« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1080 - As The Cities Burn


The RNC begins as we preview the first night of primetime; Joe Biden suggests that he might lock down the entire American economy again over covid; and an Atlantic contributor says America is just like Nazi Germany.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
After another disputed police shooting of a black man in Wisconsin, more cities burn the currency begins. Its big roll out tonight and Joe Biden suggests might locked down the entire american economy again over covert I'm edge below this? Is the venture bureau show This shows monster by its Vps dont want the government spying on you, then visit expressly peons on coms lash men to stay. Anonymous their actual serious things happening in the world. The good news is that many in the media are focusing on. You have White House Rose Garden nor Kelly on Conway's marriage or the two all of that a little bit later on in the programme. But we begin today with another disputed Shooting this one in Canosa Wisconsin, is receiving all sorts of attention because, again, there's video footage of a fragment of the actual shooting incident. And what you will see here is disturbing. So there is your morning. What you see here is a black man. His name is is
Jacob, ok here his name according to CNN, is I guess there now releasing it. So I was, as will hesitant about saying it so Jacob is man's name where you can see in this particular case, is Jacob Blake walking away from the police officers were telling him to stop. They have their police weapons drawn on him ass, his walking away he walks over to his car. Unclear whether he has something in his hand or if he doesn't have something in his hand, is an uncle. It is unclear whether there is something in the car, whether there isn't something in the car and they they shoot him when he reaches the guards completely ignoring them? As all of this, because I been shot either seven or nine times by various accounts, and he is now in I believe, serious conditions, a he's still alive. This let off areas of riots last night in Canosa Wisconsin. Now, here's the thing we, really no. No. What happened here at all knows: what's on the tape is all you know there's more police officers. They are following this black man whose walking away from they have their guns drawn, have no idea why their guns are drawn
We have no idea what happened immediately. Previous to this, we have heard an account at whose breaking up some sort of five when two women, but we literally have no confirmation of this. We don't know whether that is true the only we know in this particular case is what is on the tape and what is already on record. We know that what is on record is that he has a history of assaulting police yells, whereas pass charges for domestic abuse. And sex crime as well and there's warrant for his arrest. That is what we know: Documentarily, okay, so that doesn't mean that the shooting is good, It will mean that the shooting is that I'm just telling you what we know at this point. What we don't know is whether he was reaching for done. We don't know. What's in the car, we don't do anything, so the responsible position would be in this particular case. You hold off on judgment. Maybe it's a bad shooting, maybe it's. A bad shooting maybe was racially driven, although we literally have no evidence of that. Maybe it's not racially driven. We do not know what happened here. Right now would be the responsible play here by the media. Now be the responsible play here by your political class, unfair
finally responsibility matters not on twitter and it matters not an american public life anymore. Instead, everybody immediately jumps to their preexisting biases, and that is particularly true on the be a lamb left, which is decided that this is yet another example of an unarmed black man being shot for no reason at all by the police for racial reasons and our public since our simply repeating the since our media, the headline from it CNN tonight with constant police shoot black men as children watch from a car attorney says that so weren't were now just taking at Facebook. Are you what the attorney says with no additional evidence provided by the cops? The cops, if not provide an account of what has happened as yet, at this hour recording CNN to Wisconsin? police officers on leave Monday and state authorities investigate why a black man we shall multiple times in the back ass. He entered the driver side. Dormant suv official said, among the witnesses to the Sunday evening. Shooting in Canosa would man's resigns. Attorney Ben Company American Civil Liberties Union said the man identified by the Wisconsin governor as Jacob Blake
is in serious condition and fighting for his life. Crumb posted a short video of the shooting, I'm going on seven hundred thousand view sparking protests that lead county officials to institute a curfew until seven, a m, maybe six m eastern time on Monday protest overnight broke windows, this bread gifted graffiti ETA Canosa, county administrative building in torch vehicles in nearby auto dealership, by the way the torture of the vehicle the auto dealership was somewhat ironic. That the oddity loescher but literally had a giant sign out front. That said, black lives, marriage and merrily torch the vehicles anyway, a firewood Emmi. You can see the video, but it's it's incredible- means that these vit, these these cars are being burned. I'm not the cars had anything to do with anything. Apparently nothing, but they are being.
Earned and right outside. There is a there's, a big sign that says black lives matter sets exciting stuff happening over in Wisconsin, a fire restarted County court house officers and tactical gear from the wind protect public safety building. According to the local W Eisen CNN affiliate notions about forty minutes out of walking. We also have tape of in Kinshasa was content. We have tape of some be Alan allies, maybe anti for members, because it goes white who walks up literally to a share of vehicle. They want undrawn, pointing at the sheriff. They start, they literally are pointing weapons, at a share of the end, Everything is going really well everything's going really really well, I naturally, this is the time for political class. You know may take the temperature down a little bit when this be a good time for our public leaders to say things like this is wonderful investing
in the police officers have been taken off duty well and we investigate the incident and find out what happened here. Will now be the time to say: let's let the process work, every single officer involve shooting in the United States is fully investigated, that does not mean they're. Not incidents were officers go unpunished for things that should be punished, for that does happen K, but we have not, that's going to happen here. We have no evidence what exactly happened here and if you are the head of your states, law enforcement body right, let's it you're the governor of the state. Wouldn't you say at this point the head of the executive branch when you said this point: let's wait for the process to work. But no, our politicians have decided. There is much more hey to be made in suggesting openly, but this is racially driven bad police shooting based on evidence whatsoever. Yet right just based on their fragmentary tape, police said they were called to respond to a domestic disturbance. Is
clear who called nine when one or what happened before the recording begins its not clear from the video. If both of the officers open fire there two officers, the second officer has his gun out, as the shots are heard, all officers are cooperating, neither officer has been identified De I, which is the problem of internal affairs over there, is continuing to review evidence and determine the facts of this incident and what turnover investigate reports to a prosecutor following a complete and thorough investigation. The statement said it. So what did I What did our wonderful members of the political class do here instead of taking down the temperature in it does matter? If you take down the temperature here, because we have seen situations already like within the last couple of weeks in which bad accounts of police shootings went viral and caused actual right where the Chicago Loop, riot or caused buy online rumours that a child had been shot unarmed by a police officer. It turned out not to be true at all
now that there is a man shooting a police officers who was shot didn't matter. He went right inanition how the loop by writing is not justified, even if there is a bad shooting. We have answers for that in this country. That is called the police officer goes to jail, but it's called the police office is dragged up on charges as they should be. If you do something wrong, maybe answer to this is never burning crap in the streets, but our political class at least I left, have decided. It is mostly important that they get their speakers out on Twitter, but they go out there and they see then they show their their narrative their narrow empathy on twitter, but if you jump to conclusions where your considered better, if you wait too long, if you want you want you're going to. If you say, maybe we should wait for the evidence and then all say that this fits into a pattern of that's wires. He then you are considered bad and wrong and terrible our political incentive system rewards people who jumped out front and back a narrative before The evidence is in and then one of the evidence doesn't back at we just ignore it. Just goes away, Rogers Rewrite,
situation of actual situation in order to meet the narrative is what happened. Michael Brown people still list Michael Brown among Quantum court victims of police shootings, despite the fact that the Obama deal J found that shooting to be justified, despite the fact that local prosecutors twice found that shooting to be justified, Michael Brown and all that is always included. Journalist, Freddy Gray, is always included in the list of wrongful police killings, despite the fact that there is a full investigation, pretty grazed than he was not actually murdered by the police. He died because they didn't buckle him into the back of the police Van properly and then he bent his head. Unfortunately, on the back and pleased to read that that is the actual autopsy showing there's a full investigation, none of racial Brooks is listed among the victims of police violence, even though he tried to take two separate officers and was firing taser. Not so when you shot the individual facts of the circumstances, don't matter there at all. Only the narrative matters and once the narrative has been set, then the victims and the villains have been drawn, and then we just change up the narrative.
We just change the vaccine or to match the narrative. We're gonna, see this in just one second, and a really is agreed just its creating excuses, for we will burn cities which is terrible if you remember the political class, it is literally your job to prevent this from happening. Is the we recently? Your government is to prevent people from doing balanced. One they're in violating each other's rights. That is your only reason for being in government and you go. Justin is the riots are somehow justified, because America is a deeply horrible, terrible, very evil place with no evidence yet in this case none, but what we still don't know if Derek Shelving murder, George Floyd personal Leathery murdered him in the autopsies are conflicting, but we still don't know whether that had anything to do with race. There's no evidence and headed with race rather than just police brutality. It doesn't matter, then I ve already been set, and once the narrative is that it cannot be unsettled and gets more of this in just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that twenty twenty election is about turn out. Our opponents have their get out. The vote
machine. Good thing is that conservatives have one too I'm supporting a massive get out the boat effort of our own, sponsored by my friends over a job creators network cares outworks, you gotta ten for twenty dont. Come you take the ten for twenty pledge will receive a link, though,
The most trusted voting information and tools. You can use to join the largest conservative, get out the boat effort ever you'll, be contacted by email and asked to send a link and message to ten people. You know who care about America, family and neighbours, church and work friends. They make sure they signed the pledge and get the information they need to vote in person or by mail. The fact is that the turn out this lessons can matter awful lot. Folk some left are spending an incredible amount of money to ensure that their turnout is very high in this election. We need a conservative get out the vote effort, and that is what ten for twenty dot com is a ten for twenty dot come take the pledge right now, don't let our political opponents outwork us, do your part go to ten for twenty dot com. Now, that is the number ten f o r, the number twenty not come. Ten for twenty dot com go check them out right now, ten for twenty outcome get involved in boosting they get out the vote. Effort for conservatives. Okay. So how do our absolutely responsible politicians respond to all of us in the least responsible possible way, and truly is disgusting when you have public official
or backing a narrative without the evidence in it or it horrifying so governor Tony avers, who is the governor of the State of Wisconsin, raise the governor where this happen, here's what he said he says well, we do not have all the details. Yet what we know for certain is that he is not the first black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of visuals in law enforcement in our state or our country. You understand how deeply horrifying that statement is from a politician. Well. We don't know anything about the shooting. We do know that all of these terrible things have happened in the past. What what what I mean seriously? What so you have a situation where you dont know whether a murderer occurred or whether a justified shooting occurred, and you just lump it in with of the racial errors of the past in the United States without evidence in yet without any investigation it than any knowledge with the officer is without any discussion of the suspected,
without any discussion of the situation surrounding the author and suspect best just how it that that is the only thing that we know right is that we know that America's deeply horrible racist places not the governor of the state. It is his responsibility to keep his state from burning. It is his responsibility and he is completely betrayed that responsibility. It's not just him its politicians across the democratic spectrum, Jamal Bowman who just want a contested primary in New York. He just be Elliot Angle, so he's gonna answer Congress has very democratic district. He treated out three boys just saw their father shot seven times in the back by police, no gun, no struggle. He was just walking away praying for Jacob Lakes, making speedy info However, the issue is systemic. The Senate needs to respond boldly and humanely. This is why we scream be alone no gun, no struggle, hunting, How do you know what seriously? How do we know? We don't know yet? Maybe maybe that's route? Maybe that's not. I don't know he doesn't know it does not matter
I mean really literally does not matter. If it turns out, there is a gun in the car, and this guy was reaching for the gun in the car. Don't you say? Well, they didn't know there is going to the car, so why did he should? Why do they shoot em leaden? They taste and widened they tackle and of our new families experts who have put their lives on the line to protect our communities? Zero percent is very exciting stuff to watch our politicians virtue signal at the expense of police officers. Any evidence mayor Lorry Lightfoot, whose watch for city burn the same air lorry life, oh by the way, who recently defended a ban on protesters on her block. She literally was fine with Chicago's loop being burned out, but she has allowed the Chicago Police Department to ban protesters being to demonstrate on the block where she lives. She told reporters last Thursday, she and her family at times required heightened security. These are the threats she receives. Daily whitefoot refer to elaborate on specific threats, sure them daily against herself, her white and are a home. She says she's, I think residence,
The city, understanding the nature of the present we are receiving on a daily basis. On a daily basis understand. I have a right to make sure that my home is secure. Laurie Life. What do you have a right to expect that your home is secure, but nobody else is home. His just you just you. In the same thing, with Jenny, dark in the mayor of Seattle in the middle of Chaz TRAP, and they set up separate republic in the middle Seattle, where people's businesses were over one by an actual antigovernment anti american rebellion. When she allowed to happen for weeks on end June, we past when people start marching on her home in Portland We ve seen Mayor ten Wheeler, allow people's businesses their homes to be threatened or sing in Washington DC or sing in New York, or seeing it in LOS Angeles, the stuff happen. The only people who matter our political class. Only our political class matter exactly ever ears
Annabelle insane thing they want to say, but they are protected to their fine merriwig life at her house is protected, doesn't matter. The Chicago loop gets basically ransacked so what'd. She tweet about this quote yesterday in Wisconsin, a police officer shot Jacob Blake, an unarmed black man, a Father seven times in the back, we disturbed by the video cap from part of the incident. I urge civil and criminal authority to pursue an immediate and thorough investigation of the shooting. First of all, they are doing an immediate and thorough investigation of the shooting. Second of all, she's disturbed by the video capturing part of the incident. If you'll have. The whole incident then sure that the video is disturbingly whenever someone get shot on video disturbing, but when you want to have like the whole video, when you know all the circumstances, and it doesn't matter because she's already characterize the situation, it's a police officer, shooting Jacob Black Blake, an unarmed black man. Again, we don't know if you're on a father
seven times in back no attention. The fact of the of the prior criminal record, like if you're going to take into account only some things that we know, then perhaps the prior criminal record goes into the officers, thinking they pull Perhaps you down the guy while their driving to the place. Perhaps we don't know the answer to any of that: doesnt justify the shooting. Yet we don't know, but that's the whole point. We dont freaking, no saying we don't know. Why can these people say we don't know, and the answer is because the narrative matters Waymore way more than the actual facts of the case representative Joe Kennedy was running for Senate in Massachusetts. He treated out. There will be no. And to the police, brutality and white supremacy black Americans confront on a daily basis without action and real change. Jacob Blake, an entire nation is prey, for you, you literally does not know what happened here, because no one knows what happened here. I didn't realize the Joe Kennedy was now God there'll be no end, police brutality and white supremacy black Americans confront on a daily basis. No,
do. It is like one Michelle Obama set at the convention last week: there's a never ending less to blackmail shop. I please note that look that list and it turns out that list ends. It turns out. The list of unarmed black man shot unjustifiably by police is in like low double digits, and even that is disputed. The Washington Post database That list has an end, Joe Kennedy, singers, no end to police brutality in what you premises. Weird there's Gallup poll that was done two weeks ago to eighty one percent of black Americans want the same level of leasing in their communities or more policing in their communities, which is a way didn't want if you are constantly being targeted by the police on racial basis. Our politicians are so damned irresponsible, so unbelievably responsible, we still don't know what happened here, but none of them ever know that matters and these rights are now taking place in major cities across the country, its it horrifying. I mean truly we're gonna get some more of this in
just one second, first, let's talk about why exactly you're paying too much for your cell phone bill? There is no reason to do that. You made in your cell phone bill always cost exactly what it costs, but that's not true they're easy savings. You can find right now, who's your wireless provider agency rising n T mobile. What, if I told you pure talk, USA, the exact same network is one of those carriers. Tower same exact coverage, but literally cause she hath. How do they make it so affordable? Well, there, no retail stores so low You're not funding their billion dollar out campaigns you're only paying for the data. You need no contract, no excessive. These enjoy unlimited talk text and two eggs of data, all four just twenty bucks month. That's right. The average person is four hundred dollars year on their wireless bull and switch to pure talk. Usa. So read that mobile phone thou pounds, you fifty see Ben Shapiro when you do yet tuna. Fifty bucks off any Iphone include the brand new Iphone Essie. Again, that is pounds you five zero, say: Keyword, Ben Shapiro, pound to five zero sake. You are better prepared to get started pure talk, USA
you're paying too much money for yourself what value, probably not using the unlimited data the or paying for so. Why not cut that cell phone bill down? There's no reason we spinning four hundred bucks extra year. Nine, your wireless will go check out pure talk, USA by dialing pounds you fifty and saying Ben Shapiro. Ok, so are deeply irresponsible politicians across the United States. There is always violence in Wisconsin last night. The violence continues in places like that. Denver, is a new site, a violence according to CBS Local in December Denver city leaders hosted a news conference on Sunday to discuss arrests and destruction from rights on Saturday night. A group of about fifty to seventy five people write it outside the Denver Police Department headquarters. According to Murphy, Robinson Timbers, public safety director, they brought weapons to the table, they had guns, they brought explosives, axes, machetes and had one in ten purpose knows harm to our officers. I want these enterprises to hear me clearly and loudly this woman. Be tolerated in our city. You are not welcome here, Robinson when, on sin city place, do everything in its power to stop these violent acts is an effective immediately,
suspending the command pr bond jail in May cap. I put in place you to cover nineteen, which basically allowed people to just be released from jail. The cap n to prevent the spread of corona virus in the jail multiple businesses suffered damage, including the quiz knows so exciting. Black block wish running round smashing businesses black blocks. Of course an anarchist Robinson Motorways Lackeys. I want to speak to you as a black man in his Denver native. The narrative that these anarchists are marching for justice for black lives is frankly false. The public needs to know you do not represent us. Stop using the color of my skin to tear up my city, so Denver becomes yet another city overrun by anarchists and writers and looters declaring themselves in support of black lives matter.
Also member that time that the federal officers were largely removed from Portland and in Portland continue to burn. We are now in the thirteenth straight week of riots in Portland, so well done. Mayor tat, we learned the Portland Police Department has been hamstrung by this garbage mayor according to Cagey, w eight protests in Portland have continued for the thirteenth straight week. Since the death of George Floyd dominance, have taken to the streets to protest, systematic racism, police brutality and a call to Defined Portland Police Department night about two and fifty protesters gathered in Normandy Park in Portland before its direct action March. The March calls for the complete abolition of police in prisons, which sounds like a great plan. Burning, the entire city, the ground you stupid, peace, journals on the scene, reporting the Portland police would not let the protesters cross in some areas, the police department, dead in a statement early Sunday morning to prevent anyone from getting hurt. You two vehicles, because there are therefore vehicles that refused that approach rafters and refused to move, because the officers had set up a line in front of cars. A sergeant inflated you tiresome when the vehicles, the other vehicles, then complied with water,
Leave the Portland Police Department said the incident commander, try to prevent protesters from marching to the Penumbra Kelly building because it had been target of writers and multiple occasions over the past few months, apparently somewhat of rotten role they mark getting what they stuff bear into the street. I know what Paddington did exactly multiple use flags and there were then burn. We're not the bearded there seems to be taking the brunt of it. Painful wounds were hurled, it offers green lasers were pointing to law enforcement, to train blind them and a large rocks were thrown at police officers at what, as while some things are going great over in Portland as per our usual arrangement, all of which suggests that Americans might want to care what's happening in their major and they might want to hear about the deep and disgusting irresponsibility of their major public officials, who have declared that the facts do not matter that the cops are always bad and then any dispute circumstances. You can simply assume that it is a reinforcement of the narrative, America systemically evil and black people our systemically put upon by the system of the United States, that is, the narrative, is now being
right. You can see the democratic politicians caving to this common Harris, our wonderful vice presidential candidate, the democratic parties whose asked over the weekend about the fact that in prior innovations of Congo, has just called for more policing and high crime communities, because that is in fact the only way that you increase the both life expectancy and the benefits of living in the United States for people who want to live in a law abiding community. You make sure that they can actually call on the cops. You want to know why high crime our high crime, because they're, not enough police officers they're not because there are too few police are not because you did not because we want to get rid of police. So here is coming here, is being asked about how she used claim that we need more police officers, nigh primary, isn't here she well, you know I'm
that I'm just gonna talk about black lives matter and how there's an entrenched status quo and shares her anti composition. You conclude by saying that we want to see more police on the street. Please don't go that way and I think that there is no question. First of all, when I wrote that book we black lives matter did not exist, and I give full credit to the millions of that movement in terms of what it has done to advance a conversation that needed to happen a long time ago. What black lives matter has
as a movement has been to be a counter force against a very entrenched status quo around the criminal justice system in America. Unbelievable. What wouldn't unbelievable, unbelievably manipulative hypocrites aspersions on. My goodness is a person who was a prosecutor and she was broken up until the point. Where became politically, not beneficial for her to be a prosecutor and broke up and then all of a sudden shift into black lives matters Full counterforce, ok, I understand protesting against police brutality. I understand warning to relieve qualified immunity. I've talked about it repeatedly on the show I talked about. Police unions have talked about all these things, but if you're going to claim that you no longer need police in high crime communities because blacklist matters doing a good job, you're gonna pretend the protests and writers have nothing to do with the black lives matter. Movements have been seen around the country, which is insane ok. These are growing out of black lives matter protests. It's funny how the media used to maintain
these stark, separate division between writers and protestors and then, as soon as the rioters and the protesters started, to gain the upper hand and became nearly impossible to and then it became will maybe its justified. Maybe it's kind of justified. I'm. We went from four nights with democratic national convention last week in which writers and letters didn't exist, but you didn't exist. Poof they're gone, absolutely incredible. And by the way, my trust calmly, hairs on race and racism in the United States. No, I do not think so. Machiavelian manipulative, damned liar headway. Oh, that she's, a liar I'll, show you in just one economic she's, a brutal wire we'll get to that in just one. Second, it's amazing she's being upheld as an example of racial of some sort of racial spokesperson in the United States, considering how she has used
the issue of race in order to either advance or not advance in particular agenda. It's really incredible, we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that there are people are interested in ceiling yourself and they can do without actually having to break in your home. Well, the fact is that cover nineteen. How does that have to do with losing your homework could have a lot to do with losing your on the F B. I reports that cybercrime of seventy five percent since the virus it one cybercrime, you should work about his home title that legal documents to your home are now kept online, and cyber thieves, foreign and domestic know that if you protect our homes title while there is the possibility that something bad could happen, these good for journeyman quickly indeed so somebody could actually just do that then sell your home. They slap affect notary seal on it requires new owner of the home. This is actually happening, people then they take loans against the home. They leave you in debt. Your bank may not protect you There is your insurance or common identity theft, guys for penny
today home tat, a lot of virtual barrier around your homes settle the instant they detect hampering they shut it down. So go check out home title lock, dotcom register your address to see if you ve already been a victim of something like this then use code Shapiro for thirty three days of protection that is coach apparel at home. Title lock, dotcom, protect yourself against tackles the train, grabbed the settled your homes, you make all sorts of financial trouble for you, gotta home title, lock, dotcom again, that's home tonight walk, dotcom use culture over thirty three days of protection, they so again commonly Harris what an awful hypocrite she spends years as tough prosecutor cracking down on crime and then the minute you becomes a vice presidential candidate blacklist matters do incredible work against law enforcement all over the United States. Why don't? I trust Conall Harris on even her, even the authenticity of her new found Racial progressive ism because she says she's willing, say literally anything just a damned hypocrite because a you remember early on in the primary race when she label Joe Biden racist? She suggests
Did the Joe Biden was trying to stop little girls like her from attending enter racial schools from attending integrated? does integrate. Publishers, race, even soldiers, had said a little girl like me, and that was her thing to choose asked about this on ABC ok, so I was news and she's specifically about this, and here is her answer, She's she's going to say anything our politicians are willing to say anything there, not yet so many of these politicians are not genuine about solving racial problems in this country. If you resolve regional problems in this country, you know it, you do you're she'd, look at the conditions under which racial problems become a problem. You look at behaviour Yet the fact that high crime communities need more cops, you will get a fact that people need school choice. You look at the facts, but we need more fathers in communities. You look at the fact that we need to incentivize people to stay in school whether these are all systemic problems that much more greatly affect black Americans. Then the prevalence of cops in communities or or by the late pulling cops from the communities
but come on. There's not going to talk about anything, does not convenient Kamel heresy. Here is commonly Harris over the weekend being asked specifically about basically Joe Biden, racist. What I can believe that people trust our politicians. I cannot believe that frankly, here is commonly Harris can't get past the debate, a lot of people. And not. Let that go the way you challenged him so you go from there to hear. I want Joe Biden to be the next president of the United. States, I believe and Joe Biden, I believe, and have perspective and frankly, I think back What is a distraction from what we need to combine right now, and what we need to do. These are the people. You trust, don't worry if she tweets about about this. This and who shall you tweet about Jacob Blake, then magically? Everybody will believe that you sympathetic about these issues, but there she is losing yeah sure I call them races, but you know what it does matter anymore, because I'm trying to get ahead does it was really matter. The imminent
nation of the narrative by members of the media for political gain by members of our political class for political gain, and then the city's burnt their real consequences to this stuff? There are people who suffer because of the stuff there. People who die because of this stuff is. It is incredible: I'm not single die because of calmly Harris's commentary. I'm saying that people die when you forward the narrative that America is a deeply racist, systemically evil place, and then people Riah. On that basis, I am saying that these things have cancer whence it, because they do we're watching consequences in the streets. Every night in major citys around the country were watching. It happened and the media just for these narratives before the narratives, because the narratives not only to pollute they believe in them, but they also allow p well to to restructure american society along the lines that they wished to see. How far it is. Someone is racial rhetoric when we look at our media army are even worse than our political class, because the media, at least,
possibly have an incentive to tell the truth, but apparently not remember that time that that Gmail Hills she's a commentator At least. Knowledge is not objective. Journalist righteous age is an opinion person, so Pinion person Jamal, who has opinions professionally, which is fine. I also have opinions you know how I used to be hired by European and then she's like ok. She was even to work for the four four MSNBC football, Then she was hired by the Atlantic member. The Atlantic was a place that was so establishment that Kevin Williamson was too much for them. Can wounds and of national review will now she writes for the Atlantic And she tweeted out over the weekend quote been reading as well. Hocker since new book cast right. This is the hot new book pushed by over winfried. That suggest that America is basically like the indian caste system, which is why, of course, untouchables have been elected to the highest leadership positions in India, away they haven't In the United States. We ve had a black president elected overwhelmingly twice, but she's has been
is but workers into new book cast and if you weren't of the opinion that the United States wasn't nearly as bad as Nazi Germany. How wrong you are, can encourage you enough to read this masterpiece now. It seems to me- and there were some differences between the United States and a Nazi Germany. Even during the war of GM crops such as we didn't murder. Six million black people in the United States in a systemic genocide. That seems like I'm, a minor difference that you might want to. But note there is not skews Jim Crow? It does not excuse the evils american racism, but the narrative drawn that America is just like Nazi Germany or like the caste system in India, is so patently absurd on its face, and yet that gets pushed. Ok, that that narrative is being pushed by major publications being pushed by members of the media, Other racial narratives that are being pushed is that racism only works in one direction. So if your racist in another direction then
The anything can be racism, except for certain things. Rachel, for example, Democrats are now suggesting that, if mispronounced Commonly Harris's name- that is racist- that's absurd, maybe just mispronounced. Her name is not the easiest named to pronounce, but this become a democratic talking points, just two mispronounced calmly Harris. His name is literally article from the AP about this over the weekend, when top Republicans, including President Donald Trump, and vice president, my pants mispronounced democratic vice presidential car can nominee calmly Harris's first name is not just a disrespectful, its racist. According to the Democrats, because pressed Camilla not come Allah, I mean like come so that what you say but point out, ok here here, is the new standard from the narrative centres in american politics. You don't need evidence when there is interracial shooting of a white police officer on a black person. Then you don't eat evidence. It is purely in evidence of America systemic racism. If a black presented, two white person, we just don't reported in United,
doesn't make any sense at all the media to its international story, because obviously racism doesn't exist on on in that direction. Injustice is not something we care about. America is just like Nazi Germany except the democratically elected, then it's all Wonderin light is. I said how do we know by the way that racism armies us on one side according to this narrative? So over the weekend there is an NBA player this. This guy's name is Mun Trestle, Harold Montraville, Harold he placed for the LOS Angeles clippers and there is a european origin player named LUCA dont judge and probably prancing name incorrectly place for the house. Mavericks tremendous player and in the middle of the game between the mavericks Emma clippers, this Montraville Harold person, he called he called Don, checked a bitch ass white boy. There is a direct quote. I can see it happening on tape, right, bitch, ass, white boy. So what are they
do about this. Whether in the NBA did nothing about this, nothing literally nothing. They said we had a conversation, a conversation where, because racism doesn't exist in this direction, Doc rivers, who is the coach of the elite, clippers, here's what Doc rivers had to say about this particular quote quote you just have to be careful. They were both I don't think LUCA was saying anything racial, but he was wearing so they were both doing it they're about doing it. Wearing, is not the same as Rachel's war is what we as well even told effect, what what Belarus has this wasn't even racial slur when she bitch ass white boy, it has nothing to do with color. It sets an emotional game. It's a playground game out there in the plants hey Elden, you meant anything racially by it. He said white boy, but I don't think anything racial intended, which is a way Where did say something on racial, but we are in a very heighten climate. You have to be careful. Tray was the first one to say that he said I didn't mean that radical didn't mean racially. Instead, it doesn't matter it's what's perceived, make sure you do the right thing now: listen, I'm fine with everybody lightning up on their reaction,
to this kind of stuff I am, but we are now living in a society where we are told that without evidence, racism is the defining factor, american life NET every disparities attributable to american racism, but if a black person says toy white person, Bitch ass, boy. It is inherently non racial. Does it sound like a consistent standards? You does this sound law. You called you in any way, or does it sound like a narratives being drawn and that the narrative doesn't care about the evidence that the evidence simply doesn't matter The matters in the end is the narrative end of story. America, systemically racist. Why people are Chemically discriminating against black people by people are incapable of being raised by the way is one of the points of view. Who called anti racism contingent is that racism isn't just discrimination. Racism is discrimination combined with power and because white people hold the power based on the perverse conspiratorial world view of the anti racist. That means that only white people can be racist, and you also,
need evidence of racism in order claim racism. The predictable result of this is unified Americans and to make Americans were polarized. The the way that normal people should act about this stuff is to look at each other as individuals that's verboten were not allowed to do that. New! More look at each other's individuals. Look at each end of it. Each individual incident based on its back pattern, but we just don't do it it's not worth while anymore. We just don't do it. Can a second, when you get to the Aren T, because this is going to be one of the themes of the orange and frankly, it should be one of the themes. The orange Cities burning seems like a rather major theme, the Democrats completely delighted for eight long hours of prime time Dnc. Last week we learned that the black lives matter movement is completely wonderful and great, and the protesters are the best of us is Barack Obama. Suggestion the rights and looting, don't exist, and America systemically racist accepted. Joe Biden gets Elect, in which case he brings to light the eight year old white man. He brings to light, and everything is all better. Even if your blacklist
our protest. I wonder if you believe the crap its being fed you about how Joe Biden an eighty year old and oxygen area in white man used to work with segregation of senators is going to heal all racial wounds in the country. I haven't you a sucker if around the hard left seriously, when it's a more of this in just one single entity, aren't you which begins at night, but first imagine you're walking through a parking lot. You with your kids As you approach your car, you see somebody closing in and something seems wrong. She calmly move in front of your kids when you turn toward this person and the person starts to move toward their own gun. The person is not thirty feet away, you don't make a move ya body feel that you have a gun on. You have, and so you say, stay back and then the attacker understands what criminals comprehend he's pick the wrong target need turns around and your kid says: what's wrong, you say nothing, everything is fine. In this day and age you may need a gun to protect your family and yourself. Unfortunately, becoming more and more common in major cities across the United States. This is why should be a responsible gun on one of the purposes of responsibly, owning and using a gun is to make sure you never have to using on gay or one hundred percent free copy of the complete, concealed, carry and family defence guide
from the US concealed Carry association is a hundred sixty four pages. It comes the bonus audio version. She can listen whenever you want. Just text protects to eighty seven Youtube is not just important. One of our army actually have to know how to use it and how to handle it so that you never have to use it. That's the point and get instant access and a chance when a thousand bucks, when you text protect two hundred and eighty seven, two hundred and twenty two you can buy a gun your family text, protect to eighty seven to to do right now to get that free, complete concealed carrion, family and friends. From the. U s he's yea text Protector, eighty seven to to do right now: ok, interest, one second, get to the currency because the orange he begins to night, and you can bet that some of the thematic programme focusing on the burning of America's major cities. What the first, if you haven't her by now Joe Biden, has officially the democratic parties, presidential nominees twenty twenty. We know because we made our own mouthwash suffer through his except in speech at the Dnc. Matt is still unhappy about this and back he's cowering in his own and right now I believe he's. Unlike the opposition crying. However, we are not just torturing Matt for fun me war, but also he was here.
All access live over a daily Barnett come with our all access members daily, whereas most exclusive memberships. Here all access members get to join these all access life sessions or one of us, whose every night, what one of us will jump on every night to chat with you, both in live stream and in the comments. Usually the sessions, are casual, hang out on special occasions with the host watch parties like mats last week again, this Thursday August twenty seven will be doing its wives tribune all excess live watch party for the final knight of the Aren T hosted by none other than the exquisite Michael knows. I have a prediction you will like president from speech. The live stream started. Eight forty five pm Eastern five, forty five can Pacific a few minutes before the convention kicks off all access membership also features not one, but two left. This year's tumblers with your membership as well as early, sometimes exclusive access to new daily, where products so hadn't over daily work outcomes, Lasher right now at twenty percent of all access with coupon code access that is daily wired outcome, Slash Shapiro with coupon code access,
at twenty percent off your membership to listening to the largest fastest growing conservative podcast in the nation is already so the currency tonight. I'm there is going to focus in on the riots in the looting, and that is not a politically driven decision by itself in the fact is that when you go eight hours of democratic national convention time and nobody can condemn Antigua, nobody can condemn The black lives matter, looters and writers, not the protesters, the writers and looters, some of whom are indeed, let us move into writers and looters when it becomes time, but that they can pretend very for eight hours, a prime time to stuff doesn't exist and then. Commonly Harris, go national television and said the beast movement is pushing us toward a better America and I'm wondering how does it feel America is getting better over the past several months. If it does, I'm just wondering what is your evidence of this like seriously a race relations better in the country? Do you feel like we ve moved too
actual solutions, or does it turned out that one centre attempts got the black Republican from South Carolina proposes in actual police reform bill and Democrats filibuster the thing to prevent solution this is really much more about narrative, drawing and pure politics than it is about solving problems too. As it turns out, the Americans do in fact care about what is happening right now in America's major cities. There's a new Gallup Poll out, and it shows that fifty nine percent of Americans say that they are concerned about the levels violent crime that are happening in America, that major cities and the burning of America's at major cities there's just slightly lower than the sixty three percent of Americans who say that corona virus is one of their top pray, what is so? This is a major issue. Let me have completely isolated. The media have completely ignored it and you can bet your bottom although the Republicans going to focus on it at the currency, which they absolutely should, as democratic politicians, continue to simply without evidence, suggests that America is an evil. Systemically races caste system. According to
regional there's, some signs of life for the trunk campaign. There's a new pull from the Wall Street Journal NBC News, the President's chair of support, which that forty one percent has not top forty four percent this year against Joe Biden, he trails the former VP in abrogated point of most battleground states. Although his deficit is- our, then, is in national poles, but his position may be stronger than heads had pulling shows at this point. In the last election from frailties democratic appointed by nine percentage, internal ambition is pulling. He still does his public image is actually picked up. Some shine more voters saw Trump in a negative light than a positive one in the most recent poll by a margin of about twelve percentage points. But at this point four years ago the negative outnumber deposited by thirty three percentage points. He apparently has an improved image among white voters. He lags behind his twenty sixteen boat share, as recorded by exit polls but white voters, and most recent Journal NBC New survey were divided almost equally between positive, a negative views of the president's about twenty points higher than he was doing.
I'm a round he's holding setting with Hispanics is well some thirty one percent of his panics say they will back the president, which is slightly higher than the twenty eight percent of voted for him in twenty sixteen republican intensities also beginning to build an apparently up programmes, voters are still leaning Republican, which is good news for it for him that Journal NBC New Survey in July. They will get, voters have ruled out either candidate aren't play those voters, as a group have characterised six that suggest there opened a trumpet his party according to the Wall Street Journal, some twenty two percent of a positive image of Trump. Only eleven percent have a positive image of Joe Biden. They prefer a candidate who will confront the Washington establishment, which is one of trumps, key pictures and, of course, from still leads on the economy and voters dislike both parties. So this up, this election is not quite over yet so you can expect that the president is going to focus in on two things: one his his own ubiquity but he's gonna folks, and on that
and he's going to focusing on the crime issues there been plaguing America's major cities, apparently he's going to speak every single might at the hour see now. I don't know whether that is a pretty really good strategy usually want to build up some sort of drama, but I guess they looked from knows more about reality. Be there. Personally anybody alive Minimum was it. This is one of the areas where from was successful area. Other area as he is exaggerated. His success then was a very, very successful reality tv hose. So he knows how to stuff works. He's probably figuring listened, not everybody can watch last night, we can have different audiences every night, all shrub, every single night, I'm going to jail Miller. He said you'll have president from speaking at various parts, for each of the Knights Miller said that the aren't you tell a beautiful story. Miller said one of the things you're gonna see this week as a complete change in the perception that the media tries to tell about what it from support it looks like or who are? Transport is when I talk about the american story when they see a great uplifting message from the press and from our allies. And I, when I tell you something stories you hear there can be some break out stars. Some people would not expect we support the present. It's gonna be a very
the full story. So here are some of the people who are going to be appearing sure going to get centre. Tim Scott of South Carolina will appear which, as you know, something that that was a controversial are. You gonna get steeds Police of Louisiana MAC, maggots, of course, of waters Bogdanov the president. Obviously Jordan of a higher Nicky Hayley, will be there you're going the Orange chairwoman of Course, and then going to see a me Johnson Ford, who is one of the people, has helped out by criminal justice reform. I believe you're going to see Kim Classic who, as a candidate in Baltimore, she cut a video and when absolutely viral talking about how horribly Baltimore has been run for years. You'll see Mark and Patricia Mcclosky. That was a couple in Saint Louis, were brought up on charges for defending their property and you'll, see Andrew Pollack, who had a relative who was murdered in a mass shooting and has been a big supporter of the present
Doesn't Monday speakers on Tuesday you're going to see first, lady Millennia, Trump, my compost and around Paul will be appearing. You will see a group of Nixon Sandman who's that the kid who is targeting the coming in catholic scandal and then their bunch names that I really don't know who I am sure we will get to see over the course of time. I believe that at the end, the entire Johnson family, basically showing up one, is speaking every night. She Alice Johnson was one of the lead figures in the criminal justice reform forgot the name, wrong in the first place. So it would be interesting to see how they programme this thing, and apparently there banking on some surprises that will change the narrative a little bit according to Bloomberg. From said that, he's gonna go live as much, as The possible he's, also teasing the promise of at least a few surprises. The convention represents one from last chances to make the case and write these sputtering campaign looked about
mine is what he needs to focus on. Is the unrest in America's major cities and frankly shock that he has not done a better job of shouting his actual record uncovered. So the president has said many stupid things over the course of the past six months uncovered, but the actual record of the administration and getting governors. What they want is pretty good like if they do not have some time in this primetime convention, just a mass of all the democratic governors saying that from gave them what they need. That is political malpractice have been saying for weeks. At this point I am shocked. They have not done it so far, all of which led by the when the president to make an announcement over the weekend. That was highly controversial because it looks like he's politicizing the pursuit of solutions uncovered nineteen. Basically, the day before the convention starts from issued, number use authorization for blood plasma. He called it transformative national science is that it may have some effect blood plasma. There's a study from the male clinics They don't have some effect. Is it a visit? A cure all know? Is it ineffective therapeutic? I need the
it appears to be. Yes, although the evidence is still coming in, and there has been a lot of controversy over whether trumpets rushing the emergency use authorization for web plasma for political reasons, doing it the day before aren't certainly suggests that right on a political level, it's just. It seems like manipulative to do that period now again in blood plasma has been used in a variety of treatments are really is now that controversial medically, but it looks like you are. You are pushing a solution before the aren't you for political purposes, I and you make a pretty transparency good the day before the Aren t here is Trump over the weekend, today. I am pleased to make a choice historic announcement in our battle against the Joan of ARC. That will save, countless lives. Fifty eight has issued an emergency use, the authorization and that such a power, full term emergency use the resolution for a and known as convalescent plasma,
this is a powerful therapy the trans uses very, very strong antibodies from the blow recovered patients to help treat patients battling a current infection. So, frankly, it is a good thing, as as a full time a libertarian. I've always had serious problems with the yeah, I dont think you need a federal government agency slowing up medications for two three years. It turns out there is legal liability that attaches to putting up bad drugs in the public marketplace, and you know who knows that the drug companies need the very idea that you have to go through some sort of yea approval process in order for there to be emergency blood, convalescent blood plasma authorization seems to me foolish in the extreme, but doing this the day before the urgency and in declaring a breakthrough obviously looks very political and also Political on the president's starts tweeting about how his own administration is blocking him on Saturday Trump suggested that employees at the
it we're sabotaging his re election by slowing down coordinators research is that members of the deep stated the F b I we're making it hard for drug companies scoreboard get people in order to test the vaccines and the therapeutic and obviously wants delay progress until after the November Third election day, The evidence of this I have not seen it seems to me that if you are in the FDA, you probably don't want to slow down the collection of information about vaccines, and again I have seen no evidence of that in the present is always saying the quiet part out loud and to suggest that your own administration is blocking you from from pushing forward as hard as you can. Silly, especially because it makes it look as though the ok, fine so then take control then take control monsieur if you believe that take control. But the fact is that he has made to do any of this. What he needs to do is point out the fact that when the me or focused on ventilators, he got people ventilators when their folks Don T be eager. People happy be remember how be invents. Waiters, we're like case number one in one day and how tromp was being a bad job, and then he got events. Waiters in all the ppp and then just disappeared will now he's push for with warp speed on the vaccine
And there is good information coming out to them. These vaccines may be effective by the end of year, which would be frankly, miraculous casually takes a decade to develop an effective vaccine on diseases. Now be pretty like. I don't understand. Why he's telling a story about nephew trying to obscure the process when it could be telling a story? have you got a pretty good job of trying to ensure that everybody gets what need. Any could be telling even better story about the Democrats want to shut the entire economy down again mean that's the best story here for the Republicans is we ve been looking? gradual reopening been getting people what they need. Republican governors have been ensuring that the nursing homes are protected while also ensuring that people can go out and live their lives and still have death rates that are much lower than blue states. Like New Jersey and New York and Massachusetts in Connecticut, and meanwhile, Bigamy is openly talking about shutting down the entire american economy again. Over the weekend I mean: how is this not a campaign and over the weekend Joe Biden said that he would shut down the entire.
American economy, again overclouded, which is patently crazy here, is Biden. Would you be prepared to shut this country down again, I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives, because we cannot get the country movie until we control the virus. That is the funding flawed this administrations. Thinking that began with in order to keep The country running and moving on the economy growing and people employed. You have fixed the virus. You have to deal with the virus So if the site is say shut it down, I would shut it down. I wouldn't energy and she's been, I would shut it down of the scientists say: ok, the scientists are always gonna say, shouted down because again, if your job as a scientist is due cortical prevent the spread and your job scientists is not to take into account. Countervailing considerations like kids, not going to school, like entire economies dying like the fact that the lock and have not been partition. We effected in general are doing anything beyond the laying people receiving the virus. I certainly have not actually prevented the virus from Spain
in the long term walking down. American economy at a time when there is no obstacle there is no object in New Jersey, there's no taking Connecticut. The places that are seeing optic all over the world are play all over. The world are places that have not been hit by the virus yet missed. Why is the present not campaigning on that? That's what he should been saying over again what it had been saying is Joe Biden want to shut it all doubt. We need to find a way to reopen. Americans want to reopen we're doing it safely, we're doing it securely. Already seen Wayne in place like Arizona Georgia in Florida, wouldn't even telling that everybody's dying right. That is the campaign. That's the campaign and meanwhile, the radicalism of the DMZ on full display continues to be on full display. So over the weekend, apparently, the Biden Campaign- reversed itself on whether Linda's our swords and anti semite happiness is really incredible. So apparently, over the weekend,
We remember that Linda's, our sore was picked as a delegate for thee she's pictures Adela get for. One of these Muslim Clock is during the day parts of the of the GNP and Linda source, or is a virulent anti semite and the binding menstruation came out. The button campaign came out and they said well, you know we don't approve Lindisfarne or over the way, then top aids to presidential candidate or by an apologize to arab and muslim democratic, fundamentally sighed out not over an attack on Linda, or by the campaign in a private call, with dozens of prominent activists on Sunday Ash the allies national coalitions director for the Biden campaign said she was very sorry for the common to campaign spokesperson made against our sore top foreign policy adviser Tony Blink and also express regret, The incident during the virtual meeting remember that time are. They said at the Biden campaign was fighting it some yet apparently not also. It turns out that only six of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention are backers of loose Farrakhan, including common
Funny Haines to make a Mallory Linda's our sore James Kleiber inquiry Booker. They all these people said that they would meet with with loose Farrakhan, so the Democratic Party continues to be incredibly radical, good news. How The democratic party is also get to fund the post office. This was the big move over the weekend. They passed a bill to now relieve anyone's economic pained, but to give twenty five billion dollars to the post office to alleviating nonexistent scandal whereby the post offices out of me you can't handle male imbalance. That was very important stuff, but this necessitated the Democrats pretend the Post office is good at its jobs, Nancy Blowsy over the weekend,
adjusted no business in Amerika would be saddled with what we settled the post office with, which is patently crazy. It's not a business is the surf and why we always want to subject every federal dollar to the scrutiny of what we're getting for it. Let us remember that it is a service, no business that I can think of would ever be saddled with what we ve done to the postal service. Saying that day and night two thousand and six a bill past. That said that that the postal service should pay seventy five years of its health benefits. In ten years I mean who voted for that again. Maybe company restructuring of the postal services that also you not postal service has been saddled with complete government bail out on every front on every front. Meanwhile, by the way, as he was speeding up about the post office, like the Democrats focused on the most important parts of american public life, namely a service that has been bankruptcy for last fourteen years and
You can easily send mail through other means, including you PS and facts areas. Hearsay. The postal service is how is not only how we send a valid. It is how we get our medicine. It is how we send rent checks. It's where people are getting their tax refunds. It is a core service of any civilised society and an attack on our postal service and an attempt to dismantle are our postal service out of a selfish desire to sabotage our democracy and and maintain a grip on power is an attack on all of us good times. Zimbabwe, Joe Biden, has just come out with a state Jacob Black speaking of of responsible Democrats, Joe Biden, your responsible Democrat here is a statement. Jacob leg just broke a moment and quote yesterday and Canosa Wisconsin Jacob late wish. Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back as police attempt, restrain him, I'm getting in his car, his children watchments car and bystanders watched in disbelief
morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and outrage that yet another black American is a victim of excessive force. This calls for me in full and transparent investigation in the officers must be held accountable. These shots pierce the soul of our nation, Joe, and I pray for Jacobs Recovery and for his children. Equal justice has not been. For black Americans, and so many others. We are an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism is the urgent task before us. We must fight to honour the those laid in the original american promise, which we are yet to attain, that all men and women are created equal but, more importantly, they must be treated equally. Does he have any evidence that we have now heard about job? I any evidence at all that we have not heard about at this point. The answer, of course, is no. The answer, of course, is no. He does not know what happened Jacob Lake, because you, So what happened Jacob late, because I don't know it happening Jacob like no one knows what happened when you say, civically in your statement that there has to be a full, transparent and immediate investigation. That suggest you don't know what the hell is going on and yet there you have it before. Vice president of the United States,
being a racial demagogue on an issue where he does not have evidence, but good news. The media are focused in not on them. You'll demagoguery and the burning of America's of American Citys. They are focused on really important things like the White House rose garden. Renovation so. Over the weekend, the White House released photos of the renovation of the White House, rose garden errors. They restored it to the original sort of Jackie O state of their enemies of the rose garden. Last month, Millennia Trump announced that she was taking on the project invited by adding technical updates. Apparently, future presidents will be able to use the spatial broadcast. Events in presidential addresses serious range problems, it inaccessibility to disabled people, and so they have added some new pastel flowers, a diamond like shape a boxwoods added, a dozen crab apple trees were moves, will be replanted.
Where, on the grounds also seeding area has been removed and be replaced by a yet to be announced, art installation, there's, a three foot wide limestone, walking path bordering the central lawn at is supposed to make the garden more accessible for people with disabilities, so good news. Apparently the Democrats have watched the mines over this. They Howard fine men, Newsweek, who is just lost it? I mean really lost it and he's an NBC news. Analyst. He tweeted out the Trump family did his best to turn. You ugly rose garden to a NEO fascist, the parade ground and you'll fascist the parade ground, Howard Fineman, Kurt Eichenwald, who is kind of crazy person. He treated up. I still find it unbelievable that the first lady has only been a citizens since the middle of G, W Bush a second term had the audacity to wreck the rose garden to pull up history dating back a lifetime. These trashy evil stupid people need to get out of our house what gall she has focusing and on all the important issues like the White House rose Garden, really well done every,
well done. Every one cannot be remiss if I did not make a very brief comment on the killing and Conway controversy. As a country of the data Kelly and Conway has now quit the Trump Whitehouse she's gonna leave by the end of the month, her husband, George, who has been involved in the Lincoln Project, which is a which is a gift or scam on behalf of democratic rift or scam. Because supposedly it is concerned, and I trust opposition except there now endorsing people against Susan Collins and main as George Conway's been variant had from for quite a long time. There is obviously enormous family family problems happening, have a daughter, a fifteen year old daughter who is fifteen she's, trying to emancipate from her parents right now. She post all of these these Tik Tok videos and these social media videos and left loves them, because it is her basically trapping on her mom. And they never think hey wait. A second, maybe a fifteen year old is not most reliable source, family relations and maybe also we should be letting fifteen rules have the private, even if they wish to remove them.
See from themselves you if they wish to alienate or on privacy. So now she she, she wrote on Twitter that dumb, apparently daughter, Claudia, had is deleted. Video or she accused her. Parents have physical abuse and asking for emancipation. She said it around very physically abusive, very, very verbally abusive. She said I want when her mom had set. My mom got me arrested. Provide any evidence of this, or that this is all really sad. Anybody who is laughing over it is made me very large, mistake, family problems are not generally something to laugh at its it's one thing: environment, adult ones the kids get involved than it really is not something to laugh at so ugly. They come family gets it together, and I am glad for coming on and for George, that they're leaving their sort of public spats, decide and trying to rebuild and whatever is left of their family dynamic already. So we backer later day with two additional hours of content will be a lot more than also we'll back here. We will be back here to Morrow Morning, so stick around for that go subscribe over daily wired come pick up a copy of my moral,
than ever, but Kennedy Romero in three easy steps. It was an intervention, Morocco, if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available and Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily, whereupon CAS, including the end reclaiming show, the microbial show and the mat Walsh thanks. The listening, the venture Piero show is produced by coltan hearts, are technical, director is often Stevens executive producer, Jeremy, boring are supervising, producers are math, is clever and Robert Sterling assistants erector Pavel White, asking our producer is next year shows edited by Adam silent, audio mixed by my comments here and make up its mind, you could Geneva Adventure Bureau show is a daily where production copyright daily wire, Twenty twenty everyone is Andrew Clay them hosted. The Andrew claiming Show Europe
the kids are getting ready to gather for their convention on the Democrats, are encouraging riders to burn or cities down a clear choice. We will talk about it on the edge of live shop.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-24.