« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1462 - DeSantis Says No To Disney’s Blackmail


Ron DeSantis signs the Florida Parental Rights in Education Bill into law, defying Disney’s woke virtue signaling; Joe Biden walks back everything he’s said for a week while claiming he never actually said it; and Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
RON, Santa's signs the Florida parental rights in education, bill into law, defying Disney's woke virtue. Signaling Joe Biden walked back everything he said for a week while claiming he never actually said it, and Will Smith apologizes to Chris Rock where this is the bench barrage up at today's show is sponsored by Express VPN. Do you like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither get Express VPN right now and express vpn dot com, Slash Ben, so you are paying too much money for everything right now. Thanks Biden, but there is no reason why you should be paying inordinate amounts of cash to your cell phone provider, stop paying for Verizon a t and t and T mobile social initiatives stop paying for their thousands of retail stores across the country in never go into pure talk is not going to charge you for any of that. Instead, they give you the killer. Five g coverage, you need on the same five g network as one of the big guys for about half the cost, the average family
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leading to a mass movement from other states into Florida, a spike in Florida's economy, giant boost for him in presidential race. Twenty twenty four cause: that's what happens when you kill lots of people on purpose. That's what happens to you round his answers, the most evil governor in America, as now sign into a bill saying you are not allowed to indoctrinate children on sex paid through three without parental permission. I know this stuff. super bad and super terrible and its don't. I get, gay gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay gay according to the media, that's what this bill does I'm just going to read you irrelevant text of the bill, and you tell me whether it sounds like Bill bans. Anyone in Florida from saying the word gay you tell me that's what it sounds like from this bill, or Does it actually say that you are not allowed to indoctrinate small children in your left wing sexual fantasies about how the world ought to work in order to validate your own weird conception of how the universe works? So here is what the bill actually
as an act relating to parental rights in education. Amending Senate built one thousand one point: four: to F S, requiring district school board to adapt procedures that comply with certain provisions of law for notifying students. Parents have specified information requiring such procedures enforced the fundamental right of parents, make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children in a specified manner. Prohibit the procedures from him preventing apparent from accessing certain records providing construction prohibiting a school district, doubting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying apparent about special information or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student's withhold from parents. Such information prohibiting schools for personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and involvement in critical decisions affecting us. Mental emotional or physical wellbeing, providing construction prohibiting from discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain great levels or in a specified manner. That is this: What version of the bill the actual relevant provision?
of the bill, is section three of the bill, quote: classroom destruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in Canada, through great three or in a manner that is not a problem or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. That's the whole thing ass, the entire thing. It doesn't say that a kid who has to Dad's gonna come too when a who has two dads can't say, I have two dads in school: Annie that what it is that teachers are not allowed to instruct on these issues. It says teachers are allowed to tell your little boy that he could be a little girl there to teach her kid that the spectrum of gender which is a bunch of crap anyway, there not allowed to teach her kids about sexual. fluidity and malleability and gender fluid chickens they're not allowed to teach about any of this stuff. Now I would be perfectly vine with a bill and that education in all public schools for all grades, because I dont think it is the job of public school teachers. Teach your kids sexual mores. I do not. I don't care whether had is seventeen.
It doesn't seem to me. The teachers should be put in the position of in values to students, since they have no values to pass on to students that are real that to me as apparent it is my job to inculcate those values. In my kid, and if I choose to inculcate values in my kid that are different from those of the mainstream. Well, that's my prerogative as well, but the notion that the state has a deep. I live interest in teaching my my six year old about- A sex is absurd. Ok, and everyone knows- is absurd by pulling data. Everyone agrees with this bill. Democrats agree with There is a poll that, on the of Florida and found a plurality of Democrats, agree with this bill, I have more extreme position in the bill, which is, I don't think that sex edge should be taught other than just the biology of how sex works for reproductive purposes, because that's necessary for teaching biology other than I don't see why any of this stuff should be taught in schools. It has not
one iota to the real education of children across Amerika over the course of the last fifty years. We have been drawing it, but I sat with his bills that this bill, just as you're, not allowed to teach her gay gender and sexual orientation propaganda when there are six to eight years old, which is utterly unconscious. For anyone who lives in the real world. Anyone who has kids this is not controversial stuff if you're a gay parent. This is not controversial stuff because, after all, why would like, due to gay parents, teach there children about sex at the age of five like I would assume not. I assume that day, the same priorities and preserving the innocence of their children up to a particular age that I do as a straight there, but apparently, according to the left. This the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe? Why? Because here's the thing the left claims that they're all about defending children- they are not. They don't give one crap about kids, they do not care, and some of the radical left. I'm not talking about your typical liberal, who just votes differently than I did.
I am sure, because those people by the white generally agree with me on this bill. I'm sorry about the radical left. Not only do they not give a crap about kids and the since of children are protecting the innocence of children. They actively wish you violate the innocence of children by turns into little echo chambers to validate their own adult decisions. That's what this is only about is about indoctrinated. Small children said these small children are weaving gay pride flag. So you can feel better about yourself. That's what this is really about: because kids don't need to know about any of this stuff. They don't and by the way, kids in public see a pride flags all the time and they don't know what it's about, because they're innocent not been taught about it, and it's been true by the way at Disneyland for years and the people walking Round Zealand for years wearing gay pride paraphernalia! No one cares, and there is no one cares it because if you wish to indoctrinate your kids on the stuff you will, and if it is not you you won't, but the idea that public schools should If you stop having school tomorrow,
letting kids in the stuff, it's really really bad. Men has only because you're a peculiar early school, I don't who's seeking validation from small children. only reason you would want to start to get. There is no other reason only say protecting gay kids. It is not about protecting kids were five years old. An identified is gay because guest, What have you been to puberty? Yet a kid at five we know what it means to be gay as absurd. Kids, don't even have the hormones rushing through their body that allows them to think that way at the age of five, Six, seven, eight years old, what the hell's says, what the media say that the bill says are two completely and utterly different things sort of like the media coverage of info.
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unless consumer access, dot, Org go check them out right now. American financing dot net, if you are looking at a mortgage refined, do not wait any longer, because the rates are only gonna go up from here over the course of next year's. It Mary financing net, a joke! There's nothing controversial media made controversial and they picked up the language I mean it's amazing. All you have to do is look at how the media cover the signing of this bill, and you can see how dishonest. They are Virtually every headline includes the words, don't say gay in the headline, not in the bill, it doesnt mention were gay once it has nothing to do saying the word gay in the classroom as posing the word straight in the classroom or single sex in the classroom. It does nothing to do with them, but every major media publication has picked up on the characterisation of the bill, as I said before, they are just propaganda tools that left at this point. The equivalent of Joe Biden, puts out his build back better act and Republicans called the wasteful bending and garbage act.
And suddenly the entire media started, calling it the wasteful spending and garbage ass. It were this new generated corporate blow back so Disney. Where are, I have to say, I am from for a group of people who support ITALY run the country and they're gathering behind the, closed doors in order to discern direction of society. The people who lead our corporate overlords ship most gutless cowards, I have ever seen in my entire life there, so unbelievably gutless Disney has two hundred thousand employees Disney has hundred of millions of not billions of people who consume its product every single year. Everyone condemns Disney product. A couple of hundred woke radical employees decide that they are very and that small children not be indoctrinated into validating their lifestyle and the entire
Cooperation of Disney starts trembling because they are cowards, their pathetic, stupid cowards. So they put out a statement yesterday, the Walt Disney company. Which again is a company directed at preserving the innocence and magic of childhood they have to put out a statement. Kids need to know about. Gay sex is very important. Here's what their statements, as quote Florida, be fifteen, fifty seven, also known as say, p1537, also known by whom, as don't say by whom only by people who are steeped in propaganda for Hb fifteen. Fifty seven, also known as the don't say gay bill should never have passed. if had never been signed into law, says Disney, says Walt Disney a company They should have nothing to do with anything, except for providing innocent content that I can give to my children in a safe environment. That is what Disney product is for. It's that when my kids watch tv, I know They are not going to be interpreted with a bunch of happy horse crap from the left.
So a Disney puts out a statement that our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts? Weight? Isn't your goal as a company to bribe it's in services that I, as a parent, wished to consume on behalf of my trial. Isn't that your job is company, a magical place where I can take my kids on a Sunday, so they can. Mickey Mouse and small world unreal, is that your goal is a company Walt Disney Company was to teach my kids Boys can be girls and princes can be princesses. I didn't really is that what you're goal as accompany affect dollars? I remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that. We are dedicated to standing up the rights and safety of algae beating you plus I a double p, o backslash colon. Semicolons, star dollar sign hashtag little thing that goes over the over the letters in Spanish Tilda members of the Disney family. as well as the Lgbtq plus Minus Backslash community in Florida and across
I didn't realize that the rights and safety. If Disney employees were being violated in Florida. I noticed that The world is still in Florida. Has there been a sin? of attack on Disney employees in Florida? Are people like pulling Disney ways. Often siren been there boy. Bt are you? Are you work for you? We map a gay, doing this is that how it goes now because of the so called, don't say gay bill. Is that what's happening here in Florida? or is everybody going about their daily business and teaching their kids you? Sexual more, is developed bridge their child at a particular point in age? Is that was going on Because it seems more, like the latter think so Disney, always, though, that what the radical at their such wires is now about to say, if it is not about safety of the employees, the safety of employees of Disney is not threatened. That's ridiculous! It's ridiculous! Well, what am I will say? I'm just highly amused:
Disney, which is one of the most repressive employers on planet earth. Again, my mom used to work for Disney Channel there were there were nicknames for for what it was like to work at Disney that are completely non era, appropriate about the pianist that was dictated by Disney's employment standards, but the minute that you say the Euro member of a sexual minority that all this you can walk out of your job and their consequences. Now that not only are there no consequences, you get to run the company, you just run the company going to live to regret this crap? They really are because the people that they are alienating is parents their alien. people with children their alienating their entire consumer base on behalf of a Your people wish to be validated by the thoughts of small children is pathetic. Stupidity really is and the reason I'm angry about it is because I enjoy Disney product. I grew up on Disney products Disneyland are annual pass members when, in California we still take our kids to Disney World. I can walk around the house in song from encounter my kids, what
All of this stuff. No, it was marinated that there Very into Disney content new content is wonderful if you wish you steep your content. Left wing values I will just stop consuming it: and so will millions of other parents. if Disney really wishes to hone in on that key group of left wing, its wish to sexually indoctrinate children in public schools. Congratulations on shrinking your market from one hundred percent of parents for about five percent of balance. really well done! Well done this! Eugenia's it? You gay, animators and suddenly entire corporation is work on behalf of glad not on behalf of their of their consumers. Again, there is no threat, Disney's employees, Disney's gay employees, any employees- it's all ridiculous, they will. If Disney is going to start sounding off on politics seriously, it wouldn't be about how bout time for them to sound off on weaker genocide, I notice that they have not and they they ve.
To say about that, of course, so apparently only certain things are worthy. I sounding off on. So obviously a time in American Walter, which is why you should give a new podcast a listen. This is the Jordan Harbinger, show it's top shelf podcast named best of apple in twenty eighteen lot of folks tell you to listen to podcast. I told you to listen to a lot of podcasts. This is one you definitely Do not want to miss Jordan, Harbinger dived into the minds of fascinating people from athletes to authorise a scientist. Mobsters despise got episodes of Kobe Bryant he's got up this DEN Carlin and a lot of fast native people, even if you disagree with Jordan and find something that you learn Your has enormous talent, forgetting his to share never been heard before stories and thought provoking insights without fail, he pulls out tactical bits of wisdom and each of us out something you can actually weapon eyes in use in your own life. It's a great. It wasn't casually he's got a strangely relatable weekly segment called feedback Friday or Jordan covers advice on everything from cycle family situations to relationships to networking. Now I'll always agree with Jordan, what he says on the show, but it's a lot of people. Listen to this a lesson
you're, going to learn something you can't go wrong with adding the Jordan Harbinger show to your rotation is really interesting. There's not a dull show, search for the Jordan Harbinger Show that hey our beaches in boy. I end as an anti g are on Apple pie cast. But if I or wherever you listen upon guess. round us answers, spokeswoman, Christina Petrov. If history it does need a Friday email, the Fox business blasting, the Mouse House's court. Having failed to condemn the Chinese Communist Party Human rights violations and saying that the his dispositions. The genocide is much worse than silence, which is true because they make a lot of money off of the Chinese. By the way, also worth noting, is Katie Pavlik points out over at Town Hall that Disney on problems with regard to the violation of children, a circle of Two: twenty twenty one Disney World employees among seventeen people arrested in Florida, child predator sting Before I hear lectures from Disney about how We are somehow preying on children by protecting our own kids. By the way the mic is not Disney's goods. Before I hear from you about that
You might want to actually do some background track down your employees to a parent molesting small kiddies as part of a sting infected child predators in Florida. In August seventeen people arrested, including several Disney world, employees. Apparently, Some of these employees were at Disney Hollywood studios at the time of their arrest, one He was a Disney's animal kingdom. Kingdom lodge illegally. It is pregnant, girlfriends pursue underage sex, so seems like a Disney. Might want to clean up its own house when it comes to the protection of the it's never been about. The protection of the innocence of kids for dinner for Disney, it's all about the money, but it we're really about the money. This is the part. It's amazing! It's not even about the money for them. At this point, it's about the pure and simple cowardice of the act. They are such unbelievable cowards. And because their an echo chamber, they really think, as is winning issue for them, we should for Disney and it is not winning issued for democratic politicians. There echo What is so narrow? They watched the Oscars
along with Regina Hall and Wanda Sykes and Amy Schumer, rating of zero, three three people who have no purchase The american public they're chanting, along with them gay, gay, gay gay, and they think that somehow this is going to win the massive political victory. Really I hope they embrace it embrace it go for it. Man do this every day of the week run on indoctrinate small kids, but it can be a member of the opposite sex. Let's see how well that goes. For you to national election Jack asses, so Joe Biden put out, sweet on the issue. White House did Biden said Deserves to feel safe and welcome in the classroom, except if you to retain your innocence, because you must be adopted by a teacher who is right: as a member of the opposition, are, of course our energy Meet EU plus I a minus backslash. You deserve to be affirmed that accepted just They are first of all this idea that there's just a wide swath of five year olds. Lgbtqia everybody being doc. Indoctrinated in glad favoured views of sexuality.
Factually untrue and again I keep it was, but there's no other word for it. It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous! Laughably, ridiculous! mines, as my administration will continue to fight for dignity and opportunity for every student family in Florida around and though you won't know, you won't fight to get them into schools. If Randi Weingarten tells you that they wish to not have teachers teach ever again What about a masks? The f you talking about, if you protect your, It's not gonna protect your kids. You want to know why parents are swinging against the Democratic Party. It's because they know the Democratic Party's more interested in paying off teachers unions, so they can use that money to get Democrats Elect. and they are actually educating your kids, apparently on anything other than have non. Additional forms of sex is like the Many of the Democratic Party these days really go for advice you own. It and you got origins Governor Kate Brown, she's very focused in on saying gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay she's. Very. We stand on saying this a lot. I noticed that she's not focused in,
You know stopping insurrections in major cities like Portland, but I hear she was preaching. that children must be indicated in in El Gb, Tiki, plus minus backslash carriages, Gunnar Governor Kate Brown here in Oregon. We Reggae Oregon, hence our welcoming of our elderly t you, I can even be members. We want make sure that Oregon is a safe, inclusive and welcoming place for all she is so tiresome so of course, is the first openly bi for statewide office, holder in the state of Oregon's, a slow clap for the state of Oregon, because you know it's really important stuff super important stuff in and in Oregon. They said, I have a question how many parents are moving to Oregon because they say gay. You know it tells the tale on how people want govern. Where do the feet go? They go. I know the going to Oregon from Florida or the other way around. Why is it that Disney
is growing in Florida and shrinking in California. Where do you go back to California seriously? Take off crap, go back California and see how well gave a new some fruit you when you shuts down Disneyland for a year and a half we'll see how that works for you is so all of this was printed by the way. This is the the greatest political trap I've ever seen laid by the dishonest administration in floors. It's such a great political trap because they ve somehow got the entire left to only idea that sexual indoctrination of children is winning issue I dont know is a magic trick. I understand that the left believes that if they see something on Fox, they have to know immediately the foxes wrong in its bad But if you continue down this path, you will destroy yourselves you destroy yourselves So this is a massive trap that sands is is setting up for the left. Then they fall for pretty much every time. While you know this trap that you're falling into that trap is paying too much for your gas and all right now Ray Romulus, and everyone is paying too much for gas right now, because again, thanks Joe,
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from a contribution at twenty five cents per gallon or more cash back on our very first tank of gas, so somehow run a census has got the entire left to say out loud that they want small children. Learn about sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten. Somehow he's gotten these morons to say it out. It's incredible and just imagine, if round, assassins of being the republican nominee, for example, in twenty twenty four came, just imagine a debate between him and a doddering Joe Biden who somehow has been rolled out there, because they cannot allow Como errors to do this or people to judge the Secretary of State or secretary of transportation. Can you imagine that debate What are these people says to round us answers? You passed in town, bigoted law in your state, I don't say gay and Rhonda senses looks at them and our bill banned. The indoctrination of small child into sexual orientation and gender identity. Why do you want to talk to kindergartners about sexual perverts? Perv. if he says that Joe Biden can you imagine that, can you imagine that is that going to go well for Joe Biden.
This is not a winning issue. For Democrats is so yes, they just answer scientists in a war and in doing so you browse January Little John has been a guest on this program. Talking about her story, her story is that her child was basically socially transitioned at school. Without her permission, teachers did not. Her they were using her kid as social experiment and telling her kid. to go by another name and Britain, Kid was a member of the opposite sex. She didn't find out about this cause the school
Elaborately lied to her, so here she was explaining and September of two thousand and twenty. My daughter told me after school she had a meeting with school officials that was held behind closed doors where they asked her, which restroom she wanted to use. I immediately contacted the school is told by the guidance, counselor and assistant principal that I could not be given any information regarding the meaning and that by law my daughter had to be the one to authorize my notification of the meeting or attendance to the meeting. In other words, school officials asked my thirteen year old child her permission as to whether or not my parental rights would be honored. When parents are excluded from critical decisions affecting their child health and well being at school it. Since the message to children that their parents and put an authority are no longer important. This created a huge wedge between our daughter and thus because it sent the message that she needed to be protected from us. Now
I okay, so, let's see see taking the opposite position of of this is going to be popular with parents across the country. Democrats better go back to RON Desantis they are making round his answers. Not only into the nominee they're making him into the president, that's what they are doing right now. It's incredible around us It says basic things like don't sexually indoctrinate kids and the entire lives, like No, we will really actually indoctrinating kids run. The bad man is bad. So here's RON Desantis just ripping and isn't that what but also you it's so the entire pitch of the Democratic Party for decades has been the Republicans. Are the party of evil plutocrats there? The party of corporate Amerika of big business they oppose while business they oppose the little guy there trying to squash the individual right to squash the blue collar worker. Then you have one big corporations on Earth Disney come out and say we, in favour of the sexual and of your children, and this It's a Brandis answers to not only slap a people want you miss parents,
destroy your children, but also to slap at one of the biggest corporations on earth, making him a populous you idiots its or ass. Yours, IRAN, designed as we will continue to recognise that in the state of Florida parents have a fundamental role in the education, health care and well being of their children. We will not move from that. I don't care what corporate media outlets say. I don't care what Hollywood. says I don't care what big corporations say here. I stand, I'm not backing down there making him into a hero you you are doing dots. Fine, continue. Really pleasing run. A census goes further and he points out that Hollywood. Very, very upset with this, and he makes us point that I did yesterday on the show which is? Would you want the Hollywood degenerates you saw at the Oscars? Actually making pals you for your kids. Is that who
mousing Farragut's or you you get to make policy of your get. If the people who held up degenerates like Harvey Wine Steen as exam, Lars and as heroes, and is all that if those are the types of people that are opposing us on parents rights, I wear that, like a badge of Honor man in if power, if all politics is essentially oppositional. Allowing round his answers to pick his opposition. Just by allowing him to stake out eighty percent positions with parents and then watching the left. Take the other side because they just hate Rhonda, Santa's man. I will say that that dissenters, his weapon eyes, weaponized The single politics of this type. Syria better than any politician in America. Twelve new Anything that he said would be immediately opposed by the left. The problem is that Trump was never particularly. about which issues he chose to make the issue whatever on Monday. Dissenters knows that, whatever he says, the we're pose until he will say things like the sky is blue,
No, no, that's not true. How dare you, Sir Neil, say things like what, if we don't teach your five year old about gas acts and Lebanon, You will our five year olds about sex. In fact, we will your child about gay sex and the game and made him understand the game and they are their way behind your their web. So let it continue organs for the democratic that at least they have won it most cogent and articulate presidents of our lifetime on the world. Stage to oppose people like RON Desantis AIDS, Really, it's really great that we have a president who is so with it sharp. I would say that he has a stunning command of the english language. Absolutely Indiana every issue is incisive. The man is diamond sharp as president of the United States yeah If you can't, if you can't hear the sarcasm, my voice, I'm sorry that you have a condition because then just one moment around us answers running rings around the Democrats, the Good NEWS for Democrats that they have
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the so Joe Biden, this It is just a stellar example of of all of the intellectual weight that the presidency can bring to bear so over the weekend. You will recall he just screwed up and screwed up inscription more like a lot a lot a lot safer to walk out yesterday Angel Presser, and he brought with him. I kid you not this little cheat sheet, it is a cheatsheet and then he held it up no way that the cameras could get it, and so here is what it says on his little cheat, because he can barely speak English sent I mean. Frankly, I'm surprised you can read at this point. I did that these these are coming sentences, and it doesn't seem like our presidents capable of reading complete sentences anymore. It should have just said like cat with a picture of a cat and that that's a
much work is buying can do as he has a shocking points and as we have seen a second, he still grew up. The dog boys there in front of them on a sheet of paper, the right in front of him and still blowing, it is a here's, what it says as tough Putin, Q and a talking points. I love that they have to avoid tough, isn't just like Putin, Q and a talking points. It's tough, if remind him. These are his. These are these are hard mister one if you weren't advocating for gene change. What did you mean? Can you clarify? I was expressing the moral outrage I felt for the action of this man I was not our take a change in policy as well the second? He has actually ask that question. Then he blows the answer to Mccrone. He wouldn't into views these words and the UK government suggested it was a problem. Is now The splinter unity was you're. Nato allies, no, NATO, has never been more united, it's sad, isn't it Easiest answers in the entire world, and yet you get memorize them because he's not with us, the President of the United States passed away,
at least a year ago, and they have been wheeling around his nuns. in body for a while. Now probably abortion advocates who believe it. Is the measure of a human life I present to you, the president. of the United States, my Goodness is so yesterday he was asked about having walked back a bunch of stuff. Now he's walked back a bunch of stuff, and and and so he just lied about His- I am walked back anything, but he hats. We were all there, I'm not going be gasoline by a man who doesn't even know how to turn on a light bulb. Are you worried that other leaders in the world are going to start to doubt that America is back. If some of these big things that you say on the world stage, keep getting walk
that much can he walk back it made it sound like just the last couple of days. It sounded like he told US troops. They were going to Ukraine, it sounded like he said it was possible, the? U S would use a chemical weapon and it sounded like, calling for regime change in Russia, and we know none of the three occurred. None of the three none of the three none, three occurred. I present to you Joseph R I'd in saying all three of these things in a row if chemical weapons were used in Ukraine. Would that trigger a military spot response from NATO, It would trigger a response in kind whether or not you're asking whether NATO would cross weed that decision at a time and you're going to see when you're there have you been there you're going to see you're going to see women, young people stand and stand in the middle of front of damn tank, just say I'm not leaving. We will have a different future. A brighter future rooted
I present principal hope and light of decency and dignity of freedom and possibilities. For God's sake, this man cannot remain power. It never happened. It never happened. He went and borrowed that that mind eraser thing from men in black from Will Smith Well, let's just use it on his lap what s at a second, but here and then then you should use it on it. Do you never happen any of it and if you believe it happened, it's because you're a bad match, boo, very manageable, Michigan chef DE is then I was about you know the US using chemical weapons because he said that we respond in kind if Vladimir Putin used chemical weapons. chemical weapon used by Russia would trigger a response in kind. It will trigger a significant response? What does that burn? I'm not tell you
Why would I tell you you gotta silly the world wants to. I want to know a lot of things: I'm not telling them what the response would be, then that Russia knows the response. Yes, that's the point The point is that Russia should know the bonds- oh my God, Peter use these like what is the actual response. If Vladimir Putin use kind of a secret, it's a secret mic secret, a while, but I don't you want him to know that you're going to do something really bad, so he doesn't do it no cause. It's a secret and secrets are secret. That's why they're called secrets I have a brother in law, my brother in law. I met when he was maybe eleven years old, ten years old, that little ease a little kid when we met and because I married my wife for fourteen years at this point- and my brother in law is such a sweet little kid, and I remember there is one situation where he had a girl at his school and he and this girl were kind of on again off again friends, and he said he walked in one day and he said
this girl Mary, send me. I stop talking to Mary is already, wise you up. I had a point system and the points some was that if she'd said too many mean things to me, then I would stop talking to her and we set out. She know about the points. It seems in no secret. and we all laughed because of course, it's that silly really give you actually work. To dissuade somebody from saying mean things you have to tell them that if they go beyond a certain point, then you going to then you're going to have a punishment for them. Joe Biden has adopted My brother in law was system for foreign power she from when he was like nine ten years old, We have a seat. We have a secret punishment system aligned for you, Mr Putin. It's very secret, we're not going to tell you we're not going to tell the world, I mean you don't know, what's behind your name, Three hundred number three could be chemical weapons or it could be a puppy. We just don't know, and if we I'm not going to tell you it's a secret, like I'm, smiling about it.
We're Joker Agreement, this move any more solar. Okay, then he was asked about that walking things. By anything back. I've never walked anything back mainly. I can't walk anymore one I'm not walking. Eighty back. The fact of the matter is I was expressing more outrage. I felt he's already way. Putin is deluded and the actions of this man is just brutality. Half the children in Ukraine. I had just come from being with those families. and and so on, but I want to make it clear. I was: Then, nor am I now or tickly the policy change. I was an internet meme known as as uber. I love that he he has to keep going back to the sheet it's in front of him, you could see it on. The video folks are only listening at sea. The visual visual is a job I and is looking down at the sheet, and then he saw he looks up. When
to do his sincerity about like kids of Ukraine, and then he looked back down at the sheet he's got lost. Get to talking boys that looking back down at his sheet. Ah this dollar the start about budget again The media will tell you he's not lost up, maybe if he has not losses Joe Biden's, because he had no steps to lose cause. There are no steps happening here. He is completely planted to the ground. His feet are encased in cement. He is not moving. He has no more steps. There are no steps to lose their job. just babbling nonsense. budget lowers family energy costs with tax credits, so people make their homes more efficient research and development abroad. Richness, the reach of solar and build a clean energy future. Budget also invest and others of by products from common good. I call them unity and tenders and spoke to him at the state of the union. Beating the appointed deal period, epoch
taking on challenges of mental health, supporting our veterans and any cancer, as we know it Yeah things are a lot worse, because guess what nobody This guy and thanks, I am so intimidated by him, I'm so intimidated by Joe Biden and his brill and incisive ability to look into the issue and soon the proper path forward is age. If Ukraine somehow pulls this off, it's basically because of Ukraine, it is not because of Joe Biden,
what can I do to help make my business more productive? Every successful businesses will not only ask themselves this question, but will create a business plan based on it at Ford Pro. We're purposely built to help turn these plans into reality, so forget about cobbling together telematics here, electric vehicles from there we offer more one stop shop approach. We will find ways to help manage your fleet bundle, you're, feeling streamline the whole thing all under one hood, so to speak, introducing a productivity accelerator for your business is Fort Protocol, so the latest on Ukraine by the way is that the ukrainian counter attacks have in fact been gaining some territory meanwhile, Ukraine and Russia are preparing for talks in Turkey. According to the wall, street Journal and Ukraine prepared to hold ceasefire talks in Turkey and try to more than a month of war, well intentioned fighting continued with ukrainian forces pressing to reach territory north of the capital, Kiev after russian forces, fired missiles, Several ukrainian cities overnight, Russian, a ghost there's reduce will rise in Istanbul late on Monday, followed by
ukrainian delegation during the night for ceasefire talk schedule. for Tuesday morning, present conditions under which we could all the referendum on a tragedy, but only after russian occupation forces leave Ukraine's territory. The Kremlin said so are no negotiation. Breakthroughs western officials express doubts whether Russia is ready to halt hostilities in Ukraine. At this point worth noting here that there were negotiators who are legitimately poisons the other day in you, brain so there there were these it's kind of an amazing story, so the negotiators included a one russian old, Roman Abramovich and he was legit. They were legit poison. They one could russian hardliners but kind of unclear who would have been able to have access to make the poisoning happen. Accords
whilst Wall russian Oligarch, Robin Abramovich and ukrainian peace negotiators suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning after meeting in earlier this month, the matter said: Abramovich ukrainian lawmaker, Roosten, rumour of and another negotiator developed symptoms. Following March, there many and keep included red eyes, constant and painful jeering feeling skin on their faces and hands, Abramovich was blinded for a few hours and later had eating. According to a person familiar with the matter. Some of familiar the matter blame the suspected attack. Liners in Moscow who said they wanted to sabotage talks to end the war. A person close up to about they said it wasn't clear who had targeted the group. Abramovich and others involved in the incidence improve their lives, aren't endanger apparently Wednesday, who met with a round which was not affected so once you spoke, Instead, he had no information about any suspected poisoning. Umarov said I'm fine, apparently western I said it was hard to determine whether the symptoms for cod,
by chemical or biological agents or by some sort of electromagnetic radiation attack the Kremlin's respond to requests for comment about the suspected poisoning. Meanwhile, on the ground are really ugly, there's a visa. that is now merge of russian peeled double use being shot in their legs by ukrainian forces. Now this is the sort of thing it happens during wars, is why, whenever anybody Sir pretends that war is our clean business in which one side is completely innocent, has clean hands and the other side is completely abysmal and she in in terms of human rights? That is rarely the case. That does not equate more. What is happening where Russia is bombing a completely sovereign country into the ground, and Ukrainians are defined it is to say that human rights violations don't happen on a fairly frugal. Basis during more is to ignore the nature of war bottom and here is- it- doesn't seem like these negotiations are ready to bear fruit, mainly because no offer M has been provided to Putin at this point, and it can't help at the President of the United States, is not making clear what exactly he wants out of all of this, the west is not me,
clear what exactly they think. The final step here is and so long as that is the case, it can be very difficult to come to some sort. arrangements or agreement with Putin and that's going to be the only outcome here. The outcome is not going to be regime change, as now Joe Biden is finally acknowledging sort of now not saying it's all in the West did come up with some sort of plan that Putin can accept What I am saying is that the West has to come up with some form of plan that Putin at least has to consider otherwise Putin has no incentive whatsoever to stop the bombing campaign or not to continue this protracted guerrilla war in Ukraine, we're not to bring Belarus in from the north or not Use weapons of mass destruction, I have a feeling that it Joe Biden Super Secret, double secret probation plans, respond to chemical weapons attacks. I don't think Putin is going to be dissuaded from using chemical weapons on that basis. So again things are likely to grow uglier rather than less ugly over the course of the next week over in Ukraine mean
the president of the United States, continues to push forward. With the idea that he's going to somehow rescue his fading approval ratings with class warfare, nonsense, So yesterday he rolled out. I could you not a five point: eight trillion dollar budget, a five point: eight trillion dollar budget for the United States. Now be normal budget for I'd say it is like a trillion dollars less than this: the federal budget for fiscal year. Twenty twenty was about four point: seventy nine trillion trying to spend six trillion, because this is the way that the ratchet works. Once you ratchet up the spending, he can't ratchet down the spending ever ever ever again. That's the way, typically, that the federal government works once you have Rachel up to four trillion under the very very, last year of the stimulus package under under or the or or tarp under George W Bush, then it is
that it is six million to now Joe Biden is proposing in the time of massive inflation, we dump six trillion dollar, in the economy, numbers never seen by God or man. According to the New York Times, President Biden amount proposed a five point: eight trillion dollar budget that includes significant increases in funding for the military and police departments, along with higher taxes on corporations and the wealthiest Americans. The request to Congress for fiscal, twenty, twenty three or four: growing security and economic concerns at home in overseas, proposing a seven percent increase in domestic spending priorities like anti gun violence initiatives, affordable housing, manufacturing investments to address supply chain issues that helps a fuel rapid inflation, Guess what pouring money on inflation rates more inflation? the definition of inflation is too much money chasing too few goods you pouring money. On top of that is growing gasoline on a fire, the also for the first time proposed a discreet stream of funding for veterans affairs, medical care
inaudible spending increase was Biden's, seven hundred seventy three billion dollar military proposal, a ten percent rise. that's like Russia's invasion of Ukraine and concerns about chinese ambitions that request included billions. Did it in its recent missiles from hostile nations like North Korea and IRAN, along with six point, nine billion help NATO countered, threats, Russia and elsewhere now Ray, defence spending makes sense, because, during your bombs really really hollowed out the United States. Military to not fight it. You front war which more more, it appears like be the reality. If, in fact, your real war broke out a war with Russia in the EAST, a in in the western and a war with China in the east would be most likely scenario if you were to ballpark this out, but the the rest of the spending is unforgivable. The White House budget proposal, according to the New York Times, but less emphasis on the types of grand social climate in economic policies by an announced last year, but have run into resistance from moderate Democrats by I love how the New York Times is trying to spin a six trillion dollar budget proposal as a form of moderation. Now.
Instead the budget continued. The president's pit- State of the union address where he you friends, domestic agenda that focus less than sweeping aspirations and, more on she's worrying swing. State Democrats, like rising consumer prices, crime and health CARE Biden, said in a statement. Budgets are statements of values. The budget I am releasing today, since a clear message, we value fiscal responsibility. Is that really what it is right? There values fiscal responsibility, no. But I will say it is hilarious that Joe Biden is now attempting to fund local police departments, so we went from it find the police to thirty billion dollars for for police department. Also, you three and sixty seven million dollars for the deal. J T support police reform, The crackdown on police departments prosecute hate crimes, so we can make sure that justice, Malaya doesn't attack. John sees me a and protected voting rights by which he means we cannot prosecute states that actively promote things like voter id now. All of this is going nowhere. His budget is
YO a it has no chance of passage and Biden's economic adviser. Zillion has admitted as much that this is no there's, never gonna become reality. You know outside forecasters who have been you know who are studying this as well. I expect that inflation will be higher than they were, anticipating back when we locked our budgets of them at the beginning of the year before the invasion, but they do expect that as we learn to maintain academic activity. While we are still working through this while we were at while supply chains continue to improve, although obviously there's there's uncertainty there with, for example, lockdowns in China, but we expect them to work through that that we expect supply chain challenges to ease. We do expect inflation to ease this here and into next year have none of this is going to happen at a supply, challenges that are facing this administration are not going to believe he added by attempting to poor trolling dollars onto a budget, but the lies,
coming fastened varies from its administration because they have the wine and nothing else to promote, see how the o n B director shall land a young saying you know but there's gonna do it can reduce the deficit spinning. Six rolling dollars reduces the deficit. Guys again, this is like my wife coming home from north from and telling me that she has spent one thousand dollars, but she saved eight hundred dollars on sale, I noticed the thousand dollars going out. The door is what I noticed is areas The director shall and a young straight from Nordstrom the budget outlines the president's vision to expand on this progress. Its investments are more than fully paid for through tax reforms, ensure corporations and the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. It achieve significant deficit reduction over the next decade and it ensures no one earning less than four hundred thousand dollars pays a penny more in new taxes, yeah. I don't know any of those things that did there the people under on four hundred thousand dollars a year are going to be paying not more new taxes. That's been repeatedly among. Meanwhile,
Japan is out there saying he loves capitalism, I no, he doesn't. He is not worth. Capitalism, as men fact is: never earned a serious buck in his life outside of politics. Not one he's not sorry. A business is not employed anyway. his work in government, since she was twenty nine years old. That's when he He was elected to the United States in when he was twenty. Nine years old has been a complete. was person his entire life on the public dole and and then he's gotten his children involved in in such niceties as running around picking up bags of cash from foreign oligarchs. Here is the president of the United States explaining how much he loves capitalism and he would notice capitalism because he's never been engaged in it, not for one iota of his life. right now: billionaires pay an average rate of eight percent on their total income, eight percent- that's the average they pay. Now, I'm a capitalist, but just a lot of you make a billion bucks great, just pay. Your fair share pay a little bit of firefighter and a teacher pay more than
double double the tax rate than a billionaire, their candidacies. They lie, so us or not creepy whisper Joe, don't do it? No, I hate it when he does that it's the worst so awkward. It's that moment when Grandpa just starts whispering you're iranian smells breath. That's terrible, sick. It's, like God, was more old spice man, think it's just right and everytime. He does that it's it's the clown from it in the sewer skinny. Let me offer you a balloon. okay, so let me get over there for a second, but when Joe Biden says things like love cap Wasn't billionaires pay no income tax? That is a lie when it comes to cap
oh gains? They are not classified as income. The only way you can make this argument is pretending that capital gains in income are classified the same way by the law. They are not the reason they are not classified. The same way by the law is because we wish to encourage people to invest in things like the stock market to invest in starting businesses. It's why little gains are not tax to like income. That's why it the reason their fire fighter pays aid, want to higher tax rate than a billionaire. On quote, unquote in is because you're using two different definitions of income. Your fight or investing in the stock market and getting the same capital gains the billionaire. Then they would all. be paying the capital gains tax rate. I- most of my income as income. That means I pay eight, an income tax rate well above eighty George, firefighter. There will come a point in my life when I retire and I earn most of my money from the money I have already paid taxes on and then I am now investing in the stock market and those we call
capital gains she's lying. It's not true, where the facts coming any facts from media. No! No! I love capitals. No heed. Since no he doesn't by the way the way the you know it doesn't love. Capitalism is because of his idiotic new wealth tax proposal, so he's proposing a twenty present tax on unrealized asset gains. I talked about yesterday. This is you you want to talk about unfairness in taxes. How about the idea that you are now going to be taxed as a person, did of the increase in value on your home, Let's say that you bought a home for twenty thousand dollars. Now with a million dollars. You bought your home fifteen twenty years ago now, and sold your home, we're just gonna taxi twenty percent of the value of your home. and twenty percent, the value of your million dollar home. The last I checked is about two hundred thousand dollars. You bought your home for two hundred thousand dollars every year, we're going to tax you two hundred thousand dollars make a lot of sense to you No you're, not a moron. Congratulations, Joe Biden The Wall Street Journal.
As a new tax on Americans, with one hundred million one hundred million dollars or more in assets whose effect Tax rate in any year is less than twenty percent of their income, but these taxpayers already pay at once. Three point: eight percent tax on capital gains and thirty seven percent on ordinary income, the average tax rate for the top one per cent of taxpayers in twenty nineteen was twenty five point: six percent. I wish I'd pay twenty five point: six percent in twenty nineteen, my god, I actually paid something closer to fifty percent. In twenty nineteen years, the Biden trip says the Wall Street Journal, but twenty percent minimum tax rate would apply both to ordinary income and the increase in the value of assets in a given year. It's me Stacking unrealized capital gains which currently tax until assets are sold in income actually realized, in other words, this even if it is fractured. Then Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders proposed White House, is now redefining wealth as income, it would appear to have nine years to pay the twenty percent tax on the growth in their assets from the first day, they've accumulated them going forward that at five to pay the tax in their annual unreal capital gains is not
or whether the losses in future years would be alive, Thus it annual gained so a taxpayer might have to bear since eighteen million bucks on an unrealized gaining twenty twenty. Two of ten million box of the assets of one the same ten million dollars. The extra tough luck, the I would win whether financial or other assets rise or fall. Taxpayers would have to report. all assets. The iris annually non tradable assets like stake in a private company would be assessed at the last valuation event increased annually at the five, your treasure array, plus two percentage points or other methods approved by the Treasury secretary, so in other words, if I've liquid, In the daily wire, which I do round stock in the daily, whereas publicly trade fund, that doesn't mean I, like no place for me to sell my stock on a public market I would still be taxed on that, which is ridiculous. The White House would ignore would create massive complications in the tax code. Huge investments, storms, illiquid taxpayers, could could for payments until their sale and current interest charge, invest with us, have an incentive to power into a liquid assets like real estate avoid regularly liquidating stock to pay taxes.
in many regions as the tax would apply to only this obscure, at one percent. But that's not the way this works. the income tax originally applied to people making about five hundred thousand bucks in nineteen thirteen, which is about fourteen point, five million dollars today, income tax. Now applies to at least half of american income earners eh, so yeah. This is all bad and stupid. but at least it allows your mind to pretend that he's doing something. Okay, meanwhile, gotta give you the quick update on Will Smith. So now will Smith as issued an apology to Chris Rock apology, for what it's worth is is a fine apology. I don't see like a massive problem with the apology per se. I still think that is very odd that dumb. The that the rest of the world seems ok with people slapping each other in the face on the regular seems odd, so
Smith said I was out of line and I was wrong. I'm embarrassed. My actions were not indicative of the man I want to be. This came directly after the Academy of Motion picture arts and sciences put out a statement condemning the actions. Mister, Mr Smith's, Mr Smith, last night's show they said we have officially started a formal review around the incident and will explore further action and consequences in accordance with our bylaws standards of conduct and California law. The academy statement came after a meeting on Monday, a five page document of standards of conduct says: go contact that is uninvited and in the situation inappropriate or unwelcome, or coercive sexual attention is prohibited also not allowed as intimidation, stalking, abusive or threatening behavior or bullying disciplinary action. The violence could include suspension, membership or expulsion from the membership. They're not gonna, do there's no way they expelled Will Smith, who just won an Oscar, not going to happen
or they going to do is not going to go Chris Rock and their say. Can you please accept the apologies that were not put in an awkward position, so the the apology was immediately followed by the media? Basically saying, is all over suffices say that if this it involved, A series of different people, including not very, very famous actors- then everybody would have. I would have reacted slightly differently, if a January gone on stage and and assaulted. Chris Rock the genre would be in jail right now without any doubt whatsoever. Will Smith does it, and that is you know it's. The rigour for Hollywood is, after all, Are the elites in the rules simply do not apply to them? As I said yesterday, there's also Deeply wrong with a society in which Half the Americans immediately reacted by saying it's okay to slap people. If you know like their drugs, we Howard Stern for the world's stupidest estate, so Howard Stern, who,
I amazed that Howard Stern has been able to survive the modern era. Truly It is a man who made his bones off of being a wild raging success. and here is Howard Stern. Turning the Will Smith story into something about Donald Trump, because for these folks everything is transfer derangement syndrome, everything where security. This is a live television event. Not one person came out because he's Will Smith. This is a. This is how Trump gets away with. Will Smith and Trump are the same guy? He decided he's going to take matters into his own hands in at a time when the world is at war, bad timing, man, When the world is your so that Israel or not or then what I ve been slapdash that the face off across rock. Then and then is totally vibe also, what does Trump have to do with anything?
you are so desperate, semi spin this into a right wing scandal as they ought. If from it, and are you what a slap somebody ok, then, I would like to point out. Hollywood is one hundred sounds on the left. There are one hundred percent left is a Hollywood mentality right wing mentality is a Hollywood mentality. Is all Howard friend. We are giving a standing ovation, wills met, the other night are able the way to deal with an additional hour of content coming up soon, It show airing at one thirty pm eastern, be sure to check it out over a daily wire dot. Com on bench bear is the Ben Shapiro Show The enjoyed this don't forget to subscribe to the shop help spread the word about them, sugar or show by giving us a five star of you and sharing the show with friends were available on Apple podcast, Spotify Youtube or wherever you get your I guess and be sure to check out some of our other daily wire shows eventually RO show is produced by Elliot Felt, exit producer Jeremy Boring are supervised
producer is math is clever and our production manager is I have a widescreen associate producer, Bradford Carrington. editing by Adam Sigh of its audio is meant by Michael Coral Meta here and make up is by fabulous. Christina production assistant Instagram, the Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty two throw them out while show, I have another big announcement to start the show. Also after the slap heard round the world, the consensus on the Woke left is that it isn't fact acceptable and justified to physically assault. Someone for mean jokes, although there are a number of important qualifiers that we must take into consideration to understand. This rule were talking about that. Also Officially an the anti groomer bill, while the programming genes react with demonic, had a fillip fury, the interface so updates its diversity rules to encourage the hiring of more women, because women are famously experts when it comes to football and a male who identifies as Trans announces that he has just had his first period and should probably seek matter attention right away and our daily cancellations, psychiatrist and pharmaceutical industry have just announced that's grief,
is now a mental illness and there's a drug to cure it. it will make them even richer. What a happy coincidence for then we'll talk about all that and more today, on the Mat Wilshire.
Transcript generated on 2022-04-01.