« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1085 - Blaming Trump For Antifa And BLM


A Trump supporter is shot to death in Portland while the media and Democrats blame Trump; Wisconsin officials beg Trump not to visit; and members of the Left continue to defend looting and rioting.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A trump supporter shot to death in Portland, while the media and Democrats blame from Wisconsin officials beg president from not to visit, and members have left can do you to defend, looting and rioting. I'm bench paralyses the bench. A parachute, the bench very shortly, sponsor by expressive DP, and why haven't you gotten a vip on yet visit? Express Vps dotcom, Slash ban will every weekend, I beg you, please stop running down the country and no one apparently takes me up on it and, frankly, I'm getting a little irritated with the situation it feels, like probably should hang up on it. I mean look what so difficult about this stop burning down the country. Of course, I mostly addressing myself at this point to very specific groups of people.
Young people are burning down the country. I am not talking about all the people that the media are talking about, because the people media are talking about are not the ones who are actually burning down the country right now. The people harbouring donor country in Portland, the people are doing in Seattle. The people who have been doing it in places like Chicago in Washington DC in LOS Angeles and New York in Canosa. Those people are not white nationalists. They are not, then, why nationalists are evil. They are terrible there. The worst people planet earth their awful I've been their chief target many many times so believe you me when I say that these are the worst people on earth. I mean it literally. I've had nationalist arrested by the FBI for targeting me in my family. So this is not about the white Nationalist is about the fact that for months on end, the media have been soft peddling and pretending that Antigua black lives matter, writers and Louis does mean everybody whose guns will be a Lamb protesters ride earlier. But there are many members of parliament who are in fact, writers leaders have been let off the hook by the media for the vast amounts of violence. They
in doing in american Citys, and this has been going on for months on end. If there were a tea party rally that once broke out into violence, the way the Bailum marches seem to continue to do regularly if there were a right wing. Agitating group that gloves on to any sort of conservative protest and then went into violence against the police officers. The media would immediately want everybody together, and they would say that this is the outgrowth of right wing movement, but as soon as it has left wing or caused media agrees with, then suddenly it disappears. Justice is not happening at all. Is it like? It really isn't? Apparently, it's all a figment of your imagination. Now you may be watching the goings on across the True, and you may be thinking yourself, wait a second hasn't stuffing going on for a while. Like Haven't we seen riots in away like the first week of of the black lives matter? Protests. Didn't we see riots in LOS Angeles in which they had to curve
the entire county of LOS Angeles at seven p m every night for a week. Yes, that did happen is not figment of your imagination. Didn't they have to do some similar stuff in New York and Washington DC. Then we see people running roughshod through these cities haven't seen Portland burning for months on end. Didn't we see an entire fake republic set up in Seattle with the quasi approval, city government and then to people got shot there and died there didn't we, you haven't seen and innocence about three dozen people who have died connected with these various right. And looting. Sprays haven't seen that. Have we seen an enormous number of injury, billions in property damage? Have we seen other?
Well, according to media, none of it happened at all transport. So really did the only thing that's happening here is that President trumpets very bad man and the only reason that people become violent. If there's a cause, they that the media love in the region people become violent is because Trump is agitating them or the right is advocating them or its white nationalist outsiders, where agitating them or something like that. The problem is that is a square pegana round hole. There are times when the people to blame are white nationals. In fact, the vast majority of violent attacks in the United States, the first six months of the of two thousand twenty, were in fact white nationalist attacks it. But then it turns out that when it came to the burning of American Citys, which began in May and June, it turns out that that is not the white Nationalists and sort of importance to determine who is doing what kind of violence, because if you actually want to call people are, you have to call people have for the specific things that they do. As will see. This is an extraordinarily important point, because, right now what the media are trying to do is reckoned this whole thing. What they're trying to do is basically what the democratic parties it with eleven Omar, so ill humor is a radical
Smet, member of the Democratic Party caucus she's well respected, anti semitic member because she appears on the cover of rolling stone with Nancy Pelosi introduced tours with Nancy. Glossy and Anti Pelosi endorses her for reelection, despite the fact that she openly hates juice. Elinor was originally going to be condemned. She's me censured by the House and Democrats because they didn't want to fracture there listen and they were afraid of Ohio minds, what they decided to water it down and instead condemning bad language of any sort all across the board. Now, I'm old enough to remember when Donald Trump did something similar with Charlottesville, do remember this it to set up the predicate floor whereabouts talk about here. It's important forum, What exactly happened with regard to our president from set a child's life? You ve got so mad originally so remember, there's this white nationalist March in child still and it broke into violence because they started having clashes with anti for members and then a member of the White Nationalists drove a car into a group of anti white nationalist protesters in Charlottesville, and the President spoke that day
and he specifically did not call out the alt right or the White Nationalist write a note in the first generation. You didn't call them out so much right in the first generation he sort of said violence on many sides on many sides of the first adoration or several different innovations of what the President said here. Then he condemned the White nationals who didn't beckoned emulate nationalists over the weekend, and then he suggested I'm not talking about the good when I say there good people- I don't I'm not talking about the white nationalist or anything like that. I'm specifically talking about something different, I'm talking about people who are marching. Turns out that the people were marching in some cases were that that there were no good people were marching than at bottom line. Is that these specific comments that that President Trump made they got him in all sorts of hot water? Was he suggested many people? Many people read. This is a direct quote from from on trial, and that is the original one. The government in real trouble is Friday night right. He said quote: we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred,
bigotry and violence on many sides on many sides, and everybody will when we hold up on many sides, is a white nationalist March in Charlottesville, and then it broke into violence and a member. Of that group ended up killing somebody on Saturday morning. Hang on many sides, likings name the bad guys go back. I didn't entire rageful podcast on this, but the president had a specific duty to call out to people who are actually responsible for the violence that he had a specific duty. Yes, he can call up anti fa for being violent because they were in fact violent and our fact. Violent didn't violent for years, but the people who are the specific instigators and Charlottesville or the outright and the white Nationalists, and he had a specific duty not to create a moral equivalency. There are all sorts of lack for this will now the media are attempting to do exactly what they condemned at present and Trump Orange,
What's up? It's really amazing, I mean really is amazing. They are so unbelievably dishonest, because if you assume that that was a matter of principle for members of the media and the Democratic Party, but they just didn't like that president from wasn't calling out specific the bad guys rain that he was and then he was drawing moral equivalence, reading, deliberately vague and or provide cover today, the entire I'm accredit party and the media infrastructure are attempting to conflate what is happening in America's major cities and pretend that everybody is equally responsible for its happening in America's major cities, though, when you're watching Chicago loops, the Chicago looted, when we're watching mailros haven't burn, watching canosa burn when we are watching Washington DC, get looted when we're watching an increase in massive levels I'm in your city due to refund the police movement on we're watching all the stuff. That's just kind of everybody's responsibility. It sorted out they're in the wind and the regional media are doing. This is because, if they acknowledged that the z left wing movement that is burning American Mercedes net for months. They did nothing about it for months. In fact, they put it and said it wasn't happening and told you
riding, including where a figment of your imagination, these are all just peaceful protestors and then president from talked about using Federal fortunate in order to quell the protesters or in time to quell the writer. The looters, not the protesters, and when Tom Cotton, the Senator from Arkansas, talked about using the insurrection, to quell riding, including that really they are cracking down on protesters in the media, cats, completing the two for purposes of suggestion. But these were all non violent, wonderful people, it was all a figment of your imagination and then it turns out. The american people are not in fact is stupid, is advertised and have eyeballs in their heads and prefrontal. Cortex is at the front of the rains that the media flipped on this immediately and now became everybody's issue. Now it's trumps fault nets, white nationalist, threatened for four sit for literally months. At this point, the citizen burning and it's all right nationalists, weird, isn't it weird, or at least if it's not all the way, nationals at least are equally responds want they. Now. This is just not true. It's just not factually accurate
in the same way, that was not actually accurate for the President of the United States and trial is no to claim equal responsibility between the white supremacist, annoying nationalist anti. For members it is not, it is not even it significantly less accurate. Actually, for the media. To suggest that has been going on in America's major cities is just the result of either Trump or the white Nationalists. That's infect! That's insane! That's totally crazy. The media are pushing that agenda. Because again, the real agenda is not about white nationalist or trumpets about I'm playing the responsibility of Democrats in the media for today for tat cunning putting on the head and, in some cases, actively encouraging. The violence has been going on in America's major cities. So that is the backdrop to what happened this week, and this has not been happening in a vacuum. The media have been pushing it. Many demo, That's ranging from my honour Presley, dimension wars and pushing this kind of activity for a very long time here, and people like Joe Biden, have not been standing up strong in saying these movements that we will actually identify with need to,
Stop the violence they have not been naming and shaming. Instead, they ve been deliberately vague because they are afraid of fracturing the coalition president from God badgered over and over. After his original many sides statements a child's bill. There are many, on many sides he got badgered over and over. Will you condemn the White National Will you condemn the all right? Will you do that, and he was right to be badgered about that? Ok, you're allowed to badger people to condemn bad people. Will one member of the mainstream media specifically ask Joe Biden to call and he fell by name. Will one member of the mainstream media specifically ask him to call out the elements there is an looters binding, the blacklist matter, writers and looters by name will one. I don't think so. Do you. I would be shocked if they do and if they had if they do and Joe Biden does, the moral equivalence routine if Joe Biden pretends that everybody bears equal responsibility for this. Isn't he providing cover in the same way that the accused trumpet providing covered the outright and Charlottesville? Remember that, with such an agreed situation according to the media and according to a binding terms,
Charlottesville comments were literally the reason he supposedly wash just twenty twenty campaign. Of course I was obliged buttons run for president every presidential elections. Eighteen, seventy three eighteen, seventy two but there, but the fact is that that was Joe Biden stated rationale: radio, Charlottesville. Those comments were so egregious are morally bereft, so soulless that I had to jump into the race. Ok, southern Joe Biden. Does I mean that if you and restore America's saw, as you suggest, you're going to need to call out by name that people who are burning America's major cities and shooting people shouldn't and by the end, by the way shouldn't you stop lying about the people on the other because in some cases, in many of these cases they are not white nationalists. When, after Kyle Rittenhouse this the seventeen year old man, young man shot three people in connection content. The media immediately ran with the narrative many on twitter, immediately rather than out of his light nationalists, have yet to see one shred of evidence that Karl written houses, White nationalist and yet, as you will see, Joe Biden is running with a narrative today,.
As you will see, there's a shooting in Portland over the weekend, a pro trump man was killed and their running with the narrative that the guy was naturally a white nationalist, because he was there a news programme kid. This isn't sandy we'll get some more of this in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that, with the current heatwave, in LOS Angeles, blessed I want to be doing is waiting around in the parking lot in your car waiting for your car to be out of the shop or standing the parking lot and the giant line waiting for your car parts to be delivered it to you. You don't need to be at one of these. Autos type stores, in other words, in what you need is the internet, rock auto dot com, it's much easier than going to one distorts, have to wait outside line with social distancing, nothing. Instead, you she's gonna wanna get the The! U need number one, save time number two going to save money. Number three you're, not gonna, be up charge based on exactly what the big part shop wants to charge you, although I can have to wait because I mean the fact, is that they'll probably order it online anyway, then they'll charge you for the service. Rockauto dot com always offers the lowest price as possible, rather than changing price.
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mission sent in federal forces in order to protect federal property and their ripped up and down as fascist by the media by the Democrats? How dear these member that, though, just lying there were saying that that the the beds were sending unmarked bands to simply arrest people for no apparent in and beat the hell out of the mouths and whose it was not, though that wasn't true. If it were literally authorized by federal, launch, protect federal property from writers and looters, and, yes, they could exit federal property or to go after purpose and so in any case, the idea was that in the media and with the narrative that the violence in Portland was as a result of the feds being there, which of course is not troops. And only arrived in the last seven minutes and the rights of going on for a running total of three months at this point America, we learned the Mayer report when his loud that go on in cape round. The governor of organs is allowed to go on because she refuses to calm the national guard it. So the the antivirus has any Belem writers and looters, and I can t be Elam writers and looters. Because again, I dont think that everybody has March would be alone, is right or an illusion. We're set is obviously true. Their millions of people of March would be Elam, many of them
don't actually understand the order, the agenda of the black lives matter organization and many of them have been tricked the media into believing that the generalised narrative of american systemic racism is is both true and also allows to dissociate from America is evil and make themselves feel morally superior to the rest of America. In any case, that distinction is worthwhile, but men the writers and leaders are in fact the Elam Associated and it's just a fat. These are not republics. Voters: there, not white nationalist their people who openly worthy Ellen Shirts, of them are ok anti by is a real group as living doing months on it. Over the weekend, a group called Patriot prayer, which is a right wing group. There are not wait nationalist, ok, the media, callings folks, why National said is not accurate. Now. Does this mean the smart to drive through the Centre of Portland with the american flags in the blue lives matter, flags, and all that for-
it's a free country. You should be allowed to drive into civilian areas that having to worry about this, that there is only one person who is responsible for this nets. Mayors had wheeler in a mayor of Portland is a garbage cheap he's. A dumb heap of air he's a terrible, terrible mayor, I should say, build applause, Yos, Moors, Marin, America. He does not hold a candle to TED Wheeler Amazing credible. If you watch your city on fire for three months and you actively incentivize this and by the way Antigua has had a low level. I said low level. One of the place for years on end mean Andy, no, the reporter, who spends in enormous time an amount of time covering and Fine Portland has videos going back like two thousand seventeen of anti for literally stopping people on street cars and directing traffic and stuff it's crazy, some air tat. We learned the garbage mayor, he doesn't allow the feds to come in. He tells them to get out. In fact, he specifically tells the Portland jobs not to clear the street, and so when the Patriot Paradise show up in their tracks, there no cops to stop any of it, and this leads to confrontations
now. Does that mean that it is smart to initiate confrontations on the street is not smart too, if even if antivirus running the streets, it is the job of local authorities to clear them. It is not a good idea to to initiate. I will, I will finish. Eggs are people who initiated or the people took over the streets. It is not a good idea to put yourself in situ where violence is likely to occur. But patriot per is not in fact a white nationalist group. The founder of the group has explicitly denounced. Nationalism on multiple locations and once process on multiple occasions. He is called them all sorts of names, which is perfectly appropriate, and the media have covered this as it was white nationalist coming to Portland. That is not what the evidence demonstrates. This will show the video on them will tell you what happened in just one second. First, let us talk about something good, that you can do something actually nice and good that you can do for our community, something you can do for people in need. If you got a car, that's taken up space sitting in Iraq, where they dont use their pay. Ensuring on I've won quest.
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and you literally block traffic instead there making them. So here's what the hurdles on the video look like others we can begin see. They are firing mace from the windows to try and force the streets, open people the way they were also firing paint balls at summit. At some of the anti by members is any of this good. Of course, none of this good, where the hell are the cops where the hell are, the feds the answer is merited. Wheeler is a garbage where it is his job make sure that when you leave, I said it last week. This stuff is predictable. When you leave the legitimate government monopoly on the use of force at the back door, then there will be something that fills a gap and tip it tends to be tribal violence. That is what you are seeing in the street. He then a programme supporter was murdered, literally just murdered on the street is a here? Is the video is troubling? Obviously you can't see it particularly well but does your morning, so you, you will see a man in the background, walk up to a walk up to another.
And little you shouldn't point blank and what you get. What you seem to be able to hear in the background is we got a trumpet here where we haven't from some quarters? That means send a murderer and apparently here's what then sounded like a genius shoots, Man Manstin, you shot. Him ended up right there on the street. This anti for member in how we have, but we have no knowledge of the sky, is because he has indeed Nancy the member not await you promised committed this murder categories than your opposed, an Ex military man who causes
One hundred percent guarantee for one hundred percent Antigua and ready for war is being investigated over the deadly shooting of a president from support in Portland. According to a report whose name is Michael Forest Rhino, forty eight is being investigated over the death of Erin Danielson. A supporter of the right wing patriot per group was part of a caravan from supporters who flooded the city Saturday, police sources told the origami and he's identified in part by a distinctive tattoo on his neck, a black power fist who, since he had some politics, as was a call from his estranged, recognized him in video and photos in the deadly attack. The thirty six year old sister was first alerted after threatening call. It woke her up at eight a dot m on Sunday morning. Our whole family was in danger unless we turned him over, we reached out to please confirm. We recognize Michael in the screenshots from the shooting she told the paper, apparently he's a strange from it most of the family, including his parents, after stealing from them, and then she decried the shooting as at not part, not the solution to the
the problems he regularly post about black lives matter and protests on his social media, he says I am one hundred percent anti for all the way I'm willing to fight for my brothers and sisters, insisting he would not run from violence now. Here's the thing he was cited in July Fifth, protest on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest and interfering with police. He was then, given a date to appear in court later this month, allegations were dropped on July Thirtieth with no complaints according to court records. No reason was given in one moment, county district attorney's office. It was reviewing the case. This is a literary, a case of a person who committed a criminal act but was on the right side of the left, his narrative being released without any charges, because the city of Portland decides not to prosecute. Anymore people who engage in crime at these protests, along as they have the right perspective, and then, now emerged. Somebody get a slow of other charges as well. He was also previously charge them loaded, Glock Pistol for what you didn't have a license, and
We stopped at this level year old daughter as a passenger in his car. The Portland Police Bureau did not immediately respond to requests for kind of these. All, according to the Mayor Post, any response from members of the crowd when they found out that this happened or two one misinformation immediately went around that a Trump supporter had shot a black man, because this is this is what happens now, that any story is immediately filled in by the internet with black man. Innocent black man shot right. This just happen to Minneapolis Weather murder, suspect, literally killed himself mean committed. Suicide in writing happened anyway, so befall story led to writers, targeting a gas station I see there is video of that that was merging over the weekend. He's writers targeting a gas station in Berlin. You can see, examines perfect sense. Its gas nations Bob our station systemically racist? Obviously, so there are the right there's targeting the gas station
always always good luck, gathering at the Abbe petrol station preparing for something or other, and then there is a real and activist who literally told a group of people in Portland. I'm not sorry. This direct quote, I'm not sorry and effing fascist died tonight now. Is there any evidence? This guy was a fascist, the victim. In this case nope. We have no idea whether he is if there is no evidence, there's no evidence whose white nationalist or what you promised In fact, the only thing we know about him is that you can see is prone body lying on the ground and is weren't some Lula Blue lives matter. You re probably score. That means the fascist now so here is a deal on active. A story, though, is not political recommend. This is what you premises. What will, as we ll see, everyone bears equal responsibility according to media. Here we go
guy tonight Well, I mean there's no evidence to persons a fascist, but if you oppose the revolutionary Fascists, that's really communist speak, then that is, if you're, if you're, not a bolshevik you're a measure that cried that's, that's the way this works and just a second we're going to get two more of this and the insane media spend that is coming out of us, because the sort of violence is now occurring across the nation and the any sort of encouragement are coming very clearly from one particular side of the isle. An extremist and, as you will see, the media are taking the narrative that its own. Size on many sides on many sides. Remember on many sides with bad until five seconds ago now on many sides is very good, but that is a very strong statement against violence sail on many sides. We'll get some more of this in just one second, first right now, you might think hey. Maybe I need a gun to protect myself. I
Why? You would think such a day that maybe, as the local police are removed from our neighbourhood and as people threatened go into suburbs and red property and harm people? Maybe you might think about like it might be a good thing for them. But it's not enough to have a firearm. You have to know how to use. Not only do we have to know how to use it. You have to know when you have legal pretence, for it and not, and this is why you need to join up with the: U S, concealed, carry association. You need the proper education industry, leading training to ensure your skills are sharp when faced with danger, and indeed the nations best legal protection. Should you find yourself, God forbid, lost in the aftermath of a self defence? didn't you need you ass. You see. I get started today by texting gun to eighty seven to do to your receive the complete concealed hurry and family defence guide for free. We been do women time out Ccs literally years on this programme, It seems more relevant these days in this guide. You learn how to detect attackers before they see you how to survive. Mash shooting environment, rules that could save your life and much much more. Two hundred sixty four pages comes. The bonus bonus, audio version. She can listen whenever you want again is not enough. Just to own
I really have to know when you can legally use a firearm. How do legally use a firearm, so you can be a responsible citizen with viruses. In addition, if you text today, you'll be entered when a thousand bucks to put towards none of your choice, you can use protect your family and a rights text gun g when two eighty cents, two to two right now again: text guns, who eighty seven to two two right now the us you see. I must make sure that you are able to fully perform your self defence rights again self defense. I know that the left Tessa think also defences evil. No self defense is an inherent right. Pre exist government. You ass, you see he's trying to affect read it, make sure that you follow all legal procedures and doing so text gun to eighty seven to two too right now and join up with you, as you say, ok, so why was any of this happening in Portland? In the first place? The reason this is happening in port in the first place is specifically because the mayor of Portland TED Wheeler is a garbage jeep and he's a garbage Iep many get to tat. We learned
Second percentage need to show you what's been happening all over the nation, so in Washington, DC overnight, APL, I'm activist literally told people on the streets that he's ready to put cops in our graves set. Always a good luck. Sounded like I'm at the point where I'm at the point where I want a burger and White House down, I want to take it to the senator. I want to take it to the Congress. I want to take the fight to them and, at the end of the day, We parliament, if there are getting yours who Burnham F Down, really well well done stuff, your guys right by the. But again it seems like why nationals to make in Canosa. Remember we are told the cash was no big deal
as you will see, the media tried to downplay Canosa was. It was mostly peaceful, mostly peaceful fiery, but mostly peaceful hairdressing pictures from the aftermath of Canosa. You can see entire city blocks reduced to rubble again. This is a suburb about a hundred thousand people is not a major city Nancy Stores for now that good taste ice cream shop, obviously a source of systemic racism that their there's a building completely completely destroyed The entire city blocks basically raised Dory the writing, a mood America's will say where there's the famous famous car dealers, does burned to the ground next door. There was a church that was partially barn rather We got the revolution signs on the boarded up and boarded up windows. Don't worry, no matter how hard you board. When does know many honeybee Elam slogans put on their name can protect you. This is again. These pictures are pretty obvious. What's going on here, ok, so what exactly is the political response to all of us, because this would be a good time for all of the political class, two in unison
out and he thought he'd be Elam writers and looters by name. They won't do it because the democratic our first putting their coalition. So instead they decide. An alternative narrative, the alternative narratives. This is all trumps fault, but have worn for trot. None of this would happen now, I'm old enough to remember when their rights in Ferguson in Baltimore emeralds remember when their rights in a walkie, the president's anatomy, men and Obama, about the first black president of the United States. You may recall, didn't stop the riots in Ferguson or Baltimore or in Milwaukee, is only the dinner has been exacerbated under President Trump, because the left have decided that they wish to grant more room for people to write and loot. That is what is happening to Maritime wheeler. The garbage mayor of Portland is a perfect case in point of this. Wheeler Rigid he sent a letter rejecting federal help. He sent that letter on August. Twenty Eightth today is the thirty first set means that he sent the letter on Friday. Here is the
Letter from merited wheeler remember this before we can, where a man was murdered on the streets of Portland Finance, if a member allegedly quote dear President Trump, yet again you offered to aid Portland by sending in federal law enforcement to our city on behalf of the city of Portland. No thanks! We don't need your politics of division and demagoguery. Port landers are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling responds to the covert pandemic, and we know you reach the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism only ticket to reelection, there is no place for looting, arson or vandalism and our city there's no room here for racist violence or those who wish to bring their ideology of hate into our community. Those who commit criminal acts will be apprehended and prosecuted under the law. Now let me pause for just a second. There ve been running riots in the city of Portland for three four months, every single night, every night, And what he is saying is I don't want you trump supporters, my town, because there are the bad guys, ripe, theirs
a room here for racist violence. Okay, so apparently it's not racist violence of your two shot forbidden from support. I love that he says those who commit criminal actually apprehended and prosecuted under law. Weird Cosette. There is a suspect. You may recall him. He was a. He was arrested, actually Apparently, like a June fifth protest carrying a gun that you have a license for your remember this in and then you released him any murmured somebody, seems like merits. Had we are actually M, is not very good at his job or he's very good and his job. His job is not whatever bethinks his job, as which keep the citizen save some tens of thousands of Portland of peaceful protests in March for the noble cause of fixing are broken criminal justice system. There are part of the proud progressive tradition of Portland is fighting for justice from racial justice to economic justice.
Our mental justice. When you sent the feds deport when last month, you made the situation. Far worse really was a worse when that, when the feds, where there or was it basically the same except the feds, were there you're offered to repeat that disasters, a cynical attempt to stoke fear and distract us from the real work of our city in Portland, we are focused on coming together as a community to solve the serious challenges we face due to systemic racism, a global pandemic, an economic recession notice among the list of problems they face in Portland, not the burning of the centre of the city or the complete take over of major thoroughfares by an Kieva or the ongoing violence each and every night. The only problem here is Trump enemy it by this bull, crap hook line and think I mean really is incredible to ten- we then did a press conference. It trumpets to stay the hell out of the way. Trumps, not gonna, help you, MRS the hell out of the way we are because I'm from his mainly get the hell out of the way in our cities been on fire for three months, you stupid jack, ass, theirs mayor ten, we learned the worst dumper. The worst mayor in America announced his: U surpassed, buildable,
it takes a lot of surpass: buildable, lousy, other Groundhog Weber. An opportunity to uplift us in bringing together and help us move through this difficult situation in our nations history and instead he chooses to My party politics and divide us, that's my reaction, so I'm going to do the work that I need to do here in my local community, with my local officials to take account of building for what's happening on our streets and I'd appreciate that either the president's supporters or stay the hell out of the way. This is epic levels of gas lighting, epic levels of gas, laying bet that this guy completely abandoned his city, twenty four and its trumps fault at the federal level, one from psychic would you, like some groups using up? That's stoking hatred, innovation. We can't have that anyone on he said it's from creating the hatred, innovation, o trump. That's all it's all about Trump battle. If you buy this you're a rube, ok view by the idea that all start and ends with Trump Yuri Rube. If you believe that right and a major air in America's major cities led by outside anti for agitators end, yes bill,
writers and looters that that violence is a product of president trumps. Cruelty and malice and malicious evil yuri and they are treating you as a sucker here, but they ever he's a sucker ears merits and we'll agreeing a sucker. It's you who have created the heat in the division. It's you who have not found a way to save the names of black people killed by police, officers, even as people in law enforcement have in it's you who claimed that white supremacist are good people, your campaign of fear is, is anti democratic as anything you ve done to create hate and vitriol in our beautiful country. You ve tried to divide us more than any other figure in modern history, and now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create from
create the violence in Portland. Are you insane? Portland is entirely blue. Entirely? If you can find, I mean Portland is like the scene from the Bible where Abraham so God you know, can we find ten good people in Saddam Gomorrah and gods? They well actually know. Can you find ten Republicans in the city of Portland does mean full equation? It's not like you and me. Good people are Republicans. Ok, the point is: there's not ten. Republicans in the city of Portland, the hell. Are you talking about the hell? Are you talking about and then we shall bring us back together really. Has that going for you mayor, the bringing of the people back neither is it the people who elected this guy you I've been calling each will make it more more frequently these days, the famous columns from the early twentieth century and
as my favorite ancient linking called the american people get what they deserve didn't hard and importantly, you get what you deserve: Gooden hard menu you voted for. This is what you get now the work that we have to do in our communities across this nation. In the wake of the murder of George Floyd. I'm up to that chance, and I hope the president is too- and I'm ready to reach across any isles. I need to reach across any political divides that I need to cross in order to bring us back together. Somebody's gotta do it. I am committed to it. I know my colleagues on the Portland City are committed to it. I'd like to hear the President of the United States say he's all right, bring this great nation back together. How available do you have to be to believe this? How gullible trot was like I'll give you felt like I'm willing to work across all, except for you, Mr President, Europe piece of crap and I'm not gonna work with gonna, let city burning, let someone get shot to death in the city over the weekend. So trumps response all points,
here somebody treated at TED Wheeler is the useless effing idiot and comic relief that everyone that gets everyone killed in every disaster movie and from talk, treated out tone down the language, but true Finally, as you know, I'm not being on the inflammatory trumpery its correct, correct, during its more of this injustice. Second cause here's. What really happening with really happening is the media and the Democrats were willing to allow this crap to go on for months on end because they backs the underlying agenda which The american system systemically racist and systemically classes and evil, and all of these tub structures of american society must be torn down. This is a revolution. None evolution. You don't work inside the system. You have to work out The system is the Ebro Candy, Robin Giancarlo, tear down the entire system, nonsense on the basis of race. This is the burning understanding on the entire system on the basis of class stuff. All of this has been bubbling under the surface for co well and democratic. We're were willing to allow a fuel a little bit of its spring into action. What would these riots
nor willing to allow to happen and pretend that wasn't happening until the point at which the postern and then the Poles turned and other struggling for If there's some are willing to condemn it. So, instead, what they do is they soft condemn all violence all over the world? You know it's really bad was bad sure. It's like bad there's, left and right wing violence. It's bad that there's some bad stuff happening. The cities, but also but there's beds, have happened, Cambodia the mess of happening everywhere. Guys to this is the new democratic. All transport always from sport is the new democratic line in Ankara. Work we'll get some more of this in just once again, the Democrats are beginning to realise this back firing on the big time and now there are struggling, and they be struggling because they are the ones who decided to feed the alligator and the alligator will eat them last night when you get to that one. Second, first, let's talk about the fact that you're thinking, suffering now. Well, everything seems like it is insane. Can I even still get life insurance metallic uncovered pandemic gone right and major cities and is now the time get life insurance answer. Yes, now is an excellent time to get life insurance. If you want to make sure your family is taken care of and irresponsible human being,
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and the reason Joe Biden has in a bind is because he and the rest of their democratic, basically what the stuff go for months or patented on the head, but directly patent on the head now remember, Democrats pretended this stuff was not happening. Member during Adler less than a month like a month ago, little bit over a month ago. This is July. Twenty seventh, during Adler, the democratic congressperson from New York literally southern anti violence in Portland, was a myth. It does not exist. This happened about a month ago. Here is during Adler, disavowed as having parliament. That's it being spread only in Washington, these anti important? Yes, there's this video everywhere our leaders, fires and riots there's through thoroughly fireworks it better office, the age ass. If there was life, gets right, allergy nobbler over the car and get in and catch you later Calculator Gang Europe, and it is not just a month ago. It's like now, ok, so Joy reed.
Again it's amazing. She ends. The show on MSNBC Msnbc is willing to camp, anybody accept people who may very well then, in EL sharpens, those short msnbc or a joy read a person who has a bunch of old tweets are real Bab. Apparently, somebody went back in time and hacked your account she treated out over the weekend over this weaken. Let me repeat this for those inventing the idea of black lives matter: riots home. You stop there for one. Second, really had an Nicole Hannah Jones, the de facto editor of the New York Times and sixty nineteen project lady. She litter You tweet it out, but she was happy that people are calling sixteen nineteen riots, but according to go back to her to go back for a second to dry reed according to worried she said it's an invented idea. There are no black lives matter. Right should be aligned, doesnt riot, they march against police violence. Note that those caught setting fires assaulting and shooting people are consistently of the right, not the left. Ok, what
what I was here in our when they shut down the entire damned city every night at six, p m or seven p m thanks be a lamb rioting riding and looting what in what are you talking about? It's not happening telling your imagination, poor, ok! So I have a couple: a narrative shared one Ellen doesn't right to anti for doesn't exist three if they do exist. It sounds from small for the real, violent offenders here are the white Nationalists hey. This is crazy towns, crazy. They think you're, a moron, that's what they think. There's no other way to explain this garbage. They think you're completely stupid. They think you're, a vegetable fats are, they think christian Liza Ratio Bain, as we tend to call him on twitter because constantly getting ratio. These incredible at it. Christian Liza from CNN treated this out. He treated from efforts to label what is happening in major cities as riots speech that we so much. Desperation, politically speaking at the moment? Now all credit to the CNN editor, who apparently also hates Chris,
LISA and wondered troubling hell out of them, because the picture is a people standing it from a burning building. There are no riot is just one keeps labeling them riots. A really is peaceful protests at which a bunch of stuff get burned and people lose their life savings and which some thirty people died. I mean sure other net there, no rights at all booth booth K. Then these same media remember, and never forget that these media members, the Democratic Party forded this stuff- they did the Washington Post less than a month ago, in the second week of August, published a glowing photo essay feet anti for protesters in Portland. Here they literally published pictures of how Antigua looters and rioters and criminals dress the peace is the federalist reporting, authored by post protest rapporteur, Marisa Lang permanently, highlights testimony from several Portland active,
sharing a one sided experiences, painting polices, violent agents of an oppressive states with no mention of the word riot. Delaying protesters merely directed their anger at the federal court house. But here's the thing everybody looked great. The post photo essay attempted to capture glory of the self righteous organizers, terrorizing the city by weaving in professional photos of the story. Subjects running their rioters gear, as if it were a maxim photo shoot. There's really really nice and they showed all the kind of gear they got together and how they got dressed up. The media software. And he thought for a long time here, agree really long time. How much did they saw pedal anti for a common Harris literally tweeted out in the middle of the riots in Minneapolis commentators tweeted out a website, so you could donate to free people who were arrested for writing eluding. This June first quote common areas. Now vice presidential candidate quote, if you're able to chip and now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund,
elbows bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota, so she wondered out writers and looters case. It don't fall for this nonsense, but thirty members of biting staff directly contributed to this as well, and this was reported at the time. May Thirtieth Reuters campaign staff for democratic Presidential Joe Biden are advertising. Their nations show group that pays a bail fees and many apples after the city's valise jailed people protesting the killing of a black man by white police officer. No, they jail. People were riding and looting at least thirteen Biden campaign staff members on Twitter on Friday and Saturday that they made donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of cash bail group, uses, donation, to pay bail fees in Minneapolis Biden, campaign spokesmen, Andrew Bates, said in a statement. Reuters, the former VP opposes cash bail, escort a modern day, debtors prison
but the campaign declined to answer questions on whether the donations we're coordinated within the campaign Bates instead pointed to bind comments that protesters have the right to be angry with more violence will solve justice problems are theirs that soft Joe Biden there there's that unity that we ve been looking for. Ok, so the again that the media having pushing the stuff nonstop Nicole Hannah Jones, I mentioned earlier the de facto editor of the New York Times. She pointed this out over the weekend, quote so one yoga to tell people how they should respond to their own oppression. Ok, sir There are few assumptions big into their cake, which that if your rioting and looting you're responding to oppression rather than being a terrible human being in there, that's that's a part of the Swedish truly offensive and she said you please. Please help me understand how black people, who protest peacefully, are supposed to control and take responsibility for the tiny fringe of people who decide to loot and burn things. Get weird because nickel Hannah Johns literally blames entire police departments and by the way, rightwing protest for anything bad that happens involving those groups shop. Yes, Nicole, Hannah Jones, the wisest and greatest among us
statements are peddling the stuff for a long time, and this is the new narrative. So the narrative is that its anybody's fault, but anti for its anybody fall but be alone. Adam shift leads the way for Adam Chef, who again, I guess he still has that bereft pop tend to outside the CNN headquarters. Right he's on CNN, more than Dana Bash and innovations and network anchor to Adam shift the the ridiculous, stupid congressperson from LOS Angeles. I believe you, maybe my congressperson, actually who who specifically, who specifically suggested for several years, that there is forthcoming evidence that tramples russian Casper. Now he is saying that actually many instructions behind this- maybe it's the Russians guy can't be anti formula after it Francois and it's the Russians. Why? It's almost as though he has a precept. Narrative hears Adam shift the Russians four years ago, down exploited black lives matter. They set up their own false flags online to try to divide people, on racial lines. I think you have to know who they are
once again doing their best in social media in their over media and other means to grow these visions again, the president is wilfully fanning the flames of this violence. Stoke it through his social media, where he can, because he believes the violence, helps, and this is the greatest warm gas money. I've ever seen he's offered federal troops to every major american city to quell the violence, and the Democrats are out there like. What's the Russians and Trump is unbelievable if you vote for this you're more on, if you vote for this you're, a stupid human being, is less than three brain cells to rub together. If you ve all for this, There's an extortion by the Democrats pure and simple, and then gas lighting following the extortion, if bind its elected at all, go away, but also it's not our fault. We have no control, is transport and also the groups doing it mostly white nationalists. The reason I point this out is job. I mean this is such pathetic stuff. So Joe Biden has now put out a couple of statements on this. It Joe Biden has put out a couple of statements when it came to this particular thing. He suggested that
number one complaints that the protesters in the rioters and looters, which is typical democratic doublespeak, has the Trump wanted to stick buttons on protesters right age. Fifty nine at the people who are actually doing this sort of stuff are are rioters and looters are was buying over the weekend by standing and recommending that you should be deployed to quote Domini, your fellow citizens for exercising their right to peaceful protests and threatening governors didn't do something. The president would know you specifically talking about writers and looked so binders, damn liar honest, ok, Joe Biden has now released. We have a couple of statements from Joe Biden, quote number the bad. I was Donald Trump and trial as well, because you said many sides. Many sites here is the statement from Joe Biden quote the deadly violence we saw. Lighten Portland is unacceptable, shooting in the streets of a greater I consider it unacceptable. I condemn this. Violence unequivocally condemn violence
every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right, and I challenge Donald Trump to do the same. It does not matter if you find the political views of your opponents abhorrence any loss of life is a tragedy The today there is another family grieving in America and Joe, and I offer our deepest condolences. We must not become a country at war with ourselves, a country that accepts the killing of fellow Americans, who do not agree with you on a country that vows vengeance toward one another, but that is the American. Donald Trump wants us to be the American. He believes we ourselves from sport. You'll notice. Is there mention of anti up now? Is there a mention there of blacklist matter? No, he continues as a country must condemn the incitement of hate and resentment led this deadly clash. It is not a peaceful protest when you got spoiling for a fight, oh how interest it's not a peaceful protest when you got spoiling for fight till. We showed video on this sum on this very shouted out of a blacklist matter activists literally calling for the murder. Police officers in the burning down of the White House, is that a peaceful protest job on, I don't hear you saying anything about it, seems it you're. Being kind of deliberately vague. Here is what does president from
What will happen when he continues to insist on fanning the flames of hatred and division in our society and using the politics of fear to whip up his supporters? What the reason people are fearful has the cities are on damned fire and there on fire, because Democrats have done nothing. These are all democratic cities, every single one of them, Joe Biden, vague mush mouth statements that you can barely get out of his face about how he doesn't like violence on any side on many sides on many sides? If on many sides was better known, trumpet ain't any better for Joe Biden, ridiculous hypocrite says he made that Warner streets again he's not blaming Trump right, there's, not a measurement even mentioning the alarm? The sources of this? Not one mention, but Donald Trump comes up several times in the statement. You may think that war in our streets is good for his re election. Chances, but that is not presidential leadership or even basic human compassion. Again, he has offered federal forces to every one of these measures. We have all turned him down is Joe Biden on this. The answer is: nowhere is the job of a presidency to lower the temperature
bring people who disagree with one another together to make life better for all Americans the temperature in the countries to high costs of Donald Trump he's. There was one abiden statements, then there's another one of Joe Biden Payments is the best one is even worse, so Joe Biden won't go to Canosa one go to Canosa because he understands what that would look like I took this is the big story over the weekend is that Joe Biden in fact will not go to Canosa Wisconsin instead, he's heading over the Pennsylvania, so, according to political, Joe Biden will travel to Western Pennsylvania on Monday to give remarks focused on how President's island from his mouth America less if foregoing the chance to deliver, a message in Wisconsin or the President is planning a Tuesday visit Biden faced mounting pressure to visit the battleground stay. Mid violence, after a police shooting in his two instead speak from Pennsylvania, is designed to put some space between the violence and the former VP
He continues to argue that unrest is an outcome of the president's rhetoric that inflames racial tension maiden speech. Money will focus on how trunk continues to fan the flames of division and encourage chaos, and so the real reason is not going to Canosa Biden is because he's a coward is because Joe Biden would chopping Canosa there'd be a backdrop of a burn city and he before to argue that somehow this was trumps fault in an area where the rioters are all be a lemon Antigua. He'd have to argue that somehow this was Trump beside a good look. The area behind you then burned burned out by people who Joe Biden every every one of these people is Joe Biden. Voter were burning down. Buildings you're writing, alluding our Joe Biden Boaters, so by new that, which is why he's not showing up and canosa two. Naturally, he has to have the Democrats play clean up for him in Wisconsin, which means that the governor of Wisconsin
The EU has sent a letter to President Trump asking him to not go to Canosa. So let me get this straight. It's from spoke, as you won't contentions. Also we don't want your federal troops. Also don't come to canosa seriously. This is there. This is their case, its transport, but all this is happening. Despite the fact he offered five hundred additional national guardsmen before Canosa went completely crazy and the shootings occurred, despite the fact that you were teeny offers troops to Portland nothing, but if from shows up it's bad from pressure send troops, that's bad trump is a bad man right, obviously, offices, trumps, vault Tony every this ridiculous, stupid governor of Wisconsin who's responsible for this stuff again is the governor of the state. You have one job, protect the life, liberty and property of your citizens. That's it at your soul, job and he's not doing it. Tony ever sent this letter to president trunks again, it's all about from for democratic. It is not.
Protecting with protecting the citizenry. It is not about protecting the citizenry. There is a letter. Tony ever sent a trump constructs. It he's gonna come speaking Canosa, your president Trump, I understand. Yesterday, you indicated you will be visiting Canosa according to poor ports. Last night you intend to visit Canosa this Tuesday. I right today to respectfully ask you to reconsider these past few months for managing a pandemic to facing entrenched Rachel disparities in inequities. Our state, like so many others, has faced unimaginable challenges, but this past week has been particularly difficult. Canosa and communities across Wisconsin are enduring its extraordinary grief grappling with a black man being shot seven times and the loss of two additional lives on Tuesday night at the hands of an out of state on militants. Ok, well, you're, you're, missing a few facts: there are totally Everest you might be missing. The vat at the man who was shot in the black men were shot. Seven times was actually resisting arrest. There's an open warrant for both domestic abuse and sexual assault, but the police tried to subdue him. He refused to be subdued. They hastened twice that fail to act. On the other side,
the car he reached into the car and on the floor. Boards of the river side was a nice. That's a little bit relevant and the at me be shooting at the quota, hold hands went out of state our militant Kyle written by Kyle. Remember whatever the guy's name is written House Hell Rittenhouse should not have been there. Ok, I said that myself he's not a train person. You shouldn't have been there. The shootings are pretty obviously self defense. He was being I did at the time somebody fire to shop where even fired the first shot, and then somebody tried to beat the hell out of him. Another guy approaching with a pistol is just skipping all the facts right here, because obviously the narrative is that the real violence is not what was happening in Canosa before how written husband showed up. The real violence was apparently the cops and the out of state armed guy. When I visit
can also last week what I saw was a community working to deal with the trauma and pain of these events and extreme lost again. The governor was content there, exhausted and heartbroken with the division. That is ripped apart there community, but they are also working to rebuild together and support each other in the face of adversity. I, along with other community leaders who have reached up, are concerned about what your presence will mean for and our state I am concerned, your presence will only hinder our healing I'm concerned are present lonely delay our work to overcome division and move forward together its trump. That's the problem. Canosa got it. It is our job as elected. We officials to lead by example and be a calming present now is not the time for divisiveness. Will now be the time for you to have called federal, some weeks ago. Now is not the time for elected officials to ignore armed militias and out of state instigators want a contributory English ignore our militants who we are ignoring our militants. So I have some stats by the way who was just arrested in get here, the statesmen who was arrested in Canosa a hundred seventy five people arrested last week. A hundred to have home address is outside Canosa across forty forty four
cities. Sixty nine arrested for violating curfew, thirty four for curfew, plus other charges like burglary drugs and weapons over twenty firearms teased. So who's ignoring the outside agitators. Actually, it seems like governance, only avers. So of course it's from thought. He says I urge you to revisit your decision to visit Canosa on Tuesday thanks for your time and for consideration of this requesting an assault transport so that bind won't go to canosa because it would be humiliating for him look ridiculous, and so now you got the governor saying Trump can come to canosa, because the embarrassing for Democrats, railways, what they're, saying and then was content lieutenant Governor one on actual tv said the same thing trumps job, because really this kind of transport isn't it. You will get. The incendiary remarked said the president as may be considered an entire convention around a creating more animosity and create more division. Around was going on in the nose. So I dont know how give in any of the previous statements that the press
they, but he into the company to be helpful, and we absolutely only therein of knowing it is apparently a complete lack of law enforcement and you ripping on the cops daily, is the same lieutenant governor who, just days ago, suggested no invest, Nation is necessary in the jacket Blake CASE, to conclude that this is just another ends. Of a black man being unjustifiably shot yeah. What that's that's more vote. We need that clearly, ok. So all of this leads to what Joe Biden is actually going to say today. So he is speaking in petrol. Pennsylvania and here is a speech prepared for deliver. You ready for this Europe. Remember again, I'm an idiot come back to it, because it is worthy of note. These single these single moment that supposedly initiated the Biden campaign was the evil of down from pretrial Asheville for not labeling the outright and the white supremacist at the outset from the outset is the bad guys right. Many sides. Many sides here is Joe Biden on the riots and the looting and the murderer.
Here is Joe Biden already this president long ago, forfeited anymore leadership in this country. He can't stop the violence because, for years: yes fomented it. He may be mouthing the words law order makes a strong but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows you how weak he is. Always the militias. For months we been watching the city's burn, but it's the militia we're just arriving the last five minutes or the problem then the oh, I well. This is Galaxy brain stuff, does anyone believe there will be less violence in America. Donald Trump is reelected you're, saying the choir part out loud Ojo, which is that your basically pledging that the violence won't and until trumpets out of office, he says economic devastation, unwarranted of police violence, emboldened white nationalists, a reckoning on race, we'll get look it. Looking the gas lighting there. Look at that look at the gas, letting their economic devastation economic.
Have a station has been wrought largely by democratic governance, completely shutting down their state with no end in sight, the middle of the covered by annex unwarranted police violence? Ok, again, has he made the case that the violence in Canosa was unwarranted. No, have you bother know about Russia brought in and want to know how Brianna Taylor has he, as you mentioned the illegality there? It maybe a tragedy, but who is not illegal like it that the real problem, though, is unwarranted police. I'm right We have seen riding for months on end in major cities and we got unwarranted police violence. Labels are in white nationalist. Oh that's because what we want The cities is white, national is not black lives matter, writers and looters, and agitators trying to beat up, ran Paul and shouting in people coming out of the White House and what we get a reckoning on rates are the it's a reckoning. Guys are what the
real these it there's good again. Member isn't even on many sides on many sides, he's explicitly saying one side is good on one side is bad and the people who are doing the right thing and looting are the good guys and everybody else just agitating them. That is the big problem here. That is incredible stuff from Joe Biden, and this is the guy calming the tensions. This is the guy combing the tensions, not one member, the media. Not one will have the balls to ask Joe Biden to condemn, by name antifraud or Bailum writers in looters, not one in several just let him get away with mealy mouthed, both they'll. Just let him get away with. It is mealy. Mouthed nonsense. We're just says things like Well, you know what this really is: the White Nationalist militias and really about tromp. It is really about like everybody on all sides, they'll, let him get away with it because they agree with the agenda. How do I know they agree? the agenda, because they started repeating it over the weekend. So truck Todd literally one here the over the weekend and asked marked meadows, the chief of staff to present interim- isn't this Donald Trump America. So just to get this straight. Just to get this straight,
when Andrew Cuomo was being held as heroes, hero general, almost New York and went mayor, we learn- is turning down federal help. Its merits had wheelers here was against Donald Trump, but when violence occurs in these cities, then it's down trumps America. Here's Chuck Todd suggesting this is all Donald Trump America, weird, because these are all democratic cities who hate Donald Trump. Here's truck Todd repeating the narrative repeat and believe everyone. This isn't Donald Trump America. How much responsibility should voters by giving the president for his inability to two to keep the street safe is our parts of the country that the president doesn't govern. I mean is the president only in charge of what of just where places where he has supporters? Is the president not believe he is responsible? of governing and leading the entire country he's, try he offered federal help, and then you call them a fascist. You in the media call them a fascist, you can have it. Both ways is and how this works. Europe gets
tromp ass, to handle this and then from says. Ok, you want the troops here, the troops, not we all want the troops, your fascist, but it's your fault. Ok, then, was Dana bashed, who isn't trump inflaming the tensions he just keeps inflaming. The tensions he's info the tensions you in the media have repeated for months. There is no writing. There is no looting its magically not occurring at all in your imagination. These are mostly peaceful protests. Cnn ran a Cairo last week fiery, but mostly peaceful protest fiery, but mostly peaceful protests. Christian Liza, you're, an idiot media analysed, put out and on twitter yesterday, saying that these are not riots in the trunk is making up the riots weakens emboldened these people. I have a question who, in Vietnam is turning to RON Johnson, the senator from Wisconsin who, from
What music? While you know now that RON Johnson said something, I guess, I'm a little burdensome stuff down like what in the world, but the media can repeat this because again repeat and believe I want to talk about what happened in Portland. We saw someone get killed overnight and made clashes there and the president has been tweeting and re tweeting before dawn this morning, he called for the mayor of Portland to resign and be arrested. He painted protesters thugs and cities in chaos. You are the chairman as a mention of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Are you comfortable the present appearing to inflame tensions instead of what we normally see from President's, which is trying to call them down writers and leaders are songs. They are now the strain unelected actually being now that that actually tell me stuff, like openly touted over, weaken, there's an
Nicole from NPR. It was called one authors argument in defensive: looting, there's an actual book by right and in Vicki, Oscar Wilde called in defence of looting and Vicki. Austria, while said When I use the word looting, I mean a written. This was NPR right, you're, publicly funded NPR. When I use the word looting, I mean the mass expropriation of property mass shoplifting shoplifting during a moment of a people or riot. That's the thing I'm defending I'm, not defending any situation which properties, Poland, by force, that's literally property being stolen by force. If you break into a warmer in steel stuff that doesn't make it not robbery, it's not a home invasion either says Vicki. Oscar Wilde it's about a certain kind of action is taken during protests and riots. Looting, highly rationalized word from its very inception is taken from the Hindi moot, which means goods or spoils apparently even you say looting now. Your racist writing generally refers to any moment of mass unrest, or people write our space in which a mass of people has produced a situation
in which the general laws that governs society no longer function when people can act in different ways in the street and public I'd say that writings, broader categories has Vicki Ostrow interviewed by NPR over the weekend, in which looting pierce his attack. Often looting, is more common among movements that are coming from below. It tends to be an attack on a business, a commercial space. Maybe a government building taking those things at otherwise would be commodified and controlled, ensuring them for free since good. It's good now, you'll know something the people who are constantly saying this stuff is good. Making excuses for are either radicals like to be a lot more innovation or they are upper class white people who do not give a damn about the quality of life of people who are more impoverished than they are largely minority, are desperately aching for some level. Law and order and protection, private property and life in their community, so vit that the gas rose ass that somebody s during recent riots sentiment, I heard- was the looters cities like Minneapolis we're hurting their own cause by destroying small
This is in their own neighborhood stores on by immigrants and people of color. What would you say to people who make that argument? People who made that argument from any apples says that the gas while, when suddenly celebrating the looters in Chicago who drove down to the richest part of Chicago the magnificent mile and attack places like Tesla and Gucci, because it's not really about that, it can we're positioning yourself as though you are sympathetic: polluters and writers, donut tat private homes. They don't attack community centres, In Minneapolis there is a small, independent bookstore that was untouched all the blacks around basically looted or even level burned down, and that store just remained on three weeks of writing. You want to know why the bookstore didn't get burned because nobody stealing books their ceiling tvs with. Looking at the rate of use, bookstore become the first edition of like a place in the sun. What what? What? What are you talking about to say your attacking your own communities to saint writers. You don't know what you're doing, but I disagree. I think people know amazing
so this has been going on and on a ferry, fairly low level in Tut tut it on a high level by the Democrats. For literally years now being promoted. I am PR openly there's an argument. You doesn't. Fourteen at time, magazine called indefensible protests. There's an article in the nation that that came out, I believe, two thousand sixteen tabled in defence of destroying property, the big dont care. Ok, this has been actively fomented and now that the line the corrective line is well, it's all transform. Maybe it's the russian, maybe it's the white supremacist now the answer is We want you tut, tut and poo the rioting and looting and America's major cities, because you agree with the cause. If he grew, the cause is just a question of means. Not eurobonds and less than you wanted was alienates. People who may vote for Joe Biden, because there,
numbers of Belem or sympathetic twenty via an that's, repulsive and disgusting, and anyone who fails to call this out or fall for Joe Biden garbage statements about this is really about widespread american discontents or it's about Trump or it's really about white supremacist is because you is because you won't before is because you oughta be fooled. You would want to befall because you're a soft liberal who hates Trump and she won't by an elected and your will to overlook all this stuff or because your hard leftist wearily sort of agrees with Anti for in Vietnam and all evil can be wrapped up in front flag. Already, we'll be back and later today with two additional hours of contents, including some covert content. We didn't get too because actually fairly important, otherwise, will see here tomorrow, I'm bench where this is the bench parachute.
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Transcript generated on 2020-09-08.