« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1127 - Four Days To Glory


The economy bounces back in a major way in the third quarter; Democrats get triumphalist before the votes are in; and news breaks on Hunter Biden that could be trouble for Joe.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The economy bounces back in a major way in the third quarter. Democrats got triumphal this before the boats are in, and news breaks on Hunter Biden. That could be some trouble for Joe and Ben Shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show his show is sponsored by expressing deep. You stop letting your online data at risk get protected at expressly peons outcome. Slash Ben is the final Friday before the election, the final Friday, the current temporary, so we're gonna get to everything it news related in just once. First, let us talk about the fact that there is nothing worse than having malware on your computer. If you ve ever had. This is somebody's report and we're on your computer, where they lock all of your files and then basically, they blackmail you into paying them said they can unlock your files. Well, then, you know ransom where malware other stuff What you need is something that will protect you, and this is where pc matic comes in pc matic is next. duration, antivirus, designed to stop modern threats like ransom, where independent
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action. You big piece of news really should be the fact that the economy bounced back in a massive way in the third quarter. There is a massive acute recovery number GDP roses, Thirty three point one percent for Poor browning analyzed basis. That is IRAN people turn around from the plunge of thirty one point: four percent the economy registered in the second quarter, but economists, media started downplaying this thing, because people should believe that maybe having trumped up charges good since tabled and pretend that things remain awful, even though the reality is that that's a pretty damn good recovery. Considering that half the country is still shut in New York, New Jersey, California, all these places he'll shantytown gadgets came from California. It is still shut down over there. It's gonna be renewed in its shut down. That is a testament to the underlying strength of the economy that abound can such a strong way with one arm tied behind its back John Birket scene, or senior portfolio management, essential wealth advisers, as the obvious cabinet is when you drop thirty percent and gain thirty percent you're still below, where you started this, because if you drop,
eighty percent from one hundred you now seventy percent again and take thirty percent of seventy three percent to Seventy- is now thirty writer back up and like now, Andy. Ninety two so you're still below where you started, but the bottom line is that that is indeed massive massive recovery from what was in examining shock to the system that could not have been foreseen or predicted it could have been an presumably somebody in Europe would have predicted it. constantly amazed at the willingness of everybody in the United States to believe the present from knew. What was going on decided deliberately to allow this thing to happen and wreck the american economy in not we re election year budget to the general moral matter? He was like all you. Normally let you want. Two thousand people die for no reason at all and lose their reelection bid on that basis. It makes perfect sense, since they are the same illogical stupidity and moral blindness that led the left to declare that Bush lied. People died, nerve
The bush deliberately took us to war in Iraq, knowing that were no weapons of mass destruction because he was just tat. Evil was war for oil was war for revenge and I'm crap in grab. Reality is bottom mistakes get made in politics because lots of mistakes get made in life, one of the things that is perfectly obvious, that the business community correctly trust the Trump administration do not destroy business on the basis of other priority and that is why business has been rehiring. It's why businesses have been coming back by President Pence spoke about this yesterday, It's about the economy growing more than thirty three percent. This should be the talk point going into weaken it. Joe Biden is likely to stagnate the economy. An extraordinary level has already talked about radically. Raising taxes is I've about raising the corporate in. Tax rate? You talked about raising the top income. Tax rate is talked about. Raising the the payroll tax he has talked about. extraordinary regulations, particularly regulations that benefit big labour, everything that talked about is likely to happen. The economy trump is more trusted than then
Biden is on the economy, and he should be here. Is my pants making the case yesterday with it Is no gdp numbers just this morning the amount going economy grew by more than thirty three percent in the third quarter. Shattering any previous american record. The great American come back is on that should be the final pitch going into the election. As you will see, that is not the final pitch going into the election. Instead, it's a bunch of other sort of random things that people who care about nearly as much which is not a great election strategy. However, the economists are already starting to try to play this down, so NBC News says the strong GDP figure camouflaged decay shape. Nature of the recovery is cause. You cannot make sectors such as housing to rebound strongly well, other industries like airlines in restaurants remain morbid. Ok, but exactly Harry's was to fix that I mean we're in middle of covered still. So yes, a lot. Restaurants are shot because of their indoor restaurants, with a lot of recirculated air conditioning people are afraid.
Many I covered, and it turns out that airlines been hit really hard, even though the studies tension oh, that there's not transmission on airlines thereof. no serious outbreaks on any airline, even though we are now up over a million passengers day in the United, It was not nearly where was but I travelled in the recent past. The planes are fairly full and there has been no outbreak on planes because planes do have these happy filters that it filter the era when they recycle the air there actually taking out the virus when they recycle the air, They somebody would have to sneeze directly on even close quarters or leave their germs in the bathroom or something in our view, get on a plane. Everybody on these plans now stop anyway, and they do have the power. The law to kick off the plane of your views mass properly on a plane, so there has not been any outbreaks on planes. The goal of media is downplay the recovery, because, again, what the recovery shows is that the measures that Trump has been taking are actually successful, not just because most reopen, but also because, president from what would like to raise
in a lot of the economic base that made the economy so strong, leading up to the covert depression. Remember before cover depression, call me, was going gray guns me with the lowest unemployment rate. In half a century wages arising store near high they were rising, mostly the bottom end of the spectrum. median. Income in the United States had risen dramatically under President Trump under the first three years of his administration. The underlying fundamentals remain good, and this should be. The argument really are we're going as the election should be. The underlying fundamental The economy enter from would be much much much stronger than the underlying fundamentals of an economy under Joe Biden who would seek to put restrain on the economy in the name of various other priorities, ranging from a green new deal too late to big labors priorities to the attempt to create income equality, which, of course, is an eighty article. Income equality should not be the goal. Prosperity should be legal. Anybody who focuses on come equality as opposed to prosperity, for everybody is missing the boat. You can have income equality in absolute poverty and you have income inequality in absolute.
right there's a lot of income inequality between me and bill gates. Thank God really well. The incoming acquired It means nothing. What matters is the the level of income and what kind of like people are able to lead. Prosperity is the important measure, not income inequality get but here's the thing Joe Biden would like to actually harm the economy. His his actual policy goals to harm the economy, apparently he's flirting with Elizabeth Warren Politico, citing three democratic official I have spoken with words inner circle reports that the Massachusetts Senator in third place. Democrat Democrats third place democratically. presidential candidate has her. I set on the role of Treasury secretary implicitly advocate for herself starting next week should democratic control of the White House. She wants it the officials told the news agency of warns ambitions as political notes, the tree We secretary in the next presidency administration will be too Its- U S, economy out of deep recession, even as the country struggles to struggles with the corona virus pandemic,
means, presumably that it was with one will be negotiating budgets. It means that Elizabeth worn will be trying to cram down you're programmes on business, the other fed her plan, her economic plan likely to really really have a dire impact. economy aiming she was calling for oil wealth tax write. You wanted scale: wealth confiscation for people with a network, greater and fifty million dollars and, as I pointed out at the time measuring by their network is not actually a measure of their wealth. A network is what your stock is. What what's your you're on? A private company was either your private company is worth two hundred million dollars. Ok, which means will take some time Times Eba, calculation. That means that the company ashes forty million dollars in business every year, but your expenses our thirty eight million dollars or thirty nine million dollar twenty to forty million and forty million in gross every year. Five tonnes Eba means, You end up in a two hundred million dollar evaluation. Let's say that you own fifty percent of that kind. While you are worth cortical one hundred million dollars the problem is, you can actually liquidate your.
set in the company for a hundred million dollars. Now she worked that so few time attitude percent tax on a hundred million dollars, a two percent wealth tax hundred million dollars, then what you would actually be talking about. Is two million dollar tat every single year for a company that may, actually be earning two million dollars in profit, because none of us makes any sense but allows wars place didn't have to make sense. It just confiscatory that was always about. The goal, of course, would be to quash people who are the actual investors in the economy. I know that we love to build. That would actually drives the economy is low level spending. That is not what drives the economy. What drives the economy is people creating new excellent products and services with heavy levels of investment it actually change your life is the same Henry Ford Line, that if I done what the market wanted, I would have created more efficient horse and buggy right. It is, it is, entrepreneurs and innovators and people are constantly attempting to discern what the public would love to see from their imagination and then
putting their own resources time and money in that stuff. That is what drives the economy forward. well you're living a better lifestyle? Now, then, you would have a nineteen. Eighty, four, all of the bizarre nostalgia establish Standards in nineteen. Fifty, if you lived in nineteen, fifty ok you're, the richest personal nineteen, fifty had less amenities available to you than the poorest person whose living in the United its tonight right there, no cell phones, nineteen, fifty! You were lucky if you had a nice car in nineteen. Fifty, if you had a house that was like a big deal The absolute the average living space in the United States is significantly larger than the average living space was in nineteen. Fifty there's this install job for a time it didn't exist and its funding people left, accuse the right of having established over time. It didn't exist in the nineteen. Fifty is the sort of clean social. Conservative time, ok, but the reality is that everybody on the left nostalgia for an economy that didn't exist in the nineteen fifties earnest
For a time it would not wish to make known had our conditioning the nineteen fifty is. Everybody has airconditioning now, there's because it entrepreneurialism and innovation and to all that stuff. The Democrats would like to see go by the wayside, so that the final pitch for Trump should in fact be the economy. That should be the final pitch. If you'll, let Democrats the economy will tank and he's that case, and he has said that the problem is has been overshadowed by making the case on. A variety of other topics achieving a singular message- economies great until covered because will only be great again after called. If you allow business to do what business does anyone not do that. If you are talking about and was locked- and you cannot do that if you are talking about outsourcing away because policy to people who do not Multivariate analysis of all of the coded based issues you're, just else horsing everything to doktor, faulty and profoundly Sobal in life is not to balance the economic needs of the american people with the need to protect elderly from
hope it read his sole goal. It means that if the and Romania is the head of the National Institute for allergies and infectious diseases, he's not the head of the FED, means. He does a single variable analysis. What activity is most likely to preserve the lives of people who are above the age of seventy? You do have to balance all these things when you may public policy right. How do you balanced the risk to people above the age of seventy, with the risk to an economy? it supports. Three hundred and thirty million people are balanced. The risk of of additional life lost at age. Eighty five, with the risk of not allowing killed. go to school and similar variable analysis is not sufficient in politics. It is wise, really jerk cushion was getting bad around yesterday by the media, because he says that Trump took back covered, making policy from the doctors, milk, he shouldn't take back deposit what I didn't, what value. I mean I am more than willing to hear fancies perspective. He knows more about allergies in infectious diseases. Then I do I'm also ones you hear that active a geographic area from Stanford University because he's she'll epidemiologist right? I'm owns it
You know that as well, but we elect policymakers, we don't like doctors. If you wanna, like a doctor, you're free to go to doktor anytime, choose it naturally trumps closing pitch. It is a little bit. It's probably not enough right now can just a second we'll get to the the actual pitch the Democrats are making is the pitch Republicans should be making is look at this economic recovery like to see a continue. You need to elect Republicans. Democrats are making a counterpart, and that is that Republicans are deeply immoral and you should never be friends with them. That really is their final pitch and that's why that pitch Beyond the election is gonna have dire ramifications for all the talk from. Joe about no Red State America, no blue steamer, I'm gonna be president for all Americans. all Americans come on man. Well, let's be real about this he's not he's not and has no intention of being Joe Biden. Is it The democratic politician, you'll move, whichever way the wind blows, the winds and his party strongly in favour of the sort of don't ever talk with Europe.
Can again mentality. Let you see in today's cancel culture that council culture means an awful lot is when you talk about power, its affecting your everyday life. There two ways politics can affect everyday life. One is the actual government policy affecting your everyday life. Tax rates go up, regulations go up The other way is where we all know. Politics affects our everyday life, which is the social asked recitation. The left has now thrust upon anybody who thinks differently, if you think differently for the girl Scouts ill ostracizing Right, if you, if you tweet out a nice thing about Amy Coney, bear it, it will force you to back down if you person working in an office- and you suggest just in case if Barack Obama was a bad president, you'll be labelled racist. If you say that you support trump, you will obviously be labeled a racist. That is how politics affect your everyday life. we have invested heavily in that message, because it is a social intimidation campaign to get you to cave in Vogue Democrat. It is what is happening on the left side of the allegation, overt and covert campaign. We gets that just one moment. First, this holiday season, more people will be mailing stuff than ever
I mean how many states you literally, cannot go away for the holidays, and my sister wanted to come down to Florida for Thanksgiving. She can't because if she goes back to where she is from then they're going to important two weeks Zambians that wouldn't be mailing. China, lotta gets right me wouldn't be using the mail a lot for one thing you dont want to slap over all of those passing packages to the post office. Instead, we would really like to do is do this in quick inconvenient fast. and it was caused how'd. You do that stamps dotcom anything you do at the post office. You can do just a few clicks, plus stamps outcome saves money with deep discount. You can't even get at the post office here at the daily, where we stamps dot com since two thousand, seventeen, no more wasting our time stamps outcome, things. The services of the Us Postal Service and you PS directly to your computer stamps outcome is, must have for any business. Whether you are a small office anyhow invoice is an online seller. Fulfilling orders during this record setting holiday display season or even a giant warehouse sending thousands of packages at a standstill com can handle all that with ease, simply use your computer to print official yours postage, twenty four, seven four!
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With why Joe Biden will be better for the country it has to do with you you on a personal level, you yeah, you bob you're, a bad person. If you vote for Donald Trump it down lemon is making this case overtly in the media. You must be delusional of over four Donald Trump says down lemon over tenant. In fact, he says I'm getting rid, from voters in my life there, people why, like Lord tremble, I can't have them in my life because they're so delusional. There is none, on CNN, saying the choir part out loud, but what Democratic agenda really is which is to close the overturn window to the point where you no longer are allowed in polite society. If you have conversations that differ from the mainstream, people who I love in my life and come from a red state of lived in several rested there, a lot of fun. So I had to really get rid of because they are so nonsensical when it comes to this issue, they had the whole every single talking point that they hear on state tv and that they hear from this president. They re it and they are blinded by it. I just ahead
get rid of a lot of people in my life, because sometimes you just have to let him go. I think that they have to hit rock bottom like an attic right than they have done. to get help. They have to want to know that they have to want to live in reality, they have to want to be responsible for long time ago, electricity Tocqueville. Still the greatest observer of America in american life. He wrote back in eighty four Mason, whose writing about touring the United States of America and letters to Tocqueville talked about the big problem in american life. He said one big problems is that social sanctions, when used, can be extraordinarily powerful. He says that the mob could allow freedom of thought thought technically, but only to an extent here's the total again writing nearly two centuries ago. The persons has therefore freedom of thought, but in favour of social structure of mainstream opinion. He says quote: you're free to think differently, me and retain your life, your property and all that you possess. But if such determination, your hands. With an alien among your people. You merited civil rights but they'll, be useless to you for your work,
were chosen by our fellow citizens. If you solicit their suffragists and it will affect to scorn you have you solicit their esteem your remain among men, but you will be deprived of the right mankind. Your fellow creatures will shown you like an empty being, and those who are most persuaded of your innocence will abandon you two lest they should be shown in their turn, go in peace. I've, given you your life, but it is existed. It is in existence incomparably worse than death. The majority lives in the perpetual practice. applause, and there are certain truths which the Americans can only learn from strangers or from experience. The idea here is again Social structure is one way that politics is done. The left knows this left knows this, and so they have decided that they are going to explore anybody who holds differently than Do you see this in? Nearly every arena of american life. It's why it feels that the country is falling apart. It used to be that you be you'd, get together with somebody, and you, gotta baseball game, at the baseball game. You put your politics aside, because there is a baseline recognition. They were both Americans and that. Well, you may have political priorities in terms of how you vote is still want what's best for American
I believe in traditional american values. That is and by the wayside, people on the left refuse to acknowledge that the people on the right they literally refused to acknowledge it. If you vote for Donald Trump is because you are racist, it is not. In spite of the present, you not voting trump to stop the predictions of left your voting trump because you buy into the worst Essence Donald Trump, the reason the AIDS, because you love it, you of your bad person. If you vote to predict, The white red is why Jonathan Shape supposedly open minded liberal calls, Charlie Cook at the national you and me, as we are right. We are racist because trial is considering voting for Trump and because I said I will vote for Trump, and this is how they feel about you by this. I mean you Verona yesterday suggest that forty percent of Americans are offline. Amazing eroto against the dumb dumbest member, the Democratic Party, but inner stupidity. She speaks truth. Yes here is what she had to say about forty percent of the american people. This is the final democratic pitch, because the idea is: do you want to be part of a forty percent of people now didn't think so didn't I so I hears Maisie Roller, yesterday's and forty percent of the country. Forty four
and four in ten Americans are angry, resentful and fearful. This is the actual closing touch put aside. All the policy stuff put aside. The Donald Trump is bad stuff. The reason they hate Trump is not because they hate from so much it's because they hate everybody who would possibly vote for from or The voting for Trump and Trump is just the brutal and vulgar version of those people. You can't have forty percent or so the country being so angry that they will continue to vote for somebody like Trump who will do absolutely nothing to improve their lives. But he speaks to their anger, resentments and fear, like you and me already so, leading up to the election. Then Democrats are pretty confident that they are going to be able to ram through their agenda they're. Pretty sure that the Joe Biden is going to be elected now according to the polling they're, probably right now there is a plausible read of the polling where the poles don't actually have to be wrong and problems in order for that to happen, Trump simply has to close the gap in a couple of states.
Oh yes, the court has to close the gap in Pennsylvania, most importantly, but he needs to win Georgia. when North Carolina winning Arizona and when Florida right now, all of those are margin of error states Pennsylvania is slightly outside of margin of, but not by much Minnesota is also very close, so there is a way for Trump Twin. It's not implausible it bottom line here is that it could go one of several different ways, there's not really way that it had blow out front room. There's not a mean he's he's down seven points in the national pulling their is literally no way he's gonna win the popular vote, and that is the one safe protection I can make down from. Second, when popular vote will in California, are standing in line to vote against Trump. Even though makes absolutely no difference to the presidential outcome, because California will remain blew it, but there is a world where Trump winds are fairly broad electoral college victory. where he wins. Florida. Georgia, North Carolina Arizona, what's Minnesota in Pennsylvania, right that that means that humans, but as broaden electoral victory, as you did last time, there's a plausible
road or Joe Biden. Winds going away or Biden swings, although states or Biden Winslow humans. Georgia, humans, North Carolina Humans, Iowa, wins, Wisconsin, wins, Ohio, Ohio is tied, This would not have to be wrong for any of this to happen by the way right right now, taxes within margin of error, so Biden could the erratic, when taxes in the polls can be wrong. So recognised that there is a lot of flexibility in those pulling numbers. When people say the Poles were wrong, not there there's an actual there's a range in which poles are still considered accurate. If you're within, like two or three points of the fund I'll come at most poles are still basically considered accurate. This why you have John of error measurements. I'm polls show nobody should be sanguine about where we are in this election. Nor should people on the right thing that have Donald Trump loses. is solely because of voter fraud. I have from voters who come up to me. Sometimes they say the sort of stuff. I voted for temporary by the way in floor. Devoted early like a lot of people at the yesterday I was I was what, around and a fellow pulled me over and he- and he said you know if trumpet
it seems to me. The only way from can lose if there is massive border fraud- and I said there is always the possibility- for I don't think. That's the only way the trumpet lose, and I think that we should get out of this mindset. While the problem is that the left is in that mindset right, everybody seems to be. No mindset allotted from voters think that from loses its gonna, be because the system is corrupt. I mean that's true, media or can the media had massive outside influence on the selection. They are corrupt, but it's not because the voting system is corrupt. The left is saying the same thing if Trump winds it's gotta, be because of war. Fraud- and this leads Nancy policy to say literally, is we'll see matter how the voting goes on Tuesday, if you just keep counting the votes long enough, Joe by president of the United States, yours, the speaker of the house. I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected president or to but ever their and count is. But on the election that occurs on Tuesday. He will be elected on January twenty as he will be inaugurated press. the United States. It is deeply
the votes long enough and and Joe Biden will be elected president of the this is why Democrats keep suggesting the Republicans are trying voter suppression, there's no voters, suppression Gus, no more votes in this election than any election in history bar none with had said eight million early voted. This point: seventy million there a hundred and thirty five million both in the last election. Ok, so we have already surpassed half The boat total and we haven't had a watch India. So this talk about border fraud or voter suppression is wildly overblown and the fact and Nancy plus he keeps talking so funny. Folks on the left, they voted the social media companies they'll say how could from talk about border from it so bad? I understand why talking about voter suppression is significantly better than talk. My vote of wrought. There is no widespread voters russian and there is no widespread. Voter fraud has put all that aside, because I dont think its real. I dont think there's whites, hundreds of thousands of people are mailing in ballot, I think we have measures to take. If that is the case, voters
matters on a small scale, it does not tend to matter on a broad national scale were again, the margin of victories can be hundreds of thousands votes at the very least tens of thousands votes. We gets more vis in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that Halloween is coming up. Policy genius would like to mark the occasion by making something less scary. Life insurance shopping for life. Insurance can seem like a daunting task of policy. Genius makes it easy it combines a cutting edge insurance market place with help from licensed experts. To save you time it and save you money right now. You could say fifty percent or more by using policy genius to compare life. Insurance went ashore, and for a policy that could last for more than a decade, the savings really do start to add up. Here's how work first hand it over to policy genius tat come in minutes work and how much covered you need, and you can compare- quotes from top insurers to find the best price policy. Genius will compare policies, starting and as little as one dollar a day. It may even be eligible to skip that info. in medical exam. Once you apply, the policy, and his team will handle all the paperwork and the red tape. Here's the best part they work for you, not the insurance company. So if you hit any speed bumps during the application process, they'll take care of ever
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Make these kinds of statement shows his lack of patriotism. is undermining of our elections, while he allows for countries like his friend Putin to undermine the integrity of our election. He himself enjoying it ass, well, ass, a trumpet undermining the integrity of the election. By talking about about boat or fraud, meanwhile Democrats are not undermining the integrity of the election by constantly suggesting and millions of people are about to be disenfranchised. So, let's talk about that for a second set of wide variety of states are taken variant measures with regard to covered nine. And when the balloting deadline will be, it seems to me that it was idiotic in the extreme in the first place, to make all of these bizarre sort of legal array judgments about article nineteen, considering that we ve known for months that you're not getting cold it from appalling place had mass and pulling in Wisconsin months ago, like in the middle of the pandemic and there was not a major outbreak. We ve had significant in person voting across the country. riding elections since March, and guess what no major
but outbreaks because standing in line outdoors six feet apart is not going to give you call it. have known this for a very, very long time. None the less. There was a major push by Democrats for male in voting. Because they're suggestion was, and they thought that they're gonna be able to consolidate that mail involve very early troubles campaigning against the mail and vote, then from realize he's telling his own people not to vote in debt, not mail in their votes, so he switch. Then the Democrats, like a weight, we told all our people What an election day that's bad now they need to go out on election day. Here is the bottom line. We have procedures in this country for when election day is we have procedures that are followed There are put in place by the legislature for when you are allowed to count ballot. Usually the way this works under a republican system of government is that the legislature makes a law, and now what is the governing law and judges don't get too Willy nilly rewrite the law and if they do, that can be appealed to the federal level, because that is violation of the republican form of government. It is violation of the federal laws governing voting which are supposed to really delegate not to state courts, but you state legislatures
This has been the the consistent bizarre messaging surrounding voter suppression across the country. The question is not what the standards there's always a standard rate. We could start. We could start counting the votes that, after the election result counting the boats ten days after the election, we can stop counting the votes at men on election. I really could do with you any of those things as well: The rules are set by the proper body. The question is not what the rule is. The question is, who sets the rule, Chris Haze yesterday and whose, like imagine imagine if people just said that we're gonna stop looking at your tax returns on April fifteenth. Imagine if we have shifted it and we said that if any any income tax return that was up there was sent in after April fifteen through a look at ok. I can imagine that, and you know it happen, everybody would would just militant today's earlier turns out that whatever the deadline is what the deadline is institutionally and, legally speaking, the question is: who gets to make the rules Some left has been going nuts over this because their suggestion is no matter who makes the rule right there.
It's the content of the role, the matters, not the process by which the rule is made. So if a legislature correctly and and legally makes a decision to cut off the counting of the vote at midnight on election night and then Judge stands in without any legal precedent and simply extend that for seven days. Left is like excellent excellent and it makes no sense Sudan who actually creates through right and then, if you step and you say, hold on legislature- that's legislatures job. You can't have members echoed of agencies rewriting the law or you can have members the judiciary, Redding LAW, then they call it voter suppression, that's not voter suppression, guys. So take a perfect example. The left yesterday was fighting mad freaking out freaking out over going on in Minnesota, because on Thursday the eight circuit court of Appeals gave the GEO the in Minnesota. That's only a victory for the GNP, because the job he had appealed legal processes Hank bearing a daily. Why writing Ruling the Minnesota absentee balance must be physically received by eight p m on election day in order to be counted, CBS Minnesota what a previously a ballot that was postmark November. Third would still be
It's a long arrived within a week feminism Republican Party said. We applaud the Eighth Circuit Court of appeals for upholding the integrity of the election and affirming election day as November third. So what was the court's actual funding where they trying to suppress the vote? No Minnesota law dictates election officials only Counterbalance received by election day. That's what, as in Minnesota LAW the Minnesota Alliance for attired Americans education fund in some of its members sued Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon in Minnesota, state Court alleging the statutory deadline was unconstitutional. The secretary in the alliance than entered into a consent decree purporting to change the rules by essentially mean The statutorily mandated absentee ballot received deadline inoperative. So, in other words, a bunch of liberals went to another liberal, the Secretary of State of Minnesota and said: ok, let's run into its consent, secreted just rewrite the law. That's illegal! You can't do that. You can't just haven't outside group, go to the Secretary of State in, say you know it. Here's the legislatures law design in the law by the governor, we're going
right this on the side. You and me you can't do. This- is what the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled. They said that the extension deadline likely violates article two section, one of the constitution, because the secretary extended the deadline for a seat of the balance without legislative authorization. We therefore reversed the districts courts, denial of a preliminary injunction remains the district court to enter an injunction requiring the secretary in those under his direction, identify segregate and other. maintain and preserve all absentee ballot received after the deadlines set forth in Minneapolis State Code. So they say that this is really screwed up the process. As a voter confusion was inevitable. Once the secretary issued guidance to voters that was directly in contradiction to Minnesota Election law in early process was hopelessly company when he saw the authority of the legislators legislature under the electors clause of the constitution thuringians dependency. This litigation Minnesota voters have it'll have two sets of contradicting instructions, one from the secretary another has long been and remains codified in the election was a Minnesota in the
It is always in the public interest to protect constitutional rights. In other words, the legislature gets to make the decision, naturally has been characterized by democratic. Voter suppression is not voter suppression pages, because I've seen democratically there's a long line of polling station is voter suppression not noticed impressions. when Bull Conor drives up with a hose and starts hosing off on the black people to prevent them from voting. That's voter suppression, standing in line is being a grocery store at Disneyland or voting and being it is not voter suppression. Depression is when you literally don't get about. It is also not voter suppression when Just later passes a law saying you have to vote and it has to be countered by the state and then tries to unilaterally rewrite the law, and then a court stepped in and said you can't unilaterally rewrite the law. That is also why voter suppression. Nonetheless, you see Democrats claiming falsely voter suppression is going. It is going to be the result of all of this to Nancy play He has shifted her stands before. Was everybody? Should mail and vote now? Democrats are deeply afraid. The Trump is going to outweigh them. On
election day right. That's. Why should keep saying from it when I watch endemically boating? They can't keep counting the votes. Long enough, I went. Here's plus you saying I hope people want depend on their mail and vote this week I shall be very interesting to see how many more people will vote in advance. I hope the people I'll- not depend on the male because they have done all they can to dismantle the postal system. But I salute our postal workers are letter carriers and those who are making the best of the situation, but even the post services saying it's too late now to male ok, so let me point out again, This is another democratic myth. Mail has and undermine it is fully funded through next year. The post office delivers something like three hundred million piece of mail a day and I can obviously handle the voting date. They have been handling the voting. All they requested way back early this year is that you not make the voting deadline.
so late and close to the election, that it gives them no ability to actually deliver the male properly. So when people talk about ramp up to violence and the election, when people talk about the possibility of people not accepting the results of the election recognize the left is doing this mainstream and the entire social media infrastructure is now is echoing this vote of suppression is happening. You're not gonna, get your vote counted how'd, you think things can go from whence I mean seriously. Castro could still when without bucking the poles from Could when we get to that in just one second first, I gotta know about this incredible new service. It is really a fantastic service so I think lots of photos make it right, but didn't you sit there on my phone and then eventually get around you upload them to a computer, and maybe I print them out. Maybe I don't mean the shores of the extra go by the wayside. Reggie forget about them! Well, what? If there is a service where you could send that RO in to a service and the service would send you back a beautifully printed photo that that photo to you on acrylic or would on a beautiful.
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I've got a bunch of them all around the house right now in its super easy again, because I'm doing just like sending the photo into the service- and I get back this incredible pride by the way- another founders- the company. Honourable wonderful people like people, I really trust personal on a personal level. I trust the pit. The founders of this company go check out. My photo dot. Com right now use the promo code Ben twenty five today for twenty five percent off sending your photos and get back this wood, metal, acrylic, glass, creations, fantastic, fantastic of my photos, outcome use could bend twenty five get twenty five percent off right now. Ok, so it is possible to tremble ends. I know Democrats all accept that it is possible, the trembling and its possible that he wins without there being voter suppression of voter fraud, obviously but democratic right to accept any less Michael, more who predicted the trembling one last time he says he thinks from is gonna win this analysis. You gotta always take this with the grain of salt. I dont do election predictions.
One of the reasons is because all of the incentive structures are skewed for election prediction. If you're the one person who bucks the data and says Trump is going to win and then from quitting, and everybody declares that you are a prophet. If you are the person who follows the data and says that Trump is going to lose, you don't get any credit because you followed the data. If you are the person who said the trumpets gonna win, then he loses everybody just forget about it immediately. That's the way this works, but Michael more, who did call it last time. He says he thinks the trumpets gonna win again. I wake up every morning with the assumption that truck believes he's going to win, and that's good enough for me. if he thinks he's gonna win, then I think he's gonna win and I'm gonna at every minute of today and the rest of the day. Until I fall sleep after midnight. I am going to be working to make sure he doesn't win because he thinks he's No man, and I know, he's an evil genius. Any smarter than all of us are Gatt mega more men against
There is one area where Trump could pull Henry stunner, what the poles are showing us People don't really want to recognize the trumpets drawing an outside share, both hispanic vote and the Blackfoot presuming blackmailed among black females lack females paid, the guy I mean just by Poland Data, but among black ales there's a heavier share of the blackmail boat going to Trump and any other republican candidate of my lifetime, which people unless find so is down in, but I'm not sure why two stoning, considering that he has pursued criminal justice reform, for example, considering that he has pursued these opportunities zones. Considering that. He's been featured in rap songs. Going back to the nineties, assorted prototypical, rich guy, Reggie sort of been in some ways heroize by rap. For for several decades, will we He came out yesterday, Lil Wayne Wheezy. I have no experience of us, as you know, despite the fact I might Self Platinum Award winning wrapper. I really have no experience with anything the way- I guess he's, also known as wheezy he treated I've just had a great
meeting with President Trump. Besides, what he's done so far with criminal reform? The platinum plan is gonna, give the only real ownership you listen to what we say today, an issue he will and can get it done and, of course, in the wind and received an extraordinary amount blow back, because you are not allowed to say the Donald Trump is a decent man can't say that not all I'd say that Donald Trump might not be a racist, even taking a picture, but Donald Trump is underscoring. The fact you might not be racist and that you are not allowed to say needs help the the democratic not accepted the possibility that from possibly could win, and so we all know that the the plausible outcome, right from whence it from blends everybody ascends, the cities- are gonna burn right. This is the corollary to the blackmail the moral blackmail democratic been using here, you're a bad person if you vote for Trump, therefore, if from wins the bad people one, therefore, if from winds in the bad people, one rebellion is necessary right, the nature of this country has been shifted dramatically. The fascists have one is signed the loot and break things. You know who knows that this is the reality. That is a real possibility. Every business in America
Firstly, all of them, Deasey luxury shops are already boarding up in anticipation of the election, which just goes to show you, the writers and looters. You think that, from support for all the talk about this she's Brown Fritz running around the land. Creating violence, it seems like the people who vote for Joe Biden who, if they vote at all we're gonna, go break into stores, should Donald Trump win Walmart is now removing guns. Enamel from store displays ahead of the election, because there were That civil unrest, the news, was first reported by the Wall Street Journal, which the retailers looking to head off any potential theft of firearms extortion, broken into omit any civil unrest caused by the upcoming presidential election on Tuesday. By the way, my theory there'll, be civil unrest, either way Biden winds you going to use it as an opportunity to go ahead and break things and seal things, but from whence the world Wilbur. If frontlines people will go out in the streets, it will get extremely violent extremely quickly, and we all know this right. This is not some What a big secret Walmart said: you'd seen some isolated civil unrest and, as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we ve
Firearms enamel off the sales floor as a precaution for the safety of our associates and customers is Adam? main available for purchase by customers, a new USA today, Suffolk University Pole, the Americans are increasingly worried about what will happened this year, tumultuous watching comes to a conclusion next weekend Putting one in the voting will be peaceful. Any outcome broadly accepted only and enforce it. They are very confident initial have a peaceful transfer of power if democratic challenger, Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump, but that of course, is the wrong question. The real question is: if Trump wines will anybody and left accept that and I think the answer is going to be almost universally known and, of course, will be fully justified and not accepting it, because Trump is a terrible fascist and its own borders Then it's amazing how the media have focused entirely on farms allegations of voter fraud protection right now, if Joe Biden wins the election, no widespread violence from the right. How do I know this? Because, regardless of what has happened on the right, there's been no widespread? Violence from the right gets not a thing. The tea party was not violent blacklist
had a protest routinely breakdown violence, the tea parties I violent, occupy Wall Street routinely broke out into actual lawlessness. It is left that is. can we engage in extra legal activity when they dont get what they want, and meanwhile I think it is worthwhile examining, what's going on over the Biden campaign binds closing pitch. and is the same as it ever was, which is Donald Trump mean bad, very bad orange man. But every Often we are reminded of just how bad Joe Biden is going to be what gets it out in just one. Second. First, let's talk about a great meaningful gift. Okay, so above our couch and earning house, is a beautiful portrait of me and my wife and two of our children and we fully intend I now going out and doing a photo shoot with our new baby and We're gonna take one of those bodies. We descended into painter laughing at a brand new portrait into professional hand, painted portrait created from any photo. Really affordable price send any picture yourself. Your family family is special place. Pat combined photos in one painting with paint or lights compilation portrait
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We're had full of one sign virtue, signalling it helps remind people that fact don't care about your feelings. My peacefully protesting skeleton stay hydrated with the most glorious drinking vessel leftist years tumblr their cup literally runneth over hashtag socialism, sucks hashtag, Halloween Decor well done best house on the block Barnard thanks for the pic and thanks for being a daily where a member, but where you oughta be featured, become a daily remember. This could be you next week. Also, you may have noticed the countries falling apart. The massive conflict divisions ass- I ve been talking about for literally years at this point. What we are watching is the breakdown of America in real time into two groups, one that believes that America's fundamental rights ought to be preserved and one that believes America's fundamental rights are indeed the actual option to prosperity and decency inequality it. That is the great battle of our time. If you want to educate your kids, if you want to educate the college, didn't you know, it's gonna educate your friends when what is at stake? Why American philosophies goodbye medical history is good pick up. A copy of my book out of this
America in three easy steps. It is a vital read, I mean really. I wrote because I thought it was important, I think even more important now, I think, will be even more important post the election, because there needs to be a re acquaintance, but the founding principles of the country. and we need to understand why people are attacking this founding principles. Hatteras Roy America, in three easy steps go pick it up at Amazon, a com or anywhere else that books are sold off This weekend we have another great episode of the Sunday special this time with author Coma Stockman Terry and shall be still you ve heard me references work before it is then tacit and our conversation shall be deeds. His struggles with Amazon and Journey he has gone through to get. His important document remains a documentary all about black lives matter and Michael Brown and the wise about Michael Brown ceiling. I discuss the reason president trumpet his supporters are so often labelled as racist and the huge issue underlying so much of american politics. White guilt so had an over watch really a daily where I come was in the Sunday and Apple POD cast Spotify or wherever else. Yet your pack has here is a bit of a taste.
Freedom is not that interesting and black America. What's interesting. Is this enormous power that befell us in the sixties? when America owned up to to its past already had on over daily Werner com or listen this Sunday on Apple, podcast, Spotify or wherever else you get your podcast. Also the presidential watch it it's almost here. if an amazing gave programming scheduled for you are wives. November starts November. Third, Tuesday, free pm, eastern twelve p, dot M features, special guess, live interviews and and more leading up to our evening, shall will be covering results with you in real time. Even better joy, everywhere. Right now get twenty five percent off with Coty election. She can watch all of our election coverage live on our apple tv or rogue, who EP members get our articles? Have free access to all of our live broadcasting? Show library the full three hours of the bench. A bureau show an exclusive readers pass content available only to daily where members also, I can't wait to show you all
you stuff can only should they do you like tons and tons of new material behind the pay, while in the new year, if you're, considering Alexis membership, yes join us alive. live every night for online lives from discussions with our host an amazing online community health- again, not one but two. You leftist years, tumblers with EU membership as well, sometimes exclusive access to new daily wire products and, as I say, it, wouldn't be rolling up a bunch of brand new awesome stuff in the new yourself watch the election with us a daily where to come eighty five percent off your daily wire membership with code election when you sign up today, you are listening to the largest fastest growing can serve to Pakistan, ready coordination of yourself just a week reminder this election is not just about the supposed evils. Donald Trump Joe Biden will be president if Joe Biden, his luck it. I know people forget about that, because we have been told The signal sign of your own evil is voting for president trumpets. He can alleviate your evil. Simply. You can exercise that evil. By voting for Joe Biden, My problem, Joe Biden, then becomes president. So yesterday Joe Biden was speaking.
Talking about being a standard bearer for democracy. That just shows you the over why's that are told by Joe Biden. He said there is campaigning in Florida before he's a rainstorm immediately round way from the rainstorm, which you know not a great shock. Ray Harrison, died forty days into his term because he stayed out in a rainstorm. Although I will say to rein in Florida is quite warm. Anyone here was Joe Biden, suggesting the Donald Trump as a terrorist, terrible standard bearer for democracy. I'll explain how idiotic this statement is just one, at present drop, can advance democracy and human rights for the cuban people, That is real for that matter. he has embraced so many autocrat around the world started Lattimer Kim Jong on North Korea. Drop is the worst possible standard bearer for democracy in places like Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. Ok, I have to say that last line there is These stupid things. I've ever heard Joe Biden say an immense is stupid things every single day, every single day
First of all, he is obviously losing his craft Christmas just in his articulation there. But beyond that, get for him to say that Trump is a terrible standard bearer for democracy. In Cuba and Venezuela do dude dude, due to let them use the reason you mention in Cuba, and Venezuela in Florida is obviously there are tons of cuban expatriates and their children. There are a lot of new expatriates to flora, who are Venice, when in our voting public hangings, they don't wish America to look like Nicholas Maduro and Google job as in Venezuela. Just quick note, Joe Biden Plan is coming out today. Joe Biden plan is to jump over one wider in Venezuela, who is the head of the assembly? Who is who is supposed to be the sort of interim president once Maduro, whose a dictator was proposed he's planning to dump over why dodged abandon him completely and go back to negotiating with Nicholas Maduro was a brutal dictator has been suppressing the people of Venezuela? Google, jobbers Maduro reduced the most oil rich country in South America into
rash. Sheep people literally eating dogs to survive in has been going on for years on end. The Obama administration wants to deal with Maduro. They didn't nothing to stop mature. They did nothing. To stop illegal jobless mean that it is. It is full crazy? How accommodating they were so? The venezuelan regime, as being of Cuba I mean, was Obama was anyone to reopen Cuban then went and hung out with Rollo Castro and there's the famous photo overall Castro holding up Barack Obama's Armand Obama's got to imprison the whole deal. I mean serious in its national photo summing up about it. That's the actual photo there's picture Brok of Amr in Cuba, standing in front of a giant mural of shape of our brok about what was at baseball games. Israel will Castro? Is it don't me, buddy great standard bearer for democracies, can be Joe Biden in Cuba and Venezuela. Ain't interested that, like the number of law. Is that your by an thinks he can tell just because down from his orange man, he's dead and Orange is truly crazy, is truly crazy and, of course,
and still doesn't have to answer any questions about his son. So it's not just that job. I, like listen, there's still lack of sister substantiation on Joe Biden being directly involved in business with his son or benefiting directly from business with his son. There is no controversy at all by knows full well that his son Hunter was just setting all over the globe. Doing crop deals on the basis of his name, whose LAO and members of his family to do this for literally decades, for literally decades now there's a report from a James Rosen. Justice Department has confirmed that in twenty nineteen, the FDA actually open up a criminal investigation and undermine, and his associates focused on allegations money laundering and that that investigation remains open and active. Today, Rosen is a report with the Sinclair Broadcast Group, of course, at this followed hard Antoni bubble Linsky, suggesting that he was questioned by six the agents goblins is under for business partner with council present five hours and October twenty third listing him. material witness in I'm investigation focused on hundred Biden and his associates and F B. I spokesmen
the Washington examiner. We have no comment in keeping with our standard practice of neither forming, nor denying the existence of an investigation materials. Of course, tied to Hunter Biden, come from a laptop that he apparently left with a computer repair store in Delaware, and then and animated ended up in the hands of Rudy Lonnie and such now binds people keep refusing answer the question and again it is perfectly clear oh for Joe Biden have never made money off of any of this, but he has had tons. I never done anything wrong and that there are no serious accusations. Hunter Biden has ever done anything wrong. Well, that's not true that that, honestly, it's not true. There are lots of accusations. The hunter Biden has done wrong. Stuff underbred himself acknowledges that benefits from Daddy's name in order pickup bags of cash in foreign countries, where he has no connections. Naturally, Biden spokespeople refused to answer any questions at all, because we saw big heck react the way they did on the new post story that the allegations in its r r off the table. They are false. As far as your concern.
look we're not going to waste and the second on the smear campaign. So to clarify where there were more accusations made this week on that most watchful news interview a couple nights ago from Tucker Karlsson. Did those meetings happen as they have been alive? when Joe Biden was a private citizen, we're not waste any time on this smear campaign. Of course, there's no! The waste any time on this quantum could smear campaign, because the media's covering up for them, no matter what do MSNBC. Seventy rule sang the entire hundred Biden story has been debunked, which I is weird because it has not in fact been about Do you think we need to know who president trunk personally owes over four hundred million dollars to in the next four years? While the two shade point here, it would be simply. Do you think we know more about her binds laptop and that so, let's not go there absolutely, which is undermining isn't running from president. That argument has been de boat the argument has not been debunked. The question is what Joe Biden knew when he knew it now involved. Was internal balances that Hunter and Joe.
deeply and mash than involved. That has yet to be rebutted. Don't worry, though, the media which cover up for it So now there friend, Mr Rack, there's, an entire article from embassy, today called how I think persona laid the groundwork for a hunter Biden. Conspiracy deluge one month before purportedly the files from Hunter guidance, laptop, a fake intelligence what about him. Went viral on the right wing, internet, asserting and elaborate conspiracy theory involving vice presidential button, sun and business in China. The documents, a sixty four page composition that was later disseminated by close associates of President Trump appears to be the work of a fake intelligence, firm, called typhoon investigations, because only one problem- this is Kimberly, stress a point out. None of this has to do with underlines laptop kid at that fake yeah that was passed out has nothing to do with any of the stories with ever talked about on the show. Now, one story that we have ever talked about on the show. So now the media are putting focus on an actual fixed. so don't have to cover the very real story of hundred binds laptop because guess what it has now been confirmed that, according to the new host forensic analysis as that of the hunter binding.
males are one hundred percent. Authentic is isn't going to focus on that. Instead, we are going to focus I'm not authentic emails was to miss direct from serious questions about all this Glenn Greenwell. do. I know fan of angry laws and glittering. All I know is no fan abide Wonderingly. Has routinely taken, I think, anti american positions. He was doing propaganda on behalf of Wikileaks. been an enemy of the state of Israel for a very long time, and very much in favour of Israel compromising its own security. Wondering why discredit awful up a glint Greenwell has at least been consistent enough to call out the Hunter Biden story and to call out false claims about russian clue. Well. Now he's resigned from the intercept, which is an organization he founded on Thursday afternoon, signalling an abrupt end, acrimonious end to his time at the publication he cofounded into Fourteen with Jeremy Scale and Laura Poydras Ringwald, who shared the two thousand fourteen Pulitzer Prize for public, As for his reporting on the annex in domestic that was uncovered.
Edward Snowden said his departure was related to a pc plans right about the former. Vice president, Joe Biden, in a lengthy note, published on Sub Stack, Greenwell set up The commission refused to publish the peace in violation of my contractual read about its oral freedom must be removed. All sections critical of democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, the candidate, vehemently supported by Only York, based, intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression. The intercept instead said No, he just whining that he was asked to support his cleansing innuendo about corrupt actions by Joe Biden with evidence, and its head is preposterous, that Glenn Greenwell using them of any sort of bias at also there's a shortened watching left attack itself this way? But when Glenn Greenwell puts the organisation that he founded they are trying to suppress stories on behalf of your Biden. No, that is not enough, and that is not nothing. Ok. Meanwhile, the new push by the media, because Economy is in a state of recovery and because it is absolutely clear at this point by all available evidence, you cannot control the pandemic. You can't get us nowhere. Do it the only which political control the pandemic
full scale, lockdown that destroy the economy and only delay the pandemic. They do not destroy the pandemic. Ok, that that is the reality of the situation. The pandemic that has struck America is now striking. Europe, Europe is having rated has never seen before in countries that were locked down by Germany was his a story now Germany is experiencing thousands and thousands and thousands of cases. France wasn't very recently experienced a downturn in cases, and now they ve seen a massive uptake in the number of cases. ITALY is experiencing a massive up taking cases after it was widely assume that they got this thing under control, with mass mandates. For example, to this thing, going to hit everywhere and is going to be bad. It's going to kill a lot of people and honestly, only thing you can do is when you are in close quarters surely distance as much as you can, and you are a mask and close quarters, but mask They have actually done virtually nothing by Germany. As of October. Twenty nine had almost nineteen thousand cases. Nineteen thousand cases in a day in Germany and that that is a massive it number of cases in Germany, which was one of the big success stories so
Here is the reality of our colleague. You can't stop it. You can only hope to cortical, contain it. Ok and all you can really Do is try to shield the most vulnerable by telling them to stay home and then of a bunch twenty year old, get it, but it's twenty year old girl I've been a long time a proponent of the idea. if you're twenty years old, Aunt Julia your at university? And you get this thing that is not the end of the world. You should just isolate from your elderly relatives. I've been long time. Proponents of the basic idea proposed by Hebrew University scientists suggesting what they called control the avalanche, the idea being that, if you are ever to reach, heard immunity because a vaccine may only be fifty sixty percent effective, I know better. Is right, it is bad news, but that is a reality and neither deal with reality or not deal with reality. A vaccine may only be fifty to sixty percent effective, there's, no Europe. A hundred per cent of people are going to take it in the first place. Therapeutics are getting better, there is no guarantee that Europeans are going to save anybody's life. Locate the hospitalization versus death rate, hospitalization rate is up, death rate is down in these are all baseline facts with that said, if you ever reach
If you ever hope to reach some level of her community, that's going to have to happen by protecting and shielding the vulnerable and the elderly and by basically allowing the virus to move as it will throw a twenty year old population. Are you start with least vote? we'll populations, and if they get it, they get it and that's not the end of the world, pretending that a twenty year old, getting covert and weaken from it is the end of the world is ridiculous: anti scientific nonsense, cabin naturally the economy is recovering and because the baseline awareness that you can't contain the virus is setting in. This is driving the media, a wall because their entire narrative is the down from blue. This is all Donald Trump spot so and Donald Trump Narrative, which is basically that we're gonna have to live our lives and learn to live with a virus becomes them in narrative, then the talking point about the goes way but Democrats and members, media, but I repeat, myself continue to push talking point about covered that are just outdated. So here is Shep Smith. Now, over at CNBC asking Then he you why we cannot impose a one hundred and eleven day locked down the way they did in New Zealand agendas.
when his having one hundred and seventy lockdown, they locked down the entire country when there are four cases in the country. and the answer is because we have an economy supporting three hundred and thirty million people plus the rest of the globe. That is the reason. The reason because you should not lock hundreds of millions. of healthy people in their homes violation of basic civil liberties is certainly Not do so, and we are now talking about airborne a bowler when you are talking about a virus that largely targets people identifiable final, namely the elderly and the infirm, and when you talking about a virus. The death rates for people below the age of twenty that are lower than that of the flu airships meadow begging, Anthony why can't we lock on the entire country? You know indefinitely we were taught. about what an extraordinary thing has happened in Melbourne they had a hundred eleven day. Lockdown started with. Many thousand cases a day and, as you pointed out two days ago, they had zero cases. Why can't We do that when you talk bout lock downs that certain They were extremely successful
There is very little appetite for locked down in this country. There is a to be a major push back both from above and at the local level. Ok! Well, yes, is not just that there's push back. There ought to be pushed back, sacrificing every freedom and liberty, the you have on the basis of a virus that again. is deadlier than the flu, but is not nearly as deadly as many of the other diseases that we have talked about. As being you no kind of contagion, style diseases, it is tat, it is foolishness. I mean even the double petrol at this point, as the walk down are bad. Nonetheless, the narrative must never be released a Doktor Van Gupta over MSNBC. He says it is time to show and schools and restaurant ok, there's a case to be made with regard to closed air restaurant. There is no case made with regard to schools. Even Europe has the schools open still. do. I think that in four dining Craig, I think that's that the person. Schooling are likely going tat, we're gonna reconsidered, those particular parts of society
right now in the midst of an Panada control endemic. Yes, I do right now the only weaker we open up schools, Craig is onsite testing and unless you're an affluent school district, you dont have access to a great now, indoor dining. We know it's needless and we know that there has been a source of of spreading. This virus, so I do not think there certain parts is inside account. The restaurants he's not totally wrong I'm schools, you utterly in absolutely wrong in my kinsman and well, there's been no outbreak in the region. There's been no outbreak because you are asked to there were no wellness report every day. If any kid shows a symptom there. mediately sent home and their core until they we get commits Herman, whether they are healthy, plus Kids are not passing this in the same numbers as adults, particularly kids, under the age of ten. It is all anti scientific antics and having stuff the it is all based on a myth. The myth is that we no. The solution to covered and solution to cover is also from doesn't want it, so trumped doesn't want you. I found that means that the solution to cover his lockdown trump doesn't like me
particular much. That means that the solution to covered is masking so Joe Biden is pushing national mass mandate. According to the New York Times, resignation heads into what public health experts are calling a dark or of corona virus illness and death. Public health experts are Co. messing around Joe Biden call for a national mass mandate, even as they concede. Such an effort would require much more than the stroke of a presidential pen. Over the past week, a string of prominent public health experts, notably faulty Doktor Scott, got lead from the commission. The FDA under Trump had said. It is time to seriously consider a national mandate to curb the spread of the virus overseas. This week, President Vladimir and became wages for meat to impose a national mandate for citizens to wear masks. Biden has cancer. the presidential order for Americans to wear masks, Romo, certainly face and most likely fall to illegal challenge. Minus said that, as president you'd mandate masks on all federal property and executive order that could theoretically have wide reach. Also, he couldn't require masks on public transportation under federal transit
and you could proud governors for resisting mass mandates, released requirements in public buildings in their state gets. Let's talk talk by mass mandate for a second first of when caseload gets having people wear masks. This is what the data show it does matter, whether as a mandate or when there is no mandate when there was a big optic in Florida What is not about mandate state guess what people start wearing ass when there is not taken for people not wearing masks when there's heavy cases in Texas people start wearing asked people take action to protect themselves. Bizarre that they do national Mass mandate, threatening to throw people in jail or find them for not wearing a mass properly first The vast majority of people who are wearing mass are not doing so in medically approve fashion. It's better than nothing cases. But not a case that mean how many times you see somebody walking around the mask under their nose virtue signalling how many times you see people wearing neck gaiters was a pretty controversial scientifically, whether those are helpful or whether they are in fact not helpful
In fact, one thing that we know that mass mandates that there are no guarantee of preventing an object- you known Weiss, has gone through the data over on twitter he's a data guy, and here are some grass of how mass mandate have worked out in particular countries a case. If you look at european covert nineteen cases per million masked required, was no masks required. What you see is Sweden, Norway and Denmark are coming in. well below right now, Germany are Portugal, ITALY, Austria, UK, Spain, France, Czech Republic, in Belgium, all which have mass mandates. Ok, so it is not really about mass. and these being the great solution, and it can do this by country. Right, you known waste, goes through this, so take a look, for example at Austria, so Austria mandated masks after they had already hit the down slope of their original wave. That mass mandate never way and they can get rid of them ass mandate. Now Austria is experiencing two hundred and fifty cases per million in mass mandate when they are experiencing fifty cases per million. Ok or take a look at you
amended Mass about halfway down their original recovery, Hornsey unwise. Ok, when they are about twenty five cases per million. Now they are experiencing close. One hundred twenty cases and amassed mandate, never waned about France, so France waited longer to mandate and they have that one. Thousand percent, the daily cases where mandated masks despite having one Hi Mass complains levels in the world. Spain put in a mass mandate Spain Putnam Ass mandate, around a seventeenth May twentieth: hey there, now fifteen hundred percent up on their case level, the british out en masse for a long time and they mandated masks and guess what did not stop the wave it I mean the masks are useless master use. in certain scenarios, but the idea that Ass mandate is gonna solve this thing is absolute silliness People can aware mask when they feel their endanger they're, not gonna worm asked when they don't feel like they are in danger it, but again this is all
promulgating inherited than the United States, that the solution is at hand and that all that is required is for Joe Biden to implement that solution. The data are not. There is why, when I hear people How follow the science follow? The science I'm sorry, but Democratic Party has not fallen science they're, not in democratic party downplaying vaccine many Andrew Como, the worst governor in America and requirements, who's out pushing a book about what a great job did with covered in a state had. Second, step four million rate in America. He knows he's seeing the federal government hasn't started to focus on a couple of acting, like is east spouting absolute bowl crap, but he's captain science here here is Andrew Cuomo upheld by the G8. as a as a model of what you should do about covered. This is basically Let's call at half time in the game right we went through the, this phrase we brief respite before the fall, and now we're gonna have the fall and the went there and then vaccination, which is a whole long difficult, a process that the federal
thousand even started to focus on is not about finding the vaccine. You then have to administer three hundred and thirty million doses right. Ok on should the federal government has been working on for quite a long time. You idiot I withheld was about his own record. He then says conspiracy theory. If you're worried about nursing homes in New York, despite the fact that there was an actual policy to ship people with Kobe back into nursing homes- and they were then refused to reveal the actual stats and how many people have died in nursing homes and falsified. The stats by claiming that people who are diagnosed with confidence comes unindicted the hospital or not actually nursing homes. Here's a liar and fabulously Andrew Cuomo. If you look at how many people died in New York, nursing homes, New York, forty six out of fifty states in the percentage of deaths in nursing homes, the conspiracy They are trying to to spread just had no factual basis. Yes, people in nursing homes died and they are playing politics with the issue which, I think is
specially crawl, ok playing politics at the issue, dude you put out a poster. You saw the poster that your own incredible performance after a horrifying performance and creation of a death car built a lot like the don't, have this death curve We are also in the beginning of the pandemic, but don't worry. This is a party of science. Is the party science. Meanwhile, just quick note at the issues that are plagued the United States, the gap between people I did say to believe that the western civilization is worthy of upholding and that american philosophy is worthy of upholding. That gap continues to exist. Nature, not not just in the United States, continues to exist across the west. I'd be remiss if I didn't comments on a story that happen in France. Over the course of the last few days there were two separate horrifying attacks to separate horrifying attacks in France. People died in a knife attack in a church in niece over the last couple of days in what french President Emmanuel content. What is this was an islamic terror attack. He said France would not
its core values after visiting the Notre Dame Basilica in the southern city, an extra four thousand troops for being deployed to protect churches and schools and niece in these one. Elderly victim was virtually beheaded. Another woman in a man s died, a male suspect we shot entertain, will. Presumably they should have tried to take him. According to those you don't like the police answer, prosecutors, have open an investigation into the attack France's raised, its national security alert to its highest level. According to the french Anti Terrorist prosecutor, Sean Francois Rico He said the attacker was seriously wounded by police that he was a twenty one. Roll Tunisia National would arrive in France earlier this month, yet a document issued by the Italian Red Cross, I will, by boat from Tunisia to the italian island of Lamb producer in September, whose placing krona virus quarantine before he was released and told to leave ITALY, the aspects have been cutting off people's heads while shouting endlessly Allah, who are two other attacks took place under They want in France, in one in Saudi Arabia, Amanda
dead in months for that you're, a southern french city of Armenian after testing after threatening police with a handgun. Also a guard was attacked outside the french consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. A suspect is arrested. The guard was taken to the hostile This of course follows closely on the recent murder of the teacher. Samuel petty was beheaded close to his school ass. I Paris earlier this month after he showed a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed in his classroom. Please have not suggested a motor for the attack in these. I think that the power he screaming all who are well chopping up someone's had a pretty good indicator. It follows days, it s in some muslim majority countries triggered by president Microns defence of the publication of cartoons that depicted Mohammed there ve been caused in some countries for a boycott of french goods. So do people died in the church a six year old woman who is virtually two headed a fifty five year old man whose throat was cut. Apparently the man was responsible for the upkeep of urging her to wife into kids, another woman, whose forty four floods, when you're by CAFE Africa stab several times she died later, and so what we are watching info
This is a small wave of terrorism that follows hard upon controversy over people showing a cartoon of Mohammed. The question is whether the West is going to have enough of a belief in its own value system to stand up to this sort of disgusting islamic fascism Not all Muslims believe this stuff there, many many Muslims. Many Muslims me some of whom have touched on this programme, who believe that you have the right to show a picture of Mohammed are you how that you, you can do all that and not have. You had dropped off. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of millions of people who believe that if you show a picture of the prophet Mohammed that, at the very least you might want to have, you may deserve to have you had chopped off into pretend. This is a completely infringement Iran is to ignore the fact that it is not in fact, a completely fringe phenomenon. How do we know this? Because the prime minister of nation. The former prime minister of Malaysia, ok, Malaysia is a country with a population of right. Now, thirty one point: five,
three million people. Malaysia is one of the larger muslim countries on planet earth. A former prime minister of Malaysia, tweeted out Muslims, have a right to be angry and who killed millions of french people for the massacres of the past. Mohammed killing, is not an act of the Muslim and that as a Muslim I would approve, but he also Think insulting other people should be included in freedom of expression. Is that you cannot up to a man and cursing simply because you believe in freedom of speech, irrespective of the religion professed angry people, kill the French in the course of their history have killed millions of people. Many were Muslims since you have blamed on ones and the muslim religion for what was done by one angry person. Muslims have a right to punish the French any boy. Cannot compensate the wrongs committed by the French all these years, and that's when you said Muslim
right, be angry and kill. Millions of french people for the massacres of the past twitter is sweeter hesitated on this. They did and banned the tweet immediately. It's one thing to ban in Europe both like right off the bat for publishing emails from Hunter violence and other to ban people saying the Muslims. Have the rights killed, millions of french people from a former prime minister of Malaysia, but it is that it there's one line in there. That is worthy of note when he says you Kennicott Chromatin, Carson We because you believe in freedom of speech. This is a view of free speech that, unfortunately has been taken up by many people on the political left. Scotland right now is about to. put forth a law that basically allows for the arrest of people for hate speech. Ok is scare scary stuff, scottish bill that would criminalize hate speech in private homes. Married Macfarlane reporting for national review. a controversial bill. Making its way through Scotland's parliament would criminalize hate speech, even if the offending uttered in someone's private home members of the scottish parliament question just
secretary homes are- you saw for the first time on Tuesday about the hate, crime and public order bill which would establish a new crime, cortical stirring up Fred legislation criminalized hate speech related to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity, and variations in sex characteristics, including a potentially hate speech, spoken in private residences, ever criticisms from groups saying that the bill friends to stifle free speech You have agreed to amend legislation, Regis stage, two of consideration and parliament's amendments, delayed offenders may only be prosecuted if they had Quantum court intent to stir up hatred. He said I'm very actively considering, but the breadth and depth of freedom of expression clauses. We have to be aware of some of the consumer that may be expressed if we were to have a generic of expression clause. Would that be specific enough to give people the reassurances that they desire? It is a full scale, destruction of basic individual rights. It is being pursued in what countries, it has, unfortunately become a talking point of men on the left in the United States as well, which is that the individual rights
that you hold our danger to others. The right to free speech is a danger because you might commit blasphemy. Are you might harm somebody's perception of their own and good from annual mccrone. He said not need you to have the right to actually exhibit pictures of the prophet Mohammed. If you wish to do so in a western country. I just wonder if, as we move forward in time as we continue to apologize, for western civilization, as we continue apologize for our rights as we continue to suggest roots western civilization, lion, racism, bigotry, homophobia and cruelty, If we are willing to stand up for individual rights with a multicultural left, intent on the idea that rights are themselves responsible for the violation of the rights and all you have to do is curb rights, and you will reach you too, It doesn't mean that everybody's in favour of beheading people who draw pictures of Mohammed does mean that an awful lot of people are left would like to see that sort of activity drawing behind
maybe legal so as not to set people off. So we can all live in a world free of offence. Already we'll be back here on Monday, because we have at that point one day until the election rest up over the weekend. Try not to burning down, we'll see you, then I venture paralyses the bench Barroso. If you in play. This episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us a fives. a review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened to pod gases also be sure to check out other dearly. Wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show Michael Moles, and the map show thanks for listening Dementia Bureau show is produced by Coltan Hoss exists producer. Jeremy boring our supervising producers are math is Glover and Robert Sterling Production man. Your parliament asking our socio producers are Nick. She had, and Rebecca Doyle is show, is ended by Adam. Sigh of audio is by my poor Mina make up its mind. You could Geneva
The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty Those are my wall show not just another show about about politics. I think there are enough of those already out there. We talk about culture, because culture drives politics and drives everything else. So my main focuses are life family, face Those are fundamental and that's what this shows about how Europe giving to listen.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-31.