let's talk about troubled waters, something you run social media. What are you talking about it? Let's talk about the proud boys. Really, this is your plan, Your plan for americans is no one happy with the economy. So boy were eight three percent of americans- are unhappy with the economy. According to that wall, street journal and your plan is to talk about two.
rid idiots breaking into the capital building being roused from the capital building within two hours and then the election being certified. That's your plan after you spend a fool you standing aside and quietly winking and nodding in some cases, not so widely winking nodding at large scale right. most dangerous riot in american history after every minute year completely undermining the cops and appoint a murderous spike in every major sitting around the country to Poland. Los angeles in san francisco are now looking at in samara fiscal recalling progressive prosecutor and in los angeles, electing a quasi republic into the mayor of tea and you're in june, answer to this is the abbot. that one time where these, where these idiots attacks police officers and one is the capital building and we're not actually a threat to the working order of the united states, there are they actually work were rounded and the only person who died not of not of a a health condition. was actually bab at one of the rioters at the house, They deasey police officer has capitalist. I mean: is that
Is that really that's what we're talking about? This is your plan? ok and the entire media are now enmeshed in the plant so January, six may not have been an actual threat to democracy, but you know it is a threat to your financial future. Those credit card bills may each you up, because the fact is ones those interest rates start rolling you're in. Serious trouble, which is why you need to consolidate your credit card debt into one monthly payments at a lower, fixed interest rate. This is the magic of light stream, laurie, interest rate, save with a credit card conciliation loan from light scream rate, started five point: seven: three percent. I would also pay an excellent credit, plus the rate is fixed, so it's not gonna go up over the wife of bologna get alone from five grand one hundred thousand dollars there epps Will we know these? It came and get your money as soon as the day you apply. White stream believes that people with good credit deserve a better loan experience. That's exactly what they deliver. Just re listeners apply right now, special interest rate discount seen even more the only way to get this has come to light stream. Dotcom, slash, Shapiro again, that's EL. I e g hd as t r e m dot com, slash shapiro, subject to credit approval, retrain from five point
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their plan is they're, gonna have prime time congressional hearings. january six in which we learn Also, we already knew there. A bunch of people were morons and criminals who decides go to the capital building Presumably some of those people just gonna wandered in which is true, donald trump, said bad stuff. a day, although he also said that day to peacefully protest at the capitol building, he did not in fact order people to go into the capital building and to wreck things and you're going to hear that down from was derelict in trying to shut this thing down that you should have done more in order to stop this thing earlier right. That's why you're gonna hear and here's the thing everybody arenas, bizarrely bacon. Ok, you know why we are all there is one must come events in modern history is generally sex is uncovering some sort of big, deep, dark secret we were there. We are watching
in real time. We all remember what president trump was tweeting they'll remember what president trump was saying at the rally. We all remember what president trump said on video directly in the middle of this. We all remember all of this cause. We were alive during this point. We were all born if you're listening to the show, I assume you are more than one and a half years old. Would arrange your member all of this. So the idea of a democratic and dragged all this up in there just gonna be like well. You know. This is why you should vote for us because of january sixth aright have at it, but she how goes it and they expect ratings, for this makes when people get wow You know at the watercolors. What did you see what happened in that congressional hearing, whether irrefutable for each that we ve already seen any talk about a bunch of people. We already think are bad, that's gonna be man while the excitement, the thrill, like top gun, maverick louse, but within your tends to spitting out what is it? Is it an article by Annie, carney and luke broadway? To quote
january. Sixty earrings give democratic chance to recast midterm message. Europe, Europe, that what you are looking at generous insurance, give democratic chanced to recast major message. We all know what you are doing with their majority. At stake. Democrats plan to use the six high profile hearings to refer, his voters attentions on republicans role in the attacks. Seventeen months have mob of Donald J from supporters storm the capital with false claims to be stolen election. How stomach its plan to use a landmark set of investigative hearings beginning this week to try to refer, Guess voters attention on january next aiming to tat applicants directly to an unprecedented plot to undermine democracy itself, as will discuss in just a minute that's plan to save democracies to burn down democracy, the idea that your rights have somehow. Facilitated the end of democracy. Therefore, if we just end your rights and also in a lot of our democratic processes, then magically as you will have been preserved in that exciting, when it's not a moment, but what they say, would their control of congress hanging in the balance in europe tends to say in the quiet part out? Here is obviously an election boy democrats plan to use
for television moments and a carefully choreograph roll out of revelations over the course of six hearings to remind the public of the magnitude of MR trumps effort to overturn it an to persuade voters that the coming mid term elections our chance to hold republicans accountable for here's. The thing donald trump held accountable. He ain't the president, whose preemptively held accountable for the conduct of the disease. election twenty twenty, because I noticed The person occupying the oval office is not alive and also not donald trump, by the way, advise on four january. Sixth special committee is James. Goldstein, the former president of abc news, which shows you, but where the politics of the news media are that then, that they are able to just go directly to the president of abc news. Mackay wanna come in! Please The january sixty earrings, apparently This then, is producing thursdays. Eight pm eastern hearing, as if it were a blockbuster investigative special, he plans to make it wrong, skeptical journalist will find the material fresh and shoe over this. Measures in future coverage,
to draw the eyeballs of americans who have followed the ins and outs of the capital, riah probe Apparently he shaping a massive trove. Easy access, reporting hearing will be amidst live witnesses and prepare whose video man, I can't wait for the blow bring out lady gaga for intermission, as can be great and suddenly, like a now billy irish sings about the tragedy of january sex according to axios. The committee has gained access to official white house photographs for january six that have never been seen publicly about you. Donald trump is in them, I'm just going to put it out there, probably only action of the surveillance, but it from inside the capital, all kinds of angles we're after it has been shown. Many of the queen. Depositions were videotape. We will see clips in asia So what's committee to investigate the generous sixth attack on the united states, capital has conduct more than one thousand depositions in interviews with more scheduled received one hundred and forty thousand plus documents and is following up on four hundred. Seventy two tips received with the committee's online tipp line at least two of the broadcasts. Networks will interrupt evening. Programming for live coverage, Ebby anchor
by embassies. Even your and CBS norodom NBC is going to do the same thing so just going to point out here that I have never heard of a hearing that has received primetime coverage, likeness not in modern american history. Nonetheless, several decades notion that congressional you're going to have full. While network coverage miss weathers, dynamic, benghazi for sure I am unaware of any congressional hearings that have had this sort of walter automatic because of course, he's made a few calls and all their friends we're gonna come it's gotta shift. The election, narrative and they're gonna call our friends in the media to make the magic happen, and you will be told all of these things that you already basically, you know We told all these things that you already basically no and you will be told the most important thing, has ever happened. representative, sean patrick maloney democratic campaign chair. He said when these hearings are over. Voters will know how irresponsibly complicit republicans were attempting to toss. The boat and just how far republicans will go to gain power? For themselves now here's the thing, if
applicants have engaged in criminal conduct their been full scale, investigations that, having done criminally by video J, it kept no in no indictment of any republican. Position. What are congressional committee supposed to do and they have two purposes by law. One is legislator, purpose I thought I'd say that there is legislation on the books and preventing the capital from being properly funded. The gonna fix those procedures have hearings to is oversight an oversight which misuse of legislative language or legislative funding. Neither those functions is being performed here is just electoral gamesmanship. I get it wasn't. I do I get it happens in politics all timber to pretend that is anything, but that is of course incredibly silly and then there are times even sang. It does generous ex committee and maybe playing political games. It may be all just away a time it here's the thing you don't have time to waste or money to ways when it comes to paying for your gasping Does thanks you, Joe Biden and his team of genius? Is your pay a lot of money? Every time you go to the public, this is why you need the incredible app everyone who buys gas needs to know about upside. My lesson
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his turn to an ongoing war in ukraine on violence in homes, pessimism about the state of the economy. There task is to persuade where is that the january six, the tap, reveal bigger and more important issues at stake, including europe, can parties alignment with violent extremists as decisions but here s the big lie that twenty twenty election was stolen, a test to membership. That is a hard task by the way there trying to claim in order for you to be a good republican, yet to claim that the twenty twenty election was stolen, we're its brain can just white the David Purdue in georgia, actually a very hard case to make his donald trump has endorsed slave candidates all across the country who have suggested between twenty election was stolen outright and many of those candidates have gotten skulked. Most obviously in georgia or donald trump in a fit of peak. Basically through too georgia senatorial siege to the Democrats, because you so mad o brien camp and bring him just walked alone. his chosen gubernatorial candidate, David Purdue, by margin of like fifty point, so you don't have to be weak cheney in order to see five and suggest that need twenty. Twenty election was not so
when, in the sense that it was awful fraud and voter irregularity and made all this happened was training for her part. She decided to you Go all the way here. She says that the republican party is in league with white nationalism, anti semites and all the rest, and in order to show this siding with the party of eleven omar and proceeded to leap, also worth noting here it was coming mccarthy, anyhow leadership. The prevented wiggins from censuring Liz cheney when she originally did this stuff is mccarthy who stepped in and said Liz cheney should be able to say whatever she wants about. President trump, a knock at censured by her own republican colleagues, so little bit, attitudes where Mccarthy, here from lithuania, but if she's made up The stranger respect is very much worth it to her and again I'm a big for the generous with the deep wrong, there was one of the ugliest. just visual spectacles that I've seen in modern american politics that is not same thing, is suggesting. The entire republican party is no in league with the white national is based on what really based on what mean Kevin, mccarthy came out and he's actually condemn
People like marjorie tailored ring for comments that she's dead farmer strongly than anyone. The democratic party I mean the democratic party. Nobody will even say boots the fact that they ve open anti semitic pro terrorism, people in their ranks, going on the cover rolling stone with Nancy blowsy. She said the gap party against that are a year ago. keeps Kevin Mccarthy close to tromp fear or something I think some of it is fear. I think it's also craven political calculation. I think that he is decided that you know the most important thing to him is to attempt to be speaker of the house and therefore he is embracing those in our party who are anti semitic. He is embracing those in our party who white nationalists he's lying about what happened on January six, pennies and is back on the constitution, colleagues continue to back him. I've never seen
anything like it before and I think it reflects and and represents the day This moment useful aid- see you what is it you can say january six was wrong. You can say that people who rioted were performing act of evil president from promulgated falsehoods about the election. People to do bad things. That is not this thing is aimed at the republican party. Full scale has embraced anti semitism. That does she have any evidence, for this is kind of a catholic, having Paul goes. Our railways or something and whereas residence for this it doesn't Yes, but again, the idea is that she is now what The farm warm embrace of the media that is less janey her dad they make movies how evil her dad was. Hollywood makes giant mainstream films bite ask of winning directors terrible and evil her dad is so now there stealing does warm embrace me apparently finds it very, very kindly. So. What exactly are these hearings? the focus on accordingly our times, a significant portion of the first hearing will focus on the proud boys, a farmer.
who members have been charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with the storming of the capital, according to two I am familiar with the matter who spoke about it on the condition of anonymity, scheduled to include testimony from a documentary film maker unacquainted with him better? with the group during storming of the building and whose injured in assaults had to be triggered by the but also the unique from capital police officer when Edwards, whose injured in assaults had to be triggered by the problem is the goal is to provide the public with a more in depth portrait of what unfolded on january sixth and the images, out on television that day, norman island whose hired by the judiciary committee to serve a special council during the first from impeachment said granted learn from some of their successes in this during those hearings, but still face challenges. He said they need to have the region attention grabbing power of new evidence, the spontaneous drama created by live witnesses and the oldest trick in the book telling a good story guess, there's an enormous amount of anticipation to build up. No, the real risk is no one cares, because everybody knows what happened, because we were all there now Where is the big wave and support for the proud boys? Have they been take billions of dollars and donations, whereas the giant
wave of republican support for the events of january sex. in an attempt to keep the hearing from becoming too dry and disconnected the committee is tentatively cleanse play video of the capital attack and considering erin clips of kids. Money from high profile witnesses like form a white house advisers, have uncle trump endured cautionary. I'm sure that they're gonna get a vodka endured on tape. Talking openly about how asked We are in favour of the insurrection. I m sure jack goods can be played or, alternatively, we're. All of this is an attempt to readers and mister act away from the fact that democrats are about to get just destroyed in twenty twenty two, this pride everyone's coming through for the trevor project on youtube shorts join us create a short showing how your stepping up proprietor using the hashtag youtube pride challenge, come through for pride on youtube, shorts visit, youtube, dot, com, backslash pride, and so they have to have an alternative land. if it turns out that their nerves, garbage and at all, they have is trump engender six in saying that kind of stuff? Over and over and over they happen.
Backup land, their backup plan? As always is what? If we shut down our political opponents and let them talk so what is it When is the branded documentary with that, whilst it is made just enormous waves, we're gonna, like hundreds of thousands of people, are subscribing to daily. Why are based on this document and there's not a surprise, because daily wire is and got a very popular business. People in their content in extraordinarily large numbers, because we are very open about the fact that we are conservative and then we tell the truth and the left does not likeness. That's when always and forever is shut down the opposition. The left plan is if we can't win And we will change the rules of the game, will rigged the game so far, ample senior whitehouse communications director under Barack obama, Jan pfeiffer, miss gower senior advisor to the president of the united states, because they had guy for morocco. Mama who's on amazon busy on morning, Joe with Joe scarborough unmake marinsky, where he was suggesting that the great
danger to democracy is that alternative voices, like the daily wire are being allowed out of the box. You have to stop this right now and what he says here. The daily wire has very high levels of engagement. Facebook, that's true people like clicking on our headlines, and- and this is what you know- Delaware has higher level of engagement than msnbc unseen, and yet because your programme is garbage, that's why I hate to break it to you, but more people like watching door. dry and watching cnn going nuts No one is interested in watching your like. I'm sorry that people, joy engaging with articles that provide an alternative to the van mainstream media monopoly. but their solution always in favour is ok what what have we just like silence at what? If we could make them, go away to european five for making that opened suggestion, I think social media comes in many ways: the tobacco companies of this era, their exploding,
loopholes in the law too deeply damage. America is vastly or cancer. Madame, yes, and with little to no regulation of you gotta face book on a daily basis. The most host with the most engagement are from Dan shapiro, Our bench appear: odeon, bungee, no candle owens, it is rightly continent dwarfs progressive content into mainstream media kind of what is actually shooting the part that scares us. The most that bench appears daily wire, has more followers and engagement many times more than the near to interesting. Then that is a pity. One for democracy. Are you saying that, like the republican agenda is backed up by the freaks on facebook, and so they don't want to do anything about it, absolutely the freaks right at the republican agendas, backed by mainstream conservatives all over the country, millions of them wow well, Brzezinski, basically suggesting openly and dan pfeiffer saying it is a cancer on about democracy- can only be preserved. Shutdown free speech, and if you tell the social media companies to shut down the possibility of an alternate by the way
times has seven million paying subscribers he their multiple times larger than the daily wires, when you actually way out. Is we ve done this sort of study when you way out the engagement between right and left on facebook in terms of new sites visited it's about, haven't, have which makes perfect sense, because again, the country split about half an hour, No, I didn't matters not tonight, because again, the idea is that if there is anything that remotely resembles an alternative for legacy, media is openly doing the bidding of the democratic party, and this must be shut down by the left wing media, Today there very exercised about the fact, the fox news not going to live stream democrats congressional propaganda hearing in their upset about that is because not not because the other what's happened, something unprecedented again. I've never heard of prime, I'm congressional hearings, wall to wall on every network. Simultaneously, I've never if anything like that would be. One thing of president from had been subpoenaed and then we're gonna come in and testify that, of course, I understand of digital recapitulation of all the stuff we saw january sex, and should they
began to our on behalf of Democrats. Why would fox news broadcasts that exactly I didn't like fox news broadcasts, dependency hearings. I dont member NBC and cnn and all the rest of you guys? One wall the wall announced off but apparently very controversial, and the possibility of an alternative is very controversial, which is led by the way: should subscribe over a daily wire right wing you're subscriptions because their goal is to shut shut up, their goal is to prevent, the distribution of messages they don't like this is what they want to do. The weather prevent that is by subscribing, which allows us to get our material to you and you to pass it along to your friends. It's really really important. What is it's an amazing piece of content at will be available if the Democrats had their way and if and if by the weights, media bosses had their way? more amazing things about what is a woman by the western mentioned is really is incredible, so we sent out because every major studio that produces a movie, sends out the movie to critics and reviewers. They can actually post reviews. If you go right now,
rotten tomatoes, and you look at the number of critic reviews on what is a woman. The answer right now, I'm looking at a right now. The answer is what review one review on tomato meter. actual critical reviews. There have been posted by Anyone to mainstream the only person whose poster reviews christian toto. A christian is a right wing reviewer, ninety per cent audience score. It currently has one thousand plus ratings. What is a woman zero reviews. Runaway has euro views have ever heard of something that has a thousand plus audience or rating nearly a hundred per cent and no reviews the answer why there Views is because, when we sent this out, we immediately got back a bunch; responses from the reviewers cursing at us. His visit the legacy media that that we must be silenced. On behalf of so, for example, you sent to a phantom reviewer,
Splendid unsubscribe, unsubscribe unsubscribe, like one million times, is how we even asking people to watch things like the writer under unsubscribe lose my email. Forget my name represent short unsubscribe, a film who a member of the critics choice, association and a member the alliance, women from journalists and the league of the society of algae beating Entertainment critics had hard thing pass. I won't give that transfer big big in a platform on my side, never email me again the responses like this, but it doesn't made by the hundreds, hard pass. All of these responses are perfectly predictable, because the press only likes covering the stuff that they like to cover. They only one can you want angle and then, if it turns out that our stuff is popular, they get very angry, that its popular They had super tete, how dear it be popular, and so the only solution is to shut down everything because here's the thing if they shut down, everything in there but to control the narrative, and here
what happens when they lose control the nearer the get absolutely politically blown out of the water when people actually ask them basic questions like mounted like what is a woman in the can answer, the question it turns is very bad for them politically, culturally. Left may not be able to what a woman is? Never they look to censor, but here's the thing. If you know what goes on down below, you need a pair of underwear that is going to try, right- and this is why you need tommy, when you were Tommy january, that much colors. You can do everything better thanks, breathable lightweight fabric, with four times the stretch of competing brands, tommy John, was found. two thousand by married entrepreneurs, some patterson and put your motive to solve the problems. Both men and women have, with their underwear and apparel, which means no pinching munching, no riding up with dozens of comfort, innovation, tommy don't could be looking and feeling cool. Although season long from lounging she summertime fun. I were only time John, it's just that good tommy john doesn't have customers, they have finance
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King, an entire generation of americans. Without your support, None of this would be possible from all of us if you have been subscribing. Thank you. If you have been to date, Let me just tell you you need to right now why, because he needs you. What is woman but because you have me unbelievable content for you here is the thing june fourteenth one week from today. There on the prairie. Remember one hollywood and does not try to cancel jean across. Remember she treated something they didn't like. It was an offensive, but they fired her anyway, because basically, she was a conservative. While two days after june was cancelled, we hear agenda, where announced should be starring in producing our next original film we proved at the left cannot cancel people if we do not let them so we unconcealed gina, the full on cancelling the on reductions, its hat, right now: delaware, dot, com, slash, subscribe, exclusive access towards higher labour of documentaries, shows and more anti terror. On the prairie next week, watch on cancelling of gina corona, Emily really ex love it, you listening are just ass, is going into repugnance in radio show in the nation
I see here's the thing when there is an alternative to the legacy media that people actually watch and engage with its very four left wing narratives can sometimes you just exposes bad things. The people on the left are doing so, for example, now international issue. Apparently there was a drag, the kids to pry family friendly, drag, show now you're wondering l, a family friendly, drag shows, the answer is, it doesn't exist. It is a contradiction in terms, but there is a fair We friendly drag show at a dallas bob our colleague, MR mr at it, like mr miss her eight because it it is, it's a drag bar right, which you might wonder. Why it's appropriate for small children be visiting any bar. let alone a drag, the bar. Which is inherently sexual. You might Why that would be appropriate. You would be correct some of the it has now been released and All of these parents are committing acts of child abuse here so
Here is eight years and the video is a child who obviously looks overjoyed to be at a drag show. Why king alongside a man in women's clothing, with vague boobs walking, alongside a small child this. How will you things get his nine, maybe eight nine at most, This is the dragged kids to pride event at mister. Misters in dallas is oakland neighbour, organizers, promoted it as a family friendly, drag show where kids danced with the performers. I dont believe that I should be seeing signs advertising for children to be dancing on stage with men in bonds and in inappropriate loathing and make up the organizers say today was a family, Friendly event, with a safe environment, separate from their normal operations and enhances video, this is a farmer in what appears to be bondage stripper outfit dry,
waiting up and down and behind this rag. Performer is a sign that says it's not gonna to lick, and so people on the right cover this, you'll, get some local coverage and nationally story non national needs, because the legacy media will never cover this as a national news story, even of a simple facts. Or is the sort of stuff is happening in areas all over the country, and we are too So we are told by the left, but don't worry, sexual inclination and confusion of children is not happening, and then, if you try to borrow from bubble was this make your big it? The right is covering sort of stuff- no wonder they want to shut down because any parent with half a brain gazed. or otherwise look through the single, as this is not appropriate for kids. Are you out of your damned minds? What is wrong with you? People like what Nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the parents were friends or what you think about things like gay marriage. Why? children attending a
Gay bar with men, dressed up as women strippers in front of you sign. Reading. It's not going to lick itself, how's that possibly appropriate or ok. But this is why the media have the hour. In favour of censorship of rolling sources, because the minute that stuff becomes public it gets very, very ugly for votes on the left. That is, why should be deeply suspicious by women. You see politicians like coffee, cocoa in in new york may. In the case that social media should shut down quantum heedful content, I think definition of hateful content, maybe wildly different from my definition of hateful content the state of the art were now requiring social media networks. Monitor and report hateful conduct on their platforms. Thank you centre antics, when I thank your sign over patricia baby.
as I am just wondering what exactly the hateful conduct as if we are talking about the monitoring people threatening shoe people. All in sounds great. If we are talking about people say for example, that a man is a man and a woman is woman, which is, I think, what democratic mostly talking about. I have suspicions about what, Naturally, it is the right to free speech made, especially coming from cathy hopeful was publicly said. The first amendment should be limited on behalf of course, the whole marginalized communities meanwhile such as these our games left his brain. Yet when they start to lose, they got to change the rules so got Eric holder. a former attorney general of the united states. Remember that it was you suppose, we build bar, and just sessions were doing the dirty work of the present. This man is attorney general, not only cover up for a gun, running operation, invest in various Eric holder openly. Of the wing. Men of the president of the united states now is considered totally appropriate by our legacy. Media. You selling John cape hard on Washington post live? He said you know
What we really need is for the political minority to have less power in this country, because their controlling everything and these we're in danger of political apartheid. The sort of language is insane. Political apartheid like but in which black americans are second class citizens. So historically ignorant it's so govern mentally foolish, but again you're losing change. The rules we are in danger of slipping into what I would call a political apartheid system We're a minority of the people in this country will have disproportionate amount of power and be able to put in place things that are not supported by the majority. I do love the fact. The Democrats are now very much in favour of majority organism when it was, right terrorism in certain areas, country that lead to actual apartheid was majority terrorism in this out that lead to actual apartheid. The point is that individual rights protected by the
detection of the united states and systems of checks and balances are supposed to protect minorities. It's like the historical ignorance of saying what are the majority just what it wants to do, but only if the majorities honours its soul, it's so governmental ignorant, is so historical stupid or gambling jamie rask, and I we look, we tend to lose so why not change that will stop? The electoral college should have read these things mean these things are an obstacle to us doing what we want. It's all a power game. I've taken a position that the electoral colleges and undemocratic relic of thoroughly constitution, just like the state legislature, so Some of you are senators, which is something we got rid of in nineteen. Thirteen with the seventeenth amendment, just like the exclusion women from voting which we got rid of in nineteen twenty and the nineteenth amendment, but we do still have what I think are some obsolescence political institutions in the country and certainly some obsolescent political practices
so it's time to get rid of those political practices right. What? If? What? If we just ban daily wire from social media, restricts social media more general, what really got rural college, what if we change the rules of the rates of filibustering goes women only when Democrats are in charge when republicans are in charge, you put the filibuster right back in again. What have we do? Everything we can do to shift the rules of the game and one of the complaint media To all of our dirty work, for us will not be great at this. you should be thinking yourself, wait a second aren't they having hearings about threats to democracy, addressing the greatest threat to democracy was a bunch of drugs went into the capital building and held. The business of the government for approximately three hours are facing death. democracy and then simultaneously saying what have we restrict free speech on social media? What do we get rid of the electoral college? What are we going? and get rid of any sort of protections for political minorities in the country. What do we do? All those who is the threat to democracy here? One of the reasons: the? U guys, aren't gonna succeed with the case they are making by january sex is whose people look at the way you rigged the institutions in this country. They look at the way that you try to
change the rules. They look at the way, the affrighted target political opposition for outright destruction. They say themselves wait a second. I dont think that you have any round to stand on when you talk about threats to democracy as the ezra is both the answer is yes, It's a threat to democracy when people storm the capital building and try to hold up the workings of government That is a one time. Three hour threat: ma prosy and really isn't even that, because it was clear, very quickly does mean, wasn't ugly. Just me wasn't criminal. It was not a threat to the working or the united states, in any serious way. It was a far greater threat to take over every american institution and the attempt to change the rules to prevent these sort of little conversations that make for a working republic. That is a threat to democracy. that's what you guys are pursuing each and every day swing, of which one of my favorite things here is the way that the left suggests. The tacit suggestion is said that you should sensor places like daily, where Does he media are doing it right? Let me provide unity, but without how bad the legacy media are at this, they are just run by trolls.
they run by challenging the Washington post. Democracy dies in darkness. This is this is a source that must be respected. The washington post, a historic washington, post, woodward and burns in my got that the greatest and was Malta? Ok, so the biggest controversy no involving the washington post is a hysterically funny controversy, in which David legal. Who used to be a member of what was called journalist, gave you go all the way back his pipe fifteen years now, He was a member of a four hundred percent echo chamber. Called journalists were basically a bunch of journalists would get on their. They would talk to each other and very often, they would end up writing stories them very much reflected one another, and that was those two public views wendy. Why was it slate in german from slate over to the washington post will equally We're still exists, except gave waigel crossed the echo chamber. He did something unpaid
Will he retreated a joke now. I know you're saying wait. Wait retreated a joke why's that with a national news story. Aha at this joke was he angered the angered, the great powers that be over the washing imposed not the others, netters revive, it was a couple of comments when in foolish asylum, as in the other, the egregiously awful telegrams, according to cnn, the wash imposes now suspended waigel from one month without pay, retweeting. A second cocaine tells us ex joking retweeted sexist joke. Why Do not respond to requests for common, but out of office. Reply his post email address? You not returned to work on your wife. If we then he would return to work on July. Fifth waigel apologize publicly last week for the reach we change, he did not mean to cause any ordinary didn't cause. Any harm has retreated bad joke by the way that the entire joke was,
a youtube named cannot, as you said, every girl is by just have to figure out of its polar or sexual dumb sexes, job, not my committee. Clearly, a joke wearily job So did waigel immediately got slammed by the feminist wave, apparently Felicia's, I'm as one of his colleagues spotlighted this she region Had a discrimination was against the paper dismissed a decision, hers, ernie says she plans to appeal, which means you know, owns the paper, because the way that you apparently Editorship of a major american newspaper. Is you call the paper racist? Nicole Hannah Jones now owns the new york times ratios in your times. Is she basically siege that any colleague crosses or is a vicious racist and they can't fire her because then they'll get it with the discrimination lawsuit they basically turned over the editorial page of the new york times are valid higher aborting body of vineyards, Nicole hadn't johnson, the de facto editor of the new york times at least so far as if she doesn't like somebody. Working for the times varies There is no longer works at the new york times
felicia's I'm as is realised, the same game she filed. discrimination lawsuit against the paper. It was dismissed, but now that she's done they know that if she gets fired she's gonna, while another lawsuits. This means that if she find someone at the paper which you can accuse us sure discrimination, and they produce retaliate against tapirs and she will see them against. China owns the paper by threat of loss. It, Sir Simon constantly wrote on twitter on friday quantities. Fantastic work at a news outlets where retreats these are allowed to tell the swing grab, showing waggled retweet SAM as apparently fronted waigel in an internal companies like channel, she Tagamet wrote, I'm sorry, but what is this summer added in these lack channel that the reach week, what cynthia confusing message about what the posts values are so just to get this straight. If the post not punish a columnist for he's on twitter feed, which oppose does not run treating a bad joke and the post usually embraces the joke. Now we are the daily where we don't control is what our feet of the people who work for us and we don't even kosovo.
time, and for that I disagree with it idea that if I dont, monitor every that everyone works at the daily wire tweets ever and they re tweet a banjo. My obligation to fire them. Is that the That's the idea here. Apparently, that is the idea. On friday, joined the discussion in this last general, prompting national editor Mitya gold's ripe, I just want to show all of you that the posters committed maintaining a respectful workplace for everyone, we not tolerate demeaning language or actions. The postal spokesperson, Chris Grady, also it should raymond suppressing errors have made clear to the staff. The tree was reprehensible and demeaning language or actions like that will not be tolerated, but according cnn, the public and private admonishment of wagons retweet has failed to quell tension inside the post. Jose rio, cosy del rio. A reporter deposed responded on tuesday on twitter saturday to sign, as if initial tweet generals heroic It was terrible and unacceptable, but he said rally, internet. To attack him for mistake, you may doesn't actually solve anything. We all know
in some way or another there is such a thing is challenging with compassion, which is like a rational response. If you don't like a tweet then. Why do you call the person me like I'm like that we very much and give them a chance? They, oh yeah, you know, there's a damn thing. I shouldn't retreated, then take it don't know how to publicly shaman Some is responding. Calling out sexism isn't cruelty is something that is absolutely necessary, then sign Macedonia. Both were proposed, decided to get into ably fight, it proceeded to engage in a back and forth over twitter on Saturday window ultimately moving to temper we deactivate his account busby, executive, editor of the post transcendent sunday morning to rein in the newsroom. By sending a memo, reminding efforts to treat each other with respect and kindness, both in the news remain on line. So, basically, we are now in middle school. The principles calmly, like guys, you stop hitting each other, stop sapling pigtails to stop it, stop doing that. The nice treaty, as we said, the washington post is committed to an inclusive and respectful environment, free of harassed, discrimination bias of any sort which is called for. Please don't do us
wishing dave- please don't do us when issues arise. Please raise, with leadership or human resources will address them promptly and firmly. However, the attempt ship to squash. The conference you failed again son on sunday afternoons and on twitter busby note had provided fodder for more harassment against her, so in other words, the posters like dying If you can handle this internally, that be great and she's like stop harassing. May I might sue you delete reactivated his account and positive statement on Sunday afternoon saying he faced Unrelenting series of attacks intended to tarnish my professional and personal reputation after tweeting it's on mars, so then proceeded to call out del rio for blogging her and said then of apologizing, instead made a series of false accusations and miss characterizations in his statement, sunrise then said she saw no comments intending to harms I'll reels. Reputation, sandman and tat busby in gold on twitter and said she'd reached out to them to discuss matter, but that she hadn't her back retaliation.
And stay colleague for speaking out against sexism is never ok. Sunrise wrote, I hope the Washington post leaders treat this as the serious issue that it is so she went after this guy rope, actor and said you could try people in some compassion, while still disagreeing with as we and she's like you're a bad person. I hope you burn anyway, Well, that's that's not very nice Why isn't the washington post firing this one? That's discrimination is what happens when you hire crazy people and then, when you went crazy, people the asylum. By monday morning, tension of the post was still high. Cnn video taken Embryonic europe responded busby all staff, email applauding sandman for speaking out against harassment, discrimination and sexism. So it's good, then nay got like basically all that all the coup on the washington post staff were like No was soon as defined by the way, my deepest heartfelt sympathies go out to the editor of the washing. Posted- deserve every single bit of all of this
I feel so bad for you and by so bad I mean happy and gleeful inside, because you spent years promoting people like table wrenching targets, people for destruction based on nothing, sir. You deserve every single iota of this every jot. Until of this, you deserve mere attached, a tweet showing that my Gilman ahead of the post video team had once misidentified hers, brianna taylor, so you you just mess messed up the name in nets harassment too nurse and if the washington post is committed to an inclusive and respectful environment, free of harassment, discrimination vice of any sort can someone please help understand Michael german and wagons, tweets retweet, east region. it's not only her women in our newsroom but make it extremely difficult to do our best work. Ultimately greatly toxic working gilman had already apologised to mere from us, and the flying her when
It's been happening february. He wrote on twitter in a long thread last night thanking my staff for working exhaustive hours. I inadvertently miss identified vietnam era. He was thanking her in the tweet and messed up her name, and she says: that's harassment, that's insane. I mean this is like. If I was thinking produce, jessica and my action as I can, thanks to jessica alba, because they must have the name and they like that sexual harassment? What no I just must obtain Thank you knew what but apparent Suppose this kansas harassment, because again, when you're a big corporation people like suing, I reached out, poligized and do so here now said government or working shrimp long hours. While this was not intentional, it should not have happened Grady, also release. You stated at the time noting the gilman apologize but privately and publicly for this mistake. Karate, then added? However, we do not take the impact of that error lightly and regret the emotional pool and has had on brianna rivalry. During our committee, fostering inclusive environment throughout the newsroom emotional too. of so many messing up your name in a twitter,
Thank you knew emotional talk. So I will just point out at this point that the original we have reiterated by Dave Waigel suggested that women are crazy and the way that these women at the washington post have decided to rebut. That claim is by being as crazy as living hell. Go retreats, I'm insane. The women are bipolar, bisexual, get a bad, stupid joke and then went to like what. If I at super bipolar at what in the world it's it's hysterical. It's really really really funny, and you know what these are the people they want. They won't controlling the discourse. These are the people they decided. You know it's. The washington post to maximize its reach on facebook, bodell dan pfeiffer says that if you you articles from the daily wire this. the or bad- and this is a cancer on our democracy, meanwhile the paper, slogan, is democracy dies in darkness initiator, of course only effort. Donald trump was president ass. He was the democracy with the EU. the killer, democracy. He was the darkness that paper is so it's eta, hey school yearbook, meeting
and that is that that is most respected paper in america that in the new york times just filled with dullard. I can't imagine why the american dies. I'm sorry, but little cadre of morons, who echo each other, except from there busily burning which, as in the Washington post newsroom you going back room of the democratic party. Ambling seven minutes in Heaven is not one. save you in two thousand twenty two. It is not in try it in writing. The general six routine for shutting down your opposition. It ain't going to war and manual. get punished and you deserve to be punished by the american voter. Already. Will back We are today with an additional hour of content in the meantime, go check out one of our newest podcast morning, wire on today's episode, the report junior scoreboard looking to impose harsh penalties on students for social justice related infractions But what is available right now and apple spotify or revealing podcast make fortitude and I've been growth? Is the bench bureau show yeah- enjoyed this episode? Dont forget to subscribe to the shop, help spread the word about
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Transcript generated on 2022-06-18.