« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1040 - Everything Is Republicans’ Fault


As coronavirus resurges, the media and Democrats blame Republicans; cultural icons move to appease the woke Left; and CHAZ meets its untimely demise.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As corona virus reemergence. The media and Democrats blame Republicans. Cultural icons moved to appease the left and Chaz, which is untimely demise. I'm This is the bench Bureau show today's. Shapiro Show is sponsored by Express VP in your online activity, should not be pilot, protect yourself, Express GPS, dot com slashed by law and get to everything. Cobler Laden just moment. First, I dont announce a piece of actual good NEWS, like actually think is very good news for NASCAR released a photo of the news that wasn't a news in a bubble, Wallace's garage and ill Slickin is it does mean there's that there's picture, and I am not an expert on not in any way. If I had seen this, I would have thought this looks like an as I would have. No one s garden released it. In the first place, the F B, I did a full investigation. Apparently they found that this was the only hand tied pull down robe and like all of, and ask her to look like this. So, to be immediately suspend
This would not have been wrong for NASCAR to be suspicious when the wrong for Bubba Wallace to be suspicious, and this would have been wrong. So I'm very glad about that, because, honestly, race, hoaxes, are really bad people just making mistakes. It's like normal human life. And that's fine and its good. It means that everybody went into this with good intentions and is coming out with good intentions, and I prefer that story a lot more than some sort of He has raised. Hopes happened here in order to join up outrage or anything like that. No NASCAR should have gone through the full investigation before they ran with the story. Obviously, but at least when it comes to bubble Wallace but while seems like he was acting in good faith throughout and that's really good and so any application to the contrary. I apologize for if that application was made, because now the photos out the photos out, you can see why bubble Wallace thought this thing looked in his words like a straight up news. I totally get it so that is it that that's good news again better, intentions on everybody's part is: it is a very good thing. I think I even good intentions is better than bad intentions, as I said that oh well should be happy. As you said yesterday, he was that this wasn't a hate crime. I am very happy
nobody was trying to put anything over on anybody who stood by mistake like that, that that day, much better story for the country all the way around ok. So meanwhile, corona virus is researching across the United States also in Europe, so people neglecting that its resurging. Your reason and neglect minutes researching in Europe is because there's a narrative the media have to push the narrative. The media pushing in the United States is that it's only happening in red states. It is not happening in blue states. Now now on its face. That is simply not true, is resurging very, very strongly in California. Right now, Ella County is patently now the count you at the most corona various cases in America, its researching in states like Washington State, which is a student's where it stood in terms of the chinese strain of the virus. New York was Europeans friend the virus. Many had passed from China to Europe and then, finally, onto your so interesting, accurate to suggest it's only read states that are experiencing this, but the media's New game is to pretend the blue state governors been doing an amazing job with this and red state governors and doing a terrible job with this we'll get then a second. It isn't really true, but one of the big problems that narrative is that the things resurging,
all over the world is not just researching in the United States, is researching in Europe as well according to the BBC, in places, including Armenia, Sweden, Moldova, North Macedonia, accelerated transmission, has led to a very significant resurgence, said regional directed, Doktor, HANS, Henry Clue. His warnings about the risk of resurgence had become reality. He said if left unchecked, you want health system would be pushed to the brink again more than two point
million cases of covert nineteen and one hundred. Ninety five thousand deaths have been reported in the W. I chose european region which is expansive covering fifty four countries in seven territories across Europe, the Middle EAST and Central Asia. Almost twenty thousand cases, one seven hundred new debts are being recorded Daily Buzz buzz numbers, look very much like the United States as numbers, frankly, not in terms of the number of cases being identified, but the number of deaths being accorded daily. It looks very much like the United States across the whose, though the whose european region and the population of the United States broad scale and from the number of people, looks very much like Europe, so this idea that the United States is being vastly I played by Europe is just not true again that the debate shows european region is in a hundred. Ninety five thousand deaths preaching about a hundred twenty thousand deaths here in the United States. All this is his horrifying force in several countries across Europe. The risk has now become a reality. Thirty countries have seen increases in new cumulative case.
Over the past two weeks in eleven of those countries, accelerate transmission has led to very significant resurgence that, if left unchecked or push health systems to the brink, once again said the W H show that include so that countries like Poland, Germany, Spain in Israel, had responded quickly to dangerous outbreaks socio with schools, coal mines in food production settings and brought them under control. Rapid interventions. He said the double Rachel anticipates that the situation will calm down further in majority of the countries over. The summer, but in the fall, when cover nineteen may meet seasonal influenza, pneumonia and other diseases, because ultimately, the viruses selectively circulating there's no effective treatment, no vaccine. Yet we have to prepare for the fall, and this has led to enormous repercussions in the United States and worldwide about what happens when kids go back to school. Various regions of the United States are treating this differently. For example, there has been talk in Massachusetts about reopening with full course load in Fairfax Virginia. However imperfect Virginia, that county has already announced that there are making a good two days per week of school. I know them
child school, but they ve been talking about- is all the kids coming back, but the kids being forced to sit at little cubicles and how and not lunch together and they're supposed to be taking their food from different sort of little cubbyholes and. A working, different, cubbyholes they're, not sharing any of the depends any of the racers any of the markers analysed honestly, the children. I don't understand it's gonna work like having to be very, very difficult for that to be working. I think, can be serious questions to be asked about whether reopening the schools even possible, if covert nineteen continues to be resurgent. This way now, there's some good news about covered nineteen, and that is the CDC says, the combination cases in the? U S, maybe ten times higher than reported yesterday come from it. My luck at antibodies has now why's that Good NEWS, while the reason that's good news is because, if not that many people are dying but tons of people are infected, that means the infection fatality rated. This thing is allowed
lower than originally supposed remember. Originally, the infection fatality rate was calculated by the deluge of three point: five percent meaning out of a hundred people. Three point five died and then the CDC last month announced that they thought the actual infection. Vitality rate was zero point six, meaning that out of every ten thousand people, twenty six people by which is a lot, a a lot, a lot lower, and then they are now suggesting that may be. For every case, that's reported there actually ten other infections, which would mean that its quite possible that the actual infection fatality rate looks more like flu is way way, more transnational,
If, though, the flu has reproduction rate of a little below to his manner standing, the reproduction rate on this virus have left on. Chat is well above three, so that means like if everybody in the country got the flu, more people die of the flu. Even if the flu we're just the flu, while it's possible that to actual we're seeing right here, it does hit different populations in different ways by the way, obviously, for young people, it is significantly less steadily than the fluttering over the age of twenty five by all statistics, it's less steadily and the flow of your over the age of twenty five, its multiple of of how deadly the flu is depending on again how many outstanding untested cases you believe there are recurrent NBC news. He sesame comes from looking a blood samples across the country for the presence of antibodies to the virus, for every confirm case of covert. Nineteen. Ten more people had antibodies, Redfield said referring to proteins in the blood that indicate whether a person's immune system has previously fought off the quota virus samples aren't just from people who have had
anybody testing. They also come from testing performed on donated blood and blood banks or from other what other laboratory testing of blood Hurley. There are two point: three million cover nineteen cases reported in the United States, the CDC it new estimate pushes the actual number of corona various cases up to at least twenty three million. So there is good news and bad news. The good news is that if you get it and it turns out that lots of people are asymptomatic, then that means that maybe the chances are tat great need, I, which is fantastic. That is what you get it now that sense.
On the other hand, if really transmissible, that means that there is a better chance, the you are going to get it an experience that risk in your life Redfield said the virus causes so much asian domestic infection, the traditional approach of looking for symptomatic illness in diagnosing. It obviously underestimates the total number of infections. On Thursday the CDC expanded its list of who is a grave at greatest risk for carbon nineteen complications. Removing the h cut off from sixty five battery J Butler the head of the covenant. He responded the CDC said: there's not exact, cut off date, which people should or should not be concerned. He said rather, a person's risk increases with age, but that does not preclude younger adults.
From complications in need. People of any age with underline health conditions have a higher risk. Obviously, CDC also clarified other conditions that might increase of persons risk unsavoury illness that includes asthma, high blood pressure for a logic conditions like dementia, Sir Ebro Vascular Disease such a stroke and pregnancy CDC, is incentivize by the way to be extremely careful about the sort of stuff. So that means that, if you have high blood pressure is, I can be quite is doubtless if you have what type two diabetes or something so lumping it altogether is a little bit inaccurate. But the bottom line is that when you look at the the raw each of death from the behaviour. That is the need to reach a definite behaviour, maybe a lot lower than originally suspected. That does not mean that the danger is gone obviously or that the virus is not dangerous. Obviously and again we still do? Not many people raising thematic, very difficult to test for people for asymptomatic, accepted sort of broad scale answered
the testing- and we still another way of the antibodies, are truly productive, which is a serious problem right I mean if you get the antibodies, it's not necessarily guaranteed. There's not going to be a secondary infection. People get a flu every year and the extra they flew again. So that there is still a lot of open questions about all this now, what do we get to the political side of this, which is really stupid and really ugly, but that's our time stupid, an ugly we'll get to that in just a moment. First, let's talk about how important it is To feel safe in your own home, I ain't feel safe in my home, not only because I'm a public figure, but I got a lot of little kids running round my property, and that means I want to know. What's going on, I my property at my front door at my front gate all the time, and that means I
need ring we're on a lot more than usual. These days is still hard to keep a close eye on things. That means that their more deliveries, that means more boxes, left unattended, more opportunities for people to seal packages from around my friends have Reuben. Actually, it was able to help the police after somebody stole passages from his mail because he has ring ring is on a mission to make neighbourhood safer their homes, security products are designed to give you peace of mind around the clock from video, doorbells insecurity, cameras, smart security lighting and alarm systems ring has everything you need make sure your family and belongings are safe and secure anytime anywhere and with the all new ring, video doorbell free, you can keep an even even closer eye on things than ever before. Ring gives you protection at every corner, video doorbells. Let you answer the door and check in on your home, any time keep an eye on our doorstep. Speeches livery people when you can't come to the door, get a special offer on the ring. Welcome kit today, when you go to ring dotcom, slash, then what
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lot more and it is perfectly obvious that everybody was basically abiding by the state homeowners. Until these massive protests broke out, higher media infrastructure decided that your immune to coded, if you are not to a major protests and then precisely to later, exactly everybody suspected. You start to see this massive optic in places like California of everyone, ones blended Memorial day, a memorial happen. May twenty fifth process started gateway sex? So it really really difficult to suggest that it? just memorial day and not you know, the obvious problem of hundreds of thousands of people out in the streets in America's major cities to California been really hard hit in this resurgence. Their states, like, like Idaho than men, very hard hit in the resurgence Washington State, which, as I say it, was a star states of this thing
very hard hit in the resurgence. But the media have decided there only gonna cover abbot incentives and they governor Greg Abbott in in taxes. Texas, has helped us reopening, as hospitals have been inundated with cotton explosion of Covid nineteen cases. Officials in Texas yesterday reported forty seven more deaths, really six thousand infection. A portable Grimmett new daily record now worth noting near state yesterday, so recordable more deaths than that's in New York is supposed to be in the downswing of this thing and they are, but even in their downswing recorded more deaths on a daily basis, then I believe either Texas or Florida, if not more than absolutely. In the same
the governor of Texas, hit the brakes on reopening instead Thursday, as hospitals, were inundated with an explosion of cover nineteen cases. According to NBC News lesson we wanted to his estate is: go backwards. Enclosure, businesses, Governor Gregg Habits, Edna statement is temporary. Pause will help our stick around the spread until we can safely entered the next phase of opening our state for business. Abbot urged all taxes to do. Their part is low. The spread of cover nineteen by wearing the mask washing their hands regularly socially distancing mothers. He said the more we will follow these guidelines and safer or state will be the more we can open up Texas for business now. That makes perfect sense again. I've been saying for a long time. If you want the economy to be reopened, then put on a mass exodus slow. The spread of the thing makes the elderly are being held, that the question is what good policy looks like you're good right. Here's what good policy looks like to me and have been things literally for months? Protect the elderly in the vulnerable, particularly the nursing homes or disproportionate number of deaths, had taken place.
Where a mask, if you're in a public place where this thing is easily transmitted and socially distance, if you can get free, what I can do, those are all the things there are no more things than that limit, dry and public attitudes. Obviously, this joint public gather into where these things spread more people tend to take off the masts in where, by the Butler masts, don't reduce risk zero. If you're wearing a surgical mask, you might reduce the risk by thirty forty percent as actor Marty. Mc carry from from Johns Hopkins University said, but you can reduce reduce the risk by one hundred percent, but a lot of people are using it by thirty. Forty percent is definitely a good things. Texas, medical center in Houston has reported all of it, as you bad are now occupied, so Houston has been particularly hard hit. The United States a record number of new corona virus cases in a single day. Forty five thousand five fifty seven reported on Wednesday according to tally by NBC News. So The western states, like Arizona in Florida, began aggressively reopening around memorial day are staggering. Spikes they make clear the deadly
and showed no signs of going away. Now that this is where the media's coverage by starts to come, it ok, the reality, as a lot of these states are opening before memorial day. A lot of these states started opening like men may, and they didn't see us by in fact, every sort of puzzle. Why are we seeing as by and the answer was that people were going about their business, but there are being responsible in how they went about their business. In fact it amateur look. It up right now when did wended floor to reopening flow of what actually see the calendar. So the original the original reopening let's see floor to reopen certain businesses too much of the state may fourth May. Fourth restarting may fourth, restaurants were allowed to offer outsource eating with six foot spaces between they started their reopening. May fourth, nothing from us. Nothing from on then massive protests? Suddenly resurgence, don't tell me, was memorial day? Can we start real the beginning of May and that there are other states to do this to rag George
started reopening being re. No massive resurgence giant protests, massive resurgence. You can try and put it on the reopening, as opposed to be like people who are attending restaurants in sitting sixty feet apart from each other, as opposed to you know, trying protest where people are upon each other, yelling and spinning, and by the way, the yelling and spitting as it is the key thing here. One of the chief vectors of the spread of Cuban nineteen is projection. This is why churches have been a place where people are getting very sick, because if you go to church everybody's singing together when you sing new aerosol eyes, a lot of particles into body while you're spit. Then it goes in the air and most people can get infected. But again the media are focusing only on Florida in Arizona. The train glimmer publicans, for this is the bottom line. Aid way down in the article is California, which was among the first to put in place a state. Why lockdown has also been reporting record numbers of new cases, many of them young people, and there was no evidence yet that the blacklist matter, protests that swept the nation after the police, killing of George Floyd or fuelling the sudden rise, because you're gonna have to explain the California, which has been completely lockdown, but allowed me
protest is also seeing insignificant spite. Where was the other trying public activity? It did not exist, I'm from formulae No one was going out of their house. Then I was locked down during curfew and then shockingly the cases rise. Health, inhuman serves to Secretary Alex's, are set. Its importance for the american people to know is this: a localised situation is not everywhere rates in certain places, particularly Scalia former FDA. Commissioner, who said we open. We reopen against the backdrop of a lot of persistent spend. Those states can never to pull the case. We're gonna go up. I think they ve got more than most people expected. I certainly been surprised by the acceleration in the cases as well. I think most of us were
In Texas Doctrine face almost good the medical's rector of critical care medicine at Houston, Methodist Hospital system, said they were managing for now, but court. If this trajectory is what was less than days when we literally headed tripling of cases, we can't do that for a couple of weeks at all. He said this in good exposure. Patients all across the explosion has to slow down one of the things it's happening, as people are. Assuming that all the ice you beds are available for covered. Nineteen cover nineteen represents about a quarter of the of the number of people who are in the ice. You people are in the ice you for number, but, like I have a heart attack, I see you have cover nineteen. Meanwhile, in New York, dumber Andrew Como insisted usurious Van serious about forcing it to a quarantine endeavours European Connecticut want our visitors from current wrote a virus hotspot states like Texas, Florida and Alabama to follow. And this is where we get into the real hard core media, biased, as it were in the second reading of the war. In poetry, to blame Sean Hannity. The uptake uncovered nineteen We are going to hear the media, try and tout numbers. Andrew Cuomo
aggression, Whittemore of michigan- to have the worst covers in America. If you are a governor there, really only a few things you can do. One is bar large gatherings too. Is you can have a state white mask mandate? It is very difficult to enforce. Basically, your lie in the compliance of the american people, as I can really do, and three issue protector, nursing homes, Whittemore and Cuomo, both shipped old people's covenant, him back and nursing homes and they kill a huge percentage of the people in urging on in their state and there being targeted by the media, because because there is no time to lay between when we watch me, Orkut walked admission, get wallet and now now we're supposed to believe that there were good This is an amazing amazing job because after we lost what twenty five thousand people in New York City, something along those lines, everyone's tens of thousands of people in New York City, because governor common build a blog Georgia, but their jobs now they're good their jobs, because there, on the other side of that coin, yeah you killed off and reboot vulnerable turns out there.
Reticent this grave in New York is you bought by the way my protection in the next couple of weeks. Because of the protests you will in fact be a spike in cases in New York is well. I don't think there's gonna be restricted to places like Florida or or California, when it's more of this in just one second, first, let us talk about the fact that, while you're on pandemic living, it is very easy to put on way. It really is that you're sitting home you can't go to Jim, really really rough. So how have I becomes a stout during pandemic? I have been using new. Getting in shape, doesn't have to be about losing a specific amount of weight or magic number on the scale is about building healthier habits and feeling better about yourself. It fitting into that favour pair of genes. Your goal, terrific, but there are many reasons you might want to practise self care. Every person is different. This is why you should have no new changes, your habits that the only way to truly lose weight. The truth is was a different sites, work lots of an exercise, regiments work, the one thing that is it be predicate for all of them as being very meticulous in how you change or habits regarding health and exercise new is to have a changing solution. That huh
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Why was political malpractice for the President of the United States to start building into rallies? You should have immediately said. Listen, I'm taking the seriously workers not taking seriously everything that happens from here on in that's on the Democrats, who said it was ok to get together in giant giant groups and screaming YO political malpractice not did not have done that. Frankly, headed by the self Laura and Texas Acting responsibly are slowing down the reopening round. Santa's said that you never said one for the move to the next phase. He said that South Laura is on its way to reopening schedule. Most businesses have resumed in sort, including bars night clubs, the exception of the hard hit, my army metropolitan area, but there still strict capacity limits and other rules as well, which I know about these things are, are accurate. People are not crowding interspaces people, mostly eating outside
According to media again, the only people to blame, nor are members of the Republican Party and or conservative members, the media, not Andrew Cuomo suggesting this is not a big deal in early march. Now build applause, you're telling people to come on the Chinatown, not build the plaza, telling people to go to theatres. Everything was all fine, not not Nancy Blowsy, explaining that everybody should celebrate Chinese New Year's in downtown San Francisco. I noted that the only people to blame ever Republicans is of peace, awful he's in the Washington Post. Take on new research explores how conservative medium is. Information may have intensified the severity of the pandemic b. Emphasis on may become son May. In recent weeks, three studies have focused on conservative media
role in fostering confusion about the seriousness of the corona virus taken together, says the Washington Post. They paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking country concrete steps to protect themselves and others. The unresolved, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit were initially downplay the severity of the pandemic. Fox NEWS, Sean Hannity reaches the largest audience into studies. Awful, like I've. Looked at the study, the Saudis just garbage. The study basically suggests that they put aside all compounds and then basically suggest that if you watch Sean Hannity, you are more likely to Gordon,
in an irresponsible way in their there's. Very very little legs shares their final conclusion. The author is used to not miss location data for millions of cell phones to explore how the popularity of Fox NEWS and given zip code related to social distancing practices there by March fifteen, they found a ten percent increase in Fox news. Your ship, within, as if code, reduced its residents propensity to stay home in compliance with public health guidelines. By about one point, three percentage points: that's not even close to cost, How many do you think that people like spend all day watching Fox NEWS it in a county like that? That's all they do. There are no confounding factors there. I'm sorry! This is just absurd. Its plausible, of course, this difference in behavior could be attributed to other characteristics of fox yours, such as their age or poetic ideology or the fact that they live by the way in more rural areas where people are not as afraid of corona virus, because don't think they're in a big city. Rather there plenty of reasons, but it seems to me that New York Michigan New Jersey, got absolute.
Walls. By this thing, these are not Sean Hannity centres of gravity. The attempt to paint this is a short handy from any is truly amazing employment up. It's all. It's all Sean's, for what what absolute horror scrap? What absolute horror scrap, meanwhile Democrats being played up as heroes during all this, a crisp Cuomo has been given to propaganda slots his brother and requirements. Yesterday he did this routine praising his brother Andrew Como. He is the best he's. The best discover he's my favorite favorite best as governor and he's my brow and he's the best as governor. So Chris Como did this sickening sycophantic routine with his brother completely botched. The effort to contain covered in his own state? There is Chris Cuomo praising Andrew Como. This is real news writer. I hope you are able to appreciate what you did in your state and what it means for them so the country now and what always mean that those who love and care about you, the most I'm way by what you did and, more importantly, by how you did it, this was very hard. I know it's not over by
obviously I love you as a brother. Obviously I'll never be objective. Obviously I think you're the best politician in the country, but I hope you feel about what you did for you. People cause. I know they appreciated. Nothin's, perfect you'll have your critics. I've never seen anything like what you did. That's why I'm so happy How John the show absolutely so proud of you bro you just in the best job, yet talk to people whose whose relatives died alone in nursing homes, talk talk to those people and then and we had the gall the girl I mean unmitigated guarded. I will say the dude has has stones to say something like this. He goes on national tv and he says that red, say governors played politics and lost, play politics and lost. Let me just make this clear to date. To date nearest states, I'm reading the statistics, Kate, New York State, has a covert nineteen deaths. New York state total covered nineteen debts at this point, but see about twenty four thousand eight
Call the nineteen that's in New York hate now. I'm here look at Florida. Flora to date with the same population is more effectively three thousand three hundred twenty seven deaths in York. Again, just I can repeat that slowly for those of you in the mainstream media, don't seem to understand basic statistics, your tenure, Twenty five thousand deaths from carbon nineteen Florida is still well under four thousand Deaths- Texas, another horrible state right. I have escaped for all of this Texas has had under twenty three hundred deaths. So far the Arizona write another housekeeper completely Bosh, because terrible terrible governor deducing has have less than fifteen hundred that's so far, But don't worry and requires the real hero in this year's Andrew Como, explaining that it was the Republicans playing politics and they lost. How is it possible that they want when you're the one who was almost literally ten times the number of people in your estate with the same population, explain and requirement explain: look at the numbers, you
politics with this virus in you lost. You told the people of your statement told the people of this country. Why house don't worry about it? Just now, go about your business. This is all democratic hyperbole. All really. Now you see twenty seven states with the numbers going up. You see the death projections going up. You see the economy going down, it was never politics, it was always science and they were in denial and denial is not alive strategy. Therein, denial and denial is not less tragic. No one's in denial except review: ok, you're, the one who's shipping people with cover nineteen back into nursing homes than blaming from Fort and pretending that it was all about from not telling you the source of the virus. Was Europe, not China? I mean like that. It's just absurd is absurd, and this guy gets played as a person. Who knows what he's doing I mean you're, like clearest case media by us ever. This is queerest case media by ass ever
other other example: media bisect, insane New York Times profile of Governor Gretchen? With her it's got me. It's got the did the photo of her looking off into the distance. This black and white photo for looking off into the distance from film archive and here is the headline a governor on her own. With everything at stake from her living room, Gretchen Whittemore has led Michigan for a pandemic. An economic meltdown and even a damn collapse all at a time when government itself seems broken region, can we give stats Roma Michigan Michigan has over six thousand. That's Michigan has over six thousand deaths Texas. Again still has less than twenty five hundred Florida still has less than thirty. Five hundred Arizona still has less than fifteen hundred Kirsty has six thousand deaths already. They lost eighteen people yesterday in Michigan and yet she's getting the just the royal treatment. The absolute wonderful royal treatment
in her state. I'm gonna need some evidence as why Gretchen member who, also by the way with shipping people back into nursing homes, culminating which, like the number one thing you do not do why she's getting this sort of treatment from the means media other than the media are trying to plant Democrats. Some of the quote from this thing I mean she, it's like oppresses its like a press office road at the New York Times, as women is not naturally introspective recounting the os incomprehensibly consequential decisions. She was making on a daily basis. She rarely lingered on how she felt or the magnitude of the moment she was more inclined to review events and discuss strategy approaching it all with the same practical mindset and tabular. She brought more manageable government challenges like fixing potholes effect, wasn't necessarily stirring. There's no soaring rhetoric about the need to rise to this historic challenge, but it was hardly reassuring shoes, channeling, panic into process what what an amazing amazing person as the days passed it
visions facing what Mackenzie most complicated the next time. I talked her. She just returned from a march through just right with a group of local religious leaders. She well with one for teaching each daughters had been pestering for four days. Let her tender protest is a peculiar development, a head of government participating in a protest against the government, but it also make perfect sense in this deeply disorienting moment. There's a lot of pain across this country. She said when I asked what it instead go to the protests, it's a righteous cause and I wanted to be there in person in the middle of a pandemic. Well, chiding other people. What what? What what a heroine? What a heroine I mean just incredible stuff, so I think we can get the picture
if action is very simple if you're republican your bag, I ever Democrat you're good guy. All this does translate into some national pulling that we are seeing right now, amidst all of the chaos on rates which will get to in a moment amidst the fact that that this pandemic continues to to spread across the country somewhat unabated, the death rates are significantly down, but still obviously is a dangerous virus. People think that, according to article estimates that meet you hunted down people dead by the end of summer, which obviously would be a tragedy of historic proportions, president from his down in even the Fox NEWS swing, so Naples, according to Fox news. President Trump is down nine in Florida. Forty nine forty he's down to North Carolina, which he one last time, forty seven, forty five you want all of these states by the way Biden is up to in Georgia. Forty seven forty five and binding up one in Texas. According the Fox news for get those holes or anything close to act,
then the president's got a serious problem me well, Joe Biden Adjust basically sweeping through this campaign. I mean sleeping, throw where's. His great leadership is involved from it's not about binds. Great leadership is almost solely about trumps behaviour. Truly, Eric and people are not willing to undergo a pandemic without leadership. There are now looked up to watch statues torn down and the country riven by race riots. Without any, sort of leadership. They're not willing to seek republics of Chaz set up without any sort of presidential leadership is not about by waken. Tells me about by is by selling crack and fifty percent in the national public ones the job like fourteen percent. It doesn't like fifty two thirty six such arguments. Sixty The forty eight is a german sixty. Forty is ongoing and fifty five to forty showing him at forty nine right he's always below fifty, which means This is not about Joe Biden. It is purely about the unpopularity present dynamics that makes perfect sense. Joe Biden right now is showing that it is very difficult literally to beat a dead horse
What that's? What you're seeing right now? It is almost impossible to be a dead horse. These that's all he is he's just to stand in for inanimate objects, ass, we're about to discuss she's, not an inanimate objects, networks, dangerous. We ate what makes him a dangerous candidate is the fact that how he act as president is not going to be anything like the dead horse that he is as a candidate, and he is obviously not performing his candidate evoked a brilliant campaign. No, it's not a campaign at all. He understands that all his campaign has to be is just there. It just has to be breathing and this premature mean even when he supposed to be speaking about things like covert? He should blowing it raving. He said yesterday that we have a hundred twenty million dead from carbon, which I feel it would be bigger news if that were true area here is Joe Biden staggering. His way through another interview, but this guy's in the weed, and it's only in the wheat belly. For one reason, the feeling of chaos is healing of volatility in the ceiling at these things aren't getting walk down and meet. Joe Biden represent. Returned to normal. Seen as we will see, he does not represent a return to normal, see, that's what that's. What makes this election so dangerous! Here's button
I don't have a job. People don't have any where to go. They don't know what you're gonna do an alarm. People you have thoroughly, now we have over a hundred and twenty million dead from covert a hundred and twenty million dead from covered, while figured would known about them how we can get to the second, why it's dangerous for this man to become president of the United States? Is the it quick, quick spoil our Lord. The answer is because Joe Biden like most members, the democratic parties behold into his radical, left its hard program that way, because it all and because doddering because on threatening and because he explicitly Societe from sort of Bernie Sanders when the party, but he won't actively dissociate from some a more radical planks. The people in his party want is a weak link, in other words, were aiming at that and second, first right now. Let's talk about the fact that anybody who runs a business- you don't you gotta, be on top your numbers right now everything so volatile, you must be granular in your approach here or numbers in your own data. So what you need is nets we buy oracles the world's number one club business system find it
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there is a danger to the country, despite the fact that it is effectively senile and out with it at this point is specifically because he is not going to be stymie in his is left wing base the western basis taking control the party completely. How do you know as well over the past several days, there has been this real push, this very, very hard push to tear down all the statues may not just the statues of confederate generals to blow up Mount Rushmore. I mean I predicted this, but there's there's no campaign afoot to change Mount Rushmore. It there's there's a campaign afoot to get rid of the Jefferson Memorial and that there is it the campaign to get rid of statues of George Washington Nancy Blowsy is now caving. This Nancy blows use ass yesterday about tearing down statues and she said well, maybe we should consider whether any statues access I mean that this is this is while
stuff these mainstream democratic politicians run the party caving to the woke base of their party. They want to rip down statues. The founders of the country, what you get is endemic of a certain ideology that is truly ugly about them. It states yours Nancy, blowsy. Yesterday, with the Washington Post, confederates. Jefferson, Davis, Alexander Stevens Vacant Treason against the United States and the new of slavery, different story, but you know what get everything to scrutiny and make decision you think we should do it in a safer way, rather than revenges were subjected all subjected all the scrutiny. Jefferson, Washington. I choose heads different indifferent for Like Jefferson Davis, which of course is true then she's like well. Maybe we should not consider all it Joe Biden campaign when I say that this is an infected. The entire democratic infrastructure, so the daily color reached out to tighten campaign
and asked them if the former vice president agrees with Democrats want to tear down statues of George Washington Ulysses. Grant Theodore Roosevelt some depictions of Jesus. The campaign was given over twenty four hours to respond to the inquiry. They did not do so. That is not a shock at all. Of course, are not going to do so. The entire campaign of Joe Biden has to play dead to pieces woke base. Now what do we do when he's in office? So I dont think you stupid enough to actually attempt to tear the sort of stuff down, but I also do not think that he is in control of his own party and I think that the his own party has gone so far off the rails at this point, is being dictated to by the likes of Nikole Hannah Jones, the founder of the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project and Nicole that there's a whole now nation wide discussion, prompted by a bad essay by Nicole Many Jones on slavery reparations that lichens. The death of Michael Brown, too, to lynchings from nineteen ten in Oklahoma remains it's an absurd peace is being discussed at nausea on television today, because the Democratic Party has been taken over by the weakest members of the weakest members of their political of there
medical click on what I think is important to note where Nicole headed Jones is coming from. So here's the thing: if you wrote something like twenty five thirty years ago, You repudiated you say yet as a bad idea. Those stupid thing right. I get it. I've done it myself, but I was running from the time I was seventeen years old and when you write publicly your subjected to scrutiny as it should have an entire list online of things that I have said from the time I was young. I regret. Having sad and thought was stupid or bad that that's all normal, that's a normal thing in public discourse, so it is not outside the realm of Rio. Did you ask about Nicole Hannah Jones about this this letter to the editor that she apparently wrote this? According to the federalist reporting today, Jordan Davidson reporting over the Federalist, a letter from the Kolocha Jones to the editor Of these school newspaper Notre Dame now, this does mean anyway, she became, but nothing Nicole had injunction be cancelled for she shouldn't be cancelled. In fact, I think it's very good at the New York Times has just allow
her free reign over there, so we can see that the New York Times the trash composting that its garbage, because, frankly the sixty nineteen project is garbage in and of itself enough. That, like I, don't need further cause to think that Nicole hadn't Jones is very bad at her job. I've read you enough quota for Saint crazy things that I dont think anymore. Proof that you bet your job, but it does go to the question of sort of motivation and whether she has changed her opinion on any of the stock. Has its coming from a lot of the same places. Here is what she wrote back when choosing college short. I find it hard to believe that any of the White race can have the audacity and hypocrisy to call any other culture. Savage. The white rates is the biggest murmur rapist The and thief of the modern world Europeans of colonized and destroyed the indigenous populations on every continent of this planet, if committed genocide against cultures. It has never offended them in their greed and insatiable desire to control and dominate every non white Culture, Christopher Columbus. In those like him or no different than Hitler. The crimes committed were unnecessarily cruel and can be only describe as acts of the devil s had been to the Americas long before Columbus or any Europeans. The difference is that Africa
Have the decency and respect for human life to learn from the native Americans and train technology with them a weird thing: the pyramids of the aspects in the great stone heads of the omens are sing monuments to the friendship of these two peoples, pleasant, interesting taken. Where does monuments came from, but it didn't? Walker wrote in his appeal of eighteen, twenty nine, the white men acted quite more. Devils than accountable men, which have always been an unjust, jealous, unmerciful, avaricious and bloodthirsty set of beings always seeking after power and authority. It is not enough for what's to comes the Americas, learn they looked upon the native people as inferior and people to be annihilated. Their lasting monument was the destruction in slaves. Of two races of people using Christianity is their excuse, raise denied any of people their humanity. Not only do they rape and murder of the indigenous peoples of America. They killed off many more by introducing diseases which came from filth and uncleanliness to the native people. Poop only exists in Europe, the White race used to seat and trickery, warfare and rape to seal the land from people would live, Jimfred, thousands and thousands of years
and over again whites made peace treaties with the native american selling venom them if they moved just this one time and gave up their lands degree settlers just this one. Last time I ve never have to move again. It is common knowledge that the White Man's word could not be trusted. Even today, the descendants of the savage people pump, drugs and guns in the black community pact, black people into the squalor, segregated urban ghettos, and continue to be blood suckers in our communities. Yes, it was Columbus that set the platforms for these racist american institutions, a devil calling someone savages like a pot calling the kettle black, but after everything me sit, barbaric devils did I do not hate them or their descendants. I understand that because of some lacking they felt they need they needed to sadly proved their superiority. A gate lit the wild, stop right. So here's the thing again, you shouldn't be cancelled over this cause. I don't think people should be cancelled over opinions generally. I think its complete waste of time and if I didn't know that this is the kind of stuff, but she was running back and cars
does she basically right a watered down version of this today it is just a very it. It seems to me very important to recognise the route ideology that has now been promulgated in the Democratic Party at its most crude form better. It's not just nickel Hannah Jones, like she's, an ideological bought leader and obviously the de facto editor of the New York Times at this point. But if you like, an elderly chanel boy, literally just said the other day could neither Abraham nor the Republican Party free the slaves. Instead, the slaves free the slaves emancipation was called something they took for themselves, the most that can be said of Lincoln and the nations. Political leadership is that they quote: help set freedom in motion and eventually codified it into law with the thirty the amendment, but we says that the Union army basically only delivered the news of the Emancipation proclamation. What what? Yes? Black Americans were very important in contributing to the abolitionist movement? Also, hundreds of thousands of white men died too free black slaves. Abraham Lincoln spends his presidency
looking to free black slaves, abolitionism was a long time clause in the white community in the United States, William. The garrison repealing the busy just so it so ignorant on every level and stupid on every level and divisive on every level. Yeah this is it. This is the new narrative, the narratives, that America is route evil and at its root evil, and equally divided in its entirety. That's the ideology that taken over the Democratic Party and its really really really dangerous stuff. It's really dangerous. Often affected Biden has not forcibly disavowing that sort of ideology. That's not speak to a moderate presidency. Should he ever again power bring it's more of this injustice. Second, the cultural revolution continuing apace, we'll get to that. First, everybody needs a great power of wireless. Your buds these days, but before you go dropping hundreds of dollars on affair, you need to check out where here, but from a rake on yearning, opaque on here, but start about half the price of any other premium wireless, your minds on the market and they sent just as amazing as the other top audio brands. You know their names,
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Integration is to divide America among racial and class lines, how America's philosophy was being destroyed in real time the philosophy of equal rights before the law being discarded our culture of rights, our belief in things like freedom of speech, the right to bear arms all this was being discarded, The book is not just a diagnosis of our ills. It is a solution to the Elles, because it explains is so great about America in the first place. Why are all these things worthy of being upheld and The argument being made by people like Nicole hadn't Jones, just so wrong with this play as matter of fact, and also Is it so wrong, ideologically in so dangerous for the country? The book is called how to restrain Erika in threes. You stop sending its really really. But I don't have any idea how relevant was gonna be when I wrote it turns out supremely relevant you one, what's happening in a country how to fix it, pre order it right now, ideally wired a comet, slash, bend reorder. The book is out July, twenty first you'll get it like the first few days at all. It is in when you pre order a daily wired, dot com, Slash Ben meanwhile,
glorious, haven't we gonna have a shot out with daily, where member today, its Megan Uninstall Grim, understands that. Sometimes you have to make tough sacrifices for your kids. In this picture: maidens, sons, ports, Spiderman, T shirt, smiling, ear to ear proudly holding the world's greatest average vessel. It is indeed an tacit iccat. The captain, weeds Caleb is three has already claimed. I left to steer somewhere because it has been Shapiro CUP and what meets and this picture you hashtag leftist yours, somewhat hashtag your youngest, then that is an extraordinarily q. Child yeah well done their thankful. Tat, big hello to Caleb Zion also have even seen the verdict podcast with ten crews. You do need to check it out my very best friend the hawaiian world Mechanisms, and I'm being facetious, because he is the worst person I've ever met caused the shell and their most recent up, so they had on age. Billboard here is a bit of what that sounded like we are seeing her strong, evidence of of coordination and many of these violent episodes
Fundamentally what you have here, as you have demonstrators, some of them go. There were the intend to demonstrating, but you have a group of private, contours and agitators sometimes. Significant group. It try to come. Those into violent activity. And they seem to be very well coordinated when they show up already so check that out, wherever possible, I found try to ignore the fact in ozone. The shell and enjoy centre accrues along with HIV Bar also go subscribe of readers tests was sitting back a month, get started to go check it out. Right now become one of our members have like all. As lives. I hang out with you and I sing weird songs and would do weird voices and is very odd, but people seem to like it go check it out now, Delaware, dot com, slash subscribe in listening to the largest fastest growing concern to Pakistan. Radio
the nation already. So the cultural revolution, as I say, continues apace. There's not push to replace these STAR spangled banner because is written by Francis Scotty there's a piece by piece. Z Parker the editor in chief of Yahoo music, suggesting that we replace I'm not getting you. We replace the STAR spangled banner with imagined but the worst song ever written in human history embezzling. Maybe we should just do it. We have we ve fallen further from gods, grace everyday here in this country, and I think that, if God has really decided to punish us this way, perhaps imagine is the final shape. Full adoption of that which has become our national credo, a nation without any sort of principle, borders, religion, concept of sin, of vindictive, horrifying vision of people in
Intolerance cruelties like singing imagined to them on each other at the so there's there's a push to get into the national anthem. Also, it's just tell stupid. Posturing at this point mare build a blog you once you paint black lives matter on the street outside from tower which has just idiotic. Congratulations, Mr Blair's! You can solve all the problems in your city, including the massive spate of shootings. In your city over the last fourteen days because you have decided to teeth, castrate, the police, so more dead people. But also paint on the sidewalk due to make fun of from two you owned him. You're owned him, dead people. They feel really great about me. The blog your painting crap outside I love the paint black lives matter outside from our black people get shot in Europe really. Is that the Irish? It is, I think, lost on very few people really, we amazing of an interest is so easily goaded, even tweeted. In response, he said you reference to devise Yos Atlantic or paint the fabled and beautiful fifth avenue right in front of truth. Teller, slash Tiffany
And then he went after black lives matter and pointed out that the blacklist now it is incredibly radical, which of course, is true, but the sort of fulminations are these super useful me. Well, even sort of minor violations of our new creed in America have been have must be expunged, so good news there changing splash mountain splash, Randal Navid Princess in the front door. I really care about that not really, I princess in the broad and, if you ever go to Hamburg Disneyland person we have and will pass, is growing Mickey's magic The combination of that of that whole level that will show is a number from here in France has a lot of when you aren't you that fine and towns is needed. You that but the reason they are doing it is because apparently splashing was giving out like subtle, racist messages, because it uses zipping do doubt which comes from song of the south, which is natural, racist cartoon, but Nobody has ever songs, Zippity, Judar last fifty years is aware of the origins and Zip Anita. I know one
Washington a thousand times it has never occurred to me. It has anything to do with race at other, not even people on the Rhine, Reddish Brown, rabbit in the weird bare and others like that anyway, they're changing that, because even the mildest something bad in history has to be expunged. Also, the Dixie our changing their name, there, no longer the Dixie checks. Now be known as the Czechs which doesn't really seem to me to solve the problem. I feel it is just radically sexes should they be the winnings Russia should they be the that these dead dead, proud, now pronoun of unspecified gender. They checked chicken a little bit. It things but the meaning, the checks so that their getting it Dixie, because apparently this means that, like, if you, if you ever say dicks it so like wind Dixie, does when Dixie efficacious name. If you use the term Dixie, which is like a geographic regions, if you use that term.
Gives you get rid of it. The battle is anybody under the misimpression that the Dixie Chicks were like confederates, I'm just wondering. So all of this means that very stupid, but the Good NEWS is the least we can find humor and distributed. So this is the best way that I shall falling apart. Guys is falling apart and its falling apart and most various possible. Apparently people just leaving people are fleeing the beautiful, beautiful landscape of democracy, ridden chairs a block party of joy where people are getting shot and ran with their just leaving his peaceful, preserve away from the predictions of american capitalism and the brutality of America's racist cops and they are fleeing this wonderful utopia for the racist violence ridden hell escape of the United States, so they ve the independent public of jazz and they're moving back into the United States, a statement from a twitter account the claims to be so.
He had with the protest on said. Only only a few people remain in our beloved chop. Only a few people, that's the super, superseded stuff by the way. Marriage, any jerkin who declared this thing right, workers protest in all this. She had said it wouldn't clean this thing out in the next few weeks, because it turns out people keep getting shot in utopia, thousands of protesters occupied it, and then everybody left by the way, a bunch business owners now suing the city properly for not protecting their property properly hip, hop artist in tobacco shop, world or Raz Simone acknowledged the protesters to draw attention from critics. He says the protesters of Chad at targets on their backs. That is an issue. A lot of peaceful protesters are being harmed. So it's sad. That's where we're at you're, not in America, you're in Chad, That's our new dude. If ITALY, Chaz before getting shot your territory. I feel like that. You made the best court on this, Seattle Community leave named Andrei Taylor. He said it's over because of the violence. I've told people here don't be focused on location. Chop is not a location. It's an idea,
its idea. True chop has never been dried fruit. Chaz has. I've been trying to an idea, guys sure the reality. People bleeding on the streets and like us, trying to farm dumping topsoil and cardboard and calling it a farm. A sitting out there and and now shaming each other during malice struggle sessions about our white privilege, but really it's more an idea. That was a reality. True trap has never been tried and true get real chop really was the friends we made along the way, except one towards those ones. We all remember them, but everybody else that was a friend was the journey chop was the journey not destination. Guys chop was the idea. It wasn't the reality. Indeed chop a sad, our ip too, to chop. We hope there it will one day be resurrected in a newer, better form sort of like Venezuela versus Cuba, probably to work out exactly differently, probably won't be ill. Be great, will be great, already well combat for later today for two additional hours of content. Otherwise, try to have her sofa weakened to pass on information to anybody. Try not to tear down the statue, accident
try not to burn down the contract. Encouraging people do this over the weekend than average ignores it. Maybe I should there, you go the other way initiative to encourage people to do evil things, Manila Norman and do the right things. Like my my attempts to push people to be better, have failed dramatically. Sorry about that. Its on me guys. It's on me. I accept my own white privilege it round the Angela might Elsie her neck. Begun bench. This is the venture bureau show if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you wanna help spread. The word please give us a five star review and tell your friends I subscribe to were available on Apple podcast, Spotify and wherever you listened to pod gases also be sure to check out the other daily wire podcast, including Andrew Craven, show that Michael moles show and the man show thanks for listening, the Ben Shapiro Show is produced by Coltan Hoss executive producer, Jeremy, boring supervised producer math is clever and Robert Sterling assistance erect.
Possible why dusky technical produce are often Stevens. Play back and media operated by Nick. She him associate or Katie's Winterton by Adam Science. Audio is mixed. I might call Mina here and make up is by negligence. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire. Twenty twenty there are the mat wall, show not just another show about about power. I think there are enough of those already out there. We talk about culture, because culture drives politics and drives everything else. So my focus is our life family faith Those are fundamental and that's what the show is about how we help given a lesson.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-26.