« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1143 - Will The Kraken Be Released?


Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis throw Sidney Powell under the bus; Team Trump’s legal options narrow; and the media insist they are credible after completely destroying their own credibility.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rudy Giuliani agenda Ellis, throw Sidney power under the bus team from legal options narrow and the media since they are credible after completely destroying their own credibility. I'm Bench Bureau this is the Bench bureau show today. we sponsored by expressing Debian, stand up for your word. Digital rights take action at expressive, gps, dot, com, Slash Ben we're, gonna jump right. into the news, but first let me remind you that the news itself is crazy. That means a lot of volatility. It means you're, not sure where the stock market is going to go. You don't know what they are. Politicians are going to inflate the currency blow out the spending what you're gonna do with regard to trade monetary policy. This is why you should be at least a little bit diversified into precious metals that people have been working with. Four years are my friends over birch gold, both as a safe haven against inflation and bad decisions by politicians, which means like it's a hedge against reality, because that's what was happening all the time, where do you by your gold, birch gold group? That's why I trust this month. There can give you an extra bonus for black Friday through November twenty seven.
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black. I he is also a federalist society members. This is not a wild left wing judge just because he was appointed by a are very often low level. District judges are appointed at asked of senators from various states through sort of bipartisan agreement. In any case, you associated Press reported We will judge you should scathing order on Saturday dismissing the trunk campaigns futile attempts to block the certification of votes and Pennsylvania, shoe known claims of widespread irregularities with male and ballots because was always a longshot to stop President Elect Joe binds integration that, of course, the language of the eighty, but was present Donald Trump best hope to effect at the election results through the courts, mostly because of the number of electoral votes. Twenty at stake in Pennsylvania. Us District Court judge, Matthew, Brant wrote in his order that trump it asked the court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters. This is one of the problems that the remedy did not seem like. It was calibrated to the sin. If you can identify two people who had their votes counted wrongly or if we should have had their votes counted and instead were disenfranchised that real
general course not an order and entire state of seven million people. All of those voters then be disenfranchised and then sent electors be appointed by the state legislature. Brands had one might expect that, when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintive would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption. That has not happened. Trembled is still needed way. In Arizona in Georgia and other states. In order to actually when the election Trump has reaching out to Michigan Legislatures legislators in in the White House. on Friday. He was working with these lawmakers Suggesting apparently, MRS speculation anyway, they who suggesting that they select their own electors. Right now. The situation in Michigan women's a little bit up in the air, the State Board of Canvas and could theoretically split two two, in which case there be a bunch of lawsuits filed and then we find out how things end in Michigan, but in Pennsylvania situation is just about wrapping up again. the baseline problem with this situation and in Pennsylvania is that the lawsuit was just slimly predicated
had allegations of equal protection violations. There are legal problems with that because again, it was a lawsuit, those file, basically, on the basis of the state taking sir, procedural, certain procedural rules under consideration, the equal protection comes a federal claim to make a federal claim. You have to show their federal right was violated, a federal equal protection claim based on two different counties, having two different standards of votes being counted and voter fraud not being the issue was probably not going and with the disenfranchisement of seven million people in Pennsylvania, any Mccarthy right over at National Review, Judge Brands. Opinion sets forth a variety of reasons for dismissing the case. Most of them are directed toward the complaints of two individual plaintiffs voters who claimed their balance had been improperly discounted. The court found the term campaign had no standing Sue, having positive, no evidence that trunk was harmed in any carbonized away by the manner in which the election was conducted in Pennsylvania. See here is the problem was not the voters suing. It was the Trump campaigns who in suggesting that things were unfair. On behalf of the trunk
campaign in order for you to sue. Typically, you know in a lousy. You have standing right if my producer com, is hit by a car, I can't see the person driving the car, and you know what I mean like home at all, but but I can't see the person driving the car, because I don't have standing zoo right. I'm not the person whose dammit. Court would have to do in this situation. If there is voter fraud that occurred, the voters theoretically would have to sue unless No systematic voter fraud on behalf of the Biden campaign, the biggest problem again in their laws, who was, as any Mccarthy has said many times the mismatch between the proposed remedy and the proper, and they suggested harm. The judge said If you accepted the premise that the two voters in question or is neither rights but while others were not, the relief would be for them to have their boats properly counts. It right you just figure out how they were going to own. Then you count their votes. It wouldn't be disenfranchised. Seven million people,
In filing their original complaint on November, ninth to Trump campaign claim extensive voter fraud. Then, apparently they they pulled their voter fraud claims and they tried very late to reinstate their voter fraud claims that happened on Thursday night, but they did so in order to go back to this record, so they were saying, ok well now that they have basically rejected our claims that this particular court level we're gonna go to the Supreme Court, but the problem is that we believe that they requested from the appeals court was go back to district court. So you end up in this. We're position where they want to get to the Supreme Court eventually and have the Supreme Court adjudicate the butterfly voter regularity claims and seek to throw out the election in Pennsylvania, essentially they were claiming their golden Supreme Court directly. The problem is that the grounds upon which they appeals that they were not given leave to amend their complaint that no gets remanded back to the district court. They should go back down to a lower level court. In order to make this argument, the Trump legal team was trying kind of China South you're, into a silk purse. Here by suggesting that this was actually a victory,
regionally Ani and Agenda Ellis issued, responds to the really miss at today's decision turns out to help us in our strategy a strategy to get expeditiously to the Supreme Court. Although we fully agree with the opinion or thankful to the Obama appointed judge for making this this anticipated decision quickly, rather than simply trying to run out the clock, will be seeking an expedited it and the third circuit there's a lot of evidence than Pennsylvania Democrats eliminated our opportunity to present fifty witnesses and other evidence and election officials blatantly again Pennsylvania's law, denying independent review; ok, but they're not actually again appealing the decision to this Third Circuit Court of appeals on the base. That they ignore the evidence and therefore needs to be sent to the Supreme Court they're saying they want leave to run to revise their complaint. I know it's a little bit of legalese. It just means that the timeline is longer otherwise would be. This doesn't allow them to elevate up to the Supreme Court. It cause them to elevate, only
back down and lower court, which means that you end up in the sort of endless cycle of appeals. Judge bran suggested, of course, that the the lawsuit was bound to fail, which of course, I mean in all likelihood. It probably is so that is the story in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin and from campaign is attempting similar lawsuits we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that, with all the unrest out their guns, going through the roof. There's a reason for their regular, protect yourself how to protect your family. The big problem is that, even in God, forbid a situation which we have to protect yourself in your family. You very well could end up being dragged into court. You could end up being prosecuted simply for defending yourself your family. That's why you have to know how to use your gun and when you use your gun, you need a proper education and industry leading to ensure your skills are sharp when faced with danger, plus the. U S easier, his part an insurance policy that provides the association and its members with self defense liability insurance
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It is as a recount begun in Friday in danish Walkie counties. Those are home to the cities Madison in Malawi, from slurs argued officials should not merely retaliate all the votes cast. Instead, they argued that a large bad ballots had been improperly accepted and counted in the first place in both data Milwaukee. Their seeking to to disqualify all absentee balance that have been cast before election day in person rather by mail so that is likely to not succeed either economic, no legal challenge suggesting that every absentee ballot, those cast in person, meaning that you you cast absence above any went and Utrecht in persons, makes next to double check that your I counted and you Ve Cassa Provisional, provisional that all should basically be thrown out. The unofficial tally still shows by up about twenty thousand votes, in two thousand. Sixteen, when Joe Stein the Green Party hands, requesting a more extensive statewide weakens. It resulted in a trumpet widening his victory.
Wisconsin by about a hundred and thirty one votes, the Trump campaigns decision to target for the recap biology, democratic guarantees is obviously not to close the gap can else had. Every Americans deserves to know that our elections are conducted in a legal matter matter who they are or where they live, or only goal is to ensure safe, secure and fair elections. There a lot accusations that observers and media were being distanced from the actual counting of the ballot unclear as to whether that is a legal problem or not in all likelihood the reason we see baseline rationale that people are using as they're saying you're not supposed to be up on the balance. You can actually see who voted for what, because there is in fact, a secret ballot from camp Where's, your cars almost immediately accused the newly sworn in Milwaukee election workers of starting to open and look at ballot applications before the Board of Canvas has authorized it and and Rick Bass, who was one of the one of the election monitors, got very angry because a lot of
he's a Republican, and he got angry because from the Trump supporters were apparently being kind of loud during the election observation. it's it's a big margin. It's unlikely that recounts he's going to overcome at which is, of course, why their filing legal challenges not suggesting that the absentee balance have been improperly counts in the first place or reach Is it going to do much this sort of thing strategy they adopted in Georgia, when the the Trump legal team suggested that count isn't going to change any of their results, because the big problem is that people did not properly signature match the first time But if you sent an email and ballot that people did not properly signature, man before they remove the signature portion of the ballot and therefore a bunch of illegal votes had already been cut. If you re county legal balls, you just recounting illegal about the issue there is that you do republican and democratically observers in Georgia who are actually matching the signatures together. So that is where things stand with regard to scans and meanwhile over in Michigan, as I meant,
earlier team Trump is trying to create a pathway where, by the Michigan legislature would declare a slate of electors were from, even though Trump right now in the count is down about a hundred fifty thousand votes in Michigan? and being the widespread voter fraud and voter regularity make it impossible for the count to be trusted. This, of course, has already been quasi. the kitten by abortive, canvas certain weighing county or split to chew, Republicans and Democrats, and then there are publicans voted with the Democrats to certify, and then they tried to uncertainty now. The thing is that the State Board of canvasses we'll see how they vote. There are two Republicans and to democratic. They were to split to do then. Presumably there'd be a loss. You trying to compel the State Board of canvasses to vote in favour of certifying the election, at which point you would imagine that the governor, who happens to be a Democrat Whittemore that she would vote to certify the election, but you could be radically of a constitutional crisis, is what the Michigan, how Speaker was talking about? Lee chat field, Republican
Work to be a tool to split on the state border came answers. They would then go to the Michigan Supreme Court to determine What their response would be, what their order would be if they did have an order that it be certified one that we have a constitutional crisis instead of Michigan. That's ever occurred before because, as the federal constitution says, this is left up to the state legit natures, Piassaba State Legislature, decided long ago to do it. This way, this way doesn't work. Obviously, now we have questions that have been written resident, the ship, ok, so that is, that is the possible constitutional crisis happening in Michigan. In all likelihood, this is probably not going to move forward in this way again, then, the lawsuit has basically been declared dead in Pennsylvania, barring some sort of extraordinary circumstance. The recounts in Wisconsin is not likely to resolve many of your change lawsuits there,
be a Jew dictated. If there's a lawsuit Georgia, it will be easier to get over. There is a lawsuit. Those filed last week by a member of team Trump and that loss it was plagued by a bunch of errors in which, for example, the person five lawsuit included, affidavits that conflated Michigan and Minnesota, which was a real problem, declaring that the voting rules in in Michigan had been overwhelmed by people or not register devoted turns out that he was matching up stats from Minnesota. Two states from Michigan, then comparing the border counties, of course is is doing the math wrong. So all of this is is a problem for game from them, in that there is no question that the legal path, fourteen trump has narrowed, just to be Italy objective about this, which remain the now is the time to bring forth as much evidence as you could possibly muster with regard to vote or fraud and voter irregularity sufficient to overcome the presumption that these votes are going to be certified. We know already that Georgia's gonna certify, we know the Pennsylvania is likely
to certified once the boats are certified and the electors are selected than it's just a matter of the formalistic boat of the electoral College on December fourteen, so time run short now would be the time to as Sidney PAL suggested, release the cracking there's one problem there, which states in Nepal has now been ousted from a team from we'll get to that in just one. Second. First, let us talk about encrypting your data. Let's talk about the data you have on your computer. You don't want anybody stealing it that's ADA! You don't want to be anybody tracking what you do online. I mean this is your data. I tell if an easy for a happen to buy pot that bypass Wi Fi secure, and steal your information by exploiting flaws like cracked, that's crap with a k, guess you'd like to google it that's why I'm expert Phoebe and to stay secure online. It started
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So meanwhile, you remember that, just last week the Trump legal team included three wars. It was really Giuliani who had been brought in very late in the game to represent the Trump team in court in Pennsylvania and go particularly where it was gonna Ellis is a long time from campaign war and was Sidney Palace in new powers, of course, aware for Michael Flynn, who did an excellent job with Michael Flynn and was considered fairly well respected in the legal community just last week and Alice had suggested that this was the illegal the elite strike force team team from here's. What you had to say that press conference last week remember. This is such a short time frame, and this is an lead, strike force team that is working on behalf of the president and the campaign to make sure that our constitution is protected? We are a nation of rules. nation of rulers. Ok, so that was the take last week that were the take last week. Was there
Sidney. Powell was an integral member of the Jimmy for setting up there on the podium. She was taken, the microphone from Rudy and, of course, the theory that she went out last week is the dominion systems had been hacked, and there are two separate theories laid up. A team from the theory, those put forward by Rui Giuliani, had significantly more legitimate basis. at least evident cheerily. As far as we could see. That theory is that there had been irregularities that observers have been kept from pulling places, they were told to keep back in that provide the possibility of border fraud. There's one affidavit that he cited, suggesting that actual votes had been brought by trash can for Joe Biden two places in Detroit. There wasn't a lot of evidence to support that there is one affidavit accordant. again found that unconvincing, but at least there were affidavits. At least there are allegations that were subject to the possibility of verification right. He was alleging that there were certain coworkers were being told by the Democratic Party to facilitate with voter fraught and then these with this
allegations whose making now the problem for Giuliani is that he wasn't making a lot of those allegations in court where he did make them in court. They weren't sufficient evidence airily for a judge to sustain them, but again is Voter fraud is their vote. Irregularity. There certainly is in every single action. The only question is to what extent Sidney Palace making a much much deeper accusation. Her accusation is that the boat machines themselves had been hacked that basically dominion, Sums had at one point, had a relationship with a company called Sequoia Sequoia had at one point had a relationship with a company called smart tech. Smart tat had imbibed, supposedly material into their algorithms and allowed for manipulation of the algorithms from the outside, and therefore she suggested some seven million boat had been basically wiped from the roles for president from meaning that from one eighty million vote, not seventy three million I mean is that we are very broad and and spectacular allegations requiring a broad base of evidence to be provided size.
last week, I like see the evidence, make up my mind in public, because the fact of the matter is that she was making a claim to the media. I can judge whether her claims are true or false. Actually see the evidence, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that and then people say well just wait for her to bring it forward in court. I said: okay, that's fair! in a legal sense, but using a claim to the media. If she's asking for my opinion on what she has said I need to see evidence of that. What you say is true, before unlikely to believe that seven million abutments in what you are talking about is the biggest voter scandal the history of the United States, which means the biggest the scandal in the history of democracy. If you're literally talk, but the voting machines of the United States being hacked the point when you're ten million votes are shifted from one side to the other, or seven million votes are simply lost in mail. If you're making those sorts of claims. You are talking about the greatest act of undermining of democracy in the history of democracy,
I mean it's an amazing amazing accusations. You're gonna require some evidence of that and, if you're not going to bring it in public view for people in the media, judge or people in the public to judge and well disposed BS to take them on faith, hey did you say your bring it in court and then bring it in court Rebecca? You don't have a lot of time to prove that also you, imagine that if the vote fraud were were that prevalent, you should be able to come up with with evidence of it. Ok. So last week, obviously this resulted in Tucker Carl, going to send you, parents and teachers evidence and we actually ask any power to come on the programmes. We could ask her about that. I should have responded. As far as I am aware, token Karlsson did have coordination with her team and she basically blue, took her car. And often and suggested that he was a bad guy for asking for evidence, which is a proposition. I find pretty pretty ridicule shells said she didn't have time to do. Interviews should then promptly appeared on New Maxwell interviews, Issues MAX and she suggests and she was going to file lawsuits this over the weekend should therefore lawsuits in Georgia, and it would be quite a whole biblical this in a language that she's using. We need our big word she's using right crack in biblical
care to certain point. You're actually, gonna have to show that you know me of evidence. Do you have hidden behind or number three? here. Here was Sidney POW, Jordan Secular said that there's gonna be a filing soon in Georgia. That would be explosive. Can you tell us anything? Can you make some news with us here and I tell us anything new that you're going to present in that filing and George Well, I'm like I can say about Europe, but hopefully this week we will. We will get it ready to file sitting. What's in it will do it will be biblical, then she even went further, and she suggested that in Georgia, the reason that Trump loss of mothers, Republican Secretariat, in a republican governor is because essential the republican Governor Brain Camp had been paid off that he was complicit in
in the dominion. Scandal should then suggested. The Bernie Sanders was also complicit in the dominion scandal because he had been jobs by Hillary Clinton back and twenty sixteen using dominion, voter machines and had gone along with it. For the sake of party unity. Here is any power, your broadening the accusations. Now, Georgia's probably going to be the first, though I'm gonna blow up and Mister Camp and the Secretary of State leave to go with it because there in on the dominion scam, what there last minute purchase or award of the contract dominion of a hundred million dollars. The state Bureau of Investigation for Georgia be looking into financial benefits received by Mister Camp and and the Secretary of State spam lay about that time. Just to clarify your Santa governor camp has been a long time. Ally of the president is, it is directly involved because a financial benefit the conspiracy to defeat the President in Georgia. We have certainly been told that there is evidence of that. Ok, I mean the
I have certainly been told, the brain can be guilty of being paid off by dominion in order to shift votes where'd you go along. That means that these are criminal allegations, she's, accusing people of criminal behaviour. I hate it when people on the left you this to people on the right, I'm not a big fan of when people throw around criminal type accusations. without any sort of supporting evidence or even a compelling legal theory right. So it so this obviously went too far even for team from These are the weekends any powers fired from team from so that is pretty good. hatred that even team from didn't believe that she had the goods that she was referring to in all of this, which is in a bad news for team. From these obvious dating from needs that sort of evidence in court overturn election results in places like Michigan or Pennsylvania or Georgia or Arizona again presidential needs when Arizona and Georgiana Pennsylvania or you needed
Georgia and Pennsylvania and Michigan in order to win the election at this point, which will require overturning of those votes, the evidence of significant significant voter brought, it will get to more of that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that any life insurance of irresponsible human being or to make sure that your families in carrying his God forbid, something should happen to you: shopping for life insurance and seem really daunting. But if you got loved ones depending on you, it's also really important, which is why policy genius makes it easy. They combining the edge insurance marketplace withheld from licensed experts to save you time and say you money right now. You could see fifty percent or more by using policy genius to compare life insurance when your shopping for a policy that could last for more than a decade. This aid Really, you start to add up here's how our first, let alone a policy genius tat come in minutes. You can work at how much covered you need and compare quotes from top insurers to find your best price policy genius will compare policy starting at
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Dominion saying yes, we keep hearing these allegations that we have done a horrible job here, but we are still waiting to see the evidence. We too are horrible The facts on my side and residents attorneys will go on to press conferences, will go on tv and make these credit is the and thirty times they ve gone to court and they have not offered a scintilla of proof. The all in Spain, until we would love to see any facts and eminence, they have thus far you see none, ok. So all of this would have just been a sort of right left battle over dominion, voting machines, except that last week, on Sunday This yesterday were Giuliani and challenge and Alice actually release a statement firing anyhow. So now you the belief, The Giuliani and allies had been paid off or we believe the Powell didn't have a good feminism willing to waste. To read it is the powers making accusations that you simply come back up once Giuliani and Ellis, say, listen! We're done here, one scene from says: you're we brought you on. You said you had the evidence, you don't have the evidence catch you later, there's a lot of votes out there
still inclined to believe, it's anyhow has that outstanding you're gonna have to explain what the interests of team from would be in cutting loose person who is going to release the crack and, on behalf of France, legal team, aided and there's no logical explanation for that You believe the conspiracy is so high that somehow, the audience Alice are in on it. Ok, so here is the state that Giuliani Alice and Julie, onion, put out about power. Giuliani Ella said Sidney Palace passing water on she's, not a member of a legal team. She is also not a lawyer for them in his personal capacity to advisers to Trumpet book on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations said the president, just like the coverage powers receiving from Tucker Carlsson and others, and several allies had reached out to say she had gone too far. advisers also said she'd argue with Giuliani and others in recent days. What one of the reasons for that is, because the accusations that again, she is not brought forth evidence for publicly or in court the evidence that she suggested was going to be brought forth to demonstrate this
he was not just stolen, but millions of votes were either disenfranchised are switched than ever Not only did materialised. She is now because of all of this undermining faith in the electoral process in Georgia. we can have two seats in Georgia that are up to Senate seeds, is going to decide the fate of the United States Senate forget the presidential race for a second. If Democrats were to take control of the Senate and if Joe Biden were be were to be selected by the Electoral College on December fourteenth, if that goes forward as planned, the lasting Republicans need is a democratic one. Congress with Common Harrison tie breaking vote. I've Republicans, don't pick up a seat in Georgia, so you don't need. Is somebody like any power out their depressing the boat in Georgia? According to the Washington Post, it Trump believed that was causing more harm than help. She was too crazy. for the president to campaign official said, he did release a statement in response to all of this. Her statement in response was, I understand,
this press release, I will continue to represent we, the people who had their votes for Trump and other public and stolen by massive fraud through dominion and systematic and we'll be filing suit soon, that ships will fall where they may will defend the foundations of this Great republic, hashtag crack and on Sierra so we ve had things are getting biblical, had the crack, and now we have crack and on steroids at a certain point, you gotta fulfil the promise right at a certain point, you're going to have to demonstrate that that you have the good, and team from apparently doesn't believe she has the goods resounded. Token Karlsson, its actual. It's not that I am doubtful of the team. Trump doesn't believe that Sidney Power has the goods, otherwise they would have continued run with her. I mean they're running with her his latest Thursday of last week they. Meanwhile, the media are going nuts over all of this, because the media are suggesting. How could anyone be so credulous about accusations of voter frighten voter irregularity? How could anyone doubt the veracity of the voting machines? How could you typical Republican, and entertain the thought that possibly the voting machines could have been hacked some crazy conspiracy. Theory like this, not listen, I'm not a big believer in the idea of the voting machines or hat
I'm, not I'm, not a big idea apple. I was not a big believer in that one Democrats reclaiming Diebold and I'm not a big believer in it right now with regard to dominion and smart tat, because more technology gun into different company than dominion, the chain of evidence here is extraordinarily in verging on the non existent it with all of that set the radical shift from democratic. With regard to your dad allowed, you have boats being a knowledge of doubts about border front, voter irregularity or or voting machines. Being being targeted in hacker breaches, the shift to that from All these machines are going to be switched on behalf of Donald Trump is radical. It is radical over last several years the media have not been try about this jackpot. Zodiac on Twitter did an excellent job over the weekend of compiling a huge way of various members of the media and members. the glitterati who had been tweeting and talking openly how susceptible Voting machines were to have. Of course they were talking about the idea of the trouble
when you read the voting machines on behalf of Republicans and now, of course, they shifted their opinion. So back in two thousand, a team and the New York Times, tweeted out in articles of timber, six, twenty eighteen, six ways to fight election hacking and or fraud. According into an expert, a new report calls for more money in innovation to combat cyber threats and cut down on the risk of voter misconduct, or how about this from the Washington Post. As Georgia rules out new voting machines for twenty twenty worries about election security, possessed me word that come from weird, I was told the doubt you no kind of crazy in and nutty people, an entire segment just a couple of years ago, questioning devices in Georgia made by dominion. This is from PBS News. I remember these are all establishment media sources doubting the veracity of the voting machines in twenty nineteen Georgia pop the devices from a Canadian. But I call dominion voting systems. They replaced paperless machines. I D,
made by a now defunct company called Diebold election system, a federal judge force this day to scrap the discredited devices, ok. So PBS was saying just like a year ago that this was a real problem. Dominion was a real problem. Again, we have. We have tremendous lists of people on the left side of the Isle, demonstrating their worries about this MSNBC that a full segment and how easy was to have two million voting. Machines is again just a couple of years ago was
Alarming about being here is that you see teams literally hundreds of hackers and employee of companies like I began to be a sort of think tank. A skunk works. You know for discovering the latest trends in hacking well in election official barely has the money for a single eye to consult and much less anybody coming in to try to imagine what could go wrong. We want at these guys so familiar gap here between the billions being spent on cyber security across the country by private actors and the fact that they had to buy these this equipment on Ebay, just detested out. Think that tells you everything you need to know. Ok, so again, MSNBC putting out their doubts about the voting machines go way back and twenty two seeing Gabriel Sherman reporting for Europe machines, intelligencer or entire peace. Titled experts urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results in three swing: states This included the following statement: the group, which includes voting rights, attorney both a thousand J Alex held him in the director of the University of Michigan Centre for computer security in society believes they found persuasive evidence. There is
in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated. Her hat the group has so far, not speaking on the record about them. Things and has focused on lobbying the Clinton team in private, so Hillary Clinton being lobbied by people from universe. A Michigan adjusting the vote had been hacked and was gone in Michigan. Him has later so two things simultaneously drew one, I'm not a big believer that boats typically get hacked, not the United States. Now are we actually have a pretty good department of Homeland Security, cyber security system, but what that's it? I'm not willing to listen to the media's take, which is that if you had doubts and if you were giving Sidney Powell the benefit of the doubt for a second and if you're saying let them this play out that this means that your badly motivated and evil and terrible and no good in very bad. Because Democrats, forcing the exact same thing about the same. Damn voting machines literally two seconds ago and then all of a sudden they got, wanted me election. It was hey. This election was peers, the driven snow magic. How that happens? Entire New York? editorial board, put together, put together a headline seeing a great election against all odds
They see the twenty twenty election was not simply free of fraud or whenever Contemn fees and the president is bringing about. At this hour, it was from an administrative standpoint, a resounding success in this war raging pandemic and the highest turn out more than a century Americans enjoyed when the most secure most accurate, most well run. Elections ever don't take my word for it. Listen to the Saint local officials of both parties and dozens of states were tasked with overseeing the process. Now amazing how credible The New York Times is about all this. When just a little while ago, they were doubting the process itself, they were talking trot was burning. The voting from was was right. The voting machines and how tromp was burning, EL boxes and all of us? In other words, everything in politics, is basically just come down to pure partisan nonsense and what that means that the entire media, which is involved in the pure partisan nonsense and will not tell you the truth about any of this. If Trump had pulled out the victory, dont worry all the talk about dominion and smart texts have been on the left. All of it and it has been, from your magazine and Gabriel Sherman, who had been coming from the we're coming from PBS. You would have heard nothing but breaking the same kind.
Paying their accusing from up there have been talking about how everything was corrupted was a dirty election. There is no, it run a clean election in a time of pandemic, and everything was taken advantage of. I dont think for half a second. That Democrats would not be talking about border frogs, they were back in twenty. Sixteen again, even according to Gabriel Sherman mean that their wonderful, celebrity friends, barbarous racoons, weeded out in October, two thousand eighteen where republicans purging hundreds of thousands of voters in Florida in Texas. Why do we still have voting That can be handed no paper trail. Why won't the Trump administration then needed money on election security. Member. This line leading up to the election is the team. Trump was defending part parts of the g h. Us in to allow for foreign election interference and from behalf so now that they think Trump loss this. Is that you're not even allowed to ask questions about this sort of stuff anymore or your bad negative? My standard along there has been perfectly consistent way through here and it's the same standard. I hope for everything women in politics show me the money right show.
Me the evidence, don't show me the possibility that something that could happen show We did something bad happened if you're talking about changing the results in a variety of states. This is true in twenty, sixteen industry and twenty eighteen. Eighty four and twenty twenty but media, don't have any grandstand on here, because there are pushing exactly the same quarter, the same sort of speculation about how the voting system was going to be completely jacked up. There are pushing that five minutes ago when they thought the trunk was gonna win now that they think Trump lost. All the subjects like no one will have to talk about this. Everybody talks about this is crazy, Alex Jones, tinfoil hat conspiracy, theorist pretty amazing how the media work that speaking of which the media, what this is about for the media is, of course, reestablishment of two narratives one, their own dominance into the narrow wished to push from the left we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that if you look around your house right now- and you ve done some work in your house in a really should look better than it does your think about your window coverings. I know nobody thinks about the widow coverings now you're too. Now, then I told you you're, looking at the window coverings, you need
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when you check out online dont forget to tell them you heard babylons outcome from the Ben Shapiro show rules and restrictions may apply, go check them out at blinds dot com right now and again. Let them know that we sent you ok. So this is all part and parcel of the media's generalised attempt to reestablish there, minutes in the narrative, the rule for the media's. That's making anything they want. They can violate all the rules and then, if you have doubts about those exact emeralds, you're, the bad guy, they can violate all the rules. I can say the voting machines were hacked by diebolt in two thousand and four. They can say that voting machines are susceptible to hack in twenty sixteen and two thousand and eighteen. But if you question that in twenty twenty you're now bad, I just the very question itself: is the Euro crazy person who's a conspiracy theories since throw that theory out there is completely wild and they can save her for here's the Donald Trump was a was being run by Vladimir Putin, Kevin costs are in no way out, and then it turns out not manifest at all and then move on to the next narrative, which is, of course the trunk, is a secret white supremacist
and if you say at any point you know I don't trust your nerve and I think that your narrative is full of it as well. This is because you don't trust the fat. If you believed in the facts, you would believe us, and so they decided to mainstream media in order to reestablishment, there's a restart their dominance after having blown a lot of their credibility over the last four years, I would say virtually all of their credibility over the last four years is now what they to do is shut down at me systems of dissemination of information. So you cannot get alternative sources of information, so Chuck Todd. We spent years pushing the Russian election collusion conspiracy theory that turned out to be completely bunk. Now he's out there saying that the big problem is that Facebook exists, because too many a man and are able to access information. The truck Todd doesn't like on Facebook into the theory that the death of the local newspaper is is basically was the beginning of as that shoved everybody to Facebook and theirs, wait too many people that use Facebook is there Google news is their information as their information.
goals and certainly Facebook is certainly not a trustworthy platform. I'm sorry I'm here to have anybody proved to me the face. Can be a trustworthy platform for information. I can just wondering you for MSNBC. Did I mean we're timeout, trustworthy platforms for information you for Us Embassy, which has suggested repeatedly that President Trump manipulated the election result in point? Sixteen along the Russians and they, like MSNBC, is a source of multiple times over disinformation. What many when sites like daily wire are but we're supposed to trust in the basically this truck Todd saying I know you don't trust us anymore until we need is a pressure. Bug into shutting down all avenues to information other than an MSNBC. This is the great scam, and this is why I have said many times. It is what's gonna last beyond this election, the move to shut down the spigot of information to go after the social media platforms, so the day which
created in opposition to the dominance of the mainstream media. But to show that the next move is to shut down those platforms on behalf of mainstream and establishment media, so you left the New York Times. You left MSNBC, you left CNN and you went over to Facebook to find alternative source information, so now all these establishment media players to follow you over to Facebook, and then there are going to tell facebooking you to shut down those alternative source of information. There met about parlor because parlors doing the same thing. Parlor is not abiding by the rules of twitter and therefore they need to be shut down to right. This is the line in such a short time saying this Margaret Sullivan media colonists. where the Washington Post Chaise apiece entitled the disinformation system, the Trump unleashed will well asked him. Here's what reality based journalist, must do about it. She said social media
from streaming news channels, and innumerable websites will be wise and conspiracy theories and will keep weakening the foundation of Reality that America's democracy needs to function is coming from the same media. That trend that that treats Barack Obama as the arbiter of truth and fond had of wisdom most honest presently, never had a single scandal tansu, nor so what? If anything, she says the reality based press due to counter it. I see three necessities. First, be bolder and more direct Never in telling it like it is no more pussyfooting or put our punch pulling no more, what's been called the false equivalence, giving equal weight to truth and lies in the name of fairness, see. This is the idea here that she is pushing for neither fossil once line is something that members and left in the media like to say so what happens at the New York Times? Like some people say, russian collusion is happening. Some people say russian collusion is not nor members of left say is the New York Times should not include that lesson. I should just re. Russian collusion is a foregone conclusion because, after all, one of those things is Chronicle drew on. The other is not right there on the side of absolute truth and rightness opinion actually is equivalent to truth. She's Lebanon,
and to see more of its unabashed approach lately from wages for us all to overturn election when the prince, different banner headlines in Fridays. Washington post the first paragraph, described his orchestrating a far reaching pressure campaign to overturn the will of voters David thing. Rather, your terms began his analysis. President trumps attempts to overthrow the twenty twenty election are unprecedented in back in history again, this is all opinion stuff, then that is not factual. At his opinion, unprecedented in american history. There was the election where Her behaviour actually lost the election that ended up as president of the United States, for example,. these were Margaret sell them once more on towards more leftwing media and then, if you refuse to go along with the left and media narrative, then we should shut down the platforms that allow you to find other places to actually get your information. The only hope says this says Margaret saw them. I do agree with journalism, scholar, Nicky Usher of the University of Illinois to appeal to passionate walls, reason for moral clarity, along with fruitful content, or is the N Y use
J Rosen recently wrote. Journalists must reposition itself in the media ecosystem, to seize this moment in history, to take a clear stance in everything: it dies as protrudes, promoting antiracist and aggressively pro democracy. In other words, the reality based press has two unapologetic unapologetically stand for something. Otherwise. pellet alternatives, the excitement of burgeoning lies the goodness of Margarets Alvin media calmness of the Washington Post. Her idea here is that, if you want to under, false information. What you have to do is promote narratives from the left alone and condemn anybody who doesn't believe us? Narratives is an idiot, great idea, Margaret Sullivan, great idea that is not going to polarized the conversation in any way more and you can see the media already making this turn because as they soon the Joe Biden is the President Elect. They ve started to treat Joe Biden with exactly the sort of conciliation that they treat. The Brok Obama, Barack Obama, disdain the media, Ikey Solomons Suckers, and he was right. They were suckers and Joe Biden feels the same way, such Our rapporteur, for example, yesterday asked Joe Biden about teachers, unions and reopening and said you know the teachers unions are there
we putting a lot of pressure on places not to reopen the schools. What's the deal with considering the science has, the schools should be reopened and binding got a little bit dumb, although been frustrated with having to actually deal with. The question must provide an the task force that it save for students to go back to being classes. Are you going to encourage unions to cooperate? Our diagram kids back to classroom sir yeah can dismiss them. Rageous dismiss them well and that you are always asking quest like that always has ok. So when Donald Trump does, that is an attack on the press by the weighted eriksson, not a right wing report, reported with CBS News binds had. Why are you there? the guy, that always shouts our questions. Well, I mean first of all that in its
in and of itself as an indicator of the press are because of you. I have watched a way. Has press conference recently, all the press? Do you scream questions at members of the White House Press corps? That's all they do all they do is screaming eliminating or scream at my pants when he does oppressor or scream at Donald Trump. That's all they do Joe Biden. It's like one of question is: why are you always shouting questions that wasn't? A shout number. One is very well articulated question, but this is what Joe Biden expects and is what he is going to get he's getting a complete fool on roll compliance. from the media are supposedly democracy dies in darkness grew. Ok, which brings us to the Biden. Team is moving forward with plans to to put together his team will talk about who he is picking and wise likely to take off the intersection left in just one second. First, let us talk about something fantastic and do your family. So look at your garage, their eventual filmer has got old, VHF states get much old pictures, they're mouldering out there you need to get those did ties you need to put those in a format you can actually access them put them on a thumb driver a dvd or the clout. This is why unit
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The legacy box dotcom, Slash, Shapiro save sixty percent while supplies. Last already. We have a lot more coming up to stick around, but first thanksgivings almost hear. That means black Friday is almost here. since last year's black Fridays you'll have been consistently adding more features in products for membership programme. We are really pumped about it. Next year is gonna, be just bananas to name a few things that it more exclusive rears. Past content are cider and above members can now stream our content and apple tv unbroken recurrently, adding the entire praying You catalogue behind our pay, while your account now comes of custom badges that you can earn by participating in current events. If all access member gets a joint eyelashes lie that are exclusive, daily lives, forms of me or one of the other house, where we talk directly with you about well anything I mean I literally will sing songs and whistle for you. It's bizarre. You also get to leftist years tumblers early access to our daily, where merchandise and daily discussions with our writers and special gas Roscoe continuing to new features and products like the entire Prager. You library, as currently being added to the website and count,
from Kansas Ellen, shall be launching a new show without early next year and Bolivia, big big plans for the next year, more material, Dick insurance in the autumn. Needless to say, we're pretty excited about this year's deal. You don't want to miss it so how to nobody daily wired I'm right now, and there are listening to the largest fastest, growing, repugnance and radiation nation. Ready. So meanwhile, Joe Biden is constituting He seemed ransacking, who is White Lady she says, the job and seem is going to look like America, which again I'm I'm always confused by this idea- that we have two proportionally represent: every population in the United States in a cabinet. I'm not sure why that is supposed to make a difference other than your racist, and racial centralism, and the suggestion being that your skin color or tax is more important than your actual qualification for the job. Here is John Saki, pushing
anyway. It is unlikely this a promise that will be fulfilled in the top levels of the bottom cabinet, given the fact that he is currently selecting a lot of white people for those spots, the cabinet and the team will look like America to. That means, diversity of ideology, diversity of background, and he wants to have a range of use of people the table. So I would encourage people to wait to see who he announces a nominates in the weeks to come, of course, will be some this week more in the weeks falling, but he wants to have a diversity of voices at the table because he fully understands that's how he is, move in agenda forward. Ok, if biodiversity voices of the table, she means that he wants a bunch. People who generally have agreed with his crappy foreign policy, for example, are that's what he's doing he's taking all the people here? up within the Senate and he's not bring and back and basically redoing the Obama administration without some of the more radical members of the cabinet, he's apparently going theme. Tony blinking secretaries, honestly. This is a relief to me. That is not Susan Rice. Considering the Susan Rice is a pathological liar. She likes me. American people about Benghazi just happens to be
Radically anti Israel and conciliatory with virtually all of the place. Do you don't want American, be conciliation, including IRAN I anthony blinkin. He is he's not great buddy only better than Susan Rice also he's picking Jake Sullivan, who could have predicted that use can be prudent, use, bringing back the whole team raise bringing back one of Hillary Clinton oldest AIDS as his national security adviser as incoming way how Stephen staff is wrong. Clayton, another Biden, retread, both Sullivan, was forty three and blinking fifty eight substance, as binding national security adviser when he was vice. President Lincoln's foreign policy has suggested, Let's get back in the around you. You know that was happening because Biden has of course, suggested months. Get back into the archangel. Blinking has suggested that there is a bipartisan consensus that China needs to be contained and that that happens to be the truth by the way is that there are lots of Democrats who are kind of thankful to president from for having regenerate a lot of the relations with regard.
To China. Blinking, apparently going to focus on trying to form alliances with other South EAST asian nations against China that the creation of trade deals and trade blocs in that particular area of the world. The IRAN policies of disaster blinkin did recommend to bind that he support Iraq or he also recommended to the Obama team that they put many many more troops in Syria in the first place in the middle of the civil war. So blinking is ten traditional Hillary Clinton, democratic foreign policy, which is not great, but who also do expect Biden to Peck Susan Rice to endorse the package is the worst thing that has happened to blinkin all the way through. He suggested that trumpet helped to China advantage on key strategic goals, which of course very silly but Blinkin says Biden would quote step up to
It is up to want Taiwan's democracy by exposing Beijing's efforts interfere. The irony is, Taiwan has been a success story over the last decades in terms of how the U S and China have handled that now that that, of course, is ridiculous, like exposing China's efforts to interfere in the taiwanese democracy is not gonna. Do much actually have to arm the Taiwanese to fend off a chinese attack? The bottom line here is that if people were hoping for a transformation, woke Biden Administration, early indicators, as that is not the direction in which Biden is moving now we'll see if the left sit still for that, that can be the amusing part of all. This is watching the left it turns on Biden. Has it becomes clear that he's just a doddering old career Democrat who is willing to blow at the win right that that's gonna, be the fun part
is that it can be refuted like receded, two leaved weeded out today and anti semitic fashion, because blinkin is apparently jewish. She treated out that she's, fine, with blankets along she hasn't force her to Nazi mean things about Benjamin Netanyahu, so that's that's can be fun to watch the squad go up against Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, if indeed Joe Biden, I is picked by the electoral College on December fourteenth as currently constituted, so that the conflict inside the Democratic Party has just begun. One fine. motor when it comes to the presidential election again Linwood, who is filing lawsuits on behalf of Trump in Georgia, saying that republican shop to the poles to vote in Georgia Centre right. That's insane! That's in Saint Gordon Vote in Georgia Centre right! Ok! Meanwhile, your update on covert so covered continues to wash across land. We have record numbers hospitalizations less chapters like: seventy thousand people had been hospitalized, give record number of icy used about sixteen thousand people in the ice you right now we have seen,
a vast number of diagnosed cases. Apparently upwards of three million people, are transmitting the virus at at this time, and if you ve, talked people in your life, you know that there are lots of people who are getting it and now, thank God, the virus is not an extraordinarily deadly virus and sound bubonic plague. It is more deadly than the flu is mostly dangerous to people who have, as I have said many times, pre existing conditions, particularly if you happen to be. Obese. I, if you have diabetes, I if you ve, had prior one conditions these that these are all conditions that are exacerbated by covered uncovered is likely to do more harm to you than if you are young and healthy, but that does not justify the media's treatment of of covert the media have been attempting to quit. political narrative round common for quite a while. The political narrative goes something like this. If your Democrat, you avoid covered it, you're, not a Democrat, then you there is no way for you to avoid covered because you're, bad and terrible one story. They came out over the weekend. That is indicative of the sea. Remember last week there is this nurse who appeared on CNN She claimed that you ve been going around in the nursing warden people just dying. Is bodies piled up everywhere
people are telling her as they were dying. They did not believe the colored was deadly, and then we played a clip of this is from CNN, and this is treated with great shock by the media My god look at this delusional- is delusional red staters. It's just terrible. What turns out the lady definitely had been lying according to national Review, a South Dakota Nurse Gay national attention is four tweet, claiming that some of her dying wrote a virus. Patients refused to admit the virus is real Jody. During a traveller who lives in a small, sat and small Eastern South Dakota town had Saturday night off work. It was at home, eating ice cream and account couch when she posted a twitter thread in what she said, you couldn't stop thinking about carbon nineteen patients, who quote still don't believe the virus is real once a scream at you for a magic medicine. and then show by is going to ruin the. U S sure that patients gasping for breath and respiratory support system called
tell you. There must be another reason they are sick because they don't have covered, because it's not real. Yes, this really happens. Road daring, often tweets about the dangers of the virus. In addition to treating her support from left wing causes, like black lives matter, just a regular toward a twitter critic of South Dakota republican Governor Christian NOME and president from whom she has called very say eloquently both Jack holding an F stick. So she she's she's charmer between about the corona virus Nile and the fear of a Joe Biden presidency gripping her dying. Patients has been retreat in more than seventy one thousand times she ended up on CNN new day. She said it was what one person, but many people, a combination of so many people in there staying words. Are this can't be happening? It's not real when they should be spending time based timing, their families are filled with anger and hatred, and then, of course, the Washington Post push the story and USA today pushed a story. Neither of those news organisations bother to track down. Who are the people. She was actually talking about
sure view was unable to reach during on the phone or on twitter for comment or innocence. How widespread she believes covert denial is Missus, Munger Patients, South Dakota. Of course everyone the republic and state, and more than three quarters of the voters and during county voted for Trump therein. Six out of forty four deaths from cover nineteen in South Dakota Curly, the Venetians has positively right, no most probably question the effectiveness of mass and slowing the virus spread and has refused to institute a mask a mandate, but the evidence of of during sweets being true is very, very, very thin. Can rigour, folks, woman for the Huron Regional Medical Center, one of the hospitals where during works said after daring claims went viral should informal pulled by half a dozen other nurses, and no one else has gotten that statement back from a patient specifically. Nor are they heard of that happening here, not to call it Why? Because you provides care as well as other hospitals, it could have happened, another hospital she s, said I read these sweets and I think she was at her end. It might have been better conversation for girlfriends than Twitter Nathan. Johnson spokesmen sit a spokesman for a very health system which operates several hospitals in the
said he had heard of any cases of covered in Ireland. The system, the basin, one in four conversation. I had a nurse leaders, they had heard anything like that taking place during noted that not all have recovered positive patients. I the existence of the virus, but she insisted that this is not political, so, in other words, no one from any of the hospital Lady works so far has come out and actually confirmed her story in matters to the good check. The entire media decided to run with the idea that patient were dying of competence out. Dakota are basically with their last dying breath that the virus is a lie. Is all part of this narrative put forth by Democrats and put forth by the media that the only people who care about covered are people are Democrats which has led to the the investigation of bizarre policies, the instigation of our policies in Europe City? Obviously, they ve now shut down the school system for no apparent reason at all mean really like. They know that it's a bad idea. They know the positivity rate than your schooling system was point you three percent. They shut it down anyway. They said they had to. They did not have to. Of course me
while in LOS Angeles they shut down in person dining even outdoors. According to Erika Quince. In our daily, where L, a county public health officials had Sunday afternoon, restaurants will be forced to stop all in person dining services using the ongoing spread of the corona virus. The policy will go into effect the day before Thanksgiving. Unless, for at least three weeks, you can visit breweries, wineries or bars in the county either l, a county public health director robber Ferraris Edna statements unequal as we modify our Thanksgiving holiday celebrations reminded of the many fans. well, MR loved ones. We send wishes for healing in peace the persistent high of cases requires additional safety measures that limit mixing in settings where people are not wearing masks. Businesses go back to having to rely on take out delivery and drive through services that comes Then, a week after governor gave Simone veil to stay at home or the private non essential work and gatherings in most of the state's counties from ten. you buy them for a month and of course he is called for a curfew as well. Nearly
the five percent of California, forty million residents live in so called the Purple cheer counties which are the shutdown counties. Meanwhile, California human services secretary market gaily has won the statement we need to make more meat may need to take more stringent actions if we are unable to flat mccrone quickly taken these hard. Temporary actions now can help prevent future shut. And in the morning there maybe more restrictions in L a county as well. I mean very, very solid stuff here seriously, except that govern. Newsome has also decided that non essential work that does not include Would the entertainment industry says friends in the entertainment industry continue to keep working, Dublin Hollywood reports that gave a nuisance officer where's. The order would not apply to workers in the entertainment industry, those work have been deemed essential. The original or included a list of essential critical infrastructure workers, sub state local travel in industry partners as they worked to protect community while continuity of functions critical to public health and safety, as well as you
a national security, unlisted exemptions. There is essential, worse worker, designation, fifteen or reach workers supporting the entertainment industry, studios and other related establishments, provided they follow covered Jeanne Public health guidance around physical distancing, so in other words the schools are so clothes. You know I can t. Where am I tracked? No schools, yes, on the kissing scenes in the movies Y know, so the education industry is deemed vital. I gave a new some, but is vital. you be able to go to church very interesting, how they decide what is essential and what, in fact, is not essential as far as by way outdoor dining over the weekend, Governor fell, Murphy of New Jersey has been one of the the strictest covered lockdown advocates he was spotted dining with his family outdoors and somebody one up
I'm sorry. It's raining personal bad policy, never scream at people, guys like don't screw politicians, its rudeness, nasty, but its full morphia. Massive hypocrite absolutely is given Newsome the biggest hypocritical world. He shutting down every restaurant it he were l a county at least, is shutting down every foreign outdoors, every restaurant outdoors in L, a county is now being shut down for outdoor dining, which is not a leading source of transmission. Indoor dining is one thing outward dining: if you're socially distance is not really a danger, you're outdoors, and the idea here- is that govern Newsome can still go to the french laundry in or eat a four hundred dollar a plate dinner with me, California, Medical Association officials. It ok The standards is all its nonsense. You can take rational measures to protect yourself and protector family can do all of that without having to have these government dunderheads picking a standard that they themselves will not abide by. This, of course, resulted in giant protests in hunting the beach over the weekend in what local media described as a massive crowded
Sesar. Is they assembled in Huntington Beach, California, on Saturday night, then, if I gave him months, long curfew or and took effect for most of the state at ten p m. A new mandate applies to counties in the states must tricks of purple tier of the reopening plan in which about ninety four percent of Californians reside traders line the sidewalk round the Huntington Beach peer at Pacific Coast, highway and main street many wage american flags ravishment their horns and support, while driving through the area as well. Hunting the beaches of course, protest it before when revenues and tried to shut down the beaches, because it turns out that turning out to be stupid, now the shouts from them we're loud and clear, because of course, these are people who are protesting, the shutdown if they ve been. There are protesting systemic american racism and police brutality. Of course, then the virus would have spared them. Presumably meanwhile, you'll just have put sort of a cherry on top of the covered kicker Andrew Cuomo, the worst governor in America. Have she won a in Emmy award? He was a pair,
given in international Emmy founders, ward for being so great Howard, Kurtz reporting is for Fox NEWS. Andrew Crumbles, early briefings, that's what this award is about. They were very good. He was blondie was straightforward, was sometimes witty and he took responsibility. Maybe his brother, Chris Qualm oversee CNN. Who is what I am one of those briefings after he got covered. Nineteen will be a little jealous of his brothers. Again giving the awarding a National Academy said they Cuomo effectively created television, shows with characters and plot lines. Well, maybe, but the award implies that he did a great job. think of it and they are, of course the record is far more complicated and mixed zones This is insane Andrew Cuomo being given an Emmy award for his television and performance
Me does demonstrate what so many people think politics is all about, which is not good policy. Its about how you appear on television. Meanwhile, it is a fact that we are moving forward. There is progress here where there is progress on developments. These vaccines asked Rosetta came out today and they announced that their vaccine is that ninety percent effective. We have now news that there will be the first vaccinations by MID December. Meanwhile, the chief advisers with regard to cover the operation warp, speed chief adviser he came out, and he said one of the dangers here is that the vaccinations had been politicized. That, of course happen because the Democrats, who decided that they were going to come out basically against the vaccine as Is it happened under President Trump Andrew Cuomo Captain raising governor who wins in any. He himself said he is not going to accept a vaccine produced under Trump until it has been independently. terrified by some sort of medical team inside New York, so here was doktor slowly, who
months have slowly up the chief of operation wards be warp. Speed. I wouldn't think is very unfortunate that the whole process has been politicized and therefore context has created conditions whereby, People's perception have been exacerbated and we are where we are today, and I think people just need to measure here is the problem we have. The problem. We know one to two thousand people dying every day. Two hundred thousand people infected everyday, and here is the vaccine that can give you insurance against that aren't we no it's safe over a short period of time, and we can predict that he's gonna be safe over the longer term. And we would matter that so by the way who politicized this the Democrats and the media who went along with the political position of the of the vaccinations
There is good news on the way right. Continue. Social distance continue where mask when you're in close quarters with other people, particularly those people, are vulnerable, isolate if you are, if you are, if you come down with symptoms right all that continue to do all that, because there is help on the way I mean that there is hope in on the horizon. Doctors, lawyers we'll me back to normal and May seventy percent, and also of the population being immunized would allow for true heard immunity to take place. That is like to happen somewhere in the month of May, or something like that, based on our plans I really hope and look forward to being that the level of negative perception of the vaccine decreases in people's acceptance, increase disunity critical to help us most people need to.
organised before we can go back to a normal life years. What rational covered policy would look like at this point not mask mandates, rational behaviour by individual citizens to minimize the risk of passing this thing along two people were on healthy. That means, if you're gonna have friends over eat outdoors and socially distance is not that hard he'll be fine, particularly if you're in areas of the country where the weather is fairly recent. You can still eat outdoors eating outdoors his fine. They have Thanksgiving habit outdoors, you don't know they have the government breaking down your door to stop you from having Thanksgiving dinner and you certainly don't you Petitions were hypocrites like Phil, Murphy or gap, new some deciding that what is good for them is not good for you
are you certainly only that, but again be careful? The vaccine is coming. This is up we're moving in the right direction here, folks, but it is particularly impressive how the media have decides politicize at this whole thing and treated as the Republicans are to blame for via viral covert spread when the examples is the media of it, like the sort of schadenfreude at so many people were experiencing on the left. With regard to Kelly Lawful, who is one of the Georgian Republican Senate candidates coming down with covered Rachel was got diagnosed with covered, there's an odd it's because she's republican democratic congressmen, over the weekend was also diagnosed with company turns out? People everywhere are getting covert, get as our political thing, which means everybody should act like a rational human being, and we should please stop treating this thing as though, if you do some sort of pagan, mystic sacrifices walk down gods, the magically everything will be healed. That is not the way any of this is going to work. Ok, womb, Becker later today, with two additional hours of content. Other
we'll see you here tomorrow, I mention here. This is the venture Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available and Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily, where podcast, including Andrew, and show it Michael Mole, show and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening. The bench of Euro show is produced by Coltan Hoss, executive power Sir Jeremy boring our supervised, Producers are Mathis Glover and Robert Sterling production may you're, probably right asking ourselves producers are next. She had and Rebecca Doyle. It shows by Adam Sigh Audio is mixed. By make poor Mina make up its mind, you could Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production copyright daily wire. Twenty twenty you're, the Mai, will show not just another show about about politics There are enough of those already out there,
We talk about culture, because culture drives politics and drives everything else. So my main focus is our life family faith those are fundamental and that's what this shows about, how Europe give it a listen.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-23.