« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1197 - The Wind Turbines Are Frozen


Texas freezes as the power grid buckles; the Washington Post worries that conservatives are complaining too much about cancel culture; and Joe Biden loses it on national TV, but the fact checkers are there to save him. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Texas freezes as the power grid buckles. The Washington Post worries that conservatives are complaining too much about cancer culture and Joe Biden, Finally, zero national tv, but the fat truckers are there to save him. Don't worry, I'm bench bear this is the venture, borrowing Yeah then Shapiro shortly sponsor by expressing the piano, I haven't gotten a vip, and yet what are you doing this? It expresses gps dot com slash than we can get to all the news in just one moment. First, let me remind you: silver is treading right now and birch gold are friends vertical. They sell it, both gold and silver. Here's the thing we are now at the mercy of one party control: it means a giant giant attacks in Spain. Agenda in this is what Joe Biden has promised us with. The Democrats are eager to implement
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we in Florida waving at the rest of you guys it's great down here, but pretty much everywhere else in the United States is frozen. Some. Seventy four percent of the United States right now is under snow or ice. It's amazing thing I mean we haven't seen a weather snap like this and probably a hundred years hundred twenty years now the Texas GRID basically failed. Yesterday it frequently required rolling blackouts and I've seen a lot of people in California chortling at this, and because taxes in cattle. Cornea, arrivals taxes. Conservative California is Goober, liberal, hey here's the thing: when californians look at taxes, ha ha you're grid failed. You are getting some of that from people in the media left. Let us just quickly note when California's electrical grid failed it because it was hot during the summer, I used to live their care of their from nearly all of my life and every year, there'll be rolling blackouts in some sort or another because of the completely predictable, whether pattern of it being hot during the summer, in LOS Angeles, is that is not the same thing as a war.
In a century cold snap that hits Texas and then the power grid veils see unexpected events tend to have unforeseen consequences. Why would Texas spend the Julian's of dollars to operate again something that happens once every one hundred and twenty years apparently is so they're not equivalent. In that way, it was just begin with that, but now there is widespread debate over why the Texas electrical grid fail. Me answer is their multiple factors as to why the electrical red failed, you're, seeing the media run out their screaming to protect the wind turbines, so one of the furies that the wind turbines in Texas basically froze over and stop producing the requisite amount of electricity and other one of the theory is that the electrical grid itself was not essentially wired for this kind of and natural gas was failing, because a lot of the pipelines were not actually insulated for this kind of culture. As always, whenever there is a crisis, there generally multiple factors and play, but you ll notice The media are only defending one of the factors that will be the wind turbines. Now, let's be real about this, when turbines and one most expensive forms of energy and taxes. Taxes
natural gas and oil state, and so the case that many conservatives are making today is what, if we had invested more in you know the more efficient form of energy and less in the wind turbines. Would that have given us enough capacity to overcome the shortages created by the cold snap, and the answer is maybe I so here's the Washington Post has to say this is according to Will England writing for the Washington Post? when it gets really call that can be hard to produce electricity, as customers in Texas in neighbouring states are finding out, but not impossible, operators Alaska, Canada, main Norway in Siberia, do it all the time I mean first of all, that's because virtually everything in those places built for things being extremely cold climate in Texas is generally not a decline in Norway or Siberia. What has sent Texas Is none engineering problem, nor is it the frozen wind turbines blamed by prominent Republicans. I loved the media like not national is not wind turbines, not at all you.
If those wind turbines alone, you stop that with the wind turbines again winds, our minds are a factor to pretend they are not. A factor is to ignore the fact that again, crises usually have multiple parents. It is a financial structure for power generation that offers no incentive to power plant operators to prepare for winter. In the name of irregular free markets, critics say text has created an electrical grid that puts an emphasis on cheap prices over reliable service. Well, I mean Texas create an electrical grid, the put an emphasis on cheap prices because, generally speaking, she prices are very, very good for consumers, and that seems to make a bit of difference. But the Washington Post take here is that deregulation that created all of this, because the highly regulated power Britain forty has minstrel wild mass of success. So it's not wind turbines. According to the Washington Post, it's the deregulation of the electrical grid system, as the government would solve this sort of thing just right away. That's what the government is great at solving crises according to the Washington Post, the temperature. wreck of that market Monday and Tuesday has seen the wholesale price of electricity in Houston go from twenty two bucks, megawatt, our
about nine thousand dollars. Meanwhile, four million Texas household have been without power. Well, yes, it turns out when there is a dramatic increase in demand- and there is a and there is a dip in supply, the prices go up. That is how supply and demand grids we're when you tell any company gritty which sells powered wholesale raced, retail customers that locking enterprise in advance told its patrons Tuesday to find another provider before they get soft with tremendous bills which, by the way I mean, should be noted if these were just capitalist, greedy pigs. If you like, yeah, I keep on ordering those nine thousand dollars a kill, a medal our bills, please keep doing the widespread feeling in Texas and, to a lesser extent, Oklahoma Louisiana Shy, in the light of what some see as the dear let State America's power infrastructure, a mirror reflection of the cost and struck a phoney last summer. So the entire case from the Washington Post, of course, is that the the grids failures are
to privatisation. Because again, if there is one thing we know about, government run systems is that they are incredibly efficient and their insulated against every form of attack always does what the government is great at its effort, not Governor Gregg Abbot call to save for a form of the state's electric grid operator. The electric reliability Council of Texas Aircraft is far too many. Texans are without power and heat for their homes. As our state faces freezing temperatures and severe winter this is unacceptable. He said he would work with the legislature to find ways to ensure our state. Never experiences power outages like this again. Meanwhile, go on the right side of the AL. There were saying you know. One of the problems here is, in fact the windmills so, for example, down Crenshaw our friend from Texas. He said with black to cross taxes. Many are wondering what happened. Leftist are cheering a red they'd having energy problems. Here is the truth about what happened. Summary a mix of oversight, women are G and under investment in gas power means we didn't have enough base load energy for a massive spike in a man also, taxes infrastructure isn't designed for once in a century freezes. This is correct.
They point out the West Texas had wind turbines, they had to be the ice, the little energy, the our regulators plan on being supplied from wind was now gone. He says we have almost there one gigawatts of win installed on the grid. On Monday, we couldn't even depend on six gigawatts working to make matters. our existing storage. Wind energy in batteries was also gone because batteries we're losing sixty percent of their energy in the call bottom line. Renewables, don't work well in extreme weather endeavour. Will this is what happens when forced. The grids rely in part on wind power source when weather conditions get bad as they did this week. Instrument Global energy like wind, isn't there when you needed to nuclear? Also that you called me only have four nuclear units, Access near Houston. Adele is one of the reactors near and turned off due to a safety sensor, freezing no problem with the reactor, but the lack of the sensor force the plant to shut down as a precaution, he says It is also a good indicator of how safe nuclear is, because they have all sorts of safety, which is three. We don't of natural gas online Erika again, that is the Texas Power GRID, planned on sixty seven.
gigawatts natural gas and coal, but could only forty three gigawatts but online wouldn't run out of natural gas. The ability to get transported pipelines in Texas, don't use called installations, they froze. Natural gas plants get online down. Plants were due to schedule. Maintenance, governor Abbot, made the right calling diverting all match yes to home heating fuel and then electricity for homes, gas and coal brought a stable supplied energy, but still not enough Why don't we have extra gas power when we need it most because years a federal subsidies for wind has causing over lines on wind and an under investment New gas nuclear plants, the bottom line is that fossil fuels are the only thing that saved us. They are the base load energy even
if we're even more alliance and the wind turbines that froze the outages would have been significantly worse. So this is the point in this work. French I hit the nail on the head. So crisis has many parents, as I say, failures of the electrical grid which in retrospect are somewhat foreseeable, but not completely foreseeable. Considering, MRS you know a once in a lifetime than to the the freezing of a lot of the natural gas and oil pipelines, three the wind turbines, but here is the question which one of these things is a solution now left would say that the natural gas and oil are the problem. Are they want more wind turbines so which factor here is the cheapest to build the cheapest to maintain and the most reliable over the course of its development? And the answer here is now wind turbines, so if you're looking from problems to solutions, villains actually solve problems like this in the future, there are few things that you can do what it can make sure that the pipelines actually have the heating infrastructure necessary. They don't phrase,
two. You can make sure that the nuclear power plants there more of them three. You can stop subsidizing the most expensive form of energy and the form of energy that is most likely to fail to when it comes to solutions. The solution is indeed fewer subsidized winds.
mines and more subsidization of the most efficient form of energy. If this is what you are worried about, we'll get some more of this in just one second, because the media dont want to focus on the answers to the problem, because if they focus on the answers to the problem, it might necessitate I'm taking a second look at the expense of nature of giant wind turbines in the middle of nowhere. We get more of this in just one second, first, let us talk about your sleep quality, so I would meet the my little baby woke up at four a m last night. She's been teething heart. Well then, that I, when I got back on the mattress, I really wanted to go to sleep with the Good NEWS is when I get on the matters. I sleep like a baby should because I have a helix sleep at mattress. Helix sleep has acquit. It takes just two minutes to complete the matches, your body type and sleep references to the perfect mattress. For you, why would you buy a mattress made for someone else with helix you're? Getting a mattress that you know will be the perfect way for you to sleep. Everybody is unique. He looks knows that they have several different mattress model for you to choose from they. Ve got soft medium for mattresses, mattresses. That rate for cooling you down. If you see pot united
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Here's that, whether event combining low wind and solar production and record a man could lead to blackouts this week that event become reality as new wind and solar generation failed to produce when it is needed most as temperatures drop further on Sunday and electricity demand started rising when generation also began to drop eventually bottomed out at two percent of installed capacity. Last night is a here's. The thing natural gas and oil was operating at maybe seventy percent of its installed capacity when generation was operating it maybe two percent of installed capacity. Preliminary data indicates conservation measures and rolling outages. We're not initiated quickly enough, contrary to numerous false reports. That call a natural gas plants were also frozen. Almost all those reliable generators were operating without interruption until the system failure, just as they do in cold climates all over the world? The situation could have been avoided, had aircars ACT, more swiftly.
But I never would have been an issue had a grin agreed not been so deeply penetrate by renewable energy sources that contribute the least when they are needed. The most profit by billions in taxpayers funded subsidies every single year a so this happens to be. The truth now put a fact, of course, is going to say that you can plan the wind turbines. Never ever blame the wind turbines be left as a political act. but the wind turbines. So here's what they say they say Texas does have obligations, amount of wind power in winter. It supplies about twenty five percent of the state's electricity and nearly half of that capacity shut down when ICE coated, the turbine blades as residents tried to heed their homes, demand search the agency, the manages the States power grid, the Electric Reliability Council, taxes imposed rolling blackouts, a question, as was the its reliance on wind power. To collegial did it failed? Have enough gas and coal capacity to meet people's needs during extreme conditions. The numbers show the natural gas plants where the biggest cause of the power shortfall not win. The states grid operators had February fifteen about thirty four gigawatts of power offline, but of that about four gigawatts was due to problem with wind turbines. The rest can mainly from this day,
Primary sources- natural gas and coal- those of you have heard that frozen wind turbines are to blame, think again: Treaty Jesse, Jenkins Engineering, Professor Princeton, extremes, men and thermal power plants outages are the principal causes, while the extreme demand, of course, is a principal cause. The question is: where is the flexibility in the supply? So here is the point if the, if the natural gas and oil facilities were responsible for a bulk of the loss of energy, but also are responsible for the vast bulk of the power that is Clyde, then the problem is probably with the other. Twenty five percent of the power supply were easy, other play with numbers here. What will upload a fact is saying is that in Winter
wind turbines are usually responsible for twenty five percent of the state's electricity in the middle of this power outage, essentially half the capacity shut down somewhat to twelve percent. Twelve point five percent. Meanwhile, the other seventy five percent of state capacity is provided by natural gas oil, coal, nuclear and of that the the bulk worked. Ok, but because it provides a larger percentage generally. That means that the absolute amount of energy lost in a particular sector was higher here. That is not That does not speak to most efficient source of power is pretty obvious. What the most efficient source of power here wasn't. It was not win so again. The solution here is not going to be more wind turbines and more investment into into renewed. Energy resources or anything like that. The solution
everybody knows is going to be less subsidization of the least efficient forms of energy. There's a certain irony to the fact that the same day that this happened the same day that this happened in Texas, the Editorial Board of the Washington Post, says that they want to raise Gas tax ray I'm not getting through the exact same day, poor timing here, because they weren't electrical vehicles. You take over the road. The only way to make electrical vehicles com a competitive in the in the american market is to raise the gas tat an artificially boost the price of carbon based energy sources so in the same people who say that they want to blame natural gas and oil and coal oh and nuclear, and all the other forms of energy that are the most efficient forms of energy. Although some people are saying what, if we took those forms energy and made the more expensive innate they brought out the senatorial. On the same day, the Texas was frozen over and people. were dying in their homes because they literally didn't have he'd well done.
Can see how the environmental left is really doing. Yeoman work over here, because, unfortunately, environments wasn't sometimes great idea. Sometimes it has improved significant costs and those costs make themselves most apparent. In crisis times when they least reliable form of energy, is relied upon it too much, and that is one of the many things that happened here, but it is also the easiest one defects and the one that people in what are desperate not to have fixed at any point in the near future. Already in just a second, we are going to get Joe Biden doing a town hall on CNN, which essentially meant that they did propaganda. Our four cnn we'll get to the fact checkers in their their fats. Checking is really incredible, gets that in just one moment. First, let's talk about a great new podcast, raising a trailer park with no clear path to success, kicked out of high school multiple times faced with becoming a father, the scenes Jason Waller its definition of a true underdog after hearing words, no or you can't many times unleashed the power within the start. Three successful companies with him
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anybody who have you want and honest accounting from the media right now, you're not going to get it. There is a certain amount of gas lighting. It's happening can feel turning your God, ok and what what it is is that Joe Biden and Bind administration will say things that overtly false there they'll just say things that are not true and the media, instead of being the sort of bull dog media, counting every single trump by instead of that, you get the media spinning on behalf of Joe Biden, while declaring itself jacket and it is maddening, it is absolutely cringe worthy. Does the same media and when Donald Trump would say something like. I have tremendous african american support public, better say why that is a lie. That is tremendous african american support. Ok, there's no way to gauge whether that is a lie because an opinion it depends on your definition of tremendous, obviously get but takes no account. That is like an overt lie. Meanwhile, Joe Biden will say things that are overtly untrue, like factual on their face baldly untrue. The members media will immediately spin it away because they understand their job and our job is to be the propaganda outlets for Joe Biden.
Because we must never under any circumstances, tell the truth about Joe Biden. Less people figure out the man is: is a doddering elderly far left facade? and then he really is not running on administration. We should never think about the stuff he's doing which just freedom is like a charming all due to likes to play Luigi in Mario CART, that's really worshipper our focus! Ok! Last night, Joe Biden did one these terrible events, and it is weird that we now exist in a world where the soft bigotry of law expectations for politicians is is so obvious refer Donald Trump. There was some that's right. Every time you gave a speech from teleprompter, but that was amazing as well yak as usual from teleprompter with Joe Biden. Yet the same things like oh, my god, he strung together half a sentence. That's unbelievable! Look! The old man go that's on boy, but there's a lot of this last. I look at this.
credible performance, he was having trouble, straining together, coherent thought, but we're supposed to pretend that he is utterly with it you just as within, as he was back in the eighties when whose barely with that anyway, so that the media's criminal suffers pretty amazing. So here is so Joe Biden had a lot of things to say a lot of things to say. Perhaps the most weird portion of this town hall is when he was talking about China policy so whose ass specifically by them later about the fact that China has been engaging in a genocide against weaker Muslims, and his answer was not only nonsensical. It was basically propaganda. Talking point on behalf of the chinese government and the media mediately ship swift. It is shifted and swivel into full scale. Joe Biden defence vote here was Joe Biden talking about his conversation with Asian, paying the dictator of China about the chinese genocide against Weeder Muslim
I don't know what he thinks you saying here, but it's not good, and so the idea, I'm not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong. What he's doing what the wiggers in western mountains of China. I was trying to end the one China policy by making a forceful, I said, and by the he said he he gets it. Culturally, there are different norms in each country and they, their leaders are expected to follow. Why guess what he actually saying at the end, there is so crazy, ass, crazy he's saying you know he gets it that I have to criticise. Here we have cultural norms against genocide here in the west. He gets that I have to criticise and about that, but we must understand they have cultural norms is well. I mean yeah, I'm in a criticise it. I'm speak loudly about it, but I mean let's, let's be real about this. I mean that
have their cultural norms, I'm to reach the entire transcript of what he said again, because I think that it is- and I think it is well worth reading, as some people are going to suggest that this is taken out of context, and it is really really really not so here by naturally sat right. There will be repercussions for China and Jumping knows that's what I'm doing he's making clear that we in fact are going to continue to reassert our role as spokesperson for human rights at the, U N and other agencies that have an impact on their attitude and then he continued and there's a part of you just heard. I point out: him no american president can be sustained as a president if he doesn't reflected allies of the United States, and so the It is I'm not going to speak. I gotta get to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong. What he's doing the weaker, as in western mounds of China and Taiwan, trying to end the one China policy by making it forceful. He gets it culturally their different norms that each In that leaders are expected to follow China, Frank, very hard to become a world leader and to get them on a car and be able to do that they have to gain the confidence of other countries as long as they are engaged in activities that is contrary to basic human rights. It's going to be hard for them to do that and then
said that dumb the issue in China policy in general is much more complicated than that. I shouldn't try to talk China policy in ten minutes on television, so there is in context. Yes, you saying that The human rights abuses are bad, but also, he I mean vision been really understood, whereas coming from because we have different cultures easy and that kind of excuse making from from Trump would be ripped up. and down by the media? But here that I now know no, it's fine. He said how dare you point out that its bad when he says that there are just cultural differences that lead to? You know genocide it's pretty incredible stuff, and that was not the only example of this. Of course, maybe the most obvious examples, Joe Biden, suggesting openly that they didn't have any vaccine when he came into office. Yours, last night during the CNN town Hall, the biggest thing always remember when you and I- and I knew I shouldn't stay at that- weighs remember, but when you and I talked last- we talked about this one thing that the vaccine, which we didn't, have what we came at office, but
NATO, or how do you get the vaccine in someone's on their efficacy? Talking about, I shouldn't say that Ngos aims unilateralism is raging. He saw the man he literally semi generic Jane when it came in office from says that it's, why Biden says it and Daniel Dale fact, checker extraordinaire over at CNN says Barton had said just prior there. Only fifty million doses when he took office, I'm looking into that claimed but clearly wasn't trying to The vaccine did not exist at all under Trump. Oh, you mean no going context realised that it recognises the way that it works for the fact trackers when a Democrat says something this untrue requires context. When Republicans has something that requires contacts, it just untrue. That's it that's the way. This works for the Democrats and their friends in the fact checking media, ok in just a second we're going to get to Joe Biden and his cove. It takes so here's the thing about Joe Biden Undiscovered Ex, so when Joe Biden says that we didn't have a vaccine. Obviously that is untrue,
there are a million shots. Given the day the Joe Biden took office, not only that job. I knows the vaccine was there because Joe Biden was inoculated on January eleventh. So maybe it was a slip of the tongue, but Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post suggested that it was because it Joe Biden, has a study that this happened. Joe Biden doesn't make that excuse for himself. No, it's the Joe Biden is not all here. We all know this to pretend. Otherwise is you failed to look fact direct in the face. We are all aware of this, but it says on the end of the world, with a lot of presidents were half senile, but but but the notion that Joe Biden is in full command here is pretty wild. Meanwhile, he continues to trot out a completely all over the place covered policy in binds covert policies. just all over the place he's got his he's unleashed members of his administration to say that the schools shouldn't actually never reopen and he's got people out there saying they should reopen as soon as possible and he's got. His out is press secretary, gents accuracy and what have we opened it one day a week and now job but what if we opened it all that age? We don't have any idea what you want. I don't know what you're saying all I know is that I don't trust you
because I have no idea what the hell you're talking about your job. disowning transactions response on schools. For example, remember Jackie, said the goal was in a hundred days to have fifty percent of Sky open to hybrid learning, meaning one day a week now here is Joe Biden walking back and you're, taking his press, secretaries, dumping or right under the bus, Your administration had set a goal to open the majority of schools in your first hundred days. You now saying that means those Those may only be open for at least one day a week. That's not true! That's what was reported. That's not true! I was a mistake in the communication, but why? What I'm talking about is, I said, opening the majority of schools in Kay eighth grade because of the easiest to open the most needed to be opened in terms of the impact on children and families having to stay home too. Do you think that would be Kate through aid? I think Londoners week. I will be close to that at the end of the first hundred days
It will be up to now he shifting standard again. Do you believe him they're gonna walk. I went back today. My guess is: within the next week they were walking back. That's not what the teachers unions warrant. It is not what the teachers unions want me well, he is again shifting timelines. You now says that all the shots are going to be available where he changed it even over the course of of twenty four hours said we're going trying it everybody, inoculated by like July, now, he's like what will have an effect scenes when accurate everybody by July, which means not everybody's known Vietnam, elated by July, so you finally asked: when will things be back to normal and here's Biden explaining that things would back to normal? You know like in forever here here is the president of the United States. God love us by mix Christmas, I think, will be in a very different circumstance. God willing then we are today, I think, here from now when I was twenty two below zero here now a year from now, I think that tabby significantly fewer people
having to be socially distance, have to wear masks said, but we don't know Is he insane? Is he insane? A year from now, man look at my calendar. It's the middle of February, dude, you're, saying February. Twenty twenty two, a significantly differ, a people or be wearing, masks and and and socially distancing that are now, but we don't know these dogma forever, honest to God. What's the point of getting a vaccine, if we can go back to normal, I dont know, especially if you're, young and healthy the point, if you're twenty years old of going out and getting a vaccine. If you can't go back to normal, if you take the vaccine, here's the reality. Nobody can do any scrap, nobody knew any. This crap is as soon as there. Any significant level of vaccination in the american community, meaning people over sixty five gotten vaccinated and people who are more vulnerable have gotten Vaccinate Robin back to normal one back a ball games, one back. The theatres, everything's gonna go back to normal. These! Nobody is going to do this.
This is not how human beings were meant to live. We're not gonna continue doing this, just because Joe Biden fears that there might be a covert variant at some point in the unspecified future that could do damage but what if we are treating schools this way for carbon, we should truly shut down the schools entirely because gets what's more dangerous to kids and covered all the things pretty much covered is less dangerous than the flu. We don't shut down the schools in the fall because of flu. Maybe we
two. Maybe we need to socially distance and asked for ever has he's just nonsense. There is no coherent policy coming out of this instruction. None. The lack of a coherent policy is truly amazing, but the Good NEWS is that you always have Docker Anthony Fouch you to clarify things. In my clarify things, I mean be a complete, opaque and opaque piece of glass that no one can see through Falco. I went a. U can see by Friedrich, grandfathering, go back and watch at the beginning. When of this kind of EC. I defended voucher repeatedly said in all of the rage against out she's, unjustified fancies just have died. Trying to do his best now is pretty clear that thousands of political hack, or at least he is morphed into one over the course of time. Here's perfect example so Doktor Anthony Fancy he covered clarifier. The men speaks truth to pallor. Reddish is given in one million dollar prize for political speaking, truth to power, the highest paid man and the federal government Anthony Voucher. So he was asked about Andrew Cuomo lying about nursing. Home numbers remain,
He had said that Andrew Quabos, essentially a model governor vouchers. earlier this year did Andrew common doing exactly the right things in New York and we should follow the lead of Andrew Cuomo Menus asked Andrew the lied about the number of people who died in nursing homes and were infected and nursing homes. So any gunning comments after factory and others on forty who can't shut up about Donald Trump as they had nothing has yet been Andrew Pomona, voucher areas, he's argue that is state was following federal guidelines when he ordered those long term care facilities to accept patients returning from hospitals, I wonder, can clear up? Was he actually following federal guidelines to do? You know Jim. I can't I mean, I'm sorry, I'm not I'm really, honestly not trying to evade you a question, but I'm not really sure of all the details of that, and I think, if I make a statement is probably could either be incorrect or taken out of context. So
refer not to comment on that. Well I mean, wouldn't that be nice. If you refuse to comment on many things over the course of last year, in our supposed taking a different positions on mask and thirty seven different positions on school reopening by the back door, you know what you will comment on and then you factual commanding, will defend to come. Harris for overtly line, camel hair, a sad that there was no vaccine plan when she came into office. It's not true, so here is Anthony Valley, defending calmly Harris's lie because he knows where his bread is buttered. At this point he knows that the right that, unlike in very much that the West loves him gotta, keep those gay gotta keep that credibility flow in their doktor doktor factory. Her was defending Kamel Harris, the a political scientist Doktor Anthony Factory. What I think the Vice president is referring to. Is that the actual plan of getting the vaccine doses into people's arms
was really rather vague. I mean it was not a well coordinated plan, getting the vaccines made getting them ship through operation. Warp speed was ok, but I believe what the vice president is referring to is what is the process of actually getting these doses into people? Oh? Where, because of yes, you take a look at the trenching out of doses. What you will see is that number one states on one's magna's decisions number two. You can see what the line looks like in terms of the number of vaccines that are entrenched out and it looks like a direct straight line. Starting at the beginning of January, there was no dramatic exponential optic under Joe Biden in just two continuation of these acts, him on, which means that bind has been using the same plan get by Doktor, Anthony factually super apolitical super political and the media. Then these folks they'll defend them until the end of time. They can lie to you. They can say things that are untrue. They can spin and they will be defended under all circumstances, which is why John sacking the White have White House. Press secretary can get out there and just
they ridiculous things on a regular basis to the wild cheers The media are gonna, get you Jackie, the most transparent and wonderful of all members of the White House Press corps in just one second. First, let us talk about that magnificent beard that you are growing. I know it's wintertime and a lot of you. My friends, are growing a magnificent, magnificent facial main believe it or not. There are some big celebrations taking place this time of year, especially over a beard supply. That's because it is febrile, Harry Happy February, everyone. It's the time, the year to grow that beer, but please yourself in every one else. If ever do it in style, beer supply running a promo on all their beard oils right now by one get a second one. Fifty percent off no promo code necessary just tenant over the beard, supplied outcomes get the discount today
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and who would wear a lot more calmly, but reminder remember, Christina Grano was cancelled by Disney Plus and look as though for the great sense of being conservative, and that would mean the under the soaring normally. But we hear a daily where we are dedicated to fighting back against this sort of council culture nonsense, and that is why we are now working with Jean Cyrano to produce and develop a film for her the daily. Why rejects, cancel culture and everything it stands for? We are prepared to fight back against the authoritarian, woke left, which is why we now movie deal with Vena she's developing producing starring in an upcoming found that will be released, excuse have led to daily wire members. Revolts at conservatives need to do more than just complaining critique the culture we need to compete in the culture. Give you an alternative, that's what we are attempting to do here right now. That's why we're so excited to be announcing a new partnership with China. We have a lot more entertaining content coming for you as well. Here's the thing we need your help, because this stuff is expensive to produce Disney Plus has eight billion dollars to spend every single year. We ve got you, so we need your help and we'll last night
we didn't all access live by the way you get that when you become in Alaska member. Yet to hang out with me at night, and I gotta tell you the number of people who are enthusiastic about this stuff, the number of people who had joined up just because they wanted to help out Gina people get it, and I think you get it to you get that if you want me part of the fight. The best way to be part of the fight is the control and really I am asking you to do, however, daily wired outcome slashed subscribe, use, Cadena that gee I and a yet twenty five percent off your membership today. Also One of the things you can be able to do is ask questions for the all access members we have a state of the union. Backstage is coming up next week. If Joe Biden can make it through without falling asleep, then we will definitely do our best to do the same. If your watch that state of the union backstage that is coming up next week's Osage Satan for that anyone ask questions than you should become an all access members, you can really participate, in the fun it listening to the largest fastest growing conservative, Pakistan, radio shown the nation. Ok,
Meanwhile, Jens Aki over the White House getting away with her bran her unique brand of dishonesty she says a lot of things, a lot of things as Jackie, so one of my favorite, your member, there is this big scandal where the White House, deputy press secretary, a prison in T J Duck low, was dating a person. Overt act ceos whose covering the Biden transition team in the bud white hasn't abiden campaign. and send, but some people advantage, some people are political started covering that particular story and to teach agent low, called up the woman whose covering the story and basically suggested that she suffered from some sort of sexual jealousy and then take them like fully for five days to fire, the guy first. They try to suspend him. Then, when it became clear that the controversy is not going away, they fired him so dense, accurate asked about this. However, Jackie and she she said. Not. You know what you did the right thing in the end, right away, a credit for that. I thank the president lead by example, and I tried to do the same and one Saturday when we announced that T J D close
resigned. His position, something we all agreed, was the right path forward. I made clear that every day we're going to try to meet the standards set out by the president, entreating others, with dignity and respect with civility and with a value for others through our words and our actions he's no longer and played here, and I think that speaks for itself. Well, I mean you know, speaks for itself the fact that you guys tried to suspend him for we can get away with it. That's what speaks for itself. Other things agenda. Jackie said yesterday I did the sounds pretty great, so she was doing one of these live two camera mailbags. Essentially, people are asking her questions and somebody treated at her. What is present and binding doing for my small business? Listen to this. This is the worst answer I have ever heard to this particular question. What is President Biden doing from my small this first and foremost be nominated, a woman suitably in the Small Business Administration who formerly worked their sex
thing. Is you signed an executive order to make it easier for minority on small businesses to get access to the funding that they need? Ok, so our folks in there on that first answer so the first thing, the most important thing Harrigan, how my small business well somewhere with the China. I assume is going deleting these small Business administration that, according to the White House Press secretary, someone Venus it. So I really, I really don't know two means that woman was nominated, led the SBA, because it could literally be a woman or a man no no one any of that means, but it is very important to you that you're small business will be help because a person's identifies as female is going to be leading the small business administer and I suppose you, like you know, under the from administration or Linda Mc Man, was leading the SBA, a woman, so yet really really well done their Jackie every day the gas waiting I can't take it. I can't take it anymore and work were unlike month. One
ask me a very very long for years with the media in place, because they are just garbage at this. By the way, the by demonstration is actually a push, some pretty bad policy. Her Jackie suggested yesterday that they're gonna radically shift on foreign policy, which we all know is coming so the best part of the Trumpet Ministry by far wasn't foreign policy by far they are any new wars. First administration. I left him, he didn't they brokered several peace deals in the Middle EAST. first administration my lifetime to seriously do that and the me take away is all of that was wrong according to turbines press secretary, what we need is return of the foreign policy blob that boys, Israel making concessions to terrorist and also kowtowing to China and all the rest of this nonsense hears Jackie, pushing bad policy, but at least we have a gun,
who runs the SBA. That's the important thing. I can assure you that the present this president does not have as not looking to the last presidency is the model for his foreign policy moving forward. President Biden has been working in the global arena for decades and what he means by foreign policy for the middle class is ensuring that our team working on economic issues are teamwork and national security issues. Our teams, thinking about how policies impact the american people are talking and that we make decisions and make policies through the prism, so that was those lotta oatmeal coming out from Alfred there, because of them at nothing, except that we don't like Trump into ruin and jump over. All of its foreign policy. Accomplishments. Now here's the thing: why are they allowed to get away with this they're gonna get? It was an awful lot of our policy there going to be getting worse. An awful lot of lies. They ve done so so far for over a month, and that is that is apparently in gonna, be the new the noon
more than a normal, as they just get away with line, and the answer is because the media are in on it, because the media are part of this. The media are a propaganda outlet. Your establishment media are a propaganda out on behalf of Joe Biden, Ministration the same people who are declaring for years that Fox NEWS propaganda outlet for Donald Trump. There are significantly worse when it comes to buy at least our host on Fox NEWS who are critical of Trump when trumpeted dumb or bad things. You cannot find host on CNN who are critical of the binding ministration when they do bad things, because working to people as yet, and I ve never done a bad thing. Occasionally, joint capital ask itself question: it's pretty much it. Meanwhile, the entire media has dedicated itself to focusing on the thing that the most Americans right now, the most important thing in the world, and that, of course, is the January six riots that happened six weeks ago and are over and which tromp was impatient to house, for
non offs any more, but the Good NEWS is you got the media defending the Democratic Party against any and all who point out that the Democratic Party is in fact a radical party that has backed violence in the past and that the media working overtime. They are working overtime for the Democratic Party at this point that play a couple cliffs on us. So Joe Scarborough, a person who five minutes ago was chuckling it up with Donald Trump one who's running for president in two thousand and sixteen getting together with him. He'd make other watching your watch in debates today It's all good times for Joe Scarborough, then Scarborough decided the trunk was the font head of all evil. Now Joe Scarborough is saying that there is no way to criticise the black lives matter rights of the summer in comparison with the capital attack, the level of elite ism that is implicit in this commentary is prettiest,
Punishing it, let's just listen what Scarborough has sittings. This does reflect what many in the media think- and it is so dismissive of the concerns of tens of millions of Americans. Here is just Scarborough saying you can never ever ever points out that there is violence side of the island at many mainstream figures on one side of they'll have given the go ahead to violence. You can't do that you're. Just Scarborough, though another idiots on other cable news channels that will also well it's mom and pop star. was vandalized during the summer riots and that's just as bad as the United States, capital being vandal. Now, though, actually know no jackass, it's not the capital. The United States of America is the center of american democracy, and while I am a fierce believer in people's right to defend their private property, I'm not going to confuse tacos stand.
With the United States gap and see the tattler stand is just something that you personally invested in built a business yourselves and somebody burns that down. I mean that's not that big deal if they take it too. Fair building and then the taxpayer building immediately gets clean by a crew and is defended by police officers. Nothing then that's much like what why we care about you tackle stand again. I'm confused about this about both things are bad at. Why can't we just say that people invading the capital building is a tremendous active evil. You know who else is inactive people burning guys, taco stand. That is an act of evil. It is absolute evil to burn down somebody's private property because Europe, about an unrelated issue or because you just taking advantage of the chaos sir That unrelated issues do damage to somebody. By the way it wasn't just a topos, the NGO. the black lives matter riots did two billion dollars and damage two billion dollars According to insurance estimates, it was the single most damaging spate of writing in american history. What happened over the summer at the amount of property damage done to the capital, was far less net.
Is that a minimize? What happened to the capital on an ideological level is an act of evils and attempt to overthrow the workings of democracy. It failed it failed that day it didn't gone four months. It didn't have massive support from the political infrastructure, Is waging nutcases deciding they're gonna run into the capital building it echoed jackasses in photograph themselves and put her on Instagram sake, get arrested later, there's not to downplay the evil. but I'm not Goin gambling evil here is Joe Scarborough was downplaying able, if you burn down a dude, tacos giant, apparently that just doesn't rank in the list of priorities because for the media, the only thing that matters is what they do for a living that is covering Mcgovern when the government is the only thing that matters because they cover it. So if your property got burned down nobody and of Democrats back that no biggie again download, making that point, it wasn't it'll come layers sure she raised money for writers, legal fees, but that's not a big deal better. We done lemon portray themselves an objective journalist. You could switch out the transcript
joy regions I lemon they read exactly the same joy immediately. Sazen present ourselves, objective, Dunham and does so here is down lemon, suggesting that it's perfectly four Kamel Harris to raise money for rioters, legal fees because its legal, it's ok, because here's the thing they don't care if your business gets burned down, all they care about is their put political point of view. All they care about is itself. That is important too, that now the stuff it's important them to be important, but the stuff it's important to you It is also important and by the way, has a much more dramatic impact on your life and somebody burns down your store. That has a much more dramatic personal impact on you and launch a Yahoo jackasses running it capital building a break in some windows in terms of personal impact, you not in terms of impact on the country at large in terms of personal impact on you know it s a big impact on the countries, when a bunch of political figures and members media say it's ok to burn down you're taco stand, then the dismissive into rice have tone, where people who run businesses in this country and invested their life savings in those businesses and want to live in peace and security in their in their communities.
If Tony's astonishing there is here, is dominant bending commoners bailing out riders. After put the police killing of George Forty Minneapolis last spring, thousands of people, including black lives matter supporters, took to the Streets Cobbler Harris tweeted support for donations to the Minnesota Freedom, one which help people post bail if they were arrested while protesting. So let's at the requisite, there was no bailing out right Collar Harris tweeted about a fund to help people post bail, which is entirely legal case. I'm not its filling out. If I posted a donation link to a bailing out people fund and those people are not generally arrested for protesting because protesting is legal and the people who are in jail were rioting, there were committing crimes. That is why they had been arrested in the first place,
but according to eliminate solely fine wise, it totally fine. Could she agrees with those people, because he thinks that those two are doing something that is just a noble, and so it's fine by the way. point, outdone lemon. You note also legal, perfectly legal, the President of the United States, so Andrew things about an election and telling people to peacefully patriotically march to protest at a capital that is perfectly legal, I don't think that was our moments perspective and on down trumps behaviour on generous ex deal. The utter imbalance in the media is going to be the continuing issue of our time, and it's not going away your talk about the fact that we live in two different universes when it comes to the facts, because there is an entire industry that is dead, two lying ok to telling a telling a narrative that is different from the fat and defending people who agree with that narrative. Now we ve tried on the shouts differentiate between things that are fact and things that are my opinion. I try to do that every single day I said things than many. My listeners disagree with, because I think that is important for you to know the difference between my opinion and something that is factual members of our media. They don't care.
Honest with you about my own biases dominant is not he that imbalance is creating the massive distrust of institutions and know that distrust of institutions is not going to go away go away any time soon, and that is why you start to see: let's get more more authoritarian, the let's realises that in order for them to have a prevailing point of view here in order to end the polarization there. Only two if you want to come back to the table, then want to do that. The end and starving, honest and open to do that and the other is just to purge. The other is to cram down their particular point of view through woke, purges, speaking of which
How can the council culture for a moment so one of the greatest forms of gas, letting that's happening our society right now? Is this push by the left to cancel people to destroy their careers, to good people's bosses, to get them fired, to destroy their livelihoods? Getting kicked out of schools based on old media, media, post or misinterpreted comments and then, and then to say, that's not happening as on cancel culture and its consequences for our actions. Guys, that's all council culture is or the question is, are the consequences calibrated to the crime or was that even a crime committed? That's what we mean by council culture? Nobody is deeply worrying. Are you speaking out against somebody? You disagree with betting cancel culture. Europe is cancelled, culture go into their employer and getting them fired for saying something online. They you didn't like unrelated to their job. That's cancel culture and you guys are pushing it every single day, but here's the thing the left has pushed too far the authoritarian left, which has taken over nearly every institution of american life. We're talking about from corporate Amerika, which now cramming down both crap diversity woke training sessions on you
to Hollywood, which has determined that if you are a conservative, you cannot work there and also their only going to produce films. That trends for one political side of the ILO and TV shows the trend for one political side of the ILO. Whether you are talking about the scientific community, which has caved in large measure to the There are scientific journals that now banned studies are not getting us about their scientific journals. That ban studies. If those studies have court of disparate impact, you're not allowed to publish a study if people could use the study to push for a policy that is not in conjunction with leftist points of view, every place from science to Hollywood, to corporate Amerika.
every place from government to universities, the authoritarian left, is in control of the means of dissemination of information, and they are in control of millions of people who work every single day in this country and pay taxes there in control of their lives. And so what the left is afraid of very much is that the authoritarian leverage, which does not represent a majority in this country, the woke authoritarian left, which loves cancelling people and makes life miserable and wishes to eliminate all jokes and all fun. Let's keep chat tabs on clubhouse muskie tag tabs on Facebook and twitter and make sure that their watching you every minute of every day to make sure you don't say anything that did not agree with those people are annoying. They are puritan their Mccarthy's and nobody likes them kid, but they have created
our structure at the top of these institutions. By being what is called an intransigent minority in social science, talk talk before on the show about renationalization the process of renewal motivation. Is eighty take over an organisation. So, if you wanna take over an organization, it does not require you to have a majority of the stock and of cooperation to take over the corporation from the inside, for example, all it requires about. Twenty percent of people we agree that they are not going to go along with an agenda item and the other eighty percent of people to become she was she about it or silenced. That's all it requires renewables. Nation is pretty easy to make happen. The example that I've used before is an example that that has taken from it Nicholas Intellect, which is the the example of a vision water in a mediating home, ravine daughter, says to mom was in UK. maybe a meal you want. I'm only eating begin to night. Now. Mom has a choice. It. She gave them to meals, one for the Beacon Dotterine One for everybody else, or should make one meal a beacon meal for everybody.
And so the entire families, no inveigle. Now that family goes to a three barbecue and they say: listen, we begin now these our daughter. We need you to either serve us can and survival because barbecue or everybody can begin until the neighbour is only waiting for ways are like that's: a lotta, hasn't I'm going to order out Beacon for everybody, because why waste the extra money it's instrument now you ve taken one person, and I got sixteen and twenty people who are all eating vague and because of this person right we normalization, is not hard to make happen. What in the world of the institutions? This is what the authoritarian left is done. They said we are not going to work in the same corporations as you. If you do acts or if you say ex we're, not gonna work with you and we're gonna bitch for bosses and we're going to threaten lawsuits and so the bosses they say you know what it's not worth a hassle just tell everybody shut up. Should biodiversity training manual from IRAN Kandian, maybe these people will silence, and why rental, although all of these institutions are essentially held hostage now, here's the problem for the people were taken over the institutions.
Again they remain a minority within their own institutions. Nobody likes them, but There is no solidarity and cohesiveness to the resistance to this phenomenon. Rightly the other eighty percent people dont like this kind crap they are not getting together and sang. Listen wanted a fight back against this. So now now we hear the daily wire and a lot of people in the right were starting to fight back against us. Many of us are saying you know what we're not ok with us and we gotta get together and reject this. Do not cave to the cancelled culture mob. Do not listen to them. Fight back! Tell your employer that you're not gonna work with that guy. If you to cancel you tell him, they you and eighty percent of Europe and your colleagues are not going to listen to Robin the Angelo Spew bowl crap to you about. in white is inherently supremacist, and if you do that, you can actually ree normalize the institutions. You can return them to Normal So here's what had left his fighting that now there fighting with gas lighting, they say yet we understand that we re normalize the institutions we understand
we are using authoritarian measures from the top down in order to crack down on a particular point of view, but it's all in your head. It's all in your head, cancel culture is both good, but it's also in your head. So perfect example of the genre today, Philip bump has a piece of the Washington Post. And he's very, very upset that people on the right are noticing cancel culture. If you notice it there's a problem, if you notice cancel culture, if I back against it- and there are enough of us to fight back against cancer culture that they can succeed and the authoritarian left lose their foothold of control, so instead he has to say no, no, you guys you're not being cancelled. You see, you're just being full victims to you're still a bump at the Washington posted. I quote one of the best encapsulation of the past few years of politics. Came from President Donald Trump about a month after he lost his re election did last year quote we're all victims. He told an audience at a rally December fifth in georgia- everybody here all these people here tonight there all victims every one of you now he was talking about voter fridays of their victims of Oda front, which was in truth, but bump is going to use this. As the jumping off point quote, the sentiment was central to trumps appeal to many republican voters
in the twenty sixteen election, a sense that weight Americans we're losing out in modern society was a better predictor of support for Trump and economic disadvantage from voters more than any one else, Sal racism against white as important problem and were more likely to wages, victims of discrimination at rates similar to racial and ethnic minorities, from promised to make Amerika great again to wine back the clock to a time before things such as black lives matter, to a time when the distribute since the rewards of american society? One question you see the reforming her. The reforming here is that if you just want to be treated as
individual. It's really cause you're in favour of white supremacy and you don't want the hierarchy of power to be torn down. That's three framing now. All of that that entire line of attack is replete in the council culture. If I stand up for individual liberty and the meritocracy, it's because I'm secretly racists and I should be cancelled for saying these sorts of things- photon left or not on the authoritarian left. There not shy about saying the sort of suffering from Kennedy says it all the time Philip. I'm continues its hard to articulate the sentiments explicitly, though particularly to a group of Americans or at the same time hyping their profane indifference to feelings and hawking mugs to hold liberal tears. Read this, of course, is rip on us. How did how dare we say that we are? We are not in favour of field, its coded packaged in other ways, such as the framing offer by John DOE, Delaware, Delegate, Kirk caught Republican Virginia a candidate for governor in the state, quote
there's been so much silencing and Jimmy. Because of council culture is going too far. He suddenly not released on Twitter. We can't even have a competition of ideas and for representative democracy to work. You have to have that the left simply cannot be allowed to or other opinions, so I as governor will not stand for that and out. There's nothing wrong. That sentiment, but Philip bump is gonna say that its racist and paranoid to point out that people are being silence, which is his term silence people, article. Eight just cancel culture, as you may be aware, as an umbrella term for incidents in which people, usually public figures have faced blow back for comments are actions generally, once seen as culturally inappropriate its nebulous raise your Mission may vary, but centres on the idea that some people have been cancelled exiled from society for their views. Cots obviously sees this as a politically potent position to take and that we're mentioning it, to bolster that idea, but so does a pole from the Huffington Pose released on Tuesday conducted by you Gub. It found that well only half the country was familiar with the term. The vast majority of Republicans familiar That's you cancel culture as somewhat or very serious as a problem. Since a similar pull conducted in September, the percentage from voters familiar with the term
cancel culture is a very serious problem increased by fourteen percentage points, if you're seeking, republican nomination amplifying those concerns seems to be warranted here, but this is bad, but this is bad according to Philip right, because cancel culture is a concept predicated on categorizing particular views as verboten, and those views are often ones that overlap with a sense that white and men are imperilled. This is by no means always true. Some concern about cancer culture also also- rise from social media bans, but is often the case and fill a bump of the Washington Post. That the concern expressed as part of the backlash to the perceived phenomenon is the same concern at Trump Express to applause during his first primary republican debate in August. Twenty fifteen is not just comments about women were simply a mark and he wouldn't be behold into a politically correct worldview, and then he talks about why cancel culture is good because cancel culture is about cancelling the people that we don't like, and we like cancelling those people. So if you don't go along with that, its beak you have adopted, victimhood mentality says Philip um. He says concern about cancel culture is an explicit manifestation of victimization by those
see themselves. They focus of questions about accountability in power. The message that culture leads, including the media, are trying to silence opposing views, but it's often a convenient claim. None of this is that simple. That, too, is the point containing all criticism in some big brother. Ask effort at silencing half the country is a fast I'll approach the moment, which of course is why its appealing to political actors will get his entire column is basically saying that if you're worried about cancer culture its cause, your white supremacist also stop worrying about cancer culture. It's amazing, but this is the perspective of the left. This is how their launch cudgel people into silence. So here's the answer, dont be cudgeled into silence. Don't apologize, dont be cudgeled into silence. The left knows this crap works. They know it works
He, let me read you a quote from the Hollywood reporter this pretty amazing, so Hollywood reporter was reporting about the firing of mandatory starching Toronto, who is now over here with us over Delaware, producing and starring in a film in Hollywood. Rapporteur has a long piece about why Carano was tossed from Lucas them. There's one quote in this peace that is particularly and it is from a crisis. Pierre represent an intruder angle. Mire quote: I dont know what people it is new, personally believe or don't believe with regard to politics, but as a corporate entity, they want to stay as trouble for his possible when anything that's going to offend the left is a problem. I have plans for making extraordinary efforts opposed, but these social left wants to see it's perfectly obvious. What's going on here, it's happening in every aspect of our culture: you're, not wrong to feel that you are under attack because you are
attack from all of the institutions that are been hijacked by illegal by the authoritarian, left and then covered for by the by the mainstream establishment media that love this kind of stuff, because it puts them in the driver's seat in american life, and you can see the extent of this. My bachelor stars are now coming out is a great example of the bachelor stars are now coming out and seeing the Chris Harrison must be fired and major changes. Bus mean must be made to it. press, the bachelors racism is grinned Emily's naughty over the daily, where, if you miss the story, which we talk about a few times at this point, this is the most insane cancel culture story of the last few weeks. Ok, it's insane Chris Harrison Genuine Post anything controversial. Chris Harrison is the hopes of the bachelor there's a woman on the bachelor, who, by the way, is competing for the affections of a man who happens to be black and this woman. Several years ago, attended an old South Party in which she dressed up in an old south dress. This in and of itself was deemed racist. Then here
inside you know what I'm not the police and the reality is. We should treat people some great lever, explain yourself. This was deemed second degree racist. when we now first degree racism which, as you did it yourself, no second degree racism, which is that you said he not racist thing in favour of a person who, or might not have done a racist thing right, so we are not second degree racism, ok and into Harrison apologized for having so, we might need to show people from grace. I let you know said the same thing, the bachelor star. He said thing, but because you black, we ignore that and because Harrison his white. This means that he is covertly a white supremacist, he's being accused of perpetuating racism for speaking out against cancel culture and say but you should be allowed to explain herself this particular contestant rather than face a judge, jury, an executioner on social media. So now old members of the bachelor are coming out and in saying that they are that they want
Harrison ACT permanently to Mario Jackson and Jubilee sharp to alumni of the Bachelor Programme said, the Harrison should lose his job. We share that during my time on the shore. According to Tnc, she noticed the white contestants retreated better by producers to Mario told the site. The franchise needs to make major changes in order to reflect further charges of racism Jackson said just sought, because now we had each other, but there is nobody we could really relate to, because it was an all white production always cast all white show, which is great, but its twenty. Twenty one. Now women who took part in the twentieth of season of the bachelor release their own statement, demanding better treatment for black indigenous people of color contestants without naming Harrison specifically and denounce the host for defending record of what racist behaviour this we denounce any defence of racism. These experiences are not to be exploited or token Ized, okay, so our mainstream establishing gimme the people who, of course, are standing up for your right to speak freely. People like dominant Sudan, lemon hosts bachelor at Sir Rachel Linsey, not recognise Harrison said this on
Rachel Lindsays podcast. I believe Aunt Rachel, India very offended because she is a former contestant choose the star of the bachelor at and she, of course, black tissues, I'm a dominant and You spend a segment ripping intercourse Harrison for not being a racist, but don't worry guys cancel culture. Is it real? It's all in your head and yours thinking, that's your victimized, because you are what you promised say should be: cancel the council, cultures and real because are complaining about it, because you are what you promised and you should be cancelled. The council culture as a real here. It just keep repeating it over over until it makes sense here is dominant with Rachel Lindsey going after Chris Harrison Motorway producer savvy suggested lay here is going to be the day eventually make Rachel Linsey the host of the bachelor, which would be the most perfectly predictable move,
I think it's a good cop I shall be here- is at dawn lemon and a bachelor star, Rachel Linsey, going after Chris Harrison for the great crime of saying that people deserve grace. Why do you think Chris Harrison was willing to give Rachel Conall so much room for her her for actions yet could muster and empathy towards communities of color who were offended? I think that's the point in our society is that people are trying to understand the other side. He knew how to defend himself and what he represents. Three has taken the opportunity or the chance in almost fifty years, especially doing what he does in the history of the show to learn about racism and America. That's actually the definition of privilege using white privilege man, because he has been cancelled from the child for the great crime of saying that people should be treated decently and not more by social media and armaments. Pushing. Therefore, but don't you worry that council culture its not coming for you
it is, but it's not real and when it does come for you, if you complain about it, it's because you're a privilege, white person- and you should be wrecked, but don't worry, we're not cancelling you, because it just what you deserve. The authoritarian left can be stood up to the biggest mistake hears the Chris Harrison apologize. You never should have apologised. You should have told them to stick to stick it. You had told them to stick it where the geographical them to stick it in more.
People in Hollywood in business. We all need to do this together. There has to be a solidarity among those of us who wish to have open debate and discussion and not by into a culture that says your life should be ruined, because you said something that crosses the priorities of the woke left by the again they get the game at a meeting here is to pretend that you are a bad person for even noticing the bad thing they are doing to you. You are the problem. Well, here's the thing you're, not from there the problem and we all need to stand up and fight back against this nonsense. Quick note here on unoriginal Linsey, because I've just been informed of this by producer savvy, whose on top of these things, I mean she really knows what she does thrust of her day honestly, but in any case she let me know about this. Yesterday original linsey right he saw and heard, and that clip with diamond talking about the awful evil Chris Harrison who committed the great sin of saying that people deserve grace. They should be
on social media. Let me just say: if a white person did what Rachel Linsey did on her instagram just a few months ago, that person would have been destroyed and like their career, would be over Israel. Rachel Linsey did a few months ago in the middle of the black lives matter. Protest she treated out a picture of herself in front of I could you not a cadillac, ecstasy, lsd, sex and here as well, She wrote quote: we are living unprecedented times right now. I know we can, escape our reality, but we do what is necessary to take care of ourselves physically and mentally. For me, I like to clear my head by going for a drive and my catlike sixty six with his blue tooth. Can many I can easily connect my phone to stream. Almost anything and everything with Crystal clear, audio and standard. Both speakers system I can take, it's time to listen and learn from podcast that support and uplift black voices. It is so important that we take the time to then what and why things are happening in our country. What are some of your favorite podcast to discuss these issues, share your recommendations in the,
it and tell me how you're doing your part to share some good. These days. Hashtag, add hashtag, Cadillac, community, Hashtag, Cadillac escapes hashtag, be the good, so there's some privilege happening Rayner it increased Harrison. I think that we can call you privileged if you are literally cutting and add four Cadillac, while talking about uplifting black voices by listening to podcast in your brand new Cadillac Extra X x, T equity, six with blue tooth capability on your bows system. That might be definition of privilege right there I mean like wow. Why, but don't worry dilemma is not privileged. Rachel Lindsey is not that their victims, the victims in american society. Not only are they victims, they have the power to council. They been given the power to cancel, despite the fact that
are making presumably millions of dollars a year in the case of dominant or Rachel Linsey, who is literally using black lives matter to cut ads for a Cadillac capitalism, always wins. Number one is lesson from this, but number two. It is amazing to see the purveyors of cancel culture determine that they themselves can decide. Who is privileged and who is not based simply on skin color. While stand in a very expensive now outfit with inexpensive purse, it looks like in front of a Cadillac Ex t six bragging about how woke you are truly amazing stuff. There already will be back here later today with an additional hour of content in the meantime. Had an order to the Michael knows show on today's episode. Mike will be talking about how Philadelphia School Honours Black innocent and black power and episode is available right now, I've been Shapiro. This is the bench of Euro show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us
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Transcript generated on 2021-03-14.