« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1165 - Election Showdown Week Begins


Twelve Senate Republicans say they’ll join House Republicans in challenging electoral votes; two Republican senators fight for their lives in Georgia; and The New York Times cheers on a hit job against a 15-year-old girl.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Twelve Senate Republican say they will join house Republicans in challenging electoral votes to republican senators, fight for their lives in Georgia and the New York Times cheers on a hit job against a fifteen year old girl. I mentioned this. Dementia Bureau, show today We sponsored by Express, deeply and protect your data online with VP, and I trust visit expressly peons outcome. Slash been speaking of which social media companies they think they should be able to decide what information you can and cannot see. This is something we found out throughout last year. So why exactly? Would you give them your data so that you could then have that data monetize against all of your interests? Instead, why not protect your The way that I do with express Vps wondered private, big tech companies. Not only do they sense or what you read that will actually track what you do online the trouble you're searching for the videos you watch everything you click. They use that it is our view as the can match
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better than ever it's a brand new year and surely this year cannot be stupider than last year year. So about that, so many things have happened. While I was out aside from my children, badgering me an aside from me not getting enough sleep as I as I should have over the break. It turns out many stupid. Things happened over the course of the of the break. Perhaps the stupidest the thing that happened in Congress yesterday's conventions briefly, because it is indicative of where this year is going and who gets the actual big news stories of the day. So yesterday Congress opened with a prayer the prayer with which Congress opened is, I believe, the stupidest thing. I have ever heard
in all my life. In all my life, I've heard many stupid things I mean I literally geopolitical talk show. So I hear stupid things on a daily basis, so yesterday that the person who opens with the opening prayer Democratic Congress obviously opens by saying this, we ask it on the name of the long appears to go wrong and got known by many Lange's by many different faiths, man and a woman, so to be straight. This human said a man and a woman, and now as the designated Jew in your political life, let me just remind you as a hebrew speaker, the word a man is none the english word. It comes from the hebrew word. I mean what you say after prayers, which can a regionally be traced. Adam illogically, speak
the word I met, which means truth. The idea of our main is solidarity, and may it be so or its true friends what our main means it was then brought into Greek and latin and then pass along to English The word amen has literally nothing to do with gender. It does not mean a man, it means In other words, it is a sign psychology, you're ready to sign of solidarity right. That's it that's what it is is an exclamation, and yet somehow what does have decided that the term amen, exert a spell m e n and includes the word men somehow is gendered language, and so we are also supposed to say after prayers a women. So if you think what number one, not only is that radically stupid on an animal logical, outlining you'd have to take the word Ayman. Take it down to the pit of despair from the princess bride, put the torture machine on it and torture it until it talks out some sort of gender variant. Not only is that stupid. On that level,
It would also then be meaningless. Why would you end a prayer, any prayer and then just a man like what that doesn't make any sense at all? It's idiotic beyond that, its doubly idiotic, because it turns out that people on the left and actually believe that men and women are real concepts right. There malleable many women, so they really should say just to be tolerance is not men and women, they should say, amen a women and gender as a social constructs. That is unconnected to biological sex, but also a biological imperative and then bowed their heads. That's where that should end so well done all the way through everybody that's a great way to start the year, and I think that you can only get dumber from here. Unfortunately, ok, so over the weekend, huge news breaks from the wash in post. The huge knows the breaks from the Washington Post is this phone call that President Trump and his chief of staff mark meadows had with Brad Reference Programme, whose the Georgia Secretary
state is in our long Funchal. The Washington Post originally released better. a minute segment other than their release, the entire transcript and the entire phone call, and if that great, when I say it's not great, I think it's not grateful for several reasons. I'm an explain what it is and one where and what it is not so they just a couple of glimpse from this hour. Long phone call cause they give you an idea of what the phone call is basically it runs along a couple of tracks. One is the presidency a lot of things about Georgia, voting that are unsubstantiated by evidence. To this point, may he says. tens of thousands of dead people voted in Georgia. There's not evidence to that effect. He said that dominion machines are rigged, there's not evidence to that effect. He says a lot of things that are just not substantially to buy. The evidence is that its track want to shoot him, throwing out a bunch,
that he has heard about the irregularities and voter fraud in Georgia and broader Athens Burger the secretary stating that that's bad information that attract number one then there's track number two and track number. Two is the present in saying that repeat any says this repeatedly that he wants joy, to basically Rodrigo their calculation, that he won the state. So love people are reading that statement as though from his friend to blackmail Secretary of State of Georgia into manufacturing votes that he wins the state, but the two statements are related, in other words, Trump believes that there was why friend, voter frightened vote irregularity in George again he's not provided proved to that effect. I believe There is an ongoing court case to that effect. Even if you weren't flipping Georgia by the way, wouldn't shift the outcome of the election his Pennsylvania was constant Arizona, etc, but say, for example, that that all that were brought in court. You make those allegations in court, but many of the things that he is alleged have not actually been proved. The oven
not been provided. What he is saying in this call over and over again is the same thing that the Trump always says, which is just a bunch of ideas. He spews them outright and in a sort of garbled, fast and then he finished up by saying here's what I want. It Ukraine phone, call it a bunch of ideas about Joe Biden about bereavement and about Hunter Biden. He was not making threats and is not evident here that he actually threatened rapids Burger with anything, but he doesn't have the power to threaten or Athens burner with anything that rapid further hasn't committed a crime when he says things like you're, taking up a political risk. That happens to be rule regiment. It is a big political risk for rapid progress had been true since trumped decided to basically contested George election, but that there are some things that are true this concept, things that are false about. The call is so it will play a couple eclipse of it now explain what is true about the common. What is false about the car and then we'll get to the broader issue, which is that Republicans, as of
Wednesday are now planning. Some Republicans in the Senate are planning to challenge electoral college results, but gets that in just one saying shit. Let's play phone call for here was present Trump with Brad
We are talking about a million voting systems. Now. Do you think it's possible that day, I read it ballots in helping calicoes. That's what the rumours and also that domain you took out regimes. Dominion is really moving fast to get rid of their machinery. Do you know anything about that? Conceptually long range only know. The million has not moved in a machinery. Article county we're out of a double they move, you have it as they moved. The inner parts of the machines and replace them with other parts is you're right. I'm sure he's, as you can tell it's, not the trumpets like very thoroughly prepared when it comes to doing in he's, heard some things and then again is not
shock is not from his operate literally. His entire political career is that he hears a thing. He then put it out of his mouth and it is a different thing. Are they so he says: have you guys been shipping in dominion, voting machines and reference burger, guys that no machines and ensure that a state and Asia have you taken part million voting machines and were now in the realm of doubt, things that are on evidence. Ok, Wine, what then there's line too- and this is the stuff the media's really going crazy over, and that is from repeatedly talking about the number of votes by which he lost Georgia right. So he says what are we gonna do here? Folks, I only need eleven thousand votes fellows any eleven thousand thousand votes. Gimme a break so I want to do is this. I use one five. Eleven thousand seven hundred and eighty loves, which is one more that we have because we want to save it, says
here there he says. Look all I want to do is this. I just want to find eleven thousand seven heard eighty votes, which is one more than we have because we want to state ok. So what the media are saying he is saying is that he is saying to ravage. Grab, one you manufacture those votes at a dinner. I don't care whether there is. Roger voter irregularity on your- and I want you to find votes for Donald Trump. I want you to retaliate, that's not what trump isn't when I went from Beijing is: he believes that there is widespread voter fraud and voter regularity. Undoubtedly, there is more voter fraud and voter irregularity than the margin of victory for Joe Biden in the state and therefore he should be declared the winner of the state he's not ordering rations burger to too many actual votes out of thin air he's not Ormolu Athens, burger to magically couple twelve thousand votes there. That's not what he's doing it's bad enough. What he's doing now? The reason is bad enough. What he's doing is because if you should care about waterfront, voter regularity should be time that result should say is I'm concerned by voting, for I am concerned about what regularity there a bunch of outstanding,
Allegations have been made that you have not answered, and so I want specific answers on those not because the margin of victory is the key issue, not because I want you to get you that twelve thousand votes and what the state, but because I about border frightened, voter irregularities for people who seriously want to reject the system. It can't be a self interested pursuit. It can't be I care about voter brought it. regularity, because it hurt me ass me. I care about and voter regularity generally right, that that is the biggest problem with trumps phone call, the spectre of a kid that in election, calling up the election official as president of the United States and telling him that he is upset that the margin eleven thousand votes and that he doesn't really care. How oh the voter front. Voter regularity, Ali cares about is margin, that's ugly stuff. Is that criminal stuff? Now? Will you blew people who are suggesting that this criminal activity that silly it's that criminal activity, people who are suggesting that trumpets, cortical threatening rapids Berger? I read the entire transcript. There really is not,
prince of threatening behaviour by Trump. You can see, there's a power balancing the conversation that certainly drew it, certainly true, the wooden present. As you up and says he wants you'd find a thing: do you feel pressure to find the thing that does not mean that there is an actual attempt by trumped actually punish, Rapids, Berger and other in any way other than the sort of overtly political, yelling, Rapids Burger, which has been doing for months since the since the election itself. Okay, so that was the big story. Last night is the tape and people suggesting the Trump was trying to get rapids broken man afterwards. That part of the story is not true, it doesn't mean the phone call was good again and it like Ukraine. The phone call can be bad and all so it cannot be what the media is saying that the phone call is getting just a second we're gonna get to the broader issue, because the phone call is off to the side and somewhat irrelevant to the broader issue of what Congress is going to do on January. Sex Orton go through the entire process we're gonna talk about what there is homeless. People and senators are talking about doing right now, get to that in just one moment. First,
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and the electoral contact is creating eighteen. Eighty seven August way the background in just a second the whether this works is that member Congress are empowered to objected to individual state electoral college returns. the congressional research servant. Summing up the Electoral College ACT as it currently stands, quote objections to individual state return must be made in writing by at least one member, each of the Senate and House representatives. If an objection. these requirements, the joint session Sesar and the two houses separate and debate the question in their respective chambers for maximum of two hours. Ray of the house goes, one sided cynically, the other side they yell at each other, about whether these electoral college votes should be counted. The two votes that houses then vote separately to accept or reject the objection and then reassembling joint session and announced the results of their respective votes and objection to a state's electoral vote must be approved by both houses in order for any contested boats to be excluded. So, on what grounds can challenge electoral college votes? Well, you can challenge hunting grounds, one that they were not regularly. Given
the language of the shattered or to the electors we're not quite what lawfully certified so regular given means that the electoral bribe or fraudulent by that that's what regularly given means that we find out that elector was supposed to vote for Donald Trump and voted for Joe Biden, because the hunter slept him cocaine or something right and then lawfully certified means that the governor has to actually certify the ascertaining process. Right what sort of I just means that the Governor Dimity supposed to do and whose unlawfully certified in the house can debate this sort of stuff under those particular challenges, electors would then be discarded. Andy that would change the math necessary for victory. It now Not unprecedented for these thing, these challenges to happen. It is unprecedented for the size and scope of the challenge now being contemplated the Republicans to happen and gets then a second, but not unprecedented back in two thousand five January, sixty two thousand five accordingly CNN alleging widespread
hilarity on election day, a group of Democratic Congress objected the restates, the counting of Ohio, twenty electoral boats, delaying the official certification of the two thousand for presidential election results. The moon is not designed to overturn the re election of President Bush said. Our high representative Seventy Tubs Jones in California, Senator Barbara boxer, filed the objection. The objecting Democrats, so there, and to draw attention to the need for aggressive election reform in the wake of what they widespread of voter problems in Ohio, the houses relatives and Senate met this again, two thousand five in a constitution finally mandated session to count the electoral votes Vice President Dick Cheney presided, where the session the results from each state read now, sabbatical order were ticked through quickly until Ohio was called, and then a clerk or in a letter from boxer and Tubs Jones, and then the chamber's had a split and then they argued about each other, what war with each other and then they came back together and that sort of the end of that particular process. Now it is worth noting that there was fairly significant, if not support, then test
unwillingness to shut down Barbara boxer by some top Democrat. But now it is true, John Kerry. Who is the key the need the Democrats dissociated himself from this up. It wasn't. Elections over challenging the electoral votes is is useless that there's no reason to do this, but among people who went silent James Kleiber, whose now the majority, what further Democrats is nascent worse, boarding, Frank alone now, chairman of energy and Climate and Commerce Committee Maxine Waters, whose chairwoman of financial services at Marcie, whose now Senator and John Louis, and so there are some support for this release. Tacit support for this process back in two thousand and five net now Barbara Box or, of course, clemming
no comparison. Now there absolutely is a comparison. Barbara boxer was the dumbest member of the United States Senate until her retirement. She has not gained in intelligence since leaving office. There was Barbara boxer on CNN the other day. What is no comparison to what a cumbersome and Stephanie Tabs jones- and I did in o five number one John Kerry had conceded the race. We have a president hears orchestrating kind of overthrow of the election. Secondly, we set up front. We had no interest, we set up, for we had no interest in overturning the election. All we wanted was to focus on voters, suppression that we saw in Ohio I'll get better.
of course not the only reason they challenge the electoral results in Ohio, because they wanted to focus on overturning the election, because there is a precedent for this is their precedent for the candidates themselves to support this effort. Not not really at least not for a hundred and forty years. Russia is their precedent for large swathes of Congress backing the sort of effort. Now there is not so that is in fact unprecedented, since not unprecedented for the sort of thing to happen in some impressive for these challenges to happen, it happened in nineteen. Sixty nine about sex the eight election. It happened again in two thousand five, but for this level of support to be thrown behind it, that is somewhat unprecedented. So we're gonna go through the legality here, because I know there's a big debate here on the right what is legal and what is not what the constitution is designed to do, how you can select voting? We go through all the details in one second, so you know more than you did before this shall begin. First, let us talk about your future and your specific goals, so one of the things that you probably our thinking about in the middle of this difficult and our time in getting Erasmus order, because a hopefully in the next few months, the economy is real,
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Then it is you a gc dot, any use lifespan, you age, you see that any EU slashed by not all programs available in all states. Ok, so let's do What about around here about what the electoral college certification process is supposed to do and why it currently is constituted the way that it is constituted, so the constitution of the United States says this: this is from the twelve amendment says the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House representatives, open all the certificates and the votes, then be counted as will stop right there for just a second, because there are some people who are now claiming that vice president, my pants is supposed to somehow not count the vote. It is his job to determine whether the votes are legit and then just not count. The votes that doesn't like that is not legally based together. The vice president does not have the power to do that. That would be ridiculous, like I'm just like a normal constitutional level, the
of the vice president. Being able to unilaterally decide who is president is totally crazy, particularly when you are talking about you vice president, very often being on the same. Take it as a person who is running right kit. Can you imagine back in two thousand for Dick Cheney just deciding you know what I preside over the Senate, guess what Bush one billion have counterparts, Can you imagine in in nineteen eighty Jimmy Carter Vice President, you say you know what my job account votes, my job. You know what Jimmy one jury lost, but be crazy to have that like that is not the constitutional system. That is not the constitutional structure that clearly not the intent of the constitution as by the way worthy of mention here is Linwood Linwood who's. This lawyer from Georgia who's been use part of the original crack and team in all of this kind of stuff, Linwood crazy. And not only is been telling people not to vote in the Georgia Centre run off, which will get too in a little bit. He is now suggesting that vice president pants is going to be in jail hams,
to point out that, if you're paying attention Linwood at this point, you're you're being I don't want to tell you- he's crazy. Ok, he treated out over the weekend if pence is arrested. Secretary of state, my point, it will save the election. Pence will be in jail awaiting trial for treason. Your face, execute by firing squad he's a coward and will sing like Bird and confess all other things that Linwood has treated over the past twenty four hours quote. I believed you just as John Robert any multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed into horrendous scheme involving rape and murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I've also shared this information. This blackmail scheme is conducted by members of the tent of ten of the world's most well known and elite intelligence agencies. One of those groups was hacked by a group known as lizard squad. The black fought blackmail, files of rape and murder or obtained by this group and copy was provided to Isaac Cappy after Cappy received a hack files from members of this
squad he gave, whilst one friend in encryption key to another friend he provided. This information was friends shortly before he was murdered in May thirteenth. Two thousand nineteen members of lizard squad were jailed for hacking, Jeffrey Epstein use this game, blackmail, the same blackmail scheme of child labour and child murderers to either further his own interests or those The intelligence agency with whom he worked, yeah, ok up it, that's Linwood, so undergo, would not Linwood Legal announced other legal analysis. That is not very good Peter Navarro who's. The president's special trade representative set on thought that might pens has the power to delay the inauguration. He does not not correct, and by the way, if January, twentieth arrived in, Joe Biden has not actually been designated. The President Elect of the United States beforehand in only become President Trump, doesn't just keeping president on January. Twenty eighth of that. If the offices vacant, then the house representatives decide whose president to get ready for president policy of disease,
everything is going, got up and was pointing out the bad legal analysis. A you know where it is yours, Peter Navarro, who is not a good lawyer vice president Pansy has the authority to give that ten day window to do what needs to be done, and I cannot imagine when I go to the facts. He won't vote vote the right way on that, and you know Peter the interesting thing is that that ten day window or is it it is something that they can change the date of the first on January. Twenty cannot be changed its constitutional bought. This whole certification thing the days Railway, Chandler Jangle actually mean there ass their date ridden go past their data. We can go past their date UK. If we need to know you can't ok,
What is the actual process? We're gonna get to the actual process and what is now being challenged? Re Josh, Halley had crews, a bunch of republican centres are jumping on board, will get to the legal analysis. Work has become quite controversial, become quite controversial because I think some people are trying to politically make this into some sort of litmus test. It is not, in fact, a litmus test. Legal analysis. Here, I is, is, I think, faulty and strategically speaking, it is not going to end with with Trump being retained. As president of the United States, there is literally no way for that to happen under the current process is not on, and even if it were, even if it were legal, it would not be effect we're gonna, get it out in one's economic to analyze. The whole issue for you'll go through all the arguments cause people. Why really respect on and the legal side are making counter arguments will go through all of them, so you will have all the information at your disposal. First, let us talk about the fact that a good at New year's resolution would be not going to the post office for tasks you can complete from home personally spending a lot of time. Second, about you're, you're gonna be standing in in line you really don't
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the reason that the Electoral College ACT was originally possibility of legal background and all the relevant laws, and then you can decide for itself whether you think there's a good effort or about effort or malign effort. You'll get it ok. So, let's begin with eating seventy six election, so constitution is actually not particularly clear on what happens if there is controversy within a state sufficient at the electors that separate slates of electors are sent to Congress. So here's what happened in eighteen, seventy six right remember: this is only about a decade after the end of the civil war, so the prospect of violence is still very real. There still very large scale questions about voter suppression and voter fraud, particularly in the south, it so
it's an election between rather behave refer behaves was the Republican and Samuel Tilden? Who is the Democrat? So hazy? Support is entirely northern, with the exception of New York, which went for Samuel, tell them, because New York had some fairly severe feelings about race. Obviously, that were pretty wrong. Despicable copper heads were big in your says, him you'll tell them winds, New York and in the south there a bunch of states that are in controversy, because pretty obvious that the south is very much in favour of Samuel till then the Democrat, but a lot of people can vote a lot of people that their carpet bankers like there there's some real problems of a voter irregularity and their serious questions as to who really should be able to vote. Considering that eleven years earlier, a lot of these people were literally fighting each other in the street a so during that election. The eighteen, seventy six electron, multiple southern states actually sent several competing slates of electors Republicans claimed in the southern states that voter intimidation fraud had been the reason that children was declared. in place like Louisiana and South Carolina. Children had won the popular
over a quarter million votes nationwide, he did not have an electoral college majority. You stuck at a hundred and eighty four electoral votes. At the time you two hundred eighty five to win referred behaves had a hundred sixty five electoral votes. So basically what would happen if the multiple slates of electors were now being sent from these states? State legislature would send a slave electors. They say, ok till then one state or sending our electors over to Congress, and then the republican governor would be like it's my own slate of electors, because voter fraud and voter intimidation, I believe, be voter outcome, I'm sending my own state of electors hey, so there would actually be to somewhat legit competing sources of slate electors in eighteen. Seventy, six democratic time control the House of Representatives Republicans controlled the Senate haze supporters were Republicans argued that the vice president should count the votes under the constitution and disregard slated, unlike right is the issue that we are discussing before the two sides instead agreed to set up a special committee charged with developing
way of solving the issue. The Senate voted forty. Seven. Seventeen in favour of this house did the same a hundred ninety one, eighty six, the way that this committee works, that five representatives were selected by the house. Five centres were selected by the Senate for Supreme Court, justices were names and then a fifth Supreme Court justice would be selected by the other force. They came up with a committee. Five members, the house, I've senators, to bring more justice. As Democrats argued that every single election should be investigated, Republicans argued instead that governors certification was the final word democratic. Then try to filibuster vote counts from nearly every state. Eventually, Democrats basically just gave in because a committee came down and found that the slate of electors from the governors should be respected. The real I'll come here was not solved by the commission goes not solved by an investigation or anything like that. The real can we solved by one of the worst things that has happened. Rachel history of the United States. The compromise of eighteen, seventy seven under which Rufford behave, became president of the
it states by losing but the popular button. Probably electoral college wrote and Republicans in exchange plan to drop reconstruction efforts in the south, which led to essentially century Jim Crow. later investigations by the way should know wrongdoing by Rufford behave. It did show democratic attempts to bribe election officials in disputed states. Ok, you have this mess of an election only solved by the end reconstruction, essentially, which is not much of a solution, so they come up with the electoral count. Act. Electoral Count ACT of eighteen. Eighty seven sets out the process that we referred to before, which that the vice president opens these votes. He counts the votes and then a member of Congress and the senator can get together and challenged both houses, it then resource to go debate it, and then they come back together and if both votes of the congressional bodies decide that they are going to throw out votes from particular stake there illegitimate or something, then they go ahead and they do that. We now. Even that, is not strict enough. Really. Ok, because the fact
is that the constitution was not really meant to have. A majority in Congress simply decide the president of the United States it, and that's that's really not one. What was supposed to happen here that would actually allow the federal government to override state governments the real question- and this is what the electoral counteract as you have to have specific grounds for challenging votes. One would be something like bribery of electors and the second be it the governor did not certify the slate of electors right. Those would be the actual grounds hey. How do slates electors get certified so horny section five of U S coat at title three is passing, I believe, nineteen forty eight, it says quote if any state shall have provided by was enacted prior to the date fixed for the appointment of the electors for its final determination of any converse, your contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors in such state by tradition, other methods or procedures and such determination
shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors. Such determination made pursuant to such law, so existing on Sunday, maybe six days prior to set time of meaning the electors shall be conclusive and shall govern and accounting of the electoral votes, as provided in the constitution and as here in after regulated so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such state is concerned. In other words, if they state takes advantage of the safe harbour provision, remember that we discuss this late December if the Safe Harbour time hits gay, which is made six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, and these states have certified their votes. We are done here now challenges We are not relevant because at least when it comes to lawfully certified. In other words, once the governor says, this is a state of electors and does so in the safe harbour period. These are now the electors and the challenges to the electors cannot be based, and what are they were Quantico lawfully certified. It can only be based regularly, given I, which would mean normal.
bribery or fraud I so that is where things sort of stand, ok, that that is. That is the legal background for all of this, and so over the last couple of weeks, and growing momentum for challenging electoral votes in Congress. In the same way, the barber boxer date in two thousand five in the same way that some Congress people did in nineteen sixty nine- and this has been led on the hillside by Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama, who said over we can that they were getting a lot of momentum. He said our fight for honest, inaccurate elections gained momentum, Jordan. I colleague conference call with fifty plus congressmen who join and fight for American Republic. Morale is high fight, okay, so apparently there over a hundred Republican Congress people or joining to this onto this effort, as s of Texas has pointed out, it's odd that these homeless people who are literally elected this election in which there claiming that electoral college vote should be thrown out are challenging the electoral college what's been other an electron, that's kinda, weird thing: they were elected by exactly this imbalance there now challenging, but
The question is whether they have any real, serious legal grounds to do so. Ok, so preliminary question, as I will get back to that in a second the legal grounds for this, on a strategic level? This is not going to work, the reasons not going to work on a strategic level is perfectly obvious. The Democrats can from house. So let's say that Republicans challenge these electoral college votes in the house. They get some senators like Josh Allianz, had crews and one people. While I greater speed Danes what lotta people sign onto this And then the house's resource to discuss about who thinks we radicals going to let you know what? After all, we decided that we're going justice regard. You know what its electors from Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia was counts in Michigan Nevada. You know you're totally right, you're, a hundred percent Right Nancy plus he's gonna, come for tee the clock and be like a tramp Italian says. I'm going to happen right. I mean speed practical about this. That's not going to happen, which means the electoral boats don't get thrown out. End of story we're done here which suggests that this is really about.
one or two things: posturing by some people, because they want to appear that they are fighting, even though there really is no available avenue left right. The election is over. It was over the day the Electoral College voted with slept with certified slate of electors. He certification process is a formality. It was always a formality- exceptions, eighteen, seventy six, so the so. Instead, What you're saying because this in some cases, either posturing or an attempt to fight voter fraud by drawing attention to it, is that this is what Most people are saying it's a Josh. How Put out a statement is the senator from misery, who, I think is pretty clearly attempting to run for president in twenty twenty four and capture a lot of the the Trump base. So he said here. Here is his statement following the two thousand foreign two thousand. Sixteen elections. Democrats in Congress objected during certification of electoral votes. In order to raise concerns about election integrity. I mean it is
by the way that some democratic Congress tried to object. He certification of electoral vote during twice external action. That was gavel down by Joe Biden in the Senate. Joe Biden was the was a vice president at the time how said there are praised by democratic leadership in the media when they did, they are entitled to do so now. Those of US concern about the Only in this election are entitled to do the same, and you can't even nonsense. You can't try this I'm, not saying it's not really well, legally predicated any basic model here, which would be that any time you don't like the outcome of an election. You and a majority of Congress can simply throw out all electoral college vote. That is clearly not what the constitutional structure was meant to create. Remember the electoral college is supposed to represent the states. Remember that not members of the federal government, not the popular vote, the point of electoral college that the states are supposed to appoint the electors once the states of appointed the electors, the federal government. Does
have cause to simply throw out slate of electors, absent, obvious evidence of fraud that was not presented in court here right because began court after court, many of them from judges said you're, not even confronting didn't even alleged fraud in a lot of these cases, particularly Pennsylvania. In any case Halley says I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January six without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws. So we'll get to this argument, the second, which is that the electoral college vote from Pennsylvania should be thrown out despite state certification, because it violates the federal constitution. That's argument: My friend mark would then makes an interesting argument. I disagree with the legal analysis how he says I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in the election in support of Joe Biden. Effort is true, but don't challenge electoral votes, because Facebook and Twitter were really. and other than those two things are completely disconnected. I totally agree that Facebook, Twitter, big tech,
social media, the media self. We're we're ten points to Joe Biden this election. There is no question about that, but that doesn't give you a legal predicate for challenging electoral college vote And I can how he says. For these reasons, I follow the same practice: Democrat members of Congress having years passed, passing a during the certification, the sun January sex to raise these critical issues. Ok! Well, then, because Howley does that right and because Josh Halley has challenged the electoral votes have one centre that the question is whether one centre would go along with members from the house actually jump into this process. Because of that, you see a lot of other members of the Senate who again want to demonstrate he'll teacher Trump and demonstrate fight and demonstrate that they don't like the outcome of the election jumping on board, and I don't think, there's not a legal basis for this, as I will explain in just one second, a first. Let us talk for a second round shopping for Otto parts, so on apart stores, not my company, don't love, em and eleven because number one car expert,
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now come right in their. How did you hear about us, but okay, so more of the legal analysis in just one second cousin, it's kind of fascinating and we're all going to be George erase. It issued a lot more to get to you because you're on breaks like we can have. First, there are a million reasons. The people believe lies about conservative one of them is they ve been trained to do so by content craters that absolutely hate conservatives hate us when you when I go to work, people think conservatives are just bad people when you, when you are on Facebook, if your conservative, your friends, family coworkers, they will treat you as though you have some sort of brain cancer. If you say your conservative, why is this isn't? Just because of political differences is because politics is downstream from culture as male mentoring and bright bird used to say as a culture. We need content that is edgy and entertaining an awesome, but that does not mock conservative values. We need to give
the options delawares aiming do just now think about this Fox news. Rick everybody who is on the right, watches Fox NEWS there. There primetime lineup will average three point: five. Million people their seventy million subscribers Netflix. The vast majority of people's politics is not decided by politics. It is decided by cultural influences, outside of that is decided by the entertainment they consume and the music they consume, the movies and the tv they consume. If conservatives want to win in the future, we have to engage in the culture. War in the culture is called the culture war is not just about voting, it is about the culture That means we have to provide an alternative to the entertainment left wing crammed down. You see in places like Amazon, prime or places that you see like Hulu Netflix. You need alternative sources of entertainment and soda moderate right things that they can see that are fun and edgy, and, yes, somewhat conservative, hey. So what you're about to watch is an excerpt from daily
First motion picture film is our first felt ever from daily? Why are we are getting into the space? We need to challenge the big boys you and when the culture we're gonna fight and culture, this film is called run, hide fight. It's not a stereotypical conservative thumb in fact is, unfortunately, political at all. It is also not a family friendly film. Ok, it is intense, it is violence and it does have a powerful message to go with it. The movie is about a high school besieged by a quartet of school shooters. One young girl seventeen year olds, we hope, uses her wits and survival skills to fight back here is the trailer in the chamber You don't really good at their size. Of that there were gonna, be venison all summer days work we need systematic and by we I mean no, I mean us look in your eye guys in my view
President Barroso, you can hear me so I can go over there is he doing something completely weird interbank debt, but also all kinds of dumb started, a swim cap. Then? Why have type who delivered a glass back, Yvonne or set up of serpents like nothing? matters in the real world, Ok, we are in charge now simply pull out whatever apps you used to do, live streaming, video get them up and running and pointed at me now Yeah
I'm calling nine must be closed. You should be very disturbing news out of Vernon Central between brands Is it safe to say that this might be our guardian angel? Do you want more people to die? It is the last thing I
one person in this room every five minutes. You don't show your heart of more people. Aren't you know me movies. Bad ass movie is just its excellence it is. It is not for younger audience, as this would be rated our film for sure. But that's the point we are making rated our films are. We are making content that are for that's for adults. We are making stuff that people want to see right, not just something where people feel obligated to see it because
it promotes a particular worldview openly say no matter will oversee. The point is that we are going to change people's minds about issues by providing them cultural places where they can see. The conservatism is not only not bad. It is quite good morning. We time compelling edgy stories to go with it. we are really come to share this film and bring you something has never been done before in conservative media never been done. We need your help. Run. High fight will be available to watch Friday. Genuine fifteenth, my birthday at Daily Wire now come will be doing a special live stream premier, the night before Thursday January, fourteenth on the daily why're you to channel. So, let's kick off twenty twenty one by back on culture, got to fight the culture of war. We need creator on content and we need your help. We need to join up a daily wired in content is not cheap to produce. It is really important. Theirs, reason Democrats for billions of dollars into film and tv. They know what can mrs people we need to do. The same thing check us out a daily where that Congo subscribe right now and you can see, run high fight, which is just a bad ass automobile you're gonna love it. I can't wait here
brilliant, very eager to show it to you. So come join us over at daily, where you're listening to the largest fastest growing conservative Pakistan radiation, the nation yeah Josh Halley signifies that he is going to join mobility and he's going to challenge these electoral college results, and he says that he wants to do so in order to put a spotlight on what has happened in Pennsylvania and on allegation. of voter fraud, nuts, one big tax. So again, I think that what he says about big text- entreprenant right- I don't know it- has to do with challenging electoral college, but so this prompts a bunch of other republican centres to jump on board. Quitting centres and crews. Ron Johnson James Lengths, Steve Danes, John Kennedy, Marshall Blackmore, MIKE Braun Censurers, Elect Cynthia Loomis, my coming Roger Marshall, Kansas Bill Haggerty of Tennessee and Tommy Pubertal of Alabama, and they put out a statement. It said the election of twenty twenty, like the election of twenty six was hard fought and in many swing states narrowly decided that twenty twenty election
we're featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud violations and lacks enforcement of election law and other voting irregularities. Now that the problem here, of course, is that when you say that featured unprecedented allegations. Actually, if you're on a challenge from college votes, you actually have to show unprecedented unprecedented Evan, right. Unprecedented allegations, I mean we can run prep democrats do unprecedented allegations and I would point this out. Women Democrats did unprecedented allegations for four years. They claim the Donald Trump was russian tool and Vladimir Putin at higher Trump, basically to become president of the United States and its trump had gained the office simply by cooperating with lad. thousand unprecedented allegation turns out. They didn't have unprecedented proof, and so it came to nothing. When Democrats complain that allegations are not sufficient and take out with a grain of salt when, whenever the Democrat pushing allegations the allegations are sufficient. I hope the conservatives are looming
a consistent that allegations are never sufficient. You need actual evidence to back the allegations whether we are talking about bull crap, about bread, Cavenaugh or bull crap about the coming in catholic kids or their talk about bull crap about systemic american racism, like actual evidence, would be necessary, not just delegations. So it's not enough to say unprecedented allegations of voter fraud yet shall have to show proof but set safety senators. The allegations not believe that, just by one individual candidate, they are widespread because sixty seven percent of Republicans say the election was rigged and so do. Seventeen percent of Democrats and thirty one percent of independence is as some member that these are all the centres. Public inside we're going along with challenge. Some members of Congress disagree with that. As many as you, many members, the media there are not our elected officials or journalists believe it that deep distrust of our democratic processes will not magically disappeared. Should concern us it posed in ongoing threats of legitimacy of all subsequent administrations. So what should be sprayed about this. All those doubts or not gonna go away, because Congress has a two hour session with a yell at each other. As I'm going
urban and they're not gonna go away. If there is some sort of jointly appointed Electoral Commission, which is what crews at all are calling for today that they are calling for a following of eighteen. Seventy seven president, I remember the electoral counteract was designed explicitly to avoid the eighteen. Seventy seven come commission because the commission it turned out, was completely partisan and not only was completely partisan. The only way the debt crisis ended up being resolved was the end of reconstruction. So wasn't like that was a wildly great precedent set and that it worked fantastic. We should go back to that, but they're calling were in electoral investigation. They'll take ten days now, let's be real about that who thinks it and of ten days everybody who was was disquieted about the rather serious allegation. a fraud, irregularities and all you know they took ten days. I mean they took a whole and now I feel better not going to happen. Obviously he said, then, so, just on a practical level, it's not going to
our fears, it is not going to end the way the Republicans wanted to end because democratic control, the house- that's just not going to happen. Nonetheless, vice presidency, pensive, chief of staff, so many welcome the effort by some lawmakers to raise objections. Mark short sighted president. It shares the concerns of millions of Americans about border fraud and irregularity and therefore welcomes the effort of members of the house and send its use authority. They have under the law to raise objections and bring forward evidence that listen again, they can do that. They can raise objections, bring for evidence. It's not going to be practical, and it's not going to end up with any changer centre on cotton. Who again is a very programme centre right. Cotton is really a programme guy from Arkansas. He put out a statement on why he was not going to join these efforts, and I think this is systemically correct. The point that he's making is you don't want to set the precedent whereby the Congress of the United States decides to completely overlooked. He certified electoral.
college results in various states in favor of simply ruling at the federal level, which boat should be counted, which books should not as a huge mistake, especially because what I'm practical level point something out republican since one thousand nine hundred and ninety two since nineteen sorry, since one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight Republicans have won the popular vote, a grand total of one time once since nineteen eighty eight, since I was four years old Republicans and won the popular national vote in a presidential election. One time so Republicans rightly are big fan of the electoral college. I think a systemic level. They should be big fan of the Electoral College, because I think the state should have a say in who gets me president, but that's the point if you have Congress overruling the states not on the basis of proved fraud, not on the basis of proved voter regularity, brown
if they don't like the result, you are setting the president whereby in four years vice President Kamel Harris decides after she loses Biden what? Let's say that that Biden is on its last legs, as runs to succeed him, and now you have her ruling at the top of the Senate. On her own loss and simply saying you know what I want to popular rope. Electoral college count the matter more Republicans made clear that last time we're done. I win has second ago. That can go great. I don't think so. It's in a very, very, very negative legal,
and here it is going to be extraordinarily counterproductive and by the way, is not going to end with Trump retaining the office of the presidency. Again Democrats in this house would have to agree with Republicans in the Senate to throw out electoral college roads, which is not going to happen, so it is bad law is bad policy and it is not effective in any real sense, which means that it's kind of virtue, signalling unless people actually thing is gonna work for some other reason than that. I can comprehend and there's no way this works. It's not going to work. Ok, so Tom cotton makes this clear again. Cotton is because this is not about opposing from or not opposing, Trump is about, recognising that there are consequences to messing around the legal system. I didn't just vote for Trump stuff from front. I told you I should vote for Trump, I'm I'm quite upset with the outcome of the election. Tom cotton is quite upset with the outcome of the election. That doesn't mean that what we are now pursuing here is good policy or effective policy. So cotton put out a statement he said quote. I share the concerns of many our concerns about irregularities in the presidential election, especially in states the rushed through
election while changes to relax standards of voting by mail, I also share their disappointment with the election results. I therefore support a commission to study the last election and proposed reforms to protect the integrity of our elections, F Republicans when in Georgia the Senate should also hold more hearings on these matters. Nevertheless, the founders entrusted our elections chiefly to the states, not Congress. They entrusted the election of our president to the people acting through the electoral college. not Congress entrusted the eradication of election disputes to the courts, not Congress under the constitution and federal law Congresses power is limited to counting electoral votes submitted by the states correct. If Congress purported to overturn the results of the electoral College, it would not only exceed that power would establish unwise, precedence first Congress would take away the power to choose the president from the people, which would essentially and presidential elections in place that power in the hands which have a party controls Congress. Second Congress would imperil the electoral college itself, which gives small states like Arkansas Voice in presidential elections.
Look rats could achieve their launch, an angle of eliminating the electoral college, in effect by refusing to council at twelve votes in the future, for a publican President elect Third Congress to take another big step forward, lies in election law, another longstanding democratic priority. The Republicans have consistently opposed. Ok, so cotton happens to be legally correct about all of this right is it. This is right. Cottons explanation is correct way, so that leaves one out standing legal debate. That is interesting on an intellectual and illegal level, so marked with a friend of mine. Really good guy really, obviously, terrific conservative is an enormous work in convincing Americans. Why conservatism is a good idea so late in the year he put out a piece trying to explain why electoral challenges we're good idea, particularly with regard to Pennsylvania vote. So here's what he says he says specifically article two section: one clause, two of the federal constitution could not be more explicit. It states in part. Each state shall appoint
such manner as legislator thereof, may direct a number of electors equal to the number of senators and representatives to which the state maybe entailed in the Congress this languages purposeful during the constitutional convention. There are various proposals suggested for electing the president. Should the president be directly elected? That proposal was rejected because the founders feared a purely democratic process could be hijacked by a temporary majority. Should the present be chosen from within the national legislature, that proposal was also rejected. Should the judiciary play a role. That idea was rejected. The electoral process rested first and foremost on the state legislatures directing how the electors would be chosen. The reason, while rejecting the direct election of a president, the framers concluded that the state legislatures or closest to the people. Ok, so basically he is saying because Pennsylvania did the wrong process for putting together their voting procedure, because courts and the governor
intervened in the process, and this means that the entire state electoral college vote should be thrown out, because the federal government is empowered with ensuring that each state appoints in such a manner as legislature directs. A number of electors on the face now make some sentence right. I mean that that these state, the constitution says State Lodge it should have to decide the process and pencil mania. It was that state legislatures there are deciding the process and the problem is that a bunch of course of already cited that this is not correct interpretation and in fact the the actual meaning of the constitution here is relatively clear. What it means is that the electoral college is decided by the state legislature. The legislature decide exactly the the manner in which the electoral college is is selected, but it doesn't mean that they have to be in charge of every single detail is over
ample. There is a there is a judge, ok, a recent from appointing him Brett Ludwig and he ruled specifically on this argument and here's what he said as using the electors clause. The word manner refers to the form or method of selection of the presidential electors requires state legislatures merely to set, approach for selecting presidential electors put another way. It simply refers to the mode of appointing electors consistent with the plan, meaning with plain meaning of the term. So what does that mean? It means you could have chosen to appoint electors directly right that the state legislature to just select the electors or the state legislature could do it by congressional district or they could simply have the governor appoint the electors, but once they decide, then they decide right. The approach for method or mode that a legislature sets for appointing presidential actors is by general ballot at the General election day. So The same logic applies in Pennsylvania. Right here at here is what the judge set in this particular case. You said issues of mere administration of a general election do not mean there has not.
In a general ballot at a general election. Plaintives conflation of these potential nonconformity with constitutional violations is contrary to the play, meaning of the electric clause if a point, its reading of manner, was correct. Any disappointed loser in the presidential election able to hire a team of clever words, could flag, claimed deviations from the election rules and cast doubt on the election results. In other words, the Pennsylvania State Legislature said that the popular vote of the state of Pennsylvania was going to decide the outcome. Ok, then counties went ahead and did a bunch of different procedures for gathering the popular wrote. A lawyer could simply say: well, the legislature didn't decide how that was gonna happen. So, therefore the process is broken and you can throw out those state electors.
and that that is not what the constitution means in this particular circumstance. I dont think I understand remark is coming from. I dont think that that is correct and again I think that it sets the federal government over these states as to how they actually do their election processes, which is a mistake. You dont want the federal government actually doing that, because a federal government could be control by Democrats guys as David friends point out in this is this is a good point. It is quite possible that then demo that's can object to Texas is electoral vote for Trump, because taxes, Governor Gregg Abbot, invoked emergency powers to modify statutory restrictions regarding delivery of mail and ballot right to the legislature to national decide how to vote went in Texas either, and so this is the aim that this is sort of the contrary. Argument to what mark has been arguing again, I I think marks argument is interesting. I dont think that it is fully
mincing to me at least it meanwhile Andrew Mccarthy, again a big ally of tromp, his long peace today about this process. As he points out, the law makes pretty clear that, once the states are definitions are done there. conclusive, says anaemic. It is not a matter of whether it is the result we would have preferred or whether it is a result, we suspect it is law. Its undeniable fact is recognised by seven federal judges, including judges, recently appointed by tramp of examined the trunk claims rejected them, and this claim to any authority under the circumstances, to disturb the states terminations. If, despite all that, democratic or trying to orchestrate congressional do over Republicans will be pointing out with due indignation the constitution, it makes the election. May president, like the ratification of the constitution,. A matter of state sovereignty under a foundational law. It is the states, not the people, not Congress, that determine which candidates are receiving electoral vote. The twelfth amendment requires that the council has to be done in the presence of lawmakers on which the vice President presides, but that this sort of power grab it
not justifiable under the constitution or under prevailing law, says any Mccarthy, and this this seems correct. None, that, but it's pretty obviously can avail, even if you agree with the argument that there is a solid legal grounds for challenging these electoral results, democratic control, the house they're not going to vote to throw out electoral college, but in these areas itself, when people say that the reason I ve lot of time on this is because their lot, you seem to want to turn this into some sort of conservative litmus test like. If you are truly conservative, your true believer, then you will will back these electoral college challenges. I think that there is a fairly salad Ok, so I say fellows I mean very solid conservative case to be made. There really undermining a bunch of fundamental principles that you're going to be sad. You undermine in five minutes and when you say, and the federal government should have the capacity to simply throw out electoral college votes on any since they want essentially without providing proper evidence. That is not a precedent you want to set Republicans in.
Financial elections have traditionally relied on electoral college to provide the mystery again, considering that, since nineteen eighty eight one election, two thousand four has been a popular vote. Victory for republican need that electoral college you know visit when it's gone, so don't screw around with this process. It is a mistake. It is also a mistake to make this the paramount consideration, considering that there is an actual big election coming up this week. The election of details Twenty happened in two thousand twenty. It is now two thousand twenty one in the next few days. There is a massive election as in tomorrow, there is a massive election in Georgia that election is going to decide control of the Senate, regardless of what sort of processes are attempted in the next week, regardless of the political positioning of various.
There's or Congress people, Joe Biden, will be certified the winner of the election he already was by these various states is now the question becomes what's going to happen in the Senate, just on a practical level. What's going to happen in the Senate, and the answer is: if Democrats take the Senate, it's going to be a full on disaster area. Republicans in Georgia get out and boat get out and vote by the way. Not just me saying this trump. His aim is his kids are saying this, his team in saying this get out and vote. You need to vote in Georgia. You cannot hand control of the Senate over to come Harris and Joe Biden. That's nuts. There is no rationale whatsoever for handing over to Senate seats rough Warnock Innings, a marxist, radical and John US off a trust fund. Socialist. Don't do it, don't I'm so David Purdue, who is who did beach
us off in orbit around. Yet he be John US off by about eighty thousand votes in last go round. He just missed by a few by a few votes finishing above that fifty percent mark that would have sent him back to the Senate producer the weak and economic pressure in charge, America's not gonna, be the same. That is correct. Bulwark against your binding common heritage to be a republican senate- do not blow it guys here is produce, add over the weekend secure. in America to make sure that we don't have a republican Senate majority so that we don't have to go we when these two seats, plus Como hairs breaking the charm it'll, be like getting sixty votes. When we take back the Senate and have the majority we will have a lot to do total democratic control. That's their goal. If they're in charge, America will never be the same. Save America vote for David Produce on January. Fifth, ok and the media are all in all in on an Janos off
They are all in an awesome all in on Raphael Warnock there they are, they are going at it with it with a vengeance from its it's amazing. It's amazing how hard they are. They are going for the Democrats, so Raphael Warnock, who was in this. This run off rabies us off. It is with Peru and Warnock is running against Kelly Leffler, so Our work is getting just the golden driven from media. Here's a headline from the New York Times our Raphael Warnock, Irrational radical who has said openly smack things was praised here. My right was praised. Louis Farrakhan, who has who did groundwork free a church visit from Fidel Castro, has this net job who, by the way, was brief, arrested for obstruction over investigation of child abuse of a summer camp back in the nineties. Then then later he was, he was released and cleared, whose whose ex wife suggested around or as foot with a car, her foot with
are in the day and that he was a liar and all of us that guy is being treated with just the greatest the greatest sort of kid gloves by media. Here's a headline from the New York Times, ready Raphael, worn out from the pulpits politics. It doesnt shy from uncomfortable truths. Wow what a hero, but here are now will that seems to me to hunting during my rights and uncomfortable truth that you being a jackass but recordings media. This makes you a powerful voice, a powerful voice. I mean just just incredible: So they did near time goes on and on about what a magical ethical man, Raphael Warnock, is the Washington Post has a piece of this all times. The media are just disgusting, disgustingly, partisan, biased and in an insane way they did cost trunk the election. No doubt lifestyle, lifestyle, section of the Washington Post, lifestyle, not opinion peace, lifestyle, Raphael, Warnock Camp for the moral high ground? What an amazing man he is he so amazing. For the past fifteen years, Warnock has been the senior pastor
at the storied Ebeneezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the same church once led by his your Martin Luther King, Jr, flamboyant, preacher, Palestine Warner cultivated, maybe alien to many, organs, including many white Christians, but it is deeply familiar to those who grew up in and around southern black churches in those churches preachers make it their business to tell uncomfortable truth, about american life, including the shameful ways the country treats its african american citizens, are what would a hero? What a hero? He is Meanwhile, the media oldest allow the Democrats to lie about women it's over and over and over again. So, for example, John US off suggested that Republican Kelly Leffler has been campaigning with a clansmen attache. Why it's an overt lie. Fallow leffler has taken picture of thousands of people, one of the people she too
she's with was clansmen. You know the guy, madam, but Matter John Joseph just goes on national tv and lies about it. He's not receive one iota of law back from the same media who claim their guardians of the truth, because in fact they are not there. Just guardians of Democrats. Here's the bottom line. Kelly Leffler has been campaigning with Clansmen Kelly Leffler has been campaigning, clansmen, and so she is stooping to these vicious personal attacks. To distract from the fact that she's can camp meaning with a former member of the coup Cox clan I mean we do. Better than that here in Georgia.
Just a lie, still lie, but using any fat check this out on the front page of the Atlantic Journal Constitution, whose Kelly Leffler Slough slapping the pathological liar John US off. Georgia knows that John US off is a pathological liar, he's a trust fund socialist, whose only job has been working for the Chinese Communist Party in recent years, and look here said he I forgot to tell lies about my campaign. Let's tell the truth about who he's campaigning where this is the truth, radical liberal feel Warnock has been involved in child abuse domestic abuse. So I'm not going to be lectured by some thirty three year old trust funds, socialist there's a pathological liar. I mean she she's right about this amazing. How
Often when I'm in that the media are trying to cram democratic power there trying to do it. If you're in Georgia do not sit out the election. I know you're pissed about what happened in twenty twenty. I know your turn. The page because what's coming next, can be a lot lot worse. If Democrats take control of the United States Senate by the way, speaking of just the media being a bag of garbage a couple of quick bag of garbage media stories for it. Right now. Ok, up bag of garbage media story. Number one. So remember that time when we are told the California is just wonderful with covered, a cover is great. I lived in L, a until very recently, and allay was just it was wonderful. They shut everything you can go out or dining you couldn't height, you can do a bunch of stuff for months at a time and they didn't amazing job crushed the curve right I mean they just an amazing amazing job. There is only one problem, in fact they did not to innovation job. You can crush the curve, but it turns out the curve. It then crushes you, because if you decide on a wide scale, lockdown then when people out. There will in fact, each other extraordinary rates and that's exactly what has been happening in L, a county which now posted its third highest singer.
in total for grown up cases escape Zanu years reporting. Nineteen thousand cases. That means that the last seven days there's an average of more than sixteen thousand new covered case today reported in the county about twelve times bigger than the comparable figure from November first and the highest figure ever recorded Vitale report. Friday push the average number of new daily covered cases over the last week to over sixteen thousand cisely around the same time, epidemiologist warn people infected around the Christmas holiday would begin to become infectious. The hospitals are being overwhelmed there being overrun in L, a county is a false a disaster area. Speaking a full scale. Disaster areas, the growth
covered again in New York, is getting pretty severe and Andrew Cuomo has an idiotic plan. So this bag of tools he's just in this awful often governor, who presided over the worst death rate in the United States, the exception in Jersey adjusted horror, horrifying deathray, tens of thousands of dead in his stake, you decide to shift the elderly back into nursing homes with govern this awful awful governor who suggested for months and hidden trust. A vaccine developed under the Trump Administration now, the sky is blowing it when it comes to trenching out the vaccine. So here's how it should be trenching advancing get because these things have expiration date once they're out of the fridge thereafter the fridge. The way then it should work is that everybody whose elderly gets a shot everybody was elderly, gets a shot. and if you at the end of the day- and there is nobody elderly around, you knock, you wait anybody whose there, because you don't want to waste the doses right, because once they're out of the fridge there done, I do you want
better that somebody who is not in line should get the shot, then that somebody doesn't get the shot who's, not line right yet like wasting. Mrs is idiotic. It makes no sense at all and in fact there are lots of countries that have been doing exactly right. Israel's earnings are excellent example: over a million people, I ve been vaccinated Israel. They drive through lines. You literally just get your car. You drive towards these drive through sitting at the shot can hear in Florida. There have been people lining At places where the shots our available there not wasting shot to Andrew Qualmless Plan, however, is he's so interested in the quarter. What prioritization, because he wants to know racial equity, achieve near the inoculation of a central workers who are disproportionately minority or some such nonsense, he is actually threatening to find people millions of dollars if they take the vaccine out of order. So you rather a vaccine,
What is be spoiled and they go to somebody out of work. Yours, this dog who's been treated as the godsend of of covet treatment, hair that yours, this moron Andrew Cuomo, I'm going to sign an executive order that says we're very clear that vaccines are a priority. There's not going to be any politics, it play it as to who gets a vaccine, and we look to the CDC federal government for guidance and We will not tolerate any fraud in the vaccination process. Anyone who engages in fraud is going to be held accountable, the executive order. I'm gonna signed today says a provider could be fined up to a million dollars and revocation of all state Licences ok, so your knowingly not eligible ray, come to the end of the day there. Nobody in line and there's a janitor there.
And he wants the vaccine. You given the Jenner, not supplying a million dollars and voters ratification is a recipe for losing doses of exit idiocy and that guy give that guy in any makes perfect sense to me, followed the science, the science speaking of which quick scientific know, the state of California, apparently over the over the holiday, they moved to change insurance language on double mastectomy for generous fourth emails from cosmetic to reconstructive, to ensure no age limit for the procedure. So if you're, a woman- and you believe the Euro mail and you wanna- have a double mastectomies, re gonna cut off your breast now to make sure that insurance companies cover it. They are suggesting that your breasts, our I'm, not kidding you this. How Californian describes normal human female brass ready quote abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects? That's right! You don't have a condition, call generous for you. What you have is an abnormal body. Your body is have
for having grown in direct relation to its genetic source. Bigger your breast are now abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects. Trust the science guys trust the science. I think that these people have everything well in hand ok, final note on the media out be remiss abiding cover the story because did did again blow up the break break. I a long show today, but we missed about weaken a half of news, so the New York Times continues to promulgate, cancel culture in extraordinary ways in extraordinary ways. So Damn Levin had apiece over over the holiday, that's just insane was called a racial slorc viral video and a reckoning. A white high school student withdrew from our chosen college, for three. Second, video causing uproar online classmate sure to publicly has no regrets. So what is it? Is this story? The shows you how far culture is is trashed miss what we gotta fight back in the country. I ask, as our culture is trashed according to the New York Times, the z, multiple thousand word story from the Euro Times quote
Jimmy Gallagher was in history class last school year when his phone book with a message once you clicked on it, he found a three second video of white cloth looking into the camera and uttering and anti black racial slorc the floor. He said was regularly hurled classrooms, and always, throughout his years, in a loud and county school district, he brought up the issue to teachers and diminished. There's not much was anger in frustration has complained to go nowhere pay so he held the video and then he made a decision owed ricochet around these burg. Virginia attend for an ancestor of the Confederate General Robert E Lee, neither in train connected fifteen year old girl. Robert E Lee by the name of the town is excellent. Journalists maker from the New York Times quote, is from Gallagher, whose mothers blackened father is white. wanted to get her where she would understand the severity of that word. He tucked the video away deciding to posted publicly when the time was right. Ok, so this has a sociopath
how about ok is a sociopath behaviour to when you're fifteen years old took away. A video of person was fifteen early who seventeen, I guess in this kid was fifteen- took away the video a fifteen year old to wreck her life because she said- and I can you is it- what she said was she's hiding right for the first time she looked in camera and said I can drive Edward, but the onward was was not like with the are at the end. It was with. The aid, gee right like commonly used and word in rap music, which again is gross, and there should be a distinction is the double standard should obviously did not mean it as he racial snore against black people. In that, that's perfectly obvious from the video should a fifteen year old girl who is doing the rap Doug, it's kind of crap that the media have decided is actually good idea for people to do this issue. Does that this sociopath kid decides to hold back that video until the girl is admitted to college,
to release it online to get her thrown out of college and the New York Times cheers this as a reckoning as a reckoning. They want to ruin your life. They want to the media want to ruin your life. They want every facebook thing you have ever put up every tweet with ever said anything you have ever uttered to be on tape, so they can hold them back and then use it as a club against you to ruin your life when the time is right and to teach a broader lesson. What brought a lesson must not other than this: kid is a jerk and your tens disgusting. Gallagher had not seen the video before receiving at last school year by which time here Hopes were seniors by the interests varsity cheer. Captain dreamed of it University of Tennessee Knoxville, whose jerking was raining national champion when she made the team in May, or parents celebrated with occasion orange balloons. According to the university, the universities official color the next month as protests were sweeping the nation groves in a public Instagram post urge people to protest, donate sign a petition rally and do something in support of be alive and then Gallagher released. The video
so she did. The liberal, woke, signalling and he's had not met up. Here's a video of you doing a bad thing, but I'm going to do We interpret it as racist and therefore in your life you said that you are in favour of Belgium and then your attempts cheers it shares it. grocers removed from university charity. She withdrew from the school. Under pressure from admissions officials, shoes many incoming freshman across the countryside admissions offers revoked by these two dozen universities- For videos emerged on social media. This is the culture the left wants to create. This is the culture war. It should be fought at every single turn and the media you gotta replace them is why should subscribe daily while we're trying to replace them these jack ass? It should not have any power disgusting from New York Times disgusting from that fellow student gross. All the way around our I will be back here today with an additional. Our venture bureau show in the meantime go check out the microbial show on today's,
MIKE will be talking about costs invading homes to break up new year's parties as a thing that that was actually happening. That episode is available right now, I'm entropy- or this is the bench appearance, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to reveal. on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including Andrew Klavan, show it Michael moles shelf and that, while show thanks for listening event, appear on show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer. Jeremy, boring are, Revising producers are math, is clever and Robert Sterling production men her Papa white asking our associates, There's a Rebecca Doyle, interbank dominions shows edited by Adam Silent, audio is audio, is mixed. Call me no hair and make up is my father. Yola, Christina Production assistant just A grant? The bench Euro show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty
but public and senators and congressmen try to save Trump by following a strategy that I suggested last month famous racial minority turns out to be a white poser cops invade homes to break up new year's parties, check it out on the Michael ownership.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-07.