« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1209 - Freedom Is For Neanderthals


President Biden terms those who want to reopen society “Neanderthals”; eBay stops people from buying Dr. Seuss books; and we examine the radicalism of the Democrats’ new voter registration law, HR1.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Biden terms, those who want to reopen society, neanderthals, Ebay, stop people from buying democracies, books and we examine the radicalism of Democrats, new voter registration or each hour, one, I'm bench here. This is the bench bureau: yeah dementia parachute sponsored by Express VP, and why haven't you got in Vienna was an express vps dot com, Slash Ben already, so we begin with a perfectly obvious truism. At this point, Joe Biden has not in control of his own administration. This is not a person with sentient he's, not a person who is Joe Biden always was a Trojan horse and Democrats are not really making a lot of bones about this. At this point, they are pretty obvious about the fact that Joe Biden he's just a moderate face for radical policy. In fact, Nancy Blowsy said this out loud. Just you. Today, she was doing oppressor with the White House and is the same pressure where Joe Biden basically said. I'm ready to take questions and then the person behind the camera just kind of slowly faded, but Nancy Policy was too
talking about Joe Biden, and she explained what cha by MID. He is just an instrument is an instrument of power for these folks, because Joe Biden has not with it. Nor was Joe Biden ever wider. Moderate is everybody liked to make him out to be just because your moderate compared to Bernie Sanders does not mean that you are in fact a moderate. So here is Nancy Pelosi at White House. It dont Gov, explaining Joe Biden is basically just a gumbo machine. You throw your you, throw your liberal quarter in there and outcomes gumbo in order to open these stores. We do not say open sesame, we say open by that's a magic word often find I love it. What is wrong with a person in my goodness she's, just like a bond villain, Nancy Policy, but she is not wrong. I, that is the way to the left used. Robustness with media future by Japan was always a trojan horse for these policies. Some of us were warning people of this beforehand.
And make no mistake. The radicals are celebrating this. As replied the newest opinion columnist over the New York Times, he has a piece called Biden, is the anti Trump and its working? If you dial, on the conflict. You can dial up the policy because all of America is now about optics, so Joe Biden here's to be moderate than he can push them. The most radical policy changes that we have seen in our lifetimes. According to recline, american politics feels quieter, with Joe Biden in the White House The president's twitter feed hasn't conduct, but it's gone. Dull Biden doesn't like needless bites or insert himself in the cultural conflict. It's easy vote. Is that hearing anything the president who said unless you go looking well right because he's not actually alive, he's just a house. Plant sitting in the coroner they bring out every so often look at the pretty house plant, and then we were on the background to like what have we pushed this particular radical policy. The relative, quite is deceptive, says, as recline policy is moving at breakneck pace. The first week of the binding administration were consumed by a flurry of far reaching executive orders that reopened America. Refugees, rejoined the Paris climate accords and killed
the Keystone Ex oil pipeline to name just a few. Now the house's passed in the Senate is considering the one point: nine trillion dollar american rescue plan, its ruling sweeping a truly sweeping piece of legislation that includes More than a half dozen policies like a child, a tax credit expansion could track cut child poverty by fifty percent now be presidency defining accomplishments on their own. They goes on the White House. Just Corporate Congress, most ambitious immigration reform bill in years it midwife a deal to get mark to mobilise some of its back raised to produce Johnson and Johnson vaccine and now Biden saying, there should be enough to supply for every american adults get vaccinated by the end of may imagine in this region is also working on an infrastructure package that, if earlier reports, bear out with most transformational piece of climate policy, and perhaps economic policy in my lifetime Biden is blessing. Ok, so couple things one if Donald Trump had been sought spoken. I really really doubt. Media would have suggested that his policies
better than they were rather, the fact is that the media hated trumps policy, and so they also hated his personality. It's not really the other way around. Remember Donald Trump was a favorite among the left wing glitterati until declare himself republican which, when he became the enemy, now trumped into himself any favours by shooting itself in the foot a lot. But that is not the same thing is: what is it when you hear what is happening here is that Joe Biden saying ridiculous things on a daily basis, and yet everybody continues to cover for him, because you Democrat it is that simple, Joe Biden has not returned a sense of normal to the White House is returned a sense of senility to the White House in the radical policy that the media loves and make no mistake. This is radical policy. It is deeply radical policy. So, for example, Democrats have in pushing forward h, are one you haven't heard a lot about each hour, one because each one is not going anywhere in the Senate, presumably, but each one is the sweeping piece of voter legislation that essentially federalized elections. I want it really does. Is it makes it easier to enshrine the worst sort voting practices from across the country? It tastes, like all the worst part of voting practice from various states,
and enshrine them and requires them at the federal Level Heritage foundation? Had the breakdown of HIV? there are just some of the things that each hour one would do accordingly, Heritage Foundation H our one would seize the authority of states to regulate voter registration voting process forcing states to implement early voting automatically registration, same day, registration, online, voter registration and no fault absentee balloting, Rachel, the universal mail and balloting. That is a rich mine, too vein, for a rich veins mine for for all the people who would love ballot harvesting and would love to be able to gain the system that would universal and by the way it would also make it pretty much mandatory that elections would go on for weeks at a time because bead absentee ballots take a while to count. So whatever faith of a lot of paint in elections still remains would quickly be lost with HR block. But of course that doesn't matter to Democrats one would make it easier to commit fraud and from a castle the post through same day, registration literally, would walk up and you would cast a provisional ballot and your registry, the exact same time,
while the process all of that and makes it kind of easy to confuse the system hr one would. and a fifteen days, verily voting, which diffuses the intensity of get out the vote. Efforts, I am very much against early voting unless you have an actual medical reason. You cannot vote or de cannot vote on the day of its called election, Dana watch in months. each one would degrade the accuracy of registration, less require states to automatically register all individuals, not even citizens, by illegal immigrants from state and federal databases. This register large numbers of elite of ineligible voters. Each woman opened it for hackers and cyber criminals to commit massive voter registration fraud through online voter registration. That is not tied to an existing state record. Let the driver's license. It would make it a criminal offence for a state officials reject a voter registration application, even what it is. rejected under color of law, because the individual, because the official believe individuals are knowledgeable about HR. One would allow would require states to last sixteen
in seventeen year olds register, would effectively ensure that, if your enrage, you could then, but also by the way HR one gets rid of penalties for voting mistakenly or supposedly mistakenly or fraudulently hr. One requires states to count ballots cast by voters side of their outside breeze in their assigned precinct overriding. The pricing system used by almost all states that last election officials monitor votes Stackpole in places, providing a balanced and prevents election fraud. Each one would bear witness signature or notification requirements for absentee ballots were forced to accept absentee balances, up to ten days after election day as long as they are postmark by election day. What, if they're, not postmark, but this is a big controversy over in pencil Dania this last time round each hour. One would prevent election shows from checking the eligibility and qualifications of voters and removing ineligible voters who had been they voted idealize. You would not be allowed to check somebody's idea deploying places
motor intimidation or coercion that prevent someone from registering or voting is already a federal crime, but each one would add a provision that criminalizing hindering interfering were preventing anyone from registering or voting, which is so broad and vague, and it could prevent it writing any information to election officials about in ill eligibility such as an applicant country. U S, citizen would be banned when there's all sorts of other problems with HR wanted is a truly radical piece of legislation you're, making a violation of federal law to engage in cortical, partisan, redistricting, you'd mandate. The inclusion of we in population, both legal and illegal, in all redistricting, in other words, would basically radically change. The voting system of the United States would not be article twenty twenty to be much worse than that. It essentially legalised ballot harvesting, which I think is truly corrupt. Ballot harvesting is the practice whereby you just go door to door with a democratic list and you only pick up their ballot and then Republicans only send out their people to pick up the ballots.
Made this a pretty good way of ensuring that it is not about who cast the knowledge about who collects the ballot. Its serious problems are one okay. This is being put forward and the media love it and the ideas, if your posts, our one! This is because you are some sort of vicious racist who doesn't want everybody about everybody whose eligible should vote, and it should do all the things they ought to do in order to vote, but if you're too stupid to figure had registered about or if you don't feel like going down to the ballot box to vote on election day. This is your problem frankly, I am not. I am not against the idea that we ought to take a little more effort than simply clicking a box in order for you to vote, because guess what voting is not just a right, it is also a privilege. It is both. Is both you have a right to vote, but it is a privilege for you to be able to take part in our electoral system. If you choose not to do that, because you don't feel like following the steps that one's on you and me frankly, if you can't follow the voting procedures,
is it about the United States? A truly is then, I'm not sure that you should be voting if you literally cannot do it, but if you have some sort of inability that makes you unable to do it as well but you're normal citizen in you just do the steps, your fault, but in any case, all those being put forward by the Biden Administration and again, this is considered perfectly fine, because Joe Biden, it's open, binding rights along is vital, This is a problem for Democrats if by more to plot, if something were to happen, abiden, God forbid and calmly, Heyward calmly Harris were to become president. She doesn't have a moderate mean. She is not a person, we will see is moderate, would actually stymie their agenda in a lot of ways: the media the way our era are doing all binds heavy lifting for him we'll get to this in just one moment. First, let us talk about a truly meaningful thing. You can do for a friend for family. For yourself, I'm talking about a wonderful, beautiful painted portrait of yourself. Your family The place is on its meaningful to you not of sounds like it's going to be really onerous,
really burden summit really expensive right now, you think of the old fashioned port repainting, where you'd have to sit there for eight hours. While somebody painted a portrait of yours something or its cost a fortune, because you have to find an artist, thousands of dollars not anymore. This is why you have to try paint your life dot com to get a professional hand, painted corporate created from any photo at a truly affordable price choose when you have world class artists and work with them until every detail is perfect, if not a user friendly platform in what order accustoming hand painted portrait in less than five minutes. It's a quick and easy process get a hand painted portrait in about three weeks. Send any picture yourself, kids, family special place, pet or combined.
In one paintings of somebody's, not even there, they can be part of your corporate as well. It's amazing we have one hanging over our couch at home is picture of me and my wife and two of our kids. We need a new one got new baby. I paint your lifetime come. There is no risk if you'll love the final painting, your money is refunded, guaranteed and right now is limited. I'm offering at twenty percent off your painting, that's right. Twenty percent off in free shipping to get the special offer text or Ben to sixty four thousand that is Ben to sixty four thousand text. My name Ben Sixty, four thousand paint your life celebrate the moments. The matter most terms apply available. A pay If that calm, slash terms again text bent sixty four thousand ok. So meanwhile, the media continue to provide cover for all these radical plans, Philip Bumpers, just awful over the Washington post. This is one of the most bizarre an overtly parson peace. I have ever seen. He wrote a peace, it is settled While the Senate read the corona virus relief bill, nearly hundred Americans may have died from the virus. Originally said,
eighteen hundred Americans now, because your Americans are dying of covered heads downgraded to nine hundred they sell his take is that the problem here is that the covert relief still needs to be rushed through Centre RON, Johnson and a bunch of other. Publicans have held off on the process because they sent you know? We need you to read this. It's a seven hundred page bill say ten or twenty pages. We need, you direct, actually read it, because we're not gonna pass a one point: nine trillion dollar spending bill without anybody have read the thing and this columnist, though a bumpy like you know what, if you read the bill, people will die. We have now reached the point. American politics where, if you read the bill, people will die is considered a good point. Remember Nancy Blowsy, Khaled covered relief for six months. They held a covenant, leave all the way through the election, and the idea was that Politics required that you hold up the culturally and by the way, covert, was much worse in October November December. Then it is right now, right now think on companies waned in the United States went about forty thousand new cases every single day in the United States. We are doing
dramatically in terms of the number of deaths piercing everyday across the country. We get to that in a second piece. Democrats refused to accept that, of course, but the ideas, if you even read the bill people are dying, is how biased her idiotic media are, though, but the Washington Post. If you read the bill, people will die all really how our those month forbidden past the Doha that GO says Philip. at this moment on this issue. Time can be measured in human lives. On average ITALY. Two thousand people a year from carbon nineteen. The disease caused by the virus has a death about once every forty four seconds. It's an improvement over the end of January, but still far faster rate than the country had seen for much of the pandemic. Cbs, franked or purported. The reading of the bill began about three
two p m I for one the reader had gotten only two page. Forty a rate of about thirty seven pages now are the bill, is six hundred twenty pages long. So if the text of the bill were consistently dense throughout would have taken about seventeen hours treated reading, it would end that eating I'm on Friday, the readers to pick up the pace. The reading of the bill completed after ten hours. Forty four minutes, given the current rate at which people are dying of covered. That means about eight hundred eighty Americans likely succumbed to the disease during that period. Now this is a particularly stupid because you know what has happened to those people if some day not read about their died. These two things are utterly dissociated, there's no connection from Bela people dying and bump acknowledges that this is not the case. Those lives have been saved had the bill pass sooner, but it is the case, then what immediate assistance for things like vaccines or bolstering people's bank accounts is better than slower relief. Son wired connecting the two things if there are relevant, because again, all of politics is just about taking advantage of a particular.
or, as the case may be, ignoring a crisis down at the border. We are seeing thousands of children arrive every month, unaccompanied minors arriving every single month. We don't have the space to house them. They ve been re erecting all of the evil from Iraq, cages intense and yet because the democratic wanted to be a crisis not a crisis. There is gents accurate once again saying it is not a crisis of the war or even those pretty obviously crisis at the border that you consider it an actual genuine emergency. Well, I would say that that's probably question for the Department of Homeland Security who obviously overseas that and the Department of Home a health and human services who oversees the facilities and the shell Here's where these kids are on. Certainly one of our concerns is that there are
There is, as you know, as it was your argument earlier, an influx of kids at a rate in a pace that is going to require us to make considerations about where we're going to safely house them. Well, meaning is it a crisis, does not crisis of course, is not a crisis, because if you are declared a crisis, may I shall have to do something about it. A hundred may cause he's the head of the department for Months He says the same thing all to challenge. Not a crisis is a challenge see covered, which is now on the wane. Is a crisis requiring us to blow out the spending to the tune of twice the actual amount? Sorry, four times the amount of actual damage done to the economy in the year, twenty twenty one by cuban nineteen, and we know that the shortfalls gamble for her a billion dollars for fifty billion dollars this year in terms of nineteen doing damage to the american GDP, we're about to blow out the spending to the tune of one point: nine trillion dollars and inflate the currency to boot. But that's because we have a crisis, of course, but we have
thousands of unaccompanied minors showing up the border in no way to deal with them. That's just a challenge, because we don't actually want to do anything about it. Here's how a hundred Marcus what we are doing is building the capacity to address the needs of those children and we are guided by some core principle, number one. We act in the best interests of the children and we act in the best interests of the american people. And thirdly, we adhere to our values and principles as country, and so in fact the numbers are significant. They challenge is significant and Europe Lions are well under way as we build the capacity to address the needs of the children and we are ready, building from scratch nope nope. Here's actual happening according to the Washington Post to Bind administration, is preparing to converting immigrant family detention centres and South Texas into Ellis Island style, rapid processing, hogs little screen migrant parents and children with the guy,
releasing them into the United States within seventy two hours. Okay, so their solution is not to hold bull until we know what they ought to be here in Europe system and send them into the interior within seventy two hours, that is their plan and then wonder why there is a search of the board, of course, there's a search at the border. You literally saying to people, if you show up here within seventy two hours, you're just in the United States, and we know that there is no real way to date. These people- and we know that the abandonment of it wants the amnesty. All of them, of course, are aiming at a massive search at the border. There are creating the crisis. The crisis is Biden created, Russell hot in a senior official with ice notified staff of Europe processing plant in an email on Thursdays had arrivals by unaccompanied minors in families. This year are expected to be the highest numbers observed in twenty years. Twenty, not a crisis, just a challenge, and not even really a challenge. We know what to do here, which is too
paralysed release people into the Interior, Dory guys. It is, it is not actually, it is not actually a crisis that requires them to do anything. In fact, it is a massive transformational changed the immigration system. That is what we are actually watching. According to Washington, itself transforming family detention amounts to a wholesale repudiation, not only of down from policy but also Barack Obama's. Remember Obama actually supported a lot of people at present significantly different vision of how to handle the fast changing character of mass migration at the southern border for decades, single its dominate the flows northward into the United States, a number of families and minors has increased substantially before the code pandemic, migrant families and unaccompanied minors, or a majority of those taken into custody at the southwest borer. during the Obama Trump Administration, families were released or deported butts. were held in dormitory stout facilities, for which a month now they're, basically just going to release everybody, so yeah
wonder why there is a crisis. It is because it has been created by the by an imminent dont worry guys. It's open Biden opened open borders open by that's all. This is because binds moderate, of course, Not only by the moderate I'd knows what's best, for you see, the way that open Biden works is that if you declares that something is not a crisis, is not a crisis, and if your clothes, that something is a crisis and requires instant action this moment in accordance with it, greatest wishes. So when we have thousands of people just entering the United States, Willy nilly, that's not a crisis, so we release them into the interior? If, however, we have a covered dammit that is clearly on the wane. If we're vaccines that are being put into arms the rate of two million a day if we have all that if the case loading I did states is now at last. We have not seen for months and has been dropping precipitously if all of that that still a crisis, because to useful crisis, minimised for Democrats, the only question about a situation and whether it is crisis or not, is whether it is useful to their police
we'll agenda and right now, companies useful to the political agenda by the way, not just of the binding administration but useful to members. The media all the more shocking admissions. Recently, the CEO of warmer media, which is the parent company of CNN, a person named Jason Killer. Is it a virtual tech conference on Thursday and he actually said he actually said out, but the pandemic is a great thing for the new cycle which, by the way, is the same remark that your member Jeff Sucker, originally made about Donald Trump, in twenty sixteen. That was great for the new cycles. They give a billion dollars and free media coverage, Madam president, but because the media loved and so they are not going to let a gull here is Jason Killer, saying exactly this. Essentially, what? If you take a look at the readings in the performance, is going well and I think it's going well because a the team at Seattle is doing a fantastic job and be it turns out that the pandemic, in the way that we can help informing context realise them pandemic. It turns out it
good for ratings enter and then later he on using. I wish I could be more thoughtful about my communication, but here's the thing we all know. We all know that the media have a very large egg in the continuation of crisis pandemic coverage. They do because they didn't want to cover Biden as a crisis in order to cover the binding ministration is doing anything radical where they want to know about that, but they do want, is to mirror the priorities of the Democratic Party in the priorities of the Democratic Party. Right now are to treat immigration is. on crisis and to treat covered as a massive crisis, despite the fact that what was a crisis even three months ago is not a crisis. Now, ok, covert is no longer a crisis in the United States are icy that are not being threatened. The people are now getting this at the same rate, we are reaching heard immunity just as Marty, Mackereel, Johns Hopkins University suggested, but again crisis as an opportunity. So what does that mean for the by demonstration for the administration? What that means is that anybody who
to end the crisis is a bad night, which is why the other day you heard Joe Biden stumble out there and suggest between bites of opium, that the that those who want to reopen states and get rid of mass mandates were neanderthals pursues neanderthals Thinking is neanderthal thinking. Yes, freedom is neanderthal, thinking you and your ability to choose what to do with an individual. That's neanderthal thinking the galaxy. Yeah they're, the ones who have been saying for months and months and months that one Those were the only sure policy and you say right now that schools cannot reopen those galaxy and they should rule, but you- the individual, deciding how you wish to live your life. What rescuers? Two hundred are you you're neanderthal Babylon? We had a great headlines about this neanderthals out, partying. Well, civilized people hide in caves. That's pretty much right
If so, how? Much? By the way, you did members the by demonstration to stand the american public in their ability to make decisions for themselves? How much do they think that the people of the United States really ought not rule themselves a lot? The fundamental distinction between left and right, the United States right now is that the left was the people collectively, but hates individual decision making, and they love vat people because they believe that they can mobilise the mobs do whatever they want, which seemingly is cruel out of time. On the right, we're gonna scare them, because the mob usually has terrible ideas, but we like individuals and wish to make their own decisions they. So here is Jackie. Deriding individuals may their own decisions. In fact, she was asked specifically by rapporteur whether binds near, Cummins went far enough and she basically agreed that it didn't go far enough and basically, if you are an individual who wants to go out, live your life after you and a sedated for example, or not that afraid covered or not the only people who are vulnerable, if you wanted,
people than your leisure brain you're. Dumdum here isn't here, it's Jen Saki White has press secretary basically to writing a huge number of Americans, whether from the press conference I hope his rhetoric beyond the under personalizing his concern. Why doesn't for? Why? Doesn't they think about saying folks, here's the deal you may ask people have died as a? U, there would certainly be a people's attention will note it. I will say the president has been clear that if people wear masks four hundred is sixty thousand lives could be saved. I mean it's just unbelievable, so she's she's got what we really need is to scare, go and tell them that their killing people, because they haven't heard that from the media for months ever heard it at all. It's brand new idea, vengeance, He specifically defended the neanderthal comment with it, with a tactic that you should never use in. A personal relationship here is Jackie on binds neanderthal comment specifically. Does the president
Have any second thoughts about the language that use yesterday and how does contain some twenty underneath all help convince them to change course and get on board with your political message, the behaviour of any end or thought just to be very clear, the behaviour of look, I think the present What what we, whatever they saw yesterday, was a reflection of his frustration and exasperation, which I think many american people have that for almost a year now, people across the country have sacrificed. Ok, I mean it, you stop its unreal, and that is a horrible tactic and a personal relationship. So note it dude if you're, if your dating a lady, And you say you're acting like a bitch and she says: did you just call me a bit? You say no, I said you're acting like a bet. That's not gonna work. That's not gonna work caused unbelievably stupid transact. You just said that amount,
about the american people needing call you in the end of wasted you're acting like any Andrew Fall, all it so much better. Thank you Jen. We all feel better now come on come on, but this is what they think of you. They think you are unable to make our own decisions, because again the entire left worldview is dependent on the idea that people are the creation of and some people make their own decisions and the decisions are bad because the system is bad and that means we have to change the system only way to change the system is with top down control top down control is the only answer always end forever and as the pandemic waned, the media, who are just the pr wing of the Democratic Party, will not let it when they will not let it happen. The New York Times has apiece today I plan to ditch the mask after vaccination knots Fast here is the case they make with fifty million Americans at least partly immunized against them. the virus and millions more joining the ranks every day. The urgent question on many minds is Catherine way. My mask it's a deeper question that it seems about a return.
two normalcy about how soon vaccinated Americans can had loved ones get together with friends. Gotta concert shopping malls, restaurants without feeling threatened by called it. Certainly many state officials already on Tuesday Texas, lifted its mass mandate along with Mississippi, but the pandemic is not over yet and scientists are counselling patients who thus science, tat science, it seems clear. Small groups are vaccinated, people can get together without much worry about infecting one another. Ok, so quick! Now, why small? Why not large any any ideas her if you vaccinate what's the problem? The answer: is there really isn't one, but there still pushing it when vaccinated people can teach them asked in public spaces will depend on how quickly the rates of disease drop and what percentage of people remain non vaccinated in this round and community. Why? Scientists do not know whether vaccinated people spread the virus to those or on vaccinated. Well, actually we do have some data and the answers they really don't again. The We need to demonstrate that the transmission rates from people who are vaccinated is extremely low extremely well, but we have to hide this from the american public
we can scare them to stay in their houses. We can pass one point: nine trillion dollar pork bills that you all the priority work. The Democrats are looking for it to do and we must keep the schools close. So we can keep paying off the teachers, unions and to push of left wing priorities by suggesting that Americans are bad and stupid neanderthals. They say it's not common for vaccine to forestall severe disease, but not infection. Inoculations against the flu wrote a virus. Polio protesters are all imperfect in this way. I mean that's true, but you know what processes is out there. My daughter actually got protested after having the vaccine. Will it does happen, produces weakens the symptoms presence there and weakens the symptoms of processes. That does not mean that we all start wearing masks like all the time. The answer, of course, is no, and now quote veterans to dodge the immune system are changing the calculus. Some vaccines are less effective in preventing infections, with certain very in theory, they could allow more virus it. Yet a lot of fury here, lotta theory, but guess what people are not gonna keep living this way, especially because what we can do is for another
here, where's conduce interminable for disease- that, at its word,. On average in America killed five people per thousand, we actually got it just proportionally. People were elderly and nursing homes, and we can make special protection for special provisions, for the answer is no. The answer is no, but again, there is an agenda here, and the agenda is that we are never going about control once people have controlled they D. want to give up the control, and it is amazing to watch because the realities that should not be it really is not a red blue thing. There's one state the people and what completely ignoring these days. By the way, it is a state that just reopen hey, you know what state just reopened you ready for this estate is wait for it Connecticut deep Red Connecticut is now reopening as well. According to be hard for current governor net
months on Thursday announced you'll rollback covered related restrictions in Connecticut starting March. Nineteen allowing restaurants operate at full capacity, losing rules on sports in entertainment, venues lifting the states travel ban. The state will maintain some key measures like a mask mandate, Oh well, you know he's got a mouse mandate, social distancing rules, a curfew, restaurants, enclosure of bars, restaurants, retail stores, houses of worship. Other businesses will be allowed to reopen at full capacity within the confines of the remaining rules by the way if you reopened, if you reopen a church at full capacity or restaurant at full capacity Without a bend in the mass mandates commonplace. Restaurants, people aren't unaware them asked every knows what this is etiquette is doing the same thing effectively speaking the Texas in Mississippi, arguing, there's lying by saying that they have amassed mandate, you can have amassed mandate in a restaurant. People are eating and drinking. If you open the restaurants to full capacity indoors effectively. Speaking Whichever way we know that that is what you are saying, but it's a blue states
scholar nor that taxes Mississippi for those that want, of course, we're gonna get to the most wanted about doctors, but Anthony Faulty we're gonna get the doktor algae. Who is
loving this or having it we're. Gonna get to that and one second first, let us talk about something great that you can do for yourself for family. I'm talking, of course, about preserving a family member is now my baby daughter. She just had her first birthday and we're lucky should drop in the era of digital media, so we have all of her videos in her and her photos available to us very quickly. But what about all the old photos and videos? You have your family from your childhood or from your parents? Shouted what about all that stuff? That's just out in the garage and it is falling apart. You need to get it preserved legacy boxes. The way to do it. Legacy box makes the process really easy from start to finish a pack, you send their team digitize everything by hand, and then you enjoy the about perfectly preserve digital copies on a thumb, Dr Duty or the cloud ready to watch and share and enjoy they thought of everything even provide state of the art tracking. Send you updated every step of the process in send your precious recorded moments to accompany you can trust. I know the people who founded Legacy Box Nick and Adam really solitudes. They started this company over a decade ago. Today, over eight hundred, fifty thousand families have trusted and digitally.
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leftist, yours, tumblers, hashtag, can't cancel the goats well done. You're tumblers will indeed be overflying. Thank you for the picture for being a daily, where member and for standing up against the cancellation of doctors is honestly our societies so screwed and stupid. Earlier this week I had the pleasure of discussing minimum wage on my radio show with Representer broken. It is very refreshing to topple people outside of your political, safe space, and what do we talk about? We talk that minimum wage. While here's the thing, I thought that that discussion was interesting and I thought that, frankly, the points made on minimum wage, bye, bye, Representative Conor we're not technically convincing. I thought that because I know that and here's the thing you can know, the facts to all you have to do is check out our new series debunked interbank. Every week I break down a new life
he met a new left, the idea we breakdown fixed on facts and logic. Last week we dropped in episode on minimum wage, so you would know a lot about minimum wage, be able to fight that one out on social media. With your friends, you be able to stand up for Europe, one of you this week we are breaking down public sector unions, why they are dangerous. Why they're a problem particularly ITALY, those teachers, unions, the Joe Biden, love so much if you wanna get the simple fact and logic the debunk left. His claims on these issues tune in to bunked is available exclusively to daily. Where members had an overt daily wired outcome. Slash subscribe use could debunked to get twenty five percent off your new membership that is code debate,
It wasn't a large fastest growing concern to Pakistan. Radio show in the nation so quick note here. The United States this last month added back three hundred and seventy nine thousand jobs through insomnia thousand jobs but remembered seller crisis were still in the middle of a crisis right. We need more spending winds blow out the spending more FED spending cancelled in the schools crisis crisis crisis, and that is the message from the binding ministration and the best offer of all time, except for Doktor Joe Biden who's, the greatest medical doctor, I've ever seen. I single handedly watched ass doktor. Joe Biden took a man whose clinically dead and sent him to a junior college. He Doktor Joe Biden, is unbelievable but what she does? Anyone doktor fatty who's, the second best doctor that the Anthony algae here he is now out there again down talking the possible reopening of american society suggesting can never reopen effectively. Speaking, carry was on CNN,
doing his retain the song and dance thing. I don't know why were using restrictions until we're below ten thousand cases per day? We can do it, maybe zero, maybe negative. Maybe we'll have to go back in time and kill people for us to reopen the account any algae. I wouldn't want to see a white switch go on and off with regard to restrictions, I would like to see, as we get the level of virus in the community to a very low level, well well below the sixty to seventy thousand new infections somewhere. You know just pick a number, even though you know there is not a good model there. Yet. But I would say less than ten thousand and maybe even skills
literally less than that men. Let's get it all the way down to zero. I mean let's, let's what we should do and we don't do that. We can never reopen so whenever opening and then it can be anti they every single day and not giving prices and talk about how important I am- and people like vote and candles to me, and I M people homey sexy. Even I mainly it's weird, I mean like what wireless him. I just wanna honestly he's a horrible advocate for its own position. He down talk the effect. The advocacy vaccines he lied about the herd, immunity numbers. You lied about asking why. that guy still and the answer is that any tool for the for the crisis as progress mentality is a tool worth using. So values. Nothing is inexplicable! Why'd! You, honourable, isn't inexplicable. That really question is an inexplicable second explain it seriously. It's actually quite explicable. All I have to do is look at the numbers, I'll bring them up right now, for the reason that is explicable to reopen right now is because it
we knew cases as in early January or four hundred and eighty thousand three hundred thousand on January, three hundred eight thousand diagnosed cases of covert nineteen on general aid today, we're done about forty thousand new cases a day and em, and so I did I just a splendid. I feel I can explain it I have another number loud explain it. I see you capacity was that was being challenged in January right now, there's no nice! You department in America is being challenged by covered, so doubtless explicable, and in fact I just did it in an insider like ten seconds. Is that amazing, but its inexplicable? Why you want to pull back now, says Anthony Valerie is in explicable why you would want to pull back now. I understand the need to want to get back to normality. But you're only going to set yourself back. If you just completely pull, some push aside the public health guidelines, particularly well
dealing with anywhere from fifty five to seventy thousand infections per day in the United States. That's a very, very high baseline gazed up again. This is like at this point the reason that they dont one reopen is because they don't want individuals to have free choice, end of story yells on schools to reopen a faulty. We ve been on every side of this position. Again he's had more positions on school reopening than the commerce which recommends that said before he says they now. Schools to change their ventilation systems before opening. They will any anything else, entails Babo luxuriously. What how many more things can you just throw out there? We can't real until we have four ultraviolet waiting systems in all of America schools, even though the data is that the school should be open like right now in full with kids their ears Valerie. We're gonna make sure that the schools have the resources to do the kinds of things they need to do, which would be making
they have masts and ppp, making sure that the ventilation system can be improved to be able to diminish the likelihood that they'll be spread of infection their veto, the CDC guidelines up pretty explicit. It's a detailed guidelines about what you can do, the kinds of things you can do. The steps, the masking the distancing, the kinds of things that we know can help protect the children and the teachers. How can whatever monotonously whatever these are the same people who are touting Andrew Coma. While he lied four months, the same yet mean felt. She said the Quabos response was like the ideal response, speaking of which new report The Wall Street Journal and verified by the New York Times. Andrew close AIDS rewrote nursing home reports to hide the hired a total. So right now there trying to ask him in New York supposedly based on sexual harassment, stuff. It has nothing to do with that. He just embarrass To them- and they are finding a different reason to take my back and cabin- is that simple? They wanted shallow grave and I want and fill it in well, he still breathing and
in that he really has to do that, the reason they have to do him in its customers covered policy, but it can never admit it was discovered. see because that would be admitting that it was their covered policy. That was bad. Three These did Andrew Como changes be not an office, he might need be in jail for his actual activity during covered, but they touted him as the anti trump they cheered. Him, now that's a look for some ancillary reason to get rid of a guy. According to your I'm stop AIDS. Dumber unrecoverable alarm report written by state health officials had just landed, colluded account of how many nursing home residence in New York had died in the pandemic. The number more than nine thousand by that point in June was not public, when the governors most senior AIDS wanted to keep it. That way, they re wrote the report to take it out according to interviews and die. Whence reviewed by the New York Times. The extraordinary intervention which came just as Cuomo is starting to write a book on his pandemic. Achievement was the earliest act, yet in what
I have called a month long ever by the governor and his age to obscure the full scope of nursing home deaths. Again this was in June is in June. Could he has done all digging right and read too busy flogging? His is stupid book about his leader, during colored ensuring him as a possible. Many should Joe Biden fall off as a short chair and die. We know that these people are just absurd. In your terms, absurd of you are ridiculous. I'm glad they report on in March of next year when Andrew Court becomes a liability seriously and then they were doing as well as running about, of course, he's doing a while he's writing a book of course, of course. Meanwhile, again the down talking of the possibility of reopening continued on a daily basis, it's why The reality is that things are going pretty well and wondering These things are going very well is because we are now trenching vaccines developed under Trump, with plans developed by governors all across the United States, releasing the feds, because the governors
is going well and the same administration that is pushing the idea There is inequity in vaccine distribution and kind of pooling our earliest in nodding at the idea that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which is one shot vaccine, that slightly less effective than the two shot vaccines, but is still pretty damn defective. If If you have too many brown and black people are getting the Johnson Johnson vaccine, maybe that is a sign of systemic inequity into reality. that Johnson and Johnson Charge just like all these other shots is essentially a medical miracle, The New York Times acknowledging that now saying people are eager for Johnson nonsense, vaccine, but to get it all that inequity distribution of the shots simultaneously by an administration, is claiming we're doing a great job with our with our shots and also nobody deserves credit for the vaccine,
ever Chauvelin Ski over CDC, say we are on track what these vaccines entrenching them out, we're doing an amazing job, and then you have gents Jackie over at the White House, saying you know what I think we should give the trumped him any credit for that. Nobody deserve credit for the vaccine, says that generosity. I don't think anyone deserves credit when half a million people in the country have died of this pandemic. So what our focus is on and when the precedents focuses on when he came into office, just over a month ago was ensuring that we had enough vaccines. We have that we are going to have them now. We had enough vaccinate authors and we'd enough vaccine locations to get this pandemic under control. There is no question and all data points to the full. That there were not enough of any of those things when he took office. An initial he's, Madge Mantle Biden deserves credit for everything, but the development of that no one deserves credit for a lot of people died, really well done their job Zackie and by the way, this this crisis mental.
The continuation of the crisis mentality to the Democrats can continue to push for bad policy. That is on every single front. It's on every single front: it's not a crisis of immigration; it is a crisis in its covered and by the way, it's also a crisis, If you once heard a rumour from a guy on each and about how there was a cab, glue thing happening. I marked forth so now we are learning that Nancy Pelosi and the capital police Our asking are demanding more fencing, more troops and more money for capital security. They want to keep the troops there another two months to months. This is crazy towns. He generally six was an act of evil, also had been stymied by a few or troops there. The response from Nancy closely in the democratic is perfectly political. It is mere can keep fruits are pretty much forever we're going to keep this barbed wire here, as in careful monument to the evils of President Trump and the people who supported him, me Nancy policies, basically just saying that now suppose you came Yesterday she said we had to give these fences here
barbed wire- and you know it looks as though weren't the roan country now me of troops here, like all the time sleeping on the grounds and further not properly fatter or kept, but we need them here. We yesterday, no one showed up March forth was supposed to be another. One of these magical rioters didn't happen. Nothing like zeros zilch. No one showed up and anti plus he's like what we gotta keep these people here pretty much forever. As a reminder, as an eternal reminder that Trump supporters are bad between cove it, where we need to have access nations more broadly in the capital, so that many more people can come here and do their job and the threat of them of all the president's men out there we have to, we have to ensure-
with our security that we are safe enough to do our job, algebra huntsmen other, impeding all the president's men other in whose other history, no one, no one Washington Post today, quote at the capital. A marked for threat from militant transporters proves a mirage, oh who could predicted such a thing On the day when former President Donald Trump most delusional support, swore who return to Power Washington looked on Thursday morning, Wade has for the past few months. National guard members, armed with em for rifles braced for rebellion than ever came razor wireline miles of steel. Fencing that went unbridged from from an informal work needed reasons, honey. It was nice to Henry S, actual is beautiful, weather the angst stem, from another misguided belief within Q and on the extra ideology, declaims Trump has been working in secret to overthrow cabal of blood drinking Satan, worshipping democratic pedophiles. After repeated unfulfilled prophecies, the group's support declared in recent weeks, the trumpet retake Office on March forth. Now, here's the thing: what is the good evidence that they were going to
We do anything yesterday I get it. I don't want to be nice to see some of that evidence concerning were now spending mill millions of dollars keep troops there and make sure that that they never leave apparently like this. And now, apparently, amazingly enough, they ve decided in the media that the next state that we have to worry about his march twentieth Where are they getting information? We have to worry about our twentieth. I'm not kidding you from a guy named, can not kidding according to Newsweek quote. Some key went onto borders seem to rebranding March. Fourth, conspiracy, in the wake of community suspicion well to individuals who fill with the false theory simply suggested Frumps integration will take place on time in spring. One man identified, as KEN told Washington Post report, gave Waigel the former president what will be inaugurated again on March Pontius. Well, I mean can says so. I guess you have to spend hundreds of millions of, because we ve spent millions of dollars. Nine hundred western millions of dollars. Keeping thousands of troops Washington DC cause of can cause, can said so
Now this is not at all political at all which can give them their interminably. As reminder that the president's men might be out there, they might be out there waiting and watching all. This is a little over the top. If you have not noticed ok. Meanwhile, the deep book burning continues anew it contains each and every day. Honestly, this story is in some ways even scarier than the story about the Doktor Susa State Point six of his books, including classics like an eye, and I sought a mother a street in and if I ran the zoo when, when they put those books that is terrible and awful and it is self censorship of extraordinary or is it? Is it going to cave in the face of awoke censorious, authoritarian left, it degrades our culture, it degrades our freedoms, it is bad, ok, Zeb, I don't wanna became controversial thing to say, but self censorship of classic children's literature is bad, but
bad, but it's now gone even further than this Ebay is now taking your ability to even with these books, so you're so pleasant inextricably by round the zoo, and now those things are so inflexible under fifty bucks, because when you make things at Tommy's that when you buy and material like they didn't Soviet union. It turns out that people are going to get a hold of the material. When that happens, the prices skyrockets allow people into Ebay to sell the stuff. Now has decided that they are going to remove the doctors whose books you cannot as a third party, so these doctors books now Ebay is another one of these neutral service providers right Ebay is supposed to be like Amazon was supposed to be a neutral service provider. I didn't have an editorial point of view and in fact, if you look in Ebay yesterday, you can still by copies and protocols of the elder zine you could buy, which is eight, which is an anti semitic. Conspiracy theory first created in Cyrus Russia. You can still by copies of my comp.
Those are available decent prices. You couldn't by copies, however, is if I ran the zoo according to Newsweek following doctors, whose enterprises reason decision to discontinue publishing and licensing on six of the famous children's authors books, because a problematic content demand for the titles and questions but even though the retail market for the controversial sees books has been strong, Ebay has started from listings for the titles citing its policy on offensive material, this right or actually has access well worn copy of one of the outer print books and to think that I sought and Mulberry Street. listed it on Ebay lay Tuesday afternoon on Thursday morning, is render received an email from Ebay saying the list. Was removed for violating an offensive material policy. The automated email said quote: listings that promote or glorify hatred, violence or discrimination aren't allowed doctors whose enterprises who start publication of this book due to its negative portrayals the cities as a courtesy. We have ended your item and refund your selling fees and as long as you not red list, the item there'll be no negative impact. Your accounts, in other words, there are punished you for having listened a book. You did not write
you do not agree is a racist book. There no punish you if you refuse to abide by their structures so that no he Bay is it on the act and its email and thirst. Ebay included the fine print of its policy. One portion of the message, which gives an overview of the policy reach court items include Figurines cartoons, housewares historical advertisements, historical advertisements and Dolly walks with Ray just anti semitic or otherwise, meaning portrayals, for example, through caricaturist or other exaggerated features in Ebay. Spokesperson, clarified the company's position further at Ebay, with strict policy against hate and discrimination to ensure our platform remains a safe trusted and inclusive environment for a global community of buyers and sellers Policia, offensive policies, material or currently sweeping marketplace. Remove those items in absolute absurdity. I guess that Hungary is next, countless your second hand copy of hook. Then, as I mean the hook and has the inward in it does just a reality, we know from the New York Times anything that has
when it is bad, unless it's written by Nicole, headed Johnson case. It is good. do Ebay has now remove your ability to even sell second hand. Dr Seuss books, when neutral platform, neutral service providers become eat tools of the world in their censorious attempts to remove and erase history and Ramona right by the waiting on offense of children's books, there's not a single human being. Who, until the woke got hold of it ever looked at. If I ran the USA while the so brutally offensive, I can't believe it or Mulberry Street which even less controversial. It's amazing. by the way? What is on the any a reading was the courtyard Stedman over the daily signal? What's on the any reading was well, if you're a kid, you can't read
think that I sought on mothers route, which I read my books. I read my kids yesterday. I did it just to show them just to show that I felt a little maiden sort of thrill of disregard for the woke. When I read Mulberry Street this stupid, everything has become what books does guinea recommend during he carried your kids about an imaginary parade in which aid and he's person carries chopsticks. You cannot read that that is terribly bad, but you should, and it is recommended by the NBA, the National Education Association, that you read your children Julian Mermaid, about a little boy, these women dresses mermaid and wants to dress like them, also the prince in the dressmaker about a prince. Who secretly where's dresses at night. They recommend you read this not you're allowed to they recommended it is recommended by the anyway There is also americanized rebel without a green card about an illegal immigrant from IRAN, there's also are here to stay voices of undertakings, young adults also about illegal immigration, also stamped racism.
Terrorism, racism and you owe it is from epidemics, candy. So overt bizarre, racist, supermax candy that guy they recommend his books by speaking of immense candy, I erects candy is such an unbelievable ridiculous backwards, racist that he actually treated this yesterday, and this is this- is me Kafka move right here. A heartbeat of racism is denial and too often the more powerful the racism more powerful denial. The heartbeat of racism is act. wait, hatred and bigotry, but he doesn't care about hatred bigotry, he cares about being able to label anyone who wants racist. So if you did either you are racist. This makes your racist, his white Collar Kafka move. I did because, like France, Kafka in the trial, your algae. If you say that you are innocent and your guilty, if you say that you are guilty is if you are which then you will absolutely sink to the bottom of the river or then you'll absently flowed of your watch. If you're, which will float and if you are not,
you'll think better will find out whether your which are not so back. I wrote a crappy children's book and we are going to use that as the basis for teaching children and to actively g children about Rachel Centralism, but if they see a cartoon picture of asian we'll carrying a mythical animal in a book about each. child running issue, then, obviously that is going to create all sorts, erases sentiment, stop what really solid suffer from from our culture. A culture is doing a great job and it's going to extend to movies now long piece in the valley, reported by Rebecca Chicken today, racist sexist classic. How Hollywood is dealing with its problematic content? streamers, build out their lucrative libraries, their experimenting with label warnings, context, panels and even purges. These are valuable property you cannot restrict. Regarding wants keep them. We have to make sure they don't damage the brand. They say every month, Disney Convenes, neglected group of advisers. A video conference to tell the media can go on
what it may, what it and the many entertaining companies it has acquired over its nearly one hundred your history have gotten wrong every single month there doing these works trudged struggle sessions. It's a long list, song of the South charge our banks, I mean charge. Our banks is wrong, but I dont know why wise projections are problematic mean. I understand it he's a terrible character, but were cancelling charge or know me. I mean. First of all, I will say that anybody who caps charge are easier to me, but if the World CAP Georgia, that seems like there on the dark side that episode of them up and show Johnny Cash things dwelt, Miss Piggy, infernally, confederate flat, very early, we'll radicalized, but I know many people became white supremacist because they saw Johnny cash singing to I would miss piggy in front of a confederate flag. So many people join the KKK because of that we ve had some raw conversation on these dooms says Gill, Robert
president of the african American Film Critics Association, who sits on Disney's advisory Council alongside representatives from groups like Nicole, innovation, Pacific's an entertainment, imaginative institute? gender in media, as well as representatives from various apartments Disney, including programming, public policy, diversity and inclusion Disney asks. John and his colleagues to watch content may contain stereotypes or insensitive. The jury and offer their prospective here's. The thing you're now outsourcing your willingness to these. He's whose only survive by finding things to be offended by you know what happened to these groups if there are nothing offensive or if they actually reported the truth, which is that they are not offended by any the stuff. You know what happened to them. No one would need them they're not going to themselves out of a job when Disney hands over power to all of these interest groups, what they are doing is saying to them, you know have an incentive to call things racist. So we have to keep coming back to you for our latest re up to now there they are trying to rephrase classic films Anti CM.
she's, your husband, banquets, nobody's cancelling these movies are job is not to get up and say. Here's a movie should feel guilty about four liking to pretend the racism, and it does not painful and acute. No, I want to show you ve met. This was inevitable and welcomed and overdue, or we could you know just let people make their own decisions about things. I know terrible terrible idea, so Tropic Thunder, I guess, is bad. It's very its offensive, proper thunder now representing Juno gotta by supporting Your nomination for that, by the way older shows moves, are still be business, as the Hollywood reporter on Disney Plus, nearly eighty percent of the tv demand was for streaming, services licensed and library shows only about twenty percent was originally like demand alluring, which also have be wiped clean by the way of anyone who thinks differently. As we learned about Madrina Carano into doesn't nineteen mirror man is seven hundred from library was valued seven hundred fifty million dollars, though, Where is the Disney and more media are multi billion dollar assets, but the need for studios to reckon with the racist sister.
Took on a new urgency last summer, as black lives matter, protests were unfolding, not know they didn't. Actually they seriously did not. Nobody cares about this. Nobody was clamouring for you just decided to do a pre emptive war, because the Woke controls companies, and because you know that you will go loud and weaken the bother you so now, they're gonna context. How's everything or maybe even remove it, maybe even remove it. Drawing attention to problems in their own archives does carry risk for studios. Kermit cancelled, Esta headline on the constructive website. The daily work when Disney rolled out disclaimers on eighteen episodes of the Maputo when those of vocs in friendship organs, are centred on cotton. About disclaimers on two February for twenty. Fourth, the lawmaker brought up the studios relationship with China yeah, that's that is correct. These types of cancelled culture critiques have not to turn the studios. Now, of course, they haven't what. Why would they because here's the thing they have a monopoly on the end?
I'm at properties, ecologist, remove it and that's what eventually will happen if you think that the content warnings are gonna be enough, they want eventually the woke or going to demand that these things just go away permanently, because their harmful and about how many times I warn people about contacts, frog warnings aren't enough. They have to be removed and, unlike in the real world where Gina Cyrano can get. fired by Disney, and we can pick her up if I could buy the rights. If I ran the zoo and just sell it, ITALY, where I absolutely what, but I can't because doctors, whose enterprise is taking it down in their own right. Same thing is gonna happen. It is neither just gonna, take down intellectual property and bury it and kill it, and the world will become a less interesting and fun and eclectic place, because this is what cancel this. What cancellation does this? What censorship does even stuff you?
agree with. I know there's a hard thought for the same people who used to believe in the Asian you, but even the ace YO. You no longer believes in the ace, yellow and here's the thing there is no end to it like no end to it. Michael stray him good example and no matter how much you apologize, it will never be enough. Disney can put the context he has to see I'm can do. This is new conceptualizing serious thing. Do all that stuff, make one iota of different, because in the end there is no end right. Here's the thing about religion, religion, when you repent, before God got accepted the woke when you're repent, the the Woke Emory, you kill your career illustrator Life Chris Harrison who's, the host of the bachelor or was, and now has been deemed unfit to be the hastily,
silly dating show, because he had the temerity to suggest that a woman ought to be given grace for going to an anti bell of Anti Vellum in party in two thousand eighteen. After her black boy friend on the show suggested should be given. Grace he's been cancelled, he went on good morning America and he apologized for himself. He said that he was, he was an insufficiently sensitive and others. This created the impetus for Michael stray hands, now declared that he was not sufficiently sincere. His sincerity was not good enough, and so he must remain cancelled. Hears Michael stray him there. The problem you have apology, but if you like got nothing more than a surface response on any of this, and obviously he the man who wants you to clearly stay on the show, but only time will tell if there is any meaning behind his words
Only time will tell, but there's no way from to prove it because you're not gonna, let him back on the show, because you don't want to back on the show. Our culture has shown its negative awoken awoke are just cutting it off. I mean that's that that is all that is happening here. So how'd you fight back against it well force will make our voices heard making clear to Disney that if they begin to cancel shows that you, like you're, not gonna. Take your money. There find alternatives, create new project as what we're doing here a daily wire, and we need your help is. Why recommended everybody get a membership daily where we are pushing into the cultural war, because culture is upstream of politics, a recognised that what the left does right now, their greatest trick is that they will take a second piece of literature like doctors who will cancel it, and then I ll say why are you even paying attention? You ought to be paying attention, because these are indicators of a culture that is in complete collapse. The only way to shored up is stand up for the culture even stuff. You disagree with already we'll be back later today, with an additional hour of content. First, you cannot forget to endure wheat by checking out. The end reclaiming show drew show is every Friday he's gotten.
Fighting evening planned for you so headed over to dailywire dot com this evening at seven p, DOT M Eastern in Tunein by Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show It is you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us I've star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened to podcast also be sure to check out the other dearly wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael Mole Show and that Wall thanks for listening, the Shapiro show is produced by Elliot felt executive Jeremy born our supervising producer is math is clever and our assistants, erector, is Papa White. Asking editing is by Adam silent. Audio is meant by MIKE comments here and make up is by fabulous, Christina Reductionist, it is just a grand adventure Bureau show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty one Everybody this is Andrew, Clave and hosted the Andrew claiming show you know. Some people are depressed, because the republic
is collapsing in the end of days is approaching, and moons turned to blood. but on the Andrew Clavering showed that's where the fund just get started so come on over the Andrew Clavering Show and laughed your way through the fall of the republic. With me, Andrew Clayton,
Transcript generated on 2021-03-11.