« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1313 - Democrats Bang Themselves In The Face With A Hammer Just Because Republicans Said Not To


Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush has some interesting ideas about the police; and the mass covid hysteria continues despite indicators that the Florida wave may begin to wane soon.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Missouri congresswoman Corey Bush has some interesting ideas about the cops and mass covered, his area continues from democratic, despite indicators that the floor to waive may begin to wane very very soon I mentioned this is the bench Russia is a bench. Spiritual exposure may express VP until the big tech track. What you do, anonymize your web browsing and Express Vps outcome. Slasher Ben will get all the news in just one moment. First here is your reminder. Your ping way too much on your cell phone bill right now. If you got a Dundee or T Mobile or Verizon, you just are. Instead, you needed switch over to pure talk. Usa, like thousands of my wise listeners already have pure talk, can save your family over eight hundred dollars a year if the same gray coverage because beer talk is on the exact same network as one of the big
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My friends over a pure talk, you ass, a all ready, so the left seems to be in a war with itself right now and I'm very much rooting for the moderate left to win our moderate liberals to win the battle against the woke, and it seems like this is happening in terms of electoral politics. But, oddly enough, it's not happening in terms of policy, and that's really quite strange, because the reality is that inside the Democratic Party, there are many, many more people or sort of moderate. Then the there are people who have heavy sympathies for the Woke knowingly led circles at precisely. The reverse. Any leads circles in the media, particularly in the halls of power in institutions, is a lot of sympathy for the Woke there. A lot of people out there who think of the woke and sort of the most delicate, did to the cause into the willing to give them all sorts slack their willing to allow them all sorts of room to run their willing to defend them, even when they say overtly stew,
and bizarre things are willing to follow their policy led, but the Democratic Party base is not aligned with this. They just are not the latest indicator of that this week was this in Ohio between Chantelle Brown. A Democratic Count County councillor for against needed. Her was a former culture for Bernie Sanders. It presidential campaign in fifteen congressional district, which they safely republican seed around club energy industry lobbyists may carry. Meanwhile, probative prevailed over crowded field boosted by former President Donald Trump endorsements. There are a couple of open primaries, the other night, and there can a mixed results on the GEO p side. But the big result on the democratic side was, of course, that there is this big insight that went on between Nina Turner. Who again was that former culture for burning and Chantelle Britain. So look like mean at her going to win that safe democratic seat and then the entire democratic party infrastructure said what we don't need another member of the squad. We need somebody who's more aligned with the sort of Biden. Rhetoric is more lined with the middle of the democratic,
and so you saw genes kleiber and intervene in exactly the same way he did in the presidential race, and then it turned out that Nina Turner got pretty much skunk by Chantelle Brown. now this was a rejection, is wide. Mink make no mistake about this representative, Alexandria, cause your Cortez had told voters July swing through the district to vote. For me to turn her said. Please send Mina Brown. Forty five had entered the race with local clouds. Her had name recognition. A career in Ohio politics and that you campaigns Wits Anders, but Brown turned campaign into a referendum on President Biden, reminding voters that Turner had criticised him and cast a protest vote against the twenty twenty democratic platform. Brown was ahead of turn by six point when the race was officially called a concession speech, trust the country had been through a desert of despair, indifference, inequality and racism. Tonight, my friends, we ve looked across the promised land, but for this campaign on this night we will not cross the river again be moderate candidate caught up to the radical cans.
After James Kleiber into research and after the democratic majority for Israel's pack ran, adds warning the term it could undermine the democratic agenda. Browns campaign emphasised support for Biden and said the Turner was simply to radical and thus Ter went down. two flaming defeat, and yet, strangely enough again any leads circles. There seems to be more sympathy for Bernie Sanders Wing Party than for the traditional sort of Biden Wing of the party, which is rife in very weird, to watch the continued fealty to Corey bushel Corey Bush. Is this radical misery congressperson she got her start being a black lives, are activists, and then she becomes very loud adjuncts. Member of the squad is a second wave member of the squad. The squad existed and then she was recently elected to Congress was Cory Booker and, of course, she made headlines this week when she camped out on the steps of the Capitol Building protest evictions and then the Biden Administration announced that, in defiance of the constitution of the United States, Joe Biden would simply declare
in eviction moratorium, even if it would be struck down by the Supreme Court itself and here's the thing, why would you follow Corey Biff Bush down this primrose path at all? Bush is terrible. Her policies are not in line with what the vast majority of Americans want. The entire democratic party has spent the last few months, attempting, for example, to run, have long away from the De Fund, the police slogan, hearing of people like Corey, Bush and Ale C, and now I know more and what she did to leap. And yet, when it comes to much of their policy, they seem to be following the lead of the squad. And every so often Corey Bushel just leave Roy Jenkins. It may every so often the democratic public guys we really. We don't need to do this deep under police stuff costs really pulls really bad. It's juice. Let's do this policy stuff in the dead of night, when now lotta people are watching, but let's not campaign as overtly radical
It's not do that. An inquiry bushel be ugly, roared Jenkins, unjust rush in your face. First, so that's what happened yesterday, Corey Bush was doing interview and she declared that she wanted to defend the police, but you didn't you say that she said I pay for security. I have taxpayer funded security. I need security, but you the regular people, you don't need police. We should defend the police, I'm gonna make sure I have the creator because I know I have had attempts on my life and I have too much work to do. There are too many people they need help right now for media to allow Bessel. If I end up spending two hundred thousand, if I've been ten ten ten more dollars on it, you know what I get to be here: to do the work so suck it up and defined in the police. Has to happen. We need to define the police, have put their money into social safety nets because we're trying to save lives. So in the exact engines where she says that she deserves two hundred thousand dollars of security, she says that you should not have secure.
why are the Democrats following this and here's the thing? I think the reason that the Democratic decided that they're going to treat the squad and radical left of their own party with respect is not really for electoral benefit. So much as it is about the belief by the Democrats at any time, somebody on the right has a critique. The critic has to be false. There's a really interesting piece today over day. A substantial liberal patria by Guy named Roy to share a right to share is a major democrat. A greater share is one of the people he spread essays about the browning. American. How demographic change was eventually going to lead to this magical. Democratic utopia will now he is warning. The Democrats are completely disconnected from reality that they have fallen into what he calls the Fox NEWS: fallacy here's what you say: He says the Fox NEWS. Fallacy is having a dire effect on many democrats. This is the idea that a Fox news substitute here, the conservative bet nor of your choice. If you prefer criticized the Democrats for acts, there must be absolutely nothing to acts, and the job of Democrats is to assert that loud
and often the problem is that an issue is not necessarily completely and valid. Just because Fox NEWS mentions it. That depends on the issue. If there's some to the issue and persuadable voters have real concerns you will allay those concerns by embracing the Fox news. Fallacy in fact, though, probably intensify them Given such voters the impression the Democrats simply don't care about their concerns and will do nothing to address them now, undermine the democratic ability to respond to predictable attacks against their candidates in twenty twenty two and raise the likelihood of a mid term debacle, and he cite a few examples of this. One I'm is crime where he points out that a lot of people on the right have been pointing out the rising crime rate and major citys around the United States, and yet Democrats continue to proclaim over and out. and over again that there really is no big crime problem that the crime problem is all just made up by the Fox NEWS crowd, and this is not going to go down to the democratic benefit. Another example of what right to share a costly fox news fallacy is the immigration issue. He says the by the administration has resisted and still resists calling the situation at the mexican border. A crisis
initially insisted that the search at the border would go away on its own. As the hot weather season arrived, This was the one most democratic here too. Invoking the idea. The issue was more a Fox news, talking point that a real problem no apparent that more research is not going away anytime soon and that the perceived liberalization of the border regime under the Bush administration has indeed spread more migrants to try their luck at the border. And it's not going away with the hot weather Washington, Post reports. Officials have made more than one million apprehensions at the south was born this fiscal year. As of June, two hundred thousand more individuals probably crossed in July this year, Some of the encounter number since fiscal year, two thousand. and there's a reason why Joe Biden approval rating on immigration is now at thirty percent. Thirty, seven percent up fifty two percent down he's only thirty percent approval rating among independence by the way and critical race. there is another issue: are Democrats are completely missing the boat, because Republicans mentioned Democrats have decided that this is now
longer worth concerning themselves over is almost ass. A sort of bizarre. It's like a bizarre reversed psychology effect here, the damn I shall falling prey to the minute. The republican say. Something is a problem democratic immediately clear that not only is it not a problem it something good. So if we say that the squad is, is completely radical and proposing policies that are ridiculous on their face, the Democrats say that making it up, and then the american people know we're not making it up because they have eyes they heavier. So they can see it happening by the way. This also happens in reverse. Right is not unique to the to the left. The rather it has. This is well if the left makes a criticism the right that hasn't legitimacy to very often, people on the right will just go well, if left to saying it must be false, will know it might be false
does it mean indefinitely is false right now for the binding ministration. However, they are falling into a real political trap here because they are so attached to the idea that Fox NEWS is the fault of all evil and shows like this one are not worth listening to and that anyone who disagrees with them is a vicious bigot there so attached to that idea that there are disregarding the fact that many many Americans agree that there are under his skewed. Far too radical, they wrote a sharp points out. This is certainly true with regard to critical race theory ready. The american people do not like critical race theory. the appalling data shows this stuff is really really unpopular. and popular in Virginia and right to share conclude democratic, embraced. The Fox NEWS Dallas are inclined to believe? There is no real issue here, other than voters whipped up. I fox NEWS, or simply opposed to teaching students about slavery in alike. That is mistaken, blinds Democrats between real problem that is emerging generally demo.
Need to win themselves away from the foxes fallacy as generic responds to conservative attacks. This is exactly correct, but Democrats don't seem to be getting the message now with regard to the corner Bush wing of the Democratic Party and now with regard to covered either these, it turns out that a lot of the critiques from the right are steeped not in anti vaccine resume their steeped in data They are steeped in science there pointing out that there is a serious lack of data for much of what the left is calling for right now and because left doesn't like that just ignoring the pretending that they can dismiss. All of that, with the way the hand and everybody will just accept it is a bad political move for them.
Honestly, if they want to do it, go for it can make a lot of wives worse and then they're, just gonna get the asking. They deserve. Come twenty twenty two, it's more of this in just one. Second, first, let us talk about your sleep quality gay. So, as you can tell, I am not broadcasting from home. That means the my sleep quality has been garbage lately, that's because I'm missing my helix sleep mantras. I need my helix asleep mattress. It is made just a for me- is personalized to this unbelievably APOLLO ask body. He'll sleep has a quiz. It takes just two minutes to complete matches your body type in sleep preferences to the perfect mattress for you. When you buy a mattress made for someone else with helix you're. Getting a mattress you know will be perfect for the way you sleep. Everybody's unique helix knows that they have several different mattress mouse choose from soft medium and firm mattresses, mattresses, great for cooling, down, officially pot, even a helix, plus mattress four plus I spoke so
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of where the american public falls uncovered. Restrictions in here is here's what he says. It's worthy of exploring, because basically group this analysis, he says that there are essentially five groups in american life when it comes to these covered lockdown group a he says about twenty five percent of the electorate. This would be like the hard left this vaccinated, but not ready for a return to normal and thinks society has opened up too fast. a word about delta, in favour of any and all restrictions, including locked down and remote learning. Some of this group will transition into group be when, and if cases start following ok group be, is the biggest single groups about thirty percent. These are vaccinated somewhat worried about Delta, in favour of modest risk. She's like indoor masking, especially if they target the unboxing aid. At the same time Don't want to return to lockdown, although some could drift into groups like it could be more hard on lots of cases rising or if there are scaring variants. This quickly becoming the consensus position among college educated elite. Can then there's group see that fifteen percent of the population
this is the vaccinated, but over the pandemic population and weary of restrictions likely a mix of younger voters. You don't and high rates in summit centre right libertarians advocate I fall into this category right. I M group see I'm vaccinated I'm over the pandemic. I believe the science does not support continued lockdown. Not only do I think that it doesnt support continued lockdown, I think of it as a public policy matter. We are now done. You know who agrees with me would be Doktor Marty Macsharry of Johns Hopkins University has an excellent piece over it. U S news and rules report today He points out that as a physician with a lot of experience dealing with patients who don't follow what we ask them to do, I believe you win more bees with honey than fire. He says the vaccines are so good at protecting against death from nineteen. Those who are immune can feel good about living without having to worry about becoming severely ill vaccines. Young growth downgrade the unfair, into a mild seasonal virus. One we must learn but for years to come, those which was not yet accelerated, are making a poor health decision at their own individual risk? Genesis, Doktor Mortimer carry they pose no public health, add to those already immune when we beat her stern toward people make
similar or worse, health choices to smoke, drink alcohol or we're a helmet when writing a bike over eighty five thousand Americans die annually from alcohol, and we don't have the same public health or require requirements to save those lives. Let's encourage vaccination rather than activate he personal liberty, culture words, the result in people becoming more entrenched in their opposition. Also, as we carry the notion. We have to deactivate every living, walking, american and eventually, every new, born in order to control the pandemic is based on the false assumption that the risk of dying from carbon nineteen is equally distributed in the population It's not. We ve always known that it's very hard for the virus to hurt someone whose young and healthy that still the case, while vaccine requirements for healthcare workers make sense. You know extend those requirements outside of healthcare, forsake the flu shot, we simply say to the public. Those who avoid the flu shot do so at their own risk. This is the rational, decision here. The rational decision here is to be part of what needs over terms group see right. You get vaccinated and then you're done.
If someone else choose not to get vaccinated, is no longer your business, because you are now immune to dying from the virus on any baseline statistical level. Ok, then, there's group deep. This is twenty five percent of them. relation on vaccinated and strongly opposed to any restrictions rights, no doubt be a lot of the from rural voters, for example They were like listen. I was never that word about the virus or young unhealthy. I'm sorry worried about the virus, and I'm not asking anything of you by the way the vast, mature people who are on vaccinated fall intergroup d and finally, group in the fifth group need silver again. This is break em. He says about five percent of the population He says those are people who are on vaccination, but in vain of other restrictions. Indeed, they may think such Christians are necessary to protect them because they can't or won't get vaccinated. This group probably means democratic and working class. I presume
that would be minority voters in major american cities. Maybe maybe ok. So here is the important part about this breakdown. What this breakdown suggests is that about seventy percent of the american population. Seventy percent of the american population is against lockdown Read the biggest group is vaccinated and there a little worried about delta, but on super we're about to end if there are actually given the information about how not dangerous TAT is to them as the vaccinated. There would be significantly less worried about delta and they you getting scared by the media into a belief that there's variant right around the corner that is going to break through the vaccines at any moment. By the way, if there is, we cannot do anything to stop that in the United States. We can't. the delta variant started in India before that there is the Brazil variants, will recall your color, this regional aid, started in who had their little hundreds of millions of people who have this virus or have had this virus or who will get this virus all there has to be as one group of people somewhere on earth.
Non vaccinated in order for there to be a new variant, possibility, What does that mean? Seventy percent of the american population, which is an overwhelming majority, Americans, are at least skeptical of lockdown policies and mask mandates and all the rest of this stuff and that group group be which is sort of their vaccinated, but they tend towards the cautious if they really understood the stats they We would not be in group, be they had been group, see right, they would be vaccinated and they would be over it, because that is the rational position is of accident, a person it is difficultly, less rational as vaccinated person to be sure lastly worried about Delta. If Europe no person, you should not be seriously worried about Delta in terms of your own personal risk level and by the way, in terms of the risk level to your children, because the stats on children being directly harm by Delta are very, very skimpy, very skimpy remember under three hundred fifty kids under the age of eighteen and united in the United States, have died of covert period in the entire United States. Oh, if you go to light the age of thirty that sullenly additional twenty five hundred-
but some populations are well in excess of two hundred million people in the United States. Has that means that seventy five percent? Seventy per cent of the population is just not in favour of these sorts of locked down to mass mandate or anything like that, but because the right saying that the left feels the need to ignore, that seventy percent of the population or try to scare grew be the vaccinated, who are somewhat cautious into being grew bay. That's Age, one lockdown, which is the least understandable of any of these groups, in that they mean that abolition makes no sense That's a native people who want lockdown are just out of touch with reality. At this point they don't care about the site, but not interested in science, but it seems like our public health. Savage meant are so angry.
At so much of the american population for being over it. That they're, just gonna continue to train scare people their falling into the Fox news fallacy just because people like me are on the right and people like me. I've been encouraging vaccinations since they want people are grounded answers descends. It's been encouraging vaccinations since day, one just because there are a lot of people on the right or pro vaccine, and also believe this vaccine freeze you up for life and that if you're, responsible adults you now get to make a decision, the left has decided that they are going to go full lockdown hey. This is why you have this heavy pressure campaign being brought with regard to the non vaccinated right
Anthony Voucher, the great in saying to Doktor, Anthony factory. He spent the day, ripping the investigative and suggesting that they are going to be responsible for a brand new variant of delta and and that this is going to kill everybody. This is not effective. It's not! You know what honest with you. You start to see some objects in the number of people who are getting vaccinated. You know why, because people are assessing their personal risk factors and deciding that perhaps they ought to give accident it not cause they're, getting shouted out by Doktor Anthony found. but because people do risk mitigation, it's how humanity has survived for several hundred thousand years. Acres, Anthony Fatty, hard after the untaxed anyway. My concern would be you may allow a very that we haven't even recognize. As yet to come along and, in fact, be better, read, transmitting and more serious than the delta. We haven't seen that,
So rather than be worrying about these others that around, let's make sure we don't let no one's come in well, our unfastening people. The reason were seen these new strains and will an increase in that the nations medicate virus morphine and not always well, that's a good one, because the answer yes, okay, except for the fact that, no matter how many vaccines you crash out in the United States, there still gonna be there inside their place on earth. Of course it is not a realistic all felt. She knows this he's not saying that, because that would suggest that we have basically reach the end of what we do in terms of public policy, and he doesn't want to let go of it. He It does not want to let go of it. I waves in companies start Mirror TAT Group a that that that group a sword, mentality vaccinated, but
in favour of local Amazon says it's no one to delay corporate employees returning to offices until next year next year, which is just madness at this point, and the average Amazon employee is probably twenty five years old already in just one. Second, we're gonna get you the continued paranoia surrounding the delta variants and the and the covert wars. First, let's talk about the fact that your individual liberty is indeed not just in the constitution, but by the fact that there is a second amendment that Second Amendment protection Liberty protects. Our freedom protects you from criminality. Our founding fathers knew this. So do the people over Bravo Company man, factoring the people over? Bravo company em, if you support the right of responsible private individuals to have the access inability to employ the same too, civilian law enforcement. As a means, defending ourselves, our loved ones our communities and our freedoms should are threatening situ.
never rise bees. Him assumes that when a rifle leave their shop, it will be used in a life or death situation by irresponsible citizen law enforcement officer or soldier oversees. So quality is indeed of the utmost value to them. I know I have a b c m rifle. In that case, machinery is just a gorgeous piece of machinery. Is the gun that I would use to protect me. Emily, if God forbid it came to that as American have the luxury of living in a free society where he can improve your life for education, religious exploration, open exchange, ideas, all that protected by the second mammoth books be CM, know that had on over the Bravo Company M, F g dot com. You can discover more about their products. Special offers upcoming news that brought Company M, F G D. Come if you need more convincing, find out even more about beseeming ya. Some people make their products a youtube dot com, such Bravo company- you ass, a are ready. So again. The the point here is that for the left, one of the reasons this has become political is,
It is just reactionary, so there's more and more of a push day in and day out, more and more of a bush to lock people down mask people up. This is not borne out by reality here right now. There's this continued focus, for example on Florida. Even noticed again this this continued focus on Florida is largely because Joe Biden is very much afraid I've gotten around a stance in Florida whose popular governor of Florida, the media, every so often decide to focus on a surgeon Florida. They never focus on the overall deaths stats, because if they did, they would realise that Florida would be Second this population in America really the oldest, because there are very large state with laudable people. Flora currently ranks twenty sixth in me, Jeff per million rate, as opposed to New York in Jersey, which rank respectively to and on any Jeff per million right since tat. Every time, therefore, to search the media coverage in the yellow, Rhonda Santas Lot and Joe Biden and on that. His suggestion, of course, is that if, if there were just mass mandate in Florida, that would kill the spread. Ok, there's only one problem: there is no proof.
The mask mandates have done this any where there is no proof. Mass mandate are affected, that does mean master, ineffective masked may be effective in certain circumstances, although the reality is delta because it so transmissible there There is questions about whether masking is even cheaper effective. With regard to this, I am not saying that Professor William Hazel Teen, formerly of her. Medical school is aimed at using deltas, going right through surgical masks, for example. No, if you should ask if you can come into your house, sir, are you workmen comments? Are you actually will you Your mask, please give us another, really important question for personal safety, please, where your mask and hopefully in ninety five asked because Delta has a propensity to go through some of the YAP surgical mask, for example, is not as good protection. It used to be your spewing out a thousand times more virus. Did you did before,
and so you need a tougher mass by the way. There's not a single child. In America, re window in the german kids wear masks and schools. Kid you're not wearing a ninety five Catherine cloth mask. I know my kids were cloth, masks olive last year. They ordered summer camp this year as well, because the camp they went to was hyperactive about this sort of stuff. Ok, but Nobody is targeting Rhonda Santas over this. We remember a couple days ago. He represents two cents pushed back on him. Well now Joe Biden forgot her round us answers now. I'm not gonna play this clip. I think, there's a LISA Fifty fifty shot Joe Biden is being honest. He literally does not remember around two sentences and that's not because he doesn't know who to senses it's because Joe Biden is not with us and has not been with us for for quite some time here. President of the United States has with using your words about, don't be in the way he sang. I am in the way of law, too much interference by government near responses to present as governor of the guy,
your targeting from the White House, Joe Biden, has, has been losing that exchange and say yes, you do governor who, but again, this is a case where the less refuses to acknowledge the realities in the grand one of those realities is the our rate in Florida is apparently waning. The it is the reproduction rate of the particular virus- hey when there is a man, If spread, that means that people are spreading into more more people. They already, it seems as Florida is now on the downs. Hope of that not doesn't mean that infections are on the down slope in Florida. It means that infections in the next couple of weeks are likely to start declining and declining pretty markedly, as they have in a wide variety of other countries. Already in fact, Floris Flora Healthcare see as their already saying, like despite media coverage, that floor hospitals are completely overwhelmed. There's no room. People are dying in the aisles get. That's not true. You're here, floored up healthcare ceos yesterday talk about you. of course they're busier with their seeing more cases, but they still have capacity era
see you live around we're running forty percent of our impatience. Right now, we're down to twenty five percent of our impatience, and I see used other house was itself Warner, seeing you unless numbers in that between fifteen and twenty percent, other visionary Are you a rounded Santa's points this out as well? As is the media's spreading this information about floor to being overwhelmed? He says Florida is not actually overwhelms at this point. That doesn't mean that Florida hasn't had to shift capacity, but this is not like it was back during January. Where the hospitals were actually in danger of being no sort of overflow territory. We had seen significant increases in covert patience, but as the sea of tap a general said, that's ten to fifteen percent of their total Sensus and its important when the media spreading. This meant misinformation and actually lying it couldn't deter someone from going in to get care for things like heart. Problems are stroke, and so, although see oh said, we are treating, everybody were open for business. You know we're busier with covert, then we worse
weeks ago, but please come in and get care get. The point here is that when it comes to the so called Fox NEWS, doubtless heaping describing Roy to share when it comes to covet it's the descent establishing whatever this answer says, must be treated by the media. As, though is completely outrageous, even though a huge majority of Americans kind of agree with it again. If you take a look at nights over breakdown, again. You will see that seventy percent of Americans are pretty skeptical of a lot of the measures that are being recommended, and if that thirty percent of people who are like in favour of some mild measures, particularly for the Un Vaccinated, if actually knew about their own risk factors. I'm feeling a lot of those people would be in my category of vaccinated, I'm done here, but the West can like all of it, because the census, bet you have CNN national Security, analyse, for example, telling the on vaccinate. that we should actually stop them from flying at this point one of one of the meat see and insecurity analyse, he said there is no such thing as a federal mandate. By the federal government can use carrots and sticks and privileges and burdens. One of the area
We can do that is on airline travel, because the US government sets the rules and conditions for here's. The thing about airline travel. Airline travel has been pretty damn safe since the beginning of a pandemic. It they're they're bitten, no data linking airline travel people getting covert on planes. He that has not so far as we are aware. a main vector of transmission. Evan. Multiple studies done on this. One of the reasons is because planes have excellent happy filters there there filtering the entire air of the plane like every three or four minutes. So the notion that we have to shut on air travel for the on backdated is really kind of silly, and particularly for doing that on behalf of the vaccinated, which is really silly. Also, you have people like again the dissatisfaction of the Department of Education had Miguel Cardona, saying that. It's because of the stance that schools might shutdown and four, are you kidding Descent
the alone kept schools open. You guys, shut down all the schools lesser for no damned reason you showed him down in California. The entire year showed him down in New York for the entire year. You educated, every kid from home educated in earthquakes in Washington DC for like the entire year and is Rhonda Santa's who's, gonna shutdown educate you literally had the CDC riding school reopening guidelines, along with the American Federation of teachers and putting a bunch of anti scientific nonsense and blather Skype. social distancing, small children, haven't muse, plexiglas and run descent Going to shut them, indeed, the gas letting here is really extraordinary. Here's that about areas the Department of Education had made all Cardona going after dissenters, don't be the reason why schools are interrupted. A kids have suffered enough. Let's do what we know works. Let's do what we know work across the country. We shouldn't power policy should doesn't have a role in this power. What politics does never ruinous? Really doesn't it? You,
early wrote the CDC guidance with help from people who want to continue to shut down the schools. The dissatisfaction with the foxes effect. That's all this that's all it is hands get even worse. Now the democratic decided, they're gonna full embrace vaccine passport, in fact an assembly seventy rule objective journalism in getting that huh He journalism all over the place. She says only be understood and the arguing against axing passports. Dont. You, though, like I, can explain it really really quickly Julia. It turns out if you tell everybody whose vaccinated they get to go all the special places and everybody else whose unboxing aided has to hang out together, you can get faster spread. Did you do you understand that its? I didn't small words in short sentences so that you could understand your Stephanie rosing. She literally does understand why vaccine passport is a bad idea by the way Israel has been doing vaccine passports again and Israel is them is now going to philosophy and probably at the beginning of the nowadays in September. Here is a semi rule. and I dont understand those who are against showing proof of vaccine
and they never had to show their passport, show their idea or take their kids to school and makes no sense to me. Oh my god, These are the exact same people who say that its racism to make you show your idea to vote. So let me get this straight. Its rays, them to make. You show your idea to vote, because black people apparently are in Cape getting a abode ready, but it's not racism to make people show their vaccine card. If they're on vaccinated disproportionate. why people are vaccinated in this country, particularly major cities. You'll notice that there is a heavy cross over between black, relation in the United States non vaccinated areas. There are two large groups bill in the: U S: we're not getting vaccinated at the same rate as everybody else. One is rural conservatives and the is inner city minorities. Those are the two on vaccines. The groups in the United States on vaccinated for wildly variant reasons, except that there's a common distrust of the government. I think that that runs through both pretty astonishing south. Meanwhile Biden Covert, adviser Jeffreys ends,
He says that Yelp is no one to let businesses list there. Vaccination policies- this is, I said before I think, there's a predicate to what comes next, which is the sort of social credit system or businesses are starting to start. Basically, carding you for a wide variety of social. Since this is just the beginning, businesses no vaccinations are a way to keep their workers and customer safe and keep their doors open, and today, Yelp is announcing a new feature that allows consumers to search for businesses for we backed needed workers, workers or businesses that require proof of vaccination to enter the business again. So much of this is just being driven by. If Republicans oppose it, it must be good, they did the altar example of this was Mme she's criticise. This was pretty, whereas the other day Chris has attacked Marco Rubio for supposedly not pushing vaccines
there's only one problem with that, which is that he literally quoted Merkel Rubia pushing vaccines to Marco Rubio treated. I quote: stop with the mask better if you want to wear, masks a courtesy, those around you, because you're no mood to get even a little, but go ahead. If you want your kids in schools that you're right, but we aren't going to mask your way out of this right, end em, and then he concluded that people should actually vaccinate, but he he finished by suggesting openly. He says we're going to ask your way out of this, and then he put up like an actual verbal statement in which he sat at the very end that you should ask quote. The answer here is not mask As I said, you're talkin about your way out of this. The answer here is vaccines get vaccinated. That's the answer. Critias naturally treated this really perfect. Exam, the constant triangulate and cowardice, and what about it? And that's infected the entire party and movement? He can't you say, hey vaccinated, have to find some to own. The lives no Chris, I have a feeling you're missing a mirror in your home
he literally says get vaccinated, but you have to find a way to translate so as to blame Republicans for people marketing vaccinated everyone or how we can sort out when people give action it. Ok, guys if you wanna, keep going with the foxes fallacy, all you or the senses files you would have reaches to call it enjoy yourselves because it is not going for down here benefit already in just one second gets the latest on Andrew Cuomo. Is he will he stay or will he go? Arrow gets then one second. First, let us talk about, that if you want to sleep well, you need product from my pillow. Yes, here we talk every week about how much I love my pillow products, while now hello is changing the game with their six piece of towel set to is that is made with USA. Cotton, making it extremely absorbent, it's still providing that soft feel you look for in as hell is, that comes with two bath two hand towels and two washcloth, typically retailing for a hundred nine dollars, nine nine cents for limited time. You get all that stuff. The two back to hand tell us to wash Watts
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Bring you the news. You need no, but we need your help to keep the facts trending toward number one, since I have now to morning wire and Apple Spotify or wherever he listened upon costly, the five star of you. If you like what you hear it has brought you by daily, where editor in chief dynamically and CO host Georgia. How morning, where will wake up with the latest developments in politics, sport, culture, education? All with a heavy emphasis on the facts in fifteen bite sized minutes perfect for your daily you two again subscribed morning wire on Apple POD cast, but if I am everywhere, you listen upon Cassie, don't miss a beat. If you like what you here, we ve five star of you tell the pack has platforms. Conservative news belongs in number one on the charge you listening to the largest fastest growing, whereupon custom radio show in the nation. Already. Meanwhile, the big question regarding Andrew Cuomo is whether he will stay or whether he will go. So that's the legislature at this point, because you,
going nowhere. I mean there's no way he's going to quit. There is no political upside to quitting in american politics anymore. That started with Bill Clinton. There is now no standard is when a politician should resign. Rwanda politician is caught in flagrant, delicate though the typical history of that was that up until they ll put unpeopled squid built, one did not quit. He stuck around. He kind of he can a bold his way forward through it and here, and he lived long enough to become a hero again with the Democratic Party base until the point where he became inconvenient, then who's gonna jettisoned and then he still brought back from time to time when he is useful and from our politicians, learn very simple thing: never resign and make them come and get you and Andrew Cuomo is one of those politicians and frankly, unemployment Euro called it L, Frank and the Senator from Minnesota. He resigned after allegations that he was groping women during photos huge, unlike grabbing their asses, in the middle of photo lines and all the sort of stuff and he resigned
and the real reason that he resigned was not because the democratic suddenly decide that ask robbery was a real problem, The reason that he resigned is because his resignation right in the middle of the way, more controversy in Alabama and the idea that the Democrats we're trying to push the Democrats really but a policing their own in the meat to moment. But Republicans really bad at it was. It turns out Frank and resign and then the Republicans actually were pretty good policing the meat you moment with Ray more use, nominate presented and then he lost. And now there was eight a cent or from Alabama who is a Democrat renamed Jones, so it has that was a waste and ever since L Frank and has been trying to climb his way back into politics. He says now that you regret having reside in the first place. All the same thing applies to Andrew Cuomo,. well now looks like the new state assembly is when you start its impeachment investigation. They announced that, on Thursday accord, Fox NEWS that calm the assembly Judiciary Committee had law from David spoken war will conduct an independent inquiry and, if Cuomo right any materials who would like to submit on his own behalf.
As the investigation comes to an end. The firm told Cuomo quote we right to inform you that cities. Investigation is nearing completion and the assembly will soon consider potential articles impeachment against your client. Accordingly, we invite you to provide any additional evidence or written submissions you'd like the committee to consider before its work conclude the assembly also stated its attorneys had issued a subpoena Cuomo for materials related to their investigation, but that he hadn't turned anything over as yet. Almost Signor adviser in Rich as a party responded on Thursday quote the assembly has said it is doing a full and thorough review of the complaints and has offered the governed esteem and opportunity present fact and their perspective. The governor appreciates the opportunity we will be cooperating the jury. you're. A committee for the New York State Assembly is set to meet on Monday ones. Therein, Nation is finished. The one hundred and fifty member assembly would have to pass it impeachment resolution with a simple majority of seventy six votes for the matter, to go to the state Senate for trial right now. There are Eighty assembly members on record expressing support for the impeachment. Normally there
would be heard by the senators. The seven judges on in your court of appeals and lieutenant governor governors, one under impeachment, lieutenant governor and President Proton, whose curly? A majority leader and restore cousins are excluded, Is there in the line of succession, two thirds of the court is needed, convict now be forty six votes. eight. There are thirty, seven senators who have gone on record supporting the progression of the impeachment process. So this thing looks it's sort of on nice edge and prominent Democrats. You dont like Cuomo and here here's the real thing. No one wants Cuomo right if you are popular with his own power the way that wrath Northern was or even just Fairfax and Virginia he be fine. The problem is that Andrew Como, who spent the last several years, cramping all over everyone in the Democratic Party, and now there for their revenge, democratic representative Kathleen rise user representative on the federal level. She says it's time to get Cuomo out of their. The governor still has the same: around him who pretty much aided and abetted his behaviour as the report, a documents and so the faster we get the governor out of
office, and in all of those who worked for him and clean up the executive chamber, the better it's gonna be for people who just want to work in government and work in public service. They shouldn't have to face going to a house Don't talk to work environment every day, just to do their jobs. Andrew steward, cousin, to dinner, I sent a majority leader again. She won't be voting on this issue. In the light of succession. She says More should resign, because we can all see the writing on the wall. At this point, I think so many people who are Involved- and we're watching it up closed, and we know that this is not going to end well. This is why so many people are saying to the governor step aside resign now. So I have a question: do you really think that principle has broken out here? Do we think that is just a good time for Democrats to jettison Cuomo? They got what they wanted out of him last year. now, he's no longer useful to them, and so now they're going to do
his body by the side of the road? Now there could be something good that theoretically comes out of this, maybe there's a new standard. Maybe the new standard is that there is willingness to impeach people inside your own party when there is a full scale, documented investigation that demonstrates the guilder on a particular time. And that's what it requires, because here's the problem has been this grey area for a long time and Biden illustrates it right because have been allegations about Joe Biden from terror, read about him literally sexually salting her and though we're not taken to Brimley seriously. There was never a massive investigation, but he could rest on on that ready to. There is never a mouse. Investigation. She said something I said something it's pretty much it so I'm not resigning. And nobody is really pressured him inside the Democratic Party to get out of the race Color Harris did briefly and then, of course, she flipped, and she just was like obvious vice president. Now you remember that he. So what is the new standard, while the new standard is that
go through the entire investigative procedure, and then we impeach and under the threat of impeachment people quit. I don't think it's a horrible standard anything frankly. Maybe that should be the new standard, but The standard is just going to be that we discard politicians when their longer convenient. Then I'm a cynical about this. Is it possible to be? I do not think that politicians have suddenly grown spines and suddenly decided that they are in fact, your folks who are are trustworthy on matters of morality and meanwhile, speaking of it, Only as any wonder that, as Joe Biden engages in these sort of two santas fallacy and the Fox NEWS fallacy, his approve warnings continue to tank according to our naughty. His fraudulent seed robot and is doing a terrible job, even the far left fate posters equipping. I couldn't giusto at his pole to lift him over fifty percent approval rating Canopy ACT is wildly biased, were Biden as naughty points out. in twenty twenty. Could it be? I had Biden winning Flora by five Trump one by three. It binding
Oh, how by Ford from one by eight rhetoric when it back, is very providing, and even they can't get by over fifty percent over that hum and meanwhile the Democrats know their wedded to Joe Biden, because lurking in the background is the deeply on likeable terrible politician, Kamel Harris Infected, so bad read the Democratic Party h q that they had basically an emergency meeting over the weekend to ask what can be done about common Harris. How do you solve a problem like come on low, brutally daily they're, all singing? Here's? What ashes reports A group of the democratic parties. Most influential women met for dinner at home in their name. capital last month to give out how to defend VP well here, is in her chief of staff, Tina Flournoy against each words of bad press. The hostess Kiki Mc Lean democratic public affairs expert, former adviser, both pollutants, her guests included Harris Conference Menu, or two former Dnc officials, Donna, Brazil and Leah Daughtry by visor leader was outside group Stephanie Cutter former Hillary Clinton, spokeswoman undemocratic strategies
Adrian L riding Karen Veni and former Obama White has communications record. Jennifer Palmiry. Nobody to Vps office was at dinner, but This is a tune to outside it. Network of supporters. Harris's office declined to comment on the dinner. The dinner had an urgent purpose. According to access the operative suspend the dinner discussing how to fight back against negative perceptions, help hairs boost her national media footing, they're trying to figure out exactly how they help Harris but they're having some problems One of these sources said many of us live through the Clinton campaign and one help curb the gender dynamics and press coverage. It was like we ve seen this For example, one thing I'm going well for male politician, we have very different questions, etc, etc. But bottom line as Democrats are scared, bleep less about the possibility of commerce running in twenty twenty four, their wedded for better or worse to the old man. The problem is, the old man is engaging in their Fox NEWS, fell
he's engaging in radical policy day in day out he's undercutting the only reason why Americans like him in the first place, namely that he was supposed to be a houseplant he's not being a houseplant and it is not going to end. Well for an already we'll be back your later today, with an additional hour of content. First, you can forget to endure week by checking up and reclaiming show drew, shows every Friday. He has an exciting evening plan for you had an over to daily wired outcome. Sevenpm eastern six pm central tune in I'm benchmarks. Is the bench appear Ojo if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcast, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show that Michael Mole show and the Mat Wall Show, thanks for listening, Dementia Bureau show is produced by Elliot, fell, executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producer is math is clever. Reduction manager of a white ascii associate.
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-06.