« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 127 - The Media's Pathetic Self-Obsession

2016-06-01 | 🔗
David French (who?) could jump in, Donald Trump vs. the media is the media's favorite thing, and Ben praises Snoop Dogg. Yes, really.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Last week, California State University LOS Angeles how the healing space to provide a safe forum for students and professors too least. Their feelings about my camp is speech back in February, sponsored by Young America's foundation. That speech, as you may recall, was generally cancelled by the university president, William Casino after I decided to go. The campus anyway. Hundreds of screaming students block the doorways, nay salted perspective, speech, goers and pulled the fire alarm, professor, that done the protesters, one. Even since June organizers. I was forced to enter, throw back door. I exited surrounded by full failings of urban uniformed officers. Thing The near riotous conditions outside, so naturally the professors and students who caused the commotion had to her feelings, other little get together. Colino announced she would never have anybody like Ben Shapiro to Campus Camino fretted that very tragically and unfortunately, somebody like me, could show up on campus again me what Professor Molina Abdullah who's the chair of the universities, useless pan african studies. Department said I had advocate
anti blackness. She called me a NEO Nazi After realizing the sort of awkward to label unorthodox, you NEO Nazi shouldn't if their language slightly- and she said that I was a NEO K, K, K member. She said students came to her feeling traumatized by us They definitely didn't, hear and feeling brutalized physically emotionally and mentally by men when the bulk of my speech talking about how racial diversity was irrelevant diversity, a viewpoint mattered. This was enough to do I've chaos and insanity. This war for months, apparently quoting Martin Luther King, which I did makes me o k, K, K member. Meanwhile, David to whose the former KKK Grand Wizard has label me an enemy of the cake, a cake. I've been hit daily on twitter by certain all right, white supremacist, Donald Trump supporters. Labeling me a cook which means a weak kneed leftist who wants to watch his life has set the black man prominent bright, battues colonists and provocative Milo. You novelist treated a picture of a black child at me upon my announcement of the birth of my second child, the boy the NEO Nazi daily storm are routinely attacked me some from Saul.
I fancy tweeted that I, along with my wife into kids, should we send to the gas chambers those joyful prank stirs as my likes to call them. This is the taxi city of our crazy politics, the campus, when those by people like Bernie Sanders and sought by Hillary Clinton call any We disagree. A NEO K, K, K, member the KKK meanwhile calls anybody who won't support Donald Trump cock. This is what happened when basic american principles are no longer taught is what happens when grievance politics replaced the principles of the declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States. We speak in favour of free speech. It makes you a pariah for those who had control speech in order to build their own magical utopia. So what happens to people? like me who really hate the KKK then think the blacklist matter movement is terrible. What about those of us who think whitened Nationalism is despicable and that the sincerity brutality of diversity. Click is growth a of a long road. We're gonna have to teach a new generation from scratch. I'm in liberty still matter regardless of race. We'll have to attempt to restore the notion of the Social Fund
right, rather than the racial tribal. Isn't it now seems to dominate our conversation, we'll have to stand against authoritarianism, unfortunately, from both sides. I'm bench of here. This is the bench appear, Russia, Lieutenant demonize people. Don't care about you feeling so Now, let me leave off by saying it's time for you to subscribe to daily wire. If you haven't done it, it's because you are a bad person, I'm tired of waiting for you, The daily wanted at breakneck end subscribe and get this podcast for free. I welcome at least for thirty days, and then you have to pay and we also take a kidney but for the first that it just like Trump University to great deal for the first three days, so just make sure that you ve been a daily wired icon and you can check out the veto. So you can see my smiling face and you can also watch the videos and there will be videos today that you are definitely gonna want to see. So, let's begin ok, so the bay news of yesterday. Is that Bilbil crystal who's the editor of the weekly standard in an ardent, never tramper, he has come out.
Says he now has the guy. He thinks is going to run a third party candidate, see against Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and this person is David, french Mark Halperin of Bloomberg. He he's the one, Hence this yesterday, but why everybody wants to know who's. The independent candidate who vocalist per thought has been counting point our sources. We can now report that the man being hide by crystal conservative, loyal writer and iraqi war veterans named. The French, you probably not heard of him, we hadn't either. The big guess game has been going on since Crystal tweet tweeted this weekend that he had Canada, in my dream, said, would be a strong candidate, John, and I both talk the french and Crystal Lake us, after in both of them, declined to comment. But here's what we know is a staff right over the national review. He lives in Tennessee with his wife and three kids. We reach them tonight. Traveling. He says he D, The comment, but with the two republican sources will do it.
Billy familiar with, like I have in mind, says: I'm french has not made a final decision. That is indeed who Crystal was talking about and John he wrote about friend. In the current issue, the weekly standard out of hiding him in plain sight. Ok, so the fact is that the David French has has been. Let's get a load of information about about David Branch, so, first of all, David French, nobody knows who he is meet me now. I know who he is because I follow national Review and I've read his staff and I'm a big fan of his writing and have been for very long. I'm here is his basic biography, graduated from Harvard LAW School, and then he became constitutional lawyer for the foundation for individual right and education. So, if you like how the camps are going, that's exactly what David front is trying to fight he's, trying to stop the censorious left. These are the people who want to stop free speech on campus and rip on religious people on campus. He worked also for the american cars. American constitutional law and justice society essays work for a bunch of right, wing conservative, constitutional issue,
Innovation is a lawyer after nine eleven in after the beginning the Iraq war. He was sitting around and he was real about how the Iraq war is one really badly and he realized it. He felt like it wasn't doing its part. So, even though he had a couple, a young kids he signed, for the Iraq, where you middle aged guy in this particular picture. Hey. He signed up his middle aged guy to go fight in Iraq. I he did a tour in Iraq. I came back now. He is a lawyer in Tennessee, so every he is is asking the question. Who is this guy? Why? Why is this guy? Even here so first things first, do I think it's a good idea for conservatives to run through party candidate. I've said before I'm not sure that it's a good idea for conservatives drawn a third party candidate for a few reasons. First of all, I think that it won't work in needs. He's I can beat Hilary or tromp. I dont think that it it appears non desperate. It appears desperate. It looks like he's just the crystal was just searching for somebody and grab some
in throughout their it. It minimizes the level of actual disenchanted with Trump and Hilary exerting me a lot of people who don't go for David, French, you don't like either Trump or Hillary Clinton, also there is something to be said for the idea that the trumpeters sort of deserve, what's coming to them in November, that that, if you ardently support Donald Trump, and now you say it's the Trump train or be run over that what happens in. Number basically ought to be on you now, with all of that said, I think there are some good arguments in favour of David French. By the way I would vote in heartbeat, related French by boat help, both Hilary and and trumpet it would not take any that I bought for David French in probably primary David French's is a is a very, very good thinker. David French is real constitutional thinker with it with a sterling personal record. He is obviously a veteran and in their there a lot of things to recommend David, the French. Let me explain to you six reasons why things good for the country, the David French, is going to be running apparently, first of all,
like the fact that he is a relative unknown to everybody's, a law is not famous he's, not famous good good. Really, I think, is a good thing for America. It's good for America for the for the crew teak of a candidate to be about his ideas and not about his persona. We ve had a year of Donald Trump and all of his various and those in all of his various peccadilloes in all of the olives various personality corks analyzed on the front page of your daily paper. We ve had twenty years of Hilary Clinton's foibles on the front pages of papers. They both have hundred percent name recognition, and everybody thinks they both stint, have We got somebody who's, just a normal person, you're somebody who does not famous what are you didn't make his money off the apprentice, wife riding her husband's coattails to the White House. I like the idea of somebody who just these principles but isn't famous running for the highest office in the land? Is I care about the principles? I don't care about the level of fame and here's the thing nobody's. Gonna know: let's talk about David Ferrie, except for principals, when he's on the air. Is there anything about it? So what are they going to say about it? They don't get to talk to him about whether he molested people don't get to talk to him.
About whether he said he wanted to have sex with his daughter. So there actually gonna have to do with him, presumably about issues I like that. He's also honest. I mean I've read David French, nice thing about four. No one expects him to do any damage in this campaign. So he can say. Whenever you want, you can say what he thinks all disrupt people keep saying. Well, Trump is honest he's honest. He says on his might know sometimes Francaise. What's on his mind and sometimes he's lying to you and new changes, mind every so often, so you don't really get the full honest trump. Didn't you never get the full honest trump friend you actually you'll get the full honest French has. He has nothing to lose, has nothing to lose third reading the factories in Iraq war, but Pretty is pretty cool. I hears what he wrote about being in Iraq war, but why he joined up the military, whereas middle aged guy you're America. Wasn't he soft to fight along war. I was too soft and I had no excuse think about that wounded officer? Did you love his wife less than I love my wife? Did you of his kiss kids less than I love my kids? It? risking everything and I was risking nothing's. Why enlisted? I became a jack,
officer in the? U S, army and deployed to Iraq as part of the surgeon, two thousand seven attached to the Third Armoured Cavalry regiment. I prayed throughout my deployment every night when I fell asleep I'm a friend and brother fell. Every time I put on my gear. We called it battle rattle to go outside the wire. No assurance came, no assurance ever came now, granted Donald Trump, that tough guy down from did. Survive. His own personal Vietnam, while attempting to avoid Stds during the Google eighties is already. I should call because a zone personal Vietnam quote. I feel great and very brave soldier granted in that's, that's real bravery and from did go to a military high school, which is basically like serving in the military, accept not like serving in the military, and you did The draft of course, instead I mean Hillary Clinton did get for Americans killed in Benghazi and then blamed a video and try to mandate when she was in the White House. The military members not be able to wear the uniform in the White House and she did try to join the Marines as women, specifically in order to try and call them out for sexism, but I mean we yes I'll, be we can't I'll be heroes in David, French can rise to those
dinner's better. So I think that that's that's canonized what he did. Fourth he's a constant national scholar, he actually knows something about. The documents are watching him argue with Trumpery Hilary. If they actually gave him I'm a day which they probably won't Watching him argue with them would be entertaining to say the least, since he is actually read the constitution, which puts him, up on. Donald Trump. Inaction he believes in the constitution, which put him one up on Hillary Clinton. Fifth reason is actually a family man, so one of the attacks on David French that that was brought up immediately immediately upon the immediately upon this whole then breaking was like Heaven rob larger political. He treated this this section about about David, french troops from a national view article before David left for Iraq here and Nancy put together rules Nancy, his wife in a painfully honest conversation about human frailty be no drinking during your separation. Nancy would not have phone conversations with men or meaningful email, exchanges about politics or any other subject. She wouldn't be on Facebook, where the ghosts of boyfriends past could contact her.
When Nancy innocently started emailing about faith with a man associated with the radio show she was on. She told you about, and he asked her to end the relationship David New, with his stomach clenching. At the most intimate conversations a person has about our about life and faith in the spiritual and emotional intimacy frequently leads to physical intimacy, so noble our tweeted, when David French was in Iraq, let his wife email memory use Facebook. That's not what that says. That says that he and his wife jointly agreed that there were certain restrictions they place on themselves. They didn't put themselves. Whiskey, certain situations which, by the way, every married couple does to one. Or another, and I soon But if you're gone for two years overseas, those restrictions would have to be a little bit more heavy handed and me going to the supermarket now. Granted I mean that that is granted the men. Has clearly he has marital issues. He has never. He doesn't have a joyful three marriages like Donald Trump.
Children from all of them in his wife raising them, and he hasn't made jokes about having sex with his own daughter. Granted I mean he doesn't have a great family life, Donald Trump and granted He doesn't great family life like Hillary Clinton, defending her husband against charges of rape by attacking the rapist, and it's not like it's not like David French has it has a great children. It's not like. He adopted kid from Ethiopia. What you did you adopt a kid from Ethiopia and everybody about adopting his daughter yes, three cases. Third from Aethiopia, as in twenty ten we adopt- and I owe me our beautiful youngest daughter she's from ethiopia- for those who adopted its difficult to fully communicate the immediate intensity of the connection. I remember looking at her sleeping in the crab. The night we arrived, act in America and feeling indescribably blast the same feeling. I have older biological, kids, just with more jet lag and she's one incredible, joyful, little girl, we more thankful for Naomi, everyday she's, light of our lives and pray every night for the strength and wisdom to be the parents, God intends for us to be
I did. This immediately was met with tweets from Donald Trump supporters calling his his daughter- and this is direct Quote- a nigglet, which is the n word, but a but a small but it, but for a child apparently and a picture of Donald Trump hitting the button on a gas chamber, with a black girl inside it, so this these granted, I'm in David Fresh, doesn't have the life of people like that supporting him. But you know, These two elite seems like decent I. Finally, no reason why David friend should be good he's an alternative so a lot of people who are worried that those of us who don't support trumpet be blamed if he loses gave Donald Trump losers, because David French draws too much support actions. Demonstrated a weakling. Donald Trump is as a candidate five people in the United, its noble David French's, I'm one of them, but very few people, Mobile David French's. If David French starts to draw ten fifteen percent of the vote as a team damn into the Black Donald Trump his insanely weak, write you a figure that that the Trump people who are super confident about their man, they would look, David French. They they love David, French, any part of this kind
like Dad's gonna go anywhere, but dazzling Instead, what I'm saying is people very angry that did somebody named David fringes run? They know who he is, but the very angry. He would be running because from can only right, unopposed and hope to win his sword, The idea in reality? Do I think that fringes and if you will go anywhere nine, I don't think that he's gonna win a ton about tunnel thing David. You know what a lot about. I cannot predict anything because this this election cycle is not predictable. I don't think he's. Gonna get a lot of votes, but. His campaign will be worthwhile in one of the reasons is campaign will be worthwhile is because of what I Second, the intro here America has been lacking. The capacity to even have basic conversations about constitutional freedoms and our candidate or not can have those conversations are candidates are not interested in those conversations. Donald Trump wants to talk about how the presses mean Dim and Hillary Clinton wants to talk about her Donald Trump is me to everybody and that's the level of our political conversation. David French is actually going to talk about values. I would love to see a campaign based on that
I'd love to see a campaign based on that, and I think that that would be something that's worthwhile. Now all that said, the media is addicted to its own gas fumes media there there, as a friend of mine, likes to put a day they they're the kinds of folks who farted clothes cars and enjoy the snow. And the in the media are really did the very upset, the David Anybody would with danger to jump into a race at six o clock. Merely gonna, be one by these famous people that they made famous like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, How dare anybody try to jump into a race edge and will raise that the media doesn't run so meagre Brzezinski who she alone, which are Scarborough, Big, Donald Trump bans? She is she's very upset about issues Bill Crystal recruited in French. He needs to take a long vacation, never saw there's gotta literally, I never saw those coming. I think they'll needs to take a vacation lack along as not that there is anything wrong with this guy.
Handed over the weekend of the possibility of the third party candidate to rival dolls. From now remember, it was the possibility of a third party candidate to rival Donald Trump. Ok that's got to be some one, big and aggressive, and somehow got that talent that can punch back and yet lead the country in the right direction. Meanwhile, where we go already have a mean now, we now with this person might be more. Offering John Ireland Movement Housing loans yesterday that I love the guy. Is a great guy he's been on our show by I'll get it I'll dismiss it must not be misused by famous ok. So I got this argument also from my cup. In the morning into mourning. Radio turn away, and you any is very upset about this, and you can see that the media's very sees me there upset about this. It's just terrible. How the anyone? How dare they I mean come on? What is the country come too?
If this is where you draw the line as to what the country has come too, If we're? U drubbing line is not the nomination by a major party of a felon, If we draw the line is not denomination by a major party of a no nothing isolationist, all right idiot if, where he drove line, is a constitutional attorney with a Harvard law background in Iraq. War experience, if that's we draw the line because you don't know who he is your shower. Your shower If that's where you run Linda, it's because your shower, because you want to celebrity politician, you want some you know, and you feel comfortable, you're too lazy to do the research yourself. Because the fact is, conservatives were not voting for for David, Let me, let me ask you this: why of vote? Trump is a vote for Hilary. You could be voting for David French, above her trumpets vote for Hilary. I mean you're you're, preventing David friends from being the president or so but a good like David French from being the president and by the way you vote for Trump half Hilary? No matter, what your request?
it is what they get the full salary or authoritarian Hilary, so this idea that that your friends, Is the end of the world? Look again, do I think French is gonna win now, but I think it is it. What I like about it is: is his entry into raise, provide clarity on a few crucial questions. Do you value principle over party you care about the constitution, or do you just care about portable winning? Do you think the Donald Trump is the best conservative in the race, and these are these are questions that I think people ought to answer, and that's what I like about this to crystallizing moment, whether you vote for for David, French or you don't both for David French and I again here the man. You got about four Donald Trump is only he can beat. Hillary Clinton, David French has no shot at beating Hillary Clinton. Ok, I guess that argument still hold, but you have to acknowledge that your rejecting principle in favour of of lesser of two evils: that's because they have a choice. You have a choice but you're not gonna. Take that choice, because the reason the David French is not only a viable candidate is because people think they have to vote for Donald Trump. In order to stop Hillary Clinton. Knitting Trump has a better shot of stopping Hilary
then somebody who actually is a decent human being like David French while in other, then there is the argument and then the entire media's on the side of the servants had Charles proud Hammer, says mistake to run a third party cancer actually agree. It may be a mistake generally to run a third party kinda, but as long as there's going to be one, I think that many ways friend This is almost the ideal because he's not going to quote unquote steal the election from Trump he's going to be coming from. Nowhere he's not going to jump in with a base if it percent support he's not somebody's going to court in cold split the boat with trumped, allow Hilary and he's going building on the basis of conservatism and will see how far that building gets him. Here's Charles Crowd Hammer saying that a third party candidacy is not a good idea. However,
until you put the name behind you, don't know where the numbers far less work, whatever name. It is open to mistake for consumers to run another candidate with explicit, intend, essentially a blogging tromp from awaiting either he's gonna win. He is an anomaly of the GEO be chosen by the people he needed a winner, nine end if he doesn't when he should not be able to play me a stab in the back. There would be a terrible mistake in future and in that's the argument I've heard. I think it's a good argument that they trumpets gonna start is all scams and add myth in any way you didn't backdrop is gonna be on the table. Ok, if I back David, French, any get two hundred thousand boat and Donald Trump loses by ten million votes. That in on me, that's Antwerp. Ok, because I voted for the guy.
Ralph NATO can only be a spoiler in Florida. I Ralph NATO can only be a spoiler in a state that so close the Ralph NATO as the margin of difference it Ralph Nadir, isn't the spoiler in America Bomb Oversee John Mccain election and the same thing holds true here: either David French one or two things happened: either he's wildly successful beyond his imagining, in which case it underscores how tromp was or David French doesn't go anywhere in which gives me voting for David. French is not gonna, make any difference in this election, because it's not gonna happen of votes to actually make a difference. He's not can be marginal difference in this election, but the part again at that time that that's amazing is Chris Matthews he's out there. Smacking third party talk and he's very upset with the third party talk, because obviously that would take control out of the hands of a media that generated Hilary and Trump that that's what we can't get past or puts the media created on Trump he's an apprentice guy. For twenty years the media created Hillary Clinton, choosing nothing. She was the first first lady to actually be considered as a political candidate she's a nothing,
but nothing enemy. You created her made her a hero. Here's Chris Matthies, going after the third party, talk number two. I think they went states. I don't know they can when states, but that's really not at this point the objective. Ok, the objective here is to get the fifteen percent. This the step by step process for them, rather than ten zero to keep. What do you think I should be governed by somebody who was. This is a very way around. The presidential is good for the country to debunk governed by somebody would lose the three way race. What happens wrapped arrogance? Ninety two thousand boats implored Al Gore loses plots not what this is about a thousand, but that's not what I tromp Anti Hillary Clinton like, but even at the conference of the country's ready for the libertarian party, and if the country begins to sort of look at libertarians
if they're going to try to reach out to the quota, quote Obama coalition and go after women in african american people in our going to start asking questions like, for example, when, when Johnson over the weekend said he would have voted for this happened at night shows that I was very vital. Reeled show overtures behind its have to examine whether they will be present. The question is: do we want honest voting you both for the person you one against the other person user voting for answer fourth party can, as you were, not at all citing hindrance. I've got some point. A third or fourth party candidacy has to begin to take hold. This is the perfect cycle for that to happen. If he's gonna, while leaving the far out of how Europe parties gotta, however, the liberty.
Library, Terence, are not going to appeal primarily to disgruntled Democrats. Ok, ok! So Sucrose Matthews, you, the media there just flustered. What do we do this? What do we do with this mean logic? Point out one thing: the Toronto Mcconnell we so many of the Trump people think he's just use the establishing these terrible Mitch Mcconnell. As always as soon as much Mcconnell swings behind Donald Trump Mitch, Mcconnell becomes a working class. Europe say here is much Mcconnell going after Bill Crystal and all the trumpeters were treating this today, while regional success, because that will help alike. Hillary Clinton to the presidency, it's hard to run as an independent and be successful. You could conceivably take votes away from a right of centre nominating and make it more likely that liberal gets elected. President saw how like Bill Crystal is a smart guy, but I hope is on successful in this effort. In a neutral, people are suddenly love Mitch Mcconnell. They found love for further teenage mutant into turtle, and so
in so that the fact that that they're, all of a sudden getting behind which Mcconnell demonstrates that this is at least for a segment of the trunk base, a cottage support for Trump, not a principled support for front. But again, I think one of the things that driving Trump is the media, the media? If you want to make sure that you get media attention, attack the press because they are self obsessed, they just in a world of mirrors and cameras. All they care about is themselves and that was nowhere- was that more obvious than than yesterday Donald Trump at a press conference. Yesterday we talked about it in which he called press sleazy, so they were terrible and the press ten of the there like an abused woman, the press they did, they they hate it sort of loving in other than the girl. We really really should get out of there, because your husband's a terrible person please leave, but she keeps going back because she feels like she deserves. It is now in that they don't think they deserve it dashing like the attention they did, their so sick that they like the attention, no matter what so their obsessed with this stuff. They love it, they can start. Talking about front because, if their battling with Trump, then the stories
Then I remember one: Barack Obama started cracking down on the press, start cracking down on the AP and whose wiretapping them and people like me were saying. Well, where were you guys when they were doing this to other people, and the answer was didn't care. When it was everybody else. The press cares about the press, the very upset with Obama when he attacks the AP not as upset about President Obama, when his irises attacking friends very bright there? That's that's different thing so that watch the press obsession with itself Chris Cuomo, who again should not be anywhere near. A television studio Mean Chris Cuomo, who is the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, and the of Mario Cuomo, the former governor of New York Chris Cuomo is now, egret, CNN, shocking to Katrina Pearson, and look herself upset who is just such a self absorbed? In her view here we go Katrina, when you don't like what I say You call me an idiot know why not your highness, ok for Donald Trump to do it, but not for you to do it right now with me. This is your chance. You dont
the rapporteur, you don't like I've, put questions you're, not going to call me something like that right. Why is it ok for him to do it? Well hands if you're attacking me personally, I might call you an idiot, but you don't do that and we are talking- the issues of Mr Tromp is being attacked personally honoured hours. Only body oversize electronic media, Mr Trump, are you're an idiot. Aren't you nobody's ever ask him a question like that to invited to invite this kind of envy different again the media I do now actual at Chris. There was an bait where he was actually asked if, if his can't it's, this campaign was a clown. If it was an act, of course, he's been attacked person only by the media, and you see it and social media as well by reporters specifically and look it's not just MR from doesn't trust the media and believes that their dishonest mean gallant tracking, absolutely two hundred fifty. Only third, it's absolutely true. I would argue, that's why he does. I would argue: that's why he does it because Donald Trump
loves the media more than you ever have on your best day. He loves the media. He works the media, he uses it. He oppression, eight its value, and it has served him well knows the attitudes and then it both ways he's right here. The media he loves. The median media loves Trump: they they love Donald Trump, so you crystal mud, and this is why they love covering trumpeters Trumbull talk about. Media to the media. The media will talk about itself to Donald from my way, guys Grady. In strategy. Just ask a girl questions about herself. The everybody let's to talk about himself right, and this is nowhere more true than media the media law, the media of people in the United States, the media lab The media are number one on their list. I mean it's. It's Woody Allen Old line about self pleasure it maybe illicit second, somebody, wives, that's that's! The media is how the media treats itself Savior that the media in the media was it ended there so happy with all of this, and you can see
the media, even when their angry it. They still have the biggest to talk about themselves as the righteous defenders of truth, so CNN, in a back. She was blasting from yesterday because she says what attacking us for no reason word the great defenders of truth. So did that's. That's Dana Barrett Clip eleven. Instead, what did he do? Hey attacked the press, as you said, as as sleazy as dishonest multiple times, and not to get too too poorly about it, but it is the press number one. It is our job to ask questions particularly of public figures, especially somebody who wants to be the leader of the free world. When they make a promise- and they do it in a very public way like he did with this big rally for reference to say it is our job to say, where's the money: where did it go? How much should you raise? It is a fundamental requirement and responsibility of a free press. It's. What makes us different, then North Korea or other places, and he has
had they answer. Questions like this in his prior life he's been a public figure for decades and he hasn't had to answer questions because I used to public figure and attain the but of innovation, loves this Dana bash is the same person who attacked who was it Your carrot, foregoing after President Obama, to harbour here she's a crusader for truth is what she want, then Abash is in love with the idea that that she is the great crusader, fraternal immediate. Last, stop me they love it from talks about the media. It is just a giant echo chamber, just a giant, go to. Then there are the people who are actually in love with Donald Trump last night, Breaking news, Henry's can vote for Donald Trump. I know, don't be surprised, it'll be ok, we'll get, but together John Henry announced that he would vote for four Donald Trump and got pretty romantic. Actually. I am not the corrupt pray I am I'm actual the conservatives,
money it happens. You happen to be right about the idea of an opinion. Shall I don't hold back the voting for Donald Trump in November. I ok, that's then, in bed nets, that's just the text of what he said. We also have the sub tax to, but he saying here the subject of what watch on hand using you really have to sort of subscribe to see, there's an enjoyable there. Slow motion, Sean Hannity, endorsing Donald Trump. Its did see very funny tweet about this somebody to eat it. I wish my way look at mutilation handy looking to construct a patent theirs, anymore Johns, been pushing trump for a long time that the only thing that's
with that, in my view, is number one though backdrop a number do this idea that you're, just as obsequious to the other candidates, is clearly not true, but just look at hand I love what he says there, even in their clap John Henry says: I'm not the corrupt press, I'm nice to you right now! It's pretty spectacular he's not press he's nice to Donald Trump and meanwhile you got the corrupt pressing it out from we're, not the corrupt press. Let's give you lots of media coverage and be nice to have or equipment senor all the corrupt press. We got it you're all the crop press. There's nothing! You like better than talking about you, there's nothing! You like better than time that you do so you ve got CNN and in this is it. This is again how Trump turns the entire media narrative on its head, and it's amazing in its that I've been saying for literally my entire political career, the media's terrible. They lie about conservatives their unfair to conserve. It totally drew trump comes in and he says the media's lying there terrible and they treat me unfairly, but he says about things
that actually not treating them unfairly. Were there actually saying things that are true, as you mentioned yesterday, it is perfectly an in to say You pledge to give a million dollars in about five months later where's, the cash that is totally and bound nothing wrong with that whatsoever. Right sober due to the left press attacked him. He calls them corrupt and then what happens Members of the right press come to his defence because they're so used to being reactive to the left press that they just come to you. Depends a show inanity. He comes out. He says what pressing that you're gonna steal the money or something is anywhere even asking these questions. I watched her something of woman. What do they think you need the money that they think you're gonna steal it? You were going to a process, though a vetting these groups, which, by the way, is responsible thing right. From the entire dimension, and we like we're for working on issues, put your hand up the back of his jacket and can from his mouth from behind. It would have been really think that the discharge is how to prevent it. I'll be the responsible that, yes, I think they would be. There is correct and we think let them
doesn't just John Henry Bill. O Reilly did the same thing last night. He says they did. You know it's just it's terrible that but he would accuse Donald Trump of holding back guys. He said he gave the month when the money five months ago, the day the Washington Post report came out the day it just because it is that's when the banning of the charities ended because it s five months, nothing report comes out that day, designs bunch checks to charities here is yours, bill, O Reilly, doing doings Aberdeen the leaders. Thank you for giving money to that. But he created his own controversy. But why would you say that when there was no data, colonel said he didn't give the money it was basically, supposition. Fabricated by Anti Trump, when Oppress Amy There was no data that came out and said. Tromp is stifling the vets there was no counting. That said that, so why would you be so hard on tromp, ok,
stop it there, but there is no accounting. Ok, you can't prove a negative. You can't prove a negative if I say if I say Lindsey. You need to stop beating small children in your apartment, Right and Linsey says why don't do that? It will prove it prove it there's no way to prove it there's no improves doesn't need small children, her apartment, there's! No, it approve it. Because I'm a camera nor apartment twenty four hours a day or a few days. She should ensure that hit anyone, it's weird but the. But the fact is that this is the in a way that the so that, when rally signalling while there is no proof that you didn't give the money gather as none of the veterans Group said, did receive the money. That's the best proof that you can offer. But again, I'm not gonna say that Kennedy and O Reilly are just in the tank totally for Trump. Although I think that there is some truth in it, there is also a mean, listen bill, rallies, didn't wanna milkshakes with Trump and Sean Hannity is, is Emily gazing lovingly in neutrons eyes during these interviews, but there's something I was too, and that is there just reacting to a media that has been habitual
he and and consistently in favour of Hillary Clinton and laughed so ill. For example, look Hillary Clinton, she came out and she talked about Trump, not making these contributions, then, finally, making the contributions. Here's. What Hilary had to say about their whole. Skin was glib sex. What is your reaction to what happened from tower today? Why gap problem here and the difference between what Donald Trump Fans and what Donald Tramp Tramp John. You know page brag four months about ray. Things: six million dollars for veterans and donating a million dollars and south, but it jirga report the sharing them into actually making its contribution and getting money to veterans growth over that, my life? I've not only donated slowly, but I have worked to promote two hundred million dollars over time to help our Bethoron by what I
in four. What I'm bored for actually John Mccain and I have raised on for the intrepid fine hero on the building. We broke Army Madame Gonzalo in FAT Antonia I'll. Do you know that our returning refugees use terrible in every way? She's talking about her? She raised lots of money for the troops yeah sure yeah me use my money for the truth, there's a difference! that's me giving money the troops, as are you giving money to troops when you let me give money to the groups that actually my money, not your money and you random, a hundred billion, dollar Scam foundation remain. The did foundation so
yeah. Neither I don't buy that in any way, shape or form. So people react to that meeting. Ok, well, pillory, says it then it must be. Then it must be false. Therefore, Trump must be justified in all of this, the lengths to which people are willing to go to defend trumped. This is why I think the french run is interesting, because it's it's it's casting a light on the links to which people vote. In financial terms, last night I was on with Megan Kelly, and she had me talking about Donald Trump, of course, because that's all anybody can talk about- and I was on with with Robert or who say or David Wallace's name, I think and David was a lawyer- is very proud from lawyer and that she had me talking about the fact that Donald Trump during one of his rallies came out and attacked a judge in his Trump University case for people who have been following this Trump University is a scam university trump set up its basically timeshare company and what he would do as you would get people into the room. You up, sell them and tell them he's really expensive courses on how to money in real estate. Only one problem:
Nobody really ever learned to make money and real estate that you spent tons and tons of money to get trumps him from a tour trumpeted tell them things like I'm in a common you're gonna take pictures with me and then they would actually end up just taking pictures with cardboard cutouts trump. They they revealed in court, filings core papers, the kind of play, look for people to get people enrolled in Trump University as only Prager University, which is also not accredited. But as a donation driven system that has an educational products, there is no real educational product. Apparently at least that's the allegation. In any case, tromp was talking about the judge, Judge releases a bunch of documents. The judge happens to be a guy who whose parents are mexican he was born in Indiana. His parents are Mexicans nest early? This means the Donald from has to attack the judge for being Mexican right as an attack him saying, you're, no bottom up ninety or attack him on the grounds that he did he associations of groups that the trump doesn't like. Instead, he goes directly to this guy's a Mexican. That's why he doesn't like me so that would be in any real world. Pretty unacceptable right
saying that you're mexican. Therefore, you must not like me your Mexican. Therefore, you must believe acts That's a candid turns out is not an ideology or philosophy, it's not necessary, but it doesn't matter to trumped up watch. You know I'm beautiful unhandsome here but watch David WAR, whose the lawyer, because his defence of prompt this is how far from advocates, are willing to go in defence of a man, and if you say that this doesn't tear the beating heart out of decency and conservatism, Otto Noah does per Trump there's some sort of bizarre connection between the admittedly the person and the idea, the ideology the person must hold. I dont know why him being a Mexican would even be relevant to the conversation, especially when is not from export. His parents are outdated. Why would it be right off again. I think it's a non secular, Megan, mid term. I eventually let's get it over with, can have written on this judge you have, I think, he's and is a necessity is as families from Indiana Non Secular, Megan ignition of him going after the judge, though I gotta say you know, this is how is any different than broccoli?
on. Two thousand have the state of the union. When he ripped kick Supreme court. Our sitting, one provided and citizens United CASE may lie one. Then he boy them right in front of him, and then you make it after you justify Bessie. I like working another man, behaviour or making saying by anyone bill burdened by the way who is Obama's press secretary at the time you gotta listen to this. He said. I'm quoting one of the good things about. Democracy is a powerful members of government. A high levels can disagree in public and in private and this is one of those instances loud ass is always make it he's got the first amendment right continent does that issues has been really frustrating and because I reviewed this case, it should do this case. Jane had been dismissed along
entirely go onto summary judgment. Motion no question about now mean that man is not a lawyer David, I or lawyers. I completely disagree with you on ethnic load of appeals and appeals. The court of appeals actually upheld as it wasn't. All this judge was it. You can say that there is no Eriksson occasion Trumpet get his Diane court, but to go out into the judge. As a quote. Mexican and hater takes it to a different level, then I absolutely and in fact it trumped offenders to rely on Barack Obama was a bad guy. Therefore, if I got our guide as the exact same thing, it's it's just doubly is all the media in our Trump campaign to me, why? Why is it? Ok, so wise? And you tell me David: why is it better than from? Did it now the
Rocco bombs, and I thought we were running against Barack Obama. If we're all around the idea was about what is the point? Is you already said immediately after I love the mexican people? I've got well there's a difference of clarifying. The debate has already taken the majority waken up this criticism because opportunity express my love for them exit, making a slip of the tongue and I submit he'll. That's why That, indeed, is nobody listened with. Nobody can trumpet hard hard times these that I like, as judge. I don't think I've been fair to me. I'm gonna get my days or I'm gonna win this great go for that life. That's right really! Isn't that what we're doing from here to get a step further, personalizing it going after the guy's ethnicity, any does it every
eyes: eurozone megatons, he isn't member, maybe misconstrued that membership and arousal lawyers association. I don't know there are a lot of people have gone after him because he was border policy. I dont know whether you got this judge should should refuse them because of those issues that would have. Maybe there is a need for the supply of these. There is nobody easily within Europe gives a visit. What he does he grows. Mugabe's creates a biased where none exists and then demands that the person that Maybe after decades, with this jog after Mr Trump right after Mr Trump complained last week about the I urge the judge release the documents immediately right thereafter, I submit to dissect created appearances Friday may well do so and if he does or choose himself it maybe up to MR trumps lawyers to file the motion. Reducing the differences are using. I've done that these measures are also basically eat. You said the judge, and then, when the judge does something that he's perfectly allowed to do under the law and there's a motion before the coordinator release these documents. Many say how
Turkey's himself to create the you. Don't find only way like an ash. Hold on users. You create the issue and the only solution is for trying to get what he What's the matter. Well, this whole slip of the tongue. Nonsense when your tongue keep slipping in. This direction. At a certain point, you sort of half the figure it there's a little bit, sensuality to it. The guy's tongue is slipping slide. He doesn't just slip every so often archaic since its bulk data. The reason I play the whole segment here beyond the fact that its wildly entertaining is, if you look at from somewhere, he spinning every which way- and this is what trumps defenders have to do- and the media is happy to cover, because with every spin with every spin, the media either gets to portray itself as the beautiful victors or so by Trump, which means that there still being cocked by day by day, wonderful man by his egregious net, so many gets to play off his great in opposition from from their foil or
from his master manipulator of the media and so we're still worshipping at our own alter right, because we are the ones who still make that make the power decisions. It's all about the media for and that's, why you would be wonder it would be wonderful if conservatives would actually stand up for principle and stop backing this, this nonsense. You're gonna, hear him go down with the ship. You want the ship you're gonna go down with the ship ye you wanted to and I'm from calling judges mexican because he opposes the damn it's all yours baby I mean this is that you broke it. You bought at you. You say you want to break the republican Party. Will you did so and others an alternative for you may not like it. You may think he's obscure. He may not be, as anti. He may not have the same number of wives. You may not have the Solomon ask king, of horses, but he easy somebody who actually believes in principles. You supposedly news I'd like you to find. Why exactly Trump is your man instead of somebody like David, French, ok time? for a couple of things I like and then nothing I hate so couple of things that I like theirs is great,
Oh it's! I think it's the best online tv. There too shows I'm in the middle of right. Now. Let's talk about one of them tomorrow, all mentioned man in the high castle, but I ll talk about that one tomorrow. The other one that I'm really into and glass absorbers last night turn turn on AMC. Great great shout the show is about Washington spiralling how he was gathering information on the british and in a really is a fascinating, well written period, sensitive piece it. It's really good All the characters are really well drawn. Washington plays a major role, and is it pretty cool character? It's it's. Terrific jokers at the preview, looked like for the person are. You are to accessing ways. The Euro has to learn to walk Centre March Second, point
law. Where are you taking sailor, asked curfew or die? You need someone to protect. You captain, I beg you signed, was celebrating your kings victory and we have to become of authority and we bear the burden of that'll solid,
I saw the helmet trying to accompany her secret. I want my hat. I favour our model, but nor do they need to take very sincerely and faithfully promise and swear Washington's be joining in a man in swedish citizens out of love, but I will bear true allegiance to his majesty King George. The third doing can refer to fish you that was impressive. I do you lied. I've got protecting spices really going to be no limit to the whole, shows really terrific, it's getting better and better, actually started off solid show. Now. Third season is really really good. I did get Benedict Arnold
his whole story, the back story. It's got started John Andrea, who is the sort of charming spy master for the british? It's really good shows. You should check it out. I it's not kid appropriate, but it see nature appropriate answer really really good. Ok, other things that I like a snoop jackets being there's a show on tv, they're, doing a remake of routes and his remake of routes is apparent. Ie Eight and even less flattering portrayal of white people in America. Then the then than you no version. So the original version routes by Alitalia turns out a lot of sovereign. Would you not They slavery wasn't terrific. Of course it was, but that but roots naturally speaking was fabricated was very the scandal that the new version of routes. As there are no good why people re all the way bad. Basically, this we're all their of yours Et Snoop Dog has now done a video. Would you talked about? Why he's not watching routes has one ensure that all quibble with men, the rest of it, is actually pretty spot on
so I mean I can only assume he was high when he did. This disease highlight ninety eight percent of the time and the other two percent of the time he's either sleeping round the toilets. Then she was filming a video I mean a semi was high, but here to hear Snoop Dogg explaining. Why he's not watching roots no disrespect? But I can't watch black movies with, all gout, twelve years of roots underwear, I can watch none. It is not opera roads are no day. I just keep me explorer heads, has had a data, so I mean, I don't understand to American. I just I just keep shoulder abuse there we took judge one hundred years ago, but guess what we in the same abuse think about that boy? We will make above the serious about the success that black folks examined Dont success we have is roots in twelve years slave like her I'm watching it in, I advise you mother, that's real. Like myself,
Jim Television shows its creator out based on it how we live in, how we aspire people today, black is was real, that old right jewels and then he cut stage out of his dogs up there. Obviously, the uncle I have, as is when he says that we have the same stuff not today that was happening in the days of slavery. This is factually incorrect, as noted by the fact that Snoop Dog is convicted, Chrome, whose worth a jailing in dollars, mainly as you wraps and smelt enormous quantities of ganja. So the idea that that Some have done is living just as his ancestors lived in times of slavery, yeah not so much, but when he says that you good to actually provide a vision for young black people in America. Of what black success looks like that's exactly right. Well, you don't need is more victims, victims in tv and listen. I think we should all nor history. I saw it to others slave. I think it's an important film. I saw the original route I presented that I think that it was important for what it did time. I think that its
significantly more important for black people in the United States and jewish people. Every person in the United States to see the possibilities of the american dream. What you can do, if you put your you're, not as to the grindstone. Then it is to talk about all the terrible things that have happened to people who looked like you a hundred and fifty years ago. Ok thing I hate hey, so Margo Rubia has now endorse Donald Trump. This is not a huge surprise. I it was kind of predictable, but an in something I like, but I can't eat something that I truly hate that it's the worst thing in the world. Some people feel really betrayed by Marco Rubia. I think the market you're, like most republican politicians
the necessity to rally round the candidate because he feels like he wants a future in republican establishment. Politics and party politics is all about the in party. Politics is all about the the establishment. So that's one thing, but Marco Rubio Marco Rubio. Now says that he wants to apologize to Donald Trump. This is the part that I hate arrogant and I actually told on one of the debates, Africa, which one I apologize stand for, that I said you, I'm sorry that I said that is not who I am and I shouldn't have done it and I didn't say to follow the camera that unwanted political benefit, I'm not a candidate now. So I can say that to you, because not because the him, but because of me, I didn't like what I reflected on me embarrassed my family. It's not who I am, and you did it almost in a sense of nothing at this point, nothing is working
I mean this guy's out their everyday making, marking people saying horrible things about people. But if you respond to him somehow you you know, you ve been beneath you're hitting below the belt, and that was my sense of it at the time, but I didn't realize was it isn't? Who I am and if you're not being who you are, it doesn't come across well and, and he could do that because, for whatever reason he can do that. But but I couldn't do that- it's not who I am it's not what I do and by doing it I ended up hurting myself, not him my God, ok, so this whole gonna pay homage to Mr Trump and they gotta gone before on bended knee and apologize for using whose impact on trumpet he's been using on this is sad, sat gonna, stop, and the fact is that its revisionist history to suggested that Marco Rubio, just because you is harsh with Trump another recently losses, because he was, he was already trailing in the polls in Florida. By the time he does I D go after Trump. It was too late trouble
I ve been defined in the public mind, there was not much that he could do there, but it's just it's it's sad that this campaign is basically come down to a bunch of people now going on bended knee before them. Tromp there's nothing wrong with going after Donald Trump in a manner that he attacks. You I'm not a civility guy, and I don't think that civility necessary when you're talking about a bulgarian light, Donald Trump, I think it makes you look like a fool. Ok, final, thing that I hate to use your way: leather, apparently a shooting. Tonight you see allay my alma mater, where my wife is graduating. Med school in week ends and it really apparently what their reporting. Now this latest news may change, but their curly report. That is murder suicide. It, you see alighted the campus on lockdown. This prompted Deborah messing. Who has not been relevant since willing grace to come out and tweet this, so she treated a picture of herself and she wrote
horrendous, watching news about shooting it. You see, I lay with casualties while taking selfie, to bring awareness to gun violence and then it's a picture of her wearing the a t shirt that is the that is the teacher for four Katy, corrects new documentary. Ok, they're they're couple things about this that are just asinine number one Katy, Correct Sacramento he's been discredited to the point where epochs actually pulled it. That's the network, those gonna run it. They pulled it because, as we discussed yesterday, petticoat inserted a pause in the film to make it look like the gun advocates. She was talking to her stupid and didn't know answers to our questions. That's but one number two isn't a typical celebrity garbage tattoo there's a shooting going on inside. They say: I'm posting a selfish. This is the way you solve the world's problems. Why? I guess I actually? I wish that she had of a black shirt that said: hashtag no death, and then we could end up in the world. They are probably the best way to do all this wicked. Really or maybe even better we can do hashtag world peace keeping and then we could really just finish this hope.
Off once and for all world peace, no death, Bogota The problem solved in India did better How celebrities tree the world? What I say is so deeply important. What I say is more important than what I do. I can I assume she's a nice person, but it wouldn't matter even if you weren't there plenty of not nice people like Sean Penn to do the same kind of stuff. What I do, human doesnt matter when I say as a human matters, and so if I sell. Myself wearing a t shirt about gun violence, you know many less people will I and gun violence because she took the selfie the answer: zero. The answer is yes, but it's all moral posturing. That's all this desert moral fostering the real morality would have been if summit. Use your weight at a gun to stop this person. Presumably you see They does in fact have a gun, breeze own policies. If you are a, if you are a person who wants to carry a gun, surely that is verboten you're not allowed to do that telephone is already most heavily gun, regulated state in a man a colleague and aid from the Brady campaign.
Right now, there's a bunch of bills on Jerry Browns Desk, including a bill to ban so called assault rifles that have a capacity for switching the magazine. So they just want to go back to the bolt action or back to your stuff with one magazine, and you can't eject the magazine in chains, magazines, which means yet unscrew the magazine between each time you use at which has just absurd ever Am I go shooting most supposed unscrew magazine when I practice of my rifle is makes perfect sense to me so again: moral posturing from the left. This is what they do. Ok, so end of story, politics, not moral posturing, but it is about the idea that you should have some principles in your life. They, u centralized you, maybe your prince. It's just stop Hillary Clinton. If so, I gotcha alright, I understand we are voting for Trump, maybe your principles or be on that, maybe you actually want somebody that you can vote for whatever the principles are, make them clear and don't make them subject to the whims of any one political figure, because the moment you do that you no longer our principal person you're, just a follower of of God, King Org,
or otherwise, I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the venture bureau shop.
Transcript generated on 2020-03-28.