« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1482 - Elon Musk Wants Free Speech, So He Must Be Racist


According to the Left, Elon Musk only wants free speech on Twitter so he can help racists; the economy slows as the White House announces the possibility of relieving student loan debt; and we examine the mystery of Joe Biden's missing millions.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
According to the left, you must only wants free speech on Twitter, so he can help racists economies. those as the White House announces the possibility of relieving loans at and also raising taxes. and we found the mystery of Joe Biden missing millions adventurer. This is meant to Russia Eventually, I shall respond to me Press vps privacy is right, not a privilege, defend your rights, an expressive, gps, dot com, slash ban, so we are in really really rough economic waters right now. Inflation is charting at forty year eyes where money in your wallet it is losing value like the russian ruble, is losing value. This would be an excellent time to diversify at least a little bit out of your stocks, which are really failing right now and into a tax sheltered account with birch gold. I've been telling you for over five years you can buy gold from birch gold as a hedge against inflation and market uncertainty. An ounce of gold today is worth nineteen hundred bucks. It was worth three hundred bucks, an ounce in two thousand and there's another way to hedge against inflation by silver from birch gold.
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by the algorithms of twitter. Those are going to go away as algorithms that can change. People might be allowed to criticize them. People might tweet things they don't like in those tweets but actually get attention. I will note that over the past forty eight hours since the announcement that you I must was taken over Twitter. I personally picked up something like two hundred since Brentwood and my tweets are probably getting ten times the exposure that they were getting before. I would think that that has something to do not with Why must actually changing the algorithm, but with these sort of documents, it is going on inside twitter right now the fear is that you are not going to come in, there will be some sort of truth and Reconciliation commission. When we finally learn who shadow ban and whose traffic was being brow And all the rest, and two now of the sudden, some of them, it's our coming off out imagined! Imagine that's one of the things that's happening. Twitter is lying about this. I think they're there saying that dissolve organic, so that the loss of ours for Taylor, Swift in the consummate pick up a followers for people. Like me, that's all organic that that right, wingers are joining the platform by the hundreds of thousands and, and
left wingers are leaving the platform at hundreds of that. I have serious doubts about that. I've Morgan Since that is algorithmic in nature, but but here is the bottom line for lotta folk, some left. This is a tragedy and the fact there treating it as a true today demonstrates what they always thought of twitter secretly. They kept saying it's all in your head: it's all in your head. It's all twit, you say the twitter is biased against consumers. That's cause you're crazy, it's because your projecting. it's because you're paranoid and then the minute you I must comes in. He says you know what we're going to just. Let people see what they want to see. The left goes absolutely ape bleep and, of course, this means that they pull out their favorite, their favorite Rubik's talk about how it is going to lead to increased violence there, people are allowed to see things. This might lead to increased violence. We get accusations, of evil from you. I must end and led by some people who are working for twitter and, as I say yesterday when you must comes any needs to clean house and peace,
like what you're saying you should fire people over politics? I'm saying he should fire people who are not in continents with because this is what every ceo does it. Every company So many internal audio from the chief operating officers twitter before it must take over should be disturbing too must when he comes in so that includes at last We Berlin, you see, I m o over a twitter is audio that was revealed by project VERITAS. Yesterday, elites audio of internal meeting April twenty fifth, two thousand twenty two here's Lesley Berlin's Jamo of Twitter, made it clear to the public and a large part of the reason he bought awkward, but our moderation policies and disagreements in how we deal with his hoods twitter service interest in safety, as well as anybody who cares about how underperformed, in a very difficult I believe twitter girl was at a service that want to use the product can have a very good experience because we were able to make the conversation on could be safe because
We have the tools processes for people to be able to feel safe, that expedient, ok, control. Their experiences is the hope like. No you can't. You can mute accounts. I mute accounts all the time and effort anybody- everybody's freed, as you have rightly, but I don't have to hear from them, because, frankly, I don't care what many of them say, but the folks, Bridgewater when they say that you can control your user experience. No, you really can't you really can't it aside. What gets exposure, and what does not? They decide what trends and what does not end hell. It will trend and when you hear CEO, talking about safety, and when you hear the sea emo the chief marketing officer over Twitter, talking about health and how troubling it's going to be that someone's going to come in and challenge the health of Twitter, you're, saying they're they're saying their way of policing speech makes for a healthy conversation, and if anyone else. Ones less policing of speech there'll be a lack of health in the company who decides what makes for a healthy conversation. you, the twitter employees, who donated at a ninety eight point, seven percent clip True Democrat,
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I'm sorry, but if you cried during business meetings, I dont think that you should be in a position of power. I dont know why this controversial is not sex. Mention cried: remaining women shouldn't cry during meetings, their meetings around a company never cry during the meeting. Neither am I who's. He owes me live anywhere. It happens. Equitable crying during meetings is not a thing but in in the emotional world of corporate America. Now crying is a thing. Okay, Gatti cried during the meeting, and she expressed concerns over how the company could change according to three people familiar with the meeting she acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties about what the company will look like under musk's leadership, twitter, spokesperson, Kennedy had got. It became emotional when discussing our teams impact in the pride she feels in them. Yet I have doubts about this this is confirmed? She spoke at length about how she is proud of the work that he has done and offered employs encouragement, urging them to keep striving to do good work to company Gatty whose worked it prisons. Twenty Levin is the key executive charged with overseeing tutors trust and safety. Legal and public policy function
She is seen internally as Twitter's moral authority wows. She is the great arbiter of truth, safety and morality over twitter, so excellent jobs of our lady and the executive tasked with handling sensitive issues like harassment and dangerous, speech. Juries Gatty played a leading role in negotiating the Dublin Twitter Musk Approach, one. In familiar than dynamics, just shepherded twitter, through some of its most contentious political battles, including the decision to remove all political advertising and Boot Donald Trump from the platform in the wake of the generous six, the jack, I'm Capitol Hill, but as news of Musk's official take over broke policy, legal employees, fretted at the meeting about what his leadership could mean for twitter, is carefully crafted speech was: I love the now we're gonna pretend that tourists carefully crafted speech rules have been such wild success. Twitter has been just an excellent example of healthy and using conversation? Now everyone knows that joke used where for just a place you done can be dumped upon
probably worse: cesspool for political speech, an american political life since idea that their algorithmic magic has somehow cleanse the conversation and improve the quality, and you spend five minutes until You know that ain't. True one we are in place and I think everyone in twitter, regardless of how they feel about the news, is feeling reflected and emotional. We ve gone through a lot in the past two years. I think it's generally instigated a lot of reflection. I think this is more of an acknowledgement of the uncertainty. Everyone is feeling right now heard so boring and your feelings are so boring. Healthcare, stupid feelings yet paid to do this. and now person has come in who says that he must allow people to speak more freely on your platform without you putting your thumb on the scale and you're getting motion. Well, ah yet the world smallest violent for this gang Gaddi herself, advocated strongly for ensuring its waters policies protect its most vulnerable users, while protecting free expression, a position at odds with mosques. Isn't it
the phrase protecting its most vulnerable users. There's a lot of assumptions packed in that little phrase protect its most. vulnerable users. What they mean by this is that a few fulfil an intersection quotient. If you are a member of the black community, if you are a member of the house, the community is our member of the algae, be teach you I too ass mine is divided by sign carrot, dollar sign Hash AG pound signs Hilda Community, and this means no one can be allowed to say things that happen and people yesterday on Twitter experimented with, as there are saying things like controversial things like Leah Thomas's, a man to see if this got the man and shocking Legion, ah, woe betide Twitter, oh these, a cloth and ashes o dawning the He torn Raymond of mourning, and standing in the city gates crying to this guy, why guy or which will allow such a thing. This is the attitude that the left has decided to take about you. I must say that dumb, it's ok, if you say the atomic demand, because out Leah Thomas is Asia
in fact, a dude Gouty wrote in a twenty fifteen Washington Post are bad cop. I'm often inspired by the vigorous debates on controversial issues that occurrences but have also been seriously troubled by the plate. Some of our users, or completely overwhelmed by those who are trying to silence healthy discourse in the name of free expression. Man, is that an orwellian phrase. Silence healthy discourse in the name of free expression,. You are trying to silence discourse. I washing free expression. you're, just using the word healthy to smuggle in the limits that you want. The free she's had a time this takes the form of heedful speech in tweets directed at women are minority groups, because it, it turns out, you know, men never receive Paypal's, be draw ever I know that on twitter I am treated with the greatest of kid gloves. No one ever says mean things about me on Twitter. I spend every night weeping in my room because of because of the things or, alternatively, out in any craps about it at all. At others. It takes the form of threats, aim to intimidate those take a stand on issues. Oh you mean, like you, threat to ban people for saying that matter Women and women are not men.
Daddy holds one of most controversial positions. Twitters has political. Her teams decide how to moderate content. That is. May we're a target of right wing. Criticism. No matter we do we ve been accused by chateaux Bloomberg NEWS, leaving content up taking content down, that's become pretty much background noise, so perhaps you should actually, you know, make your algorithm public But she would never do that because then we might actually find out what they been banning During her team meeting, Gaddi fielded concerns. Several employees left the deep rooted for news while to her wow loyalty. Ok, if this he's record is any indicator ill. I must put her on the broad lines immediately: your public policy associate Kennedy, O Brien said. If you look aboard inspiring in the dictionary, find a picture of this woman grateful as ever fewer leadership. The shy I couldn't feel lucky. I tweeted communal Royal Twitter, Spain's had of public policy government and the land So when I said yesterday that domestic viral on people, he should fire a lot of people say of twitter
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deeply involved in making the discourse better. It's Chuck shimmer the Senator from New York. Meanwhile, Brian Stellar, who I am entire career has been getting no ratings on CNN. So far as I am aware, so Brien's Delta, whose massive draw, I mean just his intellectual draw. His physical magnetism is that animal magnetism of a brain- Walter drew granddaughter one zero people, the CNN Plus, which just had to shut it, starts by the way. Supersonic Societe, was actually in one of their recent articles that shutdown obstruction plus they suggested that in order to support scene and plus, eventually, it be aiming at getting twenty nine million people to subscribe. Mad you're, the show on your air tickets over five hundred thousand viewers night, but you can do twenty nine million people to subscribe anyway, Ryan Spelter, you chief me, a correspondent for CNN. He says that dumb, he's lecturing you. I must about how and understand the complexities of free speech, so pray
stellar on CNN races, public statements very, very little understanding of the complexities that going the content, moderation and hate speech policies and the like so he's about to learn how it works and it might be a whole lot more complicated, We realize it, but I'm mean a first of all. I have a feeling that some people will be working for Elon Musk isn't can be personally like shadow banning people, but also definitely you musk who is the richest person on planet earth, needs to take advice from Spud over here It says definitely that everything that he needs to do meanwhile, joy run, MSNBC doing what she does best with Jason, Johnson and just calling people races, because this is in the end, a final. The final preserve of the left is everyone like is a racist everything I dont like, is racist. So his dry redoing that routine, it turns out the reason Ilan Mosque is upset about the shutdown of free speech on twitter and the shadow banning and the bottleneck in throttling of traffic or what, but that's really
is that you want to secretly is there. There was a time when people had the double has eggs around their name because they were jewish and right. Wingers we're thing get in the oven anytime. You made any wouldn't nine comment on Twitter. They attacked women. It needed. The mythology was crazy We therefore, while a lot more guess he. You know he misses the Old South Africa in the eighties he wants. He wants that back, although that's what it is nailed it nailed it. You might say back: that's that's what that's what he wants. Ok, so as the person who is targeted v, most anywhere on earth in twenty five ten twenty, sixteen with the triple Parenthese wasn't double, whose triple parentheses and the get in there Ivins kind of stuff. Let me just say that the content on Twitter has not made life markedly better if just suppressed major breaking political stories. By the way, yesterday, you unmask said
publicly, and he thinks it is bad to shut down major political stories a month before an election and people in left like now that he said that he pro Boy did his deal. No, he didn't you morons and are good with that: aren't you write? Probably the Twitter Board is going to turn down forty four billion with a b billion dollars for company that has yet to break a profit, because You must send something that every single human knows, meanwhile sunny hostile another worthy geniuses over the view where the collective iq does not add up to triple digits here is sunny Hoss in explaining that. Don't you know what this is really about is for freedom for straight light. I'm a man and the nails Twitter is not the real world and in fact, on twitter it is predominantly straight white men. So when Elon Musk says wow, this is about free speech. It seems to me that it's about free speech of straight white men, and so let them have it. Let them just go
I enjoy the block button on Twitter. Ok, I'm in by the way that last part she's really you survive button advantage. Subset. good, because three women don't deserve free speech and viewed life. This is, I mean she's given away the game. Right here is that you must speed, but only for straightway, but not know he wants free for everyone. You are just making that you know the twitter was not a place for free speech for straight white men. It was forever, when we held your point of view, it mirrored left wing perspectives, really incredible stuff. You and Musk correctly tweeted quote the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all correct. This is, slowly right is, of course actually raises by free speech. I simply mean that which matches law again sense that goes far beyond the law. If people are less free speech it last, men to pass laws that affect them. We're going beyond lies, contrary to the will of the people. It seems fairly in arguable right here,
saying that he is not the need great all, nor of the public opinion on free speech and therefore he's going to reflect what governments in various areas say about free speech, which again seems like a much better and clearer standard Some lawyer for twitter deciding what is a healthy conversation. You must have your vegetables, have that healthy conversation Twitter is a place for unhealthy conversation if you ve ever spent more than five seconds on the on the actual service. But again the left wailing is is beyond the pay you have a non George hardest, who I dont know why this person is considered not in any way a person worth hearing from, but he writes for than your time on CNN overtime is peace today called you unmask is a pro
while masquerading as a solution in the New York Times, it's a perfect marriage for an age of plutocracy twitter with it's serious problems in Elon Musk, the embodiment of those problems. What happens when the incarnation of a problem buys the right to decide what the problem is and how to fix it, but he didn't buy the right to decide what you mean he bought a company. I was by the way I was told by people like an Android artists that if you had problems footers censorship build your own and then, of course, parlour was d platform by Amazon Web services in the aftermath of January sex, because people tried to build their own so build your own and on you'll like it build your own, but since this columnist, twitter as a disinformation problem, fake news about covered vaccines, climate and more running buck wild across the platform, Mr Musk has shown himself to be highly boy peddler of dubious claimed, but putting up financial misleading information are calling the british driver who helped rescue trapped, schoolboys in silent pedal guy, put her Racism problem the agency over permanent, fair employment and housing is suing Tesla,
so it has harassment, problems and harassment, problems and muscular Billina harasser. So it's perfect absolutely fitting at this. Guy of all guys could now own twitter my god, my God again. Let me end by the way there's articles like up the Wazir over at the New York Times at terrible says in your times, which spends its days just reflecting the positions of the far left in firing. Anybody who comes in conflict. Those positions here are just a few of the titles of peace is written in the last two days alone. Quote must twitter we'd means edible. Tweet and the return of Trump by Kara Swisher, who is just awful, read Ben singer. Put her under Elon Musk will be a scary place. It won't just be a place where people say things: it'll be scary, frightening terrible it'll be the worst your feeders betray you can feel them yes, we all know what your agenda is now, and you know what that is. It is not just an agenda inside twitter up until now to engender across big tat, so in a second we'll get to them.
And when it comes to the internal, employs these big tech companies. It really do wrong The reason that is scary, scary, stuff, we're getting that just one. Second first I took my life insurance on this programme over time and how you need it, but you don't just need life insurance. You also need home insurance, and this is where policy genius can help your policy genius. They are indispensable if you're one stop shops and by the insurance. You need help it over the policy genius tat. Shapiro home and answer a few quick questions. Policy genius will show you I for policies that figure search the policies and his team look for ways to save you more money you like were they find Vulgate switched over for free customers, their home in on policies of policy genius saved an average of a thousand two hundred fifty bucks per year over what they were paying. The policy genius team works for you without bias, or favour to any insurance companies even after your cupboard policy genius offers claim support an easy reshaping, fine savings, it's time to renew passage does not add on extra fees, don't sell your information at their parties, Halsey geniuses top notch services- them, then thousands of lives. Our views across Google and trust pilot had over two policies.
dot com, Slash, Shapiro, home, a free home and ATO insurance quotes see how much you could save. Today. Again, that's policy genius, dotcom, slashing Shapiro homes get started today, So there's some audio the broke yesterday of employees inside Amazon bewailing and bemoaning the fact that our own while share from ITALY why're, you wrote a book called Johnny the walrus. it is a, is a serve satirical children's book about a young boy. Was pretending to be a walrus. Mommy goes the other class in her friends. Tell her. I perhaps Johnny, actually is a walrus and so start feeding, Johnny Raffish visiting surgeon who recommends that these hands be carved into Finns, etc. You can, where this is going well. This became better selling algae, beads, EU plus I a book in America and this prompted spasms of apoplexy in the internal workforce over at Amazon, particularly in the Trans Workforce, at Amazon, cheer,
upset rage. So here is some of the internal again. These are the people. By the way, rolling. What you see what you hear, what kind of literature you're allowed to read these events other thumb on the button. So you tell me whether it's important that people like you and Musk actually sign in and start have, a way with free speech, because otherwise gonna get folks like that's hearing up, so that a book called joining the wars and want to be very clear. The next two or about books, and I saw someone say: oh joy, we're gonna talk about one of them because it's been its many very traumatic experience on at or transgender, amazonian and are changed under customers Johnny. The walrus is a bit of a problematic book, not a bit. It is problematic. It is not a bit of a problem. It's one hell of a problem: one hell of a problem, it's a problem either the conversations being had inside Amazon and those persons started crying about it, and then he should feed.
from a customer who alleged its book teaches children who killed transgendered or bully them to committing suicide interesting interesting. Yet these are the folks who are controlling what you got to see- and we get here- you wonder why the right is excited about you. I must ignore these all asking, for is some transparency. All we are asking for is some standard by which we can tell if you are throttling traffic or determining we can see what we can hear. It really is incredible. Stuff. Ok, meanwhile, Divine administration is in a state of complete collapse. The stock market dropped eight hundred point yesterday, according to the Wall Street Journal, U S, stocks fell, extending their April losses as investors digested earnings reports from leading companies and weighed concerns about inflation and the spread of culminating in China. Socks slid for much of Tuesday dropping further late in the session. and p five hundred close down two point: eight percent or a hundred and twenty point. Ninety point to forty one: seventy five twenty after textiles lead at major indices higher the G g
g J, I a the DOW Jones decline, two point, four percent or eight hundred and nine points, the NASDAQ composite lost four percent. All three indices are on track to lose at least four percent. This month, with the tech, heavy NASDAQ down more than twelve percent in April shares of Microsoft fell in trading. Google reported slower sales growth, the four score such shares around four percent. After close fears about resurgence of covert nineteen in China, attenuating supply lines continues to be a serious threat. The bottom line. Is that what we are watching right now, is an economy that is on the brink of recession, and that. someone is being accelerated by the employer, Mary tendencies of the economy according Whilst we Journal home price growth accelerated in February demand remained robust because we are still seeing the aftermath of an inflationary cycle Georgia Supply limited the volume of homes sales. Meanwhile, mortgage rates are headed significantly higher economists, expect home price growth to begin to slow in the coming months, because of that mortgage interest rate
creating reducing buying products, buyers, purchasing power. there are early signs mark is cooling from its frenzied base about thirteen percent in cellars Their list prices in the four weeks ended April so, does the highest ever since the end of November. The case Schiller index measuring rebate sales data reports on a two month. Delay inventory has risen since February. It still remains far below normal levels. To what we have now is the possibility of serious stagflation by World WAR Ii, Have an inflationary cycle married. You really really slow economic growth, and this is being promoted pretty openly by the binding administration Jen Saki was ass yesterday about inflation and just one away from the podium, I will go to the back tomorrow thing: Thank you so much and buying always just out of their road runner and there's a cloud of dust. behind her because she ain't gonna answer any questions about inflation one of the reasons is because the Democrats have no plans,
an inflation other then get ready for raising taxes, so that plan will blow out the spending and then because have to suck money out of the economy again, because we had the economy of the fire hose of cash. What if we raise the taxes genius, Genius, given inflationary cycle to be ended with economic stagnation, already businesses are pulling back because they see the interest rates, are about to increase and now that We you're talking about increasing taxes and regulations. Genius genius stuff here from your democratic economic, economic, masterminds here is Chuck Schumer, who apparently desperately wants to be minority leader. If you want to get, Of inflation, the only way to do it is to be written on. Do a lot of the trunk tax cuts and raise rate. No Republican is ever going to do that. So the only way to get rid of inflation is through reconciliation, really go for it. What a man you you want to see. A party commit political suicide municipal
suicide, already that they have made parents into an actual interest group by saying the pension parents at school. Should he their kids, the boys and girls and girls are boys. Me. That's that's suicidal enough in vote. reconciliation going nuclear in order to pass a tax increase, a good luck with one, because that's what the american people want in the middle of worries about the economy. What they desperately want is massive tax increases, rammed through a long party lines with commonly Harris's dividing vote genius. Meanwhile, you know they're really want they want that, combined with the environment, patient single handedly relieving student loans to pay off the people, were most privileged in our society college graduates- that's it Joe Biden is now signalling. I mean this just incoherent insane political policy. The reason is because Joe Biden is always spawning to the urgent rather than the necessary, and so he's looking pull numbers any seeing these downs, like forty percent with college graduates and its freaking out that's base
this party is run. My college educated white, single women and minorities and people were black and they thought hispanic, but a spanish are now moving away from the Democratic Party we have your way so is it is supposed to be minority coalition and college educated white women who are single? That was the coalition. So now they got the offers college educated, white women working or somehow so simultaneously an inflationary spiral and they're saying and inflation me to raise taxes on people going economy and also we need infuse money into the economy by paying off your student loans contributing to inflation. It's all over the place. This is kaleidoscopic, drunk economic policy. There is just so Joe Biden announced this yesterday. Apparently, while he was speaking with the hispanic Chamber of Commerce, good luck as Joe Biden according to the Washington Post. If his strongest indication yet in a private meeting without Democrats is poised to take significant action. Release student loans. A move that could include cancel
tens of thousands of dollars in that for some people, or are we suckers those of us who actually paid off our shewed ones? I paid off my student loans. I've had my way student loans, yeah we're where we suckers powers are currently better from a moratorium on paying off their student loans, the last until August, thirty one a pandemic induced, began under the Trump Administration, the white has come under considerable pressure from the liberal wing of the Democratic Party to cancel the I believe these outright by centrist Democrats have expressed skepticism, however, about the wisdom of burdening taxpayers with the debt of students, violence let's get loans to ten pricey private universities. Well, yes, address. Such concerns by move could target lower and middle income borrowers who, by the way, You have subsidized loans, the upheld random stuff thing, lengthy meeting with members of the congressional has been a caucus Biden Signal multiple times is prepared to not only extend the grid moratorium but potentially take executive action. cancelling some of the debt altogether, this is nuts ammunition, nutty economic. How nuts is this economic policy by the way Nancy Pelosi came out today and said
There is not even a discussion about doing this with Nancy Policy is the one who's the designated? is. Everyone also broke off their ass. They can't get home to throw the key Nancy with a thousand years old and has never passed a good piece of economic policy in others. Parties in trouble. She suggested on Wednesday? Anyone who believes buying can forgives June dead on his own are misinformed, said the president can't do it. That's not even a discussion. Joam over his party's is all you need is the flick of a pen. Amazing. Amazing subsidies is party is in a state of complete economic disarray. This episode is brought to ratified. Pennsylvania lottery folks across bonds mania, our scratching their way to all kinds of fine thanks to Pennsylvania, lottery, scratch off with new game every month, big tat, prizes and even second chance drawings excitement is always an order, no matter what game you play so get your ticket to fund today,
the Pennsylvania lottery scratch on. Oh yeah, one more thing, keep on scratch and must be eighteen or older. Please play responsibly benefits older pennsylvanians, everyday. Meanwhile, houses freaking out because geomantic not going along with any of their spending plans, so they have fallen into the trap Joe Biden is no longer sentience and RON. Klain and Susan Rice are running the show over at the White House. They have fallen into the bizarre trap of thinking that the way that they avoid a cataclysmic defeat in Nova, for which they are not going to avoid the tsunami is on the horizon. It is all moving you're going to be is one hundred feet of water. Coming directly for Joe Biden, White House and Joe Biden is now convinced, or at least the people around him are convinced, Joe Biden, as I say, is known or sent it there can the only way they avoid this is my son, spending more money and so angry your mansion again. Good luck with this according to the Washington Post, shrinking ambitions are largely the result of failed negotiations with SEN Joe Manchin now White House official,
confronting the real fear. It will fail to reach any deal with mansion, even one. most woodbine, initially hoped to accomplish a year after by an introduced as climate in social spending wines the White House is running out of time to get mansion on board with many women. In Congress in July. Fourth, as a crucial deadline for action. in recent weeks, Whitehouse officials have tried gauging mansions interests in a package. Consists premier of clean energy initiatives, prescription drug reform at higher taxes on the rich and corporations. The ideas Gus internally include more than five hundred billion dollars of deficit reduction. On Monday in spokeswoman, reiterated senator supports measures to boost Europe's energy production or prescription drugs Lawson race. its revenue from corporations and the red, but despite support for those provisions generally manner, not yet made clear to the White House precisely what he would support he's not gonna support anything, because what is in it for him? What's yours what's in it, for him he's an estate Joe Biden has not only underwater Joe Biden has beneath the earth turbines like below the sea floor, all through the core of the earth and now in the ocean on the other side of the earth. So why exact
Would Joe Biden whose stated West Virginia dramatic state of West Virginia hates Joe Biden go along with anything that Joe Biden wants. Angel Mansion for his part, continues to do better by ministration about two years on the border, for example, so Geomantic yesterday, he was like uh yeah. By the way this title, forty, two stuff you need to secure the board gang, can make sure that we protect our borders and basically protect our people and Citizens United States and making sure that the people coming are coming for. The right reason through illegal procedure, and right now we don't have an immigration policy that allows that to happen. It needs to change and yeah. Well, it's some! It's not going to change, because the body administration is fully committed to no border security. Jen Psaki said yesterday that they're not going to continual fighter they're not going to continue titles thirty two, which is the pandemic related restriction that allows people to be rejected. The more because that's not yet the comprehensive immigration reforms, in other words, were not getting anything done so not going to do the thing that will stop a massive wave.
Legal immigration right now. Just slow, clap for these genius, as the president has never never made a secret of the fact that he thinks immigration reform is necessary in the title. Forty two was never a replacement for comprehensive immigration reform yeah, but you're not doing comprehensive immigration reforms. All you're doing is really opening the border. These people are cruising for a bruising. and it's gonna be so ugly for them come November ain't just one second, we'll get to me. On Joe Biden, corruption, because new stories are emerging. Now that we're allowed to talk about it, while the Bind administration may not know how to handle money well or at all, but you to be handling your money better. When it comes running a business one way you can do this, stop spending so much money on your mailroom here's where stamps dot com comes in, simply use stamps calmed mail and ship get access to exclusive. Discounting great rates on shipping You must be as an U Ps is an easy way to get more money in your pocket you're a daily. Why are we ve been using stamps outcome since twenty seventeen? We do not waste our time stamps that constituted.
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we're going to dive into the greatest works of all time. These are the books that helped form the key pillars of western civilization and helped define America and we're going to alive. With thousands of you are daily wire members, I'm gonna be your personal guide. I've read every one of these books, I'm going to draw out the important lessons and themes from every book, plus I'm going to be answering your questions along the way. So we actually do read the book together. Join the book club. Going to get smarter, you're going to get more knowledgeable, because this is an investment in your most valuable asset. Your mind, the third Thursday book Club is going to change the way you think the book club is just different. It is great you get my notes to cheat sheets and the important lessons of every book sign up right now at third There's a booklet dotcom get my noses and straight your inbox for the ones in future, king by gateway and again for next month it is mobile, by Herman Melville, so didn't catch up on your classics. Reading back in high school in college and post grab now is the time you're listening to large. Fastest growing, into repugnant radio, show innovation.
yeah while Joe Biden again, it's not just the Joe Biden policies are unpopular. It's a job. I personally is unpopular and his unpopular. Really since Afghanistan, after Afghanistan, it became clear that this was not your kindly old grandfather who had your concerns at heart. Uncle Joe It became clear that he is in fact a venal and malicious Elderly man who is not in control of his faculties and has done nothing to disabuse Americans of this, and now is information emerges about just how corrupt he things are about to get. Lot uglier. So, according to the Uk Daily Mail, Joe Biden agree, to pace on hundreds legal fees for his deal with a chinese government controlled company emails reveal revelation ties the president even closer two hundred binds overseas business dealings and makes us private, claims, you never discuss them with his own, even less plausible Jos, able to pay those after earning millions of dollars through his in his wife's companies after you left office, as vice president, some of the wave of cash came from there deals in speaking engagements, but the presidency
natural filings reveal. He declared almost Seven million dollars more income on his tax returns and he did on his gun, transparency, reports and analysis. By the daily mail of the President's financial record shows some of that difference can be it. to forward salaries earned by First lady Joe Biden and other sums. Not required on his report, but still leaves five point two million die it earned by Jos Company and not listed on his transparency reports. The missing millions combined with emails on hunters, abandoned laptop, suggesting Joe it having ten percent share in hundreds blockbuster deal with the Chinese raise a rat. problem question. Did you I'd receive money from the foreign venture January. Twenty nineteen hundreds assisting many jobs, rodent emails, bookkeeper, Linda Shapiro, nor relation and by NATO, richer Radner, saying Joe had agreed to pay as hundreds of thousands of dollars a bills. I spoke hundred today regarding his bills. It's my understanding that hunts dad will cover these bills in the short term as hundred transitions in his career. The assistant attached spreadsheet of bills with the email following, so
two hundred and thirty seven thousand dollars. So that's Joe paying the legal fees for Hunter, but he had no idea. No idea at all. One hundred Biden was doing. They are completely unreal a no clue. One of the last items is twenty: a grand and legal fees for the restructuring of hundreds joint venture, but the government control of China the spreadsheet list as the bill as Figure Baker. Daniel the age. Our restructuring, the age oh hi harvests. Honesty is a private equity firm of hundred two major chinese business ventures, bachelor inventor Cologne by the state controlled Bank of China Hunt, Personal internal George Monsieur raises a partner at Figure Baker, a separate October The italian voice from the law from shows hundred spent sixty a grand on the restructuring beginning September twenty sixteen, the senior Joe took on these bills from Hunter he promised, but no one in my family will have an office in the White House will sit in on it. meetings as if their a cabinet member will in fact have any this relationship with anyone there are ways to afford corporation or a foreign country, yet not only
Hunter hold onto his ten percent share of Bee HR through twenty twenty one and from my White House Secretary General Jackie last February, also indicate Joe knew about it and even agree You pay hunters legal fees for the farm, the bills also four hundred and thirteen grand in unpaid tax dating back to twenty fifteen hundred point, earlier this month hundred taken out a million dollar alone to pays delinquent tax bill Johnson Republican Centre RON Johnson said Joe Biden for millions are another disturbing piece of information that raises questions that deserve answers. Well, yeah. You would think when the president of the United States can't explain where he got All this money from I mean remember she brag for years was the poorest member of Congress. He brag for years I'm on the politicians was not made a fortune in our own house is all over the place, and then it mean the upon leaving office. Suddenly his reporting tens of millions of dollars of income is a little they show? Is it not, and meanwhile hundreds or just going ramping bags of cash for being a drunk drug addicted dearly?
I bet that aid in interesting in interesting move well office, Joe, had relatively modest incomes as the daily mail enjoyed a flood of millions of dollars soon after he left office, most of which came from his memoirs deal, and I watering speaking these between twenty seventeen and twenty nineteen here. Lady Joe Biden reported sixteen point: five million dollars in gross income on their federal tax returns, he's by divine campaign the government in ethics file for the same period only reported nine point: six million dollars, income for himself and his wife. So where is that gap emerging from saying that some of the gap was probably because it Jill taught Community College. That's right at seven million dollar gap can be attributed to Joe Biden. Reaching occasionally at Northern Virginia Community College, one of our nation's great institutions of it of higher education. a comparison of the income reported by JO, shows a difference of almost point two million dollars, which remains unaccounted for pretty impressive stuff, pretty impressive something. So we also know by the way that dumb
hundred buttons business partner. Well, Joe Biden was vice president visited the White House, something like nineteen times, Joe Biden in the White House, so I'm sure, is gender if you think she knows nothing about it, I know nothing. Nothing. Does the president still maintain that he never spoke with his son about his business dealings and given this reporting on Eric Schwerin does he also say that he has never spoken to his son's business partners about his son's business dealings? contains his same statements that he's made in the past. I would say: no you're, referring to waves records that were released more than ten years ago. I really don't have more detailed information on them. I note that was a gap? One waves records were not released, but I dont have more information about visits from more than tat years ago, no information at all interesting interesting. Probably we should suppress the story, probably by the way. Just a note here, Hunter Biden is one of the worst people on earth. I mean Hunter Biden is just a bag of human garbage. His terrible New York Post reporting,
I quote: Hunter Biden desperately insisted his brothers widow, Hayley Biden get screen for HIV as there too. What a fair cooled off in the summer of twenty and eighteen Biden. Fifty two implored, Halley to be tested for HIV in an email sent you both binds widow July twenty. and twenty thousand, and about a month before he Father now wedlock child with former stripper London Roberts. You need to We have the results hundred road in email found on his a and laptop today I'm getting tested today. I've been scared, sick, Haley who hang up on me. He says the love you give is so disturbing the owl subject line was it you need to get tested for HIV Hayley any. He went on to ask how you stop the bs regarding his neither accusing his sister in law, friends, you turn the young seen against him. he called her behaviour, sick and disturbing. So he is and what are the smartest person Joe Biden personally knows
Joe Biden, Marzano, very many people- that's pretty amazing stuff already well, we have reached the end of today's show, but you'll be back your literacy with an additional, of content coming up soon. Is that, while show airing one thirty pm Eastern be sure to check it out? daily weren't come I'm bench. Brothers is the bench Barroso, yeah. join. This episode, dont forget to subscribe to the shop help spread. The word about and should be Rochelle by giving us a five star of you and sharing the show with a friend were available on Apple podcast, Spotify, Youtube or wherever you get your pocket and be sure to check out. Some of our other daily wire shows. Eventually Ro show is produced by Elliot Felt, executive, Jeremy boring are super. producer is math, is clever and our production manager is but why does me associate? Sir Bradford Carrington, is by Adam Silence, audio I make a coral meta Heron make up is by fabulous Christina reduction Assistant, Jessica, and the Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production. Copyright daily wire, twenty twenty two
three of them at Wall Show leaked internal video show that my children's book Johnny the walrus, has traumatized and triggered Amazon's employees. They are literally in tears over it and it's the greatest moment of my career, we're talking about it today. Also conservative accounts on twitter see huge spikes in followers right as it is, that you on mosque is buying the company. What's going on, and more disturbing information about the children's boycott. On quote from the Americans, Pity outworks pediatrics that pushes chemical castration on nine year olds, plus a NASCAR driver, has sent to sensitivity training for posting, racist mean, but was the meme actually raises an hour? cancellation, more leaked videos, I'm so administrators and left us activists need It's a game plan protests against my speech tonight. It was content superior, but wire school administrators helping the plan. Protests will talk about all that and more today about show.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-08.