« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1022 - The End Of America?


Protesters take over freeways, rioters loot, and President Trump declares he’ll unleash the military if chaos continues.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rioters. Loot criminals run over police officers with cars and president from declares will unleash. The military has continues on bench. Bear this, is the bench Barrow show then Morocco is by Express BP and protect your online privacy today at Express GPS dot slashed by local continued last night, because once again our government has failed to protect you. The law abiding taxpaying citizens, It is apparently better to be a writer and lutheran major American Citys than it is to be a law abiding citizen. If your law, abiding, you were locked in your home at sunset, less night. In LOS Angeles curfew went into affected variously either five p or six p m last night and apparently the salt. Ok, it's all ok, because after all, the protests are legitimate and their outrages legitimate. Now you can believe that protesters were exercising the first amendment rights in law. Abiding ways are doing something perfectly. American, you can even agree with the agenda of the protesters with regard to police brutality
and even if you disagree on their broader agenda, which is that America is endemically racist in that America has to be remade from top to bottom I agree that, obviously, that out marching that's an aspect of mechanism. That is quite good, but that does not mean you have to believe. Riding and looting ought to be allowed to. Rome are major cities in the attempt by the media to inflate the writers, and leaders in the protesters is absolutely insane they're doing it for political purposes, and it is hard not to believe that some members, the media, are not thrilled with the amount of conflict that is that is being generated here, because how else could you possibly explain the takes that are happening in media men? It's nearly impossible to explain. Without some sense that people are excited by the possibility that this is going to be the Tipp of the spear in breaking down the old ways in America. In remaking America, in some new unspecified way, he saw last night. Here's how
hence when you can again the media coverage of this is absolutely insane. Last night, the big story was not president from going to church last night. The big story was that there was mass looting in New York City Mass, looting in York, city, their police officers shot or run over around the country. That is the big story, morning net in the valley, in LOS Angeles, there are people who are ransacking van eyes. The New York City, people were literally just taking cars to stores hopping out of cars. Break into the stores in stealing everything, while the cops were being limited by mere build the plaza who just terrible at his job in every possible way that it is possible to be terrible at his job. According to the Washington Post for police officers were shot early on Tuesday in Saint Louis.
Police, said in its waste author officers, mean conscious and breathing before being taken away from the scene. The Saint Louis Metropolitan Police departments of the officers were taken to a nearby hospital with non life threatening injuries. There are standing your line all of us and they felt painted Saint Louis police. Chief John Hayden is to offer a shot in the leg. One was shot in the foot. One was shot in the arm. Police had identified a suspected. You are made any arrest as of early Tuesday. Also, in a also, there is a large peaceful protest, apparently insanely before two hundred people started involving themselves in break ins and looting and throwing rocks and explosives at police officers and thrown gasoline police officer, so everything is apparently hunky. Dory everything is is gone really well. Meanwhile, in New York City and an end wapiti cop was attacked in theirs tape of it. You can see it
by the way there is a big conference in New York is apparently a member of an why PD drew his gun on somebody and was fired yesterday, and then the entire tape came out and it turns out that somebody was throwing bricks and one of the police officers who is standing right next to the guy, so we have tabled this N Y Pd cop being attacked. We also have tape of Buffalo cops being run over by are so everything is going great guys, everything is going really well, maybe the civil did. She isn't about civil disobedience, it's supposed to be civil, ok, This begins means you are not going to pay attention to like traffic laws. It does not mean these start when bricks at officers or ass lean and officers, or breaking storefront to grab a parachute. That's not what any of this about the looting in New York City was extraordinarily widespread. Last night means very, very widespread. We're gonna get to the updates from New York City and Andrew Cuomo. Your illustrious governor a garbage cheap of a governor, a terrible, terrible Cumnor whose results well, maybe I was solution friend or committee- should throw the looters untold ajams. May maybe that's the solution history.
Would cover nineteen and old age homes. Apparently, the solution is to throw all problems and old age homes in New York City so made. Maybe they the governor of New York and can do that as well. We'll get to what happen in New York and what's happening in our way and we'll get the media coverage of all of this, plus all the controversy surrounding president from momentarily. First, let's talk about the fact that if you got a little bit of em of nervous tension right now in order a great way to take that out is losing weight, and that means do some exercise. I am a big fan of ass. Rob. Why? Well, because you don't wanna, buy a cardio mission programme, have room for something like that, and these days it is possible. You can't even run around outside because hell, you don't know, what's happening outside your front door while across Europe has solution. For you, Cross group is reinventing the home work out. Experience waited ropes, they give you better feedback that makes it easier for beginners to get started and more durable. Steel ropes of ergonomic handles patented passport system for swapping rope awaits us, have done a workout.
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eluding was was widespread in your city last night. It didn't matter that Andrew Cuomo had announced the first New York City curfew since one thousand nine hundred and forty three, since one thousand nine hundred and forty three, which was in the middle of World WAR Ii, currently in your city has been the sight of riots before in protest before he announced a full curfew. He's an idiot, so he announced the curfew at eleven p M, which makes perfect sense, because what you really want is like five hours of darkness to sudden before you actually declared the curfew. Genius move here by Andrew Cuomo and what was the principal result as will see people running around in their cars and looting shops and then running away, meaning the what the looting was widespread. Nothing says: let's get back to business after covered Nineteen quite like what's shut down all businesses in the country, particularly in New York City and then just on the verge of reopening. Let's looters galling smashing, grab everything. Ethanol insurance will covers, and here's Andrew Cuomo, your garbage governor of New York,. In New York City, I spoke to the mayor, the
there's going to be a curfew in New York, city, that we think we could be helpful. And, more importantly, there is going to be an increase in the force in New York City. They were about, four thousand officers on duty. Night they'll be double that tonight about eight thousand. It's not a quest you know of meeting more personnel in New York City. Just he's he's so bad at this high. So you you, you shall curfew order, for eleven pm turns out. People are out on the streets before eleven PM and here's what some of that look like here's, an tape of the looting it was happening in New York City. You can see people walking right into the source back running into that that store that is being broken into a giant crowd of people. Do these look like people more deeply disturbed about the death of George White or who give to dance about Europe's Lloyd, actually does when people who are just
we protest in police brutality, or does it look like a great opportunity to grab yourself a pair of shoes or something ok and then this last night, although is being broken into because, although obviously killed, George Lloyd, although is police brutality, large, were using by the way, is corporations all over the United States today or engaging in what they call blackout day, which is an attempt to buy some sort of rest. But from the looters and rioters. The idea ISA, Oliver need these Sherman Oak Dolly area, people boarding up their windows in expectations of of writers looters in writing on the boards things like be alarmed. We love George, what guess? What guys ain't gonna Savior it ain't gonna, save you by the way I would assume that no one is in favour of George Floyd dying, but the idea that you're going to buy some sort mercy from writers and looters assumes the writers and looters give to crap about George Void, which they do not, and they are now. They are not like attempting to to see, Any differently, it's amazing, the media's willingness to conflate three groups of people, people who are pro
nothing people were riding and looting and Antigua is unbelievable assembly. What's that Have the dramatic footage answer they can suggest that America is on the verge of civil war, and so they can suggest protesters are the ones who are breaking in, and people can't be contained. Their anger just can't be contain, alternatively, thereby people who take advantage bad situations in order to write and loot and the veneer between civilization and non civilization is incredibly, then I mean, I think, what we are seeing in most of America's major cities over the past week or so is it. The veneer is really really thin. As soon as the expectation goes away, that you will be punished for violating a war then just are violating the war again by the way people were protesting. Believe this is true about police officers, that of police officers with impunity, can harm p then you will get more police officers harming people. I think that as a basic set of incentive, structured, that's correct is one of the reasons why I am not in favour of qualified immunity for police officers, which is the doctrine created by the Supreme Court. Nineteen, eighty two and basically suggesting that
If you work outside the scope of your authority, you should be granted some sort of immunity, but this logic apparently does not apply to you know: vile violations of of law on a daily level. The in building up in places like New York in Seattle and allay for a long time as the mayors of these. It is basically to quit, low level violations of lower totally fine and then when it turns into outright riding and looting. Then they just let it go for a week is let it go for a fully is one of the writers and leaders want well. Why don't you ask? One of the losing here is a leader who was arrested yesterday, in LOS Angeles talking to a member of local fox and waning. What exactly he was doing, rioting and looting why MA, am very point blades asylum or will want to try to get some monies beneath
can I see I'm trying to get some? I said just out here for the money and pretty much anything to do with the protest. What happened in Minnesota on me a little bit to do with that too, will you feel me, but not really, I'm out here for the dough wasn't worth it Obviously, now my hear him see made. I don't get some money, do all right, don't do the dome way, dismantling self. That's all the time I'm just I'm a very, very pleased that the media have decided to wrap all this up in a ball. Declared that America's guilty for all that America Writ large. If you're going to blame people see here's the thing if you want to solve, problems, have to be specific in your solutions, have to be specific in the person you think is the problem. But this entire conversation about police brutality has been absolutely nonspecific. Not only has been specific on police brutality. It's been nonspecific on America more generally, as we will see the media. Basically, just one declared that America is racist and evil and guilty and terrible is what you saw. The founder of Black Entertainment Television committee yesterday and call for fourteen a trillion dollars in slavery
nations in order to stop the rioting and looting and the unrest and all the rest of this in eighty you're gonna have to explain why it is that a white person whose We're done anything. Racist is supposed to kneel in front of black people, as happened at some of the protests. Yesterday in order to demonstrate their fealty to the idea. America is inherently racist. Why is that? Why does not fix the problem? Why doesn't fix the problem what wise a non racist person being being named into doing penance for crimes crime commit how's that how's. That fixing any problem at all, should all be in solidarity with the idea that what happened, George, what is terrible were all on the same side, you can't read the transfer did not see it as an atrocity. The transcript of that incident is awful. It is awful transcript. Is people around the office or saying to him get off back? I can't breathe for like minutes in him not getting up, is there anyone in America who doesn't read that transcript and think that's awful, but according to the media, of course, we are deeply
divided over George. What, even though we are not divided over George, what you know, no one is in favour of police brutality. No, of whom I am aware, is in favour of police brutality, but guess what? police brutality and the police will rest writers and looters. Why did mine the media seem to have about police officers? Why aren't the police officers us and at the same time, police officers are racist and vicious and grow in work. That way. Ok! So meanwhile, the situation at the at the White House that very contentious yesterday, I got very contentious because the President of the United States started going after the governors and whose point out, quite correctly, the governors across the nation of failed to perform their most basic duty protecting the citizenry. You must protect the citizenry hey. This is your chief duty, John Locke suggested that's going to two basic philosophy: drama suggested the new state of nature, that you have rights, the previous government and the reason that you
The government is to protect those rights, not violate those rights to protect those rights. It is children for the governments, lock you in your home and tell you that as a law, abiding citizen, you're supposed to pay taxes and obey the law and now you're locked in your home. So we can let the writers and looters run free on the streets. That is not an aspect. Decent government. That is an aspect of security, is at present I'm has more about that and, of course, the media predictably went nuts on it we'll get to that in a moment. First, with everything going on right now, a lot of people are asking if it even possible to buy life insurance at all. In the short answer is: yes, you can, indeed, by life insurance during a pandemic ordering riots, if you have loved ones depending on your income, you're, probably should as an insurance marketplace. Policy genius is in contact with the life insurance companies on their platform every single day, they're keeping track of all the changes in the market, so you don't have to which means they can get you cover quickly and for the best price. Here's! How works policy genius compares quotes from the top life insurance companies in one place it takes us
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actually Rome your sweet, who is present from going off and governors correctly it all. Out of that, we have all the men and women are calling and let you have downloaded Europe. But you're wasting it. I've gotta run I'll, be like a fucking jerks. You have to dominate and you have to arrest people and you have to try Paypal and they have to to jail for long periods of and those kids. Camera wise Ok, he is correct about this mean your very angry. How dear he say this to the governors. Well, considering the governors have failed to prevent the destruction of law and order in their areas, considering that they have completely failed to do this trump is not wrong. Ok, so trunk! Yesterday he does oppressor in the rose guard. And the same time the pressure was going on. This is what became need major controversy of the day. Of course, at the same time, the pressure was going on the
situation in life, it square which is right, adjacent to the White House. There bunch protesters there and there being cleared with with apparently smoke, grenades, essentially there being cleared from the area. Now the media later declared the president Trump had done this in order to clear the areas that you'd walk over to the local church of Saint John, she nearly been burned down a couple of days ago for a photo of it. Well, let us be clear about this. According to your part police, they say it's, your guess was never used. Smoke canisters were deployed which don't have an uncomfortable irritants in them is according to kneel Augustine over at double Ethiopia. The sore. Says part police didn't know, Trump would be walking across the park. Several minutes later part fully say the reason the crowd was dispersed would smoke. Canisters is that at the moment will officers were being pelted with water bottles and other factors. The protesters had climbed on top of structure at the north end of lafayettes, where they had been burned the day before. That is part polices side of the story. So that there is said so that their saying that, basically there was indeed some one rice, and that is why there are clearing the park in any case, as that was good,
on president from spoken rose garden. He was past, and from saying that we are going to The justices surfer George Labelle weathers? There's an FBI investigation going. I did you J is on this particular case. Trump has been very consistent in suggesting that he was horrified by the tape. So here's from saying that yeah we're gonna do our best to to find out what happened with George Woodman people be prosecuted. Send him walk. All Americans were rightly second and real all by the Little death of George Floyd administration is fully committed that for Georgia? This family justice will be served He will not have died in vain we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protesters to be drought, angry mob. He is at exactly correct about this, and then he said
Wasn't we're gonna end the riots in the lawlessness. This is not going to continue. Here's the present yesterday, the rose garden on the split screen with all of the protests and riots going on around the country. I am all valises- all available: federal resources, civilian and military to stir the rioting and alluding to end structure and arson and to protect them of law. Abiding Americans, including your second. Amendment rights therefore The following measures are going into effect immediately. First, we are ending the riots lawlessness that has spread. Our country, we will and it now and then he said, was, The mayor's don't do it. I mean Dispatch, the military to do it. So I'm gonna note here the same media who are very angry from four not issuing a nation wide lockdown or of recovered. Nineteen are announcing that he's a tyrant for saying that if he has to do
activate the military and he does have legal authority, do this you'll activate the military in order to stop riding eluding, so is it possible to meet each state trump? I sort of get that feeling whose president from yesterday A number of state and local governments have failed to take the necessary action to safeguard their residence in Isn in we have been savagely beaten like the young man in Dallas Texas, who his left dying on the street or the woman in upstate New York viciously attacked by dangerous thugs. If a State refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents than I deploy the United States, military and equally solve the problem for them, so this was horrible. According to demo,
according to the media. This is Germany and I will see the media reaction. Her is extraordinary and over the top and crazy he does have the legal authority to do this. Under the insurrection at the insurrection, I've has in fact been invoked before it was invoked. Ninety ninety two during lots, Angeles Riots now, in that case the governor who then PETE Wilson Republican in California, asked the federal government to invoke the insurrection act so that the federal government could send in troops and while the writing that was happening in South Central LOS Angeles, ok, but you don't actually need state permission in order to do that or state request, in order to do that? In fact, the insurrection ACT was invoked over the objections of Cumnor Orville fell back in Alabama in order to ensure that black it's can go to school in the nineteen fifties and integrated schools, governor President Eisenhower invoked the insurrection air hastily interact x is generally invoked when local authorities are not doing their job. So the president does have the authority to do this sort of stuff, so the president has as real authority to do it in the present bodily didn't say: he's
had as real authority to do it in the present bodily didn't say he's going to do what he said. If you don't get your citizen and in states under control, then I will do guess what he should. He should because guess, because you're, an american taxpayers you- have civil rights or civil rights are being a bridge and violated when you are locked in your home to rioters and looters can roam free if the president has to has to do this, and you shouldn't have to in the fact is that mayors and governors who fail to be held politically accountable for their failures, but does the president have the legal authority? Do this? he does have the legal authority to do this and he was not guaranteeing is going to who, if you continue to this stuff rage out of control, then I will have to because what many states get this under control. Minnesota, where the started and the unrest is basically died down over the last three days. Why? Because there are now heavy boots on the ground, from police after the governor TIM, I was basically activated the National Guard and told them in was mayor to stop this nonsense and allow the police to do their jobs. It turns The writing. Eluding were basically stamped out it's this conference.
Seat number one. Regarding president front, there is controversy. Number two regarding president Trump that, was the situation right after this president from speaks of the rose garden ass, he is speaking. The story is that the they were doing this in order to clear the path to the present from could go to a photo up.
They were doing this in order to clear the path to the present from could go to a photo up at Saint John and the video is disturbing because you see the police were advancing on a crowd of people who seem to mostly just be protesting. Like you don't see, anybody who is committing acts of violence in this particular video and the police are dispersing smoke. Grenades in order to move people out of love. I swore buildings are peaceful protesters why're, you dispersing them. Why? Why are you? Why are you telling them too, to leave but ok about twenty five minutes before the mandatory curfew in the city? But beyond that it is also a fact of the matter that you do not necessarily typically, if you're gonna have a protest mean just to be perfectly legally technical about this.
I'm not a huge fan of clearing people who are protesting in in public parks just generally, not not not a huge amount of that. However, if you ve ever held the protest, one thing you knows they actually have licensing from the laser suppose be licensed with the local authorities. Presumably, that's not what happened here and to the police move them out according to the park policing and I'm just quoting the part police. According to the park police, these people are moved out because people were trucking water bottles the cops and they were, and they were positioning themselves on top of burned out monuments and all the rest of K. So that's that's the situation, then President Trump walked out and he decides to walk to the church, we'll get to that in just one second, because this became the sort of flashpoint. Of course, the implication was the trump had ordered the clearing out of the park in order so that he could do this sort of macho posing furniture. First of all, if you are deeply troubled by the President going and if you're more trouble by the present going imposing in front were burned out, church endowing loan or then you are by the fact that people burn the church in the first place, then you are doing this wrong you're doing
run whatever your feelings about the photo up nature of this sort of thing. The fact of the matter is that if you are more disturbed about President Trump, Odo opting in front of a burned out church. Then you are about the fact that a compliment, last night in Buffalo, or the fact that copper being shot in Saint Louis acted stores were being mooted around New York or the fact of the church itself was burned. Like two days ago, then it's because you hate Trump truthfully, you can raise your both, but you really cannot say that this is this is with breaking the country, I'm sorry Trump clearing a park. Even if that's what happened in the purple say it isn't. But even if that's, what happened from clearing apart to stand in front of a church is not it is not fascist is not journey, it has not yet been square. It is not on the order of anything else that is going on. There is an actual, threaten the lives and and rights of american citizens. What gets this in just one? Second, first: let's talk about the fact that I can say with full conference that expresses GPS is the best VIP
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is the follow up. Of course, its follow up your evening, read anything from Bible. Of course it's a photo up. I don't like these sorts of photo ups, but if the alleged that Americans are getting is of a president, he's not going to allow churches to be burned down and I'm kind of in favour. But if that's the image its being put out there, a president who is not going to allow spaces taken over by looters and writers. I'm kind of in favour, but didn't stop the episcopal bishop of Washington DC overseas that church from which was outraged that neither she nor the rector was asked for told that they would be clear with your guess. They could use one of our churches as a prop worth noting that this opinion poll Bishop really doesn't like president from in the first place, so it is worth taking that into account, and then you have actually reporting that certain members of the White House we're not exactly thrilled with the church photo up. One senior aid was people that this conic moment for president from a senior white has official, though told access that they were ashamed and disgusted, whatever your reaction to president from standing in front of the church,
Let's be real about what the actual story in America is right. Now, widespread riding across the nation targeting of police officers and a president who finally is getting out of the bunker and telling people the he's going to enforce the law, and now the recent damn follow up, because vines too in my home you're, so locked in your home weak from now, because writers and letters are running roughshod than the president was doing empty photo option. It means nothing is so the president better fulfil his pledge to actually protect the citizens and so must make and governors is the only reason that government was instituted was to protect your right in the first place, and now Your reaction to all of this is just insane insane, so their pushing a couple of different notions, one that looting and riding are actually good. That they're, like Ebay didn T party to that the riders and waters and the protesters are on the same page, which is not in fact true. The losers are there to loot and the right of any protesters are there to protest and they are not there for the same reason at all
three. The reason that the writers and the protesters are on the same page is because America is deeply deeply evil. So again the that this sort of process of thinking is disturbing and it could lead to the destruction of the country. I wrote a book about the destruction of a country of how to destroy America in three easy steps hang out in July, and when I wrote it is exactly the sort of tough I was worried about then the pandemic, and I thought okay. Well at least we can all come together around shared values like we dont like disease and even right now, I think that we should all be able to come together around certain shared values like it is bad when a police officer Nielsen somebody's neck for nine minutes for no reason and also riding a meeting, is now apparently not, and why is that not wise that not thing, that the reason that it is not a thing the region we can come together is because there are a group that there is a large group of people. I call them. Disintegration is now because there actually for the disintegration of the country, disintegration. Those who want to portray America is nothing more than in a glass
and the portrayal of America's founding principles as deeply malign the portrayal of America's founding principles as deeply malign and evil the sort of sixteen nineteen project view of Amerika. It bears fruit and those who can be seen everyday in academia. The commission every day in the media, the push for the complete destruction of America as unified body politic, because our histories evil. Our shared philosophy is a lie. Our culture doesn't exist, are cultural rights doesn't exist or just a bunch of competing interests, groups locked into this cage with each other, but that vision of the United States has been promulgated by the media continues to be promoted. By the media and what's amusing, is watch in a very dark way. What's amusing is to watch as pilot? missions unwell, try to capture that sentiment and then say. Just noticing will solve that problem. That is not a solvable problem. It is not our problem once you suggest that America is corrupt through and through
in America. Racism is in our dna. Is Barack Obama suggested once you suggest that America is incredibly vicious, then no vote is going change that what you really needs dissolution of the country and by the way, any attempt to cram down a fundamental change from the top is gonna go without the consent the vast majority of Americans we actually sort of like the country. That's what's going to lead to more of the country. Breaking apart, I am, I would I'm bewildered and saddened and honestly, like it brings you to the verge of tears when you think that the greatest edifice for human freedom in the history of the world for human freedom and prosperity, the greatest edifice ever the philosophical underpinning the declaration of independence in the constitution of the United States are being abrogated and thrown out in favour of pure malign policy. Nasty disgusting politics that are attempting to terrorist one from each other. Even though you know your neighbor isn't in favour of writing and looting. You know your There isn't in favour of police officers kneeling on anybody's neck. You know all that
the media. Are America stands for police officers, kneeling on people's neck and are writing, including our ok. That's what the meeting that the media are telling you day in and day out, Academia are telling you day in and day out. See it over at sea and in the case of CNN again, the stories of the day are not president from stands in front of short term. Sorry, that's the story of the day, the store of that he isn't even the president, suggesting that if the local authorities don't do their job than the federal government would do its job. The story of the day is continued. Destruction of one or a cry the United States and the failures of local ready to do anything about it. That's the story of the day he CNN front page makes no mention whatsoever of police officers being targeted. They make no mention whatsoever of the riding and looting that happen in your city last night. Instead, the headline over at the over its head and his from wrists response, they strong men at most trusted name in news and we can get to
the media again pushing this notion that riots and looting our ok because America is is brutal and evil and also by the way, president from the dictator, so President if he tries to shut down, rise and looting, it's because he's a decade or not, because it is the job of the government to ensure that you are able to go about your business in normal fashion, but because he's a dictator we'll get to the media coverage and the Democrats and this is all insane it's insane sorts of stuff we're gonna get to it in just one. Second, first, the double tumblr is back, but it is only available for almost exclusive membership I'll access, the all access membership here is our premier level of membership. Alexis members get started to in all access live, are brand new, interactive programming featuring one of the daily warehouses. We hang out with you each night, I'll access, memes, also get to join us for real time. Dna discussion, bill mumbled website in the daily way up the all lives there, a lot of fun. We did one of them last night, we're getting through this rough time together,
hanging out in joking. I won t shirt, which is, of course, the big patch I'll access. Membership now includes two of the irreplaceable left his tears tumblers. They are literally overflowing with tears at the thought of this offer. Finally, all access members also get the benefits of our a number of years, including in every website, experience access to all of our live broadcasting. Show library access to that shows mailbags the full three hours of the bench of Hiroshima, along with dedicated editorials from LA, had the daily wired outcome? Slash subscribed to join all accessing, get fifteen percent off with coupon code Shapiro right now that is daily wired outcome. Slash subscribe, we'll see, we'll see you there you're listening largest fastest growing concern to Pakistan, radio on the net yeah so what we are seeing right now is is the case from the media and the Democrats, but I repeat myself that the riots and looting are part of the protests that depend
Has any rights and looting our all justified by the innate evil of the United States and therefore the President Trump attempting to crack down on the riots in the looting is a tyrant, and that is the logic, is being openly pushed by members of the mainstream media openly pushed him not not quietly openly. Chris Cuomo full on moron on CNN last night. He was just pushing right, an openly pushing riots. Adjusting the rioting and looting are just like the Boston Tea Party, either a few distinctions for wood with regard to the Boston Tea Party distinction number one. The Boston Tea Party was directed against the EAST India T Company a monopoly granted by the british government, so they could gain money off the backs of american taxpayers who did not have the ability to vote in the british parliament is historically What he is talking about as nonsense to that was an act of insurrection. So if what you are talking about is that you rise and looting are actually active insurrection and that the federal government has every force at its disposal stop accident and I suppose that your correct, the british government attempted to their differences,
british regime was wrong. I'm wondering happily how it is wrong to shut down riding looting and again, at least the Boston tea. He was targeting a monopoly, granted by the british government unnatural robbing a target has to do with police brutality. Chris Cuomo you're stupid ass. There is Chris Cuomo Block of wood Doesn't make it ok to riots the majority, but doesn't the pen why it's happening around in Boston Harbour started the fight that amounted to America, cities burnt across the. In nineteen sixty eight again Stonewall in Egypt. Was cases it was the minority manifesting a desperate plea to be heard and for change. Just like now, a friend of mine celebrated american and African American. May in a broken voice. Why doesn't America love us? Why They do. This was due to what do I like? What is he talking about this here's. What are you talking about? This is the impression that Americans are
We merely going on killing black people. Is that the apparently that's the actual impression not getting? Apparently that's the actual impression, there's a picture: those going around the internet yesterday from Beverly Hills on Sunset Boulevard, a black man had set up a a series of nuisance. And he was dressed in a sort of gene cut off said he he's obviously attempting to look like a black slave being being patent. Bitterly hang too on sensible about with a giant silence. Had sixteen nineteen twenty twenty heed. This is just both. I'm sorry, it's just both like did the idea that Sixteen nineteen to twenty twenty there's been no progression it off. I don't want a few things that are different between sixteen nineteen and twenty twenty number, one that blacks are now free An american citizens with full rights, as they always should have been the most unjust act in american history with slavery. Second, most unjust act. Jim Crow. This guy is in the middle of sunset Boulevard, exercising his first men, their rights under the constitution of the United States, and no one is bothering him that is not
the same thing as one thousand nine hundred and sixty five, let alone one thousand eight hundred and sixty five. Push by the media. That nothing has changed in four hundred years is explicitly a notion directed at the heart and soul of unit. States where an evil country and we ought to be torn out by the roots. Bernie Sanders was doing this. Rachel Bernie Sanders weeded out he's not, any the writing of the looting, of course, because America's evil, but this is the Bernie Sanders perspective between it out yesterday, the richest four hundred American sit on three trillion dollars the size of the entire UK economy. The billion class now plays a lower Patrick than people living paycheck to patch up. The looting of America has been going on for over forty years, and the culprits are the ultra rich. She says nothing about actual physical looting, But if you want to business, your leader has been going on for forty years for forty years, America's being mooted by the rich and nothing to say about riots happening in the streets where people are looting, businesses, nothing to say about that at all,
then you have people Technical Hannah Jones, Nicole, Hannah Jones is the editor over the New York Times. Who just want bullets are for her essay on the sixty nineteen project, a bag of lie. So bad that it was ripped up and down by a set of other Pulitzer Prize winning historians. Not, me, a sheep. In already He or she is an awful awful historian to president from yesterday suggested that people value their second amendment one of the richest people died a second member rights. If you ain't gonna protect me, I'm going to protect myself if you're to allow writers and looters Jerome around my neighborhood. I will shoot them if they come on my property and you should to a gave. People enter your property looking riot or loot on your property. You should be able to shoot them. This is called self defence that is uncontroversial, an uncontroversial for all of history in every society. If somebody breaks into your house, of course, you have the right to shoot them and guess what you know he's doing. Most of defending a property right now are poor an already shop owners in places like then eyes it was in situations in poorer areas where people
are our station in themselves, with guns, in their small shops, Frank, protect their life savings So what is Nicole Hannah Jones right? You write this reference, a present from reference and second moment she says this reference in the second amendment is ahead scratch, or only if don't know, but the second amendment was in fact created to ensure southern slaveowners, the right to maintain an arm slave patrols to put down in Russian, amongst the enslaved, now trumpets invite the second amendment against their descendants. What the hell are you walking about, I wore black people to be armed against the preparations of other people. Wait black or green everybody was a law. Abiding citizens should have the ability to defend themselves, and this is historically nonsense. Absolute sheer absolute nonsense, top to bottom trawls cook the editor of national views as the first state to incorporate an explicit protection. Of the rights keeping their arms in Pennsylvania, Seventeen, seventy six Pennsylvania was not a slaveholding state romance copied approach, in seventeen. Seventy seven in the same document in which it abolish slavery, Pulitzer Prize winning newer times columnist, Nicole Hannah Jones
the idea here is that America is racist top to bottom justice, racist in as it has ever been, and therefore riding and looting our ok and therefore any attempt to stop. Riding and looting is bad and tyrannical, because obviously these people are are writing and including in the name of abolishing a cruel and system pushing this notion today is Abraham candy? Who is it another sort of famous author who writes about race all the time and he has written a couple of best selling books, his apiece over the Atlantic, that is called the american nightmare. Eleven just know, according to the Washington Post and twenty nineteen, the number of black, armed men who are shot blackened and people were shot by the police is going to Washington. Most now make the Washington Post was nine in a country printed three million people with thirty million black people. The number of black on our men shot and killed by police was nine every one of those a tragedy, but today
you got- that every black American is in danger of being shot and killed by the police in unarmed fashion, by the way, the number of black Americans, according to the Washington Post, unarmed and not fleeing from the police at the time, shot and killed. Four three is going to Washington Post. The Indian Ocean, again the blast our on our on site. For extinction in the United States, is just a lie, or that nothing has happened in the past two hundred years of four hundred years. This narrative is is dangerous. It is ugly and it is driving legitimate nation of violence against regimes. After all, if the regime is dedicated to destruction than anything you do to resist, the regime is ok and not only that if every aspect of american society societies and outgrowth of a racist regime then resisted against any institution, including the local target or local jewelry store is an act of resistance against the regime ring you knock over the institutions
policemen. Your knocking over the institutions of racism according to the left is able Kenya's this peace and heat up ever that this is the most often played trick in the in the up at world of the left, when it comes to raise. It is cited incident from eighteen, eighty six and then just ass for two hundred and twenty years, and pretend nothing has happened in the interim. So this Cambridge Candy. Does this isn't the time he's? He called strict is Gmail boy trick, and it is ridiculous. It's ridiculous trick. There's this thing called history and a bunch of crap happened between you know, eighteen, sixty five and now Nineteen sixty five and now I'm gonna eighteen, sixty eight and now, but here's what unites us on May nineteenth eighteen. Ninety the New York Times allocated a single sentence on page three supporting reporting. The Supreme Court's pussy versus Ferguson Decision constitute rising, Jim Crow, hardly made news and eighty ninety six. There was no there there Americans already knew that equal rights have been lynched plus. He was justly silently stage funeral another racial text.
Published by the nations premier, Social Science Organization, the American Economic Association and classified by historian. Evelyn heavens, as one of the most info we'll documents in social science at the turn of the twentieth century elicited more shock in eighteen. Ninety sex, nothing is more clearly shown from its investigation and the southern black men at the time of emancipation was healthy in body and cheerful in mind, according to Frederick Hoffman in race traits and tendencies of the american negro. What are the conditions? Thirty years after having concluded from the plain language, the fact, the Black Americans, better off enslaved? Okay. So what does any of this have to do? Is there anyone arguing? The black Americans are better off enslaved. Anyone who did would be abjectly evil every living human citizen in the United States, with the exception of like five evil pieces of human debris, couldn't. Even can you nothing has changed it? He says a nightmare essentially a horror story of danger, but it is not wholly a horror story. Black people experience joy left
and safety, but as in any horror story, does unforgettable moment of toil terror and trauma have made danger essential to the black experience in racist America. What one black american experiences many black Americans experience black merits. Our black Americans are constantly into the toil and terror and trauma of other black Americans lack Americans are constantly begins the souls of the dead because they know they could have been, then they are there. Because they noticed dangerously black in America, because racist Americans see Black is dangerous, racist I can see black is dangerous about extent, About anywhere in Eurostat, about the number of people or black or Murray, but the number of people were white fur racial reasons, because those are available. If ya puts out every year, you know what the number is not high. It is not high, because guess what Russia is not overwhelmingly racist and America is not eating. Ninety six plus you person, Ferguson or the texts like the one he inciting here, but this Hoffman person had so what is the jump? Here's the jump you ready to be black. Conscious of anti black racism is to steer into the new
of your own extinction, honest to God, Zebra can think that use the mirror of his own extinction. United States. Does he think that, like any moment, the continent bustier doesn't want you to just for being black, they know where he lives where people can figure out where he lives. Thank it is this is the idea that you are on the verge of extinction if your black in America, because I'm wondering for the evidence, has asked the souls of the ten t and black victims of carbon nineteen might still be living if they had been white. What, in the actual f, are you talking about what like what lacking wheeled into the hospital nor the doctors to one look at them and we lack I gonna? Let him die, there is z, evidence of that. The reason, the blackmail These are dying at a higher rate than white Americans is because they are suffering from carbon. Nineteen at a higher rate than white Americans, and part of that has. Do with levels of obesity and levels of diabetes. Black Britain's people were left, bootblack Britishers are dying at four times the rate of white bread. Where's that, because of endemic british racism is well, he says, asked source of those blame for their own tat, asked the source of those
disproportionately lost their jobs and their life, as others. Just people only raised about losing their freedom to infect us all. I want to know if you argued against the locked down, because you wanted everybody be able to get back to work, including people. Your business, your racist the source of was ignored by the governors reopening their states because, apparently, all blackened hispanic people want, these states remain closed forever, hey. There is not a single point of data that is deployed in this peace, not one. It is all simply the. It is all simply just conjecture, abject conjecture with removing of all kinds the only statistics that are cited in the entirety of the peace? Are things like take Minneapolis Blackberry in some more likely than white residence to be pulled over rested and victimized by its police force. Even his black residents account for twenty percent of the city's population, they make up two. They make up sixty four percent of the people Minneapolis please,
restrained by the next. Since two thousand eighteen and more than sixty percent of the victims in Minneapolis police shooting from wait. Two thousand nine. You may twenty nineteen question how many of those Where is this thing rest? How many of those people had committed crimes hemming? Those people were reported to have crimes, how many of those people were armed at the time? None of those statistics make it into the peace. Why? Because inequality in the data is obviously inequity, because America is evil, because America is evil right, daddy that is what candy candy is writing today over the Atlantic. So the idea is, the there's something wrong with society, something dangerous and deftly about. Russia's policy and black pirate people are experiencing the american nightmare that this is the case that the left is making and making every and therefore to shut down the riding in the wording is to be a dictator right. Tyrant riding the looting should be allowed to go on, because the writing in the looting there are just the natural result of resistance to an evil regime, and that evil regime, of course, is the United States Writ large. That is the underlying message here sit down.
Last night on CNN issues were teetering on the verge of a dictatorship. Now why? Because president from said that he would use federal forces if need be, to restore order, Teetering on detention opposite Alex John Kind of stuff from tat moment, except he's the well respected CNN anchor. Open your eyes. America open your eyes. We are teetering on a dictatorship, we're teed. This is chaos. Has the president bliss thing? Is the present declaring war on Americans? What is here. He saying he wants approach. It wants to protect peaceful protesters at the same time standing law enforcement and military into the streets to push peaceful protesters back What you're watching his journey, because this is the greatest threaten our history. That's all represented John Yarmouth. Tweeted up, he said the greatest factual America in our history in our history, he said the president just a few. War on millions of Americans and the first amendment has the greatest threats american way of life in our history, really
I seem to remember Jim Prawns, library being part of american history. What happened to those like the greatest Val dumplings, who is a representative who is widely considered to be a possible candidate for vice president, under by aids, basically gonna commonly Harrison Buildings sheet weeded out the president wouldn't lift a finger to help a merry he's dying of carbon. Nineteen will gladly imposed. If law resist, what does what the hell does that mean resist enforcement authorities- frank, stop, riding and looting. The only way they can get to this conclusion is to suggest that America deserves what is coming here and, if not then please speak up, and I think that there are some democrats for speaking about in their some democrats forcing riding including our bad. Not every disintegration list is a Democrat and not everybody who is who is critical United States is calling for writing moving, but the attempt to conflict. Protesters in writing in the looting and declare a tyranny too to stop all. This is absolutely insane absolutely crazy in a second we're going to
get to the sort of moderate position will see how these these conflict to mean that there is the moderate position here has fallen away, because the Democrats have made a pitch that they cannot actually fulfil self here's the thing once you make the pitch the Democrats have been making for a long time and continue to make that America at root is races, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, capitalist yearning and once you see, yes, the writing and looting, are the natural outgrowth of these things is, as you see, lemon or Chris Cuomo Work overtime, defending the sort of activity, and once you suggest that it is turning to stop all of this, then that it is turning to suggest that one or two be restored once you do all of this. You cannot then, put Genie back in about because it will be just vote for the right. People then magically everything his heel, and this is the trick. The Democrats who are trained player. So let me give an example, Joe Biden spokeswoman. Yes
the protesters should rise up. I don't know what that mean. What does it mean to rise up? What does obey the law? Does it mean to write Luke? What does this mean? There is Joe Biden Campaign spokeswoman: is he just made What he's seen in terms of of of the push back to these the violence does he feel like somebody's governors could be doing more? He believes the as he has said, he believes that people have a right to protest. He believes that they should rise up. You give you know that, whether violence, they should rise up. He has unequivocally condemned the violence. He has said that we need that The reason that people are protesting should not be overshadowed by the protests themselves. Ok you're in Libya, little clearer right? There you're literally asked about the violence, and instead they should rise up and then immediately salvage condemns the violence eight years. The thing if you said that your rising up against and unjust system,
and the system itself is unjust. You can't then put the Genie back in the bottle, since the trick that president trunk, with President Obama tried to play yesterday. He put out a piece called how to make this moment a turning point for real change and he says that basically, America's endemically racist does the same thing that he has been saying for years. The dna is in the american bloodstream, the racist urination America's bloodstream. He says I've heard some siege. The recurrent problem of racial, biased and our criminal justice system proves that only protests, indirect action can bring about change and that voting in dissipation in electoral politics is wasted time. I could not disagree more. The point of protest is to raise public awareness to put a spotlight on injustice, to make the powers that be uncomfortable, in fact, throughout american history, often only been in response to protest in civil disobedience, that the political system has even paid attention to marginalize communities, but eventually aspirations have to be translated into specific laws and institutional practice. It. Ok. Here's where the disconnect comes in, because once you declared the entire system is bankrupt top to bottom, then no amount of voting within that system is going to cure the problem. Once you suggested the entire constitutional
sure is ordered in order to keep lack americans down once you suggest that the entire american philosophy is corrupt and cancerous and that it is a tool that is used by the oppressors in order to oppress the oppressed You cannot think anymore, but within the system that everything is gonna be ok, and this is what ancestors are recognising a visceral got level. Brought about this, as you know, yet, go protest but then vote for your elected mayor. All the mayors and these cities are Democrats in Heaven for fifty years. They are here. They voted. People voted for the people, the Brok, upon the wanted them to vote for, and guess what those police,
These are still doing all things the Brok Lama says are racist and horrible, and it doesn't matter that agriculture is justice. Department crammed down consent agrees about evidence against a wide variety of police forces across the country. None of that matters. The bottom line is that if you claim that the system is rotten top to bottom, you can't then claim that we must vote for the right people within that system than magically everything will be cured so in Morocco. By, like you, can't have it both ways. You cannot Barack Obama once they have it both ways, and so does Joe Biden and the protesters know that what they ve been oversold been oversold even told the Nicole Jones Store at story. Sixteen nineteen project, four hundred years of slavery, continue until today the spike. Well, you know not everything is proportional, including violence, because after all, just and black bodies every day in the United States. The protesters here that rhetoric and they react their rhetoric you think it's telling him to Google for old, slow, Joe Biden is going to is going to be a motivating factor. Preventing the dissolution of the country. That's not how this works
and Joe Biden Humoring, isn't going along with it. The protesters should rise up, says he's spokeswoman that you think that the protesters think that rising up and voting for an eighty year old white man who sponsored the ninety. Ninety four primal, that's Alec, rising up to you most protesters understand on a got level and what they are being asked to protest does not equal the outcome. The Democrats are seeking right now like job was suggesting solutions yesterday to police brutality. There were his solutions to police brutality. Let's teach cops issue, people in the leg, a dead, that's the solution to police brutality, ears, Joe Biden yesterday, The idea that instead of standing there and teaching a cop was no known person to become an atom with an I from shooting the leg instead of in the heart is a very different thing. Fix the problem, the democratic labeling as the root of the United States. For years this career power
mission from Delaware, sure sure and protestors know that, which is why, of course, nothing will be alleviated by Joe Biden being elected. It maybe papered over, because media will stop with the fire breathing it's time for civil war rhetoric. Maybe it'll be paper for a little while maybe we'll get fewer essays in the Atlantic about how America's endemically racist, what a democratic president. After all, that story seems to go away a lot until it until it doesn't run tillers, Ferguson or something, but the notion that all the problems are alleviated by electing Democrats that that's brocklehurst Pushings they stopped the flames stoke the flames dope, the flames know a guy, you have just vote for us will fix it at both ain't gonna work. It is not going to work that both crap is not going to work. Meanwhile I'll say something else: that's not going to work, so the media right, left and centre have been sharing a variety of of officers kneeling with protests,
Now, listen authors have to do what they have to do in order to prevent violence right now. I understand it and expressing solidarity with people who don't like police brutality is fine. I seek severely reject the idea that kneeling is the correct symbol here. It is not the correct symbol. Kneeling was was taken up by calling Capron it s exactly the sixteen nineteen project line. America is deeply endemically racist America is racist top to bottom and therefore I kneeling for the american flag, because police brutality is representative of America more broadly and police forces across the nation, and so has been all sorts of tape. Of people celebrating one police officers techniques and showing solidarity, listen, police officers. Going. Solidarity with people who are protesting. Police brutality is good, taking a knee and agreeing with the sort of common cap renovation of american politics a very bad thing, because the underlying message is not true: it's a lie, calling Capron. It was lying about America new for the american flag is lying about America.
And celebrating one police officers do this, because the costs that is being pushed here is not the cause of anti police brutality alone, because we all agree on that. But the idea that America is horribly racist across the board. That is that sheer an absolute nonsense and it's gonna be damaging and guess what It is not going to alleviate the problem either because let us be frank about this: the first time so that their budgetary the police officers expressing solidarity with citizens, processing police brutality and they should that's good? That's good! Does anyone believe for one solitary minute, but the next time there is a case of police brutality in these cities, but there won't be renewed protests or riots, Is anyone believe that I believe he's gonna last more than the next fifteen seconds? Is a defusing the situation in front of the cops I get there. But does anyone actually believe that lets say that? Yet so yesterday there was tape of that and why pity chief of police hugging protest reversible just want to note here that in
Our media were shaming you as murmuring grandma, if you, if you went out in public without a face, mask fifty feet from every other human being now, you're supposed to hug protesters with no mask in public in New York in crowds with no one unknown cares the celebratory moment hey. So why I'm watching the way the media will place, then there will be an object in the number of covert cases over the next few weeks and then it'll be look. There's an Taking that are more complicated and its targeting blacken hispanic communities. Can you can have a book if you're going to say that the protest on that the protests are deeply important, and so we are to ignore all the covered regulations, because we like these protests and those protests proportionately minority and then there's a disproportionate outbreak from the protests. Ok, that's not. American racism has just called cause and effect it, but put aside all the covert of openness in, and it is indicative of media's insanity that the hot take here is that covered
only me something we're talking about we're talking about lockdown protest, but when you have tens of thousands of people marching in the street and screaming and getting spit all over each other right, which is what you do in your protest totally ok, but does any one believes that the Nypd chief of police, the next time that there is in she with police brutality or disputed circumstance, with police Does anyone believe that if the Nypd chief of police comes out, as we all oppose this stuff gonna, be believed. Surely does anyone but doesn't want think that's what's going to happen? Does anyone think that when the police, in Seattle, go out there and Neil with the protesters, but the next time there's an incident that gets caught on tape of disputed circumstance of the cop that the net, wave of protest that are now, you know the good guys? I remember last night and then yelled with us, remember last summer they came out and showed solidarity with us. Does anyone believe that that's what's going to happen? The answer, of course, is no, It's none of this actually solve the underlying problems. The underlying problem is manifest distrust between a lie
swath of american citizens and the police and the attempts to bridge that trust gap by having the police express sympathy for the population. That's that's good. They should that by my cops to this routine, leave when they're not untaped cops. Do this all the time all the time, but the idea that Neil with people and and admit, generalised american racism at this somehow going to alleviate the problem. It's not true, because all is going to happen next time, something happens against eight. Even you recognise that american racism is the root of this entire problem. So here's all I'm saying expressed sympathy. Everyone is symposium police brutality. Forty one million time express sympathy for people who are fighting against police brutality, but do not admit to the lie that America, is in favour of police brutality that America is endemically racist, that America is incredibly racist, that the american system is attempting to exterminate black people. It is not true and police,
doing themselves and no one else any favours by acceding in particular line of attack, you wanna go and get people hugs go for it. Curiously, let go for it aside from all the covert stuff go for like what you know. I pity chief does right. They're giving people hugs is significantly having its positive and gets good kneeling using the symbolic value of the column. Capra Nick America is evil. That's you his flags symbol of racism, movement ass. I could for the countryside, unified, and that unity is gonna last approximately another twenty seven seconds until there's another bad tape that comes out of which, the unity immediately dissipates we go back to the endemic levels of mistrust had been promulgated by the media will continue to be promulgated by the media, no matter what the cops do it. Meanwhile, today is apparently there they're, calling it a blackout Tuesday, so black out Tuesday, is basically a bunch of
companies now saying that they are not going to do business today and putting out woke statements about the about the levels of racism in american society, which begs question if you guys are also raises name the racist on fire them let me know if you have to come out and say this, but I don't know who needs to hear from corporate Amerika which again it's illegal to engage, originally discriminatory activity as a private business in the United States as illegal by federal law, but end by every states law too, by the way? But if their racist within Europe let's, let's hear about them like who are they in what are they doing and I hardly impacting policy, but what this really is is now we have reached the point were basically businesses are afraid that they are going to be blackmailed if they do not put out social justice. Warrior statements about how America's endemically racist,
Now again, I'm not saying that people aren't entitled to their opinions. The corporations camp out these statements. They absolutely can, but I'm telling you you're a sucker if you believe that foot locker is, is spending each and every day. Considering the sixteen nineteen proud in project as these statements they absolutely can, but I'm telling you you're a sucker if you believe that basically by is, is spending each and every day considering the sixteen nineteen project, as opposed to they see people who are pressuring them outside and now they are too to basically by their way into your good graces. By putting out now, Is that what you're not gonna worth making diluted last night, New York City, Maggie, put out about how America was was horribly racist and we can't dont do it. But who is like that? That was so ridiculous. Don't do it quickly? Are you putting your knee amicable black force into that? I'm not that's called. Nobody is doing it, except that one cup was even go to jail and should go to jail those atrocious generosity, but making tried to by its way into.
The graces of these social justice warrior left, and that is a dangerous thing, because here's the thing socially, his warrior left isn't just involved in attempting to put to lie about America more broadly, once they have their foot wedged in the door and they can militarized all of american business in favour of their favourite political causes, and this is what you ve seen the hard left doing for a long time. If you, if you disagree with the hard left on an issue, they will then suggests that you're not woke enough and they will have you fired from your job. Part of the. This is part of the political situation of an area of American like that, does not need a political and an internal political target should not be political. It shouldn't. It means that they, that does it doesn't mean that they should be pro racist again, be the country, and of anti racist with agreeing with everything The tiny he see rights is is absolutely asinine. Target is not right. Because they dont scripted against black customers target, does not need to put out statements about black lives matter because target
store they were not involved in killing black people. There are not involved in from naming against black people. The attempt to impute guilt to people who do not repeat your preferred formulations is utterly insane and an ideologically tyrannical Terrorist attacks or pretend there's a terrorist attack. There are bunch people who say it lets h: muslim terrorist attack, a radical islamic terrorist attack, their bunch people will say things like that. The muslim communities not obligated to comment. Hard to terrorist attacks or pretend there's a terrorist attack there. A bunch people say it lets h: muslim terrorist attack, a radical islamic terrorist attack, their bunch people will say things like Did the muslim communities not obligated to command condemn terrorist acts because they weren't involve enteritis? I kind of agree with that and I don't need to every due to condemn something bad when it you does it up to every black person to condemn something bad when a black person does it, and I don't think it's up every way. Recently condemned something that what a white person doesn't or one way and they had a hundred and fifty or two hundred years ago, and I don't think it's the job of targets,
activity in which they were not involved. The attempt to hold people accountable for committees in which they are not involved, so you can get them to. Basically repeat your preferred. Nostrums of that is really dangerous. It's really just because it doesn't allow any area where we can be apolitical. It, doesn't allow any area where you are allowed to disagree. Basically, silence will be taken as resistance to the door and social justice warrior narrative and then, as used to hurt you, I will targeted, without its virtue, signalling statement today. That means it's time to get target. Obviously there on anti racist, it's not enough to be against racism. To be actively anti racism and targeted and put out a statement? If you will The share holders target or the board at target were motivated by pure unbridled belief in black lives matter, to put out statements as opposed to you know, public pressure than your own, and if you believe that sort of pressure is good for the country get ready for
lot more a lot more polarization in the country, because guess what most people just want to be left alone. Most people just wanna be left alone, and most people are not appreciative of the route justification for this kind of stuff, which is, if you don't say anything about the black lives matter system. It's because you don't care. Black. Like most people, don't want bullied into opinions and want to be bullied into opinions, with the implication that if you disagree My specific agenda is because your horrible person as a whole Maybe we just have differences in our viewpoint, so again, corporate cowardice, combined with pressure tactics by the media, the country is becoming a worse place every day because of these things again in a time when we should all agree stuff All agree on this stuff attempt to polarize on stuff, where we all agree is insane insane already well we'll be back here later
two additional hours of content. Otherwise, we'll see you here tomorrow, adventure here this is the venture bureau, show If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and if you want to help spread. The word please give us a five star review and tell your friends to subscribe to were available and Apple podcast Spotify and wherever you listen to apart. Gas also be sure to check out the other dearly podcast, including including reclaiming show the Michael Knowles Show and the Matt Walsh. Oh thanks for listening, the Ben Shapiro Show is produced by Colton Haas directed by MIKE Joyner executive producer, Jeremy Boreing supervising producer. This lever and Robert Sterling Assistant director Pavel light asking technical producer, Austin Stevens. Back in media operated by Nick she had associate producer Katie's Winterton edited by Adam Sigh of its audio is mixed by MIKE core amino here and make up is by Nikko Neither the bench of Euro Show is a daily where production copyright daily wire, twenty twenty- if you want to cut through the madness of our politics,
culture and know. What's really going on had gone over to the Michael Knolls show where we can all bask in the simple joys of being right, either
Transcript generated on 2020-06-03.