« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1189 - The Democrats Break All The Rules


Democrats remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from her committee assignments and the White House undercuts its own CDC director on reopening schools.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats remove Marjorie Taylor Green from her committee assignments, the White House under but its own cdc director on reopening schools, the binding administration considers executive action again this time to forgive student loans at I'm bench bear the system, Morocco the bench parachute sponsored by expressing the opinion data. Is your business protected at Express gps dot com, Slash Ben already, so in a second reading, Then his first reminder you could be saving hundreds of bucks every single year on yourself on provider you're, not because for some, reason you have not yet called up my friends over it pure talk, USA, here's the thing over a thousand of you, my extremely wise listeners, have already taken me up on this particular pitch. You ve made the switch from your overpriced wireless carrier to pure talk over the past couple of months. What exactly are the
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plain, really hit the Pentagon on nine eleven to other jewish, Lasers had started wildfires in California all of those really while conspiracy theories except the last one, which I can neither can confirm or deny, as a member of the jewish worldwide conspiracy confirm or deny that your space lasers started the California wildfire, perhaps we were aiming for the mullahs, housing ironic, dismissed means at its disposal are aimed at age does not in any case Margaret Hale agreeing the congresswoman from Georgia? There is a debate inside the republican caucus, whether she strip it struck her of her committee assignments and I'd suggest but it was worthwhile rubbing her of her committee assignments and you could earn her way back into the good graces of leadership by not being crazy for like five seconds. They just give her a six month probationary period, and then you can rest I heard you her congressional assignments if you see fit, but at the very beginning, she's entered office on the wave of nonsense about election being stolen in quasi sympathy for people who do bad things and all
There is no reason why you'd give her committee assignment, especially an unimportant committee assignment. Well, that's in play out inside the republican clock is probably for a couple of reasons. One is there a lot of people? on the republican side of the Isle, who didn't like the image of the Republican Party, taking Marjorie Telegram from supporter off of her cities, while simultaneously making sure that lose training would remain in house leadership? I didn't see why that was the big problem. Frankly, it seems to me that was actually the proper solution until these sort of big tend prevailed, and the idea here was that you were more what Margaret Hale Green keep her coming assignment and maybe down the road she blows up and removed from the committee assignments, but she's not actually sin while being a member of Congress, yet because she was made a member of commerce five seconds ago, when she sends maybe will remove her from her committee assignments because he actually happen, something bad as congressperson, as opposed to before you're a Congress person and, frankly, there's a fair bit of precedent for that. Their alot of Congress, people have said crazy stuff before
Congress, people they were not removed from their committee assignments. The truth is that a lot of Congress, people who have said insane things while they are Congress, people are not been removed. From their committee assignments, Cynthia Mckinney, the former congresswoman from Georgia Democrat, was, Avonlea Anti semitic conspiratorial. She retained all of her committee assignments when the Democrats had control of her committee assignments. Ok, so the report, make the decision not remove Margaret Hale of Green from her committee assignments. Writhing, that's the long haul, but one thing is pretty clear from precedent in practice and that is parties get to choose which members they want to be on particular committees in majority does not get to choose for minority which members of the minority Party got to be on a particular committee. The majority comprises the majority in each committee, but they don't get to decide. Ok, you know we don't like this republic and we're not gonna put them on this committee. Are we just don't want
back in the day, tray gouty on the judiciary, committees, we're not gonna put em on the Judiciary Committee, we're not gonna. Let that happen were instead want to force him to go to be Commerce committee. Read that that's not something that has historically been done. It is the job of each party to decide which of its members sit on particular committees. Will yesterday the Democrats, because they have basically decided that all norms are out the window. There are just going to cram, do whatever it is, they want to cram down again, I can believe the margin. bring should not be on these committees, but it is not there. But the majority in the house. You tell the minority. in the house which people can put on particular committees, that is violation of every norm and every rule Sophie are that we know about when it comes to House Committee assignments. Nonetheless, Democrats went ahead and they did this. Last night, the House voted Thursday to Strip Republican so Margaret Hale Green of our committee assignments accordingly, CBS News. All Democrats in eleven I voted for the measure, despite republican leader, Kevin Mccarthy's opposition to it is worth noting at this point by the way that lose Cheney
right, who does not like Margaret Hale Reign was training who voted for impeachment. She came out and she said it's ridiculous. The Democrats are doing this. She she believed him that I do not say that I think a lot of publicans do which has Marjorie Taylor rain. Maybe a fringy crazy kind of person, but it is not the job of the majority in the house as a full body to decide which members of Minority Party get to sit on, which committee list training put out a statement. She said Republicans are not the Party of Kyoto Conspiracy, theorist, white, supremacist, Holocaust denial or NEO Nazis. These views are evil. Representative green has a spouse opinions and have no place in our public discourse. It is our responsibility Republicans to address these issues inside our own conference, speed the policy and the Democrat Majority have no business determining which Republicans sit on committees. This today sets a dangerous precedent for this institution. That democratic may regret when republicans regain the majority. Will that is definitely drew a just, as the Democrats came to regret, Harry reads: decisions
nuke, the judicial filibuster when which Mcconnell decided you know what its note or he's gonna ran through a bunch of truck nominates democratic gonna, live to regret the decision where they were going to start telling, which Republicans could be on particular committees, because when republicans retake the house in two years, which, frankly to have a good shouted doing, when that happens in two years by January, twenty twenty three they are going to be deciding which Democrats ought to sit on which particular committees, CBS News, has that, although some republicans have rebuked green, there's been opposition to stripping her of committee assignments, which carry power since bills on crafted in committee, Democratic Slim, her seat on the education of Labour Committee, in particular. Given grins previous promotion of conspiracy theories related to the Parkland Newtown School shootings Mc Mccarthy's on Wednesday, he unequivocally opposed greens comments but accused democratic power grab on Thursday the vote. Mccarthy said the resolution creates a dangerous new standard that will only deepen divide. That, of course happens to be correct.
A handful of Republicans. You broke with the party that is mostly Republicans who are in competitive districts like heavily purple. Districts are heavily blue districts. People like Nicole Malea Talk is in New York, and John Cackle from New York, Adam Kensington, from Illinois young king of California, who just stop Maria virus how's our Florida down here in Florida. Congressional Democrats have been a course attempting to tie all the house, Republicans green. Their implication is, if you don't allow them to push green out. If a committee assignments, then this means that you are in favour of what Green said. That, of course, is not true in any way shape or form. You can think Republicans should have done it inside their own caucus, but you don't get to decide as Democrats who republic put on their particular committees itself. This all kicked off yesterday, Marjorie Haleran, getting on the floor of the house centrally apologizing for all of the crazy stuff that she'd posted over the past several years will get to that in just one moment. First, let's talk about the simple fact that if you ve got a medical issue, you really ought to just go. Get it fixed lotta people embarrassed about particular medical issues, and then they don't get effects they just let it sit there and in the biggest
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how she was wearing a mask now run on free speech, and she says that she was quoting what allowed tool things that aren't right, I'm not sure exactly what that means, but here is Marjorie Tailoring yesterday throughout twenty eighteen, because I was upset about things and didn't trust the government really, because, the people here warrant doing the things that I thought they should be doing for us, the things that I just told you I cared about, and I want you know a lot of Americans. Don't trust our government and that sad the problem with that, as though, as I was allowed to believe things that warrant true, and I would ask questions, questions about them and talk about them, and that is absolute. lay what I regret gaze Oh she says they know. They're allowed people believe conspiracy theories these days. They don't trust people in power that there is some truth to that. She says that you regret believing conspiracy theories and then she continues along these lines should mention nine eleven happened, of course, and that the plane had the Pentagon.
And she s lambs. The media as well here is measured tailoring yesterday before the house. I also one tell you nine eleven absolutely happened. I remember that day cry in all day, long watching and on the news and that's a tragedy for anyone to say it didn't happen and that is definitely want to tell you. I do not believe that its fake. What shall we do it was american. Shall we stay divided like this? We will we allow the media that is just as guilty as q and on presenting truth and lies to divide us. Ok, so that this sort of stuff did not induce her to urge the Democrats we're going to take her out anyway, truth is that the Democrats in the media have been eager for Margaret Haleran become a household name, riches of first term back bencher Jews, just elected in a kind of more rural districts, the idea that she is in any way indicative of the base of the Republican Party is kind of silly, but the media have decided that she is indeed
can have on the entire republican party, and this is nothing new. It is something the media. I've been doing in fact my entire lifetime. I remember one that they took the Senate, Senator candidate unimpaired again and they made him a national issue. I remember when you took Christine Oddy, Let her national is any Republican. Whoever says anything crazy anywhere across land immediately becomes referendum on all Republicans. Any Democrat who says crazy, is immediately contextual by members of the media. So members the media were, were unconvinced. Subject, tapir on CNN No, I'm by any of this edged edges, don't buy it. Here's the thing, your love not buy. It you're allowed to think that she is just be asking it and the apology isn't real, but, as you will see, there is a massive double standard here, because it turns out that when it comes to the Democrats, if you're a Democrat who believes ratify, conspiratorial crap, if you're an anti semite inside the Democratic Party, the entire media will rush to your defence had long and that they want even require an apology of you for your answer. Many comments in the past
here's Jake Tapir, saying he doesn't by any of measured halo, greens routine, I dont by any of it, because I have eyes and ears and As you know, this is about something bigger than large retailer green. Who was just you know, a frivolous person who and not a serious person who says horrible things. It's about how The republican Party is willing to embrace this in mainstream it again. I'm I'm just wondering when CNN and Jake Tapir going to point out and in acknowledging that the Democratic Party has embraced in extraordinary number of groups in their own party, how many members of the Democratic Party who met with marathon, whose, like the worst Anti Semite America, many the entrance. Many many many many, including by the way, the for the former president, United States, Barack Obama, used to hang with Jeremiah right and in Germany Right was good. Friends will further. In any case it dont George
the cookery is only on one side. According to the media, CNN Nicolinka, Henderson, just Adam, believe this either. She still you're on it sounds like she's still cure. I mean, I think, what we don't understand about conspiracy theories, I and theories if we're not in them is the ways in which they talk in may be dog whistle certain things that we don't necessarily understand, because we're not knee deep enough, I think, was dangerous about this moment. Issues still conspiracy theories, but she's sort of a rasping it in the language of conservative. Talk. Ok, so she still could we not believe. in other words right yeah, she gonna floor and yeah, she apologized, but we don't do it again. You are perfectly entitled to not believe Margaret Halloran right, it's a free country, you believe, whatever you want, you are not to say that you don't believe Marjorie Taylor, Greens, apology, but you definite believed. The Doha Omar has learned her lesson on Anti Semitism reputed to leave his learned, our lesson, Anti Semitism and the and the Democratic Party is completely innocent, so the Democratic Party Trot,
out eleven Omar, who is a rabid, anti semite not made a lot of bones about this she's a rapidly anti. you're a human being an airline Omar says you're, removing e g. That's what does that Margaret Haleran? That is We are as a democracy. Yes, I know what what we are as a democracy is people get elected to Congress and then other members of Congress Strip, their committee assignments from the opposing already in a norm, breaking move that has very little. In american history. That years ago our democracy here is L had Omar. This is not about one member. This is about
we are as a body and what we are as a democracy. This is about whether it is acceptable to chew on and encourage an insurrection against our basic democratic process. As a survivor of civil conflict and civil war, I know political violence and political rhetoric does not go away on its own. This is about whether or not we will continue to be a peaceful and functioning democracy. Ok, just a couple of note, your one Democrats talking about maintaining a peaceful and functioning democracy. My ten month old baby is old enough to remember. When Democrats were cheering on riots, I mean not very long ago, and that was the middle of the summer and Democrats Camilla Harris was
when to bail out rioters, she tweet a bailiff one for people who are engaging in in violent acts. Hey this is this is the double standard here again is what's killing the United States is double standards that kill the United States, because it is one thing to hold a standard we may not like the standard, but at least to tell unevenly when the standards applied ones have not the other. That is a completely different thing, but put that aside Ill Hannah Omar. talking about how people need to be pulled off committee because of bad things that they have said in the past. Omar saying this. He lemmings Roma, You Ellen Omar wrote a letter to a judge suggesting that a person who tried to join This should be given a lenient sentence, because America is filled with systemic racism, Ohio Omar tweeted, forget about before she was in Congress. She treated while she was in Congress about how a path was paying amiss, Can Congress people in order to be pro Israel rates all about the Benjamin's is what she tweeted. should use American Jews up a second possessing dual loyalty to Israel and the United States beforehand,
in Congress, as long shortening already before in Congress Standard, which is what they're using now. If Margaret Hale Green, she accused Israel of hypnotizing the world. She still supports the boy divestment in sanctions campaign against Israel, which is Anti Semitism. She submitted a solution in the House of representatives at compared boycotting is two boycotting the Nazis. According to the door, so imposed There is a whole move inside Congress to prevent BS on college campuses, She immediately said: none at all cutting is rosy. Boycotting the Nazis mean that that's bad Sylvan, Omar and Anne. Did she ever powder. In fact, not only did you not apologise for that not only do not apologise that she went on CBS this morning and she said I don't regret any of those comments. I regret how people took them, which is always that that's when I favoured apologies, as I really apologized for You took that what you're housing for me I know anything wrong. I used properly did your comments. Eurozone had all are not apologizing. Just it just a little while ago asking
there are things that you might say, may not hold wait for you, but to some one else right. The way that we here and consume information is very different than how the next person might tell you don't regret your words either. I do but I have gotten the. I am grateful for the opportunity we learn how my words made people feel and has taken every single opportunity. They began to to make sure that people understood that I apologize for at regional level, people that would have you never do that. You want that area. Then you are not Anti semitic also Not oh, certainly not. Certainly she was never anti semitic. Guys now know neither Rashid ITALY by the way shouldn't. We, whose flirted with the blood libel over and over again you she'll earlier this year she had to delete a tweet in which she was. She retreated a tweet suggesting that Jews had
had kidnapped a seven year old palestinian child and thrown him down a water. Well, it turns out that he had just slipped and had fallen into a well and died there. But you retweeted that now is not the first time where she had to leave a well respected member of the Democratic Party tweeted that Israel, unjustly oppresses and targets palestinian children after a palestinian rocket attack? israeli civilians. She compared Israel to Nazi Germany, which they form of Anti Semitism in December. After systematic, shooting at a kosher Dolly in New Jersey. Remember that this is just a couple years ago she rushed to get em white supremacy. The attacker happened. We, a member of the black hebrew Israelites. She later deleted, That is what we should actually be ass. She did so joys inside the democratic parties and by the way, how are they treated inside the democratic party? You got the entire republican party infrastructure, pointing out that Marjorie tailoring does not represent them. Does not the entire democratic Party rushed to Ill had almost defence there is an attempt to push a censure vote on airline Omar is like only a couple months by the way: Africa, Mccarthy, straw,
Steve king of his committee assignment I just a few more Waiter ill humour was brought up for a possible censure vote and Democrats. Cited instead to pass a resolution condemning ever bad thing in the universe? We're not gonna name it My we're just gonna say bad things are bad. Would you design onto our resolution and then Nancy close. He was on the cover of rolling stone without had Omar, I mean come on, come on to make the case. The Republicans are the Party of Marjorie Taylor, Green, and in that case, a lot weaker than the case. The Democrats, the party they hang Omar and proceeded to leap. Considering the amount of defence is placed in these two people minimum mean their other in Congress are extraordinarily round. on the democratic side as well. But here is the point. The double standard is what More cuts are living off renounced. The media are living off of right now. My favorite thing here is that Republicans
this? How we point out that look Margaret Hale agreeing in my opinion, should be instructive. Her committee assignments by the Republicans Democrats don't get to do this from the top level of the House of Representatives by the way again, when republicans take the house and twenty twenty two April you the first move. They will make us to triple hand on my machine, ITALY, but their committee assignments. L homer is a rabid, anti semite who sit on has foreign affairs Committee, in any case the media, immediate that their move here is not to say oh yeah, you're right. You know. Both sides really should purge themselves with the members who are unrepresentative of their viewpoints and Anne who traffic in Cannes, there's theories, furious and trafficking in June hatred, really both parties. You do that. Instead, the media like how dare you compare, he'll had Omar with Margaret Hale rate. Here is South Myers democratic hack, pseudo comedian, saying you can't you can't equate the to listen to this event is unreal, but I have to say the most vile defensive green I saw today came from Republicans and Fox NEWS,
it repeatedly tried to acquainted with Minnesota Congresswoman alone, Omar and lets say one wants Medicare four. On the other things, a jewish space, laser starts wildfires seriously. What's wrong with you, there is no equivalent and any attempt to create one is disgusting and races. That is amazing content from set my personal comedian, excellent mediating there from from its admires. Also don't just point out: no one's angrier, her cause she wants. Medicare for all people have been angry, her cause she hates Jews. That would be the reason why people have been angry at eleven o clock It means Don women. Doing the same thing on CNN Journalism is up to us, you so much journalism in the hot journalism getting everywhere heads down down them. Indeed, an objective journalist. Instead, we get false equivalency and both sides is both sizes them with the redemption claimed that Democrats like Johann Omar, somehow the same as Marjorie Taylor, green murmur. That happens there
I know my Republicans were outraged. She had to apologize martyr. Taylor, green has not apologise, martyr, Taylor, Green endorse executing Democrats executing them. None of those Democrats, if ever said anything remotely like that Well, maybe talking about Democrats who the queue of used, inflammatory language that is ended with you, no actual violence. I can aim a kind of a big. A crowd who said some things about how Republicans wanted people to die and then a bunch of Congress people got shot. One yearly should I think- and I can talk about that Ankara Democrats, who made excuses for violent activity during summer. That is a thing that happened like a fair bit during the summer, but John Lennon look that journalists me just amazing journal has been right there, okay and a second we're gonna get to the binding administration, which is trusting the science there there very interested entrusting the science except the date. They don't trust the signs with its then just one second. First in the next few months, our government, our government,
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An angel wings, waken people back, let used is amazing. Science was here and everybody in the binding illustration of science. Eleven They'll have signed so much that boys can be girls. Girls can be boys and babies before they are born or actually just clusters of cells. You can flush down the toilet other than that they are super into science. like science, Emacs science based their bill, my the science guy, except, if you actually had you know like your level signs too, but they are just a may, like science up an especially with covert, has trump that guy he sucked on call that we know he was bad uncovered because he's a crazy stuff. All the time, I'm sure he had left you know the same exact plan. The Joe Biden did about vaccine roulette, ensure operation warp. Speed did end with the creation of vaccine in record time and ensure the Democrats were most praised by the media. It turns out kind of sucked it their jobs, for it turns out that the Andrew Cuomo, the anti trump ends up not only being a garbage governor of the state of New York, but perhaps a criminal and covering up the number of nurse
does but now listen things, change, ok, January twentieth, the skies open, the rays of light came down and Sir Isaac Newton holding hands with Albert Einstein holding hands with the greatest of all doctors, Joe Biden came down from and brought us to science itself. Has that you're a science gun guys downgraded it. So you will recall that over the past forty eight hours, Joe Biden, CDC director adhesive Easy director, whose name is Rochelle, will Linsky was on a live stream right. It was. It was a cd see pressure this as they see these. He pressed her those being lives streamed by this embassy and the CDC director said the teachers do not need to be vaccinated, nor for schools to open. Now I remember during the Trump Administration the claim was the trump kept undermining his public health officials. How dare he ever our anyone?
Russian ever contradict the all wise all knowing all seeing Anthony found. She was only switch position. on masking more than the commerce you tried dies on sex. How dare anybody ever put out data or theories that are contrary to the treaty? All knowing I there was Doktor Anthony Patchy, and the claim was, the trouble is routinely too. He was undermining on public health issues. Was he a doctor Inga to undermine public health officials? Ok, so Rochelle, Valencia, doctoral shovel and skis insidiously director here she as my forty eight hours ago, saying you don't teachers don't need to be vaccinated, nor for schools to open their eyes crazy idea that suggest that schools can safely reopen about that? Save reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccine in order to reopen safely so well. We are implementing a dog.
criteria of the advisory committee and other state local guidance to get back summation across the world. Double communities. I would also say that I'm sorry, Reopening of schools is not that vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite. save reopening, not you, may notice something in this club. If you're watching this visually may notice. Something behind Occupational Linsky is a is a step and repeat these Stepan repeat: is a logo below those says upon it? he d C centres for Disease Control and prevention. Ok, so here is the problem. What she said, which the teachers don't need, be vaccinated, cuts against what a lot of the union heads are saying, because the union heads they don't care about the science they care about, being able to at their union members paid without those people ever having to work, because unions are generally in the business of doing things that are less profitable for companies and when it comes to public sector unions, things that jack the taxpayer in and get their union members morbid
That is what unions are in the business of doing. That is why they exist to negotiate and they do not exist to make businesses more efficient. They do not exist in the public sector in order to make the public sector more efficient or to serve the taxpayers. That is not what you means exist to do there in opposition to those things. Okay, so the union's commander. Now we need teachers Activated there there certain teachers unions over the past week, women's whom we need students vaccinated, which is crazy concerned. Cassini Sea has not Greenland the vaccine for small children. You can't vaccinate in the United States. I believe legally kids, were like seven or eight years old. Tell Jen Zacky is his ass about this. The great how refreshing cornbread is super refreshing. The most refreshing he's like like a fresca of a press secretary, the White House John Sacking, who only so I professionally for the sake of our urban actualize professionally for the entire White House, which is exciting in social. She, up there at the White House and she has asked me.
the CDC director saying a thing? They contradict one of the democratic chief constituencies, teachers, unions. And the teachers unions. They don't like the actual science, so dense ass. You know, you know that's easy director. She said the teachers can go back to work you know without having been vaccinated prerequisite. So how does Johns He responded to this well by lying. The president, shall I be Crystal clear: once schools open. He wants them to stay open and is any wants to do that safely. Anyone's health and medical experts to be the guides For how we should do exactly that, so we're just not sure that the doctor Whiskey spoke To this end, her personal capacity obviously she's the head of the CDC, but we're gonna wait for the final guidance to come out, so we can use that as a guide for schools around the country. In a personal capacity, she's, literally doing a CDC press conference in that tape I played for you sitting in front of the logo.
of the CDC, the hell of a person, capacity, some issues in a pda meeting or something the dinner with guns, Aggies! I. What do you think doctors are well, you know what I think. I think teachers no need vaccination. That would be the personal capacity when you sit in front of the city Design, and you say that thing in the middle of easy. see press conference pretty sure Thus, I am pretty sure that right now, Jack he's pushing crap because that's what they do over the White House. So one intrepid report actually asked transacted question and honest to God, send this person a bottle of wine, because when a report- as when any report asked an actual question to Jan Saki, that person should be ordered here we need to incentivize good behaviour by reporters. It's like a pavlovian responsiveness and bottles of wine reporters. We actually ask serious questions of this administration, since most of them are tourists
boot licking the administration, so some rapporteur not sure which one can some important asked Jackie, I'm in question. If you have to choose between teachers, unions and students who does the administration choose, this is a good question, because the teachers unions right now are striking effectively against the students in in direct contravention of the actual science here was transaction, responds to this intrepid reporter. If it comes down to a wider choice, who is the president choose the case or the teachers? I think that's a little about unfair how you that question, but I will say the present believe school should be open teachers. One schools, the open families ones, was to be open, but we want to do it safely, sure that any parents in this country would disagree with wanting their kids to go to school and a safe environment. Where there's
cancellation or proper precautions are taken, whether its masks or social distancing, and that's as priority or his priorities. To avoid the question is what you're saying they did. I can really just the question at no question is precisely posed. A question is exactly correct. The teachers Une is framed right. The teachers unions are striking against this. he's right now, in contravention of the science by the way you know agrees with this. The queen of science over in Chicago has finally realised it wait a second I mean that video right after the election talking about the glory science and then have spent the last several weeks. Kowtowing to that you should unions, maybe I should actually stand up for the signs. So here what that question. Genseric he's like that's an idle question: teachers want the same things as the students here is that lorry Lightfoot sank. Note the teachers don't want the same thing as this the breaking the system today, because the teachers unions are being awful.
Let me remind you of the over one hundred million dollars in medications that Cps is invested in our schools to make them safe. They included inhalation, testing, how screening faith coverings, enhanced cleaning and other in school safety measures and as expression goes, the proof is in the pudding cps it three weeks of successful implementation. of these mitigation plans in our schools that was until the sea to you blew up that success. created chaos that we are now enduring majority voting the union's aren't exactly the same side is the students were on the same side here, except for the exceptional teachers. There's like my favorite joke was the similarity between account aplomb above purple, except for the cow. my dear Watson, similarity between the teachers, unions and then the students they both want. A real
when the school safely accepted the teachers. Men like it. It's pretty amazing and by the way, speaking of the best science, nothing under its faith in the vaccine like watching sack. He said yesterday, the White House, so this is becoming talking point and it's the dumbest talking point I can imagine it is so stupid. I really here is John sacking Whitehouse Press our criteria, sturdy saying the thing that is most calibrated for people say: I'm not gonna bother getting the vaccine, where is right here, part of what we are also trying to do is make our health and medical experts available to ensure people understand and I'll reiterate it here today, it's not just a vaccine as obviously at an incredible medical breakthroughs, and we want every American to have one, but even after vast vaccinated.
She'll distancing wearing master to meet going to be essential, and we will need to continue communicating about that through health and medical experts. Dilemma explain something to you know and, as my explanation, no no we're not gonna. Do that nobody's gonna do that once people are vaccinated, there are just not going to do that and you know what they should do that because it a certain level. Yes, is there a baseline risk that a few a few a vanishingly view people could get infected, They get vaccinated sure, but the baseline level of risk is adapt, went so unbelievably low that there is. no rationale for continuing keep society shot, none there's, no rationale for socially distancing no rationale for mass glaring. It is not a thing if you want to say that everybody for the future should always all circumstances socially distance and mask with people who are over eighty nursing homes. There's a better case for that and what you're saying post vaccination? Israel just came out with a study.
Haiti is released by the amount to be healthy healthcare services and here's what they found as of Thursday. There have been over four hundred, and sixteen thousand people have gotten. Second Pfizer shot, in Israel here is the grand total number of people who have gotten covered two hundred fifty four out of four hundred and seventeen thousand people. Two hundred and fifty four people got covert after getting that second shot and zero of them had having oceans, zero over the same period of time, seven hundred seventy eight thousand people in the control group, almost thirteen thousand new cases of covert at nineteen emerge That shows that the vaccine is ninety one percent effective seven days or more after the second injection is administered the whole point of people taking the vaccine, particularly if you are not a high risk of death from this thing, if you are under the age of six,
five and indecent health. The only reason really that you're taking this is to prevent yourself from infected people who are old or, more importantly, Jingle Ex regular life. We all know this. We all know this so if you're commencement healthy forty year old, not to take the vaccine. The best way to do that is to tell but even if they take the backing, they have to continue doing this crap ad infinitum. It's not going to happen. Why she's pushings point is absolutely beyond me. It's ridiculous! It is counterproductive. It is stupid. It is not scientifically back at a certain point. You be risk. Level of covert is low enough. That we have to go back to our regular wives. Covered is not going to disappear. Covered is not going to be elected. I played we're. Just doesn't exist really any more. That's not gonna be a thing. It will remain a baseline level of risk and if that baseline level of risk is reduced by ninety percent, at that point, go to work at that point, go to a concert go to a baseball game. I will. f, ragged vaccinated. I plan on engaging in my regular life and you know what my parents, who are verging on sixty five, the planet.
The exact same thing, because at that point you know what life is filled with risks the White House encouraging people, continue masking and socially distancing after they have. The vaccine is not. It is not, and it is going to commit millions of people not to get the vaccine, If they're saying ok. Well, I don't even know the risks of the vaccine. Our two years from now we don't have longitudinal study or anything so either. I could go back to my regular life, not get the vaccine or I, go back to my regular, then get the vaccine or alternatively, and get the vaccine go back to my regular life or not get the vaccine not go back to my regular life. One of atoms, gonna skip the risk. I have an underlying risk, these geniuses with their science, while amazing in its economic, give you the most genius scientific move that I've seen from the vine administration. This isn't even like the extent of if we get it be final. The final ridiculous Biden, administration move because remember he's the president. Now he's not just a candid he's responsible for the stuff that happens on his watch, so Donald Trump was supposedly responsible for every death happening. While he was president of the United States when Covet hemmings the Joe Biden, his nurse
for well over fifty thousand deaths in the United States from Covet right. That's Lily calendar works according to media. I don't think that's how should work? That's how the media have treated it, we'll get to bind administration in just one second into bureaucracy. First, it's February besides Groundhog Day Valentine's day and the occasional twenty nine is a pretty short month not allowed to write home about President's days nice as well. But there is one thing that you should be looking out for you ready for this area. Go febrile, Harry, that's right, happy, febrile harry! What does that mean? It's the time of the year to grow a beard correct? Please do yourself in all of us a favour to it in style. We don't need the lake straggly, weird beards, they that you see in, like old Viking movies. We need awesome, beards moving it. We need people who have beards. That look great, that's why you need bearded supply their running a promo right now on all of their birth,
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just a few weeks ago it has an audience score of over ninety three percent over at rotten tomatoes. The critics- and I like it good because the Greeks are left- you woke Jerks- had another to run high fight right now. You can only watch it daily where an account. If you want to watch it, use our HF. That's the code are HF or run hide fight to get twenty five percent off your membership. Today, this point was only available through the weekend. So this would be your last chance. Use code are h after get twenty five percent off your membership, a daily where join us in the culture war today and enjoy the entertainment while you're at it you're listening to the world fastest, growing concern upon us and radio on the nation. Ok, so here is the greatest Joe Biden. I didn't inspiration covered story of the day. You renovation, remember one of Europe's on trumped for a long time was his bureaucracy to terrible job. That's true, the FDA did a terrible job. The FDA continues to be a largely garbage organization that
not do a good job in the United States. In fact, there is distorting the Washington Post just two days ago. Talking that had the FDA completely miss the fact that there are heavy metals in baby food for like years and the FDA into anything about it, which is just fantastic israeli FED, maybe he's my food as they pretty much everybody else on the planet. In any case now it turns out that the FDA read the FDA supposed to run all of these vaccines through its process and they delay and they lay in the way where they take forever to do this kind of stuff. So now we are learning the Johnson and Johnson is Emergency FDA authorization for single, grown a virus vaccine that can be helpful, regimen we're in the middle of giant pandemic. Yes, you rates of transmission, have dropped out forty five percent since their height, but there's no way above anything before October, so shall be fantastic. That also means that you don't need as many roses. It means that you need to come back three weeks later. It means that the period for developing unity, is much shorter, so Johnson and transmitted wish I krona various vaccine to you. Regulators on Thursday afternoon for emergency use authorization. The scimitar,
the pivotal, stepped on reducing the burden of disease for people globally and putting an end to the pandemic said Paul, stifles she scientific officer of Johnson and Johnson. In a statement of vaccine receive regulatory clearance, it will be the third author I shot in the United States. So that's exciting stuff right I mean a single shot: big victory for for the world, big victory for the United States and for Johnson and Johnson. The FDA officials have announced that outside experts will discuss the vaccine at a public meeting. Three weeks from now on February, twenty six Oh busy, are you in the middle of pandemic, with thirty five hundred people dying day, the FDA that I mean the brilliant, have their business at the FDA. Now I'm coming to bother you guys. I mean, like ring, over here and wait. You guys are in the middle of sex and like eleven o clock morning? I know your lazy, but like at a certain point, might you want to consider the possibility of an emergency you sought without authorization for a single shot vaccine that could revolutionise our treatment of a
a horrifying disease that is shut down the entire world economy for a year. Could it bother you just like a second? I you guys, are super busy making sure that all milk cannot actually be called milk. I know that's like a big priority for you, and vegetarian meat should not be able to be called meet like I get that these are like huge things, but at some won't, you might want to get around who you know authorizing for emergency use, a vaccine said people don't die. Is it too much to ask? I guess it's too much to ask so we really slow, but for the barracks about my whose bureaucracy is that has informed the bureaucracy would be streamlined, would be wonderful. My check the calendar in today's vote
If, as I and you know that means that means the Joe Biden has been present in since general twentieth, and that means the Joe Biden has been president for two weeks more than two weeks. So I'm anytime nagging like seriously anytime, you want to actually start having Joe Biden take. Responsibility for its administration would be just fantastic. Well done. Joe Biden FDA really really well done stuff. and by the way I love him than the media are just going to treat the by an administration as though they are doing everything right. While they continue to do everything wrong. That's just the way this is going to go for four long years and its its it is we amazing what they're going to be able to get away with in terms of bad policy cheered on by the way pseudo conservatives, as it turns out David Brooks, has one of the word. Collins I'd seen in recent memory. Ok over than Europe, none of that time that David Boxes, the in house conservative at the New York Times, nasal Jennifer Reuben, the former in house
normative and major newspaper has a peace today in the New York Times called Abiden is right to go big. This could be the moment of social repair now so he hears what he says. He says any ease correct that the bill, a Joe Biden, is pushing for another one point: nine trillion dollar pandemic relief bill is way too big. It happens. We way too big by virtually every estimate, economist Michael Strain of the american enterprises it says there'll be a four hundred twenty billion dollar output gap in twenty twenty one, because the pandemic, we're gonna, spend almost two trillion dollars in order to fill that output gap? Is it even David Brooks acknowledges this, but I love this. Here's. How do these have the entire media? Argentina treat this stuff? It's all a big experiment, eyes, and when we experiment we have to be bold, bold with our experiments. says David Brooks I'm impressed by the scale of the social crisis. All around us, the Biden team is absolutely right to go. Begging you can use covered as a pretext. Yeah Zoo AIDS can go wrong.
Hold all of american society using covered as a pretext. Why are people suspicious of The government has uncovered when people are openly calling. them to use covered as a pretext. Why are so many men can suspicious of what the media and what government tell them on things like climate change, when people openly say that the government should use climate change as a pretext, I cannot imagine I love this David books. If the experiment bales will see, a rise in inflation would put ourselves hundred crushing debt burden of sparks another bust and the boom and bust cycle. But if the experiments exceeds we'll have an economy that is growing faster than most kind not possible ten years ago, as you, white hot labour market, rising wages we'll take a large step towards social repair when you're great nation is facing the climate of rising.
Quality, insecurity, distrust and alienation? You won't you sit there. You try something big, ok, sir. I love that things are bad. You know, will help this fire hose of cash, that we don't have and then we'll just cheer, and you know what they'll get credit for, having taken the risk of spending money, that they have the right to spend from people who have not yet been born visit. then Friedman. The Biden can, if by four four long years it if you think that the populace turmoil, that is, that has been roiling the country of the last several years going way anytime, soon, inane it ain't and there's a good reason that it ain't already. We back here today with an additional hour of the Ben Shapiro show. But first you cannot forget to end your week by watching the Andrew Craven Show drew his officially back every Friday. He's got an exciting new plan for use your head on our daily work to combat this evening. At some chemistry and tuna, bench where this is the bench Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word please give
a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to reveal on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases also be sure to check out the other dearly wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael Mole Show and the Mat Wall show. thanks for listening, Dementia Piero shows produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising users are math is clever and Robert Sterling Production mandatory the white asking our associates users are Rebecca Doyle inhumanity. Men get it shows edited by Adam silent Audio is mixed migratory amino here and make up is by Favila, Christina Production assistant. Just a grand adventure show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty one, everybody. This is Andrew, Clavering hosted the Andrew Craven show. You know some people are depressed because the report is collapsing in the end of days is approaching and moons turned to blood
but on the Andrew Clayburn showed that's where the fund just get started so come on over the Andrew Clavering Show and laugh your way through the fall of the republic. With me, Andrew Clayton,
Transcript generated on 2021-03-15.