« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1194 - Daily Wire And Gina Carano Team Up To Fight The Death Star


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Daily wire has an enormous and exciting announcement to make I Venture bureau. This is the venture show today, so is fostered by express it. Vps outlet, big tech, track, what you do and not a miser web browsing. It expressive, gps, dot, com, slash when speaking of which the reality as those big tech companies. Why would you trust them with their data like why? It is very obvious that they would prefer to shut down some information from the side of the political. While they do not like it, then they monetize the data that you give them. Why just give them your data instead shield your data, because it is your data if ever wondered how free as a social media, companies make all their money. Well, it tracker searches, video history, everything you click on and then sell your valuable data. When you use express
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and we want you to join us in moving this way, so here's the deal Disney decided that there are going to drop the actress, Gina Carano. It decided to drop from the men Delorean, because she's conservative it is that simple and it's not because you did anything that is truly terribly offensive to anybody. It's not because she made a comparison to Nazi Germany because, let us be frank about people on the left make comparisons to Hitler and Nazi Germany all the damned time. It is perfectly clear that they were looking for an excuse to can her, because she is conservative. In fact, the Hollywood reporter said yesterday that they were looking to can her four months because she is conservative, occur. Owing to the Hollywood reporter on Wednesday, the Hashtag fire Gina Cyrano was trending following an inch, imposed from the outspoken conservative actor and former mixed Marshall artist. That was met with severe backlash. The poster since been deleted, but screenshots work we shared by users on social media who called for her firing from they hit Disney plus STAR wars, show into a source of knowledge of Lucas Domes thinking. They told the Hollywood reporter. They have been looking for a reason to fire her for two months.
Today was the final straw. Why? Well? Because after the election she treated the voter fraud should be combated with voter idea, which they mainstream conservative position and because she had treated People are essentially wearing masks over their eyes because they don't want to see the truth which again fairly mainstream conservative position or the other day should prevent Instagram Post, the main point of which was that liberals needed to see that if they treated conservatives as in other, that has a dangerous ended, now they sit on the show, not a big fan of Holocaust analogies generally, but the general when she was making. It was certainly not anti semitic in any way. Can we not anti semitic in any way? In fact, she was saying to avoid the evils of the future. You have to stop acting evil in the present. That was the main point. I don't act like people who are gonna council, your neighbours, because you don't know where that's going to end so Disney plus cancelled. Her doesn't decided to cancel or again it has nothing to do with the court of what appropriateness of the holocaust analogy these star
the mandatory and Pedro Pascal tweeted out in two thousand eighteen, comparing America's treatment of migrant children to the holocaust. He didn't EL using a picture that was not of migrant children at the american bore. It was a picture of palestinian children from two thousand ten at some sort of of water and food Bank and he said half like this is America, and then he said Germany, nineteen, forty four, it's a picture of you have children in the Holocaust, America, twenty eight in the isn't even from America and it wasn't in twenty eighteen, nothing, nothing. Why? Because Pedro Pascal has the correct, woke point of view its that simple. So, according to Hollywood, reporter Lucasfilm Disney them in looking to dumper four months because she's outspokenly conservative they found an excuse they dumped her? Well, here's the thing we hear at the daily wire do not stand for this kind of. We do not stand for this, and so yesterday, in the immediate aftermath,
of the decision by Disney and and look is found to dump China. I called you know, and we taught, and we decided that daily wires. Next film will be starring and produced by Gina Corona. We could not be more excited to work with Gina Gina just sent us a quote Here is what she said the daily. Where is helping to make one of my dreams to develop and produce my own film come true. I cried out in my prayer was answered. I'm sending out a direct message of hope to everyone living in fear of cancellation by this hotel, Terry MOB, have only just begun using my voice, which is now more free than ever before. I hope and inspires others to do the same. They can't cancel us if we don't let them that's exactly right. They cannot counsel us if we ban together. They cannot counsel us if we don't let them who cares video. The establishment monolith is the death star and where the folks, with the single fighter, echoing where the single
wrestling. That's us you're not vulnerable to major attack from the outside, but they are vulnerable to their own cancel culture which allows us to build ex wings to take them on, and we need your help when you're up the steps expensive. We need your help because we want to produce this film. with Gina, also bonfire legend. Our friends, our Estonia is, can become producing the film excited about that. You worked with us on run, hide fight, which is excellent. We need your help in your membership, and so we have for today and for the next couple of days, a subscription code for you subscription Coated, Gina gee I and a subscription Cadena. Yet twenty five percent off your daily wire annual subscription go check it out right now and join us, because what we are doing here is not just providing you and entertainment alternative. That's not the miracle. Ok, you don't just wanna provide your entertainment alternative. We want to provide a safe haven for conservatives to say what they feel for all Americans to say what they feel and not have to live in fear of the council culture coming for that, because, as genus has right there, they can't cancel you if you don't let them, but we
have to ban together. Here we have to be part of the same team and we have to put our money where our mouth we hear a daily, where we put our money where our mouths are, and we need your help. We want your membership, we want you to. I want to join Gina, I could not be more excited took to work with Gina Carano, who certainly could beat me up eighty seven times over. I could not be more excited too her on board and work with your her here at the daily, where we can't wait to keep you updated on on film, and what it's going to be working with her to develop the film she's, integral really involved in the process we want. This opportunity were not for the council culture that is left. We would not have had this opportunity. We're not or the authoritarian left mob. Controlling authoritarian companies that seek to cancel out descent and destroy it and again. This should not be a right left point. This is an authoritarian, leffertses. Everybody else point Jonathan Trade over New York MAX a man with whom I disagree strenuously. He said this is no different from a car thieves, and that is exactly correct. It is no different from a car theism and we are not going to become
we're not going to allow genus cancellation, we're not going to allow your cancellation. We stand with you Can you to stand with us, we're asking for you to join, become a member in all sorts of benefits you get to hang out with I'm getting out. Junot issues can be doing all accesses with you. You're gonna get to do all of that stuff. When you become a member again protocol, Gina twenty five percent off and when you become number. We are building the alternative. We are doing it in real time, because these folks can not be allowed to control the debate. They cannot be allowed to control the overturn window. That cannot be allowed to control what people can and cannot say. In the realm of mainstream ideology. That cannot be allowed to do this, This is the same Hollywood. The tolerated Harvey wines unit for decades is the same Disney, That's tolerating just Weedin right now in their open allegations of sexual harassment against Sweden, but when it comes to using a chronic, she could not be allowed to work on mandatory in this very house because will show they cancelled spin off for her, but they ve been planning in November because it turns out
she was an outspoken republican genus, not scanning fort and good for her good for her genesis, something heroic by stepping outside the Hollywood system in doing something with us, and we are so glad so excited to be helping her pursue that vision and pursue that dream and was just asking for your help. I keep appealing for that. Really. It takes all of us to stand together here, because these things are expensive, Disney spend billions of dollars, making us entertainment content. If you want to compete with them, we have to build the x wing, and that comes from people like Tina stepping out and take him to head. It comes from folks over again. Why are stepping up and trying to back her and comes really from you, because we are just essentially a vessel for you So once more, it's a great deal yet also to great stuff, all sorts of great stuff. Coming. I brand content on my own personally coming to you that I can't wait to show you really great stuff. Can zones is coming next month, get all of our
access to the second, our the show. Yet the tumblers the whole deal use promo code, Gina right now and get twenty five percent off, but mostly we are so excited to be going up against. This monolith is the first time Bet somebody has been able to have the option to stand up against the monolith and still have a career. We are making that possible because you're making that possible, because you're the phone or watching the content because you're the folks are eager to see a step into an arena of competition with folks who, really your point of view who really despise. What is the use stand for and your values so, instead of giving them your money, why not instead help us out in fighting? the sort of value system at the dire promulgating, which is not just a liberal values system. Far from it, it's a classic liberal in any way and of an open minded, is an authoritarian crammed down mindset so again, incense, I'm really pumped about this because I am supremely pumped up about it- I'm a really excited the massive opportunity for us
massive opportunity for conservatives, the fight back into massive opportunity for the entire certain moments say enough: you control all the institution, You know what we're building our own, we're building our own or supporting our own good for Gina Gina stood up. She took the head and now let stand by her but stand by her. So again, I am, I am extremely extremely excited about all of us. So that is the big announcement for TAT. I had on over the daily wired Comp used Ie Promo code Gina for twenty five percent off your annual membership over at daily wire. He big breaking news of the day is not this impeachment and we all know where the impeachment things going there publicans are going to vote to acquit today represents the beginning of Trump's rebuttal to the democratic case. It's only supposed to last about four hours and basically going to be. You didn't meet the legal level of excitement and if you think that, since I didn't have a bunch of Democrats to show you so we'll get to that in a little bit, instead, we talked about the fact that somebody probably committed criminal act and the media treated this person. As
absolute hero for months and months and months. At a time, this person, one Emmy, this person was considered the best governor in America by folks. On the left and we knew early on that. This was untrue. We knew very, very early on, and Andrew Quota was covering up nursing home that as early as May of twenty twenty, there are reports that we're almost covering up nursing home. That's by changing the metrics by which he counted nursing home doubts. We about it on the show at the time. So here's the thing there's a lot of people got covered in nursing homes, but died in hospitals. Drew, Cuomo did not count those as nursing home. That's because that would have made clear how bad has covered policy was. Instead, he suggested that these were deaths in hospitals as opposed to death and nursing homes, which is really silly because a lot of people die in hospitals. It is a place for sick people, though so Andrew Como covered this up. We have known this for a very long time and then a couple of weeks ago, finally, Latisha James, the attorney general of the state of New York. She conventional, yet by the way he covered that up and no New York Governor Andrew Comas aid, one of his top AIDS is not private.
apologizing to democratic lawmakers for withholding the states nursing home death toll from Kova nineteen. Apparently she told them quote: we froze out of fear that the true numbers would be used against us by federal prosecutors, which would be a crime if you're, covering up evidence of bad policy and bad decision making in order to avoid the tender embrace a federal process. It is also not like obstruction. Does it not? According to the new post descending admission of a cover up was made by secretary to the Governor Melissa Derosa during a video conference call would state democratic leaders in which she said the Cuomo administration had rebuffed a legislative request for the Tele in August, because quote right around the same time. Trump turn this into a giant uncle football. According to an audio recording of that Europe was meeting, he starts tweeting, everyone in nursing homes. He starts going after New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy. He starts going after account pointed out avenues and starts going information. Dover, Governor Gretchen Whittemore, in addition to it
in almost fellow democratic governors. Euros said from directs the Department of Justice to do an investigation into us and basically we froze. She told the law makers on the call, so in other words, because trumpeting a true thing about their treatment of nursing homes that, because the deal J was investigating, they just lied about it. They covered up the stats. Now, remember the media treated this guy, not just with kid gloves, but with full on massage oils invading just treat Cuomo as though he was doing a decent job trained a muscle his way through the pandemic. They treated him as the greatest governor. He wrote an entire book an amazing leader he had been during called it. Chris, his brother interviewed him nearly nightly on CNN, given the propaganda, our remember that famous picture of Chris Cuomo holding up a giant nasal swab to make fun of it brothers nostrils eyes, while they did that this mothers brothers comedy our over there on CNN. not only was Cuomo covering up the data, they were covering up the data, specifically with an eye to federal prosecutors, which is
really really bad stuff and again we knew these covering supplements. So where were the media novice, where your establishment, media and all this there are too busy kissing the guy's s nets. The reality the suggests the same way that, a month before the election, the mainstream media decided simply was not worth covering the Hunter Biden story and then, one month after the election. Oh look at that he's under federal prosecution. Who could have uncover that information? You guys, if you actually did your job in this story, is not just about Cuomo. It is about the malpractice and in his malpractice by the journalistic establishment, which ignored a story that everyone on the right was reporting on, but it is interesting. Surface didn't break into the mainstream, there's a reason for that is because the mainstream did not wanted to break into the mainstream there. We're looking for a foiled, Donald Trump Andrew Como is loud and requirements from New York and Andrew comments of my trump, and so he was a perfect foil, except for the fact that he was garbage at his job and not just car.
get a job. He was covering up his own terrible activity that ended with the deaths of thousands and thousands of seniors who probably didn't need to die, and the reason I say they didn't you today is because you know who didn't do this. You know I didn't ship covered positive seniors back into nursing homes looking around Us Anderson Florida, whose simultaneous receiving the the hate and scorn on the end. Your establishment, media story every single day and a half flora was the center of death. Have Florida was going to be the place where everyone's Florida is by a long shot, the oldest state in America? It is a hugely old state. Twenty five percent. Population of a state of law? It is over the age of sixty five in or of in terms of deaths per million right in the middle fact. Like number twenty six, York ranked number two in our New Jersey ranked number one herself. The entire media is committed to the idea that everyone was an amazing governor, they knew full well, he wasn't in raising governor. They know full well that he had bought this thing from here to Sunday, but didn't matter them because they are too busy covering for him and Cuomo knew this. He knew he could.
in a way with the lie. Only now are the media reporting on. It is now it's safe transport, and this is the pattern for your samples from media is not just a matter of will they report on the story? It's when do they report on the story if they report on the story a year after it happened when it is now politically convenient for people to know did Andrew Cuomo is a terrible governor, then that is politically motivated if their reporting on Hunter Biden a month after the election, but shutting it completely down in a month before the election. That makes a difference if, as we are going to see in a second their reporting on the preparations of the Lincoln Project with people knew about for a year, but only a couple of months after the inauguration. Well, that is politically motivated and your post reports that Derosa, who is was almost aid said we were then in a position where we weren't sure of what we were going to give to the g o J. Or what gives you guys? What we were saying was gonna, be you against us, while we weren't sure of that. Gonna be an investigation that played a very large role in this after dropping map on.
tell him which he essentially admitted to covering up a crime. Potentially by that date. The obstruction is the crime, in particular case, Was it s frequent a little bit of appreciation of the context and offer what appeared to be the Cuomo administrations? First, apology: for ten, William Nursing HOMES, independent member one, Janice Dean talked about this from Fox NEWS. Andrew Cuomo made fun of her, even though she had a parent who died in a nursing home instead of a mayor, carpets of agree, family members. More than thirteen thousand dead seniors, where the critics who set the health department spread covert. Nineteen in the care facilities for the March twenty Fifth healthier departments directive, the nursing homes admit, infected patient Derosa tried to make amends fellow Democrats, because we need political inconvenience caused them here when people say that its political partisanship on the right- just let it be known, political partisanship is all the way down on both sides in this is a perfect example the only people receiving apologies today from the Clonmel administration are democratic law makers and the state, not all the old people's families who died in nursing homes. Not not those people, not all the
but in the media reporting on a month ago and being marked by the Cuomo administration of their democratic lawmakers cause amid all at awkward. For, let me not a bad thing gets more this in just one. Second: first, it is the shortest month of the year, meaning the slightly less time to check off your February to do less. Well, good news for you, you can do it quickly. You can do it easily when it comes to life insurance, you can compare life insurance rights Insane fifty percent or more in the process when you hadn't over to policy genius dot com. That means more cash to put towards the things you care about. What that may be plus. There is absolutely no hassle their licence experts work for you knock insurance companies, so it can offer unbiased advice when you need it. Here's how it works. First, had another policy genius that come in minutes. You can work out how much covered you need and compare quotes from top insurers or find you bastard. Policy genius will compare policy starting as little as a bucket ay. You might even be eligible to skip that in person medical exam. To apply the policy genius team, handles all the paperwork and the red tape. It
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The reasons why dont give that any credit all he had demanded the death toll data back in August. it's an aging committee chairman Rachel May Democratic Syracuse, also written to De Rossa, saying reformer. Opponent had one Another broadside earlier in the day said the issue for me, because this of all his feeling, like I needed to defend, or at least not attack in it. Strain, and that was appearance be covering something up and it depends on it when you want the public to trust the public health officials and there's a clear feeling. You're not coming in in forthcoming with you that is really hard and it remains difficult, assemblymen, Rankin, democratically of queens run. These are all democrats talking about Cuomo in esteem, told them Europe Post on Thursday to roses remarks here: unequal like minute. They were friends, you dodge having any incriminating evidence that might put the administration or the health department in further trouble with the GEO J. That's all understand the reasoning of why they were unable to share in real time the data they had. First make sure the state was protected against federal investigation. So I have a question. I ve here's the question, Joe Biden: is on the White House. A federal deal J is now under his control,
the attorney general Merit Garland go after the Cuomo administration, it seems to me they should. it seems to me an investigation is warranted if they were purposefully covering up material relevance to the state material that the legislature had requested. Specifically in order to avoid federal investigation else allow reconstruction, it really does a soap, is they're gonna, be an investigation for The binding ministration during Wednesdays Conference called Rosa said it appeared. Gee. I was no longer focused on New York, nursing home. That's you said she said all signs pointed they are not looking at this. They dropped. It Finally open an investigation. I sent a letter. asking a number of questions, and then we satisfy those questions. It appears they're gone my good The brazen nature of this is really astonishing. I mean that is truly brazen, crap. Ok. Meanwhile, the Lincoln Project is now completely falling apart. So again in the world of of journalistic timing. This is yet another example,
the journalistic establishment completely refusing to do its job for months on end, because the people who they were covering up for or politically useful Democrats, the Lincoln Project was a bunch of drifters bunch of drifters. From the beginning, this bunch people who are making money from Democrats who believed The Lincoln project was going to do serious damage in the election. They did not blinking project had virtually impact on the election. The Lincoln project was basically just a superpower to enrich the people around the super back. It was run or co found ITALY's by a guy who is using his position of power, sexually sexually reach out to young, apparently under age, men and people know and went through. This is not like a giant shock. The Lincoln, what was that they are paying the heads of it were paying themselves millions and millions of dollars and raising a bunch of money of Sucker Democrats who believe that these quantum court Republicans obedient Republican to oppose Susan Collins in Maine, we think a trump? These people were opposing Susan Collins in Maine their campaign for Raphael,
what I can join us up in Georgia. Is people not Republicans they're, just Mcgrath masquerading as Republicans, so the bunch Democrats can feel good. It here are some republicans. We turn turns out now the Lincoln Project was a giant scam. Shocker, like many of us were saying according to New York magazine, John Weaver use its power to get jobs for young men he allegedly harassed. His colleagues were warned it John. We were, of course, the co founder. Lincoln Project. Now everybody at the Lincoln projects like who, whose young John we were, who some of them are. Co, wrote up ads with John we ve been like. Never look. I never heard of him he's getting disappeared, like somebody who's attack aid for stolen in some of the old pictures where's he style with his arm round somebody, and then next picture. Is you I just did the arm and if nobody, there that's happening to John Weaver right now, according to New York magazine called Alex,
Johnson was a senior at the University of taxes. It Austin pursuing a career in politics when he first heard from John Weaver, the legendary republican operative living nearby. It started with a direct message on Twitter. I just really didn't think of anything at First Johnson told Intelligencer is New York magazine, but then you know his intentions became clear. Weaver worked on both of Senator John Mccain presidential campaigns started by discussing politics or college football before asking Johnson about his dating live in sexual interests interested in getting together, working together, etc. We ve wrote December twenty eighteen to see we ve run for days later. The pattern continued into twenty twenty. When we ve reached out to Johnson about working for a new political action committee, he had cofounded Lincoln Project we ve are the group with some of the biggest names and republican politics to defeat Donald Trump joining in with Steve Schmidt Carl Rove protegee during George W Bush is re election campaign known for no holds barred style of attack. Litter worked on Mccain's, two thousand campaign joining them was another and then run it re, Galen and Republicans strategist recalls in other cofounders included Republican Super,
George Conway, as well as veteran Republican. Medical operators make Madrid runs, Tesla Jennifer Horn, Jennifer Lawrence Gonna become relevant to another Lincoln Project story that is breaking in just one moment. We'll get you more of the Lincoln projects, scandalous activities which we can report on them, renounce. Ok, because our past the election we get to that in just one taken. First, let us talk about the fact that a lot of people are trafficking on your front door. I know it's a lot of people moving through the front door there. Then a lot of people who are dropping of packages you your ordering from the grocery store. You got the male coming and you gotta to keep an eye on you get. This is why you need ring dotcom, so much happens at our front or that one thing that definitely that has not changed these at my house, I'm getting more groceries hymns on packages all the rest. While that's why it is the perfect time to upgrade your doorstep. The way I have with a ring video doorbell with ring, you can see and speak to whomever is eight years or from any right on your phone you're, never gonna, Miss Visitor, whether at your neighbor, your dinner, your groceries in keep those packages and delivery safe with motion detection you'll get no
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media masturbation grew is basically all these guys would burn. Msnbc emissaries, you'd pump, the ads Democrats above the ads, Republicans wouldn't watch the ads Democrats said money too. Guys these guys go back on MSNBC is beautiful, gripped the buzz, let's big business, which raise more than eighty seven million dollars in the twenty twenty election cycle. According to the Effie, see much of the money was paid to firms run by linking projects cofounders, including nearly twenty five million dollars to summit strategic communications affirm run by regale in more than twenty million dollars is paid to tuscan Digital when by slow, which employed people worked as contractors at the Lincoln Project would like to put you in touch with them. Our folks Weaver roads, Johnson on April, twenty third suggesting incumbent intern. Fifteen minutes later, he added on your walk, think about worshipping a big leap, leap as a word for male genitalia and having yours worshipped and you rimmed till you bag. So I was John Weaver Cofounder Lincoln Project. If good stuff happening just like Abraham Lincoln would do.
so is it dude, while raising but Gillian dollars to spend on useless television adds that you can put in her own pocket just like Abraham Lincoln Guys, the Lincoln project we were also made, calls to Johnson once he said we are called to ask him his thoughts on the Lincoln Project and its ads then quickly sideways into what felt like an attempt at phone sex. Johnson said he rarely answer. Weavers calls after that, despite his discomfort with the Lincoln Projects, CO founder, he took the internship their started in July, twenty twenty working remotely from his home in Texas. We ve continued harassing Johnson at the Lincoln Project. Are you top bottom versa? He wrote in one message shortly after Johnson started. His message is: never stops Johnson, not play along just be nice, because I mean, I know, is important as the strings we operate in the same kind of political culture being never tempers Johnson's. Had he didn't tell Lincoln Project Management about Weaver, fearing retribution well and you know about it. Then the Lincoln Project had already been told
We were was preying on young men in and outside the company. On June, seventeen, the person working at the Lincoln Project sent an email to co founders, s low the reported ten allegations of weavers harassing men. Including at least one employee. At Lincoln Project. Three people independently described the contents of the email to Intelligencer and set it warned. Weaver could be using his position at the company to make promises of career advancement to prey on young men. The complaint called weavers, predatory behaviour and immediate threat to the company that if it became public could wonder a death blow to Lincoln projects reputation. In the meantime, the Lincoln Project itself was attacking Trump as sexual predator settlers raise the email, but the cofounder Galen incorporate Council Matthews Anderson, but weavers harassment continued a so they then had always just chatter is just shattered, but
It turns out that we ve had been sending messages that range from provocative to sexually explicit to twenty one men going back through the years, including one recipients who was fourteen years old. Fourteen ass, a young man a fourteen year old boy, S party, feel you know. No. None works at the Lincoln Project for former members of the Lincoln Project called on the company to free them to speak about Weaver. So here is the polar bears thing. So Lincoln Project was very angry from for having these non disclosure agreements right there. Bunch of women who said I wanna talk freely about trumpet he's got these anti aids and I can violate the Andes when the Lincoln Project was like here, release them from the NBA turns out. Half their employees can't speak freely about the stop because of wait for it and the Ays. Apparently these for former members of. Can projects and quote Lincoln Project contractors and employees are calling, organizations, release anyone with knowledge of harassment or who has been harassed by John Weaver from their non disclosure agreements, so they can see freely about what happens them or what they know about what happened to others.
Johnson's, and I really want to believe everyone that they didn't know the extensive they made it seem like this was out of the blue. It seems like they're just lying and one being fruitful to me. Johnson was not alone among the internet. You say there are harassed by Weaver. One of them was truly Stevens a nineteen year old, rising sophomore Alice you we were asked him if he or any of his peers, maybe interested in an internship tab kicked the bleep out from and against Senate Republican incumbents even said he was interested. We responded, he be perfect, a week later, is even told Weaver. He formerly applied to the role you are nothing stud Weaver said even stimulating. He was quite the compliment. We ve responded. Take it hell. You may very well be solid stuff, you're. Ok, so it turns out that the Lincoln Project being filled with terrible people or drifters didn't stop there sat there. It turns out that not only are they not releasing people from their and yeas, but now the Lincoln Project last night, in order to defend against itself decided to publish screenshots of private twitter direct messages,
longing to one of its co founders. Jennifer Horn member mentioned earlier, born, left Lincoln Party. last week amid the Geneva scandal and she's been spending with the internet from group ever since her departure, according to Fox NEWS, but the links Project escalated tensions on Thursday night with tweets that appeared to be an change. She had with Nineteenth news correspondent Amanda Becker, so this is illegal. Somehow they got a hold of private messages between an Ex employee and airport, and then they push those out on Twitter. They don't have access to her dams. She did not give them to her at it. The Lincoln Project, the Lincoln Project began a lengthy for an earlier this evening. We became aware that Amanda Becker of ninety NEWS is preparing to publish a smear job on linking project with the help of Jennifer Horn talk about jobs in journalism. Rarely do get to see their origin story enjoy. and meanwhile George Conway is sitting at home and he's a lawyer and evil
It is my guys you're violating federal law. You can't do that. You can't ideas from people there is. There is nothing that allows me to hack into somebody else's emails. then release those to the public as a federal crime. So how exactly do they get a hold on these aims? In the first place, Horn said, I didn't give consent for the stuff to be put up. So that this raises a few questions, one, it seems like a crime is committed to Twitter has not bars the Lincoln Project. As far as I am aware, from from its service, this will become relevant in just one second, when we get to project our task which they did bar from their service. Remember they barton your post for publishing. Quantum quote: hacked materials No, there is no evidence that the materials and hundred by nor have they came from eight. A laptop in Delaware than Hunter Biden had left it repair shop, a pair and so there is no evidence that was hacked material. Twitter took down the story. and Germany are opposed to count. The Lincoln Project apparel is posting material. That is not a tone.
project has not yet been suspended from twitter. There is a shock. According Fox NEWS it is unclear, had Lincoln Project obtain screenshots, abhorrence private messages or how, if it did, the group gained access to horns? Twitter account, Maxine Associate under no blooms. We did this legitimately outrageous, nor Times reporter Maggie Havens had its heartily the most important thing happening. today. Amid impeachment tens of millions of doses of contracting becoming available changes, Cummings medicate work requirements, but can't say I've ever seen, something like what just happened, involving horns account. My favorite is that we have to make sure that we downplay what's happening the Lincoln Project, because what it really demonstrates that the media were engaged malfeasance for a year for a solid year. So there's a lot of other important stuff up today, Bela and also here, is a group that we promoted for a year and fostered risk. Tens of millions of dollars, lots confederates, harassing young men and also it turns out. They just go a federal crime, but you know what guys it's like I'm. I should mention it, but it's not really like super important, invest scheme of things.
really really well done. Apparently, the rapporteur also said we are either that did not come from me. So well done Lincoln Project. We're gonna get to twitters standards, removing stuff in just one second, because once again inconsistency being the hobgoblin of large minds, apparently Erika we'll get to then one second. First, let's talk about you, sleep quality, so I will admit to you. The last night was not a great night sleep. My baby woke me up a three a m, but in those intermitted moments when actually could lie down upon my mattress, I was a happy camper. Why? Because I have a helix sleep mattress, you sleep, it's mattress personalize just for me. I've got a quiz. It takes us two minutes to complete matches your body type and sleep preferences. So the perfect mattresses for you. Why would you buy a mattress made for somebody else with he lets you get the mattress that you know will be perfect for the way you sleep. I reckon I took that two minutes sleep was and they sent us a mattress that was made just for us. It Annesley pot is mattresses, super breathable, accidentally format.
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So Twitter has apparently not banned the Lincoln Project get my for putting out the aims that do not belong to them. Rent, who did they ban, will be banned. They ban protuberant us so that that is not just a minute frightening by the way that social media will just now ban people, and it's pretty explicitly based on political content and abandon Europe Post account saying that they don't allow people to publish hacked materials based on non hack materials? When it comes to the hundred Biden story, they won't, suspend or or or ban, the Lincoln Project for pushing out what apparent lay our hacked materials and in violation of the law they will ban project veritable. Accordingly, our post twitter on Thursday Yanks. The accounts and conservative activists grew project, their task of repeated violations of the company's rules on sharing other people's private information athlete postal each footage of communications between at Facebook, exec
by the way I really do enjoy that this is how the standards now work on twitter. So, if you, if you just report on what happened in the conversation like than your times, does routinely anonymous source reports that Facebook exact- we're talking about accidents every cabin crews column in every case, which we call him at the New York Times. Every single one is that every one of them is Facebook executives. We're talking about this. On an internal slack channel is that pact material know that just called reporting Where does get ahold of some of this material and puts it out there and who does like no can have that now continue that a twitter spokesperson said the project varied house, account was permanently suspended for breaching it's private information policy. The ban came after the group had posted leaked clips on Wednesday. From a meeting with Facebook executives where they discuss development of censorship tools, vice president of integrity, Guy Rosen, and be seen explaining quote they system that is able to freeze commenting on thread in cases where our systems are detecting there, maybe a threat that is hate, speech or violence, sort of in the comments in a second video posted by project, very tough one of the state
first seem confronting rose and about his remarks outside at home. As you returned from a jog quote, when you talk about freezing when's containing hate speech. What do you mean by that? How'd you find hate speech is just beat. You hate the number, On the exact home. Address were visible in the clip street name was not license. Plates on surrounding cars are blurred project verhofstadt agenda It was also temporarily locked on Thursday for violating the policy Oki told their abuse wrestling with whether to delete the tweets flag register in order to gain access to personal account is around trying to understand is what about what we did is quote. Posting private information report with microphones in cameras, engage in reporting activities on the streets all the time in residential communities. I'm trying to understand but our considers violating the rules against posting private information does twitter. Consider reporting information. The public has a right to know. Private information is quite the Rubicon recrossing it put. It wants to ban this particular piece of information. Oki said twitter claimed the video published private information. That falls. You said twitter invited project verities too, and we
appeal? That decision with twitter and an apparent act in retaliation for daring to question their authority? Twitter responded to our appeal suspending our account continuing to tell us that project varied house could delete the tweet and have our account reinstated right. Here's the thing again. These rules only apply to one side of the political I'll. What we had people who released without consent calls of lead Maloney a Trump and her friend right even into party consents into party consent areas, disorders, stuff. When I began my twitter, presumably if you, if there is an internal discussion and daily wire revealed by the New York Times these put out, the tape using twitter would ban them. I have serious doubts very, very serious doubts, but this is how it works in social media. The left is in Control of the levers and information, and it is dangerous and are using them in fulsome ways yet, but they are using them to question.
limitation of information. They like it's one of the reasons I ve been telling you you need to come subscribe at daily, where you need to go to your favorite control. Valets needed subscribe now, because these folks in charge of the levers of information are not trustworthy. They are not, they cannot be trusted. When I said that we're all Gina Cyrano yesterday, that's because we're all Gina Corona, we are all living at the mercy of a bunch of peace will control the means of distribution and the means of information dissemination, and that is dangerous, dangerous, stop and by the way, they're not gonna, be shy in a future about using this sort of stuff. In fact, I love this guy, The same people who are presumably are cheering the banning of James O Keefe Project birdhouse from twitter. Those same people are now very angry that their acts that exist that protect privacy so pointer, which has a which is eight suppose it in its
possible for political fact it is the pointer centre, is a journalist eccentric. Supposedly they published a piece yesterday and its talking about clubhouse, so clubhouses new, app or basically, you have private cars with multiple people, and there is no tape that is capable of being taken of it, and there is no record that is kept of it. Raina, like a phone call and pointer, is very angry at this point or is suggesting that what needs to happen is that we need to build a record at those phone calls and we need to be able to archive those phone calls because their prominent people who use clubhouse, so we can't have private conversations, says pointer, it's amazing- I loves you can stick up for James. I give them here is here's what pointer had to say- and this is according to Messina Tartu Guerrilla and Harrison Mont US. There's. A new social media apply from funding worldwide. It's called clubhouse, it brings together like Teslas, Elon, musk and facebooks mark Zuckerberg. For the moment it seems to be beyond the reach of the broader fact checking community, but this should change soon. I Clubhouse this week was only possible because I own an Iphone the heightened service
only runs on, I, alas, to be accepted. Ass rather plain invitation code, downloading the opposite enough to be what has user? You must know the right people, as reported by tech websites and popular newspapers club, has aims to be most excuse social media platform ever launched. It offers users the opportunity to ensure different chat rooms and clubs and share live audio feeds. Not text are images with thousands of other people. Rooms are divided by topic, even schedule. Your participation by scrolling, through which discussions will be up next hours as a factor of working on the pandemic. I was eager to see if popular misinformation problems doesn't I've acts. Contents had already landed clubhouse, even though the platforms guidelines clearly say that users it may not spent false information. I thought I'd try to find some me, so I join the club called off Corbett effort having vaccines into the APS. Search bar, I found scholars from Johns Hopkins University is respected, epidemiologists, physicians and more
I moved on to search for misinformation and this information about politics. I tend to Donald Trump. There were no clubs dedicated to the former US president. The same is true of year, both Gennaro. This reporters had no covert. Nineteen falsehoods, no political disinformation. This is uh we're platform, and yes, it is but not Happily, for those reasons, as noted by Forbes clubhouses design inherently excludes people with certain disabilities. There is more Olivia Psmith writing for great day warned that on clubhouse there's no path to accountability, because the actors in post or people post or audio files, and doesn't allow users to accord Conversations Smith said, there's no way to prove someone said anything controversial at all. The lack of features will surely produce barriers for factory workers will not only be hard to choose what clubs join
but clubhouse also requires fabric is listened to ours and ours, and conversations before selecting what claims should be assessed with the myriad this. It s part they remember the day. This is a group dedicated to upholding journalistic integrity, get ready for this ready with the myriad of other platforms. Taxpayers are forced to contend with, would it be best for them to ignore clubhouse, renew Facebook didn't? According to the New York Times, it's already building a product to compete with clubhouse? Neither did the chinese government Andy after a rare moment of cross border dialogue between users from mainstream chair from mainland China and others outside the country, chinese sensors moved in a vision paying administration isn't ignoring clubhouse? Why should fact checkers? Why should you yet- You should be just like the chinese good answer: journalistic sent her pointer, good answer, poet, effect founders,
What we really need is for our Patrick or to be more like Chinese. Well done, men are journalistic establishment, they are fantastic. I have one final, journalistic establishment story for you in just one moment. First, let us talk about making your business, but herself business is this. Europe had to be really flexible. We ve had to deal with staffing problems and we ve created new staff with we ve built massively here a daily, where I know that you're doing the same, while the reality is that if you wanna business, the best way to get the best employees and if you're a prospective employee and your reply is about jobs, the best way to hook up with this is the Procureur. If you're in charge of her unfair business, These pivots over the last year have major job even more challenging, especially if you have to hire forebrain roles. Thankfully there is one place you can always count on to me. hiring faster and ease your zip recruiter, dot com, slash daily. Why are we
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Nicholas Musings, Nicole Hannah Jones and the insane navel gazing of Charles Blow and the ridiculous solid system of Michel But let me say that we did. The colonists through is just the dregs. It's just that it's an awful awful near times out by Badge Paul, Krugman images. The list of of horrible's goes on it, but bread Stevens wanted to publish a column at the New York Times about the firing environment meal because those big right now the meal was the science reporter who was fired from New York Times for the great sin of using the Edward in Non racist fashion, because you retelling. He was asking a question about how somebody use the inward to create context and determine whether this was in racist use would be, and whether or not this gender a massive blow back inside than your times woke staff and they got him fired and that, ended with near Times editor Executive Authority, the cat was an idiot saying that in time It is not an element of racism, which is ridiculous. I mean truly insane
in order to declare somebody a racist, they should have to have racist, intend it's ridiculous that just on its face it's insane, especially because the New York Times is printed the several times in the past several years. They printed it several times this month, in fact, was intended not an element of the crime there or what they say Bread, Stevens wanted to publish a column at the New York Times on this particular issue, so the New York Times killed it colonel email obtained by the daily based on Thursday Stevens, a conservative columnist, Clingy wrote a column defending Macneil but was put on ice by the Times publisher. His claims first reported by envy he's Doin buyers. If you still want why wasn't in the paper? It's because Agee Salzburg respect it. You are to tap the email tentatively titled, regardless of intense. The column draft appeared to zero in an executive energy markets, statements about Macneil, a copy of the column, pain and published by the Europe potentate Thursday showed Stephen singling out the cat and accusing the times of hypocrisy. Writing quote the times has never preview leaving try about citing racial slurs in order to explain, appoint Stevens wrote every serious moral philosophy,
the every decent legal system, every ethical organization care deeply about intention is, it is the difference between murder and manslaughter. It isn't aggravating or extenuating factor in traditional settings. It is eight cardinal sins. duration and pardons, or at least it was until trunk caught in the act. Misgivings as to how to slacken is an elementary aspect of parenting, friendship, courtship and marriage The columnist added a hallmark of injustice is indifference to intention and then your terms killed it Kathleen kings very editor. Times opinion section disputed, Stevens Account telling daily beast she consulted with sulzberger about the column. It was ultimately her decision to exit he said I ve been especially high bar of running any column could reflect badly on a colleague. I didn't feel this peace rose to that level. Oh, is that what it is Do you guys basically ran very wise out of town on rail because you wrote stuff they didn't like you'll, have the slack channel to be used as a hate board for very wise, but you know what we really cannot have his bread Stevens. Writing that the New York Times is being ridiculous. Environmental Macneil.
Many times is a garbage heap remains a garbage heap and it should not have your subscription or you trust too ridiculous outlet and that is being shown every single day they now. Finally, we're gonna get to impeachment talk, is so we'll get you impeachment in just one second First, let us talk about staying in shape up when it comes to getting or staying in shape. Nothing feels is good. Is that feeling of accomplishment hitting those fitness goals feeling great about yourself? Here's the thing I shall on can have You get, and I know you seen those commercials for Palestine and then you're, like other that's kind of interesting. When you look at a price, your eyes, roll back in your head. You paid because politicians are extremely extremely pricing. Echelon will give you pretty much the same thing except for eight action of the price echelon offers. The next generation of connected fitness bikes, fitness mirrors, rolling machines, their echelon stride, smart treadmill, no matter what your favorite fitness activity I shall, I will give you a fun, challenging work out from the comfort of your own home, the x, seven asses echelons latest state of the art innovation. It takes cycling to the next level that the x seven ass connected like is built.
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we saw today marks the day on which trumps team is going to way out his defence to the impeachment charge against him and honestly France is going to be fairly easy for him in the sense that the prosecution really prove the case there were seeking to prove now. If the case that there are proven was that trumps had really bad I'm stuck between the election and generally twentieth haze prove that we all knew that if the case was that the people on reset did something evil and criminal case proof. We already knew that if the case was, we have to show that Trump incited. The action did not prove that, because in order to show that Trump incited the action, we have to provide evidence that from actively incited in say, peacefully and paid radically protest actively. Incited the riot, if you make the case that from his impeach will, because of his behavior after enduring the actual right, then you have to have actual testimony from people were in the room with Trump or from himself talking about what he did that day. Why security forces won't send earlier Democrats did not bother to do this because, in the end. There's not going anywhere. Democrats novice isn't going anywhere Democrats by the way
bring a wild accusations without evidence since January six, about the complicity of fellow Republicans, Nancy Blowsy out general causing court has thus become a mainstream democratic. Talking point is the Republicans wanted to murder their fellow Congress people, our General Cosmic Cortez literally said that that TED crews, wanted to have her murdered on January. Sex, which is not something tat, is the Zodiac Keller, but besides that he has not committed a murderer. Since last, I tracked like nineteen, seventy nine. It's been a long time for tat had beyond that. You had and suppose you suggesting that there are members of Congress were working with the riders. No evidence has been presented to prove my point at all. I've been calling for the evidence since these attic that's a pretty outsize delegation. So what is this really about in the end. What is really about his pr- and everybody knows it- is about the idea that every Republican is responsible for this. This is why they went for the incitement charge guys if they had wanted to impeach on the basis of abuse,
power. A lot harder for applicants were true, but that, frankly, because abuse of power is a big none, legal definition- and it's pretty easy to about that- I mean it. I am river, either it's rather its rather difficult or about that. Actually, because again, if you charge somebody with a crime, it is a political crime, benign actual legal crime. Then your opponents aren't going to be. old to declare that you haven't fulfil the elements. Abuse of power can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but it's difficult to imagine the Trump abuses power when he spent two months railing against the four a city of the election in calling a bludgeon officials in all that kind of stuff right, but getting over that charge they went for. Incitement is the reason why Jonathan Turley, the law, professor from Drawer from my George Washington University, these have many things that basically the Democrats take this thing from the beginning. You said they one for the incitement charge because they know that they would. They want Republicans and in essence, to vote against impeachment. So they can That is a cudgel against Republicans. That is the goal and internal happens. We write about this because the reality, as you can't prove incitement here you can.
And they had anyone bother to take witness testimony as to what, from did the day off But what was he doing in the immediate aftermath? Didn't talk to anybody didn't present any evidence. All these areas like he was tweeting Kiowa Twitter tweets. Also, you have evidence that he was called up by the national gardening. Like you know. Mister present we need to go in using. I don't want that to happen. I love it. If he got up now be the time to present it met in present that towards the real goal here- and this is also one of the secondary goals of using incitement to standard the goal here is that any time republican uses inflammatory language from now on or even says something that Democrats don't like that will be considered incitement. This is part and parcel of a broader democratic and leftist attempt to treat everything they do not like as violence. So broken Berkeley a few years back. I will never forget this as being at Berkeley six hundred police officers required in order that I could just give a speech about free speech and protestors were outside with signs. That said, speech is violence. Speeches
and so this is something the left has been pushing for quite a while is the idea that if you say something with which I disagree, you are doing me home and that harm is, it should be considered a form of lawbreaking we should change the first amendment or anything that is considered harmful is criminal. Now here's the thing it didn't write. We gotta first amendment and it isn't. Incitement, however, is a criminal standard, and so, if you can establish that trumpeting inflammatory things like fight for the country where you got a fight, that kind of stuff amounts to incitement, it's pretty easy to go after people, you don't and claim that they are responsible for incitement, and this is used against Republicans. All the time has been used going. All the way back to Russia, Limbaugh being blamed for the Oklahoma City bombing. It's been used going up. back to Sarah Palin being blamed for the shooting of Gabriel different for no apparent reason and without any available evidence. So this is a long standing control for the left and then left in use Incitement. What they really trying to do is say that it's not just trumpets everybody and they're not really make in this particularly opaque
I mean I've been living very clear about this. Joy read over and MSNBC last night with Adam Chef, who has not left his green day, his green room, ten his pop tens in the green Roman MSNBC in CNN for like years at this point eventually have an official Adam Shift room over at these cable networks and he sleeps there Erin does laundering everything so she's with Adam ship she's, explaining that the GEO Gideon Ethiopia is a radicalized, anti democratic institution, Carson shift away. They start having a serious conversation that just about Donald Trump being a bad guy, but about the Republican Party becoming a radicalized anti democratic institution, because that you can have a regular party like the Democrats who have their flaws and we can make use of issue with them and a party is willing to seize power by force. That's what that sounded. Like me, another part. It is willing to seize power by force. Now again, can you name there then, who is backing Henry Ex right? Can you like which want any time now would be good
Even the New York Times is recognising that what is really is about as just a pr so there's a piece by piece. baker in the New York Times in the analysis, section titled, if conducting trumpets out of reach managers at sea gay verdict from the public and history. I was like when people say three he's gonna render its verdict. Diego has risen histories like right now, that's what's happening now. Also in twenty years talked me Peter because, as a day of violence and mayhem at the Capitol Sweden's evening last month, with bloodshed, glass shattered and democracy besieged president trumpet posted a message on twitter it seemed to celebrate the moment. Remember this day, for ever he urged the House Democrats prosecuting him and his ended impeachment Rau barely a month later, hopes make sure everyone does with. Shouldn't polarizing it seemingly out of reach managers as the prosecutors are known, are aiming. Their argument two other audiences beyond the chamber. The american people. Whose decision to deny trump a second term was put at risk and historic.
will one day render their own judgments about the former president and his time in power. Will here's the point like from lost the election? So what are they to recognise that the directives are twenty? Twenty two voters? Naturally, what this is about looking at it. Twenty twenty two voters, because the historians are you, don't like Trump cards, the historians most them on the left. They hated front before any. That stuff happened there already ranking, unlike the worst president, ever before the election. So it's pretty clear which way they are leaning about that is about electoral politics is about power, as always, because politics is generally about power, and they know this Carl row. said the managers had made, a persuasive presentations had not clear if they met the legal definition of incitement, an insurrection but he's, if he's effectively tarnished for all time and incapable of running in twenty twenty four, and that, of course, is one of the goals. Jonathan Turley of Professor George Washington University, who testified announced impeachment, so the managers the sandwiches playing to the crowd rather than making legal argument. So the house's presenting it surely charge but legally deficient case in terms of a conviction, indeed much
the arguments in designs when rage rather than to convict the videos are provocative, not probity, said correct. It is like showing the jury's, the retina jury, the remnants of the fire, it does not prove the accused started the fire. This is correct, but that's not the point. This was never the point, which is, of course, why they fast tracked this thing. According to the Washington Post, democratic lawmakers had coalesced behind a plant forced from from office within days of the of the attack on the capital Building Biden. Tbilisi didn't oppose impeaching Trump, but by an all, clear. He had no intention of letting the prior president's conduct interfere with the early days of his own administration, of their really truly serious about this. This wouldn't be a slave women, Thank you. Man impeachment right. There actually present witnesses that both the whole process. They try to prove their legal case, but they're getting what their get not that's right. They showed the video want people watch the video they get to claim that all Republicans Raul time who didn't boat for impeachment are complicit in January six. That was the point of it
why this was never region impeachment. Then I'm going through the normal process, I mean the chief justice of the Supreme Court was supposed to preside over all of this isn't even there. So that's what this impeachment truly is about. What the impeachment was always about. Realistically speaking, locate self yesterday the Democrats finished their case, Jimmy Rask in the House impeachment manager. He made an argument, Essentially, we have to use common sense now. Here's the thing about using common sense with regard to this, your common sense will tell you because I watch from for you those of you that what tromp was doing on January six was fairly clear. He wanted a photo up a bunch of angry people outside the capital building, because that's what front legs and complex photo ops. He likes images, You want to people's sound off. He literally said peacefully and patriotic lay open want to ignore that are pretend it doesn't matter. It does and then people went and they broke into the capital. Does anyone really think the Temple got that morning? I cannot I'd love, love is there a bunch people ran into the cap.
Building and try to hang my pants, I think I'll, be amazing. Common sense tells you that this is not the case it, but we are supposed to believe the common sense tells us. This is the case. According to Jimmy Ruskin and House impeachment managers, when Tom Pain, road common sense, the pamphlet that launched the American Revolution he's got that common sense. Really meant to different things. One common sense is the under standing that we all have without advanced learning in education. Common sense is this: Success about everybody, but common sense is all so the sense that we all have in common as a community. Senators, America: we need to exercise our common sense about what happened, while common sense tells me that from Frederick was inflammatory and that he was saying things that are not true and that people who tens
Storm capital buildings also did not do so at the direction of the president of the United States. They are common sense tells me, because that seems fairly obvious to me. Frankly. Ok then then Rascal went further. He said the first amendment does not create a superpower from impeachment others is true. I mean you can, if, for any reason, impede for for the President of the United keeping his toenails wrong. There is nothing in the constitution that prevents the house from impeaching for litter, we anything, there is a certain irony to Jamie In standing up there, a man who literally challenged election electors beckoned back in two thousand and sixteen setting they're in saying that there is no superpower, immunity from impeachment for people who do bad things in government. It also kind of considering that there actually is special legislation that has been passed. A grant immunity to me was of the house who speak on the congressional floor from things like slander. He can say anything slanderous. You want lungs, you're, doing it on the floor of Congress nurseries and special immunity there, but in any case there is Rask in saying that when from says that he's using the first amendment here, but that's not
action to defend him. Emily depends on this energy using you are the ones who said that he was inciting to insurrection too high legal bar. You didn't clear that legal bar, so instead now you're you're, basically charging something that you're not even alleging are your charging that he incited to insurrection, and then you are not actually proving the case for incitement or that he facilitated interruption by the President of the United States. We want as military, and I want you guys- to invade the capital building right now and take all of those guys hostage. That's what a cool looks like right now would be an insurrection himself. a bunch of people. The election was stolen. Let's go on a march to the capital income, people how angry? Where inject them with his mind, that is not incitement, nor is it insurrection. That's just political rhetoric. It stuff, like it's ugly, inflammatory that does not fulfil the charges years Rask in trying to make it fulfil the charges.
the first amendment does not create some super power immunity from impeachment for a president who attacked the constitution in word and deed. While rejecting the outcome of an election, he happened to lose. If anything present drums conduct was an assault on the first. and an equal production rights that millions of Americans exercise when they voted last year. In so many Korea Booker, was saying, we don't need more evidence. Does one the most beautiful things about the Democrats is that these don't need evidence when it literally to provide any evidence other than just taken tweets? There was the entire case you're from sweet. Here's the tape. We didn't, learn anything new in the course of this. We related neolithic. We mourned over the course of this. I watched a fair bit of it. The only thing that we actually learned is that the rioters were close to members of Congress and and devices
in terms of proximity, majority kind anew, considering the members of Congress, it openly talked about this. I talked members of Congress at the time, but Corey because, as you know, we did we, we presented enough evidence improving our case. That's not something we have to do. It is far too to even venture to say that the commander in chief, who swore an oath to protect this sacred space, did not fail in his duty, do not betray that oath. We do not need more evidence, in my opinion, to come to the conclusion that Donald Trump violated his oath of office. Ok, but that was not to question really The question is whether it asked whether he violet his oath of offices is. Did he do so in the fashion alleged by the impeachment document? You guys could on broader, you didn't you did so on purpose That is a simple legal reality here.
there there people have enabled from treatment and Republicans Democrats, and I see the case. I do. I disagree with the case, but I see the case, but Democrats did not fulfil their burden here they related and trumps campaign is gonna say that I trumps team is going to they're, gonna, say: wasn't you guys, keep saying incitement answer and here's matching water saying that you should push back get in people's faces and pushed back on them here is colorist, weeding out support for people who are riding in Minnesota. Here, members of Congress talking about how uprisings are generally okay, so long as they are in the right political direction to all these people get impeach. Her white hairs Do you guys denying the down troubles president for four years? Is the standard election Nile? But what exactly is the standard here and there can be no comeback around twelve zennor from cancer he said listen. This is pretty easy. We should condemn violence and extremism on both sides, but is pretty obvious. That's not what's happening here. My take years is that we should condemn violence extremism on both sides. For six months
I've been on far because of extreme left wing anarchists, and now we had rightwing people who can show that it can be just as crazy, but I can tell you that the people creating mayhem and would have physically attacked my wife Can I at work at the very least disorderly and not a bank commands not one or even got a traffic ticket, so you know this: let's have the same standard. I mean nothin be the standard that in that order, the point there is no neutral standard that is applied across the aisle, and Republicans are right to point that out Republicans are right to point out and Democrats deliberately set a standard here in order that they would be divisive. It's amazing how many times we can do this in the course of a year. There were something bad that happens to the country and it should be very, very uniting eye when a giant pandemic gets the country. Should be a point of unity, we're all gonna get together. We can work on this when they use the best science available. Everybody sort of groping there. way through this thing, but we're
on the same side. Nobody wants anybody to die. Instead, it immediately turns into this political browbeaten, where, if you are on the right and it's because one die. If you even wanna take economic concerns into account informing called covered policies whose won't grandma. Today we can cover up material. Everything becomes a politically parts. Initial immediately January sex seems like there's pretty wide consensus. by the polling data from was saying things that are not true from the election, although we have through January twenty about the election. Also, people riding in the capital building is super bad and evil. That is something that is criminal in those people should be prosecuted. End of story. In fact, you know who's saying that at the time my pants on the floor of the Senate, which Mcconnell on the floor of the Senate. Instead, it immediately went to, and also by the way, even if you're supposed to be generous ex right, and even if your posed Donald Trump statements about the election, even if you said voter, progeny, So the election. You know you said all those things unless you are willing to impeach Trump after
is already out of office. This means you are complicit in. All of this is a deliberate attempt to create division. It ain't gonna get near by. I was informed, there's gonna be a new period of unity, I'm not seen any of it, not one little bit of it, because this was not designed for unity was designed for division. It was not designed to be a perfectly tailored impeachment charge against Trump. not designed for any that was designed to be a process that elicited evidence. That was undeniable. It was designed to be a political display and so they succeeded in the political just why, but make no mistake, that's exactly what does is already we'll be back here today with one additional hour of content for the men. Shapiro shall first, you cannot forget to end your week by watching the Andrew Craven show on tonight, show drew will be discussing christian politics and more, and you know, coronal, being cancelled cell, had an over daily wired outcome this evening at seven p, M Eastern and tune in I am bench of here. This is the bench bureau. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give
a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to we're available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael moles show and the Mat Wall show thanks for listening, Dementia Piero shows produced by courts in house second producer. Jeremy boring our supervising producers are math is Glover and Robert Sterling Production mandatory, the white asking our associate. Producers are Rebecca Joy incidentally, men get it shows edited by Adam silence. Audio is mixed migratory amino here and make up is by Favila, Christina Production Assistant Jessica. Grant the eventually I show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty one, Everybody this is Andrew, Craven, hosted the Andrew claimant show you know. Some people are depressed because the republic has collapsed, seeing the end of days is approaching and moons turned to blood
but on the Andrew Clayburn, show that's where the fun just get started so come on over the Andrew Clavering Show and laugh your way through the fall of the republic with me and reclaim
Transcript generated on 2021-03-14.