« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1112 - Biden Is The Mystery Meat


Joe Biden openly states he won’t give his position on court-packing until after the election; the Commission on Presidential Debate skews the process against Trump; and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer blames Trump for a terror plot against her.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden, openly states. You will not give his position on core backing until after the elections, the commission on presidential debate skews the process against Trump in Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whittemore blames Trump Free terror plot against her adventure of this is the entropy Russia Eventually, ritual is sponsored by express Vps. Why haven't you got in and a gps, yet visit expressive, gps, dot com, slash than myself. Now I've been telling you a lot over last week in a half about the pole numbers because- and I get a lot of letters from people why? Why are you talk about the pulse of much? Don't you know the poles or just broke up mean on the national level. The poles are not all that wrong. In twenty succeed,
and the state level they're wrong by a couple of points that are not wrong by eight or ten points it right now. The bottom line is that President Trump is trailing. That does not mean that he has no chance. It does not mean the race is over. It does mean that if I'm going to convey the most up to date, information you have to take into account the pulling numbers, especially because pulling companies generally have an interest in being as accurate as possible. Even if you don't like the source of the polling, but there is one poem number today. One pull numbered sedated suggest that trumps chances are significantly more robust poles are running on, is a key Paul, it Zippo from gallop. It is Americans view on whether they are better or worse off than they were four years ago now, given trumps pull numbers and the fact that he is trailing, you would expect that. The vast majority of Americans mean we're in the middle of a pandemic in economic downturn. You to me: in the majority of Americans would say that there are worse off than there were four years ago. If all you have done is listen to
the poll numbers in the media over the past few months. But here is the actual statistic. As of September two thousand and twenty fifty six percent of Americans say they are better off than they were four years ago. Fifty six percent of Americans, okay, that compares to forty five percent in December of twenty twelve. Forty seven percent in October, two thousand and four thirty eight percent in october- Ninety ninety two and forty four percent in July of nineteen. Eighty four- and that is a very, very high number, fifty six percent, if everybody who will They were better off than they were four years ago voted for Trump. He would win going away you'd when a blow out victory, which suggests a couple things. One maybe the poles, are actually under sampling, people who are somewhat enthusiastic about trumpet are not actually to talk about it and to it from could get his personality out of the way you'd be winning this election. In a walk, if you're the.
Commission president and nearly six intend Americans believe that they are better off now than they were when you were elected as a great number, I mean literally Ronald Reagan in nineteen. Eighty four ran on the campaigns Logan. Are you better off now than you were four years ago and the american people said yes and they re elected him in mass numbers? The same thing could happen for trump. If all he did was focused on his policy and the fact that Democrats have no policies that when they do have policies, they are radical that their refuses just how radical until the media have been reliant on a narrative- and we ve been talking about this for months. At this point the narrow,
Is orange man, bad bad man, Orange Orange, bad man like those of the variations of the theme and the only thing they have a strong personality and from his plate into this? If from didn't plans this, perhaps the media would be forced to ask serious questions about Joe Biden and maybe they wouldn't, but he would spend all of his time pressing forward. Maybe every force ask everyday Americans about what they think about the state of the contracts it turns out. Most Americans are pretty optimistic about where they are, as opposed to four years ago. That is a that. It's an astonishing stat, it's an unexpected stead and its one that should give paused Democrats. They should meet you comfortable, and it should give some shot in the arm to the trumpet campaign will get to more of this in just one. Second, the media simply refusing to ask hard questions of jobs. when they do, he just ignore them, we'll get to that just one. Second, first, let's be real that yourself familiar paying too much money. You are you paying way too much money, rhino, gotta, cellular plan with right, generating n t and mobile anything
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You ask ok, so that statistic that that Trump has made people more optimistic than they were four years ago about where they are in the country. That is that isn't, is an astonishingly positive statistic for an incumbent president, but Trump is trailing in the poles and the media have a stake, obviously, that they hate trump the coverage of trump for the last four years since his election, that coverage has been overwhelmingly bad. I mean ninety percent of the coverage has been negative on Trump, despite all the accomplishments, despite the fact that the economy is booming. Every single thing, the trumpets done wrong, is magnified and every single thing that he has done right has been minimized to the point where peace breaks out in the Middle EAST and suddenly that is now being printed on Pay eighteen of the New York Times, whereas, if Brok Obama had it anywhere in the general regional would have been a one news, any Brok, Obama said a thing that the media love, which was every single day a one news whenever term says something that they don't like. That is able. this morning does something that is wonderful. That is page. Eighteen
right now the media are so open in their bias is one of the reasons why the left cannot be allowed when the selection, because the media apparatus have basically mobilise full score behind the hard radical left position, while pretending to be objective at the same time its insulting to the american people. It's ridiculous. They ve given up any pretence that they once had of objectivity, but then they gaslight you by claiming they continue to be objective journalists they simply are not in the best case in point of this is the fact that Joe Biden, the democratic presidential candidate, the likely met president by the Poles and his running May Kamel. Harris refused to answer a very simple but quite important question. Are you going to pack the Supreme Court? Are you going to add seats to the Supreme Court of the United States? Remember that was a policy so radical that efforts are in nineteen. Thirty seven, when you try to do this was rebuked by members of his own party. The Republicans did not control Congress. At that time, Democrats overwhelmingly controlled Congress Endemic,
in Congress like we're gonna like his paws on this one Democrats now, however, are so angry at the prospect of Aimee Coney. There are replacing Ruth Better Ginsburg on the Supreme Court because they believe the Supreme Court should just be a tool of policy making on behalf of the left, rather than a mere your majority, an institution designed to prevent excesses that over on your rights, which is the original design of the Supreme Court, they believe the Supreme Court just be another tool in their arsenal and they're so angry that they want to openly make it another tool in their arsenal is again left play with its media or whether the Supreme Court, whether it's the executive branch, all institutions, become tools in their arsenal. At the same time, they claim that those institutions have institutional legitimacy. They play this double game where they requiem
to show legitimacy, but then claim that you should respect the institution, because the institutional legitimacy ought to remain, and that is an untenable isn't so Joe Biden was asked directly yesterday again again about court packing. There remember Conall Harris was asked in debate just two nights ago, what she would do about core packing and she refused to answer the question in my pants cap drilling her on it and she kept her fusing hands for the question eventually just call them racist, so Joe Biden standing far away from common Harrison, an airplane hang or in Phoenix areas. Oh, he was ass specifically about court packing. in his answer is so unacceptable for any political candidate that it should have the media up in arms. Imagine you'll have to imagine it. Donald Trump has many many many times been asked about particular kind of crazy policies, and Donald Trump go to when there is a crazy policy suggestion that doesn't know anything about it to say what we
thinking about it. We think about all options on actions in that area and the media or what that means that he's totally for readily. We gotta take that seriously. I take that stuff superciliously now that differences again as firms go option, but Joe Biden has a pretty seriously about court backing Kamel Harris came out in twenty nineteen and talk to openly about the possibility of court packing. Other members of the Democratic Party, high actual and members of the Democratic Party have openly backed court packing in the democratic debate. Many of the candidate said they would backward packing Joe Biden. It said he would not now he's gonna completely silent on the issue which sort of bespeaks that he may have changed his opinions. If he was asked directly, yesterday is not first, I'm! U S. Last week, three separate times in a row whether he would back core packing said people already voting. People are already voting in the Durham German
To yesterday he was asked about whether you back court packing his answer was mystery meet those Miss Rennie. What could this chicken surprise me? Is it tricking or as a frog who knows you're gonna find out after when I saw tweet yesterday as such, we Esther Day characterizing binds response here, which is: do you take this woman for better or for worse? Do you pleasure Chastity infidelity you'll, find out after the wedding day. Here is Joe Biden doing this. I unbelievable. Don't know my fingers were packing when the election's over another. I know it's a great question for y'all and I don't blame you for asking, but you know the moment. I answer that question the headline and every one of your papers will be about that other than other than focusing on what's happening. Now
an unbelievably unacceptable answer, are you going to completely deem legitimize Inter branch of government by making it an overtly political institution in which you just stack? The court with a bunch of democrat unease as well you'll find out after the election you'll find out toward yet to pass the bill to find out. What's in it as Nancy Pelosi once said about Obamacare, we found ourselves in it when the great you have to elect me to find out what I'm going to do is a crappy. Unbelievably crappy response. You are you going to completely wreck the third branch of government, that's wild as wild stuff in the media, just sit there and they accept it. I mean they really accepted seriously. There there's an article in Washington Post today talking about how Republicans pounce very very policy,
she is the rule in the media. Is my friend Andrew Clave in his head. When republicans do something bad debt? The bad thing is the story. When democrats do something bad, the Republicans pelting is the story. The Washington Post headline was Republicans, continue, attacking Biden Harris over hypothetical court, packing question hypothetical, isn't hypothetical when you're on your own people Would it out there when you have said that you refused. Yet I pathetically imagine if somebody asked Donald Trump Argue for a federal ban on all abortions from point of conception, and he said you know we'll have to it will have to find out after the election, where I stand on that particular issue. maybe maybe not. I do not find out by either me you'd be satisfied with an answer, but now it's Republicans pouncing of course, so much pouncing it's a hypothetical pouncing. According to the wash imposed. Democratic nominee, Joe Biden and Running may calmly. Harris are facing growing pressure to say whether they would pack the Supreme Court if the Republican led Senate names any Coney birds, the bench over the past few days. A question from a Publicans debate, moderators and reporters has dogged. The pair
it came up again Thursday, when buying was ass at a campaign stop in Phoenix. If you would support expanding the Supreme Court beyond nine justices reentered the conversation in earnest after the death of our budget. Although the Republican Control Centre a few to consider Brok on his nomination in marriage, garland and twenty sixteen set of majority leader Mitchell and his allies have promised confirm beret by November. Third, yes, because the Republicans control the executive and the legislature, or at least the Senate, in response some Democrats have doubts, leave nothing on the proverbial table. Should the party take control of the White House and the Senate set of minority retraction were hinted, he would not rule out core packing. again. It is amazing that the Washington Post, covering this has a story of Republicans pouncing. If you are talking about the Republicans adding seats to the Supreme Court, which they could theoretically do right now, they ve majority in the in the Senate, Prince probably the Democrats and the other media would not be talking about Democrats. Pouncing they'll be talking about the underlying issue, but Joe Biden has so confident that the media will cover has asked for him that he would
uses to enter most basic questions, knowing that he can we get away with anything, they can ask him any question under the sun and he will say the focus right now. The focus Renault should beyond them should be on Donald Measures measure and the meal go. You know what he's right he's right that from guy he's bad is bad. We'll need any answer. Questions answer really really. We are nothing Joe area right. Let's go out some questions of Donald Trump while Joe Biden paving the way for calmly heresy become president's. If you like what you saw in that debate, meaning if your addled then jobs, has got somebody for you. He says that common heritage really presidential, not the fact that he feels the need to say this demonstrates wherever buddies. Headset, remember, Donald from saying is about my pants George W Bush saying was about to change, but is very very present. So, what I remember more was he did a good job in the debate see. The president is supposed me presidential and the vice president is supposed to be vice presidential,
because everybody is afraid that binds gonna plots on the job now binding is forced to talk my presidential Kamel Harris's when she is, at the very least, very non presidential smirky mix Merk face by what love have mediatrix marking. If you're a high school student, native american activist comes up to your face and bangs a drum in your face and your awkward smile. That is a smirk. It's a smart as a racist smart. If your Kamala harris- and you smoked for ninety minutes against the vice president of the United States, while he simply lays that's on you, then that means that your slaying queen anyway, here was Joe Biden. Talking about how presidential calmly Harris was. Is it a great job last night, but I'm focused? I was really proud of her, I'm looking forward to seeing it. You'll, never have to answer a question and she didn't in the debate. Speaking of people want we'll have to answer questions. Nancy Pelosi laid out there. Yesterday that she wants to create a new commission that would be able
objective: we evaluate the president's health and mental health and deprive him of presidency and handed over to the vice presidency, so number one real back and its lamp and slap Jura there and then answer me if you're so confident Joe Biden has can be elected president. It seems like kind of a slap like you think: The jobs lost his mind and you might have to hand it over to Kamel Harris, but obviously this is directed at Trump and the belief that the twenty fifth amendment should not be left to trumps cabinet. Instead, it should be left to some non partisan body, which is to say people appointed by people by like Nancy Pelosi. Harris Pelosi talking about changing the twenty fifth amendment to the constitution to allow an outside body to evaluate what the President of the United States ought to continue in his job, which has just insane model hear people saying, I'm I'm young enough of person perfect specimen instead of addressing the fact that what fifty thousand people were infected reports the fact that yesterday nearly a thousand people died, what are we
talking about here tomorrow, by the way tomorrow come here to Morrow will then be talk about the twenty fifth amendment. So what exactly? Is she talking about? Well right now, the twenty fifth amendment allows for the temporary ouster disable president requires the active participation of majority of the cabinet Easy, however, is now saying that you want some other body to determine whether, in fact, the and the United States ought to want to be ousted from his job. policy unrepresented. Jamie Ruskin of Maryland said press release. They introduce a bill creating a commission to evaluate the presidential, mental and physical fitness. The bill would change Damage commission on presidential capacity to discharge the powers and duties of office. That would enable Congress to help ensure effective and uninterrupted leadership in the highest office in the executive branch of governments, or in other words. There are no longer going to have to in any way impeach now, they'll just go to the
commission on presidential capacity to discharge the powers and duties of office, and they will evaluate whether the President of the United States is is actually worthy of continuing in his job, by the way that addled octogenarian she's she's only via rewards, while the Donald Trump has lost his mind But Joe Biden, who will not answer single question and can get through seven sentences without nearly falling off his feet and anti policy whose technical here and thing in at least two years. The these are the people who should decide whether Donald Trump gets us. in his job, every a duly elected president, becomes the president. These are. These are Institutional attacks on on the republican government mean bigger public enemy in smaller republican, their institutional attacks, but the Good NEWS is the media hates Trump, so much that they will just ignore all of them in a second we're gonna get to more scandal logging divine campaign at the media simply will never asked Joe Biden about what gets it that in just one. Second, first, let's talk about her loss, so here's the reality. A huge percentage of deeds, two out of three dude will explain,
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The hare that you have now get me well stories that are just not can be covered in the media other than acquit blurb. It turns out that divine archer you haven't heard of Divine Archer here's the business. Five hundred Biden now turns out he's going jail, so imagine that the business partner, Donald Trump Junior, we're going to jail today and will soon Donald Trump Junior had been dropped setting around the world picking a bag of cash. On behalf of this what, while using the name of his present in father, wouldn't that be like a big scandal. Wouldn't it be, but apparently hundred Biden is a complete non story and affected hundred buttons. Business partner is now headed off to jail, fraud. That, of course, is a non story as well. The Wall Street Journal reports. Today, a federal appeals court reinstated the conviction of a form business Associated Hunter Biden on securities fraud and conspiracy charges ruling a lower court judge aired last year in vacating injuries verdict. A three judge panel of the Us Court of appeals for the second circuit rule that Divine Archer what at least the general nature and extent of the scheme and intended to bring about its success. The fraud involved. This
sixty million dollars in bonds issued by an economic development corporation affiliated with native american tribe, the proceeds woman used by archer and others according to prosecutors, Archer and Biden or business partners at their times they serve together on the Board of ukrainian Gas Producer Bereavement holdings Hunter binds names the various stages of the fraud as a selling point in transactions according to trial testimony, but the son of the democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden didn't know about it, was not involved with that particular scheme according to Hunter binds. Attorneys federal prosecutors. Never allege that hundred button was where of the scheme. however, he was deeply involved with divine archer in a variety of businesses where they are travelling around the globe, picking up bags of cash in foreign countries. This, of course, will never be asked according to according to debate and Hunter is pure as the driven snow, so that there will never be asked. Meanwhile, Donald from an arrogant has to ask some of these questions about court packing or about anything else, because, of course, the commission on financial debate
unilaterally without consulting medical authorities that they are simply going to cancel the second presidential debate essentially going to make it a zoom debate normally. In order to do that, I have for health reasons when you have to consult him doctors in order to do that. Apparently they even bother to do so. It turns out that today the doktor for the presidential calmly released a hell update on Tromp said today. The president has completed his course of therapy for carbon nineteen, as prescribed by his team of physicians. This afternoon is vital, so Your heart rate, sixteen eighty two minute blood pressure ones we have an already one, which is quite healthy respiratory rate, fifteen to seventeen breaths minute and pasok symmetry. Ninety six to ninety eight percent room air syndrome, home. His physical exam has remained stable and devoid of any indications to suggest progression of illness. Overall, he's responded extremely well to treat
without evidence on examination of avarice therapeutic affects Saturday will be detained since Thursday diagnosis, based on the trajectory of advanced diagnosis, the team has been conducting. I fully anticipate the president's safe return to public engagement at that time. In other words, trunk can do public events according to its own doctors by Saturday. the matter. The deep commission on presidential debate decided it can be assumed, debate for no apparent reason. really. Apparently, there is no actual health reason why they had to do this and not an good news. The media, of course, go right along with this, which is not here, at all ABC News, has announced a town hall for Joe Biden, moderated by George Definite, was the partisan, hack, Kubler, ELF, Georgia, stuff Nautilus who has spent the last several weeks, simply playing often on behalf the Biden campaign a I would two nights ago suggested that might pencils man splaining too. Kamala Harris. Now now he's gonna moderated town Hall, another propaganda feet for,
by Non ABC News October, fifteenth, the prime time of that will take place in Philadelphia where the former VP will answer questions from voters. So I do of the fact that dumb apparently Biden he's gonna fly in. It will be the wise men with George stepping up, was, I don't think he's gonna. Be there virtually that's? Ok, but if there's a debate, that's not ok! Speaking of bias. In this entire process, another presidential debate, moderator whose fallen under scrutiny Islamist, Steve Scully. He once turned a forger Biden apparently, and which is like a lot like this? Is the system did you give it to the commission on presidential debates, Joke Steve, Scully, critics to Thursday night with a tweet that is causing critics to question letter of C. According to Fox NEWS, Washington, he is best known as political letter of C span in hopes of Washington Journal. He apparently and to direct message for Anthony Scare, Muti retreated out scare mochi. Should I responded to drum up message was, of course, directed at Anthony ceremony
Scully with such moderated town hall debate on October fifteenth and that's parts of confusion and fury among critics, I think for the next to be moderator, tweet political, reporter out something reacted. I mean that should be pretty disqualifying it. You literally have a debate, moderator who's, asking one of France, most vocal critics, how he should deal with Trump openly on Twitter, wild stuff, mister All of this debate moderation. Nonsense needs to stop, as I said yesterday, the best form of debate. Honestly just be to have like Rachel, mapped out and me ask questions. at least you know you can get a harsh questions from both sides of the Isle. At this point, meanwhile, did Joe Biden answer any questions on what he thinks the debate shows like, of course not Joe Biden has never answer to question. You need not answer. A question here was Joe Biden asking about the debate, being asked about the debate and saying its irresponsible for him to come. It literally. His entire campaign is here many masking glasses higher campaign here, I'm in a wide human knowledge.
Long time being alive. Human might be enough, but it's something that our political media that that's all they demand of Joe Biden, so they asked him about? You know how the debate should take place, him saying followed the science? Has he normally does right, listen to the doctors, as you normally does now he's like. Well, I have no answers for you. You don't carry on your day. There is Joe Biden we're gonna work. The present Secondly, we need a common now would be a response, and I beg you to follow the Commission Recommendation there's always a rally. I love that. I love that he's as vetoes out and he has a rally. Then I dont know what I'll do, which is an open suggestion that he knows the trumpets Health he bestowed have the debate. Amazing. There is talk about how vital is going to try and avoid the debate
Well now the commission on presidential debate, has just done the work for him by putting forth zoom debate nonsense in just a second we'll get you trump response to all of that. First, let us talk about the fact that you need better employees hell. I need better image, yes, I mean, let's suggest that you want to start your Sean time, is very important to say you're shown time, but your lead producer was too busy going I mean here today where we do not allow you to go to the bathroom, except in accordance with now labour relations at restrictions I'll in and let us be real about this producer coltan. That's on your time it's on your time. What's it to you needed to replace producer coltan because he could not control
you need to head out over to zip recruiter. Zipper will send your job to one hundred of the webs leading job sites, but they don't stop there, but the powerful matching technologies, the Procureur scans, thousands of resonates to find people with the right experience and then actively invites them to apply to your job. Zipper clearer, makes hiring efficient and effective with features like screening questions to filter candidates in all. In one dashboard, where he can review and rate your candidate, zipper grew so affected that four out of five employers who postpones a procure equality, Canada, then the very first day. Right now he tries to procure for free. My listeners can have on over to zip precludes outcomes lash daily wire at a zipper jacket, Slash D EL, why w I reciprocal reads outcome. Slash daily Wired is the way to upgrade your staff. Even wonderful employees like Coltan apparently suffer from some sort of a I'm sort of medical aid should go check now. Zip precludes outcome. Slash daily, worry that got kind of harsh uncle. My feel like just a little harsh anyway. Anyway speaking
Of course, the commission on presidential debate, pretty obviously bailing out Joe Biden here, president from said, was an is pretty obvious. You're trying to protect Biden. Yes, yes, here is ears from yesterday. They didn't even tell us about that You just learned us this morning: in the same way, you learn tat. They called up to me to go and it was announced and that predict tried to protect by everybody. The giant like that NBC disaster, where you went on to show it after all, there is like it was meant for a child that is a hundred percent by weight from his head, an alternative suggestion and bind hasn't taken him up on it. so Trumpery election campaign released a statement pointing out that probably medically cleared for safe return by Saturday There is therefore no medical reason why the commission, on presidential debate, should shift the debate to a virtual setting, postponement or otherwise alter it anyway,
On presidential debate, Chairman Frank, Farren cop admit they consulted with now one before unilaterally changing the format of the debate well, in advance of knowledge about the president's condition would be underpaid night. The commission must stop protecting Joe Biden from this in person debate and allow the oven, proceeded. It was agreed two months ago the american People can see through this obvious attempt, she'll Biden from another shall acting like you got two weeks ago in Cleveland C, p d must reverse coarse and let the debate proceed. That, of course, is correct. Apparently, Tromp is also proposing an alternative which is ok, let's hold these second debate October. Twenty second, it was supposed to be October, fifteenth and October. Twenty second for second and third debate. He saying That was just the way everything by wait, you're so worried about it. Fine we'll do the second debate, the twenty second to the thirty eight October, twenty nine and binds campaigns. I kept that's too close to the election. You can't have it both ways, guys you been claiming But you can't answer simple questions. Could voting is already under way to vote? already under way. What do you care how close to the actual election date? Any of this is that makes no sense
people been early voting for months according to you, ok, meanwhile, in other news- and this again goes to media bias, it goes to the the really bad faith of Democrats. It's really amazing. It really mean so I have been extremely consistent. I my perspective on the connection between political rhetoric and violence. My perspective has been clear for literally here and here's the perspective, if you're not openly advocating violence, if you're not advocating violence or not responsible for violence and if so, Miss uses your words to go. Do something evil you're not respond over the misusing or words to go you evil. Also, you cannot impute to somebody motive that they did not actually show meaning that, if somebody goes in, does something, and they have nothing to do with me or Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump or Barack Obama. You cannot then claim that they have something to do with us, UK do that it, because that is unfair and it is wrong. There is some there's something called these
for the agency in law? There's a concept called scope of agency scope of agencies. Where I deploy an agent, you go you x ray. I want. I want producer coltan to go into tat, go pick up something at Fedex for the purposes of the studio. He is now my agent in going to pick up. The thing at facts for purposes of the state ok. If coltan, then, for some odd reason, decides to go out and do cocaine on the side of the road that is outside the scope of agency amount, implying anything about corns activities right now comes really taken on agenda. But the fact is that outside the scope of agencies outside it, hope of agency. Well, there is no agency when someone decides to commit a terror attack against the sitting governor in the United States, Donald Trump, like you know, a guy, I want you to go, perform a terrorist The reason that I am bring this up is because the media and the Democrats are now claiming that Donald Trump is responsible for an attempted kidnapping plot against Cover Christine Governor Gretchen Whitman. Ok, so women, rather than regression Whittemore according to that
Right, free press, bewildering, watchman militia Group didn't just plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whittemore there on a mission to attack the state capital and target police officers at their homes as part of a broader mission to instigate a civil war according to authorities thirst they now this in announcing felony charges against thirteen militia members. Using a sensational case of domestic terrorism attorneys old International referred to the accused, as extremists are hoping to recruiting numbers by seizing on a moment of civil unrest to wreak havoc on a country should identified the militia group bewildering Watchmen, whose where's, our accused of, among other things, conducting surveillance outside Whitworth vacation residents, using code, language and encrypted messages, throb, police and planting a bomb under a bridge to divert law enforcement, so obviously an act of a tremendous evil. They were planned, here Nestle said: there's been a disturbing increase in antigovernment rhetoric and the re emergence of groups and embrace extremist ideologies. This is more than just political disagreement or passionate advocacy. Some of these groups mission is simply to create chaos and inflict harm upon others.
Hey, so the the implication that media have drawn from this. Is that because these people were anti government and want to start a civil war and were members of what be probably term, they far right militia that they must have been trump fans or that Trump instructed them to do all of this, or something like that which is Republicans, claiming that the congressional baseball shooting is the responsibility of Bernie Sanders. Museum Bernie Sanders then went and shot members of Congress and nearly killed Steve's coolies. But here's the thing The right generally range from the left is not less credible. Oklahoma City bombing on Russia now the left is attempting to blame this kidnapping plot on Donald Trump bewildering watchmen group is one of an estimated two to three dozen Michigan militia groups. Some fear could pose a growing threat according to the Detroit Free Press, this, has always been a hotbed for militia activities has Amy Cougar senior lecturer at Vanderbilt University Thursday law enforcement rested thirteen including seven members of Wolverine Watchman. Apparently they wanted to kidnap
take her to Wisconsin put her on trial for treason. The conspirators were frustrated, upset about many things, including the fact that during the pandemic, the state was controlling Jim openings. They called Whittemore a tyrant, be word and sought to train and recruit others into their ranks. More than a dozen people investigators had met in Dublin Ohio and talk to form court case decided to follow the: U Dot S bill of rights and where they can be self sufficient. It is cuz, peaceful and violent ways to do this. While you know what is not in the US rights are actually kidnapping sitting members of the government and then attempting to execute them. It turns out these people are carried, apparently they believe state governments whereby, in the constitution and eight hundred murdering tyrants or taking a sitting governor. Bewildering watchman, was founded by PETE Mazurka forty two inches of more than twenty six lived together in Munich Michigan and are now each charged with the threat of terrorism throughout the summer. The combined group decided they needed firearms and technical training and homemade bombs to block police vehicles and two hundred men to storm the capital and take hostages. They also discuss the shooting at the governors, vacation home.
So most about where most of the militia groups in Michigan. According to this, professor, our law abiding, so not all militia groups, are the same. Here's the prosecutor, saying that would their plan was a war what they actually wanted was tremendous levels of violence in the street. The individuals in custody are suspected to cohabit. did to identify the home addresses of law enforcement officers in order to target them made threat violence intended to instigate a civil war and engage in planning and training for an operation to attack. capital building of Michigan and kidnapped. Officials, including and are of Michigan. So this prompted Governor Gretchen Whittemore to say that this was all transport so that this incredible thing it really is,
It's like I give Republicans had come out after the congressional baseball shooting in overtly blame Bernie Sanders. No wonder this! Only members left get away with this kind of crap, implying that their political opponents are responsible for acts of violence, of which they not only do not approve. but in this case from steel J, was intimately involved in the actual prosecution here. But here is Gretchen Whittemore Remit, the pretty it is pretty despicable to claim that your political opponents are responsible for acts of violence against you. Not the ones were actually performing the violence, but people, broadly speaking, who oppose your lockdown power. Yes, but that's exactly what Gretchen Whittemore does right here. Just last week the president of the United States stood before the american people and re fused condemn white, supremacist and hate groups like these. Two Michigan Militia groups. When our leaders speak, there were Matter they carry weight when our leaders meet with encourage
We're fraternize with domestic terrorists, legitimize their actions. are complicit. Ok, so I have a question and if we're when used this logic. Presumably the entire democratic leadership is responsible for the excesses of black lives. Matter have been burning down, city again, Bernie Andrews is responsible for the rational, based bullshitting doesn't make rock Obama responsible Dallas police, shootings that happened back in to them. An answer in sixteen you'd make Barack Obama responsible for eyes that happened the Milwaukee, but we can play this game all day. Long. Ah day Mohammed. This game is: he still the game and it's an immoral game and as a game, apparently demo It's getting any media, just back them TIM Albert of the Washington post. He treated out read his intel briefings and understood the dogma of white nationalist groups. Heed Why is the language like liberate? Michigan is reddish tacit permission, if not explicit encouragement from militias to take action, but gave you remember that that back in the middle of the pandemic,
seventeen from food out now, capital, lower letters, liberate, Michigan and either terms like this seems like a kind of a dumb technically. Well, you make a policy and then tell people what your policy is but liberate mission and is not a call to violence against the Michigan government Amy sickened is another member of the left wing media. She treated out the FBI thwarted. What they describe supplanted by We overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Governor graduate. My the plot was hatched by Michigan Militia, recalled Liberate Michigan and repeated rhetoric from from Members, the media will not shy about this, keep boycott of CNN. He said, trot As you know, the enemy of the people. Caesar science sends pipe bomb CNN from preach about anarchists and agitators. Pal Rittenhouse kills two people in Canosa from which we deliberate Michigan. Six men try to kidnap the governor of Michigan. Eight, so number one. If you say that CNN is calling for the enemy of the people, I've decried that language has. Frankly, I don't think that you should use the language of Joseph
I want to describe members the media that does not mean you're responsible for people, then threatening the media with acts of violence anymore than the Democrats have been calling from there. I'm a trader and it in a person who is giving incentive to murder. Now. Someone goes interesting. fascinate, the president of the United States. On that basis, I still don't think you ve broken responsible for that by the way linking Kyle Rittenhouse of any of this is is absurd. How written did not go to the notion of murder. Anybody, so even listing him there is just in this list is just absurd on its face women, Michigan is not. Is there any evidence that we have seen that it was that we had anything to do with anything like seriously didn't? Do something can you actually require some evidence, there's more evidence congressional Bullshit was mimicking the language, a bird standards than there is that these guys were following trumps, led, especially the alleged ringleader declared Donald Trump an enemy openly here like Trump, you thought tromp was a cook. You wanted
he he wanted civil war. He wanted unrest because he believed that it is up to the militias to liberate the country is the alleged ringleader literally calling Donald Trump an enemy, but we ignore all of this, of course, because the narrative has to be promulgated. Does not your friend do it's. It's amazes me that people actually like believe that. When he shown over and over and over again The tyrant Every single person that works for government is your enemy. Ok, so down from the president, cosmic irony is exactly the same language that he used about. Gretchen member does not matter according to the media. This is from salt visits, how despicable media arming, truly despicable and the fact that Gretchen Whittemore gets way that that's a despicable thing to say it's spill thing to say it is gross at the highest level, and I think that related to leave- and I had almost are horrific, credence and anti semite. I do not think they are calling openly for
violence against Jews in the United States, and I would not blame Ehud Olmert refused to leave if some terrorist some islamist terrorist decided to kill Jews, are not limited to two and Omar. I can change their rhetoric without suggesting that they are calling for open violence against Jews tat, you can do the same thing would believe it or not. You can these distinctions. Nuances allowed in politics, but here's the point lack of neurons is the goal. It is not a bug in the system is a feature for Democrats for the media. They love the lack of new ones and they love being able to cast Trump as some sort of terrorist ringleader. On a basis of nothing I managed to into you gross. Go, get two more of this in just one. Second, of course, is all about creating more a broader overall narrative, which is again making the elite in a referendum on Trump personally and making from a stand in for suppose it american racism, and if the, if the square peg does not fit into the round hole, then you just hammer away at the peg until it fits into the hole
what do you see? This is just a second America is Racist America's evil and doesn't matter. I have to get to that conclusion, and you have to tell you conclusion it from the ringleader of this racist evil. America, you just keep hammering away you just keep hammering away, and the media are doing it. Our business leaders are doing it that the culture clash in this country is getting to the point where aid is getting almost unbridgable. We'll talk about more of this in just one. Second, first, as you may have noticed, is a really important election year. It really important election year, but we ve got centre races, ok, Generations are going to decide whether the Democrats are able to add new states to the Senate Pact, a Supreme court, yet a presidential race which President Trump is running against Joe Biden and European, refuses to answer simple question How radical he is going to be an stuff. He has already said in his platform. Is damned radical enough? If you are a conservative, you need to get active. The number one question I get from folks is: how can I get more active? What can I do? I'm telling you right now you need to go to keep America, America,
dot com right now. Voting has already started in some states and is about to start in others. If you live in Ohio early in person, voting began a few days before the election in Arizona. It is twenty seven days before the election, so you need to go keep America American. I come right now they will get you the most trusted up. they'd boating information while you're there please commits to one person to the poles, just one or help them complete a male unbalance, the twenty six What was decided by thousands about not millions. This could be a very close election again. Every little bit helps you need to do your part. Gotta keep America, America, DOT. Com right now make this the biggest get out the boat effort and conservative history. Let's keep America America COM go check them out. Right now keep America
thought dotcom. Ok, just a second. When you get to the broader overarching narrative democratic, trying to draw every data, point will be skewed and twisted to fit. The narrative trump is a racist and stand in for Racist America, a deeply divisive and disgusting message when it's more of this injustice. Second, but first earlier this week, I told you guys got a conference taking place at the end of October. Expert ownership lives virtual today event about leadership through crisis. the conference will be hosted by David Andreasen, venom more commonly known as the venom brothers. I know the venom brothers their excellent conservatives that there are people who actually remember them from home and garden. You data show there and then turns out there. A conservative Christians and HTTP was like well, it can deal with both people and they stood on principle. I'm excited to tell you the boat brothers, David inflation, or can we special gas appearing on all access live to night? Get on there? You can talk to
about the current state of business, how to build a multi million dollar company, and I can ask about the past experiences. Mightily baseball players, which is kind of on these guys, are great a lot of fun to hang out with show if you aren't member. Yet it is time to join the ranks as in all access member use code. Venom right now to get twenty percent off. Remember only all access members gets join, these all excess live sessions or a daily warehouse hops on during the week chat with you on live stream and in the comments the Alexis membership The future is not one, but you leftist years tumblers with your membership as well as early, sometimes exclusive access to new daily wire product self use code. Venom right now get twenty sent off if you're, not already a member and join the venom. Brothers live. no one is another great uploaded Sunday special by the way coming up. This weaken this weekend.
My daily wire is a very own God can. Jeremy Boreing has finally happened, and I will talk about how we started working together. What his sad dull life was like before we started working together, how we want the daily wire, where we go from here. Take a look at this amazing trailer. The worst moment for our business came when we were the company with generating two thousand eight hundred and twenty nine million dollars that year and we almost lost the business cuz. Even success can destroy accompany and what we were dealing with at that moment is success with destroying had on over
Daily word, I can't listen, I'm Appleton Cast spot a five or wherever else you get your progress. Also, it is indeed a glorious tamiflu. Gonna give a shadow to a daily where member today, its pensive head fly on Twitter was not prepared for the incoming cheered up to now me in the pick, the world's greatest beverage vessel is sitting in a baking. Pan help contain the bountiful harvest of tears. The captain Reid, I dont, know what happened Penthouse Harris about packing the court and it just started overflowing. I gotta gotta find a bucket be right back hashtag leftist years timber, hashtag, VP debate. Well, perhaps party be, can help you find, but the bucket and a mob. Yes, the leftist years were indeed flowing well done. Vice president, thanks for the shadow thanks for being a daily wire member, your listening largest Festus, going into replied, Captain Radio show in the nation is already so there is it broader overarching narrative, NED, the Whittemore allegation. ty into, and that is that America is a deeply racist place filled with white supremacist
just for being emboldened by the presidents of the United States and Democrats, are fighting back against her. This horrific infrastructure in the United States and corporate Amerika has joined in on this ridiculous quest. The media are all in on all of this. All you have to do is just Castro reason outside. All you have to do is just become completely, blind, deaf and dumb to the actual real world in order believe this kind of crap so few examples Karen at Yahoo, just an awful columnist over at the Washington Post. And she's, a woman of color herself. I believe that she was up for the the Pulitzer Prize at one point, but she is definitely a victimize human She writes on international affairs and social issues. She has a peace today, titled America hates to wet black women speak all about how my pants Katmandu corrupting man Rob calmly Harris Karen Acheson's Retards break left killings while walking on a tightrope but our historic debate, appearance on Wednesday. That's exactly what calmly Harris had to do that: plexiglas,
to be installed for the showdown between Harris and Vice President was visible reminder that the Trump Administration has recklessly play down a deadly virus. The plexiglas was so an onstage reminder of the berry. That non white women face when vying for political power in this country is out. The plexiglas was: was it because I'm in it's a glass, so I was invisible. Reminder was the price you ask very, very interesting stuff, also just gonna know most counts. She actually talk more than he did also. Is it really true that America hate slept black women speak Oprah, Winfrey is a very, very rich black woman she's been a very, very rich black women, most powerful and influential cultural voice in America. Over the past thirty years, because America, he slept black women speak Michel about is the most popular woman in America. By pulling data, she happens. We, a black woman, does America hate to let black woman speak?
The main reason the common Harris was selected, as vice president, is for horizon her gender. As our me saying that Joe Biden set it, you said you wanted a black woman right, so it is it because America hates let black women speak. The amount of stupidity that you have to fall pray you to believe this narrative is truly astonishing, but don't worry it's not just our media that push this nonsense. It is also the the business apparatus because businesses everywhere have decided that it is their job. You go woke the Walker they get the more money they will make. No, I think they are mistaken in this particular assessment. I think that the vulgar they get the more people are going to now and find alternative ways of doing business. But here is the latest from corporate Amerika, which again is risk averse and all they do is listened to the squeakiest we'll that's all they do is listened to the sweetest wheel. Which is why eventually, the right wing is gonna, get kind of squeaky as well, and then corporate because gonna have to make a choice. Do you wish You simply ignore all the squeaky wheels, which is what you should do in order to provide your products and services to people. Or are you just going to appeal to some squeaky
he'll setting nor the other squeaky wheels, in which case you will end up with two separate business lines. The reason I bring this up is because Yelp today announced the dumbest policy. I have ever seen a major corporation announced. This is the stupidest policy. I have. Heard. Yelp is now going to allow consumer alert, You will be alerted if somebody alleges Business has engaged in racism, I'm not getting so some crazy person walked into the local Mickey these pretends that somebody wrote a racist thing on the receipt. This happened like a thousand times now in the media. Yelp will now report that on the page and issue a consumer alert the perhaps this business is the site of racism, based on an unsolved, unverified allegation by random user. I can't imagine how people would misuse this. I can't imagine that people would attempt to shake down businesses by basically saying you know what you could do. You could give me like a free coupon or I could just go on yelp, and I could allow
that you guys are mean the black people. I can't imagine that anybody would misuse this kind of thing according to Yelp quote when we noticed an unusual spike on it. The annex inactivity on a business is your page Our team moderators will investigate and temporarily to save and temporarily disable content. As you place, an alert businesses page to warn users at some of these reviews may not be based on four ten experiences, but here's what we will do when incident involving racism occurred will default with general public tension alert to inform consumers what associated with the business was accused of or the target of racist behaviour. Escalate to a business accused of racist behaviour when there's resounding evidence of egregious racist actions from a business owner or employee, such as using overtly racist slurs or symbols and solar will all linked to a news article from a credible media outlets so use can learn more hours about launder all this crap through CNN. Great.
So as soon as you have a credible news outwit, namely a left wing news outwit that accuses Mickey these racism, then it is linked to it and then you'll issued alert a business accused of racist behaviour. If somebody is accused of races, However, that would just be a public attention alert. So there you don't need evidence of public attention, alert will judge. I can't Imagine how this will be abused, cannot imagine it and your seeing this kind of crap emerge and corporations around the country, Aristotle Goober earlier this year suggest that they were going to give special discounts you black own businesses, which by way. I believe his federally legal, I don't think so. Actually are allowed to discriminate on the basis of race in pricing. It's an amazing amazing thing, but according to our communities, we currently have in reaction to current events at the local level, as the nation reckons with issues of systemic racism.
seen in the last few months. There is a clear need to warn consumers about businesses associated with egregious racially charged actions to help people make more informed spending decisions or is there is there now yes, and it no way this is misused, probably will be re, probably it'll be it. Meanwhile, how endemic is systemic racism? When I talk about the media and the corporate complex this notion that America systemically racist and then, if you dont say that amount specifically racist, you yourself are racist. I mean it. I did. There is an article today from the Washington Post. That is so absurd on its face. There ought to be completely disregarded, will not be. It is part of the six article series from the Washington Post, titled, born with two strikes, how systemic racism shaped George Floyd's life, and how
hold his ambition or can never be real about George Floyd. Whatever happened, you George Lloyd, and it looks to me, like excessive use of a police force to sit on the guy's neck for eight minutes and forty seconds habitats. Excessive use of force that the case from her is trot here? In fact, even the case for excessive force may not be shouted depending on whether whose suffering from excited delirium, whatever the cases with George Floyd George Floyd, was not some wonderful person who was was bound for glory in american life, but then was thwarted by systemic racism in America. That is not what happened to George Lloyd. What happens you? George Floyd, can be a tragedy. It could also be a crime, but that does not mean that America responsible for his personal failure. Throughout the course of his life, the Washington Post, it tries to claim the George laid down for the Supreme Court. I could you not I'm not kidding. You heard the first words George Floyd did time in jail for pointing a gun,
At a pregnant woman stomach by the way, the woman, I believe, is of color, you pointed a gun at her stomach during an armed robbery, but according to the Washington Post that, just because a systemic american racism, I am dead serious. This is the idiotic narrative. You ready, his life began. As last embers of the civil rights movement were flickering out. A terrific videotaped end ignited the largest antiracist movement since with demonstrators the world over marching for social justice in his name during the forty six years in between George Perry, Floyd came of age, as this sure of Jim Crow Discrimination in America gave way to an insidious form of systemic racism, one that continually undercut his ambitions early in life, you wanted to be a Supreme court justice, then a pro athlete at the end. He just long for a little stability training to be a commercial truck driver. All were bigger rooms than he was able to achieve in his version of America. We are cause Clarence, Thomas
rob any homo sharecroppers and ended up on the Supreme Court. Congolese arise went to church those firebomb by racist. It turns out that over Winfrey Group instruments should single mom in tremendous poverty. She kind of successful Michelle Obama. Some pretty successful, Barack Obama's been pretty successful, but George Willard was hobble by systemic or using a supreme court. Justice was George, would interest by coincidence that he was in and out of jail for nearly all of his at all life and that he ended up with the dying with more fetnah won his system than a horse can handle like this is the most absurd contention is absurd? Third, while Floyd's lifespan coincided with many advancements for black Americans as the Washington Post, some of them dramatic. His personal path highlights just how much these hard fought gains remain out of reach for millions like him, my mom show you to tell us going up in Amerika. You already have two strikes as a black man, floods younger brother villainies, said in an interview you're gonna have to three times as hard as anybody else. If you want to make it in the world, like many black Americans Floyd
behind long before he was born in the whole thing is about. George flight was victim throughout his life. Now again, let's be real about this. The end of his life can be a tragic and also his entire life can be a series of bad decisions. Ok is his entire adult life appears to be a series of bad decisions, and yet again, this is the fault of White America. Is the fault of White America. Amazing amazing, amazing stuff. But this is the narrative The media are attempting to draw the narrative that's being drawn. My people up to and including Michelle Obama, is that America is racist and terrible and that people who are protesting or not writers and looters, there's just wonderful, peaceful protestors, and we have to ignore the writing in eluding because of the greater point, which is that America so systemically racist. Michelle Obama is probably the best selling author of the last fifteen years in the United States, a front runner for the presidential nomination. For the Democrats, if Joe Biden does not win We, even if Joe Biden leads office at some point, it's it's hard to be it's. It's so terrible, be a black person in America that
literally. The most admire people in America are nearly universally black at this point and barometers Michelle Obama is black Lebron James is lack. Look at a field in the end, It states and you will see black faces in positions of power, which is a great thing. It speaks to the towers Erika the diversity of America, it speaks to the fact that we have an open meritocracy. That is an excellent excellent thing, but, according to Michelle Obama, undemocratic and America is systemically racist and systemically evil, so racist and evil that people like George Void according to the Washington Post, are victims of systemic american racism. Again, the Washington Post, printed in actual claiming that George Floyd's life was a series of misadventures because of systemic american racism, not because you repeat criminal, who is in and out of jail, nearly his entire adult life. So here, Michelle Obama, just a couple of days ago. Downplaying writing, moving pretending that they don't exist in it in a video where she was calling Trump and America by extension, completely racist. Their stoking fears, black and brown Americans lying about how minorities will destroy
where the suburbs whip violence and intimidation, and they are pinning at all on what's in an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity, its true research backs it up Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had in violence at all, only a tiny action, hundreds have had violence, hundreds have had violence, a tiny fraction. The study that she's talking about sex that only about seven per cent of the protests across the United States devolves into actual violence Oh, you know well, if only seven percent of tea party protests had evolved in actual violence, probably that would be mostly peaceful as well completely ignoring riding and looting to say that Trump is a racist. Pointing out riding and looting bespeaks, a particular vision of the United States. That is quite ugly and is quite wrong. Pages Vision of the United States, shared by people like calling capital, has been treated as a hero like an actual hero for being an extremely wealthy. As it turns out, mediocre and fell.
quarterback. They had one disease in and then he sucked so much to be thankful, Blaine Gabbert and, like I knelt for the national anthem on the basis by the way of a shooting that happened, I believe in Oakland that turned out was justified by the police. He wore a you are a pair of socks at suggesting that we're pigs disguise held his hero. Now he is saying not only that America's deeply racist, of course, in every respect. Also he this this new goodwill ambassadors from the NFL he has suggested that he is now that the police ought to be completely defended. He published an essay on Tuesday with a message, driving a change of heart he's experienced since holding his kneeling positions in twenty seventeen. He says he is opposed to reforming law enforcement at all. He prefers a total abolition of Please in presents: don't worry, he's not a radical dies, he's not a radical. He just wants mainstream police reform. He just worried about excessive police.
Use of force. He's not a radical anyway Helen Cabinet he's the heart and soul of racial justice reform in the United States. Under the sub headline sub Heading title, F, Reform Cabinet wrote, his thinking was quote fastened to a reformist framework. method. He missed the larger picture or even major changes to policing, would produce similar problems to those that incorporates mine currently plague enforcement of current Emily's naughty for daily wire. The focus on individual punishment will never alter the outcome of system rooted in black death said cabinet. I want to change. I wanted it to stop. I wanted to reform where I saw it. The reforms often proposed use of forest policies, body cameras, more training, police accountability were the same recycled police reforms consistently proposed in the past and in both the past and the present. These reforms have done nothing to stop the actions that force us to see their names. So what do you want? He wants the end of policing and the end of prisons, which is
crazy meet you need police to enforce the law coming happening needs the police to protect, presumably his multi million dollar estate and very expensive cars that he is that he has achieved in this horrifically racist and backward country. He says to me, the steady cascade of anti black violence across this country. I am hopeful we can build a future than imagines justice differently, a future without the terror of policing and presents terror of policing. It seems, like the terror of criminals, would be a more justified here, a future that prioritizes harm reduction. Redemption and public well being in order to create a more just and humane world, always net nice. Of course, this does not involve any solutions, as you may have noticed. He says the ever present threat of premature death at the hands knees, chokehold, teasing guns of law enforcement has only further ingrained its anti black foundation in the institutions of policing. In order to eradicate anti blackness, you must also abolished. The police, the abolition of one without the other is impossible. He says that this web wide, ranging effects but resists the urge to explain how any law enforcement will result in an
two homelessness and other social ills other than to speculate the money. bent on policing, will be redistributed in a way not guided by white supremacy. Of course, much is by abolishing policing in prisons only can we eliminate white supremacist establishments. We can create space for budgets to be reinvested directly into communities dress. Mental health needs homelessness in house looseness, access to education and job creation, as well as community based methods of accountability. Ah, yes, if we just dumb trillions of dollars into local government initiatives, It's not like you know, say, like headstart programmes were midnight- basketball, probably that will solve the crime problems, except that the only thing that, to solve the current problem in the United States is more cops on the street end of story at the end of it. I hate me there's one robust finding and social sciences that more cops on the street means less crime, but, of course, Capron. It doesn't care about that cause. He doesn't have to deal with the consequences crime he's got the entire media massaging his shoulders ass? He declares the entire police establishment racist and he's got them, Credit party mimicking this language It is pretty amazing stuff that cabinet again he's post be moderate,
continues to say the same things the Michelle Obama says they keep saying things like the threat of death from one Foresman against black Americans is ever present. It is hard to think of a graver, live this is such an unbelievable lie? Statistically speaking, it is not ever present, statistically speaking there. Forty two million black Americans in last several years, the number of black unarmed Americans killed by the police Has been under twenty out of forty two million people, but apparently the threat of death is ever present, no matter what you are doing this. Again and attempt to draw a narrative about America. That is just a lie. It is just a lie and that lie has consequences because, as it turns out, those who want to defend the police are checking up the rate of homicide and violence I love is the Washington Post finally noticing this quote. The homicide rate is speaking. A trouble police departments, reeling from street demonstration seeking racial justice and accountability and a city budget is ravaged by the coroner virus economy is in Oakland the push to reshape police to pay
is occurring in cities across the country, but it is perhaps nowhere more evident than here in Oakland. We're veteran activists want too sharply reduced the police budget, but much of the broader community is struggling with what that would mean in a place that, for the past decade has been dedicated to rethinking how it polices its people. The argument for a smaller force and larger social service agencies has gained momentum. Nearly It calls for cuts of up to half of the police departments. Three hundred million dollar budget were popular among protesters, but cutting a municipal police force. In a large city has proved highly complex at a time. Economic slowdown caused by the pandemic has greatly reduced the amount of public money to go around and crime has bite has seen a surge in shootings in homicides which, in the second quarter of this year, has more than doubled from the previous one. Violence and vandalism that come with some of the street protests have rattled business community that supports in principle a more preventive approach to addressing when the beautiful things about being a Democrat about being a member of corporate Amerika that backs this kind of antiracist.
garbage and has put antiracist in scarecrows, because that's the Ebro Candy Robin the diangelo version of anti racism, which has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with NEO marxist claptrap predictable results of this are more minorities, getting hurt, more people dying, more businesses being looted, more businesses being broken into, but calling cabinet doesn't have to care. Michelle Obama doesn't after care there and have to care. They know full well the consequences of what they say, but since they are being back massage by a democratic establishment, is perfectly willing to an not just willing eager to for the narrative of Racist America. These are the heroes. These are the Heroes in America. The people who are making life worse every day for people desperately needed more More line enforcement, not less one, forcing people desperately in need of more opportunity, not less opportunity and people desperately in need of more encouragement in a free society.
Not be pervasively disgusting message that you are born with two strikes on you, no matter what in the United States if you're born black, which is just a lie, already we'll be back here today with two additional hours of content. Otherwise we will see a here on Monday. Try not to wreck things this week, and I say this: every single weaken I would love to come off than the last of the jewish holidays had loved come off the last of the jewish holidays and run Sunday night and four things not beyond fires to see if he could do mean that little favor, if not whatever I'll, be here. To recap it with you. On Monday, I ventured roses. The bench Barroso if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us a fire, STAR Review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to pod gases also be sure to check out the other dearly wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show that Michael moles show and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening Dementia Bureau show is produced by coltan hearts. Are technical director is often Stevens.
Executive producer, Jeremy boring our Superman, in producers are math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant era. How the white asking ourselves producer is Nick. She shows that My Adam silence, audio midst by make comments here and make up its mind. You could. and even then Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty furthermore, while show not just another show about about. eggs. I think there are enough of those already out there. We talk about culture, because culture drives politics and drives everything else. So my it focuses are life family faith. Those are fundamental and that's what the show is about how we help given a lesson.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-09.