« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1122 - The Final Debate: Trump’s Big Comeback


Trump brings Hunter Biden’s former business partner to the debate as the media studiously avoid the story; Good Trump shows up for the debate – mostly; and Joe Biden pledges to end the oil industry.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Trump brings Hunter Biden's. Former business partner to the final debate is the media studiously avoid the story. Good trump shows up for the debate mostly and Joe Biden pledges to end the oil industry. I venture since the bench Barroso. Events, Hiroshima sponsored by Express Debian surf the web with peace of mind, signed up now, expressive, gps, dot, com, slash bat! Well, we'll get to more of the news in just one. Second, we'll get to all of the news, in fact, because there is plenty of it. But first we need to talk about your safety and security, online. Now, here's the reality, though social media companies, that you don't trust because they are suppressing your ability to actually see information there actually used your data to monitor all that nonsense. They're using data and they're selling it to advertisers, and there is no reason they should be allowed to do that. Also hackers are looking for your data, so they can make me they offer view while July there to do that either instead use express vps if you ve ever wondered how free access rights make their money it's by tracking your searches very history everything you click on it and selling your valley
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last night represented the final presidential debate. We are reaching the end of the road here. We are less than a week and a half out from the presidential election of two thousand and twenty, and so the pressure was on for President Trump and he showed up. He showed up and he performed to understand exactly how this debate went. However, we have to backtrack a little bit. We have to do the run up to the debate so late. Yesterday afternoon, just before the debate, there was a press conference called by the Trump campaign, this press conference was very much reminiscent of the press conference that President Trump held with accusers against Bill Clinton back in two thousand and sixteen he brought a bunch of women who had accusations against Bill Clinton and suggested that Hillary Clinton had covered all of that up and all that sort of thing. This is very reminiscent that he brought forth a guy named Tony Bobby Linsky bubble. Linsky was a former, would be business partner of Hunter Biden and he alleges that wasn't just that hundred Biden was going around the world picnic bags of cash. He alleges that He was doing so on behalf of the Biden family. He says he has the receipts to prove it Joe Biden.
They knew what was going on. The Joe Biden was involved now as you will see it is not clear at all from the documentary evidence that has been thus far presented. That Joe Biden was deeply involved in his son hunters business. However, there certainly implications in the Hunter Biden emails that suggested as far as money actually changing has again there's no actual documentary implication that money has actually changed hands and has been funnel directly to Joe Biden or gets that in a second Is the media studiously avoiding the story, except for maybe the Wall Street Journal which is now reporting on it, but tony bubbling ski did this press conference again? This was right before the debate and suddenly made this story a lot more serious because before it had just been all of these emails that had sort of been dripped out via the New York Post. It been put out a little bit via Fox news. well now you actually had a face of a person who worked with Biden, saying the Joe is intimately involved with the business so bubble. Linsky gets up in basically a spare room in National Tennessee and he said
I was told earlier this week that of how reveal what I know it's gonna bury all of us, meaning the Biden family as well. I was told this past Sunday by somebody who was also involved in this matter that I found when people this information I'd be, it would vary all of US man. The Biden's included. I have no wish to bury anyone, I've never then political, the few contributions I've made have been added MC rats. but what I am is a patriot and a veteran. Ok. Bob Linsky also suggested that he had privy inside knowledge to everything that was going on in Hunter Biden's business. He spoke deliberately of May thirteen th two thousand and seventeen email in which it was discussed. How much of an interest in a chinese company would be held by age, age, meaning Hunter Biden? Apparently it was twenty percent and some ten percent going to the big guy. So Bob Alinsky said the big guy here.
Joe Biden, which of course, would take this from the realm of Joe kind of new and patted his son on the head, as his son went around picking up bags of cash, which is extremely plausible and in fact, probable, there's a line but in that ensure by national received money from these sort of corrupt goings. On again, if Biden did this after, he was vice It is not a violation of the law. He's allowed to do it after he was vice president. It does certainly look like influence peddling, however, and Joe Biden apparently was in contact with Hunter about this stuff according to Balinski as early twenty fifteen twenty sixteen on he actually was vice president. In any case, here was Balinski. I saying that the h in that email sit for a hunter and, by was the big guy on May thirteen, two thousand and seventeen I received an email, concerning allocation of equity, which says ten percent held by age for the big
in that email. There is no question that it stands for a hunter big guy for his father, Joe Biden and Jim for Jim Biden. In fact, Hunter often referred to as fathers, the big or my chairman, and he says he came forward. Babylons did because he was tired of hearing Joe Biden suggest that he had never discussed business with when Bobulinski says I know firsthand. That is false. I've been at dinners where they have discussed business five Joe Biden, say that he's never discussed business with Hunter. That is false I have first hand knowledge about this, because I directly dealt with the binding family, including Joe Biden I was introduced to Joe Biden by Jim Biden and Hunter Biden Approximate at my approximately our long meeting with job that night, we just thus the vines history, the biased, We business plans with the Chinese with which he was
only familiar at least at a high level. Okay and then Bobulinski held up some cell phones and he said All the evidence of what I am saying is on these phones. I turn these over to the proper authorities who is balanced yesterday. tomorrow, I will be meeting with the Senate Committee members concerning this matter and I will be provided adding to the FBI. The devices which contain the evidence operating what I have said there sits on these three phones. I don't wanna go on everyday any further. This will all be discussed with Senator Johnson and his committee and the american people can decide. What's fact, ok, so that is where. and stood until just before they make. Finally, the Biden campaign put out what seems to be a pretty comprehensive statement, denying the story according binding campaign quote as Criswell set on air about this very smear vice President Biden has actually releases tax returns on my president Trump, and there is no indication. Have you got any money from anybody in these business deals? Joe Biden has never considered being involved in business with his family, nor in any overseas business whatsoever. He has never helps
in any such business arrangements, nor has any family member or any other person ever held stock for him. What is true is that We bubbling. He admitted on the records right now that he is angry. He was not able to go into business with hundred and James Biden. What is also true that, in contrast, Vice President Biden, Donald Trump has a secret chinese bank account and pays more and access in China that it pays in federal income tax in the United States, and this is a desperate, pathetic farce, executed by it. Lynn campaign, with no rationale for putting our country through another four years of hell, ok, so that is comprehensive denial by the by I'm paying their waste to spin it where it looks as though maybe there's some hair splitting. So, for example, you could say well, maybe the stock is in stock. Maybe it's some other form of asset right, not all ownership and accompany comes in the form of actual stock. I could say that maybe could say that Joe Biden didn't have to be involved with the overseas business. He could have just been sort of a passive partner, in the overseas business, there are ways to parse this, in which theoretically Biden couldn't be denying the story, but it looks mostly overall, a Biden is denying the story and the denial was blanket enough that if any of that ended,
being true Biden will get excoriated for it, so the Wall Street Journal has a couple of pieces further explicating the story itself we'll get to those in just one. Second, first, let's talk about the fact that it's been a pretty dark year. I mean really kind of a terrifying year in a lot of ways between Covid and wild fires and earthquakes and hurricanes, and everything else you might be thinking about life. insurance like what do I do to protect my family in case God forbid? Something should happen to me. While shopping for life insurance can seem daunting. Policy genius makes it easy. They combine a cutting edge insurance marketplace with help from licensed. Sports, to save you time and money right now you could say fifty four, or more by using policy ones to compare life insurance when you're shopping for a policy that could last for more than a decade the savings really start to add up here's how work first had an overall policy genius tat come in minutes, you can work out how much covered you need and you can compare, quotes from top insurers and find the best price policy genes. compare policy starting starting as little as one dollar a day. You might even be eligible to skip in person medical exempt. Once you apply the policy
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made two hundred Biden's law firm is another reason to come forward. Alinsky said he took part in a meeting it Hunter Joe Biden- eurobonds, brother, James binding in allay in two thousand seventeen when they discuss the button, Emily Business plans with the Chinese of which Joe Biden was plainly familiar, at least at a high level of income in spokesmen didn't immediately respond to a question about the alleged meeting with Bob Linsky James Biden and an attorney for Hunter Biden didn't respond to requests for comment in the name of course, issued from the campaign. This blanket denial text message and emails related to the venture that were provided to the journal by Bob Bolinsky, mainly from the spring and summer of two than seventeen don't show either Biden or James Biden, discussing a role for Joe in the venture Mr Gilly are was one of the partners, told the journal. I'd like to clear up any speculation Former Vp Biden was involved with the twenty seventeen discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at any time of the former VP the activity in question. It never delivered any project revenue. It sounds like maybe maybe the project, was on the road and then it sort of fell apart
Kimberly. Stressful has report over the Wall Street Journal on this. She says that Babylon Skis tat. messages show he was recruited for the project by that James gaily, our character, a hunter associate, failure at school in December, twenty fifteen text, there'll be a deal in the Chinese and what one of the most prominent families from the United States a month later, he introduces Rob Walker, also partner, abiden in March. Twenty sixteen guilty told about Linsky the chinese entity with sea of sea which was shaping up to be the Goldman of China, meaning Goldman Sachs Hillyer Promise, that same month, to develop the terms of a deal with Hunter at this point, Joe Biden of Course, was still vice president. As the deal tend, the take Sap in two thousand seventeen seventeen Bolinsky began to question. What hundred would contribute? Besides his name and worried he was quote: kicked out of the Us Navy for cocaine, use, acknowledge skill, sets it missing and observed that Hunter has a few demons. He explained that in brand hunter is imperative, but right now he's not essential for adding input. Hunter was hardly visit. Both for most of the work until final negotiations wrapped up in MID may, he brought in his uncle Jim Biden for a stake
in texan emails, wanted offices in three cities: significant travel budgets, stipend for Jim Job, for an assistant and more frequent distributions of any gains course. He explained that he wanted to help a lot more than eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars per year, because his ex wife would nearly take all of it. Hunter repeatedly made clear that his contribution was his name, he railed babylons, given the sea of sea heads are coming to be my partner to be partners with the buttons finds him that in this instance, only one player holds the Trump card and that's me may not be fair, but it's three because I'm the only one putting on putting an entire family legacy online, Joe Biden Clay, he had never disused hi son's business, but of course there was that may two thousand and seventeen expectations letter, including that ten percent for quote unquote the big guy in one text Hunter said quote my chairman- gives in fact no to a version of the deal babylons. He suggested that the chairmen referred to Joe Biden. The deal fell through on the Chinese and in the summer of twenty seventeen, so is it possible that Hunter was freelancing, that he was going around the Joe had spent years. Basically padding level
telling them to go pick up bags of cash. If you could help him and then now Joe, is out of office and hunter and to help out so he's freelancing. and every so often runs on my job, certainly possible. Certainly plausible is it true. The Joe Biden, while he was VP, probably one hundred was up to yet that is. That is probably true. Ok, so here is the problem when in the media, wants to talk about the story at all. They don't find it interesting or fascinating at all that Joe Biden has throughout his we are engaged in sort of the low level. Corruption and many public officials do reckoning sweetheart mortgages and that sort of thing well, the early to sweetheart landfill from from people who are interested in some way station on the table when he was in the Senate in NPR. Put out an actual statement before the night before the denial from the Biden campaign. Here's what NPR public editor said quote we dont want waste our time on stories that are not really stories. Are we not want ate listeners and readers time on stories that are just pure distraction is unbelievable. That is a taxpayer funded, journalistic institution openly
learn that they simply will not engage that they are not interested whatsoever in the story preemptively. So the media I mean so all this is the lead up to debate right. The media are obviously and clearly on the side of Joe Biden, which means that the debate, the stakes really high, because now this is basically the last chance for trumped to set the table for trying to change the topic. Effort from two shifted horse of the race. no members of media. Again it wasn't just NPR many members. The media were over and over declaring that the Hunter Biden. So it was not in fact a story, have declared, without any evidence whatsoever that it was russian. This information so embassies. Jackson, she's actual just continued to citizens citizen from there is no information, this is russian disinformation. At this point, the GM John Club has openly denied that in emails, are rushing this information by the way. No one has yet suggested that the Hunter Biden, emails and text are faith because they are not, as it turns out, it doesn't matter the rate journalists over it. Nbc are declaring the stuff russian disinformation he walked.
Have the president focusing it seems on Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, son and his dealings overseas. These unverified emails, many intelligence experts have said those emails, carry all the harm our hallmarks rather of a distant information for and distant formation campaign. Essentially, that is absolutely wrong. In any event, it is not just the media with regard to the Hunter Biden story. It's with regard to everything I love. We stalled. Sixty minutes episode with Trump and its hands, like she was pretty adversarial towards from like over and over and over Trump said to stall. You won't s, Biden, tough questions. That, of course, is exactly true Interview once a poorly and trumped decided to basically throw the entire interview into the public view. He took his own tape, Edwards, not a bad idea, exam publication. Then he threw it out there here was Trump saying to sell you're, not going ask by any tough questions.
your first statement to me this is going to be tough questions. Well, I don't mind that, but when you set up the interview, didn't say that he said: let's have a lovely interview and here's what I do say. So you don't ask Joe Biden. I saw your interview with Joe the interview. I never did a joke. Wasn't Joe the interview on sixty minutes. I see Joe bye giving softball after softball I've. Seen all of his interviews he's never been asked a question. That's Florida! Okay. Then was stolen out of her way to defend hundred Biden suggested. nothing of the allegations like in the middle of the interview Trump, which I heavy journalism in here. I think it's one of the biggest scandals I've ever seen and you don't cover it. You want to talk about it well, because it can't be verified. I want to talk about insignificant things. I'm telling you, of course it can be verified. She is
Leslie, listen what can be here? Why is it even the family has trouble exactly right here, of course, okay. So this is the burden for from going into the debate. Is that justify not just Joe Biden, who really has been able to hide out in a basement? The end a campaign? He asked if I d media that overtly wishes to see him lose their very obvious. They don't wash over anything that has to do with your by so Thou set up. No christian welcome who is the moderator last night from NBC shoes widely expected by people on the right, not to be very good that she actually did a fairly good job last night. Yes, her questions were biased from the left, but overall she did a pretty fair job as from himself acknowledged, which was good. It gave Trump an opportunity to actually ask some tough questions and Trump did show up to play. It was a very different trump who showed up to the debate last night in the first debate in the first debate. He wanted to be aggressive but because I think as I mentioned in the past we could have ever since the commission on presidential debate, announced they're gonna mute the MIKE's. I thought
was actually very good for Trump, because it essentially could him into doing what he should have been doing anyway, which is let Joe Biden Talk and then pick him apart after Joe Biden talks, and that happened repeatedly last night. This is a much better debate for President Trump. I thought the first debate was basically a area form I thought it underscores the worst things about the debate. Last It allowed him to highlight aspects of his record. It were good and allowed him to really badger Joe Biden when you the Badger Joe Biden about the fact that Joe Biden, his career politician, who happens to be low level corrupt and has for a very, very long time, it till it allowed him to point out that Joe Biden has been used. for five decades in the Senate and then, as vice president, it was a good showing for Trump. Now it wouldn't if the moderator had actually allow there to be talk of foreign policy, because foreign policy has actually been from strong too? There are a few aspects of foreign policy the got touched on, but overall, a much much better Four trump every memorable moment of the debate last night was a moment every single one in last one that was true too, but that just because he was talking over by the whole time and the most memorable moments of that,
It was probably by telling him to shut up in this debate. The memorable moments all came from Trump and they all left Biden Wrong, footed and on the defence. So the first question to be asked about the debate is number one: whether it could possibly make a difference. The poles, after the debate for what they are worth, showed not a lot of movement s a great shock, but I dont think that the debate for tromp was really so much about getting independence to vote for him, rather than dividing what it was about was making Republicans more comfortable voting for him. So I put out this video a week ago now talking about. Why was gonna vote from, and I laid for three reasons why we can vote for Trump. The first reason was because Trump has governed more conservative than I thought he was. The second reason, which is the one under dispute is, I said that most of the damage or all of the damage that I think Trump has done to the public discourse and to the social average through his personality, the damage is already done and account be undone. There is no point in not voting for him. It's not gonna worsen Trump. Is this
every day and then there's point number three, which is the Democrats, have gone. Damned crazy, they've lost their mind. Well, I think that last night, all three of those points were proved Trump was very conservative. Last night he said a lot of very good conservative things. Second Trump contained himself right, and this was the big one Trump contained himself, because as Guy Benson, my friend Guy Benson, over at townhall COM and Fox NEWS, has said my second point: we on the people, some people on the right Quiva with right. Some of the people have not yet quite quote: come home for Trump they'll, say well yeah, but I'm still too uncomfortable with Trump to vote for him yeah. I know that your right is more conservative and that Biden and the Democrats have gone wild left, but I'm still really uncomfortable trump people feel more comfortable on the right last night. Independence are still gonna feel uncomfortable with him, but overall trumps personality last night. His willingness to discuss his own record last night- it was so much better and it made people. I think, who are hesitant to vote for Trump, but we're going to vote for it from a forest
the choice they vote for Trump over Biden, but they were stat actually out to the pos. I think no, they will be more enthusiastic about going out to the polls and that may make a huge difference and a lot of these very, very tight swing states again the swing states right are still extremely tight. The national race seems like it is a quantum runaway, although it looks like the numbers are starting drop a little bit for Joe Biden, real, quick politics. National average has now drop below eight percent for the first time in several weeks, and there are several poles showing this thing very close. There's an ivy deeds, yea people they came out yesterday, showing Biden up only for there is a Rasmussen report, that came out the day before showing Biden up only three. There are other reports from economists and Reuters that still have Biden up nine or ten but you're starting to see more of these sort of outline polls. There was a hill Harris poll that showed Biden up only four. There are few outline polls that are starting to show just glimmers, just glimmers that perhaps trump in down all that far nationally and in the states
He is not down all that far. But if you look at North Carolina, basically, basically within margin of error, Ohio is within a margin of error. Florida is within a margin of error, look at Arizona, Arizona, there's a pull yesterday. It showed that that essentially, it was in point race in Arizona meaning within margin of error. Instead, even in Arizona I hadn't Chris poster consult Sanderson on the radio show yesterday and she sort of laid fourth, the various scenarios by which Trump could win. She said, there's basically two sets of states to watch, there's the sun belt and then there's the rust belt states I'll explain: what's a watch in just one second, first, let's talk for a second about it's pretty obvious when you don't get a good night's rest. So last night I did not get nice rest. I was up till very, very light covering the debate. Then I was up very very early this morning. That means on the moments in between when my young daughter was not waking me up to have yet yet another bottle, because she is a growing and bad
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he's in all three, we went all three last time and you have the rust belt state is in Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania. If Trump wins the Sun belt states, he needs to win. At least one of the rust belt states, hey right now, Michigan looks like he's getting away from him. The polls in Michigan look pretty broad at this point. If you look at Wisconsin Wisconsin is about a five point by leave. So it's within kind of vision and Penn. Romania is also within about five, so both of those are maybe four trump If you really stretch right, if things really change just three points, maybe then you could see Trump picking that up and then you can see pull are playing with the rest, so needs make a move in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in Arizona. As I have said, is running very close in Florida very closely, North Carolina very close a so that more general change could make a huge difference for Trump. This is why that's about manner
Gonna point out that not a lot of pope change their mind again, not about people changing their mind is about the level of enthusiasm for Trump and I'm not talking about like the hardcore Trump base. I'm talking about people who look at Trump cringe a little and think. Do I really need to vote for that guy? Well, last night, he made them a little more comfortable voting for him. As I've always said, the art of politics is making it very difficult to vote for your opponent and very easy to vote, for you. Trump has generally been pretty good at the former and very bad at the ladder last night he was much better at the ladder, and that was a big big thing. Okay, so now, finally, we reach the debate. The stakes were quite high. The debate open with talk about Covid, so this is always a topic that is going to be a problem for Trump, simply because no matter who's. President of the United States, if a bunch of people, I wil your presidents of the United States, people tend to blame you. We have this very paganistic view in the United States. What the president can do if the economy is bad, it's the president's fault. If the economy is good, it's the president's credit. If people die it's the president's fault, if people don't die, it's to the president's credit. It's this bizarre sort of
Weird fixation on who is the president of the United States that the president has magic could just make everything better at a moment's notice. So if there's a pandemic kills two hundred thousand people, obviously the second redound to the benefit of the president, This is where Biden really looked to make Hey early on in the debate. So the truth is Trump's. First answer: Un Covid was pretty good right. He could have expressed it more smoothly, but his general take was listen. This been bad, it's also a global pandemic and pretending that we did anything that has sort of an outlying policy or that we blew it in some serious way I'm see some evidence of that here was Trump yesterday point two million people, modeled out works begged today, it's a war, worldwide pandemic. It's all over the world. You see the spikes in Europe and many The place is right. Now I can tell from personal experience that I was in the hospital I had it
got better and I will tell you that I had something that they gave me. A therapeutic they would go at. Some people could say was a cure, but I was in for a short period of time- and I get better very fast- or I wouldn't be here tonight- go away and, as I say, we're rounding, they turned were round the corner. It's going away. Ok, so that sort of language is white. Joe Biden has historically pounced on too Biden has been telling one lie on: but it's a lie the media wish to reflect, and that is that, if Donald Trump had handled this wildly differently than hundreds of tousand of people would be alive today, hundreds of thousands of people, if you got an empty cherry or table that is Donald Trump's fault, if Jason from the Halloween thrillers is in the closet. That is Donald, Trump's fault. If the dog craft, the carpet, that's Donald Trump's fault, right covid, which again
has killed literally hundreds of thousands of people all across the world. If Donald Trump and open president, everything would have been hunky Dory here in the United States, which is weird because it turns out that a lot of place where Democrats are in charge, lots and lots of people died, in fact, on a deaf per million basis, virtually all of the worst states in terms of whose hardest hit were democratic states, but Joe Biden has this narrative, he's gonna run with it, and the nurse visit all doom and gloom. Of course, the moment the bad news It won't be doom, gloom anymore. The idea, but here was Joe Biden, overtly suggesting that Donald Trump is responsible for every American who died of covered, which you just crazy, I'm sorry. it's a crazy, immoral statement. It is immoral to suggest this. It's absolutely moral. It's it's! I can't express how immoral. I think it is to suggest that the President of the United States is responsible for every single person who dies while they are president of the United States from a global pandemic that has taken hundreds of thousands of lives all across the world, but he Mr Bonde, Mc Nutt suggestion anyway, two hundred twenty thousand workers dead
nothing else. I say tonight through this one is responsible for not taking control. In fact, not saying I'm. I take notice its ability. Initially. Anyone is yours, for that. Many des should remain as president of the United States of America for swore. These mass presents own advisers who told them we could say a hundred thousand lie? this is the same fellow told you. This is going to end by Easter last time, this the same fellow who told you that don't worry we're going to end this by the summer, we're about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter and he has no clear plan and there's no prospect that there's gonna be a vaccine available for the majority, the american people before the middle of next year. Ok, so if its trump ends of winning the election, we gonna have one big reason. It's gonna be because people dont want the doom and gloom. They don't want to hear the german club that is and gloom stuff there from Joe Biden there's not to be a vaccine until the middle of next year.
these lying the vaccine. If everybody just the massive saved one hundred thousand lives, which again, I have serious doubts as to whether that is in fact the case considering, and if you look at the actual data, what you see when the respect people put on the masks virtually everywhere in the United States, red states, blue states, as soon as there is people random acts and by the way in ITALY, me is really heavy and are seeing second surging cases anyway. So Joe Biden, preaching doom and gloom. I trump is not preaching doom and gloom, and so this is where I think from started making. He started to turn the tide. I thought about fifteen minutes into this discussion when you started talking about lockdown policy, and want to hear anything about it right doesn't want. are that we're going to reopen, I don't doesn't want to hear any of that. He wants to keep talking us back into the basement. He wants to keep talking us back into cove depression. He believes that we're impressed about Covid
both for him. So believer, not Trump is the candidate of optimism uncovered. It is Biden who is the candidate of pessimism. Doom and gloom, eternal nuclear winter here was triumphant. Divided on this issue We'll learning to live with it, we have no choice. We can't lock ourselves up in a basement like Does he has the b? Has the ability to lock himself up, I don't know is obviously made a lot of money someplace, but he has this thing about living in a basement. People do that by the way. I, as the president, couldn't do that. I'd love to put myself in the basement or in a beautiful room in the white as and go for a year and a half until it disappears. I can't do that court. I learned a lot. I learned a lot great doctors, great hospitals and now I recovered. Ninety nine point. Nine of young people recover ninety nine percent of people recover. We have to recover. We can't close up our nature. We have to open our school and we can't
nation or you're not going to have a nation, and if the CDC has said, young people can get sick with Covid nineteen and can pass it. People are learning, die with him you folks home, will have an empty chair. The kitchen table this morning that man or wave going to bed denied a region over to try to touch the outer habit where their way Her husband was is gone, learning to live with it. Come on we're dine with because he's never said, as you said, it's dangerous ones. The last Is it really dangerous? Still we dangerous? You tell them. People is dangerous now what do they do about the danger? And you say I take no responsibility. Look. I don't know what the hell binding targets set at the end there, but that is the contrast envision right from Saint correctly. We have to learn to live with it, which, by the way, is the exact same thing. European leaders are saying a manual mccrone has said this. Boris Johnson has said this. Everyone in Europe is saying the exact same thing. Joe Biden is saying tell him to live with that. We have to look we're learning to die with it right. It's it's all like apocalyptic doomsaying from
abiding over and over and over, and then he went I'd say what it always another: two hundred thousand people by the end of the winter right. Ok, that's I mean if you're trying to scare living crap out of people civil vote for you good luck, I mean it. If the I think there may be secret backlash to this system so wrong and I'm not saying the polls re RON, because I tend to be much more. A pole. Believer than most other people, but if the polls it's because they're underestimating the amount that Americans are sick and tired of hearing from Democrats, how many Americans are going to die at trumps hands and that we can never go back to work life and it will be wearing mass for the rest of eternity and that our vision, this will be locked down, if there is a brewing serve under, I bring underground against lockdown culture. It's gonna, manifest in in the election, so we'll see whether that when that have Joe Biden for his part. He denied he was going to shut down the country, but then he suggested can a shut down the virus, not the countries that are shut down the virus that but he's made no actual,
as to how is gonna shut down a virus. I understand you can hold up a little cloth mask, but guess what again asking is really prevalent in Europe, at least in France, Germany, ITALY, they're experiencing a second wave Are there blue areas that were hit really hard? The first there are experiencing a second wave so binds plan to court quote: shut down the virus is not a plan at all, not even close to a plan everything that he says is his plan is actually Trump's plan here is Biden, saying who's gonna shut down the virus, not the country but then admitting that he is not ruled out. We're shutdowns Henry was shut down the virus. Not the country is his ineptitude cause the bar The country to have to shut down in large part why businesses have gone under why schools are closed. Those other concerns are real. That's why he should have been instead of in a sand trap in a golf course. He should have been negotiating with Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats and Republicans about what do about the acts. The rapacity four billion. Of dollars to make sure people had the capacity for you haven't
we're shutdowns, won't know, No, I haven't. No, I haven't ruled out more shot down and Trump immediately comes back at him and again this is good from Trump. He says all he's This is talk about shutdown is literally all the guy does all day long. Just talks about shutdowns democrats keep talking about shutdowns. We have to open. Everything is what Trump says that may be a vision that Americans are going to embrace particular. If you have kids and Democratic Europe, shutting down the schools. I can tell you, first hand level. My kids were zoom school from March. all the way until, like the last two weeks, the radical difference in their lives in our life, since they have been able to go to school because we are now in Florida. It's a radical difference. It is not even close. Their life is much better. They are learning therein their their life. There are a lot of people out there who are not on board with the lockdown culture, who was Trump fighting back against Biden on this It does is talk about shutdowns, but forget about him. Democrats, Democrats all there down so tight, and dying, we're not going to shut down and we have to open our schools.
People are losing their jobs, they're committing suicide, this depression, alcohol drugs at a level that nobody's ever ever seen before a beauty tremendous abuse. We have to open our country, it. I've said it often. Europe cannot be worse than the problem itself than that what's happening and he won't. to close down here, close down the country, if one person in our inner massive bureaucracy says we should close it down. Okay, so that again, I thought that the conversation with turn quickly from trumps rhetoric to what's going to happen from here on in that conversation, certainly it's trump and then he got to a very weird Biden statement. Sort of conclude that conversation in which Biden suggested I mean now he's not just cribbing from Neil Kenneth back in the nineteen. Eighty now he's just cribbing from his boss's playbook right he's just ripping off Barack Obama's playbook. He does this. There are no blue states, there are no red states, but also the red states.
suck. It was very weird. There was Joe Biden saying that there are no blue states or red states, but the red states are terrible to take a what New York is done done in terms of turning the curve down terms of a number of people dying, and I don't want Get this in terms of what he does pollution It's in red states there all the United States and look at this that are having such a spike in the corona vires there, the Red States though the states in the MID west of the states in the Upper Middle West. That's where the spike is occurring significantly but they're. All Americans are all Americans and what you have to do is say where these mask number one sure we get the help that the businesses need our case I'm just enjoying him saying: there's no blue states and there's no red states, but the red state are really botching this thing, but it's bad. One trump says the blue state spot this thing: okay, in just a second we're going to get to the second message: the Trump is from us.
So first message that he's promoting the early going. Is that Biden is captain Lockdown, which is true? The second message that he was promoting was a character message, and that was Joe Biden is not this clean and pristine politician, Joe Biden, is a typical corrupt politician will get to that message in just one second, because I do think that Trump successfully made some headway there we'll get to that in one tip. First, let's talk about the fact that right now is it ample time to go to the auto part store. In fact, you know it's a terrible time to go to the outer part store any time on a calendar or on your watch added, because auto part stores, you're gonna, go there there s very specific quest and you're, not another answer, they're gonna get a generic part that isn't great or their Nora our online and attics we're gonna have to reach you and then, though, up charge you for having done the ordering themselves or theoretically, just order. It yourself and cut out the middleman and save money. Rock auto com is the way to do this. They offer the lowest prices possible rather than changing price, based on what the market will bear like airlines do. While you spend twice as much for the same part rock altered our comments of family business Serving autopilot customers online for twenty years had an odour,
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that Trump had lied to the american people about people about again, which again is just not there for that. Even Bob Woodward didn't really believe that from new the thing was airborne in early February. Nobody, the CDC say it was everyone until July. In any case, Joe Biden suggested that Trump somehow concocted this bizarre street Scheme, where he knew the coveted can be really bad and they told this Wall Street, but not the american people, so they could sell the market and Trump came right back at him. Pretty strong here was the Trump versus Biden Exchange. didn't wanna. Tell us begin wants to panic. He did marriage. Don't panic he panted, but guess what meantime, we find out the New York Times. You have day that in fact his folks went to Wall Street and said this is really dangerous thing and a memo out of that meeting, not from his administration but from some of the ok said cell short, you're, the one that takes all the money from Wall Street. I don't take it I You have raised a lot of money, tremendous amount of money.
we join me raise money, deals a major I could re, so much more money at present and somebody that those most of those people I could call that of Wall Street that hedge of every company in America blow away every record, but I don't want to do that because it puts me in a better position, you bring up Wall Street, you shouldn't be bringing up Wall Street because you're the one that takes the money from Wall Street, not me, okay and Joey in looking a little awkward there, because that is the fact I mean Joe Biden is out raising Trump on Wall Street, something like five to one he's out, raising him in Silicon Valley, like ninety nine to one. So the notion that Joe Biden is somehow not corrupt and that Trump is corrupt. With regard to Wall Street is a pretty rich one can any one further, then we find got to the Hunter Biden stuff. Okay, so you knew that Trump was going to bring this up. He didn't tell the story wonderfully. In fact, some of the stuff that he said was an over But what was in over estimation of the truth to put a kindly that is particularly true in here talking about business deals in which Hunter engaged he of
erected himself ass. He went on, he said then went to the Biden family, which is a big way of the sort of plying the job is involved without overtly saying that o is involved at one point he actually set. That Joe had received direct cash from the russian government, for example. That was not true, but if the goal here was to throw as much money as possible at Joe Biden in an attempt to get people to be a little bit less enthusiastic about Biden feel. Like he's just kind of you know, I, and maybe this was indeed the Bernie brows little bit for four trumped prompted this too we last time tools like she was taken Wall Street Speeches and choose a corrupt, cried knowledge. he did some of the same stuff too to Joe Biden yesterday. So this, This particular conversation started off with Joe Biden, saying that he was going to take on Putin, which has just absurd on his face. I mean that he was part of an administration that overtly aloud, Russia to take over policymaking in in Syria, allowed Russia to invade Crimea. He's
part of an administration that removed some of the defense capabilities of eastern european countries, and he was the Biden. Obama administration was awful with regard to Russia, but he was Joe Biden just lying about that, because he did tell an awful lot of lives last night Everything is going on here about Russia; is wanting to make sure that do not get elected the next president outer states because they know I know them and they Know me: I don't understand why this president is unwilling to take on Putin. Okay again, the Trump administer from house. You significantly harsher on Russia than anything Obama ever did in just one second, we'll get to Trump's counterattack, which again was this line, which is Joe Biden, is corrupt. He's a longtime corrupt politician again, the fact checkers are going to have, field day with some of the claims that made her because again, some of the claims that Trump made are just not right, but the overall implication right which the Trump is trying to make here, which is that The banks have been trading on the family names from rich members of my family, that is, that is certainly true
Get to that in one second Biden did not really have a good defense for it and Trump hammered it a lot. Last night I okay we'll get to that in just one second. Now, as you may know, it can be difficult to find the right employees for the jobs at your company and, let's say, for example, that you have employees and they're all the way across the country, and it is their job to make sure that all the broadcasts run smoothly, and so you don't have to sit in a for like an hour before time, just so they can get their technicals done. Well, you might think to yourself well if they don't do that job. Perhaps I will head over to zip recruiter com. Has that crossed my mind? Absolutely it's crossed my mind got to keep people on our toes here at the daily wire right now you can try zip recruiter for free at ziprecruiter dot com daily wire Ziprecruiter. Does all the work for you when you post a job on zip recruiter, gets sent out to over one hundred job sites with just one click, then ziprecruiters powerful, matching technology finds people with the right skills and experience for your job and then actively invite them to apply so you get the qualified candidates fast. It's no wonder four out of five employers who post on zip recruiter, get that quality candidate within
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only only the greatest can wield it. Thanks for the shout out and being a daily wire member, two thousand and twenty, as you may have noticed, has been a crazy year. It feels like America is coming apart, because Kind of is that are underlying ideological and philosophical differences in the United States. One of the questions I get so much from parents, college students, high school students What do I need to know about America's philosophy and history? What makes America unique? What is the best defence for America? What I wrote it? Ok, it's called how to destroy America in three easy steps. The book is about american philosophy, history and culture. Why they are under attack by a disintegration is viewpoint that views America is deeply evil in its inception, using can philosophy is an obstacle to utopia, abuse american institutions as something that need be ripped down. Go pick up my book right now how to destroy American. three easy steps. It has never been more relevant. It will continue to be relevant post election. It is an excellent primer on exactly what's coming, not just in this election but for years to come. It's gonna be the great ideological battle and my book spells it out right now how to destroy America in three easy steps. Also more news. This Sunday we have another great episode
the Sunday special Jarred pusher senior adviser to President from George join the show to share his experience with Trump and Romania. America. People of the administrations accomplishments that he says will contain given for more years in office, as was a great conversation. I think that you will enjoy it. Here is just a little bit of it. now? This is what I call the swamps last stand, and I think that this really the last chance for the american people to truly have an outsider in Washington and hopefully when the press when Selby position were hill, just accelerate the changes, that is, that he's been able to make and really drain the swamp and truly bring you power in America back to the american people. I make sure to check it out this Sunday or, if you're, an all access member, you can watch it a whole day earlier head on over to daily come right now subscribers can listen this Sunday on Apple podcast Spotify. Wherever else get your podcast, you are listening to the fastest growing conservative pocket.
and radio shown the nation against had a couple of messages. First message Biden is Captain Lockdown Signal goddamn he's never gonna, let you locked him and honestly give How democratic governing not super wrong. There's still talk mask shutdowns when the data on school shut down is available and it demonstrates school shut down. Very, very bad idea. Second message: Trump was trying to promote last night. Is that Biden is a long time, corrupt politician, so he went directly after Biden. As I say, it is worth noting here that some of these claims are just not true, and I think that, for the sake of honesty, we should point out that they are not true. However, some of these claims are in factory they're, not all Here's Trump clip twenty three talking about Joe Biden and receiving money from foreign sources, or at least his family doing so. Joe got three and a half million dollars from Russia and it came through because he was very friendly with IE former mayor of Moscow, and it was the mayor of Moscow's wife, and you got three
half million dollars your family got three and a half million dollars in you know some day, you're gonna have to explain. Why did you get three and a half? I think you have to clean it up and talk to the american people. Maybe you can do it right now. I have not taken a penny from any foreign source. Ever in my life, we learned that this president paid fifty times the tax in China, as a secret bank account with China. Does business in China and, in fact, is talking me taking money, I've not making a single penny from any country. What so ever ever number one number two This is a president. I've released all my tax returns to foreign These are paying you a lot. Russian. pain you a lot China paying a lot. I don't make money from China. You do make money from Ukraine. You do make money from Russia. You may try a half million dollars Joe and your son gave you they even have statement that we have to go
ten percent to the big man the other big man I think I don't know maybe not but you're. The big man, I think, Instead, we have to give ten percent to the big man what's it all about, so Trump is conflating a bunch of different claims right here. It is true Hunter Biden picked up three and a half million million dollars from wife from Moscow's mayor it. It is not true, there's no evidence to suggest Joe Joe Biden benefited from that, at least not directly it. It is true that Biden was picking up enormous checks. Ukraine based on the Biden family name, it is not true, or at least there is no evidence to the effect that Joe Biden was picking up any of that cash. It is true that Hunter Biden was picking up bags of cash in China, and this is where things have gotten a little dicey for Biden. There are emails, suggesting that perhaps Joe Biden has something to do with it. Joe Biden has denied all of that, but here's the bottom line, if you're watching this debate- and this is the first time you're hearing at any of this- this does change your Russian of Joe Biden just a little bit, because it turns out that Joe Biden actually overstated his defence of all of this, and there is something deeply suspicious about the fact
american politics, and it is more typical of all politicians in american politics. You enter office, middle class or poor, and you leave Office rich. That is a weird thing. He Joe Biden does own a body of dreamily expensive houses busy man who entered office really worth nothing his net worth right now, Joe Biden is not particularly low, according to marry Clare Jos, worth about nine million dollars. Ok, so that's a nice thing, that's going to Forbes is based on a total portfolio. Four million bucks and real estate cash investments were four million bucks and a federal pension worth more than a million bucks is that seems like a pretty good living for for somebody who spent his entire career in government. Now? Some of that is fairly typical. You know kind of nice deals that you get from your neighbors people who have business before you, and just do you a favor here or there- that's not atypical. But that's kind of the point is that Joe Biden is a typical swamp creature. Any has been a swamp creature for a very long time.
Right here is and is also true by the way that there is various what evidence that all draw buttons family members have made an awful lot of money off Joe Biden name over the course of your buttons. Greer here is Trump going after Biden again on this. I was put through a phoney witch hunt for three years, it started. Before I even got elected they spied of my campaign, no president should ever have to go through what I went through. Let me just say this Mahler eighteen, angry Democrats, the agents all over the place spent forty eight million dollars. They went through everything I had included my tax returns and they found absolute we know collusion and nothing wrong. Forty eight million. I gotta.
see if I spent one million on Yu Gi. Oh, I could find plenty wrong because the kind of things that you've done and the kind of money is that your family is taking. I mean your brother made money in a wreck, millions of dollars, your other brother, made a fortune, and it's through you Joe, and they say you get some of it and you do live very well. You have houses all over the place and again job laughing that one off but Yes, we're nine million dollars now. Some of that, I'm sure is book money. sure a lot of that is pension, but again there are serious questions to be about why? It is that every member of our public coterie goes into off poor leaves office rich. That is, that is a real thing. This did lead Joe Biden to actually overtly say something that is not true, ok, and that was he couldn't just claim that he had done nothing unethical, but you're getting claim. and being glad they never violated the line. Frankly I sort of
that I don't want any evidence. The Joe Biden violated the law when he says that Hunter never did anything unethical there. You start to really. I mean Hunter admitted on national tv that he uses daddy's name to traffic in Ukraine said he could make a buck load of money. I mean that that is overtly woman. He says Hunter, never done anything unethical now, Joe Biden has linked himself with Hunter he's tied himself to Hunter, and this a huge political error. It also happens to be a lie that that truck that Hunter never did anything unethical. Nothing was unethical here's what the deal his son didn't have for a long time was Sadly, no longer in them their servers. I won't get into that and he didn't have a job as soon as he became vice president charisma, not the best. Look, not the best reputation in the world. I you they paid him a hundred and eighty three thousand a month
listen to this one hundred and eighty three and they gave him a three million dollar upfront payment all right and he had no energy, I'm gonna, let the vice President John at Ucl, and then I know I get your question to you very basis for that everybody investigated that no one said anything he did was wrong in Ukraine. Nobody said Anything hundred Biden did in Ukraine was wrong because it is, in legally wrong and amusing, my VP daddy's name to make bank on a nap. gas company in bereavement. Well, my dad is in charge of Ukraine policy. In fact, there are members of it minutes overtly false. The state department warned the Obama administration that is looked. Corrupt and people were told, don't talk, Joe about it, because he's too concerned about what's going on with Bell, because both the time is suffering brain cancer. So no that's just not true. That's just not true and Trump kept, hammering this home over and over he get hammering Islam home and finally Biden Responded- and this was, I thought, maybe the best moment of the night for down
from Joe Biden finally got tired of all of this, and he pivoted to what was obviously a pre planned response today, every that before debate, you always right. If you respond, knowing exactly what's coming. I knew this is going to come up and who is waiting to deploy it and finally, he deployed his preplanned response. There's only one problem, Trump, absolutely walloped him over it. This is the worst moment of the debate for Biden Baron. This is clip. Twenty even he doesn't want to talk about the substance of issues it's not about his family and my family. It's about your family and your family's hurting badly, if you're making less than a year class family you're getting hurt badly right now, it's a technical political statement. Let's get off this China thing and then he looks the family around the table, everything just a typical politician. I want to see that let's talk about a different politician, okay, that's why I got elected okay, so that is a great debate. Tactical okay he's just Chris Christie in Remember back in twenty sixteen Chris Chris
the macro, Ruby, other debate and Chrissy committed the world's first homer suicide? He was already basically done with the race, and so he just took out Rubio at taking out Trump in New Hampshire and Christy, looked Rubio and said what you're, gonna say right now. Is that make no mistake bubble? and then Rubio came exit. Make no mistake about it, Everyone, oh boom Christie, called you up hey. That tactic is the most obnoxious tactic when somebody goes Fosin when a serious issue is being discussed and then suddenly the candidate turns to the camera and says the american people don't want to hear this. The american people want to hear about the things that affect them for Trump, to call that out and be like to yourself phone I mean honestly Europe like we're in the middle of a conversation about family corruption and arrogant to the kitchen
table yeah, yeah you're, a typical politician. That's why I got elected. It was the best moment for Trump. It was very, very funny. It was the best moment for Trump alight and again highlight the fact that Trump is not your typical politician, which in many cases is not ideal, but in this case it's kind of ideal, that's kind of a good thing. Okay, that is not where the debate ended and thus we continue to help. The debate then turn to foreign policy Biden put out one of the weirder lines of the night. He invoked Godwin LAW, which really going he was brought up. Hitler ran away in the middle of the debate trumpets. Augment North Korea is good relationship of Kim Jong own agenda and then Biden started robbing weird historical references that just don't make any sense. So he hears years been at that. Are they try to meet with him? He wouldn't do it. North Korea, we not no war. have a good relationship. You not people others
bigger a good with the leaders of our country. We have a lot of cutting a lot of questions together, not gonna. We had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded Europe. Russia, Europe come up as you will see at the end of it particular debate. What did your montage and how many times Joe Biden said, come on if Joe Biden keeps going back to come on it? That is until he's not doing well in the debate. Here is not doing well in the debate. In fact, United States do not have a good relationship with Hitler in the lead up to world war. Two Joe Biden later said he was joking. There's no evidence they was joking. Now is not a joke. He actually the joke does we make any sense if he thinks that we had a bad relation like what that doesn't make any sense at all. Like the ages undercuts what he's trying to say right there, then the debate, to health care. So this is where I thought, Christin Walker, who I thought was pretty good all night. She asked a question about health care, but channeled it through the Prism of Amy Coney BAR. It was really weird he was like Amy Kony Barrett is being nominated for the Supreme Court. There's an Obamacare
before the Supreme Court. This is why Democrats oppose any coney balancing now. That is not why Democrats suppose Amy Corny, but nonetheless be conversation, turned to healthcare and as They went on Biden, start to draw up more and more whoppers, so the water of the night was this one. So Biden was talking about oh bomber care and his new plan, which is a public option. Now, let it be known, a public option only works, so so the public option is not just for people who are not able to obtain private health insurance you're allowed to opt into the private option into the public option, which means that one of two things has to happen with the public option. In order for people to want to opt into it, one you have to undermine public insurance, private insurance rather or two. You have to subsidize, insurance. So either you have to mandate the doctors. Take the public insurance you have to the doctors, take a a crappier form of insurance and reimbursement, or you have to subsidize the public option insurance such that it is actually better.
Than private insurance, but you're doing it the taxpayer dollars and you run private insurance. How to business everybody who takes the seriously understands the public options are generally designed to run private industry into the ground. they allow for the possibility of supplemental insurance, specialty insurance. You see this in some areas of Europe, but when it comes to over all private health insurance, everybody understands that a public option is designed as a first step towards getting rid of your private health insurance plans, because either you have to restrict doctors said they must take public insurance, in which case it's cheaper for me not to pay for my private insurance for my employer and just take the public option or they have to subsidize the public option, in which case it is cheaper for me to go and take the public option right. The purpose of a public option is not to provide competition. It is not competition, it is a monopoly. A government public option is a monopoly or get so all that happens to be the case, but Joe Biden issued a whopper last night of cataclysmic proportions. He said that no
Buddy lost their private insurance under Obamacare. This is just a lie: okay in two thousand and thirteen, the left doing fact checking site Politifact declared it was their lie of the year when Barack Obama said that nobody would lose their health insurance plan under Obamacare, and yet here is Joe Biden repeating it. Nonetheless, as we will see the fact checkers after the debate, they sure us that Joe it's a nice old guy who barely ever lies. This is just here. He is repeating. Maybe the great lie of the decade here is Joe Biden when I'm gonna do is pass Lama care, whether public option become Biden CARE, the public, ops, is an option that says that if you, in fact do not have the wherewithal to be, if you qualify for Medicaid you do not have the wherewithal to near stay. to get Medicaid you automatically enrolled, providing Petition for insurance companies- that's what's gonna happen. Secondly, we're going to make sure we reduce the premiums and reduce drug prices by making sure that there is competition that doesn't it
now by allowing the Medicare to negotiate drug prices with the insurance companies Thirdly, the idea that I want to eliminate private insurance. The reason why I had such a fight for with twenty- candidates further nomination was, I support private insurance. That's I didn't, one single person. Private insurance would lose their insurance under my plan, nor did they under Obamacare she's lying about his how's, he any lying about Obamacare. His policy does not merely relegate public option two people who cannot obtain private insurance, it'll ass anybody to opt into the public option. Ok, this opened up the final line of attack for Trump, so there three lines of attack for Trump last night. One is that Joe Biden has lockdown king. Second, is the Joe Biden is corrupt and third is the job. I never got anything done he's been in government whose entire life that he's never gotten anything done. He points this out last night
he was nearly all out war. Forty seven years he didn't do. He was now there, as vice president for eight years, and it's not like. I was twenty five years ago. It was three and three quarters. It was just a little while ago, right less than four years ago, he didn't do thing he didn't do it. He wants socialized medicine medicine, and it's not that he wanted his vice president. I mean she is, is more liberal than Bernie Sanders, you're going to have socialized, reticent, just you wanna, with tracking we're, not gonna, have racking, whether to stop Rakkeed whither, the stuff rakkeed, he still get about destroying you're Medicare tolerance, and destroying your social security, and this whole country will come down? You know Bernie Sanders try to stay he thinks he's running in somebody else. He's gonna get Joe Biden I beat all other other people, because I disagreed with them a well I'm enjoying Joe Biden Face planning Bernie Sanders like giving him the swirly sticking his face in the toilet and flushing it, which is exactly what Biden is doing right there. You saying I don't agree with Bernie. I don't like
medical for all. That's why I'm here in Bernie isn't recognised that the public option is again step, one other but towards socialize medicine, pretty much everybody understands. That is the reality. Ok, the debate next to turn to stimulus packages and the economy and Biden suggested that this very, where democratic, talking point that when this market goes up, it doesn't help people, that's just a lie. About half of Americans have some sort of stock in the market and pretty much everybody where one k is invested, the market largely union members- I mean they're here, union pension funds that are relegated to that that are heavily in sit in the stock market. Trump said the stock market is booming and Biden was like well, you know nobody cares about the stock market. Well, no! Actually, a lot of people care about the stock. Market as it turns out, they showed growled out one, and I will tell you that I am elected. If he's elected the stock market, crash the idea that the stock market is booming. This is only measure what's happening where I come from Miss Grammont claim on the people. Don't live off for the stock market just knock
the last three three years during this crisis said the billionaire in this country made according to the Wall Street seven hundred billion more dollars, seven billion more dollars, because That is only measure what have the ordinary people out there, what happens to them Let's talk about you, weren't presented, move our on one occasion through the roof. Morgana are through the roof, or does it come from Scranton? That's like what he lived there for a short period of time before gave a new and get a move on, and it has again illegal that sort of stuff is measured, probably doesn't, but it's a little, but it matters a little bit. The Joe Biden is consistently telling us kind of little lies about his past, a gay, and then they talked about stimulus and the fact that democratic have been the stimulus package that happens. It independence believe Nancy Pelosi is the obstructive factor who will not allow stimulus to go for a Christian Walker. Finally, ask a good question of Joe Biden. She said you keep declared
near the head of the Democratic Party in your pushing nobody to get any deal done, and here is Joe Biden just lying about what the stimulus deal is. Why have you not push the Democrats to get a deal for the american people I have and they have pushed look. They pass. This act all the way back the beginning of the summer. We all that was passed in the house was a bail out of bed Thirdly, run high crime Democrat we'll all run by Democrats, cities and states. It was away of getting a lot of money, billions and billions of dollars. This case it was also a way of getting a lot of money from our people's pockets to people that come into our country illegally. I'm running as a proud Democrat, I'm going to be an american president. I don't see red states and blue states. What I see is American United States and folks, every single stayed out. Their finds himself in trouble. Ok, captains, the camera here? That is not true red Satan.
One of anything like the deficits that New York in California have run up. This is a bail out for blue states. Everybody understands that. Basically, whenever blue states do badly Joe Biden says he doesn't he read states blue states the minute. The reservation suddenly he's talking about the evils red state, weird, weird: how that works? Ok, then, the debate Turn to illegal immigration and there are a lot of people last night who started put up misinformation on and what from actually set on the stage. So there is a lot of talk about the story of some five hundred kids who were separated from the parents of the border, because the way the world works is that either we have to We, the entire family in the interior of the United States or you have to separate the kids from the parents where that is going to nine Circuit Court of Appeals law when they talk about for family separation. The idea there is an actual someone's called the Flores settlement and it was put into place years and years and years ago, the basic
is that you are not allowed to hold parents, and children in custody are either had to separate the two by allowing the kids to be placed with with other adults outside of custody and keep the parents there or you have to release everybody in the interior, and so this came up less, because it turns out that it's been difficult to reunify these kids with their parents. Well, in some cases, it's difficult to reunify them with their parents because some people were being or bring them over, were not, in fact a parents right there brought with adults, not all of them were brought with their parents because from correctly pointed out, the coyotes bring people across the border. Adults bring kids across the border, and then the kids have no adult to actually be with its out as though their parents came across it, and in some cases apparently the parents were deported and the government is trying to find the parents, so the kids can be reunified with the parents in the first. ways, but the kids are living, presumably with family members or in conditions provided by Eric and federal government as bad? It's terrible is very, very sad, but you have
couple of choices. One is you can either release everybody into the interior of the country and the other is you can engage in this for families Russian policy, the trumpet ministration, has started really in people into the interior of the country more because they didn't like the bad press here is here, is that this issue came up and it started to look bad for from here, because whenever there is a human issue, the tugs at the heart strings and it looks like you're on the wrong side. People start to get very angry at you, but Trump immediately flip this and it was a bad moment for Joe Biden, because the reality is the Joe Biden, Brok Obama initiated family separation policy during their administration. It was Donald Trump going after going after Joe Biden. Children are brought here coyotes and lots of bad people cartels and they brought here and they used to use them to get into our country. We now have as strong a borders as we've ever had we're over.
four hundred miles, a brand new wall. You see the numbers and we let people in, but they have to come and legally and they come in through. We re not just see about their families days to pay built cages. You know they used to say I built a gauges and then it was determined they were built in twenty, fourteen. That was him. A lot of these kids come out without the parents. These five hundred plus kids came with parents. they separated them at the border who built the cage, talk about talk about the cages? Okay- and that was the big question right and couldn't answer because the fact is that was the Obama administration that built the pages and then kept going what about all the things you gonna do with regard to illegal immigration from went back to again, that third deem, which is that Joe Biden, has in government for ever and ever did anything about any other stuff. eight years do what he said he was going to do and I've chain you do without having a specific we get rid of
catch and release. We got rid of a lot of horrible things that they put in and that they lived with, but he had a year, you, as vice president. He did nothing except old cages to keep children, and he has no understanding of immigration of the laws, should release. Is a disaster a murderer would come in a rapist would come in a very bad person would come in. We would their name we have to rely stem into our country then you say they come back less than One percent of the people come back. We have this and ice out and border patrol define them, we would say come back in two years. Three years we're gonna give you a court case. You D, Perry, Mason, we're gonna, give you a court case when you say that come back. They don't come back joke those with the lowest iq, they might come. How can you tell me you simply not true? Ok, so it?
ensure that only one percent of people show up for their court that most people apparently about fifty percent of people. Seventy five percent of people by various estimates show up for that initial court date. Problem. Is there is a secondary court that is set, and usually I never comes to bass. Who is the one percent statistic is not coming from a place that I can verify for sure, but it is true. The catch and release policy is a garbage policy and his released, not eleven million illegal immigrants into the center of the country. It is released many many more illegal immigrants, probably closer to fifteen and twenty nine illegal immigrants in the country. At this point, but again from main point here, which is that Joe Biden he keep promising things and has been in the government forever, is not wrong and again trunk, hammering this home. They turn to the issue of race and from him have kept hammering at home right there. Here- is Trump clip. Thirty eight saying that you keep talking about how you're going to heal all the racial wounds of the country. Where have you been for the past several decades? I do
he's been in government forty seven years. He never did a thing except in nineteen. Ninety four, when he such harm to the black community, and they will call and he called them super predators. Nobody has done more for the black community than Donald Trump, and if you look with the exception, of Abraham Lincoln possible exceptions, but the exception of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody, has done what I've done. Okay, this culminated with a very, very weak exchange for Joe Biden. All of this business. This third line of attack that bind been in government forever. Never done anything this. This culminated in a really terrible moment. I thought from for Joe Biden this it this would be clip. Forty one is forbidden, tries to explain how he was wrong. about all of these criminal justice policies. Now no worries about this is that he actually was not wrong about all always criminal justice policies, one of whose only signal career accomplishment was actually
in the crime rate via the nineteen. Ninety four crime bill, and I some of the drug is in the nineteen, its the crack. One was horrible in the ninety. The crime epidemic was horrible in the early ninety s, but he has to run directly away from that because his own party hates it so here what Joe Biden, explaining what he's going to do now and from again hammers him with ok. So why Didn't you do it you've been here for fifty years? Why didn't you do it and binds answer is so stunningly and blindingly bad that it actually stops the debate dead. The eightys we passed one hundred percent or one hundred senders voted for a bill on drugs and how, deal with drugs. It was a mistake. I've been true to change the sense and particularly the portion of cocaine. That's why arguing that in fact, we should not send anyone to jail for a pure drug offense. They should be going into treatment. Why didn't you do it in the eight years a short time ago? Why didn't you do it? You just said I'm going to do
I'm going to do this. You put tens of thousands of mostly black young, in prison, now you're saying you're, going to get you're going to undo that. Why didn't you get it eight years with Obama, Leonora job, because you're all talk and no alright vice President Biden and then we're going to move on to the next section: better Republican Congress, okay, the cancer- you got to talk them into it all right. You got to talk them into it. Let us move on to our next sexually guy did with criminal justice reform. Talk Democrats into German dear we're running out of time, so we gotta get onto a climate change. Please, ok, so Joe Biden stops absolutely dead. Every says we had a republican Congress. No, you didn't for the first two years of the Barack Obama administration, not only to Democrat, a majority in the house that a super majority Kennedy to filibuster, prove majority in the Senate, because for the first few years of the Obama administration and telling about it,
they didn't lose the house until twenty time didn't lose the sun until twenty fourteen. So it's just not true what he you saying there is overtly untrue. Okay, the bottom line is that he is all talk he doesn't do. Anything trump is right about that in the final bad point, for Joe Biden happened late in the debate there talking about Environmentalism Biden has very weird take that climate change is going to kill all humanity, and so he has pledged all of these radical policies that he actually probably doesn't like very much, and this culminated in what was probably the biggest blob of the entire our debate and will be in all of the campaign adds leading up to election day, particularly in Pennsylvania. This clip forty five, so Trump is hammering him unwrapping. Trump is just saying. You said that you wan to ban fracking ad buy is like no. I said I want to ban it on federal lands. He's actually said, broadly speaking, that he doesn't want to ban fracking and then He said oh yeah, by the way I only met federal lands, but I mean there's tape of him, saying and over and over again that you would like to transition away from tracking or ban Bracken
in fact, Middlesex. While just do it on federal lines. Ok, fine trump gets him to admit in this clip that he wants to end the oil industry and he wants to destroy the entire oil industry in United States irresponsible for millions and millions of jobs. If you think this is gonna, be a issue in Pennsylvania. Wrong you are here, was Trump getting Biden to admit that he wishes to the entire oil industry of the United States. By the way we just became energy independent because of racking in the oil industry. would you close down the other way have a transition from their own dustry, yes, transition. That is a big statement because I would stop. Why would you do that? Because the oil industry pollutes significantly Here's the deal but such an accident or, if you We finished the statement because has to be replaced by renewable energy, overtime, overtime and I've stopped. To the oil industry? I'd start, giving them federal subsidies? You won't get fed. subsidies to the,
The gas shoot me to solar and wind Why are we giving it to oil industry? We actually do the seller and wind, maybe the biggest statement in terms of business. That's the biggest statement, because, basically, what he's saying is he is going to destroy the oil industry? I Will you remember that Texas? Will you remember that Pennsylvania Oklahoma President Biden? Let me give you ten seconds to respond, and I have to get to the final question. Vice President Biden takes everything out of context. No, you literally just send it one second ago. He did not in fact take it out of context. That was you one to go declaring that you are going to end the oil industry in the United States of America. Ok, so no that one's on you and that's maybe in every campaign at and it should be in every campaign, and there were a couple of indicators by the way. There are three real indicators that Biden losses. Debate in to these indicators came from Biden directly. So again, his tell as one who has come on he said, come on one thousand times last night, because when gets tired and he doesn't have anything to say: he's gonna throws up his hands. You come on.
On. Here's a montage, Joe Biden, commands last night, this court, twelve. It's all to me over come on learning to live with it, come on not that many of you are going to die, so don't worry about it. So don't worry about it come on, I know how to gain the system come on. Come on and we had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded Europe. The rest of Europe come on lecturing me on Social Security and Medicare come on. Let him go bankrupt, come on by Thomas stand down and stand ready, come on as nine commands- nine in the course of the debate That is how you know is losing the other annoys. Losing hash asserts. Glancing is watching. The middle of it is like one is this over. I really have to pay when is this over? Here is some footage of Joe Biden glancing at his watch pretty overtly the middle of the camp in the middle of the debate, there was good look there from slow job
the vital way that you know that this debate did not go well. For Joe Biden has the media reaction, so the media were apoplectic over this apoplectic over this. They reveal themselves each and every day, and it really is incredible: how bad was Joe Biden Bay Basically, everybody on democratic side had to start reversing their their own positions and or lying so Frank Franklin's had a focus group last night that focus group described the various candidates according to Franklin's Focus group, the word to describe Trump or trolls reserved poised con artist and surprisingly presidential. The words to describe Biden were vague on specific elusive, defensive and grandfather way. I feel like a lot of that is accurate and those are not words that really bear in
Joe Biden's favor, okay. So how do you know that Biden LOS because number one when the media declared to draw that means by the loss? Number two you have people like joy, read, suddenly flipping and defending the ninety. Ninety four crime bill, so joy, read hate the nineteen ninety four crime bill on MSNBC, but she recognizes that she must defend the precious Joe Biden, and so here she was defending the ninety ninety, our crime. I all of a sudden yes, he did spearhead the crime bill. But let's just remember that there are a lot of african American elected officials, including in Congress who voted. the crime and wanted the crime bill. The context was, the crack epidemic was tearing through black communities and black pastors were demanding a bill. He put that building that also included an assault weapons ban. It also include the violence against women that lives just remember the context Oh the context Now- and this is the key when the media have two context- realized biden- he lost it- Daniel Dale, the garbage, factual comfort, CNN. He he is
he has this habit of reeling off every inaccuracy the Trump makes in a row and is good at that and then complete. downplaying anything that Joe Biden says he tweeted out. Last night after the debate, Biden was again imperfect from imperfect from a fact checking perspective. He made at least a few false, misleading and or lacking in claims Trump was, as usual a serial liar. This is what the fact checking industry is designed to do. It is designed to excuse Democrats, while clobbering Republicans, that is what it is designed to do. Daniel tale is a partisan hack is a hack of hack, the biggest lie of the night belong to Joe Biden, suggesting that Obamacare didn't force anybody off their private insurance. That is nuts okay, Daniel Dale downplayed. That, because you know Trump says things that are inaccurate, yeah no bleep have you ever met the guy. Have you ever seen him? Of course, that's true Jake tapper was beside self last night on CNN. He said it was the dirtiest campaign. Ever he is running The single most negative sleep
campaign in american history. Firmly your party candidate, the campaign, the Trump and his allies in the media and his member members of his family and the Trump allied websites in such are levelling with charges so heinous, I'm not even eating and save them. Just nonsense, clamp tied into Q tied in the pizza gay tied into the worst things you can say about a person with no evidence just completely made up is so disgusting and so beneath what selection should be. I so bottom line. Is this going to make a huge difference in the future? The presidential car I don't know, make an enormous difference to the future of the presidential campaign. I do think that marginal differences two million swing states in a matter in awful awful. What? If the poles tightening the last week as you would generally expect them to, then it will be seen that this debate,
mattered. It didn't necessarily matter to people who were partisans there aren't of people who are on the fence, but if it made some people less uncomfortable by voting trump, Then it didn't world of good Anna shifted terms. A little babies last week is gonna, be all about Joe Biden, declaring that you want an end to the oil industry and that that it there's gonna, be the Trump campaign because they need Pennsylvania? That is going to be the Trump campaign for the next week? Okay, quick Bible mode, since it is a Friday, and I feel like ending on an up note- we've gone back to doing Bible sections here on the bench pirosh because we restarted the reading of the Torah every year. We do this, so this week's Partha this week Tor abortion is the partial of Noah needs the partial about Noah. So we all know the Noah story. May God looks at you he's a good guy suck, here's a flood bam assistant, or why do you prefer your your family and preserve all the animals and Noah builds the Oregon and the animals come in two by two, and all of that is so. There is one
critical averse, that's kind of fascinating, because it does have a lot of relevance to how we think of ourselves and what our mission is today. So it says its genesis, six, nine, these are the generations of Noah. Noah knows a righteous man. He was perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God, so there's big among jewish commentators about what it means when it so that no one was perfect in his generations. Why does it say he was perfect in his time? Why? Why? Because the erratic way, if he was perfect, it wouldn't just be in his time. So is that a compliment or is that Iraq if you say that somebody is great in their time, beckoned mean one of two things: one. The time is really awful. So the fact that they were great in that full time means there are even greater than they normally would be a Europe a person living in Nazi Germany or by contrast to even greater because you are living in an awful oftentime, or does it mean that you were great compared to the other people of your time and since they sought your better than they were, but it? But if you put them in the normal time. It became a normal where this actually made among jewish commentators items.
Down on the side that suggest that if you are great over a that that it is better to be great overall than to be great in your time, what separates no from the other characters, so God tells no I'm destroying all of humanity right. It's over. Here comes the flood and Noah not respond. The same way the Abraham or Moses, due to Abraham is told by God that he's going to destroy sodomy, Gomorrah and Abrahams. First responses. Let me argue with you let's: let's think this one out a little bit ripe, Let's try and identify authority, good people who are living in settling demoralized and a hundred men is it. Fifty man is a ten men. Can we find anybody there who's good for who say it's worth: preserving the entire city he you ve got is a moral debate with God Moses informed by God at one point that got us angry he's going to destroy the entire jewish people and he's going to make a nation of Moses and his kids and most argues against any says. If you do that, I want you to blot me out of your book like, early dont have me in your book, I'm not interested in what you're talking about her God. Those are great men for the ages, no out when he can
did with the possibility of an entire generation being blotted off the face of the earth. He does exactly that Tell him any doesn't protest, so that is the distinction right. That's the distinction! If you're going to be a great person for all time, it's not just about being great for yourself, or being great for your family or preserving your family or removing yourself from the grid is about attempting to save the people around you it's about attempting to convince the people around you, and this has ramifications. For today's politics on the right. There's a lot of debate on the right. We live in a time where our culture is extraordinarily degraded. Our culture has moved wildly to the left. Our public institutions have been taken over by people who don't believe in american founding Prince It's been taken over by people who openly storm judeo christian ideology and ideas, so we have a couple of choices. One is we can take the sort of broad, fair Benedict option. That is an option in our personal lives. I think you sometimes drifted go off the ground. I think rod is completely wrong, but that is being a good
person in your generation? Being good person in all generations means fighting back in the public sphere in order to retake those values and convince people of the EU, the brass, the of those values in the reality of those values in the importance of those values. That's what makes you a good person for all time, so should all strive to be a good pre up good. We should to be more than no was not not just to build the ark and preserve that which we have, but also to go forth to shine a light to be like Abraham, not like Noah job in our tend to everybody, and to try and draw people in to a better way of life and a better philosophy already will back her next week. For the final week of the presidential campaign of twenty twenty onest, their guys, it's gettin, pretty exciting adventure of this is the bench Barroso, if you enjoy this episode don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread the word, please give us a five star
view and tell your friends to subscribe to we're available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases also be sure to check out the daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Craven, show that Michael all show and the mat Walsh thanks listening. The venture bureau show is produced by coltan ass. Our technical, records. Austin Stevens exact the producer Jeremy boring our Superman producers are, math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant, rector Pavel White, asking ourselves. producer is next year shows edited by Adam silent Audio Midst MIKE Communist here and make up is binding. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty, hey. It's Andrew Clavin host of the Andrew Clavin Show was a good debate for Donald Trump come on man. You know it was in fact it was a great weak for Trump and a bad one. four compound Joe and is dirty dealings with the Chinese, about it all on the Andrew Clayton,
Transcript generated on 2020-10-24.