« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1170 - Welcome To The Purge


All the tech platforms ban Trump and deplatform Parler; the media bay for conservative heads; and House Democrats push toward a second impeachment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All the Tec platform has been Trump and de platform power. The media bay for conservative heads and has Democrats push forward sort of second impeachment adventure services. The bench Barroso events, Parachute sponsored by express the appeal for peace of mind whenever you go online visit, expressive, gps, dot, com, slash then already said shortly. And today is something that I never do what I want to do it now. I really don't do this self serving and it seems silly, but I'm going to say right now I want you to go subscribe over a daily wired. I come to the show it's what we do elsewhere. The reason I'm saying this is because we are quickly reaching crisis point in terms of the attempt to bar conservatives from virtually every platform. That is what we are watching in real time happen on the back of the awful and evil incident at the capitol last week. The entire tech infrastructure is no mobilizing in
to take conservative outlets off the air in order to ensure that consumer websites no longer appear here's the thing. They may not be doing it right this second, but they have now set the predicate that they can do it whenever they want, and what they are doing. Right now is that the Tec brows have declared war on concern, This can be a slow moving where they're gonna start with people or outliers they're gonna start with people who are concerned more radical, but they have basically decided that if they at any point, have the opportunity to take you out, they will take you out. So I can guarantee how long apple podcast can be distributing things like daily, whereupon I guess I can guarantee how long Amazon web services is going to allow websites like Why are to be up? You need to go directly to the sourcing you to go to daily wired outcome right now and you need to subscribe because it may be it over the course of an Ex couple years. It may the only way you actually get the content you want in the way that Facebook is moving the way the twitter is more
the way that all of these outwards are moving. All of these supposed platforms. There are now no longer really platforms there. Now, publishers basically based on what they are doing, the way that All these outlets are moving they're, moving more and more towards the deep lad forming dismissal, the creation of an echo chamber just for the left. That is what is happening right now. We are watching the purge. Ok, it's not just on the text. It is also happening at the corporate level. It's already happened in Hollywood. It is happening in the schools is happening. Early where we are dividing formerly into to America's The Americans are not divided by state there, not really divided by race. Those America's are divided by politics. There will be a group of corporate
since that only services the left there will be a group of online mechanisms that are only allowed to actually platform left and the left and the right can have to build its own outside mechanisms. I've been working methods for quite a while. It's amazing because of the same people right now or calling for any platform in the same people who are calling for corporations not to do business with people who are conservative. The same people who are attempting to boot people from platforms that were set so we places for open discussion and make those same people complain that the right lives in an echo chamber. What one of the reasons the right has increasingly lived in an echo chamber is because the left has forced everybody outside the Overton Window, but continues to shrink the Overton Window said it encompasses only them and only their friends. Everyone else will be cancelled. Everyone also lose access to even speak to other people. And what we are watching right now is one of the most dangerous moments in modern american history, not just because what happened at the capitol last week, those extraordinary we dangerous, and we are finding out new details showing how strong
early dangerous? That was for the Congress, people that vice president, for Nobody inside for the police officers, as second police officer committed suicide over we can re, was an extra wearily dangerous event, but it turns out that, on the back of extraordinarily dangerous events, extraordinarily terrible things can take place and one of the things that is taking place right now is the division of America into conservative and liberal could be a unifying moment. As I said last week, because everybody of sound mind look at what happened at the capitol last weekend is appalled and thinks it's disgusting and horrible. Instead, What we are watching is the exacerbation of an underlying philosophical rift and not just that what we are fishing is the formalization of that rift so that now you're just not going be able, socio with anybody on the opposite side of the iron, because the people on the other side of the house will not want to associate with you in any way shape or form? A axioms is basically bidding that this morning, so access has a short piece by MIKE Ellen engine Andy and here's what they write Republicans are losing power
how're matters most at the national level in politics, media technology and the workplace- and this is right- and this happens to be correct- the right is being barred from the halls of our in nearly every area of american life, from sports to Hollywood, from technology to your workplace. You're getting the letters from your employer saying that if you posted in favour of from back in September or have you set heading four from back in September or if you posted against black lives matter back in August well, You may lose your job. All your friends, you can look EU askance if you work in the tech industry. An u signify that you are in favour of sites what daily wire or daily collar, or any one on the right not being Otto banned or downplayed. You might find yourself firing line that the policy that the political conflict that is characterized the country since its inception, Rehman, that's never stopped, has now, boiled over into every area of American like this is where it affects Americans, because, let's who wins com,
who doesn't when Congress that has some? impact on your life ruins the present he who doesn't when the presidency that has some impact on your life in terms, regulations and taxes and policy or really impact on your life is how you are treated by your friends by your neighbours by your employers, by the outlets that you use by the culture that surrounds you, and all of that is being twisted against you right now. If you are a conservative, Natchez is pointing subject just happens to be correct about this Mr Republicans often felt mistreated when they had real power in the form of the presidency. In the Senate, Watch Fox newsreels Ben Shapiro, you will see and hear how this new isolation will feed republican worrying grievances in the months ahead. Is your pouncing will make the problem? Isn't the Fox news and bench of your our pouncing on us? Maybe the problem is that people are doing this in the first place. I've made. My I've made my own show very often a place for discussion and debate the Sunday special every week for what two years and the Sunday special was was designed to allow.
To talk to people on the other side of the AL. You know many people refused to come on the show. You know many people said I literally months it in the same room as you and have a discussion with you, because that might legitimize your position this happened on a routine basis. Unesco producers were asking people from across the aisle from us on the show every single week demo rats according to access, will soon control the White House in House. They already Domini, most mainstream newsrooms own big tech companies and often band together in corporations to force politically motivated decisions, Republicans will be left with much Mcgowan's party leader of a fifty fifty Senate, prime time and Fox NEWS in the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Most importantly, the right has the Supreme Court, which might prove to be the one reliable counterbalance and majority power at state level but here is the key point. Conservatives long ago lost so many key institutions that define national conversation, including culture, media and higher education. Now, President Trump has cost Republicans those Walls of political power in policy making the party will have to rebuild around new people and ideas. Will that's a change from what actual
regionally argued originally said. We are now going to rethink things like free speech, freedom, so. the Asian in this country, because that's what the left really would like now that they have all of the tools at their disposal. They're gonna rethink free speech they're gonna, rethink free association and the way they are going to do. That is by proclaiming loudly and clearly once and for all that, if you are on the right, you are in league with the people who stormed the capital that, if you were a supporter of from or even in support trump, if you just a religious conservative, if you're somebody who held your nose and voted for Trump, because you looked at the left and left was getting so in, saying that they were openly backing black lives matter, rioting and backing critical race, weary and trying to rammed down It is an extraordinary level of intolerance on right, wingers across the country, and people were of the road and moderate liberals across the country. If you look at that and said, you know I'm not into that now. The rule is that were in favour of what happened the capital last week, which is crazy and gross and then the other people who are saying the sort of stuff are our doing something. Deeply
politically malevolent, if your lumping in with the hundreds of people who should go to jail for a very long time? Who did what they did last week for lumping with those people be. Seventy five million Americans voted for from and then probably their hundred million Americans who disagree with the left on a wide variety of issues, ranging from other children should be allowed to to change their sex to whether American should be divided. on the basis of race, and then special government benefits given to them. If your lumping all those people together I guess you are those people menu that that's the problem. You are part of the problem, not the only problem, but definitely the biggest problem for the future of the country, because, let's be real about what happened last week, what happened last week was an act of evil and it was unsuccessful. A republican Senate came back into recession and then voted for the certification of the election Mitch. Mcconnell led the way vice premier,
pants transformed vice president presided over that it was a failure. It was a failure from beginning to end, as it mean wasn't evil. It doesn't mean it wasn't terrible. It does mean that the system was recently resilience enough that within a couple of hours, Everybody's re gathering on the floor of the same building that had been invaded and was voting in favour of the system the danger to the system. Right now is not the exactness danger of writers hanging over the capital. The danger to the system right now is the complete lack of trust, the breakdown in basic cultures of rights. Do we gonna show lot, but how culture is upstream of politics. We talk on the show, a lot about how a culture there's more than the politics that that your culture shapes you that the waters in which you swim at the Sufi watch the church. You go to your your neighbours that that really shaped who you are as a person then that is manifest in politics. Politics does not share culture. nearly as much here's the thing when it comes to your rights when it comes to liberty, a culture of liberty, a culture of freedom is upstream of the politics of freedom.
Kate, that their lotta people today who are saying. Well, you know what you're complaining a lot, but these are all private corporations who and what they do legally they're allowed to do what they do. That's true legally many of these. But these are allowed to do what they can fire you for being a conservative again they are allowed to not you. I cannot allow you to use your credit card to paper subscription over. Why are they can't hit by a culture of rights, which means a people who prize the ability of people to do things? They don't agree with because they believe in the underlying rights that has to undergo any legal system of rights. Because sooner or later, and usually sooner a culture that approach is the rights of others turns into a legal structure that opposes the rights of others. It bleeds over incredibly quickly if you think the first amendment seeking to protect you, if the entire, culture has decided. The first amendment no longer matters wrong. You are there and get some more of this the second and why this has become such an issue there, because over the weekend really broke out into the open. First, honest to God, like How is the best I ever get a gps, the social media,
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silly illegality. They were back and why? Why do you think they were doing that? You think Data are you know, it won't be great ideas. Wounded ceramic rears of people coming to proclaim that this was foreseeable is, of course, silly. Hey! Here's how everybody thought the last several months we're going to go exactly as they had gone, meaning that tramples went to Bitch and Mon. Who's going to those way bunch of courts and who is going to make a lot of arguments. The arguments are probably not gonna be convincing the course we're going to reject them saint legislatures, we're going to reject them. They looked toward college you can about how is going to vote, and then the Congress is willing to certify that vote and allowed people approach and a lot of people. Woody Allen trouble, probably lead a bunch rallies, hey. That was the most foreseeable outcome. Why was that for civil outcome ex that's always been the most foreseeable outcome and in fact, if policing at the capitol had improper, that would have been the total outcome it turns out. The policing of capital is not proper, and so it was not the the total outcome mean, for goodness sake, how out Landis Hell out the mainstream or the people who decide to storm the capital
Jones was standing outside the capital, yelling and people to stop when Alex Jones is the voice of reason. I think it's fair to say that the people who stormed the capital are not representative of the seventy five million Americans who voted for Donald Trump But- the worthy revisionist history. Is that not only was this inevitable every single person who voted Trump, every single person who didn't vote trump but talked of some of his policies or who jumped latest tweets? Who said This has a lot of crap cause, you don't say a lot of crap who says the trumpets, irresponsible and is rhetoric that he heightens the tensions that he makes the temperature warmer, but that he doesn't openly incite violence. Anybody who said that sort of They all knew this was going to happen right. This is the line. This is a line, so this led to the most popular video of the weakest. Arnold Schwarzenegger in this does signify where so many in the media and sort of the mainstream left wish. The N Arnold wheat was never a conservative Raymond. When, when I was in California, news California, who govern basically, like a moderate Democrat, blew out the deficit. Another in any case, horizontal Schwarzenegger
trusting that what happened last week is like a crystal. Not republicans are like Nazi fellow travellers and then pledging allegiance to Biden forever, the one most popular when it most popular videos the weekend about what happened last week, very weird, Christine Box. With a night of broken class, it was a knight of rampage against the choose carried out in nineteen thirty, eight, the Nazi equivalent so proud boys wasted, was that they have broken gas right here in the United States and China Kennedy wrote a book called profiles, encourage a number of members of my own party because of their own spineless would never see the names and such a book. I guarantee you take imprisoned with those who carried the flag of self righteous insurrection in the capital president elect by me, stay with you today tomorrow,
And forever defence of our democracy from those speculate against a person or a few things here, one all the best to to President Elect Biden in his new terms so long as he does things that that obviously defend the rights of the american people. wish him the best when he does things that are good for America and when he and when he pursues Powell, these that I think are bad for America, then we should oppose him just as we would any other presidents any of the president will when, when it comes to insurrectionists attempting to prevent him from being duly elected president, the United States. Of course, I support him in anybody Else- proposes that including Metro Conall, including the Republicans who oppose that. As far as the kristallnacht comparison is a very long talk here that that Schwarzenegger did where he talked about how his father and other men in Austria would think back to their time when there are complicit with the Nazis, and then they would do this after World WAR two, because he was born a couple years
Furthermore, to and they'd be their wives, maybe their children they get drunk and the application, of course that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans were complicit in what happened. I once it first of all, it was not kristallnacht. You know I know kristallnacht because Kristallnacht for those who are here weekly ignorant happened in nineteen. Thirty eight, with the express permission of the nazi government, cannot implied the express permission and encouragement and participation of members of the nazi government. Ok, the dictatorship, Nazi government- he wasn't there- is Tomorrow and then the legislature came back into session and then said you know what that was. You know, I can't believe those roads, eight limits, let's move on with the business of government. Ok, first of all, it was not that it was a spanish government sponsored pogrom against Jews. Thirty thousand Jews were rounded up by the government during crystal. and deported to concentration camps, seven thousand jewish owned businesses were burned down. Two hundred and sixty seven synagogues were burned to the ground. Hundreds of people were murdered at the behest of the unified dictatorship. Nazi governments to compare what happened last week to Crystal Mouth is a joke. Ok, it was not. Kristallnacht was not even close to kristallnacht
And yet the comparison is meant, of course, to inflame further the comparison. Meant to indict anybody. Anybody who wants war I had or who voted against Joe Biden as complicit in the attack last week. That was the whole, because once you do that, you can do whatever you want. Once you have labelled half of the country Nazis or Nazi fellow travellers, you can then do whatever you damn well pleased to them, because not right should apply to those people, because if those people back to what we saw last week will then we should be deeply form in the way we should be looking to to finish their careers. We should be exercising them from our social circles, but those are all things that we should be doing. So this is the goal the goal is to do and, as you will see a little bit later on this is this: is the overall move that the left is making right Ben everybody in media I dont like, then everybody on the other side of the aisle. I don't like been every outlet I dont like and its having is meeting with fairly tremendous amount of success, so started with Trump, but it certainly not gonna end with Trump.
We'll get to that in a second, because from has now been banned from nearly every social media platform, will get to that in just one moment. First, let us start with the with the fact that this new year s time freed address right, it's time for you to look good, and let me tell you about cuts clothing. They taken a classic men's fashion, stable the planes either refined it combining premium quality with a minimalist aesthetic cuts. Shirts, polos, hoodies crew sweatshirts there made for the man who worked hard place. Hard, never settles for us all in the sport of business. There built for performance in the board room at the bar or the gym cuts clothing. Keeps you sharp wherever the game it takes. You take a plenty but make it tony start. There
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the platforms that have so far banned or restricted Donald Trump, ok and they ve done so on the basis of some pretty weak tee. So here are the comments I got Trump kicked off of twitter last week, so he was kicked off for promoting the untruth: promoting the lie that he won. The election then it was a huge victory for him and that the and that there is a possibility, cumbersome and overturned, and none of that was true. Ok, so they spend for twelve hours when it comes back. Here's what you tweet regain was this stuff over this they decided they're going to ban him you're his tweets. They ve been removed because his accounts have been shut down with its tens of millions of dollars, quote as I have been saying for a long time, twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats, and the radical in removing my account from their platform to silence me and you, the seventy five million great patriots who voted for me, tutor, maybe a private company, but without the government's gift of section two thirty they would not exist for long. I pretty
This would happen. We'd be negotiating with various other sites, will have a big announcement soon. While we also look at the possibility of building out our own platform in the near future, we will not be silenced. Twitter is not about free speech, thereabout, promoting a radical left platform. Someone was vicious people in the world. Our lab speak freely, stay tuned, archival question. What exactly is banipal about that? What violates twitters policies, serious question? I have no idea what violates twitters policies there, what they? Is that from was now exacerbating the possibility of violence with sweet nope. No, nothing in those tweets exacerbate. Possibility of violence, he literally says there's a part. There is an alternative and presumably is referring to parlor, which will get too in a minute, because this is a truly insane story. Tramping banned from these various sites, that's kind of wild concerning his be sitting, president of the United States still, but it's what happened a parlor over the weekend that could scare the living devil out of our age scare. The budgets is out of everybody. I mean it's insane, it's insane what is happening with parlor over the weekend may so here is a running list of all of the allies that have banned from he read it banned these
our group Donald Trump, a spokesperson confirm to access on Friday, Twitch disabled trumps channel setting them, it was a necessary step to protect its community and prevent which were being. Used to incite further violence shop. If I took down to in stores affiliated with Trump for violating its policies. supporting violence like selling megawatts, I guess, is now supporting violence. Twitter announced that they are permanently bandit. Trumps accounts effective immediately, Google pulled parlor, which will go to in just one second Youtube, is accelerating its enforcement of election misinformation and Vodafone claims against Trump and other channels as well. Facebook banned from from posting on his facebook account for at least the next two weeks, but mostly indefinitely, like forever, probably Instagram banned from from posting on his facebook account for at least the next two weeks, but probably forever snapchat disabled trump Snapchat account because they said that the account promotes and spreads hate and incite violence. Tik Tok is a chinese connected company is removing content violations in redirecting hashtags like storm. The capital in Patriot Party to its community guidelines apple threatened to remove right.
Friendly social media parlor again what gets parlour and in just one second think, that's the bigger story, Trust has been limiting hashtags and stripe is no one will no longer going to process payments for trumps campaign right from its campaign continues to fundraiser. They can pass all of them. stripe and this again in this one's more dangerous one stripe, which has a payment processing centre, has decided. It is no longer going to process payments to trumps campaign. So we ve seen bunch of social media companies say they no longer want to host down trumps content and do so in coordination or whenever there's that sort of coordination at scary and by the way I sent this about, people who, I think are are significantly more wine than Trump, and I said this when they been, they decided all at once to ban Milo. They decided once again Alex Jones. I don't like any of those people. As you know, the show like at all at all at all at all. But let us be frank about this: twitters stand here are extraordinarily extraordinarily: inconsistent: hey Twitter,
allow Campbell, Harrison literally boundaries were people who are in jail for rioting, twitter and will allow people to make death threats and routine basis against people who are of right wing of written orientation. I know this because I was literally the person targeted the most by anti semitic death threats on twitter into thousands. Sixteen, I received thousands thousands and thousands of them and tolerant and shut down all those accounts. A twitter to shut down accounts are promoting those accounts, so the standard that twitter is still putting up And allowing two to written alone to remain up tweets from uranium govern calling for genocide against Jews in Israel, tweets from the chinese government in its own sterile, forced sterilization of women in IRAN. Jane, ok, like that- and there are no standard here- give their assent.
from violated it. That's one thing there are no standard is the reality. The standards just do not exist and is gonna it's going further than that. The Pga of America moved to ban the twenty twenty two Pga championship from from national golf clubs. The idea now is that all of the employees of transnational have nothing to do with crumbs political career and other people from national. Like don't the grounds keepers, and the and the genders and the people who work and who were at the club over there. All those people gonna lose out because they decided that you can't even do business with any club the Trump owns, because what happened on Wednesday now, let me start from this perspective. As I said last week, you are to blame for incitement. If you tell people to go, do violence, that's when you are to blame for incitement, but the stand does not hold for the left. If you're Bernie Sanders- and you say over and over and over again, the Republicans are literally killing around grandmother because of their faith. this format to cover all, and then one of your supporters goes in it. To murder dozens of Republican Congress, people and you're
shoots ones. It doesn't. Steve's gullies, knows and responsible for that. Bernie Sanders he's responsible for increasing the temperature, he's not responsible for the for the insane person who decide to shew people based on that? What say that you are the president of the union states me say over and over and over and over again that the police in the states our systemically racist, that they are targeting black people for destruction. And then let us say that a supporter black lives matter goes and murders. Six police officers and now, as you know, is not responsible for that Barack Obama. He didn't want people to do that. You didn't call for people to do that, and yet the idea here is that Trump is responsible like directly responsible, so much so then no one can ever do business with any business associated with him. He should be banned from all of his accounts, not this is a violation policy, brownie, vague basis that he is a threat to the public is a here is why I am so sceptical of these claims about threats to the public is there
wildly inconsistent. Like insanely inconsistent, it turns out the only people who are quoted what threats to public. These are precisely the people that the left, unlike anyway. So let me take what I think is perhaps the best example of this ever so keep boy. Can they see in and commentator so here he tweeted out over the weekend. Imagine the scenario: revenue sharp and wholesome. Alien tells his supporters to take back their country with strength and combat. Then five people die after black lives matter activist, stormiest capital, how it Fox NEWS, Russia Republicans respond. This is so An unbelievably great example of how the left just doesn't have it is up to the left has as a double standards that the left doesn't have a standard. The standard is that if you are a conservative, your bad and we will hold you accountable for anybody, anything anybody s, he actually use reverend elsewhere and in an example of what would people do if somebody incited a riot, ok, you're talking about border incitement of riding atropine. Did that twice to
lines, you literally did it in Crown heights in ninety ninety one when he said at a funeral for a blanket who was, it was hit by a car driven by a set of jus. He said if they want to get it on but impinge on my pen back their Yamaha, come on over to my house, a riot in Crown Heights ensued and orthodox unit being Uncle Rosenbaum was killed. Then, a few years later, There is a historical Freddy's fashion March. It was not in fact owned by Jews, who is in fact run. It was kind of some least to do. In any case, he suggests The diamond merchants had invaded the neighbourhood, ok, and this resulted in one of the people who, at one of his rallies, going and burning forty fashion, are ending in the death of at least one person. What was so? What happened? L sharpening good question. Well, let's see you man for peace. in two thousand for a democratic side of the iron he was visited by every major democratic handed this year in order to receive their blessing He has a show on MSNBC any gets the commons on stuff like this, so give boy
It seems like there is no standard when it comes to people unless Bernie Sanders can use rhetoric so incendiary their personal and tried to murder Congress people and that result him nearly winning the democratic presidential nomination. Al sharpen is the most well respected court imports He writes leader is a scam artists in a drifter he's one must respect civil rights leaders on the left after having partition, did in rhetoric, so incendiary than to riots ensued and you're, telling me that there is that there is a double standard here. I think that you got this a little bit warm, and none of this is to argue the trumps rhetoric has been anything We approaching good here. I've said since the very beginning it literally since election night when he declared that he had won the election. I said that is irresponsible and wrong. You cannot do that and then I said there is no evidence that then the evidence is not sufficient to show that the election was stone I said that over and over again and then I said, there's no legal basis for returning the election has had all those things over and over it. But that does not mean that he quote unquote incited to the point where he don't force these,
bull or one of these people to invade the capital, and certainly it doesn't mean that all of the people who are boo, hoo voted for tromp. Seventy five million Americans voted for proper responsible for that, and yet that is exactly the pitch. That's the pitch the pitches. They you are responsible. All of your responsible by to see by declaring that violence is just around the bend and that any thing any conservative says is going to result in violence and all of it is foreseeable. What the left is really attempting to do is they are attempting to implement. The standards have been implemented in Germany for a long time since world war, two, Germany has implemented a standard is called straight back democracy. The basic standard is that if they think that you are saying things at undermine democracy, it is more of a threat to democracy than shutting down your speech, and thus your speech can be shut down. So what the left is attempting to do is clear, that all conservatism inevitably ends in violence and therefore you should be shut up and therefore you should be shut up in
this is going to result in is massive banning she's, going to result in massive deeply performing its can result in the complete silence of political perspectives in the United States. It is well on its way is why say: go subscribe right now to daily wire before they make it unavailable to you. Do it right now, Kate was what we'll talk in just a second about hey can tell us is coming first, let us talk about the fact that some remaining copyright now I need lots and lots of coffee. I found myself drinking coffee like an insane person over the last couple of weeks, simply to keep up with what is going on, but that is why you need the most liberating coffee known when I'm talking about black rifle coffee. Black rifle coffee company, it's a veteran own coffee company serving premium coffee, so people who love the country veteran CEO, founder of an Havre spent over seven years on the ground overseas, with U S special forces, and as this year contract or an even model, his gun trucks during the invasion of Iraq grind coffee anywhere black rifle coffee companies continually committed to supporting veteran law enforcement at first responder causes, but the companies, by about give a bag campaign, may make sure to give the gift of Amerika
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we followed Doktor MD online. She treated out about away arose. Our friend Lyle arose from live. Action was April. I advocate sheet last January. Seventh, abortion is violence. Ok, it is it turns out that when you I'm kill a baby and the one that is not an act of peace exactly as an act of violence against no living human beings. The typical pro life position where Torres treated, this is violent. Rhetoric is objectively false and meant to incite others to commit crimes against clinics, patients and healthcare providers. This is what domestic terrorism, looks like ok, this is the zounds gonna go it's turtles all the way down. The point here from left is going to be over and over and over again and if you're right wing your inciting violence. If your conservative, your inciting violence and You knew the trunk was inciting violence and hope you voted for in your responsible to this is the uncertainty of tens of millions of Americans that we are about to watch John Brennan, who committed literal crimes.
John Brennan had his yogi spying on the legislature, and then he lied to the american people about it, which is in fact a threat to the constitutional order. Hatred it out. Anyone now seeking national redemption? My claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong I stood nor enable his crops, dishonest and divisive agenda totalled, the creation of a desperate legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy. In other words, we support the Abraham accords. Are we supported? The tax cuts are just like this judicial pics or, if you thought, but sometimes when he's fighting back in the culture worse, that was absolutely justified. You are part of the problem, but you cannot. Redeem your irredeemable, your irredeemable, meanwhile Nicole Hannah Jones, Nicole, Hannah Jones is, of course, the progenitor of the sixteen nineteen project, a pack of lies about the United States of America We stand, however, that ties in here, as James Lindsey has pointed out on Twitter the entire argument of the sixteen nineteen projects that America, it white supremacist project and therefore that project came to its culmination last week in the capital building and the only way to care America to wipe clean.
Everybody eight, so she treated out she's a damned liar Asia, Prevaricator Pulitzer Prize Winning Guard age, pseudo historian, she treated out. The reckoning needs to the media. To ah there, it is at what I love most is our guardians of first amendment freedoms, the people who say it's really bad went from called the press, the enemy, the people saying that it looks like some of the members present armies, people that's what it sounds like right there, the reckoning mean well imagine if trumpet weeded out the reckoning needs to come to the media to the magic change the picture in the name. The reckoning needs to come to the media. To what that count. As in went against the media without count as an attack on fundamental elements of our public, but according to we had a Jones in another reckoning, needs to come for anyone. I disagree with what here's one my personal favorite, Sir John, sincerity, songs, colonists, attack columnist for the New York Times sincerity. a few years ago. Your recall this podcast it about it serves young people dug up. Some of her old tweets are super racist there over how white paper
which super bad and terrible white men were awful. There really really bad and there's a lot of talk online about whether she just been heard by the New York Times should be able to keep her job within your times. Some of us argued that cancel culture should not prevail Here, in your terms, knew exactly what she was and they should higher her. If you continue to hear her, let them be as openly political, an awful as they want to be. Some of us defended her right. So must it by nazi regime. She will she's going to go after everybody else, so who should be and she says I wonder when Twitter is going to be an Andy know. Any no, of course, is the on the ground, journalist she's been documenting the predictions of Antigua, and so she says it's time to ban any right. Now is the time we get to after. All our enemies, instant, the so exciting right I mean if you're on the left. Now is the time when you
something really bad happened last week in those terrible, but the Good NEWS is now the perfect time to de platform and destroy anybody who disagrees with us and use every tools at our disposal from Tec to the media, to corporations to really just gonna wipe the slate clean. Let's just do this thing, meanwhile, over in Congress. Meanwhile, over in Congress Kory Kory Bush, who is a deal I'm activist joined by I wanna Presley there now suggesting that the fourteenth amendment, which says that you cannot be a senator or republican Senator Representative route, rather in Congress or elector of the president, or vice president, if you joined in an insurrection, a rebellion right. It was written direct right after the civil war. Regimental referred to people who had engaged in the actual confederacy Corey Bush said. Yes, it's the fourteen moment and it's why I'm introducing a resolution to investigate and expel the members were tempted to overturn the presidential election and incited a white supremacist coup attempt if you agree cholera
sensitive and ask them to co sponsor it. Now is the perfect time to throw any elected representative elected representatives out of Congress on the basis that they were complicit in an insurrection. All of them so I can disagree with Josh. How can disagree tat grows? I can say I thought that their policy with cynical, I thought what they were doing was not constitutional. I thought that they were doing was not legal. That is not in that is not actual coup. Attempt. Ok, there's an insurrection, nor are they guilty for people rushing into the room? Those repeat those are, individuals of agency. Do you think the Josh Halley when he would, when you walk outside, and he shook his best at the protesters in support? You think that he thought five seconds, you don't mean, bearing the capital even needed, really in your heart of hearts. You think the Jha shall we thought that that making the stupidest person on planet earth right. The ties, the hedges Wagner that nonsense to that evil, but that is that that is the penetrate to now. Everyone in Congo,
we don't like and does something that's bad. Those people need to be thrown out by the way. If we consider that the basic premise of so much of the less ideology, She is predicated on overthrown basic american right. I guess if we broadly construe that maybe the fourteen amendments should apply there too, or maybe it shouldn't. Maybe this is still a free country where people get to say things here, but apparently not because this brings us to the actual biggest story of the day. The actual biggest story of the day is what the tech companies just into parlor, that is the most threatening and is most scary, its agreed us. It's agree, Jes Capital III, we'll get to that in one second. First, let us talk about now. Being the perfect times. Take your business to the next level. It's time to staff beneath the way than it needs to be with the help of God this year the economy is in a boom, people are going back to normal, the vaccine will kick in and then you're gonna need employees and, if you're, an employer,
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de platform parlor to literally take them off- I'm not just by some of these suppose it free speech platforms, but by actual data providers can this should scare the living. If you're a free speech, person right, left centre should scares living out of you. It should because it can happen to any one based on what the wolf standards of the day are left to. Standards of the day is really frightening, gets that in a second first, what we are going to fight this culture war were damn it will have to fight it on every single thought. I started to show today by talking about how the right had based we abandon the institutional structures in favour of individualism, which is good, but they abandon the institutions. One of those institutions is the cultural institutions places like Hollywood, but we need to get back into the business of providing people content on ever funds and convince them that consumers are not only not bad but are quite good. On Friday January fifteenth, my birthday daily, where is releasing its first feature, film, run hide fight exclusively to daily, where members run hide fight is not particularly political, it is intense, it does have a powerful message. The movie follows a high school besieged by a court
of school shooters one young girl, Seventeenyearold Zoe Hall, use her wits and survival skills to fight back to mark the release of run hide fight. We will be doing the live stream from here the night before Thursday January fourteenth Special the sort of acts, age of features, Jeremy, boring and me and special yes, come join us as we put the culture on our own terms. Now, not only can you subscribe and help us out as we join into the cultural fight, but also you can come work here. We have a bunch of open positions right. I can check out those opposite open positions at daily wire dot com right now and see if maybe a qualified to join your listening to the largest fastest growing concern for Pakistan. Radio show the nation is the big story of the day is, of course, the parlor has now been banned by Apple, Google and Amazon Web services, which basically take some offline. So this is an astonishing
it's an astonishing thing. It should scared living hell out of all of you. It showed it could scare you ok, because not only were they booted from Facebook and booted from Twitter, they were also booted from the apple store, for example, she couldn't download the app they were. They were booted from Google, so like all their platforms and then worst of all Amazon shut power down from this cloud hosting service at the Amazon web services right, which is basically the server they took away. All their servers in the city can't use our servers anymore. So it's one thing removed from your app store. It's another thing to say literally cannot exist on line because we are taking your servers away from your right. You, you no longer get to have your servers now. Imagine just for a second. If, in the middle of the black lives matter riots in they were riots, they happened in hundreds of places around country. Imagine if, in the middle of the black lives matter riot, Facebook I've been kicked off of its web, hosting services had been kicked off the app store by apple, because people are using Facebook to organise protests
and riots and people are probably making comments on their that really bad, but they were doing that which we know they were or Instagram where people were coordinating their activity or the twitter, which has been used for more violent acts against me personally than any of her hap. What let's say that that near web serving Amazon web servers. Just so, you know what I know: no more twitter, the reaction be wow, that's him really really scary and fascist. In fact, to de platform. Entire applications People were misusing the application cuts directly against be culture of free speech, not the legal of free speech, the culture of free speech. again, these companies have a right to do what they are doing, but as rules we will talk about the second, when you remember what monopolistic illusion, which is really what this looks like I am as anti regulation is any person as any person in America, but you gotta be worried about this and you be worried about this because, again to be kicked off your servant link here was the idea, the idea was ok, you don't like Twitter gobbled, an alternative way. I said it. I said
times. I said I want what a regulated. I want an alternative, so parlor came up now. I'm not gonna doubt for powers, policy, scuttle, no pot, parlors policies, but I do know that what you cannot do is force people off a platform like twitter mail. You blew people off or you alienates people, so they build an alternative and then you remove the alternative ray everybody should go elsewhere. They said and then so he's a build neurons. What are you a vocational Bulgarians, whereas they go bill parlour and then like what you know at Amazon, observances, doesn't have to support you, so you need to go, build your own server farm and after that we need to do. We need to go build your own fiber optic infrastructure midway in it, and if you can't find a bank to Wendy, maybe you to build your own banks will. Maybe you do maybe that's where all of this is going but imagine for just a second of this had happened around the alarm and not. and a conservative oriented platform? Imagine for a second that again, Facebook had been de platform because people were using Facebook in order to coordinate activity in the middle of a pandemic
the way that was going to violate not only more but was also going to violate basic precept common decency. In the form riots, and so people Billy cannot facebooks done we'll just taken down people billing, while that's insane but today the media are celebrating this like openly openly celebrating this. The Tec boroughs are taking a bad moment, a really bad mom for the country they are making it significantly because there is no consistent rule they are applying here. If we are talking about acts that allow banks have to happen on them, twitter is like top of the list or get in here is the thing? That's amazing. So people talk a lot about section. Two thirty I've said because legally this is correct. Section two thirty doesn't make a distinction between platforms and publishers. What section two thirty does it says you are not responsible for open source posting on your website. Even if you do some moderation of the open source posting
right. So if there is a common sections on daily Wire daily wires publication, we are responsible for what our editors and writers put up, but if there is a common section and then be moderated to get rid of, for example, violent threats, then we still will not be held responsible for the violent threat for anything that happens in the comments now section two thirty to understand what it was about. Originally, it was well understood under basic precepts of american law, that you don't hold platforms accountable for how people use the platforms. So, for example, everybody uses phones for years. Most crime was committed, not online, but was committed oh right, because there was no internet. If you want to commit a crime, it pick up the phone, you use agency, you'd, call your criminal body and you go rob. A bank was eighteen t responsible for that phone call. and the answer always was no area platform they're not actively encouraging you to commit that phone call Rachel agency was platform and then, when it came to the internet, that was also the idea. Was these open source platforms were not responsible?
for any activity that happened that was illegal on the it wasn't assumed to redound to the liability of the company that allowed the posting Readville open source. And somebody posted a bad comment on Youtube or posted a bad comment on twitter opposite, comments in the Delaware comments, section, none of those place were responsible for the bad comments that were posted. It was just the person who is responsible for the comments that were posted. Then some people say you know what we need a better internet and there's something Is that actually do wanted you some common moderation? They want to get rid of, for example, pornography in their common section. Don't get a spam in their common section? Does this make them liable? Because there are now curetting. and the answer section two thirty said was: no, it doesn't make them liable. They're allowed to do some of the creation of a common sections better. He now what has happened so the baseline assumption there was that open threads we're not going to lead to liability. The moderation couldn't do liability, so we removed liability for moderation. That's one section: two thirty was now we have reversed it so now
and yet, if you do not moderate your libel, so the only people who are not liable in the cultural sphere are the people who do not moderate. So in other words, only if you follow the the standards. These screening standards be the fact checking standards. Or the informational standard of twitter or Facebook or apple, or Only if you do that, will you be allowed a platform in the private sector. Only if you do that, will you be allowed this Hey that's an insane reversal of the intent of section two thirty, obviously, which again was meant to protect a lot of these corporations from ability? Because they were moderating not in spite of their money, not not because wanted more moderation, but because we just wanted to make sure that people who are moderating we're getting punished extra it. But now parlor has been dropped not just by not just by add the apple store, but also by everyone read by Apple by Amazon Web services. Now again, I am all in favour of it
market. But you have to wonder about monopoly practices year when the technological info that are necessary for free speech are located basically in three companies, because, in order for you to be online enough yet even host website, you basically are doing it through one of three companies: Amazon, Microsoft, witches adjure or Google the three companies, and it really is mostly Amazon. Amazon controls according to the according to the front Stamford they control about. Fifty percent of all public cloud infrastructure, Microsoft, control about sixteen percent in Europe to sixty six percent, who controls about four percent- and there are vast body of like tiny, tiny little firms that have a little bit the cloud infrastructure, but not nearly half the size and scope necessary to actually allow pages to load. Vast latency comes out into real problem. Is that you have these three companies, and not only are these three companies controlling all of the infrastructure which again that's, ok, they're colluding in what they wish to ban their their colluding in their standards. Even the canoe
We're based theory of Anti monopoly, which is one I subscribe to write if it's not bad, for consumers are really care about monopoly. If the consumer based theories is true, it is very bad for consumers when all of the companies are agreeing on the same exact standard for what they will platform and what they will not platform, because there are no alternatives available, everybody on the right is correctly concern the sinking to stop the parlor, their single parlor didn't keep tore, moderating are murdering stairs. Let me tell you the muttering standard to twitter garbage pure garbage moderating standards and Facebook, our little better, not super lot as by the way the left has been saying, but everybody's word, where the cynical and they should be their worries- they're gonna, take them podcast like this one from the apple store, their word they're gonna take ten. The daily wire saying that it's gonna want misinformation and they support factors these these factual sites that are that are left wing organ Everybody is right about that and they should be worried about that, because that is where this is going. That is where this is going
can you get worse and worse? And it's not going to stop they're going to deploy from everyone here is parlors. Ceo yesterday said we were dropped by every single vendor. They made an attempt to not only kill the out but to actually destroy the entire company and its, not just these three company, every vendor from prom yes and services, the email providers to our lawyers, all it's just too. On the same day, and ended in there trying to ah awfully claim that we were somehow responsible for the events that occurred on. and this is what's going to happen to company after company, because so long is left can connect you to violence so long as less even make the argument, but left school is going to be easy platform you and ruin. You personally ruin your company Get you fired, destroy you in your social life. This is the tsunami. The tsunami is here
ok. So, as I said at the beginning, go subscribe. Your favorite sites, because you dont know when they're gonna be taken down, go how about the people who we want information. because the tsunami is coming and it is coming on fast, its article four parlor is not going to stop at parlor. Now the question becomes what replaces that by what replaces that? Ok, so here's here's, what places that workplaces, that is the monopoly media workplaces, that is, the reestablishment of an opening the monopoly media, so That's been hobo here right now. Why do you think there's somebody members than your timing, stumping for literally years, the chemist, fishers and common rules of the world at the New York Times? Something for you, as on Ed, the juggler gumbo gums. All these people saying every outlet that is not left wing should basically be shut down. He platforms marginalized. All these should be shut down. Why so? They can re, establish control of all methods of it. National distribution, and then they can just controls. You can have a happier America, because we all think the same right. We all think thinkers we're getting our
permission from the same five sources, all which are another trusted new sources over Facebook. I Facebook has this this quality control measure that they were using the last days of the election, which naturally suggested that equality, Alex ones like CNN any non core. Alice were ones like you know than Europe Post, because they principle that Hunter Biden stuff, and I trust our media. Do I mean I think they are trustworthy people and that they have really strong stance. when it comes to misinformation and just information, which is why PBS, whose did Dan? Rather, the former news Ankara from CBS who lived we presented a falsified documents by George W Bush going a while in two thousand for as their commentator and why we need better information from army. Get me this beyond. Parity is beyond parity. Here's PBS News, arrogant PBS is a public broadcasting safe system right. It is publicly sponsor taxpayer sponsor monopoly media here they are talking talking with Dan, rather an overt and over
journalistic liar about these standards and media, that needs would hear everything is on the table and we need to recognise that we can have a great future of your shoe bait, bigger and better than anything of fathers and mothers ever dreamed up, but we have to move because we're with genuine them. Only imbalance will just watching described wording which truth is rarely purer, never easy to come by and increasingly difficult to shore Oh, oh, oh let what's your him, how a brain Williams back and Emerson BC like these are the these are the journalist extended bears right as these are the people should trust. We should have a plethora of oysters. Shut. Many other voices. Anguish, blame them for stuff it into, and so we should do and then we can have a unified funds on what is true and what is not shirts manufactured sure. The only way that unified once is created is by exercising anyone who descent, but then all these
unified Breton. We can get into real journalistic issues like, for example, why commonly Harris was on the cover of book magazine in one pose, as opposed to another pose. This was the giant controversy over the weekend in media land we'll go back to the world in which Brok Obama never had a scandal of temper statute, because, after all, everyone will think the same it'll be great over the weekend. If you miss this there's a giant controversy on Twitter, recommit here as being on the cover of a magazine. Why was it a bad cover of Colonel Harris on the cover vote? No, of course not. It was a picture of her in a pan suit and converse sneakers. Did she likes to wear in the campaign? Trail saying, Madam vice president, Kabila, Harris and the New America by the people for the people of the United States of fashion. Ok, this was the bad picture because she standing in of like a Pinkerton that she is standing on, that's the bad picture and how dare they, how dear they disrespect for that way. I putting her there we're in what you are on the campaign trail by the way, quick note how many covers a vote magazine was Maloney Transnational Fashion Model Feature
But here's conall heiress a style icon in that she wears the same exact thing: that every person where's to the office was a female but also converse, sneakers, so it became a massive controversy because only got here is the vote cover the calmly heresy team thought would be released while it now, when she's in, like a powder, blue pan suit, as opposed to the other one was like a black pant suit. Oh my god. What I mean the media are really doing their jobs. Lee says I'm told this cover on the left will be the digital cover, but the much maligned cover on the right is already going to print and will be the cover available for sale and sent you subscribers Armenia really like it's a time of Christ. In the country, but our media really focusing in on you know the huge issues meanwhile promulgating narratives that again are extraordinarily biased, Sir Jeffrey Gilbert, who is it? Who isn't Obama administration, stenographer literally been roads, suggestive, Jeffrey Gilbert was used as a man,
peace for the Obama administration over and over and over and over, including in propagandizing, for the around you so now Jeffrey Gilbert, who is such a free speech? because they fired Kevin Williamson from the Atlantic for the crime of being cabin Williamson after hiring haven't, we and because he knew who Kevin Williamson was gutless, pathetic, dweeb, Overhear, Jeffrey Gilbert. There is Jeffrey Gilbert I say that as a fellow dweeb, okay, so I'm leaving. I look down another dreams. Their superweeds here is Jeffrey Goldberg, suggesting knew that the fair perspective, the fair spectre. Is the Trump incited a mob sacked the capital? Is that the fair perspective, though, or is that we know what a little buyers than he inside it amounts to sack the capital is Jeffrey. Gilbert on CNN Again, it is you're a newspaper and once you establish monopoly and is you have the control over the
under the auspices of information when you're describing what happened this week, it probably should be described simply as the President of the United States incited a mob to go, sack the capital and Lynch the vice president. His vice president, we, that is that, is a fair way of describing. What would I what what happened or what could have happened had the mob broken through and got to the vice president or the speaker of the house or other members of Congress. They were, they were. They were looking for violence. Yes, they were looking for violence, but the fair way to describe it as the is the president incited the mob to sack the capital and hang the vice president is that there really is that a fair way to describe that as before I tell the exact him standard for Bernie Sanders, isn't Humphrey Brocklehurst as a home for Donald Trump Unaccumstomed standard of incitement nonetheless has no such standard
did that the standard just doesn't apply to focus on the left, but it definitely applies to people on the right. Let me just remind everybody that Donald Trump can do a lot of bad things you can raise. The temperature can tell lies, you can misinform people who can make them believe things that are not true, orally, say things that are not true and then they believe that you can do it over and over again, but it is worth noting that this an actual line in the speech that he gave right before the capital was stormed? Hey here is a line, from from speech, and what this is the same line. Reopening the march over the capital right now here was Trump is clip sixteen talking about what was going to happen. Next, we have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors do have been lawfully slated lawfully slighted. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Kapital Building to peacefully and
Patriotically make your voice is heard. Oh did you hear that were peacefully in a peaceful and patriotically now? Does that mean that the rest of the speech was not inflammatory? No, it was inflammatory. But you do have to know if you're in Newport, if your news person, you might want to note somewhere in there that the president did say that people know and patriotic can peacefully make their voices heard and by the way, that's probably what trumped up was going to happen. Because that's what had happened all along, he says things: people yellin scream, and then they go home because that has always and the reason people were shot on Wednesday is cause. It was shocking. It was a shock what happened on Wednesday, but does not mean that trumps behaviour before during and after was good. It really really was not. It does mean that when you say the fair stories that he incited democracy, the capital and try to kill us vice president, yes on that, is it that is fair journalism in right there now. The whole goal here is, of course, to create a complete dichotomy between people who voted for Trump thought about voting for Trump voted against Democrats didn't voted all right. A dichotomy between those people,
People who stand for goodness and justice and wonder in the Democratic Party now let me just remind you this could be a moment and Joe Biden and the Democrats actually put forward a unity agenda in doing that. There's can push forward their normal and then there one going to count on the media and social media to cover them They are doing something, wonderful and unifying, and if you disagree, your against unity, there has been the petrol long. Joe Biden would be like yeah like unit You know he's great also, if you just everything I want a maximum for some programmes and that that was Joe Biden speech the entire time. So here's the kind of unity the Joe Biden wants to pay for the country back and then a unifying future is coming here was president elect by talking about his priority
in the aftermath of covered and making sure the businesses get back on their feet. The sound really unifying Europe has to stand you. Our focus will be on small businesses are mainstreamed that aren't wealthy and well connected refreshing, real economic hardship through no fault of their own. Our priority will be black for tee no age, a native american own small business, women, own businesses and finally, having equal access to resources needed to reopen rebuild for we're. Gonna make a concerted effort to help small businesses. The low income canoe in big city, small towns, rural communities that are faced systemic barriers to relief, ass systemic barriers or leaves various rights of his unifying agenda than the Democratic proclaimed that this is unifying ever he's literally saying, he's going discriminate on the basis of race in giving our government loans and government handouts, but that's the unifying agenda and don't worry if them yet cover this intermediate. Ideally where all the Good NEWS is, they can just proclaim that we are racist. They can quickly.
We are insisting that we are bad. I think that this is a good course conflate everybody. This goes back to the punch Donati days on the left, just a couple of when there are basically suggesting not only the Nazis ought to be punished which, in the United States, if you believe in Seville, somebody's been against violence, the entire time dies. Some of us said that, even though there is nobody who hates Nazis more than I do. I'm an orthodox. Do you get to punch people based on perspective in the United States? Levelling up? knotty. Also urinating. I did that left five minutes ago. We think that rioting, major cities were totally fine based on their perspective, Dwight trust these people to set an honest, good faith standard as to what constitutes incitement or as to what constitutes unity or what constitutes the kind of information that is misinformation or disinformation. Absolutely I do not one hundred percent. I do not say so that that is the goal. The goal is to create again and exacerbate in overwhelming monolithic push from left in every area.
Of your culture and if that means De Plaid forming, if it means silencing, so be it because the left must emerge victorious outbreaks. to the update with regard to impeachment so dear Miss. I did not comment What is going to happen? This week's uneasy policy is now pushing impeachment. I she her plan is to bring forward today a a measure that would essentially push my pants to invoke the twenty fifth amendment basically says: if you don't invoke the twenty fifth amendment, we're going to invoke the articles of impeachment. Now, I'm not, If that is even real, I mean for time now things that are constitutional inviolate norms. Congress trying to force invocation of twenty five members can we're we're one twenty fifth amendment as an executive branch move by the executive branch generally, is task not generally, it is task in the in the origin anyway, with invoking the twenty fifth amendment saying the President is in company
now, obviously twentieth Amendment was was written in the aftermath of the Wilson administration. It was an attempt to prevent people were literally, and unlike literally they could not save a glass of water without help from being president of the United States is pretty obvious legally that the twenty fifth amendment does not actually apply here matter. What you think of Trump incompetent here does not mean bandage job and competent means, like you are physically and mentally and capable of performing the office. I actually daunting from his change very much for the last four years? I think that he's just as erratic and volatile as you ever was nothing. He is significantly more so accepted. When he's disappointed and things then he becomes worse, but are the twenty fifth amendment the pushed by democratically to push the twenty fifth amendment is, is likely going to fail house. look that's our saying that pension should respond to the resolution within twenty four hours and then they're gonna bring in peace, legislation to the floor. The articles of impeachment are going to accuse Trump with what fully inciting violence against the government of the United States. Now it can be very hard legal case to prove because again, incitement
generally requires that somebody be asking for violence, as I played before that clip of Trump I mean from literally said, peacefully protest outside the capital building, because that's probably what he thought was going to happen, doesn't just by any other part of what he has done all long here with the lying in the prevaricate pushing of methods and the characterisation of war, but it's hard to make the case that some he is inciting violence. When they literally say, I want to go peaceful protest when using big language like go fight for something which is all the time in politics or we're going to we're. Gonna win the culture war or we can stop fighting or we need go over there and make people feel strongly that debt in the the legal basis. I cannot imagine that that is going to rise to the level of you. No crime right. You can't charge of crime. On that basis also, it is worth noting that today is January. Eleventh. His prey and shows in his presidency is over on January twentieth Day, so really the
more for show than anything else, and you can say that you you'd like to show you think that the legislature should should push back against from because from was attending depression legislature to do something unconstitutional, but here's the thing the legislature didn't do the unconstitutional thing his own vice president, didn't do it the legislature, didn't you So when people say the legislature needs to send from the message they kind of did they certify the election result in favor of Joe Biden and completely rejected from and now he's widely dried it so he's going to be leaving. I mean, like it's pretty obvious at this point, that this is mainly an attempt politically for Democrats to what to essentially suggest that ever voting for Trump by anybody was. It was a critical error. that everybody should foreseen. All those rights are part and parcel of the broader democratic narrative. I understand why some Republicans are saying that they want Trump impeached over what happened. I get it, but I just think that it happens to be bad impeachment policy, and I also think that it happens to be more politics.
driven than anything else. That becomes essentially like even more true when you see the tactics that they are using. The tactics that are being used right now not bringing up the impeachment today there trying to force pens to do it. They know by the way, but the Senate does not come back into session until January. Ninety I didn't come back in a session until January nineteenth, unless there is a unanimous, a unanimous agreement by the centre is to come back in a session before January. Nineteenth, adding gonna happen so really is, is not going anywhere. It's mostly for show is an expression of outrage. I get the expression of outrage and you don't think it's gonna be particularly effective in this particular case. James Kleiber, by the way says that trumps impeachment trial could be held. A hundred he's in, so he sang like its origin to get from out of office right. This meant that we can wait a hundred days until after he hasn't been president for literally ninety one of them, for I was actually a hundred two hundred of them register its binds first hundred nine hundred is now. We can wait until he's been out of office for over a hundred over three months, and then we can have a trial,
judgment. Ok, so obviously the system of highest highest priority for James Kleiber and the rest of the Democratic Party Clayburn said over the weekend that it would delay turbines agenda too, to focusing on impeachment right now again guys we're two months away. If we're two months away, you can see Now to politics, but since we are nine days away, that that can be a tough one, especially because again there can be criminal investigations net and everything that happened and the stories not probably going to end here already self, going to be back here later today, with an additional hour of content, also go check out the Matt Walsh. I become more about Joe Biden's new discriminatory cloverleaf planned watch at one hundred and thirty p dot m eastern or a daily wired outcome. I mention here. This is the benchmark Eroshka. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word please give us a five
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Transcript generated on 2021-01-12.