« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1182 - Joe Biden Calls Joe Biden A Dictator


After the media spent four years warning of incipient dictatorship, President Biden decides to govern by executive fiat; confusion still reigns on Biden’s covid policy; and 45 Senate Republicans vote to dismiss impeachment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
After the media spent four years warning of incipient dictatorship, president binding decides to governed by Executive Theatre confused still reigns on binding common policy and forty five cent Republicans vote. Essentially, to dismiss impeachment I'm bench purposes the venture barrage up They show a sponsor by expressing deep handle it big tech track. What you do anonymize your web browsing inexpressibly peons outcome, slash than we can get to everything in, who's in just one moment. First, you should be attempting to save money this year and we should every year, but now be a really good time to save money, considering the state of the economy so take a look at your bill. you will see that you're spending an awful lot of money on your cell phone like a lot of money and resell coverage you dont need to. Instead, why not switch over to pure talk, USA, agency, Verizon or T mobile. When you do, you could take over eight hundred dollars. Ear
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constantly says things about the constitution. There are kind of true and then proceeds to ignore them. So I want a flash you back to the middle of the campaign and Joe Biden is being interviewed by George Stuff Annapolis democratic operative and ABC News Anchor men, George Stuff, a novelist is asking him. Why exactly? He can't you do things Do things you know if you become presently. I just do things and turbines. As you know, you're gonna have the legislature, because there's this thing called the legend in the constitution, and the president cannot just governed by executive Thea. If he does, this makes me dictator in others, is not me saying this hemisphere. Some meeting this. It is Joe Biden seeing this year's Joe Biden Circa just a couple of months ago, talking about how President's supposed to govern by executive yacht? one thing that I have the strange notion: we are democracy, so am. I but can friends and someone democratic friends even occasionally say well, if you can't get the votes by exactly what're. You gonna do something things they can't do.
executive order unless you're dictator, where democracy we need consensus, are we need Consensus Dewey. and also countries do things by executive order. Is it also that's it then that there be a dictatorship, If there is just one die, who could be? No just use executive orders and in his wins into law that way, would not be kind of dictatorial. It seems ok. Now flash back to the present Joe Biden is now the president of the United according to hang variant everywhere. Through Monday January, twenty five, the sixth day of his tenure in office, Joe Biden, had issued twenty executive orders, dwarfing initial number, decorative orders issued by former presidents in the initial phase of their tenure, former president from Sun for executive orders in the first week of his tenure with a total of two hundred twenty executive order. Sign in its total time, as president from President Barack Obama sign five in the first week two hundred seventy six overall from present George W Bush signs year. In his first week from the president,
pollutants and one in his first week, Presidential Biden has signed it. Twenty eight in the first six days, apparently he signed a few more extra means use up to thirty three he's up to thirty three executive orders and these negative. Orders are powerless, making instruments, but these acts We have a real impact on policy now, what were executive work, originally meant to do not this generally, an executive order and I've been very much anti executive orders, since long as I can remember, because this is not how the constitution was supposed to operate. In fact, if you look in the constitution, you ll notice, there is no verbiage with regard to executive orders, there is no phrase executive orders, in fact, there's no. First president, proclamation a lot of stuff. The president's use these days is not actually in the constitution. So what exactly are executor where's what they ve been used since the beginning of the republic, essentially to allow the executive branch to effectually the will of the legislature, the idea was, the legislature tells the executive branch should do something, and now the
can ranch has to do it, but the legislature has not been specific enough in how they want the executive branch to do it so now the executive branch has two effectually that right it's it's is, though my wife tells me that you want me to clean the dishes. I mean to fill in all the blanks again. Use a sponge. I need to use the celebrate thou, be the executive order, my wife's mandate to clean the dishes is the legislature and I'm the executive, whose now in charge of cleaning the dishes there a bunch of things I have to do in order to make that happen, and that is how the delegation is supposed to work the legislature Del its power to the executive and the executive uses the power that has been delegated. Unfortunately, that is not what has happened, and it's not rare four presidents to overrun their executive authority. The difference is that now nobody seems to care. It really is quite incredible: essential having this country is a is a congress that sometimes ass, his giant omnibus packages that spend a lot of money and delegates menace authority to the executive branch witches by two million people, hundreds of thousands in various under the auspices various regulatory agencies. They turn out. Tens of thousands of pages
Regulations that are highly specific and governed everyday life, more of what happened in your everyday life is governed by the workings of the regulator the agency's inside the executive branch that is governed by Congress itself. A Congress is just there to pass defence bills and sometimes cut your taxes or raise your taxes or to pass these omnibus spending packages? That's pretty much it! That's all they do in their vestigial organ of government did they exist. Almost the weather, the parliament used to exist in great Britain with regard to the king. They were just there too, simply fund, whatever the king wanted to do. I became go to parliament and, if I didn't get ready from parliament than he would then who dissolve parliament any a new parliament and parliament would given the money that he wanted. That's essential What we do now. The only difference is that we elect our dictator every four years for years we get to decide who is going to issue the executive orders and
petitions on executive orders and have been really falling apart for a hundred years, essentially ass. You are issued tons and tons of second borders that really outstrip the power of the office. The Supreme Court case. That, typically, is you to discuss exactly what executive boards are allowed to do is a case that is called young stout young town, and to company versus where located at the zoo case, the crop. During the Truman administration, basically we agree in war and there is a labour union at a steel mill And Labour Union decided to strike at the steel mill and Truman because we're in middle warm needed steel. Instead of trying to use the Taft, hardly act to break the union, but instead of using the Taft earlier to enjoy the strike for sixty days instead Truman decided essentially to steal the seas, the steel mill he say he's Have the executive authority just take away private property for war production it, while the Supreme Court's Edward
you can't do that by executive order. That is not something you can do by executive field. There's a justice named robber Jackson and justice. Jackson then proceeded to write a concurrence and he spelled out exactly what executive order. Four and here's what he said. He said presidential powers are not fix, but fluctuate depending upon their destruction or conjunction with those of Congress, and then he could. What he called in oversimplified grouping of practical situations in which it President made out or This may challenges powers so one when the president acts pursuant to express I'd authorization of Congress is authority. Is that its maximum for includes he possesses, in its own right, plus the Congress can delegate that as well. I am talking about a sort of the original origin of an executive order Congress. As I want you to act, the president then has to do a bunch of things in order to effectually it acts right. That's a normal executive order, then there's category two and here our President have begun to expand their power and they ve never stopped expanding their power to when the president acts in the absence of there are congressional grants or denial of authority he can rely,
upon his own independent powers, but there is a zone of twice in which he and Congress may have concurrent authority or in which distribution is uncertain. Therefore, congressional inertia, indifference or quiescence may someday at least as a practical matter, enable, if not invite measures on in in presidential responsibility. In this area. Any actual Testa power is likely to depend on the imperatives of events, so basically what you ve seen as president after President declare. The Congress has not acted in this area, nor will they act. We have gridlock, therefore, I'm going to act in the absence of Congress, and that is what you have seen from provide, no part of that where is the Joe Biden, currently controls Congress Democratic Control, Congress, Democrats controlled Senate, so he doesn't need to do. That is just. He doesn't like the fact that there is a track and balance in Congress. He doesn't like the fact that the Senate is controlled by sixty democratic senators or fifty five democratic senators it is controlled instead by fifty democratically. there's with common heritage, the typewriter from the vice presidential seeds and he's got at least two Democrats we're not willing to break the filibuster. So instead he's just going to do things.
and the things that he is going to. You are quite dictatorial nature there far reaching if significant impact so, for example, Joe Biden, announced yesterday, he's going to be imposing governed. diversity insensitivity training. This sounds like something that is not a big deal, because it, you said yourself, ok, well, you those people should be more sensitive. What's the problem with with sensitivity, training and diversion like we like diversity, diversities, good. What's the problem diversely, what diversity insensitivity training generally in the context of corporate and federal oversight and and and training generally, what those mean are these pathetic struggle sessions in which you are called for some sort of human resources, court import export, and your explained how, if you say so, completely ineffective and is actually racist. You are told that white supremacy dictates the way that all America's institutions, work, and if you dont acknowledge your own white supremacy, then this is just because are in fact it what you promised in this,
a lot of these diversity. Training, regimens work now trump ban this. In the last months of his administration, he wrote an executive order, be in this brings inside the federal branch right inside the executive branch of the present actually does have some power here, because he gets to make the rules for the people work for him in France, and I'm not going to have federal employees, tar bunch of claptrap about how America politicians are inherently white supremacist and have you believe in a colorblind merit secrecy, this means are racist, Joe Biden comes in and the first thing he does is he says you know what we're gonna go back to training people that America is inherently unfair and cruel, and the only Six America is radical change to its institutions. Here is Joe Biden saying this yesterday in the weeks ahead, hobby reaffirming the photo comers. Women to diversity, equity and inclusion, annexed stability building on the work we started in the Obama Binding administration. That's why I'm rescind the previous administrations harmful ban on diversity, insensitivity, training and abolish the offensive
counterfactual cemetery seventy six commission, unity and healing must begin, understanding in truth, not ignorance and lies, ok, him, first of all calling the seventeen seventy six commission, ignorance and lies is insane the seventeen seventy six mission just teaches a traditional version of american history, where America is general of the good guy, it does not whitewash America's Hist of racial discrimination, it does not whitewash the history of Americans labor it doesnt whitewash America's history of the treatment of native Americans, and that is not what it is designed to do. We need Zack notion here that Joe Biden is pushing is that we have to inculcate throughout our federal workforce and presumably throughout our educational system. the idea that America is inherently bad and requires systematic and fundamental change on every single level. As pretty big statement moderate you or that's him. the radical to EU and us it's out and he says he's going to use every we of the federal government groundless down. Every area of the federal government is going, inculcate these values may sounds a lot like using
second of Vietnam, to radically change the nature of the country. a button, went on along these lines? He said that George, Its death was a knee on the neck of justice. Now the specifics of the Georgian of workers are still dispute. There is an ongoing judicial case about this. There is no evidence that has been presented us far, suggesting that it was realised killing. They really that I know that this has become the meme of the day but the reality is no evidence has been presented by the killing of George Flood was racially based. I mean like not any, and they leave me best that you can say about. The case is that it was an act of police brutality. And then the EU there is no evidence that direction who's. The officer in that case murder George Void because George, what is black men? In fact, there is pretty good evidence to suggest that direction is gonna, have a fairly side of the fence case. George, Why was George? What was high cicada sentinel? His autopsy showed that he had enough to kill a horse. He was probably suffering excited delirium, the full tabled the situation shows the George Floyd again, the police recalled by a shop
the situation is George. What he just powder stay a counterfeit bill. They show up. George would resist around. for a long time. He begs them not to put him in the car they. They treat him actually. While they see they're gonna pull down the window for him. He then it comes to climb out of the car he begged to be put on the ground has put on the ground and there he suffers. A heart attack is pretty clear and and dying later, that is excited delivery ok. Any Minneapolis Police Department Use of force actually allows the kind of restraint Sharon was using soap. Children is actually gonna have a fairly solid defends case. Even over tape is extremely ugly, and even if you believe that the state that the system has to be changed and sort of the way that that forces used here, but the point that bind is making a far broader he's not just arguing. This was inactive police brutality, which is possible and arguable he's arguing not only that it is an act of racism which again no evidence has been provided to suggest that he is arguing that it is indicative of all of american law enforcement that all of american society rose up because of the George.
the case, because it was indicative of how black Americans are treated in this country. That's crazy. It is evidence free and it is in crammed down from the top of the american government. If Joe Biden, had campaigned on the notion that who's going completely remake american government on the basis of critical race theory, equity, garbage you don't have a hard time that elections. I accuse considered the moderate a lot of this stuff inside the Democratic Party. and he is now moderate- nothing about, and that is moderate on these particular issues as well. see. This gonna have some very, very real ramifications: litany the basic idea that of America's institutions, are rife with racism, because George Floyd died, while under the knee of Derek Shovin, is not just a strategy to stretch based on a stretch it, but again go here is is more than anything, transformational change and whatever, tool is available to leverage transformational change inside the american government. That is what democratic job
and are about to use and thereabouts he's all executive power in order to accomplish that is. A here is a joy here is Joe Biden talking about said, George Lloyd, what many murders didn't seer had simply refuse to see couldn't be ignored any those eight minute. In forty six seconds took George for his life, when the eyes of millions of Americans and millions of people are, all over the world. It was the knee on the neck justice and it wouldn't be forgotten, stir the conscious and of tens of millions of Americans, and, in my view, it marked a turning point. In this country's attitude toward racial justice. Ok, just right now there are thirty seven million black Americans living in the United States. As of twenty twenty is going to Washington Post database
they ve calculated a grand total. If documents at a gradual of fifteen Lackman shot in America by the police were honoured. That is a grand total in twenty twenty three. The year before it was fourteen This idea, the black people are being hunted down Willy nilly by the cops and that american society viciously racist, despite the fact that it is literally illegal to discriminate in both private and public industries, it's a pretty amazing claim, and yet that is gonna, be the basis for an enormous amounts of executive policy, because that's up housing at some these days from the top without legislative approval or legislative input. When you get more of us in just one second, first, let us talk about an institution that has too much power over your life. These days, though, it be big tech, bigger companies have a ton of power in our country today, as private entities, they can operate pretty much as they feel free to do. Protect your personal data from them with the veto, I trust my own online protection expressive bbn. When I express bbn my connection. It gets rerouted through their secure encrypted servers, so these company can see my ip address at all. My internet activity
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job, as is very often to spin on behalf of their administrations, and this means that the ones who are asked to spin on behalf of people, why routinely and applying Adobe like a lot of members, the Obama administration and I said that there are people who, I think, didn't lie in their job: public, Dana Verena or tony snow. Susan rice lied in her job all the damned time Susan Rice went on national television. She suggested that the Benghazi attacks were a mere rising beat. The idea was, of course it was. It was created by Youtube Video, as opposed to the complete malfeasance of the Obama you're, a government Susan rises radical on a wide variety of issues. She's radical on foreign policy, she's go on domestic policy, somehow she ended up as the domestic Policy council directive, despite the fact that you, as a foreign policy adviser on Brocklehurst, apparently, should amazing it everything Susan right. She is so good at everything. The now she's gonna run domestic policy o goody, so Susan Rice gets up there by the way that the same woman who is involved in the
on masking of Michael Flynn and then road little memo to file. Remember this, your lamotta, while we did everything by the book like the day before she left office and everything well sure, member vile. That means they did you everything my book chosen ass, a single just about any of this stuff. At her press conference yesterday, she said A single agency in american government is going to be focused on equity. Now people don't undressed but the word equity means when Democrats use it because a town so much like equality, equality is not the same thing as equity. Equity is a catch all term, meaning fairness. But the question is: how do you determine what is fair? What right have very different definitions of fairness, Aristotle and Plato defined justice as people getting essentially what they deserve. That is what justice is ok, but that is not Democrats mean by justice forbearance. What Democrats mean by justice or fairness? Is you don't get what you deserve? You get the same thing as the guy. Next, you no matter what he deserves, no matter what you deserve, and not only that it's not just the personally get the same thing as the person. Next, you is that we ought to gauge by group outcome whether fairness has been achieved
So if black Americans have a lower net income than white Americans or presumably The Americans have a lower income than Asian Americans than ever set apart like that parts. Awkward, then group equity has not been achieved now that last example the fact that age. American households make more money than white american household you're. Never going here, Democrats top not that big, because of course they actually are not in favour even of equity in terms of fairness and outcome cannot even into the lieutenant and care of that what they are really about is polarizing people by racial groups that they can use them. As a coalition of the court of Quota pressed against the suppose it white majority, that is it that is oppressing them, despite the fact, by the way that white voters, but pretty heavily between immigration, Republicans in ways that many other domestic racial groups do not
Kate here is Susan, rising that every agency of the federal government is going to be focused on equity, which again means using the power of the federal government in order to cram down equal outcome, not protection of individual rights. On day one, the president signed an executive order directing and unprecedented hole of government initiative to embed racial equity across Fred or policies grams, an institution that starts with a review of policies and institutions to redress systemic racism where it exists and to advance equity. Where we aren't doing enough, every agency will place equity at the core of their public engagement. Ok, this is terrible idea. You know why that
terrible idea because it let's take a quick example and one that happens to be extraordinarily relevant right now. The example of vaccinations, if you place risk assessment at the top of your list, not equity. That means a lot of old people can get vaccine, because old people need the vaccine and people who are five do not. If, however, We are going to place equity at the top of your, lest this means you're going to give it central workers where twenty and black vaccine before you give people who are sixty five, the vaccine, which not only makes no sense and ends with more absolute numbers of dead black people, because there was a black people who are over the age of sixty five will then not be privileged in the same way as people who are twenty and black. It makes no sense to equity against justice, very often in the way, the debt and Democrats to find out what he gets. What they really mean is group outcomes being the same, and it doesn't matter what they have to do to achieve, that. That is dangerous, dangerous stuff. as we will see in just a second been message of part of the running theme of the Biden, administration or
in himself, my college is now governing exclusively by executive, the up the button dictatorship. So is Susan Rice containing along these lines. Susan rice, as federal agencies, will be directed to take any steps to combat xenophobia. Here's a from all of these terms, sound, like people are going to be empowered to the bad things. The question is: what are the bad things? We can probably agree on some of the bad things there ought to be fought by the federal government and then there's something that we probably cannot agree on. So here is Susan Rice using giant catch, also luckily overloaded terms to explain what the federal government is going, do under her auspices. President will sign a memorandum directing all federal agencies to take steps to combat xenophobia and act. violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, who have been targeted by political leaders in our nations, response to covert nineteen again these continuation of
Our initial steps to advance racial justice and equity through early executive action Ok, so nobody wants asian Americans are treated with violence. Does nobody in America should be treated with violence? This is one of the hallmarks of being an american and having your individual rights protected, also when she says entreaty by our political leaders and xenophobia. What she means by is the down from said trainees virus. That's what you mean by that, and we can all read between the lines there. You'll have to read very far between the lines to get there than that. Was not xenophobic, went from said that it was the China virus because it originated in China. Haiti, the need the basic terminology. Of of place from which originated is not in fact seen a phobia. But again, the goal here for the Biden administration is not going to be anything approaching the protection of individual rights. It is going to be in many cases of precisely the up
but that is not where the executive power is going to stop. Are you excited such humor? It amazing that to the founders truly believed that legislators are going to protect their own prerogatives. The legislatures we're not going to allow the executive branch tune Orange, and what the executive Britain, on what the legislative branches the people be jealous of their own powers with offenders didn't contemplate, is the idea that the legislature would Should we delegate of its powers of the executive and then they would just become basically a bunch of charity cases who are living off the taxpayer time to occasionally past giant budget busting omnibus packages That's what original that originally, that was not a possibility, because Congress can do. Any of that is also true that the Congress people the senators, particularly where a lot more wedded to their state, You see that senators were appointed by their state legislatures their answerable to their state legislatures. Now they are not there directly elected by the people, which is a horrible constitutional amendment
What does that mean? It means that if your senator, your chief goal in life is to avoid responsibility, the easiest way to avoid responsibility in just saying that the executive should do it. So here is trucks. Humor me, Senate Majority, leader, saying that Joe Biden should just use executive powers to do whatever he wants. In fact, he should use executive power to declare climate in an emergency and then you'll be able to. He will be able to access a bunch of emergency powers at his disposal in Europe. That somebody warned about this when President Trump declared situation on our our national border, an emergency inaction. Urgency and started using executive power? Do things about it? Some of us weren't. You might wanna go to legislature for that, because once you start declaring his national emergencies, have now opened the door to democratic, doing exactly that's, because once you say that its national emergency, then presumably the the executive need. The president of the United States can now declare that here
cap and trade, or that you must shut down fracturing or that he wants to do a bunch of things that I guess she doesn't have the power to do, because now it's a national emergency here is this majority leader again the leader of Majority in the Senate, saying the legislator should be completely left I'd binds just gotten duty wanting declare climate change a national emergency by way climate change is not a national emergency. Is not close to a national emergency payment changes, nothing global emergency climate change is a thing that is happening It is going to have some deleterious effect over the course of the next century, and people are going to adapt always have throughout human history to a change in climate overtime. The notion that if we do nothing right now that tomorrow soon we are going to wipe out half a matter. That is not what in emergency means the eventuality of bad things out like I'll, give you an example The national debt is not a national emergency. That is something that eventually is going to have to be paid off is going to result in massive austerity programmes. Cuts to government spending in, We're increases in taxes and inflation is that it,
what national emergency, where the president can just declare it. No bad things happening eventually over the course of time is not a national emergency, but the goal here again. The point here is that the executive in our country has essentially become an elected dictatorship that we can shift every four years in Romania knowledge this until he got the powers now Israel happy with it. Here's trucks humor, basically declaring himself irrelevant in saying that Joe Biden should do it every once. I think it might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency flight. Because they are taken which relates to what you're saying then he can do more. many things under the emergency powers of the president that wouldn't have to go through that he could do without legislation. Now Trump used this emergency stupid war, which was in an emergency, but if there ever was an emergency call It is one so I would suggest that they explored looking at climate as an emergency which would give the more flexibility after all its crisis. Ok, then it's unbelievable. The notion that climate change, which is
gradual change in the climate over the course of literally a century is more of an emergency. Then vast numbers of people, crossing our southern border illegally in the now, I even think that was a national emergency. declared national emergency as a problem. It is not a national emergency. A national emergency is like we were attacked by nine eleven national emergency Pearl Harbor, national emergency climate change, national merit, but again the goal here is that jobs and then use powers delegated specifically for emergencies and are simply override his actual executive powers. So, for example, the national emergencies at you, into a suite of more than one hundred additional powers accordance grist. It dont come those it usually used in order to in earth for natural disaster or something, but there are some, then are theoretically kind of large. So, for example, you could just redirect a bunch of from the Pentagon towards building solar panels Lou or imposed sanctions against countries that use fossil fuels or he could reinstituted ban on yours.
Sports of crude oil. You could send. urgency aid packages to states, tribes and local governments. Just simple. On the basis of climate change he. So this is I'm sorry. This is ridiculous, but it, but the goal here is that job I introduced govern from the top you should govern from this out by the White one always use governing from its up. He has now announced that he's going to pause, oil and gas yells and public glands. According to these, shows you depressed him to announce a wide, ranging moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on yours lands in waters as his administration moves quickly, traversed Trump administration policies on energy and the environment and address climate change. The drill moratorium is among. Several climate related actions Biden is outlining on Wednesday. According to two people, with knowledge of his plans were spoken, condition of anonymity, but is also likely wrecked officials to conserve thirty percent of the country's lands and ocean waters in the next ten years, initiate a series of regulatory actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and elevate climate change. Tween national security, priority again
and how the executive ended up with this much power in its frankly on the legislature, which is completely abdicated its duty we're captain- I'm not gonna, ban, cracking healing and van franking, where he can is the basic idea here. As you know, he's gonna, get ready, keystone, exile and em, but by the white, we're not even during the tracking and what I am, the drilling Ike Eastern excellence happening in Canada should the pipeline, but it is trying to move against free on public land is, of course, a way for him to number one undermine this isn't connected climate change, give fraction is one of the single greatest producers of carbon emissions in the United States, because breaking his large replaced call emissions as well as normal oil exploration, tracking and natural gas, significantly less carbon emissions and those other form
the power of this design? It was catered whose environmental left good times also by the way he has his plans. You pause all deportations, so the acting Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David Bukovsky last Wednesday, wrote a memorandum directing VHF components to conduct a review of policies in practice concerning immigration enforcement and sets interim policies during the course of that review, including one hundred date pause, uncertain removals to enable focusing the departments resources where they are most needed. The that that attempt to play some twenty months. Deportations has now been held up by a Texas judge, will see whether that eventually holds up in court so the powers that are being centralized in the executive branch, our exorbitant there highly damaging just be aware that this is former government. Now it is not a good form of government is not a constitutional from government and that consumers need it find every legal auspices they can notify back. That means using the courts. It means that Congress needs to fight back in grand back its own prerogatives.
Unlikely to happen, given the fact that we are now in executive agency with vestigial legislature, again just a second we're gonna get to covet policy, because they, these supposed member Biden was campaigning on how he was going to control this thing get his arms around it. In the first week he's the mass is the mass and by the way, if you are, if trumpeted, much of a mathematical the policy in the last week of his administration as by nor about common policy in the first week of his administration. You think the coverage would be this glowing. It's all gone covers, providing, of course, they will get so that in just one second, first, let's talk about vacuum, although not all parts or use, don't, is our great reason. It all right now so inadequate, reasonable ever you're gonna go you're gonna, wait and lining and gets in front of line. You're not gonna have the part that can ordered on line than they're gonna up charge you haven't. Instead of that, you just skip Yadda part store entirely and go to rock auto dot com lot easier than walking. Is the auto parts or answering a bunch of questions? You don't know the answer to and then having or the part on line anyway. Instead, you ve got rock. Our common use, the power of the inter webs at your desk in your pocket,
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We are now joining the cultural or by making our own content earlier this month, we really suffers film, run a hard fight exclusively for daily, where members in catch it over a daily wired. I come on our mobile app or our being absent apple, tv and radio. If you're not a day, I remember yet use promo code are H, f to get twenty five percent off. That is, are h, F for twenty five percent off your modus vivendi, rotten tomatoes right now that critics didn't like the film, but you loved it. If you look at the viewers they loved the film and that's the kind of stuff we are going to be making stuff, it probably passes off the critics who critics are looking for weakness. We are not going to be providing it so if they are looking for rognes then come to the wrong place. The news audiences, tired that stuff is well and what an alternative catch run, hide fight over a daily wired. Come honourable. or on our streaming answered apple, tv and radio. If you're not a daily remember yet use promo code are h after get twenty five percent off. That is our h f for twenty five percent. Are you listening to the largest fastest growing concern Comcast and Radio shown the nation now the wonderful thing about executor,
on government. Is that our executives, our great it everything? If we know one thing It is that when you centralized power one area of the government, usually their amazing at it, and if they fail because they don't have enough power. She. This is always the logic of the media. the president, has enormous power in our system. If he has given not enough power, however, then things fails. We have to have more power, but then, if he fails, that's because you didn't have enough power is a completely unfollow viable proposition. So Joe Biden has been complaining for little under a year about how the executive branch really need to take more control of the covered response because use what we need more more power at the executive level. What have they suck at? What if they're, just bad at it, there's never occurs to anybody it's amazing as a country where a centrally a bunch of morons got not to say, we complain constantly about the government, sucking it everything there like yes, but if they have more power, perhaps that would fix the problem here. That is the On this thing, I've ever heard men, that's like missing my kids a bunch of bad decisions every night like unwanted candy all night,
and then run around in the new. This is what my small small children do. Probably vague. More power will be better terrorism, not give them enough controlling what what are you talking about our government just wants to go on sugar benches and run round in the nude, and there was, and what are we just give them more power? Stopping idiots have at this. If you didn't even idea and those crazy idea, let's hear unless you really hated Trump, you really hated him. You didn't like him, bad and you thought that he was a dictator and really scary. Analyses are on the right, and you look at present by I like that, guy, that guy has wages. Our knees exercising it they're. Always I haven't idea as a crazy idea. It's an idea, the toilet considered by, like you know the constitution. That idea is the president has very little power how our that and we go back to a system where elected representatives are elected more than once, every four years in this pre high level of turn and their checked and balanced by other
heads of government. They leave you alone. I know crazy right and then you wouldn't care so much as the president of the up we're not going to occupy we're not gonna do that. Funds are itself here is how covered policy works when a decentralized so within the EU, week, Joe Biden has now reversed himself, one thousand two hundred and seventy three times. Don't worry he's right. for a teller who ever lived and also captain normalcy, loves chocolate, chip ice cream, but he's a verse of one million seven hundred thirty, two thousand times in the last week, uncovered policy so, for example, Yesterday, literally yesterday, Joe Biden, most earnest wondrous of all covered leaders. He said that Americans should all It will get the vaccine this spring if they need it. Ah now I think could be this spring. I think, will be able to do that to spring and there's gonna be a logistical
challenge that exceeds anything, we ve ever tried in this country, but I think we can do that. I feel confident that by summer we're gonna be well on our way to heading toward heard immunity and increasingly Access for people who are on the first are analysed all we're going down to children to display ram S pretty exciting stuff. That's optimistic stuff, and also I dunno he suddenly vaccinating three rules has not really something that we should be considering at this point, but it turns out that that wasn't for what's so here was Joe Biden today you have let it turns out not have but he will be able to evaluate it in this brain now. It will be by the end of summer. So at this rate within give another week and we'll be like the end of twenty twenty five right, because apparently every single day he's adding a quarter onto assessment here Mary was drawn up by the end of summer. Probably maybe we expect these issues
two hundred million doses to be delivered this summer, and some of it will come as early again the commission early summer, but by the media, the midsummer that this vaccine, be there and the order, and then an increase This is a total vaccine order in United States by fifty percent from four hundred million in order to six hundred million this enough accede to fully vaccinate three hundred Americans by in summary, the beginning of the fall. Well, that's a lot of eighteen for three hundred Americans IBM city. I thought that it's gonna say three hundred million Americans right there, but for three, I feel that as an affectionate, unfailing six hundred billion is his enough for three hundred Americans. Then he sort of fell asleep in those in those out. Ok, so generosity, the White House Press Acrid, Terry again, her job is five on behalf of a job I here. She was walking back Biden literally over the past forty it so we have had. There was no there
the plan, that's why we have had we're gonna vaccinate everybody by the spring, but was not true. We ve gotten it's a massive increase in dose, First, it tried to shoot four hundred million vaccinations in a hundred days. Tat was not true. We got rid of vaccinate a hundred million Americans and a hundred days. That is not true because it turns out that is just Be a hundred million first doses, not a hundred million second doses as well, so we ve had all that in the course of the last week. Here is trends it, but don't worry. It's most honest, trustworthy, transparent in serious administration you ve ever seen, here is John Sacking, who literally gets paid you just spent away our Joe Biden. Problems are good luck to her, because that dude is barely sentient. What the president's goal is is ensuring too, that there is greater avail, reality in spring. He will pushes team, he pushes esteem and covered and updates.
and even when it's a meeting about other issues, this is his focus every single day and but the fact is, every American is not going to be eligible this spring, we're going to continue to increase apply, that's part of it, and he has said many. Many times is going to take months and months for a broad swathes of the population to be vaccinated, o goody, o other. That's it that's exciting, stopped by Lublin she's, like he's pushing his team, is pushing esteem. Dude couldn't pushover one of those inflatable. king Bags- in other words, they get very case where they punish them and they can fall over Joe Biden- can push that over like it is pushing his deem it by the way team, binding also lying about what is happening here in these states that I occupy Florida. So, on Tuesday turbines, press secretary, Jane a key who again says things that are untrue. On a fairly regular basis, suggested Therefore it was lagging behind in vaccine distribution. Saki should have noted that Florida is holding a lot of vaccines and second doses to elderly residents, who have already received the first out this answers, but out of
Meda, the insinuation and Florida is under utilizing. Vaccines is so disingenuous floor is number when in the country, among the top ten most populous dates for vaccine doses per capita? Additionally, Florida is average, more than three hundred thousand first doses per week, but we are not going The second doses away from our seniors. If the implication is that Giving the second does await other other people. That is not the way the FDA has prescribed. The series we're also number one in the nation by far vaccination of seniors Florida has vaccine more than one million senior sixty five in order to date, if we're given additional first doses, we're ready to double our output, and that was the reply. And after Jackie, on Monday, suggested. That decision This was blowing it in foreign, again dissenters becomes part of the whipping posts for the democratic and which is insane because again, Flora currently ranks twenty six in the nation. ass per million, despite having a population the same as New York and significantly older, meaning significantly more vulnerable to covet Saki on Monday, had suggested that they ve only distributed fifty percent. That means they ve been given in Florida, save a lot of acting it literally
Government has told them they're not supposed to distribute the second shots vaccine. There's some people like me to save you know what we should be holding those in a band. We should literate beginning out everything that is there. But as long as the federal government is dictating that you cannot do that or you should not do that, then it gets complain about that speaking of which the greatest of all federal response is being led by the greatest of all possible doctors, Doktor Anthony Patchy negative. I will know once more. I have not been anticorruption this whole time now. I just fine the guy to be unbelievably annoying and self serving. I think that he has put himself up beyond all accomplishment during this pandemic. I think his accomplish very little. this pandemic. Having many of the things that you stated along the way, our untrue, I think, he's taken Every possible position that it is possible to take has been both Pro asking and aunt I'm asking he's been both heard immunity and aunt I heard immunity has been both pro openings, Wars and pro closing the schools of Kyrgyzstan voucher, saying we need to rejoin the World Health Organization, because the pandemic came from China, which makes no sense
really, the World Health Organization acted as a pr agency for the Chinese while they lied to the rest of the planet. Her statue saying rejoined them anyway. Certainly the WWW Hbo, needs to have some reforms, there's no doubt about all, but when you dealing with a global pandemic. You need a global organization to coordinate. That means, then, that the door is open, that this could have come from a market and will harm. Am I right about that? absolutely I mean the that was one of the things that I've been talking and my colleagues have been talking about for some time well. Well, then, what also Anthony You remember that time that he said you can wear masks because he was long and then he said you definitely what I'm asking master super important now he's really doubling down, which you were too masks according to Anthony Voucher, it's amazing to masks will do it guys.
Here's Anthony vouch explaining to mass will be great. This is a physical covering to prevent droplets and virus to get in Sofia ever physical, covering with one layer you put another layer on it. Just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective and that's the reason why you see people either double mass, in so doing a version of an end. Ninety five ok haven't like three masks: there's some people who are recommending that in fact today mouthwash is gonna be talking about. I can check out my while she show at one thirty pm eastern over it, the word I come so there's a graphic than MSNBC put up about this ran the graphic, showed the efficacy rate for two masks, and it was seventy five percent and then the efficacy rate for three masks, which ninety percent, as one of our producers noted it'll, be fun if they should the ethics Europe for one mask, which actually is not all that high, especially if it is a cloth mass, because that might give the lie to the idea that man are going to be the sole solution to this entire problem. But
However, I have a better, better solution and honestly as long as we're just saying they should just be scrapping on the masks like well understand why forest and better ninety percent you couldn't have running its one hundred percent. We need at least form asks, I feel like it's like Zenos paradox. What the more masks you were, the smaller the incremented improvement, but if we ever going to get to one hundred percent protection here, what we are actually going to need is what I call the plastic bag solutions. Where you take a plastic bags. What it over your head and then you take a rubber band unstrapping around her neck. Now there are some side effects: unions, I've called it. If you do that, a hundred percent, you knock em dive, Covent Garden beds, there's some side effects, I'll admit, you're oxygen and take will be that mean. Why? But I certainly want I've called it, and that's really really the important thing I know about you, but I find a comforting no, but if I just strangle myself- and presumably I remembered I've got it- I'd like to remind you that if you are under the age of sixty five, the rates of death uncovered are under five and one thousand like well under it, so yeah
This seems the seem sensible, I'm sure the most Americans strap on eighty three masks. This is up: what's can we but our power their great at this, their greatest speaking of which, when it comes to cover palace, as we know the yesterday on this programme, the teachers unions are in control and these are the greatest and wisest people. These are the people who teach our children, which God help orchids my seriously, like God, help them so the Chicago Seizures Union has suggested not gonna go back to work. In fact, there are currently engaged in what mostly Glens Harbours, believes in illegal strike, backed by the affair, Federation of teachers back by the Biden, Thracian, presumably the Chicago Teachers Union has said we are. We are not going to re open until it's perfectly safe. What does that mean? They ve yet to say,
they believe that they need more diversity, hires, and I have no idea that has he discovered they, they also saying that they want to make sure not just that kid's our unmasked, but that every kid is is tested and its negative or every kid is vaccinate. Ok, the interesting excused I excuse, don't wanna go back to work, and so they have, I think, provided us with the greatest example of why teachers Union should not exist. I've ever seen, and I don't mean the strike- I mean that over the past twenty four hours in Chicago Teachers Union put out a little film of teachers, unions, dances. Yours dancing, fourscore clothings. I've never seen a better case for DE funding be Chicago teachers than this number. One of these people have jobs and number two that these people feel that this is important work. What they are doing right here, so there are six Chicago teachers, Union Dan teachers dancing for school, closing its magnificent stuff, and I will I'll give you what it says: underneath safety
is essential. Our students teachers children are running any those people shiver work again, I'm not a member of the council culture, but if I, if I were if I wore, Everyone in this video should be cancelled. Yes, you got a leading a very difficult life being paid to do nothing while dancing.
a bridge alone, good stuff, salad, stuff right, oh by the way. One thing you definitely cannot do is I have danced glasses outside definitely can do that. Safety is central is it then that should other teachers union put this out is a piece of propaganda on their own behalf as well. magna governing competence. So the government has decided to these jokers it, which has just amazing. Then I love this too Andrew qualms the worst of all american governors. Ok, just this guy is just a bleep. Shall he litter? I can't believe this guy. It like there are no words to describe how whore. Well and requires the guy one in Emmy. They considered him as a possibility for VP here is Andrew Como, saying yesterday that what we need is better government, more power, better government he sent incompetent government kills but does he owned a mirror? Our mirrors illegal in New York, New York, has still still be second,
worst deaths per million ratio in America after New Jersey here is Andrew Cuomo, saying, incompetent government kills people I just to their lack of self awareness. It's pretty incredible areas, give them an enemy. We were ambushed like no other state, Nicole and again it was from. Federal incompetence, they thought I was in China, India or China had gone to Europe, and it came here for three months before they avenue. Incompetent government kills people. Incompetent government kills people more people died, they needed to die in cove. That's the truth. Ok, you know be really bad is. If then somebody wrote a triumphal book about their own leadership uncovered Then he got hit by a second wave of covered how'd, you really bad right. Debbie,
competent leadership, Andrew COM, I love Nicole Wallis, Justin so true, so true speaking of which eight I just have to know the me a continued to just mirror office. wrap dissolved and is all they just to do there. Just state media, that's what they want to be that's what they want to be. The Washington Post this week altered a profile of of Commonly Harris, ok, so the it is pretty, and it's pretty amazing. So there was a Washington Post story on Maya Harris who's, the sister of Common Harris Red whose then running for president. This is a story that, from July twenty nineteen, and Harris, you believe the story was this incredibly awkward Weird story in which Kamel Harris was talking about how campaign it was like. A prisoner campaign made her feel like a prisoner Como Harris ascribed to her sister in this story. How preparations for a democratic way we debate in Miami had allowed her to break from the growing
Maria campaign schedule quote: it's a treat that a prisoner gets what they ask for a morsel of food. Please, Come said, shoving Ransford, as if clutching a metal played her voice now trembling. Like an old british man, locked in dickensian jail cell and water. I just want WA standards really go out. The Athens window so that was in the original profile of camel hair, is back in July, twenty nineteen head of a telling thing that she is treating herself as victim as though she is living in a present. Now, what did the Washington Post you while there are putting together a compendium of pieces, uncommon Harris because she's the new vice president? They cut it. They just disappeared. It errant bomb of Reason magazine pointed out that the post deleted that passage from the Maya Harris Profile in They replace it with a more conventional introduction in a new version published this month, finding people to trust in politics
a field full of mercenaries, with their own interests at heart can be a tough thing to do. Is net nice? So why exactly? Would they just get rid of that paragraph? The post says every purpose and updated stories about Harrison. fourteen girl coverage is always that what they did. She wouldn't want people to have their awkward feeling of recognising the camel Harris was a terrible candidate and is in fact not a wonderful human beings. They instead they just cut it. I just got it sets exciting stuff are exciting. Things are happening as well in the world of wonderful media. So, for example, the allay times the early times is now going to introduce a beat. It is called covering Kamel Harris. Here's how they described it in a tweet quote: Kamel Heresy.
vice president was black south asian female and the direct descendants of immigrants. While I mean that's pretty specific, I would expect it to be that many vice presidents who are or all of the above black salvation female and the direct descendants of immigrants amidst all right, they're well done, introducing covering Combo Harris A beat dedicated to her historic rise to the White House. Follow us on Instagram and there's a picture of common Harris. Looking out at the camera wistfully its human animations at this ash of weird, can it read the animation and then the background, is this rainbow of color the allay times honestly? Why bother having an office of an office impress relations when you just have the allay times? Were meanwhile Daniel Dale Captain backtrack over there? So here he wrote a piece yesterday called fact: checking seven statistical claimed from by
quite factual economic speech. Oh you mean the factors just can go right to sleep over its head and that's exciting stuff there. Only in a fat check the stuff that accurate there's going to skip the part. That's inaccurate, so we're we're, probably not gonna, do tons of fact checking on all of his vaccine failures, thus far like all of his untruths, that sort of stuff are. We may well over Newsweek, so Tom Cotton there's a peace and Newsweek claiming the tea Cotton had engaged in stolen beller because you started in the one hundred and first airborne. So I mean that's a thing he also graduated from arrange your school. He columns of an army ranger, it will there. They say you're, not alone. of an army. Ranger must actually serve with the Rangers. I because you didn't, he served in a hundred first battalion which had bad is not now stolen. Valor, a cell, there's only one problem news: we grow to peace in two thousand fifteen in which they talk about two women becoming rangers after graduating from the Army Ranger School. Ok, so what the news we do. They have
there is conflict right? They won T saying that some kind of stolen valor by calling himself an army ranger after graduating from Ranger School, then another piece from today in fifteen, where they themselves acknowledge that people, He waited for Ranger School were in fact known as rangers. So what do they do? According to national review? cons, office contact Newsweek this weekend to point out the news we could identified female range or school graduates. His army rangers in two thousand fifteen Newsweek, responded by editing its twenty fifteen story to confront to conform to salons new smear of cotton. The two thousand fifty music story no longer says the two women will call become rangers. The version says they will not be allowed to wear the coveted ranger tab on their uniforms. So they're going back, in now and re editing old scores, not just the Washington Post NEWS. We do their re editing old stories and they are just rewriting history of innocent like
people say Orwellian. This is actually a trifle more while we were at the guy was the main character. Nineteen, eighty four literally sister rewrites historical stories to conform to modern day ideas now going in rewriting old stories to conform to the narrative. The time cotton has engaged in stolen valor and the narrative that common heritage wonderful person who never says awkward things, there's joy, this in real time and should really be a shop. mainly dictionary. Did that's what the term preference After Maisie Orono Idiot Senator decided that it was wonderful, wonderful idea to see that Amy Coney Bear. It was somehow homophobic for using the term sexual preference for the media. I urge that the ECB and which the media are just going to be. A government outlet at this point is pretty hard. You it's pretty hard to overstate that great examples. Yesterday, Peter Juicy was was talking to Joe Biden, regular questioning Joe Biden and doozy asked a pretty solid question, which is binding,
add a phone call with led more potent and Lucy said so. I wanted to talk about, and not perfectly normal question and Biden immediately response by by could have ripping on juicy, because this is the way it's gonna be in the White House Press room. Essentially, there's going to be the one report. We began fly while the rest of press eight because he's killing the vibe. in that room is supposed to be the vibe on a reports on appointed and Peter Juicy over their ringing cowbell and saying you know guys When you want to leave off the loop. You might at some point, one ask a difficult question and your minds back. I see that guy is back and everything. That's that's exactly what happened at the press conference yesterday, you you have You is in her appear, deuces has so. What did you talk to Putin about, and he says you,
sends his best. Him, then imagine if down from its at that, you think the media would have would have cover that a little differently, Donald from refused to answer, questions about Vladimir Putin and their discussion. Ara, yes, are intrepid media not just there to cover Joe Biden but to physically wipe his ass, exciting, exciting stuff? Ok, meanwhile, here is your impeachment update. Here. Is your impeachment itself yesterday ran Paul sponsored a bill. I it was designed to go essentially a resolution that suggested that impeachment was illegal because Donald Trump is no longer impossible, because you no longer president of the United States. Now I think the legal case on that is somewhat sketchy I think there is a fairly solid constitutional argument that you can in fact be convicted by the Senate after you are impeached after you are in, office in order bar you from running again. Nonetheless, forty five report-
and senators voted against the impeachment, which means nobody's gonna vote in favour. The impeachment rights can be can we find that we already know about who are likely to vote in favour of the impeachment that would probably be Mitt Romney. It can be MC, Caskey it'll be choosing Collins, it'll be Ben SAS. That will the crew. Essentially everybody else is not even minimal conall. Who is sort of suggesting that he might vote in favour of impeachment? It seems like he is moving pretty hard against that patch him. Your Pennsylvania is, is the other one ramparts weeded out the senators? and constitutional points of order. Forty five senators agreed the sham of a trial is unconstitutional more than will be needed to acquit until eventually end this partisan impeachment process. The trial is dead. On arrival in the Senate now the the statements that are put out by a variety of republicans are worth talking about. A TIM Scott Centre from South Carolina was quite critical from Here, he put out a statement that I am unconvinced. The Senate. Has the authority told the trial against a private citizen if, president from for such an existential threat, why did speaker
russian impeachment only to wait twelve days to send the articles of the Senate. If the purpose of this roused from president? That was already done on January twentieth when Trump left the White House, but once again the Senate is faced with the time consuming task of determining them of yet another article of impeachment are now former president Trump. We need to get back to the people's work. We need to get vaccines. We did save small businesses, etc. When by the I think that that last statement is going to reflect american opinion quite faster. If this continues to drag on and people still can't get the vaccines and the economy continues to be in the doldrums programme to acquire used spending time on this again from is not the president anymore. Ok, but here's the broader argument against impeachment. The broader argument against impeachment is once again, there is no objective standard by which trumpet, that is called in court in people. The reason I set and the recent court of what there is because you gonna meet for literally anything impeachment as a political process. It is not in fact, a legal process but The question is: what standard are using to impeach Trump, if the standard being used to impeach Trump is that Trump engaged in
verification about the outcome of an election and me real hard to do that. and set a neutral standard, given the fact that for four years democratically, claiming over and over and over the Donald Trump was not in fact the rightful president of the United States and that he had worked with the Russians in order game. The system, if the standard is the Donald Trump Use, inflammatory language, in order to incite violence, then you are to another problem, which is very they're. Gonna have to impeach pretty much everybody who engaged in inflammatory language or you dont have a neutral standard. If the standard is the dominant challenging election that was legally held and legally certified and that anybody who challenge an election that is legally held illegally. Certified needs to be thrown out of Congress, and you end up with amazing her own opposition, the dumbest person in the United States Senate. Here's the senator from why saying it is not just the trumps should be impeached. It's at TED, cruising Josh Halley should be thrown out of the Senate in these two amateurs. They they did more than just simply have a disagreement. Where the election results and they were very busy just putting off the lie that other than this
The election was stolen, so they were ringleaders. Then we're not for these two centre is basically leading the charge in the Senate to sign onto these these objections at even though a hundred house Republicans objective those objections If that nowhere, so they needed senators to sign onto the objections and senators Holly and crews provided that the ship on the Senate side to contest affair and free election result Neither the goal for a lot of Democrats again is not just to lump in from what the riders but colombian prison Halley. What the riders and mental and presumably everybody who wanted election results? Even I think that is wrong and we want them and with the actual people who did physical violence and then they want a lump in every conservative with those people. That is that that is the eventual goal here and there being fairly clear about this, again, there is no actual hard standard by which this constituted legal incitement, disappointed, ran poem I am less induced by the case by the constitutional idea that you can,
PETE somebody's already out of office. I more I am more motivated by ran, pulls argument here. He says you know you guys are using pretty interesting standard of incitement. Considering that damn you literally, will not say a damn word about people in your own party using inflammatory language, then people using then literary language as an excuse to do violence, but now you don T trouble yours, ran Paul. Making this point no Democrat will honestly ask whether Bernie Sanders incited the shooter that nearly killed Steve's gullies
and volunteer coach, the shooter nearly port offer massacre. I was there because he's fervently believed the false an inflammatory rhetoric spewed by Bernie. Another Democrats, such as the Republic in health care plan for the uninsured, is that you die as this avowed Bernie Supporters shot Steve's gullies nearly killing him and shot one of our coaches in two or three of our staff. He screamed. This is for health care, asked me or any one. that's incitement, ok ramp, who happens to be correct about this, and people who are vague in their standards should not be surprised when those standards come around to bite them directly on the took us. If your standard for I've been in use, inflammatory language in politics, pretty much everybody is toast premature. But but again the goal here for Democrats is really threefold. One is the moral castigation of every single we can write the only Republicans forego. Republicans are the ones who do our work in this moment. According to the left Remit Rami
their friend right now, wait until Mitt Romney does something they don't like you'll, become enemy again, very, very quickly, a single number one, All republicans are bad, regardless of what you think about the election, and and no matter whether you condemn the capital riots, you are bad right. Not just that also this, creates a political conundrum, Republicans and Republicans vote against the impeachment. Then the idea is that the Republican Party has backed Trump and probably the guy going forward, and if the Republican Party does back impeachment gets rid of trump, then Trump is motivated to run revenge campaigns against Republicans That is what Democrats are setting up right here and when they're on their moral high horse about, like I'm, not gonna, listen to Joy Bay, her and her moral high horse here, I am sorry she has no leg to stand on she's like by anybody who voted not convict they blood on their hands. Truly joy by her just gonna point, I know that we're not supposed to make this comparison because it happens to be a perfectly apples. Apples
Harrison, but the entire democratic party infrastructure, essentially back the case behind black lives matter, said that it was wonderful worth pursuing black lives matter ended with two billion dollars in damages across the United States and at least a dozen deaths on its hands, here any these people are using extraordinarily inflammatory language talking the blood on their own hands. Of course, they're. There never gonna talk about that because, frankly, they dont you only a blood on your hands if you direct people to do violence. Nonetheless, this Talking Point for Democrats enjoyed, they are being the aid of the Democratic party. Just spills are right out these people, who are not going to vote for a conviction will be remembered. We all remember that, because if they let him go without any kind of accountability tromp, this will happen again. It will happen again, and we will remember those names of that summit. Senators, house, people, decided not to convict this guy because the blood is on their hands, then. Ok, I'm sure that always republican centres are gravely fearful of the wrath of joy by her because it you know
they they had voted. Can they probably joy? They would probably vote for them or not their submission. Will the now applies in american politics if the only people ripping you this unfortunate, because in principle no longer applies, if the only people ripping you are the people. On the other side, you basically fine. Everybody knows that right, left and centre because Anybody who thinks they drive a car or chuck humor or Nancy Pelosi repositories of printed, well on this thing yeah. I really really dont think so. All right we'll be back later today, with an additional hour of content in the meantime, go check out met while show it is up at one thirty pm eastern dimension, where this is the best Russia is you enjoyed, this episode, don't forget to subscribe, and if you want to help spread. The word please give us five star Review and tell your friends to subscribe to we're available. On Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael moles show and that, while show
thanks for listening Dementia Piero Show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer. Jeremy boring our supervising, users are math, is clever and Robert Sterling Production mandatory polite asking ourselves producers are Rebecca Doyle and Savannah Germane gets it shows edited by Adam Science. Audio is mixed. I might call amino here and make up is my Favila Christina Production assistant? Just a Grant adventure bureau show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty one, a massive spike, a homicide. All across the country isn't going the media attention it deserves. Joe Biden continues. His spring executive orders and will track the evolution masking guidance from don't wear, masks too, where three masks all of that and much more today on the mat, worship.
Transcript generated on 2021-02-04.