« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1061 - The Hundred Days’ War


As rioters continue to plague Democratic cities across the country, the media blame Trump and conservatives; our culture wars grow ever dumber; and a gap develops between Biden and the Bernie Bros.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As rioters continue to plague democratic cities across the country, the media blamed drum and conservatives the call that wars grow even stupid, or a gap developed between Biden and the burning boroughs. Adventurer Is the venture bureau show The Shapiro show is sponsored by express it. Why haven't you gotten a gps, yet visit express gps dot com slash. I remember that time when the media can telling over and over and over that the Brian. The protests were mostly people, mostly peaceful, protesting member that as good times when it does fun there. There's that ABC News headline one best headlines ever over the past. Forty eight hours What protesters in California set fire to a court house damage they police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified? Not king knows. The actual headline from me
the peace intensified, intensify, see normally went when peacefulness intensifies, then people get more peaceful, but apparently, when peacefulness intensifies according to ABC News when you set fire to a court house, damage a police station and assault police officers, but it's mostly peaceful guys. We keep hearing mostly peaceful. Mostly these animals are beautiful and there's a stark divide between the protesters and writers and orders. Now I'm willing to hear that start divide. Obviously, if you're writing your looting, you're doing something criminal if you're protesting, then you're, not that is stark divide for me. There is, however, a problem that is that the media sympathise with the riders looters and, as it turns out so too many members of the protest movement according to the New York Times today and will remember, we are told the protesters were super peaceful. There is no intention to imbalance. They didn't have sympathy for violence where they were against the violence. They recognise that violence was a bad idea were not much now some. You knew this. My friend Army Horwitz, he's reported from on the ground at these
riots in at the protests- and he said you couldn't find anybody who actually condemn the riding in the leading from the protests of the sort of stark divide, at least ideologically lunchrooms behavior, but ideologically between the protesters and the writers and looters basically has not existed since the early days of be Elam Protests and which are now morphed into Antigua protest. According to the New York Times are not confirming what army reported on my radio show, they say. Peaceful protesters with quote room for rage, sympathise with aggressive tactics minutes before midnight on Sunday, the first firework of the evening screeched low over the heads of protesters gathered in Portland, Oregon sprinkling them with white flex of light and ricocheting into the courthouse. It has become a symbol of an unwelcome federal incursion into local outcry over police brutality Now I love for not having your times immediately posits that the only reason their attacking the courthouse is because of the federal incursion. Now that committee
reverses the timeline. Remember. The feds did not arrive until they attacked the courthouse, but the way than your times reports as if you were an alien from outer space in arrived. He read just that paragraph. You would assume that defends arrived and then Ex began. The neuro terms has some ducked under makeshift shields to protect themselves from falling sparks, while others cheered at the sight of the blazing projectile hurtling toward the courthouse and the federal law enforcement agents inside this is what democracy looks like. That's not what democracy looks like two, typically speaking when, when you think of democracy, Think of people firing projectiles alone for nations that that one is it isn't high on the list of democratic activities is to actually engage in anti
civilization, violence. Typically, that's not high on the list of of democratic agenda items in recent weeks, since the New York Times, protesters in Portland have pointed laser beams, lobbed water bottles and trash bags, and in one case, according to the Portland Police Bureau, hold an open pocket knife at the officers guarding the courthouse. They use power tools crowbar in bold cutters, tank down offence in Seattle, demonstrators over the weekend set fire to several construction trailers at a youth detention facility. Protests in Richmond, Virginia allay in Oakland, were also marked by fires. Yet the nightly assault on the federal court House has been part of a much wider
as far as this dense eyes, so much base peacefulness intensifying across the nation can appoint outer. If there had been one firework shot at police officers during the tea party movement that would, in the end, the world there are called terrorist by members of the Obama administration, as it was then called the tea party terrorists by members of the Obama, administration and members of the media. If the anti lockdown protesters had so much sneezed at the at the officers who are trying to stop them from breaking the law, that would have been an assault they had been charged remnant. The media would have said that the anti locked on protesters with worse people in the world they they did by the way anyway, without them actually overtly breaking the law. Here you have people overtly breaking the law,
but don't worry this is part of a much wider, peaceful resistance, high school students, military veterans off duty lawyers, lines of mothers who call themselves the wall of moms that began assembling nearly two months ago. In the wake of George Lloyd's death at the hands. Minneapolis police, the aim as it has been and other cities was to assemble for sweeping police reform and racial justice. Not that that's not the aim. The aim is frankly for a lot of these people. It's a good time seriously. You can. You cannot watch footage of these protests and not come away with the conclusion. These are not people attempting to actually effectually change these folks we're having a good time when the middle, the lock, you would basically been told you can't you anything. You can't go to church, not that allow these folks going to church. You can't go out toolbar. You can go to a concert. In fact, there is a concert in New York last night and Andrew Cuomo was very angry at the concert. Sadly, no one thought to bring a black lives matter. Teacher or at all would be fine. The only thing,
allowed to do in today's society, in public with others, is overtly resist, law enforcement and or have dance parties in the thousands in the middle of the street. So this basically become the outlet for a board and angry country. From a lot of people in that does mean everybody is in genuine? It does mean that people want to change it. I'm not gonna pretend that I think that everybody who is firing projectiles police officers is looking for cortical systemic change as a post, just being a jerk having a good time at two o clock. In the morning. The rockies escalation in recent days, brought about by the deployment of federal law enforcement officers and the harsh tactics they have used against protesters has from new debate among the protesters over their own tactics and goals, now battling nightly rounds of pepper spray and impact munitions fired by federal forces. Some activists worry that the nightly clashes artist, acting from their demands for funding or reforming local police department yeah. You think it turns out the winning firecracker police officers. People are less sympathetic to the perspective that we don't need police officers.
To see people standing in Portland, destroying property was not actually doing. The work of advocating for black people was disturbing, said Rachel Dixon vice president of about moment, county Democrats organised from the blackmail. I think that its reaction from the everyday needs of people of color, especially black people, my life is not going to improve because you broke the glass at the lieutenant store, or that, of course, is true, but there's only one problem, a huge percentage accordingly, article of people who are engaged in the protests actually have a lot of sympathy for the people who are engaging in more aggressive tactics. Apparently there there are lots of people who were kind of happy with this minutes. The headline of these, Cat Brooks racial Justice organizer in Oakland and how you can apply for a job and he co founder of the Anti police terror projects have black lives matter. Protest movement, House federal forces from cities. Where one can.
Struggle. The debate among organizer she said is the tactics the protesters should use her own views. The protesters cannot be blamed for forcefully responding when confronted with rubber bullets and pepper spray, as they have been in Portland. I dont consider property instruction violence. She said violence is when you attack a person or another living breathing creature on this planet, windows, don't cry and they can't. I can. First of all, the idea that property damage, not amount to a form of violence is insane. Ok, patently insane. If I come your house and I burnt down, I have done an act of violence against you. I have, and if you dumbly mineral You're has an alternative. We think this is crazy and somebody ones is ladys apartment and just broken in trash the place. What you think you know what this wasn't inactive violent to mean that no one was hurt. After all, this is all fine. It's all fine, not big deal advocating for systemic change. Organisers in Oakland, which has a long tradition of loud protests, are watching closely whether federal forces will be deployed there if the feds come to Oakland
portland, look, like Disneyland, surely said, Miss Brooks rejected the motion put forward by merely be shafts of open and violence and property destruction, reinforced from message that anarchists, we're taking over the country streets We could sit there and combine suck lollipops between November, but have Donald from thinks. It makes sense to hit Oakland in fright, and some of the other cities with large black populations and that's what Donald Trump is going to do. So a lot of sympathy among the protesters for people who are engaging in violence and it's important to recognise this, because that is what federal law, enforcement and local law enforcement are actually facing down. There are not facing them protesters. These protests been going on for months. It did not escalate to people firing, pepper balls at people unless the people who are having the pepper balls, fired them or engaged in violation of law. We get more of this in just one second. First, let's talk about having
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they dont come Slash Shapiro, so more federal agents have been stature to Portland, as protests are increasing. According to the Washington Post, the trumpet ministration is any more federal agents to Portland. Yes, Marshall Service. Cited last week to send more deputies according to an internal email review by the Washington Post with personnel beginning to arrive last Thursday night the Department of Homeland Security is also considering a plan to send an additional fifty. U customs and border protection personnel to the city, to senior administration official involved in the federal response. This would mark a significant expansion of the federal force operating at the Portland Federal Court House. There are hundred fourteen agents there in MID July its unclear how many existing personnel could be sent home after the arrival of one hundred reinforcements by the end of treating this as completely out of bounds, is just ignoring the reality on the ground. But that's exactly what is happening when you are Turning for organ is ripping Portland officials over the handling of the riots use attorney, Billy Williams. He urged Portland Residence demand
from local officials he's analysing the only reason the feds are even here is because the local officials refused to do anything about this, which suggests that they have some sympathy for the violence because they think the violence is going to actually effectually change, for my standpoint is its so called its political player is unfortunate because everything law enforcement accomplishes to address all unknown alterable. France is through partnerships to pass a resolution that your barred from talking with law enforcement partners is it's just political and thus you're so unfortunate, short sighted. It's it's doesn't help in anything, but it out. It is what it is that, of course, absolute right, but what you're seeing from local officials is open. Admiration for people who are engaged in violence,
mayor journeys are can whose just awful I'm interested in awful mayor. She led city blocks, Verona City to be ripped away from law and order and dominated by people who really can be described as terrorism. If you take over a two block area of downtown and in their shootings that take place therein and be first responders, are not allowed to come in I don't know what else to describe that as minutes insurrection. Take this yellow mare, however, says that by president from deploying federal law enforcement to protect federal property, it's a dry run from Barcelona. If you're suggesting its IRAN from Russia, what you really are suggesting that violent uprisings against a driver for martial law are justified house, you read that reduce just justification. For violence by this yellow mare was tolerated, violence in her own city and its tolerated, the degradation of Rome on or in her own city. Here's mayor, Jenny, jerking, just a trash heap of mare. Every time this president promises to so division. He successful at it, and here he's. Clearly, targeted cities run by democratic mayors, he said so himself he's using law enforcement as a political tool
did you say it errand, but I really believe that we are seeing the dry run for martial law is a president. It is using law enforcement and federal forces for political purposes, and that should be chilling. Every American to dry, run from martial law, she's, absolutely suggesting that the President of the United States is going to use federal force to overwhelm all resistance to his own That's what you suggesting martial law by the way. These are the same folks who suggested present. From should put down in national mask mandate, enforceable by federal law enforcement. It's very funny to watch all the same people who claim that trumpet fascist asking him to be a fascist, it's really exciting, but that's crazy stuff, and that is the mayor of a major democratic city which suggests again, if you're wrong sting a dry run from our show. Others makes you the good guys if you're burning property and burning Starbucks in others. This makes you the best. This makes you actually positive. It's a good thing. This injustice second, because the media, some of the media, are just sharing this on. It can tell there s election wins lazy. One guest
send busy making some pretty wild claims about why this violence is happening in major cities. We get to that moment. First, talk about fact that there is an enormous amount of censorship that goes on social media sites. Like an enormous there's an enormous amount of control over what you can see and what you can hear today is really talk about in a little while they actually banned Donald Trump Junior from Twitter for the great crime of tweeting out a video hydroxide clerk. When that most medical experts think is wrong. They they they really can control your informational flow. While you can help stop that by disguising your ip as hiding your ip address. This is where express Debian comes in personal, all these social media sites. The way they make money is by gathering data on you and in selling its third party vendors. You don't need to give them your data when you expressly piano anonymize much of your online presence by hiding your ip address. That makes your activity more difficult to trace and sell the advertisers expressly paean couldn't be easier to set up. You just have one button on your phone or computer, and your now protected express Vps, also encrypt one hundred percent of your data to protect you from hackers internet bad guys. It's time you say noticed,
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they're the same, so why you ripping writers and leaders that the most the most beloved tactic these days, the so called Martin Bailey tactic of argumentation where we make an extraordinarily extreme claim. Somebody attacks the extraordinarily extreme claim, and then you, basically you basically run away right. Yet you go into retreat up into an argument that is less a tackle seasons of black lives matter. Somebody says: blacklist matter means defined the police. You are defending the police, a terrible idea, her black peoples, it will you what what I've really meant is that black lives matter, you'll, believe black lives matter that Martin Bailey tactic is named after the old sort of medieval fortresses, where you'd have a town, and there was the marked down at the bottom of a hill and then, if Thou TAT, everybody would have freed up the hill to the daily which was the which was the central castle right that this is what you're saying over an hour you seeing this with regard to the riders in the looters as well. People say the writers and looters rightly there, just their justified because
I mean Marshall lies on the horizon. That's ridiculous! If ridiculous mean, why are you justifying riding eluding? How dare you complete right? eluding with protests and when I didn't, I never knew that has run manual, doing everything for our people trying to hijack these legitimate protesters and create violence, and I think, in the response from the federal government should be trying to make an t for the face of the pro Let the local law enforcement take the lead if they need federal cistus, alas, for like we ve done in every other situation, going back This situation understand the protesters or asking America to live up to the promise of Amerika and know that others, individual not a lot, but our trying to hijack these protests for their own violent needs, so that is, nets has sent here. Also good stuff in activists named Erika, was on MSNBC featured and MSNBC your your source for all leftwing use and suggested openly, and the second is that what is actually happening in major cities, that violence is rising, not because the police,
Absent. Violence is rising because the federal government shipping guns into inner cities in order to create violence. This is feature on us and we see in a second called America in crisis. Racial injustice, protests across you us spur police clashes again noticed even in that Cairo, the conflation between protests and violence, racial injustice, protests, sperm He's clashes. Is the police for responding to just normal protest for racial injustice against racial injustice, to making stuff here's this activist suggesting something absolutely not to virtually no push back by the MSNBC House. You see that guys in communities across the nation? once again, people were in the house for three months daily stay jobs was the feeling of David grieving. They don't have the money to bodies God where they come from, and so just like in the seventies and eighties, when he saw the Counter Intelligence Programme, guns in drugs into certain communities to create certain behaviour to stop the rise of approach
and movements. We see ok disaster We bizarre nonsense and there's no pushed back on embassies of ours. I tell tee to any of us, is visit. They just an activist right spouting activism things are going really well in the country idioms. Well, I think that the only way that the country can truly here as if each be oh, has itself a really important session. I got really important an important talk, so HBO has now finally giving a voice to leftwing voices HBO that notoriously right wing out they. Finally, and up a space for leftwingers to talk. Hbo sports is now going to air, seeing America with Megan rapidly on August first showing a conversation between the use of women's soccer team, captain represent of Alexander Abkhazia, Hortense famous sports person. Sixteen nineteen project founder and Pulitzer Prize winner, Nicole, headed Jones and great fiction writer, also famous person and comedian and television hostess. I manage also amazing amazing sport person, so I'm so glad to HBO Sports is
to our conversation between making Rapid O, whose most that mostly famous for complete, about how America sucks, while making millions of dollars complained about Amerika sucks the calling, copper neck of of Sakharov area Elsie, who, of course, is famous as a sports commentator, Nicole Hannah Jones, who is famous for just making up american history and Hassan, enhance, who is a comedian entity host Peter Nelson executive Vice presidents of HBO sports, I quote, we are grateful, Megan Rapid! I would choose HBO as home for this conversation and look forward to more opportunities with her to continue. This dialogue may his fearless in speaking out on issues joined by representative Elsie, because having chosen us, I mean how this conversations and bring this conversation embraces. The challenges we collectively face so based leave it is a bit more panel without them are, is what we are seeing right here in the trailer ravenous. Has I'm a gay female athletes? I can't ever just be one thinks she's intersection, Eleni Intersection, Ass Kennedy. Just while she can't you just be a social justice, warrior, that's what
it had a Jones says reviews the upcoming election is called the first election, where we are actually voting for our lives. Ok, this person, nickel Hannah Jones, is just the fact they made a de facto editor of the New York Times, bespeaks the fact that the New York Times is a flaming bad of human feces. At this point it is just the first election or black people around voting for their lives. Truly truly. Is it free re pseudo historians? You should a little bit about american history seems like there have been a lot more risky times be a black person in America and twenty twenty. The first election were actually voting for our lives, RAP Nl according to mediate. Let it seemed a victory during the two thousand eighteen World CUP has consistently dedicated herself to activism and human rights issues. It's an honor to hold to show where a critical conversation between some of America's most innovative thought leaders, I'm so thankful to HBO for providing such a powerful, so much powerful platforms for an entire. I look
or to a conversation in which one person says something that a bunch of other people neo not along. It will be very, very exciting, stuff, very exciting stuff. It is interesting to note how liberals and have have liberals have a choice to make I'm talking about this for it. For a few weeks now, liberals have a choice to make and our culture choice number one is they can fight back against the radical left, And they can join forces with people in the middle and they can recognise that, while they may agree with radical left on some policy prescriptions, they actually agree more the middle and maybe even some on the right about the rights that we all have in how the country should basic be rooted in notions right, northern cave to the radical left. Can see who's, choosing, which way, in Hollywood, but he is moving to the woke left very, very quickly, Octavia Spencer, the actress she now says that the only way that people should play disabled people is if they are actually disabled, so acting as out the window. According to take you spent ass, exciting, suffers Octavia Spencer. Yesterday level can replace lived experience
and off into rivers. That's why it's imperative that we cast the appropriate actor for the appropriate role, and that means people with disabilities these as well, Sing, able bodied actors in roles for characters with disabilities is offence. Unjust deprives an entire people from opportunity. You know it's true, because there's a lot of piano music. In the background. That's how you always know these videos are true online is when there's somebody in the background is playing intense piano music route, but the intense Cannabich never has left hand. It's really just the right hand up near the upper registrar, the keys, you. Gotta love, actresses, coming saying that action is now wrong, so the woke left on the March
Also, you seen how the issue has turned. Remember that time you shall you used to defend sort of the liberal motion of rights, the KKK may she did by the way play somebody with care with schizophrenia. Is my understanding I tell you, have you Spencer? Am I don't think she suffers from schizophrenia? Anyone in Asia You staff attorney, was treating out in the then say ACL used to be kind of traditionally liberal at the ACL. You was an organization that said we may not agree with what you say, but we definitely will defend all right said well now they ve decided not working to the radical left as well. The culture wars really are not happening on the right as much as they are happening between the left and the liberals are looks like increasingly
liberals are losing what what's happening there is that means driving everybody in the centre to the right question is whether from could take advantage of that Elect orally. That's another question will get to that in just one second, first, let's talk about something contested, you can do for your kids during this pandemic. Amid the fact is that if you look at home, you know they are super border right now and you gotta keep them entertained somehow, but instead of just popping on the tv and loving that to be the baby sitter, why not get an educated? Why not read them books and you're thinking, but how do I pick which books should count? How do I make that such as this, where literati comes in this service, is just phenomenal? Have a six year old, I've, affordable and of a tiny little baby? She supercool literati, we'll do stuff
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Nor the hairy power Harry Potter person would be J K Rolling, but the rhetoric being used on her massive platform is feeding a genocidal impulse that already exists in government and with an individual's she is dangerous. Situating, the transit subject and the trans body in the contested dispersive space. The way she does posts, Conversation around translates into the posture of working to locate the legitimate Trans Subjects- Pedestrian. That's just gobbledygook this item in English, the idea being that we must defend hence the allegation that too many trans people in the world reflects a problem. That is, after all, her point, and in so doing we see the conversation to assist people and institutions and perhaps most insidiously in doing so, we have the false impression that sex to bodies are things only tradespeople have by obscuring the larger structural impulses behind bodily policing and the violence of the sex binary. We ensure the continuation of these structures. Are the violence of the sex binary, guys the fear that a trans person of any age, but actually love and embraced he's what drives J K and others. You don't want to just make it harder for us to survive. They want to destroy any joy, might feel in our journeys.
That is the issue you staff attorney now saying the Jake Harrowing is dangerous. And is pushing genocidal impulses by pointing out that biological women exist and liberals going to have to make a choice they wish to side with this cannot in us or do they wish to acknowledge the conversations should and can take place. And this is an open debate, because what we're seeing right now in America's major cities, as the liberals are increasingly saying. Ok, if you wanna do violence, you violence are right well and if anybody says that violence is bad stuff, focusing on voluntary, even focusing on the violence or this is driving rational people to do is run headlong from the radical left. Like runs dreaming from the radical left. This way, using Elon Musk, increasingly tweet things that are passing off the radical left yesterday, he treated out a graphic said thus Kapital in a nutshell. De Karl Marx Book is a picture of gorkum parks and said, give me that for free Hungry Santa a good free one, musketry line musk a man whose actually built a company as oppose all these people. Here
want to steal other people's labor it, but this is gonna, be the gap that opens up you're, starting to see it open up a little bit inside the Democratic Party as well, and this is the gap that Joe Biden is going to have to bridge over so far, Anti trumpeted has basically bridged over the gap from radical, left and liberals who may not the radical left very much it'll be interesting to see whether that last so yesterday, the DMZ Platform Committee voted down Medicare for all, as part of the plan for major overwhelmingly and people were very angry and Bernie land. There is Dennis Mcdonough Co. Chair of the binding campaign. Voting against Medica for all is part of platform members voting this morning. I was closed on this amendment. The most was not approved by the members and the language as proposed will remain unchanged. There are thirty six, yes, one twenty five now and three abstentions. That's an amendment three to eight
one line for ok. The burning people are super duper pissed, because the Bernie people are saying why give us everything we want and the binding people are like, because if we do that, nobody will like us. That is a battle that is gonna rage out into the open, a sorry to break out a little bit yesterday. When a Sanders campaign, Coachman Immunity, earner, ripped Biden, she actually suggested this directive It's like saying to somebody about choosing between Biden, interim club. It's like saying to somebody. You have a bowl of bleep in front of you and all you gotta do is eat half of it. Instead of the whole thing is still bleep weeping the word so that this is going to be a problem that there does eventually rip up the democratic party. The question is whether Trump can exploit it, and this is why trumpet
AIDS to be very focused in the way he campaigns, and I know that a lot of people out there who just think all the poles are wrong and that everything is hunky dory. Let me just say something: people inside the Trump Administration inside the term campaign. They understand that the poles aren't all fake they do they get that Trump is not in good shape, literally right now, and they understand that Europe has to be a lot more focused and how he has approached this campaign. So far there is a gap emerging in the Democratic Party is a gap between the radical left and the old school liberals, but that's been glossed over again by anti trimness. You can see that gap starting to expose itself with regard to the violence and protests in the cities. You can see it starting to expose itself in terms of the council, culture or members of the traditional liberal left are looking at their radical left compatriots in going. You guys are kind of fascist. Aren't you he? That is a gap that he, a professional politician, was good. It s could rip wide open answered from should be doing. That requires two things: one him to focus completely on ripping open. That seem because very important for the country that simply ripped open the radical left needs to be exercised. They need to be
anybody who claims that violence is a solution to political problems, need to be exercised from the conversation. That does not mean obviously not violence or anything, I'm explicitly renouncing violence for those in media matters. You don't understand English, whereas the excise I mean there isn't overturn window. If your claiming that attacks on federal law enforcement are part of that Overton Window, you're doing it wrong. The liberals need to take back over the Democratic Party and Trump cannot happen, and if the Democratic Party keeps gave in to the radical left, maybe tradition,
Liberals might think about moving away from a democratic party. They no longer represents them. I know a lot of traditional, liberal or looking in horror, what's happening right now, tromp, if he skilful, can exploit that, and you should exploit that requires two things focus and not providing the democratically shiny object, namely, namely Trump to gather around an attack we can get to that in a second. That brings us to covered policy we'll get to that momentarily. First, let's talk about the fact that it would be wonderful if you never had to go the post office. Again I mean post office does not a great stuff, but do you really want to go to the post office? Probably not me stand in line and takes a while ago, slap your stuff over there and especially uncovered Europe. It really is not like a thing, so why not? Instead just do everything from home we adjust to the new normal. We need to be smart about how we do business. Luckily, their stance that come to make things easier, thousands of small
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Ready. So, as I ve been talking about here, there is a gap that emerging between the radical left in the liberals and the radical left. I will say they are acting a little bit more tepid than they were just a few weeks ago. Take as an example in the cool headed Jones Right, fresh offer, Pulitzer Prize Winning essay that was so bad for other Pulitzer Prize winning. Historians called the bad and then to an appeal is her for it in the wind truth and your terms, Walter Durrant Fashion. Today she pointed out that the sixteen nineteen project right, which which openly positive but the actual origin of the country not seventeen. Seventy six! It was sixteen nineteen that every structure in Amerika was designed in order to effectually slavery, and racism mean this is what sixteen nineteen project openly sat now she's saying ashes. Vision is distorting, is now revising the history of her own revisionist history project. She says it's no longer history and should do this at yesterday, says was meant to be historic project. It was a journalistic enterprise, ok sure
She says club. I've said consistently. The sixteen nineteen project is an origin story, not ie origin story. Our interests has explicitly what would it mean to consider sixteen nineteen, our founding? Not then it is our founding eyes that what it says, because the original language Sixteen nineteen project, which apparently is no longer available online, but I remember it because I quoted it in my book. They said that sixteen nineteen was court are true founding. They stated quote on the four hundredth anniversary of this fateful moment. It is finally time to tell our story truthfully. It was not meant as a sort of balance or corrective to whitewash test. Not even close, was meant, is replacement, but now you're, starting to cynical Hannah Jones, walk back her own project and say almost than to be kind of a critique wasn't meant to be like an alternative history doesn't matter, but the very first page of the sixteen nineteen project declares quoted is finally time to tell our story truthfully by reaffirming american history treating sixteen nineteen.
Our nations at birth here and placing slavery at the very centre of our national narrative, so yeah she's walking to back a little bit because it turns out that all of this sort of radicalism, of the Robins Angela's, even members of the Liberal literati are beginning to say: well, I'm not so interest not from could exploit that right, because the radical left is going off the rails from could push on this particular seem and will be important to do that in order, for that to happen, has not made booze uncovered. So over the past week, in a half the president of the United States, there there's one issue at the forefront of everybody's mind: that's when, when the hell can we get back to anything remotely resembling normal right now? That is the big question right now, as states consider additional auctions Again. What the data show is that we are already seeing flattening in Texas in Florida, in Arizona, hospitalizations are going down, icy use are going down. We saw the curve, the curve went up, another curves coming back down, and that was happening before cortical court, additional lockdown, which is good, which is good
Frankly, I am very curious to see what happens in New York is. New York continues to reopen because if New York Reopened- and we do not actually see a second way, we don't see a second spike. What that would suggest Is that hurt immunity doesn't again at sixty or seventy percent? Thanks to t sell immunity, it actually kicks in a lot lower. I don T, like the best of all scenarios, is that once it runs through community, that's it like your basically none, maybe my mouth the gods years. We don't know that yet, but there's a lot of scientific controversy over t, sell resistance and he saw immunity, but that would be great bottom line is what we're seeing in sunbelt, for example, is receding of the cases and we never saw deaf levels like death levels that we saw in New York. So over the last week in a half, the president has become or patents unless twenty four hours, a lot more, I would say, studied and focused on the on the coveted
he just didn't seem as wild, and there is good reason to give up his typical daily pressure yesterday, and he sounded pretty good right here is present from yesterday encouraging people to wear masks and socially distance, which has been sort of the going scientific advice from last several months. I trust all Americans to do the right thing, but we strongly advise everyone to specially, especially focus on Maintaining a social distance, maintaining rigorous hygiene avoid law, I urge gatherings in crowded indoor bars and wear masks when appropriate, wheels. I strongly urge citizens to take extra precautions to shield those at higher risk which are in this case is, in many cases the elderly, that's good, that's what he should be saying. New evidence out today. According to the wall, Street journal that says that face masks are still fairly useful. Robber, Readville director of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said he leaves the pandemic could be brought under control over the next forty eight weeks. If we could get everybody to wear a mouse,
right now. Apparently, it has like a very small impact on the transmission of covert in small numbers, but the more people wear masks the more the curve is is really brought down because fewer and fewer people in it reduces your risk of of transmitting covered by, like thirty or forty percent was what I had seen in the studies. But if everybody does that the net reduces it by a very, very large percentage. There's a newly published study suggesting that universal use and surgical masks helps reduce rates of conformity of arson factions among healthcare workers at Mass General Brigham Healthcare Systems in Massachusetts. Redfield comments are the clearest message yet from the CDC that they that they are pushing the mask wearing
they see. This currently recommends these cloth face governs and public. Several states have made the caverns requirement for most people in wide ranging public situations and analysis publish Sunday in the M J. A medical journal found face coverings are now recommended, remanded in two hundred and sixty countries to reduce corner virus transmission. Apparently, according to researchers, they say that a homemade face MAX will will radically reduce the amount of time that that the virus is in air which is which good rendered it reduces the amount of distance travelled when you breathe a reduces it from up two apparently a hundred inches. If you have an uncovered face too, if you like, a stitch mask nearly zero, in other words, a global that beyond your mouse, but not much further than that. So all that is good right I have never understood the perspective that says that we want the economy to reopen. Therefore, nobody we're masked, if you want the economy to Europe, to reopen
similar amounts can mean that is the best way to get back to work and I'm back at work. That's because Europe is wearing a mask and when I'm not on the camera, I morning amounts to an seems to me that the easiest way for us to get back to work is to be saved, because you know what happened. If there's a covert outbreak, people go home again, so we actually want is reduced. The transmission so trumpet saying that to also trumpets now pushing on an axiom but much good operation warp speed continuing with now moved you face three in certain vaccine trousers. The president talking about this yesterday grow breaking agreement with Visor includes a guarantee to deliver one hundred million doses shortly to the vaccines approval? Almost immediately with the in the purchase. An additional five hundred million thereafter Not only is operation warp, speed, accelerating the development of a vaccine were also directing a colossal industrial mobilization to ensure rapid delivery. Nothing's happened like this, since
end of world war. Two and he's not wrong about this right. All this is good, the more concerted from this? What you want to see Anthony algae yesterday out there celebrating a stage three progression for the maximum using this is very good news. The virus was first put on a public database, the sequence early on in January, so to go from not even knowing what the virus was in early January to a face. Retrial, Israel. Record time- and I might add it was not done- compromising safety, nor was it done compromising scientific integrity. I can't guarantee the success of the I've seen because only occur. Nickel trial will
term. In that book. I can virtually guarantee you that this has got off to a good start and we will get this trial completed. All of this is positive news. Obviously, now, where the Democrats preferred put, their focus is on CAS inside the administration, which is why again, if from wants to exacerbate the scene between round left and the liberals, which is good for the countries, something that should happen. Then he needs to provide them a common rallying point when he does so. We think what the Democrats, who prefer to do is rally around we hate Trump and that sort of thing for man requirement. He says, lack of a plan is called trunk. The absolute arrogance of Andrew Como, the governor of New York, suggesting that trumps activities during cover, nineteen are really the problem when his stick up wallet after this crisis. Brother, sorry, his idiot brother, who has helped pushed the propaganda. Here's Idiot brother Chris talking about how a lack of
when is called Trump, as opposed to his brother, who, who is having on the air and holding up giant fake nasal, swabs salad stuff from Press Cuomo help is not coming from on high proof, There is no plan for better testing. I hear you all over this country saying you can't get results fast enough. I know there's no plan for it to get better. There's no plan to help us reopen sky rules, and there is a reason for this inaction, and it has a name trump, your brothers, the governor of New York. What's his plan seriously, what is planned? Thirty three thousand people died net state and by the way, the Washington Post is now saying what we should do is shut down the entire country for months on end and hope that this will bring the court. Infections down a zero, and then we can test and trace everybody Nicole. Three hundred thirty million people, ignoring the fact that we are seeing in Europe, is spikes again in a huge number of countries that initially brought the cases down near zero.
Israel had two cases down near zero. They had a spike dead shut down again. Is that that is not really a solution either. The bottom line is that there are a lot solutions or other than the stuff that we already know tends to reduce transmission, namely the city socially distance, and then the mask wearing going into a full scale, national, the Washington Post, is now encouraging people by the way like they would like to see that if you are covered positive, that you would be forced to stay in a hotel, the government set up hotels for you and you would be forced to stay there by war like they say this in Washington Post editorial today. They they don't explicitly say that they want you forced into this. It will set up hotels for people who wanted to. Yes, Europe is, if I get covered when I definite desperately wanted to go to a hotel with a bunch of other people have covered some fantastic, but in any case, Trump has to be a beware of making boobies uncover that that route. The covert has really hurt his re election chances. Look at the polls when covered started. His reelect chances went from basically.
Fifty or fifty five forty five down to about twenty percent, which means don't make booze they make it look like you're, not on solid footing, which is why, extra day when the president decided to retreat a break our video and in though it was video of some frontline doctors, they councils America's frontline doctors and their speaking. It looks like at the White House talking about how I dropped the clerk and hydraulic work when I was a cure, like literally a cure, and then he was retreating things that that set in the video like implying that Anthony found. She was bad at his job and and he's for all of us. That's not the kind of staff that is going to make people feel a sense of durability and a sense of solidity in a time where everything feels chaotic, so Trump retweeted. This, the tweet also include,
again ripping on value, which is like the media have been begging for from to go right at vouched for literally months for months that for the countries of Africa, the reason that they ve been pushing. This is because they want this to be a battle between faulty whose become sort of euro of the resistance simply because trumpet he seemed to be at odds they they want that battle. They wanted to look like Trump versus the science, so trump tweets this stuff out by the way that that Houston, doctor, she's now being ripped up and down, because apparently she has made some claims about alien DNA and she has made claims about demons. Sperm and such is not great stuff. It's not great stuff right. She said this. Would nobody needs to get sick? This virus has a cure and said you don't need a mask, there's a cure. None of
is is really based in in any sort of science, but in any case, Anthony Patchy then went on tv and defended himself from from saying that, basically is bad at his job. Here is factually, and I got exactly what the media wanted that value verses from battle. This is not good for Trump provokes support trump. If you think that him battling openly with his own his own guy Redmain factory the guy he put out from the first place. It ain't, a good look he's been doing this with every official and his administration for a long time, age of just sessions. He did it with his own chief of staff for while it like its frequenting, but when it looks like Jack, I stands for science and you don't that's bad. Look for you, especially because again from Spain were focused over the last week, so set the Simpsons Decent Work accident counter back, you're, whose Anthony's out you're going to drop. I dont tweet, I don't I don't even know them. So I don't really want to go there. I just will continue to do my job no matter what comes out because I think is very important or in the middle the crisis. With regard to an epidemic a pandemic. This is what I do. This is what I've been trained for my entire
national life and are continuing to do it to the charge, even misleading the american public eye. Misleading the american public under any circumstances any so today. This is that this sort of conflict is bad for from La Trumpery elected this bad stuff. Meanwhile, Twitter has cited during a ban. Anybody who retreats that video that video comes out, I don't think the devil is supported by the best available science. I think that that the leading the videos making some pretty extraordinary claims that don't seem to be based on the idea that a secure does not seem to be real out reality down from Junior retweeted that prick you're, a video he treated, this is a must watched so different from the narrative. Everyone is running with Twitter than suspended him twitter suspended any end this. This is insane twitter suspended him saying that under their policies, they violated the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to cover nineteen policies, wildly over broad policy is really stupid. The reason that its wildly over abroad is because, if you're tweeted back in March, that people should wear masks, you'd have been in contradiction to the CDC anthology
Are you a job? The thing about science is that until the scientists quarterboat settle the echelon, no other sciences settled and the studies are addressing workmen again, their pretty extra there's. Some say that its somewhat affected their summits, it it is not at all effective. Regional studies were completely debunked the ones that said that was gonna kill you of a heart attack that those were completely. Those completely fell apart. The judgment real so but about a mine is that, politically speaking for Trump, the biggest thing that he can do right now to push for his own victory is to force the liberals to repudiate the radical left instead of censuring on him and his particular foibles again set the counter backed zero, because that is not what he did today that keep the man off of Twitter, for the love of God, keep the man of Twitter for five
and if you actually want to re elected already, we'll be back a little bit later today, with two additional hours of content arise. We'll see you here tomorrow. It wasn't a venture Barroso. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including Andrew Craven, show it might go moles shelf and the mat Walsh, thanks for listening to Ben Shapiro, show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervising producer. This lever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel Light, ASCII technical producer, often Stevens, back in media operated by Nick she him associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam Science. Audio is mixed. I might call Mina here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production costs
right daily wire. Twenty twenty. The Trump campaign does a one. Eighty in their attacks on by the age s rounds of hundreds of anarchists and Joe Rogan gets video games wrong check it out and Michael all shop.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-28.