« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1184 - Robinhood Becomes The Sheriff Of Nottingham


Wall Street’s GameStop nightmare continues as Robinhood shuts down small traders; AOC rejects cooperation with Ted Cruz while accusing him of attempted murder; and the Biden economic cramdown is coming.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
While streets game stop nightmare continues as Robin Hood shuts down. Small traders. Elsie rejects cooperation- taboos, while accusing him of attempted murder and the vital economic rammed down is coming adventurer. This is the best here I shall be show, is sponsored by experts. Vps. It's time to stand up to big tech, protect your data expressly peons outcome, slash than well there a lot of reasons why you would want to save money this year. But where could you save money I'll tell you where on your cell phone bill. That is why you should be checking up pure talk, USA, many Americans say their top nears resolution is to say money in the next year well checked about right now, and you Emily switches to peer top median tv, rising or t mobile, you could take over eight hundred dollars year, its real money every single month, right back in your pocket, you'll have to sacrifice cover pure talk is on the same network has won the big carriers they charge. Half that's right! No gimmicks! No fluff added to the bills, which is why pure talk is the topic,
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boosting the price of the game stop stock. In order to short squeeze, all of these hedge fund dies, basically others headphone guy's dead, short sold the stock, which means that they had borrowed the stock, believing that the price would drop. They borrow the stock, they sold the stock, and then there are hoping when they had to pay that sank back. They were going to be able essentially due by the stock. lower price than they would pocket. The difference will instead, what the that guy's did as they saw the people were sort of over bought into the short sales. In fact, two hundred and forty percent of all of the stomach hundred forty percent afloat is what they call it of game. Stop had actually been short salt which, yes, is actually possible, and so they started buying up the stock like nobody's business. is forced all these hedge fund eyes to buy stock at exorbitant prices in order to pay back the short sales, and this, of course, for the market up even higher and so now the line from the recognizes hold the line just keep holding it because the longer you, the more you're hurting the hedge fund dies As I mentioned yesterday, it's really really funny again, there's a whole village
we'll explain exactly. How does one down it's really really funny? It's something that is, really good is like a moral good. What they are doing now, unless you think that short selling is in and of itself immoral or if you think that the stock market is basically just a casino, I dont think you those things and I think that short selling is immoral. I also something to what the guys did yesterday really is per se immoral, I think that they are. They are doing something that is disconnected from market fundamentals in a way that they, usually people, the market or not. But is it something that they should could happen in a free society. Of course, in all this means is that now the hedge passengers are going to create a whole new risk assessment category where they're going to do taking out derivatives and insurance, essentially for the possibility that basic, a roving mob of creditors, aside they're going to blow out a bunch headphone hedge fund managers, so capitalism always wins, and people going to find ways to mitigate their risk on the stuff tat. Was it like a massive overall threat to the market? What happened with game? Stop? No! Wasn't it wasn't. It was not a long from France in the market,
some folks who saw Yvonne their ability in the market and the export their vulnerability in the market that does not make them heroes and makes them people who exploit it of on their ability in the market by playing a pretty cynical game. That's it also happens to be damned funny. Ok, you're, very funny that thick dad sixty nine was blowing up, hedge fund. I would slip back here and elaborate guinea like that. That's really really funding it's funny, but a bunch of people on red it who are taking a break from playing called duty just decided to ban together to take down these make institutional investors in and of itself, these are little divers bid. Guy nature of it is funny to me Moral does mean needed something, that's an unbelievably great and they changed the world or it, but but here's the thing what they did should obviously be legal right. It is illegal
they did not do anything illegal. They weren't line to people about the value of the stock there were officially saying the stock is over. There is is overvalued right. We are all we are purposefully. Overvalue in this house, voted by that reduce or beware. They want lined anyway, there's no fraud here. It also happens to be the case that small investors should be able to get into the game, because there are people in the markets right now inside, sure investors who do play with the market and to gain the markets and to treat the markets like a casino. That does not mean that the market is a casino. It means that there are bad players who do that and the institute. genocide, and so if people decided want to do that on the individual side, it's a free country, you should be able to do that. Well, here is where things get actually dangerous. So I think that it is fair to say that there is a moral ambiguity to what happened with these folks driving up price of game, stop and ordered the hedge fund managers? There is no moral ambiguity to Robin Hood. Just adds a Robin hood is an app. Is no commission app, it is designed, so you or I non institutional investors can trade
risk between Robin Hood in places like e trade is that Eu Trade will charge you for each trade, which makes you think twice about whether you actually want to make the trade. If you don't think that the the value of the trade is going to rise above the margin of the of the charge that you're going to pay for making the trading I'll make the trade? That is not the case, the Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Zero commission service. It makes his money in a variety of other ways it, but what Robin Hood did yesterday is absolutely insane and we are going to have to get to the bottom of this. Where we're gonna have to fight out. Why Robin Hood did this, whether it was an inside job, whether members of the governmental calling up Robin Hood to help up their hedge fund bodies? Is the hedge funds we're losing hand over fist yesterday? So what exactly did Robin Hood do? Well, Robin Hood decided that he's, going to simply cut off trading on game, stop in a variety of other stocks at the ready, guys we're going after Did you say we're not going to allow you to participate in buying their stock? Then, apparently they so engaged in for sale of some of the stock. So they were saying to people
We know you know what to tell us if we really want to hold the stop, because you want to burn these hedge fund eyes when I can't let you do that would in itself is not for you, the allegations are flying around yesterday. That's not is probably if it is not illegal, it should be illegal Kennedy. The basic idea that you can essentially cell people stock without their permission is crazy. It's just as crazy to say that small stock players dont to be involved in the market in the same way that the hedge fund guys are, and that Robin Hood is just gonna cut it off. If they don't like what they are saying that it. That's. That's not that's what I will say this out. General cosmic court has was very upset about this. Yesterday said this: habitable is unacceptable. We now need to know more about Robin Hood Apps decision to block retail investors from purchasing stock, hedge funds are freely able to trade the stock as they see fit. As a member of the Financial Services Committee, I support a hearing if necessary, right. This is what she is, what she tweeted yesterday. Ten crews agreed now. I understand why TED crews would be in favour of folks freely traded,
in the free market on a free up. Like I get it, I dont understand what ails you would be as he's a socialist literally do not understand. Why should once more access by small investors to free market the real, there is, then she doesnt ratios. I want you to have access to free markets and she doesn't want hedge funds to have access to free markets and she's here it convenient club to to beat up the markets essentially, but that is enough a little bit funny so Alexandra Cosmic Cortez she not wrong on this. It is in fact acceptable. I don't even know what her motivation is. No she's. All of a sudden, I guess it's the double standard. That is our motivation. In reality, her preferred cure would not be that you, the small investor, get to play in the markets. Her preferred care would be to shut down the markets altogether, presumably but she's not wrong, then what Robin Hood did yesterday is truly egregious. The New York state Attorney General said that her office was actively reviewing concerns about activity on the Robin Hood APP, including trading related to gain, stop stop unclear whether she is investigating the red it folks or whether she is actually investigating Robin Hood. According
the weak, Robin Hood should consider changing his name's, the sheriff of Nottingham the past two days. wall. Street TED is ready. Users colluded too by massive amounts. Game, stop stop with the explicit aim of hurting hedge funds, the prophet offshoring, the typically falling stock now. Can I think, there's any morally wrong. Assorted shorting is just a waiver raising the market a lot of their game. Stop trading happen on Robin Hood, a free apt that allows people to trade. Small amounts of stocks. But on Thursday Robin Hood decided to betray his name in hall. Purchases of game stop stock as well start from other nostalgic accompanies now. That is a far bigger problem than anything that the register. Do I mean that any way, bigger problem when you are saying a particular class of people are not allowed to trade in the stock market because we don't like what they are doing, that is, he reaches amend its finest and market manipulation. If you think that guys we're, manipulating the market by banding, together and buying game, stop stock in or to shoot up the price artificially and thus to squeeze of the hedge fund, guys, if you think that was artificially playing with the markets.
Violating the markets is way worse for the app itself, not individuals to glued together the app itself and the big hedge fund guys to collude to basically stop small investors from trading in the markets. That's not it's absolutely tyrannical in the car. We'll send Robin Hood setting a Thursday blog posts that, after the recent volatility, wasn't allowing the purchase of new staff from game, stop AMC, blackberry, bed, bath and beyond costs headphones, a Nokia as well as naked brands, which may have gotten caught up in the shutdown after Wednesday direct offering campaign Robin and also raise the margin requirements for some securities, meaning users have now front more of their money to buy the securities, ostensibly benefiting those with more cash. Now, instead of you being to borrow money in order by the stock it now they're gonna make you put up your own money in order by the stock tv,
fair trade and trial Schwab also increase margin, requirements for game stop stock on Wednesday, Robin Hood put out a statement. This statement is ridiculous. On its face, the Robin Hood statement says that they are trying to protect their users. What from from their users like that? That's that's statement, they said that they are trying to help their customers navigate this uncertainty. Ok, who's buying. It knows exactly what the game is. If you don't know the game you shouldn't be buying, and everybody knows that this is based only a giant asked prank in which a bunch of people who got an early on the actual and make a lot of money in the hedge fund is going to pay through. The nose diverge noted that one headphone suffering amid the game.
job search, was Melvin Capital Management. This is where things get really ugly. So one of the things that that is is suspected here is that Robin Hood basically stopped trading on on game. Stop, because one of the big institutional investors that had shorted game stop was Melvin Capital Management it incurred like two billion dollars and losses or the past forty eight hours. It also happens that they, our Asia are a borrower, apparently from another headphone considerable, so Citadel has has a big share of Melvin Capital Management or some assets and management. Citadels founders can Griffin who founded Citadel secure central securities, the giant investor in Robin Hood? They also work with you their training, Charles Schwab. So what it looks like today to the suspicious I is like Citadel was losing money via the mere visa, Melvin Capital, exotic bailing out Melvin Capital, and so they went to the this other apathy assent
we own or our heavily heavy investors in answer, and they said you know it be great. If you guys could start if you could stop the bleeding now be amazing, then Robin Hood, because they know that their chief investors were unhappy, decided to completely undercut their central mission and just stop low level traders from engaging in these sorts of plays it. That is really really bad, stuff and probably illegal stuff. It is. It is ugly, all the way through now as of this morning, some retailers, stockbrokers brokers, including Robin Hood, said they would allow trades of game stop again and other volatile companies have restricting customer mobility a purchase securities earlier in the day, starting tomorrow they said we plan to allow limited these securities only limited, though light around the sap pricing and will continue to monitor the situation, it may make adjustments as needed Robin Hood said Thursday morning. It would limit buying of the kinds of securities that sparked and enormous rallying there's, a game. Stop the video game retailer at the heart of the frenzy and anti entertaining holdings, the movie theater chain a number of other companies. The decision of course drew fire
as I mentioned, ABC, didn't like it centre and crews agreed oh really understand why ales he doesn't like it other than she doesn't like Wall Street and sees an opportunity to bash Wall Street. The real He doesn't want you to be able to trade in the market just like the markets period. The sort of and seeing of a lot of folks and wiping the gear Robin Hood needs to allow everybody to trade in the market. What they're really interested in is the fact that these guys hurt the hedge funds are not interested in people being able to tread the markets, and it is a Robin hood- had decided to restrict its users to to fewer trades overall without any of the attempts to take the headphones. I don't think anybody and left be complaining about that. They're. Looking for heavy regulation, looking for more regulation of the markets, not less regulation of the market, but welcome the laboratory. Party, comrades, seriously, come on and join the fun. Robin Hood said that it was not favouring big traders, they said that they did all of this because the financial requirements, including as he seen that capital obligations in clearing house deposits, they say
risk management decision was not made on the direction of the market makers. We route to. we will another trading up said: customers would only be able to liquidate positions. They had in game, stop Amity and cause before they left. It which is the evidence that look like all of the sudden. All of these gaps decided on once that they're going to restrict people from doing what they were doing, which is wild increase, and dangerous and obviously requires investigation centre. My glee has pledged that he would like to launch into the nation into all of this ugly, ugly stuff me, I'll Google salvaging Robin Hood One, starting by the leading, nearly a hundred thousand negative review. So people went under Robin Hood and they were like ok, this EP socks cause. I can't do it. I want to do Google than deleted all of that Another way of rigging the market right. If the big this falls into the broader category of the big tat rose, they have too much power to shut things down. They do it is a problem. It is a real problem. That does not mean that government regulation is per se. The answer to this it does mean
that, if all of these acts can be leverage into shutting down the common man, then these acts have way too much power, and unfortunately, as seeing the parlor when you start building alternatives, the new movies shut down the alternatives by big tack and by government. So it we are living in an authoritarian moment is an authoritarian moment and his coming very often from the people who said at the beginning that they were going to be the democratize hers remember Robin Hood thing- was let everyone trade, but everyone of little asterisk did Rowan does not include you so long as you're hurting headphone, guys it's a more or less in just one moment. First, let's talk about big tax, a big tech companies. If too much power like way too much power as private entities that can operate pretty much as they choose Well, that means that you should not be giving them your data, because they're using your data and their monetizing, your data protect your personal data from big tackled the Vps. I trust from my online protection expressive Vps when I use express vps. My connection gets rerouted through that are sick, encrypted servers? So these companies cannot see my ip address at all by internet, active
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that's right, the headphone guys being taken down by the little guys and that's good, and we all want the little guys taken down that way. I'm a broader point! I don't really like that kind of stuff. What I do like is the idea that people can trade as they see fit. So a broader principle to protect- which has had fun dies or allow too short, and you should be allowed to short headphone guys- are allowed to engage in short squeezes. You should be allowed to engage in short squeezes. It is that simple and as they neutral principle, I do not think the neutral principle applies to people who are here: conveniently joining this clause from last. I think that a lot of people conveniently joining the free market cause from left our doing so ethically because they like that in this instance, is targeted at at hurting Wall Street generally. That was my sort of objection. Yesterday is pointing out that what is really does it undermines confidence in markets generally, but that said, it is not criminal, they are allowed to do it and the markets gonna make up for that, because that's all markets do they just This can be. The lines of convenience remains an alliance of convenience, but better than not having an alliance who can
Hence I suppose, unions poppy Harlow again, not somebody who are generally think of as a free marketeer was asking. How is it not rigging the game if you can just cut off right it investors anytime, you don't like what they're doing this folks like this whole thing is ranked against them, and this is their chance with social media, their chance to actually have a voice. But how is it fair for them? Then I mean I read. Reddit is angle if we want to protect our investors, but by the way, if you cut them off from making the moves that they want to make with their own money for whatever reason they want to make it, and you don't cut off the hedge funds and you don't cut out Wall Street. How is that not ringing the game, that's exactly exactly what people are complaining about this morning. Ghana complaint is how it happens. We exactly right does not Robin Hood anymore, now, she's the sheriff of Nottingham right. It is just in taking money from the common man and making sure the hedge funds what they need, no Robin Hood, it's gonna say is right, were forcibly someone yours, a massive profit. How was at a loss to- and the answer is the real reason them
These people are doing. This is not because they make a massive profits, because I want to screw the headphones guys payment as that's really what this is about have every right to do that. I made our group motivation. I may think that is wrong. Headed than ever read you it's a free country. I have the same standards when it comes to free markets, as I do when it comes to free speech. I may not like what you say, but you have the right to say it. I may not like how you trade, but you do fact have the right to trade is a little bit of a neutral principle. I think, would go a long way here. There will be an investigation. Is it like? I want to know? Did anybody in the Bible Then there are rumours flying around yesterday from insiders Robin Hood that people in the White House had called up Robin Hood in and try to exert pressure. If that's true, that should be a massive scandal of its true that that their folks in the government who are calling up a private company like Robinhood and telling robinhood to essentially cut off its own users? That's crazy, okay, and that needs to be fully investigated. I would expect a congressional investigation on that by the way, if it's
that Citadel decided that they were going to go to Robin Hood in Pressure Robin Hood in cutting off their own users. That seems market manipulation in a fairly high level, probably violates law, so vividly the really I think that happened over the last forty eight hours is not these. These jokers burning the money rather than the rule, The thing that happened over the past forty eight hours is the reaction to that as well these in America or as usual in America. Even when some happens that a lot of people don't like the reaction tends to be significantly worse than the original action if you like, the regional. I know there are a lot of people who did not live feedback and yesterday, people are very angry and it wasn't like fully on board with the with the the giant attempt to take them hedge fund, guys I get it I get where you come from We can disagree on that. What what I think we all agree on is that it is deeply wrong deeply wrong for Robin Hood or any other to de platform its own users, because they don't like how the users are engaging in free market transactions? That's while I get me one JANET Yellin who's, the treasury secretary. It turns out that you receive around
ten thousand dollars and speaking fees from the hedge funds, bailed out, one of the poor Mary losers in the recent games not frenzy according to Fox NEWS channel? on financial disclosure shows for making three hundred thirty seven thousand five hundred bucks for multiple days in October. Twenty twenty from signal should aim to tutor. Ninety two thousand. Hundred bucks in October twenty nineteen, a hundred eighty thousand bucks in December of that year, the senate- from Yemen Muddy now. The good news is, we were informed. Transaction today the Journey Helen has vaginas. Who really have nothing to worry about. She said that we have the first female treasuries secretary, that's really exciting stuff. Now, if she asked and were accused herself when it comes time to look at the regulations here so jack. You asked about this yesterday. Are there any plans to user, sulphur advising president on stopping the whole? Robin situation will to be clear. What I said was that we have the Treasury secretary is now confirmed. Obviously, we have a broad economic team, the SSC put out a statement yesterday that I referred to, but
I dont think I have anything more for you on it other than to say separate from the game sub issue. The secretary of Treasury is one of the world renowned experts on markets on the economy. It would shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. She was paid to give her perspective and advice before she came into office. Ok, that's not it! the question is whether she will refuse herself. The reports are this morning that she will in fact refuse herself as well. She should considering that she has a stake in this ok, injustice. Second, we are going to get to more of this rousing to talk, the brand new unity breaking out on capital spoiler. No unity happening. What gets that in a moment? First, let us talk about life insurance. So if you are a rational, reasonable human being, you make sure the government, something happens, your family's taken care of by the they don't just lose you if you die They also lose your stream of income. This is why you need life insurance policy. Genius can help me make that happen in twenty twenty one policy genius makes it easy for you to compare more than thirty top ensures at once and save over fifty percent in the process plus theirs
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company? Obviously they are, they know something about investment and they they were pointing out that this is a lock out of regular people. That's what's going on here. I think this is a much larger issue and the threat of a country and its fragility and what's happening in the inequality. In frankly, the hypocrisy of the political leaders you say you can't open your business and run your visits and make a living during the pandemic. We will pass a seamless bill in time and oh by the way. Now you can't trade. You know: what's the next thing there in a control and say you can't do that is one hundred percent correct and as one hundred percent correct Indeed, the levels of control that are now being sorted by institutions inside and outside the government should terrified. but who believes in individual freedom. A freedom is not only dependent on government non regulation. Freedom is also dependent on a culture of freedom, a cultural freedom, more people tolerate other people's activities, even if they disagree with those activities. This holds true in freedom of religion and holds true in freedom
radiation and holds for the freedom of speech, and it holds true in freedom of contract in free market and the fact that their how many people who seem willing to throw that out, depending on where their interest lies on a daily basis, is pretty ugly stuff, speaking of which we should be able to unify around individual rights right. We should, we'll take it, and we should be able to unify around basic american principles. Unfortunately, all that unity talk that unity top as much crap, and that is not a thing that is real at all from the democratic party. At this point job I was saying that he is much in favour of unity right unity, this in unity, that so much unity happening everywhere, so much unity, there's only one problem by unity. It turns out, as I suggested in meat, unity can be achieved. One of two ways one is We sit down with each other. We agree to disagree in than we leave each other alone. That is a unity or you can have unity in just the same in shot up into what I want you to do: unity, obey Jackie Warehouse Press Secretary Sheep suggested yesterday that job I,
Massive executive order as executive order is by the way that are so extensive, and so numerous at the New York Times wrote an editorial yesterday, asking Joe Biden to cut back on the executive orders the New York Times, because Joe Biden in his first we can office issued well over thirty executive oars compared to like five from Trump for from Obama. Zero from from Clinton. I believe one from George only by Biden, basically just through them out there, like candy Christians, accusations. All unifying its unifying sovereignty turns out part of unifying the country is addressing the problems that the american people are facing and working to reach out to Democrats and Republicans to do exactly that, an that's exactly what he is doing in terms of executive actions. He also ran with a commitment to take steps immediately to address the the pain and suffering that the american people
feeling, and that includes overturning something detrimental, harmful and at times immoral policies and actions of the prior administration. But it's so unifying, don't yell unifying it is to have eroded dictator that we elect every four years. You just put forth a bunch of executive order, super unifying stuff right, their speaking times. That unity. So what was one of the executive where's while he sent a presidential memorandum on Thursday Traverse was she's on abortion, access domestically and abroad imposed an expanded by them. administration, who exciting stuff the memorandum caught reversal, Let us there's attack on women's health Access Biden told reporters. Now I was informed by gents acts that he is a very good catholic and where she was asked about this last week in terms of binding on abortion should well. I would just remind you he's a very good catholic, very than Catholic, who wants taxpayer funding for foreign abortions, sound super conflict to me here binds had. The measure quote relates to protecting women's health at home and abroad, reinstate the changes made to take
ten and other things make it harder for women to have access to affordable health care, as it relates to the reproductive rights, are so many euphemisms there for killing babies. So many euphemisms so that since these so called them, because any policy every four years it is reversed, essentially depending on who is in office. The memorandum also the health and Human Services department to immediately move to consider rescinding he Trump administration. Blocking healthcare providers in the federally fundamental family planning programme from a foreign patients from Forebore shins, so that was meant to deprive plan parenthood of title ten funding now plan parenthood will be given title ten funding again, so that is all unifying stuff, so much unity and the unity extends to Congress. It extends the Congress help. I mentioned a few moments ago that The honourable and venerable representative, Alexandria, Abkhazia, Cortez again we're not illogical oh see, because she has said that this is either sexist or
or derogatory- and some are even that's literally her twitter Handle but Alexandra Cassio, Cortez Representative Deeds, which she had treated out in favour of going for Robin Hood and Tom Cruise had fully agree. She tweets this back, some unity happening. I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there is common ground, but you all tell me murdered three weeks ago, so you can sit this one out happy to work with almost any other gnp that aren't trying to get me in the meantime, if you want to help you can resign and the entire each one of us like a clap, bad clap back all my work sleigh queen slave queen than she can in his very conveniently talk about moving on a second capital, police officer lost their lives straight and still raging aftermath of the attacks. You had a role in this isn't a joke. We need accountability that include a new senator from Texas. Ok, so couple things. Typically, when you accuse somebody I've come city from her just ass evidence and she continued along these lines and stop you haven't even apologize for this year.
Physical and mental harm. You contributed to from capital, police and custodial workers, your own fellow members of Congress. In the meantime, you get off my time and stop clout chasing thanks again First of all, this lady talking about cloud chasing us literally all she does like Instagram and Twitter and that's cloud chasing for her. What's the last major piece of legislation that had any level important assented than she supported. What what does she done legislatively the answers? Nothing, which is why all of the Democrats kept her off of the committees, the matter but she's happy what others european ness, yeah, I'm sure yeah, I'm sure it's not cloud tracing by the way what use a fellow congressperson a murmur of attempted murder. That's our collaboration, it just for being honest and clapping back and slain queen. I wonder Steve's police has anything to say about this too. Maybe, like Bernie Sanders, once we are going to just simply suggest that Congress, people responsible for the attempted murder of other Congress people have out like steel schools, was only it up by a guy who's, Bernie Sanders Power, follower shouting this is for healthcare. Don't you see
Police accusing Bernie Sanders a murder, but this is like this is the new. This is new unity, the new unity, is, if you disagreed with me and then some people did a bad thing and agreed with you, and that means that you are responsible for those people, MRS ugly, she knows it's ugly. She knows it's true there, Anyone reasonably thank like on any reasonable, rational level that TED crews was complicit in the Ets did murder of Alexander Lukashenko. As I understand The Zodiac killer, but put that aside, is there any evidence of that at all. You know that that you sent out that I wonder she accused is under a sitting centre. A bird has one hundred and thirty nine thousand likes as of this moment,. Seven hundred and thirty nine thousand. Yeah countries coming together like nobody's business, I can feel that unity breaking out all over there's plenty of and that you can try TED crews for getting in on what I think was a cynical play to pretend that there is the ability to
overthrow electors at the at the senatorial level. During the vote, verification I think those are diligent criticisms she suggested he is responsible for attempted murder by That's shouting. Q Anon slogans who broke into the capital building looking for blood is is honestly sick. I mean like that that you have to be kind of a sick, a sick puppy, dare to say that sort of thing. Really. That's that's! That's pretty amazing stuff. I've been strict on this on both sides. Right. I have done this for for four years. I've said you are not responsible for nuts, taking your words twisting them. and doing something bad about them, because human beings, adults have agency, but again is not about that. It is about clouds racing for Alexander Abkhazia, Cortez, but the whole purpose for her is disunity. Lack of unity is going to the theme, because the less unity there is, the more people like our general causal grotesquely gets a claim that they are on the way they are on the side of the angels. And they are, and they are the be fully vested crusaders. For truth,
stressing the american way or beer or the soviet way. As the case may be,. And just a second get more unity from our members of the house. Lots at Lahti Unity breaking out. I'm seeing in ITALY is amazing, because there could be that there wasn't me. I was there. I remember right, you're alive to we're all I've at this point if we are listening to the sound of my voice, the chance our you're alive when the January Sixth Riots happen- and I seem to recall vice president, my pants- you Vice President Donald Trump standing there in condemning that stuff and Mcconnell, and every other Republican, so the notion that there were complete it in attempted murder. I must have some hard evidence that democratic, but we ve been saying this since January sex. I would love to see hard evidence of Congress. People were actively involved with the with the attempt to kill Congress people and cops
at the capitol, mainly because I want to see anybody who was go to jail and those people should go to jail is case that they would be involved in freezing if they were haven't like a shred of evidence for that gross until we get more of us in just one second. First, let us talk about how you, improve your employment based. So here at the Delaware, we are growing like nobody's business, where a fast growing business. That means we need new employees all the time where to return, we turn to zip recruiter sure you can post your job to some job board, but then all you can do is hope. The right person comes along, which is why you should try it promoted for free, zip precludes outcome, Slash daily, why reciprocal does all the work for you when you posted job on to procure it get sent to over one hundred top?
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kids, twenty twenty one instagram, who sends the perfect sing to a group of full grown babies in the pact for adorable kids, are sitting on a couch, happily enjoying the world's greatest beverage vessel. The caption reach some of the political staffers, throw better tantrums than my kids. Glad Ben Shapiro cents each one a leftist years, tumblr for their tears, thanks daily, where for all you do some set up nicely really appreciated. Thank you for the answer ass to pick and thank you for being a daily where remember. If you want to be the person featured in their pick next week, well probably become a member speaking of which, when you become member, yet access to our very film here at the daily, where we are entering the entertainment business, our first film, is run hide fight exclusive before daily by members in catch it ideally wired outcome, honour, mobile, app are streaming absent: apple, tv and radio. If you're, not Daily, where member yet use promo code, our HF or run hide fight to get twenty five percent off. That is run hide fight for twenty five percent off right now, if you check out, run hide fight on rotten tomatoes, the statistics will show you that the critics not fans, but you definitely fans twenty five percent from the current etc.
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In addition, anti policies as the enemy is in the house, as always good is when, when you say that, like there are lots of your actual enemies in the house, so here's Nancy policy talking about this. I do believe- and I have said this all wrong- that we will provide new either supplemental are for more security for members when the enemy is with in the House of Representatives. What exactly did you mean recently that the enemy is within what exactly the areas that we have members of Congress who want to bring down on the floor and have threatened violence on other, members have counted. Oh ok, we'll habits in evidence that, like lots of evidence, would be great there. If you're, literally, accusing members of Congress had been complicit with people who attempted to tell of a Congress people some evidence now that's a criminal charge that you're throwing in somebody right there to feel the unity break out there by the way would be unity. If you show evidence of that in our legs, those members of Congress, but having been prosecuted pretty obviously any evidence forthcoming
come in here would be really really nice. Meanwhile, speaking of Eu Law, bring the temperature so MSNBC had guessed tat. Guest yesterday suggested that dumb. If a radical Muslim used, Donald Trump we will be talking drones striking than I definitely is not threatening or violent language. In anyway, we had a period tonight, eleven, where we are trying to laughable, as they say you know, and characters which is, can you weigh up the stream of an attack? and start to root out all of the compromises which bring about that attack so as well. Estonia is exactly right. If you took what president trial said Anne. You instead put it in our allergies mouth we would be in about a general strike overseas? That's one aspect with our political leaders. You know talking about this rhetoric and sowed there. That's great
now we would definitely drawn strike from if you are radical Muslim, like other, like an islamist which which he is not so sure that that can you feel temperature Loring asking you feel things getting better. Can you really feel any better? Meanwhile, member that time during the M during Need time, twenty election when all discussion of Joe Biden, families off limits. Remember that time where, if you said Joe Biden seems like you can has occurred, family that are happy to use his name in order run around the world, picnic bags or cash that was considered a full PA was considered unpleasant. Remember that time. Well now it turns out that dumb, the media are allowed report on a now sets exciting now another media. decided. The election is safely over, so we're allowed report on the fact that Joe Biden, families super duper duper corrupt, but the daily mail info it was reported in late December. At hundred bide was in the process of offloading. His stake in a chinese private equity from could be HR according to the daily call.
only one problem hundred instil, is holding a ten percent stake in that Chinese at private equity form. The deal and Fox NEWS cited, an unnamed sources, Hunter Biden and his business dealings, but hundred men can used all that equity stake through his company scandals LLC as of Wednesday according to cushion bow and by due to independent services that price but business records on chinese corporations Hunter bite is the sole benefit beneficial owner of that LLC, Be a jar manages the equivalent of two point: one billion dollars and assets in Cologne by the chinese state controlled Bank of China, so no possibility of corruption. Here, given the fact, the hundred by nuns, ten percent stake in a chinese government statesman and company? Probably that's fine! Meanwhile Joe Biden had to issue like an actual over warning to other members of his I'm late for using his name in their advertising. According to political, in the midst of his campaign for President Joe Biden, his younger brother, Frank aside, to issue a warning. For Christ's sake,.
Watch yourself, bite incentive is brought brothers potential business dealings according to a person with knowledge of the conversation, don't get something I would first of all her you. I am sure that that was what Joe was typically word about Biden whose was both jocular and serious. According to the person seem to know what is becoming plainly obvious. Now, his tail business ties friend to undermining administration whose messaging is centred on restoring integrity in the White House. Oh it's! It's it's becoming the obvious now you say why, oh MIKE what now in January of twenty twenty one and so much in pointing out that there are corrupt things inside the Biden family for years, but it only became relative Magic and now you know it's not threatenings campaign anymore. Now it's only Threatenings White House, I'm it's amazing how that happened, I mean imagine if we had had like a copy of hundred binds laptop. publicly available as of October and being printed in Europe Post as he was like TAT, might have been relevant. Maybe this men formation on that laptop about corrupt business dealings between embers of Joe Biden family in foreign adversaries, maybe maybe maybe
reported on that at the time away, you say that Social, You shut down. All dissemination of that information and of the mainstream media decide. You essentially ignore at calling it a right wing plot. Oh that element and look it safely over now. Now we can talk about it, some political talking about it now, relatives, moneymaking, venture, most prominently. His son hunters overseas yields have long dog Biden but is taking on a new dimension. Now that he's in the White House only a week into his presidency by an already has had the answer for matters related to his family, a law from ad promoting free. By its relationship with the president caused a stir when it ran on Inauguration Day a federal investigation. Joe Biden, Son Hunter has invited scrutiny of justice stricter firewall hokey between the White House in the Justice Department, another one of the president's brothers James has previously come under. for his business dealings. Flora super attorneys, What kind of John John Morgan said? Business sensitivities were coursing through Biden World this week after the report about Frank binds, law firm but Frank, told me
My brother loves me dearly, but if I lobbied you'd come my legs from underneath me. Morgan said Frank bite and told him this week. Oh yes, I'm sure, I'm sure that's that's perfectly accurate. I'm sure that a Frank Biden Lobby, Joe Joe, we just cut him off add, as on sobbing frame from going round shouting the fact that your brother is it the intention no binds. Initial conversation according to the person with knowledge of the conversation, was to protect Frank from bring hurt vilified and the events is big. Brother Joey was elected to the most powerful position in the world. Ok, I have a feeling that the the person who reported this initial conversation that might be connected with Joe Biden, just just a thought, in an honest source, whose privy to a conversation between Joe Biden in his brother, I wonder who wishes to this horse, could be so many possibilities, considering or to people in the conversation, and only one of them benefits from this conversation. But I am so glad that that now we have decided that bet. It's time to cover the stuff so well done everybody and speaking of which
the the Biden Administration agenda is already starting to make itself felt in terms of what what people call crony capitalism is not in fact, crony capitalism is just called corporatism, worthy federal governed. essentially subsidizes particular business lines that are in line with its thinking it companies are already taking advantage of this. It is super corrupt and it is really bad. Typically, companies should serve the customer. They should serve markets instead of serving government subsidies. Unfortunately, now the have a big government liberal in charge does exactly what you're going to get GM has now announced here so only zero emission vehicles by twenty thirty five, why seeing that they waited until after Joe Biden took office to announce that the or shifting there, a production line all this They know that if they do that and then job, I neither forces all the other car companies to do it or they fail Joe Biden bends, paying them they're, fine, so to win win for them. There are major car company, then get into this with all sorts of government subsidies.
they can know that other companies are gonna have to do the same thing and then, if things go bad, they know the because they did their best for Uncle Joe Joe is going to pay them. I mean that is fairly obvious, that this is the case according to the New York Times days of the internal combustion engine are numbered. General Motors said on Thursday it would phase out petroleum powered cars and trucks and sell only calls that have zero tail pipe emissions by twenty thirty five, a seismic shift by one of the world's largest automakers makes billions ours. Today from gas guzzling pickup drugs in sport utility vehicles, the announcement is likely to put pressure on lawmakers around the world to make similar commitments. It could also Madam President, Biden another elected officials to push for even more aggressive policies to fight climate change, I get. What is actually going to push for is Joe Biden to provide massive sums. these two gm. If you think the major corporations nowhere. Their bread is buttered when a democratic in the White House may know exactly where the bread is buttered. When that, when a Democrat is in the White House, there's, could point to gems decision is evidence that even big businesses have decided. It is time for the world.
Into transition away from fossil fuels, that of power the global economy for more than a century love the way than your terms. Pitching this as a GM see the writing on the wall is, though, GM in a perfectly free market situation, our government. Subsidies on the table or government compulsion, on the other hand, would be throwing away, is most lucrative lines of business nope they No again that if things go wrong, they get filled in by the feds meaning you and by me, and that they can also leverage the government into essentially smaller automakers or automakers, who don't have the same sort of potential connections with the guy went into doing things that are closely for them and wiping out ok, the New York Times, gems movies short run the auto industry which, between car parts makers employed about one. and people in the? U S and twenty nineteen more than other manufacturing sector. By far the walls have, dram obligations for the oil and gas sector whose fortunes are closely tied to the internal combustion engine
for cars or the fastest growing segment of the auto industry, they still make a small proportion new car sales, only about three percent of the global total sales of such cars in Western Europe and China, their main new products in the United States there brought prime bought primarily after an early adopters for drawings and luxury models made by Tesla, which dominates the business and by environmentally conscious consumers. A lot of never been a lot of studies on this, and it turns out a lot of the folks who, by electric cars, do so because they sort of want respect from their neighbours. It really isn't about the the wonders of the the electric car Tesla makes a really good product, but didn't study. I lose in San Francisco, where they examined you're buying prisons, which look all weird unseen other electric and how many people bought the Honda Hybrid, which looks the same as the Junta Non Hybrid, very few people. But then the Junta hybrids wasn't ready our mental, isn't. It was about the virtue signalling to your friends. Neighbours are all that's fine, but the idea there can replace he presented the american auto market with electric vehicles, which are significantly,
expensive in general, require government subsidies. The reason she is doing this as they know that they had their taxpayers money on the table for them. That's why they're doing us, and now the game begins he's now governments has even GM is doing it. Look at that lets regulate and provide subsidies. Embryos again everybody knows the game. This is not a. This is not for GM, about sudden altruism this is for GM, is about market capture and that's what happens and have some of the giant bag of taxpayer cash in the White House. Waiting to blow it, which is exactly what we have right now, ok, meanwhile, we are now learning shock of shocks that Andrew Como is in fact a garbage cheap. So comes you covered policy. Andrew Cuomo has obviously been horrible. All the way, through some us from entering the fact and Andrew Cuomo was wildly wildly and counting deaths inside his own state for a long time he had been suggesting. long time did Andrew Guano, not that many people died in nursing homes and their reports for months
and Andrew Corner was deliberately under counting debts in nursing homes by gaming. The system, what he was saying is if you are diagnosed with covered and you lived in a nursing home and then you into a hospital. Indeed, I they're not in the nursing home he counted. That is not a deafening. Hang on what is its main issues under counting doubts in nursing homes by about fifty percent? We ve done this for months now, the mainstream media decided you catch up on all of this according to mediate, state attorney general attention, James accused and requirements, and his administration of drastically under accounting, covert related deaths to nursing homes, setting a seventy six page report released on Tuesday your terms report Mckinley reveal the administration. We have cut the death rate in nursing homes by up to fifty percent of the time when Andrew Cuomo was the most on a small governors and ran this answers. Gaming, the stats around us. Answers hasn't way. More transparent, Stephanie virtually anybody, american government and recalling the damned wire read books for profit about how he overcame the covered crisis by killing all the old Preliminary data obtained by away GI since that many nursing home residents died from cover nineteen in hospitals after being
from from their nursing homes, which is not reflected in the Department of Health, published, total nursing, home death data, redo summary of the report's findings. The attorney general's office begin receiving complaints were in common related neglect at nursing. As early as March, twenty twenty, the office has received more than seven hundred seventy complaints through August third, another hundred and seventy nine complaints through November sixteenth, His administration has been accused of hiding the accurate estimate of nursing Home, that's as the only counter debts in the actual homes, one specifically ready, for example, reported eleven death to the health department, for example, ginger survey of the same facilities on twenty nine unrecorded deaths, noting twenty indeed well at the home, thirteen died after being transferred to a hospital, so truly well done their Enrico historic Flashback. Your your most worthy and reliable media. Here's what they had
say that and requests for literally months use the greatest small governors. I heard that you had a crush on our boy friend Andrew Cromer Jude. Everyone does right these fantastic, you know Cuomo, he even had a seventy percent approve a rating in April. With Republicans why? because he was leading even lifelong Republicans. Tell me they look at qualm other, like there's a leader Governor Cuomo, who has been a leader in calling for science based ways to fight this corona virus. The academy says that he is being recognised for quote his leadership during the covert pandemic and is masterfully use of television to inform and calm people around the world. Oh goody, goody gum drops so that guy thousand one guy, you guys given Emmy issues. come on in America really well done across the board, and I trust all of you in the media to tell me the truth about and everything else, because you are so accurate on this one. I also trust, and then he fell
right, Anthony values that the Governor Cuomo was amazing in me. in job in New York, and then he found she said by the way she's now, apparently at at odds with other members, the binding ministration the world's greatest after I can't believe it there. I can't believe the binding ministries and setting up people to contradict the world's greatest doktor. Don't they know that the world's greatest actors, the master of tyrants, don't they know don't they know and Anthony Valley has a monopoly on the science. But here is a bite uncovered adviser rebutting choosing the double masking makes no sense at all. Actually in terms of using the face cloth coverings, Dublin them! Actually we need to be very careful about that. That may actually be counter productive helpful. We know and I'm not an arrow biologist, but we know that in fact, they may actually impede the movement of air in and out clause in it to actually escape and the big crevices between the cloth and your face. That's a bigger problem, not a lesser problem than one. What's what procedural
well Anthony fancied being contradicted again. I can't believe that divide administration would shut him down this way, how cruel how wrong how vile already well, you know what we ve hit the weekend. I hope you have a safe and secure again and I hope that you don't bring things down over the weekend. I keep saying this weekend after we can every week and we come back and something news burn. So please don't do. That will be that your letter with an additional hour of the bench appear. I shall first you can forget to end Europe by watching the Andrew Klavan Show drew is officially back every Friday from extended show he's got an exciting trip plan for you tonight. I don't know where the dailywire dot com this evening and tunein by Ben Shapiro. This is Ben Shapiro. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe, and if you want to help spread the word please give
a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show the microbial show and the Mat Wall show. Thanks for listening to venture Piero shows produced by Colson, Ass executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producers are math is Glover and Robert Sterling Production mandatory. The white asking our associate producers Rebecca Doyle into management. Get it shows edited by Adam silence. Audio is mixed migratory amino here and make up is by Favila, Christina Reduction Assistant current events, Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty one everybody? This is Andrew Clavering hosted the Andrew Craven show. You know some people are depressed because the report is collapsing in the end of days- is approaching and moons turned to blood
But on the Andrew Clayburn showed that's where the fund just get started so come on over the Andrew Clavering Show and laugh your way through the fall of the republic with me, Andrew Clayton,
Transcript generated on 2021-02-04.