« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1257 - Your Idiot Rulers Finally Say The Masks Can Come Off


Months late, the CDC finally announces that those who have been vaccinated can take off their masks; Joe Biden continues his war on teleprompters; and Israel pulls one of the great military misdirects in modern history.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Months late. The CDC finally announces that those who have been vaccinated can take off their masks. Joe Biden continues his war on Teleprompter and Israel Poles, one of the great military MR acts in modern history, I'm bench where this is the bench Barroso, the ban Morocco is sponsored by express Vps. Why haven't you got no VP, and yet is it expresses gps dot com, slash men who do so? Ok, so you can take off your Massey for VAT well who's been telling you that for months on end, we ve been saying that, but every time We have said that for months on end, we have worried that Youtube will take general videos when that apple will somehow sensor us with Facebook or had us with a fact check. Why or because your public health experts have been lying to you see here is the thing, and this has been a thing throughout the pandemic. Science is a process. Science is rooted in data, it's written hypotheses which are then either falsified or held up by the data. Science is not in fact, a group
couldn't hold tat scientists. It is not a new institution scientist, not Anthony Factory Science, not recover linsky. Science is not any of these jokers science is a process of verifying truth or falsity, and so those of us who have been looking at the data all along new that once you are vaccinated- and you are two weeks passed, her final action You don't need where mask anymore. In fact, in these very office it I was very intimate asking because I didn't want to infect my parents. I was very asking up until the point at which they got vaccinated, and I got vaccinated when, at that point I said to everyone if you dont want to wear a mask and you have the option. a vaccinated. If you choose not to get vaccinated, that's your problem, If you choose to wear a mask, that's EU problem, once your vaccinated, you dont, have to care I've been saying this for months. You know why cause I read the studies. You know why, because I followed the data, you know why I didn't listen to the dullard in the public health establishment who have been infected with politics. We are told for a year the Donald Trump infused all of his
would response of politics and they pointed to his suppose the pressure on the CDC which the CDC denied and he pointed to a so called pressure on Anthony family. Without you would trout she denied and then Joe Biden came into office and in the end, our public health establishment just started mere ring. Whatever Joe Biden wanted politically, they started going so and leather school should reopen, even though the data said that schools should be open, they started suggests new vaccines word, all that effective they started, suggesting that workplace It should continue to socially, just and even after people been vaccinated. Joe Biden was appearing publicly twenty thousand feet away from any the outdoors and he was still masking calmly. Harris was kissing, her husband on tarmac through mask, even though both them had been vaccinated. None of this was in compliance with science. All of it was politically driven. Bull crap because I say the goal of the ministration was too gin up a feeling of panic and Annette and unease and unrest so that they could foster all this massive
government brought. The idea was that, if we are in the middle of a crisis and we still need more government, and that, of course, was using every crisis as an opportunity, and if the crisis was already on the wane, as it has been for months, then you just manufacturing feeling of crisis hey. So yesterday the Public health experts decided based on no new data, none that you have been saying for the past. Several months is correct. He know is very important to know here the timing. Again, all this data has been widely available for months. It's been available since February March, and we have known since even before then that if you had covered and you had developed, antibodies to covet you're, not going to infect any one you get, everybody was busy screaming. It ran Paul, suggesting that of ran, pulse stripped off. His mask is going to infect people. That was not true. Grandpa happen to be correct about that. I know, because I was talking to people who are actual epidemiologists. I was talking people here. Actual doctors, like Doktor Mortimer, carry over Johns Hopkins University, and yet we were told by the public health experts, the institutional
with dolls. They had to listen to them, even if what they were saying was not in consonant with the science. This is happens. We have an idle worshipping society when people have determined there are people who know more than everybody else and their expertise, this cult of expertise has to be paid attention to, even when the experts are speaking not from their own expertise, but the politics- and you can tell because at we are able to show their work. Experts are able to tell you why they think the things they do. Everything on the show. For months we plan clips of her shovel Wednesday, unable to explain our own policies, wimble anklets, four months of algae, being unable to explain what the hell he's talking about, and then, if you say that then your social media betters shut you down because you're, not speaking in consonant with the CDC or the CDC, was not speaking incontinence with sides. How do we know because again none of the data change? They change all their standard. Yes and the reason they change their standards yesterday to tell people were vaccinated. Now. Finally, they gonna mask, had nothing to do
with science: it had nothing to do with data. It had to do with the fact that your mind had terrible couple weeks politically. It had to do with the fact enforced starting to hit and it really hard and not enough. People are in the workforce, and Joe Biden has to encourage people to get back into the workforce, because if we don't have enough people back, workforce going back into the regular lights inflation is gonna spiral out of control. That's what this has to do with this. The White House, his new announcement of triumphant- we could take off masks, but it really exposes is not that we be covered with carbon months ago. really exposes is that so much of this has been politically driven and remains politically driven, and if you ask me for my outcome from this, who I trust in who I don't I'll tell you, I trust big farmer who actually came up with the actual solution to this thing I don't trust the government sources why'd you every step of the way, and I don't mean that they made mistakes, making mistakes understandable. In the early days, the pandemic there. A lot of mistakes made under
Annabelle, using novel growth virus. We know that much about it, but then it became overt lying, and we ve had overt lying for months on end and that becomes when, finally, they tell the truth. Ok, so yesterday the way put out an announcement. The twitter, in the middle of the day, news from the CDC, if you're, fully vaccinated it were a mask indoors or outdoors inmost settings. We ve got this far, whether you get backdated or where mass please protect yourself until we get to the finish line. So here's the thing Even the CDC guidance is stupid, because the CDC guidance says that, if your vaccinated, you still have to wear a mask the gonna plain for example. Why why there's no reason for it? they say, you're on public transit. You shall have the worm asked. They say that if there are stores that bad, and you from coming inside without a mask, even if your vaccinated bet that's perfectly ok as well, they say that if your doctors office that yours those two still wear masks, even if your fully vaccinated- and this is all stupidity now- some of this is rooted in
other level of ideology, which is how do Hell whose action in who isn't and if we remove. ask rules than what, if on vaccinated people, take advantage of this to unmask along with vaccinate people, and the answer is, if you are vaccinated, you should air Nancy blows. He said that she is not going to change the rules on house floor. Everybody's vaccinated and I can change the rules on how or why everybody there is heading pretending to be vaccinated and then I want to be vaccinated, that's them problem. There is a small sub group of people who do have a problem that small sub group people are literally cannot get the vaccine, I'm not talking about its unavailable to them, because vaccines are available to everybody at this point, even if you have to drive a little but neatly vaccines, there's some people who can get them for actual met reasons for those people there and ninety five available for those people their masks available. They have to protect themselves, understood but the notion that the rest of society is supposed to continue masking up and not going to work is ridiculous:
so even exceeds the current standards, make no sense, but again that the reason in a rather ticked off this morning. Because the people claim to speak in the name of science never did and now that they are speaking in them. But besides they claim they were always speaking in the name of science, so the reckoning history. They why'd you for months now, they're telling you the truth and because telling you the truth today there is suggesting that were telling you the truth all alone, and that is on true. This is all politics. The experts are not interested in conveying to the data you're, not interested in command you, the science. They are interested in what gets Joe Biden where he needs to go. And if they in job I was stuck in a sort of catch, twenty two where the covered pandemic. Here, the extended in order for him to get his jollies in terms of policy, and then it turn that policy jobs were under cutting the health of the the american economy, whose killing a bull that then yes to shift one or the other? right either ass, he shoved his policy or he has to shift the colored pandemic talk or both
and that's exactly what you're saying right now. This has nothing to science and everything to do with politics. We get some orbit in just one second, first, let us talk about fact. My kids wake me up unbelievably early in the morning every single morning, and there is one and products that gets me through. I'm talking force that black rifle coffee, black rival, These delivering your daily Joseph Freedom, one Delicious cup at a time lack rival, coffee companies, a veteran own coffee company serving premium coffee? Two people love a veteran, ceo and founder of behaviors? number, seven years on the ground overseas, with your special forces The CIA contractor black rifles continually committed supporting veteran law enforcement and first responders. Is it in our country and overseas. Greatest frontline workers risk their lives every day to protect hours, inspired by their hard work and dedication to protecting our communities. Black rifle makes it their mission give back to those who serve. However, they can throw away black rifles rallying behind L e o one. For me, firefighters, first responders, active guinea military. Another frontline workers by spotlight in local heroes through community nominations, donating coffee to keep front lines. Catherine
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doing, the things that you had stopped doing because the pandemic, once you are fully vaccinated two weeks after your last us you in jail, Your ass, ok an inch you not your drove this. What drove this is science, of course, now here's the thing- and I ve been any new studies- nope, not one, not one this months ago months ago. This is precisely what I was trying to to get out with this directive. The CDC doctoral, insecure and I spoke to her after so and she she was asked twice about stirring the conference once but once by Caitlin and she sort of dodged it saying you know: there's gotta be more guidance forthcoming on this, the science certain sort of apply still you're still applies right. The sciences indoors large gathering our small gathering. If everyone is vaccinated, you don't need to wear masks. Who cares Jacob disease signs signs. The signs didn't change. Anything can decide. Has been known, it's been known, you know how
No, that is I've, been saying it for months and every time you say, you're, a science denier. No, I'm a scientific institutions denier. I don't believe that these cortical institutions have a monopoly on the process of science and they demonstrate their there. unverifiable nonsense every single day, it's incredible to me. Caged pisses me off that four months we are told You were somehow putting people at risk when you are not taken this administration undermine vaccines. This administration for months hedgerow by another, telling a week ago, he was telling you dramatic mask up after you from vaccinated. If you're sitting in close contact, you should mask because you're patriotic he's a that last week, now magically- entails mess forever. The answer is had nothing to do with signs. Yes, he created vaccine hesitancy. Yes, he undermine the american economy. Yes, he was lying to you. They were all lying to you, a you'll. Remember that just a couple of
so maybe a week ago there is a a cdc masking chart. Those put our I was supposed to change the standards for what you can do if your phone vaccinated- and it said that if your outdoors, you could unmask if you are fully generated, and even if the end, and then they said that of your fully vaccinated, I would ask if you aren't you a crowded outdoor ventricle life, performance, braid or sports event, and everything indoors suppose him asking your member. I went through this chart in detail. I went through every the start, I said everything right hand, side of this chart is a lie: go back and watch the tape. we think this is fully vaccinate people that you you're not supposed to do it's a lie. You can do all of these things. I need only to ask for any of them. I said this two weeks ago and then, and then we were so worried about social media. That Youtube was going to give us like chat, Martin, take down or videos because this is what social media does and nothing to do with. That is so
here, a here's, the newly cdc graph, oh by the way away, it looks exactly like when I told them to do, go back and look at the tape. I looked out on a solution, pull the clip of me saying what discharge should look like. verses. What the chart now looks like they are identical. There is the whole thing is ridiculous. On its face, it's ridiculous to Anthony Fatty came out yesterday and said you know what we have to get rid of restrictions that people can get lay. It can feel like you're getting back what I have a question, whereas Anthony Voucher, what have you done with him? Where's, the real Anthony Patchy where'd? You get this impostor, here's Anthony you think maybe this will cause people to get vaccinated this, same administration. That refuse to acknowledge go out, live like after getting vaccinated This is the same administration that undermine vaccines by suggesting that had to pause the change a roll out, because there were six cases out of six million people who had blood clots, here's Anthony algae, then you may Maybe this will encourage people. Get vaccinate knows been things months right here.
He's got. You Dumbson say that this guy here's Anthony vouchers. What we're doing now with the relaxation of the restrictions on people who are vaccinated is trying to get back to a degree of normality which people who get back today to deserve to have that. That's been one of the things. That's been the concern saying if I get back sedated, differences are going to make. My life isn't really change that much will now. Your life is going to change that much for people who are not vaccinated. This might be an incentive for them to get vaccinated, ok, insult it's amazing now he saying what did scientifically drew so as you. Before you I now for them. after amazingly their thing he's lying. Now, though, what does like well irony No, why there's anguish? Governments, maybe format, wear masks forever? First of all, let me just say this you're a sheep. you're a sheep if you are wearing and ask now, if you're them
can you been vaccinated is because your sheep there there is freedom and free to be a sheep. It's a free country, but you are you're living like a fear for no reason he's that are unbelievably effective, even your garbage administration is telling you that guy but Anthony found she. I love this. Flip in time is just incredible. I mean you. Could you get whipped? Lasher, here's, Anthony Valerie, now. This is a step in the right direction. Yet we noticed I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a centrally over. I think this is a very important step in the direction of trying to get back to some degree of normality, because this is something that everyone has had on them and you know, I'm vaccinated when you can. I start doing things a little bit or in the normal trend and being able to go around without a mask indoors as well as outdoors, is really a big step in that direction. So I wouldn't want to declare the ray prematurely, but I am saying this is
clearly a step in the direction that we want to go unbelievable by the way. How bad is the whip? Lasher? Here's, how bad the whiplash was. Yesterday afternoon they announced the CDC announced that if you had been vaccinated, you could take off her mask just before that Joe Biden had had a meeting in the White House, with the House minority leader and has majority leader and the and Speaker of the house and in all the various leaders of various parties, everybody I ve been vaccinated picture going around of every single person in the room wearing a mask, and so a senior Biden adviser, and slam it we ve been wrong and recourse in the stuff Annie Slab it. A covert adviser to bind was asked Why was Joe Biden mast? He is vaccinate every one in the room is vaccinated eurozone I've tenders answer yesterday yesterday morning, before the CDC announced by the way can take off the mask, I'm not sure that the president is the average person I I personally there's a lot of protections around the president. Why does he need lots of secret service agents? Why does he? Why do they owed belt in suspense
everything with president, because it is a very important person, and I think you shouldn't take you at your mark, just I what you see in the oval office, I think most people, if you're indoors, around other people that are vaccinated he says it's. Ok, listen to the cdc on that means area. So basically has no rationale whatsoever, but there are still promulgating this crap, knowing that it was crap analyses he changed his standard later in the day. Again, all this has to do with the fact that Romania is a giant failure of a president and because he's a failure for president he needs to declare early victory. Remember regional date, they're going to declare vacuous July. Fourth: why? Because they wanted this Alexandria July fourth, and because they were hoping that before July fourth thing ran through these trillions of dollars and spending. Then it turns out the she blew up. It turns out that that domain an increase in cinema working to go along with it, and so Dubai the choice and continue to foster this this world, beating I in spending agenda and blow out the economy in the process, I can walk this thing back a little bit and so he decided yesterday that it time for a new cycle. That's it
really is about until the manipulation of science on behalf of politics. This is it, don't you get more of this in just one. Second was again, this whiplash is just extraordinary. Everybody needs a neck examination after this one. First, let's talk about ways you can keep your family say and secure you ve heard me share about how important second women is to the foundation the country, you may even be one be over five million citizens who purchased a firearm for the first time in twenty twenty. If you taken the first step in protecting yourself with a virus, the next step in your personal protection play should be considering body armor for yourself and your family. becomes in your house is not just a matter of having weapon devote yourself. It be good if you had some sort of device to prevent you from being harmed shop. For body are may seem like something you never thought you'd have to do. You mean I know where to begin. In fact, you might not even know you My body armor, these were a are five hundred armor comes in, Five hundred armoured comics buying body armor, easy approachable and affordable, in fact with, five hundred armoured dot com you bite online. It shipped straight to your house air five hundred armors multiple packages built for people, just like you were looking for varying levels of protection, they make the shopping press.
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actually forwarding their legislative agenda in any serious fashion. Always doing was artificially lowering the the labour market and creating inflation, so they decided to reverse themselves yesterday, and watching Joe Biden walk. It's always like men. Please give so much happiness. We took off our mass, ah amazing using and, of course, the media ate. All this up ceilings in camera shall swelling up the chairs, the gist what was it them lying to you that had you welling up, because I M, presumably in camera like pretty much everybody else's. Vienna has and everybody else in America, has had the opportunity to get vaccinated. So why this making you well up as opposed to you know, once you got the vaccine, you could go back to your regular if we all knew months ago, can this wasn't a secret? They were just lying. Here's housing camera
I found myself welling up when when Doktor once gave was talking and she said it and we have an exciting announcement. I still find myself willing up even right now, because you know you and I talk to every morning? You know during the past year about how many more Perkins we're going to die. You know what was going to happen where we going to make it to the vaccines where we all going to survive. What was going to happen- and you know five hundred and eight thousand Americans didn't make it to this day. You know this day that they, it that we can throw these away that we ve all been clinging to it's so moving media's move now it their drop to ask questions. Well. You know the last several months about why it is that we shouldn't have been taken off the masks months ago, but they were too busy kissing ass, because this is mostly what they do by the way there not just whip lashing. there also whip lashing on schools, so Anthony Voucher again, where Anthony Fashion. What have you done with him yesterday, whose like it so two open schools come far. We gotta open these school year.
some of us have been knowing this since, like last year, like last summer, make even in schools in October. The hell. Are you talk your little late on this one? I believe the school should be open five days full blast just the way it was before that that we really have to do that by the time. get to the full and the kids are met, and if the kids are vaccinated, no masts required right right. Well, again. I want to leave that to the CDC to make that decision, but I would think that that certainly would be an option if the children of accelerated not to have a mass unbelievable like I'm, only that's easy. You could just say it you could by the way, you know how bad this was for the democratically Now this issue was turning for the Democrats, Rennie Weingarten of the American Federation for teachers. Even she came out she's like yeah, you know. Maybe we should just reopen the school. It was her father, she was born talking to the CDC and having them change their standards to slow the reopening the blow back against Democrats because of their coded alarm ism. In the post vaccination era. Will it must have been
raise for them to reverse this vast. It really must have been came one sex we'll get you Randy Weingarten, reversing herself, because it is pretty incredible again the entire reversal here it is driven by politics. First, let's talk sleep quality, self, helix sleep. There are the people who keep me going because what we are his wake me up at all hours of the night? When I get back on their matters, I need to sleep. I need a mattress may just for me. This is where he would sleep comes in here like sleep has acquitted takes just two minutes to complete matches. bodies have been sleep, references to the perfect mattress for you. Why would you buy a mattress made for someone else with helix you're? Getting a mattress that you know will be perfect for the way you sleep, everybody's unique. He looks knows that they have several different mattress models to choose from their soft medium firm mattresses, matched his great for killing. You down, if you see pot even a helix, plus matters for plus size. Folks he's been awesome getting on boxing videos from so many of you really is cool when we got our he'll actually matters just open the box inflates written funny problem, bedroom, you're gonna go you actually dot com, slash men take their two minutes, sleep was. They will match you to a customized mattress I'll, give you that
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believable on believable, I mean seriously, then this lady was single handedly responsible for the CDC redrawing standards should not reopen schools before the end of the school year, basically again school, you're right now and actual cabotage and now it seemed adds value. This is all politics. These folks are not public health experts, there. They are politicians with white coats, and sometimes I remove white coats. It's just absurd. Meanwhile Joe Biden was out there celebrating as well. She said she real weird here. This is got strange. What does that mean to the people of us junior vaccinated
nobody here vaccinated, and you feel great. We felt very time when we feel naked right, yeah job, that the greatest of all doctors will operate. Well, here's the thing once you have set this train emotion, the worst scared of real life train the dont examined, assize, just listen to the experts train once you ve set in into a chain of effect. Feeling of incipient doom and panic. It's very difficult role that back- and that is what you are saying today, so it doesn't matter that the binding ministration finally caught up with the science months late, the left kinswoman time that way, and so they continue to panic you're, seeing this all over leftist twitter, you sing in the media. People well yeah, but if we, if we take, offer mass and were vaccinated, won't that encourage the unaccented Tut tut to unmask. But here's the thing once you're vaccinated you shouldn't care. You vaccinated you safe
you're good at somebody else chooses not to get the vaccine now would be them problem. That's a problem they are going to have to deal with talking about people who don't have the ability to get a vaccine, bees and health problem We have an five or can ninety five fives. They should make themselves safe and, however bigger, however, they can. It's is none of your business. Whether somebody else has had a very you're not once you have had the vaccine? That is the entire point at all. is really just an excuse for virtue signalling, because the mask over the past year has become virtue signalling device, which was all insane to me. I always said from the very beginning I said: if masks are useful, wear them in public places if you're not vaccinated, prevent yourself and others from getting this disease. Then, I said once you're vaccinated only the mask, as this is all what the dataset. When I just follow the data, not the public health experts warrant experts there were lying. You may now get the same public health experts being. I am alarmed by this. This is what this is. Just crazy, and because it turns out that the z mentality is a way of life. It's an attitude toward life.
It is a risk. Averse attitude toward life is unjustifiable under current data. The people right now, unless who continue to maintain the idea that you're supposed to mask mandate. This is because they ve entered one in which they like being told. What to do. That is all this is seeing as we enter wenches. I was shocked to see these. She came out. This announcement shocked why we ve known for months that one directed it in your good do go. Frankly, I was shocked by this announcement. I think they went from one extreme to another and the major step. That's missing here is: how do we know that people are telling the truth? We talk to the last or about the honor code, I mean, if you are going to the grocery store baby you're fully vaccinated. You take off your mask the grocery store, but who is going to be checking to see others are also a vaccinated? So what does that mean? If I'm bringing my son my four year old, was not fully vaccinated, now he's going to be a grocery store, potentially exposed to people who are not vaccinated? Who could be of danger to him, and so I guess
I'm kind of the fondled as to where the sky does came from. If you're worried about you four year old son, I have an idea he can continue to mask or, alternatively, he can stay home and go to the grocery store. It's none of your business, whether other people are vaccinated once you yourself are vaccines, and again this is rooted in the idea. That is true, as I've been saying all along that kid's wired young are not in serious danger from coal, statistically speaking there not in serious danger from Corbett Henry Now in the United States of Europe of the age of twelve, you can get a vaccine right now in the United States The FDA, issued emergence, use authorization for people who are twelve to fifteen years old than others sort of public health emergency to justify twelve to fifteen year olds getting covered. in the grand number of Americans under the age of eighteen with God, and indeed we have died of covert is, I believe, Lord, in a thousand out of hundreds of them, These people have been if a million people have been infected, given that they can't let go of it, they're not gonna. Let go of it and that's the great irony here Joe Biden has,
it is that knows, can have to sleep on it because it turns out all these blue areas, the ones that here wants to reopen to prop up his failing economy they're not going to. He went too far. He has train them in the art of fear. he's our media spent last year. Training you to be afraid and now that there is not at all, there is justification for being afraid now that there is very little justification for being afraid. It's tool, it's too late there having trouble. Shifting the New York Times, has a peace today, titled hundreds of academia just expected, mask roaring in public for at least a year. What what I wonder why they would have expected that maybe cause If anything, you said until next mother's day, he said that What nine ten days ago and now I gotta, take off the mask these. These jokers when federal, how the visuals had on Thursday that fully vaccinated Americans no longer needed to wear masks and most places. It came as a surprise. as many people in public health. It also start Contra with the views of a large majority, that the geologist surveyed in last weeks by the New York Times in the informal survey
eighty percent said they thought. Americans would need to wear masks in public indoor places for LISA. a year just fibres people no longer needs where mass sins by the summer. Yes, because the epidemiology are all part of a group, think then Did you that's a better recommendation? Ok recommendation was not based on science and by the way, it is also true, Many of the things they ve been telling you for a long time are lies about where you're gonna get covert. Abc news has this today quote: Pars gems in restaurants. Those are just a few settings, experts worn, could become hotbeds of carbon nineteen as states began real in the spring and summer of twenty twenty, yet public data annulled, by ABC News appears to tell a different story. The data from states across the country suggests specific outbreak settings include bars, Jim's restaurants, Nell, salons, barbershops and stores only for a small percentage if any of the new, outbreaks. After the pandemics initial wave in twenty twenty by experts but
The mitigation measures like reduced capacity, gradual reopening an outgoing contributed to keeping outbreak numbers low this anymore, depends on the push those numbers on further and make testing and tracing more robust. based on ABC News. Analysis of public aid of all covered cases, enforce eight and easy. Those outbreak settings accounting. Less than five percent of all companies. in cases in those states. In other words, all places you are told you can go all the workplace. Told you couldn't go, you can go to the jam you can go to a bar. You can go to restaurant can do any of those things that accounts afraid tiny percentage of covert transmission by some of us Round his answers with things in Florida for a year and he was castigated for it, they lied to you. They are continuing to lie to you for political purposes. Why would you trust them ever just look straight to the data and some of these states are not going to reopen According to the New York Times, as federal health officials on Thursday cleared the way for me, kids were fully vaccinated against covered to drop mass, boring and most situations some states lifted mass mandates, while others took a more cautious approach.
on Thursday, the Gunners Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina in Virginia and the mayors of New York City in Washington DC said they were taking the new guidance from the CDC under advisement before adopting it. no better than CDC now So in this easy was hawkish unmask wearing. Then there, but the CDC Wednesday Disease, like oh yeah, by the waiters designs like now we're going to do it endeavours to look like priorities, the CDC setbacks in ITALY. People must continue to abide by existing state, local or tribal laws and regulations and follow local rules businesses in workplaces gotten around us as being the best governor in the country. Already has issued an executive order, preemptively pardoning people who don't abide by state and local mascot It's because they are no longer necessary. Governor Andrew Cuomo has its merits. Said the state had always relied on the facts and the signs to guide us throughout the worst of the pandemic and then view the new federal health guidelines with the State Health Department Mirabel to block your call shifting dines monumental day but said the city, would we be removed,
what be reviewing the new rules, as mass will still be important for schools, public transportation, doctors, offices and more at all. This is a joke. This is a joke and anymore. You guys are all trained in being cheap. That's all that happened here all of these and, if you, if you listen to these build a blog, yells and Andrew Cornel presided over the worst case of outbreaks in the United States. If you listen to these people as opposed to the actual science. At this point, I must tell you been in an ignoramus beautiful, but the Good NEWS as an Anthony factories there defender your foolishness sand things out? She says you know you gotta get stuck inside to people who keep wearing masks this whole area, So I ve been treated to a year of if I'm out towards a thousand feet from everybody. I've been treated to tat morons dressed in grim reaper costumes chastising me for not wearing a mask outdoors a thousand feet for everybody. On forty beaches, I've been treated jogging by by people mast while jogging for no reason staring EU giving Gimme the evil
as you know, signs didn't back what they were suggesting can now there Each of us we're like ok. Well, if you're vaccinated, there's no reason for you to be wearing a mask. What are you doing in factories? Accretion, shame people for continued or mask we should, I mean it would now be intolerant. We have the intolerance only runs one way about? That's how the intolerance runs on bet. We tolerate whatever it's it's a free country, but put that aside, What should our attitude beach where people were masking uselessly honestly and attitude of pity, because these are people who have been treated to mental distort? and courtesy of the american federal government and morons like Anthony vouch in Russia once gay, it's unbelievable I wonder if you could say to people who have been vaccinated. And still want to wear masks in situations that is, he says, I'm always discerning wrong with that and should people He sighed eyeing them. No, not at all. I mean people have to make their own person choice. As we know, the risk is extremely low of getting infected. If your vaccinated
whether your indoors or outdoors, but there are those people who don't want to take that bit of a risk and there's nothing wrong with that, and they shouldn't be criticised and they should be criticised. It turns out. You criticise people, first standing on the middle and lower now wearing a mask, but you should definitely not criticise. People being fully vaccinated, standing in the middle and lower wearing a mask o the public health experts, this tough science. So much sing again. A second will explain why it is that the binding ministration decided to do this now in the answer, of course, has to do with the fact that this is the worst political weak for Joe Biden since his inauguration. We'll get some more of this in one second. First. the software factor when you are sitting a novice Unita, comfortable chair, you don't think about it all that much, but then you get up and you feel in your back, but you feel it it just a year. You feel yucky cause we're sitting in a shared, wasn't decorate. Instead, why not get the best care available? I'm talking about the ex chair. The secret is not only pan to dynamic, variable, lumbar support which offers level, lumbar our support, your lower back, but also thanks to their new exe. H, M t technology, you also get he'd. Amazon
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over two daily work comes much tickets to secure your spot hurry, though sittings. when it can issue shows in high demands with spots, are going to go pretty much immediately. Hadn't The daily work outcome, slashed tickets to be part of an experience so beautiful it would bring. Tears were left to size. It listening to the largest fastest growing in surprise, listen radio shown the nation. Already. So why exactly is the by an administration reversing itself on whether you can mask the answer is because they have to distress me crappy as new cycle that they have had really since binds inauguration. So by has been treated to just sycophantic ruling, media coverage since his inauguration, and then this week, inflation at the border crisis continues to two marinate. You ve got war in the Middle EAST and all the happening on the back of a horrible employer report. So That's a really bad week for the two. It's time inject, some optimism by you know actually saying the truth is that we should set three months ago, it's all over the world migrant children, apparently are still being stuck overnight on buses
who NBC News in a vast parking lot, decay, Bailey Hutchinson conventions that are minors I greatly to the U S without their parents are waiting on bus. to be sent to live with relatives or sponsors saying over, eating and using all that. The bathroom all within the confines of the according to the owner of one of companies in advocates for the children in at least one cases gradual, NBC News, a family says: they're. Fifteen year old son waited on buses from Saturday to Wednesday before begin the long journey from Dallas to Seattle mean so disaster area there still thousands of kids who are being held in close quarters, it'll of apparently the another covered pandemic still applies. You migrants, the good says: the DHS secretary apparently has short term memory loss. He says he doesn't remember, saying that migrants should come. He did he's an I'm, not saying migrants come I'm just saying come right now, use reminded of this An l a hundred May was, like. I remember saying that me who, what
You remember saying: don't do that, we're not telling you not to cover those were your words that you said in a press conference. You do you said that right, don't I don't recall saying that I dont believe don't recall, saying that its correct center, I have never said we'd, be happy to refresh your memory for you and some questions for the rapture, that that is interesting news and I'm sure everyone will that the secretaries. This said he he doesn't have any memory of making those comments, that extraordinary senator? I have never said that the border is open, nay, nobody said he said the Boers opening, just an I'm, not saying don't come, I'm just saying don't come right now, that's what they are that doesn't remember it. So that's good, meanwhile, by the way, the binding illustration will resume construction of southern border while levy according to Fox NEWS. U, army core of engineers will restart construction on thirteen point four miles stretch of levy in the Rio Grande Valley. The decision reportedly follows pressure local residents and politicians to mend the incessant crossing surge priority repairs. Are to begin in six weeks to prevent flooding followed by the establishment of a car.
great levy wall. It would save ii barriers in six to nine months, so yeah, their shoring up the wall that that's apparently super while weird, so they replaced that they did sort of reverse themselves on that. Meanwhile, inflation is here. According to the New York Times, central fact of the american economy MID. Twenty twenty one is the damn. And for all sorts of goods and services has urged, but supplies back slowly with the economy acting like a queen machine that was turned off for a year and has some rusty part will actually the economy is acting like you'd expected to act when you pay people to stay and when you tell them it is unsafe to go back to work. The good news is the by an administration has no idea what to do with inflation, and we know clothes agenda is like you know. The inflation is just a sign that everything is going great. Ok, then crazy! Hey, let's go that leaves. in over the last couple of days? To your point, some reaction to the sea numbers that came out just yesterday and you know our view on that, as it reflects the reality of an economy that rapidly turning back on because of
successful economic strategy. If you dig into the data, there are a couple of factors at play that I think people are taking a look at now that we dug into the data more look it yet hundreds of blame, and then everybody had more savings at the end of last year and they have the beginning last year because the government paid them because they had to pay them to stay home, and then you, just can you pumping money into their pockets and then you said, you'll never have to go back to work basically been pay unemployment benefits. All the way through September, meanwhile does, with more than left wing of the Democratic Party who really rule the roost. They're saying I am delighted that Biden has governing like a radical. Are you surprised at how progressive policies are being proposed? by the president, not surprise delighted. This is the Good NEWS on this is one of the best things I talk about. This number putting out plans means there there for everybody and though there for us to share and improve on and make better. But this seems like big structural change and I'm sorry. Nobody expected that from him
Well. All I can say, is he really on the most progressive agenda and decades some of us, pointed this out at the time, but we are being gaslight by the media that proclaimed the Joe Biden was moderate. Here's the problem. All of this is starting to bear some really really ugly fruit. You ve got the inflation and got the unemployment numbers are not great and they had people waiting and gasoline by like it, turns out the colonial pipeline just aid. A five million dollar ransom to the hackers who have the pipeline, which have she's going to incentivize more people to hack pipelines when you pay ransoms like does this worthy government really should in and done something, but they didn't so aiming to the difficult in a short colonial pipeline that it would back the limb if they paid the ransom. How exactly do this work when Homer NEWS asked Joe Biden if his briefed on the companies ransom payment. President Poznan said I have no comment on that. Ok, so all the going really well plus Joe continues to be an utterly incoherent boob. I mean he just
George Robins war with teleprompter continues. Basically it's now: it's hell rocky Insect, Joe Biden is APOLLO. Creed and teleprompter is rocky and tat can happen these RP battles every day. I expect any moment. Teleprompter is gonna, run up the stairs of the Adelphia Museum Museum of ART and throw it on arms in the air, because, like that continuing battle between Joe Biden, teleprompter is what most fascinating battles and american public life. I can't wait for it for Joe Biden, verses, teleprompter, part three Mr Gee comes age, they are pretty to fool carried a channel for anyone here is here, is Joe Biden battling. The teleprompter rule is very simple kid vaccinated or where a mask on to you do it's back said or mass
Actually it's back said or masked selling, MIKE Myers, and so I married anathema Unlove add on backs ed. What what in the world in the actual again and then allows those that the first Joe Biden versus the teleprompter ironed out when they went to a drop in Japan versus the teleprompter to the teleprompter, comes with a clear knock out here is what drives the driver of the states that are affected. fishes said that you can do the drive. Don't panic Oh my god! It's like I don't know. Do you laugh- or you cry mean really solid stuff there from from the teleprompter teleprompter comes with clear victory, regularity, Kayo, unlike round to buy the teleprompter? I need that again what what? What was that an english plating
now here's what drives the driver states that are affected Patricia that you can do the drivers, don't panic. Here's a driver should do should would rise the drivers in the drive truly in the brain ghastly movie, Dr Drivers, Dr Drive drivers drive through them said Chuba, seven, Yeah everything's going fantastically so is it any wonder that the CDC versus off yesterday again, if you are one of the great things during this pandemic, has been trust? The experts trust the people who know if you do after this, I dont know what to tell you other than you are a fool. The experts were wrong a lot. The experts lied to you a lot. You were told that if you bought the experts because,
She looked at the science. This is because you had done something wrong. Instead, you are just supposed to believe and follow and now you're supposed to believe and follow this incoherent old man and his benighted. We corrupt institution and and if you don't mind your bad person, it's it's ridiculous on its face. It's ridiculous, but again here's the thing: the american public is going to back against setting. By knows, this, too is the reason why he is trying to reverse himself so fast. I didn't themselves by saying we're: gonna gradually withdraw these mandates. Bullying of states permission to do this. Instead, it cannot be said of irrational. You don't need where a mask anymore. This was an attempt to shift the narrative. Some of the media decided to go along with it and cry like in camera, and so them I can't believe they're doing this mean. Do we feel safe out. There don't be condition to follow these people instead, science into process is not an institution. Keep remembering that
Ok, meanwhile, over in Israel, the conflict continues. Israel, one the great maneuvers in I've, never even heard of in military history. Last night is pretty spectacular. She hears what happened last night Israel announced that they are going to be invading Gaza. There's me aground invasion, and this was not unexpected during the Gaza fires, as I have said many times, I ve been firing thousands of of rockets from populated areas where they specifically do it from apartment complexes. They do it from the top of apartment buildings. They do it from between apartment building statehood from public streets. They hide behind when they put their economic headquarters in hospitals. They put a military headquarters in hospitals like this is what they do. They use w way funded schools as bases for launching terrorist attacks, in the same way that they use the Olaf's a mosque in order, right against israeli police officers, and so this is what constitutes what passed islamic jihad does. Is what the Palestinian Authority does, and so the grounds for Israel. Is that every time it retaliates interested
military targets. It ends up having to kill civilians. Now, that's because of Hamas, if you hide behind a child, well firing and somebody in their return fire had the child. That's On the person returning fire, that's on you you're the one who hid behind the child you're the one who put the child in danger, every civilian, in Gaza. Is I'm come these? None of this has to happen by them. Some thirty percent of Rockets that Hamas has tried to fire into Israel fell short and fell into the Gaza Strip and kill people in Gaza, including children. commerce doesn't care because there, the worst people on earth I mean truly truly the worst human beings on the planet are come ass, a garbage. So Israel was faced with this kind of difficult situation. You have these rockets keeping your state underground for days at a time in this remember the started we are here this week there now, what day five of this. and so Israel has to stop the rocket fire. You'd prefer not to kill civilians because, unlike from us, actually dont want to kill civilians. So what are they
So normally what they have to do is ground invasion right. They try to go in and they tried to separate the civilians from the military members of the terror groups by going essentially Where did the war house to house? I ve been doing this for decades. It's got in Israel, this this Katangara phonetic purity of arms. Israel has higher standards for human rights with regard to its military behaves than at any other military on planet earth- and it is not particularly close. Israel is extremely careful about the sort of stuff it's why they ve been dropping dropping so called knock bombs on top of buildings. They know Hammas is in these buildings drop a bomb on top of the building that doesnt penetrate into shakes the building rainbows get out and then they bound the building El Hammas escape by the way Israel phones apartment, complex and tells them get out before they bombed the places which way ass leaders are able to escape so Israel, too the shop when it has the shot and it doesn't take them. Sometimes ignored it does have the shot, if they're afraid that civilians or in the way, so they said
there are set to sending ground forces. Nobody sort of expected. This they'd call the five thousand reservists there are getting ready to move and last night the idea put out a tweet saying that idea of air and ground troops are currently attacking the Gaza Strip, and this was taken by the cameras terrorist as news that the israeli ground troops were about to go in on the ground and fight it out Street Street and house to house. Well, Hamas has a series of extensive territory. These are tunnels that go from area to area in house to house. They have tunnels that that goal. under the border and into israeli friends, use them to attack israeli civilians before so Hamas terrorists or lose many of them, the first with Hamas terrorists, they went into the territorial to hide from the Israelis, I again, a common girl attacking they went in his heart hovels because then there their when these really show up where are they their underground? There's only one thing is real new. This Israel faked the round invasion. They said.
Israel. The idea release that statement that air and ground which are currently attacking in the Gaza Strip. This cause the Hamas terrorists to go into the traditional and Israel, then proceeded to bomb at the time. From the air, which is just the greatest thing. I've ever no one. The service more richly and terrorists who fire rockets, its civilian populations owing to the Jerusalem Post about nine p m. There is a idea began assembling ground forces along the border with the Gaza Strip. Some armoured Infantry battalions joined the artillery batteries that have been deployed days earlier today, Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets earlier today. The idea said that ground offence was on the table as a viable option for the continuation of operations, guardians of wall, the idea was hitting it harder and Islamic Jihad targets from the air, but on the ground will be expected to cause even more damage, albeit with greater risk of israeli forces Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu made his contribution. He said Thursday. The campaign against Hamas was far from over, and more is really ashen was coming at midnight. The idea spokespersons English Department tweeted the idea of Erin Ground troops are currently attacking in the Gaza Strip. For me, you jumped
tweet interpreted to mean that Israel is sending ground forces into Gaza, a major escalation in the current operation, websites of meat Oh it's around the world, including the Washington Post, ABC, reported the incursion. Israeli troops have entered the Gaza Strip as conflict Paulsen,. escalates israeli military says, was that we put out by the Washington Post there was no ground invasion. Yes, the idea had applied troops along the border, but then in crossing the guy what did happen was in the air or hundred sixty aircraft had assembled framework. The bombing one over the Gaza Strip. Their target was what the idea of called Hamas is Metro in underground. the tunnels worker must start its weapons and used to move throughout Gaza hidden from israeli aircraft. The metro happen built in the years after twenty fourteen also known in Israel is operation protective edge. It was a network of dozens of kilometers of tunnels, Criss crossed gossip and provided Fifty from israeli aerial incursions, according to reports due to the report along the border, and the news coming out in the foreign media. Homogenous energy hasn't their first line of defence into tunnels to start taking oppositions. These
anti tank missile teams and mortar squads meant to strike an incoming israeli ground forces. What they did. Is there was no ground defended. Instead, once they were out of the tunnels, they were exposed to israeli aircraft within minutes. The metro attack went ahead. how many Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist were killed in the operation that remains to be seen. Apparently the IDA still evaluating the amount of damage they were able to do. That is spectacular stuff that is spectacular, stuff. Ok, meanwhile, debate has broke. out inside the Democratic Party over all of that you have the radical wing of the Democratic Party. This would be the squad. People like Ill had Omar and people like Rashid its leave and we would like IONA Presley Anne Elliot cause you're, Cortez or just mimicking. Anti semitic slogans are disappointing. doesn't have the right to defend itself really. This is what ails you said yesterday said Joe Biden to his credit, really not given that I think Joe Biden does something credit worthy, but yesterday job said, these really reaction has not been an overreaction, which of course, is an obvious and true tat. If you
Hundreds of rockets flying over your city would also expect your government to protect you by killing the people who were firing rockets. There is Joe Biden defending Israel I have seen thus far is that there has not been a. significant over reaction. The question is how how we get to a point, they go to a point where there is, a significant reduction in the attacks, particularly the rocket attacks. better indiscriminately fired into population centres by now how long can bind hold out against his left leg? Who knows all that long. Considering his previous previous history of savings, everything the radical left wants. Yes, Alexander cause Cortez got angry. fine for saying that Israel has a right to defend itself, which is the baseline level of reality of course, Israel, as a sovereign state, cannot allow
its citizens to be put under ground for weeks at a time by Islamic was firing rockets into the area. She treated blanket statements. he's with little context or acknowledgement of what precipitated the cycle of violence, namely the expense Palestinians and attacks on a lotta, dehumanize Palestinians and apply the use, will look the other way and human rights violations. It's wrong. Why are so many lies in this is difficult to know where to start. This didn't start with expulsion Palestinians there's a fifty year ongoing legal case that was adjudicated and was not effectual by these rose report know tat all, except by the people who decide to use all acts as a stage in point four riot: there are no expulsions, six pounds, in families. According to David Hassan II, a national of you might be evicted from their homes in Sheikh Jura in a property dispute again that six palestinian families she Jura is thousands of people get it. Does it insanity, it's ridiculous. Twenty percent of the area of the population visuals Europe, the autumn ass, was an attack. But it was other members of this. One is well ill had Omar.
Thus it is really airstrikes. Killing. Civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism, except for the fact that Israel attempting to minimize the amount of death Hamas has been attempt. Maximize the amount of death. and proceeded to leave. Of course, she treated today. The knock but never did not by is the term used by Arabs to describe the establishment of the state of Israel. Does it is asked or not but means disaster? Ok, now the Israeli take over of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in sixty seven. No, the real disasters in these to the jewish state even exists according to refute ITALY. She basis Was there by the way she from Java nineteen? Forty eight did she go Jerusalem today must recognize his placement and violence is possession face by Palestinians proper seventy years by the way shop at nineteen thousand four hundred, because that was one of the state of Israel Gosh you she believes that Israel should be just destroyed, there's a part of it. what a party that is so radical, its attacking Joe Biden for the baseline statement that is broken, defend itself against rocket attack the quest How long will the Democratic Party hold up against its own radicals? The answer, Please not very long, but don't worry the media,
covering with Cheney versus kept Mccarthy or something me well it s in Florida, he came out very clearly that Israel has a right to defend itself. Hamas is a terrorist organisation which is clearly true. I have friends however, there have been now having to hide out in bomb shelters overnight because of Hamas, which is a terrorist group, raining down rockets on civilians, and make no mistake, Hamas is a terrorist group. They are at fault on this. Israel has every right to defend itself against Hamas and I think, if you look at what's going on here, really is in so much about Israel's about Hamas trying to stake a claim to be the leader entire palestinian authority- they gonna, have their little place down in Gaza. Where they are. Meant a lot of terrorism, absolutely grant your from on two. Meanwhile, the palate, here's the unspoken story here, of course The divine administration there saying the right things now with regard to Israel's right to defend itself. Meanwhile been fostering this together in fostering this,
making overtures to IRAN House Islamic Jihad, which is one of the groups firing rockets. They came out like over the last couple of days and their openly saying we got these rockets from IRAN, which they dead right. Israel didn't realize that that Hamas had the ability to fire rockets. They could reach all the way to Madeira, which is like central Israel, like northern central Israel. They got this technology. Murat, meanwhile, the United States is attempting to foment some sort of deal with the iranian terrorist government, here. Is members of housing is passing in islamic jihad? Saying is openly He says the Mujahideen in Gaza in Lebanon, use around weapons is frank designers of nine eleven, by our weapons with iranian money and important Our activities under the supervision of iranian exports has long been eleven. the contours of the victories in Palestine as late as well with the blood of the sums of money that the iranian blood Nevertheless, the commander of the of IRAN's terror access who was killed by the Trump Administration is IRAN behind all this
It's a reason why people are also keeping an eye on the northern border of his because belies in iranian funded terror group as well So far has stayed out because Hezbollah understands that, because they are a greater threat to Israel if they start firing rockets in Israel. Israel will justify write them. It won't be like the Gaza Strip, Israel's been engaging in pinpoint attacks in the Gaza Strip, specifically to civilian casualties, because Hamas can kill, is ITALY's, but do not provide an existential threat. Israel, Hezbollah has a hundred and fifty thousand rocket pointed at Israel if they start firing those off Israel just Oh off incredible. I knows this, which is why they stayed out of the fate of our. Instead, they been attempting the sort of proxy battles, so apparently there mobs while attempting to storm the northern border. Right now of Israel, there mobs from Jordan attempting to come into the West Bank, they all of that be stopped. But again, notion that this administration continues to try and foster some sort of crop asian with IRAN, while IRAN is constantly fostering terror rather region
straight how wrong headed their policy is already well. We have reached the end of this week's broadcast, but we'll be back later today with an additional our eventual Rochelle. First, you cannot forget to enter we by checking out the relevant a crucial as every Friday he's got an exciting evening plan for you, as always so had another daily weren't outcomes at seven p, M Eastern Tuna, and I venture paralyses the venture Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us I've, STAR Review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened to podcast also be sure to check out the other dearly wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show that Michael Mole show and that well, Thanks for listening, the bench of Euro show is produced by Elliot, felt, executive producer, Jeremy born our supervising producer is math is clever, and our assistants record is Pavel. White. Asking editing is by Adam silent. Audio is meant by Michael Corleone here and make up is by family Allah Christina
China is Jessica Grant. The venture bureau show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty one everybody. This is Andrew, Clave and hosted the Andrew claiming show you know. Some people are depressed because the republic is collapsing. The end of days is approaching and moons turned to blood. but on the Andrew Klavan showed that's where the fund just get started so come on over the Andrew Clavering Show and laughed your way through the fall of the republic. With me, Andrew Clayton
Transcript generated on 2021-05-16.