« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1054 - What If There Are No Good Answers?


Coronavirus continues to spread across the nation as the media decide Trump is to blame; Trump’s niece provides comfort food for the Trump-haters; and China engages in Nazi-esque treatment of Muslims as the world does nothing.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Corona virus continues to spread across the nation. Is the media decide trumpets you blame firms? Niece provides comfort food for the trumpeters in classical music is apparently racist adventure. There are. This is the entropy Russia today show is monitored by Express BP and don't let others track what you do stop at keepers are safe and expressive: gps, dot com, Slash Ben, while before we begin, I should talk a little bit about investing strategy. You ve heard all the stories about people got into on the ground floor of some big new company, and then they just made a fortune and other people who are left out in the cold war. There is a group of people because our crowd- and I believe every accredited investor should have,
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in Florida in Texas, in California, you're, seeing on the upper end about a hundred and fifty deaths, a date which obviously is tragic and horrifying that number. If it were last, the entire year would be absolutely sunning right, then you would see thirty five thousand, that's in a lot of these places, but we have not reached New York epidemic levels. As of now the media continue to focus on the fact that this thing is spreading uncontrolled across the country, and that is true, I mean the fact is. The number of positive cases continues to increase yesterday you shattered single. They record for new cases with more than seven. Five thousand six hundred cases according to the New York Times. This was the eleventh time in the past month that the record has been broken. The number has more than doubled since June twenty. Fourth, when the county, when the country registered thirty seven thousand fourteen cases after a lull, any outbreak had kept the previous record, thirty six thousand seven hundred create standing for two months now in reality is a possible. We saw many may more affections like this. In the early stages. Absolutely protesting was not wrapped up to nearly the extent that it is now. So it's quite possible that, for example, the death rates were exactly
same today, as they were back during the New York days. It's just that the testing capacity was not nearly What was the denominator in the debts over infections rate, which is not correct as possible? The dominant or was way larger than it was originally purported to be in the previous single. They record. Sixty eight thousand to under forty one cases was announced. Last Friday, Thursdays record, including more than five thousand cases inbox, our county Texas, which contain San Antonio there's a backlog and test report in one of the weird thing about the statute. Is there? Are these backlogs that sometimes get reported late, so you'll see occasionally a very odd day were a huge number of deaths are tallied and you're like what did just a bunch of people die that there's? No, that's a backlog in that's being reported now, you're, seeing this with some of the cases that are being reported, your also seen cases where possible covert is being reported as probable or
he'll covered you'd, seen cases in in Florida where hospitals are reporting only positive results which takes up the three percent positive right now. There's any of this change. The underlying narrative that covered is actually quite prevalent across the country and is apparently rising in terms of case number. No, of course that's true, but the question at this point is number one. One, the health care system and number two: are we actually seeing a declining rate of death? Now again, a declining ray of death with heavy loves? infection is still very dangerous it let let's get this thing, were it had a point to death rate about twice as deadly as the flu weighted down? The actual? That's right on this thing and what say that it's three times, fetches, as the flu will then you're talking about something that will end up with six times as many deaths is three times as infectious is twice as deadly. Is the flu and see you end up with two and fifty thousand? That's that's a horrifying horrifying thing, but the bottom line to all of this is that nobody knows anything and one of the narratives media seems to be driving. Is that we know the answer to this? We know the answer to this
and when everyone else points to the fact that nobody really knows the answer to this, that we seen the same policies adopted by Democrats and Republicans in different states, two different, two different outcomes that Georgia open the exact same I'm is Colorado. Cholera was seen a forty percent decline in cases, while Georgia has seen two hundred percent increase in cases and they pursued the exact in policy at the exact same time. What's as we don't undressed The virus very much. We don't know the dynamics of the virus that I was very much when, when people new media point to lock towns work and then you say, will but California, never really. What I locked down in California is one of the key one of the states that is biting right now. The there seems to be no countered that the media, because they are seeking epistemic closure here, because they are looking for a scientific model where they can say follow the science and if you disagree with us or not following the sides, because the meat,
are doing as their neglecting the fact that there are no great answer there. Just aren't they keep pointing at New York. Look at New York, New York's doing great thirty. Four thousand people died in New York. It is possible that their antibodies in like sixty per cent of certain populations in New York, because the thing ran roughshod through the population comparing New York where they had a massive wave or everybody got infected with Texas or Florida, where there was no, the first Levin there now experiencing a first women cases is utterly foolhardy. The same thing is true when it comes to a wide variety of issues, for example, let's talk about masking for second, so I have said many many times and out of an abundance of caution. I am in favour of masking, but if you're crowded place, it seems to me that the least you can do is firm ass. When you go to the warmer, I think it's a good idea. I think it's a smart idea and if it is not a hundred per cent for proof, but it's better than nothing and philosophy
we'll do it, then you are reducing risk through a herd, adoption of a measure that that lower risk by a certain percentage that we don't actually know right. But let's be real about this. The evidence on masks is fairly divisive, up until last five minutes doubly, they chose suggested that, if you are a symptomatic, you should not be wearing a mask. In fact, I believe the deluge still holds that's entered and in fact there are many countries that have done just fine with this thing that have not really done then asking thing. In fact, for example, there is a there's a chart showing whether Europeans are worrying masks, as is done Just a couple weeks ago, you gotta ask european citizens if they would wear a mask in public places, and we can see in the chart- is that under ten percent of people from Denmark, Finland, Norway and say they would wear a mask in public places not just. We recommend that Denmark and Finland and norms as well. Meanwhile, you got eighty five percent of the population
in places like ITALY, signalled where masking ITALY just got creamed. You ve got other countries like Spain and have an optical, number of people who say that the Murmansk and you ve got the UK. Where are you? number people's it'd worm. Ask those please really really hard hit so is just about. Mask wearing. Then why is it that countries that are really hard hit. Didn't you, the masking in some countries that did you the mask wearing, have have been really hard like what what exactly is happening here and the answers? Nobody really knows anything we're now for months in the lockdown and revise locked in the United States and people still no, no anything Jim Garrulity national viewpoint. This out, he points out that much. Common strain of coal nineteen in the. U S right now is extremely contagious and will prove difficult to contain, even with wider and more consistent adoption of best practices we'll get to that in just one second. First, let's talk about it,
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this is not really, I realized, but its floating in tiny, droplet, so light in small. They can easily be carried long distances by air currents. The European Centre for Disease, and the World Health Organization are now begging the Ursulines possibility seriously and with good reason. An heiress laws virus would mean most of our current pandemic control. Policies like remaining six year, part are not enough by themselves to prevent contraction of virus as Jim Geraghty says. The scale and complexity of the problem should not be understated. The country enacted unprecedented sweeping lockdown. They kept most Americans at home at great cost to the economy. The lockdown slug spread they didn't stop it preventing more. Actions is not just a matter of convincing the president to wear and ask consistently or shutting down beaches are subways or acquiring quarantines for those who travel between states at every level of government. The response of the virus has met with mixed success what is important to recognise. No one is ignoring any simple or easy solutions because the solutions do not exist now. One thing that is true is that the death rate has been dropping fairly drum
echoing the CDC curly estimates, the death rate between point six point, seven percent of seven times deadliest, flew a new study. Put sixteen point five and point eight. If there's a lot of asymptomatic or unconfirmed cases. That means it could be point too, but, as I say, even a point, you fatality rate with half of the american population adopting virus would mean a lot of dead people, so we will see whether there is a big Spyker. Maybe not, but the bottom line is that everybody sort of counting on a vaccine to save us. That is not a strategy either. In effect, is that we rush out of action, and it's no good and it's no good. It's also possible that vaccine that is truly effective and and mass produced and mass adopted. What happened until mid time next year, even in the most optimistic scenarios,
The notion that you're just gonna be able to sort of sit around and wait for good things to happen to stay at home and wait for the things to happen. That's not true either. The reason I'm pointing all this out is because this is all hard stuff. This is all hard stuff. I'm looking right now at a list from world amateurs which compiles data from Johns Hopkins University about covered nineteen deaths, and I'm gonna give you this that. Have the highest rate of debts for one million population right now? Ok, this is the list New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode, island, district of Columbia, Louisiana Michigan Illinois then merrily Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mississippi, India, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia New Hampshire, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio Alabama leveraging Florida by Florida is all the way down their. California is next unless by Florus after London, about a California
what one thing that you ll notice, if you're gonna talk about strategies that worked one two, three four five, six seven, eight nine of top nine states in terms of death per million population, are all democratic governed, and nearly all of them were prolactin managers in your Connecticut Ministries, Rhode, Island DC, Louisiana Michigan. These were all very proactive states. Maryland is a republican gutter state very hugging as the governor over there and he's been widely praised for his response to the virus. We ve got him on radio show it. He was prolonged down. His state brings about ten to fifteen slots above Florida in terms of the number of deaths per million. Ohio has a higher deaths per million step, then flora. Now it may not stay that way, but the notion that anyone here figured out how to solve this thing is just badly blooming, but there is no evidence that anyone has come up with these silver bullet on how to deal with cover. Nineteen
here, people screaming to this guy Rhonda Santa's, Gregg, Abbot, lockdown, no lockdown sirens understand nobody knows anything, here's the thing: there are no experts on an unprecedented disease their exports under these generally. But they are not. Experts on this disease which means that there's gonna be a lot of conflicting evidence from experts. It gets that was, on the one hand, saying I'm not sure the masters grimly useful doktor vouches angle Aren't you spell and unmasked are useful in get fat. She sang at one point: I'm not sure we can go back in the full scale, locker and then you can have found you say, but we never should have let out a locked up in the first was that if you just look at the statements of algae who, by the way, I think is doing his best, like everybody else in the situation that you statements contradict each other fairly regularly. Because again no one knows anything. So you see the media trotting out this level of purpose. Certainty. We know how does not know you know not as long as you don't get it missus true unmasked enshrined social distancing, it astronomer.
This is also why it is true on whether kids should be in schools where, on the one hand, you ve got a fair bit of evidence. The kids are not infecting their parents as good evidence from Iceland that this is the case. It could have an interim China. This is the on the other hand, is a vast outbreak in Israel when they reopened. The schools now turns out when they reopen schools is quite possible. One of the things that happen is that the adults actually infected, the other adults. Kids are getting the infection. There are dying from the infection. Lot of kids can get it if you don't die from it. Now, that's not that bad the promise, if they pass and under their parents, that's what happened in Israel. Kids gave it to each other and then, like a couple of people, got at some. The adults in the adult started spreading it amongst themselves, particularly in religious communities. Is that a reason to keep schools closed prob not, but the notion that there are any like easy, hard and fast answers here is just very silly now. I know some wrong answers here. Nine over it Well, then, it is a stupid answer. City mayors, who suggests that we're gonna have mass paid at childcare, but not schools. I got makes no sense at all, like just on a common, sensible level at idiotic near
they are building block you announce Thursday. The city will provide free childcare, one hundred thousand students, when schools reopen in September sweet the city release its plan for children's returned a public school classrooms, one to three days a week, depending on each schools, capacity for social distancing amid the corner virus pandemic? students will take classes remotely on the other days. The city aims to provide relief, for working parents, we can't afford to stay home or I'm fine childcare for today's soon's aren't in school for in person learning the programme also students from age three through eighth grade there'll, be fifty thousand available seeds each day, but the idea that these seats will serve a hundred thousand students because of alternating Person days at school, the city says he's trying to identify space in schools, community centres, libraries and elsewhere so basically can have school teachers have to drop in teach it just adopted teachers union by saying ok, we'll keep Roquette locked up in his day care facilities, but the teachers won't have to show up. So this is stupid because it's just a stupid as the anti lockdown protests will spread covered, but Pro George Floyd protests will not recover and saying that childcare is not going to spread covered, but schools are going.
What the teaching spreads the covered. This, of course, is very so that there certain things that you can see done in policy there are done leaving the nursing homes open to call the stupid Opening Childcare Bernard School Stupid makes no sense and by the way, has pre dire secondary effects. I'm amused at the New York Times the same your times in saying we need to keep the schools closed, for the sake of the teachers is also observing that, by the way, a lotta private schools are coming back and rich parents Conseil with kids being harmony can home school them is creating an actual, see more serious gap in education between poor and rich. They make it. You ve done fairly ok, from his education being home. During the sign, my six year old started off the pandemic. Reading it probably first grade level when she was in kindergarten and now before centres. Frustration ring at their great level right, she's got me at home. She's got her Mamma home she's got her grandparents there her, so she can do and just great. But what about kids? Who don't have that sort of support, structure at home and aren't doing the zoom classes? What do they do? Then?
times recognising is exacerbating inequality at the same time, they are cheering on the closing of the schools and shouting at president from forcing school should open. So it's more of this in a second, because if you believe that the media are objective- and then you see the way that they weapon eyes, uncertainty against trumpets, pretty it's pretty astonishing, gets that in just one second, first, let's talk about the fact you need I know I need my sleep. Let me tell you I might last night, ok, so I go to bed at ten and I fall asleep. I magnificent helix mattress and then my baby, which never let him and then my big, which never one thirty and then my baby whatsoever for thirty and then my son, Wake me up at five, forty five. What does this mean? It means that those spare moments when actually get to sleep. I need to be on a comfortable mattress may just for me- and this is where he looks sleep comes in here- actually has a queer takes just two minutes to complete matches your body type and sleep preferences. So the perfect mattress for you, whether aside, sleeper or hot sleeper, Would you like a pleasure from bed with helix, there's, no more confusion and no more compromising he'll sleep,
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which rejects the front door. They're gonna be trying to socially distance the kids. There have the kid stain the roman teachers move from under room. Suppose having kids move around in the hallway she's gonna be rough, it can be rough, but the idea that the schools can remain indefinitely clothes or the enclosed down all the american society forever. That's just not a realistic scenario, and everybody knows it. Everybody understands this except the media which says that anything from says his bed, so perfect, ample of media by his yesterday. So the new, then your terms headline the White House. Press secretaries has signed should not stand in the way of reopening schools. Ok That is their actual headline, that that the science should not stand in the way that makes it sound like eliminating, who actually quite good job, that the killing MAC and any was saying that we should ignore the science and sent back to school, misleads, Rob Reiner the director to tweet out Donald Trump wants to murder. Your children acknowledge that's, that's dynamic organ from stranger thing rob now trumped is not one of Maria children and that's all How can we any said there is the actual clip of cayley machinations
she never says at any point that we should ignore. The science. In fact. In precisely the opposite. She's There's plenty assigns to back the idea. We should open schools, then has said on unmistakably that he wants schools to open, and I was just an oval talking about that and when he says open, he means open and full kids being able to attend each and every day at their school. Are the science should not stay and in the way of this and as Doktor Scott ATLAS, I thought this was a good code, of course, can do at every one else in the western world are pure nations are doing it. We are the outlier here I, the science, is very clear on this: that's You know, for instance, you look at the jam a pediatric study of forty six pediatric hospitals in North America. That said, the risk of critical illness from covered is far less for children than that of seas. Flew. The science is on our side here.
The signs is on our side, here is not the same thing as ignore the signs and reopen the schools and media run with the actual lie. They dont bother with the actual truth, which is that she's making a scientific case, reopening schools and scientific case by the way is fairly strong. The media are touting an article tonight by merrily Governor Larry Hogan, who, I think you know he's done his best during this pandemic- that the fact again is that many is that the rate of death per million population in Maryland is five hundred fifty six per million population, the rate of death in Florida right now. The foot, the much maligned Florida is two hundred eighteen right. Less than half less than half of the four million rate of Maryland here, the rate and in a lot of public and states, as it turns out, is really really Texas Roach much maligned tax. It's a hundred and thirty four million a lot lot lower like four times lower than Larry Huggins Maryland but according to Larry Hogan, it's all about from. He has a piece
Washington post- and this is the nice thing about having an unpopular president- you can't blame everything on the unpopular president. He says I'd watch. Does the president downplay the outbreak dirty and, as the White House failed to issue, public warnings drop a fifty states strategy or dispatch medical gear or lifesaving ventilators from the nationals how to american hospitals by the way there is no shortage of insulators in no one died for want of it. Later in the United States did not happen this. Eventually it was The waiting around for the president to run the nations responses, hopeless we'll wait any longer. We be condemning more of our citizens to suffering and death, so every Gunnar went their own way, which is how the United States ended up with such a patchwork response. I did the best I could for Marilyn can up. That's also called federalism and the idea that states get to respond to things like pandemics, with the best they can do. Our system did you, the president, has a solution to this, need just crammed down everything. What's it, let's assume the trumpets at What national mask mandate, which is unconstitutional? They can see that a national level you dont, have the public health power really, but let's say the trumpet it a fascist,
hey he's up we're going to walk everybody in their homes for the next three months until no one has a case of this. Do you think about it stood for that giving Democrats would have stood for that, especially when Democrats were claiming that you couldn't get cover. Nineteen, if you protested for George Floyd and shouted the cops, how do you think that was gone? So, no matter? What from did hear hear doomed. Italy from is overtly. Not fascist. Is I'm not going to nationalize our systems? I'm not gonna, take everything over and then they say. Well, you know you have to Did you do, and if you do he had done it then he'd be of ashes. That's the way. This works I don't have a lot of sympathy for the for the idea that trumps to blame for all of this. You see this again from from Crusades represent MSNBC. He says it's Republicans faults because they are not pushing mask mandates. Harry was Chris, Hasten MSNBC there, what's the last few months to not have happened to be white from everyone's member is to be some some fluke, an alternate mention that we have accidently warped into a now we're just gonna work back out into normal state.
And they govern that way too. By and large and it hasn't work. That's why we're in the hell. We are and that is exactly what the fight about masses about. I think asks or a visual reminder that everything is a normal, that we are in the midst of a once in a century pandemic and the whole. The republican party would very much like you to forget I'll get a hold up. A second just hold up a second. The idea that mass mandates are the real problem. Here again, I'm gonna give you the case numbers the rising case members. Because a Florida is number one in terms rising case numbers, there also doing the most ass. He goes for that taxes, California, which the Democratic State Georgia Arizona Tennessee Louisiana, Louisiana democratic State here that these states that most hard headed the beginning. Of course, we're all of the democratic states say to you that the mask mandate was the real key here. So then where why why another democratic states get get it, and why is it again the dust from Heaven?
our demanded that Denmark and Norway in Sweden and Finland don't wear, masks the again the idea that they have liked. Your answer to. All of this is really just cover, for we don't like Trump Annette, so easy from Andrew Cuomo. We ve been the worst governing throughout all of this awful in every respect and then mix posters to himself. But how wonderfully is here is Andrew Cuomo, basically saying that Trump the blame for everything, including the fact that I'm garbage at my job. But I should say that Trump is to blame for the I was coming to New York, because that's the fact that, with the CDC just said, if Trump government had and its job, the virus wouldn't come here. We don't do governors, don't do global pan, max. I was trying to explain to Mr Tapir State government: don't do global public health at night in the state charter. The federal government does that The virus didn't come here because if anything, New Yorkers did the vote, I came here because the federal government missed it all the best
the federal government missed it. I see it didn't come to New York because you guys were busy talk now, go down in Chinatown for Chinese New year I didn't come to Europe because it shipped all the old people have called it back into the nursing homes and trumpet just such a convenient whipping posts for the Democrats but it doesn't matter that didn't have a solution for this either, because no one has a solution. Haven't this habit, we recognise there are no good answers here. Ok, coming up we're going to get into another aspect of the annex, campaign, which is when he doesn't do when he, when he's not a fascist, it's because his incompetent and when he and when he does Strong, then he's a fascist renders the catch wage for trouble gets that in just one second, first, let's talk about the fact that maybe asleep quality is often maybe one of the reasons you sleep qualities office, because you have been staring at blue light right before, but maybe it's us we're getting headaches and the ice train, or this is why you require Felix Grey, glasses, Felix Gray, they filter ninety percent blue light in the most damaging range they limiting. Ninety nine percent of where, through proprietary, three leading lens technology only available if he looks great nine and ten Felix gray customers reports
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fascist uncovered nineteen and therefore he abdicated his duty and then went from steps to protect the rights of citizens that are not being protected by their own mayors. Then he's a fascist so case in point today. There are these reports happening from Portland, where apparently federal forces under the g h. Us are going around Portland there, label police right that wearing full on military regalia, with police on older regalia and I'm getting abundant vehicles in their arresting looters and writers and and people were disobeying curfew laws in all of us and they're, not just cortical peaceful pro. Answers and walking around a J M smashing things. That's has been happening in Berlin for well over a month, TED Wheeler, who is the the Idiot mayor of and his lavished one for really years he's led Antipater, stop people in the middle of the street. His lab Portland become the repository of sort of anti for centres to their videos that are emerging of federal forces and members of D. Just or walking upon guys we're who are addressed in these kind of cosplay Anti four million,
stuff in arresting people and so they're. All these reports emerging on the feds fascism, fascism, because they're coming in arresting people what's it all about, will be addressed, basically announced what it was all before. Let me read you how the media are covering this and then we'll get what actually happening here, because, according to the media, this is basically Trump has authorized the Jack boots to come in a night and just pick up peaceful protesters standing against racism. That is not what is happening here is not a lot of evidence that the federal forces are just arriving to walk up the protesters. That's that's not ok, secure is the report. They got all the started from the Oregon. They, I guess it's Oregon. Public broadcasting is the source of this report. In the early hours of July, fifteenth after a night spent protesting at the moment, county justice, central processing, we'll see by producing, may mean like firing things breaking windows in attempting to destroy any Mark Hatfield Federal Court House marked petticoat in his friend, Conor Oshea, decided to head home com might compared to most protesting
home by two I'm one. Fourth Manhattan used each year gas and with only a few exceptions, both the Portland Police Bureau and federal law enforcement officers had stayed out of sight a blacklist of chap, where Patagonian Oshea bumped into a group of people warned them that people in camouflage for driving around the area an unmarked minivans grabbing people off the street. So, first of all, I should be clear about this: police routine, leaves armoured vehicles gave because in a marked vehicle people run did you want will rest somebody there Can you use an unmarked vehicle LAPD? only use mark vehicles in my city and our forces are not required you only use marked vehicles that was terrifying to hear petty bone said they barely may have a black when an unmarked minivan pulled up in front of them. I see in camel. She said four or five of them pop out openly Jordan's, just like oblique, I know who you are or what you want with us federal laws. Has been. Officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least July. Fourteen now you need probable caused you to arrest. Somebody is not clear whether these are arrests or detentions. People have been released inside the Latin
up in Guantanamo Bay and leaving them there there's. Probably if I had to suggest a theory here is my theory that defends have been monitoring a group of anti protest for a long time have tabled them and other going on arresting them when they are violating curfew, night personal accounts in Malta videos. Posted online show the authors driving up to people detaining individuals with no explanation why they are being arrested and driving off. The tactic appears another escalation in federal force, deployed in Portland City streets as federal officers and President Donald Trump had said, declined to quell mightily protest outside the federal Court House and won't Noma county justice entered that have lasted for more than six weeks federal officers of charge, at least thirteen people with crimes related to the protests. So far, there are crimes related to the protests, their crimes of looting and rioting and violating the law Others have been arrested and released, including let they also left one
mainstreaming hospitalized with skull fractures after shooting him in the face, with so called less lethal munitions. On July, eleventh officers from the Us Marshall, special ops group in customs and border protection of Incense Portland to protect federal property, but interviews conducted by all Bp Schaub officers, are also detaining people in Portland Street weren't near RO property. Nor is it clear that all the people being arrested have engaged in criminal activity? Well, if are detained, and then they are released. That does happen from time to time and when the police detain you, and then they release you that is not technically arrest by Supreme Court jurisprudence and now what is it? What exactly? Why all this happening? If you just read that peace, you think whether these are peaceful protesters regimen. That's all it's happening, just peaceful, peaceful protesting. Yet that's not exactly what has been happening. You have terrorists who are attempting to tear down. I mean look at these eggs and legal have been faced with private property. You can see what's happening here together that their having to use tear gas on
tat uncritical protesters and looters or flinging objects at the cops. Therefore, in fireworks literally firing fireworks at federal buildings, the this is it. This is not peaceful approach lasting acting Deirdre Secretary Chad, Wolves, Edna statement earlier this week from the city of portal been intercede for forty seven three days by violent mob, while local political leaders, views to restore order to protect their city each night Wallace. Here destroy, anticipate property, including the federal Court House, and attack the brave law enforcement officers, protecting it set of addressing violent criminals in their communities. Local and state leaders are instead folks, on placing blame on law enforcement and repressing fewer officers in their community. This failed response has only holding the violent mob, is an escalating violence day after day. It just then release an extensive list of violence caused by left his protesters. Since, basically, the end of may we're talking about graffiti we're Talkin bout assault mean that there's tape literally last night of antiviral drugs,
in fencing over toward the federal court House to try and set up their own chop Chaz in in Portland. So, Why? Why exactly here they are re here they are, they leave the face, the federal court building and now they are dragging fencing over there to prevent the cops from coming in its budget idiot. Kids, it's a bunch of more and more on, woke white. Liberals court engaging in this sort of activity in its criminal activity and the locals review. To do their job and arrest the criminals, and so the feds are coming into their doing it and which is legal, which is legal so, though them his response has been from the fashions. This is the overwhelming responds literally trump. Is a fascist was trending on twitter today, so if, if trumpet This is: why he's a fascist it from doesn't take over all aspects of America's la
on policies, then he is an incompetent. You're gonna have to pick one organ have to pick the other, but again it all comes down to the cops or the bad guys, except the cops. Aren't the bad guys. There's one black officer from Portland, who I mean this is pretty moving stuff talked about the situation, Lenny said. Basically, I want I've conversation that some people who are protesting in these white woke jackasses. Keep coming between and the people that I'm talking to and then call we racist their heads here. Is this this black police officer from Portland names? Jackson, I got to see folk sad We do want change like the rest of us that have an impact by racism and then I got to see those people give faded out by will they have no idea where racism is all about. A time so one of color black spanning Asian, come up to the fence and directly wanna talk to me hey. What do you think about George, for what do you think about what happened about this I got to the fence. Saw a white comes up after please don't talk to him.
That was the most bizarre thing because I could see it come Case as an escape also this somebody's white processor for coming up to him and say I've, never seen a knows that big big, overly Rick's hissed, and yet these are the good guys recording the media. The protesters are the good guys the cops the bad guys misfits into a broader narrative. The cops are the bad guys generally, we can get to that in just one. Second, is that into the broader nerve. That America is racist and from is the is the figure had of all that raise him he's the prow of the racist ship we'll get to that in just one moment. First, let's talk about the fact that you probably don't feel like going the post office right now I could, but how does it work owing to the post office? now possesses great did, will integrate stuff you're one be standing in line while people might be sneezing or coughing nothing like instead minds? Do others went home and save a bunch of money? By doing so with stem cell com, you can print postage on demand and skipped those lines in crowds at the Post office you can actually saves money with discounts. You can't even get at the post office as if that wasn't, have stamped out come also offers european services with discounts up to sixty two percent, and no, you PS residential surcharges here daily work
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evil and from because he's probably is evil and police and from a racist or just then. A second first is that glorious time of the weakening of Chateau Delaware member. We have reached that point today. Its Albert Calderon Instagram was keeping on top of the coveted nineteen pandemic in the picture. Alleys elite. Tumblr is rest. On a table actual well organised set of medical testing supplies. The captain Reid drinking my morning, tea out of the very greatest a beverage vessels, the leftist years tumblr, while doing my part to study the spread of cover nineteen, Weekly, bloodthirsty nasal swamp, all negative results so far up hope it stays that way. We do too glad to hear your healthy nope. You stay that way as well. Thanks for the picture, thanks for being a daily, where member Romania, but countries primarily in three easy steps. It goes on sale, Tuesday July twenty first, six Pm Eastern Caribbean Pacific will be doing virtual live signing event. The day of release with your purchase of assign copy. You can write into question which may be written answer. Does your book live on the in priority or sign copyright? In your question, a daily where'd outcome, Slash meant that in talking about the book is really about what is going on in the country right now. A vision,
America, which has been America's histories. Evil. America's philosophy is evil. America's culture of rights is evil and traditional vision of that unifies us. That is a battle going on between not even just left and right union. People want to hold the union together. Prince disintegration is one use, cancel culture and cruelty and malice and power of government to build a whole new world order. By tearing everything down, the book is how to do so: America in three easy steps, it is the antidote to everything that is going right now, I should get caught me for something at a copy for liberal friends, setting its vital that everybody read this. I don't think you have to be a conservative to agree this book check out daily wired outcomes, lifespan to order sign copies, and I join my life signing on Tuesday July twenty first, are listening to the largest fast is going into Pakistan radiation. The nation is already so the arguing about cops in Portland and up and one for some important when it has just been run by anti of her
a month and a half is it's. It's really insane and really drive is driven by the broader american area at the police are the bad guys, and inert of here is based on a in extraordinary reading of history. I honour Presley was the representative massachuset. She is the Ringle starve squad she. She actually said yesterday that are policing system emerge from slave catching. Now that is a bit of a stretch. The idea that the cops right now are trying to stop black people from being more are an extension of a system that was designed to catch black people and bring them back to slavery is patently crazy, but this is part of the nerve. The cops are. All history is just one unified blob. Nothing has progressed, time, and so the cops are just mere outgrowths that occur in Taiwan oppressively, while June team is meant to be a day of celebration and of freedom, and it means a patient again. We must stock at this moment and be sobered about the work that lie I had a mister cruncher
Is it fair to say that the policing system in our nation grew out of the practice of capturing and often murdering individuals trying to escape from his from slavery? Could you speaking Just a guess are policing system and how you see that influencing modern day policing? Ok, then, that that linkage is so crazy How do you see it influencing modern day policing in eighteen? Thirty, two there were slave catching bans that we're going around in there are police no longer and catching size. I cannot, but the as part of the broader narratives procopius racist, and citizens of the narrative it the way you make your city safer as Bennett by getting rid of the copse, despite all evidence to the contrary, is taken up or on mayor, build the plaza literally yesterday that for seven years we made the city safer, except for you know, he doubling The murder rate in your city over the past month and a half years ears, moron giant weirdo Groundhog, murderer, build the plaza for seven years we have made this city. Safer and safer by working with communities by reckon
nice, the leadership of community leaders, organizations clergy, like the officials, seeing what people can do to build peace in their own community and building a different and better relationship between communities and then, why pity is true. You have made the city safer and safer, except for all the dead people six, except for that, even during a fantastic job, their building blocks. Again, if the narrative is the cops, are that eyes. Then you can claim this is true, even when it is not true. The mere absence of cops makes everybody safer. According people like build walls, you now again this time into the broader narrative about trump. So much. What is going on right now is simply about Trump about the fact that the left cannot accept the trumpets twenty sixteen election. They ve never been able to accept it, and so the idea must be that the people who voted for him are not only in legal. Russians, which was the argument for two years. There vicious races- and you can see this in some of the media coverage- read that the actual the actual heads of the New York Times and redeem the cat suggested that as soon as the Russia stuff was over before the whole ukrainian nonsense that he was going to have to use,
f up on Rachel issues, go back and look at it. You Mackenzie! There are new staff about Rachel issue, because that was the new narrative. Why was that? The new narrative Is the media have decided to drive that narrative, and so what they're looking for right now is to link everybody who voted with from what the deplorable again everybody who voted for from is indeed just brutal horrible, racist and indeed all the american society is plagued by racism. So not only is all the Heidi played by racism, but also the top of the keepers. From from the face of that american Racism- and this is why you have his master but Tory Adulation for Mary trumps, new books from is trumps. I literally have no idea what she does or where she came.
Or why she is relevant. I have extended relatives, they don't know me all that. Well now, I do not know if our running for president. I would not really trust with the right now, but I do not know why, if Mary trumpets to relevant figure she's only come about in twenty twenty one, it was time for her to read a book. Nonetheless, the very first day that this vote was on sale, the merry trumps book, it's all nine hundred and fifty thousand copies. Why well, because it just Its comfort food, its comfortable for democratic, can't get over. The fact that from one and now Mary from is, is making allegations that she does even put your book. I said she. Now she just being basically asked what it from its children by various members of media and to children, yeah. I know for a fact that he's got a kitten in a cage in the back of the White House and he feeds that trial to fatten them up. Many needs them
so Rachel Magda last night and MSNBC asked Mary Trump, whether Trump uses the inward anti semitic slurs ensure gaps are lonely absent. Where were you five years ago? This was the case that seems like something that would have been relevant when who's running for president the first time it apparently Mary from here to clean up all the cash and new here of the republic Mary, transparent, here's Rachel Matter, the pressure on and a little bit. If to ask if the President, if your uncle was an exception to that in your family or he is if, if you, you ever heard him express. Either use anti semitic, slurs or the inward or other races, slurs or other sentiments like that. Oh yes, of course, I did, and I dont think I am surprised that nobody given how virulently raise this is today. Have you heard have you The present is the n and anti semitic slurs. Specifically this.
We'll amazing amazing how that would then make it into a book incredible now. Good news as I'm selling a book from abuse that, but by the way, that would have been the kill shot and only sixteen wouldn't like they're, not now a lot of people in America in twenty twenty who are fond of people using the end, but here's management look emerging from motor can democratic. You know, because that links with the american racist system and trumpet just the face of that kind. American races system? Now color me a little bit sceptical on this just a little bit sceptical, but a man has been in the chair, a guy for nearly all his life and who has sought the public eye from near all his life routinely uses the inward and somehow no we have also covers other uses, the inward viz, the first part in human history, who said this: I'm oh well, she selling the book yeah, I'm an amicable, I'm go sceptical on that. One begins. Also path is all part of the broader miasmatic tend to paint everything in America
racist so as to say that the current president of the United States is the is the biggest problem. We get rid of him and we can start to really do the hard work I don't have the memo went out at major newspapers lesson I dunno classical music is under fire. There's there's an article in the Washington Post called that sound your hearing is class, music long overdue reckoning with racism classical music like the one day, cover. Some Mozart's old teachers, but I mean like Bognor, was pretty obviously adieu hater, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the priority in China right now. There's a that's that's! weird, but let us not the only article Agnes there's a second articles in your times saying that orchestra have to end
mind additions. Why? Because they need more faces of color visited it's this absurdity, begged the these cannot the same day. By the way the memo went out in the cultural world, it was time to go after classical music. I very much look forward to the vast media review of rap music for racist massaging, mystic, homophobic and violent lyrics. I feel like they might get a little further with that than with classical music is inherently racist. Going after Brahms according to the Washington Post, however, the late great sopranos Norman, receive reserved just one chapter for twenty four memoir stand up straight and sing for discussion Discrimination should pay so often throughout her career. Even is one the most decorated performers international opera stage, but it's safe to assume race was around theme in her magnificent wife, a discernible teeth that emerged again and again in the form of careless floors and slight from conductors tv rules, though, MR from veto on stage to a maid
screen offensive questions from bumbling critics, nosey security guards challenging her right to exist in the hotel pool. Those would imagine that the rarefied realms of music or opera are somehow removed from the ranks of racism, would be, as Norman put it mistaken, sadly mistaken, and so too with those who imagine that our nations intensifying reckoning with racial injustice merely March has passed the concert hall, as I am sure that when most protesters looked at an office, brutally treating George Floyd. What they were thinking was we need to go down the metropolitan Opera house right now and solve racism indeed, on and ass the front end, We need to go after the Rossini operas must happen. Data collected from five hundred american orchestras for twenty sixteen study, but League of american orchestras, pinching starkly a picture when it comes to diversity and classical organisations? Its key finding the proportion
of non white musicians represented in the orchestra workforce and of african american Hispanic. Latino use in particular remains extremely low. Ok, I just have one question have ever recognised: how many great great asian musicians there his I'm I'm a classical violinist and places the age of five disproportionately of representative classical violinist are Jews agents that that's just wait. Both minority group but their counters minority groups. The only minority groups who cast minority groups are minority groups are seen as victimized. Ok, though, and end of Europe, if you're too rich or fear to successful, then you're not gonna, counted, get the it's. It's an absurdity sort this its absurd it again. This brings us to the second piece from the New York Times. They want to get rid of blind auditions. There was a theory a while ago. The reason the words enough musicians of color in orchestra is really female musicians. The words in a female musicians in positions of power, an orchestra is because the when women were trying out
there are sort of these evil sexist directors of workers who would not give them the time of day and so on, so I started using blind, auditions and counter to public something what actually happened is the number of women in positions of power and orchestras went down. It turned out that women are actually being kind of slightly favoured in some of those things will now. It turns out that the New York Times wishes to get rid of blind auditions. They literally want to make the orchestra is worse. They want to have worse musicians so long as the diversity photo looks at billing. If on samples, reflect the communities they serve. The audition process should take into account race, gender and other factors. According to Anthony Thomas leaning over the New York Times in the critics, notebook Blind auditions, as they became known, prove transformative the prison. Women in orchestras which covered under six percent in nineteen? Seventy grew today women make up a third of the Boston Symphony Orchestra there half than Europe, though harmonic blind auditions, changed the face of american orchestra. So by the way, I'm not sure that it actually support but he's not counting against his own argument. Using blend auditions were good because they allowed people historically
discriminated against to get an orchestra. But now we need to get rich of the line additions and have worse musicians, so we can have more faces of color in the orchestra, I again, I really look towards these standards being applied in the NBA. I think that we need we need to get rid of blind auditions from the NBA it is specifically seek out more jewish. Players in the NBA. We need it got more asian players in the NBA. We need more people were five five in the NBA. We did. We, more women in the NBA. It didn't for none, diversely, wakes up refocusing and unskilled level of the people were playing. Why are we focusing on the diversity we need? We need aid, a surely and engender, and sexual orientation representative NBA, and we don't have that. Then it just ain't gonna work, guys. We need, we need people, you iguana man in the NBA. We need it because we don't have than the NBA is just not in the first place, they don't here
We make no argument, of course, because this stupid argument we start making about orchestra, because too many white people and all the sudden, your your woke in standing up against racism, now they're real bad things, being the world right now I mean truly evil things happening in the world and we are in. All of them in favour of the stupidity. So we are focused like a laser beam on Trump and covered nineteen and how he blew it, even though nobody has a hand one this thing: nobody, no one, has been handled and don't give me that the United States has a different. Has a different treatment in Hong Kong again different strange, also different caseload from the very beginning we are focusing on from from civil or focusing on terms of fascist, we're focusing on classical orchestras, aren't Iverson, get rid of blind auditions Meanwhile, the Chinese are literally sending Muslims into concentration camps for shaping their head on trains. Member that time, people like that,
again after the Holocaust is happening right now like right now, there's tape that has emerged of the chinese loading weeder Muslims onto trains and then take them to concentration camps. There is video of wiggers with their heads paved being shuttled into these concentration camps. If you will risk their lives to break this sort of tape is hideous hideous stuff. What's the world doing about it, nothing! What is America's left care about? Not one about this? Not one iota about this Lebron James Captain woke over here. He still claiming we don't properly understand trying to the envious still trying to make common cause with Chinese. I that's not a mister it is. A miss prioritization is a misread of the idea that America's uniquely evil that that the american system is uniquely evil to be so myopic me focus only on America when truly evil things are happening around the world and when America really provides the only bulwark against natural evil is insane, but that's the way
we now occupy an insane world? We're supposed to be deeply concerned deeply deeply concerned about racism in classical music, but you know: do we have moment spare for millions well being shuttled into abject slavery. Of their religion by people were doing a lot of business with man, not too much on time for a quick thing that are like we're, not a good thing that I like so yesterday. I had the privilege of having on vice president my pants on the radio. I thought that was good and interesting interview. So here is what that sounded like journeys on line is vice president, my pants vice presidents thanks so much taking the time I know you're very busy. These days events occur. It is great to be back with Europe speaking here from the White House and adjust. Thank you. Thank you for your strong conservative voice on the airwaves and on the internet all across the country. Now. Thank you so much so. Let's talk about the biggest thing Republicans minds these days, the campaign. So obviously the campaign has
an appeal climb here? I, the polling data right now so far, is not great. What does the campaign plant? to turn this thing around. It seems like you, kept a lot of ammunition and store. It seems as though the campaign really hasn't gotten started thanks to a variety of factors. What do you think it through? The campaign is going to do to push forward in the coming month Why and first and foremost, we're not gonna pay more attention to the polls in this election and we did and twenty sixteen Rome I bet you saw pole come out this morning that that it is down. Double digit friend reminded me that the exact same Paul had the president down double digit about this time: twenty six state so but look elections or my choices, waiting to get out on the ground. Pain, trail I'll, be in Wisconsin tomorrow, talking about every that we were able to accomplish in the first three years of this administration, the president's leadership through this extraordinary pandemic, will continue The nation forward would continue to meet the needs of the American
full of families should ensure hospitalization healthcare workers and the support they need. We continue to see America opening up. You know we lost twenty two million jobs at the height this pandemic, but given the foundation, the strength of the american economy, the foundation this President Board in the Three years been, we already seen nearly eight million jobs return or in a continued. Went up America open up, America schools. Even while we work every single day to put this on a virus in the past its bats, the record we're gonna, take to be married and people, and that record of leadership and accomplishment build on principles and free market principles, with growth Well contrast so dramatically with them, the more actions more regulation, big governments, social, liberal, gender that Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders EO, see Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shermer gonna, take to the american people, so I am confident about November third or to talk about the record, really talk about the contrast or deliberate it victory for the american people and vice President pens, one most difficult things that the administration had to deal with literally since day one before day, one has been. Media bias against the administration. The media, obviously militating in favour of OZ is none of which are a particularly good for the United States on occasional just overtly. Why, after president, from what I thought was an excellent speech, Rushmore. They simply labelled racist that they level too defensive confederate monument when he did make a single reference to confederate monuments and that sort of Bin. The theme of the media throughout this campaign and frankly throttle few years has been the idea that everything the president does is evil and and wrong. Maybe it was all that the president was in providing ventilators when he was and then once the ventilators were provided this sort of just went away. It was all about how the press it was involved Russia and when that went away, and they moved on to the next topic, how do you fight back against a new
in the media that are so overwhelming and dominant, and how do you want especially when they are fearmongering about coordination, which is a very dangerous virus, but that doesn't mean that we can all live in our basements from now until the vaccine. Why just continue to tell the american people the truth. We tell the american people the truth about. We accomplish in our first three years mean as president, sleeping ban. This president kept more promising than he the american people in twenty six thing. I mean we rebuild our military. We, the constitutional foundation under our courts. More than two hundred conservatives confirmed our affairs ports and on the economy. This president cut taxes Roll back regulation unleashed american Energy fought for free and fair and better trade deals for the american people, and we saw seven million jobs created and, as I said, that that lay the foundation with with even with this pandemic. Striking our nation from China.
President was able again the marshal the resources not just of the government, Whole of America responds where we saw american ingenuity. American. Mrs stepping up. We reinvented testing. We saw the creation of more than thousand ventilators in hand, days, no American required a was ever denied a hundreds of millions of medical supplies that we continue to surge as we see outbreaks and in increasing cases along the Sun Bell and then you saw the news this week with the with the advantage of a new vaccines that are moving through clinical trials at a record pace, but I have to tell you today: when, when come from from where I have sat in this process, despite the criticism of not just over the last three and a half year, but over the last four months from the media. I say I take only with this
and only in Amerika, and I have every confidence as we will forward, wherein it continues case, and I won't live by truly. Do you believe that greater enthusiasm for the president, His agenda today than there was at this time in the election in twenty six things order or a cave dealing with this pandemic to make sure every state has everything they need to provide a further? medicines that are impacted by the corona virus, the same level healthcare you're? I would want for any member of our family but weren't. Bob and an upward and open up. Our schools were to keep telling the american people the truth and you're gonna say this president mistake back in the winter circle on November. Vice president, hence, will need the other aspects of our politics. That seems to be so dominant over the last few months. Is this extraordinarily radical vision of the United States? play steeped in racism and bigotry in which all of our institutions have been thoroughly corrupted from inception, resulting in everything up to and including
tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson, defacing statues of George Washington, I think, connected to two larger scale. Riding and looting democratic Party seems completely feckless in the face of the sort of of behaviour How do you in the present plan to take the message on the road that there really is a threat to some of the fundamental ties that bind us in the United States I think, as you said, I think that's what amount Rushmore speech was all about and then do something temper July, fourth speech from this outline of the White House reiterated that look, this is a president that, to defend America where we get from the founding of this country we expressed ideals and every day in the long history of this country, we have marched tour, a more perfect union and they merit people, I think, can be proud of the progress that we made. We can celebrate that progress. Even while we continue, we continue.
Aspire to to make those ideals more real for more american, some men and women with regard to it cancel culture that we have in this kind you're, going to continue to see the president and our entire team stand up. For the ideals of this country and stand up for America, but women with regard to, two on the whole issue of law and order in law enforcement leaders. I met yesterday with the leaders of the tab law enforcement associations in America. Then, unless there is, there is no excuse for what happened to George for injustice will be, sir. It is also no excuse for the rioting and alluding to the destruction of property and it ended and violence. Guns, persons that followed as end, and yet we still see everyone from Joe by non down. I'm talking about the funding, the police mend job in an interview, just enough
Last week was asked if he wouldn't, if he would support transferring funding out of police departments- and he said absolutely yes, a member a lot of members, the mainstream media are denying that he said there, but it's it's what he said and where you know we're we're not going to defend the police were to defend the police. We know You know most of the men and women are put on the uniform law enforcement every day are the best people in this country. They every single day They strap on aside arm and they count. Our lives is more important. Then their and I also know that nobody hate bad cops more than good cops or we're going to continue to look for ways to fight. The police to improve public safety, but we're not gonna, do find the police were in a more back. The blue and that's why I know the president was so proud. The receiving endorsement, just received from the major Police Association, an attorney Do you believe, whether the economic record, whether it so
standing on we're all of our best constitutional ideals, the course whether its Building our military, Witherspoon for law and order and with law enforcement. I believe the majority american people are with us and not with Joe Biden and the right left and we're in a carriage message all across the country every day between now remember three more speaking with Vice President Penza must present the president is unparalleled when it comes to characterizing. His opposition is one of the special he's one of the best. History of american politics at boxing his opponents and certainly labeling his opponents. What is the strategy with regard to Joe Biden Mix, it seems like there's been. A couple of tax has been tried. One is obviously that Joe Biden is not what he used to be, and then the second tat is they Joe Biden, is a lot more radical than his may get out. I think that, frankly, Biden is running a pretty smart campaign by staying in the basement and mouthing sort of platitudes that that he thinks appeal to a broad range of Americans, what sort of linking and nodding at the radical. If that makes a kind of hard to character,
eyes and how does the president plan on I'm going after Joe Biden more specifically? Well we're just gonna talk about going to talk about the record because look job as a liberal, but in Washington D C forty years, but the Democratic Party, today has been overtaken by the radical left and all you need to do- is look at the fact that here in the middle of a pandemic, at a time when a mare and businesses are starting to get back on their feet, people and going back to work, even as we continue to deal with with the outbreaks across the sun well, in this country, Joe Biden, actually unveil a plan to raise, access by four trillion dollars. Raced access by now, the two trillion dollars on em on american families, and two trillion dollars on american businesses an end. I have to tell you the we're gonna we're gonna, carry that message everywhere, because it
end of the day there's no more focused on two things: one right now in this administration, and that is that is saving lives and opening up America again it is protecting the vulnerable, making sure he'll care workers have everything they need to meet this moment and bringing countries economy back on me with what the president understood from early on. Is it Not a choice between the health of the american people in a growing economy is a choice between health and health. We we have to have a growing the economy. We have to open up our country again for the help and well being of every american an empty. There goes equally for our schools and the president- and I was in- I was in a way the Anna, but just a couple of years ago were, working were working with leaders in every state in the country, working with the CDC to get our kids back to you know you're, a parent. You know I'm a pair
my kids, are a little bit older than yours, but luckily we know that that the risk I'm serious illness from the corona virus to Americans under the age of eighteen, is very low and with the CDC guidance. We know that we can safely bring people these young people back to school, backdoor to college universally campuses and yet will continue to see Democrats around the country push back on that and we're in a key opening up till it's it's about talking about a plan of the radical left, the Joe Biden, is standing on a platform of standing on a, but also domain don't die. About four trillion dollars in tax increases? But a little bit later today, we're gonna be on the south outline Talkin about all that deletion of this present in his cut in the last year and a half years that have unleashed the american economy, Joe by also announced his version of the green new deal literally two trillion dollars in in Greece in subsidies, and I don't think I have
mind you or your listeners, about the slender deal in the last administration, five hundred million dollars down the drain and in a bankrupt, solar company, now they want to spend two trillion dollars and bring back. Now holding regime of cap and trade to crush him. An energy crush american Energy independence. It it is a pathway toward economic down turn it. Would it more wage war on economic recovery and and that's the message we're gonna take beyond all the other issues having to do with the cold revenue with our ideals having to do with the the to live a strong military and law enforcement. We're gonna talk about our view for the economy that network four, is working again and Joe Biden Jus little little by little this country back I'll, try, taxes and more regulation, and those present and one other area where there is a clear point of differentiation is obviously with regard to China or Joe Biden has a very long record of bees.
Soft on China or what exactly ministration doing, given the fact that the train, have now essentially reduced Hong Kong back into a state of tyranny meanwhile there is video emerging today of the Chinese, literally forcing wiggers onto trains, which obviously brings up some rather nasty imagery from the pass over a million workers. Living in concentration camps at this point. What does the administration doing to counter China these days, No president, my lifetime as mental on the Chinese Communist Party than President Donald Trump. Bewitched Gaza is after years of the Obama Biden, Ministration half of our international trade deficit alone, was with China a country that had policies like forced abortion in the years that follow we, we saw the opera shut up the weaker population, people literally being Marshall, into concentration camps and then in some days we saw them break there were
just to the UK, but to the world about Hong Kong. They made they made a commitment to do or at least fifty years that they would respect but the freedom. The debate accuracy and the people of Hong Kong They unilaterally change and that's why this present has taken strong stance to impose tariffs on China with those them now majority those doors even with a phase one day we did continue to be in effect China is not opened up their markets yet, but with regard freedom of navigation. You know we have a way of a battle group to aircraft carriers and South China, sea and the sector who just reaffirmed our nations commitment, the freedom obligation in the South, China Sea we ve taken a strong stand for human rights, has spoken out against the oppression of the muslim wiggers and energy saw earlier this week. The president sign and executive order taking too
I should action changing the status of Hong Kong. Has been an economic asset for because they had a shepherd status from China. You stick and your mom it, extends to hold China accountable and what Continue to do that. All about said Bell. I've been on this The president in the Bible leaves and engagement in the world. He believes in dialogue. We want a better relationship with China. We want better for China, but we're going to continue this and strong. We strong for they sick, human liberties and human rights in China, or a pre navigation, and wore a stand with the people of Hong Kong malaise Hence, really appreciate your time and appreciate in serving the country the EU do thanks so much bad, it's great to be with you, thanks for your clarion voice on the airwaves and all across the country.
For the darkened, ISA sounds great well folks. That brings us to the end of this week's show. However, there are two more of content coming away, we go to daily where'd. I come an subscribe, also make sure to pick up a signed copy of my book. How destroy America, in three easy steps of dailywire dot com. It's been or pick it up from Amazon dot com and comes out next week want to be one of the first to receive it. I deeply important. I think that everybody that everybody should read, but I think it actually is a deeply important piece of work, otherwise have a great sin weekend. I've been to draw this. Is the Ben Shapiro show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread the word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to we're available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen to podcast, also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including the Andrew Klavan. Show
the Michael Knowles Show and the Matt Walsh Show. Thanks for listening, the Piero show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervising producer his lover and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel. Why dusky technical producer, often Stevens and media operated by Nick. She him associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam silence? Audio is mixed, I might call Romena here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. The bench Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty two Those are my wall. Show not just another, show about about power. I think there are enough of those already, there we talk about culture, because culture drives politics and drives. Everything else so my main focus is our life. Family faith Those are fundamental and that's what the show was about Hope Europe given to listen.
Transcript generated on 2020-07-23.