« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1095 - Liar, Liar, Pants On Wildfire


Democrats blame Trump for wildfires in Democrat-run areas; cops are blamed yet again for refusing to be assaulted by BLM protesters; and the media go wild over an indoor Trump rally.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats blamed from four wildfires in democrat run areas. Cops, are blamed yet again for a fusing to be assaulted by bill and protestors, and the media go wild over an indoor Trump rally. I'm bench bureaucracies, the bench of Euro Show today's venture Piero show is sponsored by Express VP in your online activity, should not be public, protect herself at Express gps dot com flash men. So this morning I was driving around my neighborhood in LOS Angeles, and I was observing all the sites and sounds LOS Angeles. You know like the smoke in guy that obscures the sun so that it feels like an apocalyptic mad max movie? Now there, the sights of of homeless people going through your garbage can like Erectly in front of your home and then a few blocks later homeless, people pissed onto the sidewalks the sight and sound develop things that make Ellie really really tremendous, for there is one thing that juxtaposed with all these things reminds you why I lay a such a great city, and that is the lawns.
See there is this thing that happened in a light bulb over the last few years, where people feel the necessity to put out a signal of their own virtue and wonderfulness. It is symbol of their own dissociation from their evil, terrible benighted fellow Americans. It's basically like pass over for the social justice warriors where, if you Now this lawn sign on your lawn. Then everybody is supposed to pass right over because you one the virtuous it's a blood on the little during Passover, you're supposed to be the gods of Social Justice Wilderness will pass right over your home and move right down to the next home because you have been touched. By the hand of tolerance, vit, there's this lawns and again I don't have to know it in other cities. In a way, it is extremely extremely common out say that probably every suburban block in a way has three or four of these Romans everywhere, and these are not kind of normal political signs that you say which political candidates
for their semantically, overloaded virtues signalling signs and what they are truly designed to do is, of course suggest that you are better than other people you're better than other people, because they are filled with tat challenges that don't mean anything unless you're in on the coding. Unless you're in on the semantic coating noughts remind everybody semantic overload is a term that means that sometimes a a tie apology or a term doesn't necessarily mean what it says. It means it can carry a bunch of different meanings. A perfect example of this is, of course, the phrase black lives matter, which can mean three separate things can be won the in arguable proposition that black people matter and should matter to the proposition that America systemically racist in that area,
Swath, Americans, dumbly black lives matter and three, the black lives, better organisation and NEO Marxist horrible organization seeking to overturn all institutions in the United States. So that's what this sign is filled with and it is put on lawns by white, rich, suburban people generally, who have decided. It's really important signals their neighbors. What their feelings are. We know that these people are virtuous because they ve put this sign on their long and this all ties into what we are seeing in our and our political cycle today, by the firm insistence by the media and by Democrats that only Democrats believe in science, but this is all part of a broader room. Which, as we are more virtuous than we offer no solutions, we have no policy prescriptions. In fact, there is no reason for us to do so, because we cannot have conversations and people who do not believe the following semantically overloaded tautological statements. We can even have a conversation with you because you don't believe
But we believe you're not even operating the same universe that we are operating so here's the thing when you discuss solutions when you discuss policies, sometimes you can find common ground, but if you never discuss solutions and you never discuss policies and what you really are attempting to do, cudgel people with slogans that mean a lot more than your saying. They mean when you are playing a smart and Bailey Game where he put out the most generic sounding term bought you actually mean, is something that is extremely loaded and what you're really trying to do is divide people. This long sign is now attempting to unify anybody, the laws eyes deliberately attempting to provide people and to give yourself a pat on the back, because you put up alongside it. You may not have given charity to any of the causes. You supposedly support sure you may I even have thought through any of these slogans, but you got alongside and that's all that matters, so here's this one sign says That again is extremely common in allay invite Amazon like seventy. Ninety nine cause capitalism, always ones from signs of justice, dot com. This is where the sign has come from. We believe then italian, rainbow colors. Of course, black lives matter again. Samantha
Wait. Overloaded right usually does in this house. We believe lack lives matter They mean by that, of course, is that, as opposed to the dynamic store in that house, they don't believe black lies now, that's why we have a sign. They don't have a sign it's their using semantically, overloaded turn black lives matter to suggest that they are different from their evil, predatory neighbours who don't care about black people in this house. We believe black lives matter, no human is ill except for the ones they are hiring you ought to from their long, presumably because this is California, no human is illegal. Now. That, of course, is a is a bizarre statement, because no one is arguing that being human is illegal. When we talk about illegal immigration, which is what this is reference to, what We mean generally is that somebody has engaged in a crime of crossing the border illegally and that the huge that the being human, not illegal part. In fact, the only people who seek to
criminalize, being human are people who are pro abortion, who literally say that, because you are you're, not a human, we get to criminalize this gate. Let's continue a debt that sign love is love, ran other semantically, overloaded phrase. So, of course, love is love, that's literally to autonomy, and technology is just a equals. A right love is love. That is it tautological statement, of course, but they actually mean is that all forms of love are equal. Now, it's funny is that, generally, even people who say love is love, don't believe that all forms of love lover, equal, obviously they actually have moral standards. Well, thank God right then. I believe that that promises. Reality is on par with beast reality, which it isn't didn't believe that homosexuality is on a par with incest, which it is, That's it. Even people who say love is left on actually believe that all love is equal to all love, because that would be a ridiculous statement. What they actually mean is that there are just programmes ex marriage, but they have decided that if you don't believe that same sex marriage and had a sexual marriage are obviously of the same political
impact or import or you'll believe that they are on the same moral level. Then this means that you don't believe the lovers love regular, believing not a statement because you drawn a standard now obviously did Russia. Do it just a different standard? We in this house we believe women's rights our human rights in here. What they actually mean is we believe in abortion, because no one believes that women shouldn't go to school. Nobody believes that women should be able to new job. They want to get nobler than qualified. Women should be able to do. The exact same job is qualify ban nobody believes anything difference in the United States again. This is an attempt to suggest that if you disagree with people on abortion, because you don't believe in women's rights or you'll believe that women are human. It's obvious: it is automatically overloaded virtue, signalling crap. We believe science is real science, Israel. This is the big one for today's show and for today's new cycle, because Democrats have decided that they are going to campaign on the slogan that science is real. Anybody who opposes them. Anybody who believes that they are reading into the science solutions that are not requisite. Anybody who believes that there.
Over reading the sides in order to achieve political goals, which is what is exactly happening with regard to the wild, valor fires and hurricanes. We'll see Democrats are saying absolutely anti scientific things tat. I saw the media, there say absolutely anti scientific things about how climate change works about the impact of climate change about can be done to mitigate climate change and there really leaning on the slogan. Science is real in order to maintain that, if you just free with anything. They say it's because you deny the science as we will see. That is why there is an over lie, but by saying science is real, you can apply the Europeans, don't believe. Science is real, and that is why scientific american today cannot endorse Joe Biden, because unless they put up their lawns sign, unlike Donald Trump but I believe that science is real and then finally the same concludes. Water is life, which is a weird thing mean that that actually is not total logical. For some water is not. Actually, it is required for life, I'm not sure who is objecting to water. I'm a fan. I like water to anyone, know what this man
overload in this one in this case, as in finally injustice anywhere as a threat to justice everywhere. Unless, of course you are an individual and you cross the she'll Justice Warrior lines, in which case you are to be judged by group by group affiliation I know the gold. The sign obviously is to make you but to elevate for higher moral playin than your neighbours, that is the goal of the sign, and this has become the Democratic Party slogan I mean. Basically, you don't need a plan from anymore. I just need the site, because there are no solutions offered their no policy options offered. Nothing is offered here other than an unknown sense of moral superiority based on your denigrating feelings, about your neighbors copy and paste it into this bizarre little sign. That makes you a better because you put on your alone. In that light, the people get the homeless. People can be still Ringwood Mental Illness and drug addiction in passing in the trash cans directly across the street from you, illegal immigrants can still living in a homeless. Shelter is because you have not come up with any solution for how exactly to alleviate their economic condition.
City of allay can be falling into complete and utter disrepair. Wildfires can be played instead Calphurnia. But so long as you have the sign, you have participated in the solution. This is the Democratic Party slogan, so much power. Politics is no longer about finding solutions it used to be. Ideally the politics was supposed to be about filing com Solutions to common problems now it is about naming problems that you believe exists, and if somebody has a different solution? Then you suggest that didn't believe the problems that exist at all, but this is the way our politics works, destroying everything from policing too The change, even if somebody agrees with you that there is a problem with police brutality in some police department. That's not enough because if they deserve your solution, which is to dismantle the police, that means they dont exit, they don't actually understand the problem that that political sign is pretty much power. Politics works, and so I have decided that I'm, I wanna put up this sign in my front yard. In this house we build
if you put up alongside filled with semantically, overloaded virtue signalling virtue, your? U R, Adam Noxious asked, that is it. That is the One sign, I think, belongs on everybody's frontline because, frankly, if you decide that it are important to you to feel good about yourself. By putting that long sign on your underline, then I think people should have nothing to do with you. Frankly. I think it makes you just by definition, incredibly incredibly obnoxious we'll get to how that lawns and his boil down into the political debates of the day in just one side because that really is all this happening here right somebody put up a slogans of science is real, and now, if you disagree with them on their policies, it'll just argue that you think science is not real. He sciences, real you guys, are getting science role we'll get to that one. Second, first, let us talk about the fact that it is very important to protect your eyes from the blue light that comes from
devices, my kids are online more for school. I am online more because there's just more news happening, it's an election cycle and the entire world is entering an apocalyptic period of doom, and that means that spending an awful lot of time in from screens. While the blue light from the screens can keep you awake, I can give you headaches into the ice train. This is why you need Felix great glasses. There are a lot of blue Last on the market, but they are not all created equal in order online right now, glasses, wish of directly to you with a hard Kazan, Lens cloth, included, try them thirty's risk free
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yeah go inside because you might get covert and you can't go outside because you might die of smoke inhalation, so basically world standing in our doorways, which is actually not bad enough. There's an earthquake. I guess we're all. Ok, that's pretty much! All that, that's where we can be in standing. There always said: wildfires are happening, president from visited California yesterday and well. President Trump was in California. He met with gave a new summit and some of the first responders and some of the scientific advisers on handling wildfires and while he was there, president from he said, listen Internal climate change- all you want what this really is about is bad forest management that happens to be exactly correct or get happens to be. The federal policy has prevented good forest management for
long time in federal territory and state policy in California, has prevented good policy when it comes to wildfires for literally decades. We get to the details on that in just a second will. All of this said by president from the sort of downplayed climate change is a factor in wildfires which, by the way, makes some sense. Ok, here's your choice. Today, scientific, because you can argue that the wildfire that is raging out of control in California in Oregon, is due to climate change, or you can argue that it is due to bad forest management, or we can argue both the latter. Two options make some sense right that it is due to bad forest management, or that is bad forest management, combined with slight uptake in average temperature in places like California, over the course of the last century. What you cannot argue with any
straight face is that climate change is the actual reason for the wildfires or for the increasingly territorial spread of the wildfires. You cannot make their case. That case is absurd in the absence of mentioning any of the federal and stay policy that has led to the exacerbation of the tender that is available for these wildfires. It makes no sense at all. According to the environmental Protection Agency, the average temperature in the state of California over the past century has risen three degrees, Fahrenheit, not fifteen, not twenty three degrees Fahrenheit. That makes for some prior brush. But do you think that the mass of wealth
so we are seeing today is more result of a three degrees. Fahrenheit increase over the course of one hundred years, or do you think maybe it has more to do with the fact that federal state policy have prohibited any sort of control burning that would have prevented all of these tendered areas from basically becoming a giant explosive device which do you think it is? Will the Democrats have made their call so gave a new summit meeting with President Trump and first he admits freely that we have not actually done our forest management justice liquid, actually blown. The forest management here was here. As the garbage governor gave a nuisance just yesterday by the way was cutting videos from bad areas of the California. Forest was literally sitting out there like that. This is fine dog Jeff sitting out there, with his laptop and with like some paper, trying to explain that it was that it was the climate fall right. It was the sun's vault, it was carbon emissions fault, it's not his
do you think, governor of the state, as I hold it up or yesterday Trump said. You know, you're bad forest management had something to do with this andreasen was like well, that's kind of true there's no question. When you look past this decade, looking passed on, the thousand plus years that we have not done justice on our forest management. I don't think anyone disputes that I want to knowledge. We have are useful, representative here this data, California you're ministration just entered into a first type commitment. Over the next twenty years to double our vegetation management, forest management, I want to thank you for supporting that effort. Funding that effort, We acknowledge our role and responsibility to do more in that space data by the end of that conversation right there is that the state of California can basically he's in on forest management and alleviate this problem over the course of the next few years. Thou Medium, The solution to this problem instead Gavin Newsom, then turned and lectures from on climate change, and this is what the Democrats would like to talk about.
Then I want to talk about the solutions that our hand. Then I want to talk about the fact that if you shut down every industry in the United States today, all of them, if private come in and bombed into submission every industry in the United States the day he entered office, you know what sort of happened this summer a giant wildfire because guess what that does not have climbed fringe works. If you of all carbon emissions today today, it would not have made one iota of difference in terms of the wild fire dammit, that has been done in California. As of twenty twenty, in fact, if we cease all carbon emissions today today, like all in the United States, all of them, we would reduce global warming over the course of the next seventy odd years by twenty one hundred and twenty one hundred. We would reduce all global warming across the world if we do, if, if all emissions, when two zero today too Europe, which is not a thing, that's happening. If that were to happen, we would reduce global warming by get this zero point. One seven two degrees celsius now, one point: seven: two degrees that seventeen agrees: zero
One seven two degrees celsius by twenty one hundred. If we ceased all carbon activities today today. Ok, that's if we, which is not even on the table, if we abided by the court of the Paris agreement, which is Joe Biden, they plan right and Brok Obama's be glad if we did all of that, the estimate is that of all nations did that if China did it, if India did it, if France did it, if Germany, if all of them did it agreeing abiding by the way in the Paris agreement, would lower climate change by the end of the century by zero point one seven degrees celsius for all nations for all nations, because it turns out that the Paris agreement give you a little bit more time than like shut down all industry today and still you'd end up with a quite one: seven degrees celsius reduction in the climate increase by twenty one hundred So, as you will see, the solutions that are being positive by the Democrats have nothing to do with the reality of the forest fires in California. If, yes, we want to solve the forest fire
in California, we have to do with human beings have historically been extremely go to doing, adapting they create new technologies. You have to take policies that makes sense when it comes to hurricanes, have to build new sea walls. It stop. Building things directly in the path of hurricanes. There are things that we can do the mitigate damage in the immediate term, but Democrats to want to talk about any of that. The media don't want to talk about any of that. Instead, they just want to say that Trump is a climate, and I are now you may yourself. Yes, but that doesn't change any of the policy even from denies climate change that doesn't change anything that's going on right now, right, but according to Democrats, in a pagan, mystic fashion, if from port mouth climate change is the most important thing that has ever happen, then the genes would begin to slow the rise of the oceans and begin to Slovak Barack Obama said in his Iowa victory speech back in two thousand eight, if only we would accept that climate change is responsible for every ill right. We have proposed a solution because there are no actual obvious solutions to what's happening right now it except for the ones that are on the ground when it comes to climate change. There no obvious in an actual solutions that are available.
When that happens it, but if you mail the words, if you, if you put up that one side just in the universe, then presumably all of this will end. This is the pitch. The Democrats are making as an anti scientific research. That is a pagan ridiculous, non provable, non verifiable, anti evidentiary patch. Is it, then that is the direction which gave a new summit was pushing. So I get to govern Newsome in his area, see in just one second, avoiding responsibility by citing global climate change or gets then just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that the second member is really important these this. Why will you protect your rights, but you also to protect health, there's a major crime with happening in cities across the United States, I'm getting letters from people who are been accosted on streets, people who have been mugged, people than beaten up and increasingly there is the threat that criminals are going to come into your area where these are. These are all real concerns. These are not fake concerns. Haven't done to protect yourself is a very, very smart thing
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Its books. I don't think he subscribes to scientific American. I don't think that's thing, but what's in that trunk believed wholeheartedly in the realities and threats of climate change, without mean that the wildfires wouldn't have just occurred. Now we had wildfires all throughout the Obama administration. This is not how science works. Doesn't work by you shouting. You believe in it like a religious totem at the top of your lungs, and then the universe leaves you alone. Like you stand in of a hurricane Udall climate changes and then the hurricanes like. While I guess we're done here, there's a move out to see you sent climate changes real. I guess we're finished here and guess what all of your idiotic policies about building energy, efficient houses and all of this stuff is not calibrated to actually stop climate change. It is not good solutions that are put forth by Joe Biden. What
No, I'm not alleviate climate change in any serious way by the end of the century. If we actually care about climate change over time where we are going to need to do is poor money into making energy efficient, not energy, efficient houses into making more sources of, the efficiency like new technologies. Human beings are varied of a technology there tube things, basically, that human beings can do about climate change. One is we can pour money into Aren T such that we can create more efficient sources of energy, and not one we're currently talking not stupid. Windmills, if you're solution to climate change, data like the forest is burning, build a windmill bob, that's not design a solution as close to a solution. The fact is that California, two weeks ago is experiencing a heatwave and roll, Brown out, because we had decided to decommission nuclear facilities and all move away from natural gas and towards courting quote green energy solution, so people instead were plotting from the heat. So we actually want to do this.
You need to do is develop technologies that are actually economically efficient and if people cannot for- and there are some of that regiment people arriving electric cars more than ever, but that's a good thing and too we can engage in adaptation, and that means things like perhaps GEO Engineering. It means that we have to build more see, walls, it means better infrastructure, it means don't bill directly next way, wildfire area. It means you have to take measures like control burns. Ricky's are all practical things. We can do Democrats on talk about any of those things. Instead, they talk about these broad scale, cortical ideas for curbing climate change that when, when actually evaluate across trillions of dollars, adult accomplish what they are seeking to accomplish. But it's not about that understand. It's about. The long time is about. Science is real, so here is Gavin. Newsome shouting it from science is real. When the media going through science is real and on an entitled from doesn't believe in science, here's gave a nuisance. Idiotic Kendall Harry goes so it's happened to the plumbing other world and we come from a perspective on
where we submit the science is in and observed evidence itself climate change is real, and that is masturbating this, and so I think there is an area of least commonality on vegetation. Waste management, but please respect- and I know you do the difference of opinion here as it relates to this fundamental issue. On the issue. Change, ok, but their fundamental issues, not a fundamental issue. Who cares what from believes about corn quote climate change? What why does not matter? The question is the power it, is he blocking a policy that would have stopped the fire? Is he stuck? Is he cutting the forest management like what what's the notice will notice what good governance and others as we can agree? the solutions. Actually we can grant it, but do you agree that science is real? Do agree? My long sign right here that has made no difference in alleviating wildfires in California. For the past, several decades do and its actual exacerbated the. What do you agree with my wants?
If you are a group, my long sign that means or bad, because my lawns Highness, alongside Joe Biden, did this routine yesterday as Well- and this was Joe Biden big speech, so he emerged from the basement. Every few days he emerges like the Groundhog to determine whether there are further days of election, so he emerged from the basement any student, a wheat field which was kind of weird. I am not sure that even Joe Biden knew where he was stood in a wheat field and muddled some words, and then he went back down in the basement without taking questions which is his way of running a campaign. So far has been successful because President Trump is constantly stepping on rakes. But let us not pretend that eurobonds A masterful campaign is not even walking a masterful campaign. His hobbling at best, a masterful campaign, is hobbling. He is crawling a masterful campaign we'll get to Dubai.
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and he just that this just sheer lawn sign demagoguery, Lowenstein Politics, at its best, Joe Biden, has long sign. So the speeches about eight minutes, that's what he's been doing right. He just goes to a location and then he speaks rate minutes and then goes back in the basement. So here's Groundhog Joe emerging to talk about the crises America is facing now we're gonna go through the crises he's talking about here, as it turns out. He mentions for crises they you're about here. For three of them are the fault of democratic policy. Here is to abandon the nation we face for the most difficult moments. Artists. True, in my view, for start crises are all at the same time the wars pandemic in a hundred years. That's already killed two hundred thousand people in county
worst economic crisis, since the great depression has cost tens of millions of american jobs and counting involved in white supremacy, unseen, says the sixties and a reckoning on race. That's long overdue and undeniable acceleration of punishing reality of climate change on our planet and our people on the lives and livelihoods I'd like to talk about now he's dimensions for crises. Three of them are the pulse of democratic policy. He mentions the pandemic now can of linen Democrats, Democratic Lebanon on trumped, because they don't know anything that science. It turns out that science mean The virus is going everywhere and it's got tons of people everywhere, as it turns out Donald Trump, didn't personally. In fact, everybody in New York and its Anti science today Andrew Cuomo Idiot governor of New York tweeted out science knows you not. Science knows that is a terrible idea should cover
the elderly, folks back into nursing homes and kill. Eleven thousand of them turns out that are really crappy policy and requirements. Ok, but Joe Biden names for crises, one is the is the pandemic. The second is the worst economic crisis since the great depression can that is largely due to Miss Begotten lockdown policies that have prevented economies from recovering you're half the people who are currently claiming unemployment levels, data Half of them really of the fourteen million people are currently gleaming unemployment. Half of them live in the state of California, because California is still completely lock down. Now you could have a lock down policy that alleviated certain points. You could have people going back to school; they could have all these. But misbegotten lockdown policy has made the economic crisis significantly worse than it has to be. If you don't believe me, distracted difference between lockdown stage and the non lockdown stage in terms of how they are doing in unemployment rate and economic recovery there's a vast difference. The third crisis is what he calls him. In white supremacy unseen since the sixties and a reckoning on race, that's long overdue
We're watching in the real world here is not credible. Embolden white supremacy spreading across the nation and resulting in riots across the country and major cities were not watching. White supremacist shoe cops. Wait you primacy, is a threat. I know I've been one of their main targets that the FBI arrested a waiter premises for targeting my family just last year, Believe you me I'm pretty hard on the white supremacist, but if we are talking about we are watching in real time right now, it is not enough Reckoning on race is right. And looters going around in major cities, claiming that the police are systemically races, backed by the Democratic Party and committing crimes. And then members the button campaign bailing out of jail. That is what we are watching right now, so that we, the fault of the Democratic Party, if you're, watching a bunch of people writing in Chicago allay DC, New York, Portland, Seattle Canosa and your first responses. That's emboldened white supremacy s because you are blind or a moron can. Finally, he says.
Undeniable acceleration of punishing reality of climate change on our planet. Weird, because climate change is a long term. Prospect is a long term thing. It does have real world consequences and I believe that it has caused mostly by man made emissions. That does not mean the solutions that democratic proposing are in any way realistic or useful. I tend to believe, as the ECB, as the Nobel Prize winner in Economics, rights specifically on the costs of climate change, policies and solutions, will ignore house writes that one of the things you have to do is balanced the future growth of the world economy, against any measures that you take today that condemn and that growth. In other words, you do have to allow a certain amount of climate change to happen, because it is counterproductive to do otherwise. If you shut down the entire world industry in order to stop climate change today for small wooden occur, you wouldn't stop. It might alleviated like damage a very, very small out. Ok, and also you destroy all of the economic growth that would allow for adaptation and better living conditions cause as it turns out. You know it's a great protector against climate change.
Being wealthy. It really, as is quite good. There is a reason why hurricanes when they hit the United States, they can be devastating not on the same order of the station as if they had Haiti. The fact is that in a corrugated iron shack, is much worse in terms of what you can do to fight climate change on a personal level, then living in an era condition climate Control House wealth is an actual, really important thing. I know people first world then forget about this, but there are lots of people who live in nice houses and even nice apartments, in any case, the that there are three crises and when it comes to the impacts of climate change, democratic, militated against actual adapted adaptive solutions right there, shutting down nuclear power plants that are not allowing for the the clear burn,
of particular areas that would that would stop wildfires from from going so crazy. They are continuing to facilitate the rebuilding in areas that are most liable to to be damaged by hurricanes. Like all this, about democratic policies of prayer, those for crises have been exacerbated by democratic policies and then Biden continues and he talks about wildfires, says wildfires, don't skip towns rate, wildfires dont care, whether Republican or a Democrat. Ok, that's for but you know what is also true. You can stop the wildfires from heading towns if you burn areas in controlled fashion, close to populated areas so that they don't eat the towns. Ok, but but Democrats won't want to any of that war. Fires don't skipped town that voted a certain way. The impacts of climate change, don't pick and choose best cuz, it's not a partisan phenomenon, its science, Our response should be the same ground.
In science. Sigh science, and if you see signs in science over and over climate change stops and wildfire management ever has to be undertaken. He can just say science. He puts up the one side and magically everything gets better. Earning more alongside speeches on climate change, from Joe Biden in just one. Second, then, we'll talk about the actual policy changes that could be made, but everybody is ignoring the it's just it's so irritating on our part a level to me emanate seriously seriously irritating on a primal level. That Democrats don't wanna talk about solutions when it comes to how we adapt to mitigate climate change. Instead of all, do all day long. Is you shouted? You don't agree with science and then we're supposed to be like? Oh, yes, the party that agrees that the party that leaves tat. A man can be a woman and one, can be a man, the party, the believes that Donald Trump directly causes hurricanes the party. The believes that if a vaccine is developed by down from the FDA shouldn't, take it because Donald Trump has personally poisoned the thing and
party. There also believes that babies in the womb or not babies, they are mere clusters of cells. That is the party of science. Spare me you'll get some more of Joe Biden and science in just one second. First, let's talk about how there has never been a better time really to sign up for that online university campuses are closed and why not pixel since the rationing to teach you something as posing the nonsense that you would learn at some other major universities anyway, when you think of your future, you think your goals, where you want to be substitute dreams for goal suddenly planning our future is bigger, because people don't have small rooms, dream bigger, with Ashford at university, get a degree from Ashford and therefore on mine, bachelor's and masters degree programmes. Allowing you to learn on a convenient, inflexible schedule, it afterward expert faculty, teaches you real world skills for real world experience in all my classes, built for, let's twists and turns you can learn from home or wherever you feel comfortable. You can pursue a degree in want of Ashford Sixty Plus programs like Business Administration, Healthcare, ministration and psychology with twenty four seven access your classrooms.
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Rules will stream the town hall complete with live commentary. You can watch the stream on daily where in a calm, Youtube or Facebook, you can only interact with Michael, however, if you're in all access member so be sure to hand over to daily, where to come, join the live chat with Michael during the town hall and afterward. Finally, will have the question answered as to whether he is in fact the press secretary for Joe Biden exactly the same, and I've never seen both of them in the same place. At the same time, only all access members get to join these all excess live sessions or one of the daily, our hosts hops, on every night to chat with you both and live stream, and in the comments all access membership also features not one but two leftist years tumblers with your membership as well as early. And sometimes exclusive access to New Delhi where a product so had on over daily, whereby com slash, if you're right now to get fifteen percent off all access with coupon code watch that is daily where dot com slash appear, with coupon code watch to get fifteen percent off your membership Wesley. If you watch this podcast on Youtube, know this September twenty Eightth it's coming up like right now it will be moving this
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conversation ever so here is Joe Biden, literally literally dismissing the actual solutions to forest fires and wildfires, because science is real, The west is literally on fire and he blames the people whose homes and communities are burning. He says you gotta clean your foot Where's your gotta clean your forest is literally the solution. Literal solution, is forest invent an vegetate in tandem. Vegetation management exactly what governance and the governor of California said directly different bright, but apparently it's better from says it because science, because science and then we go into all Dennis Quaid in day after to Morrow Mode with Joe Biden, he says you know it's actually threatening our suburbs, not people who are committing crimes, not rampant homelessness, not a federal attempt
to redo how you're a community is built by putting giant publicly sponsor department complexes directly. Next, your house, none of that was actually threatening. The suburbs is climate change. Now again, climate change is a long term. Threats to certain areas of american life, human things have an enormous capacity to adapt. We will have better technology, It will be a lot richer in a hundred years and we are right now there are certain things that we can do. I have mentioned many of them already, but according to Joe Biden, if don't from his re elected president, the wrath of con will emerge. Mother nature will take her revenge and the suburbs will bird not because of his supporters burning the suburbs issues what's been happening, but because the climate will get in create you. The climate, like a nasty vengeful God will come down from on high and smile you if Donald Trump is re elected here is pagan Joe Biden Meanwhile, Donald Trump warned
integration is threatening our suburbs. It's ridiculous but you know what is actually threatening our suburbs. While eyes are burning the suburbs in the west, floods or wiping out. Urban neighbourhoods in the MID West hurricanes pair suburban life along our coasts, we're for more years of trumps climate denial. How many suburbs will be burned in wildfire? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded? out how many suburbs will have been blown away in superstores. If you give a clear in arsonist for more years in the White House. Why would anyone be surprise? We have more America Blaze, if even climate deny for more years and the White House. Why would anyone be surprised when more of America's
water. That is not how climate change works that seriously now how climate change works. It have Donald Trump is elected from former years, then Amerika will burn and the entire coastline will be, and what in the world is he talking about again if we shut down every industry in the United States today, if all carbon emissions shut down today, if we came in sight and the gas out of your car today, we would lower the global climate on planet earth, zero point, one seven, two degrees celsius by twenty one hundred. What, in the actual f, is he talking about this stupid idiot? But science is real guys that pagan crap that I just told you they ve down from his reelected than sitting, we'll burn and the and the waters will emerge in swamp your city, but where's the elect up Joe Biden and obviously everything changes, we are because I was promised the same thing by Bravo. That was the moment when the seas, where didn't I mean reelected, em right? What wasn't at the moment when the seas we're gonna be interested?
and then another didn't happen because it turns out this outweigh any of this works, but don't worry science, and that is turbines final pitch science site. We need science. Here is Joe Biden on science We need a prisoner respect science who understands that average from climate change is already here. Unless we Gerda and action. Will soon be more catastrophic, recognises understands and cares that Americans or die, which makes present chumps climate. I was in his disdain for science and facts, all the more unconscionable Joe Biden disdain for our technical English is obvious from anklet, but we need a president and see it's all about the feeling somewhat science, he's got the ones I write, their science is real and you say in it. So why don't you believe them? Science is real
We need a president who is going to say: science is real over and over and over Sherwin accomplish anything we ve got the lawn sign gang alone. Sign is all that matters. That's all that matters alongside my favorite is then he said that he has concrete actionable programmes, ok and that this is pretty hilarious. So his plan is then we're gonna get to net zero emissions by no later than twenty. Fifty by twenty fifty ok again, quick note, Gretta Dernburg, who goes around talking about how the adults they don't believe us didn't believe that its urgent so urgent. How happy you think she's gonna be withdraw by saying that when we get to net zero bite,
The fifty which is at last, I check thirty years from now yeah yeah job, I'm going to save the world that science is real, but the Georgia, the excellent excellent job. By the way I haven't policy that could really stop lotta wildfires. Here's the ears of policies really easy actually doesn't have to forest management. You ready here's, the policy, arrest, people commit arson and then keep them in jail. I mention this policy because here is breaking news from the near opposed quote:. In Oregon. Man was charged with using amounts of cocktail to start a brush plays in the wild fire devastated state and then bus it again. Just six hours later for allegedly going back in starting six more cop said what weird cause I thought he was arrested the first time. So how did he get out of jail to start six more fires, Domingo Lopez, junior forty five was first arrested Sunday afternoon after witnesses told he started to fire on the Grassy Edra Portland Freeway, with an incendiary device made out of place bottle with the he admitted starting the blaze, which was extinguished without any injuries or property damage whose book in jail in six forty five pm Sunday,
charges of reckless burning and second degree disorderly conduct, then, because Portland Portland users, on his own recognizance. Later then, I use walking along the edge of the same highway just after three thirty eight on Monday, as cops, join fire crews to investigate reports of six more fires, Portland police. At this time he appear to start the fires of law which receives as evidence. Luckily Oliver, The quarterly known was injured. No structures were burnt, said the police. So am I Here's ears good way, did you stop? Some of these fires is to keep people in jail who commit arson. Also, you don't be a great weight. Stop fires to mitigate the homeless problem in the state of California I had I had me in.
Evening dinner with some firefighters out here and allay in the last couple of weeks, and they were saying to me that half of the fire calls they get our homeless people setting fires were accidentally or on purpose, so good news, they California, has decided to basically look the other way on the homeless problem. Other things that we could do to prevent all of these wildfires from from getting worse, heroic, you're a few other things we could do. We could mitigate some of the federal regulations governing all of this reason magazine says the regulatory requirements one must meet before, a control burn are complex and lengthy. We need more control burns because otherwise you just basically have these giant tinderbox is especially since the nineteen sixties, efforts to extinguish all fires, even natural low impact forest fires that serve as natures equivalent of a control burn, have made forests more susceptible. Larger fires, and it made control burns more and more necessary according to Jonathan, would attorney with the Pacific Legal Foundation, agile fellow, but the property and Environment research centre. The national environmental policy requires quote a couple thousand
page document analyzing every single, conceivable impacts, the environment, that control burn plan might have the public process that often results in litigation. What you often finds has what is that there are projects which have been extremely well, but it I ve been years in the work, there'll be a five thousand page document. No one could conceivably read because it so long and complicated, then the project will be put on hold, because some special interest group file the lawsuit from ninety. Ninety, nine to two thousand seventeen, an average of thirteen thousand acres of California, were subjected to control burns every year in February. Twenty twenty nature, sustainability into magazine, published report arguing California needs to burn twenty million acres of forest in order to restore for herself They burn thirteen thousand acres a year in California, from ninety nine, united, twenty seventeen we now need, twenty million acres of forest, that's a vault of climate change, not bad policy, also the clean directive. Ninety ninety create an obstacle because the law treats the smoke from a controlled prescribe burn as polluting
that has to be analyzed, they don't do the same from wildfire. We can see the smoke right now from the welfare, and this goes back decades. President Clinton, in his closing days in office January, fifty thousand one your times in the biggest land, observation ACT in decades. President Clinton will approve in order on Friday, putting nearly a third of the National Forest land permanently off limits to road building and logging. So the idea there is that people are clear, cutting it not replacing the trees. That's not true, but if you dont get rid of old, would one of the things that happens that tends to burn. Hey Joe Biden continue, however, shall scientists real savings is good, and that we know is good. It doesnt matter that this is very much a political problem and it doesnt matter that a lot of a binding things, patently anti scientific increased amount of damage from hurricanes, for example, is not due to the increased activity of hurricanes. There has been no increase in number of hurricanes and there has been an increase in some way,
as of the intensity of hurricanes, perhaps because of warm water layers at the top of the ocean. But the real reason you'd seen increase damage is not because the hurricanes are worse because more more people have built stuff in the way of the hurricanes, but the target area is now larger matter. He believes in science in the media they're going to they're going to repeat this until it's true repeat until it's true here is the headline from the New York Times, which is basically just the pr wing for the Democratic Party This point is the lead headline at the New York Times ready for this. There is the New York Times headline very objective news: a fine journalists being all
the place. The journalism getting sticky and weird all over all over the place. Here is the New York Times getting sick inward, Joe Biden, Trump scorns science as fires, Rage Biden, calls from climate arsonist always at is that what's happening from scorn, science is the big story, not California's. Forest mismanagement causes massive wildfires, not every blue state on the coast. Bosh. This thing there are blue states by way ain't, no red states on the West Coast of the United States, not climate change has mildly exacerbated. What is really a forest management problem which they far more accurate, Stephen again decline in California, has formed a grand total of three degrees Fahrenheit,
a hundred years. According to the EPA Nope, the headline is from scorn: science. Ah, they ve got the bumper sticker Dante, and now scientific American is putting out its own endorsement of Joe Biden. They ve never backed presidential candidate in a hundred seventy five years, but now because all things must be political, scientific American is gonna, be political to scientific American has issued an endorsement because science, because science, what is their very science he case for why Joe Biden ought to be president? The evidence in the science has scientific american show the Donald Trump his badly damaged the? U S and its people, because you rejects evidence and science most devastating example. His this is his dishonest and inept response to the covert nineteen pandemic, which has cost more than a hundred thousand ninety thousand Americans. Their lives by the middle of September he's also attacked environmental protection measures
care and the researchers and public science agencies that help this country prepare for its greatest challenges. That is why we urge you to vote for Joe Biden, whose offering fact based plans to protect our health, our economy and our environment is literally offered. No covered planet differs in any way from the trunk administration. Plant has done nothing to protect. The economy is calling for renewed lockdown to destroy the economy and as far as the environment, he just shouts. He shouts climate is real and endorses ridiculous, green new deals that are never going to be implemented by. Let you not anti science claiming the Donald Trump is responsible one hundred and ninety thousand american deaths from covered as anti science. If it's really the politicians who are responsible for the deaths, then I look forward to and civic American endorsing Andrew, almost opponent in New York in the fact that scientific American is now doing this retain its is, is pretty impressive, stuff, really really simplistic anti evidence absurd,
I again that there now blaming the governors in Florida, Arizona in Texas, for resisting complete, lockdown, they're, saying science dictates lock and science does not dictate the lock down again. The lockdown were meant to mitigate the infection rates that they didn't have won the hospital system. They were never meant as a way to crush the virus is not crushed letters anywhere we're seeing optics in Europe every single country, except for wait for Sweden. Why? Because it in lockdown gave a door. The scientific Americans have that have thereof, have their endorsement by super super scientific, really, really
civic stuff, it's ridiculous, but you know again, the narrative is out there in the narrative is all you have to do is say: science is real and it doesn't matter how bad you are your job. This is why the New York Times has a massive interview with Jerry Brown Jura Brown was governor of the State of California, crumpled, nineteen, seventy five and eighty three and two thousand eleven, two thousand nineteen. What did he do to mitigate wildfires? Oh, that's right, nothing, zero things, but don't worry. He says climate changes real, so the New York Times gives him the be slightly tongues, Latherum treatment in their pages and by the way I do love this. This pretty spectacular, say, says you might say we are getting out of here we're going someplace else. If you're, a California has no they're gonna, be problems everywhere in the United States so the new normal it's been predicted it happening. This is part of the new long term. Experience tell me where you gonna go. What you're all turn of Canada you're gonna go to places like. I already have torn NATO's. No people are fleeing California because of mismanagement.
They're leaving California, because this place is run like crap worth noting Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a measure to create a California fire map and took nine years to develop the fire map seven of those years we're during Jerry Browns term in office. But the Good NEWS is that your time says he believes in science. Ok, meanwhile, we are watching, as the cops are blamed for literally every bad thing in America by the democratic left in the press, which is always exciting news. According to the Chicago Police, Hooper Intendant Emily's naughty reporting over a daily wire attacks on officers are up five times over previous years. Last week, seventy two people were shot and wounded in Chicago eighteen. People were killed. That's a slight increase over twenty nineteen overall, though murders and shootings our each up. Fifty two percent over the last year, according to the Chicago police departments, official statistics and the tax on police officers are five times over previous years, I met a spike in shootings that has left the city reeling.
Fox news reports, dozens of police Chicago police officers have been shot or shot at so far this year, including as recently as this weekend when the Illinois Citys are thirty. Five shooting Sinhalese, ten murders through Sunday of the sixty five Chicago police officers have been shot at ten have been struck according to which you have a police superintendent, who is, in fact a black man, David O Brown. You said that during Monday morning, press conference says this is not a comparable year. This is five times any previous here that anyone can recall the city itself, the latest outline of the day and how the cops are bad. Is that dumb, if cops, have their driving a car and are trying to get to report a crime and people block the car or jump on the car or start trying to break into the car? The cops are disposed to sit there. This narrative is promoted yesterday,
I commend to so bunch of black lives matter, protesters and anti for members- presumably mostly white, of course, because this is a bunch of dispossessed white jackasses, their standing on the streets of Sacramento, a police officer has his lights on he's, trying to get to some reported crime and they decide that they're going to obstruct one of these morons jumps on the front of the car. Now here is my basic rule: ok, here's my basic role. If you jump on the front hood of a vehicle that is on what happens next on you, if you jump on the front of a car that is tempting to go somewhere what happens? Next is your fault. I feel that this should be relatively uncontroversial. The fact that it is controversial means that you just expect police officers The basically just be feel tests dummies, but the crash tests dummies from your commercials, their suppose, used absorb all the blows, never defend themselves and never get out of harm's way am here is what happens in idiot jobs on the front of a cop car and are in the cop, besides that he is not in fact going to sit around and have his car broken into
and abused and he is not going to be put a threat, and so he drives off and boom. We will catch you later gang. And then people start screaming and child, my god what's happened. What's happened? Oh no! It's! Ok! Ok, it's not so terrible, bizarre terrible end of story. I have nothing else to stand at their captain joining Europe. The cuts are trying to go somewhere to it. To answer a crime. You surround the cop cars and, by the way this day after or two days after two cops were were nearly murmured in an assassination attempt, incompetent when someone walked up to the driver side window or to the passenger side window and shot to the cops directly in the head. Ok, so if I'm a cop, I'm keeping and you should do we ve seen this over and over by the way you. This has been happening, appeal and protests from months bed there'll be civilians, not just cop civilians who are attempting to get through an area and then be alone: Testers will surround the car and start pounding on the car, and people will hit the gas to get the hell out of there because they are afraid of what's going to happen and then the be alone.
Sesar is in the media like. How could somebody do that? If you jump in front, I may moving vehicle. That's your fault! If you jump on the road of a moving vehicle, that is your fault. If you attempt to obstruct people in their ability to exercise their basic right to use the roads for which they pay, tatters, vandam, etc. False so cops are always expected to up to absorb all forms of harm, which is why, by the way, you ve seen the Nebula movement riot over cases in which the cop obviously exercise self defence in which the suspect was coming in with a knife right, that's what happened in Lancaster Pennsylvania. There is a right in Lancaster after a cop shot, a man whose charging him with cops are not crash. Has dummies cops are human beings? We stand between you and the worst that America has to offer it. Meanwhile, I am enjoying the full scale media defences. Now some media have to somehow come up with a defence for the fact that so many of these protests have turned violent. They turn into looting and so its turn into a rolling myth right. This is the way to conservative power.
Every time. I appeal in protest turns into writing and looting or any time people from Vietnam are literally on tape, attempting to break into a hospital or obstruct an ambulance or shouting in glee when cops catch up, and we have to pretend that they are completely on the socio with the element, if you ever doubt, media biased just think about the idea that if there were ever a tea party won T party event where one person had gotten hurt. Ok, Archie Party events where a person it got hurt, the media would immediately impute that not only tired she party, but to every republican legislator. In America, we had an entire moments in the early Obama instruction called Occupy Wall Street, where people were sitting in parks and people are getting raped in parts and crime was taking place and the media is like yes, but their causes. Just We saw in the last couple of months in independent Republic of Chaz Chop set up in the middle of Seattle and media like us like a street fair until two people got shot enough and the costs were barred from coming in
as we now John Lennon is doing the heavy lifting he's as yet. How can you conflate this police ambush that happen in a way that the protests are now complaining that the protests most of the protesters are not murderers, most the protesters, but I've seen preserve, fifty million of them are not writers and waters are in fact that in most of the protesters, don't even understand what the hell they are protesting for or against having. They just think that their what's happening insane. Racism is bad which ok, chore. Racism, of course, is bad, but like in the classical definition, none the Ebro MAX Candy, tear down the system, definition, ok, but dont lemon, because, yes, to come up with a reason why the protests keep randomly devolving into bad things yesterday. This is a republican pounds case here is dominant, being very Republicans, panty. I think we should be very clear because I hear people confiding it The protests are that we don't know that. Yet we don't know that, but what we do know something horrible happened and there should be no excuse made for it, and- and I hope these officers get better at my heart and and
My thoughts go out to their families and also to the members of the department. But there is no excuse for that kind of violence. Ok, so we have no evidence that is confronted with the princess we're because you can play Every single bad thing that happens in the United States with something download from said fridge. Strange then ABC sunny Hoskin on the view repository of all human stupidity. She she says that the bill and protest movement is being via being violent. That's a false narrative, its false narrative, according to a widespread study of all the be all and protests across the country, some seven per cent of them dissolved into violence and writing alluded which five hundred different if its evolving into violence and writing and looting, there's only hospital, a myth, never happened according to a new Fox news. More voters classify Belem unrest as riots rather than protests, and that is scary, because that's into this narrative that from campaign has been putting out there
you really look at the facts. Ninety three percent. Ninety three percent of protest are non violent, and so this is manufactured by the Trump campaign, and I just wish that people understood that a new that and just looked up the real facts about protest in this country. Ok on that are on the table in front of me, thought experiment on the table in front a mere one hundred glasses lemonade. Ninety three percent of them have no poison in them. Do this in what the deal do you can take a drink? How do you feel about that? Also? What if some of those glasses of lemonade turned into glass of womanhood poisoning? Would you would you take a drink because you know which is which did this is just such absurdity? The media's willingness to over the actual violence in writing and looting- and they did the same thing in two thousand sixteen, when, when Belian had this this moment again, entwine succeed and six hours, police officers were murdered in Dallas by being a member, a self proclaimed Yola member and was it while he has nothing to do with the protests. Ok well
You can distinguish the riders in the protests in looters by identifying the crime, but for time of the under ideology in what it pushes. You got a problem, a problem will, I guess, we're not gonna hear about incendiary rhetoric. Also on CNN one. I can hear about incendiary rhetoric. Here is a retired away police Department sergeant named surely pussy appearing as ASEAN, aghast and literally making excuses, I mean this is amazing. A guest on CNN making excuses for the attempted assassination of two police officers in California. My first reaction with sadness listen, there's a lot enchanter on social media about an before I, we know that there are reports of internal gangs with the count in sharp department, particularly they regarded themselves as the executioner and sorrow it allowed. This wasn't maybe retaliation or the failure to hold office there's a cannibal not only in the coffee Shops department, but nationally when we see instances of officers using deadly forces of first resort rather than others
reserve, you know it's bad, that it happened, but maybe it was just retaliation for lack of accountability over. That is a fall on justification of violence against police officers. Don't tell me that there is an argument, separation. When I'm not seeing the ideological separation, I'm not if you want to say that that violence against police officers is bad habit this. How are you stop making the argument that the police are systemically racist without any evidence or any possible solutions, or any policies that have to be changed, but they won't do that, because the cops are in fact, always bad in fact, they're, so bad that they should basically sit there while their abused or while people charged with knives around people, jump on the heads of their cars and attempt to solve them. Both the capture basically just absorb it, because that's what they're there do, aren't they ok! Well, we ve run out of time on today's podcast, but later on, today will be for two additional hours will discuss president trumps rally that he held in November now two things can be true once that it is a bad idea to hold a dry and indirectly in the middle of a covered pandemic, and to that end, about a governor
really has no leg to stand on, because all the casinos are open in Nevada, so that those two things can both be trouble, gets it out a little bit later on today, plus will get to universities going for woke. Apparently, the Columbia Marching Band I am getting at the Columbia Marching Band just did that they decided to dissolve because of their institutional racism. The marching been progress. Those french horns, the French, we'll get to that will but later on. Otherwise, with you here tomorrow, adventure paralyses the venture Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including he Andrew Craven, show.
The micro mole show and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening Dementia Piero Show is produced by coltan hearts. Are technical director is often Stevens executive producer, Jeremy boring our supervising producers are math is clever and Robert Sterling assistants erector Pavel White, asking our socio, user is next year shows edited by Adam silent Audio midst by MIKE Communist here and make up its mind. You could Geneva. Ben Shapiro Show is a daily wire production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty Those are my wall show not just another show about about politics, There are enough of those already out there, We talk about culture, because culture drives politics and drives everything else so my main focus is our life family faith, those are fundamental and that's what this shows about Help Europe giving to listen.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-15.