« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1097 - The Lies Of The Fact-Checkers


Facebook removes two separate ads for violating the scruples of fake fact-checkers at Politifact; Biden pushes anti-vaccine propaganda as Trump fights with his CDC director; and Kamala Harris pushed a bail fund that bailed out some rather unsavory characters.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Facebook removed to separate conservative ads for violating the scruples of fake fact, checkers a bullet effect, Joe Biden pushes answer: I've seen. Propaganda is from fights with his CDC director and calmly. Harris pushed a bail fund that bailed out some rather unsavory characters, and then this is the Spiritual today show his bonds or by Express bbn, protect your data from prying eyes, had expressing ppm dot com, slash, but we'll get you all the news of the day and plenty of news. There is what gets all of it in a second first, let's talk about.
All the money that you're giving away with your cell phone bill. I mean lots and lots of money. A lot of that is because you bought the unlimited data package. Didn't you didn't you and in doing so you're paying way too much money for your cellphone coverage? What if I told you that you could have the exact him coverages, like agency, Verizon, T mobile same internet cable. You tell that, like all the stuff that you need from these places, except maybe paying a lot less money pure talk, gives you the exact same coverage, the same towers, the same bars, because you have no contract, no excessive fees in save a lot of money, and you can do better things without money than handed over toward me. I'll phone companies right now enjoy unlimited talk. Text to gigs of data offer just twenty bucks a month. The average person is having four hundred dollars a year on their wireless bill so grab your mobile phones are upheld, fifty and say, Ben Shapiro. When you do, if tutor fifty bucks off any Iphone, including who Iphone Essie again, that is bound to five zero, say: Keyword, Ben Shapiro, that's pure talk, USA, simply smarter wireless and save tuna. Fifty bucks of any I
including that new Iphone. As when you dial pound to fifty say bench appearing get started with pure talk. You ass a great way to save money. So. Before I begin, I want to know that it is in fact the two hundred and thirty third birthday of the Constitution of the United States on the stage thirty three years ago the signatories of the constitution in seventeen. Eighty, seven that together they sign the document. It is an incredible document and I wanna take just a brief moment It's you from my book how to destroy America in three easy steps on the constitution because important to recognise why the constitution is important, so Abraham Lincoln suggested that the constitution was a frame of silver, a picture of silver. Around an apple of gold, the apple of gold being the declaration of independence, meaning we have certain fundamental philosophies in the United States, is philosophy of the declaration of independence and was protected by a system that was designed to ensure that the philosophy was enacted. Here's how I talk about it in my book, the philosophy of the United States rests on three basic principles. First, the reality of natural rights which pre exist.
Inalienable and precious second, the equality of all human beings before the law and in their rights and, finally, the belief that government exists only to protect natural rights and to enforce equality before the law. American philosophy believes these proposition are self evident in the words of the declaration of independence. The founders attempted to implement american philosophy through unique set of institutions, situation of the United States was a compromise document designed to enshrine american philosophy the limited government system that cost You systems enumerated powers balanced the necessity for action embody little in the legislative power with the necessity to Why tyranny? The constitutional systems checks effectively balance the requirement of an executive powerful enough to respond to threats and enforce law with the requirement to avoid a despot
embodied in checks and balances the constitutional systems? Federalism was constructed to frustrate national schemes, to subsume the character of local communities while simultaneously preventing those local communities from becoming autocracy, okay. So to put that in maybe even simpler English, there are basically three things that the constitution was designed to do. One was to enumerate where's. The government is only given a certain number of enumerated powers. The constitution list them off, and this was that the government did not have the ability to infringe upon your core rights as a human being. Second, the constitutional system put in place these. Imbalances between the various branches of the federal government, so that you didn't have an executive that overran all of its boundaries or a legislative branch that over and all of its boundaries or judicial area, that over and all of its members again. The idea was that ambition was supposed to counteract ambition and in doing so, your rights as an American would be protected. And, finally, the constitution set up a federalist system, a federal system that allows the federal government to do things that need to be done, but also prevents the federal government for infringing on the local
actor of communities and, at the same time, prevents local communities from infringing on the core human rights of the citizens inside those local communities. I just what the constitution was designed to do and over time as it was amended increasingly did it is a document well worth celebrating and when you see so many people in the United States today who essentially see the constitution as a vestige of a dead passed all its document, the means nothing anymore, you stand. There's a long history to that kind of thinking, going all the way back to the progressives at the beginning of the twentieth century and the worst president, an American true, but that this view of the constitution as a barrier to the things we want to do. The constitution is a barrier to a government becoming so powerful that it can crack down on you anything. Putting violations of your rights in the name of pure majority areas in the name of the mob, in the name of your local community, without any sort of federal intervene, and there is a balancing act, was attempting to be done by the founding fathers and they achieved at an incredible fashion.
Constitution, is unbelievable, unbelievably durable. It's one of the reasons why I see so many votes on the left today and they declared Donald Trump Fascists, and you look at what from actually does not say how like out, namely the fascist thing it from his doing. Even if you thought he had author rotarian tendencies. The document has been so robust, but it has prevented that from happening. Even if Europe, left. If sending has drawn the right brok of Alma, I think had extraordinarily authoritarian tendencies. It's why he talked about a pen and phone. It's why he talked about bending lottery routinely. It's why he be militarized. Parts of his own government, the IRS, for example, but the constitution is robust enough to even him in the most authoritarian characters who take up the presidency not doesn't mean that we don't need to do a better job of electing our public leaders, but it does mean is that we,
to recognise that the constitution systems, the checks and balances are crucial and at a time when exactly those things are coming under fire, it is important to remember why they are important right now we have ascendant wings and maybe both parties but see the fundamentals of the constitution as a threat to the future of the country who believe that enumerated powers prevent the government from do what it is supposed to do. Why can't we just do bigger things? Why can't we just move beyond these enumerated powers? I mean these people live two hundred thirty years ago. The reason that the constitution is still relevant is because human has not changed in the last two hundred and thirty three years. The reason declaration is still relevant is because it has not changed since the declaration independence in seventeen seventy six, but there are people who want to overthrow these fundamental principles right. They believe that enumerated powers are a problem because they prevent the government from doing the things we we want to do, and this is what you see from Democrats. You say, for example, that the federal government
able to clamp down on you. I healthcare mandate or the federal government should be able to crack down on you federal education mandates are all this stuff is beyond the scope of what the federal government was designed to do. You see the same thing in the way that members of both parties seem to dislike checks and balances that they believe the d government, ought to have no checks and balances right now, you seem is mostly from the Democrats want to get rid of the fellow buster who say that the Senate itself is constituted and democratically, which, by the way, is the point it is. The point is that states were supposed to be able to check each other because they were independent bodies before the foundation of the United States. The checks and balances were part of the system. There resigned to create gridlock when you see people the moaning gridlock at the federal level. Gridlock was part of the system. It was designed for gridlock but people don't like gridlock, except if their rights are being violated and no one comes to federalism. You see the Democrats taking the position that states should be either summarily the overrun by the federal government or the red said, and if their boost,
They should be left to their own devices by the federal government as soon as you the institutions of the constitution are no longer important. You have left behind the philosophy that believes the declaration is important because all of those mechanisms were designed to protect that core of gold. That philosophy that suggest that all men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights already. So I just thought that I d sound off a little bit unconstitutional, because this is one of our great forgotten, holidays constitution. Eight September, seventeenth, aright, Meanwhile, we are seeing Facebook beginning to involve itself in censorship. An extraordinary degree. There there's a couple of stories that that are coming out. Facebook that are too we disturbing- and really it has more to do with the fact checkers that Facebook has chosen to rely upon and Facebook itself. The should have set up the system as well, but the fact of Facebook set up the system so that leftwing factors could skew the system is really a horrible move and unjust.
Viable, explain in just one saying these are some pretty wild stories and how social media can really screw with the political narrative. On the basis of of the left really line, the factors are just so many. These factors are just liars, open liars. What gets that in just one? Second, first, let's talk about a simple fact, and that is you: don't actually want to go to the post office right now and maybe ever in fact, you'd love savings by not going the post office. Not only can you say time: not only can we save money, but you can save your peace of mind and not stand alone at the post office by going to stamps dotcom, thousands of small business owners have discovered the benefits of stamps outcome in recent months they ve naval to keep their businesses running avoid the crowds at the post office all from their own computers with stem sat com. You can print postage on demand and avoid going to the post office and you'll save money. With this counted rage. You cannot even get at the post office. Stamps outcome offered. You Pia Services with discounts up to sixty two percent, no residential surgeon, it's your daily, where we view stamps dot, com two thousand seventeen, no more wasting our time stamps that combines all
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And its crackdown on the flow of information, and I have defended some of these companies and I have gone after some of these companies of all the social media. Companies have defended Facebook most because, frankly, would be hypocritical for me not considering the Facebook has been of benefit to my company. Considering would you tremendous traffic Facebook, but that doesn't mean that the system that Facebook has set up for fast tracking is not unbelievably skewed and actually quite dangerous. I'll give you two examples today, so Facebook set up this system this system is that if you get Ding by one of their designated fact trackers They won't sensor. Your add, remove your at what happens if the factors that were designated are left wing, so polite effect is not a factor blood effect, they left wing out what it is like. A media matters left wing out what out what it is designed to fast track implications, polluted factual. Do these facts where they will fully admit right in the body of the article that what they are fast tracking is not fast.
We false they'll, just say that we want like the implication. Therefore, we read it mostly falls below. The fact is an overly political outwit, the fact that they masquerade as an objective fact tracker is joke this had been true for literally years. I remember several years back, I got a in which all I did was just read: statistics from pure global pew global pulling on the feelings of Muslims globally about a wide variety of controversial issues, ranging from support terrorism to support for honour killings. All this I read all of this. There was the entire video Inter video was just noting what percentage of my ones in, like Afghanistan, believed in honour killing and then This seems like an extreme believe that was the entire video put a fact raided. The video falls, because they said that my standards for extremism we're not objective standards of extremism, which is not in fact a false rating.
Just them saying they disagree with my definitions. Ok, that's that's it! That's how the political argument bullet effect. Does this stuff all the time all the time and the fact of Facebook decided to use political act as one of its trusted fact. Trackers leads to perverse results like this there now to separate, as that have been taken down after being declared quasi false by Facebook. So the first tat came from the american First Pact is one of Donald Trump Supermax, since not related to the from campaign, as you pack operates independently of the campaigns that from himself as the America First Pact from island of a man who used to be the head of a small business administration, hey. So the super background, this add, as you are about to hear the ad, is completely accurate. There's nothing wrong with this. At the admixture simple claim, Joe Biden is going to raise your taxes. That's the entire claim political fact raided. The ad, mostly false it was removed from Facebook on the basis of flood effects, both crap backtrack. So here is this. At some terms, politicians accidentally told the truth
why did you? Let me have your taxes, you're gonna be raised, not cut and its true. The New York Times says: Biden. Tax increases on more than double Hillary Clinton play. Even the tax policy centre admit TAT. This would increase on all income groups elect. May I have your taxes Grundy raise not got big tax increases, crushing our recovery, America first action is responsible for the content of the said. Return here is not a single word. That is false in fact, be the added self cited sources right throughout the at so political launch August forth, then slapped they mostly false rating by political fact, and then it was blocked by Facebook when foreign block by Facebook again the ad directly quotes binding. If you'll, let me your taxes are going to be raised, not cut. So what exactly? How exactly did polluted fact? Rationalize? It's mostly falls. Reading they accuse the pact, is, according to John Beckley editor in Chief of Delaware, of not giving the audience of for these thirty seconds spot enough
context text and giving the wrong impression about what bide meant. Since a context check, ok, nothing in there is actually false. It is that they say that it is lacking contacts which normally we'll call like the basis for political discussion or argument right. If you said to me a fact and ass, it was an here's. What you're missing you're missing this particular context? It doesn't mean that what you are saying is overtly falls, it means that I believe that your, placing it in the proper context that helped a lot of political conversations go but bullet effect read it. It mostly false. So here is how their stew, Patrick begins. There's a new ad from programme. Super pack uses out of context footage of Joe Biden to claim that the former vice president wants to raise taxes for Americans across the board, while the America first action at present that remark out of context. Some tax experts estimate that binds plan would mean higher taxes on average for all income groups, but those increases would be relatively small for all, but the biggest donors, so in other words they say.
Well, it's true that has can increase taxes for everyone he's mostly gonna increase taxes for rich people. Therefore, for the ad, mostly false, that's insane, so you're admitting that the aid is true. You just agree with Joe Biden Policy, so you're going to declare the mostly false political act, specifically cited Biden Campaign official. I suppose it evidence of the Democrats, intent the full exchange. Does the Biden was saying his plan raise taxes for people when the words in his words called benefited from the GEO peace, tax cuts and job ACT of twenty seventeen abiden camp? official said his point: was that the wealthy? Not all Americans would not benefit from his plan, but here's the thing everybody benefited tax cuts and jobs active only seventeen, because everybody received a cut so that that's it that's a bull crap that check it. Just not true The fat check goes on to make a similarly flimsy case against the ads inclusion abide morning. His tax increases could go higher, the suppose it evidence of this being a quarter,
mostly balls is the following: Full called from Biden Quote: we should charge people the same tax for their capital gains is their tax rate is, and I think we should raise the tax rate backed you. For example, I take it back to where I was before it was reduced. It could go higher. That's literally him saying he's going increase. This out is not false, so polite effect declared it mostly false, based on the fact that they actually Groucho binds palace, That doesn't even the worst case, a facebook, removing something based on a bull grapple effect fact check the worst case is there is a group they're dead, there's, there's another group that is called the Americans principles project american principles, project rent, an ad in Michigan, and this added Michigan targeted the governor of Michigan, because the governor Michigan backs these so called equality act. And the so called equality ACT essentially abolishes the ability of biological women to compete against. Only biological women in sport,
They d equality. I suggest that if you are a man- and you say that you are a woman, you should now be able to compete with women in sport. Transgender women should be able to compete with actual biological women in sport, which, of course, prize winning spores, because now your biological males competing with biological females in a second, Surely this out, then I will tell you what the polluter fact it fast track said. This add was taken down from Facebook is unconscionable stuff it Facebook is removing ads content based on the biased insanity, a political act, Facebook meals needs to feel the heat on that now I've been a great advocate of not regulating these social media companies because want the government sitting about the social media companies and determining exactly what can and cannot be put on their internal waterways, with worn in charge of that want democratic, pointing out already the f and then cramming down their perspective on what should be online on these areas. Social media companies had rather let a flood a thousand flowers. Bloom makes it very difficult for me to make their case when companies like Facebook to control huge flows and information
allow this sort of nonsense to happen where they explicitly outsource their judgment to political act at that point that the left wing source masquerading as an objective source, which is not acceptable under any circumstances we'll get to that in just one. Second. First, let's talk about fact that sleep is pretty darned important. This is MIKE. It woke me up less. I my baby, lower she's adorable, told me last night from four to five m. It was no fun, but there is good news when I was in bed and she was not waken me up. I was slipping like a baby. Why? Because of my pillow and might hold this stuff, is everything they make? Is just incredible. So my wife and I we have a couple of my pills: they are just most comfortable pillows ever really truly true.
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At a scholarship, title victory is that shot was taken away by competitor who claims to be a girl, but was born a boy senator Gary peers and Joe Biden support legislation that would destroy girls sports. They call it equality, really. That's not fair, not fair, at all vote against Gary Peters Biden in there to extreme for Michigan: ok, Senator Gary Peters, the others against it. There is everything about that address every single word about that added. It is, of course true. This has become the basis for lawsuits in places like Connecticut or transgender athletes are competing. Against biological women and they are destroying them because it turns out that if you grow up as a boy, you have different physiological structure than growing up. The girl. Of course. Of course, I know biology. This super controversial to the science is real crowd on the democratic side. Isn't here is below the facts at check that cause Facebook to take
Now quote. Their specific criticism is that allowing transgender girls and women to compete on the basis of their gender identity would an uneven playing field for student athlete and ultimately and girls and women sports quote, that's a prediction: we can't fact check. That's a prediction: we can't fat check, so they overtly say they can't fat check the present the position it doesn't matter because they say that the ad is lacking contacts, its missing contacts, Facebook removed it so both at real effects, as we can. In fact the ad and Facebook responses. Ok, we'll take it down. This is getting be quite ugly and it's not just Facebook. Obviously we're seeing this on Youtube as well. A little bit earlier this week, duct got ATLAS has been a guest on this programme and Doktor ATLAS. Had some videos on Youtube talking about Covet ATLAS has been a lockdown sceptic since the earliest days, and he has claimed repeatedly that, for example,
the this thing has differential diagnoses based on whether your elderly or whether you younger you, said that there's no one since the children are passing. This with great frequency, for example, is a video of that. That was take it. So you took down that video saying that it did not meet with W H owes information. Ok! What if you had you abide by the? What the doubly Rachel says is true standard. Then seeing in February that this thing was airborne would have not widow conflicted with W H. Oh, if you had said, in late February, hate we mask up that will conflicted with W h hell using We will show the scientific gold standard than removing videos that conflicted w, H, o, which was chinese run operation, essentially in the early days of covered, is crazy. That's exactly what you did you to put out a state. The Wall Street Journal saying it removed the Alice interview, promote falsely stating that is The age group group cannot transmit the virus. The company was apparently Doktor ATLAS. His remark amended discussion about school reopening the children called you not even transmit the disease
that seems to have been an exaggeration for emphasis. Doktor ATLAS corrected himself in the next answer. Saying transmission by children is called not impossible, but it's less likely. That is a hundred percent rule but they are now doing on Youtube, is they are acting as though everything you say spontaneously is a term paper survive. If I exaggerate for emphasis which everybody does rhetorically speaking, every single day, everybody if you speak off the cuff you're likely be banned by huge, because you didn't footnote everything in precisely the way that Youtube wanted. You get the same thing on Facebook by the way a host of another host over here at the Delaware Michael Moles, he's been deemed by Facebook because he said for it all emphasis that there was no evidence that mass work. He then followed up by suggesting that the Swedish officials and norwegian health officials, had basically said that there's not a lot of evidence that it works became so he emphasized and you overemphasized and he exaggerated- for emphasis and Facebook kingdom right. This is the kind of stuff where It only works on one side by the way, if you are a Democrat,
you say the down from his removing mailboxes from the streets to prevent mail and voting so to seal the election. They will remove any that crap any of it. A hero, Scott ATLAS on Tucker Karlsson last night saying this is absurd, and I think this sort of move to censor people like me and others are not just talking about myself. Really has precipitated a backlash here. We saw it in the media. Now lots of things have been written. Talking about what seven heart rate. It is it that stuff was censored, or even You know in interest by some of my former colleagues and censoring me by public, shaming or cancellation of these kinds of things are really destructive and harmful Not only is it wrong in terms of the truth, it's also instilling fear into the public nature it it's crazy. I mean you, you now have a complete grip on the flow of information and other examples of last night Tucker hosted on his show a chinese scientists to China
scientists has claimed that the virus was produced and who had lab and then released, and now I don't know that's for not you don't know that store, not Youtube, doesn't know other external. Nobody knows whether its true or not. It doesn't matter. You took down the video and Facebook by the way, there is talk of girls in talking about that last night, it's clear that doctor Lemon Yang is in serious person. She is making a very serious quaint, so within a few hours were interviewed last night, a video of the segment reach one point: three million people on Facebook and why wouldn't the quota virus pandemic has touched the life of every American, and justifiably people want to know where it came from, but Facebook still doesn't want you to know that so Facebook suppressed the video, presumably and half of the chinese government. Facebook executives made it harder for users to watch our segment. Those who found the video had to navigate a warning. The interview quote repeats information about covert nineteen, that independent fact checkers
say, is false kid. This standard is the problem, ok, which independent fact hackers who are these independent factionalism? Why should we trust them? He have de facto the fact checkers, because not all facts workers are created equal. We had seen ill overtly rate false claims that are clear, true, but these two separate adds just in the last week there been removed that are overtly true at the factory or itself admits, are basically true This is dangerous stuff, it is, and if these companies wish to remain independent- and they don't want everybody Rushing to the government for a solution which again I am against. I don't think the government should step in these cases overall is, can be real difficult for the government not to step in, best of people who believe that their rights are being violated by social media companies that are, at the very least, quasi fraudulently, claiming to be open and objective participants in a platform rather than in some sort of publication Yeah, I'm against that sort of legislation, but you gotta make it easy.
Forming guys. You can't do this. You can't make polluter factor outsourced, factual and then claim you are merely a platform, not publication polluter factors of publication and, if you're just doing their bidding, you become a publication as well and that this dangerous stuff ain't just a second. We are going to be getting to all of the the latest uncovered because there are some easy stories today. Out uncovered and handling of colored, particularly in blue areas. First, let us talk about the fact that you need a higher better people. You know I mean I didn't higher better people, how we're moving national we're looking to hire a lot of people, and that mean
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through communities all you can do it. She'll the sick and the vulnerable, the elderly and then each of passes through and then is done by this. Is that the lesson from Sweden, where they never shut down A big failure was they didn't protect the sick and vulnerable at the very beginning if they had, Sweden would be widely perceived to be what it is a model for how to handle this. Everybody in Europe is now experiencing the so called second wave. It is not a second wave is a continuation of the first wave, just the one you locked down. All you did was delayed the inevitable, which is the spread of this thing through communities. Now, maybe that's good thing right: delaying it allowed for better therapeutic procedures and allowed for hospitals to figure out how to treat this thing better. Be death in hospitals rates is down dramatic, right Florida in Georgia and Texas in Arizona. They all got waves. Those waves happen about later the New Jersey, New York, and that meant that they were having people liner back with ventilators their flipping people on their stomachs. There are given them run debt.
This severe there are given them still royal injection. They had better treatment for these things. The death rate were much much lower. That's why? When people say, while Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Texas, look how badly they handled it, the curves are not even comparable in terms of death rate new New York, New Jersey, Connecticut Massachusetts, their cause our enormous in terms of death, because this thing had early and hospitals didn't know how to handle it? Some of that is almost felt some. It's not almost while I somebody's just if it hit your early, then there isn't much you can do, but Towns are not the solution, particularly not endless. Lock it doesnt matter. Democrats are pursuing endless lockdown today, city, announced that schools will not physically reopen for Austrians Monday. Instead, the cities phased in reopening by great level through the next few weeks. This is the second time that Bill De Blasio,
garbage commie mayor of New York has delayed in person classes three days before the start of the school year. They announced this, so parents had made their plans and figure out what to do and by the way I'm lying schooling is failing everywhere. Tried heavy heavy percentages like up to half, maybe more than half in certain school districts of kids are not even logging on to go to school. Because, honestly, you can keep kids concentrating regular school waiting in applying them down front about borinsky. My daughter is doing so school right now as we prepare for a move, and she is a kid with an extraordinary attention span, a machine. You know she's brilliant she's, going in first great reason for three dozen she still easily distracted because she's literally sitting there looking to screen or the teachers walk on the classroom. Dealing with the it's kind of half in class have zoom school. That's about this stuff does not work. Well he's doing school is not good. It is not good news
that orders, if basically, are homes going your kid and just using the zoom as supplement. That is the only way that works and parents have built their lives around the stuff. Parents still have to work. Parents will have to have lived in Who is about a couple of things? Yes, it out sourcing education, but also out sourcing that Ankara everybody understands what school is built of logic, Three days before the start of school cancel that in your city, there is no curve in York City because everybody died in city it burned through It burns from New York City. The transmission right in your city is both well below one percent, its extremely while the number of positive tests in Manhattan is nearly zero. The number of deaths in Manhattan, Euro, and yet there is still not reopening the schools, which again are not a mean better of. Mission anywhere in the world. There are not. There is no evidence, I mean I mean the seriously. There is no evidence
that schools are main vectors of transmission. That does not mean cava can't be transmitted at school. It does mean that the chief vectors of transmission, so far as we have seen, are not in schools and central across Europe, its true pretty much everywhere, which is why we are having to see these idiotic headlines declaring teachers are getting covert and then you read the story and turns out the teacher DAK Kova three weeks before school reopened, there's an AP story that Sightedness reared its head. Oh look! Look at these three teachers. They died from covered. All three of them had gotten covered from places that we're not in cool, am reading you, the stats from Manhattan, you're, the stats from Manhattan, yesterday. This is world amateurs that involve, which is, I believe, the Johns Hopkins University Information Manhattan, which is a a population of one point. Six million is Manhattan County. You ready for this here's how many positive covetous they had yesterday positive covetous yesterday, sixty three in a county of one point: six million people
how many new jobs did they have yesterday zero zero yesterday and build up Israel is shutting down all of the schools there, not physically reopening. He said you spoke for hours yesterday, head of the principles and teachers Union was at schools, are not ready to reopen. I've been saying this for many weeks them said, the information flow about exactly what was needed. Exactly what was needed where it needed to be improved. Ok. So he says that dumb many Our rural families on pragmatic and understand the realities of life is that I feel for any parent has mainly arrangements. I know people will do what they have to do. He declined I will just in your city, families from last minute change. This is the answer I have is anti scientific crap bill. The is a garbage garbage mayor, my goodness he has a garbage mare, wild ok and in what we are also seeing, is that neither party of Science is covering up the signs. In cases where we ve been hearing from the media,
and over and over again that the real bad guy, in all of this, of course, is, is round his answers in Florida. Now, let's be cleared. The dashboard for Florida when it comes to covet info is maybe the most transparent dashboard anywhere in the country is an extremely transparent about their information in Florida. In order they worked quite the forthcoming better information in the daily where's new home city of national? According to Fox seventeen, that com is an insane story, the corona by it. The corona virus cases on lower Broadway may have so low that the mayor's off Metro Health Department decided to keep it secret? Okay, so the claim from left is that right, looking governors and mayors in uncovering of debts in cases there's not evidence of this. There is no evidence that in Nashville Mayors Office was covering up the fact that bars and restaurants, we're not vectors of transmission So they could justify shunning, otherwise in restaurants, say literally put thousands of people out of work. In order to end then we're up the data suggesting it was unnecessary. There's an insane story: emails between the mayor's senior advisor
Health Department reveal only a partial picture, but what they reveal is disturbing the discussion of the low number of kroner virus cases emerging from bars and restaurants and how to handle that and most disturbingly how to keep it from the public. On June thirty, Contact creation was given a small view of quota virus clusters. Instruction in nursing homes were found to be causing problems with more than a thousand cases traced to each category, which sent to me, we know the nursing homes Archie factor, and we also know that contract workers who are working in close proximity with each other to spread it bars and restaurants, reported just twenty two cases. Leslie Waller from the health department asked this isn't going to be publicly released right just info for the mayor's office, correct not for public consumption rights. Senior wiser. Benjamin eagles, a month later, the health departments asked point blank about the rumour that were only eight cases in all of Nashville traced to bars and restaurants. Report any real asked the figure you gave
more than eighty does lead to a natural question. If there have been over twenty thousand positive cases of covert nineteen in Davidson, and only eighty or so are traced to rest, Mars. Doesn't that mean restaurants and bars? Aren't a very big problem: Health Department, official Brian Todd S, five health department officials, Please advise how you recommend. I respond the name at the top of the responses clipped, but here is the answer quote: might you sense? We have certainly refused to give counts per bar because those numbers are low per site who could stories the total and then a response to the already could be that, because the number is increasing all the time and we don't want to say a specific number, neither the health department or the mayors of office would confirm the authenticity of the emails, but a council member name, Steve Glover had a metro staff attorney inquiry There was the official answer I was able to get there. Patients from the mayor's office and the Department of Health. These emails are real lover, says there. We're getting information they ve blown therein.
Our credibility is gone. I don't trust the thing they say going forward, nothing. He says we raise taxes. Thirty, four percent: we put hundreds of that hundreds literally thousands people out of work. There are now word about losing their homes, their apartments, and we didn't and bogus data that should be illegal. Yes, it damn well should be it. Damn well should be used to build trust with the public. You know it, you don't do lie to them about the vectors of transmission. Schools are not mean vectors of transmission, Hey, we don't know about bars and restaurants. Broadly speaking, what we do know is that national they covered up whatever data they did have. How are we supposed to trust public officials when their overtly lying to you? That's crazy? Ben and then these same people be like the science has locked down, are necessary: the science, the science and then the same people try to Andrew Cuomo at the Dnc to proclaim that you didn't wonderful job in in coffins covered New York income Well, it get more of the science is real gang uncovered. Nineteen, and just a second biggest Joe Biden, give up.
Big speech about science, being real science being real, we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that you need to protect your mind. You do that there is the stuff out, there's called grant somewhere, if you know been hit by it. It's absolutely terrible right, somebody will actually hack your computer and then they will hold ransom at your files until you pay the money and people are coming up with new Ways to grab your information and then blackmail you every single day or steal your information just use it This is why you need peace, thematic, its next generation antivirus, designed to stop modern threats like ransom, were independent testing from eighty tests just named PC matic, a top reformer and cyber security industry, giving it the best performance ward for two thousand nineteen, only pc manic as american research development and support pc Maddox competition is for made often in countries where malware originates, pc met, block annoying in malicious ads for hassle, free web browsing. It makes your computer's faster and more able, even after years of use, pc met, it protects windows. Computers, including ex beavis
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Behind the scenes looks on our all access episodes, joy now, we'd love to have you join these conversations, see all your in Nashville so I know that you always singular and all yours plural after you finish watching that tonight, I'm excited to join Adam Guerrilla Duennas, Prager, Dave, Reuben and others for hashtag cancel con important conversation. And cancel culture and the constitution. The specialised stream is brought to you by our friends at yes and the film those spaces will begin at eight p m Eastern five can Pacific on the daily, where you took channel and Facebook page as hashtag cancel can live tonight at eight p m Eastern five him civic at daily. Where you ve been Facebook, you don't want to miss it. Lastly September twenty Eightth, you notice is important. All of my shows content is moving to my channel mine Youtube drug com, slash. Cheer up. The link is in the description below. Do not neglect to do this or economist Michaud. There will still be content on the daily work Channel, but my daily we'll be on my channel. We are making room for some new exclusive content on daily wire.
I am also making a lot of new content. You can only find I my magical channel so subscribe to Youtube. Dotcom, Slash, Bennett, Shapiro ring the bell to make sure you never miss out on new video. You are watching or listening to the largest just going consumer Pakistan radiation, the nation already so Joe Biden apart, of science, or yesterday gives a speech about vaccines and in the middle of the speech you basically says I liked vaccines, and I like science, but I dont like Trump and I dont like Trump, and that means that I am
and the trust of acting, but maybe I will trust vaccine, but maybe I want, and then he fell asleep because that's when he does in the middle of the speeches, the Harris Biden campaign moving forward with alacrity here was Joe Biden yesterday will be clear. I trust vaccines. I trust scientists, but I don't trust Donald Trump, this more with the american people can't ever so. Donald Trump is not actually running events in development, nor is he seeing procedural changes at the FDA. This is actually kind of dangerous. What we have seen impulses, then more and more Americans are refusing to take the vaccine, even if its developed, so fishing wants then come to an end. What we really need is vulnerable Americans to take an exit out of each
undertake a vaccine. The reason I say that as we could have kids get it. Who cares right? Kids are nine from this period end of story. The number of kids have died from MRS in low double digit in a country of three hundred thirty million people here. But if you are elderly at risk, if ever preexisting condition diabetes or something and getting back is pre, damned important in you'd, like for people who are generally healthy to also get the vaccine, so they don't become vectors of transmission, because adults do transmit this to adults. The evidence that kids don't transmitted quite as much or in s of your numbers as adults is that what you don't wanna do is undermine. The vaccine. Party of science should understand this. After all sciences, real even put it under stupid, lawn signs. Ok, except that now you have Joe Biden openly questioning whether if a vaccine is developed under the Trump Administration,
People should take it and the poles are lacking in early May, most Americans. Fifty five percent said they would get vaccinated for covert nineteen if and when a vaccine becomes available. Now, four months later, less than one third of Americans, thirty two percent say they plan to get vaccinated. That is a twenty three point decline and is being overly by the Democratic Party and the members of the media, the science is real party is anti vaccine if from develops vaccines and might be good for Europe. This is just a denial of rights, this is a common part of the denial of reality. For so many members, the democratic Parties- something good happens in trumpets President. It wasn't good that's the way. The thinking goes seriously that that that is the newer sceptics. And to be Democrats who could have predicted this according to Yahoo, losing you got. It consistently found a hardline group of anti actors who said will not get vaccinating no matter what is about twenty percent of the population? There general concentrated more on the right, but while the number of Republicans who say they would back get vaccinated
define fourteen points from May from forty seven percent of thirty three. The corresponding number of Democrats has plummeted twice as much from seventy percent to forty two percent over the same period of time. So decides it, I'm very pro vaccination. The scientists, real party is undermining american faith in vaccines and again because it might redounded from spent if it if people actually were to take the vaccine until you have Joe Biden overtly saying. Well, he Alex scenes and elections, but I dont want down what what does that have to do with anything? Vaccines were developed under Barack Obama would take them. What what what the hell are we talking about here are the Barack Obama would deliberately put it really does like brought about. Brok Obama deliberately put out a faulty vaccine to tell people what the hell are you, blogging about here. Meanwhile, we are learning from. Science is real parties that vaccines are bad or questionable, as developed under trumpet masks are very good. Now again, the evidence I'm asked is mixed. It is mixed their studies that suggests the masks are used. If particularly your and populated areas and their most
You will not to you their useful forms of support for protecting other people, so you sneeze, you're wearing a mask instead of it going everywhere now, just goes in mostly in the mask gets outside it s. A little bit say goes into the mass. This is why I have long been a proponent of if you are in a crowded area. The area where people are vulnerable or elderly issued worm. Ask my parents when they come over to my house, they were masked, like I may I may mass proponents but to pretend that there is no mixed evidence on this is very silly: the Netherlands, Sweden, all the sea. The neighbouring countries do not mask up differently. Masking rate in Scandinavia is below ten percent. The masking rate in ITALY is close to ninety percent. Italy got want. The Netherlands did not not merely in the same numbers. Ok, so they them the evidences mixed, where we can say Like you, we promised can also acknowledge that the evidence is mixed as to the efficacy of mass adoption of Mass, particularly if people are not wearing a properly with. My wife
when she's medical schools had said actually had full course that they make a full seminar on how to properly don T be personal protective equipment. If you put on the mask wrong, it's a problem, if you put them ass lawyer knows that is a problem. You see all these video The people in crowds and people are cheering them following the mass and got them ass below the notes. Without doing anything. You breathe through your nose idiots if you want them ass to work in Europe, up above your nose where you see people or what I still tons of people wearing neck gaiters, theirs, from the CDC that came out and said. Net payers are worse than nothing. These neck gaiters actually encourage people to violate social distancing And they dont predicted actually aerosol, I stuff better, because if you sneak into an educator and actually it explodes out, he's up half the population solar indicators. So all of this is to say and then when people keep talking masks as opposed to a vaccine beat. The answer is both an We want a vaccine and also of urine crowded areas where mask, but instead you got
no binding, like. I trust that this Trump vaccine entrusted at all but masks masked mask mass, must now here's the reality everywhere. The virus has gotten bad people mask up. There's lots of if you show that, wherever the when the virus cutback in Florida people mast at a higher rate of Aeroscope at New York people masked at a higher eggs, they thought there was going to protect him because people act in self preserving fashion. It doesn't matter job. I know, because for Joe Biden, it's really about the virtue signalling of suggesting he's gonna mandate mask wearing, because you can't trust your neighbor. You can't trust your neighbor now I wonder how many people really believed that they cannot trust their neighbour and if they really believe that maybe she'll be out in public places with neighbours who are like that, but Joe Biden has really putting have you focus on the mass and he's performing series alarm ism in the process. The heat he's really banking uncovered getting a lot worse before the election you can you can. You can tell us it's a binding. Now is trying to proclaim that his legal team thinks he can push a nationwide mass mandate. There is no constitutional authority to do this, he's change. His turn on this, because from has rightly pointed out that when Joe
idling Kamel heresy. Love everyone wherein they don't have the authority to do that, to release just them jabbering nonsensical. Now Joe Biden has been roped into saying that here, Have the legal authority to mandate that you are a ass. There is no such authority under the constitution. Does your question I think it's can be answered and positive, a question whether I can mandate stove, state lines at every single state, has to comply. Illegal team thinks I can do that based upon the degree to which there is a crisis in those states and how things are for the countries and if we don't do it, what happens. But I would make the case. Make the case, why necessary the way to talk to. Others is what he says, but even the implication that he has done. Did you shall afforded crowned the step down is not is not correct. Obviously it meanwhile supposedly Trump is the is,
person who is anti science, doubtless in trumped reach out a bunch of stuff any has without a bunch of stuff. In the past it is anti science. Ok, Donald Trump is treated a bunch of crap about vaccines that I find absolutely absurd on every scientific level. Donald Trump has not been out for we toward many of the findings of science in the past openly acknowledge this. When it comes to vaccines, what from says about vaccines, is significant, less dangerous than what Joe Biden using about the vaccines for this thing right now here is doubled from yesterday saying that binding should stop as you have actually nonsense them going on, you do step promoting his aunt. I vaccine theories because all they're doing is hurting the importance of what we do and I know that if they were this position be saying how wonderful it is their record sleigh endangering lives. You can't do that, and death Again, this is really a case that there only talking did you start talking. But negatively, and that's only because they know we have it:
or we will soon have it, and the answer to is very soon ok. So there there is controversy now because yesterday the CDC direct Robber Readville made a couple of comments. He said there wouldn't be wide availability of the vaccine until the middle of next year. From can back at him it'll be available sooner. I think that what the controversy is over is who vaccine will go two white availability means, like general public availability, but to the elderly to the most vulnerable to healthcare workers it supposed to be available. The end of the year. I think pretty much everybody agrees on that at this point. But again the party of Science, not being politically and if it about back scenes, nothing particular scientific about covert and apparently unnatural, openly, covering up information openly. Now it's open covering up information about covered spread in What shutting down the schools there's no longer science
This is political, it's pretty obviously, political, which is why it was amazing to watch so Donald Trump, and yesterday he was using this pressure and he was asked about the covered response and he says if you just look at the at the red states. The rest is actually did pretty. Well here he's not wrong about this. You got all sorts of lack, here's what trumps out somewhere down and that, despite the fact that the blue states, had tremendous deathrays. If you take the blue states at, were at a level that I don't think anybody in the world would be at we're really at a very low level, but some of the states, They were blue states and blue states managed by the way we recommend they open up their states. I think, is very important that they open up this. Its people unless one nuts over this, because you are the president of all the state twice he separating red and blue States- this is Chris Haze. Take you can just just couldn't believe it can believe it could take up the blue states.
There were at a very low level. If you don't count the deaths of Americans, then there's your American DAS, severe a state that voted for Hillary Clinton. Well, then your fault, I guess your hands death, it doesnt actually count. You see semester United States, ok, the iron from crazier. Let me just point out that The anti they literally had a woman whose father died of Covet suggest that are dad's out of covered, because you vote for Trump Democratic, been claiming for decent time, the Andrew Cuomo is a model of american governance, while Rhonda Santas is eight a villain of history for his handling It was you guys who made this political journal ones who decided Donald Trump was the worst president of all time What is the best governor of all time to excuse Andrew Qualmless, garbage governance or the fact that the states that have been hit hardest are almost universally democratic states and to justify the fact you guys can t the back lockdown policies that are ineffective at best, an extraordinarily looking at worst, is you made? It read, verses blue you did it shouldn't, be read verses!
it should be. Everybody pursues the best policy. That is clearly not what is happening at this point, the Good NEWS is again the party assigned to the Party of Science and so Nancy Policy. Honesty should present at yesterday saying that mother earth is angry. The party of Science going full on Gaia Pay. And here there is Nancy blowsy speaker of the house put out putting on adding that mother earth is angry at us. That's what's happening her mother earth. Is angry she's telling us whether she's telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast fires in the west that the climate crisis is real and has an impact of sixteen died in Washington or again and California, including the fire fighter, and when you're old baby, Firefighters had been so we're not having started here. I'm sorry that the mother earth is angry crowd. Mother earth is angry men can be women crowd, babies inside the woman I babies and hundreds of thousands of and you're gonna die by the end of the year. Based on a study that was
long. Nearly all of its specifics very early on and now is putting in bad data again and also that These are bad if their developed under the trumpet Ministration spare me sparing just a little bit this. It will be all right, we'll be back here later today with a lot more content that I didn't have a chance to get you otherwise make sure that you come back tomorrow form much more. This is the bench of erosion. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily, whereupon podcast, including he Andrew and show it Michael Marshal, and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening Dementia Bureau show is produced by Coltan House. Are technical director is often Stevens executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producer. Our math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director The white asking our socio producer is next year
was edited by Adam silence. Audio midst make comments here and make up its mind. You could Geneva Ben Shapiro show is a daily where production copyright daily wire, twenty twenty. Buddy it's Andrew, Clave and hosted the Andrew Clavering Show. You know. Some people are depressed because the American Republic has collapsed, in the days is approaching, and the moon is turned to blood. On the address We that's where the fun just get started, so come on were began. Proclaiming show and laugh your way through the apocalypse with me and reclaim.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-17.