« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1121 - The Looming Election Disaster


Hunter Biden’s business partner says Joe was in on Hunter’s business activities; the FBI announces Iranian interference in the election; and Rudy Giuliani finds himself targeted by Borat.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hunter Biden's business partner, says Joe, was in on hunters business activities the whole time the FBI. This is iranian interference in the election and Rudi Giuliani finds himself targeted by Borat, I'm Ben Shapiro. This is the bench Pero show show is sponsored by Express VP and don't let others track what you do. Keep yourself safe had expressly peons outcome, slash mental! That's all the news in just one moment and tonight is debated. There is an awful lot of news, but first what sort of a high can save money quickly and I'm also know that cell phone bill, so look at itself on value, are spending a lot of money. You should be spending but half what you're spending, but the fact is that you're not spending he proper amount, because you are buying a limited data. Well, are you using unlimited data? The answer, of course, is no reason that cell phone companies charge up the wazoo. Is they assume you're going to use extraordinary levels of data? You never use you're, basically buying out and
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post that Hunter Biden, business partner, his old business partner, has confirmed that the email exchanges that we have seen via the New York Post are not only real, but that Joe Biden was in on Hunter Biden. Business activities now remember the original story is that hundred Biden. We knew this mean this was absolutely clear. Hundred Biden was just sitting around the world in a bag. and he admitted openly on national television just last year if his last name we're not bite, and you would not have been able to do that Joe claim that he was ignorant of all of these sorts of activity. Sure Hunter was grabbing ride with him. On air force to over to China, well who's vice president of the United States, but you know that we just all in good fun. The fact is that you, was completely separated from one hundred was doing, and there is no indication that Hunter was corrupt anyway, and that was the story. Will then than Europe Post broke email suggesting that meeting had actually been brokered between a ukrainian oligarch working for Barima and Joe Biden by Hunter Biden and then another email. exchange a couple. More email exchanges tended to suggest that maybe just maybe Joe.
And was receiving some of the proceeds of Hunter Biden's nefarious business activities we went from Hunter is doing bad stuff and Jonathan know about it too. Hunter is doing bad stuff and does about it to Hunter is doing bad stuff and Joe is in on it right. That is the evolution of the story over the last couple of weeks. So last night the other shoe dropped and it turns out that one of Hunter Biden's business partners is now confirming that Joe Biden was in on a lot of Hunter Biden's business activities in actually making money off of them according to the near Post, Michael Good, one reporting We learned the Biden has been secretly playing footsie with China statement on Wednesday night, asserting that the former vice president was a willing and eager participate in a family scheme to make millions of power to make millions of dollars by partner, with a shady Chinese. in his firm, is a singular event in a presidential race already overflowing drama and entreat The dynamite assertion believable because it aligns of earlier information. We know to be true, came in a statement by Tony Babo. Linsky describes himself as a former partner of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden
Your brother, Jim in the China Scheme, Babylon skin loads bill of accusations and blunt, a precise language and detail. He actually released a rather long statement to the new post. Here is what it says. My name is tony Valencia, the fact set forth blow our true inaccurate. There are not any form of domestic or foreign disinformation. Any suggestions to the contrary is false and offensive. I'm I'm the recipients of the email, publish seventies, go by the new posts which showed a copy two hundred Biden and Rob Walker. That email is Jim. this afternoon, I received a request from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and government affairs and the Senate Committee on finance, requesting all documents relating to my business affairs with the Biden family, as well as various foreign entities and individual, yours, I have extensive relevant records and communications and I intend to produce those items to both committees in the immediate future, grandson of a thirty seven year, Army intelligence officer, the son of a twenty plus year career naval officer and the brother of a twenty eight year career naval flight officer. I myself served our country for four years and left the Navy as late
Bobby Linsky I held a high level security clearance and was an instructor and then see tee, o four naval Nuclear power training command. I take great pride in in the time my family and I serve this country. I am also not a political person. What few campaign contributions I have made in my life or to Democrats if the media and big tech companies had done their jobs or the passive I would be irrelevant in the story. If my long standing service and devotion to this great country, I could no longer allow my family's names to be associated or tied to Russians, its information or implied lies and false narratives dominating the media. Right now, after leaving the military is Bob Alinsky institutional investor investing extensively the world and on every continent. I travelled over fifty countries I believe, hands down. We live in the greatest country in the world wide outlining is fact I noticed fact because I lived it. I'm sick sooner HAWK holdings, which was a partnership between the chinese operating through, see FC, Germany and the bite and family has brought into company to be the ceo by James Giller and Hunter Biden, the reference to the big guy in the
publicized may. Thirteen th two thousand and seventeen email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other jb referenced in that email is Jim Biden Joe's brother, okay, so the email that he is talking about is this: may thirteen th two thousand and seventeen email that suggested that twenty percent of the company was to be held. Four hundred Biden and ten was to go to quote unquote the big guy. This is the email that implicates Joe Biden impossible, actual corrupt activity. Hunter Biden called dad, the big guy or my chairman. According to twenty bioenergy and frequently reference asking him for his sign off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing, I've seen vice premier by saying he never talk to her about his business. I've seen firsthand. That's not true, because it wasn't just hundreds business. They they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on line. I realized the Chinese were not really folks and a healthy financial, our ally return on investment. There we're looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that hundred wanted to use the company s personal piggy back
by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese. I took steps to prevent that from happening. The Johnson report. This would be the RON Johnson report from the Senate Intelligence Committee or Homeland Security Committee connected. not in a way that shocked me and made me realize the buttons had gone behind my back and not made millions of dollars by the Chinese, even though they told me they had I wouldn't do that. Their partners out asked the button family family to address the american people and the the so I can go back to being a relevant, and so I'm not in put in a position to have to answer these questions for them. I dont have a political axe to grind. I just saw behind the iron curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw. The Biden family aggressively leverage, the Biden family names make millions of dollars from foreign entities, even though some from the communist control that Chinese God bless America That is the statement of Tony Bolinsky. Okay. So if that is true, then that is a massive massive bombshell, obviously because now you are looking at a person who should have been a position to know saying that Joe Biden was in on all of Hunter Biden's business activities, apparently, while he was serving in the government right well, Joe Biden was
in the government. Apparently he was working with Hunter Biden. To clear checks is the accusation here by Tony Bobby Linsky. Now the accusation is credit. Tony Babylon schemes in the position that is talking about which apparently he was if he was then don't see why the media can avoid asking questions about this any longer. After all, we are told that an allegation can be judged credible on its face and then requires questioning. When Christine Blasey Ford came forward with an accusation that Brett Kavanaugh had raped her back during his teenage years, some thirty to forty years ago, and this was treated incredible accusation until the point what it fell apart. Well, if somebody makes an accusation like this on the record by name- and they said They were in the know, and then Hunter Biden was negotiating on behalf of Joe Biden, trade deals or or or some sort of with a with a chinese front group and Joe Biden to make money off of that. Well, then, some serious questions ought to be asked of range
but, as I said before, this not hard and all the journalist a community has to do is their job. All they have to do is say Joe Biden. You know you said that you didn't know about anything. Hundred Biden was doing. We have pictures of you with Kasich entrepreneurs. We have picture of you with Hunter Biden getting off that airplane at an air force to. We now have reports that you were meeting with high ranking members of the chinese business community at hunters, behest are we now have this report? So what's the deal, did you know or did you not know and we have its? Nor can we support for you to simply say that you don't have to answer any questions, because our trump is the focus of the campaign. That is an ending around the issue. You actually have to answer those sorts of questions. will the media do any of that. Probably not. The fact is that the media are so in the bag for Biden at this point that they ve been more focused on
walking the dissemination of the story and reporting on how the story was reported that they have on the actual content of the story. They are deeply deeply hesitant to ask Joe Biden anything about this stuff, because they are afraid that the answer might mean that Donald Trump ones, victory and the media have decided. Donald Trump must not when the selection and therefore they are simply not going to cost about it at all right. They will go along for three years with the allegations of the steel dossier, claiming that Robert Mueller was, in the background, putting together a damning case against Donald Trump. That would end with his indictment for collusion with Russia. None of that materialized. When it comes to this, they will not ask questions, they won't and in fact they get angry. If you ask them to ask questions so, for example, Brian Stelter has a new book from CNN. And reliable sources over here. He he was interviewed by longtime congressional reporter named Susan for ECHO, and she challenged him over the bridge, city of Hunter Biden, emails and don't stelter got very. angry about this because members, the media, don't like to be called on the fact that happening
ordinary double standards when it comes to reporting stories that are obviously stories Brian Stunt are losing his mind. When asked very simple questions about why the media double standard with regard to, for example, the sealed Yea and russian collusion. turbines emails bottom line as we don't know what is real and what is fake in these emails if there is anything real in them and not any from from fun reporting, Mahler and a dossier? Now, that's where you have a lottery about now we have ethics king. I had an ethics, not announce it, don't you dare don't you dare act like newsrooms didn't have ethics in TWAIN, seventy and one I know you can't you can dump. Dare me all you on Brian I've, been doing this for thirty years, so say whatever you want it's my view. Meanwhile Joe Biden, knowing how extraordinarily in the bag media are for him. He keeps saying that the story already been debunked, the story's not en a bug. Now one aspect of the story has been bugged. Members of the Biden campaign have said that these emails are authentic, or at least they have refused an eye that they are authentic. I mean one Astro
italy- not one detail of the story has yet been about biden- has not addressed any aspect of the story, so here Asked by a media member from Wisconsin via Zoom about this, and he just said- I'm not going to answer any questions on this because you know I just don't think it's legit. Is there any legitimacy to Senator Johnson's claims? None whatsoever. This is the same garbage, Rudy, Giuliani, trumps, henchman. It's the last effort in this dust campaign to smear me and my family, even the and who serve on that committee, a former nominee for the Republican Party said there's no basis to this. you know and all and the vast majority intelligence people have come said, there's no basis at all. Okay be ashamed of not a word of this is correct. Not a word of this. This is correct. the allegations that are being made on the basis of new information that has been uncovered and presented over the course. The last three weeks no one in the intelligence community with any credibility
and with any inside information, has found that this is in fact cortical russian disinformation. Nonetheless, that is what and is relying upon his relying on the the folks over a twitter and Facebook to suppress the dissemination of the story so that he can be elected president? It's that simple and Joe Biden is out their doctors she's out their suggesting that these are just smears against the family. This election is not about Joe Biden or Joe Biden Nerve Camela or Doug. It is about the american people, the American. Well, don't wanna hear these. Meters against my family. The american people are struggling right now I mean they're in the midst of all this chaos, they're trying to figure out how to put food on the table. You know they don't have jobs, they need health care. Americans don't want to hear
distract and spin. Americans don't want to hear it. Therefore, you shouldn't even bother asking the question so DR to meanwhile Camel Harris says Joe, wouldn't talk about other people's kids. He wouldn't talk about other people's kids, Joe he's just such a nice guy. Well, I mean, I think, that he might, if you thought that the election of on it. In fact, I have a feeling that, within the next week, in a half, if the hunter by an email story continues to percolate that you will see Kamala Harris Joe Biden. Mentioning these supposed allegations of corruption against the Trump kids would would suspect that that the case and you'll start hearing that from the Dnc very shortly here is comma. Saying this, that people want to hear about how we're going to help working people get through the end of the month and pay their rent. That's what people care about, and one of the things I love about Joe Biden. He doesn't take on or talk about, other people's kids. Okay sure sure was the along their last, because all these standards go by the wayside as soon as they become politically inconvenient.
Here's the bottom line. The Biden campaign is called the lid on the campaign. The campaigns over from their persective, all they're going to do is run out the clock, and maybe it's a good strategy. If you look at the polls right now, Joe Biden is certainly in the lead right. If you just look at the polling data he's in the lead, but that could change the only thing that would change some sort of strange, is shock to the system that shot could come in the form of the hunter by an email, so best policy lock down and just wait on it now right now the post seems to be tightening just a little bit. We have seen two poles in the last three days that suggest that this rate is a lot closer than previously suggested. We got this iv Tipp poll that came out yesterday. That suggested Biden is up only to forty nine to forty seven over Trump. Let's put it this way. If the popular vote comes down to a two point, margin Trump probably wins the election. There's another poll from Ramison that suggest that Biden US up only three point: forty nine! sex and the son of a margin for him to win the election. If it's that close in all likelihood, Trump Winslow Swing states again there.
Other polls, one from Reuters, one from the economist, both with Biden up nine, so we have a real division th between the poles and how they are seeing this thing. When it comes to the battleground states, everything seems to be closing within a certain margin of error. If we look at the states right now, Biden is up only by about two points in Florida is up about five points in Pennsylvania. That's going to the real car politics, pulling average he's up much larger in Michigan he's only up bout, five in Wisconsin, he's about to in North Carolina about three Arizona. So if there is any movement in the polls for Trump like any sites movement in the polls toward Trump? Then Biden is in real trouble. He may be up nationally and he may be looking like he's in good shape. There's still two weeks to this election, so Biden's goal here, I was to call a lid on the campaign and you can see in real time is doing zoom call and his are jumping into being. Like you know up, that's all the time we have we'll catch you later Joe Biden campaign is just eight leave me alone focus on Donald Trump campaign. Was he if that's affected? If the Hunter Biden story begins to actually break.
Here is a Joe Biden staff and assume call literally just calling a lid in the middle of the actual interview. We owe them a great deal I worried about that's all the time For today ask one more, please: okay, that's all the time to catch later. Catch ya later and that's the team of the Biden came in. That's all the time we have for today, then we can get back to yelling at Donald Trump, okay in just a second, we got how about some other breaking news. This from the FBI, suggesting that the Iranians are attempting to interfere in the election. On behalf of wait, wait for Joe Biden, I know we're not supposed to talk about that. Only russian interference on behalf of Trump is what we're supposed to talk about: we're never supposed to talk about chinese Interference or iranian interference, both of which have been confirmed by the FBI on behalf of Joe Biden, but that broke out into the open yesterday with a late night press conference, we'll talk about that in just one second. First, let's talk about the thousand reasons to protect your home, so maybe you're concerned about crime or maybe
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fraudulent ballots even from overseas. This video, in any claims about such allegedly frog fraudulent ballots, are not So there is an attempt to undermine the credibility of the election, and it is coming in fact from yes, Russia, but all So IRAN also run one particular aspect of the story. Is that is behind an email operation that was directed. Intimidating voters that they were the proud as the proud boys and sending Democrats to various Democrats and threatening them. According to the Washington Post, the disclosure by the intelligence. John Ratcliff, at a hastily called the news conference marked the first time this election cycle of foreign adversary has been accused of targeting specific voters to undermine democratic conference just four years Russian Online operations March. Twenty sixteen presidential vote now, of course, russian operations and twenty. Sixteen there's not a lot of proof that shifted anybody out there suppose it misdirection I'm places like Facebook, it amounted to a tiny,
drop in the enormous ocean of social media content. However, visible more areas the claim that IRAN was behind an email operation which came into view on Tuesdays Democrats in several it's reported, receiving email demanding they vote for. President Trump was leveled without specific evidence. Other? U S. Officials speaking privately stressed that Ussa still remind the major threat to the twenty and twenty election of. You can always find somebody in the intelligence community to talk about Russia, Russia and Russia, because Trump, of course, is so bad. However, it was the director of national Intelligence, John Rackliff, suggesting in fact that what was happening is that the Iranians, masquerading as the proud boys had been attempting to email people and gin up election interference on behalf of Joe Biden it. It wasn't meant to intimidate the Democrats so much as it was meant to promote the idea that the proud boys were acting on behalf of Donald. from and therefore attempting to suppress the vote on Thursday around summoned the swiss envoy in Tehran, which handles U S affairs there to condemn the court uncle baseless accusations of meddling in the? U S election according to all Eurasia
you seppy. These accusations are nothing more than another scenario to undermine vote of confidence and our absurd IRAN has no interest in interfering in the selection and no preference for the outcome. Ok, that is obviously true. Iran would certainly prefer Joe Biden. Donald Trump has killed you deal, Donald Trump has facilitated the Riseman israeli Arab Alliance in the region. Donald Trump has off the iranian regime, at the knees and Joe Biden pledges to prop them up again. So obviously there on the UN's prefer the Biden campaign, and they ve made this perfectly obvious him in this it. This is not a secret in any way, shape or form. The emails claim to be from protein from group called the proud boys, but evidence had mounted. They were in fact work of another had nectar. Yes, official said that was wrong. A nation that is increasingly clash with the president in recent years, o t around was totally fine until Trump was elected, then run clash with the president's. According to the Washington Post NICE, they murdered a bunch of american soldiers in Iraq, not that IRAN has been a threat to american national Security since nineteen. Seventy nine
no. It's really just trump officials did stress. The integrity of the election was intact. Former FBI director, Christopher Ray, was standing next to Rec, like I said, we're not going to tolerate foreign interference or any criminal activity that threatens the sanctity of your vote or undermine public confidence in the outcome of the election Radcliff accused. on- of using the data to send spoof emails designed to intimidate voters inside social unrest and damage president from there really set of minority leadership. Shimmer immediately told she's, Rachel manner from the briefing I the strong impression that was much rather to undermine confidence in elections and not aimed at any particular figure. All wasn't it helping it wasn't right, helping Biden as it turns out. It was about undermining election conference generally. Oh so that's what's happening here, what exactly where these emails or the emails were apparently engineer by someone. at the behest of the iranian government. According to a yours official who spoke, the condition of anonymity because of the matter sensitivity. The operation appear to exploit a vulnerability
the proud boys are my network. The messages advised that the group was quote in possession of all your information and instructed voters to change their party registration and cast their balance for trump. You will vote for Trump on election day or we will come after. You warned the emails which, by Tuesday night, were said to a brief voters in as many as four states. Three of them contested swing states US officials said the operation was not terribly sophisticated and was disclosed before it could have any major impact, Rackliff also confirms that IRAN is distributing a video implying that individuals should cast fraudulent ballots even from overseas. The videos posted on twitter account that has since been suspended. Okay, so there is the so. The good news is that the FBI uncovered this. We also know that Biden to be president. We know the China wants Biden to be present, which should tell you something about
We stand on foreign policy, won't get any foreign policy tonight in the debate by the way there'll be no Forin policy will have two debates. No foreign policy foreign policy by the way is the greatest point of differentiation between Trump and Biden. Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue of his lifetime, every single one without exception. It's incredible it, but it is important to note here that the iranian just information, the same people were shouting russian disinformation or promoting iranian this information, and they are promoting the idea that the progress it actually sent these emails, the the Lincoln Project brows, were clear and that sweet, sweet rift Recruit Griffin cash they put out a tweet promoting iranian disinformation. Actually, just a few days ago quote. The Prad boys are attempting to scare voters away from the polls. This is punishable by up to a year in jail and a blatant attempt to prevent people from voting, let's find them and make them famous.
I haven't seen the Lincoln Project suspended from Twitter, as of yet and New York Post is still suspended from Twitter Y, the way for printing the Hunter Biden story, but apparently totally fine for the Lincoln Project to promote actual iranian disinformation, so that's exciting stuff in meanwhile, We draw closer to the debate a lot of debates inside the Trump camp over how to handle this debate. Should Trump presents a positive mission for the vision for the country, or should he attack Biden? Well, I mean here's the reality. The positive vision for the country that that ship has sailed. I don't think that Donald Trump talking in glowing positive ways is going to be particularly effective. Everybody has their perception of trump. The only thing that could change in this race is the perception of Biden, and that is why the hunter by an email story,
is so important with regard to Donald Trump's campaign, we'll get to that in just one. Second. First, let us talk about how easy it is for hackers to grab your information and use it against you there's one particular method of hacking. One particular method of identity theft that is extremely damaging is called home. Title theft: hey here's, how easy it is the legal title to your home. It's digitized is kept on government and business servers in the cloud where they can be hacked a cyber, he finds your home's title for Joe your signature on a quick claim deed. Stating you sold your home to him done and he just takes out loans against your home until all your equity is gone. Lead you in debt won't know until the collection calls pour in insurance doesn't protect you neither do common identities have programs. This is why you should check out home title lock, today, home title lock, puts a barrier around your home title, instant. They detect tampering, they help shut it down cold but to home title lock, com, red
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happen too much because they've now the ability to cut the mic. The president, in order to have a successful debate, has to go on offense without being offensive, said redone. Our republican strategist was coached candidates and debates the american people care more about their own family than they do about Thefamily of Hunter Biden, especially during the pandemic. Okay, that's true, that's true, but it is also true that if people start to perceive Joe Biden as a corrupt old Washington, crony which is all likely He is I mean going back years and years and years there are all sorts of reports of his son Hunter Naked Bank off of connections to the Biden name. This goes all the way back to Joe Biden, showing on behalf of credit card companies. While the sun is picking up checks from some of the people lobbying on behalf of those bills. That fact could harm Joe Biden and it's important that Trump bring it up for sure. It's because the Hunter Biden story is important to Trump campaign that you are starting to see what what what looks very much like an organized campaign to go after Rudy Giuliani now, Rudy Giuliani. This is a dude who is likely to get
into trouble on a fairly regular basis. Every Giuliani is a wild character for sure that is that is for certain. That does not mean The media are not willing to run with overtly false stories about ready, Giuliani so yesterday, There are two stories about regionally only in turns out that both were basically false, so the first came courtesy of Bore at so bore at apparently was fill. It is such a barren Cohen, whose films are wildly overrated when I say there, while the already, when he's actually acting, he's quite good when he's not acting. When he's doing this sort of stick it it's honestly, it's kind of boring and ridiculous. Ok, what when, when he's acting like it, he did this Netflix series on in israeli spy spy named Cohen, and it's really good It's really quite good. I've heard that his performance in the Aaron Sorkin Film on the Chicago seven, seven, that's pretty good too, but the boron stuff stuff and real old one of the reasons it's gotten old is because he tends to target ordinary Americans. I don't really care if he targets public figures and politicians for sort of these pranks and prat false
but he goes out for ordinary Americans and tries to humiliate them and very often uses their politeness against them. So you'll go say something deeply offensive. Nobody will speak out against him repugnant face and then a bit o god. These people must agree with that it's really cheap tactic. Ok, when it comes to really Giuliani, apparently he and in a woman named Maria Bacco over who plays his daughter in his new brat ree redo as its bore out the return they meet with Rudy Giuliani according to NBC News, Ru Giuliani, President Donald Trump personal lawyer fell for an embarrassing Sasha Baron Con prank in the soon to be released, movie sequel to Bore in the film a copy of which was obtained. BC. News Giuliani, any young woman posing as Rapporteur was part of consisting, can be seen going into a hotel bedroom for drinks at woman's invitation. After complete what Giuliani apparently believed to be a real interview about the covered pandemic in trumps response to it. The incident is Giuliani. Seventy six was trying to remove his microphone with the help of the actress which has been used as part of the movie's interview with him. The film which is being will these Friday and Amazon Prime Video shows Giuliani recur.
go to bed and put his hand down his pants and moving around for what appears to be a few seconds. While the actress Plain brats teenage daughter, Maria back over twenty four, whose pretending to be a television reporter stands in front of him, at this point- runs into runs into the room: shouting she's fifteen she's too old for you Giuliani quickly and up and be to be startled by the presence of has a pink, a pink outfit that resembles Ray Giuliani, asked him why you dress, like this code, has borders she's. My daughter, please take me. Instead, I don't want you Julie on your applies. He then apparently called the cops on board app Giuliani claims. I love this. I love this NBC News. Listen to how NBC News characterize this. In a tweet Wednesday afternoon, Giuliani claimed without evidence that the Quote Borad video is a complete fabrication. I was talking in my shirt. After taking off the recording equipment. Juliani tweeted at no time before, during or after the interview, as I ever inappropriate, is Sasha. Baron Cohen implies otherwise he's a stone. Cold liar beyond what has seen in the movie NBC News does not know what happened before or after the films incident. The film also features the cinema
battle over Ass Giuliani about the virus pandemic. Responds China manufactured cover nineteen and deliberately spread it all over the world. I'll think anybody was eating. Batsy adds before jokingly, asking her she's ever eaten about. He appears to agree to even if she will The prank is one of the most notable in the boar at sequel. Ok, now Giuliani had said in early July. This happen that he called the New York City. Police department have set up a thorough, some sort of blackmail team Julian I said this guy comes running and wearing wearing a crazy. I I would was a a pink transgender outfit. This person comes in in screaming. I thought this must be a scammer shakedowns. I reported to the cops he then ran away I only later realize it must have been such a barren Cohen. I thought about all the people he previously fooled. I felt good about myself because you didn't get me ok, so this was reported yesterday in great the fine detail by the media. Now quick rule of thumb for all public figures never go into a private area with ease,
They feel depends rolled wise. They dont go into a private area with a female report. Critical like a hotel bedroom in nothing good is going to happen there, and that is just on a moral level at the level of caution. Be an idiot right. This one falls under don't be an idiot for Rudy Giuliani. However, however, what the film apparently shows is not Rudy Giuliani, reaching down his pants Jeffreys Tuban style. It does appear to show Lani, who, whose seventy six attempting to get a microphone off of himself Ben Dreyfuss, was certainly no right wing. Where is the editorial Directorate mother Jones? He treated this out quote. I am not in the scene with Rudy, Giuliani and notice. Crippy frother, it is being described on Twitter in a false way. He does not his hands on his sharp his pants and its actual way he's talking assure back in after she untaxed at removing his might. Also. The bad thing is a joke. She problems and he just politely agrees, and so it is not that Giuliani suggesting me back together. The scene is confusingly did for comedic purposes, which makes sense, since this is a comedy film in out of sixty minutes expose. It would be good to keep that in mind in light of the flat
media where everything can seem like everything else. There are parts of the scene that are creepy, though, in the same see any path, her low back in a very weird way, you'll be able to find stuff. You don't like watching it, but I do not think the description of the hands and the pants thing is fair. Okay, so this is. This is being. he's the misconstrued deliberately by media right. Nbc New says that there is no reason to to suggest you saying without evidence that the things a fabrication, although they do take on it, is viable caisson right that Giuliani, was out reaching down into his pants for things other than talking in his shirt Giuliani took out the broad videos, a complete fabrication. I was talking in my short after taking off the recording equipment, At no time before, during and after the interviews, I ever an appropriate instrument implies, otherwise he's a stone called liar. In fact, in New York Post today reports, it looks to me like an exaggeration through editing. As soon as I realized it was a setup. I call the police, which has been noted in the Hollywood reporter article on July eight TH. This is an effort to blunt my relentless exposure of the criminality the pravity of Joe Biden in entire family family deadline, Hollywood reports, CA had a distribution screening in September, where there was no me
of the scene, holding any importance we are preparing for much bigger dumps off of the hard drive from how of which show Biden will be unable to defend or hide from. I have the receipt Okay, Giuliani is claiming that this is all basically a set up now. Two things can be true once again Julian should not be going into hotel rooms at twenty four year old women. This is a foolish move. It can also be true that even anything actually inappropriate and according Carl Smith, of national view, whose also seen the scene he's an actual you anything an appropriate. So that's that does matter Idiot eminence, was the headline on Drudge Rudy to exclamation point picture of. lying down on the bed, putting his hands down his pants, I deliberately misleading, falsely falsely reported I don't see twitter censoring any of that stuff. Twitter
so apparently did not censor this story in which a college student posed as Ivanka Trump and pretended that he had had text exchanges with Rudy Giuliani. It turns out that that was not true. It was retweeted. It was put out there by half of the blue check mark media yesterday. This idea that Giuliani had been texting with vanka because he's an idiot according to media. I suppose the text, messages posted by college student Roberts onto Twitter allegedly sends President Donald Trump worthy Giuliani are not real. It satire. still media eight on Wednesday afternoon conversation I had with my brother. He added most people have caught on with being a joke, but then the national people picked it up. The college student stated Before saying that after media sweet reporters began reaching out in large numbers, there is there these fig text messages that suggested that Ivanka Trump was was texting. Giuliani and Giuliani was returning the text Rachel Matter, tweeted out, I can't even David free Land or he seems regimes to learn. A lesson is tightening protocols.
ideas and has now been taken in by someone claiming to be a vodka trumpet who is in fact the vice president of the College Democrats of Indiana give real by the way, is the editor contributing editor at political magazine, journalism applause, we just tremendous levels of journalists me MSNBC, Stephanie rule also fell for the tweet. I can't I can't write again. You can doubt really truly on his work, free to do that without false suying information or porting? False information? Have any of these people been suspended from twitter for for pushing false information? Have any of them been supressed on Facebook for pushing false information? No, but the New York Post story on Hunter Biden. You still cannot tweet out that link. As far as I know, and the New York Post is still suspect from Twitter. Don't worry, the media are not biased in any way, not in any way. Okay. Meanwhile, the question of the election is starting to turn to what comes next. If Joe Biden is elected amazing, we had to get to two weeks before the election for people to start asking basic questions about what,
is going to happen if Joe Biden is in fact elected. As I mentioned yesterday on the show and talked about at length, there is this bizarre view that if Joe Biden is elected, all bad things stop. Everything goes back to supposed normal. All of the clouds are lifted, Covid goes away. The economy re, so everybody is nice to each other. The lion lies down with the lamb and all of this, but here's the problem, Joe Biden, is a person with an actual agenda. He's gonna be handling a caucus that is basically led by representative Alexander Ocasio Cortez Chuck Shumer, the Senate minority leader. Should he become Senate Majority leader? Will wildly your to the left. He's already been to cutting Diane Feinstein along time, tent pull for the Democratic Party he's doing because he's afraid that AOC is gonna primary him inside of New York state. So watch for the Democrats to move wildly to the left, Joe Biden he may try to. I would say I don't know at
These people on the head and then tell them to go along their merry way. That is unlikely to be successful, will discuss that in just one second first, let us talk about the fact that your consuming off one lot of media these days I mean we are to reach out from an electron end, A lot of us are still stuck at home and we can go to a movie theater, and this means what you need is a great pair of wireless earbuds. That's why I recommend wireless earbuds from Recon recons, newest model, the every everyday twenty five, those are the best ones yet six hours playtime, seamless, Bluetooth, pairing, more base, more compact design, a noise isolating fit rake on your butts they're, stylish in discrete no dangling wires, no stems give them a try. Recon has a forty five day, free return policy, so you can make sure they are the pair of wireless. Ear buds for you for a limited time, get fifteen percent off your order at by com Ben. That be. Why are a y c, o n coms lifespan for a special fifteen percent discount on Recon Wireless year, but make sure to check it out?
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looting in american cities. An entire democratic party embracing the sixteen nineteen project it feels like America is coming apart. Well, that's because it kind of is, there are underlying ideological problems in the country. There is an american philosophy is the philosophy of the declaration of independence. It is the philosophy that undergirds the constitution of the United States there's an american culture of entrepreneurialism, a culture of tolerance for other people's rights. There is an american history that is the story of an excellently founded country attempting to live up to its ideals. All of this is being denied by what I call DIS integrationist is what I write about in my book: how to destroy America in three easy steps. You should go pick up a copy today. It is not merely a take on what the radical left is doing to the country and how they have ideologically shifted the country. The book is really a refresher for conservatives, it's great for young people, it's important for them to know why America is great, why it was
always great and why it will be great again go check out how to destroy America in three easy steps once more, it is a pre election must read and a post election must read as well. Also ever since Hillary Clinton lost in two thousand, and sixteen many in the press have suggested free dissemination of information on social media is the problem. They say the big problems that Facebook allowed conservatives to say what they what these sources from the mainstream media to members and social media companies themselves have pressured social media leaders to reimpose from the top down I'm enough on informational dissemination that existed before the internet? There's something to reestablish a monopoly on information from the mainstream media? This is the kind of garbage pushed weekly by Kara, Swisher and Kevin Rush at the New York Times, and people like Jud Lulululu, the routinely tweet out list of highly traffic pages on Facebook in order to not so subtly imply that Facebook is gaming. The system on behalf of conservatives and Trump, it's a lie. It's an obvious lie. That's why this week, our own cost Ceo Jeremy Boring launched a new podcast titled enough in his first episode released yesterday, Jeremy takes on the left is out as trying to get conservatives kicked off of Facebook. Listen now
at the link in the description subscribe to Jeremy's podcast, to get his other rants about big government, big Tech, Hollywood, hypocrisy and well anything else that comes to mind when it comes to mind. So check it out if you like, it, leave a review, making a five star review, so it gets recommended to more people, also more information. As with everything we had and we see a lot of drama with President. debates, but we are ready for the next and final debate. It is happening tonight to join us at eight forty, five pm Eastern five, forty five pm Pacific for an all new episode of Delaware, backstage to watch the debate with us and get our media live reaction to this. major political event, even better, join daily wire. Now as an insider or all access member get twenty percent off. With code debate, you can watch all the debate. Coverage live on our apple tv or Roku, app members get our articles had free access to all of our live broadcast and show library. The full three hours of the Ben Shapiro Show exclusive at readers, past content available only to daily wire members. If you're considering an all access membership, you get to join us on a access live every night for online and live stream
russian. You'll get not one, but two leftist yours tumblers with your membership, as was early, sometimes exclusive access to New Delhi where a product so watch the debate with us on Daily where I come Youtube and Facebook at twenty percent off your daily, where membership with code debate when sign up. Today. You are listening to the largest fastest growing conservative, podcast and radio show in the nation So what exactly is the plan for for Democrats beyond the election? Well, Joe Biden announced finally his plan with regard to court backing so his plan for core backing announcing on CBS this morning to exempt from the election. It's a commission as he is going to have a commission and the commission. going to examine the problems with the people
alicization of the court. So it's a controversial proposal that would add nine justices to the Supreme Court. He is going to put out a commission, of course, so here's the reality. A lot of people on the right are going to spend that as Joe Biden going soft on court packing that he wants to cor pack what it actually suggested that he want to kill his thing softly. He doesn't actually want a court pack. What he wants to do is put out a stop to the various democratic party constituencies and then kind of let it die in the same way. The Democrats keep calling for commissions to explore slavery, reparations without actually introducing a bill at any point, they're going to do the same thing with regard to court packing, which is somewhat quieting, I'm glad they're, not attempting to pack the Supreme Court. A question is whether you think Joe Biden is actually in control of his own administration. I think the answer to that is no. Let's say that the Democrats pass something in the house. Let's say Nancy Pelosi is pressured, is pushing a court packing bill. Let's say that Chuck Schumer, afraid of the AOC wing of the Democratic Party pushes that same bill. You think that Joe Biden's going to veto it
Traina by doing anything coming from the radicals in his party, he is too afraid of what they are going to do. He is too afraid that they will undermine his ability to govern. Do you think Joe Biden is more likely to reach across the aisle to inch Mcconnell, or is he more likely to reach back to his radical left, especially if the possibility arises that demo cats have a heavy majority in the house, as well as a majority in the Senate. At that point, he ain't reaching across the outer Republican. He is reaching over to his radical left. Here was Joe Biden, however, basically attempting to kill the court packing talk by kind of sobbing his base, if elected what I will do is put together a National Commission of Viper Commission of Scholars, cost crucial scholars, Democrats, Republicans, liberal conservative, and I will ask them do over one hundred and eighty days come back to me with recommendations as to how, to reform the court system because it's getting out of whack see you're telling you're gonna US study since you about whether to pack the court
Now whether there's a number of alternatives that are going, well beyond packing. Meanwhile, lurking in the wings is, of course, come Harris. Joe Biden keep saying that Kamala Harris is read to be president on day, one yeah, that's what we're afraid of Joe here was Joe Biden talking about how his radical VP would make an excellent president. I just convinced that we have to form an administration that looks and represent. That's the american people across the board and also of someone who is ready- God forbid day one that they could step up and be the president. I think come to met all those requirements. Okay, so that'll be fun as everybody knows, in reality, when you're, like Joe Biden, you're, not getting Joe Biden you're getting Kamel Harris it's worth, while noting that even Joe Biden is not exactly a non radical, the man was a far left member of the United States in it. For years,
and if you are ready by the way for more lockdowns get ready. Joe Biden yesterday was on the view and Dr Jill an educator right, she's, not a doctor doctor as in. If you have a jillan saving you, she is a. She has her doctorate in education. I believe, but Dr Joe, she says it is not safe. To go back to school based on the science by which she means no science at all. Here she was on the view so get ready for more lockdown of bidens president. Nobody wants to get back to school more than the teachers The educators we'd give anything to be back in our classrooms, but we are listening to what the doctors and the scientists are telling us and when it sank to go back we'll go back now You know we have to do this. Remote learning is up.
They're gonna go for more lockdown, you're gonna see Joe Biden basically pushed around by his own base. That is not a shock in any way. Of course. Meanwhile, Barack Obama has re emerged on the campaign trail because Obama wants is revenge. Obama understands the Donald Trump's election in that two thousand and sixteen was a ringing rebuke of him. It was about Hillary, but it was also about Barack Obama and there's always been a sort of bizarre world. Reverse polarization between Trump and Obama. I've told you before one of my favorite photos in all of human history is the photo of Donald Trump visiting the White House after being elected and sitting next to Brock Obama West Hand, the keys to this place to Donald Trump, and it's just Obama, looking like he wants to die while Trump gives the Trump finger. The trump finger over here yeah to the cameras and behind him and behind them is a bust of Abraham Lincoln. Looking at the floor, it is the funniest thing in the entire world. The fact is that all Donald Trump is the less sophisticated and more brazen version of Barack Obama from the right right. Everything
little Mamma says about down from his drew Barack Obama. It's one of the great ironies of American I politics that Barack Obama is seen as this wonderful spokesperson for hire american ideals. He very obviously is not so time you hear, Obama speak. You should recognize that he's actually critiquing Barackobama, he just doesn't even know it to obama- was out on the campaign trail for Joe Biden yesterday in Pennsylvania, and he said that you have to stop tweeting at the television that doesn't fix this. I get that this President That wants full credit for the economy he inherited and blame for the pandemic that he ignored, but you know what the job doesn't work that way. Tweeting at the television doesn't fix things. Making stuff up doesn't make people's lives better. You got, the plan you ve got to put in the work. Ok, that is a man who never had a plan and really did not put in tons of work and when I say it in
work. I'm not saying that he was lazy. I'm saying that he did not care about reaching across the island, actually making sure that his proposals got passed. His idea of work with signing executive agreements, executive orders, pen and phone governance and speaking to media, who just his ass every single day. I mean that was literally. His idea of the job also there's a great irony to him, suggesting that it's very bad that Trump tweets Abou. The news- I remember- the Obama administration- okay, I'm not sixteen years old, So I remember the entirety of the Obama administration. Barack Obama found out about half the things that have inside his administration. On the news, Obama said Hillary Clinton using an artificial system to conduct government business here, then I found out about that through news reports. He said that he found out about the VS wait time scandal on the news,
and he found out about the IRA targeting conservative groups on the news. He said that he found out about the deal J issuing subpoenas for the Associated Press phone records on the news he said he found out about fast in furious on the news he said he found out about the AIR Force One fly over over New York City for a photo up. He said he found out about that news right Barack Obama, was an observer to his own administration according to Barack Obama, and I was angry- the Trump acts exactly the same way. Barack Obama broke all the president. Donald Trump was just the guy who stomp all over them and ground them into glass, glass. Shards. I mean you just into sand same thing, so Barack Obama went after Trump's language. He said he emboldens others to be cruel and divisive, again, I am old enough to remember the Obama administration. It became stock in trade to suggest that your political opponents were bitter cleaners who are evil nasty races that people has no toasters. Mitt Romney were evil
if you're talking to people in building the cruel and then it might have brought about, was, was no wilting lily in that particular department, heroes of Amr going after Trump. Why what we expect and its acceptance from the President of the United States and how? Why are folks making excuses for their well? That's just that's just him. No, it's o their consequences for these actions. They involve and other people to be cruel and a visit. And racist, oh okay, so I'm when you aren't suggesting that police officers around the country were systemically racist that that that didn't anyone, nobody when you went to a Dallas police memorial after a bunch of officers, were shot and talked about american being bad. That enabled many one it turns out every credit prison
the Barack Obama makes about Trump is also true of Barack Obama, and he said that Trump can't take the job seriously. Now listen, I think a lot of this is true about trump. By the way, I think Trump doesn't take the job particularly seriously. I think Trump does. like like he is outside own own administration. A lot think the the trumps rhetoric is very often bad. I also the world didn't begin. Spending on Donald Trump came president, and the reason you ended up with Trump is because of Barack Obama in Maine, here's Baccala was saying the Trump cant take the job seriously. This from present, I'll. Do an interview with Glozell. I have to appear on between two ferns, I'm going to do a selfie stick picture of myself in the oval office. This is the same Barack Obama, who spent a huge chunk of his presidency hobnobbing with various celebrities. Captain seriousness over here. I never thought Donald Trump would embrace my vision or continue. My policies I did so for the sake of the country that he might show some interest in taking
seriously, but it hasn't happened. that you'd ghastly their ears and shown interest in all the work. I'm sorry they eat just get up inherited body, but himself around me. Rock Obama, The president he's so irritating he's so irritating because the media gas, let the country for eight long years he gas, let the country for eight long years and he's still gas lighting the country. He was the apex of serious, as a human being was just the most serious. He was the most considerate, the most thoughtful, the man who is the most in depth in terms of his knowledge, the most bipartisan, the most scandals free. Okay, if you believe any of that you're an idiot. None of it was true, but we were told all of it was true and therefore you're supposed to just listen and believe my favorite part of Obama's little campaign, some speech on behalf of Joe Biden yesterday,
couple things they were my favorites, so he was talking about how there was report in the New York Times. Tha Donald Trump has a corporation that paid taxes in China because apparently this corporation was seeking to build a hotel in China. At one point and Barack Obama says that's a crazy story right, that's a bad story. I mean, if I had a bank account in China. They call me Beijing Barry, that's what they call me begin. Barry First of all. If anyone calls him Barry during his entire presidency, they were immediately labeled racist because his name is Brock, not Barry, even though he called himself very back in high school number, two the mean He would never call him anything. Anything I wouldn't call him wait to dinner. I mean like come on. Here's Barack Obama proclaiming that he was a victim of media excesses, which is oh, my god. We know that he continues to do business with China, because he's got a secret chinese bank account. How is that pop
is that possible, a secret chinese bank account cut. Listen. Can you imagine if I had at a secret chinese bank account when I was running for re election, you think Fox NEWS might have been lot concern about that. They want to call me Beijing. Bear okay. So I'm glad that Barack Obama is having a fun time on the stump. Barack Obama did receive campaign contributions in two thousand and eight from foreign sources. He later had to return them Barack Obama. When it comes to foreign influence, he did promise the Russians flexibility on an open mic in his twenty twelve reelection campaign, and we were told by the media that it was complete. Nothing burger, Barack Obama in in two thousand eight there was a tape of Rashid Khalidi was a spokesperson for the Palestine an organization like a national terrorist organization. Speaking warmly about Barack Obama, that tape was obtained by the La Times they never released. It yeah, but he was a victim of the media
Surely yeah you're right Donald from his getting here getting easy treatment by the media here and then Barack Obama just lies to top all of it off. He says that Trump messed up the economy. Now this is just a lie. I mean there's just an overt falsehood, Donald Trump likes to claim he built this economy, but America created one point: five million more jobs in the last three years of the Obama Biden Administration, then, in the first three years of the Trump Pence Administration, how you figure that, and that was before he could blame the pandemic. He did inherit the longest streak of job growth in american history, but, just like I are they Elsie and urge he messed up. Ok covered messed up. The why we the assumption that
I can be bought you stupid, remember six months ago or ten months ago is insane, but maybe maybe he's right. Maybe he's right. Ok, meanwhile, descended Democrats continue to push forward with doing nothing, so their campaign is the same as the as the Biden campaign. At this point in that is, do nothing until Donald Trump is out of the White House. so Amy Coney Barret is moving forward toward a vote Senate, Judiciary Democrats say they're going to boycott today's vote on Amy Coney Barrett. They put out a statement This has been a sham process from the beginning. Weird, since you all participated in the judicial confirmation hearing, they say I'm a global pandemic and ongoing an election republicans are rushing to confirm a Supreme court justice to take away healthcare for millions and execute the extreme and deeply unpopular agenda. They been unable to get through Numerous Republicans broke the promises they made in the rules they created when they blocked Merrick Garlands nomination for eight months under, but under President Obama, then send a majority leader Mitch. Mcconnell said the american people should have a voice in the selection of their necks Supreme Court Justice now
weakens, have moved at breakneck speed to jam through this nominee, ignoring her troubling record and unprecedented evasions and bright long standing committee rules to set tomorrow's vote. Okay, no, no! No! No, when the party of the President and the Party of the Senate are not the same senators rarely vote for the nominees of the President of the United States in an election year. That just doesn't happen all that, often by the way. I love that they're, saying that any Kony Barrett has a troubling record. They literally caught her on nothing. They caught her out and nothing and they say unpressed, sensitivation. Oh, you mean her use of the Ginsburg gruel established by one Joe Biden on behalf of one Ruth Bader, Ginsburg sure sure so Democrats say they are not going to grant this process any further legitimacy by participating in a committee markup of this nomination, just twelve days before the combination of an election is already underway. Ok, fine, tough catch! You later so they're they're not participating in the judicial vote. Tough, tough.
Again that their whole philosophy of the judiciary is completely perverse Erwin trim Marinsky, who is a first amendment law, professor at University of California, Berkeley as an entire peace, explaining why the left hates Amy Coney bear it so much. He says her for she makes her incredibly dangerous. Why do we really want our rights to be determined by the understandings of centuries ago? Well, you can determine your rights to the ballot box. The fact that the Supreme Court of the United States is tasked with interpreting a document to mean what it meant that is not a violation of rights. It is a violation of rights to have a bunch of people like Ireland from Marinsky sitting above EU and deciding for you what your rights are Where is he says, a regional is believed. The meaning of a constitutional provision is fixed when it was adopted, it can be changed only by constitutional amendment yup under the under this view, the first him It means the same thing as it did when it was adopted in seventeen. Ninety on and fourteenth amendment means the same thing as when it was ratified in eighteen, sixty eight, yes, because that's how
typically a lot of that magically change and morph based on circumstance. The law means what it meant. If I had a letter to my wife today, it speaks of my feelings for my wife today. It does not change, it does not more if it is not poetry and when you write, that is the purpose of written language literally, the purpose of written language is to codify what people are thinking right. Then he wouldn't read a book just risky and then try to interpret it as a racial parable about America. In twenty twenty This does just wasn't writing about that that silly, but this is the silly constitutional perspective of the left. Tremors he says right in the twenty one. St century should not be determined by the understandings and views of centuries ago. That would be a terrible result. The same congress that voted to ratify the Fourteenth amendment, which assures equal protection of the laws, also voted to segregate the restrictive. When the public schools following original is would mean that brown for support of education was wrong? we decided in declaring laws requiring segregation of schools unconstitutional, ok, we'll let let's play that up. Let's say for a second that the core
not ruled the way they did in brown or support education. You know what happened the Civil Rights ACT. Nineteen sixty four in fact might have happened earlier. Because, as Gerald Rosenberg writes in the hollow hope, it is very rare that the Supreme Court is a leader in any capacity. Usually they simply follow the legislature or state legislatures and they simply forecast a little bit ahead. The attempt to override the rule of law in favor of results that you want is incredibly incredibly dangerous, but that is, of course, what Democrats want from the court. The good news is, they won't get it so they are boycotting the Amy Kony Beard vote well, tough noogie. Who cares that doesn't matter? This thing is going through. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats have decided to block another attempt to provide release to the american people. Thanks to lockdown. According to CNBC Senate Democrats, block Republicans attempts to pass a five hundred billion dollar coronavirus stimulus bill on Wednesday, as House speaker, Nancy Plug. see and treasury secretary diminution make a last ditch push to strike a relief deal before the twenty twenty election.
Much Mcconnell has been telling Trump not to go along with those negotiations. Why? Because Mcconnell knows how this works. Usually, what happens? The minutia gets in a room with Pelosi. He immediately immediately away the restore store from signs off on it, and then it turns out to be difficult angle: the votes in the Senate for a bad deal. So instead, what you're saying is how about this? How about we pass? What we want to pass since we are the party of the majority in the Senate, and then you just stand by that, and the Nancy Pelosi is the obstructionist is as Mitch Mcconnell's position. It happens to be the correct position. Senate Democrats did obstruct yesterday. They once again filibustered a vote that had majority approval. The measure failed in a fifty one to forty four at one vote. It required sixty votes to shut down the filibuster. The stalemate in the Senate extends months of gridlock on Capitol Hill as millions
Eric and trying to afford food and housing and keep their businesses open, await more federal aid during an economic crisis election, your politics have jarred legislative process as new cover nineteen infections reach levels unseen and weeks. Republicans in Congress argue the Democrats of reach for an expensive wishlist filled with many provisions unrelated to the crisis. Mcconnell has said them. Democrats are engaging in all or nothing obstruction as they hold out for a comprehensive deal worth about two trillion dollars is the federal government between the Federal Reserve and the money that has already been allocated by Congress. We ve spent something like sixty seven trillion dollars of our democratic want another two trillion dollars, not a narrow relief package tailored to helping people in the now. They want to bail out states for all of their bad union contracts going back years. They want a bunch of unrelated
provision stacked into a giant pork bill. Democrats meanwhile say that the bill is quote: unquote, partisan and emaciated. The legislation before the Senate on Wednesday included funds for a second paycheck protection program loan or struggling small businesses. A three hundred dollar per we supplement, till unemployment insurance benefit and liability protections for businesses. Among other provisions, it didn't include another round of direct payments to people. Instead, it was designed to get business is up and running again. both Pelosi and and meadows said they aim to have a deal in place before the end of the week. But of course, every time the White House takes a step towards the Democrats position, they risk losing republican support and it is unlikely that Macao is gonna, bring forth a bill that does not have at least the majority of Republicans in support of the bill, so Democrats continue to obstruct covered relief. That is no shock.
They have very little interest in the needs of the american people. This is all about electioneering. At this point. Ok, we'll be back here later today with two additional hours. Content plus go subscribe over daily. Why? Because tonight is the final presidential debate will be covering that life also tuning tomorrow for my debate cap, I'm sure it'll be a doozy. This is the bench Pero show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word please give us five star Review and tell your friends to subscribe to reveal it. on Apple podcasts, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcasts, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Clavin, show the Michael Mole Show and the Matt Wall show Thanks for listening, the Ben Shapiro Show is produced by Colton. Has our technical There is often Stevens exact. the producer, Jeremy boring our supervisor and producers are Mathis Clover and Robert Sterling assistance directly. How the white asking ourselves
producer is the show is edited by Adam Ciovos. Audio mix by MIKE Carolina. Haren makeup is by Nika, Geneva. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire. Two thousand and twenty Democrat. That's contrive a new controversy about President Trump Rudy Giuliani gets caught adjusting his microphone, that's a big scandal and left, Some argue that social media are biased in favour of conservatives. How about that get out on the Michael Show,
Transcript generated on 2020-10-23.