« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1300 - The Endless Covid Power Grab


The media and politicians break out the covid panic — but do the statistics justify it? Plus, Joe Biden is unwilling to accept the consequences of his own economic agenda.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The media and politicians break out the covered panic. But do the statistics justify it plus Britain is unwilling to accept the consequences of his own economic agenda, a bench for services, the bench Barroso, the ratio is sponsor. My express Debian, I protect my data with bbn, so should you visit expressly agenda? Mr Cashman, already, will get you all the news in just one. Second, first, you may have noticed that your cell phone bill is just too high. It is just too high. Why have you not switched over to pure talk USA at a minute super simple, same great coverage because pure talks on the exact same network as one of the big three, but at a fraction of the price in switching is as easy as which you're sim card and keep your phone keep your number org. Huge discounts on latest iphones and androids when you join pure chocolate, USA plus right now, here's what you get unlimited talk text in six gigs of data, we're just thirty bucks a month and here's the thing you're saying yourself: what what? If we're facing like eight gigs of data, if you
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universally on vaccinated people or getting the disease after having been vaccinated are typically getting very mild forms of it are getting either asymptomatic or very, very mild, symptomatic forms an enemy is being hospitalized after having had the covered vaccine and then getting covered. These tend to be older people significant underline vulnerabilities and yet, if you look at whether the media cover this stuff, it's, totally wild- mean they're, not giving you the real story. They'll tell you things like the increase in in covered death. It's up twenty five percent that something that he saw from USA today. You're saying that there is an increase in deaths. Is twenty five percent up? Ok! Well, that relies on the baseline. What exactly is the baseline number of that,
It s really what we should be looking at. Instead of looking at your, we are higher than we were two weeks ago in terms of death. It should be ok what is the baseline level of debt so in order to understand how bad things actually are? Yes have a little bit of perspective it when things were at their worst in terms of the number of deaths in the United States, we are looking at sometimes four thousand that's a day, sometimes just under four thousand deaths, a day see that sort of peak on this chart right there. When you see that reaches a tight you're. Looking it again, sometimes five thousand deaths, as are huge numbers. Huge numbers here, are the cause of the top causes of death in the United States Debts day by day in the United States. Now again, these of death are average across all of the dates, and these are higher in some areas are lower than just the average in the United States every year, their milk,
the deaths every single year in the United States, because we're very large country of three hundred thirty million citizens. So here the number of deaths per day by cause in the United States Heart disease is two thousand and ten heart disease that eighteen hundred and six deaths per day from heart disease in the United States from cancer. About one thousand six hundred and forty three deaths per day again as of two thousand nineteen accidents, Riley Car accident I'll, have your balcony, it had been Anville, that's four hundred and seventy four deaths per day, chronic, lower respiratory diseases. Abbe look for her in thirty laughs. Stroke is foreign intend. That's right. All timers is three hundred thirty two deaths per day and diabetes is two hundred forty deaths per day. So why exactly am I bringing that up because how many deaths per area having in the United States right now? If you just look at the media coverage, you would think TAT we near the top that chart right just like we were wonder at the worst of this thing when we are averaging- and we had
We running averages of three thousand four thousand deaths per day. You'll doubling highs that the highest rate of death from another disease in the United States, as of twenty nine are you would think that we're up in the stratosphere somewhere relic heart disease or cancer, no, Seventy rolling average. As of right now, seventy rolling average in from the deaths in the United States under three hundred which puts us in about the realm of Alzheimer's or diabetes, and not even It's like six times lower than the rate of death on a daily average for heart disease across the entire year. A game right now, we're talking to seventy rolling average, not across the entire year. It was this adjust. Its but while we are seeing an increasing number of infections, the number of deaths are not skyrocketing. And this is not a coincidence in the United States- I'm looking at you case. Try right now, because the UK started The delta variant before the United States did now back in January, the UK sort of hit its height. In terms of the
number of cases are being diagnosed in the UK dandy it back in January, I, for example, but sixty eight thousand new cases that have been diagnosed now, they're. Having about forty five. Fifty thousand new cases diagnosed every day, right. You they're they're, pretty high numbers there in the UK in terms of diagnosis, the difference is that if you look at the death levels radically different back in January, the UK experience about six hundred deaths per day today, hey is experiencing about forty by ten times lower, more than ten times lower. Why? Because, as it turns out the number of people for getting this thing or vaccinated, are not being hospital has not dying? Generally speaking and the sea? This holds true. If you look at the statistics from Israel right now, what you're saying there's a lot of me information that is circulating right now about the fact that there are some breakthroughs of the delta variant against the covered vetting breakthrough as far as being diagnosed with it, but not a breakthrough.
Our is dying from it, and this is the thing I care about. I don't care. If I get flues honest, Diana could seriously overman lotta, possibly care about that. The only thing makes a difference, especially in terms of government action is level death. I just talking about above people got diagnosed with a blue this year in very few people died. No one cares. We don't shut down businesses for that. We certainly don't ask up for that. They so in Israel, which has been sort of the big headline. Wow. Look, it is Israel, so highly vaccinated and yet and yet no Israel, because politicians always have a stake in control. We do. Our health apparatus has a stake in control. They don't wanna, give it up, and I think would last your proof- is the Americans are willing to give up their liberty for pretty much anything. It is one thing for people to give up their liberty when there is a serious risk to them, but for people to willingly give their liberty, while they are already vaccinated against the disease, is pretty messed up and you give up your child be based on pretty much. Nothing is even more messed up, we'll get you so what
story in Israel, where there are these headlines about how we aim to shut down again, Israel has now closed travelled to foreigners again through August first. So what what is happening in Israel? Well, here's what's happening right now. The the vaccines, mostly visor, Israel, are ninety percent plus effective against severe disease for people or under the age of sixty five in Israel, ninety percent plus effectiveness, which means you ve, now lowered the rates of death down below the flu for people who are under the age of sixty five. It is eighty percent plus effective against severe disease for people over the age of sixty five to Israel. Right now is looking at booster shots. One of the reasons that they're looking up loser shots is because older people have immunity that tends to wane faster, but the covered variant is still not effective against Pfizer in this of killing or hospitalized tons and tons of people. It just doesn't and the reason that you're seeing some statutes that are out there again. People need to understand base rate. And you're, seeing some states that are out there like, for example, in Israel.
Forty per cent of all people who are being hospitalized for Covet people party that acting as because, like seventy five. Present visuals population is already had the vaccine mean? Theoretically if it were supposed to be equal than than seventy five? percent of people were being hospitalized would have the vaccine. But that's not what you're saying where's things that it is preventative getting the disease, and it is super for preventative, seriously ill and dying, and as it turns out that the other thing to do, Well, here is that when we are talking about the relative safety of populations again, one of the reasons that you are seeing a lower level of death, even though you're sick spike in cases in both the United States in the UK, as was Israel, is that one of the things that has happened here is that the people who are getting Colbert are much under the people. Getting covered right now are much older. If you look in the United States, for example, at the vaccination rates by age and right now. I am looking at the statistics from the CDC right now. There are eighty five point, four two per cent of people,
war aged sixty five, seventy four in the United States have had at least one dose of the vaccine. In fact, if you are seventy five and older Eighty three percent of the population has receded these wonders of vaccine Catholic. Seventy six percent of all people over the age of sixty five, essentially seventy five. Seventy six percent of the entire population is completely vaccinated. Why? Because people rationally risks that's it you're, sixty five plus you're, much more scared of carbon. You ought to be much more scared cover than if you're twenty, isn't it the most vulnerable are taxed up and those people are tending to get my six sick led him to die. Was there till you get that these less and so well, using a spike in cases among people who are younger and healthier there. Also, Dying at same raiders were eighty because this disease thing, thank God, because only thing got in the sense that it would be much much worse if it had targeted children, but it doesn't really affect people who are you
nearly as much as it affects people who are older right now in the United States about Fifty- since the population somewhere near neighbourhood is actually backs in the United States, really matters. What age you're talking about he's your under the age of twelve, for example. Apparently about thirty, one percent of people are aged. Twelve to fifteen, have received a dose of the vaccine, but I'm not sure like why that's high priority to avoid infecting people who are sixty five already should have had the vexing. So here is the point. Everybody is treating the stuff as a crisis. It is not in fact, a crisis. We are not a crime, levels right now, we're not, and it is also we're, not a crisis when everybody had the opportunity to get the vaccine is here. The goalposts have shifted in terms of what the goals are of public policy here at the beginning. The locked down to them and masking recommendations. They were all designed to prevent overwhelming the hospital system has anybody said anything remotely like that recently at the hospital systems are on the verge of being overwhelmed and on hearing it because you are hearing it is because not happening
hospitals in the United States are not even close to the verge of being overwhelmed is also true in the UK is also turn Israel. None of the hospitals in industrial Countries with high levels of vaccination are on the verge of over one is it national is out the window, there is not a reason for us. Go back to work Several even a reason brought him ask at this point, especially for vaccinated if you're on vaccinated And you want to promote yourself from getting it. Yours somebody else and vaccinated. Well, then, by means go ahead mass? But if your vaccinate the idea that you should be masking in public places is really really dumb it beyond that. The notion that we have seen here, which is that we are, we are now experiencing the next goalposts that was set up. If we recall that there is no post of dont aroma rose, then there is the goalposts of weight in short, everything down and mask up and be very careful until every adult has had the chance you had vexing welcomes you now. Every adult in the United States about the age of twelve has had the chance to get vaccine everyone-
and if you choose not to get it, no one can believe into it. And frankly, the attempts by public policy makers to call you an idiot enough times you going to that does not seem particularly successful by pull data. All its doing is alienating people is not driving them if people actually felt driven the reason. Outfielder he's not because Anthony values, lecturing them or Joe Biden was lecturing them or because some actress from Hollywood was out there telling young people get vaccines? The reason that people go vaccinated right now, if they felt under serious threat, the same way that older people got vaccinated on mass because they felt under serious threat, and yet our public policy makers they dont have an angle now is no end point of this. They are now using arguments that basically argue they can. They can limit your liberty and force you to mask up under under any and all circumstances there is no limiting principle to anything there saying right now, because again we surpassed efforts, goalposts which was donor, one, the hospitals, then we surpassed the much more important second ball, which was make sure everybody has an opportunity to vaccinate,
and now it's just this kind of miasmatic? Well, you know we might have to mask up forever, because you know there could be another variant. Ok! Well, if there's another variant, then we'll talk them. But this notion that we're all gonna mask up right now for rest of time, because this is true forever right. There could be another variants of this virus in five years In fact, there could be a completely different virus in five years. Why not mask prophylactically for the rest of your life master children? At the same time, There is no limiting principle that the same thing is true: with regard to some of the lockdown. She's. There are now being discussed and we're supposed it locked down, travel we're supposed to prevent people from travelling across borders. What's the limiting principle here, is there any as engine in the United States, people are now dying at a rate, but a similar to the right The people die on a daily basis from Alzheimer's disease. Is that a rationale for locking down large cities in the United States and that's exam
lowering. We are seeing the left, the public policy folks run. Our health systems are obsessed with power. The Z power grab again when when this was rooted in ignorance, I was one thing when using shuddered Now, if you dont know what this virus gonna do, Thou is one thing: it became clear that the lock elsewhere ineffective generally ineffective in the middle of the summer. Last time, last year, and now we're still doing the same routine, based on a threat that is not even remotely closer. We are experiencing back in January thanks to the presence of vaccines. Thank God, it's more on this injustice. Second, as you can see, a disconnected Our public policy makers are from reality and how much they love of the power will get to that in just once. I can first, you know, I'm big believe individual liberty and personal responsibility. Our founding fathers knew these were cornerstones of a great civilisation, which is why they created the second amendment to secure every Americans fund. So. Human rights protect themselves their family and their community. That said owning Apples in autumn responsibility. Building rifles is no different, which is why I am so im
Bravo, company manufacturing, the people at Bravo Company and I fully support the right of responsible private individuals. Tell the access, inability, jumper, the same tools of civilian life Foresman as a means of defending ourselves. Our loved ones are communities in our freedoms, should a threatening situation of arise. Bees have assumed when a rifle their shop? It will be used in a life or death situation by irresponsible citizen law enforcement officer or soldier overseas, so called It is of the utmost value to them. Every component of these young rifles hand assembled untested. I Americans, I love my beseemed rival busy beautiful piece machinery. It is the peace that I will rely upon when it comes to protecting my family. Firearms are a great protection against journey. Their grip protection against the prediction. Of your family and a right go check out. Bravo company manufacturing right now had an over Bravo Company M, F g dot com. You can have a more about their products. Special offers upcoming news, as Bravo Company M, F g dot com- if you need more convinced
I now even more about museum. The often people who make their products at Youtube. Dotcom, slash! Bravo company! U S! Okay, so I'll, just connected to public is public policy from reality. At this point, is the American Academy of Pediatrics put out a recommendation yesterday? It is utterly crazy. Their recommendation is that we have to start masking all the children. It is deeply important. Ask all of the kids pretty much for the rest of time. According to NBC New York, everyone older than age too, she wear masks, regardless of vaccination status, when schools reopening the fall according to updated guidance from the American. Cadmium pediatrics release on Monday, the leading national pediatrician groups had a recommends universal masking, because so much of the student population is yet eligible for vaccination is unclear. How quickly that will change or how likely parents will be to get their younger. Old windows from the federal government approves shot for kids under the age of twelve and seriously, I'm not sure about dozing, my kids, I have kids, who are seven five and more
There are no longitude, no studies on the effects on children, not only that the threat to kids from covert is not severe. If we are talking about something like polio and if we are talking about something like even measles month for Bela every one thing we are talking about, a disease in covert anti that has killed from two thousand twenty through two thousand twenty one- a grand total in the entire United States, where there are seventy five million people under the age of eighteen set. Remember: seventy five million kids are in the United States below the age of eighteen. The number of kids who have died under the age of eighteen from covert? Nineteen, as of yesterday, was three hundred and thirty five of seventy five million. By contrast, the number of kids who died last year and this from pneumonia? Was eight hundred nine? The notion that that I'm going to start experimenting on my kids with non logic? Longitudinal proven vaccination,
and when the risk to my children from covered is extremely low, is arguable at best remit of bury arguable. Assessments of the idea now is that we're gonna force you to mask your kid up, based on What based on what? If the idea is you have to protect the teachers while I have a way to protect, the teachers in fact have to aim to protect the teachers. One is that we could have the teachers wear masks if they are really upset about it. I get every teacher and ninety five, because a ninety five protect do the idea of cloth masks. Is there are supposed to protect everyone else from when you sneeze, but an antivirus also supposed I do or even better solution the teachers need that if the teachers are really worried about being infected by children, then they should go, get them exsudations, because it turns out the vaccinations, are incredibly good air terrific at what they do in of the American Academy of Pediatric, saying I'm supposed to mass my true, your old or my three year old, based on what the risk that they're gonna get him, lightning right, a risk lower than pneumonia. Are you kidding me.
I mean this is, but it should be public policy and is being pushed by all these people. Why? Because, if you are in the public health situation, river public health experts, your sole goal is to put a whole kilcullen, but as a real go right he's never And go zero covered is likely to turn in something seasonal, weak strain of the flu, maybe like a cold. Eventually, we can help. I hope it is unlikely to go away. It is just too widespread. Is I'm gonna go away there are millions and millions and millions of people who have already had it might get it again. We ve been saying that, since the beginning, as that is likely to be seasonal, so that this disbelief that you can wipe it out, Euro colonies, the golden mean we're locked down forever. Realistically speaking, and no one has ever going out again without a mask, and yet you have all of these ridiculous foolish public health leader
trying to suggest that this is rational public policies, zoning closer rational public policy. If, for example, is an age director, Frances Collins saying that masking children is a great idea. They will not be popular amongst parents and kids, who are sick of mass, but you know what the virus doesn't care. They were sick of mass. The virus is having another version of its wonderful party for itself into the degree that weakens wash that by doing something it maybe a little uncomfortable lily inconvenience. It's not like were asking people to go to them
trenches route via shooting or we're just ask you if it looks like it's gonna help put the mass back on for a while. Ok we're talking about children. I also don't send my kids, you trenches and issued in more like what. What are you talking about this in this unbelievable? They can't explain why the vaccinated should wear masks because really there's there's not a good rational. It can't explain, certainly my children to be wearing ask, but they want you to do it anyway, he's after all, it's all were asking of you, this her face is the point. The control is the point if Doktor Anthony Factory, the greatest, while doctors outside it, Joe Biden, saying the exact same thing. In every respect. The cdc always leaves open the flexibility at the of local agencies, local enterprises, local cities and states. To make a judgment call. Based on the situation on the ground. So I think that the
American Academy pediatrics. You know there are thoughtful group, the arrow, eyes the situation and if they feel that that's the way to go, I think that's reasonable thing to do it is not a reasonable thing to do the fact. It is proof that we have, it is reasonable to mask a free world is insane it's totally crazy, by the way, if you were your three roads, gonna get to get your kid. It's in a ninety five arrogance, haters of wait a second. My three world is capable of properly working at ninety five right, you're you're three world is incapable of properly wearing them ass period. Right, that's the whole point in such foolishness. L a county by the way here, ears like. Let me show you how bad the reporting is on this stuff is from renewed L, a county is now according more than ten thousand corona virus cases a week, a pace not seen since my
an alarming sign of the dangers the delta very imposes to people who have not been vaccinated and heightening pressure on health officials to reverse the trend. So what does this mean? Ok, so L, a county coming deaths. Are they have it here, because I know that you're talking about cases narrow cases are suit. Wow new cases. My goodness, there seem like ten thousand cases that are diagnosed every day. Ok, here the number of death. In L, county average, seventy average rolling average per day six six, the population of L County, like ten million people, so six people along a day in L, a county of covered you're talking about forcing everybody mask in indoor places and most about the kid you're talking about this is that this is a massive crisis, because L County is seen ten thou growing barricades, the weak not a day a week a week
again. Let me remind you that the number of cuban cases there were being seen in L a county as of like January, erasing, like twenty thousand cases a day, not a weak, Zog, easy New York City is doing the same stuff you're sitting here Denmark, Levine Chairs, the health committee is calling indoor mass manage to be reinstated in the city, even for the vaccinated. So what exactly are the covert statistics for New York City right now? The Coventry, is that the number of new cover cases a day in your city is like seven hundred cases, entire city of New York, the number of deaths in Europe is actually the entire state. Entire state is averaging six deaths, six billion. Agnes and it is being treated as though crisis
she becomes. Why are we treating this as a crisis wise, an important, and the answer, as will see, is control. It's all about the control, because if you can treat everything as a crisis, this allows you to control everything over time, and this goes to the ordered the broader agenda they see from the Democratic Party in the media of time are so, if you look at how the media in the Democratic Party see the world crisis is always required in order to effectually change This is why Joe Biden came into office. He said we have for crises that are on the table: climate change and racial polarization. An income, inequality and covert. None of those things at the time I had covered with We're only other vaccines already shows a crisis, those on the wane, the other three crises, a climate change is in so that is worthy of consideration with regard to adaptive measures and governments can help taken urge protect, for example, low lying populations.
Build more, she was sure. Can you make sure that infrastructure is updated? Absolutely you put money into Aren t sure, but it is not a crisis climate change not a crisis. The gradual warming of the world over the course of the next century is not a crisis nor by the way are there any solutions to the crisis in destroying the entire economy of blood, as our solution of stuff is already in the earth can stay up there for another ten thousand years. So the idea that that covered is a corridor that climate change, the crisis is not right, but you see what's as climate change the crisis. Therefore, we need best redistribution of wealth, green new deal. We need tat, we need to take capitalism and destroy it. In order to save the planet has crisis, then you had the crisis of racial polarization while the racial reckoning, a crisis, demands, wait for equity policy from the White House.
That looks towards equality of outcome between the races and involves the subjugation of capitalism, merit in favour of equality. Thou come regardless of the activities undertaken right. We need a transformation of hell. America works based on the crisis and racial reckon. You know you may have noticed there is no crisis. There was not, as I do Nay race relations were the best point had been in history of the United States and then Morocco, the Democratic Party, decided to play racial politics specifically in order to voice him to two reelection. Despite his unpopularity Then there is the crisis of income inequality, and this one is perfectly obvious in coming it is not crisis, it depends on poverty could be a crisis theoretically, poverty could also just be an endemic condition of human life, but poverty could be ready. Would be a crisis but income inequality itself is not a crisis just because Jeff Resources, rich, that's our crisis, but this crisis of income inequality was going to drive Joe Biden to spend trillion,
and trillions and trillions of dollars, but had not yet been minted. We're just gonna produce this money out of thin air crisis is an opportunity. In this is always been the case with big government advocates crisis is always the way you maximize your own power and so beautiful cover the continuing crisis. This allows you to maximize your own power, way that divide administration and media are seeking to maximize their power is by essentially saying that, because it covered is a crisis, we should take the rain and informational dissemination. We talked about this yesterday. It continues today is going to continue or the for the estimable future. The democratic party in the media when agenda their agenda is to control the means of distribution of information. They don't work huge is the information that I want you to see and covered is a perfect opportunity for them to declare anything they don't like misinformation and then to quash it. So the game here is to pretend advice seen. Hesitancy is solely the repository of the right now. Here's the problem that you know
since he is not only the repository of right, as it turns out a heat bite by racial data. His vanity. Blacks are the two Rachel groups in the United States, where least likely to get the vaccines are also did you Rachel groups in America, the release likely to voted Republican in the last election cycle, so that is not a convincing, the only people in the United States were not getting a vaccine are not getting it because of right wing propaganda is also true that a huge number of people we're getting the vaccine or were vaccine skeptical or maybe already call it and don't want vexing, and maybe a lot of People live in rural areas is one thing that we saw What I am asking actually throughout the pandemic is that people undertook, as you would expect, rational risk assessment when Pandemic numbers went up in people's areas. They started to mask when the pandemic numbers went.
People sorry to unmask, because that again is how people act when they are confronted with an actual risk. But the media have an agenda, and the agenda is to suggest that if it were only if we can only stop people like from from talking stop people on Fox from talking, if we could just stop All of this, if we could end quote a covert misinformation. Well, then everybody would give act, because human beings have agency? Obviously all we have to do is give them the right information from MSNBC on CNN, and then they will they will get back now. This, of course, ignores a bunch of upholding the Spirit. What number one, as I mentioned, huge percentages, relation that are not republican, and I can in fact full number two in this particular theory is the fact that there are a lot of people are not getting backed not because of watching Fox news or because of Donald Trump, but because they do not trust the authorities in the region and entrust the authorities is cause. The authorities have taken every single position uncovered. It is possible to take from the beginning
condemning doktor factually the greatest sainted was saying: don't mask up in the I whitish mask up factor value the greatest it was saying: don't open schools data, although you can open the schools doktor vouchers. Great untainted was saying that once you get seen you still need to wear a mask then using? Will you really don't need where mask anymore? Now he said. Well, maybe you do need worm. Ask maybe there's a great lack of trust in our scientific institutions because they spent all last summer saying that if your protests in law, down, then you were going to spread, covert and kill everyone, but if you're out there in the streets working for Georgia, Lloyd and probably you divine. In other words, maybe you lost your son, Mc Trust because you don't deserve the systemic trust of the american people. Now again, that's not a case against the vaccine I'm not sure, there's anybody on the right. Zion I've been encouraging people the vaccines literally first day was available. I couldn't be more exciting get the vaccine. I got my wife got up. My parents got it. I was pumped about it. I think vexing, medical miracle, to understand why people don't trust the people who have been saying the sort of stuff but again agenda.
The only thing that matters here so manufacture a new colleague crisis, again We are not in a position of colored rises in United States. The stats do not bear this out if there is any sort of crisis in terms of people who are dying, it is a crisis among people who decided not to get vaccinated and then are more likely to die and their adults, and they get to make those decisions themselves. As long as they're, not overwhelming the hospital system Then we really don't have a public policy answer to that, but the public House he answered for Democrats, of course, is shut down. Anyone who says that we don't like jeers Mika Brzezinski tearing into Trump and his media allies for vaccine hesitancy. This, of course, is the products of the notion that places like Fox NEWS should be platform where they are talking about David correction, wake or the Jonestown Mass Suicides or Donald, lies about covered people died and people are dying. And they are dying because Donald Trump and his
evil allies, on cable news and on social media and on Capital Hale seems like a very strong word evil until you understand just how many people, this cult continues to kill. Ok, I've just a question: you know by the way it Donald Trump had one reelection there you'll be Democrats were engaging tremendous nineteen hesitancy. You know that's the case. Correct read it I mean Cobble Harris Annual Biden were saying, don't trust the process by which Trump developed back and then, when they entered the White House and all of a sudden, it was the processes. Great everything stand has to be fixed, it emissaries doctor oh yeah says the same thing in social media and right wing tv that are preventing vaccinate and again there is that this is just not the case. People are independent actors in the United States. They, the ability to make their own decisions typically, is young people were not getting vaccines or rural people were not getting the vaccines. Do they live in rural areas. Low income lack in his vanity
not getting vaccines at rates that that really are where they should be kind of one size fits all single factor: analysis, Tucker Carlson's, as acts. Therefore, people aren't getting a vaccine ignores the fact that, even if you look at Tuckers audience it might have four million people and watching him in a huge potential, By the way are older and probably backed, but beyond that, beat the bizarre notion at widespread vaccine as he is solely due to talk or Karlsson or social media, as opposed to all the other factors mentioned, including some somewhat rational vaccine Lindsey. I'm not saying that. I agree with people who are not vaccine, but to pretend that these people are all dullard you. Don't understand anything, but how do I mean a lot of people were not getting vaccine or like already had covered when the bad of other people, Getting the that's you know like I live in a rural area, I dont have little contacted people, so do I really need the vaccine? Is that, like super duper, irrational and crazy
measured super duper rational. I'm I'm an indifferent risk assessment, but also have respect for other human beings, their ability to assess risks, but because the left believes that everyone can be controlled from above. Their conclusion is that if people make a decision different than than their decision is because they are controlled from above. Therefore, if we just stop those people from controlling people, then we will get our preferred outcome. There is a doctor and msnbc making this case. Where liked about that, I was released. Surgery on general is at its really pointing to the fact that this is everywhere right. It is a social media. Amplification in cases were enemies, as it is. Sometimes it is influencing that our Hon cable television right, leaning, cable television, but is also at any time any one of us retweet something that without checking the source, we are adding that Miss information about their and acting as a whole. It truly is a whole of society approach, Meanwhile, Joe Biden, your call over the weekend suggested Facebook was killing. People wishes, the which was the credit
Ray governmental intervention, social media to shut down insemination. Information yesterday equals ever since I didn't really is it. Facebook is in killing people and people on Facebook or saying bad stuff or killing people in Facebook, letting them which means by the transit of property. Facebook is killing. People here is Joe Biden doing it. I have just room were on Facebook, Facebook, pointed out. It is pointed out the facebook of all and this information, sixty percent missive, machine came from twelve individuals. That's what the articles serves ass that question about. What do I think is happening. Facebook is incoming people. These twelve people out there giving misinformation. Anyone listening to it is getting hurt by his killing. People span information, ok and Facebook, allowing that
is killing. People right on Facebook is in killing. People than Facebook is killing people in faxes, Joe Biden. Facebook should take it personally when I say that killing people, if you just do a better job of shutting down all the information I don't like, which may change a day by day basis, but since we run all dissemination of information from the White House, the Armenia allies. We should club social me you might want anyway. My hope is that Facebook is gonna. Take it personally. Some harm saint face he's telling people that they would do something about the misinformation. They owe outrageous from members information about the vaccine. That's what I'm don't take it back, in a way that the President of the United States is saying that your murderer instead Stopping a murderer says Joe Biden. Indeed, the manufactured prices. Here again, it is a medium manufactured prices is driving. These sort of change the Democrats have been warning for awhile, which is restrictions on social media, which is crackdowns unpeopled that they don't particularly like.
Meanwhile, and this is really amazing- Jen Saki the White House by Secretary, she was asking if it would help stop vaccine hesitancy. Would you praise for more like really instead of turning the single partisan issue. Why aren't you out there getting trumped you, for example, could appear say why aren't you out there? saying it from administrations are wonderful job with this, and there is a a partisan agreement. It is a wonderful vaccine that everybody should get would that be better than you know being out there and yelling at Trump and being at their yelling at people won't take vaccines and telling them that their fools morons when that be better and genocide but you know we want you to do any of that it seems your angle, Isn T get more people vaccinated, seems to me that your end goal is to polarize the constituency. Here
even if they ve illustration, doesnt partner with the former president, would you consider highlighting for acknowledging and a greater way his role in creating the vaccines ashore the world over still support president trumpeter hesitant to get the vaccine? I think you do. You have data to suggest that that's the issue, that's preventing people from getting vaccinated. We ve seen almost every former president play a role in putting out appear, say making sure people understood in the country that the vaccine a safe and effective. We don't believe that requires an embroidered invitation to be a part of ok, but you could just ask from to do it without when I kill you
The answer is yes, because it's all politics, that's the answer in just one. Second will talk about the impact of all of this on the stock market, which of course, has been dramatic. It's not because the stock market is afraid of the covered up, throwing it's, because the stock market is afraid the governments are one to intervene in quash the economic recovery or gets then just one. Second, first, what shocked by the fact you don't go, do not apply to workers who wants to go to an auto parts, store stand in line. Finally, its averted line the answer, all their very specific questions, and then they look in their inventory in this, are you not? We don't have the part you're looking for which a super helpful. And they ordered online up charge. You or you could just skip all of that and go directly to rock auto dotcom record.
I can always offers lowest prices possible rather than changing prices based on what the market will bear. The way airlines do. I spent up to twice as much for the same part recorded com, its family business serving on parts customers on line for twenty years, but Iraq, auto dotcom shop for ATO and body parts from hundreds manufacturers, catalogues, unique and remarkably easy to navigate quickly, see all the parts of ill before your vehicle and choose the brands, specifications and prices you prefer. But Iraq uttered outcome right now she other parts veil, but for your car or truck rich apparel in their. How did you hear, It is about so they know that we sent you again on apart. Stores are great even the best of times why'd. You want to wait around right now in a line instead just go to the internet. Internets way by everything. These days, when I get the auto party need Rock Otto Dotcom great american company retribution there. How did you hear about a spots? So they know that we sent you already yesterday. Maybe knows that NPR ran in inside in it. Piece on uttered the daily wire complaining about our successes, news organization, basically, and
was arguing that Facebook squash our traffic, because we're really bad were, were conservative. The Democrats and establish community either their ticked off, that they dont have centralized control over the flow of information and now, Doubtless media is in for another hit from the daily, where newsroom we're bringing you a new morning. Punk has that values your time and the truth rocky by Delaware, editor in Chief John quickly and co host Georgia? How morning? Where would you up at the latest developments in politics, sport, culture and education, all with a heavy emphasis on the fact it's available right now? It's your stop shop for your news update in the morning subscribe to morning wire on Apple podcast, Spotify and everywhere you will send a pike ass. He don't miss Phoebe and if you like, what you hear leave, if I start of you, help us keep delivering the news you need to know. Also, as I've been, using the White House attempt to censor anything they deem. This information is that it is very author Rotarian, and it is just part of cars.
Broader authoritarian movement of the left, to take over all the institutions and weapons against you. My next book, the new book authoritarian moment. It's hitting shells next Tuesday, eight July. Twenty seven is supremely important, but you need to read at newgate. Friends really is, if you wish true to be saved your authority moment is, you must read, is what happening right now. I foresaw in the book and want to pick up your copy of the author Terry Moment right now, a sense what's coming next and, more importantly, how we stop it go to daily work. I'm Slash Ben. You can order your signed copy today and daily, where dotcom, Slash, Ben, to order your signed copy today and the fact that the White House is now trying to crack down on social media is just the latest indicator that the left off the word. Terrorism is creeping into everyday life. But you know this already. You know the corporate overlords are gonna fire you, if you don't post the black square. You know that your sporting team is going to chastise you. If you have the proper politics, you know But you ll have scientists like doktor fatty telling you that you don't believe the science, if you don't believe, every single thing,
He says about everything, even if he's reversing himself from last week. All of this is symptomatic. Third tearing mindset that has taken root on the left and is now being crammed down upon you I'll, be doing a live stream book signing for the authoritarian moment next Tuesday, the twenty seventh pre order, your signed copy. Now, when you do your best to take, the question at check out then catch Tuesdays live signing, see. If I answer your question watch me on your book. It your copy, a daily wire dotcom, Slash been right now in listening to the largest fastest growing conservative, Pakistan radio show the nation. Already. Meanwhile, Joe Biden contain. To wish away inflation and a lot of people and goods Jenny, Eleanor saying that inflation is going to maintain for several more months. At this point there as printing there to forces that are at work in the american economy, one Joe Biden blowing dollars into the american economy artificially lowering the labour rate, because literally thing out of work, because there being paid to stay home and
artificially inflating the price of goods, because we have a bunch of bottlenecks in all information systems and, as being exist, made by money, tracing fewer goods which leads to price inflation. All of this rooted in the notion that somehow equity is achieved just how a copper cash to people. It has never been the case anywhere in history. It's a drawback new saying, that's not raising inflation, none at all your crazy! You maybe look at that. Inflation, ranging yours have waited second, are price Europe are, there is no no no by no one is suggesting unchecked, inflation is on the way says, are garrulous president There's nobody suggestions, unchecked inflation on the way, no sure. Sometimes that's totally different. Look stock market It is higher than is banned in all of history, even down this month, even down this month, Look in the stock market is a means by which to judge the common. Like my my predecessor, did but he'd be very, be talking you every day, the last five months about how the stock market so high higher
Time, industry still higher no time in history, so that's not how I judge whether or not we have economic growth a well. You know is it? You did he's gonna judging by the stock market, where he wasn't doing that when trumpets president, but but that's always the way. This works then trouble follows that duty. I suggesting that the inflation is too In fact, you know how you can solve inflation resolve inflation by artificially boosting the growth it. This is like the dumbest thing, economically speaking, that I've heard recently his fury is Inflation is going up. So you blow more money in the economy that will jogged spending, which will have actually bring inflation down. Which is a hell of a take heartache, bold move, their cotton. Are experts police in the data shows The most of the price increases we see in our were expected and expected to be temporary reality, as you can't flip the global economic light back on, and not expect this to happen, as demanded
urge we're gonna be global supply chain challenges. We see net semi conductors, which are used in automobiles that glow. Well sure, is a slow vehicle production created temporary spike in car prices. That's a real challenge, my administration, to everything we can to address it. But again these disruptions are temporary Ok, you know what would be temporary is viewed, didn't artificially boost the money supply it would temporary. There was going to be a natural economic recovery. Go back was in my pockets. Last year, I said when this was over, there be a major economic boom, because the economy is doing great and then was put into an artificial coma, and now the artificial coma is ending. Maybe if left to allow it to him and people are gonna, go unnoticed, bend again. In fact, people ended last year with more that savings and they had the year before, because the government had already put so much money in their pocket No one's idea is we're. Gonna keep spending money up the White Zoo in some. This is going to check inflation, interesting idea,
The reality is is when you remove this much money from the private private economy. When everybody understands that the the deregulatory schemes that binds pursuing will her business and that taxation is eventually going around the corner. Whenever many realises that the next move is that the economy starts to stagnate is what we call secular stagnation we ve seen it in Japan. Japan was the country that was going to take over the world in the night unaids, if you go back and watch die, hard, wouldn't really, nineteen, eighty nine. Ninety ninety you imagine and watched I heard what you see is that the Knock Khatami Plaza right, that the whole metaphor is supposed to be. The Japan was a great threat to the United States. There. Will you be taking over? All of our business is taking over the world economically speaking, and then they went into Folia full on like a decade of secular stagnation because they'd inflated their currency, and it turns out that the demand was not keeping up with anything remotely approaching this applies. What you ended up with was was the sort of very slow.
Rate of growth that destroyed the japanese growth and boom of the nineteen eightys by the ninety. Nine is Japan basically burnt out. You could see exactly the same thing here and turbines own administration is for seeing this by the way. You wonder why they're trying to distract with things like Republicans our Jim Crow down from January. The reason there doing. That is because they all know that within two years, secular stagnation is likely to set. And we're gonna be growing, not at seven percent in an artificially boosted rebound from a pandemic from an artificial coma. What's most likely than a couple of years, we're gonna be growing it like one point: eight percent, two percent. In fact, if you look at Joe Biden own tenure proposed budget, that budget suggests that in just a couple of years, has been there
to the deck, a growing at exorbitant low levels, very, very low levels. The reason the countries grow at very low levels is because they have put too many burdens on the actual entrepreneurs in job creators, and their economy is because they made it difficult to do business in their economy. Joe Biden doesn't care about that because he understands that. The way the politics works is that the bigger the things you get done are the less it matters whether they actually succeed. One of the great annoyances that I have with regard to historians is the way that they treat, for example, the nineteen twenties, which booming time in the United States as some sort of working time. American governance and the nineteen thirties, which was the great depression as it were. The full time for american governance. Why? Because a political history books are people who are interested in action, they're interested in action and if a president does big things, it doesn't matter that there are complete failure. L B, J, very important president, complete failure empty, are very varied president, absolute failure on virtually every level, except for the handling of world war, two empty arsenal,
The great pressure was egregiously bad and they greater clarity to the fact that presidential historians rate Herbert Hoover super low. But if they are super high, whenever literally did what Hooper Herbert Hoover did accept a little more. In fact, everybody in there. Administration acknowledged that they were doing Herbert Hoover did the reason that Herbert Hoover is treated with disdain. After with glory is because, if they are, of course, as a Democrat and Herbert who rose republican but the best presidents of the twentieth century, at least up until Ronald Reagan. The vice president of the twentieth century, we're the presidents of the early Twentyth, William Harding Calvin College, and these are the people or disdain. How do I know there were good president. Look at the economic growth rates from nineteen twenty two nineteen twenty massive than visa. Look the great depression of nineteen twenty! Yes, that's true, because the reaction to the great depression was not to sit there and wait for it to Peter out. Instead reactions the stock market crash of October nineteen, twenty nine was yet government involved.
Extremely invasive ways in american life. In this again goes you why Joe Biden he's doing any of us, because, if you Joe Biden, the incentives for politicians and strew for members of Congress or senators, Mr President, incentives the incentive structures to get big things done, and this is the problem centralizing. This much power in the hands of government by the time of the public health establishment or the incentives to control, centralized and corner who get things done or whether you're talking about in the financial sphere, where the incentives to control and centralizing court and we'll get things done, the first rule of politics and public, I should be very simple: do no harm, but that's not the political incentive. Political incentive is, do something you see this all the time. When people talk politics you I should probably can't we just do something just do something. We should be treating politics like a doctor treaty, patient the first rule is don't kill the patient, do no harm
and yet that is precisely the opposite of our of our modern incentive structure, particularly media or people who are the most activists are considered the most thoughtful and the and the greatest leaders. My Andrew Cuomo was a hero while killing all the olden estate, while Round Santa's, who basically restricted his action to protecting the elderly, was considered some sort of horrific human rights by or by the left. We need to change our minds. I would regard what government is designed to do otherwise we're just going to get endless government quantum court action. It brings about precisely the opposite of that which it intends to do to bring about already we'll be back later today, with an additional hour of content coming up soon met while show airs at one thirty pm Eastern be sure to check over a daily weren't? Come I mention here. This is the bench Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, dont forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread the word please give us
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and inflation rises at the fastest rates in decades, join us and get the facts. First on the news you need to know with our show morning, wire.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-21.