« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1461 - Will Smith’s Big Slap, And Joe Biden’s Big Slip


Will Smith smacks Chris Rock upside the head at the Oscars; President Biden visits Europe, where he proceeds to gaffe all over himself; and Russia shifts strategy as their offensive stalls out.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Will Smith smacks Chris Rock upside, the head of the Oscars President, Is it Europe where he proceeds to gaff all over himself and Russia strategy as their offensive stalls out I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show I in a show sponsored by Express VPN. Thousands of my listeners have already secured their network data. Join them express, VPN, dot com, Slash Ben will get to all the slap happy news in just one moment. First, if Europe I have some excellent news for you: you have one value for Irish IRA or for one guy, is probably balloon. I said along the longest bull market run in american history. Here is the thing after the bull run. Comes the bear all right now. Evaluations are at historic highs, only seen before the great depression and the dot com crash, and we are seeing the global economy teetering in terms of stability in terms of volatility- so maybe time to cash and take some of those troops of table, secure the winning and your future with gold from birch goal. That is correct, burst gold. A hobby can
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homes and sure is the fact that the theatre experience has been watered down by streaming has been watered down by the fact that their so much good tv and sure it's the fact that fewer people watch each of these picture nominees than they did back and say two thousand two thousand and one, however, now the problem, and this is something that The Oscars simply cannot get over and they will never get over, and this is why the Oscars are never coming back. The problem is people in Hollywood. always thought of themselves as America's moral letters, and they just are not tap between Hollywood and the rest of America becomes clearer every single year, and this year was just excellent, exact parks, It's more kiss example of why the People should never run, anything about your life by people associated with them should never run anything about your life. Why? They are a bunch of low. I q idiots with no moral compass. And why, when they stand there and lecture you about your moral code and how Hollywood is supposed to be America's represented into the world. We should really be looking for another representative to world because, my goodness, my goodness, the only reason
I've got. The Oscars, of course, is no one watch them. More people will hear about them on the show them probably watched the Oscars in its entirety last night. The the only reason it talk about this is Has the Oscars used to be a sort of culture? told him for the United States. It was our chief export abroad. Hollywood was the exporter american ideas in american ideology and american visions, the rest of the world is during thirty forty forties and sixties, and now Hollywood has largely become an afterthought in a sort of global cultural millions, and if we'll do think of Hollywood. It's only. How do we ban the Hollywood movies, who doesn't corrupt? The youth seems to be the way their authorities airing countries Approach, Hollywood move. and yet here in the United States, the media treat Jaska is as though it is. Eight gathering of great looming Its intellectual luminaries, more luminaries foregoing to come together in a sort of conclave, to figure out the moral code by which we must all so it began. Last night the Oscars began last night with a small controversy over the weather.
president of Ukraine. Vladimir Zelensky was going to appear on the Oscars. Now I have to say I'm not sure why Vladimir Zalewski should appear on the Oscars every time there is an international conflagration should that person appear on the Oscars Hymns got a weird dick, but Sean PEN was right. Hot and bothered about the idea that Vladimir Zelensky would not appear on the Oscars, because after all, Vladimir Zelensky is a Hollywood. star in The best picture nominees or alternate he's the leader of a country at war in any Sean Penn was very upset about all of us. If presenters have elected not to pursue the the the leadership in Ukraine who are taking bullets and bombs for us, along with the ukrainian children that they are trying to protect. Then I think every single one of those people and every if that decision will have been the most obscene moment in all of Hollywood history, and I hope that's not what's happening if it turns out to be what's happening, I would encourage
everyone involved to know that, though it may be their moment, and I understand that to celebrate their films, it is so much More importantly, their moment to shine and took to protest and the boy that kind of mere words- and I myself if it comes back to it- I, when I return- I will smelt line in public in publicly smelters disaster down to do what no well in the war John. By the way, I would be remiss vital. that bill. Nye, the science guy and Sean Penn seem to be becoming the same person slowly. It's is very interesting. Wasn't when Sean Penn is doing and documenting what's going on with Zelensky in Ukraine. That's that's fine, that's good! But the point here, which is that and, in the rest of Hollywood, do think of themselves as the moral improvements were from the rest of the universe. It's silly and the silliness is on full display. So right before the Oscars Jamie Lee Curtis gets up just on the red carpet and there she is smiling
posing for the cameras and wearing that's right, a ribbon, a blue ribbon for Ukraine, bravery fearless journalism from Jamie Lee Curtis wearing the ribbon, though, is the point I beat the living crap out of Kramer because you won't wear the age rather, but yeah and then wearing ribbons guys and that's what the Oscars are all about. Demonstrating solidarity with our favorite causes, so yeah the virtue signalling had just begun with Jamie Lee Curtis and her ribbon wearing and all the rest when most of us, well sleep or would have fallen asleep. If we had only had a helix sleep mattress and you would have saved yourself a lot of time and effort if you'd fallen asleep on your helix sleep, mattress, unfortunately or another type of mattress, he didn't fall asleep, maybe a ploughed through the other ninety seven hours of that's how it s. Will you shouldn't of she's gone out? when I told you to do years ago, you should have taken that helix sleep quiz takes two minutes to complete matches your body type and sleep preferences, the perfect mattress for you. Why would you buy a mattress made for somebody else?
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you all about your bigotry are three: Extraordinarily unfunny people, Wanda Sykes, Amy Schumer. And Regina Hall. Now I will admit to you. I have not, seen a thing that one of these people is in four years. I'm not sure I've ever seen movie with Regina Hall, Amy Schumer Ariel. I will run from like the black death and wonder Sykes. may have been funny fifteen years ago, but I'm not sure like did they do These people up out of the bay like what, where did the who at the Oscars like you, know what the on is clamoring, for they are clamoring for three women. Who have been in a combined total of zero hits for awhile that's what the audience is desperate for bring back Amy Schumer. The campaign was was just, it was used in full swing, and how could you scores deny it so they went off. As you know that What right? If I had made my Oscar prediction, who's gonna win best picture because, frankly, I've seen some of them, but nothing has really blown me away this year, but the one
protection I would have made is that they would open with the floor stuff like absolutely because they can't help themselves the only cause the matters to Hollywood is L g BT, Q causes all that matters. All the rest of it is window dressing. Ukraine does not matter them suffering does not matter them. Climate change that matter them is the only thing that matters them and there is It's the only thing that matters to them is because their alternative moral code is we think the matters to them and what a lot of them believe ought to be indifferent, indicates, which is why the very upset with this floor to bill so this floor. Bill obviously wish to become the cause the web in Hollywood, for no reason whatsoever. Considering that what the bill says is you don't get to indoctrinate small children into sexual orientation and gender identity, and all of Hollywood is very very upset about this. I knew for a fact that they would be, dancing gay within the first five minutes, the Oscars for sure, and then they wonder why the Oscar ratings go down? May maybe it's because if I like, when I was a kid, I was like ten eleven years old, my my mom really liked watching the Oscar
and so we like a lot of other families we get together and then we don't watch the Oscars. My dad would feel the annoyance of it and get through the nine hour show together and it was sort of a family bonding event. You'd mock the Oscars and all that There is no way in Hell. I would put my children in front of a screen with these morons on it. There's just no way I would do it. Would you An attempt here is to indoctrinate your kids into reading he'll us values like why, while kindergartners should know about, well, sexuality and gender identity and transgender theory, I know for a fact that, in the first five minutes, though, be snacking you over the head with the mallet of of the of the Florida parental protectionism. Here they were last night, our great comedic mines altogether, Bind Amy, Schumer, Wanda, Sykes and Regina Hall, who, aid together be able to tell a joke. Maybe there was one,
excited so funny guys so much humor happening right here. We're gonna have a great night tonight for you or not the Florida. We're going to I have a gay night- the bravery, the ironically John Bolton, the only one not laughing the ah, but yes that and then the music comes up and the whites come up in the background. Oh ah, heroism of a bunch of people who all agree that small children should be indoctrinated into the joys of of homosexuality and generate entity. What's it yes, yes, Hollywood, yes and then they're all MEG Ryan in it from
We met Sally to the to the chance of these three very, very unfunny people saying gay over and over. Ok, so it begins with this, and these are your moral butters and then we get Amy Schumer again, who I don't know when people thought Amy Schumer was funny, but she has not been funny for a very, very long time. She at a pay gap joke that one's not tired and her joke was is that the Oscars hired these three women, because it cheaper than hiring one man. This year, the academy hired three women to host because it's where the hiring one man well, I mean one man. If any man would have been funnier than those three women, you could have hired a janitor off the street and he would funnier than those three women, as producers noted Chris Rock provided more in one moment this evening. All Ray of those women get across the combined at twenty seven hours of this asker telecast, so yeah, that's tat. He had three
cheaper than hiring honestly. I wonder how much money each of these last year I have a feeling: none of them are poor, even though the really not good at their at their job, then wonder Sykes she's dead, for more she's here to make a Mitch Mcconnell joke, because there's nothing the public likes better than a joke about the Senate minority leader. Now last I checked the Senate Majority leader is Chuck Schumer, who is related to Amy. The president of the United States is a dotterine old fool: NATO by normal, get him, and as president of the United States is commonly heresies from California. Where this event, the boys and the speaker of the house. Nancy Pelosi who's a Democrat from California, but they found to make a joke about me. Mcconnell and toxic masculinity that just in this this must have gone over gangbusters in that writer's room and are probably bouncing off the walls they were. They were laughing so hard slap and tickle fallen on the ground, just spastic leap scream in in hilarity because of this joke man here, arrogant one Sykes making. I have you ever heard of Ms Mcdonald joke in there's no such thing:
you know this year, we far frightening display of how taxing masculinity turns into cruelty towards women and children, damn that miserable com I know I know so conall, jokes right, they are the best, and let me tell you why do people were trying to fall asleep right after watching that Oscar TAT, cast or during it. But here was thing I understand you soporific you're, going falsely from his holocaust, but the blue. I write the blue like I believe you can learn blue box. It would have been a problem for you when I discovered, two in their sleep products. My sleep was completely transformed for the better blue blocks is an optimized health, sleep and recovery company with evidence back products been tested and australian lab conditions back by peer reviewed studies. I have those blue blocks, sleep plus, Is it the remedy? Sleep mask the sleepless glass, their an easy way to ensure that the most atavistic every night simply put them on Three hours before bed from proved sleep, energy and recovery is an easy thing everyone should be doing it sleepless glasses, come in
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their thousands of dollars in swag we permit recalling drugs, but all this led up to Chris Rock making a about Jada Pinkett Smith. Now, Jada Pinkett Smith has Alopecia Means that she has lost some hair, which means that she cut her hair really close. Apparently Chris Rock did not know that, and it makes sort of joke about how She looks like she should star in G, I Jane to look as pretty light stuff. As someone roasted regularly on the internet. There more than a few bench of Euro jokes out there. Ok guys and I find most of them actually pretty funny and by the way there drugs out there about my wife, because I'm a public figure and my wife honestly finds them pretty funny. Most of the but even if we don't find the money who cares, it's called being a public figure, This is like the mildest joke. Anyone has ever told about well Psmith enjoyed a pink at considering they have an open marriage and it is well known that will that will Psmith, let's just say that other deeds and Jane, I think it has been a thing for a very long time within this marriage, like very publicly
So this is my oldest anyone's ever told by Jada. Pinkett Smith on the list of jokes about data pink, it's meant this one is like this rings like one. thousand two hundred ninety two and what? What funny about this. Actually, is that, as you will see after Chris Rock tells this joke, they cut, you will Smith he's laughing. and then he looked over Jada Pinkett and she's and she's mad, and then the unthinkable occurs. You g, I Jane too can't wait. I see he's laughing and then then man, the man that was a nice one, okay oh yeah. He thinks he's going to come up there and stage them in with them, and instead will Smith just launches into an ingest transmit runs out of it midnight-
wow dude it was The g I Jane Joe, he mocked was no I'm going to okay, so I'll go okay! That was the greatest night in the history of television, okay, okay, so. First of all, Chris Rock is more of a man for taking that lap and Will Smith is for throwing it. you're on stage and for several million people in summary, snacks, you upside the head- and you just take it like that principles into fairly big dude It kind of launches into him right there, like the full Batman and Robin Meme right. There ends and and I do so. I will say that the
Lupita Nyong'O, who sitting behind him will Smith there. Her face is kind of everything in this just like. I can't believe, I'm at the same table what's happening right now, but the the kind of first of all, I just have to say this: he gets into one little fight and now they need to send, will Smith to his auntie and uncle out in Bellaire. That's what needs to happen here. the moral standards of Hollywood are weird will is fine with other dude and his wife having sex is not. fine with someone making a joke about his wife at the Oscar. They been public figures for a bout as well, and I've been alive. So that's Now it was a weird strength. Now what was even weirder- and I am- I won't say it's weird cause- it actually does say something about where we are in the country. A huge number of people on Twitter came out from the left and were defending Will Smith, because, after all, it's bad Joe was a mean Joe. How dare he tell a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith? She has alopecia, He shouldn't tell that drug. You may not like the joke, you, I think that's jokes bad
We have a general rule in this country that when somebody makes a joke, you don't like you don't get to smack them upside the head. I don't find this particularly shocking truth be told, So much left is willing to defend this kind of stuff because, after all the left, and willing to defend the idea that violence should be the response you cortical micro, aggressions for years and years and years and years. and I was on national television on CNN Headline NEWS in like two thousand and thirteen two thousand and fourteen and eighteen gender woman meaning a bite. sitting next to me, and I called him, sir, and he threatened me a national if you are putting his hand on the back of my and the rest of us like well, you had that coming assaulted is a decent response: you being labeled by biological, though this is the way the left things now. That if I'm offended I do get to smack, you upset the heavy on. The question is whether these justified in smacking Chris Rock upside the head, but
it was definitely a weird moment. Remember these are all these are all the people you should listen to. These are the people when they chant gay. You should probably let your kids be educated by them. They should set this for how you educate your kindergarten, can't they literally can't keep other means, hands off their wife or their hands off other men who make fun of their wives, but they should definitely educator goods. Very, very important. This is the crap. By the way, one second later Will Smith won the Oscar for King Richard and he received a standing ovation from the crowd is like within minute. it's of him smacking a dude upside the head on national tv for telling a joke. He didn't like or a joke he did like, but then didn't like, because I will say this for all the whipped men out there that the part where, having a joke about your spouse, and then you look up this house is unhappy, and then you realize it that that's happened to a lot of deeds. We get up and smack they do. That's it that's a different thing, so I chose the the crowd giving Will Smith a standing o
wild cheering. Yes, yes get up there and smack somebody will Isn't that nice? Okay, then, Will Smith makes the typical Hollywood apology which, as I'm sorry for just being too good a dude, So here is well meant, saying his very, very sorry for being the most passionate lover in all the land area I want to apologize to the academy when apologize to my phone, my fellow nominees
this is a beautiful moment and I'm not I'm not, I'm not crying for winning an award? It's not it's not about winning and a for me it's about being able to shine a light on all of the people. Tim and Trevor and Zack and Sinatra and Demi and Rg New and the entire cast and crew of King Richard of Venus and Serena, the entire Williams family, the art imitates life. I look like the crazy father lives like there's a a crazy father disliked about Richard Williams, but love them you do crazy things. Love will make you do crazy.
The there's something else in this speech that I think again goes to what Hollywood thinks for itself. Hollywood believes that it is indeed that this is what it's there do it's there to shine. light as a great oblebee consolidates travels the drama gray and is oppressing surges, though, that the basic elements from the forty and the basic film is A man who has been making comedies for years- and he decides that he is tired of making comedies well actually like to watch. Instead, he is going to make a film about the plight of the of the poor in the United States, and so those on this journey across the United States is gradually and ends up on a chain gang and ends up suffering, Indians. It was like a tramp and all of this kind of stuff and at the end of the movie. He realizes that his actual role is to make people laugh and he goes back to making comedies, because this is what Hollywood is for. Hollywood has to entertain us when Hollywood mixes it up, you can ever make them will be delayed because that's all of Hollywood, olive Holly, has decided there not there to entertain us. They are there to act as was for us. They are not our models, their bunch of printing idiots, air bunch of people who are very good at what.
thing very bad at many, many other things among them other things thinking, acting morally those are among the other things in Hollywood and so on. Lecture you or when they see The your values are somehow the wrath while their values are the ones you should listen to, you should just think of the Oscars some glad the asked. Zat there's an object lesson in what the world looks like when these idiots rule, because it's not exactly a pretty sight. Ok, entertainment in real news, and we will get into the real news of the day in just one moment. First, it's hard enough keeping your. Commerce business running smoothly with limited resources. Why not simplify shipping? She can worry about all the more important things in life stamps dot com makes the magic happen for the eliminate all your shipping stress by integrating, with the most popular online shopping platforms, to make labeling a breeze plus get access to deeply discounted shipping options that say about hundred trips to the post office, with stamps dotcom here daily, where we ve been using stamps outcomes, is twenty. Seventeen you dont like wasting
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Went over to Europe over the weekend. Brussels. Anyone over Poland and well Was there he just made a series of gas as it turns out having a man who verges on senility at the head of your country in the middle of a proxy war. with the most armed nuclear power on planet earth, is not an ideal situation. It's not great rush, Military efforts have basically stalled out at this point. Russia now relegating its own desires back toward I thought the original war ends we're going to be, namely the splitting off Lou Haskins and asking, and the consolidation of power in Crimea, They don't have the ability, at this point to completely overthrow the the the governor of Londoners Linsky, barring the use of some sort of weapons of mass destruction or borrowing massive new conscription they dont have the ability to topple the government. They don't have the ability to hold the country, even if they do toppled government has become very clear to the Russians. That does not mean that Vladimir Putin can afford to lose is right. If you are for, if he loses outright, there's a good shot that his regime is over and what this means.
Is that now is the time for the West, as I've been saying for, while to be working and Zelensky has been looking, apparently for an offer ramp here. Is there no off ramp, then the chances that Vladimir Putin gets more and more erratic, as he is boxed in more and more grow, what is not tally. Who's been sort of acting as go between between Ukraine and Russia. He said that answers that the Russians are no longer trying to depose ukrainian Prime, lot America's landscape and fully demilitarize Ukraine in the negotiations as advances are in the end, the negotiations there not insisting that once you go they're not trying to demilitarize Ukraine. Ukraine has down from trying to join NATO. Now, there's a territorial dispute: That is some pretty major movement from Russia right here so it seems as though a spaces ITALY's beginning to open for offer him in order that offer him to be taken. However, the west cannot things. Like Joe Biden said over the weekend, so Joe Biden, he went off script three separate times over the course of the last four days off, we were a all three were a real problem for Joe Biden and for NATO and for
last, because the entire idea here from West is you made a move reboot and now we're boxing you in remembering all pressure to bear to box you into stop. You I can territorially aggressive moves, but we are not going to and we should be more with you that's what everybody is, an agreement that contain Putin Do not let him advanced borders. Do not allow intake. Will grain do not allow the fire chemical nuclear or biological weapons is so This began on Friday when Joe Biden dropped some language that he must think is clever. But his synapses are are no longer firing properly and even when they were firing properly, they weren't firing properly. Japan was never great shakes when, when Joe Biden says that he has experience in foreign policy, it is, it is akin to Amy Schumer saying she has experience in comedy. Yes, you've been doing it for awhile, but have you really been doing it? I really didn't good at it. so Joe Biden has never been right on a single major foreign policy issue of his entire lifetime, like never ever ever ever so on Friday, he was talking about Putin using Chemical weapons in Ukraine and instead of
either explaining precisely what would happen or making a vague threat. Instead use language that suggesting that it states is going to use chemical weapons in response if chemical weapons were used in Ukraine, would that trigger a military spot response from NATO, trigger response in kind whether or not you are asking whether NATO would cross we'd make. That decision is see here that he thinks he's being smart because he's doing the I'm Joe Biden- and I think I'm smart face, which is the but is actually being critical, is marked. he's not going to go more because when you used the word in kind, what you mean I am going to respond exactly the same. What's up if Chris rocket founded in kind to Will Smith. You will smack them upside the head read so then the White House had to walk that back my own and no we're not gonna use chemical will. Thank you. Okay, then on Saturday, Joe Biden met with american troops in Brussels and he I needed to explain it to american troops. They will be in Ukraine, which,
at one thousand times will not happen because american troops are not going to enter your grandpa's. We don't want to be in an actual shooting war with the Russians so here. Is your doddering president you're going to when you're there have you been they're going to We are going to see women. Young people stand and stand in the middle of the front of the damn tank. just saying I'm not leaving your, then the White House Walk one back because they are no you're going to grant. Why does he keeps saying these things. now. The reason is because Vladimir Putin's entire predicate for this war, what he said public was NATO is attempting to expand its eastward borders. It is attempting to overthrow my regime, and the movement of in the West threatens my regime and Joe Biden?
it is not true. Is a purely defensive arrangement, which is true right? That is true. Nato is a defensive arrangement. It was not interested in spreading its tentacles into Russia per se. Well, then, Joe Biden just keeps upping the ante here and base Lee admitting what Putin. Some say so he keeps collating the the rhetoric, which actually is not perfectly helpful when you're seeking the off ramp right Putin has to have an offer him magnanimity in victory- is typically the way the win wars is Joe Biden says: he's a butcher, that's true! Vladimir Putin is a butcher. The question is: is used for Joe to be saying that Vladimir Putin is a butcher. Every day with Vladimir me? What you're, ok and then in ten years long lines and any he gave a speech in Poland and the speech was fine until it and so he started off by talking about how he was confident that Putin wanted.
To divide NATO or this actually at a presser right before the speech. This is when he was meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda confidence that Vladimir Putin was counting on the able to separate it's eastern flank from the west, be able to separate nations based on past histories, but he hadn't been able to do it. We've all stayed together, okay, dumb, and then he continued along these lines. You said Europe has to end it's dependence on russian fossil fuels this in his big speech in Warsaw, but now it was fine, the speeches, okay and say until it wasn't personal, it's very easy for him to say that Europe has to end its dependence on russian fossil fuels. In order nice, there. if America had wrapped up production, so Europe had not been dependent on fossil fuels. Instead, they decided to outsource their energy policy to a small swedish child who does not know anything. Much get is disappointing
and so I go confine loud source, our entire energy production of land, reboot and now tat great. There is a debate in Europe, This dependence on russian fossil fuels and with the United States, will help macro economics. European S security for the survival of the planet. We all need to move as quickly as possible, clean renewable energy and will work together to help get that done. Okay, well then, you know to be nice if you would like get rid of the regulations at home. This isn't the bad part as we haven't gotten to the bad Biden gaffe yet okay, so he can. news and then he says July that we want to expand NATO imperialists. That's not what we're looking for. First. Remember that the test of that moment or man yells at clouds is the test of all time.
A criminal wants to protruding NATO enlargement as an imperial project aimed at destabilizing Russia, nothing disprove the truth. Nato is a defensive alliance. It is never sought. The demise of Russia I'll go find true? Nato is indefensible lines is not seeking the demise of Russia we're not seeking over from the regime in Russia, five Seconds later Joe Biden calls Putin A and then off off of the teleprompter This man should never be allowed to from teleprompter. He admitted Italy says that Putin has to go. And this is the only headline that comes out of his trip to Europe. Basically, we will have a different future, a brighter future rooted in democracy, principle, hope and life the decency and dignity, freedom and possibilities. For God's sake, this man cannot remain power For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power. So
he then calls virgin king? She says NATO is an offensive alliance. Also regime change. Okay, so now you ve granted Putin has premise, which is that the entire purpose of this conflict the west seeding ukrainian situation in order to overthrow Putin, somehow Putin campaign in power. That's only can offer to you now. Imagine your Putin. First Imagine that you are a territorially aggressive dictator sitting, atop a crumbling empire with no economy to speak up, and now you are engaged in a war even calculus and you're losing and the person across the table. He says you have to leave. You need to go, Are you more or less likely to use some sort of weapon of mass destruction? Are you more or less light they d Start bombing living hell out of civilians and wrapped up the tensions, which is more likely So major major Bubu Biden it when, when Ronald Reagan,
went to Brandenburg Gate and said Mister. Gorbachev tear down this wall a couple of things, one he didn't actually say, Mr Gorbachev, the entire Soviet Union needs to fall and you need to be replaced as I would mean that politics is and they should release this country from the grip of your tyranny, and Biden has said that about Ukraine. Also, that was all scripted and the media went nuts about it. Well, as we'll see, the media were so happy with Joe Biden for this Adlib, they were so happy until they weren't because it turns out. The White House has to keep making there the Niners, the White House in the media are the nine years for this administration. Joe Biden Crabs, everybody comes in a night and they clean the bed pan and they take away the shades and their place them, and they have make sure that those that the mattress is covered in plastic every single night, because this guy craps the bed on the regular, ugly has real ramifications for foreign policy, so the media
reacted with just joy and wonder at your by its announcement of lead, reboot and had to go. There is only one problem: Joe Biden did not We now we'll get some more and that in just one moment first, with the increasing number of car makes and models. It is impossible to stock all the parts you need in a traditional chain at storefront, which is why, when you go to an auto parts, store you're, probably wasting your time. You get up to the front after waiting twenty minutes in line and the guy behind the guy was like no road and got it got. It got, ordered online upcharge you, so you could do that And wake a couple weeks or you could just go to rock. I recommend you yourself: why would you choose and thirty percent fifty percent one hundred percent more for the same exact, auto parts at a chainsaw new car dealership rock around com, its family business, serving auto parts customers online for twenty years had an over to rockauto dot com shop ATO and body parts from hundreds of manufacturers that everything from engines romagnuols and break parts detail apps motor oil revenue carpet with its first or daily driver get everything you need. A few easy clicks delivered directly to your door, rock come catalogued, unique its remarkably easy to navigate in quickly
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it has to go, and this was the headline it was like the Kyron on CNN and all the rest, so the original take when they thought that it was scripted was celebration. So many people on left just so happy about all of this, so Palmer Cerro, for example, who's a policy dye for one of these kind, foreign policy organizations We did. For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power is Biden's. Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall, the terrace at Meijer, in a a little voices had President Biden by made just given his tear down this Wall speech, wow wow Adam Edlin if the blue, checkmark renewable energy, developer historic, moral clarity that recalls Reagan's, tear down this wall and proud of America leading from the front once again proud of my President Rick Wilson, who now has his heel turn, is David Brock like he'll turn songs? cocaine. I been astonishing to watch it. Here's why the GLP is flailing on this Biden did tear down this wall for era, and many not all the many
yep would much rather have Putin in power and not be a while. That's not true I would much rather not have Putin in power. I also recognize that he is in control about six thousand nuclear warheads. Jennifer Rubin, who is just Jennifer is beyond parody, should now parody of Jennifer, Rubin, I also love the fact that Jennifer Rubin is not just that she loves Ukraine. She loves Ukraine. So much you put the flag in her profile. Twice, that's how much she loves Ukraine, not just once two times she loves it twice as much as you do, or maybe infinity times. If you don't have the korean flag in your profile, twitted Biden makes a speech akin to those at the Brandenburg Gate by Jeff K and ragged in a square with the crowd. Is delivery is quite strong. Ok, now, there's only one problem: the White has immediately walks his back like immediately. There is a battle. Did the same thing by the way of University of Virginia politics. He used to be kind of an interesting voice. Now he's lost it is watching. Warsaw speech reminds me: of J F case, if been I'm Berliner and Reagan's. Mr Gorbachev tear down this. While masterful now gives Olenska
Moreover, there are only one problem: the White House within minutes was walking this back within minutes according to writers, quote was President Joe Biden was not calling for regime change in Russia when he said on Saturday that russian President Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power. A White House official said. Oh really. It sounded like he was calling for land reboot and not remain about what they actually tried to say: I'm not getting What they actually tried to say that he met was land reporting. not remain in power in Ukraine. He's not how're in Ukraine, guys so Wednesday. empower into grade, so no you can't walk one back and pretend you never said it so it doubt that having a doddering old fool in charge of the United States in the middle of a an international, possibly weapons destruction. Organs of crisis is not exactly ideal. As I said, and by the way everybody else's noticing Other nations are noticing that this guy is just a phone when they notice,
every pulled out of Afghanistan and the british Parliament tried to censor him and left behind and then L Brands that I wouldn't use this type of warning. I continue to hold discussions with President Putin after the war Russia has launched in Ukraine without escalation as the objective. If this is what we want to do, we shouldn't escalate things, neither with words nor actions. and even President Obama's former head of the CIA, Michael Morell, you said you had a rather large scale mistake. I think his comment put and I had to go- was an unforced error. It makes it it strengthens. Putin at home, makes it difficult. Any domestic opposition to coalesce together, No russian citizen, none wants to be told, the leader of Russia's main enemy, about what their leadership look like, and not, I think, framing it as democracy. First autocracy, I've, the Chinese closer to the Russians and makes it difficult for some
our own allies who are autocrats to stand with us. you're not wrong about any of this by the way, and then NATO Ambassador, Julian Smith, is the american ambassador to NATO she went on CNN and she's, trying to defend Biden's activities and as soon as she asked about Biden's regime change, comment sheet. She basically starts running there's now: Julianne Smith sized hole in the background she runs directly through the lets. Go away from the question. Let's start with President Biden's comment yesterday that Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power. The White House said quickly that he was not discussing Putin's power and Russia. war regime change. Was that comment a mistake in the moment. I think that was a principle, the human reaction to the stories that he had heard that day, but no, as you ve heard from secretary blinking and others, the you It does not have a policy of regime change in Russia, full stop whoops
is that a bubble and again and it offers Putin a propaganda victory for his people back home, who he is now telling that they're trying to oust they're trying to get rid of me. That's what dissolve it about. I've been telling you since the beginning, when you take Ukraine, because we don't ukrayna going to try and topple the regime. And then Joe Biden, just it right out, because Joe Biden is an idiot and Joe he thinks he's smarter than he is is Joe Biden. Your confidence guy and your basketball team he's the confidence guy, the guy who got he bring him in off the bench and he just sucks, he's terrible a three like you throw a the ball, and it's just going toward the general, section of the basket, but never in that is Joe Biden. Irrational confidence guy Meanwhile, the situation in Ukraine for the Russians continues to be basically stalled out, Russia has not grown closer to taking Kiev, they probably don't even have the resources to take give at this point according New York times- russian forces redoubled attacks on strategic targets across Ukraine on Sunday with fierce fighting reported around the cap, give em signs the besieged city. America was close to falling I've moved into a second month
the forces have largely failed in their first dame to take the largest cities and have narrowed immediate targets to the sieges of southern port city of mariupol and the strategically placed city of journey of in the north areas. And rang out and keep during the day, the city remain calm, running some good. MR, the russian defence ministries. Recent assertion, whose story focus away from gave to concentrate on the eastern front. Some russian units withdrawing to Belarus in the north to regroup and re equip according to the Ukraine. It's heavy russian artillery attacks continued around sure The northeast of Kivu would not be surprised at this point by the way, if some pretext was created for Belarus to get involved in the war and start shipping, men and material across that border to the north of Ukraine? people, including two kids, died in artillery fire in a car in Northeast EAST Ukraine, as forces tried to subdue the sitting near the border. The ukrainian news media reported missiles, fuel depot in western Ukraine as continue the airstrikes? That applies to disrupt supply lines, to ukrainian forces Instant military Intel officer, suggested was actually changing. Its military focus to the south and the east, and maybe try
divide Ukraine between occupied and non occupied territories? brigadier general, but do not have Hell just a visionary, Prince Ministry of Defence. According to the New York Times says quote in fat. Is an attempt North and South Korea in Ukraine and that's correct, but the truth is I'm not sure that there's going to be a lot of choice here, given the fact that Ukraine does not have the weaponry or materials actually expel Russia handguns that is an ongoing war that has been happening since two thousand and fourteen when the west exceeded let me put a regional invasion of Ukraine and Crimea, and the huntsmen did ask. Russian force are not going to uprooted, not by western are not by Ukrainian Bauer and so on. you're going to end up with. Probably here is something I akin to, but I've been suggesting for weeks, which is some sort of territorial concessions by the Wednesday administration in Ukraine. Simply to end this thing. For now no foreign policy settlement is final, and maybe it's when the future, those areas will be liberating again by grain, but they don't have the power to expel Russia from those areas.
Meanwhile, NATO can't even guarantee that they're going to give Zelensky what he wants. She got Joe Biden they're calling on land reputed to be thrown out, our at the same time, the NATO ambassador is like yeah, we're not even sure we're going to give Zelensky all the weaponry. How do you, how do you seek to accomplish what you say you seek to accomplish? We've spoken With President zelensky many times in recent weeks, we've heard their requests for assistance. In many cases, we've delivered those Anti aircraft, anti armor capabilities. We are assessing their air defense needs, but the air is no. If you're asking about the soviet era jets, the United States, has decided that the particular proposal put forward by Poland is untenable. Okay, so just to get According to the bottom ministration to scary and offensive to allow jets to be shipped in Ukraine they can themselves not offensive call for full regime change in Russia? You then have to walk back into the presidency. Now, that's It's a hell of a hell of a move. Read there already will be back here later today with an additional hour of content. In the meantime, go check.
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Transcript generated on 2022-03-29.