« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1201 - The Authoritarian Left Is On The March


Democratic Congresspeople seek to purge media outlets they don’t like, and President Biden holds a commemorative event for 500,000 Americans who have died of covid. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democratic Congress people seek to purge media outlets. They dont, like an President Biden, holds a commemorative events for the five hundred thousand Americans who have died of Covet adventure here. This is the bench a barrage of Eventually, ratio is sponsored by express Vps. Your data is your business protected at Express gps dot com slash, but only to all the news in just one moment. First I reminded you're spending wage much money. I myself on built, like hundreds of dollars a year too much money on that cell phone bill, but this is. Why should check out my friends over? your talk, USA over a thousand of you have already done so. You ve made the switch from your overpriced wireless carrier to peer talk over the past couple of months. What do the rest? You waiting for if you're worth agency rising T mobile. Your family could save over eight hundred dollars you're. Just by switching to peer talk, you get the same great coverage, because these the exact same towers, one the big carriers. You can even keep your phone and your number, but it will save a fortune by the waves. Your talk is the top rated wireless company by consumer affairs. I ve got the absolute best customer service team based right here.
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from Democratic Congress people and they want to use their example. What happened on January, sex now January, sex was an act of criminality, is an act of evil and there was something off or Terry into people attempting to stop the democratic processes from taking place and going forward and working for sure. You'll have to deny the presence of an authoritarian right to also recognised that the centres of power in second life: the centres of institutional power in american life do not lie with the authoritarian right. They lie with the authoritarian left. Now it is worthwhile at this point to define our terms. So the did. The very term authoritarianism is very often used kind of vaguely what exactly mean to be authorised area. People use it simultaneously to mean fascist and totalitarian authorised. Rain has a little bit more of a specific definition. Typically, when you are talking about me characteristics of authoritarianism. So let's talk about that for a second, so that their been a bunch of studies on what authority areas and actually looks like what does it mean to be.
authoritarian, so there's a gun in Theodora Giorno and he very early in nineteen fifty wrote a book use at Frankfurt. School member is a marxist theorists in you write a book about authoritarianism, and his basic suggestion is that our authoritarianism was naturally rightwing phenomenon, she's, a marxist. Of course. He thought that anybody who disagreed with them, what sort of an authoritarian his ideas that America was right for the plucking America was about to fall into authoritarianism. Is America wasn't left wing enough? is it worth is very famous book called the authoritarian personality in which, essentially, he suggested that Anti Semitism and authoritarianism we're outgrowth of a particular mindset that also sprang from capitalism. Nevis was untrue, but it did lead to alive. Study is what an authoritarian personality would look like, and there is a Harvard Social scientist in Robert Ultimate. He created a right wing. Authoritarianism. Scale is attempting to detect three particular character, traits their character traits of the authorities.
And cared for trade number one of an authoritarian was authoritarian, submission willingness to submit to established and legitimate authorities. Are you willing to do just go along with whatever the boss as too? Why? For chairing aggression where you're going to perform aggressive acts on behalf of the authoritarian and three conventional ism, where you're going to abide by all of the approved social conventions? This was right, wing authoritarianism and for a long time, social scientists, who tend to be very leftwing, thought there is no such thing as left wing authoritarianism, left and authoritarianism. Just did not exist because leftwingers were progressive and wonderful and anti violence in pacifist it will. It is very clear at this point: there is left wing authoritarianism and, in fact, scientists have found that left wing authoritarianism is quite common when University, Montana, Social, psychologist, Lucien, Conway, created
gale to mirror ultimately scale what he found is that the highest score for us or a tearing ism was for liberals and liberals have the highest court for authorised areas and he described authoritarianism. This way I hears here's what they said that these particular social scientists from University Montana about what left wing authoritarianism of light left wing authoritarianism if right wing, it was about submission and aggression approved by the bosses and conventional is my belief that your traditional or He is the only approved social conventions and that you get to shut down. Everything else then left with nothing. Turning disorder, the mirror image, left and authoritarianism, bleed and revolutionary aggression and the system has to be torn down. The hierarchy of power has to be destroyed, top down censorship they simultaneously believing in order to achieve utopia. You have to shut everybody else up and really answer conventional wisdom, which these social scientists described, as quote reflecting a moral absolutism concerning progressive values and concomitant dismissal,
of conservatives as inherently immoral and intolerance desire for coercive Liam. And left wing, believes in values and others and in for social and ideological homogeneity in one's environment, in other words, a cramp down a particular moral world view that says that you are evil because you disagree. So those are the three characteristics of left wing authoritarianism revolutionary aggression, approval of work, which is all over the summer when virtually the entire left wing went to nodded at most damaging rights in american history, top down censorship directed at Group Authority. Right as a group, I thought, as a means of regulating rightwing beliefs and behaviors. We have to have the bosses shut. Everybody else up, rather than ever, retraining, you see inside your corporations or, as we will see, Democratic Congress functions on free speech Nancy. Conventional is my belief that everybody-
Greece with you is inherently a moral, lesser person, immorally, lesser person, a bad person, these current procedure, these characteristics of left wing authoritarianism are extraordinarily common. Not only are the common their dominant in our institutional culture dominance, and you see it every single day those particular factors you see to work every single day. Some people say right when LA for terrorism is dominant again you're, not to deny the presence of right wing la for terrorism to recognise that the institutional power in our country is dominated through our Terry and left us its exact top down censorship, but believe that their progressive worldview is the only worldview the matters and who believe in a revolutionary aggression designed a tearing down the core what hierarchies a power that describes to a t what so many members of the Democratic Party are doing today. The reason I bring this up is because two members of Congress have no issued a series of letters to a variety of of platforms and common
measures designed to shut down descent, one member of Commerce in Indiana issue, the others aimed Jerry Mcnerney? They this letter, and this is just full off oratorians stuff. We haven't first amendment for reason. It says Congress shall make no law Congress shall make no law a bridging freedom of speech to one of our members of Congress decided to do. Instead of making a law, they are going to essentially create agents in the private sphere to do their bidding. They know they can pass a law that bridges freedom of speech or to get I can but Supreme Court. Instead, what they do is they say we will punish you if you do not do the censorship. We wish you to do in the private sphere. This is the new model not top down censorship, just from government but top down censorship with government actors using as a cudgel their power in order to beat corporations into submission and force those corporations to adopt the precepts of the authoritarian left and to set
from the top we'll get to what I mean by this in just one second, because we really are living in an authoritarian time. There's an authoritarian moment that we are watching unfold before us right now and it is deep and it is threatening and it has been creeping in american life. And unfortunately, the authoritarianism of left was fostered in rural and in very strong ways by the reaction to things like January sex. There was an opportune for the authoritarian left to get the upper hand in american discourse, because free speech is now bad. Free exchange ideas is now bad, it could be. Payment, if you say something they don't like it- could be dangerous, and so now is a great time to shut down for a speech to shut and individual rights and use all powers, but they have at their disposal in order to do so I'll explain in just one second cause. What were again, the fact that this is is happening in the United States. Should scared living out of everybody who believes in individual rights right left her centre, I'm not saying everybody on left his men
the authoritarian, let them saying there is an authoritarian left and it is becoming the dominant mode in the Democratic Party and that's a very frightening thing gets morbid one second, first, let us talk about that. I don't wanna go, do not operate start, because why would you want so great? I'm not apart start you're going to stand in line, then you can get to the front line then, finally, going to tell you that there too, the part on line and other than their going up charge you for it. Instead, here is something you could do. You could just skip the middle man. Why just go to rock ordered outcome is much easier than walking into the nor in people demanding quick answers and in ordering the part on line instead go to rock honour. I can get the parts of rock ordered outcome always offers the lowest prices possible rather than aging prices based on what the market will bear the way that airlines do while just been up to twice as much for the same part hypothetically. You have need like arrow at Delphi after fourteen fifty six years, assembly for two thousand by the two thousand ten hunt, odyssey annoy which popped in my head, but but did it cost three hundred and fifty four bought at a big chain store? That's the kind of thing you could get, a rock.
four two hundred and seventeen but recorded outcomes, family business serving auto parts, customers online for twenty years, had an Iraq uttered outcome to shop or ATO and body parts from hundreds manufacturers best of all prices. Iraq ordered outcome are always reliably low and the same for professionals and do it yourself or so hadn't over Iraq ordered outcome. Now you gotta maison selection, reliably low prices. All the parts your car will ever need. Rock Otto Dotcom had on over reach appear in their. How did you hear about us box? So they know that we sent you Rock Otto Dotcom Gacek, ok, so these two members of Congress have no issued a series of letters, two common carriers telling them they want them about? Essentially boot vaccines, author and o N, N n NEWS
and this is the same sort of top down censorship. The you're, seeing called for by our savage media against social media relics, force social media not to disseminate information we dont like and their variety of games they play in order to shut down stuff. They don't like you, ll notice, one of the things that they have done, and this is a pretty clever sleight of hand. A lot of this debate really started after the two thousand sixteen election. In fact, nearly all of it before two thousand. Sixteen. There is a basic acknowledgement that there are alternative points of view that wouldn't be presented online. There are alternative point of view and to prevent it on POD Cason, talk, radio and that was annoying to the left, but they understood that you know you sort hasn't deal with it and then after twenty sixteen there was this moment where the left aside- and you know what we don't. We shouldn't lost that election. In fact, me didn't lose that election. The only reason we lost that elections, because, because of russian disinformation now
this information? We are foreign intervention using false information in order to prevent the political process is in fact not something that the government has to just leave alone. A foreign. This information is something the government can step into. It does have Fort first member
consequences, but there are some precedent for the government stepping in and stopping for an actual interference with this information, but you'll notice that there's a verbal sleight of hand that went on where the media and democratic members of Congress and democratic in power they decided to shift from russian disinformation to misinformation. Now, there's a difference between this information and misinformation. Disinformation is active promotion of false material by foreign government s words. This information typically is right. You just information on on the soviets. Were the Soviets Judas information on you? Miss information is information that you perceive to be mistaken. There's no obvious intend for somebody to lie it, just something you perceive to be mistaken and so what the left us as they declare everything they don't like misinformation. If there's a narrative didn't like that's misinformation, so they ve no shifted over from
range sort of issues when it comes to speech a foreign disinformation, the new russian government promulgating falsehoods and middle of an election two core political speech which they then term misinformation, and then they set up a whole body. Fat checkers, whose sole design a pair We is to label anything, they don't like not only misinformation but mostly false, and this is what you see: a political act bullet of actual label Brok about the statement that, if you like your doctor and keep it up half true for several years and then only later will they be like oh yeah. That was the lie of the year This misinformation, when it is convenient for them, and then they use those fake fact, trackers, though no factors as an excuse to shut down at once. They don't like on social media and to suppress the reach, or they go to Youtube in. They say you know what we know, that there are a lot of people out there like conservative material, but we are afraid that conservative material will lead to incitement. How well it's not
even that those people are doing anything that incite violence. Another Jordan Petersen does anything that incite violence is that you might watch George Jordan Petersen, video and then maybe you'll get dragged into a rabbit hole of right wing extremism. Ok, so so they their consistently broadening out exceptions under american law that do exist to free speech and and then letting the exception to the rule rights? They will say: incitement is illegal. It's true incitement is illegal. Then they will say that stuff, that you're saying you know like normal political stuff, that's incitement or they will say. Yet. We understand that, MRS, that that your narrative is is opinion in it. Protected, but it's really misinformation and misinformation is really kind of like this information and disinformation something that the government can fight. So really, your speeches is like Russian. This information. This is the way that the left goes about their top down censorship and it is tied into ideology that suggest revolutionary aggression against the system, because the system of
Visual rights is inherently discriminatory. According to the woke left, the woke left says that individual rights are biased because the people who are in a position to best exercise their individual rights are the powerful in our society, and those people must be brought to heal. So individual rights take a back seat to what the collective requires. Individual rights take a back seat to equity and his lips. That you haven't left, then these are the elements of authoritarianism, revolutionary aggression, top down censorship, and certainly the most prevalent feeling on the left is that if you do I agree with that. It is because you are a moral lesser. Is there something wrong with you? you believe in brutality, your phone, Are your racist exit, bigot homophobia, you some what you're hater in the author terrorism in the, unless in the United States is very very dominant at this point in american life, it is becoming more dominant everyday. Secures this letter from these two members of Congress again directed at taking down political opponents. Here's a letter to Johnson
We thank you rather Sankey is the zeal of agency. Dear mister thinking, gonna come from to sitting members of Congress, our countries public disk is plagued by misinformation. This information conspiracy theories and lies, look at that. Look at the conflation there, some of those things like This information are things the government has. Asean misinformation is not you can define that? However, we want conspiracy theories depends you think, he's a conspiracy theory and lies bombing the left wide throughout the summer that America's police are systemically racist and on seem to care about that. I very much these phenomena undergrowth radicalization of sedition. individuals who committed act of insurrection on January Sixth, and it contributes to a growing distrust of public health measures necessary to crush the pandemic better. The idea here is that we
crush the pandemic if it were not for misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories and lies weird, because every single democratic member of Congress of fires, I'm aware backed mass protest in the middle of a pandemic, because they said that racial issues or a public health problem. In any case, these members of Congress, we are concerned about the role agency plays in disseminating misinformation, misinformation again, it's that that's light ahead, miss information to millions of its universe, Directv in eighteen tv subscribers only rights you today to request additional information about what actions eighteen tee is taking to address these issues. Now notice. Congress does not have the power to regulate eighteen t into shutting down free speech and be a violation of the first moment. Instead Ilsa nasty threatening letters to places like Comcast an agency- and they will basically say you- know nice company- you got there, be a real shame. If something happened to a real shame,
If something happened to agency over there now we do not. We have been looking like these other areas or antitrust issues, and- and I can tell you that if you weren't doing this, this fostering of misinformation well, then maybe would stop looking into that. I'm not threatening your anything, of course, is that a threat envisage this is the witness with games played now nearly half the Americans get their news primarily from tv say these two members of Congress, however, not all TV. New sources are the same. Some purported news Let's have long been misinformation. Rumour mills and conspiracy theory happens the produce content that leads to real harm. Now we get the incitement argument. Right is if there is information that you don't like or if their even things that are not true that are set. that you don't like that those are necessarily incitement. That's not true. Lots of things are said: american public discourse every day
laws against things like slander and liable to consume people based on some of them and some of those things we have incitement statutes that are on the books. Does incitement statutes require actual incitement, notched people saying things that are false? You will also know that these Democrats have problem with the radical level of things that are not true, being set in place like CNN and MSNBC, for On a year we heard that Andrew Cuomo is the greatest governor on planet. Earth CNN reported that the kids from Covington Catholic were vicious racists, Covington, the mainstream establishment media pushed the idea, the brick having those rapist know those things ended up being true, then, where there is only one
Of course, equal misinformation, you'll know they're very upset about misinformation on tv has led to our current polluted in visual information environment that radicalized individuals to commit seditious acts and rejects public health, best practices, among other issues in our public discourse, and so again the idea is that if you allow things I dont like, then the public discourse is polluted. Ok, while it may very well be polluted seriously, I acknowledge that there is information, the public discourse that I think pollutes the public discourse. For example, if a member of the Essen all cast put out the overt lie that the state of Israel has been at not having vaccines to Europe's citizens, that seems like something that pollutes the public discourse derive any right to call for us all to be cancelled on that basis, should I call for more, if I remember of Congress, but I have the ability constitutionally speaking to regulate can, of course now there's a lot of stuff in public discourse that is chaff, and then there are some that is weak, and it is your job to distinguish between the two the moratorium left believes it is their job to distinguish for you and then use their power to cram there.
in censorious fashion, exactly what they like so say, these Congress people experts have noted that the right wing media ecosystem is quota, would much more susceptible to this information lies and half truths. Well, I mean if they say so bad that, while I mean amazing how they came to a conclusion, is just the right wing media ecosystem that susceptible to this information lies and half truths. Then, where the four four long years of A vast bulk of Democrats believe that the twenty sixth intellectual stolen rightwing media outlets, like news MAX one American, whose network and Fox NEWS all aired misinformation about the November twenty twenty elections, for example. both newsman away and then ran put incendiary words and false information following the elections and continue to support. angry and dangerous subculture there will continue to operate. So my openly as a violent mob was breaching the doors of the capital news
axis coverage called the scene, a sort of romantic idea. Fox news, meanwhile, have spent years spewing misinformation about american politics noticed the conflation there right. Fox news is exactly the same as news next is exactly the same as away, and and and I do love that that apparently news max calling you seen a quarter of a quarter of what sort of romantic idea, which is not a good thing to say that that apparently is the sort of offence that should get news MAX. Taken off agency, however, see and which overtly promoted riots in the middle of the summer and increase Cuomo went on television and he said: where does it say in the constitution? That protest is supposed to be peaceful and somehow that promote? there is only one side of the argument: these same networks
Congress people have also been key factors and spreading this information related to the pandemic. A media watchdog found over two hundred fifty cases of covert nineteen misinformation on Fox news. In just one five year period, economist demonstrated Fox NEWS had demonstrable impacts on non compliance with public health guidelines. Actually didn't we studied that at the time the evidence that Fox NEWS was directly responsible for people not wearing mask, for example, is exuberantly weak. They couldn't even link the peace we're not one. Mass two people were watching, for example, show inanity one online platform suspended anti monetize await and channel online because it was spreading covert. Ninety misinformation, news MAX's, amplified allegations that members of the Chinese Communist Party helped to develop the covenant. Nineteen, a vaccine- that really that's that's the big one that came up with news met is the news MAX said that maybe the c c p has some we do that with the development of the virus? In reality, there is eight. There is a fairly good amounts of information at this thing, while not created by the sea.
he was in fact lead from a will hand, lab there's more information, so that suggestion, then there is the idea that it came from a wet markets, as we originally told some idiot eight about but say these members of Congress. Sadly, these facts: New one popular television show every segment about oil and last April, that included a dire warning, the kind of information, alien and his spewing right now could end up getting people killed a wow you quoted last week tonight with John Oliver Amazing, with John Oliver says it. It must be true because John Oliver's super reliable source will continue with the censorship, the democratic, pushing this authoritarian stuff and it can come with a happy face, but the happy face does not make it any sort of it does not mean that these people are in favour of liberty, they absolutely or not, lead to more or less in just one. Second. First, if you want to have time, you want to save money, there's a great way to do. It don't go to the post office.
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in the United States, both of them, I believe, are currently being sued by dominion. That is the system working I'll, tell you what is not system working sitting members of Congress looking to have platforms de platform things they dont like that's dangerous! If that's what you're a terrier stuff, that's top down censorship in full authority and left us mode. So here's what these Congress people say. Remember this letter to the head of agency, yet to our knowledge, the cable satellite over the top companies that disseminate these media outlets to American yours done. Nothing in response to the misinformation air by these outlets agency currently carries Fox NEWS News, Maximo Anna on: U verse Directive unity in tv as a couple, That sort of seventeen million Americans agency plays your role in the spread of dangerous mints, misinformation that enable the insurrection of January six and hinders our public health response to the current pandemic. Another rights, in other words, if you don't mirror what we believe, we believe that you should shut them down, no notice. What they're doing again. Congress cannot pass a law shrinking spread of freedom of speech, but members of Congress can pressure company
like agency into restricting freedom of speech. There are centrally turning these companies into their agents in order to shut down free speech, which is authorised area stuff. It really is, it is governing working hand in glove with corporations to shut down your freedom of speech. Corporations know this by the way. What do you think that Coca COLA is doing diversity training there doing? for fear of liability, their doing so because they are afraid, they're, gonna be sued, and that you're looking at some lefty judge, who decides that discrimination is taking place because they didn't insulating
cells by buying a twenty thousand dollar Robin the annual bull crap course Reason Coca COLA is doing this. Is the Democrats leave them alone? Read that the reason that all of these corporations are craving to the Woke mob is because the Woke mob has you rivers of power in a wide variety of institutions right now, not just at the top of corporations work there a lot of people who had corporations or sympathetic to the Woke mob, but they have the whip hand when it comes to the media. If the whip hand, when it comes to social media companies and most of all, they have the whip hand when it comes to members of Congress or willing to shut down free speech, not formally through passage of a war but through simple outside pressure, so say these Congress people it is. For these reasons we asked you provide us with responses to the following questions about agencies, policies for content carried on: U Verse, Directv an agency. What moral or ethical principles do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or once take avarice actions against the channel there too,
liberally beat. These are not questions directed eliciting answers. Of course, these are questions. It was it it at directed at the listening response, namely the cancellation of all these outlets that Anna s shoe and and Jerry Mcnerney, don't like to do you require, through contracts or otherwise of the channels. You carry abide by any content guidelines. If so, please provide a copy of the guidelines. How many of your support Britain into Fox NEWS News Maximilian and on? U verse refugee agency tv for each of the four weeks preceding the November third, twenty twenty elections, please specify the number of subscribers the tuned into each channel you know that is the product for them. Setting up some sort of liability argument is, though, agency is liable for damage done at the capital building, because there were morons who decided to commit criminal act on the basis of speech that may or may not been true, but certainly do not meet the standard of legal incitement. What steps did you take pride, or two on or following the November third, twenty twenty elections to monitor respond to reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement to violence by chance
your company disseminates millions of Americans. Please ascribe each step that you took. Have you taken any adverse actions against a channel, including Fox NEWS, for using your platform? Have you ever taken actions against a channel for using a platform to disseminate disinformation? Are you planning to Can you carrying Fox NEWS News Maximilian and give these are members of Congress or overtly attempting You shut down the dissemination of information cuz, they don't like these channels and all of this lets you Federal Communications Commission of Brandon Carr, calling this a bird, a chilling transgression of which he wrote a letter to them. He said by writing letters to cable providers. Another regulated entities that carry these news media outlets. The Democrats are shut, sending a message that is, that is as clear as it is troubling. These regulated entities will pay a price if the targeted newsrooms do not conform to democratic, preferred political narratives. Physique, showing transgression of the free speech, writes that every media outlets in this
country enjoys. He says, debate on matters of public interest should be robust, uninhabited and wide open, more speeches better than less at the concerted effort by Democrats you drive political dissent from the public square, represents a market departure from the first the norms, a newsrooms decision about what stories to cover and how to frame them should be beyond the reach of any government official, not targeted by them. He says to the House Democrats that use there she'll letter had to launch this inquiry. I would say this your demand to know that moral principles that guide a private entities decision about what news to carry cannot be reconciled with bedrock principles of free speech and journalist freedom. I call my ass. You see, colleagues to join me in publicly denouncing this attempt to safer political speech and independent news judgment, but here's the thing the binding ministration is happy with the sort of stuff the binding ministration has never sounds it off in favour of free speech, principles and but then something apply even internally to media outlets what media outlets unless are happy to fire people who cross them what they are talking about. The New York Times saying Operative Don Macneil for the grave say,
I'm using the n word in the conversation that why you shouldn't use the n word or today. The big story is it's late, decided they're going to get rid of MIKE Pesca. Sleep is a very left wing out with MIKE Pesca and a graves, and what did he do? You use the onward in describing why you should not use the inward accordingly defector outcome, my pesky hosted slates daily podcast suggest, has been suspended from the company indefinitely sources, confirmed the pessimists definite suspension, is without pay and that has access to the company. Slacken email channels had been revoked. The memo, hunting, pesky suspension sent by slates Ethiopia and track refers obliquely to a conversation that took place in slack last week. Defector has obtained images of the slack conversation that checks memo refers to and which pass argues appoint his previously got into how water for arguing that, in some context, white people should now to say the onward again, this the discussion of the dawn Macneil story from the New York Times so Prescott,
you D, Macneil Journalism. It made the times more valuable to more Americans than having asked him in twenty nineteen would have you said my points are his internal, and I was in a grey area. You guys don't think it was. He said expressed The views not the word, the views he did on the trip are not viable worthy of talking to you or what are you doing as representative of the Times but nothing requiring much on someone management or staff, or no should the times, discipline staffers, who question the idea of what supremacy or will express retrograde ideas on mass incarceration. The question is an out loud utterance of that word in a work environment, favourable censurable, etc. Even as point of clarification to a question exactly about the use of that word, and this led to him essentially being fired, Pesa made a final point. I only its proper to use it and casual com nation, the Edward I'm in no position to sub lacking your time workers. They should be word. It's gonna pop out of a college methods and point if you want. My opinion is that there are some when'd reasons. Why not african american journalist for professor would use that word when conveying a quote in the name of clarity or factual illness, but it's not a comfortable points even pursue.
Now. If I had the opposite opinion an hundred ways, I can make the opinion. I actually have you horrible and racist, and you know what maybe it is so that when the boss Trimness had maybe we should stop this conversation and a slight staffer said quote the said this quote, I feel outraged I cannot believe I had washed enthusiastically provoke people on whether or not it is appropriate to use erase a slur, others late, staffers that spoke to de facto experts. frustration and angry pesky insistence on having that particular conversation quote. I dont want to be in the workplace where people feel emboldened to have this argument. People's humanity is not an intellectual debate. Tat slate. neurons even dared, hope and posted a message is lacking. He didn't ever want to see a similar argument in slack. Ever again, ever again, he said what we are workplace where people argue about things all the time it's also or place where we must think very hard about the lived experience of colleagues whose experience is different than ours. Task has been suspended for weak, and then it has been suspended, upgraded to indefinite. This is insane. This is insane
and by the way, according to halt. He said that if pesky had actually use the inward, you don't even use the inward by when this conversation so revision he's an even use. The Edward said there might be something genes in which using the word is not a viable offence, because you are quoting somebody. For example, what said that of Pesa had used the onward he definitely had been fired. This is insane ok and their staff for shock apparently was not because people were upset about what the bosses we're doing. It's because Pisca had actually said the inward at work. Why he said the inward away. because he was quoting somebody. So then they did suspended him or fired him from slate. If this is the authoritarian left at work and they have the upper hand in major corporations on left, not just in the unless in major corporations across the board, so, for example, Ryan Anderson in excellent thinker over the Heritage Foundation, who writes on Trans issues in a really
The book we ve talked about on the show it's called when Harry became Sally, responding to the transgender movement, and it is illogical point by point debunking many, the myths surrounding transgender ism and gender identity and the here that gender is entirely malleable. He goes wrong. Science, Amazon pulled his book. This week said today that there is that the best description of that would be a digital book burning when you actually remove a book from Amazon as it did Robert polemics. The goal of a book burning is to remove that book from circulation. They just remove that comes on the heels of just a few months ago, the attempt by Amazon's remove Abigails friars book from their shells they're doing into Ryan Right Anderson's. When heritage can Sally encounter books, which is the publisher, they said if Amazon, which controls most of the books heels in America has decided to deal, is to book with which some of its
generous agree. This is unconscionable assault on free speech. You'll have a chilling effect on the publishing industry and the free circulation of ideas. It must not be left to stand on challenge. That is one hundred percent right, but again the authoritarian left is on the march. The authoritarian left has cudgeled corporations into doing this, and serious work government cannot do I've. Gotten corporate to mirror their authoritarian priorities? We already know that the media mirror their authoritarian priorities, the cheer the stuff on day after day. We know that social media has given me during those authoritarian priorities because they are being pushed into it by the way differs abrasion twitters enthusiastic. Did you at Facebook? I think reluctantly does it, but the reality is that when you have Congress sitting on your neck and saying they're gonna break, you up, unless we do their bidding, will you and That means I can find some literally said that she literally said to the heads of social media. If you don't police this contents, we're gonna have to do something about it ourselves. Here there is a violation of first amendment principles, but the authoritarian left is in control. So when people say that there is an author orator in right- and that is a grave-
the country there is a fringe authoritarian right. I'm lookin pretend that there are people on the right who believe authoritarian principles, enrollment democracy, very much or who think that democracy so improperly functioning and we need to overthrow it or stuff like that. There are People who believe that that is a small number of people mainstream. Democratic party apparently believes that it is ok to use emissions of power. They have an american corporations in american institutions, at universities, in the media and in government in order to cram down and anti. First amendment antifreeze speech, Anti liberty position as a mainstream left position. The authoritarian left went to war with the liberals and the authoritarian left, apparently one that is worth things currently stand already in just a second we're going to be getting to Joe Biden, who are apparently is a good president according to the press, because he is very empathetic. That's all the matters that he's empathetic doesn't matter. That is pushing policy. It makes no sense. He sympathetic, because that's all we care about these days or gets more of that interest one. Second. First, if you are looking to make your
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You're missing out check out zip recruiters outcome, slash daily wire that a zipper cooler, the smartest way to hire already we're gonna get to the Joe Biden. Commemoration for five hundred thousand lives lost first, it's that time of month. When I get to sit down with some of my favorite people in the world for an absurd backstage yeah, you can tell em enthused, but watch. Me suffer as I join Jeremy boring that Walsh, Andrew quivered and yes, the Excalibur, an unthinkable awful Michaelmas tomorrow night, seven pm eastern, as we roundtable that current events in big patricians, like probably council, called so join us a daily Werner com or on the daily, where Youtube to watch again that a seven p m eastern six pm central before going any further. I want to tell you all A new shall coming out this Friday, hosted by one. I told you at the beginning of your at all sorts of excellent content that was coming to daily. Where are you know that, later on this year we're gonna have on Canada? Ganz Gonna Avenue show here a daily wire yard
that will make an will be with Gina Corona, where he brought out run hide fight with all sorts of amazing content. For you now I am bringing out a new series and the seriousness can be so useful for you. It's gonna be incredibly useful for you. What is it basically edges? Debunk left a Smith every week the left is constantly making arguments that are filled with fallacies and anti factual assertions by every Friday in fifteen minutes or less exclusively for our daily. Where members I have a new show, it's called debunked every week, I'll take a fats and logic position and put up against a popular leftist argument. The kindness, your friends posting share all over the internet. whether its climate change or universal health care. I'm gonna help you completely dismantle those particular argument. So, if you're not already a daily well remember, haven't over daily wired outcome, Slash Subscribe, use the code debunked to get twenty five percent off. The first episode drops it this Friday However, the Delaware dot com slash subscribes to great resource, for you only available to our members use code debunked for twenty five percent off in listening to the largest fastest growing conservative packaging
radio show in the nation. Already. Meanwhile, Joe Biden did a commemorative events for fun. Hundred thousand american lives lost of nineteen. Obviously, that is a massive tragedy. Every one of those lives lost is indeed a tragedy, and that the goal here was really twofold. One was for him to demonstrate empathy. As you will see, this is the bottom line right. This is the line all throughout the campaign. Is that Donald from had no sympathy? But Joe Biden is a man of empathy and is what the media like about it is that he is capable of emotion, and we know that that is his threat just think about things on genuine sure. All that I am sure that a lot of his emotion is genuine. That's fine emotion doesn't happen to solve problems. Very often emotion gets in the way of solving problems, and I don't judge prison
on how much empathy they have. I judge President's on how well they do in doing the things they are supposed to do. Our than my plumber has empathy outcome with my work has empathy and I don't care what the president has empathy. I'm very I've been clear about this, since the ghetto, in fact, their good studies to show its sympathy, is useful in politics, because it allows you to think about a wide variety of people who are not. You. Empathy is actually problem. Empathy is where you put yourself in somebody else. Issues sympathy is where you sympathise with somebody else's positions. Empathy makes you elevate certain people above other people, because your empathizing with them right so empathy can actually be a problem in politics. There is a great book called against empathy via by a psychologist all about this, about how it, in future, how in politics, it's kind of a problem, in any case Joe Biden does this event and in the middle of the event, he basically is that the goal of the event is not only to to demonstrate empathy, but then to suggest that people who disagree with his gun than the people who don't agree with the way his approaching policy are not perfect or that that is what politics usually is is trying to create,
a level of of moral superiority for yourself and make our opponents seem Morley inferior. So Joe Biden does this event, and he says, for example, is TAT and the politics and misinformation. Ok, we ve been talking about four weeks of this point. Joe Biden has been achieved. Purveyor of covert misinformation, since his accessions to the Office of President he's put out the idea that there was no covered plan, a lie. He suggested that the covered vaccine plan did not exist he has had people promoting the idea that teachers cannot go back to school safely. Right now, a lie. The president of the United States has been overtly using teachers union talking words and just shoving them into CDC standard, which is disinformation and misinformation, is left likes to say, goodbye, Here is Joe Biden nonetheless saying that his opponents are the ones who are promoting politics and misinformation. He's the president using it to do this routine anymore. Now is the time for you actually do your job. We must end the politics of misinformation, provided families.
News in the country as cost too many lives already. It's not Democrats and Republicans were dying from a virus. It's our fellow Americans, it's our neighbours. Our friends are mothers or fathers, our sons and daughters. Husbands, wives, we have to fight this together as one people as the United States aware that that is such a string of platitudes. What does that mean What does that mean? Can we get specific here if, if people are saying they should go out and you should congregate with other people and there's no risk of covert if you, without vaccination or anything, and they should not? Where am asking not socially distance, yet its spread the virus, because if you say that, then that would be an end. You say it's not gonna where the virus that's misinformation, but if we are talking generally, as Joe Biden says, that that misinformation is the cause of the virus spreading
I noticed something which is the Andrew Cuomo. Your favorite government litera governor literally lied to the american people, whose own constituents to the families of people who died he likes, whose fellow democratic legislators and your administration would even say that, and then you have the temerity to get up and one of these events and say something like we have to stop the mission, for should the politics I dont, believe you, I dont, believe it you're interested in that President Biden. I wish that I believed you, but I dont, but again the goal here is just to get media to to cry over Hamlet, he would you did successfully. Here is CNN John Kang saying you know, he's sympathetic, that's really the thing! The matters is the empathy, the empathy, the empathy you not, I noticed actually more important any empathy reopening the schools in getting people to vaccines they need and also not telling people. The dioxin is not going to allow us to get back to regular life. You wanna talk about putting out misinformation habit. The idea that we that we believe that you're gonna transmit the virus at the same rate weather and I get the vaccine get suggestion has been put out. There is absolutely evidence free bats.
Information. The vaccine does lower not only a risk of death to something like ninety nine percent risk of death goes down. It was serious illness goes down well with ninety five percent, but also your risk of transmission goes down by something like ninety percent. According to the latest studies its misinformation suggest otherwise, but we don't care about that. All you care about is the Joe Biden is caring person. He cares about you, ok, here's the thing. Let me just tell you a little secret Joe Biden, maybe occurring person. The government doesn't care about you cause. The government has no your name, your taxpayer, that's all becoming here until the gunman cares about you're. Just a you are just a tool for them: Yuri Widget, to the government of Pilgrim, the former senator from to access it. He he was once told in a hearing that by some witness that that that witness cared about his children and pilgrims had really what are their names. That is it that is
exactly how should respond when someone from the governments has I care about you, your first response should be no new. You really don't you care about me in the same way that a plumber cares about me paying him to fix my toilet. Why should we pretend that are politicians are the most carrying and wonderful of peace When we all know this is precisely the opposite again, you have to propagate the notion that Joe Biden is full of empathy so that you don't catch runs. The faculties actually, for here is a hearse. Here's John King from Vienna. You have a president who is shaped Joe Biden, worthier, Ribera credit republican and independent they're. Watching he's been shaped by the personal tragedy in his own life. He understands what it is like for a family to suffer, for a family to lose and for a family to have to get up and recover, and that's why this is his ammo and his DNA Wolf to be an emphatic president and not try to hide from these numbers. Are he inherited a mess in the trap of illustration that he is now accountable in what ways you been held accountable by your media seriously hit? Have you seen? One headline holding Joe Biden accountable for the hundred thousand Americans have died since he took office.
Every everyday there's a headline like its unthinkable, how many Americans? It is eighty three Vietnam wars that have happened under Donald Trump, a hundred thousand Americans have died since Joe Biden took office. Seventy moroz headlines, not one. but you know sympathetic sets all the matters. Dana bastion same thing on CNN Trump was very non empathetic character, but we know the Joe Biden has. turkey's all empathy all the time. What an event that the White House put on for the american people and the world to memorialize the half, a million people who have been taken by this virus- and you know I don't want to do a lot of looking back but at almost the same location where his predecessor came back from the hospital having the virus himself and ripped off his mask. What a difference just a few months makes and having somebody who, as my colleagues have said, wants to a moat and to emphasise and to sympathize
and to grieve with this country, look I'm not looking for a psychologist, I'm looking for a priest and are looking for rabbi, I'm looking for a guy who is actually going to do what he promised and crush the virus is not doing any that stuff in fact he's in Thrall to a bunch of people whose policies are completely non empathetic because they are actually care about Americans. Let me give you an example. Roca is a democratic I was present and he says you use s about minimum wage. Read the minimum wage is in the debate and covered really felt here is his response about minimum wage coming small businesses to the sound of authority when it comes to the policy, the scrapping sympathetic, here's Roca, how does this, in your view, effect mom and pop businesses, who are just struggling to keep their doors open, keep workers on the payroll right now, but they should be doing it by paying people low wages. We don't want a low wage businesses. I think most successful small businesses can pay a fair wage, so I love small businesses of all for it, but I once more businesses that are under way
employees, its beer for people to be making what their produce it, and I think fifteen dollars- is very reasonable in this handsome pathetic. He knows how your business runs better than you do and if you agree with him, he's perfectly happy for business Gander. That's all that matters to em right. Tens of attitude does not super empathy. Empathy he's empathetic sympathetic, also if your business goes under even care. Also vacant can't go back to school in care. You want to know what the actual underlying emotive ism here is about. It is all about garnering sympathy for political ends, since that are completely non empathetic. We all know this. The binding ministrations mirroring all of the priorities of the American Federation of teachers when it comes to reopening schools here by the is what the American Federation seizures present. Randy Weingarten had to say about whether kids, recover from missing an entire year of school, not being with their classmate experiencing significant mental health disorders, really, I know many people have had kids were
suffering what the source of here is that the very and pathetic Renoir garden on this topic. I believe that kids are resilient. Oh and kids will recover, but we, as adults have to meet their needs, their emotional meets their social needs. There are learning needs and that's who America's educators are, but at the end of the day, we have to believe that this is recovered, and we have to believe that, firstly, all our kids will thrive with the opportunities that we put before them. Ok, so what you just said is, after kids, becoming translate that regulations had after gets, that's a damn. It gave so for all of the empathy and emotive is what really comes down to it comes down to policies which constituency can I please don't recognize. This is true for all your politicians, Democrat Republican. All of them
anybody who works for you want sympathy, get a dog you want. You want sympathy, get married, you want to eat. You want your politicians to bring you. These things are looking for love in all the wrong places, and you deserve to have whatever ridiculous policy to promote shut down your face, because it is that swear. If that's what you're? Looking for your love, my goodness, get a life, get a community get friends Are we vacuum later today with an additional hour of content, otherwise coming up soon? Is that, while show that errors at one thirty pm Eastern be sure to check that out over a daily, where I come sure this is the bench Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael moles show and that, while show thanks for listening, eventually,
Show is produced by Coltan House executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producers are if his Glover and Robert Sterling production methods Papa wide asking our associate producers, Rebecca Doyle, inhumanity Mingott it shows did by Adam silent Audio is mixed MIKE Camino here and make up is my Favila, Christina Production Assistant, grant the bench of Euro Show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty one miracle Ireland claims that domestic terrorism doesn't count and happens at night, the head of the American Federation of teachers arrogantly waves away concerns about the well being of children. Coca COLA continues its damage. Control efforts after its racist anti white indoctrination of employees, was revealed in a recent study claims that left wings. Female politicians are the primary targets of abuse and harassment online. All of that and much more today on about worship.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-14.