« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1076 - The Anybody-But-Trump Convention


It’s a bizarre first night of the Democratic National Convention, from John Kasich to Bernie Sanders to Michelle Obama – and Joe Biden is, as always, an afterthought.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's a bizarre first night of the Democratic National Convention from John Cassock. Oh no god, no, not John cases to burning centres to Michelle Obama and Joe Biden is, as always an afterthought adventure. Pair of this is the entropy Rochelle, eventually So is sponsored by express deep you and you have rights, privacy protected, expressly peons outcome, slash and well. You may have noticed that things are pretty crazy out. Their lot of us and yet there- and that is one reason and the price of gold has been skyrocketing for quite a while here some of us have been telling you for literally years they may one averse, via the least little bit into precious metals, met people who be using to do exactly that are the folks over at Brcko. That was way back when gold was thirteen hundred dollars. An ounce and just look right now,
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they literally looked at every single other person and they went ok, we'll take the dead guy. That's pretty much are they came up with Joe Biden as the nominee where they even looked Bernie Sanders to the extent that we thought he was going to be the nominee? And then Democrats like wait a second. We can nominate a geriatric communist. That seems like a bad idea since TAT they nominated the corpse in the corner where, if you watch the first night of the DMZ Joe Biden, it sounded like a eulogy for Joe Biden. Frankly, it sounded like everybody had sort of messages they want to get off their chests about the state of Amerika and others. Just conflicted so them or we're radical, and some of them were worn out radical at all. Some of them were ordered to unite Americans from the more America's garbage. Music was all over the place, but there is one common theme president frumpy Super EVIL and Joe Biden is literally not even here right. No one cares. Metropolitan, Jo Leinen is completely irrelevant. These proceedings, PAMELA Harris, is irrelevant relevant to the proceedings that when Michelle Obama gave her speech, she recorded it like a week ago before Harris had even been nominated as the VP for Joe Biden, and you can't be bothered to record it.
That you good gives some sort of shot out who come letters which shows you how much Michelle Obama cares about camel hair ass being the baby. But the real message of this thing was twofold: one Joe Biden is a complete on entity and his entire lectures about from for the Democrat, they don't care about Joe Biden, and why should they mean the guy's lost? One thousand presidential Elections before the only reason he's even relevant, because Barack Obama plucked him from relative obscurity and made him VP, That is the only reason anyone cares about Joe Biden and now the only reason anyone cares about Joe Biden is as an empty vessel repository for all antitrust sentiment. That's all he is, and that is that the entirety somebody who's not completely off putting. We seem sort of empathetic this one of the big messages last night and who is not really anything ready. Just sort of use there is there is sitting in the core is like the he's. Just is this
bizarrely kind of mannequin, that they ve got standing in the corner, given weird smiles of people and smelling women's hair. That's that's all Joe Biden has that was message number one. It was all about how from socks and has nothing to do with your mind, message number two and became very clear that this is the case last night is that the democratic bench is just empty, absolutely empty. So apparently the new democratic formula for generating popular politicians is elected, democratic president and then make the president's wife. The next big thing, there's the second straight time: democratic, dumbest, Renault Republicans, don't do this Republicans in have Laura Bush speaking out like the two nay, conventional, have John Mccain, because Republicans generally dont really assume that the first lady isn't it position in american government that is deserving of the high sort of honour of speaking at a convention to non political position right. The first lady of the United States, the first gentlemen. If a woman the elected President Albion Non political position. That is a person whose, along for the ride- and that is why, when Bill Clinton,
Ninety two suggested Hilary would be Co. President ever rules like hold up a second, we denominate reality. We nominated you right. We elected you. Nobody elected Hillary Clinton, but Democrats have this habit of elevating the first Ladys to very political positions. They done the same thing with Michelle Obama and Michel is definitely a smart lady ranch. You ve been able to move her own image overtime from extraordinarily radical and off, putting to everybody's aunt and now she's kind of injecting the politics back in the partisan politics back, and we have to recognise that in those play in two thousand eight. This was a lady who is accused of saying incredibly bed to talk about All this for, for a flat rate, mean that there's tape of her doing that its unclear what she was saying, but people read her lips. They tried to It is the same lady who once said openly that the first time she was proud of her country and her life is when her husband was nominated for the presidency and she's. Very, very radical in terms of her own sort of political viewpoints on the United States is very much in line with the sort of sixteen nineteen project idea that the United States was rude and evil
then she morphed into well she's a nice lady who makes like vegetable gardens right over that of the White House a unifying and his good mom and all this nuptials always get Martin, but but that was the part of the personality that they decided to focus in on the nature of this very popular book becoming all about her american journey and now she's morphine I kinda politics. They closed last night with Michelle Obama, who's never been elected to office at all. Right who is who is not irrelevant political figure at all, who are health, is added. She doesn't want to be seen as relevant political figure and yet there she was closing out. Then I saw how how shallow is the democratic bench their next big thing is the wife of the last big thing, but that that's how shallow the benches, so those were the two message last night is a Democrat selected Michel knows that we wish to be nominated. You and Joe Biden setting off to the side being a corpse and that's good enough for them. We're gonna jump into the actual the actual weirdness of the convention in just one second cause. It was very
and when you get to the true message of the convention, which actually happened before the convention and then we'll get you earlier primetime convention, then we'll get to what happened in prime time, which was the stuff that people watch, but not that many. I think the numbers on this thing. A really can be pretty pretty awful, we'll get to that in just a moment. First, let's jugglers equality, so I will admit you and I have a little baby and she's the cutest thing in the world, and she also keeps us up all hours of the night. You up. A two ass night shows up at five last night, she will not sleep through the night. So those moments between her feedings those are moments. When I definitely treasure my helix sleep, mattress helix sleep has made a mattress. That is just for me. He'll sleep has a quiz. It takes us two minutes to complete. It matches your body type in sleep, references to the perfect mattress for you, whether aside sleeper, are hot sleeper. What you like a pleasure from bed with helix theirs,
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but he looks like a less mulatto circa. Ninety ninety two right and then in real, Letty, everybody sort. It looks like Rosier Donald, Circa. Ninety ninety two right, that's that that's the way that the that this works in terms of how you present your party to the to the general public, there's stuff that you want heavily publicizing, then there's the stuff. Where is this stuff? That's that's all the stuff that happens before prime time and there is a lot of stuff happening before primetime and it was replete with some rather telling moment, and I think that this is going be wildly underplay by the media, because, of course they only want to magnify the stuff tat makes the Democrats look good, so begin with. Easy chair, announcing full out before the prime time of the DMZ he was the Washington. Both she announced that Bernie Sanders is based, one of the driving forces behind a democratic platform. Now this is something Bernie himself said last night, but it was at war with what John case it was saying, which was the Democrats are actually moderate party here. Is Tom Pres letting the letting the beans out spill the beans about how Bernie Sanders really did shape the DMZ platform. The platform is:
oh well, documented, both inspirational and ass. Operational, the input from Centre Syn nerves and others was involved liable to putting that together. The vice president and Centre Sanders convened a series of policy groups on critical issue. It's always Bernie Sanders is the driving force. Only then you have to the actual pre primetime Dnc, and this was replete with strange moments. So one of the pastors who gave a prayer at the at the pre primetime Dnc, and then you can see how they have put up their their messaging all around the screen, and you can actually see it. It has our values and then its. It shows the the black lives matter. Fist twice read the blacklist beneficial twice in this particular in this particular iteration of the image of the image raided. The DMZ wants to feature. Here is a Dnc pastor, literally saying that America's can go to hell if we don't open our borders.
The nerve to build a wall while at the same time you have in the harbor there in New York. The statue of liberty saying give me your tie. Yoda, your huddled masses, yearning to breed free Jesus will say America. If you don't get your act together, you can't. You may well go to hail. Why? Because in as much as you do it to the least of these, my sisters and brothers, you also doing it unto me so open your borders, you're, going to help us a hell of a message: future this one in France and other things that are not featured in programmes. They had these Dnc panels, one the paneless went off the panel arrogant play the national anthem and he literally says: there's this Dnc caucus in Council meeting the Youth Council ready for the use, the use? Ok. So this paneless says you know what we're gonna play: the national anthem at home in your basement. If you're watching this, you can either rise
We can Neil for the national anthem, salad, look here for the DMZ. Many of the videos and pictures you are about to see were halted before code, which is why the kids are not social distancing. However, the oil was reported over the past year, you may arise or Neil? If you're able for your preference, the heart and soul of the DMZ is all this up. That happens not in prime time I just like the heart and soul of what you look like is the stuff you don't put on your dating profile. Then there is a panel, as this is a solid when there's a panel yesterday about the Green he'll, and one of these paneless just says from her couch. Presumably mothers how's that The green new deal should be utilised to fall on destroy capitalism again that ain't. Gonna be featured visit the DMZ caucus in Council meeting the Youth Council. The youth council is the future of the democratic parties. If you're wondering in future, What kind of party looks a lot like Elsie and not very much like Joe Biden here? Is these paneless saying it's time to destroy capitalism, this future, that we all aren't that we're all train of bill? I'm really
about the destruction of colonization way, supremacy and capitalism remind. We must really move away from these systems in and these frameworks, if we really want to live in a future that does have a regenerative economy Does enable liberation and equity for our community killed capitalism and kill colonization im, not sure like whose recognising the moonlit. Well. What are we talking about? So that's the solid stuff happening again before prime time car whose Eric Honours, mom also appeared prior to prime time and suggested we give is. This may have actually been during prime time and said we can't let thing settle down right. We can under no circumstances can we letting settle down it's you. We might one letting settle down considering our cities him in burning for months at this point, but here is Eric, garners mom I know my son was murdered. There was a big rising, but then it settle down. We can't let
being settled down. We have to go to the politicians, but we have to hold their feet to fire, because otherwise, The big uprising is not going to mean a lot in Canada, and so there she wasn't Michaela thing settle down and Joe Biden giving randomly fist. Ran randomly very, very excited. Finally, in the pre convention, the pre prime time dimension, I honour Presley, the lingo star of the squad Sheep actually praised the Quantico protestors, rising up in Portland young people trying to burn down federal buildings in throwing fireworks, cops and stuff. She was very, very happy that Serezana Presley we are managing against converging public health and economic crises. Amid a national reckoning on racial injustice in this country, communities in Boston to Portland everywhere between arising up demanding.
Mobility and divestment from broken systems, a good stuff right there. You wouldn't want that, and the rising up in Portland, it's been great, has been made for the country's ok. So now we finally get to prime time. So here is the positive base that the Democrats want to put out there, and here the problem is not just a face. It is many faces like a lot of different faces than ever We are all things to all people, except the only thing the unifies them is the glue of orange man. Bad trump is really the goose, not Joe Biden, Joe Biden. Again, it's just that stuff animal in the core. He just in the closet, with E T Joe Biden The real issue here is orange man bad, and so this lead to some kind of awkward moments. The whole thing was very awkward and have off putting the only who really had a good night, was Michelle Obama, who is very good on camera. Everybody else was pretty terrible in camera, we'll get to that in just one moment. First, let us talk about keeping your home safe and secure. So when somebody arrives at your door, not on your door, you may not be home
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dot com, slash than herself. As I say, this whole thing was very awkward because normally convention is where some of the party business gets done. It basically is a giant party and then I want to be twenty twelve republican national convention in temper and even that one was a giant party. It's a lot of fun. There are a lot of hang out that are going on it's sort of like COMECON for political lords. Essentially, while the audience last night looked absolutely board the dance he made the very odd you can put cameras in the houses of Random Dnc vans and they look like. Alternatively, they couldn't wait to get up and go petering. The commercial break than ever came or like they were going to absolutely fall. Asleep fall into a coma the footage at that cutaway to them. They they just like. Ok, are we on camera? Now? Am I supposed to do like be it's like? You are during any sort of zoom conference like any zoom conference. You just hope they
can of noise that the camera automatically flashes. You, because you're actually in your underwear and scratching yourself and in other regions, that that's what it looked like over at the Dnc last night, ok, so time to contrast the prime time and the paper So, as you remember, in the pre primetime, they play the national anthem and told people to kneel arise for the national anthem which the hell we take. The actual Dnc, like the prime time DMZ they play the national and very, very patriotic, nobody kneeling at all actors, quite a beautiful rendition of the national anthem. I thought they had a bunch people cut together. Sort of assume version of the national anthem is quite nice. I think not I mean you can lead to pretend that you like me, it is my getting through the Democratic Party in Europe,
openly celebrating howling cap ethnic kneeling for the national anthem and suggesting that is the anthem of accrual races. Nation binds grandkids that emerge to lead the pledge of allegiance, which again Democrats have said. Bad, because it includes the phrase under God, radio, but now it's good again, reg it that this is a dating profile. For the Democrats, we're not that crazy. We're like the national anthem, the pledge of allegiance and then sort of ok, it's like well, but if you need for the national anthem, that's the best of Amerika, and if you say the pledge of allegiance is too weirdly religious, that's also the best of America. Here they wore pretending. They like the pledge religions, not the kids, I'm sure the kids love the plan, that they all of the pledge religions here, the kids of United States of America in the Republic of Croatia. It stands one nation
I say this now. Let me just say if they play this at the aren't you, the Democrats get very, very upset because they set under God very very that could then the Democrats Open who did they open with they opened with famed woman of the people of along Gloria, unlike desperate housewives, who has become a political figure in her own right? She was featured at the last convention and twenty sixteen that super successful convention. She introduced this thing and then she entered The regular people are the regular people. Hollywood's bizarre fixation with democratic Party, the democratic parties. Bizarre fixation with Hollywood, took on some really weird overtones in this area. Geller Dnc, as will see the way the DMZ concluded the evening was probably the weirdest way that any evening of mention has ever been concluded. I mean it was super super odd that in a little It was even longer area opening this thing out, because we all need to hear from a lady.
Hasn't been relevance, desperate housewives. The past few months have tested us all. We ve lost more than a hundred and seventy thousand family members, friends to covered. This tragedy is compounded by the loss of jobs and income, but it's not just the past few months. The past four years have left us as a nation diminished and divided yet in the middle of the fear and sorrow and the uncertainty. People have together because they know we are better than this America is better now. This was the message is more sought more and sorrow than in anger. We are better this America's better than this. We are the United, yes sure
we ve been allowing people to ride roughshod through America's major cities and burn crap sure we ve been suggesting for literally years at this point that the United States is inherently quite evil sure we have been promulgating. Bizarre conspiracy theories about twenty sixteen election for five years for five years at this point, but we ve been out sure uniting America we're super big into uniting America. What we are into every day, the uniting of Amerika so this is this- was there. This is the message that empathy and unity- and I know you're, sitting or self going wait. A second empathy and unity like Campbell, haven't, we ve been watching people burning cities to the ground, and and as for your your unity, haven't we ve been watching. You pretend that southern states are evil because they're not Andrew Coma, and the answer is yes. All of that is real and all that has been happening, but that's not the dating profile, guys that didn't profile is unity, new unity. So basically what the Democrat this democratic strategy last night was Donald Trump Zeman, relevant matters. Policies very little was discussed about its policies and there is very little focused put on working men and women across the
We read. There is very little about the democratic economic plans. How they're gonna make life better of working people in Europe. States, which is usually something they focus on the blue collar workers. Instead, it was so I got a bizarre recap of twenty sixteen, where everything was culturally focused and focused on trumps character. Now it didn't work in twenty. Sixteen, maybe it'll work this time, because people are more upset about covert. It's a weird strategy to take, because you could theoretically talk about the competence level more than anything and is what Michel Abominate right. That's why she is the most successful politician of any these clowns, but that really isn't it. When, for instead, what they went for overall was isn't the country just feeling to me right now and I'm looking Democrats, who have been involved in cancelled, anything they don't like and suggesting many. They don't like his racist and believing that America is filled to the brim with bigots and horrible people You think you guys are the exporters of american unity. Truly, you want an overarching government grams down on forty nine percent of the population, the political preferences of fifty one percent of the population. You are looking forward to a federal government overriding fund.
Until american rights, ranging from freedom of Association, freedom of religion- and you guys the universe and the empathetic ones, but that requires a little bit background knowledge. So most people don't have, about our knowledge, and so what they see instead is look at these nice people and their saying nice things, there's so much so much niceness. So much niceness shows a maid for Hollywood version of reality. That included some bizarre moment. When the Democrats feature George Floods brother, he asked for a moment of silence now again, not a personal matter. Things that George, what you did? I know one brain on Republican, not a Democrat. Nobody thinks George Void should be dead end as it turns out the fact pattern, maybe that he actually did not. I they need to that great. The original state autopsy suggested that you didn't. I in an act that he actually died, because he had some pretty significant preexisting drug use and medical condition. The Democrats start with George floods.
Brother, asking for a moment of silence and talking about George Floyd, because this is sort of a Hollywood production in the Aegean Sea. The focus is not on how we solve the problem of police brutality. Instead, the focus is on I'm talking about George Floods, character, which is in its general weird focus because George, we have very long criminal record that the story of George it makes a tragic is not actually George Floyd's criminality. Ride me more than what makes a tragic is. The George like shouldn't have died and now he's dead, but instead what was put out there was the legacy of George Floyd. As is like a human being, and if you're gonna talk about that, then it's almost impossible not to talk about the fact that he did we was resting, did and jumper armed robbery in which appointed a gun at a pregnant woman right, that's not relevant to his actual death, but because you're trying to create an overall narrative. Instead, you sort put out that message, which is which is a strange and in kind of counterfactual message to the actual problem, which is police brutality which does crop up to here is that message last night,
my brother George, was selfless. He always make sacrifices for his family. Free is uneven the strangers Georgia given sphere as that has shown up our streets around our nation and around the world. Please join me in a moment of silence. Foreign joys and many other souls. We love, to hate and ends is this: and when this moment is less make sure we never stop. Say their names begin and end. But he's talking about, are, of course, the names of people who have died and altercations with Billy he's not talking about as democratic party will. Never talk about. The names of black Americans were killed in inner city. Violence, which is significantly more prevalent, then cops killing black Americans under disputed circumstances. Can we may get two more of this in just one taken? First, let us talk about,
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Decided they needed to check intersection boxes say here is called, which are one many more votes than commonly Harris, but is not the vice presidential candidate making a joke about trumpeting the post office resembling believe that their right to vote is fundamental and the post office is essential. You know the president may I hate the post office but is still going to have to send them a change of address card come January. And then there Gretchen Whittemore the governor of Michigan, whose preside over a pretty significant battle in the state of Michigan. In fact, if you look at state by state in the United States, is one of the worst hit state I too, she was one of the people who is apparently shipping. The old people back to the nursing homes with covered are. There was one of the actual policies in the state of Michigan Michigan Curly ranks, ninth in America in terms of death,
per million surpassed only by New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Louisiana, Rhode, Island DC and Mississippi is here. She was last night saying that Joe Biden and commentators will lead by example. Again in that way, the Democrats mean lead by example, is I should get into any leading we're. Just gonna have Joe Biden Savings. The same way the Joe Biden says he wants a national mass mandate with no empowered, I you know actual plan, that's leading by example. The way Gretchen Weber lead by example, is by banning people from buying seeds, Local store, while longer husband, go boating recently told them. Come on. Harris will lead by example. Be science. Not politics are ego that will. I have their decisions they with the health of our people goes here in hand with the strength of our economy may now action begets action. Over the past few months we ve learned what you said: John, rising to the challenge not denying it by
The challenge remains the Jesuit terrible job in Michigan and people live in Michigan. No, this is the case, then Muriel Bouser, whose briefly considered on the VP ticket Dc Mare, whose most famous for painting stuff on sidewalks while people get shot and Rossetti she. She emerged to talk about her amazing record at the Dnc, the story of our nations Capital S story of reckoning. It was here that Jean Louis and Doktor King spoke on the steps that the link a memorial, but we have to do something to ancient every one of us challenge our own biases. If we say something still something to eat but we can turn this reckoning into a re. Imagining of a nation where we, the people, means all the people in shatters from directly above her giant black lives matter mural that is there
locate in the middle of the street in Washington DC, I haven't, got started moving shot in Washington DC, but Chile's hats to talk about it. Finally, the democratic moved on to Andrew Cuomo, okay, so they're big picture, because again they would have varied policies. In fact, no policies so far as I can see, because the democratic pitch is the Donald Trump as amended, and whose meaning bad there focusing and uncovered right cove. It is the big thing. Is the overarching met a narrative? Is the Donald Trump doesn't care about you, and that is why your family member died of covert, but you know does care, you, Andrew Cuomo, the worst governor in America, so they trotted out Andrew Cuomo. Now I dont know what kind of proper sense of humor you have to have to trot out Andrew Cuomo to talk about success and failure uncovered businesslike trotting out the captain of the Titanic. To talk about avoiding icebergs the headlines from New York these days are astonishing. Adobe things like in the New York Times like New York handled the first wave. Will they handle the second? If I handle the first wave made everyone
I'd. All of the humans died than shore great job, Andrew Cuomo, but Andrew Quabos trotted out at the DMZ, and he made some. You made some weird comments here. He suggested, for example, that covered was mostly a metaphor, a metaphor that killed thirty three thousand people and estate. But that's a hell of a metaphor. Metaphor idea here- is Ears New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo. Talking about how cold it is a symptom, Nanos covert, just them straight. How we are already so divided or coven, mostly siege, ask- is that you probably couldn't cover up nursing home. That's his state deliberately cover. Nursing home. That's said there are sixty six hundred of them. There were eleven thousand. Here is the New York, Andrew Cuomo, who, when he is not being grilled by his brother about his nostrils size, is letting old people dying estate. We weren't through hell, but we have learned We know that our problems go beyond the covert virus called it is the symptom not the illness our nation is in,
This is in many ways. Covert is just a metaphor: a virus attacks when the body is weak and when it cannot defend itself Over these past few years, America's body Politic has been weakened in many ways. It's not a metaphor and like the ways where people were suffocating the death, it was such metaphor in a lot of ways, it wasn't a metaphor like when people were not allowed to see their their loved ones as they lay dying as their lungs basically ceased to function. It turned out. Not such a good metaphor is mostly not a metaphor, according to a requirement which metaphor it's a metaphor for his excellent leadership: in any talk about divisions in America, Andrew Como, the guy who's? Right now saying I mean a ban people from other states because near handled this great, but everybody else handled a terribly well. He sits on by states, be second work deaths per million rate in Amerika. The only say that surpasses in Jersey here here is Andrew Cuomo, suggesting that we learn how bad things can get one more divided. That's why we have to unite,
unite around my garbage policy at the temerity that it takes to trot out Andrew Cuomo at your convention. After he has presided over the greatest natural loss of life and united by National mean illness. Related loss of life in the United States in decades is astonishing. I mean the gall is Jim, Incredible here is Andrew Bwana. Today we trail the world in defeating Cove it we are over five million cases chancellor, the critical lesson how vulnerable we are when we are divided and how many lives can be lost when our government is competent, but learned something else. My friends, we saw the negative, but we also saw the positive as an aim prove their way failed. We prove that our way succeeded, which way would be that without a like gum, what no Andrew Cuomo being fanaticism? Six story is one of the most extraordinary example of gas Lenny
I think I've ever seen in my entire life better. That is an incredible incredible thing like OJ, since in talking about how to prevent murder. Might my God, people well well well, by the weight of yours, hung about shamelessness wait until we get to the next person, a Democrat heads big. They had a woman from Arizona whose father died of covert speak at the convention and say Maybe motion was thing. I've ever heard on a democratic national convention stage, venomous Kristen Urquiza- Literally her entire building is father. I have grown a virus. That's that's. The only reason that she is here right is because she's a Democrat and her dad died of corona Virus and she blamed struck for this. This is one of the most shameless things I have ever seen in the political dimension and it is truly shameless get. I feel awful for lady, whose anyway, as relative die, that's horrible horrible experience, but this is a shame- was political move by the Democrats to bring out a woman whose parents died of covert to blame from
and do it in the way that she does is on a political and moral level. Despicable I mean really despicable, listen what she says. It's is patently crazy. Here we go my dad mark, Anthony or Chiesa should be here today, but he isn't. He had faith and Donald Trump. He voted for him. Listen to him believed him and his mouth pieces when they said that corroded virus was under control oh and going to disappear, but it was ok to end social distancing roles before it was safe and if you had no underlying health conditions, you'd probably be fine. My dad was a healthy and sixty five year old. His only preexisting condition was trusting Donald Trump and for that he paid with his life
so poorly only from voters have died. Anybody was issued from died. Journalists from define all those people in New York are entirely Republicans to blame. From for this guy dying of covert, I mean this is equivalent to when, when there is an added twenty twelve blaming Mitt, Romney and Bain Capital for firing a guy, his wife or later I have cancer. I get the idea that link. Is there any evidence that he went out there willing at least are met in backing on on people who had covered, because he believed from that such an unbelievable statement that that her dad is dead because he trusted Trump as opposed to what, like you know, this is honestly, sort of of take on life is a bizarre Lee ritual list. They take on what it takes to mitigate risk that, if you just don't fall for from August Army to cover now, if you don't really trump and you pay no attention to Trump and apparently your immune.
From covered, which is weird because every single state that leads in death in the United States, they blew state every single one of them. The only one of the top ten in terms of death for millions, that is not a blue state, is Mississippi every other one is a blue state. So I'm feeling see the connection between you believe down from budget. I have covered that that that's an absurd contention truly absurd, but the Democrats trotted out in prime time last night, ok in a second we're going to get to the national political part of the convention, when this was really three separate speakers who are features. Political part of the convention and they gave very conflicting messages. One was John case it, oh god, no, please, God, no, not John casing. Bernie Sanders, you show up again he's back and Michelle Obama, the greatest wisest and most wonderful of all human beings we'll get to all that in just one taken. First, let us talk about the fact that you're spending an awful lot of time these days with blue light technologies, meaning anything with the screen. Sawyer kids get headaches
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cynical and ass. This Friday for Pm Pacific go check it out here, listening to the largest fastest growing conservative Parkinson radio show, asian sermon, saying there are very abated pictures for the Democrats. Last night pitch number one was trot covert. Let us show you this great leader, Andrew Cuomo, not the world's best badge pitch number two was we're super patron except when we're telling people to me over the national anthem, he then they trotted out pitch number three, which is here, are our token Republicans.
Here they are their here too YO about how much they don't like Donald Trump, so they brought out John case it. Oh yes, oh god. No, please! God! No, not John K, sick, the former governor of Ohio, now governor casing, for some odd reason decided to do his speech from an actual crossroads. In case you can get the metaphor word a crossroads gang, so he literally stood at a crossroads in the middle of a field like the scarecrow in wizard of OZ because he has no brain and on one side of the crossroads, was quit. The two thousand sixteen presidential race in March to give ten cruiser shouted speeding, Donald Trump thousands of crossroads you didn't take. He took the other one that said stay in the race, long enough to guarantee trump phenomena: and then speak four years later, the DMZ and make an ass of yourself. That was the crossroads each us, but he spoke about being at the crossroads while literally standing at a crossroads. In case you didn't get the metaphor like Tom Hanks at the end of castaway,
here was John K, sick arisen in the sun. Sometimes elections represent a real choice, a choice we make as individuals and as a nation about which path we want to take. When we ve come to challenging times. America is at the crossroads today, I'm a lifelong republican, but that attachment hold second place to my responsibility to my country. That's why I have chosen to appear at this convention in normal times. Something like this would probably never happen, but these are not normal times, I feel like basically anyway, there's a spot where you can find John case in my favor junkies. Clip was back during me. Twenty sixteen campaign, my favorite, was He went into a section of Williamsburg in Brooklyn campaigning and you start lecturing Orthodox Jews and on what it says in the Bible. Did you know it's about what it says in the Bible linked up? They they kind of do. Actually it turns a truncated tattooed is the worst he's the worst. So I am glad that you Democrats have him
Welcome to the party, I hope you enjoy this gift that we gave you in John case. It ok, so be juxtaposition of John K, sick with Bernie Sanders pretty astonishing and was pretty astonishing because case it at the in the middle of his speech is talking about the wonders of Joe Biden dead man standing over here here is my weight departed, Joe Biden, and he says- don't worry, you know, I'm republican. You think that our vote for somebody's gonna go radical. I'd. Never vote for anybody is gonna, go radical job, it isn't gonna go radical. Any look demands dead. He can't go radical here is John CASE, like a man who again mostly resembles a crumpled up. Piece of pay in your pocket a receipt from local restaurant that went through the washing machine in your genes? Here's drafting his thick talking about how jobs My uncle radical cause he's not alive anymore, I'm sure they're, Republicans and into pendency could not manage and crossing over to support a Democrat. They fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I dont believe
Because I know the measure of the man reasonable, faithful, respectful- and you know one pushes Joe around his reasonable he's. Fine, no one pushes him around. No one pushes him around. But to Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders speaks of the convention last night is by the way in other neurons, this body. It's me make a communist bug. Man, I'm back, and I'm gonna tell you how John Cogia Houssain Joe Biden won't be pushed around. Let me explain to you that I push him around all the time. In fact, I actually have Joe on the early in the back just for fun. I push him around side to side back and forth its really fun. In fact, my dears another mainstream from but what they used to pretend that that was not the mainstream politician. Now I've basically taken them over like the face how going alien I went on to abide in space, and then I went down in police body and I put forth in full socialist flowering Bernie Sanders explaining that not
we will he pushed Joe Biden around, but he is Joe Biden now he just well you'll buy the mask, but the guy from silence of here we go Bernie Sanders. Our campaign ended. Several months ago, but our movement continues and is getting stronger every day. Many of the ideas we fought for that just a few years ago were considered radical, are now mainstream so is that a confronting message, John CASE, it's like they won't go radical die they will go radical and I can assure you that uncle radical, because I know Joe Biden and Joe Biden is not alive and then Bernie like. I can assure you. We definitely have gone radical and now you're gonna have to get over it. Because temporary said before the convention the burning wrote. The convention, then wrote, wrote the platform and then Bernie Sanders jumped into the main messages. Evening, because again, all of this is all over the place. Right Biden is a moderate, but he is also a radical Biden is very patriotic, but
also kneeling for the anthem is very patriotic. America is a wonderful patriotic placed the loop. People, but also America systemically racist, but there's one unifying message, and that is somewhat trump- is not normal. So here is Bernie Sanders thing bubble. Trump is not normal. He is orange and looked like orange and also is bad. Like Orange, the godfather whenever you feel orange somebody's gonna get chalk. Donald Trump is like Orange for the american people during this presidency term, the unthinkable has become normal. He has tried to prevent people from voting on the mind the? U S, postal service deployed military and federal agents against peaceful protesters threaten to delay the election and suggested that he will not leave office if he loses his is not normal We must now about treat it like. It is tell me more about normality Communist who is praised. Every evil regime from Cuba, China too, to the Soviet Union. Tell me more Bernie.
Not normal bound, not normal Bernie Sanders. Ok, then! Finally, the Democrats gotten the most beloved person in America Bipolar is this historic, Michelle Obama who, as we said, go underground a complete reinvention twice. So first there was Michelle Obama, radical like partner to Brok Obama. Then there was Michelle Obama, wonderful, apolitical, first, lady beloved of all Americans, and now there's Michelle Obama, political figure and she's back. So Michelle Obama speaks last night. Now again, it's weird for the first lady, the last first lady to speak at a convention that doesn't involve her husband really like an hour. I believe Lore Bush did not speak, certainly not prime time at the two thousand and eight convention for for John Mccain, Amber Michelle Obama is a political figure that one of the things that is open What about the Obama's generally is the is the high level like them in the really good at it really good at it? So some people understand liars. I come on there's a terrible. I challenge we an awful ire every time she lies. She breaks into the
we're. As I always tell my children only watch animated films. The way you can tell the bad guys that I always last swat bandages. Seem to be having the most funding. The movies doesn't matter what movie watch like it. It could be a Marvel movie, it could be a it could be a cartoon movie whenever you have somebody who last like a crazy person, that's the bad guy, because banks have all the fun commonly Harris. Wafts literature tell the crazy Joker laugh every time she lies, not the Obama. Your promise are really smooth, so they have been able to portray themselves as above the fray. And really nice people get along with it, not partisan knife fighters in any way, which of course, is utterly Andrew. Barack Obama was one most vicious partisan knife fighters. If my political lifetime, it's amazing amazing that he was able to come off. His empathetic mean the guys really gifted that wipe Michel turns out to be a fairly radical character. Herself again, a lady who, in two thousand eight openly said the only reason that you'd been proud of her country and her adult lifetime was the nomination of her husband, which is an amazing statement. I've been proud of this country when Brocklebridge, who was president I'm proud of his countrymen. Donald Trump was present, I'm proud of his countrymen, Bill Clinton and George W Bush from president
pride in the United States of America is not reliant on who has been nominated for president of the United States does mean I like everybody's from don't you know like any other nominees, but my pride, the country goes, will deepen that machine. It's always been fairly radical she's, always been really political, very, very political, but last night, Jennifer train ourselves in a political figure and the media doing their best to to prop her up on this one. She began her speech by saying she hates politics which is just laughable. Michelle Obama, hating politics, sure I'm sure Michelle Obama despises politics by which she means that she absolutely adores politics. And in it nearly her entire life. You know that tell you exactly what I'm feeling it. You know. I hate politics, but You also know that I care about this nation. You know How much I care about all of our children is. I find this stuff can offloading shockingly, I'm not captain empathy, but this is the democratic so that, in the end the democratic pitch is gonna, be Donald Trump doesn't
by people like you, which is the biggest question in any presidential election. Usually it's does this person care about people like you from did that issue, one that argument over Hilary who appeared to be completely non caring about people who are not like her Michelle Obama makes the case. The trump is not captain caring, which is obviously true, and that she is very concerned all comes down to empty now arrive, as I mentioned before, there are entirely. Books written about the problems with empathy in american processors in entire book bygone in problem, was the social scientists have against empathy the case for rational, compassionate there's, a difference between having compassion for somebody on a national level and empathy that forces you to abandon your kind of concerns about people who are not the person with whom your empathizing but Democrats have decided that elections are to be referenda on empathy which always going to cut in favour of development. The Democrats, because for Democrats, empathy means
us doing something for you, no matter how bad it is, no matter whether is counterproductive and democratic NOS eight will spend more money and more empathy can be equated with money in this particular adoration show their cases. Donald Trump is not empathetic. We, however empathetic we are class We take the highroad jeers, Michelle Obama, saying the Democrats take the highroad, which is weird because I've been alive. So no, you don't know you. Don't I'm old enough to remember when Joe Biden, your current presidential nominee said that Mitt Romney was going to put black people back in slavery, he's going to put them back in chains. I'm old enough from everyone. The Obama campaign ran with a line in IRAN. There was a success because he had a binder of women who was examining for VP, cast it sort of like Joe Biden having binder full of women whose exacting is examining for his report candidate, I'm old enough from everyone rock upon the threaten the banks by saying the pitchforks around fund- and I can just let them come- get but according to Michelle Obama, they always take the highroad, which is just the greatest myth in american politics. Over the past four years, a lot of people have asked me:
Others are going so below does going. I still really work. I answer. Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low when we use those same tactics of degrading dehumanizing others we just become part of the ugly no Is that drowning out everything else, shit she's? that's right, she's doing without naughty, and she understands that has to be like an open directed to camera moment. She she's there like just on an aesthetic level. We have to acknowledge that she is very good at her job right here. That doesn't mean that she's telling the truth, because, as it turns out when it comes to degrading and dehumanizing in Miss characterizing your opposition and not taking the highroad, Michelle Obama did plenty of that. Last night, most obvious example. She suggested that the Trump administration throws people in cages or has a here. She was last night.
The from administration throws people engage us. They see our leaders labeling fellow citizens, enemies of the state. While in torch bearing white supremacist. They watched in horror as children are torn from families and thrown into cages and pepper spray and rubber bullets are used on peaceful protesters. Forbes Photoshop. Sadly, this is the America that is on display for the next generation, we're because it Erica. Those on display for during your administration was complete. Otter chaos in Ferguson, Missouri, complete ercasts in Washington DC in Baltimore, so yeah. Also. I seem to remember that you nor those cages got started. You know where they got started, those those horrible here,
the cages on with with Brok Ababa I've some bad news from the Obama administration, Europe. Those courageous began with for separation policy promulgated by the nine Circuit Court of appeals. They began under the Obama administration, which led to that famous botch. Where the media started putting out a photo of kids in cages, they actually was from the Obama time, but don't worry should take. She took the highroad right there and the trunk administration is only using rubber bullets, interior gascons, peaceful protesters. There are no actual rioters in the streets, they don't just gone, but she's taking the highroad guys very, very high, very very highroad. Also, she says at the White House doesn't care about black people, which is also too I wrote so she says that there is a never ending list of black people been murdered by the police, a never ending list. A black people murdered by the police were actually according to the Washington Post. Their grand total of fifteen black people who are killed unarmed by the cops last year fifteen seems like an ending was not never ending was invalid, mostly in ending list and innovation.
Where those cases the people who are one, what unarmed. Actually, we either going for cops gun or using some other had weapon, could have the cup or were physically in Austria, with a gap but apparently to never ending list, and the White House won't see black lives matter the White House once it black lives matter, because they don't want to mimic the rhetoric of the actual black lives matter movement, because the phrase black lives matter is a semantic trap that has been laid by Democrats. It is a semantic we overloaded term right. That is why the White House is not used the term black lives matter, because it is unclear what it means mentions. Several It means one the utterly unobjectionable idea that black lives matter just as much and any other lives in the United States to be perfectly objectionable idea that the United two systemically racist, and if people are targeting black people for death, which is utterly untrue, the vast majority of black people were killed in the United States are killed by other black people. Just like the vast majority of white people in the United States who are killed are killed by the white people. Hey, so that a completely arguable idea. And finally, there is the completely in arguable idea that you should not be endorsing the black lives Matter organization, a radical, awful terrible group. Ok, but she says that there's never
was against Michelle Obama, who is just the greatest wisest mom mom is disappointed us. That was the method. That was one of the key message of this, because she's everybody's mom, Michelle Obama, tissues portrayed by the media, Mama's disappointed. You and she doesn't. Why didn't you? Because the White House won't say to blacklist matter of endless numbers of black people are being murdered, apparently by the system which isn't true, but she's gonna push that line anyway, as George Floyd Brianna Taylor and never ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered. Stay the simple fact that a black life matters is Still met with derision from the nations highest office, never ending with guys, because for we looked this white House for some leadership or come, solution or any semblance of steadiness. What we get instead is chaos. Their decision and
hotel and utter lack of empathy. You'll get bitten again, it's gonna come back a time and time again to empathy and we're gonna blink very slowly for the camera, lack of apathy and caring right, that's the stick best. The stake is that true, could get. No, she never to mention the fact that their full on riots in major american cities that have taken more lives by the way and the police took of unarmed black Americans last year should I can mention them. You're not gonna mentioned the complete wrote that the complete looting of entire districts of New York allay Washington Dc Chicago Jumping, to mention any that suffers, doesn't exist boots, and should the Trump isn't but that's it. That's the big problem here from latin empathy, and it doesn't matter that politicians pushing me lying narrative that America systemically racist and targeting black people for death in endless numbers are theirs. Ever animals implacable targeted for death by the cops, significant more damaging to America by the way what she says that there is never any list, a black Americans being targeted. The cops is significantly more of a life more damaging to the United States and Donald Trump, not saying the phrase black lives matter because semantically overloaded, but she is going to pretend that
I'll just an issue of empathy- and this is the game Democrats love to play. If you disagree with them, because you're just not caring enough guys, don't care and watch, I will show you how much I cared Sumner blinked slowly right now, you re one. Two three go caring. Did you see it carrying happening? Whether that means that I know what's best for America, because I have empathy right. That is that as the stick and then Michel's and then Michel Accurate lectured all americans- that we lack empathy. I mean she doesn't like empathy, but you act. Empathy, Here's Michelle Obama again on empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, empathy, why now kids in this country, are seeing what happens when we stop requiring empathy of one another you're, looking around wondering if we ve been lighted them this whole time about who we are and what we truly value. People shouting and grocery stores unwilling to wear a mask to keep us all safe. They see people calling the police
on folks mine in their own business, just because of the color of their skin. If only goes like examples of lack of empathy and United States, I would probably not, though, can fit the bill sure maybe will not wearing mask when they should be wearing ass, an screaming about eight or or people who are the people who are calling the police on people on under just circumstances, although, frankly, I think that that is is typically less with statistical problem. But if you're gonna go with like lack of empathy in America, today, I'd probably go at the people who are living We stopping Carson and beating the living hell out of people because of their race. That seems like that might be a good one about like burning down stores. That's a good example of lack of empathy notice. What doesn't make the speech, of course, because the fact is that nothing, democratic. Condemn anti file will condemn black lives matter, looters and writers, not a single one, but they are the party of empathy so much empathy, incredible levels of empathy. In fact, and by the way, Michelle Obama so much going high here so much going high
The speech so, for example, like Michelle Obama, simply says that, without any evidence, orders tat black people from voting for the Trump Administration that America stopping black people from vote, this is her going hi guys you're, not undermining electoral entered integrity. Only Trump does that here here She was going high by saying that black people can be stopped from voting right now, folks, who they cannot win fair and square at the ballot box are doing everything they can to stop us from voting they're closing down bowling places in minority neighborhoods, their purging voter roles, they're sending people out to intimidate voters and they're lying about the security of our balance. These tactics are not new, ok and then she goes on to train. Compare this to the past, averted Presently, the United States, which patently grazing again black Americans, have voted in my
numbers and the percentage of the population for several election cycles and around the United States. Actually Barack Obama was re elected twenty twelve, almost solely because of that, statistically speaking, and then finally Michel gets you her final picture, which is What over his head, which I need to hear from a former first lady, whose when precisely zero things zero. Like wasn't, I may agree that from his botched a fair number of things, but Michelle Obama sex with running things is basically relegated to the White House, vegetable garden. If you aren't you gonna have Brok Obama say this is allowed to do it. You don't have any governor say this. Their allotted, except for Andrew COM he's I'll opposite, but Michelle Obama saying that Trump is in over his head again, I dont know what her qualifications are to say. This I understand you to popular political figure in its we learned thing to say, but I'm just wondering what she has run so successfully that that gives her the credibility to set a sort of thing down Tromp is the wrong president for our country he has more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head, he cannot,
At this moment he simply cannot be, HU. We need him to be for us, it is so what it is It is what it is, of course, her suggesting that Trump doesn't care about covered debts, because he said at one point that when people die, that is what it is that doesn't change into a fully dishonest, pretty vicious viciously political, partisan speech by Michel about affected she's gonna. What she does mean I'll say that for her she's gonna, what she does, but is she really about politics too? She hate politics, you get that sense from her, but that is the next level of the democratic Party. So never happens. The job I recognise Michelle Obama is on the horizon is democratically. Who did the DMZ last night with perhaps the greatest sign yet of their disconnected from many members of the american public. They finished with Billy Porter, whose mostly famous for dressing, women's clothing and going to large events and then getting the plaudits media for like you were. It was like full on glittery dresses to media events, because he's in Lgbtq ACT,
and no one has said the other. But I guess that's like a thing, so he likes where glittery sequined gowns two major events. I am women's clothing and then he receives red media praise for this, because somehow this is an issue of activism. The Democrats concluded the DMZ last night with Billy Porter playing a Buffalo Springfield song in a bizarre cable like late night, cable access, direct access, cable, take on a nineteen sixties, protests on by the way this protest on was written. Originally about the nineteen sixty six Sunset Strip Club riots. What were those about for promotional who don't know history there about a group of teenagers and young people who want stale past curfew? and the neighbors were like making too much noise. They rioted insufficient, become approach because the sixties were in many, is an incredibly stupid. I'm way a couple of things happen very good things. During the sixties and civil rights ACT, for example, and then a lot of really stupid crap happen during the six including some pretty bad music. It was Billy Portrait,
his rendition of a Buffalo Springfield Song, as this is what you want it like everything. They say this is actually what the Democratic Party is: its Billy Porter Singing Buffalo Springfield from nineteen six that's what everybody look, let's go in a bunch of, but slogans popping up behind black lives matter. The black I'd never faced him dancing strangely and worrying like a weird tape, maybe Donald Trump early, president forever. After all, why forever already guys we back here later today to additional hours of content. Also, I'm doing all access live tonight we can discuss all of this.
Otherwise we ll see here tomorrow. This is purposes the Ben Shapiro show. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Klavan, show. It might go marshal and that won't show. Thanks for listening to Ben Shapiro, show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervising producer, math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel Light, ASCII technical produce are often Stevens play back and media operated by Nick. She him associate producer Katie's Winterton, edited by Adam Sigh of its audio is mixed. I might call here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty everyone is Andrew, Craven, hosted the Andrew claiming show the democratic virtual convention.
Is under way and eating media miracle. They brought sexual weirdness, love of violence and actual communism and still managed make it boring. We'll talk about it on the Andrew Clavering Show. I'm advocate.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-18.