« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1379 - The Biden Vaxx Mandate Is On Life Support


OSHA announces they will be putting their unconstitutional vaxx mandate on hold as cases spike in heavily vaccinated states; the Kyle Rittenhouse trial hits another speed bump; and Democrats vote to censure a Republican Congressman for an anime cartoon.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
OSHA announces. They will be putting their unconstitutional vocs mandate on hold as cases spike in heavily vaccinated states. Britain has relevance. Another speed up and Democrats go to central republican congressmen for an anime cartoon. I real this is the bench Barroso here I'll show you sponsored by expressing deep can protect your online privacy today Express Libyans outcome. Slashing Well, that's all the news in just one moment. First, in the reality, is that if you have a bunch of staffing or taking it through TS say why? Wouldn't you have some sort of privacy lock? stop right, you never know who looking for your stuff and why happily, would you be online without any sort of protection for internet activity in a much information that is valuable? You passing online from your credit cards, you your ass! Well, you really should protect that activity with express Vps when you go on one without VP, an internet service providers? Can Every single website you visit. They can legally sell that information without your consent. To
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fire, that was the mandate and we at the daily, where we filed maybe the first case first lawsuit against it in the nation. Certainly the first lawsuit at the six Circuit court of appeals will now there are cases right now in all twelve circus. Those you can be consolidated and sent overturned. Six circuit after there is low. The lottery Ashley's lottery balls to pick, which circuit would get to consolidate. The cases were in the sixth circuit court of Appeals, that's our case, which means that The wire is now leading the case for the nation against OSHA, now the, oh that's been put on is a victory for the moment when it for the moment. I mean that divide administration says that they will continue to force the OSHA vat mandate. The minute a court says ok for them to do so, however, visit. That's why this is the first step. That's why I'm here, and to help support us here, a daily wire in pushing back against the bank's mandate, because this will be a Jew Katy by a panel for the sixth circuit court of appeals. Then it will like Libya. Killed over to the Supreme Court, so this just the beginning of the bell and we are calling on all other businesses to do what we have done so
the delawares had day one. We would not comply with this uncut institutional vaccine mandate. We are not going to do it from the Gekko and a lot of businesses, they said. Well, you know maybe you can, or that or maybe a willing to undertake address, but we are not because using the federal government can come after us, so we will attempt to comply with the bank's mandate, even though it has not yet gone fully into force will now it's not enforced at all, If you're, a freedom minded business, do not make it easy where the federal government, by doing what the federal government wants you to do, instead stand for the freedom of your employees as well. The daily wire. That's what pushing everybody did you hadn't over the daily wired outcome right now and sign our petition, though it, works that OSHA has a eight here, period for all of their regulations. Not the emergence temporary standards there trying to use here, but their actual regulatory standards, and so we hope to met them a million signatures support of the idea that this vat mandate is a bad idea through the regulatory
So you can go help us out right now doing that your here's, the thing as time. Ford and as we see how the hell Dax mandates are playing out across the nation. What we are seeing and then infections are speaking in heavily vaccinated states. This is not a case against the vaccine, as I said before, The action is very good at preventing hospitalization and death, which is typically what we care about. The problem is that for the left, leaning media for the Democrats, they box themselves it baby acid, but the only way to end the pandemic is of no one gets infected. That's going to happen. what we really should end the pandemic is that vaccines are available? Now you could protect yourself within the next month. We're gonna have therapeutics as protective as the vaccine in some cases, according to the new studies that are coming up, there's a therapeutic from Pfizer, its appeal that, if you take it, within a couple of days of being diagnosed with covered in knocked out the death rate to zero cases, with all that in play. This is over we're done now, there should be no public policy. Push with regard to any of this stuff
when people can protect themselves. If you choose not to be protected as you problem and if you are protected what body else does is none of your business at this point because we're reaching heard immunity, everybody understands we're not reaching heard immunity. When heard immunity was in sight when there an idea that we got eighty percent of the population vast. That would end all infections, because the hour would drop before below one no, we passed in this thing on penalties the argument I heard you it is not a thing it is now with this virus it is going to become endemic. Everybody understands that endemic just means that it is going to continue passing through the population, for periods of time and can see it in state after state every state, now. For example, Michigan has the most the cases in the nation. Michigan also is one of the more vaccinated states in the nation According to the latest, data, Michigan has over fifty thousand new covered cases in the past week that comes out of five Three point: eight cases per one hundred thousand
Minnesota. Second, the four hundred ninety cases, New Mexico, has four hundred sixty two cases. So, You you will notice there that all three of the state are blue. We are told that only read States gay covered because red states are evil, but that's not the case. The last time, Michigan led the nation was an April when the stating counted the largest urges the covenant in panic, and we know why this is happening. The answer is this happening, because people are going into It's getting Michigan! It's that simple. In the past three weeks, Henry Ford Health system Says it's hospital system has a sixty percent rise in the number of patients hospitalized with covered. according to one of the doctors over there, they ve three hundred thirty patients with carbon hospitalized across five hospitals and other thirty five with covered or suspected covered up here. Most of those hospitalized with cover are non vaccinated. Give up that, I am sure, is true, because nor much more likely we hospitalized will go, but if you're on vaccinated by the statistics- but that does not mean is that you cannot pass this thing on if your vaccinated to other people were vaccinated,
Right now we have seen that the vaccines are not principally durable in terms of preventing reinvention. their durable and preventing hospitalization and us, and now it is up to you, it is up to you. Of the people in left seems one recognise. This, so what is the point of the ocean see mandate. If the idea of the ocean vacuum mandate, we have to prevent this thing from being passed. Well, the vaccine itself does not prevent in Toto all of this virus from being passed. there's a a somewhat lower rate of passing the virus if your vaccinated receive your on vaccinated, but it has not. Completely lower rate, which is why you would see outbreaks in heavily vaccinate areas. For example, Ireland right now is a ninety three percent vast country. Reimposed covered restrictions anyway, because there is a massive uptake in the number of covered gazes. There's member there service. Explaining that I agree we need to look out for each other. Ninety three percent of the adult population are fully vaccinated.
We have over six hundred people in hospital at the moment are roughly around half of those are on vaccination. Is the evidence is absolutely clear on tonight. I would join with all of our health care professionals in arching people who have not yet received the vaccine to please take it up. again urging people to take the vaccine is not a terrible thing. Forcing people to take the vaccine is a very different thing resumed zambian, remind by the way from one has thee eyes: vaccination rate in the country and cases our surging over there, a COIN Abc News in Vermont Seventy two percent of residents are fully vaccinated against carbon nineteen the same time it has twelve highest rate of nuclear cases over the last week. According to stay data in the country. Now we have a major surge in covered cases. Now I don't care about cover cases. You should care about. Other cases You should only care by hospitalizations and that's and at this point really only care about whether you and your family are protected and weather
neighbours, are protected and whether they also have the freedom to determine whether they are protected and those are the factors you do not get to tell your neighbor how to protect themselves. You do get to protect yourself, how you to protect yourself, and yet we still have the binding ministration attempting to cram down these mandates. The seventy for cover nineteen cases rose. Forty two percent of Tuesday, according to stay data in Vermont in this positivity rate also increase of thirty percent So what we are seeing is that even heavily vaccinated areas are still seeing a pre, significant uptake and covered by the way you know where they are having very few cover cases down her in Florida. Why? Because it already passed the population, and it's nice outside this is not complicated. The lowest states in terms of current case to case average. Over the last seven days, Florida urgent, Louisiana taxes. That is not a coincidence off one of those states got clocked over the summer. in terms of number of people we're getting. This was very hot. Outside support owing indoors People are getting reenacted, some people
vaccinated were dying, but right now, which states are getting clocked. Its Minnesota, Wisconsin Michigan New Hampshire remind Yes New York, pencil yeah Ohio, basically anywhere it is hold any people are going indoors. Is it not a shock, and yet the the administration continues to push forward with, notion that they're going to mandate on you and on your player that you get the vat here's Democrats, Erna tailspin right now, and they don't know which way to turn as one thing they do understand. The Americans are very tired of this. How tired are Americans with theirs tired in Washington DC, which bluer than blue in Washington, he is the blue is the area in America. real bows? Where the mayor just came out and said she's gonna get. Of the masking mandates at local store Why? Because business owners we're going to Caen between her May oral campaign. Said Werner, they contribute unless you allow us to do our business and of course, you have other. the gradual attacking mayor bows, renew gender
of the Deasey City Council, Feel Mendelson writing a letter to Miriam browser saying that they want to reinstate the mass mandate as a week, in the White House will maintain its mass mandate. We urge you to reverse its decision to drop them ass mandate. We are learn to changing course entering the winter months, not to mention that before a major travel holiday is not a prudent course of action. It sentencing a signal that public health concerns our back to normal when they are not our focus beyond getting every eligible person vaccinated, not gambling with the safety of the most vulnerable, etc, etc, etc. So democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and here is the thing there are significant cost in the lock down. Policies that have been attempted by blue states and blue cities at once basic. That might be worth noting, as you ve about seven hundred thousand deaths from covered over the course of last year and over the course of last year, more than one hundred thousand Americans died from drug overdose. Is a hundred thousand from April of last year, to April of this year according to the New York Times in that twelve month period,
than a hundred thousand Americans died of overdoses up almost thirty percent from the seventy eight thousand in the prior year. That figure marks the first the number of overdose doubts in the: U S has exceeded a hundred dollars per year, more than the toll of car crashes and gun fate, Ladys combined over That's more than doubled since two thousand fifteen. By the way this does the lights in the notion that more government aid prevents overdose death and more government in last year than any time in american history BAR none an overdose of spite. Why? Because we destroy people's sense of community their ability to reach out to other human beings, they stay home and they get high and they do drugs and many of them die. administration, officials and on Wednesday they will expand access medications night, like now zone which can version opiate overdose, encouraging states to pass laws, making more widely available and promoting its use by Americans, but the the covert pandemic accelerated this in really the response to the cholera epidemic accelerated this overdose deaths
related to use of stimulants, like math, coke and nationalism. Synthetic opiates also increased during a twelve month period has not just Sentinel here the vast majority of those deaths. Seventy percent were among men between the age of twenty five and fifty four. The regional variations in the dusk counts, but the law this year of your increases exceeding fifty percent in states, including California, Vermont increased eighty five, present during the reporting period some poor areas like Tennessee Wheezy, Animists Hippy West Virginia Kentucky that had a pretty major uptake as well, but you also sought increases of forty percent in Washington State organ never Colorado, Minnesota, alaskan, abreast, Virginia and Caroline A so. It turns out that Shutting down the entire country has pretty Dyer side effects and Americans know this democratic how to pay the political price for all of this
which is why gotten around his hands. It has not been doing this. The whole time governor disasters in Florida he just pushed through a bunch of anti mask mandates and backs mandate. Proposals in the state of according to the New York Times,. early this year, going around his answers. Criss cross border, promoting colored vaccines visiting words. Communities in hospital celebrating people got their shots, but was remarkably different picture this week when floor, Lieutenant governor Jeanette Nunez was a prominent speaker at a rally organised by Anti backs activists. Unstayed capital steps well know she. She was there not fighting in the bags, choose their fight, that mandate, full disclosure and very friendly with both governor dances engineers lieutenant governor but says your terms. The jarring seeing a vaccine sceptics in Florida, a big win and move the same further away from the guidance of federal public officials
no state is more aggressive than Florida, where Mr Dos Santos and his allies orbiting the anger over public health restrictions that drove republicans to the polls in Virginia New Jersey and other states will grow their political base and keep voters fervently engaged. The Republicans past four bills on Wednesday to curtail mask in fact mandates the culmination of a three day special legislative session that Mr De Stances called swiftly acquire. Even republican leaders. I surprised The session was urgently needed to combat federal government over each said dissenters, which of course, is true if better is mandating. The business is due at the federal government, wants them to do the state authorities and well now we're just gonna fight back against that, and now, when I can allow you do at the federal government is telling you do quitting. The conflict was situation than freeze businesses to do essentially what they want. and they did this is I love haven't your times proposes that this is all now being anti backs in Florida. If you look at the best nation rates by state in America Florida is right in middle attack business
are idiotic notion that Florida is somehow like on the low and a vaccine. Vaccination rate is totally crazy. It's not true! I'm looking right now at the at the rate of full vaccination by state. Ok, let's look at each sixty five, a start with age. Sixty five! If you look at the percentage of people, are vaccinated above the age sixty five Florida has. Ninety three point: two percent is going to male clinic. Ninety three point: two percent of all people in Florida above the age of sixty five is really old. State by the way are vaccinated of people aged Tina sixty four, almost seventy percent of vaccinated sixty seven point: one percent are vaccinated by the way. Those are better numbers, then huge number of blue states, including by the way Michigan even Among people twelve to seventeen, almost fifty percent of Florida residents, each twelve, seventeen are fully vaccinated.
And if we look at the numbers on Windows vaccinations, if you can number people have and at least one those yoke. Ninety nine point: nine percent of all people aged over sixty five have windows of the vaccine in Florida and seventy eight percent of Floridians between eighteen sixty four have Using the media trying to proclaim this is all about how floor doesn't want people to that's why it's just not true, because they are damned liars. Flora just would like you to retain your and then we had the new. I would also like you to retain your freedom, so please Gosain, repetition of our daily work are coming. We are fighting back against this garbage. And you should be, do ok angel, Second, we're gonna get the latest in Macao Rittenhouse Drought, which once again is going side major Bubu by the prosecution. What gets then just one? Second, first, we loved welcomes some friends and sponsors back to the show just time for the holidays, we're talking latvian Cheryl Collective,
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some people in Milwaukee Journal. I think I read it said it was an odd, I think was the word. I didn't drew on the motion to dismiss. I haven't even had a chance to read a motion to business. I just got it yesterday, I really think before I rule Unemotion, I should like to state respond. So why anyone would for the job to set in motion. As I have no idea, Ok, the media coverage in the case has been absolutely bizarre. He is we read about that in politically, driven or yesterday, the prosecution ran directly into a by sawbucks. It turns out that the prosecution handed over a ban We pixelate inversion of the drone footage. Remember, there's drone footage of e of first shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum by Karl Rittenhouse, and it turns out that the problem
had that for a long time and finally, when they turned it over was badly pics. the version of the video according to bright Bart dispute involved, seven It especially a high definition, video the prosecution using closing arguments on Friday, which had not been provided. You that event which received only a low risk version, an offence move from it while Tuesday, on their basis, eighty John Kraus, told the judge, the prosecution, not intentionally withheld video evidence from their vent, but there was an accidental pressure involved in moving video between Iphone and right devices. The person who took the footage according to crowd had early provided it Rittenhouse his former attorney John Peers, who had shown it last year however, Karlsson, show on Fox NEWS. When it was you mail to the defence, there is a compressing said which had not been deliberate. He said them. He had no idea how to compress the files that defence counsel, files appeared to be different and the meditated accompanying the video appeared at different the defence. I also said the video provided stuck Karlsson was different as it was black and white. The prosecutors videos in color that had not been the problem
I then superior quality of the prosecution video defence lawyer mark Represent, at this point or honor, if not requested what we're fighting about your correct, the judgment. Earlier on Wednesday, the jury did send a question to the judge about whether it be permitted to review video evidence in the courtroom or in private, that came in late yesterday afternoon. It gets more or less in just one moment. first, have you gone through like your kitchen cabinet, he found a bunch of stuff, you know need and to give it to like some charity, feel good is now everything in your house the cleaner end. You helped somebody else up. Why not do the same with that car in front of your house? That is not running anymore. Why not give it to cars, for Don't let your heart is tax deductible cars for kids works hard, tell your car at the best price. That means more funds for their Eddie, a bigger tax deduction for you, your harder nation is fast and free. It's usually picked up within twenty four hours. Sometimes even the same day in cars, for kids will take your car, even if it is not running cars for kids the process of donating your car, quick and easy. It's just about two minutes. They handle all the details, all the paperwork, all you need to do
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became a lot of different informing like the location of the drone, an attack the file I received originally on Friday the fits was not. That same and was not the same file. There is no way that what any across the saying is true eyes, file name would not have changed. Is my computer was compressing anything? It was a different file that we were provided from what was provided to the state, at least for what attorney. Bigger gave me on Saturday there completely different. Ok, meanwhile, Prosecution admitted there is a technical alleged, but they said I was just a technical which no biggie by the way, is arguing that one of the reasons the prosecution did. This is because they were from his trial, because this going so badly for them, I think We are focusing on too heavily on. Yes, a technological glitch
and less on this, and we should be focusing that this exhibit was played. juries asking to see and eggs exhibits that they have seen what this video they ve tried to find a just as we did. We find and there was a technological glitch got a glitch, but I guess it: worked in a way that is designed that we were not aware of, and I do not believe Eve technical reality shall we say, or a technical, an unknown technical incident should result in a mistrial, yeah yeah sure I can meanwhile media. Tenue their habit of drawing the most bizarre narratives out of his case. Far had Matthew somehow has enabled a column at the New York Times. Just amazing, because truly is that their? a running battle between the members of the New York Times had a tory aboard about which one of them is the worst columnist fired, Montrose, definitely near the top of the list. I think goes like Charles
Paul Krugman, far had manageable, climbing lest each and every day had apiece yesterday, in which he argued that the the big problem that how Rittenhouse case was the gun, not the people, riding in the streets attacking the guy with a gun the gun according to far had Manchu, believe prosecutor. Thomas bigger offered meticulously documented closing argument that definitely summarised always Rittenhouse acted. I'm awfully we'll see of the jury. But to me beggars, argument and a power beyond this case. That's because a cleverly unrest Some of the foundational tenants of gun, advocacy guns are effective necessary weapons of self defence, but I'm not sure how that was unravelled. Considering that Britain has probably be dead They are the very recent common, a hospital, a thumb. If we had not had a gun that, without them, lawlessness in Germany, would prevent Wallace's Listen journey did prevail in Canosa Wisconsin and that right hand in the hands of the good guys guns promote public safety rather than destroying it. Well I mean they they're just weren't enough guns there in the hands of the good guys. There's one
good guy, with gun I'll rittenhouse in this particular case, up against an entire riotous mob, one of whom was child Lester, Tranquil Jack and another of whom was convicted criminals was trying to attack him with escape when a third of them was approaching him with his own gun. But so far had man you in the written ass case. None of that was true at every turn that night ridden houses are fifteen style, aren't semi automatic rifle made things worse, Ratan. of danger, rather than calling it the gun transfer situations that might have ended in black eyes and broken bones into, the ended with corpses in the street, but whose fault is that the people are Agnes, I would underline gun, but here the left must have its narratives So will continue to keep an eye on not the jury. In that particular case, honestly, I'm shocked they solve not come back, and at this point I can meanwhile the other big. Conversely, of the day, the brook
yesterday was a controversy over Paul goes. Our pop goes. Our is the rather nutty congressperson from Arizona whose hobnob, with some of the worst dear, let's on the unease, political ultra right and that this sort of white supremacist adjacent crowd. Paul, those hours is hung out, was pretty bad folks. I know Paul goes our fanned, but the house attempting to censure those are for what there's something essential for is pretty well held and what's more wilds, that they attempted to Strip of committee, you sign it and they did yesterday. A democratic has now been stripping, Republicans their committees, which the pretty big violation of the way this is work What's that in just a moment? First, I gotta tell you that one domestic I ever got my parents, so my parents, out in your garage for years, just had boxes of old zone, reels box. If old pictures boxes of old, VHF tapes of us, his kids sitting there doing nothing, and so I went over there their garage, and I took all that stuff. I loaded up into a legacy box has into legacy box and legs you bought returned,
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as I have said, is not a good congress. Person is a he's is a rather nutty character to say the absolute least he put out on Twitter inanimated abc enemy. Video has now become subject to controversy, because it was taken as an actual death threat against Alexander O casual ten years. The enemy video such measures of people at the border and then in, may character flying through the air and dumb, and then, people writing eighty bees near the border and helicopters near the border,
and the enemy video shows this. This Paul goes our enemy character, attacking with swords, a figure which appears to be like a half naked mail with that, would they face of Alexandria, cause your Cortez and then jumping toward the face of Joe Biden with enemy swords that that this isn't this? What the tongue well? Can I just say, that anybody who takes this is an actual death threat against Elsie's undermine I'm sorry. you're crazy. If you think it's an actual death threat against sales, euro crazy person as someone receive their fair share of death threats. I can safely say that in no way when I see some Why doesn't think? Oh, that's it that's a legitimate threat and someone who's trying to kill me. I could say Egg Asia Yam offended. It's really stupid, is literally enemy. Meme video Ngos are as these again in a somewhat early dude likes to hang out with Mimi crowd like the outright meme grab and dumb, and yet
This was taken as a as an actual death threat against Alexandra Casual Cortez and Joe Biden, which is wild Ok, it's tenement insane thing so here, Paul goes art defending himself again he's a wild dude for Khartoum. Summon car in Congress suggests. I should be punished. Decisively. There is no threat in the car other than the threat to make the immigration poses to our country and no right was intended by my staff or me. The american people does serve to have their voices heard in Congress, no matter how much less tries to climb me, I will continue to speak out. just amnesty for illegal aliens. If I'm Joint Alexander Hamilton. The first person attempted to be censored by this house, so be it is done. Ok! So is he here overdoing it out? No is it Stupid mean yes, but
the thing, the entire democratic party response it is as though he is actively threatened. Aliases life to get me he Pelosi out their lasting goes and then we can a member's joking about marine each other. This is this is later. I want my gun, anatomy, video that that this is what you can walk Congress out. Ok, Nancy sure these threats specifically target a woman, a woman of color, which is part of the resolution states, a global phenomenon meant to silence women that discourage them for seeking positions of authority and participating in public life, disguising death threats, against a member of Congress and a president of the United States is an end in an ant the video does not make those death threats any less real or less serious, sir she's, an absurd human conveying them this way makes them potentially more dangerous. by normalizing much more dangerous. It is
crazy person. I'm sorry she's crazy, like first of all, to secret service into while those are where that is. Good service investigate how those where they like man, that's a serious death row. Let's get I gotta get to group together angle rate his house in making Video is more serious in the suggestion. Is that he's it Packing Elsie, because she's, a woman of color is Joe Biden, women of color enough to explain that may? The region is attacking Elsie like as a politician again, I think YO stupid. I think members Congress to be put in their stuff out, but let's stop pretending that is like a fool: death threat come come on come on again as recipients of actual death threats, I can tell you Nope now, when even the barber, this bizarre crazy idea that that is about ales he's race and sex is again not the reason. Presumably than his angry they'll see, is because she's an amnesty first, crazy person
we ve been freed it as the delight of the left, she's very famous. The left has made her famous they're. The ones you proper up is again left always plays You can see TAT camel heresies black woman or you are the ones who put her in a position of Providence because of who she is like what So we are then ales he gets up and she does the always me routine and now Elsie is gonna lecture us about the nature of of rhetoric in politics abc because she's, never used inflammatory rhetoric at all any she's one of the most eloquent well, Spoken soft spoken subtle artists in the rhetorical space agency. It is sad it is a sad say in which a member who leads a political party in United States of America cannot bring themselves to say that issue,
Being a depiction of murdering a member of Congress is wrong and instead decides to venture off into a tangent about gas prices and inflation. What is so hard? What is so hard about saying that this is wrong? Ok, so this is coming from the same group of people. She voted literally in favour. But not funding iron dome, which helps Hamas so yeah our actions Should we abstained and then she cried about it announced for the issues yet Elsie. I think you This is, I should have questioned you think this. I usually don't, out the sincerity of political actors talking unhurt, they are but Annette. But again was received more death threats them. virtually anybody american public life. I can tell you know no on that. It is completely insincere. It is joined up nonsense. She said
seeing the other members of his party advanced the argument, including represented Gostar himself, the illusion that this it's just a joke: the illusion It's an animal video, I'm confused! How is that? Not a joke, you ever like thrown out an enemy. Video is a very serious point in a debate like in a budget debate to people normally throw our enemy videos of themselves badly pixelate, their faces on the enemy characters. You lose in that this was just a joke. Eleven. They pretend you don't understand, drugs that what we say and what we do does not matter so long as we claim a lack of meaning. Now this nihilism runs deep, says ABC it conveys and betrays a certain contempt for the meaning and importance of our work here. Ok, let me not betray a a lack of contempt, for I have contempt for the meaning of your work, all of you all young Congress. I think they are basically useless. I think you do. thing for living and get paid on the taxpayer time and then claim that your changing the world while wrecking America's fiscal future. So let me just put that one out there, but it betrays contempt for the meaning of the work that we do here.
That's what we do so long as we claim it's a joke. It doesn't matter what we said that what we say here doesn't matter that our actions, everyday elected leaders, don't matter- and I am here to rise to say it does she's our work. Your matters our example, matters, there's meaning in reserve. Tat vomit come on you're, not like all those are or or even like them without a dumb mean to understand it's not a death threat that violates the sanctity of the United States Congress, and these people are so you're a dating you're, making me too, Paul goes our now. What's wrong with you, people seriously what it myself Peter Mayer who is a congressperson from Michigan. He said I saw his face death threats and had a senior party official reference. My assassination, I think, medical violent seriously presented, goes our disgrace himself with the actions leading up to January sex. He's disgrace, a further by associating with anti semites holocaust deniers, sadly display,
ones over. The entire jewish associates isn't a rare occurrence for a handful of my colleagues on either side of the Isle. But today's vote wasn't about these actions. It was about a dumb anime clip the less ensure of a member of Congress was in two thousand ten today, democratically did not present an objective articulates standard for censure in the absence of an ethics committee ruling or formal legal action represented goes. Our conduct has been contemptible. Calling that video death threat is an unreasonable exaggeration. That ignores why political violence is such a threat. Leaders embracing authoritarian lies in marriage People deserve a congressmen functions according to reason, not emotion, correct correct, but we have to pretend to be deeply offended. By goes our enemy video, I'm offended by you being offended honest to God. Sack up get. Meanwhile. Will you look like when it comes to central first not happen I wish you'd been censured, censured by this boy, but what the Democrats did they remove goes our committee assignments now I think it is good.
Is that goes. I shouldn't have committee assignments, but that has to come from inside the republican caucus. It doesn't come from the democratic caucus, there's a basic rule report his name republican members committees and That's name democrat members of committees it's been broken now Democrats have said that they will throw people Marjorie, Taylor, green off committees, so get ready for the to read the whirlwind there is coming Are these ENG? Wasn't you guys want play this game next, I'm we're empower we're gonna dump all you guys from your committee assignments. What they have started cannot be easily undone. their actions today in the past have forever changed the way the house operates. It means that the minority rights that have served this body as well or the things of the past. and furthermore, it means that, under the policy President All the members that I have mentioned earlier will need the approval of a majority to keep those positions in the future. in one he's right in one second, we're gonna get to outlaw and Bobo who honestly
like Lauren, barbaric, just went hard after other members. Congress and I'm here for it, I'm really here for we'll get to that in just a moment. First, if era homeowner has been focused on your budget focus on your future focused on fire, the right option to save money. I something for you there are a mortgage refinance, it's a strategic approach. It makes a lot of sense for a lot of people since Rachel and near all time, those making it a great time call american financing learn about customer since they can save you up to a thousand bucks a month, that's right. Every month they do more than just lower your rate. They look your entire financial picture. Finding way to help you say: no pressure, no obligation, no up front or hidden these. So why not learn more, though, give you a free mortgage review, you might skip to payments. If you choose to move forwards right now, the mortgage rates are at serious historic, close. I don't think there's any in that way, for everything, mortgage rates are going to rise in the near future, because, frankly, inflation is gonna force a tapering at the FED that that tapering at the fat is gonna force banks to give loans. At higher rates in that's gonna force up the mortgage rates. So if you want like a low mortgage rate for your reply, now is the best time requalify for free,
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if you're an employee. Your company should not force you to take a vaccine. You dont want don't let them hide behind a vaccine mandate because it ain't in place, nor must we lose no one has to comply and Morocco is the fight is just getting started and we are going to win so petition against binds dancing mandate over a daily where dot com slash, do not comply to send a message to the by Ministration Americans just do what I tell them to do over six hundred thousand the body signed a petition, more signatures. We got the louder, the message: that's why we're Amy that's one million signatures want to submit that OSHA during their hearing and for their new regulations had an order to daily wired com. Slash do not comply to sign a petition today. Also Having had signed up to met washes newsletter. I highly suggest you do not only really beginning a piece of mass minds. Livered your inbox, every Friday will be automatically entered into the running. beloved banjo. As you all know, man is just a banjo expert. You probably might at once or twice on a show, that's right
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warm Albert just bringing the hammer bid for her. I mean honestly. Hence this speaker has designated the floor to discuss members an appropriate actions. Shall we, the Jihad squad member from Minnesota, has paid her husband and not her brother husband, the other one over a million dollars in campaign funds. This member, the loud on the Foreign Affairs Committee, while praising terrorists and the cherry on top my colleague and three month, private and your candidate from California, who is on the intelligence committee, slept with Fang fang a chinese spy. Let me say that again,
a member of Congress to refute classified by these three things. I want to repeat what the internet. This is not acceptable and that would not be handed expired. Gentlemen. From Florida, when Winter Chicken dinner Norbert pointed toward Bobo at their yup yup see here's the thing either. No one gets censured. Everybody gets entered, that's the way that this has to work, because here's the thing she's correct cause for Dura Lex, Powers is full of people who do not always a terrible thing, but do terrible things. It is rather incredible that while retains its committee assignments, despite the fact that he was screwing a Chinese by that he's kind of an amazing thing. Meanwhile, ill that very upset with Lorn billboard forever. Mentioning not her brother has been the other one. and she treated. Luckily, my dad raised me right otherwise I have given the floor to talk about this insurrectionists sleeves of the pervert at what I like. There is worse
flatters herself than her dad raised her right. Otherwise, I might have said this thing that I'm saying right now in a tweet, I am for I- was raised by a decent human. That is not true to deprive person who shamefully deficits in the files that house represented. You can't deprecate the house representing indefinite on the high representative, praise God ahead. So, first of all, I the thing that she's referencing they're asleep, so they pervert is that her husband, not up over anything wrong. Her husband was arrested for alike and indecent exposure a couple years ago, but no more, I get into family issues, is real awkward like real awkward, she's gotta. all the house, an usher then going on in her own family. And not just that. Even if you put aside As Lord bumper cause of the alleged brother husband, you will have to recall that she also did in fact pay a couple of million box to return home
firm, she's, allegedly having affair with her husband. While she was married with the last husband, she does have kids she's a disaster of human also. She is just a terrible jus, hating anti Semite who has never been emulated. They thought about censuring They thought about at least saying something in Congress about her, and the Democrats like now would pass a resolution saying that all forms of hate are bad. By the way ahead. Omar still has no answer to the charges of Anti semitic, she's out by crises about the jewish community I should like I'm just not an answer that I receive a lot of you Folks, in your district, you have a lot of synagogues. You that's a very vibrant jewish World in the twin cities, those relationships like what those conversations have been like, because I do know people that have pretty progressive politics. I do think have been offended or have questioned your your heart These matters- and I know that's happened in your district. I'm curious what those conversations
in communities are not monolithic. You know there is the friend ideologies people how those different perspectives in different places where, where people come from and their different relationships, people half with me that sort of inform a positive reaction. To anything I say or negative reaction to anything that I say just go to sidestep that judge you hitting, as I said, Missus Mary there by the way, the Democratic Party. Party still has refused to leave his memory. Goods getting is a person who hobnobbed with protests advocates openly and Joe Biden was present yesterday, but not a year ago yesterday, is a spare me. The crocodile tears on the old God POGO are put out an anime mean it's all. Just past during its aren't, you wonder why people hey politics, as we all know that all these people are full of absolutely extraordinarily toxic levels of crap they're all septic. At this point, already Rebecca later today, with an additional hour of content coming up soon, the Mat Walsh Area, one thirty pm eastern, be sure to check it out over a daily word. I come I'm bench where this is the bench of erosion.
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Transcript generated on 2021-11-18.