« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1179 - Biden’s Lies Have Begun, But The Media Are On Vacation


Joe Biden and Jen Psaki fib about the administration’s covid plans, but the media cover for them anyway; Leftist commentators push for more media sycophancy and norm-breaking; and Trump prepares for a Senate impeachment trial.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Joe Biden, White Press secretary, Jen, Saki FIB about the administrations covered plans, but the media cover for them. Anyway. Leftist commentators push for more media sick, a a norm. Breaking and Trump prepares for a senator each man, trial and Bench Grove, as is the bench Barroso they show, is sponsored by Express Bbn, don't like being taken. The government spying on you visit expressly peons out, Slash bet, I mean look, here's the reality. I've been talking about expressly Pierre on my show for months. Why have you not gotten a vps? Yet, ladies and gentlemen, I will tell you this has never been more important time to protect your digital right. That's why I and thousands of my patriotic listeners to secure our online data by using Express bbn. Did you believe that a isn't for you, because you can use the internet Without one anytime, you go online. Your internet service provider can see every site your reasoning confused, but how it works well expressly pianist an app for computers and smartphones, encryption network data and re routed through
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in a doll. The Donald Trump did for years on end was lied to us all of his press. Secretaries lie to us. Cayley machination must be barred from all human contact. We have to put Sarah. Sanders in solitary confinement. We have defined John Spacer wherever he is. We have to rest him from the set of dancing with the stars and bar him, polite human society, but now now we have the greatest and most honest of all of this when's. So many honest humans in the binding ministration- it's not that Joe Biden is a corrupt old politician has been in Washington DC, since he was thirty years old and South Gents ACT is an actual over liar lied regionally for living, while she was with the abominate ministration. No, these are the adults in the room, sir. much adulthood happening in fact, is what CNN Dean Abash said right that anyone who has Action to reality knows the adults are back in Washington, and that means that we can all just sleep on this road and go to sleep again, because let us be real now in sleep securely. Knowing that, when the
I'll comes in the middle of the night. Only the greatest wisest to most honest of human beings will be You find the way ass yours dean of Ash Journey. Me all over the place about the wonderful. In neat honesty, indecency of all the people were empowered. Ours was the rays. There's Dana Bash objective journalism in it. If you take what you just saw and heard in totalitarian anybody who has any connection to reality about what is going on around them should have watched bat and said the adults are back in the room values. That is what the kind of via was that President button was clearly trying to get out there and it made it easier because he has a plan.
That would be a Brian, a killer who is who is sitting, thereby move? Yes? Well, yes, so much journalists me happening unseen and there the objective jaws- and you know what the White House, this White House, the Biden White house- they hold themselves to that higher standard infections. Again a person who lied routinely to the media. While she was at the State Department and Rubalcaba. Now she says we're bringing transparency back. It's like just in timber labour.
politics here she is explaining how wonderful transparency will be under the Biden administration, as also being straight and transparent, straightforward and trans transparent, and you know, there's no better example than that than covert nineteen and our efforts to get the pandemic under control. There are going to be days where people are not going to be hearing what they want to hear whether data is gonna be concerning and troubling, but we want to bring transparency back and then so is the word what words gonna try to deliver on that in the briefing on, but really the job, the back and forth as the job. Well, the back and forth is the job. Bruce Baldwin. Shame is going through a very solid stuff. There ok show just how honest and transparent worthy on the first day, the very first day where they super honest, really super transparent religion, absolutely clear what the american public well, let's take it from the top. So Joe Biden has a plan to stop Corbett. In fact you tweet it out, but he wasn't gonna stop.
Kind of me, he was going to stop your life. He was going to stop the virus. His plan for stopping virus wait for way for now way for it where Mask Bohme done amazing, not as the mask wearing has been tried all over Europe and is generally not stop the spread of ours. Now: in a mass mandate in place. Now I like this whole time and allay is jets gettin wall up right now. But if your Biden has worm ask you know the virus was die. That's what happened not only did Joe Biden say that he has a solution which is to ask how you sign it executive order that anyone who enters federal property, but if you use ass border transportation. If you move between states, anything that that the federal government has a hand in you must wear a mask and this this will solve covert and I'm not Nan time ask I write. I wear a mask people, my office, where masks. I think it's a good idea, but this is not a solution, Joe Biden saying I, but I'm not allowed to sit at areas where a mask has just where a mask
of one hundred day. Challenges is scheme, the american people. to mask up for the first time. Days. The next ninety nine days for mass can be a partisan issue. Unfortunately, but it's a patriotic act but for a few moments to wear a mass, no vaccines, the fact, Is that a single best thing? We can do more important than the vaccines, because they take time to work on it and that's that's problems. We should be moving mass, who should be distancing until we can get people the vaccines that they need. There's only one problem which is the Joe Biden immediately upon being inaugurated, started walking around There are probably without mask. He was wearing a mask now to another, journalists damaging like question, but we know that asking those sorts of since our completely unnecessary. Now, because this is most honest and transparent administration. We have ever seen. We knew this from the moment
are assured into ushered into power, so Peter Juicy, a Fox news, has the temerity to marry that bastard to ask Jen Saki this question. You know Joe Biden says that he wants masks for everybody. In fact, he put into law in actual mask mandate on federal property, but Joe Biden wasn't wearing. A mask on federal property, yesterday's net, so weird here is pure juicy asking the question and generosity is like well, here's that vaunted transparency, openness, honesty and just that straight talk it. We can look forward to For years, the EU was to celebrate an evening of a historic day in our country. Yesterday was a historic moment. Our history he was inaugurated as president of the United States. He was surrounded by his family. We take a number of precautions, but I don't think I think we have big bigger issue two to worry about at this moment in time? Ok, can you imagine for just one second of Kelly machinations? That's an insect answer. It was his
or a day who celebrating with his family, giving the doubt that watch for one iota of one second can all we heard throughout the Trump administration was that if Donald Trump was in a room, Hundreds of people have been tested if use out there with his family and he was wearing a mask. Why won't you mask up but dont I didn't realize that there is an exception in federal law, for the federal property. Mass mandate for historic ceremonies didn't realize. That was a thing you don't need. People have not been able to hold weddings during this pandemic because its apex, you know many people- have not been able to hold funerals for their loved ones. That seems by the way, a lot more important than Joe Biden celebrating himself. I am just to be honest with you. You ongoing your grandmother who died you honouring. and her family member who die by going to a funeral that seems like a raw level more important, both emotionally and psychologically, then Joe Biden getting to have that triumphant walk without wherein the mask, but just
He says it, and so it is so so much transparency, so much honesty, wow. Just incredible that was only the beginning. By the way is this: it gets a lot worse sprinkling of this in just one second part. Let us talk about the fact. When you are running a business, hr issues can absolutely Kelly wrongful terminate. In certain minimum wage requirements and labour regulations a charming They are not cheap there. An average of seventy thousand bucks ear Bambi spell Ba I'm be, was created specifically force mobile and get a dedicated hr manager, craft hr policy, maintain your compliance, offer just ninety nine bucks month with man, but you can change far from your biggest liability to your biggest strength, you're dedicated HTML is available by phone email or real time tat from a boarding determinations. They customize your policies to fit your business help you manage your employees data day, all four, just ninety nine bucks month month month, no hidden, easing cancelling time. You didn't start your business because you wanted to spend time on hr compliance. No, you did not. Let Bambi help your free h,
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He needs to wear, masks and immediately stripping off the mask and then the excuses. It was historic ceremony or a bit of it. But you know what, in the broad scheme of things it's really more about hypocrisy than it is about. Like a big deal with regard to lying about policy, for example, well, what? If Thou saliva policy, so the divine Administration has spent the first forty eight hours of its existence explaining There is no plan for distribution. None the devout scenes that had been shot into the arms of several million Americans at this point, where we are into the arms of about a million Americans today this vaccine Apparently, there is no plan at all. There is no plan at all so Nancy as you said this yesterday, from had no plan for distribution, none which is incredible. And without a plan that I was able to ramp up vaccines. motion to a million a day, my goodness of inadequate and how great with Appy here is.
does he Pelosi spilling out this lie. Yesterday we learned this morning that the trumpet menstruation had no real plan for the production and distribution of the vaccine just another in a series of their terrible, an effective approach to it from the start in denial, delay distortion, calling it a hoax and now with I find that they don't. They didn't even have a plan. Ok, so this was the Biden line right. The binding administration line. The democratic line is there's no plan for vaccines. Just does not exist and the media dutifully. Reporters CNN reported according gradients in full, seven times. Yesterday, forty seven,
I mentioned the idea that there was sure chaos in the vaccine distribution. Now. Can you make the vaccine distribution plan better sure? Why not? But the idea that there is no plan, as it turns out just overtly, foster matter. The media buying that transparency from Biden there's gonna, be there just gonna repeat this crap, even though True, I mean really not true. Ok, here's embassies, Kristen Walker, saying they are starting from scratch- reaches chaos over here. What you're, seeing now is this acknowledgment you're, absolutely right by science and other top officials here, who is saying look at the Trump administration did not leave us with any working plan to roll out this vaccine. So, yes, we are starting from scratch, but I think that what found she was saying and we'll have to press it on this today when we get to ask some questions, is that at least now work in the mirror and acknowledging ok. We need to start from scratch. Here's what plan will look like. Ok, well,
What if I told you that Anthony Voucher, the greatest of all doctors who ever lived, I mean in terms of ranking doctors? It basically goes like this. It goes like Doktor Jonas Salk echoes, Doktor, J, Doktor, strange and then Doktor vouchers way above all of them. Doktor doctor she's the greatest actors ever live. Let me just put that out there. The man is just an unbelievably good doctor like in if, if anyone ever has medical problem called after factories, unbelievable anyone, he he's a godlike figure. We should all like vote of candles to. I was informed of this over the course last year. But what if I told you that Anthony Fancy said from the White House Podium yesterday that they are not starting from scratch? And yet the media repeated the lie, because it sets the expectation that anything that Biden does is a success, because they are just an odd refers further by demonstration. Here's Anthony Voucher overtly core contradicting the administration that he now worked for
We certainly not squad starting from scratch. Balls there is activity going on in the distribution, but if you look at the plan that the president has put forth about the things that he's going to do namely get community vaccines centres up, get farmers he's more involved where appropriate get the defence production act involved. Not only perhaps with getting vaccine, but even the things you need to get a good vaccine programme, for example, needles and syringes. That might be more useful in that, so taking what's going on, but amplifying it in a big way. so it's hands. I gather not starting from scratch. Actually that's exactly what it sounds like they're, not starting from scratch does matter. The media reported add nausea yesterday that they were starting from scratch. Why? Because Jeffreys ends who's the Obama covert policy adviser said this, so the Biden covered policy adviser said this to the to the press, the press immediately just reported
those facts and then there's the outrages completely undercutting them, but don't worry your press doing an amazing job holding veal seats to the fire? What if I told you that there are also fitting about their goals, so the binding ministrations as we have the egg plans, your big plans, a hundred million vaccinations within the next hundred days and people who don't know anything. I like well That sounds unbelievable, unbelievable. You mean a million shots today. What if I told you that were already basically giving people? A million shouted I kind of war when Biden took office, and so he's not fundamentally changing anything. So here is John Zackie being super honest and super transparent. By telling you that it is an enormous enormous increase in the number of vaccinations being provided for Joe Biden provide basically the same number vaccinations we're already providing on a daily basis. Here's gents act super on a super, transparent, amazing stuff. Here, The Trump administration was given thirty six million doses when they were an office for thirty days they administered a total
bout. Seventeen million shots, that's about less than five hundred thousand shots a day. What we are proposing is to that to web one million shots per day and we we have outlined this goal and objective in coordination in consultation with our health and medical experts, it is ambitious, said something that we feel is bowl and was called that. Certainly at the time I was called folded the time yet by members in order for media. Ok, this is how you lie with stats. Get what you, there's line with statistics here is how it works. What she says is that the Trump Administration was providing about, on average on average over the past forty days about half a million Not today. Now you say you were probably means that they were like everyday putting out half million trot right. No, that is not what that means in means that they wrapped up the vaccine distribution. Ok, you can't take the average and then suggested that's actually what's happening on a daily basis that his legs,
that bill gates for the first twenty years of his life on zero money and then bill gates over there twenty years of his life. What say that he made? hundred million dollars over them twenty years of his life, he that means that over the past forty years of his life, he average half that, Pretend means that when he was twelve years old, he was probably making minnow like ten million bucks. A year or five million bucks here, no, that is not how that works. When you which numbers are. There is an escalating number that is actually the year on your day on day number. What you want to look at in terms of are you ramping? It up is the last day before you took office and you don't get to do the volume on average here's what a what that doesn't make any sense at all. It makes zero sense but she just throws out there like, although they were doing half million our doing a million, we're doubling it no got doubling it. The day before you took office, there are almost a million shots administered Europe.
you have your promising to administer a million traps, which means you are escalating it by like close to zero. Everybody recognizes this. It is not in dispute, so instead what you have to do is have to live. The press in the press will dutifully just report that out, in fact, Rapporteur, asked Biden about this when our poorest set up by the way, we're already doing like a million vaccinations, but I find you snapped it, therefore, because why hit how dear he, I've been told that if he snapped the press, if you get mad at the press, if you treat the press badly is a fundamental assault and our most basic institutions impeach like what work it's, how? How will our press survive? Jim Acosta is, is, is under assault, quick catch him to the same room, because our poor asked by a good question by didn't, want to answer the question and you got mad at their border, so much transparency. It's a new day in Washington. Gang here is yours
no binding manner report for asking a perfectly obvious question are higher. Officially, with U S right now we announced, with you It is now possible, come on nope, no one said it possible when you announced it literally zero people who knew anything said it was not possible. You announced in fat, virtually everybody who know Annie. Instead, we need a hundred bucks, a hundred million vaccinations and a hundred days is that shouldn't be higher than that rambling anything up again, we'll have to pretend along so transparent, so honest so much media in every time. Ask a tough question within forty eight hours, every type of question is asked the just dodge it or lie about it, and then the media like but
so honest in their so transparent in their so amazing. Oh, my god, just unbelievable another example. The very first night, the very first night of the Vine Whitehouse gents, accurate oppressor and she was asked about Joe Biden policy with regard to the height amendment. The highwayman is a federal amendment that says that you're not allowed to use federal taxpayer dollars to fund abortion, and she said we have no position on that, but your binding. Catholic and, as we know, Catholics opera life. Here within twenty four hours Anthony found, she had announced the return of the Mexico City policy, which uses federal taxpayer dollars in order to sponsor abortion. Oversees, so was that dishonest was that of wording. The question: no, no, its transparency and honesty guy to new day the adults are back in charge the realities about the adult being back in charge or any realistic standard of honesty and decency. What this is is that there is a complete some particle between the
listen to people their covering right. Now it is just confirmation by us. They like people their covering they didn't. You select the people they are coming. They don't care if the people are covering right now, lie to them and said to them and put up propaganda. Talking point that is fine with them because they, like those propaganda, talking points here. This is about them. Holding any consistent standard is rather moulding wildly inconsistent standard. It's not it wasn't. There would be saying dollar back in the room, if it had been Marco Rubio was president, is linked with the adults being back in the room it always has to do with his, they agree with the people who live in them and so they're going to discover for them. They did this all throughout the Obama administration. Members. The abominable stretching overtly admitted to lines the press and the present kept looking their feet. It was unbelievable, and now it will just be more of the same it'll just be more of the same and the second on a get you some more terrible, terrible co policies there, a couple of policies that are now being trotted out: they're, pretty amazing, plus
story. That dumb should receive more media attention, but likely Walmart will explain the second first. Let us talk about the reality, which is that this year, you probably been thinking dark thoughts, and that means that you need to think about what happens in his God forbid. Something should happen to you. That means getting life insurance if getting life insurance is on your to do list for twenty twenty one policy genius can help you cross it off with ease policy. Genius makes it easy for compare more than thirty top insurers at once and take over fifty percent in the process. Plus there is no hassle because their licence experts work for you knock insurance companies. Here's how works first. Had an overcapacity, genius tat come minutes. You can work out how much covered you need and compare quotes from top insurers to find your best price You Jeanne will compare policy starting as little as one dollar a day. You might even be eligible to skip that in person medical exam. Once you apply the power you genius. Timor handle all the paperwork and the red tape. If he had any speed. I'm stirring the application process they'll take care of everything that kind of service has earned policy.
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he's sending them outdoors or drew near by parking garages after two weeks pulling security Judy after the deadly right on January, sixty one unit which had been wrestling Turks, intended office building was abruptly told to vacate the facility on Thursday. According to one guardsmen, the group was forced to in your part,. Growth without internet reception, with just one electrical outlet and one bathroom with two stalls for five thousand troops, the person said temperature in Washington when the low forties by nightfall, the guardsmen said yes dozens of senators and congressmen walk down our lines, taking Photoshop nor hands. Thinking us for our service within twenty four hours no further use for us and banished us to the corner of the parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed. All the National Guard troops were told to vacate the cap in your by congressional buildings on Thursday and set of mobile command centres outside or near by hospitals and other guardsmen confirmed, they were told to take their rest breaks during twelve hours outside in parking garages. The person said top lawmakers from both parties took to twitter
privatisation and call for answers after political first reported the news Senate Majority, the introduction retweeted. If this is true, which our I would get to the bottom of this centre cotton noted the capital complex remains closed to members of the public, so there's plenty of room for troops to take a break in them. A guard source confirmed late Thursday. All the troops in the parking Russia's were ordered to return to the capital. Brigadier General Janine Burke had the guards in August in taskforce manner confirmed in a statement of political, a little after midnight. The troops are out of the garage now back in the capital. Building and it'll take their bricks nor Emancipation Hall going forward. In a statement, capital police spokesperson, even the lucky, told that apartment recently said that apartment recently asked the truce shift reduced from twelve hours to eight. In order to allow for additional rest hours away from the capital complex, it did not explain why guardsmen were forced into parking garages. Now you will notice that nowhere in this peace does it explain who exactly is in charge here? Well, let me,
your hand who is in charge of the president of the United States, is currently named Joe Biden, not Donald Trump. The Senate majority There is currently an instruction were not much be house speaker is there. People do not cover Mccarthy. So who is to blame? You know the headlines would be of Trump or still President Donald Trump forces forces troops to sleep in parking garage in forty degree, whether sharing but ones while it for five thousand people. You know, thou be the headline, but here it's like Yahoo. How did this happen? How I dont understand It could have happened here, amazing, how, as soon as something bad happened under the Trump administration was like every Republican. We see four mile radius is to blame for this when Democrats are in charge and something that happens like how could such a bad thing happened in America? How who, what I'm, not even the speculators, to who's in charge, amazing by the way, speaking of bad covered policy so My favorite thing is when Democrats claim that they are driven by the science is here
is Disease New Standards, Washington. We see a set, a new standard for recognition. Now they should be very easy. The centre for Ex nations should be. If you are sixty five, you get one right. Would you by age? That's how you should do it? If you are some very a doctor who is working with covered patients, you probably also get one. We should not be vaccinating people working Oh sorry, stores or people hordes of women packages at the same rate that we are vaccinated. People who are sixty five in older men should be an age based decision, end of story. So what she can t see doing being driven by the science entirely democratic area? How are they actually trenching at the vaccines? According to the Washington Post, the district plans to give priority for Colonnas corona virus vaccines to the broadest possible swath of people with pretty. Health conditions, a decision that will make hundreds of thousands eligible for scarce doses of the vaccine and at some public health experts say might not make medical sense might not make medical sense here is whether actually proposing K ready for this. The plan would off
accidents to people whose weight and medical history would not qualify them for early access to that. Seen in almost any state in the country are apparently Deasey Health Directional, a quadrant, Nesbitt told members of the decent council. Last week she decided to open up a vaccine access, possibly as soon as February, to such a large group in hopes of quickly vaccinating anyone so who it? What? What exactly is the is cut off the cut off? Is you just have to testify that you have any pre existing condition at all? right. You just put on your form, you just say that you're a smoker or you ve had cancer or heart failure or diabetes or down syndrome. Ok, these are all chronic conditions or, or you have to have a body mass index over twenty five. Ok, just to be clear, a body mass index over twenty five is like everyone gallows you're, pretty good shape. You do not have a body mass index under twenty five. Ok, that's just means overweight, overweight is twenty five be, is thirty we can shape. I work out pretty much every day. My body mass indexes, like twenty two, a case of the
The bizarre notion that you're going to tranche out hundreds of thousands vaccines to anyone who is slightly overweight, as opposed to you know the l, a b people are elderly and at risk total craziness. But of course the goal here is racial equity. Above all, my dad is the goal here. Experts like David Cassie, Johns Hopkins Cardiology, professor, said some of the conditions the district is including have not been proved, but but higher risk of complications from cover nineteen. The disease caused by the novel grown a virus in terms of body weight, some recommended prioritizing people realize over forty rather than anyone whose weight is above a level considered healthy, biomass or forty severe obesity, biomass or thirty is some risk. There's no evidence that the amount of twenty five is going to tell you about.
Again bad policy doesn't matter all that matters is the wilderness. The wilderness is what matters above all of you up. You may be looking at the state of modern american politics, and you may these hang yourself. You know what these media. I hope they finally get the message that they actually need to be watchdogs right. That was their job. The objective media, then you be watchdogs. Occasionally lapdog, indeed be watchdogs right meter. And people actually get it serves a pull out from Edelstein. It shows that the American Trust in the media as an all time low as well. It should be shared with axioms. Here's what they pull found, apparently the trust in traditional media. Forty, six percent of Americans trust traditional media. Presumably they are all Democrats. Among Republicans, those numbers are abysmal, only eighteen percent of repair and say they believe, journalists after the twenty twenty election, which men are to argue with that. Not sure why you would the vast majority of members of the american public believe that journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead them, and fifty eight percent
news organisations are more interested in ideology than fats. Fifty seven percent of Democrats trust the media shocker shocker. I can't really You mean you trust the media. They tell you exactly what you want to hear all the time, but don't worry, there's no leftist biased in the media. Newton, apparently republican trust in traditional media plunged following the twenty twenty election. But the truth is that that plunged should have happened much earlier, the republican belief in the veracity of the media. It found a fifteen point, drop in media trust among trunks and puts trumped supporters. apparently about thirty, three percent of Republicans used to trust the media. Now it's only about eighteen percent, I'm not sure why anyone trust the media to simply be objective. They simply are not there not objective in any way shape or form and in the and the putting I mean every single day? I shall you clips of members of yours, and journalistic media who are basically just doing dirty work for the Biden Administration or for the Democrats or or forbidden campaign during the campaign,
so, for example, european and camera literally asking members of dividing administration if it will retaliate against news. works if they lie? So will it here CNN asking if the binding strange, gonna, target news, Maximilian and and Fox NEWS, yet definitely atrocity in an absolutely objective. People know no interest here. They are just true tellers by the way that is unconstitutional
He didn T bad administration, has no power to involve itself in this. These particular debate. Here's housing camera pushing it anyway. I heard that as a direct shot at some of the media companies, it lied about the election results. We know who they are men there. There are right when companies some are more fringe than others. At this point for more, I guess extreme than others, and so if they continue to engage in lies something that he is trying to combat. What is your communication strategy? Will you deny those networks? Any interviews I mean what happens if they re revert? form immediately, so will you punish? Will you averted for what will you tell people that you are an interview with them because skin and doesn't like them? Please will you do that and we are the true tellers european and everybody else on the other side, those are not truth. Teller at all CNN is the place. You come for your news and also for your for your Kool aid from the left side of the ILO as before,
Yes, example of this over the past twenty four hours. I I I thought this was where is so. There is a peace there is entitled to pieces by Margaret Sullivan. Margaret solvent is the economist for the Washington Post and the chairs a peace that is titled. I can you not. The media can be glad for the Biden White House, his return to normal see, but let's not be lulled enough. I just ready the title. You would think, presumably that the peace is going to say to the media. Yes, this is more of a return to normal, see it's not quite as wild and crazy as the Trump years, not all about the tweets, but you still have to be watchdogs right when you think that's what mean that title, the peace right I mean it can be glad for the Biden. Whitehouse's return to normalcy, let's not below wrong Margaret Sullivan says: let's not be wronged, let's not be bald into covering them with a harsh glare right. I have to read it to you, because it is
So indicative of the mindset of media, the media believe they were too hard on Obama too hard on Hilary. That's why they got Trump and the lesson of the Trump years is not. These should be aggressive with the White House in power. The lesson of the Trump years is that you should only be aggressive with people. You disagree with equally. There is one more resolving the media colonists for the Washington Post rights here is here is her. Take on it, you ready, Whitehouse Press Secretary gents happy was prepared shoes. National shoes non combative and she didn't pedal a whopper of the. Why the waste Spacer did on day one four years ago, with his alternative fact about the supposedly record breaking size of the inaugural crowd. The first official words by President Biden, spokeswoman, included, truth and transparency. Rebuilding trust with the american people will be central to our focus. The former State Department spokeswoman till the small group of socially distance reporters and she promised return to daily briefings.
in fact Wednesday night session, with the poorer as the first of the binding ministration, was so normal, so we're we normally that you could be forgiven for thinking you had mistakenly put on an old episode of the West wing at my favorite thing about that is the cheese touting the West wing as like the way power It should work. It was a fancy she shall written by Erin Sorkin. On behalf of Democrats, my bed, that's the way, the real issue. I wish that reality we're just the blessing. Yes, I'm sure you do I'm sure you do. The return to norms is wonderfully welcome after the horrors of the past four years. It's like into a friend you haven't seen in four years? Will Columbia University Journalism, professor, William Griskin, we're ok? So here's where you think that the articles gonna turn racketeers
since its also potentially dangerous. Ok, here's what you think you can make the term here's what you think she's gonna say: yes, it's a return to normal, but we can't be lulled into a false sense of security. We still have to hold people in power accountable, nope. No, that is not what she is going to say, she's going to say the opposite: hurry hurry up the national press battered by four years of abuse by the president and by the company and falsehood of spokespeople is in a precarious position position. We run the risk of being seduced by an administration that, in many people's in many cases, closer therefore reflects our values. Multiculturalism, a belief in the principles of liberal democracy. A kind of okey idealism, tissues openly admitted by the way that the media and by northern antwerp- and she says the commentary from tv broadcasters across the board all day long- was attacked embarrassingly complimentary, many time for a day or two well
we're. One takes a few size of relief that democracy has arrived at stress test, but soon I guess another normal return. The desire to appear combative and blow things out of proportion to demonstrate toughness, she's chiding, the media before they do it with being to combat of with binding after they basically provided him sexual favours on the day of the inauguration, that's Margaret Solvin is doing here. She says you know what you guys. We spent the last forty eight hours celebrating with Biden entreating buying with kid gloves, and you know we have to be really careful here not to stop treating with kid gloves, Because journalists pride themselves as Margaret Sullivan Media columnist for the Washington Post, I'm being tough, it objective. They liked to take an adversarial seeming approach, especially to the party in power or the candidate who may most identify, and, of course, actually holding power to account is the most important jobs analyse have. What we're here for, but there is a difference between truly holding power to account and grandstanding. It's the ladder, the
rice, ridiculous dust like the one over President Barack Obama's wearing of a ten suit, not to mention asked and shameful overplaying of the Hillary Clinton email scandal during the twenty sixteen campaign, the national me so Margaret Sullivan should show toughness but of a different sort. Learn the lessons of the past four years, and I confess I have my doubts. They'll do things differently. They will resist false equivalency, for example, building, waste before they put a reality, denying senator by ten crews or Josh heavily on the air. They will clearly called out lies the legends by racism or what you primacy, by using plain language instead of euphemism, is just too is amazing, is amazing, so the media have gone into full blown full blown, Bessel Whorehouse in Texas Mode and Margaret saw
is like yes, but but could we add some services on top of that, to really make sure that we are doing our job here? You know that the last thing we need is for you to even pretend to do your job. The real problem here, as you are probably circling soft and republicans- that's probably the big problem here. So let's go hardware and Republicans and let's not cover any other things by I mean you know how in the bubble, you have to be to believe this. These folks have decided before beforehand when preordained fashion, the Bite administration is transparent, wonderful, factual and the biggest risk is that you will create a false equivalency between people who doesn't really binding and binding, because of course, we all know on an objective level. The bottom is wonderful and amazing and truly spit. killer they're, just there just fanboys? They should just right fancies everything the media right these days, and I think honestly, since the Obama here, everything that they write is essentially just in touch magazine about these folks. It's incredible! It's incredible and meanwhile, I look forward to a return of non comedy.
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the media agreed with and it was really funny. I got an objective level brok of Alma godlike figure going over twenty Twond, the basketball court kind of funny organic Brok, Obama, jetting off in the middle of crisis, to go hang out with celebrities kind of funny there's a lot that of funny that was going on during the Obama administration, but that's comedians because they were too busy worshipping. You can't make fun of things. The worship is very difficult for people to do that, and religious people tend not to mark their gods. Ok ends, and these folks are religious. Well, then, it became ok. We want actually mark trumpet just get a yell at him. There were so angry at from that. The union would be funny about Trump. It was mostly just he's. A very bad men is like a sputtering, age that came from the comedians. Will now we're gonna revert back to the Obama years, except, as can be Joe Biden, so Joe Biden, legitimately one of the funniest people to ever be president of the United States. Now because he means to be funny, but because he cannot spew forest sentences without mixing himself up and walking into a wall, but that's funny. Ok, there
make fun of Gerald Ford when the most athletic, let president's in american history for being can adopt ring, but Joe Biden, Seventy eight years old cannot string together a coherent thought, that's our funny. It all is on funding at all. In fact, what we need for our comedians most of all, is to be the priests of of the new woke religion, and that is what they do so here we have seven cold, seven Colbert explaining these. What comedians do now explain explained us how much they cry. comedies over gang. It's dead in income back now these conditions. There is no such thing as it is a comedy routine that as in the world of wilderness, because everything is just too puritan tourist even Colbert being hilarious by explaining how much he cried when Joe Biden one the presidency by the way, Well, there's life was so rough under Donald Trump, I mean all he did was linked to the top of the ratings. had been utterly on funding and making a Gillian dollars what what a rough life he had in front me every day he was under threat of making more it was really really difficult receiving call their. By now Stephen Colbert he's
weeping, tears of joy. weeping. Tears of joy was when Donald Trump Hillary Clinton. I didn't weep tears of joy. I left ass. If it was really funny huh, hey, there's tabled me doing it. It has several million views of me just laughing hysterically, because that's really really funny Kate, Stephen Colbert, hasn't laughed in several years and it shows. Instead, we must cry along with him. He has been placed on the cover of like vanity, fair, holding a dove or something this man there are comedy. Specialists are no longer in the business of comedy here is it here is a non comedian in X, comedian, we're not duration was joyful occasion like I do most happy things. I cried a lot. It was extremely emotional, and not entirely in the way that I expected, because I have this. I've zero glowed in me there is no Enzo dance here, what I feel is in almost relief watching the inaugural
today I recognise just how worried I've been for my country. Well, oh, I have the honour he was being funny. I can honestly cancel the difference. I cannot tell the difference in when he is trying to be funny when he's not trying to be funny. Also another person who used to be funny, but now it's just to walk poked Jimmy Kimmel. He he emerged wearing his his black non turtleneck, his long sleeved black short. Here too, plain to all of us that you know this is it's a magical magically now the sash supposed to be a funny line, but I'm wondering how like, whereas that, where
Now I hear ears you make him will explain the humor Joseph proposal. Biden is our forty six president. It feels like have to imagine this is what it feels like when the on colleges calls and tells you the tumor is benign. I remember going back to day. Trump was inaugurated such a terrible day and wondering can our country even survive for years of this, and now we know the answer now really just fairly, but we made it more brighten early left town bright early this morning, wow that my the well that there, the quality of their writing, mean those are the cunning that there that are only surpassed by the jokes. These fine on the handle, the popsicle stick. That's pretty much it well done. I will say that that the last twelve years have killed comedy they have killed. Objective journalism is now at last in terms our institutions and our fun and everything seems like service.
and great going on from here. Does it not? It is just as is just boredom and annoyance, stamping on the on the american face forever. That is it that is the future of the country or yet, and also bad policy. So, as recline has now moved over to the New York Times after it VOX into a place that ostracised everybody of dissenting view so bad. They Matthew, Iglesias, had to leave and found his own sub stack. Now, as recline has been reached,
with a slot over at the New York Times where he has a pod cast, and also he has an opinion peace. Because then your times they like no one who has voted for Trump will ever be allowed right for the Europeans like ever ever ever again, it's not going to happen most right. One person s in your attention now is Rostov that and this because you sort of a kind of classic and because he is not super trompe, but he's also kind of in favour of bigger that man like Rossi column, but Ross is not easy to pin down in international conservative ways. The the other colonies are like the most rightwing columnist effort that is Brent Stevens, who hates trumpet with a fiery passion of a thousand zones right, so that as recline over the New York Times here is his pitch for what Democrats should do next remember. This is the year of unity at the time of good feeling tried to as reclined pitches. Let's kill the filibustering. She ran through a bunch of crap. Let's do it, let's do it as required. Is that what we need is we need a massive spending bill. We need
one point: nine trillion dollar rescue plan to bind pushing. We need aid for the people ACT, which is a wild rewriting, of how voting is done in the United States, We need a revision of immigration but says reclined, none of these bills. pass a Senate in which the filibuster forces sixty vote majorities on routine legislation that clarifies the real question democrats face. They have plenty of ideas that could improve people's lives and strengthen democracy, but they have repute the proven themselves more committed to preserving the status quo of the political system and fulfilling their promises to voters wait hold up a second. Let me just read that let me read that sends one more time, because if you think that it's just authoritarian on the right who are the threat, Let me return tends to you one more time. Remember. We are told that the threat of authoritarian, just people who care more about outcome than they do about the norms care more about outcome. Then they do about the institutions of our democracy, right that was the entire pitch. Is as reclining in the pages of the Eurotunnel, remember well intentioned, good, hearted liberal, as we heard it,
Slowly, you understand me. Democrats have repeatedly proven themselves more committed to preserving the status quo of the political system than fulfilling their promises to voters. They have preferred the false piece of decorum to the true progress of democracy there it is, our institutions must be raised and Democrats must push for all the things as requiring likes. Otherwise you know they might lose elections, and we wouldn't want that to happen. If they choose half again they will lose their majority and twenty twenty two and they will deserve at break all of the institutions of democracy. In order to save him, Creasy guys. I work. I heard that before further before oh yeah from every authoritarian ever all we have to do is just over one of the institute. And we can do all the things you want us to do very Harry, exciting stuff it by the way, is how that that perspective is how we got to this idiotic form of government that we currently experience in which, basically, all the girls is: is Congress as invested vestigial organ that occasionally,
ass, his omnibus packages were trillions of dollars, and mostly government is just president ping pong back and forth: executive orders of amateurs, a bunch of executive orders, from under the executive orders than by reading these equitable, then who ever comes next under those executive orders, but as requirements to break the wheel of history, the way we can break the wheel is not. Returning power to the legislature in its current form and minimizing power of the executive. Instead, what's gonna be there in a killer, filibustering we're going to ram through things bear majority basis, and then everybody can be better woman most power in the federal government pride that will bring everybody together, o goody gum drops. Yes, the ear of unity has begun. You feel Unified are you are you? Are you yeah didn't think so? Ok, we'll be back here later today with one additional or of the ban, Shapiro show in the meantime go check out. The Michael knows that is available right now. Apparently, a republican congressperson has failed articles. Impeachment guns Biden on the first day in office, like will tell you all about it on today's show in the meantime, have a great weaken I've been
This is the bench Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word please give us five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to we're available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon gases? Also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael Mole Show and the Mat Wall show. Thanks for listening, Dementia Piero shows produced by Colson executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producers are math is Glover and Robert Sterling Production, men of Europe, the white asking our associate producers Rebecca Doyle and Savannah Dominguez. The shows is edited by Adams. High event, audio is mixed by here and make up is my father, Yola, Christina Production Assistant Jessica, grant eventually Ben Show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty one everybody? This is Andrew, Craven, hosted the Andrew claimant show you know. Some people are depressed because the republic has collapsed.
Seeing the end of days is approaching and moons turned to blood, but on the Andrew Clavering Show that's where the fun just get started so come on over the Andrew Craven Show and laugh your way through the fall of the republic. With me, Andrew Clayton
Transcript generated on 2021-01-23.