« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1068 - Is Joe Biden Mentally There?


As the campaign heats up, Joe Biden’s stumbling and bumbling begins to bite him; the Biden campaign dumps a scurrilous covid ad on the Trump administration; and we tell the story of a fake Native American bisexual professor who didn’t die of covid.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As the campaign heats up Joe Biden, stumbling in bumbling begins to bite him. The buying campaign dumps scurrilous covert out on the Trump administration, and we tell the amazing story of a fake native american, bisexual professor, who didn't die of covert. I'm bench view of this the bench the show is buncher may express VP and protect your online privacy tonight with expressive. Vps dot com, not express it vps dot com already so afore begin just gotten up only spending as much money as you're, currently spending on your cell phone bill when you only spending a lot of money on anything right now, because who the hell knows where the economy is going to, why would you be spending up to twice as much money as you normally should on your cell phone, maybe more than a We hundreds of dollars month on your cell phone bill. The average person is having four hundred your honor wireless bill by switching to pure talk, USA, who is your wife,
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then you is for the same reason. My voice sounds a little bit different and I got a call from a bit of a cold, and so I had a covered test yesterday. I am waiting for the results. In the meantime, I am isolating sheer in CASA de Shapiro and when I find out what's goin on, then I will head back into the office when I'm clean and no longer a danger to others around me. Since one may get reef nuts, you know what the hell is going on. Meanwhile, I am not the only one relegated to my basement. Joe Biden continues to be relegated to his basement. The big problem for Joe Biden is that she is falling apart is he's just falling apart. It is perfectly obvious to anyone any sentience human being with a functioning pair of eyes and a prefrontal cortex. The Joe Biden is not even what he used to be let's face it, Joe Biden used to be not that great is even less great. Now Joe Biden is, is just mentally inapt. He is seeking. He can't string sentences together anymore. He sounds like he's a normal person after they ve had a bunch of ambient in there. That is what your button sounds like in. This is not due to the fact that
had a stutter when he was younger, he overcame that. What we are seeing now is simply age manifested doesn't mean that he's completely senile. It does mean that his faculties had begun to the great you can see it in real time, and he says weird thing: after Nothing so far does not come back to bite him, because Donald Trump is so by little. That all Biden have to do is basically point to Trump, but, as we see more and more by there gonna be serious questions to be asked in from can somehow pull themselves together for more than five. Second, a lot of the focus in this campaign is going to ship to Joe Biden. In fact, there's some pretty good poem,
We are suggesting that the races tightening even this early- and I say this early eminent silken, early regiments, beginning of august- we haven't had conventions or anything it widens Rilke. Her politics pulling average is now only six point up using six six and a half points up and Donald Trump. There are just a couple of weeks ago that looks a lot more like nine or ten points. In fact, in three of the last for national Poles, Donald Trump is within striking distance, namely three or four points of Joe Biden according to New Hell Harris for tightening up only three nationally forty three to forty two, forty three forty Trump wins the election really because from who's gonna do better forty, and if, by this stuck out of forty three, that looks very much like a lot of the polls that that Hillary Clinton had going into twenty. Sixteen, where she's gettin like forty four percent of the vote, and from the thirty nine that they're they're a couple members watch, one is the gap. The other is the fact that Biden seems unable to break fifty percent in nearly any poor he's real trouble breaking fifty percent in the last few weeks.
He's down on forty seven. Forty eight percent trump will finish somewhere up around forty five percent. You, oh so you got to Harris Poll, and you have Rasmussen poll that shows by enough four thousand eight hundred and forty five, never never simpleshowing biting a five thousand two hundred and forty six and all of those Donald Trump is significantly within striking distance on the swing states. No biting is leading in all the swing states at this point, but it is also true that Trump is within distance in a lot of those wings. States is then about four in North Carolina he's within about four in Florida, he's than about five in Pennsylvania, heathen, three in Arizona he needs to what a lot of those states but could happen sure, especially again if the books begins to shift abiden, speaking of which so Joe Biden of the last forty eight hours is
falling all over himself, he's doing an interview with a National Association of Black journalists, and he just randomly decided that he was going to say that all black people think alike. I'm like latino people, I might let you know. People were quite the first black people. All think life here is Joe Biden falling all over himself what year No, but most people don't know, unlike african american community, with notable exceptions, election Community is incredibly diverse community, whether credibly different attitudes about different things. So that's wild a gate like really have done from Panathenaea, like unblock paper. They think the same, and they like let the same and at every level of what what that no doubt, but Joe Biden out their bill. It lets. You knows how hurried of hers and rigorous with my black people were not averse, and although I never thinking the same Zack, I is not with us. Joe Biden has now with us and its literally. Every other word that comes out of his mouth is: income,
Europe's yesterday again national associate of black sheep, a National association, black journalist you're, here stumbling all over himself again- and this is like a regular thing. I'm so forward. Looking to have an opportunity. Sit with the president or stand with the present and debates burger may play he had time and by the way, as I do, when I'm out I should say I may say so. I know I promise you anyway I am, I am very willing to let the american public judgments physical mental filled, my
physical as well. My mental filled fitness guys. He super happy to have the american public judges, physical and mental illness fairness, the village, the infringement of abandoned em back I issued the Democrats chose, is very like you right now that he is basically in the basement, because if this person were out there on the campaign trail, this would be all the footage wall to Wall all the time and then about his own China policy. So again, it's not like he's doing this alone he's doing it pretty much every single thing he says it was Joe Biden yesterday, batteries on China's policy the way tromp the way China will respond as one we gather the rest of the world, then in fact invasion and free in an open trade and making sure that were in a position at the world. That we deal with W H, o the right way that then, in fact, that's when Things began to change as when China, Botswana, China,
behaviors, going to change he's, not speaking English dies. He is not speaking English and it is perfectly fair to point this out, because what it really means that whoever he picks his VP is going to be president, and we can fairly assume that within a couple of years ago by I mean, if he's declined this much just over the course of the campaign and he has and who is going to be effective leader Inga me Biden, then that is not an absurd contention, nor is it an angel contention he's just not fully. There are plenty of people. Or eighty, hopefully their Joe Biden is declining. Isn't he was an. I had a violence. Each when I was younger is the eight years old, Hymns Autumn stern, fantastic, fantastic teacher who was with it. He was sharp. I ever grandmother was eighty nine she's with it. She has sharp she's much more with it. Then Joe Biden has right now, no question it. How not with it is Joe Biden again if you,
first, the parties should be getting ripped up and down for the kind of crap its views out of his mouth on a regular basis. Yesterday he asked a black journalist from CBS News if he was a junkie, not joking a thing that happened in real life, please clarify specifically have you taken a cognitive. Now I haven't taking your test. Why now I take a test. Man, I'd, say no before you, this programme to take a test where you're taking cocaine, not when you think I. Are you a Jody? You say too president from brags about his test and makes you an issue for voters. You're junkie that crazy, Ass Caesar American, her smile pasted on that girl, my goodness, my goodness, wiles, no wonder that many men
professionals are wondering about what they are seeing in Joe Biden and don't give me the you, don't get speculate from afar on his medical condition. I met speculating on us. The condition, I'm just telling you what I see in front of my very own eyes, and it didn't work for Hillary Clinton when she tried to claim that she was totally fine, then collapsed into a man. It certainly is not going to work for Democrats whistling past the graveyard, no pun intended with Joe Biden was Joe Biden going around. Basically, pretending is perfectly fine and we can all see that he is basically bumping into the furniture doctrine. A mark Siegel he's on Fox his own wish on handy last night, he said Joe Biden should probably have some sort of diagnostic assessment, because this does not look particularly good I can't I can't I know some over a video camera, but when he was talking about those two animals, you wasn't even talking about the President, who is talking about a CNN anchor that made that mistake. That shows wandering I've made my career. Not diagnosing remotely, I am concerned about a lot of things I'm seeing and I feel more towards the president's point that its fair game, it's something that
Her gave these tests are undone than than the voters have to decide right, but I think it's right, Evan assessment that we had a medical examination in December, a full medical exam, the nation, but this was not addressed at that time. Short again, he seems to be falling. Parenting gets you more of Joe Biden in just a second affected is falling apart is allowing him to avoid the actual blame for this stuff that he sang in saying that all black people think the same quality of people do not pretty races. It really is, and I don't know what he thinks he is saying there, but it is pretty incredible that he said it out loud. Then everybody like okay, well, let's just special, being senile
nobody is a point in his favour. Orders went against him. You cannot have it both ways. It gets more of his in just one taken first well here stories in the news were a good guy used the guns sectors family from criminals, then he's the one rested. In fact, we just saw this happen in Missouri, where a couple trying to defend their property by bringing guns outside the property, and then they were essentially there were essentially hit with criminal charges. The legal system is not fair when it comes to donors very often and responsibly. Armed Americans often become political targets is not right. That responsible Americans can wind up in jail or tied up in a lawsuit for defending themselves or their family, but this date age. You need a gun to protect your family and yourself. Here's how you can take a simple, powerful journey to firearms and self defense confidence. It's called the complete concealed, carry and family defence guy,
from the United States concealed Carry association, is one hundred percent free and learn how to detect attackers before they see you how to survive mass, shooting, the safest and most dangerous places to sit in a restaurant. How responsibly own and store gun principle? If you have little kids like, I do and a whole lot more. It's one hundred sixty four pages. It comes the bonus, audio versions. He can listen whenever you want just six Ben, eighty seven to do then just to just to expand my name, the eighty. Seventy get instant access any chance. You can buy a gun to protect your family text, then to eighty seven thousand, two hundred and twenty two right now that text and two hundred and eighty seven to to enjoy my friend it just concealed carry association already. So good news for Vidant is abiding. It's the continue, hiding in the basement is announced that he is not ever going to leave the basement. Originally, he was scheduled to fly to Wisconsin, to accept the party nomination. Now he's not going to. No one else will go to Milwaukee is. Instead
just stains basement and accept the nomination from their, which can make sense. He's he's basically plain prevent defence here is job. I knew I guess a great often here Joe Biden entire campaign is I'm not Trump and am also barely alive, so stay in the basement serves them perfectly well. It is, however, is watching. As close. He say. The reason abiden staying home is because he sincere about covet because it because he says here is not covered. That seems somewhat unlikely to me. A Biden could certainly do a socially just and speech Ml he's staying at home because it's very comfortable at home, and it means that you never have to leave the basement or ask your answer. Any significant questions here ass he blows in here is Nancy Blowsy, dentures clacking. Oh, I think that and we're all learning this at the same time now that he won't be there, but I think it an indication of the seriousness with which she judges that The situation. This pandemic is dangerous and the increase in numbers just demands that we keep our distances
I commend him for doing that is currently a great convention. Yes, I am sure the debts What's going to happen, I'm sure am sure that it's all about condemning and has nothing to do with the fact that Joe Biden is perfectly comfortable, staying out of line light and letting tromp have his own way with the limelight. Meanwhile, President Trump is campaigning against Biden, and he is correctly says: listen Joe Biden is going to be whenever they tell him to be. Joe Biden has not in control himself he's not control of this campaign and is not in control of the democratic the platform her from going for binding yesterday, your guidance, whatever they tell em to be- and I think it good that a wife is I would expect do. I have to say that the appropriate thing to say but Joe
being taken so far left to look at the manifesto that he in Bernie agreed to that's her. The left and Bernie ever was in from his deadly read, not all this. My pencil speech yesterday, in which he went after Biden with alacrity as well pointed out the job. I must one trillion dollar tax increase in a time of economic crisis, which is pretty much the worst idea over here is the vice president, going after Joe Biden mean in the midst of a pandemic, Joe Biden would raise taxes by a trillion dollars.
The contrast, prison and Donald Trump cut taxes for the american people and we're going to keep fighting for tax relief for the american people reform or year more broadly and sang the binding is gonna, send us on a path for socialism in decline. Now here's the thing it from campaign basically has to make it you step argument. When it comes to job, I step number one: deeds that uncontrolled himself step number to the people who are in control. The people who are radical. The good news for them is the vital providing evidence of that. Every day and whoever he selected is the as his VP pic is going to. A long way towards opening a door for Republicans desire. I think he's smart PIG is probably Susan Rice. She appears somewhat more moderate and public than, for example, a communist like Karen Bass, she's, not nearly
putting its commerce, I think it'll, probably under being Susan rest, if I had to bed but money on it. But with that said, whoever he lets whomever binds, let's is likely become the focal point of the campaign. Pencils, listen by there's gonna, set us on a path towards socialism in decline and he's not can be a bore in favour of any of the values of capitalism or Americanism that America historically stood for because the truth is Joe Biden and radical Democrats would sit Americana path of socialism in decline. President trumps at our nation on a path of freedom, an opportunity from the very first day, this administration, a sell out from hostages. Who did this of this campaign, just like the question of the last campaign is who voters are focused on when they go into the voting, both or when they met male and female and ballot, as the case may be so in twenty. Sixteen. The great myth is that people are thinking about from when they cast their at the truth is there are thinking about Henry and how much they didn't like Hillary Clinton, and that is why,
Voters we didn't like either Hilary or from voted overwhelmingly for Trump one. Twenty twenty. The same question applies: are people think that Biden or are they think about from when they go in the voting with right now there over thinking about Trump. But if Biden continues to gas and if he's let someone radicalism VP that could seriously change, it could also change of president from We'd tone it down a little bit and be concerted in his actual approach to his own campaign. That is why it seems like just another foolish move for the president to this that he is going to give his nomination acceptance speech from the White House, which raises all sorts of questions about the legality of, are you lad? use taxpayer resources in order campaign. This way, yesterday, president from dismissed legal questions on accepting the nomination directly from the White House and unprecedented move,
Legal something that you again during the republican gender. Ok, it is legal. There is no health check because it doesnt pertain to the president. But if I use the White House, we save tremendous amounts of money for the government in terms of security, traveling. If we go to another state or some other location, that the amount of money is in a very enormous hell, that's something to consider. Also came back on. Bobby John, though, is the Johnson is doing something wrong by pointing out the typically american President's, don't conduct openly political campaign. Specious from White House Trump is wrong about this. Now it gives it gives them catch him to run interested again. Political malfeasance hers, Nancy Blowsy, saying from can't do that You can't do that. You can't do that. You would be very surprised
thank God the facts at when you're at the It has you're talking about policy, Inverness you're, not talking politics. We never did. You will have a limited reference as it prior to our civic life, that sounds the politics, but you don't talk. Politics in the weight has talk politics under the dome of their capital perhaps a reference to which, but not an event. You have political events in the capital. Had political events in the White House, now. I just going to point out that five minutes ago she was kneeling wearing, can take cloth on the floor of the capital with the other Democrats, so ill from is always saying that the clap heart out loud, namely the politics, obviously infuse the White House, obviously infuses halls of Congress and other
but is it a good precedent to actually want Democrats during the sort of thing from the White House for audibly? Not is a smart political move? I don't think it's a small political move, either side note. Can we please have a class of politicians who speak English? My goodness, we need to start teaching English at the first language, because blowsy doesn't speak. English from sometimes speaks English, Joe Biden, even speak human language anymore. It's all very weird injustice. Second, we're gonna get to the chief line of attack for Joe Biden, because the chief line of attack in favour of Joe Biden right now is all covered stuff in this time into the covered policies that are currently being pursued. We'll get to that in just one second: first: let's talk about the fact that it be nice. If you never had to go to the post office ever again, wouldn't men post office does great things, but wouldn't be nice if you can get all the services of the US postal Service directly from your home. Luckily, there is stamps dotcom. Thousands of small business owners have discovered the benefits and stamped I'd. Come in recent months have been able to keep their businesses running and avoid the crowds at the post office all from their own computers, stamps iconic, imprint postage on demand and avoid going to the post office
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is now basically about one issue on one issue only, and that is his handling of covered in his personality was always gonna, be an issue because his personalities in issuing Mary off putting too many suburban women, it's very off putting to discern members of minority groups, for example, but that was always gonna be an issue. It didn't matter. Because tromp was probably gonna win. If the economy was ass, good ass, it was back in January or February, will now the covert is hit. The big issue has become covert, and that means that dividing campaign has to play. It is, though, Trump totally blued uncovered number but that is that everyone can a blood uncovered, there's no such thing as not belong at uncovered we're seeing spikes all around the world. We are seeing spikes in blue states. Now we are seeing secondary waves in certain blue states and you leave the notion that the going mythology narrative is being promoted as the blue Stay channel. This perfectly and the only person who screwed this up was Donald Trump, so Joe Biden put out an ad in Florida featuring a couple from the villages dogma how they can visit their grandkids in blaming,
from four that here's, the add it really is quite scurrilous Roger and I decided that we wanted to move to villages were ready to retire. We were both six He was in the military. I had the business for ten years. My husband and I are both concerned by the virus and catching it. I know. Other people have thanks a lot worse, but we feel trapped here, but, as we can go to be the ones to be love. My husband and I have been gifted with two beautiful grandchildren. We try it, them as often as possible- and it's been six months and its way too long and Well, I don't blame Donald Trump for the virus. I blame him for his lack of action, and because of that, we are sitting here zooming or face timing with our grandchildren instead of hugging and kissing them, and that's heart,
Joe Biden knows that every moment is precious. I trust Joe Biden to get this virus under control on Joe Biden and I approve message and the answer. As a disgusting message, you trust your binding gets undercut how how this usually hell he's. Nobody has this under control literally zero places on planet earth where, if you're a grandparents whose in a vulnerable health position, you should feel supremely comfortable about hugging your tenure old twelve year old rank it and this is, is a bizarro world, add again the idea of going for the virus. I blame him for the fact that I can visit my grandkids question. Are people visiting grandkids all over the world? Has that going because it's not the interest is not but again there's this mythology, that's been created by the media, created by the Democrats at Trump really blew listening. I keep asking people get. What is from supposed to do what you want him to do, and people things like national Mass mandate. Ok, let's be real about this, where the virus is the hottest people are wearing mask. This had been true for a very long time iter.
The people are socially distancing before the government told them to do so, because overall people are self, are self driven and arg are self perpetuating and are not idiots are going to protect themselves, but with what else is from that? You supposed to wrap up the testing United States. Is more tests on a per capita basis, the virtually other any other nation on earth and hundreds of thousands of test every single day. Delay in the results of the tests. Sometimes there is sometimes there's not. Can we help with that sure? Should state should better job, absolutely bewildered by me doing the tentative I have no idea, nobody can play what you'd be doing. That is any different. Add is really gross. I mean saying the grandparents countries their grandkids cause a trump we arrived in. Her Andrew Cuomo name anywhere, and there were Filmore fee from New Jersey in her his name anywhere in their there's a headline from political.
The way talking about the success of New Jersey and flattening the curve. New Jersey literally, has the worst f per million rate. I think on planet Earth six, seventeen hundred eighty nine that's per million in in New Jersey, so the meat they ain't, the inside the narrative, the tunnel from his little blue? This? I just I don't get it. I understand it. Meanwhile, the social media giants of cracking down on from comments there fact checking them with alacrity, so both Facebook and twitter removed some comments at the Trump made uncovered. The problem is the trunk was basically right. Ok, did the language used was inexact, but as for our usual arrangement from inexact language masked something fundamentally troop we'll get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about your safety and security at home. There. A thousand reasons why protecting your home matters you ring has security products for ever one of your home inside now. Best of all you can see it all in one simple act with ring in Cuba:
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if our present bridge overcome layers of you wonder whether big Tec is biased, depends on the company. But am twitter is using a former commonly Harris aid to shut down from tweets and then explain it ignores the reality. Kids may not be immune to cover nineteen, they do obtain, culminating concern dine of it. They are not. The number of kids were dying from cover. Nineteen is a fraction of a per cent. A fraction of a fraction of present is a tiny number of children who have died from this. Like we're. Still talking in the mid double digit. Last I checked in the United States, kids, who had died of cover nineteen far far less than nearly any other disease. You can name in the United States so it's from totally wrong. Now there's signa dance they can claim that is that he's putting out misinformation now, meanwhile, again trumps getting blamed for everything. Bad, that's happening on planet earth, but let's be real about these things are not great everywhere. According to the Uk Daily Mail, second wave is striking Europe, Spain, reintroduces lockdown. Greece sees worrying rising cases. The virus is more active in Germany, amid warning France could would lose confer
at any moment according to the UK, the mail, a second wave of cover nineteen appears to be striking Europe, forcing Spain's reimpose large towns in cases speaking to a three month high in Greece, ahead of Germany's doctors Union has declared the countries already in the midst of the second wave, because people have flouted social distancing rules. What this perfectly predictable, he can't people keep people locked down forever like for literally years. Time is not a thing you can do instead, you're going to have to at some point allow people who are young and healthy to go out there, and if they get it, they get it. That is fact what what Sweden is doing in Sweden, which remembrance of five minutes ago was the bad guy. Sweden has basically flattened the curve. It looks like Sweden may very short immunities what it actually looks like. Meanwhile, in other countries they gotta problem. In fact, it seems pretty obvious what's happening here. Italy has not seen a second uptake. Why hasn't ITALY seen a second attack because they got
basically, here is the rule is burned three or population, maybe you're done. If it is not borne through population. You probably are not done. Spain's are eighty five hundred cases over the weekend in all inclusive resort image, Orca was shut down to towns. North for Madrid have been put and restrict lockdown as well Finland today announced that a plan to reintroduce recommendations work from home whenever possible by August first in case it had written by more than three hundred percent into weeks that Rhonda Santas, that that Gunnar Flora Campbell Exhausted Governor Finland, Donald Trump, obviously blowing it over in Finland, is blowing over in France as well. A third is in France grappling with Sharp increase in fresh cases, which is more than seven thousand new infections within last week, as was rise in the number of people being treated for covered. Nineteen in the I see you around, twelve hundred new cases are being reported per day. Two weeks ago, you rolling average with seven hundred and nineteen. Meanwhile,
I'll take as well. Some seven hundred and thirty cases have been reported each day on average this week against the four hundred and sixty being recorded her day about two weeks ago, so the second wave is infected in Europe. It really is kind of the first wave that it really is more the first light, because the first wave basically just got a little bit squished and delayed. Basically everything just got delayed. Meanwhile, seems to be coming out. The other end of us. According to news we, as of Sunday latest efforts in Sweden, death for one hundred thousand people was reported to be fifty six point. Four, the figure is lower, not reported in the UK. Sixty nine point: six, Spain sixty point eight and ITALY. According to the latest report Sunday, I Johns Hopkins University. The UK currently has a world foresaw a fourth highest that'll, Spain and ITALY. Were the former to european countries, worse by the outbreak, swings latest case vitality ratio. This portion of deaths compared total cases, was reported to be about seven point: one percent at figures. More than half the percentage reported in the UK, half that of ITALY and Belgium and ITALY
that of France, the reason being that allow young people are getting it in Sweden, burn through some of the young population. Another basically done Sweden's. Seventy rolling average of daily new cases has been mostly declining since, as far back as April sixteenth, when the average was at nine nine, the average dropped to to average daily new debts on August. Second, a core according to world amateur new infections for one hundred thousand people in Sweden report in the past fourteen days has dropped some forty six per se, I'm herds that reported in the fourteen days prior meanwhile, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, each spiking between fifty eight and two hundred and six percent, a new cases. New cases in Denmark, Norway in Finland or the other places that supposedly handled better than Sweden, have also seen their percentage is increasing at around three times the percentage drop a new cases seen in Sweden the past two weeks, so that sort of says it looks like Sweden may beat this thing. It may look like it's over in Sweden
Andrews technologies, epidemiologists between public health agency noted last week, where we have cut down on movement in society quite a lot. If compared how much we travel in scandinavian countries, the decrease in travel is the same in Sweden as in the neighbouring countries. In many ways, the voluntary measures are put in place in Sweden have been just as effective as complete, locked out and other countries. In other words, when you tell people, don't travel that much people take it pretty seriously at the point here is that for all the talk about how we know how to handle this, and we just have to shut everything down locked down this lockdown them- Sweden lockdown in Sweden- maybe the smartest of all three- maybe this most of all king of which even Anthony's out she is now saying he doesn't think we're gonna have to do another shot. You it's, as I said before, the experts can kind of shouting down, at the same time their acknowledging the lockdown kind of a bad idea, Hosanna manufacture. Yesterday, I don't think we have to go into showed their mood. Sancho, who I am
you know I'm cautiously optimistic. I do have an abiding faith in the american Spirit and I would ask the reason why I envy the time, and I love being on with you at in any more because we can start talking about the science and the more. We give a consistent message: the more p we're gonna start to understand what we need to do. And everybody sort of understands, although we can do which is social listens, worse mass, that's about it as read it, and then their experts just saying things that don't make tons sense. So, for example, is your manual yesterday. He said we have to reduce the amount of time. Kids, it's our spending with other get. Why Jersey, why my kids are in camp right now? It should be in campaign.
The reason that their home today is because they came down some cold symptoms. So, if their check we isolate them. If they are not sick, we don't isolate them and it's pretty much it because it turns out the kids giving this thing. Other kid is not killing. Heads, in fact, is the study of Japan. Today, demonstrate at school. Closures. Carried out in Japan did not show any mitigating effect on the transmission of novel corona virus infection. Again, not not a great shock. Schools are not that you.
Transmission backwards here, but here is equal Emmanuel yesterday said we have to reduce the amount of time. Kids are spent with other kids doing things indoors has to be the limit that you have to watch called. They intensify reduced the number of children to allow physicals distancing you have to have faced man for the older children. You have not used the cafeteria where crowding can take place, so you have to think through every step of the process and reduce the crowds, reduce the congestion reduced time that kid spend with other kids and teachers. But no, you can also just you know, have younger teachers, teaching young kids, but again lockdown has become the offer
solution to all of us, and this is political because of lockdown for the offer, a solution and trump isn't saying lockdown and from the bad guy. Some of us is plainly political. Eric are setting was pushing this yesterday, Eric are setting our idiot mare here, in LOS Angeles. He said yesterday he's one to shut off the power to any place, holding in unregistered gathering or party he's literally she's gonna cut off the water power. I have no idea how this is possible. Illegal is also the same idiot Eric our city, other protesting without a mask in the middle of the alleged protests, with lunch, whether people without masks. Meanwhile, in New York City, they have announced that they are going to be setting of quarantine checkpoints so bill. The plaza was saying that there are going to announce ten thousand dollar finds in check point for any traveller. Vat flouts the New York City Quarantine. I was not opening anything in New York City, so I'm not sure why you? Why do you care about quarantine when everything is too lockdown seriously? but he still in their house and what exactly is he's a word out? There is build the Plaza
name something that probably is also patently illegal. I've, no idea how how Bill De Blasio has the power to teach you to tell people were coming in from out of state that they have to pay a fine or or lockdown doesn't like. I don't know how to legally. So, starting today will do something new in New York City, we will have checkpoints, a key entry points to the city travellers. Me and from those states will be given information about the quarantine they'll be reminded that it is required, not optional, they'll, be I did that. Failure to quarantine is a violation of state law with serious penalties fact. Under certain circumstances, a finds can be areas highest. Ten thousand dollars this, isn't sound to tell tearing at all. You come into the state of New York, go to New York City and what he's gonna shut down all the bridges in the tunnels Bain from bad man. I want what what in the world is going on here,
I will take one of my favorite things about New York. State politics is be gap between Andrew Cuomo and Bill De Blasio. Basically, it's a Blodgett expedition, Cuomo hates his guts and tells you immediately take their birth position. Shockingly Andrew Cuomo is not a voice of reason in New York, so Andrew Cuomo yesterday was telling bill. The Basel do not raise taxes on people in New York City and whose begging rich people to come back to New York City, because the tax base is basically gone. Welcomes the report, in party and requests will in reality. Finally, it I lonely thought to be broad. They look we're known the Hamptons House who also looked. Or in their Hudson Valley House or in Connecticut weakened House, and I say, you'll come back when you come back, we'll go to dinner by a drink. Come over I'll cook do not coming back right now. In any sense, one percent of the population is ten, fifty per se
while the taxes welcomed, the Republican Party governor Andrew Cuomo was realising that raising taxes randomly on high earners drives them out of major cities in out of major said: ok injured. Second, we're going to get to the continuing cultural battle of whether America, sucks or not. Oprah has now taken aside one with two point: six billion dollars who rose from abject poverty become one most powerful people on earth. She says America blows what gets then just one. Second. First, everybody needs a great pair of wireless hereabouts, but before he dropped hundreds bucks on a pair. Out the wireless, your buds Reagan. You already know rake on your buds started about half the price of any other premium wireless, your buds in the market, and they sound just as making as the others have Yo brands- you do know their newest model, the everyday each one in five year. Buds of those are the best ones. Yet six hours of playtime, seamless, booted parent, more based more compact Zanna, gives you a nice noise isolating fit reckons wireless hereabouts. They are so comfortable. They are perfect for conference, calls
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beside the insanity of recovered and the presidential election, the deeper battles and the country continues to be over. The net or of America and whether America is fundamentally good or whether it fundamentally is not. My book have destroyed America in three easy steps on the New York Times by socialist again this week. That book is all about. This gap is gap between people who believe that America, inherently sucks and people who believe that America's founding principles were good imperfectly, realized over time, but increasingly perfectly realise overtime in the former category. People who think american such are a great many people who have benefited inordinately from America. People who, grew up in abject poverty in the direst circumstances and have become insanely, powerful and wealthy. One of those people case a one, would be over Winfrey Oberlin, free Her life story is truly an american miracle, an innocent person who was in the worst circumstances in just terrible personal circumstances, endemic poverty
and she's somehow makes for way to be worth two point: six billion dollars, you'll like half the island of mowing. That's an stopper yesterday from denouncing America's white privilege. She says that if your white, you have this privilege, no matter what your is Oberlin for yesterday, why people? There are where people who are not as powerful as the system of white people the caste system has been put, place, but they still no matter where they are on the wrong the ladder of success. They still have their whiteness and while the cylinder whiteness demeanor, I would trade my whiteness right now for four Oberlin breeds. Well, it seems like a really really solid deal frankly, in fact out trade. My whiteness for, like, like I don't care about my whiteness. What you get I think most people don't care very much the color of their skin and if they do, I think their spending their time in life another on things.
I don't see why you color scheme should define you. It seems like there are many many other attributes about. You is characterised as a human being should define you to for Opera Winfrey she's, not pushing this new book called cast is written by the same person who suggested that there have been only three durable cast systems in Europe, History, Nazi Germany, the United States and India, which is patently crazy cast, unfortunately, is a feature of a wide variety of cultures and so culture is all around the earth and the notion that the United States has a durable caste system today in twenty? Twenty is patently crazy. It's insane it's insane it. Nonetheless, opera winfried push that one yesterday as well, and at this point you have to imagine yours- What does she, but do you really believe the Black Americans don't have any opportunity in a country where she went from absolute poverty to be one of the wealthiest people on earth is believe that she's the only exception, because she obviously is not the average black income in the United States. Fifty thousand dollars ear the median. How
the income in the United States for black Americans. Forty one thousand dollars ear. Black Americans are richer than any other african origin people anywhere on earth. Like Canadians, you not earn as much as black Americans. A black Britishers not earn as much as black Americans. Black black people in Africa do not earn as much as black Americans. So if the idea is that the United States is uniquely terrible, I'm wondering what the evidence is for the United States uniquely terrible. You can make that case when Jim grows in place. Certainly, obviously you made occasions laborers and play. Certainly. Obviously it can't make that case very well today, when we ve had a two term black president of the United States, over overwhelmingly elected, we have, we ve had black people in nearly every powerful position in the United States, and we have which is great. A good, always a good thing. I may have like Barack Obama, but it says something good about our country that we elected a black man president's
the United States in a majority white country. That's pretty amazing thing. That's unprecedented in virtually all world history, but apparently apparently critical race theory, which is the theory that we can all basically p down into our into our racial essentials, and so your white, your central is that your privilege, at the expense of black people, and if your black, then you are racially a centralized into victimhood at the hands of White Americans and that that leads to the predictable result that any disparity between black and white is the system works of ASEAN emblem candy. Who literally says you literally says any inequality between black and white is attributable to the system, yet emblem candy on Amazon. Suggesting that when black people die at higher rates of covered that suggested, something wrong with the societies can have to explain in which society people are not dying at higher rates than why people literally across Europe, black people are dying and higher rates than why people like. I do not understand
what is his control in order to make the sort of claim is pretty far reaching claim. You have to have a control. What is controlled group here. If the problem is called interracial, disparities, black people being two and a half times more likely to die of IP to realize that it not because there is something wrong with black people. It's because there's something wrong with our policies. Do our society there's something wrong with that that black and Brown people are more likely to have to eventually be essential, workers they can't work from home. More than likely live in polluted neighbourhood bear their luckily We have acted in health, insurance or or high quality care, and in those of the stomach issue that that need to be changed. Anything that class issues not talking erasing sheets lap were white people were working there, lamp or white people living polluted neighbourhoods and everything boils down to racial centralism. The problem is that all this is incredibly counterproductive, so there's a study that demonstrates pretty
significant, and clearly that these sort of diversity- training, where you hire Robin the actual or from candy, to tell all of your white staffers how racist they are, that sort of training not only doesn't work it causes an enormous amount of racial tension is good piece over at the conversation dot com. I am Nicolet and associate professor of History Carlton, and did and Jeffrey are site or another associate professor over Karlsson College. All about diversity. Training and here's what they say in terms of reducing by us and promoting equal opportunity. Diversity training has failed spectacularly wearing two- the expert Assessment Association, just Frank Dobbin and Alexander Collop, when travelling collar, the value added the impact of diversity, training and more than eight hundred companies over three decades, they found that the positive effects are short lived, and a compulsory training generates resistance and resentment accompanies better off doing nothing and mandatory diversity. Training college concluded some of those popular training approaches are of dubious value. There's evidence, for example,
introducing peoples and most commonly used readings about white privilege and reduce sympathy for poor white, especially among social liberals. Actually, what those studies tend to show is that social liberals don't feel better about black people that you still worse about white people. There is also evidence at emphasising cultural difference across racial groups can lead to an increased belief in fundamental biological differences among races. Means the well intentioned efforts to celebrate ever may in fact reinforce racial stereotyping main beneficial. These people are that ever city trainers themselves have been able to rake in rules of cash. Obviously, so if it doesn't work accompanies honey thing works for a country when such a rich, get the entire country than America racially essentially caste system. We suggest that every inequality is reflection of the evils of the United States. You think that's gonna alt in more anger, or do you think that it can result in a diverse new tolerance? What do you think
The answer is more anger and also more stupidity. There's one my favorite stories ever it's pretty spectacular story, Mashable reports it, but it was all over the internet yesterday. What what first seem to be a tragic story? professor, was forced to work in person and later died of called it now to be a strange hoax, multiple reports and information and covered from online salutes suggest. The twitter account silencing by who claim to be a bisexual professor of native american descent may have actually been fake. It appears that was the creation of Beth and Maclaughlan ahead of a group of meat you stem, which aims to fight sexual harassment in science. Feels in June the account silencing by claimed on Twitter and her employer Arizona, State University forced her to deliver lecture, in person and able to two hundred students which letter to get covered on July. Thirty, First Maclaughlan announced from her twitter account MIC Le narrow these that signing by had died. Covered nineteen but, as you official said, it had no reports of a faculty member dying from the corona virus and it had never employed. A professor matching silencing buys description
University also closed its camps in March, so it could mean classes in April, as spokesperson Kay the CAT Food Buzzfeed NEWS, we ve been looking into this for the last twenty four hours and cannot verify any connection with the university we ve been in touch with several deeds and faculty members. No one can identify the account or who might be behind it. The account had fairly treated for years about their experiences as an indigenous women, being algae, BT, Q and academic circles, and more recently, there long drawn out suffering from covered nineteen lots of folks familiar with this particular corner of science. Twitter pointed out inconsistency with the story including a now inaccessible instances where they apparently used stock image company, a parrot real life experiences Mclaughlin tonight you created science and buy out of whole cloth, but did admit she had access to the account. She claimed that as far as she knew this account did die of covid. Nineteen said she got that from a family. Contact Mclaughlin has reportedly was
reveal signing, buys actual identity and also said she had met her in real life after the alleged adapt. Maclaughlan seem She got there an intimate relationship looking at her side of the bed in crime. Just a lot of crying. I literally can do nothing. This is not the first instance of controversy surrounding Mclaughlin, a March report from Science magazine, detailed and Mclaughlin, while hosting me to stem allegedly sideline people of color and bully volunteers activist, and it fell out leaders. In other words, this is a crazy lefty lady who was using all of the trappings and all the hallmarks of woke culture in order to get ahead in order to generate sympathy for an agenda that is pushing presently about whether the halls of power in America truly light is not you, don't you a lot of people who are seeking power? Attempting to ape conservatives like pretend to be a conservative. You don't see that, oh, I don't see. A lot of people want power, attempting to be white re. That does not mean you don't have reversed. Rachel dollars
and that that is an indicator of our power lies in a siren during Jim Crow is a fairly common and in her effect thing I mean a horrific less than anybody felt they needed to do this. It white skin black people, sometimes attempt to pass for white red is a very very there been number famous novels on this particular topic, because White was Our for a lot of american history will now they're not a lot of black people masquerading as why people, but you will see Rachel dollars. All attempting to be black in here. You ll see a professor pretending to be a bite. She'll native american woman, the halls of power are replete with diversity, crew, and that is where people are attempting to pander in order to get which says something about where America stands. Doesnt headed America's deeply intolerance of diversity. It is precisely the opposite. The wearer so militant lean of the will swell any stupid thing put forth so long songs. You slap university level on it already really backer tomorrow, with a with more content or later day, with a couple additional hours content
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cognitive decline, billionaire Oprah Winfrey. You tell for white people that they have a lot of privilege and Millard Filmore gets cancelled hundred and seventy years after the compromise. Nineteen fifty shocking, shocking stuff was the mail bag. Check it out. I'm like ownership
Transcript generated on 2020-08-06.