« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1265 - Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes


Democratic policy continues to wreck America’s major cities; Joe Biden has a plan to take those policies national; and when Democrats are in doubt, it’s time for investigations of political opponents.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democratic policy continues to wreck America's major cities. Joe Biden has a plan to take those policies, national and when Democrats turns out it's time for investigations of political opponents. Where this is the benchmark. Show today show is sponsored by expressive. Vps, I protect my data with VP, and so should you visit express VP end outcome. Slash been one of the odd things that modern american politics is how much attention we pay to national policy because we make some sense. I guess because the national government is so big and it's so intrusive and because we spend so unbelievably much money because of all that people tend to focus international. I was in an that's, also drew because of the rise in social media, which means that every issue is now a border crossing issue just because someone happening Californian doesn't mean that the next day it's not gonna, be tried in New York or Florida, and just because things happening. Faraway doesn't mean that people are gonna get on,
And talk about it, but because of all of this, we tend to put all of our focus on national politics, but the reality is that for most Americans, what happens on a day to day level stuff that is here the local communities, and when we examine what has been happening to America's major cities over the course of the last ten years, it is utterly appalling, truly it The reasons why you are seeing population movements away from cities and toward more suburban areas. One of the reasons seeing population movement away from places like New York in California and toward Texas in Florida, people are voting with their feet at this point is the reason why there is now an actual robust movement for part of, I believe, Oregon to secede and move into Idaho. It's called the Greater Idaho movement. It's actually somewhat successful, there's some counties that are looking to move in the neighbouring state and it could theoretically see that become more of a pattern. Overtime and the reason for this is because America's major cities are governed according to ideology, and they are not governed according to the impact of that ideology and people in these cities
don't seem to realise that there are political alternatives and they d take ten fifteen years to realise that perhaps they should move in another direction we get along. Three of this in the United States in the nineteen sixties, New York was a robust forward. Looking place. They proceeded to blow out the spending focusing on public works projects focusing on welfare redoing government under cutting the cops and by the night, Eighties, New York was basically a hellhole, and that is when regionally only was elected in the early nineties, nineties and then restored New York. Unknown York is falling back into the abyss, Sandro Associated sort of stuff, LOS Angeles, moved away from being the place where families moved you get a house in suburbia and a move towards being a more liberally governed city like New York, and then that failed and Richard Burton was elected in LOS Angeles and since then allay has been moving back toward the model that suggest liberal governance and all
The ensuing chaos has been difficult to watching your seeing as happened in city after city after city, so today, for example, the daily mail reports post pandemic, New York City is laid bare as homelessness mental illness and crimes. Light and rattled locals, and tourists alight believe the town has lost its essence. While city cheerleaders insist, the ship has turned ways of daily mail in times square it most densely tourist popular in place in the United States, a mentally disturb man, nor, as Mr Kim begs cops to kill him, I want to die. You have a gun shoot. He pleads after the officers to Mere he picks up a plank of what is termed smashing it against the play soccer shop on certain place where most affluent residential areas in the city alone, man squats on the sidewalk intently reading a paper novel next to a shopping. Cart it contains is worldly goods. He begs forecasts for the signs in his lost everything trying to survive and adds in Greenwich Village a well dressed man leaves his office. Mining is on business when a menacing character. Attempts to sucker punch him. The six forsooth ducks the punch shrugs been walks away at her.
Within two hundred twenty fifth street at two p m. On a sunny May day, a middle aged man sleeps off whatever he needs to sleep off on a bus, stop bench outside of sneaker store unaware that is naked, backside exposed for the world to see these scenes come from across Manhattan as struggles to get back on its feet after the covered pandemic, cut off its lifeblood of tourism, said many of its wealthiest residents, scurrying two places as diverse as remote in Florida When up the ante on homelessness, mental illness and crime, particularly random assault and stabbings, Governor Andrew Cuomo declared on Wednesday and workers, don't feel safe and they don't feel safe because the climate is up is there being RADA Grove really sensitive their right to a major crime problem in Europe Did he ever, though just talked about with the economy? Coming back, you know the first up, as people have to feel safe again, except for the fact that people are going to feel safe again so long as they continue to push bad governance in New York City so long as they continue to treat criminality, as though it is. Another way of life and so long as they continue to tax the living hell out of their citizens to pay for presumably no public.
MRS Anne simultaneously undercut the cops and tell the cops they're not allowed to do their jobs, but the black lives matter riots last year exposed is that in America's major cities the cops had been called off and because the cops had been called off, criminals are doing what they want to do. Not only that low level acts of criminality become more common. If the James Q, Wilson Bro in windows. Theory, which is basically that if you allow low level crimes to predominate higher level, crimes will follow. If you were to reverse that, Where did you, that would be to say we are not going prosecute high level crimes and low level offenders. Say: ok! Well, if they're not prosecuting people or breaking into shops openly on Fifth avenue, then what there was a matter for jumper turnstile, if you're a city to says, to ignore the upswing of ants, medicate Clemens missed over the past couple of years, then why? Wouldn't they morbid upswing in the liberal governance in your city has decided the basically anything you do. That is a low level act of criminality.
Is something that should be ignored under have equity, and it's just it's not just Neurosurgeon things on the pandemic ignores the fact that New York with him serious problems before the pandemic. New York was basically floating along the the same river, the rest of the it. States was in terms of the economy was really good before the pandemic, but there are under I'm problems in your city, there are already causing millionaires and billions to move out of New York, there already problems that are causing people to look outside of New York. The same thing is true in California, article from the daily wire today, Jeffrey Cable, reporting, a progressive coalition of activists, groups, in LOS Angeles, have targeted democratic sitting here, The Mitchell Feral blaming him from the relocation of about two hundred homeless people were part of an encampment that had taken over a public park in his district, so even democratic
We are beginning to look round to realise the taxpayers, don't exactly like it when homelessness swamps, the sitting, because homelessness is not just a matter of people who are living on the street. Although again people who pay taxes have a right to the public thoroughfare, just as well as people for mentally ill or drug attics living on the street and allowing mentally ill or drug addicts or people who have decided to the lawyer, to hang around on city street is not an excellent way of providing a feeling of safety and security to citizens or paying exorbitant taxes. In order to get exactly that feeling of security. But was Angeles even allowing homelessness to spiral out of control. For literally years the ACL. You received a court order that prevented the cops
actually moving homeless people stuff on the street it occurred, was private property of homeless people up these homeless folks can can be on the street journeying public thoroughfare. They pay no taxes on and they D have zone of right too, but you can't move their stuff because we move their stuff, that's their stuff, so public property is their stuff, but also their stuff is their stuff or, as for you, the public property is not yourself you're of any right to it, free of open needles on the street and open liquor, bottles and people who are mentally ill and readily. None of this is compassion. Its people,
actually have drug addiction or people who are mentally ill or the great why's that is told by the left wing media. Is that somehow, your more compassionate? If you leave people to live in their own filth, underneath the freeway overpass, then if you are actually take measures to prevent people from doing that, some of these folks need actual medication. Many of them need to dry out, but the basic notion that it is now the responsibility of taxpayers to watch their cities degrade because someone has a right to engage in activity that deprives them of their ability to reason is beyond its beyond measure it. It's crazy when things are getting worse and worse in the cities and driven by the radical left, which is which no eating Democrats in these cities are having problems. A lot of these cities is that the alternative to democratic governance isn't some sort of republican being elected. The alternative to democratic governance is some sort of communist. Being elected is actually the problem in Portland and the Mayor of
and who's a left wing, not whose lab riots d gone his cities for months on end that mayor was a bulwark against the communist was about to win over their Seattle has, graded allay designated Chicago, has degraded, says The where homeless, advocates swarmed overall does Michael Mitchell Earl in an ally on Wednesday afternoon, as ECHO Park Lake officially reopened after two months of extent of undergoing. Extensive cleaning repair renovation. The project costs more than a million bucks sanitation, crews have reportedly removed syringes, guns, machetes and, according to a fairly often, more than seven hundred pounds of biological waste enjoying great in the park door. It was making city healthier and freer. Demonstrators, however, chanted shame on edge and called for his resignation, staffers tradition. Though Pharaoh as the activist, shouted and followed him around the park before the council and retreated to his office. A block away. This is going We are legacy marijuana tending loudly predicted, the accused O Farrell of sending LAPD to twenty nine acre park in March.
As we promised people out of the area resulting in officers clashing with protesters after police issued dispersal order affair claimed one was forcibly removed by law enforcement. The protest group included activists representing people's City Council allay an alliance convened by black lives matter, of course, because lawlessness is one of the chief goals of the black Madame movement. It really believe that systems of power in the United States are so corrupt. The lawlessness is required. Mitch thought he could shows facing public and not have to hear from from people treated peoples. It kept city, council, Ella, well, Mitchell, feral and his staff not chased out of the park. This is what this is, what it's gonna be like Mitch Hash. Mitch. Watch hashtag, resign Mitch, naturally, and organizer with people's City Council allay seeks to unseat O Farrell when he is up for reelection in twenty twenty two activist pointed out so displaying a litany of rules governing the park. Those rules are we'll saying things like: if you leave your property in the park, it could be removed and impounded, and also
shut up in the park, but this is bad but are not allowed to have cops in the park. According to these activists hey. This is what decades of democratic governance reeks worse and worse, and one of the reasons that we move from Ella specifically because of these living conditions, if you're paying extraordinarily high tat and receiving zero public services, and you have to worry about your kids walking out the front door. That is a reason to move the neighbourhood we move from was at a fairly decent supper. Then you orthodox jewish area and as I've talked about when you open the front gate on proper There would be a home. This happen more than once there be a homeless person, beating living hell out of his back with a crowbar, because the person was suffering from some fundamental. As or homeless person face down in the street with a needle and yes that happened or a homeless person sitting directly on the tree outside your property and just eating from a can like. How am I supposed to let my kids up front gate? That's gotten worse. In the area where I used to live,
How bad it to get well that there was a there is a public private endeavour called know her west. There was fairly close to where I used to live no West Coast, probably a hundred million dollars to buildings giant giant, new mall. It can be beautiful. The city of LOS Angeles understand California decided to locate directly across the street, the largest open air homeless encampment in California? So he took a hundred million dollar project public private project that news taxpayer money for the development, presumably and then proceeded to wreck it and make it very difficult for people to go there because there are literally hundreds of homeless people who are swarming around a park right there. Now again, I have nothing but compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness. They require care. One of the great one. The great disappointment of liberalism is that all the people they say mean care are met many people. This any care people are fully capable of agency and making good decisions and then a lot of you
they don't care, are exactly the people who actually require the care and their views to actually put in place rules that would help those people. Instead, they consider compassion to let them sleep under open air in sleeping bags provided by the city of outlay directly across from with private development, destroying the value of that enterprise. It's incredible, and by the way, it's not just tell I tapping in Austin as well we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that if you They get healthy and stay healthy. You need to know more about how to make decisions. Here's the thing about getting healthy and safe, healthy and exercising in eating right. It died or because they are short term, meaning. Ok. Well, if I die it'll get my target weight and then I can really let it go wrong. You actually have to change how you think it's a change, or your habits. It's a change. How you're mine is oriented. This were new. Comes in new will give you the knowledge tools in confidence. Make strategic choices
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your habits in changing the way of life got chimera. Now, Numa, dot, com, Slash, Shapiro, ok, so in Austin things have degree. According to the daily wire on Thursday Austin Texas Council member Mackenzie Kelly appeared on fashion friends to speak of her fear that the homeless work camps on mass around the city Hall area, some of whom are protesting a proposition that prohibited public camping pose a genuine threat to public safety. Tell him tat. I was hoping to find out what this, what their point of view was one of the great things about leaving the country. We have a diversity of thought. We can all learn from one another, but clearly Individual specifically, do not want to do that case. According to Kelly. She said this. My main concern not just for my safety but phronsie. You have everyone who worked around city Hall in and around downtown. Some of the residents told this person quote: you have people who are assaulted, people who are robbed. You had home invasions, it start with box cutters as weapons. Now, sadly, we joke the word. The machete capital of Texas the city of Boston, basically allows them to do whatever they want tell he says,
told by the city manager the free speech and will not go away until August eighth. My problem- that is that this has happened before during the Occupy movement and He's got a city council insured. There is no oversight. Camping on the property by biggest concern here is for safety, said these people armed with machetes their metal pipes? They sticks walkie talkie, there weren't bullet profess. They ve not only arrest me. I've had city staff come into my office over the last several days. Thanking me for speaking out about it because they are experiencing the same thing. Roughly three weeks ago, the voters loss and get a very progressive city in Texas approved Proposition B, which prohibits public camping in an effort to combat the city's homeless problem. Fifty seven percent of voters approved of the proposition forty two percent opposed it be democratic me of Boston and City Council. The city councils, ten Democrats in a single Republican here, but the Need Travis County Republican Germanic Soviets into debt tonight, is clear
the city of Austin, scented City hall, we're not gonna put up with the insane policies that make life worse, but things are done so bad in Austin that there are places that are seeking to De Annex from Boston and just allow the state of Texas to govern them directly. Many in its truly incredible how these blue cities are starting to fall apart in Chicago. Togo has now announced the police department just announced that they changing their policy with regard to foot pursuits, and what is the new policy with regard to foot procedure and talk about allowing criminality to flourish there? Policy with regard to foot pursuit is that foot pursuits only be allowed when there is quite probable cause for an arrest order, believed in individual has committed, is committing or is about to commit a crime. There will be no foot chases stemming from minor traffic offences, so somebody's speeding and they get out of their car and they run the police are not allowed to chase them. Chicago mayor Lorry Lightfoot said because for peace
one of those dangerous actions. Police officers can engage and we cannot afford to wait any longer to put a policy in place. The regulates them. The important measures outlined in this policy will not only protect our officers, the public and potential suspects during foot pursuits. It also, sir they stepped forward and our mission to modernize and reform our police department. The interim plan includes the following: reminding officers to begin. Any international tactics meant reduce the possibility of a foot pursuit defining foot pursuits as appropriate. Only when there is probable cause form the rest, or it is believed in individual has committed, is committing oars about commit a crime prohibiting foot pursuits stemming from minor traffic offences detailing tactics, to avoid a put, pursued, including continual communication with the subjects and encouraging officers to position themselves in such a way to reduce the opportunity for a foot chase, outlining alternatives to foot pursuits. That should always be considered by officers, including
publishing a surveillance or containment area in or apprehending unidentified suspected another time or place. So otherwise, let it. Let me go let a runaway committed, a crime, but you know what is it really worth it? Basically, what this does? He creates liability for an officer deciding to pursue, but no I built for letting the guy go. That's the incentive structure that has now been created for Chicago cops. If you follow the guy you're not gonna have to justify to the police department. Why you engage nay foot pursuit? If you just let the criminal dough and oppose any shoot somebody you can Well, you know what I really didn't thing afoot pursues appropriate. I was sure he was gonna go commit a crime, Kate. The benefit of the doubt used to be with the cops. Can you may say there is too much benefit of the doubt to the cops. That's an argument, but the alternative, it seems, is benefit of the doubt to the criminals, because once you tell cops, they can just not do their jobs and in fact it is dangerous for them in their jobs are not going to do their jobs. The chimney Chicago policy prohibits foot pursuit for criminal offences less than a classic misdemeanour
unless the person poses an obvious throughout the community or any person, and discontinuing procedures, someone is injured and requires immediate medical attention if if there are unaware of their location and if the need to apprehend the suspect, the subject is not worth the risk to responding officers, the public or the subject. Ok, that's that's. One is just wild. Okay, so you're supposed to stop a foot pursuit. If the need to apprehend the subject is not worth the risk to the officers or the public or the person who are pursuing. So in other words, if your chasing down a person for its hate smoking pot in public in what sense of class a misdemeanor in Chicago, I don't know what the actual classification is and the person starts to run away. If you believe that you may have to tackle the person or if you believe that the person who knows maybe carrying a gun in my turn around and might have, should the person then you're supposed to discontinue
before pursued termination of a foot, pursuit of officers engaged in the pursuit believe they would not be able to control this aspect. If a confrontation word worker of naming, that's literally just because a gun, I can't control the subject Rachel, I mean this is madness, so the city of Chicago is now by the way. Supervisors are also made liable for this, because now supervisors are allowed to instruct officers to discontinue foot pursued at any time and any tenderfoot pursuit officers have notify the Office of Emergency management and communications. All of this was done in the aftermath of the available shooting of thirteen rolled Adam Toledo, who pull was holding and was shooting were at random. Cars passing by so is all designed to prevent the shooting of atoms leader who was in fact engaging in deadly type of criminal behaviour. Shooting guns at passing, cars is a dead letter
when a behaviour and the city of Chicago solution is tell the cops. You stop engagement for pursuit. How could anything like that. Can you imagine why the cities are getting worse? How could they possibly be getting worse hell? It well play stupid games. Stupid prizes is the name of the game over in Atlanta. Pursuing similar policies accordingly, in Europe Post in Atlanta may oral candidate sequestered. Seventy three million dollars from the city's police department budget reportedly has car stolen by a group of young thieves this week and wound up thanking the cops help City Council, member Antonio Brown. He just got out of his white Mercedes group to speak to fellow community leader Ben Norman in Northwest Atlantic Dixie Hills Community Wednesday, when spotted four or five kids, the youngest. Only six or seven, the kids are walking Store and within seconds they jumped inside his car? One kid was in the driver's E Brown told the owl, it Ben attempted to open the door to get him out of the car he fought with Ben. I then engage in trying to get out of the car, the three other kids we're trying to figure out how to get in
or stay out of the car. He started to hit on the gas and Ben, let it go as he started speed up and if I knew not long ago. I knew I could probably have kill myself. Does he was going so fast? I restarted to tumble. He said now would have heard him Brown City filed report with the Atlanta PD. In again, Brown voted to defend the police, what round face had it appears the kids acted out of desperation, and this is a generational poverty issue. These kids twelve in the afternoon. Why aren't they in school? Why are we enforcing systems sure that, if they're not in school there and wreck centres or again, you could just tell the cops never to enforce the law and the predictable results. They will still your car that's a place to begins when stupid prizes. Well, the Good NEWS is the Democrats are attempting to take a lot of this policy national
so Joe Biden has already determined the policing around the nation is going to now essentially be prosecuted by Christian Clark, whose a wild antipathies activist we're gonna, see. Consent agrees brought against most major police departments in the United States. Under the deal j you're going to see Joe Biden continue to trot out the. Why that the police are systemically racist and crime problem. America's major cities is the result of either the presence of guns or the result of systemic american racism. Already he had gents accurate their promoting this nonsense and then he's gonna pursuing economic policy that completely disincentive ices work, but it makes it more difficult for businesses to start that inflate the currency and discourage savings.
All of this is bad policy right and Joe Biden is pursuing it with alacrity Hugh. He wants one point three trillion dollars in debt added to national that every single year for the next ten years, but he promises that by twenty thirty one when Joe Biden will be eighty eight years old. If he is alive, then the debt will start to come down and Joe Biden has been noticing, however, that the inflation rate was up wildly last month and that the employment statistics are not back is ass, you more than two and so Joe Biden yesterday, gave a speech in which he announced. Well, you know you can't reboot the economy without bumps in the road or actually you should be able to rebuild this economy without bombs in the road. Considering said the greatest artificial artificially induced economic coma in american history, and until you got there, Joe things were starting to look up and we have booming growth in February and then by March the growth is already starting to downgrade and by April we stand sitting here, is Joe Biden, Frank, pretend to him. Blowing money into the economy has actually been a boon rather than a in albatross round the economy's neck. Now
our economy recovers, you're gonna be some bunsen road. We know that, of course he can't reboot economy like flipping on a light switch cuz you be ups and downs and jobs and economic reports was going to be supply chain issues price, the stores on the way back to the stable and steady growth okay, except for the, but the entire point of view. Blowing two trillion dollars into the economy like six weeks ago was supposed to be. There was to even this thing out. That was supposedly instead, all you ended up doing was leading to higher prices because bore people had more money chasing fewer products. And now by missing, needs even more spending, because why the hell not I mean it Why not Joe Biden says is economic plan? Is war Somebody urges additional quota. What generational investments all he cares about is getting his legacy before he's out. That's all the old man cares about.
He says now is the time to build on the foundation. We laid make bold investments in our families and our communities and our nation, but of course, he's not. Actually the his plan is not working, Any and he continues to blow out these massive spent programmes. Meanwhile, pushing up regulations and higher taxes and and bad social policy. Bad policing policy, if you want to LOS Angeles, your America. This is the way to do it or New York or America. This is the way to do it and the man guiding us through this, his manners lock into Constance Existential Jewel What the teleprompter our continuing series, Joe Biden versus the teleprompter continued yesterday, when Joe Biden announced that Alzheimer's.
Since are going to fill every hospital bed in America within a few years, which has some big if true these, like all harbours, diabetes cancer there on the cusp of being able to be dealt with it. Have we not do something about all farmers, American, every single, solitary hospital beds, its existence is a nurse has been telling you every single one. The occupied in excess of ten years in all time is patient every one. What in the what path it? First of all you not hospitalized Framingham is your hospitalized with complications arising from Alzheimer's, but beyond. That is the case being made really that every single house, but you won't be able to go The hospital, if you have a broken leg, because an all time is patient in the bad. Accordingly again, this incoherence old coat is blowing up the economy and nationalism build the blossoms policy in New York and Eric our cities.
Policy in LOS Angeles and worry Lightfoot Policy in Chicago. Meanwhile, reporters falling over him, no serious questions for informing us of the fact that each ice cream- I love fact that Joe Biden in old man eating ice cream. This is considered like while unbelievers. You, VE, never seen anything like it. Here's Joe Biden eating- I I mean the man, can do virtually anything. He can both eat ice cream and also barely not fall down. It's incredible here is Joe Biden eating ice cream, and the report on my God just eat the knee unbelievable throughout the veracity of the man I mean virility of man is unbelievable. Truck or chocolate chip. Oh yeah look jolly chocolate chocolate chip destroy the economy and making yeah but
excise, Graham guys, it's incorrect bunch of children, but your damn children. Meanwhile, Republicans are doing what they usually do, which is they are trying to counter democrats bending with spending of their own, which is slightly less binding. So here's the thing about being a republican guys. If you guys would like to win in the future, you need to stop a scrap where you just become the Democratic Party like when it comes to spending. I understand that you think that Democrats, because they have an advantage with regard to bribing voters, that if you just by voters that will work, but let me provide you and alternative theory. If this is a competition between who can spend more money to bribe people, Democrats will win that competition. So why exactly? Are you offering a nine hundred and twenty eight billion dollar plan for corner what actual infrastructure a group of republican senators have now counter offered to bind administrations. One point: seven: trillion dollar infrastructure plan with a proposal that would spend around nine hundred twenty eight
in dollars, instead with much of the money already coming from expected spending levels, according to the Washington Post, the bulk of the money will be spent on roads, five hundred billion dollars. Let me explain: we don't need five hundred billion dollars for the damned roads according to the Atlantic. Eighty five and of America's roads and bridges are fine shape. The vast majority of America's roads and bridges even under federal auspices, another tool, fourteen billion dollars would be set aside for public transportation, great water infrastructure in passenger rail, not a single dime should be spent on passenger rail. We don't need Manuel from the Simpsons. We dont passenger rail was its eighteen. Thirty, two passenger rail without a quarter of the money according the post to be new spending, the rest would come from hundreds of billions in spend stimulus, money or pre planned spending during a Thursday pressing, France, Senator Shelly, more Capito, the leader public, into the infrastructure negotiation said the nineteen twenty billion dollar across the plan would be spent over eight years republican say well, this is actual infrastructure you're right it is actual infrastructure. Also you dont need to
in a spending contest with the Democrats, because I'll tell you, I was gonna end up seriously the way that this is going to end up. It was Democrats passing a larger bill and then suggesting that they are more generous, because this is the way it always works. I will show you proof Joe Biden yesterday he went out and during his speech one point he pointed out that the quantum what american rescue and for which zero Republicans voted is being touted many republicans in their own district, now to be fair to those republican suppose Republicans added provisions to their bills. That too, that bill that brought home the bacon for their districts, knowing the bill would pass and voted against the books. They didn't like the bill in its entirety. So to brag about the fact that they got a provision that help their district into the bill. But here's the reality, Joe Biden, saying you guys voted against. China package, now your bragging about the the court encoded package, it's kind of a telling political point: shockingly them It isn't entirely wrong here. Here goes, he might republican friends Income not a single one of them voted for the rescue plan. Unlocking
surely one, but I have here a letter. Of how bachelor districts their bragging about the rescue plan? They tell us who wrote the restaurant revitalization phone tat, is the fact that we are in a situation where the daily, with touted grants to community health care centres touted me some people. I know she had, but but but the truth is that he's not completely wrong when it comes to the fact that Republicans can't how about ways You can't be the party of spending and then be like ok, what the other guy spend more, but also like Why this bendings? Happily that's not how any of this works! Here's! What damn here's publicans ought to be doing. Make the Democrats on the spending make them only spending see right now the economy would be such a boom were not for the intervention of the Bible.
The situation now be an excellent time, Republicans to stay to say: listen, you want to pass on the spending its on. You really go Fort, enjoy it's all you and put all the honest and the pressure on Joe Mansion and Kirsten Cinema to vote along with this stuff put all the pressure on Mark Kelly in Arizona vote along with this stuff force, a choice for the voters. Do. What has been much money or do not want to spend as much money, but don't give Democrats the ability to come back and say well, you know Republicans opposed to spending, but they really didn't opposes bunting very much. This is why the death of the tea party movement with such a disaster for republicans- and we ended up in this populist miasma where we don't even have the argument anymore. That spending is bad means higher Tea Party was Formulating around the notion that blowing our governments, it was a bad idea and then Republicans right yeah. But what if we out? What? What are we just spent more money? is idiotic at the time that remains idiotic. In Democrats are ready to fall right into this binary crap. They are. Democrats are out there saying that important
Democrats should start negotiating and rapid, throw you know what they're right. Do it own it make the Democrats on it. Elizabeth worn own all this money. She wants you to trust. You presume and monetary theory, and blow out the inflation make all the chronicle A democratic in the Senate, go along with that or choose to set their own party, put them put their feet to the fire Elizabeth warrant more power to her. Here she was on MSNBC Yesterday I dont see there's just as Congress can't compromise. I see this right now the Democrats are trying to get things past that makes sense a January six investigation or some sensible guns, safety, protections, things that are wildly popular all across this nation
republican response has simply been no safe, just cross their arms and said now we're just not going to do that. It's hard to compromise with someone who's just saying. No, it's not like. There's some place you meet in the middle on that ok, fine. Do it seriously? Do it burn you saying the same thing: let them be just what they want to be right. Bernie Sanders put our peace. Chinese is what happens if democratic afford in a different direction. What happens if they spend week after week month?
mug negotiating with Republicans, but little intention of addressing the serious crises facing the working families of his country. What happens if, after the passage of the vitally important american rescue plan, the momentum stops and we accomplish little or nothing? The american people want action, not never ending negotiations and then an obstruction of them and they will not come out and vote for poverty does not deliver force under the choice. Now. Do it so here's the thing. The Democrats know that their record here is not going to bode well for them, and so they decided to turn their attention elsewhere, as they can't make this about the record. They really cannot not necessities nationally, who gets what they are turning to instead in just one second, first, let's talk about fact that you should be shopping for our time on you should go to another part store. You don't want to do it. You stand in line yet the front desk, a bunch of questions pigs, yet thirty minutes tat hash out what part you need and then there like, oh yeah, we don't have, then the backward and afterward also we're just gonna charges or just go to record our common. Do it yourself recorded. I can always offers the lowest prices possible rather than chain,
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when he percent off using two largest fastest growing concern to Pakistan, radio on the nation already so meanwhile, the binding ministration not warmly focusing on their policies in its time from restorations game. We need investigations. This is why the left to so focused in on the agenda sixth commission idea and now the reality, as there are some questions that could be ass. Veterinary sex tourism, like there was a three hour gap, apparently between when the riots began in the capital, and when the police are actually arrived on scene. When the when one fourth been arrived on scene, to stop all that what happened during the three hour intervening period, we could find out why exactly Nancy Blowsy had not wanted more law enforcement on premises. At the time we could find out exactly how long Foresman authors behaved in the middle of this
is there a state that has emerged of some law enforcement officers basically had a moving away where they just trying to follow people into a different space like what was going on exactly ok, but what the Democrats, one from this night from this generous six commission, pretty obviously, is to make the twenty twenty two election a referendum on from, and you suggest that all Republicans are complicit in January sex, which is why they're gonna make it about the rhetoric. What light up too generous sex? What was the ideology in people's minds, which again is a crackdown on ideology and a crackdown on how people thinking how people speak? Not really an investigation into the systematic law enforcement failures that allowed people to breach the capital building tat we didn't have the nine Eleven Commission was really not about the ideological routes of Al Qaeda. It wasn't. We know the ideal up, an ideological reads, volcano or nine. Eleven commission report was really about the systematic law enforcement failures. What exactly happened, but demo
don't want to restrict this too. What exactly happened on that day? They wanted to be broader and they want this thing to take beyond the boundaries of the air. They would like this to bleed into next year, so they continue talking about January sex and then they can say, listen, no matter how badly we ve governed the country, The people on the other side. Those guys are the real threat to the country. They are the ones who are truly. Here it is why Joe Biden continues to formulate over January sex. It was six months ago, war, was restored inside of a few hours and the vote went forward. The only person who was killed was one of the rioters actually balance.
As the person who was murdered, unseen WAL Mart Murray, strong, who was killed unseen, get near the cops who died on who died. There is no evidence at this point that they were killed unseen by the rioters. So is that no George well suggested it was comparable to nine eleven in terms of how American should think about it. That, of course, is incredibly silly. Nine eleven as a full scale attack on the United States that ended with both world trade center towers collapsing, a full scale, plain attack on the Pentagon and another plain being brought down in a field in Shanks Veal, shanks the pencil. And over three thousand Americans dead. This was a bunch of drugs running into a building and then running out of a building, many of them getting arrested and order being restored, and all of the process is going on within like an hour, so not the same, but we're gonna continued folks and ungenerous sex, because if Europe policies are failing, this is what you do here is Joe Biden. Pushing your six stuff, I can't imagine anyone voting against establishing the commission
the greens, the sources of someone on the cap, right right? the greatest assaulting the civil war, since the civil war How many bombings that were like every day in the seventies many of them targeting government buildings. Remember last summer, when two billion dollars and property damage was done by riders in major citys around the country, member that in what what in the world, but we know what in the world it is political misdirection. The media are fully invested in this. They are pointing out which republicans are are supporting the nine, the one six commission, as we Susan councillors, mortality and Mitt Romney have also have all said that their Supporting that is not a shock. Of course, then there about nine Republicans are still considering that out include Shelly, more Kapital Western Nea bill, Casio, Louisiana, crap, Olive Idaho, germ Moran of Kansas, Rob
Women of Ohio, Ben SAS of of Nebraska Jonathan South Dakota, to me a Pennsylvania and Roger Wicker of Mississippi Joe Mansion said today. He thinks there. Maybe research Republicans who are in favour, but a lot Republicans or not. When asked. If you would break to filibuster, if you'd votes nukes to filibuster in order to get the ones commission manuals like now, I don't think that's appropriate Would you be willing to break the fella bus in order to get this task, and we may be sure your good will come after you have to have regular standard people? Ok, and if there are intended people mean his view. If there are enough Republicans and guess what Democrats will launch, the Partisan commission anyway may well, nor this commission is going dolly the whole point of this to keep Trump front and centre in the american public imagination that that is the entire goal here, because we kind of no
We were going now in the only stuff that we don't know could have been found out by Democrats during impeachment inquiry, which they decided not to do in favor of brushing that thing for us they can get an impeachment on the book, so Nancy Pelosi can punch it impeach Trump twice or something is that you got extra Meanwhile, if you all again investigation, I ve got other ones on the way, we'll get more of this in a second first. Let me just tell you folks, you are spending too much money in your cell phone bill. I mean, I know you are why because cell phone companies will charge you up the was you to cover all of their cars where they have been marketing campaigns. They ve got the beautiful stores and all that you don't need any of that if you're smart, you ve already switched over to talk. Usa, in fact, another fail none of you. My extremely wise listeners have made the switch from your overpriced, It was carrier to peer talk over the past couple of months. The rescue waiting for, if you with agencies have rising to mobile, your family could be saving over eight hundred dollars a year just by switching to pure talk yet the same rate,
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including using Rudy Giuliani, to spread their misleading claims about President Biden and told the election in Donald Trump favour according to people's knowledge of the matter. A more more investigations into Ukraine and Russia sounds great. The criminal investigation which began during the final months of the Trump administration and has not been previously report. It underscores the federal government's increasingly aggressive approach toward rooting out foreign interference in american electoral pilots. Much of that effort is focused on russian intelligence, which has suspected ties to at least one of the Ukrainians. Now under investigation, though, you recall that the entire Russia collusion investigation came to nothing after years of the media pumping it get ready for more of this, now the suggestion is going to be the Russians operating inside Ukraine or trying to steal the twenty twenty election now you're recall that there was no investigation into ukrainian efforts to school between sixteen election. Why? Because the Ukrainians, one Hillary Clinton side, is from politico January twenty. Seventeen.
Donald Trump wasn't: the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of the former Soviet Bloc countries. Ukraine officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine trump. By publicly questioning fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top from aid in corruption and suggested there investigating the matter only to back away after the election, and they helped Clinton's allies, research, damaging information on Trump and his advisers. A political investigation found ukrainian american operative, whose consulting for the Dnc met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, in an effort to expose ties between Trump TOP campaigning, Paul Manifold and Russia. According to people with direct knowledge of the situation, was there a federal investigation into that oh no to more investigation by the way, their certain investigations. They are not happy about the Democrats. Some of those investigations include like the only important investigation internationally right now, which is whether covered was
from a whirlwind lab. That is important, because we need to know when the chinese government knew about covert if they knew about this thing in November, and then they waited until late January to announce that it was human to human transmission. Not only are there responsible for the legal responsible for the three million dead people across the world and the new six hundred thousand people in the United States, and yet it's a certain lack of curiosity when it comes to our media and the lab leak theory and the Chinese cover up a complete lack of curiosity, for example, backers. Equal Emmanuel, who is an adviser to to job and a former health policy adviser in the Obama administration is anonymous embassies. Who cares how it happened? Why does it matter? The answer is: if you want to stop this from happening in the future, maybe we should know how it happened. Also, you may want to punish the government that hit it for money. He received a manual being an idiot, we need
the data, we need transparency and we do need the Chinese to participate, because you know the real issue is not. How did this happen? The real issue is: how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic, and how do we have a kind of early warning system for whether its naturally occurring or a laboratory leak? We still need to protect ourselves, so we don't have three four five, ten million people die unnecessarily one of the ways you protect ourselves by finding out whether chinese labs were engaged in these sort of sloppiness. That allows a deadly virus too weak from the lab, and then maybe you don't find them. I then, maybe you don't trust me Chinese when they tell you there's no human human transmission, Taiwan's entrust the Chinese it very few doubts south GRID entrust the chinese Hong Kong interests, the chinese government and the amazing lack of curiosity on the part of these public health experts. It shocking, except for the fact that anything that doesn't abide by their agenda.
Is just ignored by them, which is why we spent a year with social media, shutting down any sort of speculation about the loudly theory now and now, only his facebook deciding oh yeah. I guess you can talk about their public Lena, pretty incredible stuff, all we will be back and later today, with an additional hour of the Ben Shapiro, shall first, you can forget, and your wheat, by checking out the and reclaim in children's shows every Friday he's got an exciting evening plan for you. Who had on our daily work outcome this evening at seven p, M Eastern six pm central and tuna, and also money memorial day said the show is not going to live, but there will be a tribute show for Memorial Day, you're going to want to give it a lesson in the meantime have great we can. I mentioned This bench barrage up. If you enjoyed this episode, dont forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread the word please give
a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcast, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show the Michael moles show and about what thanks for listening, then Shapiro Show is produced by Elliot felt executive these are Jeremy boring. Our supervising producer is math is clever and our assistants record is Pavel. White. Asking editing is by Adam silent. Audio is met by MIKE Chromium here and make up is by five yola. Christina reduction assistance is Jessica Grant. The venture bureau show is a daily way Reduction, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty one, everybody this is Andrew, Craven, hosted the Andrew Craven show. You know some people depressed because the republic has collapsed seeing the end of days is approaching and moons turned to blood but on the Andrew Clavering Show that's where the fun just get started so come on over the Andrew claiming show and laugh your way through the fall of the republic. With me, Andrew Clayton
Transcript generated on 2021-06-30.