« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1154 - The Feds Investigate Hunter Biden


In a shocking development, Hunter Biden announces he’s being investigated by the feds for tax issues; YouTube announces it will crack down on videos alleging election fraud; and Trump’s last-ditch lawsuit strategy comes down to Texas.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In a shocking development, Hunter Biden announces he's now being investigated by the feds for tax issues. Youtube finances will cry Helen videos, alleging watch and fraud and from last ditch lawsuit strategy comes down to Texas adventure. Pair of this is the bench here, I'll show you Shapiro Show is sponsored by Express it BP and protect your online privacy today at Express gps dot com slashed by getting into all the news, and let me just tell you that what we say fired today on this show so hold on to your hat, we'll get to that in just one second, but ass have out putting some real silver in your loved ones stocking in this year. That is right now, through December. Twenty first for every five thousand bucks you spend with birch gold group on physical gold or silver or investing in a precious metals IRA Brcko will send you bonus silver, which is an awesome sacking stuff, especially given the fact that you should be diverse
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Although it doesn't matter the states are certifying? This is all a threat to democracy. Deep, dark threat to democracy. Pushing this agenda last night was, of Course Blackwood Chris Cornel CNN. So here is Chris Cuomo last night laying out the case right. He has an officer of the court is standing up for democracy. This moment will be remembered for what happens next, and I want to be on record to you and to all as an American as a journalist and as an officer of the court Trump and his party, or trying to kill our democracy with these efforts and I accuse them of this high crime tonight. This is wrong, and now, let me just say in no uncertain terms, these people are full of so much crap. Their eyes are now brown If they start off with their eyes are turning brown. There are so full of crap is spilling out their ears from boots to the top of their head
They are full of absolute unmitigated, crap, hey they did. The fact is that if the our is dying, is largely due to the effect of people are turning out. The lights of democracy is dying in darkness. The people for enforcing the darkness are the members of your esteemed journalistic Media you're journalist accelerate these objective news reporters here, because it s turns out yesterday very late. Last night it broke that hundred Biden President's like Son now says that federal prosecutors are probing his taxes. Now, I'm old enough to remember when the New York Post was banned from twitter because they pose story about a hundred buttons laptop in which talks about the fact that he was engaged in an affair is going on in foreign countries and that those enough is going on? We have had some tax consequences. In fact, in Europe of stories talk about his connections with China. They talk about the possibility of connections between Joe Biden and his brother and his son within Europe. Post stories talked about all this and they were banned from twitter. Facebook preemptively decided to downgrade the stories.
As you know, these have been subjected to fetch. I get so pending a factual, we're downgrading them miss. Meanwhile, members of that same established journalistic meat. the people were guarding democracy from the presentations of the evil Trump card Ray Those same jack asses? They were spending their days, suggesting that the New York stories were actually russian destined. For me, based on nothing, but some literally nothing. Maybe Get the headlines from the members of the media before the election. Here are some. seven years of headline hundred Biden story. Russian does info dozens of former EL official say more than fifty former intelligence visuals signed a letter casting doubt on the problem when Europe Post story on a former vice presidents son at no point, did Hunter by an ever at any point deny that the laptop was his or that the material on the laptop was At no point did you offer detail defensive his activities, nor, at any point, did you offer
detailed explanation, what his relationship was with Joe Biden and whether job I knew that who's running around the country and for and abroad, basically trapping India. Fucking, Daddy's name because now here is, the let headline today, justice departments, interest in hundred and covered more than TAT is so what what? What changed question? What changed glance was nothing it turns that has been under investigation since two thousand eighteen, since two thousand eighteen, so your entire media spent the last year and a half covering up any allegations of hundred widens corruption or any allegations that that corruption was connected in any way to Joe Biden and they suggested with Russia. is no relation and they had other journalistic outlets like in Europe posted downgraded or suspended, and they and the dissemination of the story, my twitter account, and they did all of these things just before the election, The election happens in all. Look at that political as normal, that the Justice Department, interesting Hunter Biden, covered more than taxes and these people have the temerity to suggest that the threats demur
Brazil is coming from somewhere else. These folks are the threats to democracy when your media or charge with providing you information decide that they are ones the arbiters of what information you are allowed to see, and not only that they're going to bully social media companies into insured you can't see the alternative information, because remember it's not just the place like in your times and C B, S, news and political, and all these other journalistic outlets refused to report certain facts about hundred Biden and investigate certain facts about hundred Biden is that they actively stumped. To prevent social media from disseminating information from websites like the daily wire, in fact of the matter, is that the Euro Times has several activists on its payroll, whose sole job apparently is just to lobby Facebook, too oh great traffic from places like the daily wire these the people who are the threat to democracy? You wonder why there's no systemic trust! You wonder why the trust in institutions is way down, because it's not just the people, don't trust the media anymore. It's that anything! The media talk about is now tainted.
Hey. If the media say that the election is fraud, the election is fraudulent. We don't believe you and if the media say that the election is good, we are also going to believe you, because we don't trust. You see it's not just the media's disgusting, nefarious partisanship. Gratings objectivity impact We view the media is that ever the media says something about another topic. We now no longer believe what they have to say because, after all, our news media are supposed to be our prism into the rest of the world. So we believe that the prism is broken if we believe that the glasses media are providing to us, are sunglasses. Their blocking out light. That's going to affect our interpretation of facts across the spectrum. It's going to lower in other institutions of the media, say people we dont trust, say you should trust acts or does it? We don't trust ex anymore. That's what's happening here. If there is in institutional trust in America, and there certainly is it begins with the media, but it doesn't stop. There is no infused into the bloodstream of the american political system again, just as if
you knew you had a friend, ok to turns out. Your friend was a liar and a cheat and Europe then came the news liar and achievements, and you know we should trust. You should trust this guy over here. Would you trust that guy the answers, but now maybe you should trust the guy, maybe that guy's Action goodbye. Maybe your friend the wire and cheat is actually in this one circumstance. But you have no way of telling that and if it turns out that your first Why aren't you has also restricted your access to other information to verify whether this third party is good or bad. Then, you are more likely than not do not believe what he has to say. That is the main street. media today that's the way, free media, the mainstream media- are not merely about not providing the facts about actively covering up that preventing themselves from investigating the facts, drawings looks like show Atkinson out of work if they try to investigate particular stories, and then
social media companies and trying to prevent you from getting another story from another group of people. That's what they do. Then they put democracy dies and darkness at the head of their fate. Newspapers traditionalists. Don't I say that the Washington posted a vagueness neighbour? I don't mean that there are great investigative journalists in the washing most business. Add part a lot of what people do. The Washington post is useful. The same thing is true: many of the reporters at the New York Times, but when you over all turn your brand into bed simply a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party and makes it impossible for people to distinguish what is true from what is false makes it impossible for people to trust you on any issue, ranging from how we should act with Aren't you covered to how we should believe you with regard to foreign? coherence in american elections. We just don't know what to believe and then, when you, you censorship, nor to quash everybody else. It makes us
Is that your seriously lying to us? What gets more of this in a second has to bring its details. This undermine story. It's amazing. All this stuff was available before the election and don't tell me that it doesn't effect in election when you prevent the public from seeing things. What One is that in two thousand, sixteen the media actually sort of did their jobs by reporting on here couldn't emails, and then they were so regretful and the fact that trunk was elected. They decided they would never again cover a story that hurt a Democrat in the last month of a campaign. It's that simple! That's all that happened here and you can see it. you can see it. You did because any time anybody mention anything about hundred Biden like one Maggie Haven, tweeted out the hundred by an story from the Europe host. Jews immediately swamped with its. You know me of other you're always telling her not to do it. These are activists, they are not. Was there damned wires and they are destroying the basis for that. The funding Bases of a democracy is again
one thing to have a variety of new sources. You pick from its another thing to have a dominant establishment media that prevents you from seeing any of the other sources that are available to you and that's. What's going on, gets more of this in just one second, first, let's talk about the fact that if you are running a business, there's ones She's, you don't think about too much. Money can absolutely destroy your business. I'm talking course about age are issues that can kill you wrongful today, seeds, minimum wage requirements, labour regulations and HIV your salaries on cheap there, an average of seventy thousand bucks a year, Bambi they'll, be a and b e was created, specifically for small business. You get a dedicated hr manager, craft age, our policy and maintain your compliance averages. Ninety nine bucks a month, damn. You can change hr from your biggest liability to your biggest strength, dedicated Atra manager is available by phone or real time chat, manure determinations. They customize your policies, if it your business and how we manage our employees, data, J, ravages. Ninety nine bucks, a month to month, no hidden, feeding cancelling
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though he is getting special treatment under me. What I learned yesterday for the first time that the Eu S attorneys Cinderella were advised. My legal counsel also yesterday that they are investing in my tax affairs. this matter very seriously, but I am confident a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate. I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including, but the benefit of professional tax advisers used to turning for delawares office, declined to comment on an ongoing. Investigation His nose can weeks after an election campaign in which President Donald Trump and his allies made unfounded and baseless claims of corruption regarding Hunter Biden in his father, how do you of their unfounded and baseless. If you refuse to do the basic reporting NBC News and what exactly are the unfounded baseless claims without pay the price, Joe Biden knew about what is and was doing because that was not unfounded and baseless. I mean that's exactly one hundred business partners only babblings he was saying publicly, doesn't unfounded and baseless of mediator. did it as unfounded baseless, because they obviously having in this light, the alleged two hundred by users, fathers, influence
himself their business deals in Ukraine in China, and that is father not only facilitated but that he benefited financially from provided. No It is for these claims, in the story, you can see the absurd anti factual bias. They allege by uses fathers influence to enrich themselves through business deals in Ukraine thing alleged that hundreds overtly admitted that in a public interview on national television, they asked Hunter Biden. Wouldn't you have gotten age on the Burmese, my board, having no experience and natural oil or gas or Ukraine. If you're nay, more bite me said absolutely not, of course he was using his father's influence. Of course, he was doing all of these things. We know that there are companies founded and in their founding document, to talk about using Hunter binds influence with daddy and Washington DC. We know that is the case, because we ve seen the documents and now we're and told by NBC News that the term coming making those baseless allegations. They weren't baseless, you catch it and want to investigate them. Even one report them, you still don't one report them
but then the allegation that uses dad made to get rich in Ukraine. That is in actual fact, that he has admitted to, however, says NBC News Hunt and his Ex wife Kathleen Buell hadn t Revenue service. Lean against them for tax is not paid possible, including interested, he's telling a hundred twelve thousand dollars until this past March, according to publicly available documents? The documents held by the Iris show the tax limits placed on Hunter and Buell in November twenty nineteen. It is not immediately clerval has anything to do with the investigation. The Biden team then put out this pathetic statement quote president's, like Biden, is deeply proud of his Son was fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months. Only to emerge stronger, well, listen, he's a good dad he's got a right to be proud of his son, I'm not sure what about hundred items make you proud, it's not like there's a lot there that make you proud hunter, but with that said, did the idea of these are vicious personal attacks. Note that just calls reporting, especially when it turns out that the entire Biden
and has been widely reported everywhere from the left or the right, including a big new Yorker story. Just a couple years ago, the entire Biden clan has has used influence and its end and daddy's name in order to get rich it that is unchallenged. now turned others even more to the story. So CNN now, they're allowed to investigate rights intends lie to cover this now after months of suggesting that end Questions about hundred Biden were simply made up and we should just ignore them, because it is a distraction from trumps threat to democracy. Now got Evin prison. Pamela Brown CNN reported after going quite in the months before the election federal authorities are actively in to getting the business dealings of Hunter Biden. A person with knowledge of the probe said his father presents electoral body is not implicated now the election is over. Investigation is entering a new phase, federal prosecutors Delaware working with the IRA Criminal Investigation Agency and the FBI are taking overt steps, such as issuing subpoenaed,
in seeking interviews the person with knowledge that now I have a question: why do they wait until the election was over? Why cheers what the rationale because they wanted to a binding end of story. That's all, typically, legal investigations do not get held up contingent on the person's proximity to an election, that's insane that's an insane act of corruption, there's no crazy! That is the view prosecutors we're on the trail of a candidate or candidates. Famine Member, and they decided not to put him off until after the election, because you just don't want to interfere in the election. That is election interference and too much interference. If it vanka Trump had committee, a crime, and you are under investigation and the fact that you know it there's an election coming up which can put this thing off until I just after the election that the election interference. The same is obviously true of Hunter Biden in the first three Our of the CNN story. They mention the election three times three times three paragraphs: the relevance of the election quote: activity
in the investigation of had gone covert in recent months. Due to justice, having guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election. The person said so, first of all. If, if there are actual guidelines from the Justice Department saying you can't take overt act, meaning. You can't take perfectly legal action because it might affect an election that affect an election. What actually, happened here as members of the G o J decided that they didn't want get caught in. The James call me trap of twenty sixteen having to publicly investigate one of the candidates or a family member of the candidates. They didn't want the heat they didn't all the rage brought about Did you not ordinary this until after the election and the media? In the exact same thing, we're not gonna cover this until after the election, and now the election is over and guest. But now the deal J can move forward and worship from the media and we're supposed to trust these legal institutions and apparently are dedicated to not affecting an election by directly impacting an election that, since this is madness
is all madness, and then you wonder why there are conspiracy theories blooming. You wonder why people are suspicious of election fraud. You wonder why people dont trust the system, maybe because, if you don't trust the media or the prison to view the system and if it turns out that members of the system are engaged corrupt activities. They were in twenty. Sixteen with regard going Africa repaid with a bad Pfizer warrant with regard to pumping stew, ass. He ate through the federal government via a Hillary Clinton law firm, if you don't trust the system because of that, and if you trust the system, because before the twenty twenty election. They decided. They were not going to investigate Hunter Biden because we too close to the election. It might be that somebody might draw the perfectly understandable if incorrect conclusion that the entire system is not worth thrusting. How many I can go back to well before people say you know we're done. That's one of the What is happening here so now, He and uncontacted binds attorney in the campaign this week. Seeking comments about the investigation.
on Wednesday, the released a statement in knowledge and the publication of this is the key right there. Ok, that is the key. It is not that Hunter Biden was the first person to find out about the investigation. Cnn knew about the investigation. They say so they openly admit in the CNN story. Again, let me read that more slowly CNN contacted by attorney and the campaign this week she can comment about the investigation on Wednesday. Three after CNN contacted them their release day statement acknowledging the probe probe. Look at that. That means the media hundred was not the first to know the media new as well members of CNN Report Oreo Gang New, which means that they could have known before the election, because guess what this investing has been ongoing according to CNN, since two thousand and eighteen. Is it madness which is immoral, in just one thing: you you're, not mad you're not watching seriously, should be pissed talk about rigging the election in people die
broader, voter regularity. Now the way you Riggin election is by taking the entire media infrastructure using it as cover for the democratic candidate. Hiding information and then, as you will see, trying to mould I social media crackdown on anybody who actually report than information. That's how you reckon election. The way european election is by prevent the american public from seeing information that they need to see. Meanwhile, focusing all of your air on one candidate, the media design, this election period end of story. That is what happened here, aided and abetted by people, apparently in the just carbon announcing the hundred binding, swung the election to Trump. I'm saying that there is a consistent pattern, the media refusing for port anything about Joe Biden, anything at all consistent pattern. Social media attempting to do great information unfavourable towards democratic candidates, and this has Impact gets more of this in just one second, first a human staring and screens all day long. They mean many of us across the country been locked in our homes for months on end
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Or to hearing how the entire russian dossier was orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. Cousin was Hillary Clinton and her and her law firm and through which he was wandering steel dossier, you didn't hear this kind of language. From CNN about Steel dossier, the F B, I took let's have been late: twenty nineteen according to come repairman in Delaware, who showed reporters a copy of a subpoena The peanut is real according to people briefed on the matter, but the FBI and prosecutors in Delaware have refused to confirm the existence of the investigation is unclear whether the laptops contents are relevant ongoing federal problem and whether Invest there's can even use them given potential chain of custody requirements for evidence, CNN is bringing They reported that only some of the information Giuliani claims came from laptop appear, so or information those being shared by others last year in Ukraine. During these efforts to dig up dirt on the buttons in Ukraine last year, with the heart of trumps, impeachment investigation intangible appears to predate those efforts.
As a decision and attempting to defend its own shoddy work in suggesting that the entire story was russian disinformation. When it turns out that every element of the story was apparently drew, the involvement of prompt we are in the public news stories on the purported by the laptop led to a flurry of activity by rebel the law makers and the trunk campaign looking to amplify allegations of corruption. Ahead of the election, the F b I met with former Hunter Biden, business associates who publicly made claims about potential wrongdoing. The FDA issued a statement at the times in court as a general matter, one contacted the F B. I reviews information from the public for consideration of any violations of applicable federal laws, the political implications of the poor already have been an issue in recent months from William Barney. A dream was under public pressure from from to make contributions, business activities in election issue today, investigation does not involve any allegations. Wrongdoing by the President Elect, according to the two main sources briefed on the matter. Ok, but here is the key of the story already investigators,
to be focused on Hunter buttons, business activities connected to China. Again, this is a key element of the new post story. Media went nuts and the fact is that Hunter Biden was involved in various activity in China, which we all know, because you say Air force to with dad to China to secure a billion dollar mon deals, release investments. Some of his business in China are publicly known through interviews and documents released in September by Senate Republicans on the finance Committee and the Committee on Homeland Security and government affairs so CNN. After his father left office and twenty seventeen hundred by worked on securing a deal with sea, FC, China, energy, to invest in Europe's energy products. According to documents released by Republicans, one of the matters investigators have examined. Is they twenty seventeen gift of a two point? Eight Kara diamond Hunter received from Cfcs, founder and former chairman you show me: every Miami business meeting, one person briefed on the matter said in twenty nineteen Biden. Provided the New Yorker magazine accounts receiving that diamond from ye. He told the new Yorker he felt uncomfortable receiving it.
whether associates he doesn't know what they did with it. I knew wasn't a good idea to taken just felt weird. He said in his new Yorker interview. Apparently he said the sea S ideal fell through you. Didn't care We need to be a shady character. Chinese authorities later detained ye amid chinese media reports of corruption. Allegations against him receiving such a gift could have potential tax implications. Of course, sources say that investigators have been looking into other Biden properly reported his income for tax purposes over a period of time. Also, The button had been involved in an earlier chinese business venture that drew concerns in the Obama Whitehouse Andrew by staff. According to the new Yorker and twenty thirteen hundred I became involved with. U S in chinese partners who are creating an investment fund could be our partners for deals outside of China, hundred light, was an unpaid member of the Bee Atra Board and took an equity stake after Daddy left office according to the new Yorker snouts? Ok for the CNN report on this right at the time it was just a big big distraction from all the election issues now so can report at the elections over. But you trust these, but we should trust me
We need more of this insanity, I mean really is it you should give you Harper how much you have been lied to hear it should give you heartburn how much people who claim to be objective have become just mouthpieces for the Democrats and then decide their timing based on elections. First, let us talk for a second about the best clothes available. I am talking about calling for better or worse twenty twenty, his kicked off the work from home. Here everybody is asking one big question: what exactly we supposed where you need to wear it if there's a meeting, probably not, but you actually want unwarlike- swept hands unbeatable teacher. Instead, you need cuts clothing. It is the perfect solution to your work from home, wardrobe confusion. Cuts is the best in the world to make technical apparel for the sport of business in a t, shirt, polos, hoodies. These things are quality about style, you can work in the office on a date anywhere in between I, basically only where it cuts clothing, in twenty sixteen seem Borelli was struggling to find the perfect you should he wanted something that had enough quality too one professional at work, but no style for night out. You couldn't find anything to fit the bill, so matters into his own hand, cut started in twenty sixteen making much
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And covers this: according to Vienna, come in an interview with CNN strict happened last week, president like buying pledge to maintain an independent geo, J, free of political influence, sure sure, Publicans and Congress as yet and are almost certain to see he's on the existence of the prob up every time democratically, a bad thing? It means the Republicans or about two pounds. Little kittens pounds in accounts or, alternatively, Joe Biden son is corrupt. Is that it one Republicans in Congress, as you know, are almost certain disease on the existence of the probe to further their argument that hundred binds activities in China Our sign of his father's conflict of interest when it comes to dealing with foreign policy with Beijing will mean that would see to be an issue would not considering that. We now have information that not only have the Chinese deployed spies that successfully infiltrated the offices of both Eric swallow and apparently the bed allegedly of Eric swallow as well as the as of Centre Diane Feinstein. We know from intelligence reports. The Chinese desperately wanted Joe Biden when this election, so maybe
Suspicion would be warranted funny because we got four years and suspicion that tramples a russian agent. Now, of course, we're supposed to dismiss all possibility that perhaps Joe Biden could be influenced by the fact that the Chinese, or so to his son, it's likely going to be an issue that binds Agee nominee will have to face during a Senate confirmation hearing according to CNN, binds likely attorney general. Can that will probably be refusing themselves in the same way the just sessions, it gives you a member of the campaign, but that this whole thing just thinks it stinks to high Heaven the hold up thanks to high Heaven Joseph Simon said, and in June done. Lady of the Washington examine, reporting back in October, that hundreds it was aiming to avoid violating the foreign corrupt practices act in pursuit of chinese business deals. So it's not like this. Wasn't known months ago before the before the election it was, it was reported, just wasn't reported by any of the sources at Facebook. Wanted you to see according to the Washington examiner again, this is late October Hunter Bind made a clear one of his goal: was for him and his associates to avoid violating
and high bribery, foreign corrupt practices act or having to register as foreign agents as he pursued potentially lucrative deals with the Chinese Communist Party? to company according to newly released tax from Ex business partner, Tony Babble Linsky, matter what it will need, no matter what still needs to be a? U S, company at some level, in order for us to make bids on federal and state funded projects. Also, we all want to have to read. first foreign agents under the F C p, a which is much more expensive than people who should know she's not to know James has very particular opinions about this. So I'd ask him about the foreign entity Biden texted of Babylon Ski I may first at twenty seventeen, regardless, we should have done. Were corporation and called see. Fc America and ownership should be fifty me fifty them. We then cut up our fifty in a separate entity between the four of us, create that company call it be W B, G or whatever is just to pass through. So there are openly talking and I had a game of the foreign corrupt practices act and just have been afforded by no mainstream media sites. All of these extra available, all this stuff
Mills were available by Linsky was doing interviews, and yet it didn't it didn't none of a better amazing. Just just amazing, because the media or more focused on protecting Joe Biden, electoral chances, then reporting the news to you. It is simply that easy, it's that easy, speaking of which is not merely that you're establishment media have decided that important that you view only what they allow you to view. It decided the not allowed to view things that they don't want you to view. So? This is an amazing amazing. What they're about wave where you so there there's a man named Steve CALL Steve CALL: is the dean of Colombia Graduate School journalism? I disagree. journalism over here. You call he was on MSNBC yesterday, and this really does explain: where are your journalist butterfly and is not merely that they wish to provide the filter? It's that they wish to prevent you from accessing other sources of information. So he literally says: does the dean of grass school of journalism at Columbia, University, perhaps most prestigious journals.
School America, suggesting that freedom of speech is itself a problem. Freedom of speech is a problem because Then you might not get these sort of journalism in your use. You from your objective new sources. journalists being all over the place, all the people pleasure in themselves, Jeffrey Tube style, two pictures of the democratic campaign, all of those people wouldn't be your own resource and that's bad. We don't want that to happen, says the dean of the be a graduate school of journalism. Here esteem call summing up. Vision of so many of our journalistic butters. Those of us in journalism have to come to terms with the fact that free speech, a principle that we ve, sacred is being weapon ized against the principles of journalism. And what do we do about that you say you know, as as reporters we march into this war with our fact noblesse shouldered as if they going to win the day, and what we're seeing is that because The scale of this alternate reality that you ve been talking about our facts. Opera
suppose armed scientific method. It isn't enough. So what do we do? So what do we do? Any answer is what they do. Is they try to pressure social media and preventing other people from reporting this summit? been experiencing with Facebook, the last several months right before, election and right after the election. It turns out that, according to the New York Times, Facebook changed its algorithm to elevate news sources that they deemed to be high quality? What were those high quality new resources? Let's think about? Oh look at that. It's the New York Times, shocker seniority, has come and without their everyday yelling that people like me, when my Facebook page has wide reach. That's bad. Jean Valjean Oak is wide reach. That's bad fosters has wide reaching super bad and then Facebook magically changes its algorithm right before the election in right in the aftermath of the election to downgrade the new sources that you, like it were of new sources you're trying to avoid by going to Facebook in the first place and whose pressuring them to do that, your betters in the media they love speech restrictions, isn't it
We are opposed to speech restrictions that you don't speak restrictions on them, but for everybody else there in favour of speech restrictions now noticed the inconsistency here. I have defended at every step of the way the right of the your attempts to publish whatever the damn hell it once I have defended the rights of people. I radically disagree with to cover things in ways that are radically doesn't where they have that right. I think they're wrong to cover things the way they cover up, but they have will be that right. I've never called for the downgrading of a job mystic source or an opinion new source on places like Facebook or Youtube. Arturo have defended people from exactly that sort of stuff. How I've defending people that I think you have warble, evil views from being fired from their jobs if their horrible we'll you have nothing to do with their jobs, and that is the way that you, you should act of your first moment advocate. That's not the way. The democratic- that's not the way, members the media at members
media are interested in changing your mind about the issues and the best way to change your mind is to close your mind in the best way to closure. Mine is to prevent you from seeing any alternative sources of information, which is why we should see it as somewhat dangerous that the Biden team has now appointed Rick's tangle as the under Secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. He was done that he had that job actually under Obama, twenty thirteen and now apparently single is unbind transition team to head the? U S, agency, global media, an agency that oversees what public service me in networks and provide unbar is to news and information in countries where the press is restricted, so he's much in favour of open journalism in free speech and news reporting, except for the fact that in two thousand Levin, he wrote a time cover peace featuring a picture of the kind situation in the headlines, and does it still matter in that peace? You said: quote
pat ourselves on the back about the past one or two and twenty three years, but we cannot let the constitution become an obstacle to the: U S is moving into the future, with a sensible healthcare system, a globalized economy in evolving sense of civil and political rights. The constitution does not protect our spirit of liberty. Our spirit of Liberty protects The constitution it constitution serves the nation. The nation does not serve the constitution so because it it is completely malleable and then in twenty nineteen he went further. Here's what he argued in an upward for the Washington Post quote as a government official, travelling around the world, championing the virtues of re speech. I came to see him first amendment standard is an even more sophisticated arab diplomats that I don't did not understand why the first amendment allows them to bring the Koran. Why they asked me. Would you ever work to protect that? Ok, so that these support. Defenders of free speech inside the binding are openly saying that they don't like free speech that they think free speech is bad. That free speech ought to be quashed not by the way just to affect American
and apparently, but also to avoid offending the sensibilities of people in other countries. This is is what we're supposed to believe that people, stand for American valued by the way that that was from David, her son he's peace in national view November. Eleventh twenty twenty hither. The fact of the matter is this: your media Trang shut you down, which brings us to you too, so come to Youtube in just one second, because Youtube has now set a brand new magical standard on what sort of videos they are going to take down we'll get to that in just one moment. First, let us talk about your sleep so I'll admit to you, I'm in a bad mood, not just because of the news today and the fact that you're being lied to you on a regular basis by people who are not supposed to lie to you, but also because makers woke me up with a thousand times last night to my baby daughter. What goes up at eleven thirty controls to the two thirty than shoulders, five, thirty or in those fleeting moments between
being woken up I needed to sleep, and this is why I relied on my personalized mattress from Keeluk sleep he'll sleep has acquitted, takes just two minutes to complete. It matches your body type and sleep references to the perfect mattress for you. Why would you buy a mattress made for somebody else with helix you're? Getting a mattress you know will be perfect for the way you sleep, everybody's, unique helix knows that if several different mattress models to choose from, if sauce medium for mattresses, mattresses for killing you down. If you sleep hot, even a helix plus matters for plus size folks has been awesome, getting unboxing videos from so many of the you'd gotten you helix mattress. It's really Corleone box. It just inflates written funny, its awesome if you're looking for a mattress, take the quays or the mattress and the mattress Confregit Georgia for free you need to go to mattresses ever again, he is awesome. You'll need to take my word for it
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they are joining is not even all the new content bringing which will get you in just one. Second, it is the fact that the very establishment media that is restricting your right to get information that is militarily attempting to shut the access to information. Those people have to be stopped. They do and the best way to stop them is by joining up with organizations like daily Wire to fight them on every front to provide an alternative source of information, because they just will bring all the information. to provide an alternative source of culture because the cultural wars are on you. You need to join the fight and want to wait. You join the bite is by helping companies like this one, bring you the commission at the unique, because I promise you they're gonna, try it may happen. They're gonna try to shut off the spigots. The you actually cannot see our information is. The next step will talk about that in a second show, but by the way when you subscribe, you also get a bunch of duties. So, for example, we are adding these Prager. You catalogued daily weren't, I come Michael moles show is now five days a week, which is more content for members to enjoy harmony between new stuff next year can do so
and is joining the daily wire and national. We are launching first feature under daily where's upcoming, proclaiming channel I've, seen it kind of autumn or building a new castigated journalism teams urine have rely on these jokers will suppressed permission prior to an election, so God side the narrative head on over to daily work to combat slash, subscribe and join the fight. Also, have you seen the thing look at us? Indeed, this is the new improve leftist years tumblr keep those leftist years hot or cold in a new stainless steel side with a custom daily wireless, this is snazzy stuff and you get them when you become a subscriber so had an over to daily wired outcomes. Lush subscribe right now. into the largest fastest growing concern upon casting radiation. The nation
and the fact that the media suppressed all this stuff is not the whole story. It's also the big tech suppressed it remember in New York, Post was banned from twitter. Account was shut for trying to report to undermine story. If you try to tweet out that story, they suppressed retweet. Remember that Facebook preemptively shut down a hundred my story is pending. A fact before there was Even a fat check before there is, in fact they shut down the the distribution of the information. It's absolutely mebbe maddening in his madness. The fact that anybody trust these jokers in big tech or in social media or in the press is beyond me. Why would you possibly trust them? Ok? Well, now Youtube has announced that a changing its policies. Ok, so here is what they just least their release. This statement yesterday quote we just heard an update on Youtube selection efforts, including Howard
and link community guidelines pertaining to election related misinformation, our policies disallow contents, alleging that widespread fraud or errors change the outcome of a historical you US presidential election. We allow this type of commentary for current elections, as election officials worked to finalize counts December. Eighth was the safe harbour deadline for the US presidential election states need to resolve contested elections by then and enough states of now certified their election results to determine a president elect. Ok, so just to be fair. We should note at this point that the election date, the date on which the election is essentially over, is not December. Eight. That's the safe harbour provision. Court challenges It still overturned safe harbour versions December fourteenth when the electoral college votes, that is when the sucker is over case out their preemptively, declaring it over. Obviously, because if we're going just talk about legal dates, December eighth does not mean nearly as much as December fourteenth when the electoral college actually means to vote, and even that doesn't mean as much as I believe. Can euro six when that final Electoral College voted certified, I believe by the House of representatives. Lay the process works, but Youtube is taking the pre emptive action based
as such starting today, we will remove new content uploaded on or after December, ninth twenty twenty alleging that widespread fraud or errors change the outcome of the two thousand twenty you US presidential election, for example, we'll remove videos claiming that a presidential candidate won the election as result of widespread software glitch. or accounting errors, this isn't with our approach toward historical. U S, presidential elections, content that includes surfing context may remain on Youtube similar to how we allow covert nineteen medical misinformation that violate our policies to exist in videos with other contexts that debunks it, for example, if you're content impact of yours, Eve, automated emails from our system regarding this content as a ramp up, our worth that will initially remove violet of videos without giving a strike after an operation day, we'll start giving strikes and taking down accounts. Basically, ok! So a couple of things here: they're, not gonna, move a single video claiming the talents from was not the legitimate president of the United States and twenty sixty, not one. Now what else can come down? So it's only a certain type of election fraud. It's only a certain type of claiming election was illegitimate, they're gonna take down. So if you say
that did this election was fraudulent because of vote counts or because a voter fraud or irregularity bodily all claims. I am sceptical of, as you know, if you say that Youtube will take down the video. If, however, you say Georgia, Georgia's Non when our states Abrams is actually the governor of Georgia. Thanks to voters, suppression that's days up in Hell as part of the DMZ. We can take that down. If you say the Donald Trump The legitimate president of the United States, because the Russians interfered in the election. Are they really that up? How? What what have you allege that Donald Trump was was made. President, because of russian interference in election, not indirectly or directly like a mess with the vote, count is Youtube going to take that down, not that I'm aware of this: is your social media betters deciding what you can and cannot do we're, not gonna, kill conspiracy theories. Do you really think that the way that you are going to the dissemination of information like this at theories about the Stealing of the US elections even be. You are going to kill those theories by having liberals
all gave money to Joe Biden, suppress the information. Good luck with that seriously. Good luck, but this is the goal, and it all ties into this basic But if you are on the right and it won't stop there by the way an envelope doesn't wanted to stop there they simply label anything you don't like. Just information will be one thing: if there are actually exact in there in their labeling of disinformation, they are not. They claim the Hunter Biden story was disinformation and a blank. Shut down on the hundred Biden story? They deal The content, the big tat grows in our proposal. they're, gonna restricted. You know well Verified Clint, that by the way they didn't that system the way that Facebook works. This thing is that they actually allow leftwing faction to give particular new sites in order to do great their contents on Facebook. So we just outsource the dinging, they outsource the censorship
and then they came, although not in control that I mean obvious that listen. We have our fact checked out org folks over there, and they say daily wire is not credible, is yet again and we believe them, because that their name is factually right there in the name is awful crap, it's awful crap. It is designed to restrict your access. It is designed to prevent how democracy is supposed to work, free flow of information, access information now. Does that mean that the solution is can be federal regulation? I have doubts about that, because I think that demo, are likely to take over the auspices of of running these companies. I think that if you create a meal, the oversight watchdog, renewed Social me oversight, watchdog in the federal government. Sooner or later, Elizabeth warnings are running it and then they just restricted from government as Is it social restriction outside, but could there be liability for companies that effectively promised their consumers that they're gonna have free and acts as a free and open access to information so long as it was not defamatory?
I don't see why there should be some sort of love of liability from customers were promised something else I think beyond that did the main theme here is that you got to find alternative source of information. It sounds self serving, but it happens to be true something to make a broader than this. You need to go subscribe, not just the daily wire to blaze. Tv need to go subscribe over to daily caller. You need to go. Some scrabble Breitbart any place that you want alternative source of information. You need to go subscribe today, because the bottom line is that they are going to try to shut down. Dissemination of information. This is what they do, it's what they're interested in doing and then they wonder why people are so sceptical of the of the media in ITALY, the media, all the institutions surrounding the media, because we're being gaslight we're being ass. It let letting it be a great example: ok uncovered so lotta media coverage right now. The fact that many Americans are sceptical of covert regulations. One of the reasons we are sceptical of covert regulation
is because the media got this thing wrong from the beginning, a bullshit it every way it was possible to baulk at first. They said thing was not particularly dangerous in February, using adult from xenophobic for shutting down the borders, then they suggested that mass were really not. coordination where them, then they should just to them. Ass were the most important thing that ever was and that lockdown for excellent. Now they say reluctance are still kind of excellent, but they're, not so excellent if they applied. You Democrats also, they suggested in the middle of the summer, that millions of people protesting in the street and spitting on each other over George Floyd suggest in Amerika was systemically racist, which is why I suggested that that was good was a public health problem, so they had eight, they had a triple lie. There I mean the rare triple why It's an olympic level triple lie there from the media, one America chemical, racist and that's why they're disparities between black and white, particularly in policing too. If you got in protest for George Floyd and Street, that is riskier, then if you go to an outdoor church service and more important, because the Publican
problem and three? If you disagree with any of that, it's because you are covered nigher, so the rent triple eyes triple actual. It's amazing how the media could twist themselves into pretzels, and then they wonder. Why? Don't you trust him? Why don't? They trust Us when they re engaged in these sorts of wise over and over about Covet Andrew Cuomo, incredible at his job Chris COM on their every night, doing didn't buddy comedy with his bro pulling of giant weird price. determined to talk about the size of its brothers knows well, tens of thousands of people died in his brothers. States is big. Brother was shipping or people with colored backing and urging homes, and will now now we're supposed to trust and request again and that in their fun, isn't funny how this works. If you feel like you're being swivel Doran like your head, is now being moved always round exorcism style, while you vomit null directions. That's because that's what the media have driven everybody to so quick flashback. First, ok, here is a flashback. This is from October, as I told her good morning, America, And one of the greatest govern american covert amazing governor areas
he does not trust a vaccine developed under the Trump administration. I'm not that confidence My opinion doesn't matter, I dont believe the american people are that confidence, you, we say to the american people. Now, here's a vaccine was no, it was done quickly, but trust this federal administration in their health administration, that it say. and we're not a hundred percent you're the consequences. I think it's going to be a very sceptical American Public, about taking the vaccine and it should. They should be sceptical about the vaccine. Ok fast forward until for the election and now what is Andrew, Cuomo, the most beloved governor of the media, the greatest governor in world history, saying about the vaccine areas again, nothing changed, nothing changed. People just voted for Democrats. That's it again in his opinion, that's it here is yours, Andrew Como, completely reversing himself. So
and requirements gonna have to finance lukewarm over the over the credibility that she has. It was yesterday. First move Europe ever Republic, education to paint the battle of the scepticism, just think of the math on this. You have to get the seventy five percent to eighty five percent of the overall population vaccinated for the vaccine to be effective. Seventy five to eighty five percent, fifty percent of the population says right now they don't want to take a back seat. They don't trust the approval process. The word about vaccines in general, but fifty percent are now saying data wanna, take Maxie. You cannot get to seventy five percent if fifty percent don't take it. Ok on the media had disguising amazing other super consistent you'll click you an guys. You want a tv Emmy for his clarity and his wit,
in presenting information to the public, let me explain something: double the informal and the members of our esteemed journalistic establishment, fire truck you seriously. You guys can just fire truck right off angel. take Ike nobody's interested in your opinions. Nobody believes you, when you said in your opinion, is separate from the facts, and nobody really believes you when you say that you are any different than the folks over at the daily. Why? Because you are objective while we are biased, of course, we're bias because we're honest, you guys are damned liars, your liars. You lie to project any any damned narrative you You will suggest the Joe Biden has cured this thing by the time we had the end of January, the war on the road to recovery using of
in developed under the front administration and a distribution plans felt under the front administration, you'll suggestions, Joe Biden has fixed everything and we can all see it coming. We'll know where this is going. You will suggest that you guys were just the reason. that that so many people voted for job and his cause you're. Just so honest, you did the sort of journalistic work they should have been doing, and you will continue to pretend that your back rob of jobs, which will continue for as long as you're buying is in office and an Anti democratic and office that background is really just hard hitting journalism nobody's you anymore, and so now have to engage in a sort of MILAN monopolistic behaviour that preventing buddy from seeing the alternatives. That's nickel. In the end, that's the bull. It's always down to business. it's an here. Business meet ideology, the the
poor tyrians in your media dont want you see certain information, and so you didn't see it the authoritarian and the media. I thought that you are not capable of processing information and making complex decisions, and so they simply preventative and your authoritarian. The media, we're just have set themselves in twenty sixteen. They accidentally covered the Hillary Clinton emails, and it may, of course, who are currently election, and so they regretted and you're starting to see em in the back. I found this sort of stuff to members. The media, who actually try to be honest, is astonishing the other day job. I'm completely blew the name of his nominee for health and Human services Secretary, Xavier Bassorah. You call them Xavier by Kara, or something like that and a couple members and noted this other members of the media said how dare you cover this? Why would you cover this? Democracy is under threat from Trump. It s just gonna work for the Democratic Party and seriously just go get paid by the Democratic Party. Don't pretend to be what you're not answer?
Don't try to shut down the spigot of information that everybody else can see the information that they want to see. Ok, meanwhile, it is. It is incredible how the Democratic Party is now going to turn on people who are not wild left us remember. Joe Biden has been speaking of of just media by us in the extreme, so for the entire election cycle. We are told that if you mentioned the job, I d seen owl man, which clearly is Joe Joe Biden is in decline, is perfectly obvious that he is in decline, is not full scale senility like thinking the curtains, are talking to him or something, but he just is not with it when he makes mistakes on a constant basis. He thought I fumbles is what me seventy eight his fault, but first I would say that he is You know, I know a lot of seventy eight year old sort, environmental shape in trouble, but I know a lot of them yet Ural tore him worse, mental shape and Joe Biden. But there is no question that show by now is not what your mind was even ten years ago and you're binding there's nothing to write home about Joe Biden ten years ago was still in incompetent. Buffoon could barely get apparent
if out of his mouth now is an even more competent buffoon who can barely get a sentence out of his mouth. But if you may, in that- and this is because you are apparently and addressed- or because you are not taking into account the fact that he had a childhood stammer, which of course is not about stammering. This is set before anybody who overcomes a stammer has engaged in the act and his courage and Joe Biden has helped out so many people who have stammered with advice and in comfort in all of that is not about that is about the fact that if you believe the Democrats do that, president Elect of the United States. It sort of matters that demand literally cannot say that aims of members of his own cabinet without stumbling over them ensure that for the entirety of the election cycle or now, then it is suggested that you are just your age, shaming people which brings us to a peace by Jane Mayor, in the new Yorker Diane Feinstein, missteps, Reggie, painful age, question. Amongst and a Democrat. I want to mention that the Joe Biden, seventy eight years old because that's ages, and but if you talk about
and fine stein. This way, that's fine! Now I have a question much aged about Diane Feinstein. What changed over the past few weeks? Can anybody think of it and buddy any questions any any answers? Hand of icy you in that the answer. Is Diane Feinstein, Hug Lindsey RAM? That's a change! Diane Feinstein, whose a rabbit militant Democrat and she went For breath cabinet with pretty much everything she had engaged in really corrupt activities to do so bring forth narratives that simply you had no actual basis, but she added Mary during the Amy Coney bared hearings to turn Republicans to say you know it does actually kind of nice, If you like, a normal judicial hearing and those canonize haven't you Lindsey, Graham with whom she had been in and if one thousand years hug. This means you senile and must be booted from her positions in top positions of committee power according to Jane Mayor reporting afford the new Yorker any hearing on November. Seventeen Diane Feinstein, the senior democratic Senate Judiciary Committee, who had eighty seven member of the Senate, grilled witness reading from a sheaf of prepare papers. She ass Jack, Dorsey CEO of Twitter, whether as company was too
enough to stem the spread of disinformation. Elaborating she read in full tweet And from her disseminated on November, seventh falsely claiming to have won the presidential election chauvinist Dorsey of twitters labeling between dispute had adequately alerted readers that it was about why it was a good question? Feinstein sharp and focused for decades she's been the epitome of a female trailblazer in Washington, always hyper prepared, but This time after Dorsey responded, Feinstein asked the same question again. Reading it work for word, along with the trumpery, her inflection was nearly identical. I send looked inside just as authoritative We registering no awareness at european or self verbatim, Dorsey graciously answered the question all over again, and this has led to see various questions sea areas, questions about whether Diane Feinstein lost it. Ok. Now, it may be possible to dine. Feinstein has lost it. I'm just gonna know The only way that you are allowed to talk about this now is because Diane Feinstein has fallen out of favour with the left wing of her party. That's all that's happening here.
Many others. The Miller Feinstein situation describe her seriously struggling, say it has been evident several years, speaking on background with respect for her accomplished for where they say her her memory has gone so poor. Joe often forgets she's been briefed on the topic, accusing her staff of failing to do so just after they have been described by scientists, forgetting what she has said and getting upset when should keep up one aid to another senator described what he called the kabuki meeting, in which Feinstein staff tried to steer her through a proposed piece of legislation that you protest. It was just words which words which made no sense. Feinstein staff has said she sometimes seems herself other times unreachable, have been such a bad position of former Senate aid. We still as business in Congress said they have to defend her and make her seem normal. So this means that it's time to get rid of her, obviously obviously Diane fine sign it. Buried in this peace. Internal criticism grew more intense. This fall over
signs handling of macaroni, Bert Feinstein had bundle the question about abortion during birds. Twenty seventeen appeals court, confirmation hearing provoking concern of indignation by casting clumsily as question about bear its extreme religious beliefs. The backlash over her question about Coney Beret, effectively indemnified bared from further questions about how her faith, in her judicial rulings. According to several sources, trucks, humor democratic minority leader was so worried. Feinstein would mismanaged berets confirmation hearing install they trusted from match young to embed individually you're a committee to make sure the hearings in growth rails. He did the same bring the Cavanaugh confirmation from a brought young from the gun, control Group, every town to handle strategy and communications and survey shimmers eyes, and there is on fine Stein, as once horse puts it. Shimmers office declined to combat the precaution, failed, none the less too crash dismay Feinstein instead hug, the republican chairman of the committee, Lindsey, Graham thanking him for his work,
listen for running one of the best set of hearings that I have participated in so clearly. This was a failure, and this means that she's crazy. I can't be that you handle the house actually supposed handle you know in normal bipartisan fashion. Like most traditional nominate, it was that she was bad and she was seen out now we can see now she Brian Fallon executive director of the progressive advocacy group de and just ass. He says it's time for Senator fine signed a step down from her leadership, a position on the Senate Traditionary Committee. If she won't her colleagues need to intervene and apparently shimmer then try to her were made with the help of Feinstein husband, richer bloom. Let me just point this out: What say, Susan College White, ten years, older fifteen years older. I must say that you are making overtures to people on the left side of the ILO and lets say that people on the right, we're like you know what. Maybe she see now enrichment, carnal called her up and then calls her husband to try and pressure her you. Think the media like a like a senile, or do you think the media will be more like. I can't believe, they're trying to pressure this person, who is a bipartisan hero into giving up
positions, look at these extreme right winners and their meal the translation of age edge, just it's incredible stuff, but but you know our media perfectly consistent across the board on this guy and find sounds great rates in here is that she wasn't sufficiently woke. She wasn't sufficiently round speaking of the sufficiently woke insufficiently radical. That wing of the Democratic Party is in the ascendancy Raphael. We're running for Senate in the state of Georgia, everyday new clip from I'll Warnock, who is a Marxist, a marxist, crazy person. So this one is from Raphael weren't describing Castro's Cuba as very much like Amerika. You know, except for the fact that all it is our foreign in prison and the fact that people literally get on nineteen fifty shovels and try to float their way from Cuba to Flora. That's what happened! the United States. Over time. Let me tell you the way that I got to cower where I got to Flora from California is actually to the tyre and I jumped onto it in a way and then she stopped tied? What sort of carry me all the way through Gulf go through
a canal and everything and then out end up in Florida. I did that because you know America's repressive and terrible. Alternatively, Cuba is nothing like United which is one of the reasons why Cuban Americans vote Republican to the great Donation of all the democratic think that if this were things that a bunch of Latinos going to vote for them that decide note here, I was talking to a couple of Lee Latina members of the daily wire staff. Before the show we're all laughing at the stupidity of this law takes nonsense. I had to be informed my producer savvy, who is indeed that's a woman that lieutenants was supposed to be a gender neutral thing, because apparently Democrats, our frayed, that if they say let's, you know what you know is used as the as the plural right. Latinos is used as the plural masculine, but it also covers the feminine also see Latinos. Bruce Masculine and feminine sort of like an inn in Hebrew. Right languages so much better than men's vanish in Hebrew, when you say Jews. You say you redeem right. The aim at the end is a man Killing subjects are going to covers everybody when it will.
Say people who say unashamed right aim is the masculine suffix I owed would be the females affects not to get into linguistics here, but even covers male and female right. Apparently, the same holds true in Spanish. Ok, so Democrats were so afraid that this would piss off the Tina women, but they made up latin acts with ink, but tanks, which is the stupidest thing anyone has ever heard of and people were actually let you know for this, I think, is the dumbest thing in the world. But this is where Democrats are and then they can't believe that Latinos, our voting in larger and larger numbers over time for Republicans emanate they certainly,
I believe the cuban Americans consistently both for Republicans one of the reasons it because you keep running jokers like Graphite, Warnock, here's Raphael Warnock in Georgia. We pray for the people of Cuba. In this moment we remember Fidel Castro, whose legacy is complex. Let anybody tell you a simple story: life usually at their simple legacy, is complex Kind of like America's legacy is complex. No, actually, his legacy is not complex. He took over an island nation with a few hundred people,
and then he proceeded to ram down a communist dictatorship on generations of human beings, impoverishing them and turn one of the richer countries in the entire Latin Americans fear into basically a helpful for people living, and yet you don't try to escape great places by getting on an old, shabby and trying to float ninety miles off the coast of Laura, typically, not anything that you Joe Democrats running back. I definitely the Bible. Republicans in Georgia. Vote against that guy. I don't care what you think happened in the presidential watching in Georgia, go out and vote against that. You want that in the Senate by Lady also that Benjamin Netanyahu was basically a naughty the prime minister of Israel. He said that he was like an apartheid south. racist and in all the a call him he Agamemnon, George Wallace, I believe, was the actual quoted compared with George Wallace, the Jews. Like George Wallace Raphael Warnock, you might want a vote against that. This is a new face of that deadline. Fine sensual! This is the new phase of the Democratic Party turn Basque, whose widely considered a possible
VP back for Joe Biden early on she went on Sienna yesterday and she says policing is very obvious to Americans. The policing is an issue of systemic racism. Oh yes, this to be your democratic party from now until the foreseeable you're here she was killed securing their historical moment. They were in Post George Floyd, where people finally in the union, states understand that the issue of policing is a question of systemic racism. We understand because of called it. The under health conditions, and so we have real issues in this country and what we saw over the last few months maybe we can address some of these issues. I think it makes absolute sense to do add at the highest level. Every crisis is an opera need to cram down a social justice viewpoints on the world for the radical democratic and when we stand in their way becomes an enemy I will say there are certain lines that even the radicals will cross at a certain point. So apparently Portland Mayor has now evicted a new red
autonomous zone by forces Emily's and on your part in particular better. We imagine that there are city in which their rightwing riots for a hundred straight night, a hundred trade nights. You think that maybe a nationalist or just a little but their rights for honey freight nights in Portland and every psychologist, Portland Cookie, I what they like him clothing and were broken stocks than weird. But you know it's a cookie thing. Rioting every night for a hundred nights. According to Emily's naughty Portland. and made them ten wheeler sent the city's police force to evict a new autonomous zone cropped up around an end. Eviction protest on Tuesday, reversing amongst one policy tolerating ongoing demonstrations even when they turn violent protests have been camping four months to prevent the eviction. Kenny Family. On Tuesday morning, tensions escalated protestors. fences and barricade set up by law enforcement officials to surround the home, which has been reached aimed the Red House on Mississippi due to its location, Run Mississippi Avenue according to Newsweek, then
of the autonomous own appeared on twitter, showing a shantytown made of cardboard boxes and pilfered public fencing with warning signs posted on the outside reporting, hated that a few dozen protesters plan to take up residence in the autonomous own surrounding the Red House, the family, was a hundred thousand dollars on the home. The bank foreclosed protesters believe that family should not be forced out during a pandemic and that the bank was seeking a swifter eviction because the proper next to the home, recently sold for more than seven figures when the sea refused to honour protesters demands they organise. Their item is its own, like Chaz Shop in Seattle and when this was a little too humiliating for Mayor ten Wheeler, so he authorized Portland police to break the thing up shortly before five, on Wednesday morning, the Portland Police and won't know me Melanoma county sheriff, began their property mission reclaiming the land on which protesters had set up the autonomous zone. They said it was not simply protest ever dismantling. Apparently there was a stockpile of weapons. The presence of firearms are going to Portland Police Chief Chuck level says we're way the threat of the community to media, to police Rossini attacked the Portland police will enforce the law and use force, if necessary, trust
or to the neighbourhood. Well, I'm glad they finally realise that there is one bridge that was too far for them, but you really have to get the point for Democrats of threatening violence before people like maybe this it made. This person can be like a mainstream part of our coalition. Already now you have to bring you an update on the twenty twenty election, want a focus being put on this final sort of Texas Bit. It sort of a last ditch bid by from to stop the certification of the election of courtesy, NBC seventeen stages elections, one by President Trump told the Supreme Court on Wednesday. support. A Texas attorney general can Pakistan's bid to file a lawsuit. They could effectively reverse binds projected electoral college victory, the filing backing packs and by the states came a day after he asked the Supreme Court for permission to Georgia, Michigan Pennsylvania in Wisconsin. All which Biden purportedly won over their voting rights disease later on Wednesday, from filed, emotion to intervene in the case in a personal capacity as a presidential candidate, these day
basically saying that if other states vote unfairly, they are being deprived of equal protection under the law. A Texas is basically saying, for example, that of Pennsylvania screws up its voting procedure. It out ways our ability boat fairly. We voted fairly. They voted unfairly. Therefore, Democrats stole that and therefore we have a stake in the national election. It it's a hard legal argument to make the the Seventeen former officials and lawmakers found their own brief. Supporting these would be the four swing states. They said the constitution does not make the Supreme Court the Multi District litigation panel for trials of presidential election disputes, so in other words, states get to make their own voting procedures in other states cannot sue those states for their vote
procedures. This was actually just an attempt to elevate this thing to the Supreme Court. That is really the idea here, because again, under the under the constitution, then controversies between states are typically adjudicated by the Supreme Court or can be advocated by the Supreme Court, but for controversy to arise between the states actually have to make a plausible federal claim. Most legal experts think that this thing is basically doomed to failure Any Mccarthy who is an ally of president trumps and a big defender of from throughout his administration is peace over national review, pointing out that this lawsuit is unlikely to go anywhere. He says first thing to notice about texts is lawsuit, is what does not appear on the front page, the name of the state's solicitor General Kyle Hawkins loss. It is brought against for other states, thus attorney general Paxton invokes the original jurisdiction of the Us Supreme Court to hear disputes between the states, but the brig has not signed by the lawyer, who typically represents taxes when there is a Supreme court case? That's because this thing has no prospect of winning according to any Mccarthy
says there's a lot to be said, protects us his complaint as a political polemic. It's true Democrats, Labour ITALY to undermine election integrity. The only rational reason for that is to make it easier for legally unqualified people to cast ballot and to cast them in bulk about people would not otherwise the vote? It is also true mail in voting on a massive scale, crease tremendous potential for fraud. This potential is now fully realising only some fraud when coupled with other policies. The Democrats, I like getting rid of ideal or signature. Verification witnessed requirements, ballot harvesting. All these matters should be addressed by Congress and by Saint lawmakers has any Mccarthy, but none of them give state the Texas the standing to sue other states over the manner in which they do elections again. In order to have a case for controversy, you have to demonstrate standing when you have to show that you have been damaged right couldn't get hit by a car. I can't see the person who drove the car, and they have called me- I don't have standing coltan numbers, golden family would have to sue, presumably says Mccarthy. This does not mean the flouting of election laws by officials in Pennsylvania and other states is not a serious issue and means that of text
wants to raise that issue. The supreme Court is not the right forum for points repeat a point I made before the court did not grant review of the case we can solve. Any aid should have taken involving a narrow, critical issues constitutional. Turning to elections when that issues raised by parties in the commonwealth were directly affected the justices are not gonna have interesting entertaining a sprawling lawsuit brought by an unaffected third party state. He says he thinks that in all likelihood, there's gonna throw this thing out. It's also a problem because it actually creates meet me legal predicate. If this from cobra to take it, it would actually create legal predicate for any state swinging. Her state for any suppose. It impacts on the first stage so, for example, California, sue Alabama over Alabama Abortion laws saying that California provides abortion. Alabama does not provide abortion and therefore that affects California
people are travelling from Alabama to California to have abortions, and it is creating strain on their sins. Re could see people making the sorts of claims. This is why you have pre strict rules in terms of what is a case or controversy, and what standing constitutes so it's unlikely that this is going to go. where, according to any Mccarthy Federal LAW, provides a procedure under which, on January, six Congress will convenes account. The electoral votes, if taxes as elected representatives objective the counting of any states, Electromotive Congress, will hear debate and vote on those objection. At that point there's no way. However, the remarkable entertain that taxes lost each of its important. You know that going in that we know exactly What is coming down the road there one outstanding lawsuit in Georgia. That one has plausible claims to make I'll be fascinated to see how Georgia Secretary of State response, very specific allegations that are made. Georgia lawsuit about not only the violation of election protocol, but also about specific voters. You should not have voted. I mean there's like giant lists of them included in this Georgia lawsuits that one is the one to watch in terms of was that
chance of going anywhere, ok we'll be back later today with two additional hours of content. Otherwise, we'll see you here tomorrow, I'm bench a pair of this is the venture. So if you Would this episode don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread? The word please give us a five star view and tell your friends to subscribe to we're available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened to pod gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael all show and the mat walls Thanks for listening, Dementia Piero Show is produced by Coltan Hoss Executive produce Jeremy, boring our supervising Users are math, is clever and Robert Sterling production manager papa white asking ourselves, Producers are Rebecca, Doyle and Savannah Germane. Get it shows edited by Adam Science. Audio is mixed. I might call here and make up is my Favila, Christina Production Assistant, just grant adventure Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright, twenty twenty.
Everyone its Andrew play! The host of the Andrew Palaver show Biden is under investigation for his business dealings in China We knew that, but a lot of America didn't because big media and big tat buried the story to help get Joe Biden elected its one big chain of corrupt. And we'll talk about it off on the Andrew Clayton.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-18.