« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1092 - The Woodward Tapes


Bob Woodward releases a bombshell tape of Trump talking about downplaying covid; Democrats ignore their own records to leap on Trump’s failures; and politics continue to dominate facts on covid.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bob Woodward releases a bomb, shall tape of president from talking about downplaying covered democratic, nor their own records to leap on terms, failures and politics continue dominate facts when it comes to covet. I'm bench girl- this is the bench Piero show they show is bounded by experts Vps, stop putting your online data at risk, get protected and expressly peons outcome, Slash battle, but to all of the breaking news in just one moment. First, let's talk about back there's a lot of. Certainly in the market right now, you may notice these stock market moving. Dynamic area, and that is not unexpected.
What we are watching right now, a lot of new data being pressed into the system, but times of great volatility times of not knowing what to expect those are times when you might want to diversify. At least a little bit in the precious metals have been telling you, since twenty sixteen to invest at least a little bit more money in gold and to invest in gold by friends over Birchwood. That was back when gold was thirteen hundred bucks announce. Now it is hovering around historic highs and look what's coming round the corner presidential election there could be urban unrest could be rural unrest that could be multiple contentious seats in the Senate to flip. If by loses the election, do you really think that democratic gonna, let it go from blues the election and its narrow? Do you think that things are gonna? Go
Really really great up. Now would be the time to think about that port folio. If you haven't reached out to birch gold severs my part of your irish or for one k into a precious metals IRA or just purchased a little bit of physical silver or gold from them. Do it today, text bend forty seven forty, seven, forty seven in a free information can on protecting your savings with gold. I've got old, I trust Birch called people. We should trust as well. Take Ben to forty seven, forty, seven, forty seven open a precious metals irae today, again text Ben to forty, seven, forty, seven, forty, seven, ok, so big news of yesterday and into today are the woodwork tapes. Bob Woodward has tapes of talking with president from now. First question who, in the hell for it, was a good idea for trumped such babbled word who in their health, but that it was a good idea for firms to ever talk to members of the press. The term is this very bizarre relationship where the press, where he really hates them, because they must treat him and because,
lie about him, but also I mean really loves them and wants to talk to them all the time, and so this means that the White House Press office is basically woody enjoy story for trying for an Forky from throwing himself in the trash. That is every day for the White House Press office, because they're out there trying to message is trying to get on message about Joe Biden in an riots in Canosa and unrest in the economy, teetering and there's trump out there? Just doing this thing trying to himself in the trash crash is jumping into the trash like forty from from toys story for and if you're, the White House Press office that what the comes off you have incredibly frustrated at this point, especially because we are now two months out from an election, and you ve got Donald Trump, as it turns out doing eighteen hours, eighteen hours of on the record interviews with Bob Woodward. Now I sort of understand the logic. I guess I guess in that, Bob Woodward is a pseudo journalist aid where's he pseudo journalist, I mean the last several bodies written have come under serious question, forty contextual,
as in comments and then reconnects realising them properly and in his report rumours he doesn't footnote stuff, we sort of famous for this. The Bob Woodward, we are now seeing a sort of inside stories what's going on inside various administrations, but Matthew Walter put it over the weak. The problem is that he'll just print rumour when he can't get the fact he will print secondhand stories and this something Bob Woodward is famous for so that means If you want to stop him from doing that, you give him first hand sourcing. What there's only one problem with that, which is that it doesn't dissuade him from violating things like on the record off the record on background verges on the record, a hairdresser every wants to do and letting the chick let it letting the fox and the Hen house at a really bad idea, particularly with President Trump, who is fond of overstating things and fond of saying silly things. He is a real estate magnates with a gift for puff
and the real estate business. Your costly puffing up the real estate. Isn't this most beautiful island kitchen only to open let Lickety open floor plan, my god, I've never seen anything. Poverty is the nature of real estate and Donald Trump is the nature of poverty. So Donald Trump has it, of personality laws. They come out in nearly every interview and they can make for very toxic combination. Person lot number one the man has never admitted he was wrong ever he is never wrong according to Donald Trump, he's never had reason to repent before God. According to Donald Trump has never done a thing in his entire career. That is wrong and personalities, long overdue, engages in poverty. So everything is superlative issued the waste is the best. Is it spectacular, unbelievable gave age that there is no in between for president from when you can bind those two personalities laws. One he's never done anything wrong with to his penchant for poverty. You end up with some very unfortunate quotes about covered, and that is what happened here with regard to Bob Woodward books up there to allegations that put together
make for some toxic politics from the allegation. Number one is one that would work puts in the book patently spoke with Trump on February. Seventh is new book is titled rage, of course, apparently from said to one word about covered but this is deadly staff. In his your interviews with what words had CNN Trump reveal that he had a surprising level detail about the threat of the virus earlier than previously known, pretty amazing told one worth adding that the corn viruses maybe five times more deadly than the flu? Apparently, he also suggested that the virus was airborne at the time. Now. Here's the thing about all the stuff. The trumpets hang on February, seven, if trumpet publicly and said that the virus was airborne on February. Seventh, everybody rightly would have said that this was not actually meant that this was not actually supremely telling because Donald from us in a lot of things about covered, many of which are inaccurate, hate her now that the w a child did not declared that the viruses airborne until July. So from a comment in February, the meaning of failure.
Is it ok. We need to shut down all of american society. The viruses airborne. How many people do you think what to go along with that? The answer pretty obviously zero, since about one week prior, the Democratic Party had opposed trump, even shutting down some travel from I only heard Democrats proclaim. They would have done something very very differently in February. The answer is no, you wouldn't have Nancy clothes. He was out in Chinatown encouraging people to come on down February, twenty. Fourth, so we'll get to the democratic response, all this in just one. Second, ok, so he is on tape with Woodward on February, seven, where he said that the virus is dangerous and that it is airborne and that it could kill a lot of people now again. How much of that is Trump conveying what he actually knew and how much of that is Trump conveying what he had heard. We ve seen enough this press conferences to know that he was constantly giving you know either best case or worst case scenario, and nothing in between there is everything moderate rhetoric coming from from about the about the virus, but
on five. Seven say that it was airborne and Woodward says this is a damning missed opportunity for trumped reset the leadership clock. After he was told, this is a once in a lifetime health emergency. During a pre Superbowl interview on Fox NEWS, very second from said: we pretty much shouted down coming in from China in two days later during the state of the union. Made, only a passing reference is virus. You promise what my administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat. Ok, and then there is a another tape that emerged a little bit later on this, we march nineteen, and in this later tape, tromp was asked by Woodward what changed. Between February and March, we really started to ramp up the rudder now in normal answer. Here is the information changed right? That is the normal answer. Back in February, we have basically zero.
Not basically with zero identified deaths from covered in the United States in February. At that point, there's only later, we realised that we may have had some deaths from cover that we had in properly identified, but there were double digit cases in the United States as February there were very low double digit debts, as early March Ultra had to say here is we got no information and therefore I changed my my feelings about the virus, but again go back social personality flaws from has never been wrong according to Trump and to everything is either the worst or the best. Will. That means that what you're about to hear me say fits well within his personality it was one. He has never been wrong in any point in time. He's a mission and therefore knew from the very beginning how deadly this virus was, which leads him to have to now explained. Ok, you know is that deadly and why exactly?
You talk about it, which leads them to say what the reason I didn't talk about. It is because I didn't want a panic everybody which is a pretty weak excuse, monotonously, if you knew that things were super duper. Bad back in February should have said so, because Americans ought to be trusted with information or care of your democrat president or republican president. If you know really bad information that affects Americans have responsibility to pass. That along to Americans is not your job. To tell us whether or not to panic is your job to tell us exactly what we are needing to know, so we can make our own risk assessment right. That's why? If you look at the actual charge human movement in the United States, you'll see the people started to shut down their own travel planned before all of the government lockdown that took place. So I can try anyway, those two personality for both combined to give you this tape, which will be used by Democrats and every attack. Until the election. Now it's turning out, it's not just on people, but that yesterday, in ten and day so much lordling tracks came out. It's just old older examined unable to plenty of young people sober material,
he's going to give me a moment of talking. Somebody going through this worthwhile. She or somebody who kind of it caused, pivot. In your mind, because its clear just from what's in on the public record that you went through a pig, down this too. Oh, my god, the gravity is almost explicable unexplainable. Well, I think Bob really to be honest with you. I want you, Taiwan, to always play? I still I playing down here, Sir, because I don't want to create a panic right. Ok, that is the last quote right I always want to play down. I still like playing it in that can be the poker, though no ignored last power. He justifies it by saying that you want to create a patent by the way that serve rationale has been used also by Doktor Anthony value when he said that people should mass, because you want to create a run on the mask
That logic was also used by Christa by Andrew Cuomo. Governor of New York is we'll see, but suffice it to say that the combo of those two factors, one from Saint Woodward in early February, that you talk as usual, paying and quote it goes through the air. It's always tougher than the touch. Your hats touch things right, but the airy just breathe the air and that's how pass and sets a very tricky one. That's a delicate one. It's also more deadly than even your strenuous flew right. That, combined with the margin ten statement that he had purposely downplayed. The virus is going to lead the Democratic Trump new and you didn't do anything about it and he was lying to us about this whole thing. The entire time and now he's admitted that he was downplaying the virus. Okay, so I didn't couple things can be true, one it from come out in early February inside this thing is airborne. There was not the scientific proof to back up again the who only declared this thing airborne in July. He so it would ve been crazy for true to say that in early February and it is crazy, frankly, from disabled we're not even to me, I'm fund babblers, my god, what are you leaving?
what do people you can do it the way now seriously just disconnect the damn phones, you just take the phone and smash it with him and then bleach bit like Hillary Clinton. So that that is number one number two. It is also true that the president should not have downplay the virus was a major mistake for the president to have done that in February March, a serious mistake, a political mistake and, in fact a human mistake, because you shouldn't be telling people to downplay particular threats when those actually threaten their lives right. You shouldn't do that now. Here's the thing is is actually a revelation to answer one. If it's a revelation, the real revelations, not what you said on March, nineteen rather modest downplaying to stop panic ass. She said that publicly liquid later in a press conference, if the actual revelation is this, very seven conversation that he knew early on that was airborne. Then the question becomes why Bob Woodward did not release the tapes are reported. The question being asked by left, right and centre. Why exactly? If Bob Woodward knew this then was airborne early February didn't come in the president, knows Germany's lying to you and the answer is because Bob Woodward didn't know whether to take
any serious measure of what from posing because again Trump engages in poverty. Because trumps has a lot of stuff. Wider stuff comes out of their face. It means a lot of stuff comes outlet. Is your Bob Woodward? Why didn't you go run to the to the press and say from says it's airborne? The press will go yeah, but there's no information. It's airborne he's just from being crazy again, maybe that the bottom line is nobody knew what was going on, including trump at the time he in early February trumpet and was going on again. He said that information provision thing was a very untrustworthy source, there's a lot of differential speculation by various members of the various political parties, exactly how serious covered was gonna be and how about the outbreak was gonna, be doktor, fatuous playing down as February as well, because he again did not know this was gonna, be a massive outbreak. There's nobody knew that was gonna break across the United States. Exactly this way, when you hear democratic or you don't, we applied for additional funding that he applied for, like a tiny bit of additional funding.
He applied for a little bit of additional funding funding, though so insufficient that actually the Republicans came back in early March and up the amount of funding that you the day appropriated for cove, inviting above what Democrats requested in February. So those are the tapes that are breaking across in the media in the media are going nuts over them, of course, because this is finally the tape. The brings down from this is that it brings down from a couple of things one everybody, I think already big din, Trump Botch, his rhetorical handling of the virus. Everybody, I think, is already big that in does that mean imposing an damage from now. It is gonna damage from and again the phone call is coming from inside the house. If you're, the White House comes off his you're, just that that baby sitter from the horror movie, who gets the call from the police at the cause coming from with that? Wouldn't it within the house, you just down the office from Trumpery like where these leaks coming from. When you looked down the office in theirs front on the phone, they didn't it excusable. It is political malpractice, it is stupid any of the highest order and I frankly don't care that Senator Lindsey Gram supposedly told trumped to talk to what we're Trump is a grown man he's a president
The United States is in the seventies at a certain point. I take responsibility your own decision to speak with a border is my goodness they. So that is that that, obviously, is is high level stupid of me. But what will come back to her from while the it hurt him in debate? It hurts Minette, realistically speaking, just assessing the politics of the situation. It herdsmen debate in a horseman added herdsmen debate, because if Joe Biden Sentience then now Joe Biden has a real line of attack against Trump, he says you botched covert and from says terms
you and have been anything different ladys have, I certainly would have downplayed for a month. You admitted to Bob Woodward you downplayed four month, because you didn't want people to panic and in downplaying it you didn't convey the actual threat level to the american people, who should trust, for it is pretty good line she'll see by music. You also see this in every attack from now until the election, as I say it, but is the really any content? What we're going to assess whether there is anything that really adds here, whether this is in fact a bomb shall or whether to restatement from from so now the case that actually has already made fairly publicly we'll get to that in just one taken. First, let us talk about you, safety and security. So there are a thousand reasons: why protecting your home matters to you and that's? Why bring has security products for every quarter of your home inside out here in a way we are experiencing a low level crime with also motorway, but a low level crammed with people stealing boxes from porches, and- and this happened several, my friends. This is why you need ring, because then you can try
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dissipating multiplayer game of of gas lighting every single person who is involved in the stories gas, letting Bob Woodward did not know early February. The thing was airborne hidden believe I this thing was that serious otherwise would reveal the story right. He has even said that he didn't come forward with the story at this point because heap literally did not know that it was a big story at point. So Woodward is has answered these particular questions and Woodward's sir, he said he did not have any signed agreement or formal embargo, Rachel Trump or the White House to hold back their conversations said. I told him it was for the book, but as far as promising it not abolishing real time. I didn't do that. He said his aimless a fuller context. They could occur in a new story. I knew I could tell the second draft of history, and I could tell it before the election also. He said that there are two problems of what he heard from from in February the captain from putting in the newspaper the time one
no the sources from information was it wasn't until months later in May, that would we're learn. It came from a high level intelligence breathing in January. That was also described in Wednesday's reporting about. But no note Democrats had the same high level briefing in MID February, so top Democrats knew everything from new by MID February in February what Trump told Woodward seems hard to make sense of Arthur said back. Then there is no panic over the virus, even for the final days of the month, fatuous publication Americans. There is no need to change their daily habits, and he says the biggest problem is I enough know if it was true. Well, that's right. Ok, then right. So what is basically acknowledging that Trump didn't odious talking about, because Trump very rarely knows what he is talking about when it comes to statements of That is one of the reasons why his press conferences as soon as you gotta script, devolves into tat of utter a chaos and bizarre a sort of weird Benny Hill routine. That that's because again from is not the greatest conveyor of or purveyor of fat, and this has not stopped anybody from jumping to the to the conclusion that was,
jump to which that Trump knew full well, how bad things one early February, and then he lied about it. Ok, that is not correct. Let's go through. First of all, what from comments look like and then we'll parallel them with what exactly Andrew Comas comments look like because, as you will see their kind of parallel, everybody was kind of figuring miss out at the same time. So the basic story here, which is that Trump new in February early February, everyone's gonna, die from the virus, and then he lied about it said to what end exactly. Nobody knows what what what has happened with the end of it. I have yet to hear an excuse for why this would happen, a sort of like one when the left claim the Bush leads to lie America into war in Iraq. Why, too, to what end? So they could get involved in it in a quagmire warfare for decades. What what? What exactly was the purpose if tromp was lying about the virus no
right, not that I made a mistake not that he bought by downplaying it read that all of that is fair game, but he lied about at the Trump lied in order to do what seriously and urge you to new early February that covers into kill everybody, and then he was just like I'm an accounting for fun. Why to increase the stock market, but as soon as the news broke, the stock market was going crash. Why to uphold electoral possibilities as soon as covert hit is gonna, be obvious. That Trump had been stated the case and that we can hurtin politically. So what would be the purpose of the wye again? I think we ought to distinguish between people saying dumb crap, which again is a hallmark of this administration and lying outright, that he is not. He was not lying about covered, ok and better. What you know who says he's not lying about covered, I'm not one thing: he was not lying about covered doktor, Anthony's algae says he's not lying about covered, so here is actually Anthony's algae last night sitting. There wasn't any discrepancy between what we told Trump
told the press. I may not be turned into the right thing that they're talking about, but I didn't really see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him and what he ultimately came out publicly and said. I didn't get any sense. He was distorting anything I mean in my discussions with him. They were always straight a word about that. The concerns that we had. We related that to him and when he would go out, died here in discussing the same sort of things, so there is doubt you basically downplaying the accusation by Woodward Fatuous specifically asked: do you think that, from conveyed that information to the public and vouchers, I know not only that fact she says when I told trumped shouted down, he did shouted down where he listened to me here is patchy. The first and only time that doctor Bergson, I went in and formerly made a recommendation to the president to actually have a quote.
Shut down in the sense of not really shut down, but to really have strong mitigation. We discussed Obviously they would be concerned by some then fact that might have some negative consequences. Nonetheless, the president since the recommendation and went the mitigation himself found himself has already Kennedy Buncoed. But sorry, but let's go through the actual timeline here, because the case Democrats are making is that they would have handled differently and they held right and resolved but yet so, let's begin with trumps comments and we'll see how his comments evolved over time, and there is no question that he did in fact downplay the virus all the way. Till basically mid March. They hear was president from January. Twenty second saying that we have this under control. In brief by the CDC, have your words about a pandemic. If this were not at all and where we have a totally the control one person coming in from China
We are under control, it's gonna be just fine memories. President from tweeted that the chinese government had it under control. He's we just had a long and very good conversation by following President G of China has strong sharp powerfully focused on leaving counterattack Uncrown a virus. He feels they're doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days, not only that, but he will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm in the various. Hopefully becomes weaker and then gone break discipline is taking place in China is presidential strongly leads will be a very successful operation where working closely China to help reduce the same day? That would words had the trump called him and started talking about it, zero born and how is gonna, kill. Everybody knew super dangerous or get those two guns. Those two messages are not conflict by the way from good thought, all that and also thought that the chinese government was actually gonna be successful in shutting attempt every tenth trampling on record. He said when the weather gets warmer, it's going to go away from every tenth rally by the way.
The virus? Their work in Hyde looks like by April Euro, in theory when it gets a little war. Bird miraculous It goes well up. That's true men February, twenty sixth president from reiterates and were very ready for this, and the risk is the number one priority from our standpoint is the health and safety of the american people less aware of unit one? I made a decision because So all we ve done the risk to them. American people remains very love, but we're very, very ready for this for anything whether it's going to be a break out of larger before or whether or not where they know where at that very low level on February twenty nine president. From said, please don't insight. Panic rates of this is the first time you ve heard this sort of language from from where he says, listen, we're taking it seriously, but please don't incite panic, which exactly is what he said immediately again. He said what he said. The woodwork out loud like prior that Harry was unfair. Twenty nine,
Hang in there like to just ask hinder caution that the media, Specially asked the median occasions, and everybody else involve not do anything to incite panic, because it a reason to back at all. This is something that is being handled professional life and he marched ninth trumped wheeled out, comparing it flew again rights. Eighty to weed out last year, thirty seven thousand american side from the common fluid averages between twenty seven thousand and seventy thousand per year. Nothing is shut down life in the economy go on at this moment. There five hundred forty six confirmed cases of core virus with twenty two deaths. Think about that and then finally, I marks thirtieth President Trump was asked again about this in an interview on Fox NEWS broadcasts on Fox news. He was asked about exactly why he had sort of not spoken with tremendous seriousness about one of our Sir Leon Mason
want anybody to panic. So, basically, all the revelations and Woodward's book were out there in public use. This isn't really revelation here was from this would be March thirtieth. The statements made are I want to keep the country com? I dont want panic in the country. I could cause panic much better than even you. I could do much. I would make you look like a minor league player. You know what I don't want to do, that I want to have our country become and strong and fight and win, and it go away, go up again and I was Trump on March thirty itself. All the town a downplaying downplaying, don't panic, don't panic, and now I'm taking seriously read that again everything that he said what we're behind it is also saying out loud in front of the scenes, because this is also typical, Trump right. Third rule of from anything you say, behind means will eventually be let out in public bedroom and a second we're gonna see that the Democrats mirror this exact pattern. Ok, this is not just from the Democrats mirrored this exact patent for all the talk about. They were on top of this and trumps responses, criminal, and he was right
buying. The Democrats, we're doing the exact same thing against doesn't mean anybody handled right. It just means everybody held a wrong when they get to this in one second. First, you know how strongly I believe, an individual liberty and personal responsibility. Our founding fathers knew these were the cornerstones of a great civilization, which is why they believe that the second amendment was necessary in order to protect our rights. Are rights protect ourselves, text, our rights, protect our families. That said, if you can I own a rifle, it's an awesome responsibility and building rifles is no different. That's why I'm impressed with Bravo Company manufacturing the people at Bravo Company empty. They support the right of responsible private individuals have the says inability to employ the same tools as civilian law enforcement as a means of defending ourselves. I loved ones, are communities and our freedoms should a threatening situation arise These him assumes the one rivalries their shop. It will be used in a life or death situation. The rebels are not made for target shooting
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as wait for way for it, this is worse than Watergate years. Bernstein explains is worse than Watergate. We're going to be very hard to see how this cannot be addressed by republicans particular and their candidate for president of the United States. The last time this happened during mixing the end of Nixon presidency, the republican leadership, including very oh boy. Nineteen sixty four, now many of his party for present went to the White House in cold Nixon. There is, I am here are even greater than in water. Do I get all bursting has done prison Airlines is just a Watergate over and over, because it's his big accomplishment, but at a certain point, the high school quarterback is gonna, have to get new career mean seriously reconsider its worth more. It's not worse than Watergate, if not worse than Watergate, as we will see every Democrat downplayed this thing and they did
and nobody knew about this is gonna, be an again. I don't understand the application. The implication is supposedly the trump lied about this that he alright lied. The implication that none again, not any botch did not remain mistake, not that he has a congenital habit of downplaying bad news and a playing good news which he does, but that he actively lied about covert that he knew he was gonna, kill, tons of people and then he lives of the american public so that what more people would die kind of get worse and who lose all phase in the presidency like it makes no sense at all to suggest your first degree lying here, purposeful, lying and educate. Cnn went nuts on this as well, so CNN, Brianna Killer, cut off Kelly Makin any because cayley makin any suggested that dumb that, in fact the president had not downplayed the virus, which of course is not true. The present has now made it on tape. To downplay the virus here was Kelly machinations and being cut off by CNN.
We didn't want there to be a huge crashed in panic. He express calmness from this podium, but he has always taken seriously in the response, and unprecedented response really reflects that. Yes, I wanted to ask you arrest, asked rosetta: does that tourists spanner in the works that they halted? That's triumph and checks and getting it right. That was a pro secretary at the White House lying no other there's some salad media coverage right. Airbus is not the job of the present gratuitous spin, apparently pressing cherries never spin, except for the ones who are for Trump other net, their absolute truth, tellers, unvarnished, unglossed, truth from pressing quota is ranging from Jake Harney to Robert Gibbs, obligatory Fletcher short tenants, PAMELA Brown, then grilled Senator John Kennedy from it can't from was yet ask me how he could be ok with this. Here's how this won't. Let me say a word about her about this
fetch Awaken in Washington with who said what to learn learn pretty quickly up here. Senator I'm sorry, I'm not gonna. Let you do this okay. This is, I understand there is so much politics where our two months away from an election, but this is life and death. You had five thousand people have died in court in Louisiana from a virus. Republicans are reluctant, as you are now to ever criticized this president, but as a human being. How can you be ok with us? Ok again, what is it that people are supposedly okay with it? the obvious that from should have said, more serious things about the virus early. But aside from that, is there and that's the thing I mean is ok, but, aside from that, are we going to pretend that the Democrats had an irresponsible because they do not. They did in fact oppose the chinese trap when the amount of spending they proposed to spend on this thing was like a billion dollars, one billion wins upsetting seven trillion on it minimum
They needed proposed regionally one billion dollars for like some studies and a low, but a ppp when they say that if had taken a more seriously. Everybody would amassed up in February nonsense. The CDC legitimately telling everybody not to mask up in February. So what exactly would have changed here? So I've heard a couple of recommendations as to what would have changed. We should have done better with the ppp. We should have wrapped up ppp production. Occasionally one problem: China has a monopoly on people production and they were usually an innate seized olive. It set from number one number two: if from a taken more seriously, maybe the border started sheltering in place a little bit earlier, but democratic mayors and governors in tell anybody shelter in place earlier either and in fact, democratic. Legit it was you know full well what was going on because they were getting the same intelligence briefings on this stuff. The trump was they were spending most very downplaying. The thing is welcoming. Doktor value is downplay the late February like dont. Let people rewrite the history here such that tramples fully in the know how bad this is gonna be February, seven, as opposed to just engaging in poverty
with Woodward, which is exactly what he was doing early February. We ve all watch front. We all know what he's doing doesn't matter. The democratic responded by basically suggesting that trumpeted criminal here is robust in suggesting the trumps response was criminal, even though again Joe Biden has yet to explain what he would have done differently. It's amazing there is never a follow up question. What would you have done differently? Joe Biden ever any just refers back to it at a total. He wrote in June. Rate thy general twenty seven or said corona viruses, bad. That's the entire editorial, there's nothing in there about what he would actually do. This just corona virus is a bad thing thanks Joe Cabot here was Joe Biden with Jake Tapir, saying that trust France's criminal and again that this can be the pattern from now until the election, some
usually made about Trump and bind will be asked Retrim. I will never be asked whereby than ever. I know you would expect a journalist at some point to ask Joe Biden. What would you do differently? What would your plans look like what exactly? If you are president, what would you have changed, but nobody will ever ask Annex Xv Democrats. Instead, it's gonna be fears revelation about Trump. What do you think about their revelation Joe? There was Joe Biden going off on Trump all about making sure the stock market didn't come down. That is wealthy friends than losing money and that he could say that in fact, anything have happened had nothing to do with him. He won't be waived. The white flag, He walked away. Didn't do a damned thing think about it. I think about what he did not do it. It's almost criminal, ok, what what he did not do. He gave the governors ventilators. They need
he did ramp PPP production is the CDC the Box, the testing, regiment? Ok, there's a career suffers the cdc when he says that he did the state what uphold the market for his rich friends? What are you talking about? Choosing? What are you talking about? The market crashed the market. Tanks in March absolutely blew out what what? What are you? What would that doesn't make any sense and when Joe Biden sits there and he suggests the Donald Trump do this, for me Benjamin as a form of slander really is because there is no evidence to suggest that that is the case. What by the way who is holding rallies in early March, but like big rallies in early March, captain I'm taking it seriously over here Who is holding the garage? Oh yeah, that was right, was Joe Biden, whose holding always in March before here before he passed away was wheeled around his corpse using public rallies in March Nancy Blowsy also did this routine. Yesterday trumped downplay the thread he's now admitted downplaying the threat she treated Trump and Republicans downplay the deadly threat of the corona virus. Moscow Mitch, Moon, neurologist footage roles decided to take a pause rather than help
american people with a strategic plan dont be misled, their failure in denial or costing lies our question. Wasn't she speaker of the house at the time? What did she do? I'll tell you what you did on February, twenty fourth, she went down in Chinatown and she told everybody the joy. Down in Chinatown in San Francisco as the pandemic began. Here's Nancy closer Nancy Pelosi, Circa February, twenty. Fourth Springer. Suppose you told us- you came here to China, to combat fear. Nasa are trying to do today is to say everything's fine here she understands We are concerned about China that shouldn't be carried over city Chinatown. San Francisco, and I hope that its not that, but all I can say is I'm here. We feel safe and sound. So many of us coming here when he saw again be the norm in the Democrats really on top of this or would have been on top of this, they had the information from issues nonsense. It is nonsense. This is once again trumps of coming back to borrow money ass, but that's pretty much. All you got here and all the
The commission should draw the news lined up holders returns, that is, that is ridiculous. Ridiculous and, frankly, slanderous they'll get some more of this in just one. Second, because will show you how America's best Governor Andrew COM, a way we ve been informed by those who know that he's an incredible governor that Andrew Cuomo really captain. On top of this thing, you want unappetizing I'll, show you again this just an indicator of where everybody was because blame people for not being supercilious amounts in February. I wasn't supercilious about some February. Does nobody was super serious about this? In February they were not don't let people rewrite history. It was early march when people started get worried what truly worried, including faulty and the people there. Now there now buying vote of candles avouched of algae, but back in February he wasn't taken in superciliously either it's more of this in just one second, but first getting ensure.
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Listening to the largest fastest growing conservative progress and radio on the nation is already so. How do Democrats responded as yet? This is the big question if from supposedly blue this right from knew all the way back when that, in order for democratically that prompted something super wrong her injured blow. It they have declared two things one: either they knew and they would have handle a better which they can claim or to that from new. Any lied from new anti white is what they're going forward. This would we're revelation, but again the evidence ain't there and from news airborne that from new super dangerous, just as he said what what what her vision, paying very seven, that's called trump mouthing off. He does that crap. All the time is this and I went on the middle of a press conference and he was like you ve light I've heard that occurs things. What if we could find a way to get inside the body, they ok, easier, AEGIS, hangs over there. But it's amazing to me how many we'll take Trump, absolutely literally and seriously and again I get some all the time you took Obama literally
because Obama was a literal, serious person. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm not going to treat Donald from the same way that entry Barack Obama, because they don't think the same act, the same that is like saying, I'm entreat my wife. The same way I treat my baby. That is not the same thing. Ok, you may say that soft bigotry, low expectations, fine call whatever you want. I very low expectations for trumps rhetorical prowess when it was to spitting out solid vat or how seriously he takes its own rhetoric, and I think that the record will back me on this, and it doesn't mean trumpets a bad precedent. It doesn't mean that Trump hasn't done a great many things that I like as president of the United States. It doesn't even mean that our plan on voting, for it does mean that if you are asking me to take his comments with tremendous seriousness, I dont know what world your living in and why? Why would I? What evidence do I have is a man who today today tweeted out the Kim Jong own. I hope feeling better he's a real fighter like what in the world is going on trumped rooted out more
to go conjunction is in good health. Never underestimate him. Never undress make him drunk owed, that's the guy I'm supposed to take. So how do you? How do you must read the outrage on a day after day basis, how they understand mustering outraged somebody who actually has the capacity for intent, but have you must have out rage at it down from who just says things who suffers from four mendous tremendously, log area. How do you ok? In any case, the other case the Democrats can make, is that the they would have treated this better or they did read this better investors alike, so its track? The rhetoric of Andrew Cuomo, the greatest of all governors, have already said the Nancy blows. Using. What will I we would hang innovations that late February Nancy you're out in Chinatown, you ve already her Joe Biden, saying that he was sitting at super seriously. Early march, use outdoing rallies until the actual shutdowns. So, let's trace Andrew Cuomo. How did he do rhetorically speaking or here as yet? one of the governor of New York on February. Second explaining. There is no reason to panic. We ve been through situations like this before
or we very proactive. I don't take anything for granted caution is always the best practice approach. Openness is always the best practice and that's what We do here in New York at this in time. We have to keep this in perspective. There is no reason to panic. Is this, no reason to have in an inordinate amount of fear about this situation. I confess Boardman has not changed the answers. L, yours, Andrew Como on March second, remember this when democratic, working in super seriously and Republicans are now. Here's Andrew column are and saying we have a great healthcare system. It's not gonna, be that bad here and don't worry, we'll take care of the nursing homes. How is this common now come back to haunt Andrew Cuomo concerning eleven thousand people died in nursing homes because he was shipping elderly covert, ridden patients back into nursing homes, resented Cuomo sorghum arch seconds. We think we have the best health care system on the planet right here.
In New York. So when you're saying what happened in other countries versions what happened here, we don't even think it's going to be as bad as it was in other countries. We are fully cool. Needed. We are falling mobilized. This is about mobilization of a public health system, is going to be primarily senior citizens. People who debilitated and we're gonna have a say, so effort for our nursing homes, etc. Ok, then, the next day he says by the way we can contain the spread, but we should be concerned about the fact we can contains. But again this is marsh. Third is not February: seven does not January this march. Third, you cannot guarantee the spread with slower, limited, But you can't contain that- is a cause for anxiety either because well
happens, when a large number of people get infected which you're gonna see spread by the way, I said two weeks ago is just a matter of time before we see our first case than we saw first cakes, I said yes, You will see a case of community spread here we are today is a case of community spread I'll get some again. Did it took another we gonna have from starting it seriously into them another three weeks to fully shut down the state of New York. So many things to be true simultaneously Trump botched. The rhetoric from shouldn't have taken it lightly in terms of how we spoke about this publicly, democratic, no plan they presented no plan and nothing really fundamental Udo changed for democratic had been president democratic governors botched listening Royal including Andrew Cuomo. Is it a bomb show, or is this just another revelation of stuff that we already knew? The answer? Is the latter does not in fact mom shown. I did that a length, because I think it is important for people to recognise how you spin up. What does a thing we already knew, namely trumped, says stuff, and that he was saying
Stuff about covered, and any should have taken this more seriously in February and March- ok how they spend that up into a new scandal just two months before the election, at the behest, presumably of the Biden campaign and then allow bind to get away with public statements like trumped. Did this in order writ in order to increase the stock market, which is just conspiratorial nonsense of the highest order. Now this is also relevant because
the liberalization of coded continues where we are continuing to watch the buddhist decision of carbon and some people are making is perfectly obvious. So Barbara Roar is the elegant. He held the visual who's been charged covered policy shoes caught on a phone call explaining full out that the schools would not be opened until after the election, which knows just a little political. Does it not away with equally at a later here or open up hatred that, after the election actor in early November, like only to look at the time of everything it realistic, aided think that we're gonna be where we are now
we get after until we were dealt with the election result in need. This is very political in and in the media coverage of companies, very political. So, for example, there is a story from the Associated Press called teacher deaths raise alone as new school year begins at this is from these has press teachers, and that these three states have died after about covered, since the dawn of new school year and teachers leader worries that the return to in person classes what a deadly impact across the? U S and proper precautions are taken. Now you might gather from that headline that basically, a bunch teachers went back to school and kids infected them, and then they died. There's only one problem. The store that are cited by the AP. Our cases where the teachers obtained the virus from places that are not children in Oxford missed
be forty two year on the common James taunted middle school and helps coach highschool football. He died August. Sixth, during the first week of classes, but will swell self quarantining one teachers and students returned. The classroom should already have it ready with the new cases. It didn't come from the work out front from the kids. Apparently another Mississippi teacher died on Sunday. History, teacher Tom Slade, recently posts Facebook about his battle with pneumonia caused by the corona virus? Slate was teaching in person when the academic year started August. Sixteen but began quarantining every had contact with someone who is positive, that a church meeting right so is not in fact at school in South Carolina. Trade, semi banister. Twenty eight died three days after being diagnosed with covered nineteen, the district banister. Was at Windsor Elementary School said. They said that she was elementary school August. Twenty eight for teacher workday before classes resumed before classes was resumed in person
started August. Twenty fourth, which was already hospitalized by then so wire, the suggestion is that schools opening is gonna, be the big big vector of transmission. That's three case cited by the appeal teachers, nine, none of whom obtained this thing. It's cool, apparently or if they did, it was from adults. Can that is biased, media coverage in the extreme in the extreme Emil, being a biased media coverage in the extreme. The media are making here to the fact that the Ass Rosetta trial has been put on hold their suggesting Is it because of an unexplained side effect? That is not what happened here. What happened is that somebody who was in the control group, it was somebody who is using the vaccine, not the control group, some interesting, the vaccine is a vaccine group came down with something they don't know whether was linked to the vaccine yet or not, but the scare tactic is well: maybe they ve identified a grave side effect that causes them to cancel the trial. That is not the way this works here. They called it. A routine action quote: is Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health,
announcement yesterday about the astronomical vaccine is a concrete example of how even a single case of an unexpected illness is sufficient to require a clinical hold for the trial in multiple counties. Hey so the, but the media play there as though this was an unexplained side effect, in fact, in fact, Extra Seneca spokesmen, Brennan MAC Voice of the event investigated by an independent committee. It is too early to conclude any specific diagnosis is unclear whether this even linked to vaccine at this point. But the media ran with that anyway to to suggest the vaccines are not going to work. We have also seen We have also seen the media continue to trot out this ridiculous Sturgis study, suggesting that there were two hundred and sixty seven thousand covert cases and twelve point two billion dollars in public health costs attach to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota, its nonsense. I mean it's, it's ridiculous. The Washington Post reported like a week ago that there are two hundred sixty confirmed cases connected to Sturgis.
Play. The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board mini in the media and various health stages, warned that the motorcycle rally represented a worst case scenario for a super spreading event would be surprising if the rally didn't leave at least send me a couple cases is impossible. How many, because there's no data on how many attendees or their close contacts later tested positive, but don't worry the model lures showed up. So what exactly did they do? Well, they analyzed the anonymous cell phone data of attendees, and then they compared haste trends in counties with high moderate and low numbers of attendees. They found the cases increased by three point: six to three point: nine percent and three point: six to three point: nine sorry per one thousand in South Dakota in the three weeks after the rally translating to between three thousand one hundred eighty five and three thousand for her, for one more cases state wide to put his number in perspective. New York state has recorded as many cases in the last week, even with stringent public health rules south, what is still has among the lowest per capita death rates in America. Covered patients currently occupy three per cent of the state hospital beds and six percent of ice
You bet the steady, really jumps off the rails by linking all relative increase in virus cases, encounters with attendees compared to those without rally participants. Many high in full counties, like LOS Angeles, Maricopa Clark in El Paso, had already been experiencing flare up, so basically the model or said if Ella experienced a flare up after searches and was probably Sturgis, that's crazy always been experiencing a flare up for weeks for months. At this point, these counties made shared other characteristics like high population density, as the Wall Street Journal that contributed to the increases. There could also be other endogenous variables, for example, counties with more people who attended to recycle rally, males who had populations, less observance of social distancing doesn't matter they also than assigned a cost of forty six thousand dollars per person identified with the case to get to twelve point two billion, which is crazy. The best
Georgie of people who get covert, get mild or a symptomatic cases. So what what in the hell? But this study was trotted out as the gold standard for showing that it was read, states that are responsible for everything evil happening in the country right now, all highly political, how highly political as it L a county, tried to ban for confronting? Ok, it's it's currently September tenth last. I try tallow and has not been changed from its original did about cover thirty first, which means that they are banning trick or treating seven weeks out seven weeks out and by the way trick or treating does not convey the virus, your outdoors you're socially distant. What the hell are you talking about? They had walked back. Instead, they said the activity is gonna hold not recommended towards or treat trick or treating is not recommended, because it can be very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at four
Wars ensure that everyone answering are coming to the door is appropriately mask to prevent disease and because sharing food is risky, it first of all, you generally sharing like packaged candy, now we're not Halloween celebrate or as in the Shapiro family, but we do leave out like a bucket of candy for the kids. Everybody can do that does not that difficult. The cut in the current accounts he's also advising against trunk or treating that is going to a car card, a car to receive candy. They try to cancel. This Catherine, like you, know we're not enforcing, there's, no way to walk back, so really really well done. Everybody is doing a great job with all of this, and meanwhile it is worth noting that there are some other take away from the Woodward book had been making some news. Somebody take waste from the woodwork broke that have been making some news. Well, there's some revelations about things that people supposedly sedative now denied say so
ass. The doktor factually sent from has no attention span which, by the way she has no attentions, Madame it I'll just say it straight out. I don't get the impression from has a very long attentions bandy not from his a twitter account apparently found. She also suggested that true, didn't really follow the data, all that well, which again we can a new. Considering that we already knew that he has like trunk his intelligence briefings down to a single page, in any case vouchers ass about some Fox news, and he said I didn't say that, according to the Washington Post, Actually at one point tells others that the President quotas on a separate channel and unfair. Just in meetings with quote rudderless leadership. According to what word is it quote his attentions? It is like a minus number found. She said according to Woodward, whose sole purpose is to get reelected. Is that correct? You know if you notice it was others
have said that you, so you should ask others. I don't recall that at all our gaze, there's fancied you marking that claim. Then there is the claim that chimeras called Trump dangerous and unfit but you can is now a great shock and serenity quit over Syria policy and wrote a letter to that effect and Jan Codes, the former director of national intelligence. Apparently at some point here he said that trumps gentle approach to Russia reflected something more sinister, perhaps that Moscow had something. Ok. Now, speculation from their coats dissolve gossipy behind closed doors, kind of stuff Apparently, Trump repeatedly denigrated senior american military officials to trade advisory said they care more about alliances than they do about trade deals in discussion with Woodward from called the US military suckers for paying extensive costs to protect South Korea
what about who has done when the President set of South Korea or defending you or allowing you to exist again from his had all this publicly there's, not a revelation, my favorite suppose, a revelation from onward book is one that actually works from local up her, and that is where Bob Woodward pointed out that he interim report white and privileged and asked her troubles working to understand the pain, anger and particularly black people, feel in this country and from said no, and then he said you really drink to cool. I didn't you, listen you well know. I don't feel that at all ass, a good for Trump effectively spent eighteen hours on the phone with this credulous Dupe Woodward is is pretty astonishing to me in the first place,
If you're gonna do that conversation than at the very least you can you can point out the nonsense when it comes up, one would also apparently gains insight into translation ships with North Korea in describing his chemistry with Kim from said quote, you meet a woman in one second, you know whether whether or not it's going to happen. That's not good and also weird also. He complained about the and the russian recitations. He said Putin, centimeter meeting. It's a shame because I know is very hard for you to make a deal with us. I said you're right again that is not really revelations and not a lot revelations happening from the from the woodwork book, certainly not in the way that, though the media seem to be covering it. Meanwhile, Adam Shift is trying to revive his allegations that somehow trumpeting peaceable say rubber tried last time any fail, but he's back again is Adam Shift or, as the president calls him shifty shift here back again now he has announced that, as part of its ongoing investigation into the G h ass in the Office of intelligence and analysis, the committee received whistleblower reprisal complaint alleging sure
is wrong doing by officials at an apartment and reprisal against former I ain't a acting under secretary, Brian Murphy, for making protected disclosures effort even the complete ships into whether requesting Murphy appear for a deposition ship release to stay there was a low retaliation complaint file by former acting under sex, Harry for intelligence and analysis. Brian Murphy outlines Grey, and disturbing allegations that senior Whitehouse Department of Homeland Security officials improperly saw two politicize manipulate and sensor intelligence in order to benefit president from politically. This puts our nation security, a grave risk! Murphy's allegations are serious from senior official suppressing intelligence reports on Russia's election interference and making false statements to Congress about terrorism, threats in our southern border, to modifying intelligence assessments, to match the president's rhetoric on Antigua and minimizing the threat posed by white supremacist. We requested Murphy's testimony so in other words, this is just a guy who's, a career staffer who disagrees with how the intelligence commune.
Was creating its assessments and now is claiming the trump intimidated them. Presumably, without any evidence of any of this so good, we now another full investigation of this. Maybe you can try to one. Maybe we can try to impeach again. Is that work out so well? Last time suffice say: Democrats are our drawing near the bottom of the well at this point. What does that mean that from is gonna win? No changes mean the troubles gonna win. It doesn't mean that they won't be effective enough or forbidden to carry himself over the finish line. It does mean that when you're going back to the well with Adam Shift and looking for a peaceable offences, you're really really digging near the bar
All right, we'll be back a little bit later today with much more additional contents or stick around for that otherwise will see her tomorrow. I'm introduces the bench Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including he Andrew Craven, show it Michael Mole Show and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening then Shapiro shows produced by Coltan Hoss are technical, director is often Stevens executive producer, Jeremy, boring are supervising, producers are math, is clever and Robert Sterling assistants, Erector Pavel White, asking does it. Producer is Naxian, shows edited by Adam silent Audio midst by my comments here and make up its mind to Geneva. Adventure bureau show is a daily where production copyright daily wire, twenty twenty
buddy. It's Andrew Clay than hosted the Andrew Clave and show you know. Some people are depressed because the American Republic has collapsed. And the days is approaching and the moon is turned to blood on the annual clay Michel. That's where the fun just get started so come on. Where the Andrew Clayburn Show and laugh your way through the apocalypse with me Andrew Clip.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-10.