« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1051 - The Shutdown of Common Sense


California shuts down again; virtue signaling on racial issues continues to matter more than saving actual black lives; and the radicals endorse Biden.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
California shuts down again Governor Andrew Whole makes a fool of himself of a weird poster, and virtue signalling on racial issues continues to matter more than saving lives, and bench appear of this the eventually Russia, we are actually sponsored by Express GPS. Why haven't you got no Vps yet should have a visit expressive, gps, dot com, slash than ok. So we begin at this hour with your latest covert nineteen update. So the continued increase in case load is indeed continuing witnessing an increase caseload in places like California, cases like Florida facing increased has positive, but there is a simple reality, which is that we are not seeing this things by the way that it did in New York in New York. The curve look extremely steep on one end, and then it came down extremely steeply on the other end of the curve. The reason for that is because it burned through the entire city. In fact, there are precincts in New York or some fifty to sixty percent of all the people in these parts.
Increasing already have antibodies. So that is the reason why you ve seen this thing come down so quickly, not because of masterful leadership in New York, in crappy leadership elsewhere, in fact, is precisely the reverse is decent leadership elsewhere in a variety of different parties right from Colorado to Georgia, and then the crappy leadership over in New York City. So what most of these states have done is indeed flattened the curve. In fact, there is a doktor from the University of Southern Florida who was talking about this on CNN yesterday. Talking about the the issues over in Florida with regard to the increased caseload, and he pointed out that this is a different epidemic than hit me your in fact, he pointed out that floored as emergency department visits from Covet actually pizza last week and the test positive right, actually pigs. Last week's, when you look at all the headlines coming out of lords doomed after about to hit Florida was it things are not going to be great. In Florida for a couple of weeks, because death, as always, is a lagging indicator, but the idea that they're going to see Florida,
but that is so far unsupportable by the data. The only people who have seen New York type numbers are there, Workers and the reason is on your ten numbers, because Andrew Cuomo decided to do all the things we ve gone. He shut down late when he did shut down. He didn't clean any the subways when he did shut down. He then proceeded to ship all discovered, positive, nursing, home patients back into the nursing homes and there's some people out there, who are literally attempting to pretend that Andrew Cuomo did a wonderful job. Here I mean I'm not kidding about this there. A bunch of people on the left to keep saying is any slab at the former Obama era. Official from I believe that the FDA under obama- Andy Slab, it actually tweeted out that New York had an incredible incredible job. Why? Because Cuomo
here she talked to the people, he talked of the universe things he did. A wonderful job is Andrew Kuemmel himself, and I have to begin today with this insane poster. Then we're gonna put out now. Imagine if president from put out a poster showing the curve for covered in the United States, the number of covert debts in the United States, which has declined by some thirty to forty percent in the United States over the period fashion, more than sixty percent. Since the height of covert, ok imagined that Trump had put out a poster championing himself, championing his own performance during covered nineteen. That's exactly what Andrew Cuomo did and we are being told that this guy is the epitome of american leadership, and so I need to talk about this poster for second, because it's totally insane and he's totally bat bleep loony, so Cuomo put out on the official Newark website for sale, New York, tough posters, smart, United Discipline, loving- and this is mistaken- you put outcomes,
I love history. I love poster art. Poster art is something they did in the early nineties, hundreds late eighteen hundred when they had to communicate their hope platform in one piece of paper over the past few years have done my own posters, the capture that feeling I did a new one for what we went through with covet, and I think the general shape is familiar to you. We went up the mountain, we curve, the mountain. We came down the other side and these are little telltale signs that to me represent what was going on. I have personal if you take this mountain and map it directly onto the charge of what we are supposed to avoid with our covered treatments. It maps exactly like literally, could take this curve and you can actually plant it. I remember there is the very famous bend the curve lower the curve chart, the flat in the curve chart and flattened curve chart, but like one big curve that speaks up real high and then came down really quickly, but it spiked above the wine, and then there was the good curve Charter and the girl good for chart grew kind of slowly and then it sort of pigs. Then it sort of receded, while the pro
MS did Andrew calls Mountain, looks exactly exactly like the bad curve, but exactly like the banker, this is it. This is the most insane its most insane poster I've ever seen in my entire life. It's totally crazy. It's has on the top wake up. America forget the politics, get smart, governor, Andrew Cuomo and then there's a rainbow across the top. It says, love wins somewhere it's a gay rights posters, something I mean that's what is reminiscent of Reigneth love is love rainbow it what it love, wins. Thirty five, thousand people died in your stay dude. What what? What amen it shows on the on the left hand, side of the poster it shows a plane and its as Europeans, Threem in January and March Kobe, nineteen on a plane. And it shows a face. Its winds of fear
in view of the air and then there's a rope that that's being pulled by New Yorkers Vol types, the New Yorkers Healthcare workers, essential workers, is being pulled over. The mountain is pulling down the curve together. The our of we up in the sky by the way is hanging a weird, emblazon son, as well as a moon upon which is it president from saying it's just the flu and then there's an arrow, pointing nearly straight up. It's a projection models, but they defeated the projection miles. No, you didn't defeat. The projection miles is exactly what the bottles look like, exactly exactly what they look like, and then it just has a series of various sort of things that we're done right here. A picture of the daily briefing and then it has make hands, entities member they made handsets, has you memorialize be crap? this time in modern New York history with disposed to be put right on your wall, and you remember, each and every day how New York was just a trash where the sirens we're going twenty four hours a day.
Everybody was locked in their home and you can celebrate along with Andrew Cuomo. All you have to do is drop a few bucks to the state of New York. I mean this is patently insane is totally crazy, like its wild. This link honest to God is stolen, poster in the middle of the Holodomor, raise it it's like. We start Ukraine, also Bread basket of the world really got what, in what you gave, it says, make hand sanitize or new Rochelle hotspot is like a picture of little fire and then newer, pause, shutdown, sorry, we're closed testing tracing and there's an actual nostril with eight with eggs, swab going up the Nose hospital surgeon, flax, Javert, economy falls into a river going down a hundred and eleven days of health, and this is New York. State leads again get got now. This is bad guys. This is real bad. It didn't go. Well,
Do you not remember that it didn't go well? No, even the chart what's hilarious about this is eating. His little timeline shows that he did a crappy job like it, because not only does the thing peak really steeply and then start the body to burn through the entire Also, it shows that it shows the masking up only at the peak right. That's what it says, his mask up at the peak and then phase one socially distance after the peak, and then this is follow. The data boy friend cliff. I have no idea what boyfriend what is supposed to be. It is his boy frankly I don't I don't know what that is a pair, and there's like an actual guy hanging from Uclaf, understand and then the variances follow the bat stay, smart caution ahead and then underneath it has the sea of division, and that is just not Amanda not I'm sorry new, Yorkers, you'll like it or not, and you deserve it because you like it and immediately and eighty percent improve operating in your area. Unbelievably insane state. What in the actual f? This is your governor,
you're Gunnar well done everyone, it's good. They have such artistic souls General Cuomo leading you through these turbulent turbulence had, but we end quote, was making a cottage industry have just lecturing us. He certainly lecturing everyone he's lecturing the scientists who is responsible for a number of doubts. That is, I believe, one. Ninth, the number of deaths that New York has seen on a case per million level and on a deaths per million level. New York is like something eight to nine times as high as Florida, and you got to scientists being lectured by Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, lecturing people on how masks work. Dude, it wouldn't masks the court would save New York. What happened is that everyone died, ok, that that is actual answer as to what happened in New York, is they burn through your entire city of New York? Is now suggesting they're gonna track visitors. They're gonna find you. If you provide your contact information, you entered the state of New York, I'm old enough to remember when other states did this to New York and Andrew Cuomo said that it was a violation of the constitution. This Florida side, if you come in from New York,
check you and an almost like. You can't do that. Privileges and immunities clause, Unita, let everybody in and now doing precisely the opposite to everybody. I mean he's just awful he's just awful, but the media's near about Cuomo is that he's doing an incredible job that it's it's astounding to me, how open and obvious media becoming device in the point- their openly line at this point that there were lying before about qualmless performance been others? Clearly, one because we can all see the mountain written from us. He turned the mountain into a painting. He turned the mountain of death We're painting you can put on your wall honestly or my We have nothing so much as the scene from winning the pool where, when the poor get his ass stuck in rabbits house and rabbit deciding. He can't do anything about the fact that we need the police know stuck there and wedged in and cannot get out decides that he's going to make antlers out of winning the Poos ass. He actually like paints a base on it puts antlers on an apolitical mantle below. It is he's gonna turn, but is about
situation into a work of art and that's the end require more, is getting a pile of dead bodies that you know what I'm making a poster guys and you can hang their postal on your walk. Why? What s you'll see the artistic saw in New York is not tat. In fact, it is infused all of your politics wait until we have to build a blogger and raised in a little bit, because here loves to paint these guys love to paint. I have a line here. I cannot use, but they were. It has to do with the producers. Soviet liberties producers line about painting, then you'll know where I'm going, if not tough deal that in any case, we'll get to more of it. Second plus you will get to California shutting down again. I think that the lock down to become part of a crutch for people who don't actually want make tough public policy decisions. Locker just away for you to me. I'm doing everything. I can't please leave me alone. Please stop this, because you won't get criticized if you lock everything down all the things in the world, but you will get criticized if you try and bull your way through the
thing and recognise that there are risks and rewards you shutting down? So if you're, if you're a governor, given the media right now. The best thing you can do for your own political profile is to shut everything. That's what gave a new some is doing in California. My garbage say will get to that in just one taken. First, let's talk about the fact that cellphone bills are one of those things that never go down. People just get used to that won't. You shouldn't really be used to that. By switching to pure talk, USA, you can cut costs in free up cash on a monthly basis starting with your wireless provider. Pure talk covers ninety nine percent of Americans. The presidency, yell of your talk, is U S veteran? Who cares,
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down to fifty sake. You were Ben Shapiro. Ok so gave a new some has shut down the entire set of California again again and remember, given Newsome has basically escaped scrutiny thus far, even though he had a spike the exact same time as Florida in taxes he's gaped scrutiny because he didn't actually open. Anything up, I'm from Ella nothing actually open when all the things are actually closed, but we're not gonna close everything back down now. Here's the thing. The only reason to walk things down at this point seriously is because you think that the health care system is going to be overwhelmed. I've seen no indicators that the state of California is on the verge of being overwhelmed by get that. For some reason, the language of flat MC curve was shifted from or flattening her to avoid of woman system to or trying to crush the curve so that nobody ever get scope it again, and that is not a reality. In our current situation, we have millions and millions- maybe twenty million Americans who have this thing-
those are the CDC estimates. They say that for every positive test, they're, probably ten people who already have it- we don't know about it, which would put us it like twenty three million at this point. So if that's the case, there's communities, bread, shutting this thing down for prolonged period of time. All that's going to do is stop it in the vote. But the minute you open up again at all there can be increased caseload now get the Good NEWS, is there were treating the single out better. We have a bunch of different drugs that we have been using. It come up with new techniques. The fatality rate, the case they tell you rate on this thing has dropped like a stone, particularly in hospitals in Florida, for example. The case fatality rate is now down below one percent, in New York? He was up in your five percent during the peak, which is really really high. Obviously, on California, California is experiencing a search. The surge has not reflected itself in mass death. Okay, so careless
when it. The great I mean a member can pretend California has has not experience in uptake. Of course, it is experiencing again it has experienced in optic in death, as the latest statistics in California, California was leading the way in terms of new deaths, so total debts. Yesterday, there there were approximately forty five new debts. Gesture, that I've been Sunday in terms of the reporting in California in terms of the in terms of the Daily DAS, they really escalated. Last week last week there were by day a hundred eighteen hundred fifty a hundred thirty seven hundred two on Friday. There are seventy four. So those numbers are lot hired. They had been, but they are nothing like New York numbers. Remember the population, California, is extraordinarily high. The population of this data- California, is what thirty million thirty five million at least thirty five million. Those are thirty nine million its forty million people live in the state of California, so there are a hundred and fifty deaths at the peak in Caliph
when you, then they may have already crossed the beacon move back on the other side, but we don't know yet so we're still watching that the idea there shut down. The entire state of California, which is exactly like evolution, is doing. I dont know how that looks like commonsensical policy, particularly because he's not just closing places that are like the highest risk. He's closing everything I understand, closing back down. For example, in short, signing restaurants right I've been time whenever I dine out. I've been timing out like outside which I've been recommended for a long time is the restaurants should be able to use city streets in order to allow people to eat outside but he's not just doing that. You shouldn't down all the things he shutting down all gems, all places of worship, almost all personal character. He's all barbershops, also lawns and non critical offices in counties, states monitoring list they'll have to shut down. The counties, are placed under the new law and order that eighty percent of the state population given Newsome, explain He explained why he was shutting all of this year and Harry was yesterday. We are now effectively
their effective today requiring all counties to close their indoor act. Tilities there, indoor operations following sectors, restaurant Wineries tasting rooms, movie theater, his family entertainment centres Zoo and museums card rooms and the shutter of all bars. This is in every county in the state of California, not just counties that we're on the monitoring list that we announced. On July, first, ok, that's for everyone, now them it s, not just the monitoring was that everywhere, that's everywhere ogier. Let us be clear about this Ellie, never really open, except for the protests right. The protests with big opening everybody got covert, apparently from the protests. In fact, even Barbara Ferrara, the L, a county public health official. She said, oh by the way it made in the protests that sort of seated this stuff again. California report more than three hundred twenty thousand cases of cover. Nineteen and seven thousand deaths total for state of thirty nine point: five million people again.
Remember, California has twice the population of the state of New York and they have approximately one quarter: the number of deaths less than one quarter. The number of deaths thus far hormones at a great job of just just pointing out from an amazing job. On Sunday, twenty three people died from the virus in California, according to the centre for systems that science and engineering at Johns Hopkins University L, a county leads the state with more than a hundred and thirty three thousand cases California's been on and off and on enough also allay in San Diego have announced that they are going to keep the schools in the fall which, again, there is very little data to support the idea that the schools must be shut down. We just don't know enough is the answer where there's a lot of conflicting data, but we do know is that in Europe, The schools are already open and have been opened for quite a while, and I have not seen a significant surge among the childhood population. There's some creative ways to deal with it, which would with which we talked about yesterday. But the problem is all the political incentives right now are in favour of this Viner, because the media have drawn this minor, read them in doing it. Since Georgia, they ve been saying that if you are in a state, where
they have Quarterboat Reopen hemmings. Everything is open. It means that people are willing really doing exactly what they want. It is not true. Ok! It's not true! I been in Florida for like a couple of weeks here and I've been going around. Every single person is one of them ask everyone is masked up. Most businesses are still open. If I want to take my kid somewhere, the only place I can take. My kids are places that are outdoors, which I think is actually good. The idea that Florida is wide open and therefore that Florida had it coming or the idea the California had wide opened itself. It's not true. Ok, California, never really open. California, never went back to status quo Ante health when it was shut down its entire time, which suggests that really what is changed her at all
is the weather and personal activity a little bit and by the way I do the government lockdown change any. This is not true either you can actually look at the statistics and you can see how people to change their travel and association habits as the virus began to gain all sorts of coverage and media people actually stop travelling before this stuff started to happen. I remember for politicians, because people tend to look at politicians, as God like figures who can fix everything, as opposed to like idiots who can ruin everything which is pretty much all they can do. Instead of that, people tend to look to their politicians as well. Something bad happened. It's the politicians, while in some cases that's true. I give an obvious thing. You can point you like shipping people with covered back into nursing homes. That's pretty obvious case of the polish fail, but if the question is a man who, if they use these politicians, only mandated masks that would change everything now, not really because the truth is that people who are cautious are putting unmasked and have been doing so for quite a while and people who are not cautious, as can be very difficult to regulate them into wearing masked. Just a simple fact
after so much of this had become about virtue signalling. However it with regard to the masked like there is theirs to the point where it become basically just appointed Frank, shame people, you don't take it seriously enough you're, not wearing a mass twenty four hours a day. The stupidest example of which there is a picture yesterday going around of our friends, had crews in TAT, TED crews was on a plane and summits the picture of eminent at TED crews not wearing a mask on a plane he's literally holding up a cup of coffee is a picture of him. Women about I am at one minute after with the mask on, but because he took down his mess to drink a cup of coffee people are all over because the idea is that you're denying the masks work by the way how masks work has become an absolute point of faith in America. I'm old enough to remember when that was actually kind of a conference. And because the CDC said so, the CDC itself told us we weren't supposed to worm asked difficult. They they literally said cloth mass are not going to do anything now. They're, like Oilcloth mass, certainly do everything and if you don't actually participate in,
I swear it is because our evil now listen, I've been saying for a long time on the shape and go back any can listen to have been saying to it. But I've been seeing for months that, when you are out and about you, should be wearing a mask when you're in close contact with the people at the very least or preventing some of the droplets that x it your mouth from being, get into the air. I've been saying this for a long time, I'm not an anti mass guy, but to pretend that the evidence from asked is like a hundred percent salad, we know full well what all the master gonna do or that by the way most people wearing asked to hardware mask is crazy. They litter, I have a medical school classes on. How is it like to have a quarter they were supposed to take and how to properly fit a mask and were talking about like the best masks, the ones that got the surgical mask where they hold up here? Unless you have it like properly fit. Face the areas coming up out of their anyway you're cutting down on some of the communication of the germs, but not all of the communication of the germs This means that, where it, but the idea that, like you're, an actor of great evil, if you are out in public at any point- and you don't have mask on your face- is- is purely crazy. It has
come sort of a virtual signalling thing, not just an element of of good science and this issue. This is why again, I've every step along, I think I'm one of the few people who can say this on the ripe every step along the way when the experts changed their opinions. I also change my opinion. Ok, every step along the way when the expert said DORA masquers like ok, I guess that's what we're masked men. They experts like worm. S sounds good. I guess we'll have to wear. Asked the experts will, like you, know what we probably should shut down from the indoor areas, because lots of communication of just go K. I get that, but now now you given us every message on every possible topic, I would have to let common sense take over and welcome since tells me, along with the science, is the children in great danger from this things. This idea, the your endanger, invest scores of children by opening schools is insane. Common sense tells me that most Americans are put willing to stay away from each other. Unless there, dumb twenty year olds, wanna go to bars, in which case ok see, shut down the bars, because you don't want the virus
transmitted high rates, but also, if twenty roads get it probably not gonna die, because that's what the stats actually say, so. The science tells me but dont tell me that I and tells me have to shut down entire cities again and that this is going to solve the problem in any serious way. This propagandistic effort to make a policy decision and then read content into Andrews following the sides. Pretty wild, aren't Duncan Secretary of Education in the brok about he tried this routine yesterday. He said that anybody who advocates for opening schools wants me today, which is just crazy. Ok over in Europe. They had open schools for a very very long time and that there is not a lot of evidence that those schools are centres of transmission, and there is also a lot of evidence. The kids are really getting hurt by this thing. In fact, your more likely to die from the flu than you are to die from this. If you are under the age of twenty. Design Duncan, however propagandizing the real? travesty here. Bride is that there is no body count high enough for the president to actually pay attention to science, we could lose another thousand, we could lose another. Fifty thousand, we could lose another.
Thousand. Nothing would compel him to listen to doktor to fancy and others. We actually fighting to try and save lives and schools are gonna put teachers principles, their children their children's families in a position of risk is far too high. Ok some schools are going to do all that, because the data actually supports the idea that school should open American Academy. Pediatrics says the schools should open rubber Readville the CDC, so the schools should reopen reporting to earn Duncan you're. Not following the signs must listen. Hey. This is all about at this point. So much of this is about virtue, signalling, as opposed to actually following good common sense policymaking, advice and people. Dont want have the arguments. They just label other people, bad actors, militias accurate, thrown care about human life very irritating here when we get to more of this, especially on the issue of race, where the narrative has over one common sense in just once,
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an unconscious moment, taking a mask a very bad. Unless your Democrat, marching with black lives matter protesters, in which case you're very good, No one will die and everything is fine. So it seems that so much of this house would narrative and very little that has to do with common sense at all locked down locked down the bottom line is this thing is going to move its way through the population from us. There is a vaccine can be therapy to treatments and as long as the healthcare system is not over well there's, not all that much. You can do about that. That's pretty much all that's pretty much it had, but on racist, the same sort of stuff so disproportionately blackened expanded people getting shot in York, city kids, get real ugly over in New York City. Neuro city has seen mass shooting increases. Obviously New York City over the weekend saw a rising shooting it again. A wonderful boy was murdered after gunman fired on a gathering in a park, which is always a good luck. I'm glad that buildup lazo reopen the parts in time for people to get shot there. That's exciting. A wonderful boy was killed Thirty four people were injured and more than two dozen shootings in York City over the weekend continue
the rise in violence that begin earlier. The summer. According to police officials, this the Wall Street Journal reporting, the boy was shot in the stomach. When gunman, open fire on Sunday night on a gathering at a park in Brooklyn. According to New York Police Department officials, the child develop Gardner was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. Three other people were also shot in. The incident took place around one thousand, one hundred and thirty p dot m in the Bedford Stuyvesant Section of the borough. According to the officials, all three were expected to survive. New York City Bill De Blasio, mayor called the incident. So painful said it's not something. We can never look away from it, something you must address and stop, and it's just horrifying say how is he
and stopping all of this, the shooting of like babies in one year olds, baby, the shooting of a baby in your city. How exactly ass he making all that stuff well is painting blacklist matter murals, and he says that we cannot allow. We cannot allow people to deface black lives matter. Murals is very important that this painting on the street remain. This is the key. This is the key there's paint those splashed on the mural summary splash red paint over the black lives matter, mural, ok and then build applause. You showed up and helped repainted because all of his deity workers he's got money for the deity workers repaint. This thing, ok, he then its Emily, but here's what you tweet it up to whoever vandalized our mural on Fifth avenue. Nice try, department, friends, protection is already fixed it, the black I met a movement is more than words and it can't be undone if, by more than to me. It is only words to you. It is little We only words, it is little.
The words on a street. That is all it is to you. You don't give a damn that black kid just got shot and apart. You don't give a damn sittings in your city have risen dramatically. It is literally only words is three words in yellow letters on a street, that's it as the iter. Thing for, though the plaza he does not give too hot damn about the fact that every single person, who has been shot in the city of New York in the last month is where a person of color he does not care about that Does it not one iota? What he cares about is the virtue signalling. How do you know because curious priorities that are keep that paint down there? You splash repaying we're on it. We got the funding for the deity, but Really cut funding from the cops, and not only are we gonna cut funding from the cops, the goals of defending the police. It's the right move, the goal of defining the police that threaten secures build the Palazzo back to back. He says one: you can happily blacklist net or movement because we have paint because we have paint, and then he says the funding is the right direction. Areas defending the police, the right
wretched. We obviously of money out of the OECD Budget Putty India These programmes put it into social services, put it into recreation centres for young people. That's really the right direction, I'm glad we did that by the fact that we're going to to fight crime in many ways is also clear. We need the good work of the men and women, the am streets of our city, we need communities to come forward, particularly through civically should clergy cure violence movement do The things that they can do and they can do things that police can't do so by minded people then get shot in his city in care. He's got the words he's got paintings in the city. That's what he's got! Ok that this this is signalling bull, because that's what it is it just signalling both.
Although this is, is a way to avoid commonsensical realities like if you remove cops from the street. More people die. That's it. I mean honesty got if this guy emissions to unbelievable all these politicians, or so focused on the important things in life. We gotta have that painting on that street. And then the be the worst thing of all is going to be amended in symbolism of New York City really is the black lives matter, painting on the street and a person getting shot on the street Raymond? If you ve, had to create a political cartoon network would be up and bleeding out on the streets. Has black lives matter well build the plaza stands at the paintbrush. That is everything that's what's going on right now, and that's what's happening nationwide. There are serious problems in this country, all of which are being invited. Not even the problem of police brutality is being handled. Nothing has been done. The Republicans injuries to build Democrats killed it. They filibustered a discussion of the bill. No one cares about actual answers. All I care about is the virtue signalling another piece from the New York Times TAT Times today: a slap in the face, new challenges. Black lives
or painting the debate over whether to allow the street art has exacerbated racial tensions in tat, skill or just over. A fifth of the population is black. According to the New York Times, the street painting would stretch about three blocks from village from village pizza too, to the satellite, the southern and mainstream spelling out black lives matter on the pavement. The proposal didn't see much much been asked in the weeks since George Lloyd was the police in Minneapolis. The phrases been painted on street from Washington DC to Charlotte North Carolina and on Thursday evening from from Tower Manhattan, but village leaders in cats go bought, offering several counter proposals instead, including one that would have allowed the painting but the black area of town. No one can be a nose. It surely cross thirty one, a member of the Hudson Casket Housing Coalition, which proposed the painting. I feel like a slap in the face for black people. Ok, alternatively, those paintings don't do bleak. They don't do anything. The paintings mean now nothing? They are all symbolic nonsense can, if you want
black lives marry you you have to do about. You actually have to pursue policies that make black lives matter and the father One year old was on tv yesterday he didn't get a single call from building walls. You're, not one as it was you d from the New York City government, but those obliges out there remained brush in this is its absolute insanity all that matters is the signalling in the end, the signalling is the policy is why you see, for example, the? U S conference of mayors, now backing Democrats plans for slavery, reparations commissions which will never come to fruition? On Monday, you, a conference of mayors, published a letter in which they back the idea of Democrats to create a reparations mission. So the idea of slavery reparations to forty one million black Americans could be examined according to Hank burying writing for the daily wire the letter signed on behalf of the mayor's by Louisville Mayor Gregg Fisher. The presidents of the organisation was addressed. A senator acquired book
New Jersey and representing she legitimately of taxes, would submitted bills in their respective houses to create a reparations committee problem solved guys a committee and if you oppose this, is because your racist bring get two more of the virtue signalling over common sense in just one. Second, first, let's talk about your internet freedom, so the same snowflakes who want to control all aspects of life. They also love to be able to control the kind of material you see. One way you can avoid them controlling the kind materials want to read or watch.
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America is bad and responsible for all your problems. Inculcating and reinforcing that message is the key actually doing the hard work of making lives better than has nothing do anything. The only thing that matters is the signalling the signalling above that's why, for example, using James Madison College in Michigan State University, considering changing its name accordingly, John Brown, over a daily dot com administrators of potential college named after James Madison, you know that I'm framed the constitution announced their willingness to expand the fail. Father's name from their institution. In a letter addressed last week to alumni students and friends of the college interim seen Linda rashly Opie, an assistant dean Jeff Judge expressed their desire to foster an environment where students can thrive, scholars and human beings. Adding quote as such. The college is taking steps to combat systemic racism and the perpetuation of whiteness and to probe how it can best support students have come especially blackened students. So what exactly are we gonna? Do they intend to combat racism in advance and antiracist agenda within our colleagues, such as revising curricula
course, material recruiting more students of color providing councillors for students color dealing with racial drama in dipping in an endowment to annually visiting scholar, residents will teach ending, age and research on algae beating. You issues also their considering Ray aiming the James Madison College, which is really important digit racism solved guys, but it s not about solving racism. It's about the idea that America is thorough thoroughly and in entirely, even by the way, with each surrender in this particular culture were that doesn't make the argument better. For the other side is only by concealing the others, you know what you're not a racist, we just let you you're right you're right. You know America's less racist today than it was yesterday, because your man James Madison from the name of your residential dormitory nobody's gonna say that on the left, if you actually believe that you're out of your mind nobody What is going to say? Well, you know, because you painted black lives matter on the street. That means there. Now you are exempt from everything further is weird idea in the culture wars that, if you surrender in the culture worth and everybody
you alone after that, in its nonsense. It do you think that the crusade to cleanse all of our public spaces of anything that could possibly be interpreted by white, woke. Liberals is offensive to to minorities, which is really what's happening here, that this sort of stuff is is going to in the end make America Howard place. Is that what you think, for example, the Washington Redskins, are officially announcing that there, the NFL teams can retire? The name and the lover I hear the case I do I mean, like known, granulating Redskin, these, of course its offensive. But the idea that you have actually cleansed America racism, by getting rid of the name or that this is the final step, is nonsense. There is no final step that immediately upon
this happening. There is now a Washington Post, editor Karen Atta, who, by the way, has suggested that white people are bad right. The white women should be taken. Revenge upon sheds delete that sweet to their global opinions. Editor carried out here, and she did one week of reading about the Texas Rangers like they, the group, the Texas Rangers, and then she says the Texas Rangers should rename themselves. She said to know the full history of the Texas Rangers is to understand. The teams. Name is not too far off from being called the Texas Clansmen Anthea Group in Dallas issues raised on myths about Texas Rangers as brave and wholesome guardians of the Texas Frontier well, we didn't realize at the time was it. The rangers were cruel racist force when it came to the non white when habited the beautiful, untamed, Texas territory, the Texas Rangers division is an agency within the Texas Department, public safety, with we'd criminal investigative responsibility. I mean this is still a group that exists. Obviously, as you know, the first job
rangers formed in eighteen. Thirty five was to clear the land of Indians for white settlers and showed that was just the start and ensure talks about the bad history of the Texas Rangers. Quite setting a book about the reasons by dogs wants, and she pointed out that she did. I am not getting she said read for a week about this, and now I'm offended so until until now, no one was we ve done executives like oh you mean, like the cops the Texas Rangers you mean, like the group inside to Texas government, the Texas Range because I don't think anybody who routes for the Texas Rangers, like no one Ryan Texas Rangers has done yeah man secret white, supremacist signals. But now your retroactively outraged by thing didn't know about until five seconds ago, and that no one cared about until five seconds ago, racism has been expunged has been cleanse so now she is calling for the Texas Rangers because Karen adds yet did some reading guys. She did some reading analogies done. Reading she's offended offended, and that means everything changes, and this is obviously that this does nothing to make life better in the United States. Nothing. No life has been made better by India.
May I challenge you to find me the life that has been made better by the controversy over the Washington Redskins name. I challenge you to find me the life that has been made better by a giant mural. That's his black lives matter in front of from power, while people are being shot at twice the normal rate in New York City. Please find me the person whose life was made materially better by this funding. The person whose life was made, maturity better by the sort of idiotic training, The companies are now forcing employees to go through where you are told, to examine your own whiteness and to look at all of your black colleagues with a sort of awkward level of connect as Robin the Angelo basically suggestion way. Fragility is that can make the workplace more integrated or less integrated. When you look at your black coworker and you think yourself so does not persons. Nepotism fear me there there's no, the prisoners inferior, their coworker, but according to the left, they do fear you, because of your here Whiteness amuses whiteness of the system
Rita, been ally. You actually have to be more ETA remove from black colleagues. In order for you to be an ally the anti racist movement you to see yourself as he is a malicious. Or interracial drama that predates your existence and you have never participated in and if you don't do that, then you run ally. It's all about the signalling it's all about and signalling in the end is about Americans, broadly speaking, white Americans, broadly speaking, but mostly about America generally, the systems of America have to be torn out by the route now get the virtuous England doesn't send everywhere, so the NBA is a virtue, signalling culture. The NBA virtue signalling only extends to one particular area right in terms of race
The NBA will never extended virtue, signalling to, for example, challenging chinese domination of Hong Kong is a story out of the Washington for Beacon. They wouldn't get too in a second, which demonstrates the complete hypocrisy. The social justice Warrior NBA in just one second. First, when you are running a business, as you know, our issues can absolutely Marguerite. Hr issues are some of the toughest issues and you got to deal with the staff and have a whole hr department just to deal with all the regulations and requirements in wrongful termination suit and all the rest of this kind of stuff. Well, do you really want entire HR department, or do you actually just want to go out and get Bambi enrich our manager? Salary is not cheap can be up to seventy thousand bucks a year Bambi Spell Ba. I'm BT was created specifically for small business. You get a dedicated hr manager, craft age, our policy, and you maintain your compliance offered. Ninety nine, but too much with Bambi. You can change hr from your biggest liability. Your biggest strength, you're dedicated html,
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copy. Also, if you are not already a daily remember, you should consider getting a readers past daily where it I can't it's great value. Only three bucks month, when you sign up you get that first month for only ninety nine cents. You also get access for mobile app articles have free access to exclusive at its Orioles like this one from one of our contributors have politicization anxiety and misdirection are still driving. The pandemic. Narrative of young checked out our readers past had on over to daily wired, not common sign up for just one dollar go check them out right now, daily Wire, can sign up for just a bucket listening to the largest fastest growing conservative Pakistan. Radio show in the nation is now the nice thing about making all of american politics about the signalling, as opposed to the actual power. Is it means that if you signal the wrong way, we can actually before even get a policy see if you can, if you can go after people based on their fight crime before you even have to have the debate about policy, it makes the debate about. How is he moved breaks, get rid of all the people who are not super hot on the
a giant virtues signalling paintings on the street. They black lives matter, thus implying that a huge percentage Americans believe it black lives, do not matter right if you can get people to cortical out themselves as racist, proposing random signal of the day, and that means you never have to have a policy discussion about the actual awkward stuff in american public life like why I mean people shooting each other in your city. Why are so many people shooting each other in Washington DC, why their disproportionate poverty rates and why the disproportionate education rates and what does that do with history how much of that its history and how much of that is currently decision making all the awkward conversations can be completely delighted if you can cast out of the opportunity wish into the cornfield all the people who refuse to go along with the virtues singling remember what virtue signalling is really about is Ray,
the flat you raise the flag people rally around the flag. If they refuse to rally round your flag there out of the ten they cannot be inside your war camp. You cannot have any sort of conversation with them inside the tent. That is the goal here. So much of politics is about rallying around a particular slogan or message or flag, and if you make it so that everyone who refuses to rally round a particular slogan must reflect, is cast out intent. You just made your job a lot easier because here's the thing, let's say that I venture Piero, am not in favour of painting a giant mural. This has black lives matter in front of my house hey it's public's route, we all on it and I believe that black eyes matter, just as everyone else is like matters and by the way when I say that that not only is there not racist, most Americans agree with it here. There's a pole from economists, you got your it's about disconnect from our political media and the american public support from economist. You go and it asked among differential groups humming
People believe that the slogan all lives matter is bad because remember, are they going wisdom on the left is that if you say somebody's issue, black lives matter, nor not allowed say either all black lives matter, apparently is bad right down. Lemon told me on CNN: it's bad! If I say all black lives matter, then I'm discussing the problems of murderer in in black communities and discussing the problems of poverty and inequality. An education and all the single motherhood novels and hissing. We can say that black lives matter just mean all black eyes met. It just means the cops are bad right blacklist matter equals defined the police. I just do not want to say that, but the thing is really not allowed to take all I've. Never somebody says you black lives matter. What you're not allowed to do is say all lives matter, and if you All these matters, because your bad there most Americans in instinctively like what the hell are you talking about all includes the category black. When I say black lives matter, Annesley all eyes, matter, blockage,
a subset of all. So, of course, monitoring all eyes met. I mean yes, including black people clearly, but the media have decided that that detracts from the message. The black lives matter. Why? Because the black lives matter, messages and implicit rebuke of the United States, because the implicit rebuke is out there somewhere there, bunch people who deny the black lives matter and when you say all live After what you really saying is the most Americans agree that all lives matter, but that's really what you're saying so? How do Americans feel about the slogan? Olives manner, this loophole? Jus. Ninth, two June: Seventh, United Twenty twenty economist Yoke of fifteen hundred it out. Does the following slogan: carry a positive or negative association to you all lives matter. Don't do this by race can buy race. Ok took in total fifty six percent of Americans say that they have positive associate
genes with the phrase allies matter, seventeen percent say they are neutral. So that means that seventy three percent of Americans, seventy three percent of Americans are positive or neutral on the phrase all lives matter, but have em in black Americans. Aren't black Americans deeply offended by the phrase? All lives matter, the economist you gotta pull says forty five percent of black Americans say they have positive feelings about slogan: black lives matter, twenty one percent say they are neutral on it. So. Sixty six percent, two thirds of black Americans, say that the phrase always matter is not offensive or they like it. According to the media, as bad so our ideological racists are these black people outside the over. Window outside the hand. By the way he's getting people. Fifty eight percent, positive associations, the same number moonlight in fact,
in its banks have very similar numbers which gives the lie to the local people of color all think the same way. Nonsense, right, blacks and Hispanics actually think very differently about this white and Hispanics thing kind of the same Hispanics. Fifty eight percent say they are positive, associate with all I've matter. Sixteen percent today of neutral associations with all eyes matter, so seventy four percent of Hispanics compared to sixty six percent of black compared to sixty sixty five percent is sorry. Seventy five percent of White say that they have positive associations at all. I've met are no. You wouldn't know that from the media coverage. Would you you know that, because, according to the media coverage, this is a signal. Right. The signal is all the matters if you say allies manageable, Lies Mary erases, that's the signal and we don't have a conversation with you. Never and most Americans of every single racial group have positive associations with the phrase all eyes manner. So far as a virtue signalling got only as far as left as it does so. The NBA has been virtually signalling about all these racial topics. Obviously particularly
on anomalies and they decided they're going to allow people to where social justice messages on the back of their jerseys. Now that the first person who puts on the back of their jersey tariffs are bad policy and foster political dysfunction along the way on the back of their jersey. I will, I will personally give a thousand dollars any any player who puts that back of their jersey. I will I will crowd fund half a million dollars for any player who puts free Hong Kong on the back of their jersey, await you can't you can't Gambia, won't allow you, according to the Washington Free Beacon, in keeping with the lead policy political statements, the official online store, the NBA does not permit fans to order accustomed. Jersey with the phrase. Free Hong Kong printed on the back free home is one of the many phrases banned under the envious New Jersey policy. She can put up black lives matter, but you can't do free Hong Kong. If you type free Hong Kong into the text box, they say we are unable to customize deciding what the text you entered. Please try a different
Tree here are some of the phrases that you're allowed to put into the NBA phrase: Generator F, Hong Kong. You could do you, could you defend police? Did you about cops, you. Could you beware of Jews, you could you ban gypsies? If do regime for life you? Could you nine eleven hoax. You could do end Taiwan, you could you Trump has AIDS depends, is gay and Uyghurs lie? All of those you can put on the jerseys. As the Washington rebuking Beacon out a number of NBA players, including Lebron James, have rallied around you can report and watch and arousing was recently suspended. After writing. A few irresponsible press release from Josh highly pointing out the warmth between the NBA and the government of China, so that lot of virtues in line with no virtue over in the over in the end always good news. Ok, so we have two more hours of additional contains a little bit later. One thing that I have neglected to do for several weeks because of all the news in the riot everything
I think I like so I want to recommend a book that is worthy of reading. Is a book by John Mc War was a linguistics professor, it's a book from back in two thousand morning lost? None of its punch is called losing the race self sabotage in Black America when he talks about the the real of many of the actual real problems inside the black community that don't involve painting giant slogans on three quarters to make white woke people feel better about themselves. It's really worthy of the reason. Socio, professor of Linguistics, it at you see Berkeley, is the author of several books, and this book is is certainly worth the reading go check it out right now losing their self sabotaging Black America by John MC quarter, again
when we talk about real problems which talk about real solutions. Mcwhirter talks about some of them and I think a deep and nuanced way if your liberal you'll find it not offensive to you. Let's put it that way in go check it out today, already Rebecca later today to additional hours of content. Otherwise, you will see you tomorrow, as we approach the launch of my brand of a catalyst for America in three easy steps that big day happening next weeks ago. Pre order the book right now over a daily wire dot com when you're doing a priest, sire Inga signed copy priority right now. The check that up or ignored Amazon pick up a copy of the resolution. Later I mention here. This is the venture Barroso if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word. Please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listen upon. Gases also be sure to check out the other daily where podcast, including the end, reclaiming, show
It might go marshal and that won't show thanks for listening to Ben Shapiro, show is produced by Coltan Hoss, executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervising producer math is clever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel. Why dusky technical producer, often Stevens back and media operated by Nick. She him associate producer It is Winterton edited by Adam Science. Audio is mixed. I might call Romena here and make up is by Nikko Geneva. The bench of Euro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty Everyone on Andrew Craven hosted the Andrew claiming show a fight for America has now come to each of our doorsteps. Left not only wants the silence us, they wants to pretend we're not being silenced time for each of us all of us to fight back we'll talk about it on the Andrew claiming show. Andrew clay
Transcript generated on 2020-07-23.