« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1152 - They’re Sneering At You


The media cheer covid authoritarianism while ignoring the science; Hollywood sneers at non-Leftists; and Los Angeles decides to let crime flourish.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The media cheer uncovered authoritarianism while ignoring the science, Hollywood sneers and left us in LOS Angeles, decides let crime flourish, I'm bench purposes the bureau, shall today show is sponsored by Express Bbn. Your online activity shouldn't be public, protect yourself at expressing gps dot com, Slash Ben we'll get you all the news in just one moment. First, you could be saving hundreds of dollars on yourself familiar spinning way too much on that cell phone bill right now. Did you know your family could take over eight hundred dollars, you you're just by switching to pure talk from rising or agency or t Mobile, think about it. What could you be doing with that extra her about any don't sacrifice coverage pure talk? Has the same coverage same bars, worthy carriers, they charge you half the price. You're, not gonna sacrifice customer service either because their team is based right.
in the United States are some of the nicest people you will talk to get unlimited talk Texan to gauge of data for just twenty bucks a month. You don't need the unlimited data, that's how they get. You, if you go over on data usage, sure talk, you say is not going to charge you for it. So what exactly do you have to lose? Except for all the money that you are spending on the bills comes back in your pocket rather mobile phone down here Two fifty say Ben Shapiro. When did you will say fifty percent off your first month, it's our pound to five zero, say: Keyword, Ben Shapiro. So here's the thing when you talk of phone company, you ask them what you're paying for very often they obscure what exactly you are paying for, not so with pure talk. Usa. Get that a limited talk text to gaze of data, same coverage as one of the big mobile companies pure talk, it simply smarter wireless style pound to fifty say, Keyword, Ben Shapiro again to pound to five zero sake. You Ben Shapiro, to get fifty percent off your first month the covered wave that is engulfing the country continues unabated. We have not seen hospitals overrun generally in the United States, yet we are starting to see obviously capacity being strain, particularly in
rural areas that don't have a lot of open. I see you beds in big urban areas, Don't you see that quite yet, when the problems right now as we don't have a lot of flux capacity, what we mean by that is, shift resources from rural areas to urban areas, whether we did early on in the pandemic, because the wave is hitting pretty much everywhere all at once. If you look at each state chart, every state is announcing increases in covered cases, increases in hospitalizations increases in ice, you beds being taken up, and we are expected to see that, for least the next week minimum thanks to Thanksgiving. Presumably that will also happen after Christmas. Public health authorities are telling people they ought to stay home, not because it is necessarily dangerous to travel in and of itself. But if you have covered and you go somewhere else in the country. You could be setting a new pocket of covert in that place and right now, obviously could be apes asymptomatic well travelling at what, with all of that set and all the usual provisos, be careful, be reasonable, socially distance, make sure the you're not in direct contact with people who are pre existing conditions, at least in close proximity to those people. If you are in close proximity
to virtually anybody out of fear that you would spread this thing to others. Naval spread into somebody who's vulnerable. You should mask up if you are in close proximity of people write. These are all the reasonable measures that we have been told for months. None of that has changed the glee with which our authoritarian legislators in and governors and mayors, the glue with which they are shutting down. Society is truly something to behold. It's really amazing, because their sneering, they really are their sneering us. They believe that they are. The reasoning once they are the rational ones and therefore they are capable of making their own risk reward. Calculations CNN requirement in New York in just a couple of weeks ago was ANG that he was going have a gathering for Thanksgiving, including is eighty nine year old, mother and his two daughters or in their twenties, which the definition of an intergenerational gathering and me I'll whose telling everybody else they need to shut down, and I travelled for Thanksgiving the mayor of Austin, whose lives We telling people from his timeshare in Kabul not to travel. You ve seen Eric and our city, whose out their protesting with people during the blacklist matter, protests about him
now telling everybody, but they need to shut down their outdoor restaurant at these acts in time that he is telling how whether they can go ahead and continued filming and they can continue doing their catering services in food tens directly outside of their shoot. The hypocrisy from are from our leftist authoritarian leaders is astonishing and their self congratulatory hypocrisy is really the most going part, because it is not that they are doing this in sadness. It is not that they are doing this with a level of regret. Listen, we have no other choice. We ve tried everything else in this, just isn't working, and so in order to protect our medical capacity We're going to have to use well calibrated policies to shut down the possibility of spread by debt. I think we would all understand mean seriously. I think that if you have a major spike in particular, area you're running up against hospital capacity, then there may be a necessity for suggesting, for example, they have to limit indoor dining to a certain percentage of full capacity or that you only
our dining there. There are times when you're gonna have to use these sorts of measurement, even Sweden, which was sort of the case model of a country that had not fully shutdown. Even Sweden, is now backing off and starting to throw in the towel. On this principle, subject according to Allah, pundit writing for hot air. The the swedish government is now backing off of its own procedures here before they basically suggested that they were going to be ok. Can you do to allow everything's remain open and then heard immunity would eventually be reached. It turns out, statistically speaking, just really didn't happen. Instead, they started to see spikes again, just like the surrounding countries and so if now, engaged in some of the same watch, em procedures that some of the other countries around them had engaged and because you have to follow the data and you have followed the policies. What leads, but at the very least, we should be assured that are politicians are not excited about our freedom and they are not excited about limiting our liberty and that if they that freedom and liberty ought to be limited. It ought to be limited for them as well, and yet the policy is not well calibrated and our policy
since our patting ourselves on the back their arm. It's like MRS incredible in the in the incredible the arm has lengthened its physically lengthens. They can put themselves on the back for the wondrous job. They are doing even as people die and even if they blew it in the first place, and the most obvious example of this is of course, Andrew Cuomo wrote an entire book about his leadership during the crisis. He did. You did oppressor yesterday and he called in Anthony Fatty again. I have not been critical of factual thrust. And I think I think that you ve been doing the best that he can as a general rule, he didn't get it all right. He said earlier, nation wear masks and your verse himself. He suggested early on that schools should be closed and he reversed himself, but he's been doing the best they can. My problem with algae is his willingness to become a sort of popular figure of of worship. Tat part is ridiculous.
the fact that she was posing for the cover of in such magazine, in that he was throwing out. First pictures of Washington Nationals, baseball games and, and this kind of stuff like that, is not appropriate for public health councillor. For somebody who is doing a public service job. The whole point of public service is not the plaudits. It is not the accolades. It is to serve the public. It is not to be posing on the cover of magazines, telling us what we all ought to do. The most popular doctrine, America, this kind of stuff, so and and Cuomo had about of self congratulation. This is really more in common, but this is just absurdity piled on top of absurdity, while Cuomo is calling for mass shutdowns across his own state and across the country, and while his waiting responsibility for his own failures, he suggested that he and fancy. are just like the modern day Robertson, Euro, an alpine Chino, maybe unrighteous, kill her here is Andrew, comma. Maybe we enlist you, wood with you will do an ad telling new Yorkers states to take the vaccine two to you know for us together,
we like the modern day, Deniro Patino you can be, which will never, whichever you want you can Neither the neuro or concealing fallow in two or more I'll. Give you a front boy who do you wanna? Be the narrow path? Gina one. Do you remember that one so What on earth feelings who's? The politician I kinda schmuck Andrew schmuck task that guy, when a putz, Mean Series and that, like the fact that he's sitting there is that over thirty thousand people die in the state- and he seems nice again in his state. am I a by Robert in Europe? If I tell people to take the vaccine they'll take the vaccine. If I tell people to mask up they'll mask up we neck, I has enjoyed flexing his power more than anybody in America, with the possible exception of Gavin Newsome out in California, and the media continue to portray him as some sort of great popular hero, Andrew Cuomo and its it. It's ridiculous. By the way he happens to be an absent
jerk, apparently yesterday, a former Andrew Cuomo adviser put out a tweet dried talking about what a jerk he was an Lindsey boiling sent her most toxic team environment was working for governor, well. In thirteen redirection of how many jobs waitresses at friendly's ass, a teenager was an infinitely more respectful environment. Even I had been customers who tipped if people weren't terribly afraid of him, maybe saying the same thing and you too are ready, know the story. Again as a former Andrew. Almost every but don't worry, the media treat him, though he is just a wonderful, wonderful man, and again all of this really comes down to it. We have a class of people in this country who believe that they are, then you may believe they know more than you may believe that they have to paternalistic will guide you through life. Another example of this there's a piece in the New York Times today by a woman named Elizabeth Rosen Doll
is a doktor. She worked as an emergency room, a physician before becoming a journalist, she's, the author of a book called an american sickness, how Healthcare became it big business, so her peace today, and then your attendance held its time to scare people about covert see you're a fool, and so she s a scary you about covered now. Nowhere in this peace does she actually say data nowhere, because if you knew the data, then you make able rational risk reward calculation instead. Her idea is that we have, scared living hell out of people about covets, they make absolutely non rational decisions about the own, their own level of risk. So here's what you right in the New York Times this is the major perspective at so. Many leaders in our society have the rules that apply to them, but they do apply to you and I have to scare you because you're, an emotional creature and because you haven't been following the rules you're the person. We ve been violating the rules, and so we have to scare you now here's what she says I stolen
were exactly where I was sitting decades ago during the short films shown in class. For a few painful minutes, we watched woman talking mechanically rascally through a hole in her throat, pausing, occasionally Jasper AIR, the public service message. This is what can happen if you smoke. I had nightmares about that, add which I would most likely be tag with a trigger warning or demon unsuitable for children, but was supremely effective. I never started smoking in doubt that few, if any of my horrified classmates, did either when the government required television and radio stations to get seventy five million dollars in free air time for anti smoking, as between nineteen sixty seven and seventy smoking rates plummeted. Since that numerous smell scare. Campaigns have proved successful. Some even features celebrities like your brothers
miss often with a warning after he died from lung cancer. Now that I'm gone, don't smoke whatever you do, just don't smoke, as the United States faces out of control. Spikes from carbon nineteen with people refusing to take recommended even often mandated precautions are public health announcements from governments, medical groups and healthcare companies feel lame compared to the urgency of the moment, a mix of clever catchphrase, scientific information and calls the civic duty. They are virtuous and profoundly dull. Instead, it's time to focus on some sharp terrifying, realism, fear of fields can be very effective, says J Van Babble associate professor psychology it and why you, I'm not talking, fear ongoing but showing a straightforward in graphic way, what can happen with the virus from where I could find the state of California came close you showing the urgency? A soft focused video of a personal ventilator, featuring sound of a breathing machine, but not a face. It exhorted people's worm ass for the friends moms Grandpas, but maybe we need a piazza featuring someone actually on events later in the hospital. You might see that person bucking event bodies naturally rebelled against machine, forcing pressurized oxygen into the lungs, which is why patients are typically sitting
another message could feature a patient lying, and then I see you bet it voebel tubes, in the growing, with a mask delivering one hundred percent oxygen over the mouth of no mouth and nose eyes wide with fear watching the saturation numbers rise ends up on the monitor over the bed. These Pierre say might sound harsh, but they might overcome our natural denial. Ok, here's the thing nowhere! Nowhere in the peace, the shadowy talk about the rates of death from covered for particular populations. This is my great criticism. It's been my criticism since the beginning, you have not been given data you have been an opinion. Instead, you have been given large numbers like how many people have died or how many cases there are generally in the country. You have not been given the strike, aided data, explaining what your risk factors are or the risk factors of people around you. So you can make a rational decision. Everybody understands it is possible to die of covert. The question is: what sort of daily active
they're going to rule out in order to prevent somebody from dying of covered and what is your risk or their risk of dying of covert? This is how you make rational decisions hid. The the basic idea from our betters is that they're going to scare us into compliance with ridiculously authoritarian health diktat. And when you compare this to lung cancer and smoking, commercials recognise that smoking is a voluntary activity. Can then not smoking is something that the vast majority of people do, but not going to the grocery store, not going to hang out with friends not going out in public areas, for a walk without a mask which is apparently what they're not telling you and allay you're not allowed to do right. Dad stuff is the stuff of everyday life. We are talking about smoking, optional activity you may or may not enjoy. We are talking about what is your risk factor if you let your five year old go to school, and yet these jokers are telling us that the best way to get people to comply with dictates of none
Rational behaviour is due scared, the hell out of you and then they wonder why we don't trust them. If you are openly saying that your job is to scare me into complying with health measures that are not calibrated to succeed, then you know what you're the bad guy you're, the bad guy, and there's a reason that people are not trusting the experts here, because the experts have been completely inconsistent because the rational risk reward calculation been thrown completely out window in favour of policies that makes no sense at all, but Admiral breccia who's, the assistant secretary for Health and human services. He was Would you like yesterday they are seen Citys around the country now, starting to an outward sign. You said: there's literally no data to support the idea that we should be banning outdoor Johnny doesn't matter. Apparently you shouldn't I outdoors. Unless you work in Hollywood, in which case you can totally Dinah outdoors and also the best way to make people comply with this nonsense Is this garden living out of them, even if they are twenty and healthy? And this
Whenever you see these stories any saw these stories from the media repeatedly teacher dies of covert nineteen in then you find out halfway down through the story. The teacher was never in school and acquired it. some other events or easy. These stories ridiculous stories about outbreaks on college campuses, and then they never tell you how many kids virtually died of this on college campuses. The answer best, as I can tell, is close to zero in an ever tell you this stuff. Instead, it's all scare tactics and then when people say well, I'm not sure that you should be that scared. You can make a rational calculation, they say they are taken covered. Italy and people are not going to obey ridiculous insane regulations. The magna centres, Admiral bachelor, pointing out that all these places shooting That's our dining, our doing so not on the basis of science, their doing so on the basis of political incentive position. Political incentive is right now for authors, for our authorised area. Leaders is that if you walk down, you get all sorts of credit, and
dont lockdown. You get all sorts of blaming it doesn't matter what the outcome is. What really breaks my heart is that I don't know of any data that says you need to shut down outdoor, dining or door bars are we really wanted to limit the indoor crowded places? The evidence clearly does not support limitations on things like outdoor dining, particularly that are spaced out door. Bars on eighteen o. The evidence just isn't there and remember shutting down completely on, particularly if you dont have evidence can be counter. Productive can be counterproductive, as will see in a second experts are saying that it can be counterproductive. Don't worry your media experts who are certainly acting outside the purview of their expertise, are telling you that you must lie
down forever ad infinitum. In that you don't agree. This is because your recover deny or which is insane when it's more of this in just one. Second, first, let's talk about encrypting your data. The fact is there people out there, they want your data, they they want to monetize it where they want just hack you and take your credit card information. For example. That's ever happens you it is an absolute nightmare. Well, this is why I use expressive gps to stay. Safe and secure online. It's hard to know whether your device or network is vulnerable to hacking. If you ever use wifi at a hotel or a shopping, mall you're sending data over an open network, meaning no encryption at all the best way to ensure all of your data is encrypted, can't be read by hackers, is to use express, bbn, just download the expressive deviant up on your computer or smart funny tap one button. You can secure one hundred since we are not ready to and then just use the internet? The way you normally would express Vps is incredibly reliable. Its the fastest vps service. I've tried. There also read the words.
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then people's anyone is killed. Grammar we're right back there. It doesn't matter that the data now show that people can act safely and securely so long neck reasonably. Instead, we are supposed to simply fall for the same propaganda that we were pushed in in March and April, and that is why you're not seeing in the estate when media any interviews with business owners, right business owners or being put out of business you're, seeing an intra like this one. You seen on chosen Fox NEWS hearing it on top you're, not hearing it anywhere on CNN or MSNBC business concern. Instead. What you here is the business owners want to open up our bad people. There was a man, at a bar owner who happens to be women of color. Speaking on Fox news about how The governor of Minnesota, no shutting everything down a Dublin cannot set down. and says at when he cannot pick and choose gonna be a one hour whose essential and whose lobby such because that's basically what he did. He said that we are not essentials. All Americans are essential to me and for him to pay can say that my
This is not essential and that we have to shut down to business ever gymnastics, Jim and of restaurant, and I had to shut down both businesses because he thinks one cent and for me, I'm not going to back down to journey and again. This is what it feels like right now is: are you gonna back down to journey by agreeing Health officials or promulgating regulations that are not reasonable in the extreme and agreeing with media willing to misinform you all the time factor. Monica Gandhi told Yahoo NEWS is an infectious disease specialist, easy San Francisco. It's not because the public is responsible it because they are losing trust in public health officials who put out arbitrary restrictions. We are failing in our public health messaging. She says there is a better way to engage in all of this. She says a harm reduction approach would be to incur Masking in social distancing, instead of demanding that people have no contacted all with friends or family, they don't live with, in other words, even bring a pandemic abstinence only is not effective, but yours, public officials. Take the just say: no approach, because there's only political
if it in just say no that way. If somebody does something wrong, you can always tell them that they broke your rules. That way, you can never be blamed. Only the people can we will only the little people can be blamed. After all, you said: don't do it ever dont, go on your house say in a bubble. Don't open your business, make everybody unemployed politicians get to sit there and they get to benefit and they get to smile and talk about other, like Robert Deniro, an output GINO, when politicians enjoy their authoritarian and their authoritarianism. This much is demonstrative of ashore this problem in american life do you think, is the last time going to try to use this sort of authority. I was a sceptic of this at the very beginning. There, a lot of people, friends, family, my who are saying now the sort of power grab it we're uncomfortable with it, because we're afraid that it could become something permanent as well. Listen, there's a global pandemic on we dont know all the facts. As the facts come out, these regulations will be relaxed. The american people won't stand for and then it became clear that a lot of Americans would stand for and in fact many may.
We'll call for it, and so the question becomes. What now is the bar going to be for mayors and governors to declare an emergency and simply use all of the authority theyve accrued to themselves to do whatever it is that they want this is dangerous, dangerous stuff! Yes, individual liberty is at stake when you are not relating right She'll policy in any way to the risks that are currently out there, and this is exacerbated by the The media are utterly inconsistent. There's only one consistent message from That is the message and left is certainly not the message of truth or the message of objective fact in the media are wildly inaccurate about every they cover with regard to this pandemic, and then they blame you for not believing them. Perfect example of them information today. So the media started repeating and in featuring a woman named Rebecca Jones on tv last night, I was on a bun avalanches on CNN their bunch of stories printed about her. She was originally a low level worker
in the covert data centre for Florida and the reason that she was fired. Originally, she said that she whistleblower and that she was trying to reveal data in Florida that we're gonna run disasters trying to cover up. And ass. It turns out those two. I read this going back to two I believe like May, in the middle of May, she was fired his shit. They claim that choose the architect of law, covert. Nineteen dashboard and then she had tried to reveal data and flora had fired her foot for attempting to reveal that data. That is not true, ok, so she actually was asked to manipulate. She said she was ass. Manipulated support runs a census plan to reopen instead chooses to temporarily disable the ability to export data from the dashboard. So it can be verified that the data met the data matched other sources She originally was actually fired because she was fire first insubordination.
According to the Defence Administration, Rebecca Jones exhibited to repeated course of insubordination during her time with an apartment, including unilateral decisions to modify the departments covert, nineteen dashboard without input or approval from the budget. illogical team or who supervises the blatant disrespect for professionals. We're working around the clock to provide the important information for the covered nineteen website was harmful to the team. Okay, so she was fired from before issues like the reason she's back in the headlines, because now she's out on Twitter, claiming that the actual reason than she was fired. That is and is not just because, She was revealing eight inches whistleblower, but now she is claiming that run. The Santa's authorized the police to read her house rather than we're technology was seized at gunpoint by the authorities, because Rhonda Santa's is engaged in some sort of fascist. Take overs only one problem, not a word of it. Story is true. The media are running with it anyway, because no care about what is true and what is false. All they care about their narrative, which is the governors, wants, remain open. Our bad and governors. While there are two more authoritarian are good because in the
and they want those authoritarian. You control you not to control them to control you we're getting actual story here in just once, because the media are not telling you the truth. Broadly, broadly, red we'll get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that it is very important to own a fire safety and security. Very important to me Two firearms, but you gotta know how to use them in. You have to make sure. You have the legal protection in case God forbid. You actually have to fire done in self defence. and more law abiding Americans are purchasing guns and making that choice to protect themselves and their families. If you're gonna have to be aware of self defence laws where you live, it's just not responsible to own a firearm and not no legal ramifications of using it you need that proper education. You need industry, leaning, training in me, the legal help of God forbid. You have to use it. This is why? U s easier, has passed an insurance policy that provides the association and its members with self defense liability insurance, you need, you can see, Harry Association at the. U S cc. I get started today by texting gun to eighty seven to to do your receive the complete conceal to carry on family defence guide for free
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speak up before another. Seventeen thousand are dead. You know this is wrong. You don't have to be a part of this, be a hero speak out before it's too late, so who Zactly hacked into system and sent off unauthorized message. Apparently, according to a court warrant, it was this. It came from the IP address of Rebecca Jones S House, so the reason that she was actually arrest. It is because she hacked into a public information system that she did not work for. That is why choose arrested. That is why her house was rated. There's nothing wrong. answers going to shut up the whistle blower. Ok, but it doesn't matter the media are just gonna lie to you we continue to lie to you and the media organs going to continue to promulgate insane double standards. So some of the media double standards include. You are a very, very bad person. You are very bad person if you choose to go out and public, even if you wearing a mask, even if your socially distancing the fat and you have not hold up in your house until the vaccine is available, and maybe beyond. This means that are a bad person. Not only
if you remember, of particular religious communities, particularly bad persons of your a Jew in and you are attending a million. Even if it's a socially distance minion you than a group of ten men praying together, then this means that you are a bad person. You are responsible for the cover, large. However, if there are soldiers and minority communities, that's u to systemic american racism are: we are saying the same narrative now promulgated with regard to vaccination, so there thereby imposed on what they show. Is that a huge as a german aeroplanes are quite unfortunately, skeptical of taking the court of Irish vexing. Now I'm not skeptical of it. I will be happy to take it right here on areas and makes people feel any better. I do not care, I am very much in favour of it nations. This thing will be that it all the way down to the ground by the time that it is released. Two people are of my age range. It is already been bet. It is already going out in the UK. In fact, it is a blight on the FDA that a medicine that was to be a vaccine that was developed The United States by an american company. Visor is going on UK before it's going out. The United States just demonstrates the crap units of our bureaucracy, but beyond that
there. There are huge percentage of Americans who are sceptical about about the vaccine and that's not just the usual sort of sceptical about about the vaccine crowd there's. This includes a huge percentage of people who are sceptical about this particular seen from a wide variety of reasons, some from the right, because they have some sort of conspiracy, theory about the profitability of vaccine. I've been here we're rumours about how Falco Stock in this? Rather, that's not how vexing get developed we're not rolling out of acceding to make Anthony's out you wretch, that's bunch, sounds and then on the left you here, I don't trust the vaccine specifically because it was developed under president from that one can directly from common Harris, which is completely crazy get. But what the media have said is that the refusal to get a vaccination is blameworthy. If you are of a particular group and if you are of a different political group does not blameworthy so if your white person and you are sceptical about the vaccine, this is because your nance I've acts or, if, however, your black and are sceptical about getting the vaccine, this index
America's long history of systemic racism. There's a long piece in the Washington Post today called amid history of mistreatment, Doktor struggled who sell black Americans Ankara by respecting. Do nothing any of the sort of moral opprobrium attached to it. Americans. You don't get the vaccine that you're saying to a huge number of other Americans. You dont want get the vaccine. What is the rationale? Because the history of health care in the United States is intertwined with racism? It says the Washington Post, fewer than half of black Americans say they will get the covert vaccine, which is wild. Considering that covered is disproportionately affecting black Americans. It is actually more important for black Americans to get to covet vaccine. Then nearly any other racial group in America sixty three percent of Hispanics and sixty one percent of why people say they will get it. Many black people say they do not trust the medical establishment because of glaring inequities in modern day care and historical examples of mistreatment. This deep seated scepticism has led to a burst of confidence. Building efforts across the country, some lead,
nations, tat black doctors and scientists and funded by the US government. So far, the responsive and mixed at best with many black Americans, like those in inserted black congregations, saying they want more information. We cannot count on the federal government to work in their best interests and The reasons that they are sceptical is because they are our thinking back to the Tuskegee, the infamous Tuskegee study that was done in the nineteen thirties and which federal health officials conducted secret experiments on black men who studied progression of syphilis, obviously an act of official evil from the United States government at the time, but that also happen in the nineteen thirties. Ok, it is now less. I tracked twenty twenty in the very notion We are supposed to act as though it is legitimate for more legitimate for black Americans refuse vaccine, because their worried about systemic american racism in twenty twenty thanks, you stuff that was evil that was done. Nineteen thirty, like the double standard here, is again pretty wild. So if you're in
you can have any race wants to open a business. Immediate, don't want anything to do with you, you're bad! You don't care about other people. If you don't wanna get the vaccine, because you're skeptical generally you're add the media. One have anything to do with you. If, however, your black person knows what the vaccine. Then we have long pieces about how it is perfectly reasonable. For you not want to get a vaccine because back in the nineteen thirty, the american government was racist, that you want why people, don't trust the public health officials or the media, or supposed disseminating information, because there's always an agenda, there is always an agenda and that agenda is is being propagandized by people in Hollywood. Again, if you leave it in the media and in Hollywood, and in government who believe they ought to rule your lives and decide what is morally ok, and what is more, we not- and this is how you end up with the spectre of He Davidson, Annetta personnel, untiring nightlife, telling people over the weekend that if your protesting lockdown, you look like a baby I am noticing the p Davidson was sitting on a set of Saturn at live like a foot and a half from from another,
and being while he was saying this, I saw the protest people outside bar shouting about freedom, talking the cops chanting that should arrest the governor, but it Staten Island. So I assume that it was just like a typical last call and our you against these protests I mean kind, but also this happy, I'm no longer the first thing people think of when they say. What's the worst thing about Staten Island, I take it that you found these protests. Frustrating that to us look like babies. You know, you know it's bad even people in Boston like drink at home. You queers, ok. For a moment, I'm still not sure why people find P Davidson humorous, but beyond that produce any sitting at his workplace, a foot and a half for another person wearing a mask I wouldn't have another person worrying about, but he gets to lecture you about what you want to do in his business. I've noticed is not being destroyed. All you may notice. There is alive studio audience for us. You know you know how, because they actually designated I'm not getting. They actually designated
live studio. Audiences employees for purposes of us central services for us an o K. So it only applies to all people and only applies to little people like you, you wanna business. You spend some of the family. The rules must be applied to you and you are a bad person if you, but the rules or if you protest to the level of arrogance that is applied to one half of the american population, is just insane it's just insane and you'll be ripped up and now by the way, if you notice we'll get some more of this in just one second, but first believe it or not. Twenty twenty is finally coming to an end and not soon enough. Well, what this really means is that if you have a car, you don't need not using sitting in the driveway. Now, it's time to Tony it two cars for kids and claim that tax deduction yep donating that car is tax deductible. Their tax reduction is based on the sale price of your car and cars for kids will work hard to sell your car for the best price. That means more funds for their charity and bigger tax deduction, for you are carnations
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Hollywood is arrogance or conservatives in the world just caved in on it. How did he say this? Because there is one thing that the left cannot and in that, as someone calling other bull crap, there is Matthew, Mokanna, hey, calling out their bull crap and getting a bunch of crap for it There is a lot on that illiberal left that absolutely countersign, patronising arrogance towards that other fifty percent you and you say: hey. We want to get out there with a vote. We want people to go beyond the folk, we're we're gonna do campaign to let people, but, unlike one percent yet, everyone. Is there anyone who would say no that and then again out themselves at the bare end of it, they go. So we don't let those criminal
Now those are the last part you lost due to presenting your audience. Ok, Mokanna! Hey got a bunch of crap from people in Hollywood for this. How dare he? Because how dare he points out that there is an entire other sides of the political oil? Is the kind of scorn that Hollywood has? Four youths kindest when the media have for you and your politicians right this. This group of elite is who all traffic in the same circles. These people believe they ought to rule you from above and if you buck that system in any way, regardless of the industry that you are in, then you will be called out and you'll be ostracised we'll be socially hoss. Ostracised get more of that in just one second, because it does feel in the United States and has called for quite a while. I am firmly convinced that this is what the Trump backlash has been about. I am firmly convinced that it feels if you are on one side of the a cloud which is to say anywhere to the right of Karl Marx. At this point, only anywhere to the right of of Hillary Clinton that you are under. since assault gonna Constance assault.
A thorough, Terry and government officials from a media that will lie to you and about you, you're, under assault from Hollywood. That wishes to promulgate messages that runs erectly counter to your value, your under assault from social media that sensors your viewpoints and from journalists who will go digging through all of your all, opposed to find something that they can use as a club to cudgel you, your under assault from corporations and from your boss. It's who might fire you if a bad old tweet is resurface It feels like that. It feels like the walls are closing in, and that is not a coincidence. There the plan from EU leaders to make the walls closed in on you, because they must they must achieve your silence. must achieve not just your silence, but your assent. They want you to be complicit in the russian of your own values. That is the goal here. and that is why it feels monolithic. That's why it feels like a tsunami right now, a culture, its cultural, economic and Trump was a middle finger. To that end, middle finger is
I'm gonna go away post election, regardless of what happens regardless of how this election and being adjudicated regardless. What the electoral college does state that that push to take over all of the institutions of power in our society, from government to Hollywood to academia, to the education system to them to all of the main Allison media, to social media. That push is going to continue unabated from the left. They are engaged in renationalization of american values. They are engaged in institutional capture. in crack down on your particular agenda and then ostracize you, if you dare to speak up against it, we'll get some more of us in just one. Second, first, let's talk for second about a fantastic Christmas or Hanukkah get so jewellery read that is my go to school Did you get my wife something for Hanukkah this year? Jewellery is always at the go too, but you can spend much ok, except if you go to the asked place for jewellery than I know, I'm talking about the pearl source at the pearl source, you get the highest quality, pearl jewellery and up to seventy percent off retail prices. Why
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now, if not already daily remember, you should join right now, not just because you get a brand new awesome tumblr, but also because we have a lot more stuff coming just around the corner. The micro moles show is now five days a week, adding more content for members to enjoy or ignore The case, maybe we are also adding the entire Prater you catalogued daily wired I'll, come by the end of the year. We ve already uploaded all of the Prager. You five minute: videos, the countess Olenska from Prager, you Michael Moses Book Club and rested libraries being added as we speak early next year, accountancy joining the daily wire here national she'll be launching a brand new daily. Where a show in front of a wide studio audience. We are also launching our first. Which are filling under daily, whereas upcoming entered him and how I could not be more excited to announce what that's going to be to you at a real film, I mean it's good stuff. We are also
building a new investigative journalism team to replace the legacy media cartel. So we are fighting against the establishment. Media has been misinforming you for years and twisting the narrative and castigating you as evil joined the fight seriously, such as they get better content. You also get to join the fight when you subscribe so gone over to daily, where a common check it out. Also, if you have not order our daily, where a Christmas tree ornaments, yet you haven't till to Morrow to summer night to get them in time to decorate your tree yeah as time is running out now be all of the daily warehouse plus God can Jeremy boring as centres adorable elves, including me, the most adorable of orthodox yourselves made out of painted mental. man. I gotta say I'm not an ornament aficionados, but this thing is a perfect combination of cute and horrifying to freak out your friends and relatives text Christmas to eighty three four hundred to get your tree decorated. Today. These things are going fast, get yours. Now you listening to large fastest growing concern to Pakistan. Radio shown the nation is a monolithic culture, war that is being waged by every institution in American
City on one side of the particular I'll. It is particularly shocking in Hollywood, which is a monolithic media culture and mean that people in Hollywood are one hundred percent on the left, except for me, for underground there. Many many people who are underground. I've met with heads of studios where conservatives we meet in anonymous places wearing baseball caps to ensure that nobody recognizes us, because everybody is afraid of what will happen if, God forbid, it is found out that they don't agree with this overwhelming left culture in Hollywood. While the problem is that the content that how it would put out, of course, echoes of the left's messaging, so perfect example, the Hollywood reported today reporting ABC rookie, is leaning into calls for more nuanced approach of how cops are portrayed to change things for as long as we get to do. They show when the writing staff of the rookie remotely reconvene in June. They weren't exactly sure what to do not only where they setting out to make a third season of their abc drama. During a pandemic. They had brig stories for a cop show, as countless Americans it took to the streets in protest of George Voyage
days earlier by Minneapolis Police and of the systemic racism that made his tragedy. All too common headway extra point out, I'm old enough to remember when the media used to say things like alleged murderer. Isn't it kind of amazing that the media just go George Floyd murder. I'm really that that is actually an issue that is under contention and we're gonna contention at the at the trial for directions. The cop, in that particular case with media just say, George Floyd's murder, as though there is no issue under contention. Their factually speaking just demonstrates that the media have no actual objective fact standard according to executive producer returns Paul winter. He says we ve always been aspirational and our storytelling, but we realise being aspirational, isn't good enough. We can't you ones lapis on where we feel good and solve racism in the end and then go back. Are you one thing the next week. We want to change things for as long as we get to do the show, so they have decided that they are going to put in a bunch of messages promoted by the interest and color of changing color of change
I left interest group is not unusual for Hollywood. For many many years. For example, the gay lesbian alliance against defamation has pre screen. Hollywood chose to make sure the patrols of gays and lesbians don't make gays and lesbians interventions, and also that there enough gay, Lesbian characters on particular shows for them to get the glad stamp of approval. So is not unusual. Color of change pay please not than it be doing the same for Hollywood, chose the civil rights advocacy Non profit, which is falling initiatives pursuing criminal justice voting It's an economic reform is becoming more and more involved in the entertainment industry in an effort to help it move away from an unhoped for narratives audiences c on camera. What we see as he be it impacts the way we vote the way we react to people even way. We, believe black lives matter is a terrorist organisation or not so color of change, culture and entertainment, advocacy director, Kristen Marston was consulted on more than one hundred it tv series about issues facing black Americans. These these are so foundational important. A hundred different tv shows so now
Simply all of this shows are going to be run by color of change. That is the idea here I mean that's pretty incredible stuff. Colored change has taken several steps, make it easier for the film on TV to show up in the black community since the summer the group partner with Michael Jordan in June on Change, Hollywood, an initiative that aims to provide concrete steps that can be taken by sea. Does production companies and agencies to invest in court anti racist content, authentic black stories and black talent? Antiracist content doesn't mean anti racism content. It means content that is designed to tear down the system in true Robins Angela permits, candy fashion. Hollywood is just a propaganda machine for the values the left, which is why the council cops. It's why they cancelled live pity aids, why they thought about Parliament's role, but by the fact is that Hollywood is repeating these messages, because there is a monolithic culture war that is going on. All the institutions have been taken over by people who agree with the left can be cram down you from every possible angle, and this does have real life effect. It
here is one of the real life, in fact, so LOS Angeles County District attorney, George Gascon issued a directive yesterday to prosecutors. He announced the following: misdemeanors in LA will be declined for prosecution with exemptions, trespassing disturbing the peace driving without a license prostitution and resisting arrest all misdemeanours- will now be decline for prosecutions of you, resist arrest, re Noster comes ass you and you resist arrest? Then this will be decline for prosecution and ally. It is no longer a crime and allay driving without a licence is no. we're a crime in a way which is madness. I mean that that that's craziness disturbing the peace and trespassing so just walk on a somebody's properly. No problem more. They decided there just not going to enforce these laws anymore. Why? Because we know the police are bad now simultaneously you'll here and that the police should be used to track down. All of you
Bastards we ve been having family gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas got activate the cops. Did you that's a copper great in those circumstances, but when they are enforcing laws against, say, trespassing or prostitution, the or breach of peace, then of a sudden, the cops are bad again. Give em the culture war is rather more of the division in the country than anything else and other alot of people in America who want to a tribute America's current divisions to issues of race or issues of class. Those are not the conditions in America. What we have is a culture war on our hands. What we have is one culture that suggest that the other half of the culture is evil and needs to be extricated from american society. There is a reason that the Democratic Party has put together in sectional coalition, not with white Working class Americans that was historically what Democrats thought they were doing. Rather, we get impoverished minority members wanted more government programmes together with white working class people.
one in more government interventionism analogy their coalition and then they discovered in the nineteen sixties and beyond it has some. They discover that instead there are one to aim at college, educated Americans. So it can be white, woke people who are college graduates getting together with the international coalition, and they were going to be fine against calling for traditional american values. I didn't be tearing down the systems in favour of anti racist systems. Heed that is the battle that is going on right now, anymore. They nearly everything and if you're looking for a common theme- everything from cheering on authoritarianism from the top of government to a culture war that decides that the police are bad and that anybody of the right must be thrown out of the halls of polite society. That is the common thread that is also the common threads, the backlash
is not irrational. Backlash. There's this going theory on the left that the reason for the Trump coalition- in the reason, the white Working Class rebelled, is because the white Working class dont like seeing the international coalition that doesn't explain why trumpeted increased percentage of working hours in blocks in the last election cycle. The answer is not that the answer is a culture battle is being waged, is being crammed down on you. You can feel at the number one question I get every single day from people, I'm talking people highest, also power. I'm talking about athletic stars, everybody range of wrath. What it starts to the heads of major Hollywood studios is. I am afraid that if I speak up, I'm gonna get fired. What do I do from the most powerful to people or just high school students and are afraid that their friends will have talk to them again or teachers were afraid, they're gonna, get fired or factory workers were afraid to their bosses, are gonna, throw them out. I get these sorts of public dozens of these questions every single day. Cancel culture is real, ok and cancel. Culture is ugly and cancel. Culture is tied to.
ideology which that the latest get to decide what is appropriate and what is not, and then they get cram it down with the force of government behind them and the what years our didn't continual pace, it's gonna get more more radical, because one thing you have to acknowledge that the intersection coalition that is pushed by the Democrats and when I say Intersection Coalition, what I mean is this Kimberly Crenshaw, was a theorist, a basically critical race theorist who suggested something true and then built on that an entire implausible fiction that has become so. The growing concern them left. The truth was that in Amerika you can be discriminated against
multiple reasons so, for example, can be discriminated against as a black woman in a way that you are not discriminated against as a black man, because you are discriminated against because your both black and a woman at the intersection of your identities is the place of discrimination. That is quite possible. There's nothing really wrong or implausible theory, but she then built from that sort of post, modern victimhood hierarchy whereby we can determine who is most victimized by the number of infrastructural groups to which they belong, and then we give those people the most credit and tearing down the system. Those are the people who need to be listened to, and otherwise you should sit down and you should shut up right. That is the intersection of theory that has been pushed the problem. Is the intersection of coalition is filled with victim groups or supposed victim groups or constantly pushing for the next item on the agenda? There growing more and more radical overtime right you can. You can see this every element of the intersection of democratic victim group, coalition is pushing for more radical policies that have places like color change, pushing define the police and you have the algae, BT movement
just pushing for leave us alone, and let us have gay marriage by pushing for religious institutions must be forced, forced into acquiescence. With our policies right, you ve got the new transgender groups pushing for the idea that men, biological men must be allowed into women's bathrooms right. All these groups are pushing for whatever is the next agenda item and the problem is, Those agenda items will have more radical. There is ain't majority, the Americans who oppose that. of including many minority members and they start to push back against it. This is why the left has to win the culture war. It is a battle of life or death for the intersection woke coalition. They have to grab those commanding height of culture and cram it down on you and everybody feels it. This is why these issues matter. They do matter to pretend they don't matter is to ignore the actual battle that is happening every day in the lives of Americans, because guess what tax rates matter if a lot less than whether you believe that you're going leading a life on social isolation, because all of your moral,
Others have decided on twitter, but if you dont use specifically preferred pronouns, this means you are a bad person not to be conversed. With is why it does matter when Supreme Court turns down a case from a group of parents asking whether it is a violation of their kids right four boys to be allowed in the girls locker room. This does matter. Those issues are not side issues their core issues because they go to the question
of whether or not a majority of Americans are still capable of mobilizing in defence of their own rights and the defence of basic truths and basic reason. The goal here is to enervate whether we are talking about covered policy and your acquiescence to shut down that are not rational or whether we are talking about ridiculous gender policies that are being pushed by the left. The goal here is to silence you. The goal is to take a majority and silence it. Can we talk about the silent majority in the United States are trumped has talked about this. What the truth is you're the silenced majority and all the institutions of culture will be brought to bear in order to silence you. That is the common thread, and the question is: are we going to fight back, or are we not going to fight back
already. Meanwhile, a couple of stories of corruption and I've been breaking on the scene, so there's a pretty incredible story. Well, it turns out that I L had Omar member of the squad ideologues extraordinary. It turns out that dumb, her her husband just got a bunch of covered at nineteen loans that he didn't eat according to hot air, and this is an Morrissey Rob EL, I almost twenty twenty campaign paid at the firm echo owned by her husband TIM, my net two point: seven million dollars for services rendered allowing the couple to keep a significant part of the five points million dollars they raise for her reelection. There is We have no indicted for her real action and nearly half of it went to the firm call owned by her husband, which is one hell of a grip right there. The eastern grew Elsie was by far the biggest recipients of almost campaign, accounting for half of all disbursements be second ranking recipient was the state democratic Party with just over four hundred thousand dollars at the same time that each regroup in my net slash Omar score begin.
So the campaign they also scored big, uncover nineteen relief according to five zoos. Public records now show that the EAST St group COS by almost husband at minute, receive nearly a hundred thirty five thousand dollars in patient protection programme loans and five hundred grand economic injury, disaster loans, federal, Commission violence also show the fervent receive payments for other campaigns, including a hundred seven five brand from the committee of representing promote Jaya, Paul Washington and nearly a hundred thirty Grand Minnesota democratic farmer, Labour party. So why exactly was the EAST Regroup Elsie in need of taxpayers support? Why did a member of it well, who personally benefited from campaign donations through EAST regroup, allow her husbands from access to six hundred. Thirty, thousand dollars in subsidize relief loans in the first place. You might think that this should get the attention of federal prosecutors, I mean it is not a shock that dumb Omar sudden
announced in MID November that should be cutting ties of their husbands firm after winning reelection in Minnesota, fifth congressional district, the start from you noted at the time. This was not a spontaneous demonstration of transparency. She cut ties because an hour group filed a complaint about her campaign financed eyes? The Effie, seeing according to the sharp tribune, has taken no public action in response to a complaint. Last year, from it served of group alleging money from Mars campaign, page who now husband at him my net and his streaked with Elsie for personal travel expenses. The contract was a lucrative one for each regroup, your mark and pay report of paying more than one point, one million dollars for advertising in consulting in the third quarter of the year alone. This is gripped ill had Omar is obviously corrupt or she is not crumbs. She best show her cards because that is about is corrupt, as it looks speaking of corruption, fascinating story from axioms today, demonstrating that suspected chinese intelligence operatives developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, particularly Democrats.
Who could have predicted such a thing, including yours, congressmen, acts hosted a year, long investigation and what they found was a political and Urgent operation run by China's main civilians by agency between twenty eleven and twenty fifteen apparent are we suspected operatives activities appear to have ended during bomb administration. Concerns. Vibration Influence operations has banned president trumps time in office and will continue to be a core focus for: U S: Counter intelligence. During the bind administration, the woman at the centre of the opera nation? Is a chinese national in Fang thing or Christine thing she targeted up and coming woke petitions in the Bay area and across the country who have the potential to make a big on the national stage through pain, fundraising, extensive networking, personal charisma and romantic or sexual relationships with at least two midwestern mayors thing was able to gain proximity to political power. According to current and former. U S, intelligence officials and one former elected even though your officials do not believe that Fang receives or pastime classified information. The case was a big deal.
as there was really some really sensitive people caught up in the intelligence network according to current senior. U S, intelligence official! Again this actual reporting on ties between democratic politicians and the chinese spy among most significant targeted fangs effort was one Eric Swallow de farting. California Fang took part in fundraising activity for swallows. Two thousand fourteen re election campaign according to a Bay area, political operative and a career- u S, intelligence official swallows office was directly aware of these activities. On its behalf, the political operative said: have you see, records dont indicate thing herself major nations, but thing did out place. At least one internet swallows offers an interacted with swallow at multiple events. Over the course of several years I met a widening counter intelligence programme. Federal investigators became so alarm by things, behaviour and activities that around twenty fifteen they alert it's well well to their concerns. Giving What is known as a defensive breathing apparently swallow immediately
of all ties to thing and Fang left the country unexpectedly in it made it twenty? Fifteen actual concludes. The case demonstrates trying to strategy of cultivating relationships that may take years or even decades to bear fruit, The sea cp. The Chinese Communist Party knows that today's mayors and City Council members are tomorrow's governors and members of Congress. Beijing has been engaged in serious acts of intelligence gathering and honestly was doing the kind of stuff the that you see in shows, like the Americans at least two separate sexual interactions with elected officials, including one of these midwestern mayors or caught on FBI, electronic surveillance of Fang. According to two intelligence officials, she volunteered for Ro Canada's unsuccessful two thousand fourteen house bed. He eventually ended up joining the house in two thousand and sixteen Conness Office said the F B. I did not believe him on her activities. Fang helped of with a fundraiser fertility gabert into in twenty thirteen. She appeared and photos or multiple yours, the hosts of California politicians, including Conner.
Swallow represented, Judy Chew of California and then representative. At my Kaunda Democrat of California, choose apparently Honda said he had no memory of meeting thing, but is pretty obvious issues gathering political intelligence. China continues to be an enemy, and apparently there are targeting people who were just around Joe Biden according to a topic official, you told a think tank last week, you US intelligence, has seen a sharp uptake by this easy, be genuinely democratic or by seem, and those according to national Counter Intelligence and Security Centre director, William ever Nina, he told Aspen Institute that China has launched an influence campaign on their wage targeting via Biden and is going to rise. Very of daily wire he's I think, the last few months. Parallel to the elections, we ve been redeeming really heavily on the cover nineteen front and China's efforts just to thwart that not only in the vaccine, but also in the promulgation of supply chain,
movement of the vaccine, all the way to inoculation. But we are also seeing an object, uninfluenced campaigns to the new administration. Obviously the attempt by China to influence Biden is nothing new. Your recovered in the middle of the campaign, there's airport that came out of the media than studiously ignored, suggesting that China was in fact attempting to end the election from outside in favour of Joe Biden remember ever Nina released a statement in the middle of the year in August sank what we assess the China prefers, President from Beijing sees unpredictable. Does not when reelection China has been expanding its influence? fritz ahead of November twenty twenty to shape the policy. Movement in the United States and pressure political figures at views, as opposed to China's interest and deflect encounter criticism of China. So China,
gauge and influence operations and is worthy of keeping an eye on them, especially considering the nicety with which Joe Biden has treated China. Remember, who refuse to label them an opponent. Instead, Joe Biden has suggested that their flourishing would be good for the world, which is an arguable proposition at best, just ass, the people of Hong Kong, we now liver who now live under the tender mercies of the chinese government broken. Meanwhile, the media continue to suggest that we have a crisis of faith in american democracy, we're because they didn't seem to think there is a crisis of faith in american moccasin. They spent four years declaring the President trumpets russian plant, but now Eugene Robinson is deeply worried about the future of american democracy. He writes in the Washington Post today. Democracy requires faith. President Trump and his unscrupulous enablers, including most republican elected officials, are cynically destroying their faith for millions of Americans. I fear the nation will pay a terrible price. Oh have you yet again
the safety of rooms, not governor of Georgia? Have you acknowledged? The Mulder report turned up absolutely nothing of relevant interest with regard you trump. Russia collusion, but Eugene Robinson is deeply worried about the the petitions of our democracy the insane ironing of hearing from Democrats who has spent years undermining fundamental institutions of american democracy, saying that the Senate is bad in the electoral college, is bad, suggesting that tramples gonna burn. The mailbox is to stop the vote and other turning around there like well Trump one except the results of the election democracy is. It is, in fact no its, not there's a process and the process is playing out, but their hit. The panic, but now Jim Kleiber is suggesting that there are some fragile that that there are some threats to our fragile democracy. Remember James Kleiber is also the sort of character who has who has suggested in the past holocaust comparisons. I believe he compared heavily Republicans to Nazis at one point in the last several weeks here is Jim Kleiber, the demos
majority web. There was some genuine threats to this fair, fragile democracy about we ve seen I play out now for the last four years and is now he put on steroids, answer, any time this kind of invitation that this precedent is given to people around the country. In that comes to the floor of the House series, I don't think you will prevail right. It is a threat to democracy. Since Jim Kleiber, it's all a threatening operating get em if you're talking about threats to democracy and the undermining of faith and public institutions. This guy literally said I believe, the week after the election. The Donald Trump was like Adolf Hitler for refusing to concede the results of the election. No, I don't know on and then up until it was a long time I'm beginning to see what happened in Germany back in an idea that is another.
It happened in this country How do you like the present president, then all of a sudden gave him the authority to be detained, Firstly, a gentleman of you. Ve lived in a german it. Meanwhile, as far as whether the process is working, the process is working. Ok right now, there's apparently one had a final lawsuit that is happening in Georgia. Eric Ericsson has been very sceptical of the losses filed by the from team in Linwood in any power in places like Georgia. He treated out this morning about this case in Georgia. Will I remain sceptical? It is the first case the Trump team is file that is based on actual voting data that allegedly number of people voted who should not have and that their voting exceeded the margin of victory. They have the names of the voters, etc. They filed
this path Friday. They forgot to pay the filing thieves who got thrown out today. Is the last possible data file and get a judge, traverse certification of the election, but he says the Z serious, credible lawsuit. So that is good news for me. That is what you want. You want a serious credible. Also, you don't want more press releases, you don't want more hearings that are public, but not actually legal. In intent, what you want, if you want to change the outcome of the election, is proof of the allegations, have been made, and apparently that is now being brought in a lawsuit in Georgia, which is probably the thing considering that the so called crack and losses were all dismissed over the course of yesterday, hot air reporting, a federal judge, swatted down Sidney PAL, so called cracking lawsuit,
Michigan ruling. Aren't you never provided evidence of either fraud or legal errors of Michigan Federal Judge Linda, be Parker, ruled against requests from power to force the states rewards electoral votes to Trump, despite Joe Biden, winning save about a hundred fifty thousand votes. A thirty six page opinions had in fact is lost. It seems less to be about achieving the relief plaintiffs seek as much of their relief is beyond the power of this court and more about the impact of their obligation on people's faith in the democratic, us and their trust in our government the that they dont have any really further next steps. Apparently the injunction relief was denied. Not only was there if only to neither is another lawsuit that was thrown out, the Georgia lawsuit from its anyhow again, this is the cracking lawsuit was thrown out by a judge was George W Bush appointee. The judge that state courts need to hear those sorts of cases. It not federal courts and said the plaintiffs do not have standing and also dinged Sidney power for untimely us because they could have challenges a while back
meanwhile, the calls for a special session of the legislature in Georgia. Those are going unheeded, mainly because it's not super legal. According against you, hot air, by public astrogation, my Donald Trump and demands from forest aid. Senators of Cumnor brain have a lieutenant governor Jeff Duncan announced. They would not call a special session to choose new presidential electors under both state and federal law. The legislature Not able to pick new electors anyway, they say what we understand for members of the Georgia Senator requesting the convening of a special session of the General Assembly. This in order to select a separate slate of presidential letters, is not an option allowed under state or further along stable is clear. The legislature could only direct and alternative. for choosing presidential electors if the election was not able to be held on the date set by federal law in six, is the General Assembly decided Georgia's presidential electors will be determined by the winner of the state's popular vote. Any attempt by the legislature retroactively change that process for the November an election will be unconstitutional and immediately enjoined by the court ruling.
Did anyone legal dispute and no short term resolution. Meanwhile, president from is trying to do the same thing with the Pennsylvania House, apparently according to the Washington Post President from called the speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives twice during the past week, to make an extraordinary request for help reversing his loss in state, reflecting a broadening pressure campaign by the President and his allies to try to subvert the twenty twenty election result. The calls confirmed by how Speaker brand colors office make Pennsylvania the third state or trumpets directly attempted to overturn results since he lost the election allegedly to Vice President Joe Biden. He previously reach out Republicans in Michigan. Didn't do it. He tried to pressure brand kept to do it. That's illegal and now he's trying to do this with the Republicans in the State House Colored told the president, the legislature didn't, have the power to overturn overturn the states chosen slate of letters that the speaker was among about sixty republican state. Lawmakers has sent a letter to Pennsylvania's congressional representatives, urging them to object to the states electoral slate on January. Six that that is one Congress, is set to formally accept the results.
Although such a move is highly unlikely interaction, at least one Pennsylvania Republican said that he would probably try to do that. So is anything likely to succeed knows that Georgia lawsuit is where it's out and they have to file similar lawsuits. That actually allege the harm that actually, the harms alleged in places like Pennsylvania, because remember even if Georgia would be overturned trump. So is behind in Arizona and his behind in Pennsylvania. He would need when Georgia and Arizona and Pennsylvania or reverse the constituted results there in order to overturn the status of the election in those states. Right now, two problems, people who are saying that this all threats and mockery. It's not a threat to democracy, there's process if the process is moving forward, if team from he's gonna show their proof and now would be the time to do it in places like Georgia as well
as in the other states, and there are allegations out there are the allegations are out there. I talked to his programme yesterday about this tape of toxic come up about a week ago. There is the shape that emerge from Fulton County, showing people allegedly taking boxes of balance and then processing them after telling everybody to essentially clear out of the room and they I talked on the show about the claims of the officials involved, who suggested there's nothing really unusual about this, that the ballots had been there, because I'm renew the ballots were there that there are hidden that, despite these boxes balanced, basically there absentee ballots. You have what are called ballot cutters. The cutters take off the signature portion of the ballot because Bowser supposed to be anonymous, and then you process all the ballots after you box them up. The allegation is that these were fake ballots, or that these were stacked ballots or something like gathered that border fraud took place. The republican observers were cleared out and then he's real process through the machines. The state has said
normal processes that you take up those boxes and new process them, and that even if people made the mistake of leaving the rest election observers, who are there within an hour of that happening and also the recovery in the room, either out standing questions to be asked about their case. Whether those balance should be fairly easy to prove if a bunch of ballots were were put through that were never registered and should be if the numbers don't match up. If the number of registered absentee balance does not match up with the with the number, the number of signature slips does not match up with number votes. The rashly process that pre a pretty easy way of telling there's voter brought all that stuff is going to have to come out in the wash Molly. Hemingway has a good piece over at the over the federalist talking about open questions with regard to that video it is worthy of a little bit overview. She points out. The well stay claims that people were not cleared out of the room to the states that people are not cleared out of the room and ever happen. There is no official who said that everybody should leave, but as Molly haven't,
points out. George Republican Party Chairman David Shaver has consistently said that that is what happened state from Irena beginning hours after the election, he said to Pm November Fourth, Fulton County told our observers last night, you go home because there were closing up and then continue to count ballots in secret. That is backed by sworn affidavits from two republicanism. First, they further alleged there were kept an unreasonable distance from about, even while they were at state farm arena, and the video seems you back that up as well. So as Mali Hemingway says, on the one hand, you have sworn affidavits from reserve observers, saying: supervisors toll ballot counters to go home for the evening shortly, M p M, a video showing everybody leaving at that time. On the other hand, you have to go, officials, promising known, was told that counting was over. Abc news did report that counters worse and home. At the time republican observers said everyone was told, counting had stopped. Apparently, election departments
the ballot counters home at state farm arena at one thousand and thirty p dot m according to Regina Waller, in Fulton County public Affairs manager for elections. Now the the service of bunking of the story focused in on the idea that the State Election Board Monitor said that he was present at the boat council location beginning at one thousand. One hundred and fifty two that less than an hour and twenty minute gap between when the room was cleared and when showed up now. Does that mean that border fraud took place now Joey again at all on video unclear on the video whether these ballots were there when they were not there.
People who are in the no in Georgia suggest that the ballots had been properly tabulated before and put in the boxes and renew the boxes were there. That's really the key question here with that set. Should all these questions be pursued? Absolutely I soon that that is the basis of that of that law. Suit in Georgia will continue to bring you the latest that threat to democracy that loss in Georgia. I don't see why it's a lawsuit and just like all the other losses will be processed and will be gone through. Meanwhile, there's that Pennsylvania case that is going to probably be elevated to the Supreme Court at this point, the Pennsylvania case is not allegations voter fraud. It is allegations Pennsylvania State Legislature had no power to create universal mail and balloting back in twenty nineteen, because the state constitution requires an amendment in order to allow that sort of process centre. Had crews has announced that, if that does make it to the Supreme Court, he will argue it in front of the Supreme Court is not likely to overturn the results of the election itself. The remedy is probably not overturn the election result, but it will speak to the ways in which these elections as have been perverted in order to make it less clear, not more clear who is voting? And how can you a lot more about that
sorry overrun the Michael moles show today, Michael's episode is out of jail right now unwrap here I had on over there because he's got the inside scoop men demand does show, with ten crusade should have the inside scoop over there. All right we'll be back later today with two additional hours of contents. Otherwise, we will see you here tomorrow from Much more your listening to the entropy Russia. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available and Apple podcast Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including he Andrew and show it Michael all show, and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening Dimension Bureau show is produced by Coltan Hoss Executive, pretty Sir Jeremy boring our Superman. producers are Mathis Glover and Robert Sterling production manager? the white asking ourselves
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-12.